3 Secrets of the MATRIX you’ve NEVER heard of…(HACK the simulation like this)

I'm going to be showing you the three secrets of the simulation. This is the truth about reality that you may not know until now and this will forever change your life.

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Today, I’m going to share with the understanding, first off that we do live in a form of simulation. Now when I say that it comes from more than even just that of a of a literal thing. It's a metaphor but it's an understanding in the totality of who we are. That's what's important to understand here and when you see a movie like the movie, the Matrix for example, where there is this matrix which is this programmed way of thinking and then someone breaking out of the Matrix and being able to still go back in the matrix and have all these abilities.

It's a metaphor for what happens in life as well when it comes to having an autopilot mind, a programmed way of thinking, and most people are doing the same things every day is thinking the same thoughts every day, feeling the same emotion, emotions every day. Therefore creating the same things over and over and over again. Now what we are finding out more and more is how highly probable it is that we do live in a form of simulation. This doesn't need to be a scary thing. This doesn't need to be like we live in some little computer box somewhere. It has to do with understanding that we are eternal spiritual beings live in temporary human experiences and when we come into this reality, we totally forget who we are. There's a purpose behind that and the part that's understand what this, that it makes it easier to understand is understanding our senses.

We interpret reality through the five senses and with the five sets is that we have, we are able to interpret vibration. That's what we experienced. We experienced that of reality through the five senses. Our five senses, our interpreters of vibration and we can only perceive that which we are the vibration of and a lot of times I'll have to do with our belief systems as well. Now when it comes to the secrets of the simulation, it has to do with understanding that first off there's more to life than our little ego avatars. We could say we're all a turtle, spiritual beings dreaming that we are our avatars. We may grow up, go through certain life situations and then believe that those things that happened to us is who we are.

Many people are living in their past as well and the key to this whole entire process is awareness because when we become aware of all these things, we can then disengage from the autopilot mind and then we can then be how we prefer. So, the simulation is something that it's also something that we're already close to. Like think of this, we already have technology that you would put on and you would not know the difference between whether it was real or real. If you're in it for a couple minutes, it begins to feel so real that you don't know the difference. And I've done that before just with the Oculus, and I don't know if it's Oculus, but it was a Playstation 3 or not, whatever, I don't even know. But I call it a year or two ago I put on this headset and I actually felt like I was there and I actually got vertigo from looking over.

The edge of something is in water, which is kind of ironic because in water you wouldn't necessarily fall down to the bottom of the ocean. But I was looking down and I got that sense, that feeling and it's because the brain doesn't know the difference and when you look around you're able to see all these things. It's pretty trippy. And imagine this at the very beginning, early stages of that, of the VR technology. And imagine in 5, 10 years they're able to integrate that some way to where you really don't know the difference. Well, what's to say that that's not already happening. What's to say we are already in a form of simulation that our spirit exists and then we project ourselves here through the simulation itself.

Elon Musk himself said that the chances that this is the baseline reality, that what we experience is the baseline reality. He says the probability of that is less than a 10th of a percent, which then makes us think, what would we have to know to come to that kind of conclusion? Well, what I'm going to share with you are the three secrets of the simulations that you can understand also how to hack that, what you want to experience. Because the simulation works in such a way to where there are different probability factors, there's cause and effect. What you do, there's a certain probability outcome of what can happen and based on what you do based on your state of being, that determines and increase his probability or decreases probability.

So, intention is one of the most powerful tools that you have in the simulation itself. Now the reason we come into the simulation in general is to learn. We have to forget that we are eternal spiritual beings. In order to have the experience of remembering who we are and going through different levels. Think of it in a way like a school, like you have to pass second grade before you go to third grade, you have to pass eighth grade four we go to ninth grade. It's the same weight in reality itself in the simulation we go through certain lessons, we learned certain things, we take with us the experience, then we move on to the next level. Now when it comes to understanding the simulation dynamics, an important part to understand is these different probabilities.

So, the first secret has to do with understanding that reality is very similar to the TV stations. For example, if you were on channel 37 and you want to perceive of channel 39 you do not have to change channel 37 at all. You don't change channel 37 channel 37 exists whether you are perceiving of it or not. And what do you can then do is then use your ammo control and change the channel, push the button and change it to town 39 and when you change it to 12 39 you didn't pick up on the channel, the frequencies of that channel, then you can perceive of it. But 37 still exist in this moment and the same way there are an infinite number of potentiality. The thing that most people beat themselves up out is they're trying to change the reality of their end.

You cannot change the reality you're in. The key is moving and shifting and choosing a new one. You see there's less resistance there, but the key to also changing your channels, looking at your state of being, how do you feel? Because if you're trying to achieve, if you're trying to change the channel from a saddle into a happy one, you have to match the frequency of the happy ones. So you have to set the intention, you have to work on yourself, you have to integrate shadow aspects, integrate the past, integrate the things so that then you transform it. And then he moved to the higher channel. But you see, this makes reality so much easier for us to experience because what we can start to do is we can start to just match the frequency of the channel we want now. Now, how do we do that?

Well, what we do is we give ourselves permission to feel the emotions in the ideal reality we want. If you imagine yourself right now, imagine yourself doing exactly what you'd love to be doing in your life. Imagine what you'd be doing. Imagine how you'd be feeling. Imagine what you'd be a Carrie, how you be carrying yourself and pay attention to that reality. And what you could do is you can start to embody the frequency of that now, which means the emotions, the thought patterns, the actions you can even do it. Action is a form of frequency. I'd say action is one of the most powerful ways in physical reality. You can't change the channel that you're tuned to.

Some people don't like to hear that because they want to. They want to know that. It could just be about thinking it. Maybe it could be, but from what I've experienced in my own life is the action for me is what bridged me from one reality to another, but it wasn't taking the action to get to that reality. It was taking action for action sake. Does that make sense? We normally need to reasons for us to take action reasons I'm taking action because then it'll get me here. If you take action just because you're passionate about it, you take action for an end in itself. You're then in a higher level of vibration. You're then taking action from a much more powerful place. So, the secret in the simulation is for you to tune to the frequency of the channel you want and then you will experience it eventually.

There may be a little bit of a buffer of time. It may not be instantaneous, but you can experience it and if you trust the process, you move forward like that and that is what will help you. Now. The second secret of the simulation is a little bit darker, but it's actually very positive because we're becoming aware of our true power. Now, the way that it's worked in the past is there's been certain people that have run the show in a way that have kept us within a certain frequency band. You see, there's an infinite number of potentials that exist that we can all experience, but we have this thing called collective consciousness. If you control the information in the collective consciousness and you push their senses into a foot, into a little box, and you say, this is what you can experience and you believe that, then you will only experience a reality that is within that box that you have been led to believe is all there is.

Well, that's in a way what's happened is our focus has been pushed into a little firewall of info of experience and us saying, oh, this is what's real. Normally it's the lower the lower three Chakras, the lower vibrational states of emotion and consciousness keep people in fear. They're not going to really ask about how to extend their consciousness. They're just trying to survive and if you keep people believing and being afraid of certain things existing in the way, reality really is, then you keep people resisting those ideas and keep them in the little bubble that they're in. You see, this has to do with media. This has to do with the information that we're given. The more we become aware of this, the more we start to take our power back. The key though is not resistant to not be angry at the people that do it.

Just be aware of it, but then choose your focus. Choose your state or choose not to engage with it. Don't engage with the media. The media is a way within the simulation of keeping people in a certain frequency band within a certain set of consciousness. But if you don't choose to watch it, if he chooses to watch something else or not to watch anything and just to be, then you'll find that you start to unplug yourself from the matrix itself. So when you start to unplug yourself from the matrix is when your life really begins to change and you do that through observation. You do that by transcending the ego. We live our whole life thinking this is who we are when this is just a little aspect, but the more we're able to observe it as, the more we're able to take our power back.

Now, the third secret of the simulation has to do with us knowing that first off, we are never alone, never alone, and that this avatar experience is something that we came to enjoy, but at the same time to be aware of and to not identify with. If you understand so we can only perceive of certain frequencies. We have been trained to see only what is real, but there is both physical and non-physical energy. Many of us have been trained to not see nonphysical energy will. An empowering part of the simulations that we all have spiritual guides. These spiritual guys may be other aspects of us and higher dimensional states of consciousness. They may be people or souls that we've done in the past. They may be people that we've known in the future because all time exists now and they are here to help us and they are with us at every moment.

So, one of the secrets is you are never alone. You've just been trained to only perceive of a certain frequency band. But the more you begin to connect with this aspect of you is the more that you will start to feel that support in that love. Understand that your spirit guides are always with you. And they will always give you that kind of information. They will always give you whatever you're intending for. But the key to getting it is to all be open to receiving it. And the last thing I kind of want to end with is to just have more fun. This reality is a simulation. There may be your natural state of being is high vibrational love, joy and peace.

We come here we forget who we are. Yes, there's the lower three chakras that we must integrate, that we must become balanced in. And that's one of the purposes of life. But this life is meant to be fun. Most realities you go to, you might not be eating food the way that we food here because it may not be necessary. You may not be able to experience some of the pleasures we experienced in this life. The keys to not become identified with it and to overindulgent. But the key is to enjoy it, to have fun with life. The more you allow yourself to have fun, the more you raise your vibration, the easier things happen easier.

The more you perceive of those television frequencies of what you actually want. The reality is that you want. So know that these three secrets are secrets you can integrate in your own life. It is very empowering knowing that you go beyond this 3D physical avatar body, you are an eternal spiritual being dreaming that you're human. You never actually really leave spirit. You're in spirit right now dreaming that you're human and when you go to bed every night and you wake up to these higher states of consciousness, you just don't remember it because it's not relevant to remember it.

But it's becoming more relevant because more people are becoming aware of it. So know that you can integrate these and by doing so, it will change your life in a powerful way.

The Holographic Reality, Chakras and Dimensions REVEALED (it’s time you know)

I'm going to be showing you the holographic reality that we live in. I'm going to be using that have Chakras and dimensions and understanding how everything is one thing, what we can do about it and how this realization can change our life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of the holographic reality that we live in, understanding that the all is the one, the one is the all understanding that reality is virtual. We live in a virtual reality where we are pretending to be these 3D Avatar bodies for a period of time. We forget this, but I'm going to be showing you how in a way we set up reality itself from different levels of consciousness for it to then be what it is because this reality that we live in. I honestly believe that it is a phenomenal time to be alive right now in just in this reality in general where we forget who we are so that we can remember, but also able to use our avatar body that perceives reality through the five senses.

In order to enjoy this experience, to learn different lessons, there's lessons that we learn while here we learn who we are. Many of us may go through a spiritual awakening. Many of us may go through a lot of pain, which causes pressure for them to us, come out of and then realize more of who we really are. We may go through levels of forgiveness, forgiveness of the self, forgiveness of others. These are all different lessons we may learn within the hologram itself and the holograph. We could say that it's holographic.

I prefer thinking about it in terms of it being a virtual reality because I believe that's a little bit more accurate from what the research that I've done. And when you think of reality as information, it gives us an ability to tap into the truth about what we are picking up on when we're around other people. We pick up on subtle cues. We pick up on energy fields, we pick up on the scene. Subconsciously, we may not consciously understand it, some people may, but it's about understanding that everything is energy. Everything is information. We're picking up on these different data streams all in the same moment. And when it comes to this holographic reality, what I want to share is that our beliefs, first off, let me just, I've got like this urge to put in my little stick figure.

Let's say that if you could see this, this is us. We perceive our reality through our five senses, through what we consistently believe to be true and what we believe to be true reflects back to us. Our reality and what we beat will believe what we believe to be true. What we are able to do, is to pick up on about 2 million bits of information. Out of the billions of information that's around us, we're only able to pick up on a small percentage of it. The reality that we experience is equal to our beliefs and our beliefs. Our beliefs filter in the reality that we perceive of which is selects in a way that selects the 2 million bits of information that is relevant to us in the moment. Now that's what we perceive a vintner reality we perceive of reality through our five senses.

Now the reason I wanted to draw this little stick figure right here is to show you a little bit about what are called Chakras. And one thing I just a side note real quick, one thing that I find fascinating with this is the things I think about when you look into reality itself. And as it may sound kind of egotistical, but I think that everything begins with thought. And I think that in higher dimensional states of consciousness, when we're not in this 3D physical world we create things based on thought. You could call this the causal, the causal plane of existence. This is something that if you read the book autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, he talks about meeting his guru and his guru after guru passed away, his guru came to him and explained to him what it's like in the higher dimensions or in these different astro planes.

And I found it very interesting. And the causal plane is kind of like the plane of ideas, understanding that everything is and starts with thought. And it's almost like if you were to think of something, it would instantly happen because you're not bound by time and space. And when we come to earth, however, things are slowed down to a certain vibration so that we can perceive at it, of it have a certain frequency rate. And what happens is when we look at certain things in reality. I love to see the deep symbolism in it. And I understand that it's the meaning I give it. However, I find you can find the meaning in the beauty and just about everything that you perceive of the symbolism of a tree with roots inside the ground that keep it grounded. When you look at that have arose, I've a Rose Bush in my backyard, they're not in bloom right now just because of the time of year it is.

But normally there's a Rosebush and a whole bunch of roses on it. And on that Rose Bush, there are thorns and then a beautiful red rose. And to me that's beautiful because at a certain point, whatever we call this consciousness with a, we call it God or whether we call it the universe, there was at some level, some type of intention that was put in with that kind of deep meaning, the, the deep meaning of course that we're giving it, but the, the rose symbolizing the thorns on it, but yet how beauty beautiful it is. I imagine that a higher state of consciousness, these are things that we put in as almost a creative artist.

We may put into the creation of some of the things in our reality. And we may not even know that. But I think when it comes to some of these things, whether we're talking about animals and maybe certain types of genetics, because I believe we're all a part of source energy and a higher dimensional states of consciousness, we may put energy into these things to didn't want to see them in physical reality. Now, when we look at that, I believe that there may also be some type of fascination in higher dimensional states of consciousness with creating certain avatars and certain reality systems. Now, when I say avatars, what I mean is this body is an Avatar. We may use the human species in this reality to perceive reality through the five senses.

However, there may be different avatars as well that go beyond just what this looks like. However, one thing we may have set up with this kind of Avatar that we use in this virtual reality because we are eternal spiritual beings, have temporary human experiences, is within that. We have that of a shocker system. We have a shocker system, which are like wheels of energy. Through our energetic field that then go through our body and each of these different Chakras have different in correlate with different emotions and also different organs. So you have the root Chakra, you have these sacred Chakra, the willpower, solar plexus Chakra, the heart Chakra, the throat, the third eye, and that of the Crown Chakra.

All of these Chakras correlate with a certain part of our body, whether it's the root Chakra with the base of the spine, the sacral Chakra around the belly button, solar plexus around that between the heart and the belly button. And then you got the heart, obviously the throat, the third eye, the crown. These all correlate with this and there's also different emotions that are related to it, whereas the root Chakra is related to survival mode to sense of security, safety. Then you have that of sacral Chakra, which is our relationships with our family, our relationships with our self, creativity. Then we have that at the solar plexus, which is that of the willpower discipline.

I'm going doing what you're passionate about, the heart unconditional love, the throat expression, the third eye intuition. All of these correlates with different emotions and different could be different phases in our life, a certain thing we're working towards. You can also see the imbalances that some people may go through if they have maybe a relationship and balance their sacred Chakra maybe caught on like clogged or need to be balanced out. if someone's having power or not feeling powerful, they may have something going on in their solar plexus. Regardless of what I'm sharing right now. The reason I'm sharing it is that we can see that emotions correlate with different Chakra. Chakras correlate with different parts of our body.

Sir, do these Chakras if you were to study Chinese medicine or acupuncture, these Chakras was also related to that of different organs in the body. So for example, if we find that we have a lot of, um, root Chakra issues that may be correlated to problems with the colon, problems with, um, different, different areas of our body. So, then it's almost like these can be, can be in a way mapped out because in a way it's a holographic reality where if you think of a Hologram, think of it like the whole hologram and the piece are the same. It's just as many different of those little pieces that make up the whole. So, in the same way this energy system is within us and then there's also this energy system with an earth.

So, it's macrocosm, microcosm. If you were to look to different parts of the planet and go online, you can see that there's different Chakra points on the earth. Like Sedona, like Hawaii, like I'm Machu Picchu, like a certain, I think there's one or two in India. There's one in England is one mountain shot, there's Mount Shasta. All these different Chakra points on the earth are macrocosm microcosm because it's like we are the sales on planet Gaia. Now another thing I'm just going to kind of point our focus towards a couple of different things that I've also kind of noticed. I don't see much literature on this, but it's just things that I noticed because I like to think about this kind of stuff.

Now, when I was talking earlier, I was saying like in higher dimensional, like when we look at elephants, when we look at different animals, I think that there's some level of thought that has put behind that and that we're all a piece of this source energy and that it's almost like we forget who we are, why we're here, but it's almost like we have this connection to all of these things that we can see the deep symbolism and all of it if we choose to look for it, it's based on choice and it depends on the person too. Everyone's going to have a different perception as to what these things mean. Some people may say as no meaning whatsoever, which actually may be more accurate because it has no meat built in, meaning other than the meaning we give things like this, but that's kind of how I look into reality.

I look around, I see things and I think, wow, at a certain level of consciousness beyond the 3D avatar body, there was some beauty in some purpose in this, and it can have some meaning if we see it, whether it's the rose and the thorns on the rows and then the rose itself of how beautiful it is and how divine it is. But how that divinity has the thorns, which kind of kind of correlate with the pain we may experience in life. And I'm completely aware that this may also just be my interpretation that barely anyone else shares when it comes to roses. But I think many people would say, you know, there's a song every rose has it's thorn. It's kind of similar. And I think that there's this deep symbolism. When you look at shockers, you could see different colors as well.

You got Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. These are all different colors that represent different rays. If you studied the law of one, the law of one which is channeled material back from the 70s some of the most sought out and considered accurate information channeled material ever. Very interesting has to with different rays of consciousness that we go through and it talks a lot about that. Now one of the thing we talked about dimensions, we are right now moving out of a third dimensional state of consciousness and into that have a higher dimensional state of consciousness. You could say that 3D, 2D, 4D and 5D reality and it's all here now. It's not any place that we're going to dimension isn't necessarily a place. It's a state of consciousness.

And when we look at this, I look at the sun, is it, you know, solar plexus, solar meaning sun. Our sun is yellow now more of like a whitish the way we perceive of it anyways, but yellow, the sun is yellow, which represents that of the solar plexus. Now I believe that we have in our have been in the what is called the third dimensional state of consciousness. Three set dimensional state of consciousness has that to do with a feeling of separation control, which is, which is I, which is very interesting because as to do with willpower control discipline, there's been a certain level of control on the planet, a certain level of willpower, certain level, let's become successful.

That seems to be a very big, strong point that pity people want to do. They want to get material wealth. And when we look at this, these different states of consciousness within our dimensional, you know, when you, when you look at that of the root Chakra or the sacred Chakra, these maybe also characterize with different levels of consciousness within our animal and plant kingdom in general. The first Chakra, the root Chakra being grounded many times is related to the elements itself as far as the rate of vibration that is that it perceives a reality.

It'd be like the elements itself. Then you have that of the sacral Chakra, which also can represent the animals and think about it. Sacral Chakra. Many times, or when you think of relationships, many of us have a relationship with different types of animals. Not just once we domesticate, but maybe we just see that maybe that's their experience of having a relationship with each other, whether it's in a hive or whatever it is for the animal. Then the third three d reality is that of what we are experiencing as 3D avatars playing this game of separation. What we're moving into though is more of a 4D reality, which is understanding everything is vibration and understanding this connection we have to each one of us. We're just playing this illusion of separation. So being connected to our heart center and is it quite, I've been saying for a while now, but I really believe it.

The more we realize our life is a form of dream, the more dream like it becomes when we need to attach to solidity and understanding every little thing. It creates such a seriousness of the ego and it also creates a lot of resistance in general. But when we start to honor both sides of the equations, both the science and the spirituality, that's where the basis is. And as you study that of the law of one, one thing they talk about in the law of one which is channeled material from the 70s and the 80s, is they say there's this thing in reality that is called the law of confusion. The law of confusion is that in reality there has to be this level of confusion as to what is real, what is not real or what is science or what is not science. Because if that, if that wasn't there and we didn't have to have faith or we didn't have to have a trust in the divine, then it wouldn't add much value to the experience itself.

So they talk about the law of confusion and how that's there to have us have faith, are there to have us to trust in and to reach for more of the spiritual aspects of ourselves for the spiritual understanding versus just being caught up in that of the science. Everything is, you know, if there's proof of the astral realms and stuff. And maybe one day we do come across that through some type of technology. I don't know, but I'm saying is that in this reality that we set up, one of the limitations we agreed to is that we would forget who we are, that we are eternal spiritual beings and we would play the game as this ego Avatar structure that then perceives reality through the belief system that it has a Chakra system that we can choose to see.

But what we can become aware of now is that this is all a form of dream and yes, there may be meaning in it, but the truth is when it comes to these, these are models are way for seeing the world that then can allow us a practicality towards moving up. These Chakra grows by knowing the Chakra grows. There is a level of awareness that can help us understand if we understand there's certain blocks and certain Chakras and that correlates to certain emotions and you're trying to figure out why you have certain health issues, it may help to then heal those emotions and then heal the body as well. A lot of times when people find out they have some disease or whatever it is, they didn't work on healing themselves emotionally. A lot of times on emotional then trickle into the body itself. Many times it does and when people heal themselves emotionally then it also heals them physically happens a lot. So when we look at this in reality, understand that reality is a virtual reality that we live in. We are eternal spiritual beings dreaming that we are humans.

We experience reality. The way that we do, we pick up on the 2 billion bits of information that we perceive of and then that is the reality that is reflecting back to us. And once you also notice is that we have this model's a shock rows that are also correlated to that of the reality that we live in different Chakra parts in our body. There's different Chakras on the planet. Then you can look at that from a dimensional point of view of different things we are working through. We are now moving from the 3D level of reality into a 4D and 5D level of reality. But it mainly I would say heart is the main thing we can stay focused on is being more in our heart center. When we are more in our heart center, we perceive of things more in alignment with our soul, with who we really are versus our mind and the ego that likes to feel separated.

So, the truth is about this whole process is the best way you learn this is through experience. Do Heal, heal your Chakra or you know, our Chakras are generating energy. That's what they do. So it's not that we are going to get out of our third Chakra and into our fourth shotguns that we're going to balance and allow the flow to come through. We're going to balance a lot of photos through flow to come through so that we can raise up in vibration. And when we understand that there is this greater perspective, like everything that I'm sharing, the main idea that I would like to kind of intrigue you and help you see things from present an idea to you that there's more than this physical reality and that at higher dimensional states of consciousness, we may feel creative enough to help facilitate some of the things that are in our reality, the deep symbolism and the way that our reality is architected.

And there may be intention there. There may be a reason. There's this deep connection between Earth herself and us and how we ourselves on planet earth and how when we heal herself, we also put out a new energy field that heals that other people or that people can match the frequency to. You see, when we start to see that there's more to life than what we priorly thought, we then start to embody things beyond what we pro, where we were priorly were giving so much importance over to, we start to explain, to expand our awareness. We can then look at ourselves in a new way. We can see our 3D avatar body for what it is. Instead of reacting as it instead of reacting as the victim or a reacting as the thoughts and thinking we are our thoughts, we are not our thoughts.

We think thoughts, but we are not our thoughts. And the more we become aware of these possibilities, the more we then tap into the larger scope of who we are. So the way you could tap into this is by doing the your own inner work and starting to see reality is more like a dream. That's what I'll leave it as today. See reality more like a dream. At least open yourself up to it because the more you let go of needing to understand everything, the science behind everything, it's important. It is important. And I love studying that. However, start to open yourself up to more of who you are and just seeing how your beliefs are creating our reality, how your beliefs are limiting what you perceive of and the biases you may have. And everything is about when you'd see everything as a belief system.

It makes it easier. However, everything's beliefs, belief, it upsets the trap in itself as well because we sometimes aren't aware of that. So anyways, that's the key to this video is expand yourself. Start to see yourself and the 3D avatar body known, you're a divine being, pretending to be these little spirits, this little ego, but you're so much more than you can even imagine.

3 Starseed MYTHS it’s time you know about The TRUTH

I'm going to be sharing with you the three myths that Starseeds will never tell you. These are the three things that many Starseeds may not even know, and I'm going to show you the truth about it all.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three myths for being a Starseed. These are the most common myths that I see, the things that people think about Starseed, when it's actually much different than the way that we normally stereotypically think about it. However, it gives us more of a basis for the way that reality works and it gives us more of a basis of how we can show up in the world. Because the first thing is that you being here right now, is a Starseed.

You can only perceive that which you are the vibration of. Maybe you already know some things about it, some information of it, or maybe you want to know more. And when it comes to this, let me first off swaying a little bit about what it starts. Starseed is a soul, someone that incarnates on this planet because we are eternal spiritual being live in temporary human experiences. This is a temporary life. We experienced body through the five senses. However, we are eternal spiritual beings. Now. Our soul is so vast that we do not only incarnate in one reality system by reality system, I mean like planet. He talks about planet earth. Your soul is billions of trillions of years old. It's eternal. It's outside of time.

However, we do not just incarnate in one reality system on just earth over and over and over again. We have existence on many different states of consciousness, many different reality systems. Now what happens right now on the planet, and this is something I've shared in the past, is right now there's a mass consciousness awakening happening on the planet. The main reason you came here as a Starseed was to go through this transition of consciousness. You knew that this would be a time of what it's called harvest. There's a book or four books or five books called the law of one, which we're been around since the seventies the eighties it's one of the most popular channel texts of all time. And it refers to this time on the planet called the harvest, which means that there is this raise and frequency where we have the ability to raise our consciousness to a new level and as above, so below.

So, one of the reasons many of us are also here right now is because when we ascend from 3D reality to 4D reality, we also send from 5D reality to 6D reality. We upgrade whatever the dimensional numbers is, we upgrade and higher states as well. So as above, so below and in the 1930s 1940s there was this call that was put out into the universe for Starseed or for people to on earth with the intention in the mission of waking up because earth was going down and negative timeline path. We had that at the nuclear bomb and when that nuclear bomb went off, what happens is we have freewill on this planet. When a nuclear bomb went off, we impacted our planet, but also it rippled out the nuclear power that comes from a nuclear bomb went out into the universe and influenced other reality system.

So the deal is we on earth have the ability of our own free will, but when we start to leak into other realities systems that we are influencing, that's when then something can happen, some type of divine intervention. And that divine intervention was us as spiritual beings deciding to come here to help wake up the people on the planet. Because here's the thing as well, there's been a certain level of control on this planet and as great it was as good as we can say. Well, I'll just learn to run and help all these people and give them technology. We want to go through the experience of waking up and doing it ourselves and there's free will so we're not, but we can't just come in here and say, stop doing this. Stop doing this, stop doing this, and having that kind of jolt.

In reality, the way that we have to do is we have to incarnate within the reality system itself, so us and our higher selves were like, okay, we're going to go here. We're going to help the planet to raise the vibration for this. Essentially that's going to be going on from now. It's been going on for the last 20 years now and it will continue to go on and there'll be certain bumps along the way that elevates our co-consciousness, so we decided that we would become a part of it because that's the reality system that we agreed to. We agreed to that we would incarnate into the system and then go through the process of remembering who we are. Many light workers and Starseed, agreed to go through a lot of pain at a younger age because that pain leads to pressure to then us wanting to remember who we are.

So I see that very common with people that have spiritual awakenings. So we go wake up to who we are because now on the time is a time on the planet of us sending our vibration, which just means a raising our vibration, raising our vibration state of consciousness going into from one is called the 3D level of reality. This dream of separation into that of a 4D and 5D level of reality. The 4D and 5D level of reality is more so understanding everything is vibration. Understanding reality is more like a dream, so therefore it becomes more dreamlike, it becomes more flexible. Understanding this heart-based consciousness that we're all connected and the more we focus on this level of consciousness. We feel the higher vibrational emotions we feel, but also we begin to create from a much higher perspective.

Now when we talk about Starseed, there is a connection to extra-terrestrial races. This is something that may sound a little bit if you haven't heard of it, you're comfortable with this notion, but because we're such vast spiritual beings, we have not only had lives on one planet, on planet earth, when there's billions of planets in the, in the universe, we have had lives in many different reality systems and as Starseeds seeds, what we do is we bring through the energy of these different star systems into our life. Now, there are many people on the planet that are connected to Pleiades, Arcturus, Lira. There's a whole bunch of them, and even the ones that we know, it's probably a very, very small sliver. It's just the most trendy pop ones.

There's probably thousands and thousands of thousands of other ones that were not even aware of, so understand that that's the reason we're here. We're here to wake up to who we are, who we are in this life. There is a strong potential that we will reunite consciously because there has been 80 contacts for actually thousands of years, but we were more consciously connected to other star systems in this life. It is possible just that there's free will and to be honest, most people would just freak out because they haven't even opened up to the notion that that is even possible. Even though it's been around for hundreds of years. The information has been there with proof of it and people's accounts of being around it. But we all want to find out for herself. I do too. I'm not going to lie. It'd be really cool to actually have that experience.

Now, the first myth of being a Starseed is thinking that we, as Starseed are from other and have these different planetary connections and thinking that other people are only from Earth. I hear this a lot. Starseed are people that are aware of their connection to the stars and they may be in this life bringing through the energy of the stars more consciously. But every single person on this planet is multidimensional. Whether they are aware of it or not, they can even argue with that. I'm not multidimensional. They may not even believe in past lives or future life. Our belief systems are what filters through this. It filters this in and from a certain belief system. We may have a belief system that we are a Starseed. We'll see where eternal spiritual beings, he can't put labels on us, but we like labels and sometimes we like identifications.

The other shadow side I'd say of being a Starseed, is that what happens is being a Starseed, we start to get that we may not feel like we fit in in society. We may not feel like people understand this. When I went through my awakening, that's exactly what happened. I felt like people didn't get me and sometimes I would justify that by saying, you know, they're just not awake yet. They just don't know yet. And that was a way that I kind of cushioned me feeling alone or feeling like people didn't understand, but just as dangerous as having some identity. Like this is who I am, I'm a part of this group and it then it makes us feel separate from everyone else. The same thing can happen with, with that of Starseed and spiritual ego. So the key is to not become too identified with it. We could be proud of it, we can be aware of it, but also know everyone else on the planet is multidimensional and they have connections to different planetary systems.

Because we are eternal spiritual being, having a temporary human experience, that's something that we knew coming here is that we were going to become more aware of it. And because the Starseeds that are aware that their Starseeds now are just the ones waking up before everyone else. Think of it like that we're waking up before everyone else so that we can give like this template for other people to wake up as well. So when other people are like, oh, I'm going through all this stuff, I don't understand what's happening. We can say, listen, it's okay. I've been through it as well. I know what it's like.

And then they see, oh well this person's come a long way or this person is a certain way and they may want to become a part of that. They want to, may want to learn more mate Pique their interest. In a way, most Starseeds chose to grow up in families and around friends that maybe wouldn't get it because if we were all the incarnated the same family or like the same groups of family, there would be no learning for everyone else. It wouldn't spread the information and wouldn't plant seeds as much because he was like, well they just don't get it. You know, just stay on a little tribe. But we individually chose families where we could be the one in the family to wake up and then everyone else can kind of pop like popcorn around.

So, when it comes to Starseeds, understand that every single person on the planet is multidimensional and it's a dangerous thing to believe that sometimes we may be better than other people or more special. Now there's nothing wrong with being special, but understand everyone is also in a way special, which I guess takes away from being the whole idea of the specialists, but it helps us have a more level playing field to where we don't develop a spiritual ego because I've seen some people that are light workers. He's there like I would like to work here and you don't understand. I am a Starseed cupboard from planets you see what I mean? It has this certain sense of pride that takes away from the understanding that we're all connected in that we're all an aspect of this, this consciousness.

The second most common myth when it comes to Starseeds. And I’ve seen this and I've also been a part of this before, is believing that ascension, which is why you Starseeds, came here, is to help us send thinking that ascension is about escaping this reality and going to a completely different reality as if like there's these higher dimensions that is a separate place and we're going to escape everyone else that's on the third dimension and go to this place.

And in 2012, there are many, many people on the planet that believed this is going to be a planetary in body ascension for those that were ready. So when it comes to this, understand that you came here to transform yourself from the inside in body. It's not about escaping. It's not about trying to go away. And I get it, like so many people have gone through things that they want to escape from. The pain of the third dimension, the pain of the duality that is here. The separation, the anger, the lower vibrational emotions. I get it. But trying and waiting for some future events always keeps the transformation in the future.

There are many people still waiting for an event to happen. Not to say that it won't happen, but what I'm saying is no need to wait for it. We are the event. It is happening now. And the key is how much can we embody this change within herself? You see, as we change, then reality changes on the outside. So the keys to go through the ascension herself raise our own vibration. The focus can be for us to raise our own vibration. And by doing that, that then creates and changes the world on the outside.

But you see, the first step with this is being aware of where our vibration is and being aware of what we can cut out of our life that no longer serves as being aware of maybe habits that can help us to raise our vibration like meditation. But it's not meant to be some escape because the escape comes from a low vibration of resistance to the moment of resistance to what is. And anytime we create resistance around what is, we create more of what is okay. Now soak in. Integrate into the moment and understand that everything is perfect the way it is and that eventually there will be these upgrades and consciousness.

But it's not about waiting for, it's about embodying it. Now, our body is going from a more carbon-based body to a Crystalline based body. The DNA is changing within us. We are becoming more of these higher vibrational beings, it's almost like when you're working out, if you were to work out and you were to start to see a little bit of change in your body, you may not notice much of a difference because you see yourself in the mirror every day. But if you were to look at it from one moment to a year later, you could see a huge, drastic change. I know sometimes when I'm cutting down, I'll go to the gym. People like, Whoa, you're looking really good. And I'm like, thanks. I, I thought I just, you know, I see myself every day so I don't pay attention to it.

And I've heard of it as well. He said that if you were to take somebody from right now and time travel back to the 18 hundreds somebody right now would be glowing. We'd have such a, a bright aura that we would look like some enlightened to Avatar or something. That's how bright we would be because of the ascension and raising vibration that has happened. Now the third myth of Starseeds is believing that you have a connection to only one star system. Now recently I went to a Bashar event. Maybe you may have heard me talk about Bashar event. I'm a big fan of Bashar and been listening to it for years. I've been to a couple of his seminars. People go and you put your name in for a raffle and if you win then you get to ask a short question, like 15 people out of the hundred people there get to ask a question.

Well, I went with Leeor, Alexandra, Victor Oddo, Patty Oddo, and when we went Victor Lee and I all have to ask questions in the first half of the session. It was really cool. So they go and asks a question, Victor goes and that question I go and ask a question and it was really cool. Some of the answers that we got. Now, one of the questions Leeor asked was which star system she has the connection to, said was serious arc tourists plea he gave off like three or four different star systems. And Leeor was Kinda confused cause she's like, oh I thought it was Penn dissatisfying because I wanted to hear like one main one.

But the thing is we are such vast beings that we can't just be from one star system. Imagine you've had millions of different lives and different reality systems. We may pick from certain star systems in this life that are irrelevant, but we are from many different star systems, not from on earth. We are human. We are using the physical body that we have, which has with it the elements of earth. However, as a soul, we've had realities experiences and many different realities.

So one star system, there may be one that resonates for a period of time, maybe certain lessons that you're learning and you may resonate with certain different aspects of you, but there are aspects of your own energy on many different reality systems, so to say is a little bit irrelevant, so understand that there's periods of times we may have had an in many different realities systems so you aren't eternal spiritual being in the main message I guess I have is don't limit yourself. Don't limit yourself and thinking that you're only from one place or you only have one different connection or that you're, you're meant to escape.

This reality goes somewhere else. Understand it's much vaster than that. It's about embodying the present moment. It's about accepting who you are, understanding you came here to make a change in the world. You came here to change yourself from the inside out, which then changes everyone else. Your version of everyone else. I'll say it like that. It changes you, what you put out is what you get back and when you change yourself it influences people. At subconscious levels they may not even understand. So I understand these are the three most common myths of that, of Starseeds. And that when you begin to become more aware, you begin to transform your life and you begin to feel more connected to other people in it.

And you'd really begin to tap into your mission as well. Let me know what you think about Starseeds. What are the common myths you see with Starseeds? Other than that, as always, peace and much love, and namaste.

The Mirror Effect of Reality (the TRUTH about Reality)

I'm going to be showing you the mirror effect of reality, showing you the truth that maybe you haven't heard of before. And I'm going to show you exactly how to use it to transform your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you of understanding the mere of reality, what reality really is. Understanding the simulation that we live in, how we're all living within our own world, but then also collectively within the world and its dream itself as well. And how this understanding can totally change your life. So, the part that I think can help us understand what really makes the change in our life is understanding first off, that reality is a mirror.

Cause if reality were just a mirror, I guess I'd just be like, there's a mirror right behind the camera right now. And I'm looking at it and I'm like, is that all reality is? But the mere of reality is understanding that we may be right here. This is us, my handy dandy stick figure. Look at me, I can draw. He's got a very long torso and then very short legs. As you can see now this person will look out into reality and what this person will see for staff. This person has an energy field around their body and this person will look out into reality, the mere of reality and we'll see a reflection that is equal to that which it believes to be true. Our beliefs are reflected back to us.

Now think of this. The brain can only pick up on so many bits of information. I think it's like out of the billions of bits of information that are around us, the brain can only pick up on two. Is it 2 to 4 million bits of information? The 2 million to 4 million bits of information that picks up our are going to be the ones that resonate with whatever that belief system is. So understand that there are many different probabilities in reality, but we will only experience a reality is equal to that which we believe to be true. So in reality itself, when we go out, we experienced the reality of is equal to. Now think of it like this as well. There is no built in meaning on the mirror of life. The is what we give it.

You see, this is a very powerful idea because anytime something happens in your life, if you give it a negative meaning, you will shift yourself to reality where you get a negative effect. But if you give it a positive meaning, you will see the 2 to 4 million bits of information you see. If you give something a positive meaning we'll be more integrative. Both probabilities exist. Imagine that there's all these really long torso short leg versions of you everywhere. There's little, I'm going to do a lot of these little long torso, all these. That one's normal. Okay? I'm going to throw one in there and it's a little bit more the way we used to when it comes to these tick fixtures. I make myself laugh. Okay, that's all that matters.

There are all these different versions of us and these different versions of us that we will perceive of, we'll be the ones that are equal to our beliefs. Now in the beginning there was a word and the word was, God. This is what this is what a lot of people refer to in the Bible. Now this is also a metaphor. The word is a metaphor or a symbol for vibration. The vibration of what we speak out and what we think of creates that of the different versions of us. So, our definitions and language creates our dream.

Our definitions and our language create our dream. Sometimes I wonder if we didn't have the language that we had and we didn't have all these fancy words to kind of put us into these little boxes, if that would actually expand us because then we wouldn't be limiting ourselves so much. Anytime we have a definition it's at some level limitation and sometimes they'll even feel more disconnected for people. The more definitions you have, you could be like, well I am this type of person. I am a sports fanatic. Who likes only the Dodgers and the Lakers and anyone else you'd like sports? I don't really care because they don't like the same teams that I like and not only do I like the judges but I only like these three guys on the Dodgers t because everyone else is just a dummy.

You see the more detailed we get with the definitions of what it takes for us and what we like, the less the less room we have to like everything. Yes it was a lot of people don't like the Dodgers. It was a lot of people that don't like the Lakers but you still liked sports. I have more in common with people that like sports, even if it's different teams than I do with people that have no ed version of sports, which have no care whatsoever, a sports. But you see our definitions, the more defined we get, the more separated we feel from other people. So, the bits of information that we pick up on are going to be equal to the definitions we have in the definitions we have. Here's the thing about the definitions we have and the beliefs we have. Okay. It's a little bit of both. The thing with the definitions, the belief we had is almost all the definitions and the beliefs we have come from our parents. They come from who raised us.

We had grown up and we had people that say, oh, this is the way the world works. Most likely. Rick, who likes the Dodgers and the Lakers? Has An likes the Dodgers and Lakers because he grew up in the environment in la or his parents or somebody he knows also like the daughters and the Lakers. So then that belief system was hand me downs. Rick does not have a long torso. He is proportional and he is very proud of it. So there is Rick right there and his dad. I have no idea what the Dodger's symbol is because I do not watch baseball, but I know who they are because I hear the name of that and I, yeah, I mean how can I not know? Or the Lakers, he's like, Yay, Dodgers, Lakers, Yay my sports team. Yeah.

And then looking at everyone else, he'll resonate with people and help them meet a lot of other, you know, people that do or don't like the Dodgers. And that'll cause that'll cause him to feel whatever way, you know, but most likely leave that definition or that, that like that he has come from his environment or it came from somebody who knew growing up.

So, the definition is the belief he had may not even be exactly his own. Now this happens even beyond sports. I use that cause that's a pretty neutral idea. Neutral example. But if you were to look at something like, um, like I like money is bad, money is bad. The 4 billion bits of information you're going to perceive of are more and more evidence that money is bad. You're gonna watch the news and see that greedy. What does that greedy show on something like something in greed where it shows American greed or something where it shows like people that are taking money from other people.

You might even watch that show or they conclude while there's so many rich people that are greedy and then what you might do is you might go out and big rich people are mean and that he'd go out and you see something happen and you're like damn Purdue that guy was meeting is probably rich cause look at, look at he is wearing nice clothes or something.

We continue to get that bias over and over and over again. Now the key to this is being aware that the only reason we are experiencing these 2 to 4 million bits of information because there's many different probabilities is because we have some type of definition or belief that that is the way reality works. Everything in our reality is a self-fulfilling prophecy. So if we believe to be some something to be true, we will go out to the world in the mirror of life. We will pick up on the 2 to 4 million bits of information that confirm whatever definition we have or whatever belief we have, we will look for it and guess what? We will find it because even though there's 4 billion bits of information, we're going to find the 2 to 4 million bits that correlate with that belief system.

So if we change our belief system, we pick up on a different two to 4 million bits of information. So, understand this as well. Not only our most of our definitions and beliefs, hand me downs from our parents that just simply haven't been looked at and decided, hey, maybe this doesn't resonate with me anymore. Not only that, but beyond that, the reality that we live in itself. I don't know why, like I want to do this symbol, but I feel like doing it right now. Here's the thing, here's the mind blower of reality itself. Everything in life is fundamentally neutral. It has no built in meaning. We impose the meaning, we impose definitions, we impose the language.

We experienced some type of us embarrassment when we were young. I'm trying to think of an embarrassing time. I had this time when I went in front of the class, and I was in like ninth grade and I had like a big part of this school project as supposed to do and it was a group project and I was lazy and I didn't really do any of it. And all these people in my group were looking to me to like perform at this like English class thing. I go in front of the class; I look out at everybody standing there and I just totally freeze. I can't remember what I'm supposed to say. And it's the most awkward thing ever for like a minute. It was like, hey, it's good. Say anything.

 So, I'm embarrassed now from that moment going forward, I thought I just wasn't good at speaking in front of people. I was like, Dang, I can't, like there's something that locks me up when I go in front of people. So in that moment, the meaning I gave that was very embarrassing. But here's the thing to understand. I'm gonna flip back some pages and when we're going to blow our minds right now, you ready for this? Okay. I've got to find this page though. I know it's here somewhere. I've been writing a lot of stuff. Okay. I think it's here. There we go.

Here's the thing. There's what happened in the story and interpretation that we tell ourselves about what happened. So reality is neutral, right? I have that experience when I was young and I'm embarrassed and I'm in front of the class and I say to myself, wow, that was a very social. I don't have a social trauma. That was very socially embarrassing. Now, that thing that happened was actually neutral, totally neutral. What really happened? What happened was I got in front of the class and that was it. And then I didn't get in front of the class. That was it. That's all that happened. But I have a story that I've agreed to maybe ever.

Maybe a lot of people would agree with me too. They'd be like, Yo, bro, you went in front of the class. It was embarrassing. He didn't know what to say. Y'all locked up emotionally, but guess what? I would have to agree to the definition that that was an embarrassing situation. Yes, maybe in the moment I felt that emotion, but I was defining that emotion. I was overlaying the meaning of that happening, of it being something that was embarrassing and something that was a very high importance and that's why I locked up. So, even when we go through a lot of these things in our life that may be very difficult. We are the ones that generate the meaning.​

We are the ones that generate it. We have to first agree to it to then experience that energy pattern disruption. So we are creating it. Somebody else may have gone through that. Maybe we've gotten to the front and done it and maybe they had a totally different interpretation of it. Maybe they just want it done. It was funny. Maybe they did lock up in the moment, but like that wasn't social embarrassment. I don't have to speak because I'm so cool. I could just stand there and people are of me in the front of the class. I know it's very egoic, but somebody may have given a different meaning. Just like somebody may have gotten into work one day and they said, you know what? Hey Rick, you fired. He's like, no prob bro. And we will watch the Dodgers. Okay. And I don't know why he has a Brooklyn accent or something.

I don't know what accent that is. He's like, I don't care. I don't need my job. I'm just going to go watch the Dodgers and the Lakers anyways. So you see, he's like happy that he lost his job or he didn't lose his job. He's happy. He went into work one day, he's not going to work anymore. That's what happened. But the story we tell ourselves is going to be the emotional charge that then experiencing that then experiences that bits of information that either positive or negative. All right, so we create it based on agreement and based on that of our definitions, now we're going to our reality. The moment something happens. I don't know why. I've always yelled at by, you'll throw that at all. I don't have try to hop out. I just love yard. So there's this, I'm sorry about that, but I just felt like saying that. So, this right here, something happened in the moment.

Something happened. We can give it a positive definition or negative definition and then we will experience the 2 to 4 million bits that are equal to that version of us. So he could say this is theirs. When vision us really long torso, still nothing's changed. Okay, now this change, and maybe he's very happy because he experienced something positive. But then there's also a version of you still has a long torso is Yad. Now the definition says yes. So each one will depend upon what it's overlain with the reality. Now, here's the thing too. When you have these definitions and you go out into the world, people will feel this expectation of you. They will feel this energetic pool on you, and they will reflect that back to you. So if you go out and you say, you seen that Gloria is always given me this?

She was giving me this weird look and then she's thinking something negative about me. It's probably talking gossip about me. And she's always bringing up negative things. Okay, so you got into the world of this belief about Gloria Arias. He had this belief about people in general. You got into the world, the 2 to 4 million bits of information you're going to notice is you may even interpret Gloria when she's not being negative, but Joel interpreted as negative or you're gonna interpret it as related to you and really a mad man. Nothing to do with you at all. So you see these definitions we have in these expectations.

We'll pull out of different people, different characteristics. I was at the gym recently in the Sauna and there's this guy that's always negative. I have this story about how he's negative and going in. I was talking about how corrupt the government isn't stuff and I'm like, dude, don't talk. I don't want to go here right now. I just want to sit down 180 degree summer. That's it. But then I listened. I'm like, Oh okay. Is that your reality? That's your story. Okay. And I understand that the government is corrupt. I understand that, but I don't necessarily care to focus on it.

I got other stuff to do. Okay. I've got other stuff to do and my dream of life. So I listened to him and then eventually I was like, you know what? I have the story about how he's always talking about stuff I don't really care about. I said, you know what? I must do the direction in a different way. So, I steered into talking about what I'm passionate about. I was like, yeah, I'm making a program right now about how our story create our life and everything you always talk to me about as a story. And I was like trying to show him like everything he says is a story. It's like you know, working out hard when you work out you come to the jam and just park here. And I'm like, Gosh, this park and you got to park and to come in.

And I'm like, dude, just your story bro. I get parking wherever I can park it so easily. It's just story, Bro. Weight losing is easy for me to do. That's your story. Blah blah, blah. You see what I mean? But I directed it because I changed my story about this person and even if it didn't, they kept talking about stuff, I would just have fun with it. So the mirror of life, the mirror of life is that the two to 4 million bits of information we're going to pick up on are going to be the ones that are equal to the definitions and the language and the beliefs we have and when we change that, we change the reflection. I'll leave you with one little thing. Imagine we got a big ball, a big ball.

We got over to balls and then you're like, what are these balls? Where's there? In going with this, what kind of analogies Aaron’s going to talk about here where there's a blow. Let's say it's a glass bowl crush bar and saying, sign this glass bowl is a whole bunch of neared pearls. They're mirrored, okay, and in this there's a reflection of all the other mirrored pearls. That noise like reality. There's this reflection. We're seeing the reflection of all the other pearls which are also us. Here's why. I'll leave. Maybe we'll do another whole another video on this. Every single person on the planet, we are all connected to everyone else.

We all are connected to everyone else. It's not really a hierarchy like this, but just to give you this example, we're all connected to everyone else and at the greater spiritual level we are all one. That is why what you put out is what you get back because we're all connected. So the mere of reality is understanding that because we're all connected, we will always get that reflection back. And the key is being aware of the definitions and what you're putting out. Because what you're putting out, you are getting back. You put a lot of good out in the world, it gets some good back there. You get a lot of good back and put out a lot of good. So be aware that everything in reality is a reflection because we are all the same bean at a greater level dreaming that we are separate. This is a dream.

We create our own dream and then everyone has their own dream as well. And then there's a dream of the collective consciousness that we call society. So be aware of what your dream is and if you don't like your dream changed the way you interpret the dream. He changed the way you interpreted the dream. You will then choose which 2 to 4 million bits of information and you'll start to see the happy view. You will be okay with having a long tour. So it's little lakes. You can be told you might run like this because you can't spread your legs too far, but it's still okay. You want know why it's okay because you can interpret that whatever way you want. You can interpret the 2 to 4 million bits of information that your brain is picking up. You can perceive of the ones that you like. So it's okay that she got long torso little lakes because dammit can you run and you that run, you will. Okay run.

You will enjoy your life. And if you liked the Dodgers, he liked the Lakers, that whatever it is, just be aware that that may have come that you may still play that game. You can look at me still again. I still look the port third. You're not going to convert. You do not like sports. I'm not trying to, I'm just trying to show that a lot of our definitions, a lot of the things that we like come from our environment come from our parents and we realized that we can start to take more directly control and decide not to choose the meanings. We give things in our life. The moment something happens, give it a positive mean you experienced the positive time line.

Both probabilities exist. You can only pick up on 2 to 4 million bits of information and you will perceive of the one that is equal to that positive thing. If you have a negative meaning right under that Pearl Bowl, there we go. Negative. Positive meaning you'll experience more of a positive thing. The two to 4 million bits of information you pick up on, it'll become the probabilities you prefer.

The more you realize that what you choose to perceive is going to be the reflection that you get. So, we're all connected.

Everyone is YOU Pushed out (the TRUTH NO ONE TELLS YOU)

I'm going to be sharing with you how everyone is you pushed out understanding really what this means and how it can change your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you something from Neville Goddard who wrote the book called the feeling is the secret. He wrote the book called the power of awareness and he's an author from back in the early 1900’s who wrote many law of attraction books. He is someone that Dr. Wayne Dyer has referenced a lot. I remember I was reading a Dr. Wayne Dyer book, I think it was the power of intention. And in the book he quoted Neville Goddard and that's when I kind of gotten to his content and came across the book called the feeling is the secret which is a very powerful book, which is about understanding that when you go to bed at night, you are drifting off into deep levels of sleep, which is more of a theta state, which is where you can influence your subconscious mind.

So feeling the emotion of what you want to create in your life as if you already have it as you're falling asleep is extraordinary powerful for influencing your subconscious mind. He taught and there's some question that I was getting a lot on Instagram lives and on Instagram. I'd get people to say, “Aaron, can you explain what everyone is you pushed out means?” And I was like, Huh, I have no idea what that means. I kind of guess but I have no real idea. And then what happened is like a week later I'd be on Instagram live. And so you're like, Oh man, can you understand? Can you tell what everyone is you pushed out means? And I would keep getting a question from different people and I'm like, why is everyone asking me what everyone is you pushed out means.

And then I did my own research and I came across the book where he talked about it. It wasn't a book called everyone as you pushed out as one of his books and he explained the idea and then I was able to understand it more and I thought what I would do is apply it in my life and it changed the way that I saw the world. So I was like, you know what? I'm going to make a video about it. So, everyone is you pushed out. What does that actually mean? Everyone is you pushed out, has to do with a deep, esoteric idea that'll change your life. If you begin to apply, it has to do with knowing that in reality there is only you and your relationship to you. Now, what this means is that everyone at a deeper level is connected to each other whether they are aware of it or not.

Now, people respond to us based on our vibration and on how we feel about ourselves. So many times we think that people may be judging us. We think made people may be perceived in a certain way, but many times people perceive us the way that we also perceive ourself. So for example, if we feel insecure about something and we go out into the world, if we're thinking subconsciously about that insecurity or even consciously, many times people will pick up on that energetically, not just through body language, but they actually feel that energy off of us and then perceive us in a similar way. Well, what Neville Goddard is talking about is other people are literally us pushed out, which means that these other people are other versions of us. You see, this is a deep esoteric idea, but it changes everything because then if you ever go out seeking validation from someone else, you know that you can't get it from someone else because there is only you.

And even if those other people give you validation, those other people or other versions of you, so you're looking for validation for more of yourself, but this is the key. You can give yourself that validation. You can give yourself that which you seek because everyone is you pushed out anyways, so people are responding to you based on your vibration and if you focus on your relationship with you, everything in your life will begin to work for you. But most people aren't. Most people are focused on the external. You know, I did a meditation last night and I was becoming aware of how often when I meditate I'm focused on observing the sound of the plains. I live close to an airport of sound. The sound of the plane's passing. I'll listen to that. I'll listen to any noise from the cars driving by, I'll pay attention to external sounds, but how often do we put the awareness inside of our own body?

You see, that for me was a game changer last night because the more I put the awareness inside of my body, the more present I became and the more I was able to observe from this neutral place. In the same way, a powerful understanding is knowing that there is only us and our relationship with us and when we heal our relationship with us, we also heal our relationship with other people because other people are us pushed out. Now, there is a deep esoteric understanding of this that can also change your life. When it comes to manifestation, it's one that I very strongly believe in. It has to do with understanding that other people in reality are other versions of you. Because of that, what you put out to other people comes back to you because what you do to someone else, you're doing to another aspect of you.

This is why there may be Karma. What you do to someone else comes back to you because that other person is you push out. So this is why the golden rule has been around for so long. The golden rule, treat people the way you would want to be treated because you're just treating other people as other versions of you. And if you treat people, you're treating yourself badly at. Think about it. There's this energy field around our body and in this energy field what we put out, this energy goes into our energy field. Then what happens is we go out into the world and we link up with other people and other situations are reflected back to us that reflect back whatever is in that energy field. And if there's disruption, if there's resistance then we'll go out into the world and we'll find other things to feel resistance about.

But the key is to clear out our own energy field by letting go of the charge of resistance, letting go of the charge of attachment. And when you do that it can then freely move away and then you will link up to a new reality. You will only perceive of that which you are the vibration of and the resistance will be gone. You see? So when we go out into the world, if you have in your energy field cause thoughts have an energetic pattern, you have these thoughts of you're not worthy or you're looking for validation outside, you'll go out into the world and other people reflect whatever you see or whatever is in your own energy field. Now remember everyone is you pushed out anyways, but are you going to choose to put something out that is maybe have a less vibration than you prefer because people will pick up on that energy field regardless.

Now the reason I believe that I become successful in the last three to four years and had a Youtube channel that has grown very fast and is living the kind of lifestyle that I do live now. I believe it's because I have this intention of adding value to other people and people a lot of times can feel that I've had, uh, we had an event recently and we've met up with other people for that. Or like they say, one of the things they really like about my content or maybe some of the people that I hang out with content is because they feel like we're authentic, we're genuine. Leeor and I recently went to Japan and when we were there, they're like, you're exactly how we thought you were from your videos. Like you're not putting on this front for your Youtube videos and then some other way you're living your lifestyle of you are the way that we in a way expected you to be.

It's authentic, which is what we love to hear and we had this intention of adding value to other people. So when I make these videos, my intention before I make these videos is to add value. And that might sound like some cliché thing or like I'm some trying to be some holy type person, but I also just have this awareness that other people are other versions of me. So in actuality, because everyone is me pushed out. It's a selfish thing. You see, it depends upon the perspective. The power of paradox in our reality is understanding that we are all one and at the same time we are all having our own individual experience and in the same way we can start to see it in this holistic type way where we're all one. So by me adding value to others, I'm actually adding value to other aspects of myself. So it is the most selfless thing in the most selfish thing. Depending on the perspective.

But if you look to any successful business, any successful person at a certain level, they are adding value. You could say that value can be debatable. It could be something that it could be something that makes people mixed people butt heads with other people makes people more in trained in their own thought process. But from a certain level, those people think they're getting value. You could say, how has this personality value, they only do bad things, but someone gets value from it. You see these products come out and these people and if the valve, if the product adds value to people and people buy, it is successful product because people see value in the marketplace. Now when I'm putting out this content, if there's content adds value, people will share the videos and the videos will get views because it's adding value.

So because I have that intention underneath what I do, that value comes back to me. What you put out is what you get back. What you put out into your energy field is what comes back. What you do to other people. Who are you pushed out comes back to you because that's the energetic way this reality works. So start to ask yourself that new question. What are you putting out? And since everyone is you pushed out, how will you be treating other people? Which are other versions of you? How can you fill up your own cup? How can you validate you? How can you develop your relationship with you? Because by doing that, you then increase and improve the relationships you have with other people because other people are you pushed out.

People are picking up on you subconsciously and you know when we look at these deep esoteric ideas, we can also realize that reality is a form of dream. If you study the Toltecs, you study a lot of ancient wisdom teachings. They point to this idea that reality is a dream. We all individually have our own dreams, but then collectively there were these collective dreams, which are the dreams of everyone piled up and some of us have similar dreams, similar belief systems, similar ways of going about our reality. We identify with certain symbols. You may identify with me as a symbol. You may identify with my Youtube channel. You may look to me and think, oh, Aaron is this certain way? Aaron's made me feel a certain way with his videos, but understand that I am just assemble. We're all one. I am a symbol of your own consciousness, or I am a symbol that you connect to because of how I've integrated with myself.

And that may give you permission to integrate with yourself, but you're always doing the work. You're always relating you to you. It's just when you watch these videos and may make you feel that way, may make you turn to these realizations because of the frequency I put off that may bring you within yourself, but understand there is only you in reality. I am another aspect of you. Maybe I'm an aspect of you that is sharing with you a certain type of information that either does resonate or it doesn't resonate, does or doesn't resonate. It's still another aspect of you, so focus on your relationship with you. Give yourself permission to be you. Understand everyone else is you pushed out comes with the awareness, that it's all about your relationship with you because people are reflecting that back to you. Imagine there being pearls, whole bunch of pearls and a ball mirrored pearls that are just reflecting the one all around. All reflections of the one is mirrored little pearls. In a similar way. We are immortal.

Spiritual beings having temporary human experiences becoming more aware of who we are. At a deeper level, understanding that what we put out is what we get back. Instead of focusing on materialism and what you want to get in society, you focus on what you want to give. You'll find that the balance starts to happen more in your favor. Have a genuine intention of adding value and watch how abundance floods in your life. Another thing Neville Goddard talked a lot about is assume the wish fulfilled. Assume the wish fulfilled. Assume that you are the person you prefer to be assumed that what you want is already here, but also assume that it's not about what you want. It's about the qualities, the kind of person you've become. You being the authentic self, you living your authentic dream because the truth is reality is but a dream. It is a long consistent dream that has continuity because we've bought into it, but understand that this dream is much more flexible than you can even imagine. This dream can become a fun dream if you loosen up about it, if you understand it doesn't have to be so serious.

It's a dream that we have for a short period of time. So enjoy it because before you know it, you're going to wake up from this dream. You're going to be in a higher level of reality and you may realize that you weren't present in that dream. You weren't lucid in the dream of life. Become Lucid in the dream of life and watch how your life begins to change. Understand that what you put out is what you get back because what you do to other people you do to other aspects of you. This is why the golden rule is so powerful. Understand the more value you add to other people, the more that comes back to you because those people are other versions of you. So, with that being said, something else I have is a free meditation that will help you to raise your vibrational set point, which will help you have more of these understandings and these remembrances as well. This is a for 21 days. I think it'll change your life. Other than that peace, much love and namaste.

The Vibration of Celebrities REVEALED (Reality Transurfing)


I'm going to be sharing with you the true vibration of what we call celebrities. Understanding how when many people are focused on one person that effects that person, and I'm going to show you what you can do about it.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the vibration of celebrities. Understanding this from a point of view you may have never heard before, and a lot of it's going to have to do with the energy dynamics of the collective consciousness. Because what happens is when many people are focused on one person, it creates an energy structure of momentum.

And when people think of that person, they're picking up on similar thought streams as other people that are thinking about this one person. Think of it like this. There is an energy field around our body, and this energy field around our body has within it the thoughts that we consistently think. It goes into the energy field around us and the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, the actions we do all create an energetic pattern that goes within our energy pattern, within our energy field.

We go out into the world, and we link up with other people and situations in our lives that mirror back what is it? Whatever's in that energy field. For example, if you feel angry about something that happened, that anger goes into your energy field, you go out into the world, and it's likely that then something else happens that mirrors that anger that's inside the energy field back to you. When you clear out your energy field, you let go of a lot of those negative charges, and it didn't, doesn't have so much power over you.

In a similar way though, that we all have an energy field around our body. You have billions of people on the planet, almost 8 billion people on the planet and all of their energy fields, all of our energy fields connect together and our thoughts, which we think are invisible, which they are invisible. We can't see them with our eyes, but there is still real, and the thoughts still have an energetic structure. This is what happens when many people are focused on one person. It creates what is called a pendulum, a pendulum.

A pendulum is an idea that came from a book called Reality Transurfing, which is a book written by a quantum physicist named Vadim Zeland in Russia. It's like the think and grows rich in Russia. Many people in Russia have read the book. The book is now becoming more and more well known in the United States and all around the world.

It's been translated to many different languages and it has to do with these pendulums, these pendulums, our thoughts, structures, and when many people are focused on one thought, it creates this momentum in the collective consciousness just like there's an energy field around in our body. There's an energy field around planet earth and within that energy field are the thoughts of everybody within it and when they're thinking about one specific thing and adds energy to that thing.

The idea in Reality Transurfing is that what happens is sometimes we may have certain thoughts. These thoughts may be like, I really hope the Celtics win the NBA game, or the Golden State Warriors or whatever it is. When many people are focused on that team, on that one thing, whether you're a Ford or against it, if you're paying attention to it, it's adding energy to it.

A lot of times we'll see this even in politics, the person that wins presidential elections is the person that has the most energy going in the direction, whether positive or negative, and you could see that and whether you agree with that or not, whoever has more energy. That's who and the pendulum that ends up winning.

That's because whether you're afforded or against it, you're adding energy to it, whether you're Republican or Democrat, if you're within the system, if you repel being a Democrat or repel being of Republican, then it adds energy to and it creates a charge. Even though the thoughts are invisible, it creates a very real palpable structure. Think of it like social conditioning.

What happens is we become a part of these so-called pendulums, and we think we're having our own thoughts when actually we're picking up on thoughts of many other people that think in a similar way. Thinking that like you're driving down the street, somebody cuts you off, you feel very angry about it. Maybe you wouldn't get that angry about it for some reason you do. Well, it could be that you are on that street.

Many other people had been cut off in a similar in that similar area before and you feel the pendulum and then you feel that that rush of the energy of being angry, thinking through your thoughts when actually you're being influenced by thoughts of many other people that have been in that same spot before.

When it comes to this process, understand that these thoughts aren't necessarily our own, but when many people are focused on one thing, it adds to that energy structure. It's a lot of times it's about disengaging from the autopilot mind. Cause if someone cuts you off, you can just let it be. And then it doesn't stay that negativity doesn't stay in your energy field and then attract too many different situations.

One of the reasons I wanted to talk about the vibration and the pendulum of celebrities is because there is a, there are certain people that you can look as kind of a signpost to see how this may work. What you'll notice is that certain celebrities had had a lot of attention put on them and that attention actually fuels their growth. And some of them then has a switch and how people feel about them and that excels or growth in a different direction.

For example, not saying anything bad about that of this person, but I'm going to put in a share with you some awareness or kind of things I noticed about certain people that have had a lot of this success. And then maybe something happened, maybe some controversy and how that in a way put them onto a different stream of energy or onto a different understanding.

But like I was mentioning a minute ago, we have these thoughts that go within our energy structure, our energy field. And in the same way, there are 8 billion people on the planet almost. And everyone on the planet has an energy field that connects together via around the planet earth, which is called the collective consciousness. Our thoughts, while they may seem invisible, are invisible but are still real energy patterns.

And there are times when you think that you're having your own thoughts when really you're having the thoughts of these energetic social structures is you could also kind of think of it as social conditioning. There was one YouTuber whose name is Logan Paul, who you may have seen before. He was growing faster than any other YouTuber about a year and a half ago. And he was at the very top of his game.

And what happened was, is at the very top of his game, he then went to Japan, and while he was in Japan, he did some very edgy things that made him look very different to people that were following him. It was very controversial. He went to a forest in Japan, people saw he vlogged him Sim finding a dead body and put it in its thumbnail. And when he did that, that caused a lot of anger throughout all of the whole collective consciousness.

And it was something that you had all of this attention on him. He had so many kids watching him. He had so much attention. He was grown by like over a million subscribers a month, maybe 2 million subscribers a month. And then what happens is all of the sudden this scandal, this a controversy happens. And when that happens, it then started to switch on him.

And these people that used to look at him and feel love and admiration and used to feel a certain way, now we'll start to have the opposite effect. And then he went from being just mainly known on YouTube to be known nationally because it was all over the news. Yet even more people focused on him in that negative way. And people that were sending him love were then sending him the opposite of it, which he probably wasn't used to.

And that energy was very real, being sent to him. And if he agreed to it, it would then, if he would agree to it and he felt guilty for what he did, then he would actually feel, feel, feel the energy that was being sent to him. It's an interesting thing how quickly it flipped and when it flipped on him, you could tell immediately it took a month off ever since he got back.

He hasn't been the same since. Because also when he felt that the level of guilt that he felt or shame or whatever it was, the lower vibrations that put him in it lowered his own vibration and it's something he's still working through. What happens is then the energy switches and it changes the energy dynamic of it.

What happened is the same type of thing. People are now turning on him. He is, he lost like 500,000 subs in one day because of this. And people start to see them in a different way. Here's the thing. Many people are focused on this person. When people get angry about it, they may think is their own thoughts, when in actuality they're also picking up on the thoughts of many other people that have felt the same way.

The energy is switching on him and it'd be interesting to see what happens and he's going to have to be very strong through the process and in a way, that can cause transformation for some people, depends on their journey and where they're at and what they do. I will say one thing I noticed about this though, anytime the energy starts to switch like this, it depends on the person and how they feel about the situation itself as to whether they, they take on the energy that's being sent at them so the more guilty they feel.

In a way, this is a Reality Transurfing concept is it actually explains a lot of this process. The more guilty they feel, the more I will then lower their vibration and the more in a way also it will add that energy structure to it. But here's the thing. Here's what I was going to mention. What I notice the kind of people this happens to, and I'm not saying this in a judgmental way, I'm just observing, but there's this part of Reality Transurfing called excess potential. Anytime you make something very, very important, you create this potential for resistance.

I was watching Logan Paul's like success and I noticed that it was almost starting to become more and more egotistical. I did this, this is who I am. I'm at the top of the game and I'm the best of the best. And even though it's powerful to have confidence when it turns into arrogance, that's when a lot of times the universe will in a way kick the pedestal out.

In a way, the same type of thing. He may have energetically and in his mind put himself on a big pedestal. And because of that, it's now flipping on them. And it seems like it happens in situations like that. Now, even my YouTube channel, for example, is a pendulum in of itself. The idea is while I'm not a celebrity like them at that level at all, and I'm not even saying that I'm a celebrity, I'm just talking in general.

Anytime there are people focused on one thing that's a pendulum does YouTube channel is a pendulum. The idea is you, it can be a positive pendulum. It is a positive pendulum for many people because if it fuels them towards feeling more enthusiastic or motivational, but about what they doing in their life are empowered, then it's a positive pendulum. But what I do recognize is that the energy I share on my YouTube channel is information flowing through.

I get into a flow state and the information comes through. It's not the actual ego of Aaron, and I know it sounds funny saying that in the third person, but I'm trying to show you the difference. In the same way, when we look at this, it works in a very similar type way. As long as I don't identify with it, I'll be good, but you see, that's what happens with some celebrities is they see what happens.

They feel that they are a certain way, and because of that they create resistance around themselves and things will happen. Information will come out about them that then puts them into a certain lower state or makes them feel resistance. The key is understanding that especially when doing the kind of work that I do on YouTube, it's information coming through.

I'm in a way a vessel for allowing information to come through to allow other people to then resonate with it, but it's not necessarily, it's not my ego. I use the ego body, but I don't identify with it. That is when it's powerful. What I want to encourage you to do is to pay attention to different celebrities you may pay attention to and see are they, is it a positive type of energy-momentum? Because when many people are focused on it, you're picking up on the thought structures of those people subconsciously.

Be aware of that. And remember, like I said, whether you fight a pendulum, a thought structure or you agree with it, you're a part of it. The key hubs observation. If you get mad about what the president does, you're adding energy to that pendulum. And that's why the person that's running for presidency that has the most energy is the one that wins, not who has the most at agree or disagree, who has the most energy.

That's exactly what happened. And our current society now, the reason I'm sharing these is also so you can become more aware of where you're putting your energy in your own life and what celebrities do you look up to, what information are you paying attention to and how does it make you feel? Somebody, a pendulum, like maybe Joe Rogan is a positive, could be considered a positive pendulum for many people because it is bringing awareness to a certain demographic, certain types of people.

Pay attention because these things can actually help you if it's about awareness, Tony Robbins via positive pendulum, but be aware of them and be aware that when you're focused on someone, you're picking up on the thoughts of many other people that are thinking about that person as well. And when you're angry about something that may be another YouTube or did, it may be that you're picking up on that thought structure around that YouTuber and you're feeling even more angry because you're picking up on the pendulum of it.

This is all about awareness. But ask yourself, where are you put your attention. Cause if so, then we carry it creates resistance around it. However, if it's making you focus on connection, motivation, empowerment than it could be a positive one. But these thoughts, structures, these pendulums are all around us whether we're aware of it or not. And just like if someone cuts you off, you may feel angry.

You may be picking up on the pension and be aware of it and be aware of it. Don't fight it because then you feed it. Just be aware of it. As I said, there could be negative pendulums that can honestly be positive.

Pendulums and positive pendulums can help you get towards the direction you want. Almost think of it as a mastermind. Napoleon Hill's concept of a mastermind. When many people are focused on one outcome, it increases the probability of that thing happening. There’s something I have called the Reality Shifting Academy, which are, even though it's only 500 people that are in it and there's maybe you know, hundreds of thousands on the YouTube channel, you've got 500 people that are focused on one intention and are focused on that.

Creating what they want in their lives and are adding to an energy potential, a pendulum of their success. And because they're linking their minds together and focused on a similar outcome, it increases the probability of that happening for those people. It is a positive pendulum because you are coming together with other people and even every time we have a live Q and A in the group, it's lining up in a way the hive mind of the people in it.

And that's an increasing probability for everyone experiencing the success that they want. You're able to ride the wave of success and if you look behind me, you may see that painting, that painting represents a wave of success, which you can ride through that of the pendulum. Something else I'm going to do right now is I'm going to open up the academy.

I'm going to go and put the link down below. If you want coaching, if you want to join a pendulum that will help you to become successful so that you're able to ride that wave and be around other people that think similarly online in a group. Plus get private coaching from me. I'm going to open that up. You'll also learn how to create what's called a slide, which has to do with the powerful visualization process or something called outer intention, which is more powerful.

The inner intention. These concepts are all from Reality Transurfing, which is what I teach. That's something I'll go ahead and leave there as well for you. Understand for this whole process that when we focus on celebrities in general, wherever we're putting our energy, wherever it, we'll put it in our attention. We're writing certain frequencies. And when you're aware of these frequencies, that's where the power is.

Be aware of how this might be happening in your life. Be aware of how you can take your power back and not let that negative energy kind of run your life. And by doing so, you begin to take back your power. The way that you disengage from a pendulum is you observe it from a neutral place, and by observing it, you then begin to transform it.

How to Use the Power of Belief to SHIFT to a Parallel Reality INSTANTLY


I'm going to show you how to shift to a parallel reality instantly using the power of belief. This blog has the potential that by the end of it, you know how to shift to a parallel reality in a completely new way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding belief, shifting the process of how you go from one reality into a new reality instantly based upon your beliefs. Here’s the truth of the matter. Okay. This is something that, that just like the law of attraction, we are continuously attracting things in our life, whether we're aware of it or not.

Even if someone doesn't necessarily focus on the law of attraction, there are certain ways that are working in their life, whether they're aware of it or not. In the same way, when it comes to shifting through parallel realities, shifting to parallel realities is a natural byproduct for the way reality works. Think of it like this. This is the easiest analogy I've used.

It's an analogy I've used before. The filmstrip analogy, every separate little frame of what I'm doing right now is a totally separate parallel reality. They look similar in the same way that if you have a film strip, each frame will look very similar. But if you have the light shining through it, you know that one, all those frames existed at the same time and two, they're going through at a different rate.

It's just that we have that of a time, space, reality experience where we experience it in a linear type of fashion because we have memory. I remember to go like this, remember that I just went like this. If I were to stretch it out on final cut pro, which is what I use to edit, but I could do is I could go plug it into my computer. And what I could do is then stretch it out and then see, and I could do this thing where I minimize it and I can see into each individual frame and I mangle look like this, this, this, this.

Each little one is a completely separate parallel reality. Even though they may look very similar. Here is the power of beliefs that I want to share with you. This is, this is why parallel reality shifting is so powerful. It has to do with understanding that of the power of belief in reality itself. If you've ever read the book Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, he's known for bringing yoga to the West.

He was around many enlightened people during his life and he in this book talks about it. That is also the only book that Steve Jobs I had on his iPad. He read it every year, the last 40 years of his life, and there's a reason for that. I think it's a very powerful book and you kind of feel, and you can resonate with some of the experiences at this Paramahansa Yogananda guy hat and he literally experienced around these gurus what would be considered.

They can do magical things. Some of them could locate some of the could make objects appear in materialize. They could do these amazing things. Why could they do that? They understood the truth about reality. That and that is that reality is a dream. Reality is a form of a dream. Things appear to be real, but it's just different compositions of light.

And because of that, they were able to create magical experiences because they understood that truth. The other part of that is they weren't limited with their beliefs and they are of a high vibration too. They had more ability to influence reality in that way. They'd be considered what we call it, enlightened people. Let's even look at people that aren't necessarily enlightened.

Here is some of the power of belief just to show you what is powerful and then I'm going to give you the process so that you can apply it in your life and you could also become more magical. I was watching this video the other day with a doctor named Bruce Lipton. He was talking about power. He has a book called biology of belief and he was talking about the power of belief.

99.9% of people would take strychnine and not be here anymore. And what these people could do is because their belief and their faith were so strong, they could drink it, and nothing would happen to them and they would do this, these kinds of things at events or, and it'd be totally fine.

There have also been enlightened people that they have stories of an India will, they'll, we'll do the same thing, they'll drink it and they'll be totally fine. That's because they have such a strong belief that then it overpowers the chemical composition of what they're putting in their body. 99.9% of people won't have the belief strong enough at this point to do that. I'm not recommended that you do that.

However, the key, and this is knowing that there are things like this that are possible, and if this is possible that these other things are possible that we could do that isn't detrimental to our health like that or that risky. Even if you just look at the placebo effect, they've studied these thousands and thousands of times and an order for a pharmaceutical to be graded as powerful, it has to beat the placebo because the placebo is very powerful.

A placebo is when they give you some type of like céline pills, sugar pill that has nothing really in it. They tell you that it's going to give you some type of effect. Do you take it and you get that kind of effect? Then they tell you afterward, there was nothing in them, there was nothing in that pill you took, but yet you got a certain result. It based on the power of suggestion.

And that happens a lot. They have surgeries that they've done where somebody goes into surgery, they like a very heavy knee. Replacements are not a replacement but heavy knee surgery. What they do is they put someone into surgery, they put the anesthesia, the anesthesia on them. They open up their knee and they closed the knee. They don't actually go in there and do whatever they're meant to do.

And that person will come out of it and heal, and the knee will repair itself as if it had that sure surgery. It's almost like the body just assumes that it's healed and it goes to recreating healing itself through the power of belief. These are the things that are possible with the power of belief, literally to change the physical composition of the body.

You can take this a step further. This is a story of somebody that went to a, that went to a hypnosis show with his daughter. A guy in his daughter went to a hypnosis show back in the 60s or the seventies this is a while ago, and it's a classic example is in the book the Holographic Universe and this guy goes to this hypnosis show.

Then the this is kind of comforts him, gets him back to a certain state and then he says, okay, in a moment you're not going to be able to see your daughter. And he hypnotizes to not see his daughter. He looks around, he can't see his daughter. Then what he does is the hypnotist brings his daughter right in front of his dad and his dad's looking right through his daughter.

The hypnotist grabs that of a timepiece, like a little clock thing inside of his pocket hides it, puts it behind the daughters so that the daughter's back so that he liked the guy couldn't. He reads the time and he reads that of the brand that sonic, which is some type of brand and he was able to see through physics, through what we would consider being the law of physics.

He was able to see through his daughter because he believed his daughter wasn't there. The power of belief is so strong that we can see through physical matter because the matter is it actually physical the way that we think it is. We live in a holographic type universe that is program based upon our beliefs. The reason I share all of these different stories with you is so that you see that you can change your life and change the parallel reality that you're on instantly by simply changing your story.

We all have a story that we tell ourselves. We have a story about who we are, a story about our relationships, a story about how we, how our health is a story about how money comes to us. This story keeps us within a certain frequency. And the thing with parallel reality shifting as people think the same thoughts every day, do the same things every day, feel the same emotions every day, therefore get the same thing over and over and over again. But if they were to change that, they would then change the parallel reality they shift too.

The key to this is understanding that you're shifting, whether you're aware of it or not. The key is creating a greater degree of change between where you are and where you want to be. If the idea is you're making 50,000 a year and you want to make $100,000 a year, as long as you stay doing the same things you've always done, you'll stay within that parallel reality timeline. But the moment you change your story is the moment you can then go on a higher trajectory, but you have to change your story.

How do you change your story? There's this easy three-step process has first off awareness, awareness, become aware of what your story is. You may have a story that you always attract a certain type of person in your life. People always take advantage of. You might have a story that this is the way things are and that'll keep you in that, in that mindset, but when you become aware of the story, that's when you can then change it.

The second step, own the story, own it at a certain point and you agreed to it. Something happened. You agree that this is the way reality is and because of that, that's been your life since then, you cannot change that which you do not own. Even if someone did something to you, you agree that that had to affect you somehow and from a higher level, from a higher-self perspective, you may have set that up so that you could experience some limitations that you could punch through it. Become aware of that.

You own it. The third step is you set yourself a trigger. A trigger could be you doing a little motion like this. That's what I used to do. Change like that. You got that from Dr. Joe Dispenza. Just go change like that. It's like some that bring in your physiology and anytime you find yourself going into the same auto pipeline of the old story, you go change in the thick of the new story.

You wire a new one in. What that might look like is every time you go and you, you're getting ready to go, and see someone you haven't seen in a while and you normally feel inferior when you're around them. As you started to tell yourself that old story, you go change and then you think about them in a way where you having a great conversation with them.

You realize that the belief is there from some agreement you made in the past and it's an outdated agreement and you'll find that if you change your story, you then change the reality. You then change the way you relate to the other person. That process right there, awareness, owning the awareness and then setting the trigger and then deciding to change. You can apply towards anything in your life and it will transform your life if you apply it.

But even if you create the old shifting to parallel realities that you don't prefer, just acknowledge that you're still creating it because then you create something new. That's how powerful you are. You are so powerful that you can create experiences of limitation and you could do it over and over and over again without even realizing it.

But this is about becoming more aware, become more aware of the reality you're shifting to. If you're looking at one reality that of where you currently are and where are you currently want to be, you may need to create a great amount of change, which means to these two parallel realities may be very different. But the key is stepping out of the circle of what is known, the autopilot mind, the same thoughts, the same emotions, the same things.

Step out of the known and then move into the unknown. Don't be afraid to step out. Don't be afraid to be yourself in this new way because you are constantly changing. And when you start to step into the unknown, that's where the magic begins to happen. What I'm recommended you do is you be brave.

You have courage, and you do something you've never done before. It'll break out that old identity that's keeping you locked in. And as you do that, you'll find that things began to come even easier for you. This process is about realizing your shifting, whether you realize it or not. The key is creating a greater degree of change by changing your story. Change your story by first off, he coming to where of your story, owning your story, setting a trigger, and then repetitiously wiring in a new one.

And with the time you will begin to raise your frequency and to be on a more optimal timeline that you prefer to experience. Hope this helps you understand how you can shift to the parallel reality that you want. It's within your grasp. You just have to, you just have to realize you're doing it. It's a natural byproduct the way reality works.

And then you can actually go in the direction that you want. If you want, what I'm sharing with you right now is a part of what is called the shift experience. The shift experience is a digital program that I am making right now that will help you shift to the timeline that you want. You will be a completely different person by the time you were done with it and you will also shift your level of consciousness.

The Shadow-Side of Being a Starseed that NO ONE TELLS YOU

We're going to show you the shadow side of being a Starseed. These are things that most people don't even think of in the process of the Starseed awakening. We're going to show you exactly how to integrate that shadow.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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This is Victor Oddo. What do you do? “I help people navigate their awakened in the spiritual awakening process.” So, these are things that I know in my own journey. They are things that I didn't really see coming. Cause sometimes when we're going through this Starseed awakening and we're becoming more aware of who we are as this is connected galactically and connected to different parts of the star systems.

But there's different parts of it that we find end up having a backlash if we're not aware of it. And if you know beforehand how to work through this process, how to go through this process, you're able to see this shadow so it doesn't suck you in to the identity of it or suck you into the negative characteristics of it. Maybe we'll share some of the very first things we noticed when being on the Starseed awakening journey, like the things that we noticed in other people, but also in our own life.

Victor Oddo creates content similar to mine on law of attraction, spiritual awakening, ascension, raising your vibration. There you'll find a whole bunch of great content, I Remember we were at Rhythmia and we were at this place in Costa Rica and we were in this like plant medicines ceremony thing and we had this experience where we realize that our awakening journey was almost the same. And in 2012 we had this realization after we were already friends for a year, we have this night where we were realizing that we had almost the same type of awakening in 2012 and it was like a sense of understanding the star.

So, you have this connection to the stars and then this sense of feeling alone after you go through this like spiritual Lincoln process. And we both went through probably like six months to a year of just kinda being alone like a weight. Like people didn't really understand it. Friends, family thought it was kind of crazy. Is that something you went through as well? Like similar. It's interesting because the whole star seed awareness, when you become aware that you have a connection to so much more than you ever knew you would think on a big level that would be comforting.

That would be like, wow, I'm less alone than ever before. Now that I'm becoming aware of this connection at the same time, because not all human beings are aware of their star Starseed connection. It ends up you being the weirdo who was talking about the stars all the time and it can feel very isolated because you can just get a strong sense that if you were to just voice your thoughts on life and some of your findings and some of the things you're going through, especially in regard to the star seed stuff, you're not going to be well received by your friends, by your family, by your co-workers, by your neighbors.

So, in that light you feel very alone because you know that I can't really be who I now know myself and to be around people. I can't be my authentic self. And when we have to put on a mask, even around other people, it can make us feel very alone. I remember when I went through my awakening and I started understanding like the star seed connection to take the Pleiades and all these other connections that I was making. I remember I went through it and I was like, I remember I sat down with my dad. I was like, listen, this is like we're spiritual veins. This is all an illusion.

I just thought that was going to be normal. I thought everyone was going to get it. They're like, wow, you're right. Thank you for letting me know. You're so grateful. So grateful for you telling you this stuff. But, and then that was like a lot of friends and family were like, Aaron, what the Hell did you do? Like, did you do something? That was one of the main commonalities that we got. Both our awakening came into this information like a lot of you and then we thought it was our mission to tell our family. Our parents are like old school minded parents. I did the same thing. I was a personal trainer and I would train my mom and her friend. My Mom's friend didn't show up that day.

I thought that was a great opportunity. I tell her that the government is really driven and influenced by a higher dimensional beings with a negative agenda. I said all that stuff and she was like, okay, I can tell she's sick. I know you're thinking like, wow, I'm so glad I've been made aware of this. It's like, oh my goodness, what the hell is my son on? I remember my grandma died and they're like the same thing. They're like, okay, I noticed. No, they're in their head like what? I don't even know a hundred responders, what's going on here? And then for like months, it was like just trying to be normal and trying to kind of make up for that and then worried that something was wrong. But like when you get so excited about the Starseed, can you just want to tell everyone, like you do like move the inter-dimensional periods that were just here out of this temporary human experience and all of this stuff, the star family and, for a lot of people it's the backlashes.

A lot of people are still stuck and watching the news and the media and they're buying into certain reality. So when we come out with the type and even information, there's a backlash of that. And then what we do is we think there's something wrong with us and what we do is we may go in and say, okay, I'm just not going to talk about it for a while. And then, that's the negative side of this is the ego that can develop. Because I remember going around and being becoming a little bit bitter with people cause I'm like people just don't get it. They're just asleep, you know? It was like that was the idea. And I started to have this self-fulfilling belief that was holding me back from connecting to other people that were into this information because my belief was people just don't get it.

People don't get me. People are asleep. And guess what? That was a self-fulfilling prophecy. But the more I realized that I dropped that label, it's like people all around that or I ended that like the guide that we are at the gym the other day and I just turned over to this guy when her down at the gym. I was like, so what do think about aliens? And he said, I think they exist they've been around for a long time. I just like to see how people respond sometimes. But yeah, that's it. Is it more and more people are open to this information now. So, it's when you have less of this rule that people just aren't awake and all of this stuff, you attract less of that or you know.

Once this happens, you start to question like, maybe something's wrong with you. I don't think that, I thought I'm on to something and there's actually something wrong with everybody. That's kind of what I thought too. I think about, you're right and you create the separation by focusing on the differences, which there are some differences. This person has no idea he's got ITI connections or maybe he's not a third seat at all in meeting all I'm doing my astral travels at night on experiencing all these cool worlds or whatever. But that's one thing that is different. There's many similarities where human. there's a lot of common ground that when you focus on that, we kind of isolate ourselves.

Acknowledging the differences more than the similarities and being attached to that ego perspective. We both learned through that process. We both went after that. Learn how to integrate that aspect of understanding. Everyone's on their own journey. A lot of people that think this star seed stuff, there's people that watch my channel. They're like, when you first started coming out with stars and videos, I thought I was crazy. I stopped watching your videos and now they come back and go like it planted a seed. And they come back and like, oh, it's so cool. Like I had no idea. I'm so much more open to it now.

So, understand that people come in their own timing. We talked about the biggest shadow is probably just the loneliness that we may feel or the identification with being different or the identification with thinking that people just aren't awake and integrating that understanding everyone's on their own journey, understand and have an understanding of where people are when you're explaining this to them. It will help because then it softens up this like maybe instead of saying, I remember hearing a Cory good talk about it once you know, just say something like, did you just plant little seeds? Like when someone's watching something, did you know that? But if you start with something small, then it makes it easier. And then when I thought you were talking to me yesterday about the climatization a lot of the star seeds are here at this time to help with this big shift that's going on.

And a lot of them are not normally used to incarnating in this, we live in a very dense sort of 3D existence in a lot of the star seeds are used to being in the, in the much higher realm. So, it's a bit of a challenge for them to integrate physically. I know for myself, I've always had kind of like health problems. I've always struggled with fatigue and I get sick easily. And I also feel like my body is very sensitive to stress just as an example. And some people have it a lot worse than that, but I just think our physical bodies sort of pick at, it takes time for our souls to get used to the earthly, the 3D density.

I think in higher realms also there's more flexibility with time and space. I think some starts he's making impatient isn't that it? And I just kind of came to me like, I know going through things, I'm always like a big strong lesson in my life is patience. Cause I want things so quickly. I think we're so used to thinking things in our thoughts are so high vibration on were so in alignment in higher dimensional realms that things happen very instantaneously. But there's this time and even though that the vibration is speeding up, so it's taking less and less time to manifest things, I think we're used to things happening very quickly, so we may get frustrated with ourselves when things aren't happening very quick or it's like the climatization of our body and at the same time as the climatization of the energy here, just the time space.

I had a Youtube video I did and then the name of the Youtube video was the one thing lightworkers lack and I use lightworkers sort of synonymously with star Seattle. And what I did is I had my dog come on, I had this long purposefully long introduction and that they had left like two minutes and I was like, you Ready? It's patience. So, there's kind of a job because I know, I totally agree with what you said where I think a lot of us are used to dislike this fast manifestation and patience is a real issue. Even just with ascension in like waking up humanity, it's like this is supposed to look like in 2012 we literally thought was gonna happen in like a year. Like in one year, everyone on the planet is going to know more about this information and more people are knowing about it.

But we thought it'll be an agreed upon thing that you know, each connection and all this stuff, but it's taken a lot longer. And actually the video that we're going to do on his channel is going to be on what is called the event, which is very similar to that. So it's about understanding that when it comes to this process, it's about knowing that there is a process to it and that sometimes we may think things are gonna happen instantaneously, but they may just be a metaphor for a stretched out things. So, the shadow side as well has no patience. The thing that I wanted to also mention was understanding that we exist right now. We have what are called past life connections.

Cause they're actually parallel life connections because the only time that exists is this moment right now to a parallel life connection both future lives and past lives. And what happens though is we also have lives like we're such vast spiritual beans that our energy is not just incarnated on earth. So what I mean by that is we don't just have past lives on earth. We have past lives in different star systems as well because that vastness of our spirit is so big that we couldn't just incarnate all of our energy in one time like space of just earth. The thing is as well as starts to use every single person on the planet is multidimensional.

Let's Stasrseed to someone who is aware of that multidimensionality incomes through with some type of desire to help other people. Now when it comes to past lives and future lives, we'd have them also in different star systems. Now the shadow side of Starseed as well is that there are times that we've had past lives or future lives and different star systems where things that happened that is within our soul blueprint. So for example, there may have been a time in one person's blueprint of their soul where they had to pass life or some place where maybe the planet was destroyed or where there was a lot of things that happen, the devastation, and there may be scarring at the soul level from that experience.

And in this life right now, there may be certain themes that are intertwined with that life in a different star systems. So just like we have past lives on earth, we also have past and future lives and different star systems that we may pull information from. And some of those themes that were going through maybe relative to it. So if you ever feel like you've been victimized, your life, you've been a victim a lot. There could be also connections that we have, the different star systems, or maybe that was the case as well when we're working through that in certain ways in our life here. So understand that we may not always understand where our energy is coming from or why we're feeling certain ways, but there's a lot more to being a multidimensional being, which we all are, that we're becoming aware of.

So integrate and just understand that whatever you're feeling, it's okay. You're integrating emotion, you're integrating like this time on the planet. We're raising our frequency so high. So in a way we're clearing karmic patterns that no longer serve us. We're clearing things from past lives that don't serve us. We're clearing things from past lives and other star systems that were ascending. Cause that went from what I understand is right now as we raise our vibration at 3D, 4D, 5D level, we also had this potential to raise our vibration at higher levels as well.

So we're letting go of so much right now in this lifetime from what I understand what from both Bashar and other people have said. It's like we've waited thousands of years to be alive right now to be going through this transformation. We've waited so long and this is where it's at right now. Not because it makes everything else meaningless, but this is so exciting to be alive right now because so many people are becoming aware of who they are. Starseeds are waking up. More and more people will find this video through the information we share. But in general, we just want you to be aware of the shadow aspects that we're talking about today.

One of the big things I found is from talking to by my subscribers that they struggle with in relation to what he said is that a lot of the star seeds, a lot of the old souls, even from the earth they struggled with, they were persecuted and oppressed for their own self-expression, speaking their truth in path. So when it comes time to like a lot of the stars he didn't want to share, they want to help, but they feel like this real strong hesitation only because, we're not going to be, most of us persecuted in this, this lady now, but there's that scar of the past. So being aware of what errands that can be very helpful because then you can question that you can say is there a legitimate concern of expressing myself in most cases, not right for that can give you permission to go forward with you living your truth.

I remember I went to someone I was telling you about my past lives or something and she said something that resonated with me. But she said that in a lot of my past lives I was sharing information similar to what I share in this life, but a lot of hats in my last, my past lives, I was killed for the information I shared. Which in the beginning of starting my Youtube channel, I was kind of reluctant. I was having all these fear come up, like, can I share this? Like what will people think? And it made sense to me when I looked at it. Now is that true of my past lives? I don't know for sure, but it does kind of resonate with me and I could see how many people that are stars.

He tapped his desire to help people, but they do feel blocks. We see it because we help people put content out on Youtube and help people awaken the planet. And we see these blocks very common. I think it is because in past experiences, the collective wasn't ready for it. So what do they do when they weren't ready for it? They would persecute, they would shut them out, kind of silenced them and that sometimes alignment thing. So just understand now that doesn't have to be the case. You know that's not going to be the case. We have the ability to express ourselves now and to be powerful and we came here to be bold. I think the one thing that started seeds must know as well as like we came here to be bold. We came here to share our truth.

Doesn't mean you have to tell your family and tell your friends and say all this stuff that we did like too fast, too soon. But you came here and to be yourself, whatever that means to you, you came here to make a change. By you being yourself, by you doing the inner work, by you raising your vibration, you help the vibration of the collective as well.

Peace. Much love, and Namaste.

3 Dangerous Things Keeping you STUCK in the Bottom 3 Chakras (how to transcend them)

I'm going to be sharing with you the three things keeping you stuck in the bottom three Chakras. Right now there's a transformation happening on the planet. We're moving into a new state of consciousness and these three things are what keeps you from doing that.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three things that will keep you locked in the lower vibrational states of consciousness. Understanding that our Chakras and the alignment that we have with our Chakras has to do with the energy flow going through our body and the things that the way that we identify with ourselves in life. So, when we look at ourselves in a new way, then we start to experience a new level of reality.

Really, what we do though is we just allow the flow to go to happen a little bit easier. So when it comes to this, there's energy flow around your body. There's a toroidal field around your body and this to toroidal field goes kind of like a donut. And it goes in through your head and there's also one that goes around your heart as well, and it keeps recycling around your body. Now what happens is our energetic field that goes around our body has within it different patterns, patterns based on ways of thinking, patterns based on something that happened in the past that caused some disruption within this energetic flow. And these energetic disruptions caused there to be blocks inside of our energy field. And when there are these blocks, what happens is we create resistance within our body.

That's a lot of times when people can create what is called disease. Which is dis-ease through the energy field. And what happens is they get stuck in the bottom three Chakras. Now the bottom three Chakras, are intertwined heavily with what we call the third dimensional reality. You could say the bottom three Chakras keep people plugged into 3D reality. And right now, we're going from a shift on the planet from 3D to 4D reality, which is where we are becoming more aware that life is a form of dream or becoming more heart centered, which is who we naturally are. We're doing our passion more. We're seeing things in reality more as vibration than anything else, and that's more the 4D level of consciousness. But in order to get there, we must transcend the bottom three Chakras.

Chakras is now transcending doesn't mean we're not in them. We still have a balance with it. And what I'm saying when I'm talking about this is it’s healing the disruptions within the energetic Chakras themselves. So, it's not like you're going to move from the bottom three Chakras and then just being in your heart Chakra because then you'd be unbalanced. It would be ungrounded. You're meant to be here in a 3D physical experience inside, so we still are going to be within the three Chakras, but we're going to transcend the pain. We're going to transcend the lower vibrations keeping us anchored into the third dimensional reality. 3D reality. Think of it as duality, good, bad, light, dark up, down. These are all different, opposites and just in the same way when we're identified with our head, our ego, we are identified with the left brain, the right brain that is also duality.

The male, the female, the logical, the creative. These are all different polarities that exist and based on our balanced, based on our integration, we are either sinking them together or we may have an imbalance. Now what happens is in society, many people forget who they are. They forget when they're born here that they are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary human experiences. Then what happens is their attention goes towards the media. Their attention goes towards all of these things that keep people inside of the lower vibrational emotions. Their attention is put on the news, the media, everything that's happening, and it keeps them at a low frequency state and then they never really ask themselves, who am I? Because they got to go back to their nine to five job. They got to stay busy doing things and they're always comparing themselves to other people.

This is social conditioning. So, the reason I say that is because most of society seems to be up until this point, very geared at stain identified with the census and identified with lower vibrational emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, anger, and what happens is as we raise our frequency, we start to let go of a lot of these lower vibrational states of emotion. Now let's look at that. Of the three Chakras, we're going to look at balancing out and transcending up. We have that of these survival root Chakra. The Root Chakra is at the base of your spine and the root Chakra deals with that of survival. Survival in the sense of food, shelter, water safety. Do you feel like maybe you feel like someone's always going to come after you or you don't feel safe in the neighborhood? You live in or you don't feel like you don't know if we're going to have enough to eat tomorrow.

That's a very strong dis balance or imbalance in that of the root Chakra. Many third world countries that you might observe may have a lot of blockages in their root Chakra because they don't even have their survival needs met. So the flight or fight response is also in this survival mode and the root Chakra. It could be people go into war, people go into different things. Now that's the root Chakra, which is around shelter, survival, safety, and I'm just generalizing it so that we can see, I'm going to explain how we can transcend them. The three things that are keeping you stuck and then how to transcend them. Then you have that of the sacral Chakra. The sacral Chakra is right around your belly button. That's where the sacral Chakra is. That has to do with your relationship to yourself, your relationship to family members, your relationship to friends. So you may find that if you have maybe issues with your parents, they don't get you. You have issues with the loved one, romantic issues with how you see yourself. Maybe your relationship to yourself. This all has to do with the sacral Chakra. And if we have any imbalances with our relationship with ourself or relationship to others, we may feel blocks inside of there.

But then we move up to the solar plexus, which is right between the belly button in the heart. The solar plexus has to do with our willpower. It has to do with a certain level of control of the ego. The shirt I'm wearing right now represents the solar plexus. it's a color of action. And when we look at that of the, willpower, we can look and see, are we doing what we love? Do we have willpower? Do we have the ability to say we're going to do something and then do it? Do we feel lazy? Do we feel like we're being held back? Do we procrastinate? Do we have to control every situation? Because if so, then that might be an imbalanced solar plexus that may be within us and we may have imbalances within there.

So, understand that when we look at this, you can see this in the scale of consciousness that I always share. The scale of consciousness. You see shame, fear, guilt, anger. Then you see neutrality, willingness, these many of the emotions within here that I've just shared all the way up to like reasoning how to do with the bottom three Chakras. the bottom three Chakras or shame, fear, guilt. You may have felt for yourself, you may have felt angry may felt so towards someone else. That might be a sacral Chakra imbalance, shame, fear, guilt, anger that may be angry at society because maybe you don't feel like you have enough abundance. You're not given the resources to be abundant where you don't know if we're gonna have food tomorrow.

Then you see that of willingness. Willingness is like the solar plexus. So you see these are the bottom three Chakras and when it comes to the vibrational states of consciousness and there are things that keep you stuck in the bottom emotions and the bottom three Chakras and the things that keep you stuck keep you from moving into your heart. So, in life, in this life, we are meant to move from that of integrating bottom three Chakras into our heart center. Understanding that we're all connected, understanding that when we're doing what we love, when we're passionate about what we're doing within in a high frequency state and the more we realize that life is a form of dream, they'll more dreamlike our life becomes.

Things are going to be getting more and more flexible as time goes on. Do you feel like time has sped up so fast? I know I have because as our frequency increases, our perception of time increases as well. So, when we look at the three things that are keeping us stuck, these are the three things keeping you stuck in the bottom three emotions. And the first one has to do with any lower vibrational emotions attached to what is called a positionality attachment to positions in your mind. Attachment to perspectives. So when we look at this, we may say this is also mainly related to that of the sacral Chakra. Attachments to this person did this to me. I had that perspective for a very long time and I, and because of it, I had an imbalance in my sacral Chakra for many, many years because when I was growing up between seven and 15 years old, I had an abusive step-mom in my life. And when that was going on, I felt like I wasn't worthy. I felt unsafe. So maybe also that was the survival mode because I was physically being abused and going through all of this.

What it did is I then developed this anger towards that person, and the anger that I had towards them was going inside of my energy field and it was creating a blockage in the flow that was going through my body. So when we have these positions, when we have these perspectives, they keep us within the lower vibrational emotions. Now, the moment everything changed for me was the moment I forgave her. Forgiveness is the key. Forgiveness is the key to releasing these positionalities because if you don't forgive, you keep the pattern going. If you don't complete the past, you repeat the past. So even after my ex step-mom, my dad divorced her when I was 15 years old. All of a sudden, me and my brother have all this freedom. We're able to do things. But I still felt that resistance. I still felt like I wasn't worthy.

So, what happened was then I got into a relationship and I was 17 years old with a girl that was very similar to my ex step-mom. I had control issues and for four years, so I was about 20-21 years old. I was with her. Then I broke up with her, realized it wasn't what I wanted to experience. And then right after that, that breakup, I got transferred to a department working at Nordstrom's and women's shoes transferred from BP shoes to salon shoes and I had a manager for years. That was the same exact way because if you don't complete the past, repeat the past. So there was an anger inside of my sacral Chakras that was then resonating with people in my life that reflected that anger back to me that reflected that. I believe that I deserved that back to me.

And the moment I forgave my step mom and I saw how that whole situation growing up served me because it led to a spiritual awakening. That's when within two weeks, that manager got fired. The one that was abusive, she couldn't physically abuse, but she was verbally and the things that she would say and the things that you would get away with, we tried getting her fired for years, but she couldn't. We wouldn't be able to because the upper management was protecting her. But really once I completed the past in that way, she no longer resonates in my life and she left like that and my version of reality, she was gone. So you see, this is how we heal. We heal by forgiveness. Forgive because you deserve it. Because when you have an anger or some type of low vibrational emotion within your energy field, it's going within your energy field.

There's a toroidal field around the body that that energy goes around and around your body. And what happens is as you go out into the world, other people are resonating with that energetic blockage that you have. So when you forgive and you let go of the negative vibration within your body and within your energetic field, it didn't leave your body. And then what happens is you can then resonate with the higher level of reality. But forgiveness is about understanding that you're not forgiving for the other person. You're forgiving for yourself because then you let go of it. And how do you do that? You realize that everyone's doing the best they can with where they are. Maybe they believe that they have to be that way towards you, but when you understand why they are the way they are, it makes it so much easier.

So, when I look at my ex step-mom, for example, she was most likely treated the same way by her dad. She thought she had to control everything in order to get by at her as a bully, there's a damaged teenager that's still there to this day and still acting out these little things towards other people because that's the way she thinks she has to be. But I forgave her because I realized she's doing the best she can with where she is. It doesn't mean I agree with it, doesn't mean I'm saying everything is okay that the way she is towards people. But what it does mean is that I am forgiving her because I'm letting go of that energetic attachment. So, this is the key to really getting out of the lower three vibrations or having that imbalance.

You're going to still be in there, but it's healing the different aspects of different positionalities and understanding that they're there so that you can move through them so that you can forgive and when you forgive, you then let go of it inside of your energetic field and then you start to heal yourself in a very powerful way. Now the second thing, keeping you stuck in the lower vibrations is your resistance to what is your resistance to what is. If you become okay with everything, everything will become okay.

This is the key. One of the easiest ways for you to raise your vibration is for you to accept more of your life except more of what is doesn't mean that you're passive about it and you're like, oh, this is just the way it is. I'm never going to do anything about it. It means that you energetically excepted and you take responsibility for it. Responsibility simply means your ability to respond. By doing so, you can then change it, but you cannot change that which you're not aware of. So become aware of the different aspects of your life that you may not be accepting. I remember when I was working a nine to five job I didn't care about. I'd go in everyday with resistance. Why am I here? I don't want to be here. I wasn't accepting where I was at a certain level.

Maybe it could be like, maybe you go to a better place and then, and then that acts that non acceptance actually served. You may be, but what I found even more powerful is to accept the moment and then more than fill your presence space, which means you're aware of not if it's really intuitively good for you. But what I learned is how to accept, go to a job I wasn't that passionate about because then I'd focus on. Doing Youtube. But when I went to work every day, I didn't focus on the resistance of why am I still here? I would have said take it as a spiritual lesson for me to be there and by doing so, by being present to the moment, eventually more than filled my presence space by making videos on Youtube, but then eventually be able to go full time with it. But sometimes the best thing to do is to actually more so accept and let go of the resistance. A lot of the resistance is self-imposed too. She goes, we were like, I'm here, but I should be. Here is this rule in our mind. So the key to this is accepting where you are in life.

It'd be grateful for where you are as well. Sometimes people will feel an imbalance in their survivor mode because they're like, well, what about I don't have as much abundance as I want? They have a rule in their mind that says when they get a certain level of abundance, then there'll be happy, but she may already have the shelter that you seek. You may already have the food that you need. You may already have the relationships in your life that you need. Friends, family, they these things that you think you need may already be there. And by focusing on that gratitude, you start to heal. It's only from the focus of things should be different that we feel resistance.

So, start to focus more on how you can accept the moment by accepting the moment to be in looking around and knowing that everything is the way it should be. More than fill your presence space, you're gonna raise your frequency and then you can exist in a new level. Now the third thing, keeping you stuck in the lower vibrational states of consciousness is simply attachment. It's just attachment in general. Those lower vibrational emotions I was showing you a minute ago. When you look at shame, fear, guilt, anger, it's attachment to it. There's nothing you have to do to get to a higher vibration is that you have to really do to get your heart. Just let go of what doesn't serve, let go of the anger you may have towards other people, which is forgiveness. Let go of the attachment to certain levels of thinking because you see, even when we have these lower vibrational thoughts and emotions, we think they may serve us.

They may be keeping us safe. Like for example, if we are afraid to take action to really step into our power with our willpower, we may feel a payoff from feeling consistent to the level of safety that we have because it may be kind of scary doing something you haven't done before, getting outside your comfort zone, but the more you focus on that, of being inside, doing what you're passionate about, you're going to raise your frequency. But let go of the fear. Let go of thinking that you need to stay safe within the ego. Construct attachment and control as well. Trying to control the moment. Surrender to the moment. This is a balance of intent. Going in a certain direction and letting go and allowing the universe to show you what it is and allow yourself to then seek into this process, but trying to control everything creates this resistance.

The third Chakra, the solar plexus. When you're trying to control everything, it's causing so much resistance and the key to letting go is to understand that you can get in alignment with the universe. You're both an individual and you are a part of the collective as well, and the universe is friendly. The universe wants you to succeed. Allow infinite energy to flow through, allow this energetic field to flow through and let go of the positionalities. Let go of the attachments. You have to maybe lower vibrational states of consciousness. It may also be the actions you're taking the things that you feel like you repetitively do. They keep you in the lower vibrational emotions.

For example, you may be eating real low vibrational food that will keep you in a lower vibration state for eating deep fried foods. If you're eating a lot of heavy meats, if you're doing that keeps you in a low vibrational state. You may be around people that are just complaining all day. Well, guess what? That may keep blocks inside of your energetic field. Inside the lower three Chakras. Maybe complaining about someone, you may be listening to it. You might be absorbing some of their vibration. So, I'll read some of their resistance. You may be watching the news watching the news made two, new to a frequency is less than what you want and it may be causing blocks in your level of survival because you feel like if you go out, there's things that bad that can happen. Because when you're watching the news, you feel the same way you see.

So, pay attention to the attachments you have to the activities you do, attachments you have to the people that you're around. These attachments keep you in low frequency states. So these are the three things blocking you from raising your frequency and getting into your heart Chakra. And those things include the anger you may have towards other people. The positionalities you have start to heal it. Understand that as you heal it, you forgive. Let go of it within your energetic structure and you start to resonate with the new reality. I understand that you can let go of the need to control everything in your life and that as you begin to do that, you will raise your frequency. You allow something better to come in, and then as you accept the moment to be, your life will begin to transform in a powerful way.

You can let go of that resistance by knowing everything is where it should be in by you allowing the moment to be. Everything will then become okay. So, if you also want a meditation, I'll help you raise into your heart center. Let's talk for 21 days and they will change your life. It'll help you to raise your vibrational set point. Other than that, as always, peace, much love and namaste.

Reality Transurfing “Frailing” Technique for Attracting What You Want Faster

I'm going to share with you a reality transurfing technique called “Frailing” that I think can completely transform your life. I'm going to share with you ways of applying it so that you really get what you want much faster.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm gonna be sharing a technique that is called Frailing within the book of Reality Transurfing. Now, before I do that, I'm kind of explaining reality just to help really wire it in. If you've heard me talk about it before, but also in case you haven't heard of it before, reality transurfing is more so than just a manifestation process. It's a philosophy for a way of seeing the world that when we start to adopt some of these ideas into our life and integrate them and see, you know, kind of from that point of view, it makes us see everything differently.

Now, originally I was recommended the book from a friend and I started reading it and I was like, OK, this is really cool. Let me apply some of these ideas, and I started to apply them in my life and within a week or two just stinks. It was like I was allowing things to happen. I started to really shift my perception on different ideas and that changed everything. So now what I do is I just want to share this with you guys because I want you guys to have the same type of expansive type perspective that I had a couple of months ago. So, reality transurfing is a book that was written in Russia by a quantum physicist named the Deem Zealand and the book is now being translated to a whole bunch of different languages and more and more people are getting to know the book.

The idea behind reality transurfing is understanding that there are an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. Which makes sense. Since he is a quantum physicist. The guy that wrote it, and it comes from this awareness that since there are an infinite number of parallel realities in the book, this is called the alternative space. The idea is that what helps us to create what we want in our life is to set intentions. If we simply set more intentions, we will start to experience more of what we want in our life. The idea is every choice that we make is putting us on a certain “life track” that is going in a certain direction. Now, in general, most people just don't have a direction for where they're going because they don't set intentions. So first things first. If you simply set more intentions, you're going to start to change your life.

Now, the difference between intention and desire is that desire comes from a place of lack. Anytime we say I really want that, or vibrationally saying, I really don't have it. So the key is to set intentions and knowing that as we do that we are getting closer and closer to what we want, but also the intentions as part of the feeling of itself. You feel like you're going in a certain direction. Now, another part of Understanding Reality Transurfing is this idea of what are called pendulums. Now, pendulum is a thought structure that is created for many people thinking of similar thoughts. The idea is this, every single person has a certain layer for the way that they see the world. The layer is their perceptions, their beliefs about how things are and that layer goes into the world or the also the alternative space.

The idea is as we think certain things, those thoughts have an electromagnetic type energy even if we can't physically see it. Now, since we have collective consciousness, we have so many people thinking in similar ways, the thoughts that are similar, the beliefs that are similar, link up and create thoughts, structures that continue to run itself out. Now, this is what people call many times social conditioning. We think sometimes we're thinking our own thoughts when in reality we are thinking the thoughts of a pendulum. We are going around and we're thinking of maybe some type of a news idea. Anytime we see the news, that is a pendulum and the pendulums always want to suck the energy out of this. They want to maintain a life they want to exist, so what happens is we feel kind of compulsive towards a say in something specific or thinking something Pacific and that becomes something that we started to emotionally feel.

We've start to, in a way emotionally charge it. Now there are pendulums around being a certain culture. There are pendulums all the way to being a part of certain political parties. Whether you're Republican or Democrat, you're part of the pendulum and whether you agree or disagree, you're also part of the pendulum because anytime you negate something and you argue with something, you're still feeding the pendulum. So there are pendulums around sports teams just about anything you can imagine. So the idea behind this is to be aware of what your own thoughts are to what are the thoughts of pendulums that are running most people's life experience. You know the pendulums around you have to go to college, you have to do this, you have to do that in this kind of like a habitual hypnosis that a lot of people are under. The great news is the moment you become aware of this, you can start to take your power back and say, I choose to think and be who I prefer to be.

You can start to become aware of it and then you can start to change it in a very powerful way. Now, the other concept of Understanding Reality Transurfing has to do with understanding how to decrease the level of importance. There's these balancing factors that come into play and anytime we give something excess meaning, meaning we make it so important, we also create on the other side of that a balancing mechanism that must balance it out. Now, this is why if you really want something and you put yourself a lot of pressure towards getting it, you may feel the resistance and that resistance therefore creates it so that you don't experience what you want.

So, the key to this is to lessen the degree of importance, and as you do that, you so resonate with your desires. If you are making a certain amount of money per year and you want to make quads ripple that, but you don't know how to do it, and you make it very, very, important that you do, most likely, unless you take action with that and you dissipate that desire, you dissipate that important.

That's one way of doing it because then you get out of the intellectual of it, you know, making it so important, you kind of start to put it in motion. Unless you do that, what will happen is those balancing factors will make it so that you don't get it because vibrationally you're not resonated with it naturally. So decrease the level of importance. Realize you're OK either way, and as you go about it, then you simply intend for things to happen. Things happen in a much more powerful way. Now the last thing I'll explain in this is because this goes into the technique of failing, is understanding inner intention and outer intention. Intention is the will and the drive that we have to change our life experience, so it's almost a process that we go about the movement that we have through these different parallel realities towards us experiencing that which we want, so this is the will that we have.

This is like the take action type mentality and inner intention can be very powerful. However, on the other side of that, there is something called outer intention. Now, outer intention is more so the trust in the universe that we have. It's more so focusing on the end outcome and not being attached to how things happen. Whereas more so inner intention is about what can we do, so this is more of a trust that you can have. Outer intention can be very powerful about mainly focusing on the outcome of what you want to experience and trusting that that will get brought to you. Also maybe having certain beliefs about who you are, like things happened to me in a very nice way. I am very lucky. Those are overarching beliefs that will help outer intention and I have other videos on our intention as well. In case you're interested in finding out more.

However, now what I'm going to be explaining to you is frailing. Now, once you are able to let go of importance, you're able to see it as natural for you to experience what you want and if you guys want a free meditation that will help you to decrease the level of importance I've created. One that I think that if you listen to for 21 days will absolutely transform your life and it'll help you resonate with your desires. Go ahead and download that and start to really tap into that and also wire in a lot of the reality of transurfing ideas and that will help because then when you get to Frailing, what Frailing is, any time you want something from somebody else, what you do is you realize that one motivation you can use is to tap into other people's inner intention.

So this is relevant in many different areas, but behind this is realizing that everybody has a certain motivation, everybody has a certain intention and when you start and if you see that somebody has something you want to work with somebody for example, what you can do is work with their inner intention and if you give them that which they already want, you're going to start to resonate with them. The idea behind Frailing is that if there's something that you want and you give that to somebody else and you help somebody else achieve that, you are then going to help create that for yourself. So this is kind of like the golden rule. What you put out is what you get back. And I really believe this because what I used to do is almost like I used to work in a competitive sales environment at the old job that I had before.

I did Youtube full time and I remember that it was a direct reflection. I would get paid only commission. So it's not like I had to kind of work to get what I made and you know, it changes every day, but what I realized is when I wanted other people to succeed that I worked with and when I helped other people achieve their goals, my goals would naturally be met. It was kind of a funny paradox and I really believe this to be true, but it's like what you put out is what you get back. Now. This is the best part. One of the reason is because of the vibrational frequency of giving something to someone else is very similar to the vibrational frequency of receiving that same thing. Now the reason is when you give something to someone else, there is a generally positive feeling that comes with that.

So if you help somebody, even if you were to give someone money, right? Even if you were to give a homeless person money, the person that would benefit would be the person getting the money that has something to eat. But a lot of times giving that person money, there's a vibration that comes with that because then you feel good and that feel good, works all the way around. So it's almost like you start to tap into really feeling good. That's why some people will give away a lot of their money because it makes them feel a certain way. Also, many times when that happens, they create some type of energy that you put out is what you get back and it comes back anyways. So this is about being aware if there is, let's say you want to attract relationship into your life. Maybe help somebody else attract relationship into their life somehow.

Maybe start connecting other people together and as you start to align with their inner intention, guess what? Either somebody may return the favor and started thinking of, you'd be like, you know what? I have somebody that I think you'd be very well with like you would. You'd really dig and then they make something happen. Or maybe you start to align to the inner intention of someone that you like a business opportunity that she wanted to be into. You know, this is also the important part, I think of this when it comes to Frailing, when it comes to marketing. What you do in order to get your name out there is you literally line up to other people's inner intention of what they want to learn. That's what I do. What I did to grow on Youtube and to grow my brand is I literally sat there and thought, what is the person who was watching me?

What do they want to know? More of what will help transform their life? And as I saw that, I was like, OK, This is what I will share. And by tapping into the audience's inner intention, I'm able to add value in such a way to where the side effect of that is people subscribed, abundance and helping people in this general. So you see what I mean? It's almost like the giving is where then it's like everything just works around because I am tapping into other people's inner intention. So you can use this for just about anything. You can use this in order to tap into the frequency of what you want to, but realize that whatever you're focused on is whatever you're vibrating with and what you can begin to do is to begin to focus on ways that you can align with other people's inner intention.

You still want to be under purpose. I'm not saying that completely given what your purpose and just start being a people pleaser. What I am saying is if there's something that you want maybe start kind of experimenting with, how can I practice this in my daily life? How can I help other people maybe you attain the same level of thing and if you're trying to sell a product or you're in some type of business, realized the best thing you can do is serve the needs of the people that are your customers. That's what I do. I look at ways that I can transform people's lives from an it point of their inner intention, and guess what a side effect of that is abundance. Most people just kind of focus on what they could get out of it. You know, this was something else I realized when I used to sell, right?

I used to sell commission job, like I was saying, I sold women's shoes were like 1200 bucks that are very expensive and I did that for years while I was going to college and before I quit going at that job because now I do Youtube full time, so this is one of the things I notice if I went into work and I had this mentality of how much money can I make? How much money can, how many shoes can I sell to make money? Guess what? A lot of resistance came with that and I wouldn't do as well as if I went in and I thought to myself, OK, I have a certain goal. What I want to make, how can I provide this much value to the people that I help? How can I help them and how can I align with them? Now this what it does, it helps you align with their inner intention.

Their inner intention is not to give you money so that you can make your goal for the day. Their inner intention is, Hey, I'm interested in buying shoes, I'm interested in having a certain feeling when I'm wearing these shoes, and the idea is that because I was able to tap into that inner intention, guess what? When I would do that, I would have the best days, I would surpass my goals or I would at least hit my goals for that day and everything went really well and I learned that through repetition because a lot of times I'd fall into the old habits of like, you know the, you know because you only get paid based on commission. What you want to do is align with other people's inner intention. If you are selling something and understand that you can practice this Frailing technique by giving away that which you want to create in your life, in that by giving it away, the frequency of it is the same as also receiving it.

So the more you do this, the more that you see that this is a powerful technique you can use for communication with other people, selling products, marketing yourself, and understand in general that we are all connected in that when we begin to tap into this unity type field, we start to really put out that which we want to experience. Everything can begin to change.

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