3 Things ALL Starseeds Do in Dreamstate (and don’t even know it)

I'm going to be sharing with you three things that all starseeds do in their dream state and don't even know it. Once you know these three things I'm about to share with you, you're going to see your life in a completely different way and it's going to activate you at a completely new way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things that all starseeds do when they're in a dream state at night but aren't even aware of it because the thing is there is a veil of forgetfulness for when we wake up in this reality.

We wouldn't be able to perceive all of it because our brain, the 3D physical brain is only able to Cape and capable of, of dissecting or integrating so much information. It can't decipher a whole bunch of different layers of reality all at once because that's not what it's designed to do. First off, there's this underlying knowing and sense that you are any mortal, spiritual being, having a temporary human experience and beyond just that.

The thing is if you're even clicking on this video, then I want you to know as well you are a star seat. A start. A seed is someone who is aware of these different multidimensional levels and who is aware that they are here to wake up and to help other people awaken. You are literally carrying light with you everywhere you go, even if you're not aware of it and that light, that awareness, even being interested in this kind of information is going to trickle out in ways you don't even understand.

It's going to influence people at subconscious levels and it's going to start to plant seeds of awakening with other people. That's what a star seed is. And let me tell you something you wouldn't have perceived of this video if you weren't a star seed. You can only perceive that which you are the vibration of. If you're here right now, then first off you are a star seed. This video is directly relevant to you regardless of your age.

You may say, well, I'm only 15 years old. Does this relate to me? You may say I'm 50 years old or whatever age you are. If you're here right now, then you are a star seed. You are someone that is here to awaken other people. Even at a subconscious level. It's like I'm not saying that you need to get on YouTube and make videos like me.

You may if that's what you want to do, but I'm just saying by you being you, by you being into this kind of information, you're already waking up people on the planet. The truth is we are multidimensional beings living a temporary human experience. Because we exist at multiple different facets at the same time and our being is so much more than we can even possibly imagine.

It is not relevant for us to understand everything all at this moment because this is the thing. The body that we inhabit is a vehicle where any mortal spiritual being before we were in this life. We were a nonphysical spirit that wasn't limited by that of the physical body that says a lot of times the reason babies cry is that when babies cry when they're being born, they are aware that they're in a confined body.

Again, it is not the most comfortable thing, so that is the understanding of who you really are because you, this body is an Avatar. But see, we grow up in life believing that our Avatar is who we are when in actuality our Avatar is just something we use. Our ego is just something we use. We don't have to fight the ego. We don't have to crush the ego. We just are aware that the ego is a part, but not completely who we are.

We don't want to identify with it completely. Understanding this, we can then see that right now on the planet is a time of awakening. You see, you have existences at many different levels. Some people and souls are connected to many different parts of the universe. The reason being is because, think about it, you're an immortal, spiritual being, limited temporary human experience.

Would you just in Carney on one planet over and over and over again, when you're this vast spiritual being or would you have many different existences at different levels? These are all the most stereotypical understandings, but the universe is so much more vast than even that. But you see, this is the thing, we are now on the planet becoming aware of this.

Many of these different existences in levels are higher vibrational and we're all connected to it. We are connected to these higher vibrational states. Here's the thing that changed my life. Knowing this one idea, this one thing. The first one I'm going to share with you is what you're doing at night when you go to bed that you don't even, you're not even aware of.

If you think that you're dreaming at night, you think you're going to bed in your dreaming. When you are in your body, you are having an experience in reality through the five senses using the Avatar ego self. When you go to bed at night, you shed your body. You don't shed it like you, you, you leave your body and you go into what is called your astral body. The physical body does not limit your astral body and then you have all this flexibility to move around. You can do a whole bunch of different things.

What happens is when you wake up in the morning, you're Astrobotic is coming back into that of your physical body. There's this small little buffer of subconscious, subconscious messages you may give of these things that happened in your dreams, which were just dreams are just symbolic representations of a, maybe a communication from your spiritual guides, from higher self, whatever it is, but all you're seeing with your dreams is you coming back into your body.

This little window of like the 5 or 10 minutes you coming back in. However, when you go to bed at night you are awake to higher levels of consciousness and you are also doing work because as a star seat you came here to awaken not just in 3D physical life but in higher dimensional states as well. When you go to bed at night, you are teaching, you are learning, you are teaching, you are helping other people.

You may be having conversations with your parents. Maybe right now in this life and awake state, maybe an awake state you haven't in your family and your friends don't get you many times. The star sheets, that's very common because you are, you may be passionate about it. I know that when I went through my awakening, but there was spiritual awakening opens up my eyes to all of these things, so passionate about it.

My vibration rate's so high. I go out there thinking, everyone's going to love hearing about this. This is back in 2011 2012 everyone is going to love knowing about this, so what do I do? I've gone out, Yo Dad, what's up dad? Listen, we're connected to extra-terrestrial racist. We're connected to these higher dimensional states of consciousness where your mortal spirits of being, live in temporary human experiences and then go into friends and family.

Listen, we're sending our vibration this time of planet, of awakening, of understanding more of who we are and guess what happened? Everyone said, yeah, nope, that's not what happened. That's not how it happened at all. People looked and we're like, what the hell are you talking about, Bro? Just drink with us. Just chill and smoke some hookah. My Dad is like, “Yo, just watch football. What are you talking about?” All this stuff and thought it was weird, but guess what?

Even though it's weird here and we're becoming aware of how to do this easier and more and more people are waking up now too, which is awesome. It's honestly phenomenal how quickly people are waking up. I'm making videos on star seeds right now and it feels comfortable. It feels natural. And there are so many people reaching out to me and there are videos that it just, I can tell it resonates with people. It's a time of awakening on the planet.

But when you go to bed at night, maybe your parents and your family and your friends don't get it in your physical life, but maybe in their astral bodies, you're helping them work through it. You're like, “Yo Jim, I know that you think I'm weird, but guess what?” This is a part of the process. And he's like, I know, but my physical body and ready to understand it.

Let's find out if I can see it like this or like this. And you're helping them. In higher dimensional states, you see, there's a whole another world that happens when you go to bed at night. But when you wake up in the morning, there's this veil of forgetfulness and you'll forget it all. You don't remember it until it's relevant. In this slide, we will become more relevant to this buffer. There are many civilizations on this planet that have moved from a 3D level, not on this planet.

There are many civilizations in the universe that it moves from a 3D level of consciousness to a four or 5D level of consciousness. And what happens is the merge, the dream life with the awake life, we literally become our higher selves. We raise our vibrations, and that's what's happening on the planet right now.

When you go to bed every single night, you are waking to higher states of consciousness. You feel more unconditional love and bliss. And you can even imagine, and right now in this life, you're just not aware of it. It's okay. But we're becoming more aware of this and another way you can become more aware of this as the meditate, meditate more, connect with your higher self, connect with your heart center, which is connected to this astral body and the connection to these higher dimensional states of consciousness.

That's how you get this information. People ask me all the time, where do you get your information? How do you know this stuff? Well, what I do is I get into a flow state. I connect in meditation to my higher self and I allow this information to come through. But when you go through a spiritual awakening, it's things you just naturally know, like you as a star seat, you intuitively deep down, no, you aren't in star seat, which is just a label.

It's a convenient label for understanding that you're multidimensional, but you woke up first and you're here to plant the seeds into other people literally and to help them know that they are also from the stars. That we have connections at many different layers and that's what we're becoming aware of.

The second thing that you do when you go to bed at night as a star seat that you don't even know you're doing is you're actually planning out your next day. Not completely, there's free will here but there are certain probability factors that your higher self understands and what you're doing is you're planning out your day to learn certain things because right now on the planet is a quickening of vibration and we're able to get through so much Karma so fast.

It's happening so fast. Right now, there's a lot of this processing coming up, all this emotion coming up, you maybe you feel it. Do you feel this emotion coming up? Do you feel these past experiences coming up that map now you feel like you're dealing with? This is why you are completing the past. You do not repeat the past and you're going through it right now and you're going through it now and other people are going through it.

But you may be going through at first that you can help other people go through it later because then they're going to be freaking out and think about it. We're waking up first, you know, millions and billions of people on the planet that are in the process of waking up, but at the very early stages of going into it and imagine they look around and they're scared and they're feeling all this emotion come up.

They're not understanding it. And they look at you and they're like, remember that guy or that girl we, I used to think they were kind of weird, but guess what? They're so calm and collected and they're admitting so much light. They look so happy. I'm going to go to them for advice. You see, that's how it works. When you go to bed at night, you are also planning out certain probability factors.

I believe there are many things in my life that I can become aware of. There are certain people that are brought into my life relationships where I could tell that my higher self or our higher selves or getting us to link up together. We're getting certain synchronicities in our life to pop into our experience. And it's just a matter of time because there is free will but your higher self is working with you at night to help you in this process.

And you are literally looking at certain probabilities and certain things, maybe even appointments at other people's higher selves. For example, you may be into something to where you are having an experience with someone and you get up with their higher self and you say, hey, how about we run into each other at the supermarket this day? And then you gave me this, you're, you're thinking about something or you're getting something.

And we started this conversation and something ends up progressing to then go into a class together or something like that. You never know. But these are things that you do. You look at your day and you find out the probabilities of what may or may not happen and you help link it up. That's why it's important to also be tuned to your higher self. Be tuned to your intuition because the more you listen to that intuition, the more you quickly work through things.

That is what it's about. The third thing that all starts, he's doing their dream state, but they don't even know. It has to do with just understanding that this life right now is a dream. You are dreaming. You are dreaming that in this physical reality that everything that feels so physical because we can perceive it through our physical senses, we assume that everything is solid. But remember in quantum physics, things are both a wave and the particle.

They're both solid and vibrational and this reality is your dream state and you don't even know it. You're dreaming right now and because you're dreaming right now because this reality is more flexible than you can even imagine. Guess what? Manifestation is easier than you can even imagine because when you know that first off, you are a divine immortal, spiritual being. The energy from which you then go to create what you want in your life becomes much more flexible.

If you think everything is very solid and real, then it's harder for you to manifest because you have to try to create something from over there and bring it into here. That thing over there, it's just a vibration that is holding itself together, but it is moving. It is a wave and a particle. When you become aware that this life is a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become.

You're dreaming right now. You are an immortal, spiritual being living a temporary human experience. You have forgotten that you are dreaming and now you are waking up because you're awake, that you're a star seed. And part of being a star seat does. Understanding that this is a dream of life in 3D physical reality, but that at a higher level you exist an unconditional love and bliss and you're waking up to that right now.

You are a star seed. You are waking up to this, does this resonate with you? Let me know in the comments book business resonate with you. Is this resonating at a deep level? Some of it can be kind of mind-blowing because it's like, well what do you mean this is a dream? It feels so real. This is just a long consistent dream.

The thing is when we go to bed at night, we have certain dreams and yes, when you go to bed at night you are having some dreams, but these dreams are normally symbolic representations of things that you can bring in your 3D reality because think is one thing and the higher dimensions you do things beyond the five senses. How can a body and a brain that only interprets reality through reference experiences up through the five senses understand something that happens beyond the five senses?

There's no way for it to really understand it. We get these little symbolic representations. This is what I doing. I've been having a lot of people reach out to both Leeor and me say that we've been in their dreams at night. And it's funny because I've had two or three people tell me that there's this one dream they'd had where I'm driving in a car with them, showing them different roads they can go on now.

He could be that. I'm just showing them different paths that they can go on. Showing them different ways, different outcomes, different parallel realities. They can shift to different manifestations they could have. It could be that. It could be that I'm just a symbol that I'm not really in the dream, but we're all connected anyway, so it really doesn't matter. We're all connected in this dream of life.

We use certain symbols, represents certain things to us. I'm on YouTube, I'm in the public light. So many people may say, Aaron, you're in my dream. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. Maybe I am just a symbol. In reality in there really is no me. This is when we get even deeper. As you could see how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. Do you know? Here's the thing though, in totality, in summary, you already a mortal spiritual being, living a temporary human experience.

You exist at many different levels at the same time, wouldn't you go to bed at night? You are awaking, you are teaching, you are planting seeds, you are helping people, you are doing things, you can't even imagine it. But then you wake up in the morning and you forget that cause there's a veil of forgetfulness. It's not necessarily always relevant.

Most people, if they remembered what it's like in the higher dimensions, they may not really want to be here, but you are now waking up to this. The other thing that you do every single night when you go to bed as you plan out your next day is what's going to happen?

What kind of probabilities factors can come into play, not the whole thing, my new lead, but you do plan it out in general. And then the third thing is you are dreaming right now and you're becoming aware of this. And the more you realize your life is a dream, the more flexible your life will become, the more magical life your life will become and the more things will manifest easier than ever.

3 Ways Your Spirit Guides Communicate With You

I'm going to be sharing with you three ways that spirit guides communicate with you and you may not even know it. These are things that once you know change the whole way you see yourself and who you are as a spiritual being.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three ways that spirit guides connect to you and are communicating with you. There are ways that a lot of people don't even think of because normally we think of like a certain type of way that this will happen or what are even spirit guides.

I'll talk a little bit about that as well, but there's a lot of comfort in knowing that first off you are in the mortal spiritual being, living a temporary human experience and even though it may appear that you are alone in your life, you actually have guidance every step of the way.

You have spirit guides that are connected to you. This spirit guides simply mean that they are not currently physical, but they are able to in a way see more than you can see in your current life because right now you're perceiving life through the senses.

You're perceiving life through the eyes of your ego and you may shift that from that ego into more of an expanded state. However, in general, we normally identify with our ego. We identify with the experience we're having it. Because of that, we end up in a way scaling ourselves from the larger picture. We're not necessarily all supposed to know the past, present, and future of everything that's going to happen to us.

However, our spirit guides have a connection to us to where they're able to see further down the road. Spirit guides are able to see probability factors, so maybe where you're currently are in your life and they know that if they help you make a couple, you're going to make the decision because you have free will, but they're going to help you, maybe guide you.

That's why it's called a spirit guide you to making certain choices that then allow for a new timeline. One little choice you make sometimes can change your timeline quite a bit. What our spirit guides are they are nonphysical entities that we are connected to and that are guiding us through the process of this life experience. And they are always with you always.

That's the thing we can have comfort in as well. They're with you when you're feeling at your lowest low. The thing is when you're at your lowest low, you're not necessarily in the vibrational state normally that they can perceive of that guidance. However, you can change your state and get there.

However, it's comforting to know that you are always supported. You always have that spirit guide or many guides with you around your energy field that is helping you in this process that you have in your life.

The spirit guides are always with you and they're simply nonphysical entities that we can't see. Our spirit guides can be many different things. They can be souls that we knew in past lives. Spirit guides can be that of our star family because we're multidimensional beings. We exist here right now, but we also exist in higher states of consciousness and also in different star systems.

We didn't incarnate all of our immortal, spiritual beings on just earth the whole entire time that earth has been around. We've also been other places, every single person on the planet, but what we call star seeds are people that are just aware of that and that are bringing through that information in this life. And what's happening is we also have a galactic family and our galactic family may also be part of our spirit guides.

It could be our higher selves in many different ways. These are all options as to what our spirit guides can be. But in general, our spirit guides come from a higher vibration than where we currently are in our physical life. And they come from love, light, and awareness. They are more aware of our life then we consciously are because they are able to see the full spectrum.

There's a couple of different ways that spiritual guidance we'll communicate with us. A lot of times you could say the most traditional one is through meditation. Meditation is something that I get into, and I'm able to get guidance as to what to do or how to be. That really helps. Even in my life now, the more that I go and I meditate on certain things, the more I find that clarity and I find that way of how to show up in the world and I know that by allowing it by focusing on it, it's allowing this information to come through.

Because the thing is a lot of times the ego will block the communication coming from our spirit guides because the ego thinks it knows everything and they want to control everything. But what if you were to surrender and allow your guides to show you certain things? You allow that actually to come through in a much easier way.

There are three things I want to share with you of ways you may not know that your spirit guides at communicating with you. And the first one is that of understanding what are called downloads. It sounds kind of like the movie matrix or something or he's getting downloaded a certain program. He's there like this. He's like Morpheus. I need to learn how to do something like this is like, okay, pushes a buddy's like this.

These downloaded little bit different than that, although kind of similar in some ways a download. You understand we have an energy field that goes around us and what can happen is our spirit guides can literally put like a little packet of information, an idea that we may think is our own idea, but it may be a certain type of guided idea.

And of course, this has also agreed to at a higher level. It's not like these beans are infusing us with like control, manipulation. It's more so they're able to assist us because they are other aspects of us or they are in loving communication with us. Something that might happen is there may be some type of download that our spirit guide puts inside of our energy field that then makes us feel an urge to do something or gives us a certain creative idea that we write down.

It could be many different things like this. This actually happened to me yesterday is what inspired this blog? And this is going to sound really small. It's going to sound like Bro, why that, you know, is that really from your spirit guides? Here's what happened yesterday though. I got these new water filters for this alkaline water machine that I have and this machine has these three different filters and it took him about 23 minutes to put them in and I put them all in and I then I'm like, okay, I'm going to fill up my water.

I have a gallon of water that I fill up and these filters are expensive too. They're about 500 bucks, so it's not cheap. There's a reason I'm telling you that by the way. What I did is I put the water there and then I went and I left the water filling up and I totally forgot about it.

I forgot about it for probably about an hour. For an hour, I don't know how long exactly it was, but it was a while for an hour. This water bottle, this gallon water is being filled up and it's just overflowing into a sink. It's not like a flooded or anything. However, these are brand new filters. You can only have a thousand gallons go through these filters before I have to buy new ones.

And I was inside of my living room doing something and I had this random idea as to go check out my garage, like why I felt like going into my garage. My laundry room is right here and you go through my laundry room to get to my garage. And I wanted to go to my garage because I have a sauna in one of my rooms and I want to put that into the garage because I'm going to have that room be more of a creative type room.

I was like, oh, I wonder if the sauna will fit in there. And what I do is I go, I opened up the door and I hear the water and I have a water fountain here too, so I didn't hear the water because I thought it was just the water fountain that I have. Right. You kind of see it the corner right here. What I did is I go in there, I'm like, oh there it is. And I look at it, 60 gallons have gone through the sixties a lot. That's more than I've ever used at once before.

And it can burn out the machine. It's an expensive machine as well, but everything was fine with it, but 60 gallons going through it and only has a thousand-gallon limit. It's almost a 10th of it all in like an hour that I wasn't aware that it was on.

And I was just kind of aware then that, that I just knew that that thought to go to the garage wasn't my own. Like I wasn't really interested in where should I figure this out right now. It's 10:30 at night. What should I figure out? What the sauna in the room. But I simply knew that it was, my guide is looking out for me. My guides had my back and I was like, thank you, thank you. Like I just feel gratitude for things like that. You'll feel little urges like that little synchronicities like I want to go do this.

And sometimes those things can be there because then it helps you to understand this process and it helps you to understand that you are always guided. You know, they were just looking out for me, it's not a small thing, you know, it wasn't a life-shattering thing or like to here's this same idea that's going to heal you and transmute this or that.

But it was just like, it was just a, if I would have left that on all night, it would've, it would've burned out to the machine and it had been a, you know, $3,000 machine gone with really expensive filters. I feel like, I feel like those were my guys or it was my guys that were showing me, hey, go do this so that you know, you don't have to deal with this later on.

And there's been other times as well. I don't know if this is necessarily a spiritual guide type thing. This is like a synchronicity type thing. I remember this is like three or four years ago I had to get, I was about to, my dad's a firefighter, so he has really good insurance and the, up until I was a certain age I had insurance under my dad and that insurance was really good.

Anything that I needed to get done, it was like really cheap copay. It was really easy for me to get done. And at the time I had a nine to five job working at Nordstrom selling woman's shoes, I think. No, I was at Barneys, New York, selling women's shoes at that time. Insurance was about to expire in two weeks and I was like, kind of, do I need to get anything done?

And not really all of a sudden, I get this, this powerful jaw, this powerful toothache. And I'm like, why am I getting this to fake? It was so painful and I couldn't figure out why, but what it was it might as well my wisdom teeth were coming in and now I'm in my twenties. I'm in my 23 years old and my wisdom tooth is coming through and as my wisdom teeth are coming through, there's this intense pain in my jaw and I was able to make an appointment and they literally, within the last week of having my insurance, I was able to get my wisdom teeth taken out.

And that would, would have been like, it would've been like 1000 bucks. And at the time 1000 bucks was a lot because of where I was working and I wasn't saving my money necessarily. And instead, it was like 15 it was like 15 or 50 bucks because of my dad's insurance.

That was another sign to me, even though that was maybe a little bit different because it wasn't like a spirit guide is like, Hey, but I feel like certain things are orchestrated so that certain things happen if you're open to it. And I always just trust that process. I was just aware that dude, what are the synchronicity that my whole life I haven't had to worry about wisdom teeth. I haven't felt it or anything. All of a sudden, I start to feel the pain and then I have to go get it fixed. Do you see?

It's interesting to me how that works, but that's, that's how it works. That's how it works is we have that guidance and when we're aware of it, these things happen for us and we can really align with it in a powerful way. The second way that your guides communicate with you is actually in a dream state. In your dream state, when you go to bed at night, set the intention that you connect to your guides. Set the intention, you remember your dreams in the morning.

You see your dreams are not actually what's happening when you go to bed at night. They are symbolic representations of a lesson or things that your subconscious mind can absorb. But when you go to bed at night, what you're really doing is you're waking up to higher states of consciousness and you're going into your astral body and the higher states of consciousness.

And when you wake up in the morning and you're going back into your body and as you go back into your body, there's this little buffer where you get these messages where you get these downloads also kind of like downloads and their subconscious ways that your brain can understand higher dimensional information. You may have a dream or something happens and something great happens or the opposite.

And a lot of times that can just be a symbol for something that was happening and something that you can learn from. I get messages all the time from my guides and from my higher self about what is happening in my life, straight themes I'm working through and something that can help for this as well as to actually write a dream journal. Write up every morning you wake up right down here a little synopsis of your dreams because that will help you to remember for the next day.

You get into the pattern of it. It becomes easier and easier. But understand that your physical mind can't necessarily interpret the higher dimensions because we can only, our mind can only regurgitate old reference experiences and related in terms of reference experience, there's no reference experience our brain has for higher dimensional realities. The way that we can understand that there is physical 3D mind is limited.

We get symbolic representations of what that is via dreams and symbols. Be aware of what that is. Set the intention. When I go to bed at night, I said a grid around my room that that brings in protection and love. And I asked for my guides to help me with that process. And then what I do is I go through and just simply know that when I wake up in the morning, I set the intention that I remembered my dreams.

I set the intention that I remember what I'm working through and how I can best move through all through everything. And as I wake up in the morning, I remember my dreams, I remember what it happening. And it's all has deep meaning. It has a deep purpose. If you start to do it, maybe it takes a while to get this momentum, but as you go, you will start to see these things happening.

The third way that your spirit guides communicate with you and you may not even know, is just simply through signs and through having things poke out at you, having little things come out and shoot and you have to trust the feeling when you see this. And the way that you get there is you go more inside of your body, in your gut and in your heart versus just in your head.

And you could do this when you're at a coffee shop and somebody in front of you is talking about something and the conversation kind of pops out at you. Well, there may be certain times that your spirit guides kind of tell you to perk up your ears and listen to this. And as you listen to it, you're like, wow, this is something very powerful and this is something I can apply in my own life.

Your spirit guides, many times we'll give you some type of signs. Start to use that though. The thing is those signs are meaningless until you start to give them some type of meaning as in you're looking out for it. Something I would do sometimes says, give me a sign that this is the right direction. Give me a sign of what I should do for x, y, z and I'll get certain signs.

It'll be like something happens where someone says something to me randomly that they think is that they're just telling me, but I'm like, oh, I see deeper relevance in this. There's more truth than this, and I can see, but you have to, it's almost like intentions. You set more intentions. Your life will transform. Set more of those intentions for those signs to come to fruition. Say I asked for my guys for a sign as to what I could be doing for my passion for living and be open the next three weeks, month, whatever.

Be open to what comes up and don't be attached to the house because the spirit guides, we'll bring it in and whatever way it's meant to come in. Understand that you are connected. Understand that your spiritual guides or just simply nonphysical entities that are connected you with love, with light, they have the best interest at heart for you.

The TRUTH on Ghosts, Astral Projection and Dreams NO ONE TELLS YOU

I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on ghosts, astral projection and dreaming that no one tells you. This is going to be a perspective that really sets it into place, that you understand this at a deep level and you'll start to relate to life in a completely new way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on what are called ghosts. That of understanding astral projection and dreaming and a totally new way. Well, you are going to start to see yourself and a completely new way in this process because this is the thing we grow up thinking that we are this avatar body, that we are experiencing our reality through the sentences which we do.

We experience reality through the five senses, but what we are told growing up is that this is who we are. We are the accumulation of the reference experiences we've had. We are our ego. The ego is a part of something. We're having a 3D experience with, but it is not just who we are. The truth is you, me, we are all immortals.

Spiritual beings live in temporary human experiences. When we get lost in thinking that this is all that we are, we a lot of times create a lot of resistance because we are living in an illusion or disillusion that this is what's actually real and when we identify with it, we then start to give things such seriousness. We start to create resistance and we end up actually resisting and feeling more negative emotions, lower vibrational emotion.

Here is the truth. When it comes to this process, the way you're going to understand this is going within yourself. When I tell you these things, experience it for yourself. Go within yourself, see if it resonates, meditate on it. This is how I come into understanding more of all of these ideas I share in my channel. I made 900 videos are more on this channel. The way I get information is to write, tap into a larger part of me, the soul part of me beyond the ego, and by doing so I'm able to bring back certain things which is really just bringing it in, grounded it in here.

Here's the thing about ghosts, ghosts, we'll start off there. We live our lives thinking that we are our ego like I was mentioning a couple of seconds ago. When we are looking and seeing that of the different things in our lives for we are perceiving of other people, we are seeing through the eyes of the Avatar.

However, the Avatar, which is the 3D physical body, whatever we want to call it, however, at a greater level, at a greater consciousness level, since we already mortal spiritual beans, what we need to understand is there are different bodies, there are different parts of us, so we have a 3D physical body.

In this reality. When we go to bed and we wake up to what is called our astral body. We have a physical body in an astral body, the astral body, every night when we go to sleep, we are very active in higher dimensional levels of consciousness. We are maybe doing very similar things we're doing here. We're connected to people in our lives in a different way to astral rounds.

Sometimes people assume that when people die, they don't have any communication with them. Many times, you may actually have even more communication with them. In the astral realm and in the astral realm, you're more connected to this higher vibrational state of emotion. You're more connected to love connection. You're more connected than you eat are even here.

Then you can even perceive it because the physical body does not bind you. They say that when babies are born, one of the reasons they cry is because they're just becoming awake. They're in this limited physical structure and it's actually more of a shock when people are born when babies are born than it is when we actually die because all we do when we die is we shed the physical body. We wake up to higher states because in a way, life is like a dream, and I'll talk more about that in a minute.

Here's the thing. When you go to bed at night, you wake up in your astral realm, the astral body, but you and you are doing things that you can't even really imagine right now. But when you wake up in the morning, you forget all of this information. This is why there's a veil of forgetfulness that we experienced that when we wake up, we just don't remember everything we do. Here's why. If you knew every single thing you're doing in the astral realm.

You knew that you felt emotions such as love, joy, peace, bliss, and you woke up here and you're looking around and you're like, "Oh, all of this negativity that's happening, or you find that you're not as happy as you are there, you may just want to leave and go there." You may just and what wouldn't be as relevant for you, but now on the time of the planet is a time of awakening. It is a time of raising our vibration. There is a collective shift in consciousness happened on the planet right now and we signed up for it.

If you're reading this blog right now, if you're even perceiving of it, then you aren't one of the people that is helping to wake up more people. Even if it's just subconsciously. It's just through you being in this information and you may feel like you're into this information. Maybe a lot of your friends and family don't get it.

That's a part of the process because as more and more people wake up, they're going to be looking around like who understands this? They're going to see you grounded and they're going to go to you because they're going to see that you've already dealt with it or that you're going through it or have gone through it and they're going to feel like you are that lighthouse that helps guide them.

For this process, understand when it comes to understanding who you are, you are in the mortal spiritual being, live in a temporary human experience. And you may think that this is who you are, this 3D physical body, but you're so much more. What are ghosts? Ghosts are invisible to our eyes except for some people because some people can perceive them.

And if she had their physical body, that's all. We get these scary connotations to now here's the thing. A lot of time ghost have this ability, what we call a ghost. They're actually astral beans. We think that this is who we are, but we have a ghostly appearance called our astral body, but we're not aware of it. What happens at death? They shed the physical body in the wake up in the astral realm and they're not bound by that, have this 3D dense body.

Then they're able to do things. They're able to go places more flexible. They're able to communicate with more spirits of even alive or not alive but or in 3D whatever it is. However, ghosts are simply people in Astro form that have shed their physical body. Sometimes they may linger around as well because they have an attachment to this 3D reality.

I was on live the other day yesterday and somebody was asking me, they said that they were feeling sad because their brother committed suicide and what I told them is that they still have a connection. The thing is that person, that brother my, my feeling was that this person that said that to me is that their brother actually is staying very attached to this 3D reality through their astro form in guiding this person that was going through that.

When it comes to this process, if I understand that we're immortal, spiritual beings of contemporary human experiences, but if you are here right now, you came here for a purpose, be here now. This is the best time to ever be alive ever on the planet because there is more growth that is going to happen in the next 1520 years than ever happens before because now is the time of ascension. We are ascending our vibration and the thing is we're all doing it in a body.

You see in the past when we transcended from a 3D, or 4D, or 5D level of consciousness, there are beings that would do it in groups, but they would actually leave in physical form. Maybe the Mayans. We could talk about different civilizations on the planet. We've decided that we're all going through this together and it's happening.

It's not going to happen in the future. It is happening now. We are bringing our bodies, our bodies are turning from more carbon base into a crystalline base, which means we can hold lighter, which means we are literally merging with our higher selves. However, when you go to bed at night, you still have this astral presence. You still have this astral body that then travels. Let's talk about astral projection.

Astral projection is something you already do every night. When you go to bed, you are in your astral body. Can you actually project consciously? Yes. Can you do anything in your life consciously? Absolutely. You can do anything consciously. Can you dream consciously? Yes. It's called lucid dreaming. The more aware you become in this life, the more you will become aware of astral life as well. It's a new concept that not a lot of people talk about.

You can use this life as a tool for you to become more present and become more aware. This reality is more flexible than you think. The more you become aware that this life is a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become. The more you emphasize solidity and how solid everything is, the more your life will be that because our beliefs create our reality.

The key to this is being aware that what you can begin to do is you can begin to detach from the solidity of life in general and by doing so you will begin to see that life is meant to be magical. One of my favorite movies. I was wearing a sweater the other day. It's a hard word shirt. I love Harry Potter because Harry Potter is about magic guests. What is higher dimensions? Magic is real. One of the big reasons I think Harry Potter is such a phenomenon is because in different realities that is the norm.

The reason X-men or Marvel I think is such a phenomenon. The movie, the Matrix is such a phenomenon. Phenomenon. I like saying that word phenomenon is because these things resonate with people at a deep level and actuality every night when you go to bed, you are awaking in your Asheville form, which can do literally magic that you can literally go places very quickly.

You're not bound by the 3D physical bodies. That's why in your dream state when you're dreaming at night, these subconscious messages you get will happen instantly. Whereas here we have time, space, reality, but see the more that we give emphasis to as time-space reality, the more things take a lot of effort for things to manifest. This is the thing, things in your life, the more aware you become of the things in your life and why are they there and how are they're there?

The more you're going to gain disability to be consciously aware you Astro, you already asked her project. It's just you're asking, can I do it consciously? Of course, you can do it consciously, but be more conscious in this awake life. Be aware of your beliefs, creating reality. Be aware of the thoughts you're having. Stop reacting to everything.

Understand this is just an Avatar, but you need mortal, spiritual being. You are a divine being made of love, made of light, dreaming that this is who you are and only an identification with the dream. Do you dim your own light, but it's still light? See, this is where all the power comes, so how can you ask her project? Become more aware of your thoughts as you're drifting off, become more aware for something. You can even do it. You can't actually do it until you become aware of it.

I'm actually doing this in my own life right now. I'm becoming more aware of these things in my life that are holding me back. Like I've always identified myself as not being a very visual person. I'm just claircognizant. I just feel information and I give information on YouTube videos like I do and I've done for two years now. However, I'm starting to break apart that belief.

What if I could be more cleric, Clara sentience or Clara? I could see things more clairvoyant, but I'm just telling myself I'm Clara cognitive, so I don't do that. You see, these are all limitations, but what I'm now learning is that what I can begin to do is let that go. And the more I let that go is the more that I begin to raise my own vibration. And the more that I actually started to experience that. For this process in general, when it comes to astral projection, you're already doing it. Set the intention to become more aware of it.

Yes, there are different things you can do, but you first off must know that it is possible. And the way you know is possible is because you're already doing it because you have an astral body. Then what you can do is there are different techniques you can do and there's a, there's a rope technique that you can research on it. That's what I use when I asked her projected and in general for this process, understand that you with this process, it's something you naturally do. It's not something you necessarily have to try to learn to do.

You do it naturally. Become more conscious in your daily life. Become aware of the thoughts you think and how they correlate with your reality and you'll become more conscious in your astral body, in your dream state. Let's talk about dreams for a minute. When you leave your body at night, you're leaving your physical body, you're going into the astral realms, you're doing a whole bunch of stuff you don't even know and you can't even imagine stuff in higher vibrational states beyond the five senses.

When you wake up in the morning, you're coming back into your body in that little buffer. You are coming back into your body. You will get subconscious messages for your, for your physical body, for you to remember things from your guides, doing some of your higher self,

and these are things that can be messages for you, but in actuality you're doing much higher vibrational things and the reality is you just don't even remember. Dreams are more symbolic than anything, but this life is also a dream, a symbolic dream, a dream you're having right now. Because part of this beauty of this life is us becoming aware that it is a dream because as we become aware that it is a dream, we start to gain our power back.

The truth is you're dreaming in the more at night when you go to bed. It's just as you come into the back, into your body from your astral form here, you're getting little messages. You're getting things at your guides. Your higher self is giving you. However, this whole life is a dream, whether you're aware of it or not. And because this life is a dream, it's just a consistent dream that appears real because there's continuity.

But the more you become aware that everything is both a particle and a wave, which is what quantum physics shows us, you can see everything is vibration. We believe it to be real. We experience it as real, but we're becoming more aware that things are flexible. Manifestation is easier than, you know, make it more about the vibration. Understand that you are not just your physical body.

You are so much more. You have an astral body at nighttime, you are awaking to these higher states. You are doing things in your astral body that you can't even imagine. You exist in higher states of consciousness and at the point of death you just let go of the physical body and you become this being, however, you have a purpose for being here. Your purpose is to help other people wake up. Your purpose is to be in your passion and be in the highest vibrational state because that influences other people.

And the more you tap into that, the more you'll find you raise your vibration. Is the best time to be alive than ever before, and if you knew how much of a demand there is to be here on earth right now than you would, you would really start to be grateful for your life in a new way. However, know that you are so much more than you could imagine. I have a meditation that will help you to raise your vibration. As you raise your vibrational set point, you will perceive it more of these things that I'm talking about. It's absolutely free.

3 Things that Make Manifesting in 4D EFFORTLESS

I'm going to be sharing with you three things that make 4D manifestation so much easier. There's a new paradigm on the planet, a new way to create, and this is going to make it so much easier.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things that you can do to make 4D manifestations so much easier because the truth is the vibration on the planet is continuing to raise and as the vibration on the planet raises, what happens is we then have a new paradigm for way of creating what we want. We increase the synchronicity in our life.

You'll notice more and more things just happening. You've been at the right place at the right time and what this is going to allow you to do is to really align with the best version of you because as you raise your vibration, you also feel in an elevated emotion.

You feel better, you feel higher vibe, and this is the process of what we're going through because right now what's happening on the planet is there is a spiritual awakening that is happening at different levels and this awakening has to do with us remembering more of who we are and how we relate to reality itself. When we look at this we could see that there are a few different ways of categorizing what 4D manifestation is.

There are these different perspectives and the easy way for me to explain it as I've explained it in a couple of videos, but I'll go and do it really quick. There's 3D, 4D, and 5D. All of these levels of consciousness are options that we have right now dependent upon our vibration. When you look at that have 3D, that is the paradigm that has been around for a very long time.

3D level of consciousness has been that of duality, which is good, bad light, dark up, down. There are the opposites in this, and this is a lot of times when we become attached and identified with labels, this is when we say I am Republican or I have Democrats. This is when we have that level of polarity. At the same time, they'll normally be a strong level of control.

There's been a level of control, whether it be the money system that we have in our, in our reality or it be that have certain people that orchestrate certain events or a certain type of ways things are brought about. That's an all new level of control. What's happening on the planet is we're actually moving from that and into a new paradigm now. Then what we have is a 4D level of consciousness. 4D is where we realize that there still is somewhat a level of duality, but it's from a different point of view.

We can more so observe what is happening and then what it is it's more of a dreamlike state. It's where we realized that in a way life is a form of a dream and when we understand that it makes everything so much easier and at the same time, this is when we start to focus more on understanding our vibration. This is when we understand that things are much more flexible than we thought before.

Whereas in the duality, the three d reality, it's all about that of time, linear time, space, and reality. This is where we start to transcend that and then we have that a five d consciousness, which is unconditional love, and that is where we see unity consciousness. We recognize everyone else has another aspect of us. That's when time really starts to go away. We start to exist at the moment more so than ever before, which really the only moment is now anyway, and that's when we start to really live from our heart.

That's a 4D we can still use our head, but we're starting to combine it to our hearts. Five these completely in our heart level of consciousness. What is happening is the old school way of manifestation is the Three d paradigm. The Three d paradigm is I am here, I want to get here. It's doing all of these things.

It's focused more so and emphasizing form emphasizing solidity. What's going on now though is we are moving out of this old cycle and we are in the 4D level of consciousness. 4D level of consciousness is where some of those aspects can still be here, but it's from much more different energy. For this, the concept is to first off, knowing that there's this transition going on in the world where we have the option of moving from three to 4 to 5D in this lifetime.

This is something that doesn't happen very often, where there is a, especially the fact that they're almost 8 billion people here on the planet and we're going through this collective shift in consciousness. Some people are at different levels than others or different parts than others. But it is still happening at that mass scale is very interesting to see. And maybe you see this right now is old three d structures are falling away.

Certain systems, like the government system for example, that we saw that used to work is no longer really working and people are starting to question their reality. They're questioning the news. Why is everything on the news always so negative? Well, there are the thoughts that we currently think that create our reality. And then there are thoughts that we all collectively think that create the collective reality. And as you control what the collective is thinking, you control the timelines and you control the reality.

The key is to understand that this is about us taking our power back. We are waking up in this lifetime. It's a very beautiful thing to be a part of. And I'm excited to be here with you sharing these because we're all waking up together. It's very powerful. And 4D manifestation.

1.   Life is a dream

The first thing that makes 4D manifestations so much easier is understanding that life is a dream. Life is a consistent dream. Like when you go to bed at night, you have a dream and you wake up in the morning and go, oh, that was no, that was a dream. However, the idea and the understanding is that the things that we think in our life are solid are simply different rates of vibration.

Things in our lives appear to be solid like this little microphone thing right here is both that of a wave and a particle meaning I can, I decipher this reality through my five senses so I can feel this and I can touch it and it feels solid, but it is simply different.

The rates of vibration that make up my perception of this and simply understanding that I can see that it is both a wave and a particle and what that gives me the ability to do is to understand that it is both solid and not solid at the same time. In the same way, when you recognize that things in your life are both solid and not solid at the same time, you can see there's more flexibility in your life and the more solidity you give to the things in your life, the harder things are for you.

If you are here and you want to be over here and this is very solid and heavy, it's hard to make it come over here, but instead, if you focus on knowing that it's about vibration, then things become easier than ever. You see, our beliefs about manifestation directly impact the manifestations we have in our life. I say that one more time. The beliefs we have about our manifestation process affects how we manifest in three d. We believe that things normally are hard, solid, and fixed.

You can be more focused on going into your heart. You are a need mortals spiritual being living a temporary human experience. This makes it easier because then you know that you are guided you or know that you are connected to this larger stream of energy that you could call your higher self. You could call it many different things, but the more aware you become that life is a dream, the dreamlike your life will become.

And that is simply because the more you see things as flexible, the more flexible things can come to you. When you have these rigid thoughts of how things have to manifest, you create rigidity in your life. Instead, let it go. Allow things to be, understand that you can allow manifestation to be easy and understand that life is a dream in a way. You could think of it like turning a little bit more down the rabbit hole.

They give it like we are a, we are in a way, in higher realms of consciousness right now, projecting ourselves here for a period of time. And when we go to bed at night, we wake up as these higher states of consciousness, but we forget about it. We forget about it when we wake up cause it's not always relevant.

However, we have this connection and at the end of this life, we may wake up as a larger aspect of ourselves and go, wow, that was very felt very real while I was in it. But you see, the more you realize your life is a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become. It's like my new mantra. It's why I say it a lot.

2. Focus on the vibration

The second thing that makes 4D manifestation so much easier, it's not necessarily focusing on just the end result, but focusing on the vibration of that end result. For example, instead of saying, I want the money, never make money. The goal, make it the vibration of you living in freedom, the goal or whatever, the money will bring you the goal. Focus more on the vibration than anything else. And you'll find that things start to happen even easier for you.

It's about being aware of what you want and why you want it. You know what? I make YouTube videos. It's very easy because I focused on the vibration and me being in the flow state, that's why I'm able to put out so many videos. I love doing it. It's my passion. In 4D manifestation. You also follow your passion more because your passion is your body telling you this is what you're meant to be doing. Begin to follow that passion.

What is it? You don't know what it is? That's fine. Set the intention to figure out what it is and you will get more and more evidence of what it could be. Set that intention. I intend to find out my passion. Pay attention to what comes up in your life. Pay attention to the conversations you overhear. Pay attention to the people that fought, come into your life and you'll begin to find more and more evidence of it. The key is understanding that alignment.

This is about identifying the vibration of what you want to experience and another way to do that is to know that your vibration is a combination of what you think, how you feel, and what you do, how you act, think, and feel. Imagine the ideal reality that you want to be living in deep water will end result and begin to embody those characteristics. This is what I did with YouTube back in 2017 I knew I wanted to be a full-time YouTuber. I thought, what would that version of me be doing, thinking, feeling, and I literally aligned with that reality.

I started to make daily YouTube videos before I was a fulltime YouTuber and within a couple of months, I became a full-time YouTube when I was able to get rid of my nine to five job selling women's shoes at Barney's New York. That same potential is there for you. Identify what you want to be doing. You want to be painting pain every day. Paint when you're passionate, you want to play the piano, play piano every day. Find ways, get creative. The more you're in this passion frequency, the more you are manifesting from that of that 4D level of consciousness.

3. Divine Connection

The third thing that makes 4D manifestations so much easier is reminding yourself of your divine connection to your heart. Understanding the more you exist in your heart, the more you create from a higher level paradigm. Reality is about duality, left brain, right brain, good, bad, light, dark, all of these different polarities instead of creating from the brain create from your heart and you do that by first off going what you're passionate about, about the money, but then you focus on your divine essence.

You are a divine being and you can allow this energy to flow through you. You can allow yourself to understand that the universe always supports you and when you realize that you are a divine being, you can connect to that divine source within you. You can connect inside of your heart center. Things will happen even easier for you because it's not just the ego that's trying to do everything. What if the best-case scenario for your ego, the 3D level of consciousness that's emphasized so much is the floor to your higher mind because your higher mind can imagine even greater things.

Have your desires, have your vibration, but surrender it to your higher self. Surrender it to your divine self. Surrender it to the universe, render to God, surrender it to whatever label you want to use. For this, but surrender it at the same time. It's this other side of the coin is intention with emotion and letting go of the outcome because you are supported and you are a divine being. And the more you recognize that you are a divine being, the more sacred your life will become, the more you will see that there is a powerful way to do that. Honestly, he's meditation.

If you want to increase and make 4D metaphysics is so much easier. Meditate, observe your thoughts because then you can observe the three d you can observe the things people are trying to trigger you into. You can observe the old structures and in that observation, you detach from it and then you have the power to go in the direction you want.

The key to this is understanding that that power exists within you. What you can begin to do is understand the more you emphasize that life is a form of a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become. At the same time, the more you identified the vibrations of what you want to experience and you start to embody it, the more that will become your reality.

The more you just happened to your heart center and you could do that in meditation. You can do that throughout your day. The more you will find that you create from this higher-level paradigm. With this as well, something that will help you with this process is raising your vibration. One of the most powerful meditations I've ever made is on raising your vibrational set point.

Starseed Q and A and Leeor Alexandra’s ET Experience

We're going to show you everything you need to know about Starseeds and answer all of your questions as to understanding more about Starseeds, what you can do as it started and a whole bunch of other cool stuff.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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​I have here today, Leeor and we are going to have a star seed Q&A. When we talk about Starseeds, for those of you that don't know what a Starseeds is, a star seed is someone who's aware of their connection to the stars. I think that's the easiest way to describe it. Understand this stuff. Here's the epiphany. Here's the game changer for so many people as we identify with this label, right? This identity of this label star where like, I'm a Starseeds. That's so cool. It is cool.

However, every single person on this planet is multidimensional, which means they're not just the ego, they're an immortal, spiritual being, limited temporary human experience. And they have many different layers of their own consciousness. Since we're immortal, spiritual beans, it's not like we've only ever incarnated on earth and the planet in the history. This is our only life ever. Yeah.

This is like 10% or 10% of our entire existence and it what we actually are. Bashar says it's the size of like a fingernail. The crazy, right? What Becky said at the office the other day and he handled Becky. Here's the thing. First off, we want to say every single person on this planet is a Starseeds, but the ones that are waking up now are just more aware of their connection to the stars.
And people that are into this type of information are here to wake up other people just by being you.

Just by you being you. You can only perceive that which you are the vibration of. Starseeds is something that both I and I have known about it for a while. It's, I've been afraid to share it on my channel because I've always been kind of known as the law of attraction guy on YouTube so that the universe rewards bravery. Yes. Your phone on silent. What was I thinking? The universe does reward bravery.

I've been sharing Starseed videos and the feedback from everyone has been phenomenal. It's a good sign that we're in this time now where this is except not only just acceptable but at times on old thought out and well yours going to be creating that kind of content too soon. She’d come in here and just to repeat what it needs to come home and it's a mindset go normal. Everybody else comments and they're like, what is she talking about? Aliens exist. We've got some of us that are over there.

Good morning. Okay, here's a question. This is from April. All our all star seeds alien and is all alien Starseeds Philosophical question. Yes. It depends on how deep you go. I don't know. Okay, so we're all connected. In a way, yes, we all have connections to more than just physical earth life. We all have connections at higher dimensional states of consciousness as like beans. In a way, yes, we all do. All aliens are Starseeds because artists are, oh no, no. Okay, I see. Yes, you're right. I'm glad you got that.

Okay, so aliens, aliens are just, they're just there in their energy, their light beings more than just planet earth in this way. I would imagine so. Because there's the, see the thing is on earth, when we come here, we, we forget who we are. We decided I Starseeds to come here to help wake up the planet because there's this transformation going on on the planet right now. And as great as it could have been that we could influence it from the outside, like these higher dimensional beings, why can't they just land and give us higher vibration or give us high technology and stuff like that?

Well, the reason being is because the way that we influenced this reality is we actually have to incarnate from the inside. We have to, we have to integrate it or filtrate it from the inside. We as starseeds had to go through the veil of forgetfulness like everybody else. Forget who we are so that we could then remember who we are and then change from the inside out. And we are spreading this message that more people wake up from the dream of the ego and the third dimensional, where there's all this problem in the war.

And the news. In a sense, the first part of the question was, are all Starseeds aliens? Well, don't we all have connections? All have connections different, yes. Or dimensional extraterrestrial.
Yeah. We all have connections to the thing where we all are. We all are. But the thing is, is sometimes we get caught up with this who are like, we have connections, but we're also human in this life. We chose to come into this physical incarnation.

Our soul chose to come into this. We are human, but our souls in several different places where connections, right? We're down here that this physical reality, what's important is to focus on the fact that we're all she here now and that we're all the same in that we all have to help each other. We're all one. And in a sense, we're also all one with our alien brothers and sisters as well. They're all connected to us. There is no separation because people can be afraid of aliens. And that's because it's been conditioned.

I have this memory of being taken to a museum with a movie at the end when I was young, I lived in Israel. When I, when I was growing up, I have a memory of my parents taking me to this alien museum that ended up with this dome. I'm in a movie that was like playing on the ceiling. My parents have no recollection of it. Wow. I just talked to them about it. I like that never happened.

And that was ninth. I was traumatized the day that was traumatized by aliens. And I was terrified and I was actually in therapy my entire childhood until I was 11 because I was scared of being alone. And it's funny now because now she's opening up to it and she's getting a lot more information about this, but it's like she had to unveil a lot of that for sure.

Now you forget, we all forget everything part of this reality. Exactly. Therefore, we interpreted it as an eat bad or something like that. We're working through that right now. Yeah, that's the answer. The answer is not all aliens are Starseeds because of some aliens maybe not, not planting the seed for other racists, but all Starseeds are connected to multidimensional aspects of themselves, but they are also human in this life.

So it's important to remember that. Great question. Yeah. What does it star seed kind of mentioned that maybe in the beginning started to seed? It is pretty much everyone is a star seed. If someone that's aware of their connection to the stars to help other people wake up, why now? Why Starseeds now? These missions, these understandings of like what our mission is and how we can help other people wake up to who they are. It's all happening now because now is the time of awakening.

Now was the time of us remember our connection to the stars and it's kind of like the end of that, the 26,000 year period. We're going to, yeah, tell him in 2012 up until 2012 it was very symbolic of many different things. Many may be a milestone at a certain level. But what happened was, is up until that point, there was a certain level of control on the planet and you could say that it's still there, but now there's more flexibility there. Vibrations are increasing and we're in a cycle now.
We're more of this information is being brought through. We're literally remembering, oh yeah, oh yeah.

For a reason to raise our vibrations, to remember who we are as a soul, as spirits. And to really came up, gave her to gain our power back from always being at the lives because there's been a certain level of control on the planet for thousands of years. This control of the money system, the control of the news and how what we perceive and it keeps us in a low vibrational state and now we're becoming aware of them.

We're watching the news, right? Why am I watching this? Why am I always like, why does every single thing on the news negative? Oh, always lock. Good news is not reported at all, but it raises going to be the change to that. We're all going to be the change to them and we do. It started with us and starting with Starseeds people being aware of this, this connection, that manifestation Monday, I always say, tell me something good. I look for good news to share. Yeah. It gives a focus.

I like that you guys described to her in a position month is as well. How do you know you are what you're even asking the question? Have you seen a real alien before leaving Leeor went about to answer this stuff? Should I say? Yeah, sure it. So she actually has a story of this that happened recently and I'm kind of put her on the spot right now. But this is a time of being transparent. This is part of being transparent. We're being vulnerable here. We're going to share a little bit of the stories with this.

Yeah. Only like my best friends and my family know about this. Just tell the story. Yeah. Just go, go ahead and tell the story. And you guys will accept her and love her. I know. And if they don't, then I try. It was probably back in January 1st week of the New Year of 2019. I had never seen or thought I saw an alien before. Consciously, I am starting to understand now that I have been them my entire life, but don't have a memory of them getting some memories back, but not really.

It's like they're very faint there, here and there. But what happened was this one night I've been having a hard time going to sleep. I've been sleeping with the light on, which is actually what I did my entire childhood. I could not sleep in the dark. I slept with a light on my entire childhood as we were talking about in this video. I was very scared of aliens. At 26 years old, suddenly I'm sleeping with a light on again for months. My lights on in my bedroom, I'm going to sleep.

And because I was scared I was falling asleep to Netflix, so I was watching the show Parenthood. I'm falling asleep and around like three in the morning, I'm suddenly in a sort of dreamlike, awake state. I'm in my bed, still facing my computer watching. I mean the show was still on and I'm hearing it. And often in dreams when you're in a dream, you're not going to still see, you know, the show couldn't be a different scene.

You might be in your bed, but you're not still going to have Netflix running right there. Basically, there were all these indicators to me that this really did happen, that it's not my brain doing tricks on me. I was kind of paralyzed and I was trying to move because I felt a presence right to the left side of me. And all I could see was the profile, like from my profile see an alien, what it looked like. It was pearlescent gray. White's my light in my room might, a floor lamp has crystals on it. It was on in the crystals were making reflections on its face of purple and green.

It was soft, not like Scaly, but it had grooves in the skin. It was kind of smoke almost looked like an actual per ma as a face. The size of the face was the same. I would say as a human man's face, like the same side, maybe a little bit bigger eyes, stereotypical alien eyes that you've seen? No, they were black and as all men disagree. Like a gray whale. Yeah, I guess like a great, yeah.

I don’t know if it was great, I don't know anything, but there was an energy there and the energy was super chaotic. I knew that this, that this being didn't want to harm me in any way. I felt that, but there was a lot of confusion. There's a lot of misunderstanding. We weren't able to communicate with each other. What did you put it on silent? We weren't able to communicate with each other. She, it was male energy. I knew, I know it was like a male.

He was trying to communicate telepathically and I wasn't able to receive it, so there were noises made. There was like a wave of black things. I wish that somebody in the comments can say that they had a similar experience so they can explain to me what I, what I experienced. There was like a wave of like black physical almost ink, but it looked like a pixelated that he gave out cause he was feeling distressed.

He was like confused and chaotic and didn't know how to communicate. This is all happening within seconds. I'm like trying to, I'm, I'm literally thinking, are I in a nightmare and my, and sleep paralysis again, what's going on? I'm closing my eyes trying to go back to sleep and he freaks out even more and sends more of this black ink stuff on like all around us. It's like surrounding us. And then he projects, he realizes that I'm, I'm assuming I understood this after he realizes that he's not able to communicate with me. He projects an image on my bedroom wall, which I was still facing my bedroom wall. It was an image of a baby.

It was like the outline of like what a stereotypical symbol of a baby might be on all force. And as I'm seeing this, I'm closing my eyes again and again. He freaks out. I feel the heightened energy, my hair standing on end. Everything feels energetic. There's like energy. Every, yeah. It's something that I'd never felt before and never experienced before. I opened my eyes again and the picture is still there and it feels like he's saying like, look what I'm trying to show you.

I talked to him, I'm like, I see it. It's a baby. What do you want for me? I see the baby. And the second I said, that disappeared. And I woke up from the dream-like state, but I was awake. The show was still going on. No breaks, no pauses. The show is on Netflix being on was kind of like my tethering to this reality. It was there for a reason. Reminding me that this is the time going fast. It was less than a minute, less than 30 seconds. I would say. This whole experience. Yeah. And like the show is going on that entire time.

How about you buddy? I didn't. There is a lot more. She told me everything but 10 immediately off she called me right away, but he and my mom and they stayed on the phone with me all night because I was, I was a wreck. And now she's much more comfortable with it and been a while. We've been a couple more experiences that we're not going to talk about today, but if you want her to share these in future videos, maybe we will let us know the ones that we have that are beyond that act.

Very great experiences to very positive though. All very positive. He wanted to know more about that. Leave a comment below. Let us know. We'll make the video and a shared that with you as well. But yeah, we're just kind of giving you all a taste of what is possible and understanding that we're multidimensional. We have many different existences until you are open to it, you'll never have any experience.

You must be at least open to believing that it's possible for something like that to come into your life. For this process of saying, what was I open to anything. You were open to it. Yeah. You weren't, you weren't like necessarily like calling upon it and I want this but you were out of kindness. I think that honestly possibly two months before this experience my mom would talk to me about aliens all the time and I'd be like you are crazy.

Stop it. What are you talking about? Disclosure you about aliens and cosmic disclosure and all these like Starseeds connections back in August. He's like, this is so interesting when he has to say, but I was like I don't think this will ever be Mike. Because her mom was sharing it with her. Yeah. And then me who she was like, oh you know it was to so many confirmations she started paying attention to like this, this understanding, these different aspects of us wasn't so open to it right until Rhythmia really open you up because I lost a takes down the filters for sure.

It does plant medicine also. Why don't we just mention it now? We're going to be in Rhythmia, a place called Rhythmia and coast dot. Did he got which like that? And this is a place where you do four nights of what's called plant medicine ceremony, which is I used to always be, I almost always be like, I would never do it. I don't smoke or drink or do anything like that. I don't do drugs at all. We don't. Yeah. But however we went, I went in 2017 had an amazing experience.

It's four nights of plant medicine ceremony and then changed my life. And then I went to, I was an 18. Leeor came as well. We invited subscribers. It's 80 people that come to this life transformation spa. About 30 of them were people from our subscribers in the US and other influencers. We're going, man, we're going back. And it was a very transformative experience for both of us. We both have very different energy now. 

3 Beliefs that BLOCK The SHIFT Experience From Happening (how to TRANSCEND them)

I'm going to be sharing with you three beliefs that block the shift experience from happening. I'm going to share with you exactly how to let go of these so that you start to experience a transformation in your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three beliefs that block the shift experience from happening. Understanding that you have the ability to shift yourself to a new level of consciousness that that exists within you right now, but it's simply a matter of letting go of what doesn't serve and having these realizations that I'm about to share with you.

This'll sound kind of counterintuitive, but this is the actual key to experiencing higher states of consciousness. It's also to understand that when we start to embody higher states of consciousness are vibration begins to raise.

When our vibration begins to rise, it becomes easier for us to create what we want in our life because it's coming from a higher frequency. It is something that we don't have to try so hard to do. It also, the other benefit is that it's something that feels better. The higher vibrational or emotional set point is the better it feels, the lovelier field, the closer we feel to who we naturally are.

As I said, when it comes to being paradoxical, look at it like this. There is the scale of consciousness that I've shared, oh so many times before. It is that of the book, power vs force by Dr. David Hawkins. You'll see that there are different emotions at different levels of consciousness. At the bottom, you have shame, fear, guilt, anger. Eventually, you get up to neutrality, which is a big step. Then eventually you get up to a willingness and then reasoning, and then after reasoning is love.

Here is the thing. Normally what we do when we think of the Law of Attraction, when we think of creating our own reality is most people are creating from the identity of their ego, from thinking that they are their ego. The thing is when we look at 499 and below, that has to do so reasoning and below that has to do with identity.

With the ego now, most people are actually creating from that of the two to 300 range, which means that they're doing it from a place of lack. They want something in their life and the more they say, I really want this. They are also reaffirming in the present moment. I really don't currently have this. The thing is the key to us really create what we want our life is to raise our level of consciousness.

When we raise our vibration, not only will we feel better automatically because the emotions towards the higher end of the spectrum are those motions that feel better, but it's also that our thoughts will have a higher frequency which they come from. I've said this many times before, but I always pay attention when people ask questions to the frame from which the question is asked.

For example, if someone says, how can I, how can I attract an ex back into my life? If you're asking that question that it's not coming from the higher states of consciousness, which is that of unconditional love, that of feeling at least love within yourself, and when you start to embody these emotions, you may find that the actual desires you have aren't to attract the x into the life. This is about understanding those correlations.

Here's the thing, when it comes to beliefs in general if you want to go a step beyond that, of the Law of Attraction, of that, of thinking that, oh, I'm going to try to achieve whatever I focus on. The key is making it an easier process by understanding that your beliefs create your reality.

When we move into reality creation, reality creation from that of the four to five hundred, which is reasoning, understanding what are my beliefs about reality? What do I believe to be true? Because we give meaning to things that happened in her life. A big step starts to happen. We start to create from the center.

We started to realize that literally, everything in our life is a reflection of what we believe to be true. That's the four to 500 range, which is much higher than where most people are creating their life experiences. However, to experience the shift. I'll explain the shift in a minute, but it to experience the shift in consciousness that I'm speaking of, it actually has to do with going from the four hundred into also the five hundred.

The shifts, in general, is going from all of these bottom emotions into that of the love, the present moment to who we really are. Letting go of the identity of the ego, understanding that if we choose to play the game of life, which we will still do, we will do it from a place of awareness. This is where things begin to change in a powerful way because we understand that we are more than that of the ego. Do you see?

What happens is we're born into society. There's a certain type of social conditioning that goes on and because of all the social conditioning we live in that in reaction to everything that's happening, we live in reaction to what people say to us. We live in reaction to what people tell us is true. We go to school and believe everything we're told from the school that we go to, all of these things are beliefs that we adopt unconsciously and we then identify with our ego. We become less about being present to the moment.

We become more about being coming and having something and doing something and all of these identity that we have with the ego. The thing is, is to transcend consciousness. The key is not to pile on. A new idea is to simply observe and let go. Let go of what no longer serves to wake up to who we really are. The shift experience is about letting go of the identity of the ego and the reaction mode.

Understanding we could still play the game, but we're doing it from a much higher level of awareness. This is about waking up to who we really are. Understanding that when we increase our vibration, things happen easier than ever and the best part is we will then feel higher states of emotion because that's closer to who we are. And then those higher states of emotion things will happen easier than ever.

That's what the shift experiences. I went through the shift experience, about 2012. Got to accomplish it. It is something you realize by releasing and letting go and understanding that you are the source of your reality, stepping into your true power. That is what the shift experiences about the shift experience are that of what I'm coining, that I'm terming that have a process that I am creating right now, which is a practical step by step process that will help people to transcend their level of consciousness.

If you want to be updated as to when that goes live, you will see a link in the top of the description box below. You click on that. You'll get notified and updated when that goes live. I'll also be traveling and doing workshops around the world, teaching the shift experience or helping people facilitate for themselves a shift experience, which is called the shift experience with Aaron Doughty, and that is something that's coming live here soon, so if you want updates, we'll see that in top, the description box below.

As we look at this and we see all the ego's identity, we see the that have the emotions that we can begin to let go of understanding that the first belief that blocks us from experiencing the shift experience is that belief that we are a victim. Simply believe in that we're a victim, that things are happening to us because if we have the victim mentality, then we're having a victim mentality from the perspective that things are happening to me, not understanding that we are the source of that.

This may sound harsh, however, in reality, this is the way that it works. Our stories that we have about the way real work will continue to control our lives over and over again. For example, many of you may know my story. She was physically abusive, mentally abusive, and I and my brother had no freedom whatsoever. It was kind of like living with an army general and it was my brother and I will many times locked out of the house.

We were doing chores outside all day long and we weren't allowed to watch TV. We weren't allowed to have friends. If we got. We got in trouble for things we didn't do and we get punished for things that we didn't do because the stepmom had a personality disorder and she was a very angry person. I and my brother had to earn going into schools.

We got in trouble, we'd get taken away from us. And me and my brother, he would have had to sneak eating food. We weren't allowed to eat very much. Foods are a very amount of nutrition and we weren't allowed to. We're not doing a lot of things at random kids would do like watch TV and stuff like that.

Between the ages of seven to 15, it felt a lot of resistance. Then 15 comes around and my dad divorced her and when my dad divorces are all of a sudden my brother have all this freedom. We're able to do what we want. We're able to have friends, were able to eat whatever food we want. We're not, you know, we, we started gaining weight, looking healthier.

We were allowed to go to school and do activities and not worry about it get taken away from us. We're allowed to watch TV to do normal kid stuff. But even after that I still identify with the victim because why did all of that happened in my childhood, why didn't I have that childhood that most kids had and I felt resentment and even though that experience was over, that pattern was still within me.

I still identified with that and ironically enough, one of my first girlfriends after that experience, I was like 17 years old, had a very similar controlling type vibe as my stepmom. I was with her for a couple of years and then eventually broke up and ever.

Then I'll explain that a little bit what happened after that. It was all commission and the manager there was. It had the same exact type of personality as my stepmom, so I kept attracting into my life people that were of a similar vibration of my old stepmom who was very controlling and this is the thing.

Once I learned how to heal the story, how they heal the past. Until that happened, people kept coming into my life that reflected back that level of personality. Within a couple of weeks of observing my thoughts of observing my beliefs, of observing the story I was telling myself about the past and seeing how the past experience actually served me to transform and to get to a level of spiritual awakening.

Until I became aware of that. That kept happening in my life. The moment I become aware of that, within a week that manager got fired and I never had to see her again. She was protected by upper management, so that's why she wasn't she, even though she was talking down to people, making people feel a certain way, it was like she wouldn't get fired because she was, but all of a sudden she leads.

She's no longer in my life. These things start to drift away because I'm dealing with the patterns because I'm moving from the victim mentality into the being present to the moment and to know that I can refrain, reframe any situation that's happened to me in the past.

The key is anything that's happened in the past happened and until you take responsibility for it, which may sound harsh because you may say, well, this happened to me, but you see the story that you have will keep you ingrained into believing that you don't have power.

Anything that happened to you at a certain level, you can realize that it can serve you for you to become a stronger person. Napoleon Hill said that in think and grow rich for every situation that appears to be negative, there's a seed that is planted for the potential of growth in a positive way, so a seed is planted, so to see those.

Granted, even though I went through all that abuse with my stepmom was that I was then able to come out stronger and become a stronger person. I was enabled to become somebody that I was able to let go of the negative emotion and now I can actually help people because I couldn't really help people if I was just this entitled guy was like, Hey, just be positive. Just be positive. It's like, well, what do you know about being positive?

And a lot of people assume that because I am positive, it just assume that maybe I was entitled. They're just given everything growing up which is far from it, but the reason I'm a positive person is that I've been through stuff that was way worse. That allowed me to know that hey, everything is great. It could be worse. I could be under the control of somebody else having to admit to lies I didn't do and eating almost no food and working outside all day, so it's.

It's I guess that contrast, but anything that's negative that's happened, you can realize that you can begin to shift more into the present moment and observe it. Be able to reframe and reframe anything that's happened in the past. When you move out of the victim mentality, so much in your life will begin to change. The second belief that you must let go of those blocks that have experienced in the shift experience is actually that of believing that you always have to be right.

You see, the ego always wants to be right. It's this belief of understanding the ego's job is just to keep you to survive. The Ego's job is not to have you thrive, but it's just to keep you safe, so having the belief that you need to always be right will actually hold you back. Because the truth of the matter is the shift experiences about understanding that all truths are true, meaning whatever you believe to be true will be reflected back to you, and when you change your notions about life, your beliefs about life, you will get a new reflection in your life.

This is about being aware of that. Whatever you look around for, you will find a self-fulfilling prophecy for, oh, this is the way people are. This is the way people are. You walk around, this is the way people are, and you say, see, that's the way I justify where I am and justify it with. That's the way reality works. The way reality works are dependent upon your beliefs about it.

The thing is, is growing up, we just absorb our environment. We absorbed what people tell us. We absorbed the media and this is the way we think the world is. We maybe even absorb the beliefs of our parents. We adopt them. The thing is we don't gain our power back until we become aware of it. When we become aware of all of these beliefs that we have and this, this protection that our ego has to always be right, we get in.

See, the more we will give up the need to be right, the more our life will work for us. This is not about being right or wrong or what is true or untrue because all truths are true. Whatever you believe to be true will be reflected back to you and whenever someone else believes is true will be reflected back to them. That's why many people can have their own beliefs and that can be true for them. This isn't about what is true.

This is about what works, what is efficient? Does it work for you? Start to pay attention to the frame from which the questions that you ask are because when you become aware of that, you can then see that you can start asking yourself a new question set up. Is this true or is this untrue? Ask the question, is this serving me?

Does this work now? Tell you right now, the more you let go of having to be right in your life, the more your life will work for you. Understand that with that have higher states of consciousness. If we let go of the attachment we have to the ego, the little ego, we realized that we're just a part of the ego, but we are so much more than that and we must let go of the attachments.

We have to all these lower emotions, the attachments. We have to the identity of those belief systems because the truth is all truths are true. All belief systems will be reflected back to us based on our perspective.

The key is to observe them and then to let them go. That's when we start to really transcend into a new level of consciousness. The third belief that blocks you from experience, the shift experience is believing that you must first do something, then have something for you to be someone or to be something.

The key to this is understanding that most people go around it backward, I can do than have, and then b, it is actually the other way around. The thing is most people are not present to the moment. They are trying to be somewhere else. The more I look over there and say, I want to be over there, the more I'm saying over here isn't good enough already, and I am saying no to the present moment.

The ego always wants more. The key is to shift from that of the ego into being present to the moment, to be able to observe. When you say yes to the present moment, then things become malleable, but if you say no to the present moment because over there is better, you create resistance. You were then being identified with trying to do and trying to have. The key is to be you must be in the present moment right now.

That's where the power to choose this. If you have the ability to choose that which you want, it's because you could say yes to the present moment and then shoes and then shoes. Everything in your life is a choice and if you start to view everything in your life and treat it as if you chose it, your whole life will begin to transform, but most people stay attached.

Attached to the identity is as this thing is happening to me, attached to having to be right attached to these perspectives that are on autopilot. When you look at that chart of consciousness, understand there were a couple of big factors that really change everything.

One is neutrality. When you start to neutralize your thoughts, you start to see them from. You don't have to neutralize our thoughts. Thoughts just are. We are receiving mechanism, we are receiving thoughts. We are receiving motion or emotion we could say is the generation of what things mean to us, but in general, when we become aware of whatever we are picking up on, we can then see that we can observe those thoughts from a neutral place.

Thoughts are not good or bad, they simply are, and when you observe those thoughts, you then start to let go of the power they have over you. That's neutrality. Then from neutrality, we go up to reasoning and we may have and say, oh my beliefs, great morality.

I'm going to change my beliefs, but the key is not actually to change your beliefs. It is to transcend belief and to understand the truth about the game of life. The truth is you are not the ego. Most people live their whole life believing they are the ego and believe in the avid are they are the Avatar. This ego structure, the five senses. This is how I interpret the five senses through this ego structure.

I understand that I am interpreting it through that and then I can have an experience and I can play the game of life, but in actuality, this is an Avatar. We are immortal, spiritual beings living a temporary human experience, and until we become aware of that will continue to live under the hypnotic spell of that of the ego.

The ego does not create anything new, just like the mind is not creating anything new. The ego and the mind can just reiterate stories of the past, past experiences. The mind in a way is like a tape player that is constantly playing back the tape of what has happened before. The key is not to figure this all out and intellectually do anything is to let it all go.

Let go of the game, let go of trying to become more. Let go of needing to change your beliefs. Let go of all of that. That is what enlightenment is. Enlightenment is understanding that it's all a game anyways. It is all a game and you shift into a level of being and all enlightened people are being they're just more themselves that are more in the present moment.

They are left bogged down by the tapes of the past, have been if they come up, they're aware of it, doesn't have power over them. If you want to experience the shift, all you have to do is let go of attachment that you have to these thoughts. This is where eastern philosophy mixes that with understanding that our beliefs create our reality. This is where the power really is. 

The TRUTH about Soul Contracts, Soul Agreements, and Pre Life Agreements NO ONE TELLS YOU

I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on ghosts, astral projection and dreaming that no one tells you. This is going to be a perspective that really sets it into place, that you understand this at a deep level and you'll start to relate to life in a completely new way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on what are called ghosts. That of understanding astral projection and dreaming and a totally new way. Well, you are going to start to see yourself and a completely new way in this process because this is the thing we grow up thinking that we are this avatar body, that we are experiencing our reality through the sentences which we do.

We experience reality through the five senses, but what we are told growing up is that this is who we are. We are the accumulation of the reference experiences we've had. We are our ego. This is the thing; the ego is a part of something. We're having a 3D experience with, but it is not just who we are. The truth is you, me, we are all immortals.

Spiritual beings live in temporary human experiences and when we get lost in thinking that this is all that we are. A lot of times create a lot of resistance because we are living in an illusion or disillusion that this is what's actually real and when we identify with it, we then start to give things such seriousness. We start to create resistance and we end up actually resisting and feeling more negative emotions, lower vibrational emotion.

Here is the truth. When it comes to this process, the way you're going to understand this is going within yourself. When I tell you these things, experience it for yourself. Go within yourself, see if it resonates, meditate on it. This is how I come into understanding more of all of these ideas I share in my channel. I made 900 videos are more on this channel.

The way I get information is to write, tap into a larger part of me, the soul part of me beyond the ego, and by doing so I'm able to bring back certain things which is really just bringing it in, grounded it in here. Here's the thing about ghosts, ghosts, we'll start off there. We live our lives thinking that we are our ego like I was mentioning a couple of seconds ago.

The thing is our ego and when we are looking and seeing that of the different things in our lives for we are perceiving of other people. We are seeing through the eyes of the Avatar. However, the Avatar, which is the 3D physical body, whatever we want to call it, however, at a greater level, at a greater consciousness level, since we already mortal spiritual beans, what we need to understand is there are different bodies, there are different parts of us, so we have a 3D physical body.

In this reality. When we go to bed, we wake up to what is called our astral body. We have a physical body in an astral body, the astral body, every night when we go to sleep, we are very active in higher dimensional levels of consciousness. We are maybe doing very similar things we're doing here. We're connected to people in our lives in a different way to astral rounds.

Sometimes people assume that when people die, they don't have any communication with them. Many times, you may actually have even more communication with them. In the astral realm and in the astral realm, you're more connected to these higher vibrational states of emotion. You're more connected to love connection.

You're more connected than you eat are even here. Then you can even perceive it because you're not bound by the physical body. They say that when babies are born, one of the reasons they cry is because they're just becoming awake.

That now they're in this limited physical structure and it's actually more of a shock when people are born when babies are born than it is when we actually die because all we do when we die is we shed the physical body. We wake up to higher states because in a way, life is like a dream, and I'll talk more about that in a minute.

Here's the thing. When you go to bed at night, you wake up in your astral realm, the astral body, but you and you are doing things that you can't even really imagine right now. But when you wake up in the morning, you forget all of this information. If you knew every single thing you're doing in the astral realm and you knew that you felt emotions such as love, joy, peace, bliss, and you woke up here.

You're looking around and you're like, oh, all of this negativity that's happening, or you find that you're not as happy as you are there, you may just want to leave and go there. You may just and what wouldn't be as relevant for you, but now on the time of the planet is a time of awakening. It is a time of raising our vibration.

There is a collective shift in consciousness happened on the planet right now and we signed up for it. If you're reading this blog right now, if you're even perceiving of it, then you aren't one of the people that is helping to wake up more people. Even if it's just subconsciously. It's just through you being in this information and you may feel like you're into this information. Maybe a lot of your friends and family don't get it.

That's a part of the process because as more and more people wake up, they're going to be looking around like who understands this? They're going to see you grounded and they're going to go to you because they're going to see that you've already dealt with it or that you're going through it or have gone through it and they're going to feel like you are that lighthouse that helps guide them.

For this process, understand when it comes to understanding who you are, you are in the mortal spiritual being, live in a temporary human experience. And you may think that this is who you are, this 3D physical body, but you're so much more. What are ghosts? Ghosts are invisible to our eyes except for some people because some people can perceive them.

However, they're just souls and spirits who are an Astro rep and the astral form. And if she had their physical body, that's all. We get these scary connotations to now here's the thing. A lot of time ghost have this ability, what we call ghost. They're actually astral beans. We think that this is who we are, but we have a ghostly appearance called our astral body, but we're not aware of it.

What happens at death? They shed the physical body in the wake up in the astral realm and they're not bound by that, have this 3D dense body. Then they're able to do things. They're able to more flexibly go places. They're able to communicate with more spirits of even alive or not alive but or in 3D or not in 3D, whatever it is.

 However, ghosts are simply people in Astro form that have shed their physical body. Sometimes they may linger around as well because they have an attachment to this 3D reality. I was on live the other day yesterday and somebody was asking me, they said that they were feeling sad because their brother committed suicide and what I told them is that they still have a connection.

The thing is that person, that brother my, my feeling was that this person that said that to me is that their brother actually is staying very attached to this 3D reality through their astro form in guiding this person that was going through that.

When it comes to this process, if I understand that we're immortal, spiritual beings of contemporary human experiences, but if you are here right now, you came here for a purpose, be here now. This is the best time to ever be alive ever on the planet because there is more growth that is going to happen in the next 1520 years than ever happens before because now is the time of ascension. We are ascending our vibration and the thing is we're all doing it in a body.

You see in the past when we transcended from a three to four or 5D level of consciousness, there are beans that would do it in groups, but they would actually leave in physical form. Maybe the Mayans. We could talk about different civilizations on the planet. We've decided that we're all going through this together and it's happening.

It's not going to happen in the future. It is happening now. We are bringing our bodies, our bodies are turning from more carbon base into a crystalline base, which means we can hold lighter, which means we are literally merging with our higher selves. However, when you go to bed at night, you still have this astral presence. You still have this astral body that then travels. Let's talk about astral projection.

Astral projection is something you already do every night. When you go to bed, you are in your astral body. Can you actually project consciously? Yes. Can you do anything in your life consciously? Absolutely. You can do anything consciously. Can you dream consciously? Yes. It's called lucid dreaming. The more aware you become in this life, the more you will become aware of astral life as well. It's a new concept that not a lot of people talk about.

You can use this life as a tool for you becoming more present. This reality is more flexible than you think. The more you become aware that this life is a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become. The more you emphasize solidity and how solid everything is, the more your life will be that because our beliefs create our reality.

The key to this is being aware that what you can begin to do is you can begin to detach from the solidity of life in general and by doing so you will begin to see that life is meant to be magical. One of my favorite movies. I was wearing a sweater the other day. It's a hard word shirt. I love Harry Potter because Harry Potter is about magic guests. What is higher dimensions? Magic is real. One of the big reasons I think Harry Potter is such a phenomenon is because in different realities that is the norm.

The reason x men or marvel I think is such a phenomenon. The movie, the Matrix is such a phenomenon. I like saying that word phenomenon is because these things resonate with people at a deep level and actuality every night when you go to bed, you are awaking in your Asheville form, which can do literally magic that you can literally go places very quickly. You're not bound by the 3D physical body.

That's why in your dream state when you're dreaming at night, these subconscious messages you get will happen instantly. Whereas here we have time, space, reality, but see the more that we give emphasis to as time-space reality, the more things take a lot of effort for things to manifest. This is the thing, things in your life, the more aware you become of the things in your life and why are they there and how are they're there?

The more you're going to gain disability to be consciously aware you Astro, you already asked her project. It's just you're asking, can I do it consciously? Of course, you can do it consciously, but be more conscious in this awake life. Be aware of your beliefs, creating reality. Be aware of the thoughts you're having. Stop reacting to everything.

Understand this is just an Avatar, but you need mortal, spiritual being. You are a divine being made of love, made of light, dreaming that this is who you are and only an identification with the dream. Do you dim your own light, but it's still light? See, this is where all the power comes, so how can you ask her project? Become more aware of your thoughts as you're drifting off, become more aware of something. You can even do it. You can't actually do it until you become aware of it.

I'm actually doing this in my own life right now. I'm becoming more aware of these things in my life that are holding me back. Like I've always identified myself as not being a very visual person. I'm just claircognizant. I just feel information and I give information on YouTube videos like I do and I've done for two years now. However, I'm starting to break apart that belief.

What if I could be more cleric, Clara sentience or Clara? I could see things more clairvoyant, but I'm just telling myself I'm Clara cognitive, so I don't do that. You see, these are all limitations, but what I'm now learning is that what I can begin to do is let that go. And the more I let that go is the more that I begin to raise my own vibration.

And the more that I actually started to experience that. For this process in general, when it comes to astral projection, you're already doing it. Set the intention to become more aware of it. Yes, there are different things you can do, but you first off must know that it is possible. And the way you know is possible is because you're already doing it because you have an astral body.

Then what you can do is there are different techniques you can do and there's a, there's a rope technique that you can research on it. That's what I use when I asked her projected and in general for this process, understand that you with this process, it's something you naturally do. It's not something you necessarily have to try to learn to do.

You do it naturally. Become more conscious in your daily life. Become aware of the thoughts you think and how they correlate with your reality and you'll become more conscious in your astral body, in your dream state. Let's talk about dreams for a minute. When you leave your body at night, you're leaving your physical body, you're going into the astral realms, you're doing a whole bunch of stuff you don't even know and you can't even imagine stuff in higher vibrational states beyond the five senses.

When you wake up in the morning, you're coming back into your body in that little buffer. You are coming back into your body, you will get subconscious messages for your physical body, for you to remember things from your guides, doing some of your higher self,

and these are things that can be messages for you, but in actuality you're doing much higher vibrational things and the reality is you just don't even remember. Dreams are more symbolic than anything, but this life is also a dream, a symbolic dream, a dream you're having right now. Because part of this beauty of this life is us becoming aware that it is a dream because as we become aware that it is a dream, we start to gain our power back.

The truth is you're dreaming in the more at night when you go to bed. It's just as you come into the back, into your body from your astral form here, you're getting little messages. You're getting things at your guides. Your higher self is giving you. However, this whole life is a dream, whether you're aware of it or not. And because this life is a dream, it's just a consistent dream that appears real because there's continuity.

But the more you become aware that everything is both a particle and a wave, which is what quantum physics shows us, you can see everything is vibration. We believe it to be real. We experience it as real, but we're becoming more aware that things are flexible. Manifestation is easier than, you know, make it more about the vibration.

Understand that you are not just your physical body. You are so much more. You have an astral body at nighttime, you are awake to these higher states. You are doing things in your astral body that you can't even imagine. You exist in higher states of consciousness and at the point of death you just let go of the physical body and you become this being, however, you have a purpose for being here. Your purpose is to help other people wake up. Your purpose is to be in your passion and be in the highest vibrational state because that influences other people.

And the more you tap into that, the more you'll find you raise your vibration. Now is the best time to be alive than ever before, and if you knew how much of a demand there is to be here on earth right now than you would, you would really start to be grateful for your life in a new way. However, know that you are so much more than you could imagine. I have a meditation that will help you to raise your vibration. As you raise your vibrational set point, you will perceive it more of these things that I'm talking about.

3 Things You MUST Do to Manifest in the 5th Dimension

I'm going to be sharing with you the three things you must do in order to manifest in the fifth dimension. I'm going to share with you the ways of shifting your own consciousness to the fifth dimension so that you create things from a much higher vibration.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things, the perspectives you can have in order to get yourself to a 5D level of consciousness because when you shift your consciousness to a higher level, you then create things in your life so much easier. As I've been going through the process of learning more and about more about how I achieve my goals or manifest what I want, the more that I raise my vibration, the easier things happen.

Back in the day, it was all about hard work, willpower, discipline, and that got me to a certain level. However, the more I just focused on raising my vibration, the more that I could just then be, the more that I could then focus on the outcome. On the energy state, on the vibration, and then the easier things would manifest. I went from having to really grind hard work 14 to 16 like literally at 12 to 14 hours a day.

I love what I do. However, now I make an a more abundant than ever before. I take less action than I ever have before because I focused more on a 5D level of consciousness and I'm going to be sharing with you in this blog how you can adopt some of the same understanding, some of the same levels of embodiment of this higher vibrational energy so that you create things from this higher level.

When we look at this, that's first off, understand what a 5D level of consciousness is. Well, let's look at it in the form of 3D, 4D, 5D. The 3D level of consciousness is when we identify with our ego. The 3D level of consciousness is when we identify with labels. Think of the third dimension as a level of duality where everything is good, Bad, light, dark, and everything is about attachment or attached to ideologies were attached to all these labels.

And a lot of times in the third dimension, it's also a lot about power, power dynamics. You'll see that in the planet there are certain, you could call it the military industrial complex, or you could call it the cabal, whatever you want to call it, that control parts of the media and all of this stuff and whatever you call it.

That's a 3D concept of a 3D ideology of control. And the idea is that if you control the mass amount of people, you control the reality itself. The thing is, is we are moving out of that paradigm out of the media and everything being controlled to people being on autopilot. Most people just live in the autopilot mind. They're not actually really awake, they're just kind of walking around in a way, kind of sleep, walking.

But the idea is that now what we're learning to do is we're learning to wake up from the dream of separation, the dream of the third dimension, and when we start to wake up, and I'll tell you right now that the first site in your waking up is that you watch my videos. Because if you're even into this kind of content, then you're already in the process of waking up.

You cannot perceive that which you are not the vibration of. If you perceive of this content, if you're s you've even heard of a spiritual awakening or you understand that your thoughts create your experience, then you're already ahead of the curb and you're moving out of the 3D level of consciousness. The 3D level of consciousness is about the reaction. We're always reacting to everything that's happening.

You could also think of it as we're in the lower vibrational emotions were not necessarily feeling higher states of consciousness where I really identified with the things that happened in the past or worrying about the things that may or may not happen in the future. But what happens? Is it a 3D level of consciousness is about attachment? It's about labels and in general, it's a lower vibrational way of going about it. Normally, even in the 3D level of manifestation, it's about willpower.

Doing taking action. An action isn't always a bad thing, but it depends upon which the energy it comes from and the 3D level of manifestation, it's, I really want that and I really, really don't have it. Let me do all of these things to get it. The idea is that then we can move into a 4D level of consciousness. The 4D level of consciousness is where things start to become more flexible.

There can still be that have some level of duality, good, bad, light, dark, that can still be there, but it's related to in a much different way rather than wanting something and seeing it as we must, uh, get somewhere else. It's acknowledging that reality itself is very flexible. It's not necessarily emphasizing times so much, 3D level of consciousness. It's about time. It's about a linear time-space thinking about it like this, this, this has to happen.

Then I can experience this 4D level of consciousness is more of a dreamlike state. It has more understanding that our beliefs create our reality. It is understanding that reality is what we make it and when do we start to get into this space. This is when things start to happen much easier. We can create a greater degree of change from where we are to where we want to be and I don't know why I did there, but it just felt right where we are to where we want to be and that we can create less time because we can tap into the present moment.

This is when we start to tap into the present moment and this is about understanding that what we could begin to do is to tap into it. To understand that you could also think of, it's like when you're in a dream itself, you know when you're in a dream and you think of something, he can automatically be there. Well, that's because we're less bound by time and space in the same way. The more that you realize your life is a form of a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become. The more you think that 3D reality is so real lost in the matrix, the more it will be real for you.

But when you start to recognize 3D reality for what it is, you start to loosen up your beliefs. You start to loosen up the pool of the social conditioning, the matrix over you, and you start to wake up. Right now, actually what is happening on the planet, it's might sound a little bit out there, but right now we are actually in a 4D level of consciousness. However, the old 3D paradigms are still running themselves out, which means they have a certain level of momentum. But what we are doing is we are creating in a 4D level of consciousness, the remnants of the 3D reality thinking that the 3D reality is still there, not understanding that it is all something that is beginning to crumble away.

Does attachments you may understand and see the government is starting to shift. It has been shifting, but it's starting to shift even more old paradigms that used to work or starting to shift. It's just that we're playing out the old patterns and really letting go of the 3D and we'll see that and continue to see that over the next coming years. 40 level of consciousness is about recognizing that life is a form of a dream and that because of that because we recognize that we are immortal, spiritual beings living a temporary human experience, we can see this just as one type of manifestation.

The 3d, we emphasize so much with the ego. The Ego is who we are, the Avatar body that we inhabit as infinite spiritual beings. This is me, this is me. This really isn't me. Just like your body is not just you. It is something you use for a period of time while on you. While you're on earth, but then eventually you shed that body, you let it go and you reemerge to who you really are. Here's the thing.

As we begin to go through this experience, we begin to identify less with the Avatar body and recognize it for what it is. It is a vehicle we can identify with the vehicle, but as long as you're aware that you're identifying with the vehicle, you start to take your power back that what happens is then our life becomes much more dreamlike and in the fourth-dimensional state of consciousness, it is more about vibration.

It's more about vibration. The more that you recognize the reality you want to experience and you start to embody the vibration of it to get the vibration as how you think, act and feel, the more you will begin to experience that in your life. Tap into the vibration to really be in the fourth dimension and you follow the feeling. You follow your state now, then we can move into a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness 4D is more dreamlike and we begin to let go of that of time.

Time becomes more flexible. 3D Is that of duality and as that of the strong identification, 5D is when we begin to merge more with our higher self and we begin to recognize that we are light. This is also where we begin to activate what is called light bodies and this is where we begin to exist more in an unconditional state of love.

It is an option that every single one of us has to embody. However, many people are attached to positionalities, they're attached to what other people did to them, so how can they be unconditional when they had conditions as to what someone did to them to whether they love them or not. 5D level of consciousness is unconditional love. Understanding that we are already holding a complete 5D level of consciousness is noticing that we are all connected and because we're all connected.

What you do to someone else, you literally do to another aspect of yourself, 5D level of consciousness is when we move out of our head and into our hearts. When we create from the heart, we create from a singular point of focus. When we create from our head, we create from duality because think about it in our head. We have the left brain, the right brain left, right up, down, dark light.

These are all polarizations. This is an opposite and we create something from the head. We create polarization. We create the potential for the opposite of it and we're normally identifying with it. When we create from our heart, it's a much more powerful energy and it's a singular point of focus. It's a singular point of focus because our heart is not polarized like the brain is, so to create from your heart, what she must do is you must first off identify goals that you're really passionate about.

Steve Jobs that said it, Warren Buffett has said it. People that are not even necessarily in that of the spiritual niche have said this because when you tap into your heart center, it is something that moves you. It is something that propels you. It's something even if blocks come up, you move through it because it carries you. The Passion feeling you have in your body is your body telling you it's your body translation.

That's telling you to go do this. This is who you are. When I make these videos, I don't have to try so hard. It's just I get in front of the camera and I film and this flow state happens and as soon as I am, so it's telling me this is who you are. When I do these videos, I'm in a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness. But here's the thing, it's not necessarily the ego that is doing it. It is the higher dimensional energy that is flowing through me.

And the fifth dimension, we become more our divine selves and we get out of the way we surrender and we don't control using the ego. You are a divine being. You are in the mortal spiritual being living in a temporary human experience. And the more that you allow this energy to flow through you by also having a pure intent.

That's what I have begun to do in my life. And not that I'm a holy saint or anything, but I recognize that the more I allow this to find the energy to flow through me, the more it does. Let's get into the three things that you must do in order to manifest from effect dimensional state of consciousness. The first one gets out of the head and into the heart. Get out of the beliefs and the intellect and into the heart.

This for me was something that I've been learning to do more and more over the last couple of months because normally I'm like, beliefs create reality. You change your beliefs, you change your life. However, any beliefs that you look at will appear to be true, but it can also be seen from the opposite because that's the paradox of life.

Beliefs are temporary. Your beliefs may change. You may believe right now that you're capable of making $100,000 a year. Then you may believe that you're able to make $200,000 a year and you will let go of that a hundred-thousand-dollar belief is one true over the other. They're true and not true at the same time. It depends on what serves you. The key to getting into the heart is dropping.

All those ideologies. I just posted something on Instagram that shows and calibrates Einstein who calibrated at the highest levels of the intellect and he started to brim upon this understanding of this level of consciousness or love is all there is, but he would have had to let go of all the intellectual ideas to then pop into that state of consciousness. The more we remain attached to the beliefs, the more it keeps us in that train of thought.

The key to this is just keeping things simple. Make it simple, make it more about the feeling. Put the awareness in your heart. Even right now, put your hands over your heart like this, just for a minute or two. We'll take one deep breath in with me. As you do this right now, you're bringing the energy from out of the head and into the heart. The more attention you put in your heart space, the more you grow that electromagnetic energy inside of your heart. That is the key. You are whole and complete.

The more you put your attention here, the more you grow it, and then you're able to create a very powerful way. But understand beliefs are attachments to perspectives and we must let go of those beliefs are rooted in 3D reference experiences. The second thing we must let go of is attachments to positionalities, which means perspectives of someone did something to you. You must forgive, forgive, you must forgive. If somebody did something to you, you will remain with that emotional charge.

A lot of things in my life from my past, there were certain patterns that stayed in my life for a long time until I dealt with it. For example, as some of you may know, if you've watched my videos, I had an abusive ex-stepmom and my life and for a long time, even though she was out of my life at 15 years old and my dad divorced her, I was still angry. Why did I go through physical abuse? Why did I go through the emotional and mental abuse? Why did I go through all that?

Guess what? I kept manifesting people in my life that had similar type of energy until I completed the past by forgiving her because then I recognize that that actually led me to my spiritual awakening. Many of you watching this right now watching me have been through a great amount of pain because that pain led you to a spiritual awakening because you weren't meant to wake up first to be a beacon of light.

You are meant to wake up to carry this information with you to go through this awakening to carry the information with you. Even if you don't make YouTube, it's like I do. You are meant to carry this with you so that other people that influences other people at a subconscious level and then as other people go through, their awakening is things get brought up for them. They look at you and they're like, oh, that person's going through it.

They went through it. Remember there, that weird friend there, he went through it. I'm going through something similar. I'm going to go with them. You are in a way like a lighthouse that is helping guide them through this process, even if it's just by leading by example, but you must first be grateful for where you are and forgive what other people have done to you. Please as you forgive them, it leaves your energy field.

The fifth dimension is about having a clear space. Have a clear space, clear it out by forgiving because then what you do is you begin to raise your vibration and as you do, that's when everything begins to change. You see, there really is only one of us. There is many of us. There's the one of us that is in many different bodies, seven to 8 billion people on the planet, but we're all connected and when we understand this connection, we let go of all the resistance.

That is the key. The key is being aware of it and deciding that we're going to let it go. The third thing you must do to embody this fifth-dimensional state of consciousness is beyond love. It is beyond letting go of the 3D letting go of the beliefs and forgiving it is simply being here. Being present to the moment the 3D and 4D realities about thinking and doing, doing and the third dimension. I'm going to do this, do this, do this. The fourth dimension is like, well, I can think more. I can be in vibration mode, which is great. Being present to the moment is when we start to tap into higher states of consciousness.

How am I going to do this? How am I doing that? I'm not thinking about any of that. Instead of what I'm doing is I'm just here now, whatever you do, do it 100% and another thing you could do for that is to get out of your head and into your body. What are the reasons I go to the gym is because it gets me into my body? Am I go running and gets me into my body. Know that this is about being more than thinking or doing and any enlightened person. The reason that enlightened people are able to really do magical things. If you read the book. It's an autobiography of a Yogi which has a firsthand account of an enlightened guy and with his guru.

Muddling it up, clear your thoughts, focus on being present to the moment allowed this fifth-dimensional energy to flow through because right now on the planet we are shifting from the 3D to the 5D and we have the 4D. We're moving through this whole process. All options are here now. This isn't a place that we go to a Eutopia place. We are literally creating heaven on earth right now with our vibrations with detaching from the 3D and going through this and understanding who we really are.

We are divine beings. The other thing you can do is recognize your divinity. You are a divine, immortal, spiritual being, living a temporary human experience. You are born here and you forget who you are because one of the purposes of life, the big level up in this game of life is you remember who you are because as you remember who you are, there's an experience that comes with it.

Then in a way you gained more abilities to influence your reality because when you know there's a correlation because what want you to think, act and feel when you know there is a correlation between that and what you experience, guess what? You start to do it more deliberately, but if you're unaware of it, you're in the autopilot mind doing the same things every single day. Walking around, not knowing that you're reacting to everything when in actuality you can engage, you can be present to the moment you are meant to be here, consciously aware, directing your life and the direction you want.

You do that through being and awareness and recognizing your divinity. The more that you do that, the more you allow. This higher vibrational energy to flow through and the more you will then be in the higher vibrational states of consciousness and it will even feel better, you will feel more unconditional love.

You'll allow yourself to get out of your head and into your body to let go of the old beliefs observed the 3D. Allow it to be there, but let it go. I understand that the more that you are letting go of, you're also forgiving, letting go of attachment to positionalities. You'll begin to really be in a higher vibrational state of consciousness and then recognize your divinity, recognize it and focus on being present to the moment. As you do all of this, you'll notice that your life begins to change in a very powerful way.

3 Ways to Attract High Vibrational Friends with Leeor Alexandra and Isabel Palacios

We are going to share with you the three things you must do in order to attract high vibrational friends. These are going to be three things that we've done in our own lives.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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I'm here today with Leeor and Isabel who both have amazing YouTube channels. They create content on anything to do with personal development, Law of Attraction, and relationships. We are going to be sharing with you the three things that we've done in our own lives to attract high vibrational friends. Cause a lot of times what happens is we are finding that we're going through a spiritual awakening.

We're into Law of Attraction type content. But what'll happen is sometimes we'll look around, we'll get passionate about it and we won't see other people that are also into the same things. Then we would question him or like him what a and what I experienced him. I feel kind of isolated. I feel kind of alone and people reach out to me a lot and I'm sure you guys as well as to how can I attract high vibrational friends that are into the same type of things. We're going to share with you those three things.

The first is that you know, when going through kind of like a spiritual awakening or when you're just kind of working on bettering yourself and becoming a better version of yourself. Sometimes we tend to immediately think that our friends are not going to understand that maybe we just don't feel kind of like a resonance or like the right energy when we see them when our mindset has changed.

One thing I do want to say is to give people a chance because you might find that they see that what you're going through is benefiting you. Even if it's a little bit difficult, they see that you're becoming a better version of yourself. You're becoming a better person and they might want some of that as well. In the beginning, you might feel like your current friend group is it gets you.

But in my personal experience when it comes to my childhood friends, I grew up with an even my family, when they saw the positive impact that the Law of Attraction and spirituality and self-development and just working on myself, the positive impact it was having on my life, they all got on board eventually.

I had instances where like people knew of me and like we were acquaintances. People would call me like weird and things like that because of all the things I do on YouTube and all of the things I talk about and even in high school before I was on YouTube, I was always this positive Law of Attraction, like grown. I have kind of like a bit of a reputation, but now I have these people years later reaching out to me to talk to me, to learn more about it, to hang out with me because people are waking up and they're aligning to that.

Give the people in your life the chance they usually end up coming around now if you want to attract new friends, a whole new group of friends, you're seeing that what you have right now is not working out for you or you're feeling a little bit lonely or whatever. I think that getting out of your comfort zone a little bit and trying out a bunch of new things, I think it's a no brainer, but it's just like find new hobbies and go try different things. Go travel on the weekends. If you can even like an hour away, go to farmer's markets, join.

I liked friends to go to the farmer's market with me, so I'll go to the farmer's market, meet some friends, have some avocado toast and just like, you know, find new hobbies like yoga and working out, going to the gym, even hanging out in bookstores, finding people in the same section of the bookstore. Then you like, you know a lot of people meet at whole foods.

That's a meme, but you can meet people at your local market. Like as long as you're putting the energy out there that this is what you want, they're going to come to you and that's it. It was really good. That's my gosh. So true. Thank you. You guys are so nice. I'm really glad you're my friend. If you want a good friend group, if you want supportive friends, you need to become a supportive friend to others.

You need to reach out to people. You need to be there for people as well. And don't be afraid of being yourself. Don't be afraid. Like Leeor was saying, the shade had people look at her weird and people think that she was the weird girl. But because she stayed true to who she was, she was able to also attract people who are like, wait, you know, she's actually had like the vibe I want to be. Yet it's like if you become literally embody, see as a person like Leeor versus like Aaron, you see the way they are, what say do you see what they do and how they act and what their routines are.

And because of the way they are, they attract good people into their life. If you're a person that okay you always go out and, which I'm not knocking going on. But like if you're always going out, if you want to find a boyfriend or girlfriend, like you're always going out to bars, you're going to find people who obviously go out to bars and don't like to hang out on the weekends and drink Kombucha and know avocado toast and talk Law of Attraction.

You have to make sure that you're setting yourself up. You are literally embodying it like a magnet. What you'd want to come towards you. I think it's very simple. Like for me, making friends has always been kind of like when I was young I was super, super shy. Like I always waited for people to come to me.

But when I opened up and I reached out to peel and it was just myself and people, it was more like, you know, I was myself and those people came into me. It's almost like you set up the environment that you wish to have and then people who aligned with it will naturally flow in. Whereas people who don't necessarily meet you vibrationally will be repelled.

People who are into like negative things or aren't living a more positive lifestyle won't come into you and mess up your equilibrium. Make sure you set up like an inner home for yourself as conducive to this vibration that you want to attract. I think it's, you know, it's all about just stay true to you and you're 100%

that's good too because it makes people go inwards because most people are like, well where are they? They're over there. But the power is actually within, and we were talking about this recently on another video that we did, which was on attracting love and sometimes people always attract to them where they currently are.

Like past relationships for me, I recognize that anytime I attract a certain type of person like I wasn't passionate about my old nine to five job. I'd find other people that were also not passionate about their nine to five job. And a vibrational resonance of that discomfort of doing what you're not passionate about. When you were talking about the comfort zone, think about it. We always experience a reality that is equal to our current comfort zone.

The current thoughts we're having, the current actions we're taking, the current emotions we have in order to experience more, we must go beyond that. And the key is, is challenging your current self-image, challenging your current of what's comfortable, but also identifying where would these people be if you want to live a more conscious lifestyle when it comes to fitness, go to a yoga class. You may find that you meet people if you're into yoga or you want more people that are conscious of that. It's about identifying that.

The part that I want to contribute is understanding more about doing what you're passionate about. When you're doing what you're passionate about, you're in the highest vibrational state for who you really are at your authentic core. And when you do that, then it's like that becomes a magnet. You know, when it comes to like what I would do, my spiritual awakening, I went through a phase where I felt like people just didn't get me because I go through a spiritual awakening us back in 2011, 2012, I go through spiritual awakening.

I'm so excited to share this information with people. I go out, I'm like, listen, I was telling my friends about it. The Law of Attraction, you create your own reality. I was telling my dad and my other family members about it, some family members got it, but a lot of them thought it was just nuts. They're like, dude, what are doing? Why are you talking about meditation?

She like be the normal person you are and like to watch football or basketball. Like, and I felt like I was misunderstood. But what I realized was I was also trying to sell people on my beliefs in my ideologies. And the difference is after about a year or two, I realized I'm passionate about. It's funny, not only is it because of the channel has grown, but I old friends or people that like used to, I used to be like, “Oh, I wish they got it. I wish they got it.” They're like, I love what you're doing.

Crazy happens to you guys. And that happened to me too. Like even girls that were like the stuck up snobby girl, like in a school like comedy him, I'm like, okay, okay fine. When you love what you're doing, love like you're passionate about it, it resonates with people. And also everybody's waking up slowly. Understand that it's a time of awakening. It's just, but you were at your authentic core is going to allow more and more people to come in and it becomes magnetic energy where you don't have to sell it.

And the other point I wanted to make as you were talking about like if we judge our friends and we sometimes will reaffirm to ourselves, I don't have high vibrational friends, I don't have high vibrational friends. Well, guess what? That definition we'll create an experience of not having high vibrational friends. Lucky that for me, and there could be high vibrational friends around you right now, but you're almost not perceiving of them because there's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't have any high vibrational friends. Right? The other thing you can do is just let go of that and let go into that definition.

I liked it. We should talk about how we attract. Okay, I'm going to talk about it. I chatted meaning these two people. And honestly what I really was, was following my passion, self-love, I'm accepting myself and accepting my interest in stuff. And I reached out to Isabel, I think you reached out to me first, but I reached out to you to like later on.

Basically, and it all paid off because what happens is put yourself out there. That's what I'm trying to say. Put yourself out there and if it resonates, if there's some sort of connection there, it's going to naturally happen. It's going to be so organic like it is a little bit today. Yeah. We literally just met him in person today and it was like a time that you guys like we're friends in La that knew each other.

We support each other so much online. And then when we met it was like we had always known each other because when you're following your purpose and doing what you're passionate about and putting yourself out there, the universe rewards bravery. Put yourself out there. Make friends, other people, everybody wants to make friends.

Everybody wants to have a group. Yeah. And be yourself. Don't feel like you have to fit into what society is telling you to do. Just cause people in their twenties or thirties, whatever going out. And you know, being crazy or whatever, it doesn't mean you have to do that. If that's how you do what feels right to you, you know, but also don't allow yourself to fall in like in that same thing, at the same paradigm, whatever, break out of it.

And also allow yourself to do what feels right and to connect with people. It feels right. Don't try to force relationships either and that forces you to be thanked, but yet people crave friendships that aren't based on something concrete. You know, be you remember that you deserve these friendships. I fell a lot of people feel like there may not be worthy of certain types of friendships. You have to remember, remind yourself constantly. You're an amazing human being and a spiritual being and you deserve these relationships.

And when you reach that, when you align to that, they come to you like a magnet. I think we all, we all kind of chose to come here at this time to get a little deeper about this and we're all waking up together. But it's time for us to meet each other. It's time for us to all vied with each other. And the last little part I wanted to say as well is there were certain activities that I would do before. And it was this kind of pattern.

It was comfortable. And even after my awakening I, it was weird cause I'm like doing these new things, I meditating, I'm hanging out at different places and I'm like, I was judging myself. I'm like, I needed like this has been comfortable for so long. I have to get back to what's comfortable, you know? And then I would do it, it would bring my vibration down. Also, don't be afraid to let go of the old, whether that's an activity or people because I cut off the toxic.

See this is the thing as well. When you let go of the people that aren't serving you in your life, make you make room. It's almost like a dog trying to get the bone in its mouth. It can't. It has to let go of what's in his mouth in order to get the new bone. Do you know what I mean? It's a similar type of metaphor. It's you have to let go of what's not serving. And then you in a way, take vibrational inventory.

You let go of what isn't, and then you can allow for what is for what's higher vibrational.  They're going to be in my manifestation and Monday motivation today. Stories about prosperity, how we attract abundance, success, stories of how we use the Law of Attraction too.

3 TRUTHS About Extraterrestrials that will BLOW Your Mind

I'm going to be sharing with you three truths about extra-terrestrials that will make you see the whole entire world in a new way. Understanding more about who you really are.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the three truths about extraterrestrials that you may not be aware of and understanding this also from a deeper level of consciousness in general.

This is a whole area of topic that I've been waiting to bring onto my channel for a while because it is a bit more esoteric and also because I had these blocks in my own mind that was like I almost wanted to stay within my little love attraction box of like how people saw him as the lately.

Maybe you've noticed some of the content on this challenge come a little bit more, a little bit more esoteric, and there's a good purpose behind it because I believe that now is a time on the planet. More and more and more people are waking up where now I can bring through this information, I can do it in a way and feel comfortable because it is time for people to know more about who they are.

It is time for people to understand that this doesn't have to be such a taboo and weird thing. Understand that right now as well. When I say extra-terrestrial, if that makes you feel very uncomfortable, understand that that most likely is just social conditioning. We've been socially conditioned from a very young age to be afraid of this type of information or to tag on to at a certain level of fear or it may be limiting beliefs as well or limiting beliefs.

It may just be beliefs that as well that kind of negate that this is something as possible understand as well. Sometimes people are religious and what they do is they think that like it neglects or negates that of understanding like what they've been brought up to believe. It can be a this and that type of thing.

We can be divined spiritual beings living a temporary human experience and extra-terrestrials can also add are also divine beings living their own experience and the thing is, is there just a little bit more aware of it than us? Many times, they are of a higher dimensional, they're higher dimensional, which means that they perceive things in a higher light because the 3D physical body does not necessarily bind them.

They're more aware of that divine is that they are and they're in a way in communication with us right now and in a way here right now with artists not actually necessarily knowing it because they're here reminding us that this is who you are. You are divine spiritual beans. You are here waking up to more of who you are. This is a process. Understand first off that you are multidimensional now multidimensional.

What does that mean? It means that you are in a mortal spiritual being, living in a temporary human experience and that you exist at many different levels at the same time. It's just that while you're alive, right now on earth, you are only perceiving of that of your 3D physical eagle. And what happens if you're born into earth and you go through life experience and you forget who you really are.

One of the purposes of coming here is so that you can remember who you are. You go through eight what is called a villa forgetfulness. You being moral, spiritual, being rich, like chilling in the higher dimensions. And then we're like, “Yo, I'm going to go to earth because right now there's this transformation that's happening on the planet and I want to be a part of it.”

And you said, okay, so you came here. But one of the things, when you came here, is that you had to forget who you are. And then you go through most likely a lot of pain because when you go through the pain that leads, a lot of people do a spiritual awakening.

A lot of people that watch my content are people that had been through a lot of pain because then it led you to a spiritual awakening and now you remember who you are and now you got some guy on YouTube talking about extra-terrestrials and how we're all connected to extraterrestrials.

That's how the process works. But nonetheless, it may sound a little bit fearful right now, but it does get better because you realize more and more that there's so much more to reality than you can think and that you know, and what happens is you start to embody more and more of this energy.

Understanding ATS is also understanding and aspects of us, because see this the thing, you're any mortal, spiritual being, living in a temporary human experience. Why would we only incarnate ever on one planet on earth? Think about how uncreative that is and just like I'm going to live 1,020 thousand lifetimes on one little planet when you're this huge spiritual being and this one planet and I want to learn as much as I can.

We're going to learn a lot of stuff, but here's the thing. You exist at many different levels and all and also many different planets at the same time. Right now that sounds like, how is that even possible? Well, it's just that right now our perception is here on earth. However, there's this vastness. When you go to bed at night, you wake up to these higher levels and you perceive more of them, but then you come back in the morning and you forget this.

This is something that as you start to open your mind to you will experience more. You might say, “How do you know this, Aaron? How do you have you? Can you show me proof on a piece of paper that this is real? Or can you logically measure this somehow?”

The idea is that you must experience it for yourself. Your beliefs create your reality, and when you let go of some of the filters of your beliefs, you perceive to have more of it. You will literally start to perceive more of this kind of information and you will get more connected with these higher dimensional states as you begin to do that. In totality, you exist at many different levels.

There are many different races that we are all connected to, whether we're aware of it or not. It's just that if we don't believe we're connected to it, we won't perceive it. But many of us have connections to a place called the [inaudible]. There's an Arcturus, there's serious, there are many more.

Those are the most common ones that people will reflect upon because a lot of these are also related to us in a way. They have a very deep, intimate, intimate connection with us. And it's about the US recognizing this. First off, know that you're an immortal, spiritual being, limited temporary human experience that while you're awake on earth, you may only remember that have you in what you're doing here.

As you identify with this 3D Avatar body. However, what's happening now is you're becoming more and more aware of who you are, becoming more aware that you exist at many different levels at the same time. And I'll let me tell you this too, hired these extra-terrestrials, most of them that we would perceive of or connect you are of a higher dimensional nature, meaning your natural state is actually feeling more unconditional love bliss in literally you are able to do what we would consider being magic.

However, we are just now becoming aware of that. And you are here right now and we perceive of things in this agreed-upon reality and part of this agreed upon reality is that right now we experience what we're experiencing and we're going through this awakening. The first truth about extraterrestrials that will blow your mind is understanding that these extraterrestrials that we may or may not like or dislike, they are other versions of us now at the deepest level of consciousness.

And we could say everything's a reflection of us. When you, what you do to someone else, you do to another aspect of yourself. That's why we have karma, but there are different levels to it. These extraterrestrials that are coming here to help and to help us wake up from this hypnosis that we've been under because there's been a certain level of control on the planet.

These new dresses, your races are literally us from the future or from the past. They are higher dimensional beings. They may be actually seeing other aspects of their own soul of their own spirit. Because we're connected at many different levels. When you go to bed at night, you may perceive of these extra-terrestrial connections, but guess what?

They're also connected to you many times. And now in general, this helps us understand that we can lessen and let go of the fear that's attributed to it because they wouldn't be here to destroy us because they are us. But you see there from a higher, higher consciousness point of view. They know that. But we only, we see things from our point of view as to where we currently are.

The idea is that when they look at us and they see where we are, it's like we're just coming. We're just now starting to wake up. We're starting to become aware of who we are and we think of things in terms of where we currently are. As a society, there may be people that would assume, oh well if they were to come war or will that, why is that?

Because some people have in us at that level of consciousness where they view it us against, there's this separation, there's this label, I am me and you are extra-terrestrial. The idea though is understanding that we are all connected and that not only that we are immortal, spiritual beings living a temporary human experience, but that these extraterrestrial races, many of them are us from the future. The thing about this idea, this might kind of blow your mind.

This might kind of stretch out you outside a little bit of maybe what's comfortable to think about, but from a higher dimensional point of view, you were chilling. You heard this call and you decided to come here. You've evolved to a certain level to where you exist. What we would call the future all time exists now.

You have seven and a half plus a billion-people waking up to who they are some faster than others, but nonetheless everyone waking up. You decided you knew it was going to be hard because you are going to incarnate into this planet and you are going to forget who you are, but you are up to the challenge because you knew and yet have compassion.

You wanted to help so you decided to come here. You are born, you forgot who you are. And that person maybe you because they say, oh, this person understands this. And look how calm and collected these things being brought up for people. You came here, this is who you are now, those extra-terrestrial races from the future that we perceive of are actually connected to you and you may be becoming more aware of this now and there's nothing to be afraid of because they are you.

They are you from a different level of consciousness. It's just that we like to separate, this is me, this is me, this is me and said to be aware that they are used. There's nothing to be afraid of. They wouldn't do anything bad to you because you are connected to them. They have your best interests at heart. Most of them, the ones that we feel that we feel connected to are of a higher dimensional nature and they were here assisting us right now. There is so much attention on the planet right now because of this transformation that's happening.

The second truth that you must know about when it comes to extraterrestrials that will totally blow your mind is understanding what would happen if an extra-terrestrial walked up to you right now.  If you want more information on this, by the way, I recommend you check out Bashar and any book by Dolores Cannon. 

She created or perfected the QHHT quantum healing hypnosis technique. This technique would get people to the deepest levels of brainwave activity. They could bring through their higher selves and they can ask any question you want. The higher self would explain about the soul, why they incarnated at the time at this time, and her books are transcripts of that and through thousands and thousands of transcripts, people have said they're here right now on the planet because now is the time of transformation.

Is the time of waking up to who they are? To me, it's very powerful information. Bashar same thing. You find a lot of information with Bashar and it'll kind of explain this stuff a little bit more. But in general, when you look to this, what would happen if an extra trash or walked up to you will, you may say, why don't eat cheese walk up to us. Let us know that you exist. Well, first off, it's controlled at a certain level because there is plenty of evidence that it existed. If you look two times of the planet with Egypt, we've looked to Machu Picchu or the Nazca lines.

Many different things point to this understanding and it's just that the information is suppressed like Roswell, like many different things. It's suppressed. However, why don't they just land? This is what would happen if an extra-terrestrial of a higher dimensional being maybe fifth dimensional above walked up to us because they are of such a high vibration which remember there another aspect of you so you don't have to like, oh I'm so low vibe. No, we were going through this process of transformation.

If a higher dimensional being walked up to you, there have such a high vibration that as they were walking up to you, their energy field would influence you. Anything inside of you that wasn't integrated, maybe something that happened in your past, maybe some limiting belief, whatever it is that wasn't already integrated as this higher dimensional being walked up to you, it would bring all of that stuff to the surface for you to deal with.

Right then because that higher dimensional being which may be connected to you is so integrated in such a high vibration that would allow you in cause you to integrate everything within yourself immediately just to be in their energy field. And as they walk up to you, you would then start to have to integrate all this stuff that hasn't been integrated and you would then think it was them making you feel fear making you feel this lower vibrational energy or causing you to feel this stuff that wasn't already processed.

The idea behind this is that we must first integrate ourselves before they can then come here. They are not holding themselves back from us. It is more so they are waiting for us to be on cue to be comfortable with them. He said, why don't they land would this is the way they look at it.

I'm not talking down on us as humans, but from their perspective, would you land or go somewhere where there were, what would be considered? People that are in a way forgot who they are and a little bit insane because they want to go at war with each other. They don't understand that they're all connected. They're fighting each other and they think that anything that isn't them, it's something that they should fight.

Would you land in a war zone like that with people that are sleeping in a deep sleep or that would appear to be like almost insane to them? I'm not saying we're judging ourselves, I'm just saying to them it's like they go into an insane asylum with people with guns. That's, that's how it would look to them for a lot of people, not necessarily us or people that are already open to this information, but just in general.

That's the idea. The idea is that they're waiting for us. They're waiting for us to be on cue. They're waiting for us to integrate ourselves so that they can then resonate with us. That blew my mind. Understanding that because then I said, okay, this isn't about trying to change something out there where we get some evidence. It's about me changing within myself because as I change in myself, that's when everything begins to change.

The third truth about extraterrestrials that blew your mind is going to be a little bit of two things. First off, they are in awe of us. They are in awe of what we are going through, that we can go through this much of forgetting of who we are and then remember who we are. There are literally thousands and thousands of different extraterrestrial races that are watching our planet right now because this is the thing.

There've been times in the plan, the past, when certain civilizations have it, send it to a higher dimension, the Mayans, there'd be different civilizations that have done so. However, it's normally just one civilization on the planet that does it and normally they then phase out of one reality and into a new one.

However, on the planet right now we are going in a body into this higher dimensional state of consciousness within our own body and doing it. We're not just doing it as a civilization. We're doing it as a whole entire planet now summit Dick, quicker rates than others, but this is caused so much attention that there are so many different civilizations here.

Another little tidbit I'll throw out there if you watch Bashar, he has said for 2015 years now the highest probability of us making contact with races, and by this, it doesn't mean that necessarily they lay land on the White House lawn like people stinks because it did. That gets into the politics of agenda and what people are ready for.

However, in general, the highest probability window of us as a society or as a culture or whatever, experiencing ITI contact is between the years of 2025 to 2033 that is the highest probability timeframe. This could mean that at first that window, there's just certain people that have that kind of contact.

I imagine if you're open to it, you can then resonate with it. And if you want it, it'll be an option. Maybe I could go with some homeys and we could go somewhere that's more secluded and somehow, we could have some type of conversation.

And if I can, I'll put it on a YouTube channel. Do you know what I mean? But in general, 2025 and 2033 is the highest probability window of that happening according to Bashar. That resonates with me, but at a certain level, it doesn't mean once again that it's like it's on the news because the media, that's a whole another thing.

But in that about the amount of time, I think a lot will change. So much will change because we're all becoming more and more awake. There's this spiritual renaissance that's happening right now. It's also on Gaia TV. There's a show called cosmic disclosure of whistleblowers. People that had been in programs that are, that they have been around extra-terrestrials.

They've perceived of this stuff. There's a whole another world happening. Then what we're aware of right now when we're trying to do our taxes in running around and get a 25 cent raise for our hourly job, there's so much more going around. However, become more aware of that. The more aware of you become a bit, the more you start to perceive it. In general, extraterrestrials are higher dimensional beans.

Not all of them, but most of them, especially the ones here right now because the energy is so highly charged, they are other versions of you. There's nothing to be afraid of. Many of them are in your dream state set the intention to connect with them. Many of them are heart focused, especially plating is very heart focused, but you can begin to do is to understand that the more you integrate yourself, the more you can then communicate with them.

Right now, on the plan, it's a time where you can communicate with them energetically versus just physically. But at nighttime, you may be waking up to these higher states, just not aware of it and then understand that. Thirdly there in all of us and there's a highly probable window between 2025 to 233 that being a charge time when we are able to make contact with them. However, it may be a little bit more secluded at first.

Who knows exactly how it's going to happen. It resonates with me and I am excited for this time on the planet, excited for this time of awakening and really connecting to ourselves at a deeper level and going through this process.

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