TUNE into the Vibration of Abundance LIKE THIS…

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how to tune to the channel of abundance. You're going to understand some practical ways you can go about living the most abundant lifestyle you possibly can, knowing that it's something you can easily do.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you is exactly how to attune to the channel of abundance, understanding that the channel exists right now, and it's something you can easily tap into by following a couple of fundamental core principles.

Maybe in my life you've noticed that my life has changed a lot over the last two years that I've been on YouTube and the beginning I was actually, believe it or not, I don't think I've ever shared this before, but I knew I wanted to be on YouTube full time and I knew that that was something that I believed was possible.

What I did is I originally, at the time I was living with a girlfriend, we knew that we were going to kind of break up and go our separate ways. I decided instead of getting another place that I was going to move in with my dad. What I did is I moved in with my dad. He worked 24 hours shifts because he's a firefighter, he's a fire investigator who still does, but what I did is I moved in with him knowing that what I wanted to do was spend all my energy and figuring out how to go full time on YouTube.

In a way, I kind of had to take that sacrifice and I had to, even though, you know, I was living with my dad, which kind of hurt my ego in a way because uh, it was something that I figured I was long past, you know, I, I lived with either roommates or I had my own place or I live with like a girlfriend or something if we'd been dating for a while.

However, what I realized is that I wanted to go full time. What I did is I moved back in with my dad, and it was something that I lived there for a year and a half, two years. I don't even remember. But it, it went by quick, um, but at the same time, that was something I did because I knew that if I went in that direction and if I sacrifice a little bit up front, it would allow me the time and the energy to focus on what I was passionate about.

This is the thing when it comes to abundance, this is what I've noticed in my own life, is that when you do what you're passionate about, the money comes anyway because the energy underneath what you do is very potent. It's very vital. And that's what I did, is I simply decided that even though I was working full time at Barneys New York selling woman's shoes, and I definitely made it enough to where I could have my own place.

But I knew that I didn't want to worry about any of that. I wanted to have the ability, the freedom to move into my full-time passion if I so choose. What I did is I focused on not only that, of working at Barneys New York for 40 hours a week, but I on making YouTube videos. I figured what I would do is I was going to take it more seriously and put in everything I had into my passion and the more I was passionate about it, you know, I was inside of the room is a small room that I had at my dad's house and I was making videos in there.

I was doing daily videos a lot, many times worried that he was going to hear me inside the house, like here me downstairs or something like that. And it was something to where I kind of felt like, um, you know, I definitely wanted my own place to make the videos.

Maybe you've seen my lifestyle change because I was there. Then I moved into a bigger house and I enjoyed that for six months and now I'm in my own place because that last house I had, I lived with a couple of roommates and it was a really nice house. But now I have my actual own place and you've probably seen the dramatic difference in my life.

I went from somebody that was living at my dad's house, somebody that was working a nine to five job, working at Barneys New York selling woman's shoes, and I then claimed my passion and made a choice that that is something that is going to live, that that's something I was going to do. And over the course of the last year, you know, this video is kind of special to me too because this is August 2018. I left my job in August 2017.

It's been a year since I made the jump into doing my full-time passion. I get to get up every day doing what I love. Nobody tells me what to do. I'm able to, you know, it's like seven in the morning right now I'm filming my videos and then after this, I'm going to edit. I'm going to do whatever I want. I'm going to have all my stuff done by about 1:00 and then I'm going to be able to enjoy myself or do whatever else I want.

It's a completely different lifestyle change. But I say what I'm going to be sharing with you from experience, not from some cool idea that I found. This is actually I live what I am talking about and that's why I live in this house right now. Honestly, I live in a nice house that is the perfect house for me at this point in my life.

I'll live for probably a year or two before I move into a new house. But nonetheless, this principles that I'm sharing with you has to do with passion. And it has to do with understanding the vibration of abundance.

The more that you follow your passion, the more the vibration of who you really will come out.

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Because the more that you follow your passion, the more that you buy into your passion is the more that, that is the natural vibration of who you really are. What the vibration of passion is telling us is that this is who you are.

When I make a video, I do my little cheesy, expand your awareness thing. It anchors me to a feeling of a flow state. It's what I'm passionate about. This is what I love doing. I don't have to think very much. It doesn't actually even take that much energy for me to make videos. I gave a talk recently in La and I say recently, it's been months now, but it was the beginning of the year and when I did that, it was so effortless.

It was like required no energy at all and that vibration is telling me this is who you are and that this is what's going to be abundant in your life. Anytime you feel something that you're passionate about, pay attention because that's feeling that vibration is your body's translation telling you, hey, go in this direction.

Money is a side effect of that, of you doing your passion or have you adding value to other people. That's something that I've realized because it's almost like the more successful I become, the less focus on money I have to be in, the more I can just actually focus on the vibrational state of being that I'm in and me doing what I love. You know, now that I'm in this house, to be honest, you, you create content is so easy because I feel so good in this house. I feel good.

Get up, I can make different types of videos. I have a podcast room for sound so it doesn't echo so much. I have all of these different things that make every makes my life feels so abundant and expansive that it changes everything, but it's a cascade effect because when you start making choices based on your passion, it trickles into the next thing and the next thing and the next thing.

Here is the powerful part of understanding abundance, tuning into the channel of abundance in the same way that I may have a TV right there and I may get the remote and I may change the remote from channel to channel to channel. What would happen is changing the channel, the channel, the channel. There may be an abundance channel and for me to tune to the abundance channel, I have to be on the actual channel that that is.

I know that sounds very simple and very obvious, but here's the cool thing. All the different channels exist right now at this moment. There's a channel of abundance. Those, a channel of mediocrity. There's a channel of the scarcity. There's a channel of every variation you could possibly imagine. They all exist right now.

The ones we get will depend on the ones we tune into, the one that we tune into. They all exist now so we can argue and say, well, this is this and this, this, this, and this is this. Yes, maybe that is true, but those are all options of the infinite number of channels that exist that we tune into. For us to experience more abundance in our life, what we must do is we must tune our vibration to the channel that we prefer. The way we tune our vibration to the channel we prefer is through our state of being.

We could say our emotion and our focus. These are the two main parts of where our vibration is. Whatever we focus on, we feel whatever we feel then starts to develop momentum and the more we focus on the vibration and we could say the passion, the passion is the feeling you want to follow because the more you do your passion and what you're excited about, the more that leads to a momentum of you doing what you love.

When I made this change in my life, everything began to change. The thing is you have to trust the process and you have to set the intention as well. Set the intention that you find out what your passion is. Set the intention that once you find your passion, you find out how you can add value to other people with it or how you can do it in a way that generates some type of income.

Find out different strategies for doing it and decide to do that thing because the more you follow that feeling, the more it ripples into the air. Every single area of your life. In the life that we live in, in everything that we see around us, it is all about vibrational resonance. We always get a reflection of our vibration.

I know this sounds, some people hear the word vibration and they think that that's kind of like an esoteric that what does that even mean, but will quantum physics shows us is that everything in life is vibration. Everything, in general, is vibrating at a different frequency and what you can begin to do is to see what the vibration of abundance is. I realize that I had to drop some beliefs that I had in order for me to become more abundant because I had some negative beliefs about abundance.

I believed that for a period of my life. I remember in 2012 I went through a spiritual awakening and I believe that money was bad because money is control. Money is by the government and not even the government, but the back government, whatever you want to call it, and it's a form of control. That was one perspective. However, that was a perspective that blocked a lot of abundance coming into my life because money is actually a neutral energy.

Money is a neutral energy that if we give a negative meaning or a negative connotation, we're not in the vibration of it. For us to vibrate with abundance, we must see how we relate to whatever we're thinking about. If you're thinking about a relationship, for example, and when you look at a relationship, you associate that relationship with something negative like heartbreak. If you're low, you can just get out of a heartbreak and you look at a new relationship.

You may think that that's painful or you may subconsciously think it's painful because the last experience was so negative that then you sabotage yourself subconsciously when you're in a new relationship or you're starting a new relationship or you're dating, be aware of how you relate to whatever the focus is and that will make a big difference. That's another way that we tune into the vibration of what we want to experience.

We tuned to it based on how we relate to it, so what I did is I realized, Hey, the way that I'm relating with money is I thought it was a negative thing. Okay, well if I think if it's a negative thing, I'm not going to attract more of it into my life, so what I did is I saw money for what it is. It's a neutral energy, but then what I did is I imagine that the money that I get, I can put into what I do and add more value to more people.

Not only did I give it a neutral energy, but I actually gave it a positive type connotation because the money to me equals freedom. Money to me equals the freedom to do what I want when I want to do it. It's not something that I'm dependent on.

It's also something that we can begin to loosen up our definition of because when we say abundance, we automatically think of money. What if abundance could also be that of opportunity? What if we block ourselves with abundance? Sometimes? What if we could experience so much more abundance?

We could be in an abundant state doing our passion and somebody could come up to us and be like, hey, here's an awesome opportunity I think you would like, but we might be so focused on money that they're like, we're like focused on money and they're over here.

They're like, “Yo, look Aaron, I got this opportunity and I'm like, no, got to make money, but what if that opportunity would lead the money?” Or what if that opportunity was even something that money couldn't put a price on it? You see, it could be an opportunity that would have caused growth, that would grow every area of life. It could be an opportunity that's something for a spiritual benefit, for an energetic benefit, for a vibrational benefit, but if we're just focused on money, we close ourselves in.

The vibration of abundance is simply the awareness that the more we do what we love, the more opportunities come into our life. The more abundance in the form of money can come into our lives, but we don't need to limit ourselves, I want you to imagine something right now. Imagine the best version of you doing exactly what you'd love to be doing in your life.

Imagine how you would act. Imagine the kind of body language you would have imagined, what you would feel excited about every single day, waking up in the morning now, whatever you imagine in these different scenarios and this visualization is you tuning in to the version of you that is living a very abundant lifestyle because remember in the same way that we know that every channel exists on the TV at the same moment, but we can tune to the one that we want.

We can begin to tune to the vibration of us living in an abundant lifestyle. Knowing it exists right now. That's something in the future, not something in the past. It exists right now. It is simply vibrating at a different frequency, but what we do is we say that version of me, I'm going to imagine myself as that version of me.

What EDS is like, what that feels like, what I would be doing. We can let imagination be the bridge between where we are to where we want to be, and then what we can do is we can actually start to embody that version of us.

How do we embody that version of us by doing the things that are passionate to that version of us? When I imagine the best version of I imagined myself speaking in front of people, I imagined myself developing the craft of communication, of speaking, of influencing people in a positive way of interacting with people in person versus just on YouTube.

I imagine my body language, how I would carry myself, how I'd be able to influence people, the different types of skills I'd have to develop, and by tuning to that and imagining that as me, I begin to feel that passion within me. You see a lot of times the purpose of visualization is not to actually get us the thing that we are visualizing.

What that sounds counterintuitive. What does that mean? What it means is the visualization gets us to a certain vibration is certain feeling and in that feeling, we bring towards us more experiences that are similar. Instead of thinking that visualization is the end result, view visualization as a means in itself, because in that vibration you are tuning yourself like a tuning fork to the vibration of what you want.

By doing that, you'll also become more present during the visualization. Visualize the best version of yourself right now. What you would be doing, the kind of people you'd be around, how people would be responding to you. Imagine what that would feel like even right now. Put your hands over your heart like this. Imagine the feeling in your heart of doing what you love.

The Heart Math Institute has shown that the more you put the awareness in your heart, the more you grow the electromagnetic energy of it. For many people, it's the missing key to really creating what they want their life in a powerful way because the energy of the heart is much more powerful than the energy the head. Imagine you doing what you love. Imagine what it would feel like to wake up every day doing your passion.

Imagine the connection you would feel to yourself. Imagine the connection you feel to other people. What does that feel like and begin to feel this tingling sensation in your heart? More awareness you put there, the more it starts to grow, it started to grow. You can feel it now in your heart growing more and more.

Imagine that it grows in doubles with the amount of energy you feel in your heart of passion. Imagine it doubling again and doubling again and you could feel it. You could feel it's even more powerful in your heart than it was when you started this video that makes the choice and the decision that you're going to live more from your passion from this point going forward, knowing that by doing this, you tune into abundance and away you couldn't even imagine before.

Make the choice right now, intend for it and tend to be more abundant and tend to tune to the best version of you. Set the intention, make the choice and know that it has done it is done. That is how simple this process can be. It's a matter of choice. It's a matter of focus and it's a matter of feeling. We just did all three of those right now.

You are more in tune with the vibration of abundance and you have been. Remember, all of these exists right now. All the different channels exist. You can tune to the one that you want and as you tune into the vibration of abundance, that will become your reality.

 Another part of this process is understanding our vibration. When we raise our vibrational set point, we start to create from a much more powerful paradigm. I've created a free MP3 that will help you and guide you along to powerfully shift your consciousness to a higher state. I recommend you listen to it for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it, absolutely free.

#8: 3 Ways to STOP Desire From Blocking Your Manifestations

Today I'm going to be sharing with you the three ways you can stop desire from blocking you and this is something that maybe you've heard me speak before about the power of decreasing importance and how anytime we put something and we make it very important, we put it on a pedestal and then we create the potential for resistance.

The key for many of the things that we want to create in her life is actually to take them off a pedestal and to stop identifying so much with wanting them because at the moment that we say I really want that, we are also saying I really don't currently have that. In a way, you want to think of this like a radio station and you want to think of this as the vibrational frequency of the channel that we want.

That's what we're going to be speaking about today. Right now, it's early in the morning. I just woke up a little bit ago. I just got blackout curtains actually for my bedroom. I moved into this new house and for a long time, I was wondering why I wasn't sleeping as good at night. And at the last place, I had blackout curtains, and I had a sleep perfect and I just never thought of it because now I get up at like 5:30, six in the morning and when I get up it's like there's not as much light.

I'm like, “Oh, it's probably doesn't matter.” But even the moonlight and stuff at night it makes a difference. And was like street lights and thing. I got these blackout shades. I slept so well last night. I know that's a side tangent, but yeah, the blackout shades made a big difference, and now I feel rested.

I feel ready to go. I just filmed the video. I get up every morning. That's what I do.

The first thing I do is I film a video and a then now here I am doing podcasts. I want to start maybe doing a podcast every single day. If that's something you'd be interested in, let me know, maybe comment on my newest Instagram photo or something like that.

I wish that on iTunes there was a way to like set comments per episode so that I could see the comments from this. But yeah, let me know if you'd like me to do daily videos or daily podcast episodes. Maybe that's something I'll do. I'll make it part of my morning routine to film the video and then come straight into my podcast room.

A lot of DMs have people saying, well, this whole thing, because it's a. it's something that it's a little bit counterintuitive because many times in the old school Law of Attraction way of thinking, what we do is we focus on our desires. We are told as having a white-hot burning desire is the key to success and that is true for the old school way of going about it and it does get results.

It just gets a lot of resistance with the results because the thing is when you have a white-hot burning desire, what are you willing to do to achieve what you want? You're willing to do, like anything you're willing to put yourself in a certain position in. You focus on it a ton, so when you have anything you focus on grows, so it's a way of going about it, but what I've found is that there's actually more powerful ways to go about it.

Those are the ways I'm going to be sharing with you today, the three different ways that I've mainly a kind of upgraded my paradigm with this because I've realized that the old school paradigm also emphasizes that lack. You know, the way I thought about this I kind of analogy just popped into my head a minute ago is a, think about it.

If you've ever seen the movie Lion King, the Disney movie, Lion King, I grew up kind of watching that movie and in that movie, which may you, maybe you've seen, maybe you haven't. There's these lions are like the protagonist, like the main parts of the, of the movie. And then there's these bad guys and the bad guys is like a scar, which is like the bad lion, the jealous line of the, uh, the king doesn't move Fossa with was his name is all coming back to me now.

And the lions have a very lax vibe, you know, to kind of chill. They want, they're hungry, they'll get something, but they mainly just chill. And then you've got the hyenas that are like looking for a fix to like how even do you imagine a Hyena? Hyenas are like a kind of vulture, like trying to find whatever it can get. It will, it will go out and it'll wait for other people and then it'll take what it's wants if it can, it's got like this, this desire attitudes like you know, I'm trying to breed like it, you know, but you got to get what I mean.

But it's kind of is needy type vibe. Like is that something that, that you would want to be like, would you want to be led the Hyena that really, really wants something that's, that's really desiring it and that feels almost desperate. That's kind of the mentality of somebody that really, really want something that really, really is currently saying they really, really don't currently have it vibrationally.

It's kind of like being the Hyena and the way they go about it even better is to just be more like the lion. The lion is very sure of itself. The lion just sits on the grass and then when he's hungry, he goes out and intends to get his food or her food or whatever it is, but it's a different mentality, and it's a different vibe. And when we. A couple of the ones I'm going to share today out of the three are going to help to do that.

1. Gratitude

And the first way I want to share with you has to with gratitude. The gratitude is one of the quickest ways for you to unify yourself with what you already have, the vibration of what you already have. 

I said it's kind of like a radio station, right? In a radio station, you tune to a certain frequency and you get the channel or whatever you tune to.

Gratitude is one of the quickest ways for you to unify yourself with what you already have.

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The thing that all we do with gratitude as we focus on what we already have, which is a channel that is in vibration with abundance and by focusing on what we already have, we bring more things in our life to affirm to us that this is what we already have and that we get what we want in life. This is more about a perspective of understanding unification with who we really are.

Gratitude is really a choice. Think about it. It's like when something happens, we can look at that thing that happened and we can be mad that it didn't happen the way we wanted it to. We can have a perspective that lowers our vibrational state and by lowering our vibrational state, we then get a lower vibrational radio frequency.

Or what we could do is we could simply decide that there are many other reasons to be happy. We can be happy because we have family members in our life that we love. We can be happy because we are able to do what we want when we want to do. If we want to go eat, we can go eat. We have food, we have the bare necessities in our life. We have shelter.

All of these things are things we take for granted because, oh, that's just the way things are, but if we were to focus on them and see it and really feel into that gratitude, we didn't put ourselves in the vibration of that gratitude and the vibration of what we already have, and we turned to that vibration on the radio station of more of what we can have.

Right now, think to yourself, maybe just think of two or three things that you're grateful for. What are you grateful for in your life? Could be grateful that you have a certain relationship, could be grateful that you are maybe aware of, uh, how to eat healthier. And when you eat healthier, you have more vital energy. Maybe you're aware of many different things. Just think of what you're grateful for. It really depends on the person, but there's you can be grateful for the bare necessities.

But when you focus on what you're grateful for, you then tuned to the vibrational frequency of that abundance and in that abundant state, you realize that you are and you can feel that high vibration energy. It's just that normally what we do is we think that some outside thing is going to make us feel a certain way and that's something that I've done in my own life as I've focused really more on what I already have.

You know, sometimes I get caught up, I get caught up and success and becoming to the next level and if I could just get to the next level and do this much more than I know I can feel good about myself. Yes, there might be these many subscribers on YouTube, but what about this many? What about 1 million subscribers?

And I get identified with that, but I'm like, wait, I have so much to be grateful for. Like just a year ago, I was little over a year ago. I'd just gone full time over a little bit over a year ago. I was working a full-time job. I was way less abundant than I am now. I was in a completely different space and now I have a house that I love. I have the ability to do what I want. When I want to do it. I get to do what I want for a living.

I can travel anywhere I want to go. I can eat whatever kind of food that I want. Of course, I eat healthily, but you know I can. I'm not limited and I feel so grateful for where I'm already at, but sometimes it depends on whatever you focus on you feel. If I focus on those perspectives like, well, I could be at even more.

I could be traveling the world right now and of course I am getting into my next step is me doing live events and stuff, but I can't be too identified with the future because then I emphasize the lack. I lowered my vibrational frequency. Instead, I focused on what I already have, which is the gratitude. And by focusing on what I already have, I experienced more of that in my life.

2. Understanding your higher self

What's the second way we can decrease in importance or let go of desire that may be blocking us. It has to do with being that of our higher self. This may sound like a new concept of you haven't heard me talk about it before, but the thing is when we desire, we desire from the self-image that does not have. We are wishing from a place of wanting to become more in hopes that becoming more will make us feel worthy.

And the key to this is becoming aware of why do we want what we want. Many times, what we want, why we want, when we want is because we believe it will make us feel better. But the thing is we can make ourselves feel better right now and our current self-image. We only want from our current self-image like now imagine this with parallel realities.

For example, there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. If we desire something, we're desiring it from the parallel reality that says, I don't currently have it, but that's just one frequency.

That is one radio station out of an infinite number of them will we could instead decide to do is we can decide to embody the best version of us now and as we embody the best version of us now by being the higher self-version of us.

We begin to that frequency because that for that version of us, these things are natural. The thing is when we desire something we think, and we put it on a pedestal, we think it's going to make us feel so totally different, but normally it doesn't. If we train ourselves to be happy in the future, we will put our happiness on hold and that's something that I'm learning more and more is how I can let go and how I can know that whatever my perfect.

Like if I imagined the best self-image of me, what I meant to be doing in my life, which is traveling, speaking, traveling the world, interacting with people. If I imagine that version of me and I put that on a pedestal, I'm saying that is not who I currently am, but the key is for that version of me that lifestyle is natural.

Just like a year ago, I dreamed the lifestyle I live today, I had written in my, like affirmations and I had these, these, uh, goals written down. I just go written down that I was going to have 300 subscribers, 300,000 subscribers on YouTube. I had this goal written down. I was going to travel the world when I want. I was going to make videos and beautiful places.

And I was like, one of the quotes actually, I had this desire that I was going to, uh, what else was there? I'm trying to think of everything that was on that list, but those things were desires that I had, that I set the intention for that I now live.

But now that I live it, that's natural for me. It's not on this pedestal. It's not this euphoric feeling. Although it is a high vibrational feeling, but it's not like. It's not like something that's on a pedestal, so for the best version of you, the key is to imagine the higher self-version of you. Hire yourself means what you intended to experience in your life, connecting with your soul purpose.

If you don't know what that is, set the intention to figure it out. Sometimes people will say that to me, it's always just set. The intention is always the answer. Set the intention to figure it out, set the intention to find out what the purpose your purpose is, and you will start to find patterns.

Your brain is always looking for patterns, so he's looking for things to correlate and you'll begin to figure out what that is and once you begin to figure out what that high vibrational frequency is and you start to embody that, you choose to be it. You can get into the mindset of that version of you by letting go of the old mindset, which brings me to the third point.

3. Letting go

The third way we go about it is we let go. Let go. This isn't so much about desire is about a place of attachment, of attachment to our ego of attachment to thinking that the things we want and will make us feel better.

It's more about just letting go because then we can let in. You see so many times what happens is like we go to a doctor, the doctor prescribes us some type of prescription for something that is treating the symptoms. Then we go, we come back a month later and the doctor gives us three more prescriptions to deal with the side effects of the prescription.

He subscribed last month or she subscribed last month to us and then what we do is we have to keep going down that rabbit hole, but the key is to stop trying to treat the symptoms to get straight to the cars and getting to the cause.

In this metaphor is us finding out why do we want what we want. Because I study psychology a lot. I study why people do what they do and one of the things I've noticed with myself is one of the reasons I have such a desire to help people may be partly because and being, being aware of this and where the power is because then I can be in that abundance now and maybe because I don't have.

And I believe that if I achieve more, I will become worthier because I went through a lot of pain growing up. I went through a lot of abuse from my ex-stepmom. If you've heard my story before and maybe that diminished my self-image at a young age and now have such a desire to help people, which isn't a bad thing that I have a desire to help people, but I may be coming at it from the point of maybe if I become more well known.

If I become famous. If I become all did these things and I become known as this person. Maybe I'll be worthy. Then maybe then I'll be enough. But see, the key is for me to let go of that perspective and it just is enough already. Still, take action. I still. What I love doing is helping people. It doesn't mean it's going to change it and I just sit around doing nothing. It just means the frame. The energy from which I come from changes.

The perspective has changed because I realized the awareness, the first step is always awareness. When we become aware of why we want what we want, what would then become aware of the holes in our bucket, the things that we can never quite fulfill and the key to letting go is knowing we are already whole and complete as letting go of trying to become more. Instead just be more and said, just be yourself because you are more than you could ever possibly imagine.

And the key to embodying that is just a let go to let go. And you know we don't have to try so hard. Things don't have to be so hard. How do we relate to that of the process itself? Because if we believe the Law of Attraction process is hard and difficult than it will be hard and difficult, but it can be so much easier when we allow it to be easier when we know that it's just natural for us to experience what we want.

Decreasing desire is really just about going about it. Desire comes from lack and it's not that desire is bad. It's just being aware that we can feel the emotion we want right now by choosing to feel the emotion right now, by choosing to have perspectives that actually serve us. This is about knowing that the best version of US already exists.

The higher self-version of us that has the sole plan, what we're meant to be accomplished, her life already exists. The key is to embody that right now in the present moment, and we can do that with a matter of choice and awareness. When we become aware of why we want, what we want, we then become aware of the things that no longer serve us.

We then become aware of how we can let go of the lead in because as we let in more of who we are, we will raise our vibration. One of the easiest ways to raise your vibration is to do what you're passionate about and is to have gratitude. Gratitude unifies you with the source that you naturally are.

When you say and you're grateful for something you already have, you're in a vibrational frequency and you're tuning into the radio station, have more of abundance where normally either in abundance or scarcity, scarcity can we can have desired from scarcity, we can have desired from abundance.

The difference is simply what we're attached to, the perspective we're attached to and why we want what want and when we start to embody more of us being the best version of us, of us following our passion, I was making the decision that that is who we are. We are naturally already, whole and complete. When we come at it from that awareness, things happen easier than ever.

Remember, the three easy ways to stop desire from blocking you is to first off, have gratitude. Having gratitude will merge you with the vibrational frequency of abundance. When you're in that abundance states, when you feel gratitude, you can't feel lower emotion. When you feel gratitude, you can't feel the lack.

The key is a focus on that gratitude. Whatever you focus on, you feel secondly, know that that is natural for you. It is natural for you to experience the best version of you when you get there. It's not that it's on a pedestal. It just becomes a part of who you naturally are. Understand that the parallel reality you want to experience already exists, so the version of you doing exactly what you want to be doing already exists.

You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to create your own reality. You simply have to choose it by making the choices as the best version of you and being that the third part is letting go. The more you let go, the more you let in will know why you want what you want, because when you know the why, you can then become aware and then you can let go of the perspectives that don't longer serve you.

And what you can then do is you can let go to let in more of who you are, more of your light, you are already whole and complete, and when you begin to embody that, everything begins to change.

Competition and the Law of Attraction The Vibration of a WINNER (a totally new paradigm)

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on competition with the Law of Attraction. I'm going to share with you the mindset of a winner and how to make it so that you're able to win more often using the Law of Attraction in a powerful way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you is a new perspective as to pout. If we view competition in this new way, it makes everything so much easier because it comes from this frame of understanding that we don't really have to compete. I know that seems counterintuitive because it's like a competition.

But there's a perspective that will set you apart from everyone else and allow yourself not to limit yourself. This is something that was actually inspired by a documentary that I watched. I watched a documentary that was on Netflix. It was called the dominant and the redeemed. There was a documentary on some of the top cross fit athletes.

I don't necessarily do cross fit. I do now and then, but I'm not crazy passionate about it, but I love watching documentaries where you have these people that have a winner mindset and to see their psychology to see how they move, and in this documentary, what you see is. This was actually a part to this specific one.

It was more of a recent one over the last past two or three years, whereas there was the original, it's called I think the fittest on earth. It was the original was like five or six years ago or maybe three or four years ago, but it was before that. It was like the number one of it. What you see in this is you see this one girl; her name is Tia. She is from Australia and in Australia, she’s one of the top Australian competitors.

There are a couple of top Australian competitors for the woman's class and she's been competing to become the best and fittest woman on earth. What happened was in the first documentary she's competing. She's obviously one of the best and she's competing against this other girl. I think she's from Iceland and the very. They were both tied and it came down to the very last competition.

Let me explain a little bit about CrossFit. Just for you to understand how this is. CrossFit is where you do many different types of exercises. It's not just won the CrossFit games or competition is over the course of a week and there's like 17 to 20 different workouts and what they're doing is these really strenuous workouts. If you have ever done a CrossFit workout, then you know how hard they are.

I've done them before and it's like, imagine what you do is you're doing like an obstacle course or something and you have to jump over this huge wall. You have to climb up on a rope and then after that, you have to go through a go up and under all of these things and then at the very end of it you have to do like 50 burpees or where you have to like jump down, do a pushup and then jump up.

And the first person to win is the one that wins that. And it goes in order of people that win. The idea is that you win the most amount that you can because you get points for every time you're the first, second or third place and you want to rank to become number one. There were some very, I mean, one of the things they did is they would run out one-and-a-half-mile sprint than they would swim for like half a mile and they would run a one-and-a-half-mile sprint again.

And whoever won that one for that class or that, uh, that competition, then the points all get added up. But some of the things they do is in a really intense, I do these deadlifts. They'll do like a, they have to do like 20 deadlifts and they have to go and do a like climb up a rope or something.

There are all these different variations, but nonetheless, it just drains them of energy and it's something that if you can complete then you really are one of the fittest people and especially if you compete at the level that they do. Anyways, now you get a kind of a feel for what this CrossFit thing is and what it is there is this one girl there named Tia and you can see her mindset in the first documentary, she was very negative and she was very hard on herself.

She was like, people were coming up to take pictures with her and she's like, oh, you wouldn't want a picture with me. You're probably going to delete that from your phone when you're done with this and saying. She just kept having this very negative self-talk. Remember thinking to myself, watching it, I was like, I'd be really surprised if she won because of the kind of way she's talking to herself and about ourselves.

You can almost see a, even in part of the documentary, which you had to do is she had to go in front of the camera and say that I am the fittest woman on earth for ESPN because now this is actually growing to where now it's televised and everything. She had to go to the camera and say, my name is Tia to me, or whatever her name is and I'm the fittest woman on earth and you see like behind the scenes and she has trouble saying it and she's like, “Oh, I'm sorry. I can't.”

You know, you could tell that in a way if she couldn't say that, then she probably may not believe it. These are a couple things that I realized in the very first documentary that I saw her. And now here's the interesting thing.

At the very end of that documentary, it's the very last exercise and it comes down to the top two people. Whoever wins this last exercise winds the CrossFit games and she's doing this thing where they're holding these big kettlebells like this and they're doing these lunges. And they're doing these lunges all the way to the end of the finish line.

You see she has like 15 feet of a head start on the person that's next to her. That's the other one that's in, that's in line to win first place. It's the person she's really competing against. And she goes and in the very last step, she gets what's called a no rep, which means that her hand shifted down so it didn't count. She had to take a step back and do it again. She takes a step back to do it again. And at that moment that other girl comes and does this lunge and ends up being hurt by a fraction of a percentage.

That's when the year that Tia won second place. What happened? And she was devastated. You know, as you can imagine, she was so close. Imagine being that close to being a winner. And then all the sudden it's like you, you miss it because of something that you knew you couldn't. You didn't have to mess up on. Anyways, that was the first year.

The second year, her mindset has changed. She is dominating in so many different ways, but somehow in a way, she kind of sabotages herself on the last two or three exercises. You can kind of seed in her mind. She kind of gets a little bit analytical about it. She's still doing great. However, it came down to the same exact exercise with.

Instead of that one girl, that girl from Iceland, it came up from another girl that was from Australia and they were doing the same type of exercise where you're going like this and you're doing the lunges and that same girl come to, you know, different girl, but same type of thing is coming up.

She gets called a no rep on the last thing, but at the last second, she goes back and it ends up being, don't want to ruin it for you in case you're going to watch it, but she ends up getting it. She ends up winning first place, but you can see the mindset shift that she has now and how that shifted how she had to view ourselves in a completely new light.

Let me share with you a couple other things that I realized from seeing everybody interact and everyone that was in that competition typeface, people that were a winner, people that won first place. There was this one guy, his name was, um, is it frankly, I forget his name.

He is the number one guy and he was dominant. He dominates everything. It's pretty much like when you are looking at this competition for the men, it's pretty much who's going to get second, third, and fourth place are a second and third place.

Because the first guy, the first place is the guy that you'd dominate it almost everything. The interesting thing was he naturally saw himself as a winner. Like he would not be happy if he won second place because it's almost like that second place does not resonate with his reality. He's like, you know, you, you'd see him and it's every button that is a winner. And that was winning.

Saw themselves as a winner. They knew it was. There is. Even if somebody else won the certain unit of 17 to 20 different exercises or games, even if somebody wanted a certain game, they were like, they claimed it. They were like, this is my game. I'm going to win this one.

And they did. It was very interesting to see. Here's something else I noticed that people that were running fourth, fifth, sixth place, they were totally okay with it. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but the difference was almost they were settling for seeing themselves as the third second for, you know, whatever place.

And it was very interesting because the winners could only see themselves as winners. The people that were winning first place is all the consistently. The girl that won first place that beat that other girl the year before from Iceland, she was very hard on herself because she saw herself such as a winner. That is almost like she couldn't relate to this. He didn't understand why she didn't place first or second.

This year she placed like the third or something, or fourth. I forget. Uh, but you see the difference. Is the difference you are playing to win or are you playing to not lose? That's the difference. I'm going to share with you in a minute a completely new way that's going to kind of obliterate everything I'm sharing with you right now, but I want you just to be aware of this difference between the winner mindset to that of the gray area of mindset.

Many times, people will have this mindset of I'm going to play not to lose. Rather than play to win, they may. A guy may push himself to go up to a girl that he finds attractive. He may go up to this girl, and he may not be thinking about how to connect with her or how to get her number. He may be thinking, "I hope I don't get rejected."

There's a big difference between going forward to win, playing to win instead of playing to not lose, and many people are playing to not lose. Instead of I'm going to go for my passion and do what I love and go full time with it. They're thinking, how do I go from my passion, but not embarrassed myself in front of my friends and family and not have to give up or not have to move in with my parents or something like that because they're caring what other people think.

Play to win, not win in an ego way like I'm on the top of the mountain, but play to focus on what you want, knowing that you can have what you want to experience, so this is a perspective that will help you to understand more about the winner mindset because there is a winter version of you. There's a winter version of you, and just like Michael Jordan used to say, I'm not competing with the other people. I'm fighting with the best I can be.

You can compete with the best you can be done in an egotistical way, but in a way where you realize that you can play to win. You can play for the outcome you want. Those people that were winning first place had their mindset and they were certain of that first place or they were certain that they were going to be one of the best.

 The people that were running in fourth, fifth, sixth place. We're totally settling for that. They were playing for that. That's what they were focused on.

Focus on you being the best you can be because that's the mindset that is necessary in order to "win". Let me share with you a totally new perspective. This has changed my life and the views of competition.

Focus on being the best you can be because that's the mindset that is necessary to win.

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Just to give it a little bit of a backstory, I used to work at a place called Barneys New York, which is a sales commission job where I sold women's shoes. I sold shoes that were about $1,200 each, 800, $1,200 each for a pair of shoes and it was a sales commission job, meaning I got a percentage of everything I sold before that I worked at a place called Nordstrom. Same type of thing, commission sales job. I worked in a salon, shoes.

The average price point was like three to $500 and I got paid a certain percentage that I sold. It was all commission, so the other people I work with, not only my friends, but there were people I was in a way competing with because when a customer would come into the store, if they went to someone else that was commissioned, they were going to get instead of me.

I had to put myself out there constantly and it was something I was good at. However, my life changed when I read a certain book. There was a book I read called the Science of getting rich by Walter Wattles. In this book, there was this mindset, this perspective of moving from instead of being in a competitive mind frame to be in something that's called a creative mind frame, and I made this shift. I was reading the book during my lunch break.

I remember there's something called the bar there. I was drinking tea. They get to drinking a lot of green tea. At the time, maybe was drinking coffee and espresso. This is like fighting isn't a long time ago, and I remember reading it and it was about this creative mindset versus a competitive mindset. The idea is that there's an infinite amount of abundance that exists only within the frame of reality where we say, I have to be better than this person, or there's a limited supply of people.

Do we create a limitation in of itself? The idea is that there's an unlimited amount of abundance and the more we focus on competition is the more we focus on scarcity. What I did is when I went back to work that day, I changed my mindset. I said I'm not going to compete with the people next to me.

I said, what I'm going to do is I'm going to imagine and create for myself that which I want. If somebody comes in and goes to someone else or someone else sells to some of them, I'm not going to get jealous about it or angry because I was standing around for that period. I'm going to get inspired knowing that there's still a fantastic amount of abundance out there and I can align with it.

Now, this works, I did this. My state would never really go down because even if somebody else was helping someone. I knew there was still something else out there, and because of that, my mindset, my feeling linked up with more opportunities and I became more abundant than ever before because instead of being in this competitive mind state, I was then in a creative mind state. It changed everything. Understand there's an infinite amount of abundance out there.

When we assume that if I want something and there's less for someone else, we put ourselves into a competitive type state. We put ourselves in comparison to everyone else. We don't have to compare yourself to everyone else. We compare ourselves to only ourselves the best we can be. This was a game changer for me and I view this in every area of my life when I'm now a full-time YouTuber. It's not like people on YouTube can only be subscribed to two or three Law of Attraction niche.

People that share on YouTube. It's not like somebody can't be subscribed to me in two or three other different people. There really is no competition on YouTube. There really is only collaboration because the audiences can only grow and it's a competitive mindset to say, oh, I have to be better than this person or more than this. It's more about creating the abundance for myself and my own frame of reality, not competing with everyone else.

You see there's always more and when we reaffirmed that we create an abundant type of reality and we actually move ourselves to that have above the competitive mind state. There's this perspective I want to share with you that has to do with understanding parallel realities. Think of it because sometimes people ask, well, who wins in a competition? Who Wins? Well, it depends on the person that sees it most as a winner.

They see themselves as a winner, but also the person that isn't cleaning to the outcome. It's normally the more relaxed person that just naturally sees themselves as a winner. The desperate one normally has the desperate energy normally won't win first. They might win second or third, but they normally don't when first. It's normally the person just naturally, it's natural for them to see them as the best. It's natural for them to be there and that is their reality.

That's just who they are. They how they see themselves, so it depends on the energy, the frequency of them. If they're in alignment with the best version of themselves and if they're not attached to the outcome and in that desperate type mode that you will not understand this. When it comes to parallel realities, there's a parallel reality version because there's an infinite number of parallel realities exist.

There's a parallel reality version where you are number one, there is a parallel reality version where you and number two, there's a parallel reality version where somebody else's number one or two and it does also switch around. It's about shifting to that reality with the awareness that it already exists and knowing that all those probabilities exist, so while you may be winning, there's also realities where somebody else wins and vice versa. Be aware of that because then you can realize that you don't have to try so hard. You just have to shift and naturally see yourself as that best version of you.

That's how I see myself, not in a cocky way like I'm better than everyone else. I see myself as the best version that I can be. Knowing that it's just natural for me to experience what I want. It's naturally mean to have this explosive growth for me to be able to do what I love.

It's natural for me and I see myself as one of the best at what I do, not in the best like I'm better than everyone else, but I'm the best that I can be and it's just natural for the way I see myself in the same way. How can you apply that in your life? See it as natural for you know you are whole and complete. Compare yourself and imagine the best version of yourself and imagine that that's who you are.

Whatever you focus on grows all those people that were the number one winners in the CrossFit games I was telling you about. They took CrossFit. That's their life. They see that as a part of who they are. They put in more work than anybody else. There's nighttime’s when they're doing this thing called an assault bike. I’ve done it. It's a crazy experience.

It's like you're using every muscle that you have and it wears you out and about a minute you're just. You burn. You bring like 30, 40 calories in a minute. That's crazy and you're out of breath after two or three minutes of it, but these people are doing it all the time because they are conditioning themselves. What are you focused on?

I focused on making YouTube videos. I focus on becoming a better speaker. I focused on being the best version of me that I can be knowing that as long as I focus on that, that will grow for me, but once again I'm competing with myself, but I'm also in a creative mind state, a creative mind frame where I realized there is an abundance out there.

What I encourage you to do is to shift from this scarcity mindset into the abundant mindset and knowing that you are already whole and complete and knowing that there's always more. There is no scarcity. Only when we buy into the competition and the scarcity mindset, do we experience that resistance? Instead, see yourself as a winner.

 I know that as you move in that direction, you will experience more and more of that reality. If you want help to why you're in the best version of you and to really influence your subconscious mind in a powerful way, I've created a free Subconscious Mind MP3 that will help you to do that.

Law of Attraction Morning Meditation that Works Like MAGIC

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you a daily meditation for the morning for manifesting your day. I believe if you listen to this meditation for the next 21 days, it will radically change your life and you'll find that you start to create what you want consciously.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you my personal guided meditation that I do every single morning right when I wake up and how this has radically transformed my life over the last five years, year, eight months to a year that I've been doing this specific meditation I'm going to be sharing with you.

The purpose of this blog is to give you something that's easy to apply, something that you literally just put headphones. You'll hear some binaural beats underneath that of the music with some music. With that of the meditation itself, and what the meditation will do is do a couple different things.

As with a lot of my videos that I've been doing lately, what I share is at the beginning of the videos, I explain the understanding of everything. Then we move into the meditation. If you're trying to go straight to the meditation, you'll see a timestamp and added the description box that goes straight there and then every day from that day going forward, you can just click there and go straight to the time that you want.

For this process, there are three main parts of it that are very powerful that when we begin to apply changes our whole entire life, and really that's what happened when I learned how to do each of these different aspects in my life.

1. Observe your own thoughts

Everything began to change and the first one, the first thing we have to do is take a couple minutes to simply observe our own thoughts.

The reason this is every day that we wake up and we go straight to our phone, what we do is we go straight into reaction mode. We go straight into reacting to the stimulus of what's going on to life events. And the thing is, when we do that, especially when we do it consistently, we get into the pattern of just always been at the mercy of what is happening, but when we learn how to observe our thoughts from a neutral place.

We can just simply see them as they're the even just doing this for five minutes or just a couple minutes that we're going to be doing it in the meditation. What that does is that affects the rest of our day. I remember when I first started doing this, I realized that at the time when I first learned this meditation, I was working a sales commission job at Nordstrom's and I remember doing it and then doing it just for five minutes in the morning I would go into work and someone would say something that would maybe normally trigger me or normally get me to react.

 And I was able to observe that thought. I was able to observe what was happening and I wasn't feeding into it. I didn't feel like I was given away my power. And from that moment on I decided I was going to do it.

Observe your thoughts and you will literally relate to life in a completely new way.

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Every day because it's so changed my outlook on everything, you will literally start to relate to life in a completely new way because you'll see that there are things that happen and that's what they can stay.

They can just stay as things that happen, not things that happened to me or some stories that the mind will develop from the reaction mode. It's about learning to observe, so that's the first part. The first couple minutes of the meditation, I'm going to guide you along the process so I made it very easy. Guide you along, observing the thoughts and then letting them go, observing them, allowing them to be there, and then letting them go.

2. The power of intention

This seems counter-intuitive, but it's powerful. The purpose of this meditation as well as to show you the power of intention because when you simply start to set your intentions, your life begins to change in a very powerful way because the thing is what intention is intention is the direction of our life, and a lot of people simply aren't setting enough intentions.

They have a general intention for maybe one thing they want to happen throughout the day, but they're not setting the conscious intentions that can really allow momentum to build. Think of intention as a focus of direction and intention is a declaration of something that we want to happen and we could say the intent. Think about it. I intended dot, dot, dot. What do you intend to happen today? Do you intend to have a safe drive to work? Do you intend?

That could be on the micro level, but in general, what are the three main things that you would like to happen today? You know, I used to work a sales commission job, so back in the day I'd be like, you know, I intend to sell this amount. I certain amount, maybe it was like $4,000 worth of shoes. I intend to feel connected to the people that I'm talking to.

I intend to eat something healthy for lunch and to feel very present in the moment on my lunch break. The little things like that are what I would intend for an amazingly enough. Those intentions would come to fruition because I was given it focused. I have given it awareness. Wherever attention goes is where the energy goes, and as we learned to set intentions like I'll show you in this meditation, you just got to listen to it and set your own intentions.

You'll see you start to experience more of what you want. I do this still to this day. I intend to feel amazing when I am filming my videos. I intend to enjoy editing even though editing's not a part I normally would enjoy. I intended to enjoy for you to go very smoothly. I intend to go to the gym and have a great workout.

I use intention and so many different ways and what happens is as we use it, we start to give our life more direction and we start to find that things start to happen for us in a new way because we are consciously moving it in that way, so that is the power of intention. That's another main aspect of what we're going to be doing. In this meditation, you're going to. I'm going to ask you to pick three main intentions that you have for the day.

It could be as simple as, like I said, to have a certain type of day at work, to feel connected to other people, to have a great morning jog, or to spend time with your family. Whatever it is, set the intention and then set the intention for what you want to achieve through that. For example, you want to spend time with your family. Well, what do you want to achieve with that?

Maybe it's like, well, I just want to spend time with my family, but it could be I want to feel connected to my family members and I want them to feel like I really care for them. You see, we can add little nuances to it and in the meditation, I'm going to ask you to imagine different scenarios happening and it's going to increase the probability of them happening for you.

3. Understanding the power of the heart

The third part of it is understanding the power of the heart, the electromagnetic power of the heart.

The energy of the heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head. A lot of people and most people when it comes to the secret or the Law of Attraction, are trying to create from the head. When we create from the head and we create duality, think about it though. Head is left the brain, right brain, it has both sides and it creates. The more that we want something, we also create the potential that it doesn't, that we don't get it. The key to this is creating from the heart. The heart is a singular point of focus.

When it comes to creating from the heart, things happen in the much more magnetic way because an important part of the process is the emotion we have. It's the energy we have. When we increase the electromagnetic energy around our heart, we increase our energy field, we increase our vibration and we're more likely to achieve that which we want.

This is something that the Heart Math Institute is proven. This isn't just some kind of cool theory. This is something that's actually been proven and what I've done is I've used one of their techniques, it's called the freeze frame technique, and in a way what I've done is I've implemented it into this morning routine, so everything that you're about to listen to in this morning routine and all you have to do is put on the headphones, listen to it, and guide yourself along.

The process is going to set you up to have an amazing day. What it will do is it will bring you through layers of raising your vibration and then sending powerful intentions that will end up influencing what you experience in your life. For this, what I recommend is every single day, whatever time you see this video out right now, around this time, skip to this time and then listen to this video every single day for the next 21 days.

The best benefit you will get out of this whole process is through consistency. That's what I found. I remember the first day I meditated, I learned how to observe my thoughts that a certain amount of results. Second Day, the third day, the fourth day. It was around the fifth or sixth day I started to feel into it really.

I encourage you to make a choice that you are going to master your morning in the morning is when your subconscious mind is the most influenceable when we can influence it in a powerful way. The reason this is because we're in mainly a Theta Alpha state. When we wake up in the morning for the first half an hour, and in the conscious states that are more alpha, Beta, Alpha, Beta.

It's harder to influence the subconscious mind if we learn to observe our thoughts. If we learn how to feel this emotion and this set of tensions right when we wake up in the morning, that will influence most of our day because like science is proven, over 90 percent of our life is ran by our subconscious mind.

This is a way that you can powerfully influence your life by leveraging your morning in a way to where things happen for you through the guided process I'm about to share with you. What I encourage you to do right now is I'm going to be good to cue the music. What I encourage you to do is to think of three intentions you have for the day so you dread general intentions and see what those could be. Just think of them in your mind because then we're going to go into meditation right now and those scenarios.

Think of specific scenarios that you would be in with those come to fruition. For example, it could be me, I imagined myself filming an amazing video, feeling the great feeling in front of the camera, seeing, looking into the lens. I could see, I can feel it even if I wasn't doing it right now, I could imagine it and the visualization in the meditation like I did this morning.

This is what I'm going to ask you to do. Take a deep breath in, deep breath out and relax. Just take a deep breath in. Breathe it out. With every breath you take, you could feel your body relaxing, born more. Let's take another deep breath in. Deep breath out. As you breathe out, you feel your body relax more and more.

What I like to encourage you to do is to close your eyes if you like, and to know with every breath you take and feel more relaxed, more present to the moment I'd like to ask you to do is to observe the thoughts that come into your mind. Observe them from a neutral place because thoughts are neither good nor bad. They simply are.

They are thoughts and observe the thoughts that come into your mind and then let them go. You may be hearing my voice right now, hearing the silence in between the words. When you are listening to the silence in between the words that space it is bringing you into more presence and do more of the present moment. Observe the space in between the words.

If it comes up, it's okay. Allow it to be there. The key is to allow the thoughts to be there because by you allowing them to be there, there is no resistance and paradoxically enough. Then they come in, and they go, wow, and thoughts are okay. Let them come in and let them go out. Imagine those thoughts coming in and going out. It's okay. These thoughts are neutral.

The thoughts are just content that we can observe, but the way that we relate to those thoughts is where the magic happens. If you allow the thoughts to be there, you can then easily let them go. Allow the thoughts to be there. It's okay. Yeah, let them go. What I'm going to ask you to do is to simply know that throughout the rest of the day to day, you are going to be able to observe your thoughts and a very powerful way that wind things happen, that the intention right now that you catch yourself.

You're able to get to this neutral place where you realize thoughts are simply thoughts. They are neutral. They have no built-in meaning other than the meaning you give them. Imagine right now, maybe something happening today and imagine you catch yourself. When you start to follow the mind, and identify with something someone says or something that happens, imagine yourself catching yourself just observing what is happening from a neutral place.

No labels simply are you will easily be able to observe things throughout your day from this powerful place. I'm going to ask you to put your hands over your heart. As you put your hands over your heart, feel the sensation over your heart center. Maybe you feel your hands, the warmth or the temperature of your hands. Allow yourself to feel that and feel the warmth of your hands beginning to warm up and you could feel the energy.

Go from your hands into your heart and know that the more attention you put inside your heart center, the more you are growing that electromagnetic energy around your body. Feel this energy inside of your heart. The more you put attention there, the more this grows. If you don't feel it very powerfully right now, that's okay. This grows. The more that you do it, this becomes easier and easier for you to feel this energy inside of your heart.

Imagine that there is a ball of energy inside of your hearts. Any color that you like and imagine that this energy is spinning in a clockwise position and imagine the faster it spins, the more you can feel this warm energy increase in your heart and imagine it spinning faster and faster, and the faster it spins, the more you feel this love. You can feel it growing. You could feel it growing.

I'm going to count down from five to one. By the time I reach one, you're going to feel an immense amount of energy inside of your heart. You're going to feel love to feel connected to this part of you five. Feel yourself. Imagine that ball of energy spinning faster and faster for imagine with every number you fill, a double the amount of love in your heart. Three, feeling a double with speed now, double wreath, relaxation, double with love to feeling this increased energy in your heart now and one soak in this energy in your heart.

This energy is who you really are now. This emotion that you feel right now is going to influence the rest of your day to day in a very powerful type way. Allow yourself to soak in the vibration of your heart and know right now than anytime you put the awareness into your heart throughout your day.

It brings you back to this feeling now. Imagine right now an intention that you have for something you want to happen today, something you want to happen and imagine as if you're looking through your own eyes and imagine that you're able to see what you would see in this specific scenario. Imagine a specific scenario of you accomplishing whatever your intention is.

What do you see in this scenario? As you look around, I imagine it as if you're looking through your own eyes, pay attention to how it feels. Pay attention to what your body languages. If you were to look in the mirror right now, how do you carry yourself? How confident do you feel? How do other people respond to you? Imagine this scenario and think to yourself.

What do you intend for it in your mind and feel it in your heart? I intend now. Imagine whatever you see right now, imagine it becoming more vivid. Imagine the colors becoming more and more vibrant. What do you hear in this scenario? Imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder and how do you feel in this experience? Hey, you will feel this intention come into fruition today. You will see signs of it. You will feel the emotion of what it is.

3 Reasons Things Are NOT Manifesting with the Law of Attraction and How to Turn it Around

What I'm going to be sharing with you are the top three reasons that things are not manifesting with the Law of Attraction, and I'm going to show you ways of turning that around.

So, come on and watch the video below:

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the top three reasons that I see people are not creating what they want in their life, and I'm going to show you ways of turning that around and a powerful, quick and effective ways that can make this process so much easier.

When it comes to it, the truth of the matter when it comes to the Law of Attraction manifestation is that whether we are aware of it or not, we are always getting in life a reflection of what we believe to be true, and part of that has to do with what we are vibrationally resonating with.

What quantum physics shows us is that everything in the universe is vibration. Everything is vibrating at a certain frequency, and for us to experience what we want, it has to do with us. Getting in resonance with the reality we want to experience. The thing is that sometimes what we are thinking of and what we are desiring.

There may be somewhat of a gap between what we desire, what we want and what we're actually experiencing, and if we begin to be believed that things just aren't happening, sometimes we create a momentum where that is the case.

1.    Negative perception

The first part of this process and the first reason that something may not be manifesting is simply that we believe the process is harder than it has to be. Let me ask you a question. What are your beliefs about manifestation in general? Do you believe that things are hard to manifest, that things don't come easily?

The reason I say this is because a lot of times when it comes to the Law of Attraction and learning how to create what we want our life, we're focused on what we want, but we're not even. We don't even understand what our beliefs are about the process itself. A lot of times when we let go of outdated beliefs, things will happen easier than ever.

 Here's the truth about what we're experiencing in our life, whether we are aware of it or not, we are always manifesting something.

Manifestation is a natural byproduct of the reality of what we focus on, of how we feel, of our vibration.

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Manifestation is a natural byproduct of reality of what we focus on, of how we feel, of our vibration. It's a natural thing that happens. It's not something we have to learn to do. We don't have to try to do it.

Manifestation is always happening. It's more so about just becoming aware of what is happening, becoming aware of what we are already manifesting in our life, becoming aware of the thoughts, beliefs, and the actions we're taking because as we become aware of it, we can then start to in a way take inventory of the things that don't serve.

I know there've been times when I've just simply not aware of what I was thinking. A lot of times it's in the autopilot mind as well. If I could say one thing about were a lot of people are creating from, I'd say that when we wake up from the autopilot mind, we start to create a much more powerful way.

When we're in the autopilot mind, which means we're worried about what other people think, which means we're in the mind that just goes into. It's just the part that is like a default. It's kind of like when you're out somewhere, and you're talking to someone else and asking the same old questions, right?

Oh, look at the weather today. Oh yeah. Are you doing living the dream? It's the part that is just on autopilot. It's a part of that. Maybe you're driving somewhere, and you just completely forget about where you are, and you don't even know how you got there.

It's not so much that anything happened other than the autopilot mind kicked in and the autopilot mind will always create what we have always got because the autopilot mind is nothing more than repetition. If you find that you're not attracting what you want in your life, it may just mean that the autopilot mind is constantly generating these same feelings, these same thoughts and the same emotions and actions over and over again.

Therefore, getting the same result. The key is to wake up from the autopilot mind, to wake up from that subconscious sleep that many people are in, and the way you do that is by trying new things. The way you do that is by going to a new location. The way you do that is by choosing to do it. Like I said, when it comes to the manifestation process, what are your beliefs about the Law of Attraction?

Even if you believe that the Law of Attraction doesn't work at the fundamental core, your beliefs create your reality so you can create the illusion that the Reality Transurfing if isn't working. And the reason that that's an illusion is that you'd be using the Law of Attraction to prove that the Law of Attraction doesn't work.

Because the Law of Attraction is about understanding that we always get a reflection of what we are resonating. Act like attracts like. Our frequency is attracting more of it. If we're thinking to ourselves the Law of Attraction doesn't work, we will look around and find reasons why the Law of Attraction doesn't work, which means we're attracting using tracking things that are showing it doesn't work using the process itself, but really, it's about understanding our beliefs, create our reality.

Do you believe that manifestation is hard? Because if so, you can start to understand. That's why I kind of wanted to talk about this because I can kind of show you that it's happening regardless of whether you think it's hard or not, it's happening regardless of let it happen more easily. It's not so much about piling on new ideas.

It's more so about just letting go, letting go of doesn't serve, letting go of the complications were all Law of Attraction. It's hard. Things just don't come easily. It can be so much easier if you just let go if you just allow things to be and that's what I've learned is I've learned how to let it go more and more.

I've been making YouTube videos on the Law of Attraction for about two years now, and the beginning, it was mainly kind of like the whole Gary Vaynerchuk work hard and I got a lot of results from that in my own life.

Work hard, take a lot of action, and it does get results. But the thing is, it's sometimes that causes resistance because if we're not taking action and leveraging it with what's something we're passionate about, it ends up becoming something we create more resistance around. The key is to also let go at the same time and know that we don't have to do absolutely everything in the process of.

2.    Absence of energy

The second reason that things may not be manifesting is that there's no energy moving in the right direction, not even the right direction, but they're just not energy moving in general. What I've learned in my own life is that manifestation and especially living the kind of lifestyle that I live today, that I'm able to do what I love for a living. I'm able to kind of get a house that I love to be in.

I'm able to live in abundance like I probably couldn't really imagine two or three years ago. It's because I put a lot of energy into my manifestation as I put a lot of energy into what I love to do. Here's the thing. A lot of people aren't putting the energy and the focus into that which they want to experience. They're saying, oh yeah, well I want this and they're acknowledging it once or twice maybe throughout the day, but that's about it.

In order for something to really manifest in a powerful way, it requires a lot of focus. Some things, not so much. Not Everything is going to require a ton of ton of focus. Some things if you have no resistance to them, will happen very easily, but I have found that based on the vibration of where I was two years ago to where I am today, it required focus for me to get here.

Here's the truth. Here's the powerful part of this. Whatever you are passionate about, whatever you are connected to within your heart, it's going to be the easiest thing to focus on. I get up every day. I probably work close to sometimes up to 12 hours a day or more, but I'm doing what I love and it's so easy for me to focus on because I wouldn't have it any other way and because it's easy for me to focus on. It continues to grow more and more and more and it's just this thing that naturally flows.

The thing is, are you doing what you're passionate about and is what you're wanting to manifest? Is that something that's easy for you to focus on because you're passionate about it? I would ask those questions and understand that if you're not achieving what you want, is it because there's not enough energy easily going in that direction and maybe are you drained of energy in other ways?

You know, anytime we really want something, we are also vibrationally saying, I really don't currently have it because, in order to want it, you have to externalize it and say that it's not currently here, but many people will drain themselves with the energy of that wanting. Sometimes that wanting can move people to take action and to desire and to create this emotion within them to where then they experienced the movement of that.

But a lot of times people are not creating what they want in their life. They're not manifesting what they want either because the energy isn't, therefore they're not focusing on it or it's simply that the energy is not moving in that direction, so either the energy isn't there or it's just not moving. Move the energy with your focus. Move the energy by either taking action.

I know sometimes people don't want to hear that take action, but the action moves. The energy action puts you in the right place at the right time actually opens up opportunities and if you love what you do, the action is something that becomes easy.

That's something that will come very natural, but the energy may have to just be moved. May just have to go in a certain direction and the way that you do that is by increasing the emotion you have towards it, which means you focus on it more or taking action and doing something that puts you in the right place. If you want to attract to a relationship and you say, I declare I want to attract a relationship.

But you never leave your house. It's not likely that you will be able to meet somebody and maybe unless you're online or something. But the thing is if you put yourself in situations where that can happen, you in a way you meet the universe halfway and then something can happen much more powerfully. But this is why it's about us doing our end of the stick and then the universe doing the end as well.

Meeting in the middle. We can declare it. We can align our emotion or passion to it and then take steps in that direction and it's almost like then the universe will start to push us and guide us and also at the same time making it happen even faster, but many times the energy just has to be moved and don't be aware of also your energy and what's draining you, what's not draining you.

Sometimes you're around certain people, they may drain you. If they drain you, then I would recommend you figure out how to best go about that. Maybe it's a little bit less time. Perhaps it's more time nurturing yourself. If you find that something you're focused on is really draining yourself of energy, take a break.

Sometimes I'm doing website and I get resistant in it. I'll have to go outside, walk on grass, all have to go do something. I come back to it. Things happen even easier. The energy starts to move, so focus equals feeling. The more you focus on something, the more it grows. The more you focus on what you're passionate about, the more you have this potent energy in it, the more powerful if things are happening, so maybe what you are manifesting.

What you are wanting to create isn't something you're really passionate about. If so, then find out what that is because that will be the thing that manifests very quickly and move the energy in that direction with your focus and if you need to be moving the energy with action. Something I found to be very powerful and it's something that I love to do because I love what I do.

3.    Ego

The third reason think things may not be manifesting is because the ego has an attachment to how things are manifesting.

I see this happen a lot and this has happened with myself. I have a certain vision in my mind. This is how things are going to go and if we remain attached to that perspective than many times we will block other opportunities from coming into her life.

Even this house, for example, when I saw this house, I originally applied for one other house and then I looked at another house and I was trying to decide between the two and they were more in a different side of the town here in Las Vegas. I thought it was going to be in that area.

My Ego was determined debt's going to be in that area, but I just knew that there was something else out there. I knew that there was a house I was going to like even better and then after like a week of waiting to hear back on the other house, this house popped up on Trulia on the website.

I was like, Huh. I looked at the pictures. I saw how open it was. I saw how far back everything did, everything was and I was like, man, this house is perfect. I went and saw it and I knew immediately it was the house, but it's on a little bit different side of town.

Still in a good area, but it's different than what I thought, but if I were to remain this very stubborn with that other side, I would be at a house that I would not enjoy 30 percent as much as this house. Like I love this house so much more than the other two houses for sure. It's exactly what I wanted. It was one story. I wanted to a good size one story house rather than a two story. You're going upstairs. I want it to be very open. I want it to be modern.

This was like a, like almost like a Zen vibe is a pool. The grass is everything that I want, but if I would have remained very focused on just what my ego thought it wanted, I want to be on that side of town, I would have blocked out all the other opportunities and this happens for many people. Many times, opportunities are already in our life, but we're not aware of them because we blocked them out.

We are thinking, nope, this is how things have to happen. It's like almost were like, I'm going to create money in my life and we're just looking for money. Just look for the money. Just looking for money when there could be an opportunity that came into our life. It could be somebody that comes up to you and like, Hey, I think you'd be a great person if I introduced you to my friend who's a successful businessperson and this is what they do and this is kind of business they have and I think you would enjoy it.

Nope, I'm just looking for money. Well, that could have led to money. Maybe they introduce you to this person and that person sees the potential, and he was like, you know what? I want you to work for me and I'll pay you 150,000 a year and before you were making 15 and newer goal yourself at a hundred. You see it could always be better than what you imagined, but the thing is sometimes our ego stepsons like, nope, this is what I'm focused on. Be Open.

The point to this one is to let go of control. Sometimes it's also their ego just completely limits us with our potential. What if the best-case scenario for the ego, the ceiling to the ego is the floor to the higher mind. The higher mind like, Hey, I was going to give you, you know, we were going to work something out to where you, uh, manifested $300,000 a year, but you're still focused on these 100 hundred or 50 things in your mind that, okay, that's what we'll, we'll cap you off there but be open.

That's why some people will say things to yourself, whatever your goal is and more like I intend to create and generate the kind of value that brings people over $300,000 or more worth of value because in that comes back to you. This is about understanding the control aspect of the Eagle and how to let go. I went to a life transformation place in Costa Rica last year and I'm going back this year as well, and a couple of months.

And when I was there was this message I just kept getting. We did this breath workshop where I was able to move this energy through my body and let go of a lot of stuff that was piled up from childhood and I let go of it, and when I let go of it, I just kept. I remember my hands 10 stuff.

You're breathing in for an hour and the certain breathing pattern and it's increasing the oxygen in your body. It's bringing up a whole bunch of stuff that's been piled inside the heart and I just felt this tenseness inside of my hands go like this, like almost like a pre-mantis. And I went like this and it felt. I just kept thinking, like, go.

I just remembered let go, let go. Because then it was like I was able to let go of the energy that was stored up inside my body. And as I did that, from that moment on, I felt like I could. Things could be easier. And I remember afterward I was talking to them, one of the particulars there, the transformational breath work practitioners. She said that anybody, uh, you can look at someone's breathing pattern until their personality and she said, my breathing pattern had this almost like this level of work hard.

I have to make things happen. Kind of like a, you know, I am somebody that works hard, but she's like, things can be easier than you think. You make things a little bit harder than they have to be, and I can tell because your breathing pattern, you, you breathe in all of this air and you try to take in more than you have to because you believe you have to do everything of this armor around your body, of you creating this kind of like this momentum.

And you can make things easier. You can allow things to be easy. You can let go. And from that moment on, I focused on letting go, not controlling my breath so much. You know, sometimes small things. We do influence other parts of our lives. Sometimes my breathing, controlling my breath is also a level of me controlling my manifestations.

I learned to let go, allow things to happen. Things can be easier, I can just let go, and that's kind of what I've been focused on and things have been easier than ever because I've also dropped those beliefs that things have to be hard, so that goes into the first one.

Remember the first reason you might not be manifesting what you want. If you believe that it has to be hard, things can be easier than you think. If you allow them to be in a knowing that things are already manifest in anyways, everything in our life is a reflection of what we believe to be true.

Secondly, sometimes if we're not experiencing what we want, it may just be that we don't have the energy moving in that direction or we lack the energy in general. Allow things to be there. Let yourself understand things can be easier.

But at the same time, move the energy with your focus, you're feeling and action. Then thirdly, let go, let go of the control. Allow things to be there and as you do, you'll raise your vibration and things will happen even easier.

#7: The Law of Attraction and Locational Energy: Use This Vibrational HACK

Today I have something and I think is maybe something you never heard before and it's something that I'm passionate about, something that I've noticed in reality in general, and something I felt the experience. I'm sure intuitively you have to at a certain level, and when we begin to cultivate this and use it to our advantage.

I think we'll find that we start to really resonate with what we want in a very powerful way. What is this that I'm talking about, what you probably saw the title of the podcast, which is understanding the Law of Attraction with locational energy.

What does that mean exactly? Well, the idea is that every place that we go to has a certain vibrational resonance and this has to do with a couple of things. This has to do with mainly the people that have lived there with the thoughts that they have had and the kind of activities that have gone on there.

There are certain places that you may have gone before where you feel a certain way, maybe you feel very uplifted, you feel almost like a high vibration, you feel very light, and maybe there are places you've been where you go in and it feels very low, very dense energy and the difference is what has actually happened there.

And the trail. I'm going to be talking about that in the minute that trail that has been left from that of the other people that were there, the prior conversations that might have, might have been had there. The activities that have gone on now, what actually inspired this, this, this, a podcast is it's something that I've just realized.

I used to have this place that I lived in and what I would do is when I moved in, I moved in. It was a model house and I moved in and I decided that what I wanted to do because I knew that there was like a certain grid or a certain type of energy. I wanted to imprint into it because I believe that if somebody was like.

For example, the house I live in now, the people that lived in it before, where the owners of this house and they lived up to it, they lived in this house up until the week before I moved in, which means their energy was imprinted in the house with the conversations they've had with, uh, the kind of whatever they were doing, the kind of TV they watch, all of those things.

I don't know exactly what that is. And in general, I feel like they had a pretty, a high vibration. Anyways. I'm one of the ladies that lived or the, it was a husband and wife that lived here with their kids and one of them worked for Cirque de Solei. I know she's really into fitness.

I'm very disciplined and I don’t know, they just felt like they, they looked like a happy couple from the pictures that I could see. But in general, I can, you can feel it when you go somewhere. Just kind of like the kind of energy of it, the kind of vibe of it. But in the last place I lived in, it took about a week, but in about a week into it, I started to kind of imprint and could feel that my energy was more dominant there.

Then whoever was there before, even though it was a model home, but like all the hundreds of people that walked through that house, if not thousands of people that have walked through that house.

Here's the thing, let me explain it like this. I wish I had like a handy dandy notebook to show you, to kind of draw this out. But imagine that you see a stick figure and over that stick figure you see a thought form. You know like the old school thought forms where you see like a little thought bubble. And imagine that in that thought form is a something someone is thinking of, maybe the thinking of someone they love and they feel they have a heart in the middle of that thought for because they're feeling love. The thing is normally the way we think about it is that that thought doesn't exist other than just a thought inside of our mind, but the thing is our thoughts. They are invisible, which means they're not visible to the ice spectrum, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

It just means that they're not other frequency that we can see yet. All thoughts, anything that manifests in life starts as a thought is just that we continue to think that thought and then eventually it crystallizes into reality, through persistence, through focus, through a lot of emotion or whatever it is, but the thoughts that we think are much more alive than we think.

I recently did a video and it's not out yet, but it's called like thoughts are things literally like not. It's not just a metaphor. Thoughts were literally things we just can't see. Imagine it like this. There is a grid around all of our bodies. We all have in electromagnetic energy around our body and around our body. There will be an aura around our body of how we feel, the emotions we have, and what happens is the thoughts that we're consistently thinking and feeling will normally be within that energy field.

For about 30 days or more, we have a certain momentum of thoughts. We have a certain momentum of those thoughts that we've been having and that's why sometimes we made change the momentum, but it may take a while. Maybe it kind of bleeds out the older momentum we had to go because there's a momentum that we have within our energy field of the thoughts that we have, so those thoughts are within our field.

 We may not actually see it, and then when we go out into the world, those patterns that resonate with certain experiences, certain people, and that is something that influences our reality and links us up to those experiences.

The vibration we have, we will experience what is equal to that vibration in our life. That's why being aware of what we're putting in our electromagnetic field is important.

We will experience what is equal to the vibration in our life.

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Here's the thing though, just like we are individually creating or choosing our own reality with this energetic field together, collectively, many people on the planet are doing the same thing. We are all connected and we are all. There's an electromagnetic around the earth of what we are all consistently thinking of. We can call this the collective consciousness. All connected and when you go out into the world, different locations have a different vibration depending on the thoughts those people have had before you think of it in a way like an energy trail.

I may walk if you've ever seen, you know, maybe you've seen like the psychedelic movies where you see like these trails or something like that or. I'm trying to think of what a good analogy would be. If you have like a light strobe, a strobing light that's going really brightened that you were to move around. You'd see kind of a trail of it or the trail of like when you have sparks on like fourth of July and there are little sparks, and you're moving them around.

You can see figure eights and stuff. Think of it like a trail like that, like you know, there's not millions and millions of different, you know, the figure eight, you're doing it in that, in that motion, but it's like you're just kind of seeing the trail of it and the same way we leave a trail of thoughts all around us with everything that we're thinking and those thoughts with time end up being imprinted on the location that we priorly were or just that we're going into.

For example, if certain places on the earth have a very high vibration, some people call these the Chakra points of the earth. There's one in Hawaii, there's one in Mount Shasta, California. There's one in Sedona. That's one of the reasons I go to Sedona every four to six weeks is because the energy there is very high.

You go to Peru, you go to heir's rock in Australia, there are places, I think the Stonehenge is one of them. There's, there are different places on the planet. They also have something called Ley lines that have to do it. The grid of the planets. That's why the ancients put the pyramids on certain formations, on the lay lines because of the vibration of it, but in general, those places have a certain vibrational frequency. I was listening recently to an audio book from Sadhguru if you've ever heard of him.

He's like a famous, well-known guru, like enlightened guy from India and he was talking in one of his books about going to certain places because of the spiritual energy there and how you can soak it in and it literally will influence you and it got me thinking about this more because it's something I've always really thought of and you know, it's my way of looking at it.

As you go to these places and their spiritual places and you end up in a way kind of bringing in and bringing those places within you and it becomes something that influences you. Even at subconscious levels. Maybe you've seen people before that go on some type of trip. They didn't expect it to happen. Then they come back and maybe they start changing their diet around.

They start changing their habits. They start meditating, whatever it is. It could be because they tapped into the vibration of that place and that place has then started to influence them, so this is something I've been aware of for years, but now I'm actually starting to put it down on paper or at least put it out there.

Here's the thing, Palo Santo or stage have the power inside of it to clear negative energy may be, I'm not sure. I don't know 100 percent, but what I do know is that there's thousands or hundreds of thousands of people, native Americans in the past that have used sage to clear spaces. Just because of the energy, the energy matrix of the planet.

There've been so many other people that have used sage to with the intention of healing or you know, with the intention of clearing the space, the vibration of different places. It has almost like a strong gravity of power because it's worked for so many other people. Of course, the power is always within us, but do I need the sage? Do I need the Palo Santo? I could probably do it just with my thoughts alone, but I use it as a tool.

I use sage, Palo Santo, I've cleared the space plenty. It's starting to become of my vibration because I live here and I'm always coming in and thinking about the trail I'm leaving everywhere I go and I'm, you know, that's one of the things when I knew I wanted this house, I thought of all the amazing content that I can make and in a way, that's something that inspired me because I'm like, man, I'll be in such a good vibration.

And that was something that I knew I could focus on. In general, the thoughts that we have that we think are invisible, they are invisible until they materialize. However, it doesn't mean they don't exist. It just simply means that we don't see them with our ice spectrum. The key to this is being aware of what we are putting out, what thoughts we're putting out and how that stays in our energy field, and then being aware of what locations we go to.

Here's a hack. If you want to experience more of the vibrational resonance of what you want to experience, something that you could do is you could go to the vibration you go to a place that has the vibration of what you want to exist in. For example, if you wanted a certain job, you could go to that job already and hang out there, kind of go around and see what it's like to be there. If you're allowed to at start to soak in the vibration of that place.

You know, I want to be and I'm going to going to be in the next couple of months doing seminars and doing conventions and stuff like that where I speak in front of a lot of people. I could go to these conventions now and see what it's like and be in the vibration of it because there have been many other people that have given talks.

Maybe even go on stage and see what it's like there because there's a certain energy bubble, a certain energy trail of the prior speakers that have been there. Maybe it's on a totally different subject, but it still has a similar vibration, so what you could do is if you wanted to, for example, this is the analogy I normally always use, but it's kind of easy to understand. If you wanted to own your own art gallery, you could go to an actual art gallery.

You could talk to the owner and get to the vibrational field of the owner of that art gallery to see what their thought process is like, and as you put yourself in that vibration, it will start to affect you in a powerful way. This is about the awareness of the vibrational places that you go to. This is the awareness of the kind of people that you talk about because everything, everyone you've talked to has a certain energy field and you can kind of feel it and you could feel and you can cultivate your own house to have a certain vibration as well.

Just recently, I had some family come over and look at the house, my dad and my sister more specifically and I love him to death. However, they start every now and then they bicker at each other and it's kind of like a sarcastic argument type thing. But my sister, I come from a family that we all have very loud voices.

I'm sure that you've heard about my videos. I have a very loud voice. My, my dad and my sister both have loud voices, so when everyone's talking it's just really, really loud and I have my house set up a certain way. I have where I put the intention into it. I'm creating a lot of content out of it, so I take it.

It's almost like my sacred space.

I put music in the background, I have a water fountain with water, with like a water sound. I this very serene, peaceful, Zen type environment and that's the way I view it and I take pride in it. Not in a way like, oh look how nice my house is, but more so like this is, this is the energy that I cultivate and I don't let just anybody over.

I don't have like parties and stuff like that. Because also I realized that when people come over, they're leaving their imprints. They're literally bringing in the imprint of their vibration into it. Someone comes over that has a very negative vibration, you know, not that it's the end of the world because that can be cleared.

However, it's just like, you know, you just got. I'm just mindful of what I bring into my house.

My family has a good vibration. I'm not saying they have a lower vibration or anything, but what I'm saying is they came over, they were looking at the house, having a great time, but then they started bickering about something randomly and my sister has a loud voice and she's very argumentative sometimes she kind of gets that.

I used to be in forensics debate in high school and that's kind of where I knew I wanted to become a speaker. She also loves forensics debate and she's in high school now, so she's a lovely lot, about 10 years younger than me and uh, she kind of has that personality sometimes, but she started to argue with my dad and it started to get louder and louder and eventually I was like, you know what?

That stuff doesn't fly in my house. I don't want to hear it. There's no point. This argument's ridiculous anyway, drop it, talk about it later or whatever. Just not here. And I didn't mean to be rude about it, but it's like, it's almost like I just, I take a very aware of the vibration of that I live in or the pie place I live in and this is not just like where I lay my head at night.

This is where I work too. It's like I like to have a high vibration because I'm constantly putting out content. You know, I make a video a day on YouTube. I do two or three Instagram posts a day. I go live every couple of days. I do podcasts more often now. I'm trying to do two or three a week. Um, I do editing, I do all my work here, and I work, you know, quite often.

I take it kind of like, you know, we can have fun. Fun is different. Fun is a good high vibration. But the argument and stuff that lowers the vibrational frequency of the place and that will leave like a trail. And have you ever felt to that maybe you go somewhere and you felt like you kind of walked into something or you like pick something up in a way? Well, we can only pick up that which we have somewhat of an activation of vibration within us.

First, from a certain level, I could be like, well I've, I just don't. If I ignore the argument that they're having, maybe it won't affect me, but that could work. However, I'm just being honest with myself and if the path of least resistance for me, it just says, “Hey, stop.”

Just, there's no, there's no need for that. That seems easier to me than like trying to put up this wall, you know, or something like that. Something else that I do every night before I go to bed. This might sound different and wasn't going to share this, but I might as well before I go to bed every night. What I do is I put an electromagnetic grid. I imagine electromagnet that grid or on my bed and what I do is I put the intention that all the energy around my body and around my bed is transmuted into love energy.

It's like if I have any thoughts or any thoughts bouncing around that are negative, they don't necessarily affect me while I'm sleeping or affect my energy field at all except for in a positive way and I set the intention that I wake up in the morning feeling energized and then I sleep very good to get very deep sleep and I said all these intentions and I find that by doing so, I get amazing results.

I wake up feeling refreshed. I have great sleep, so it's something that I am mindful of that I put the intention into. When I chose this place, I actually looked at many other different places and one thing I did is I went to this high luxury place in Vegas. There's called vantage, some high-rise condos and they're very nice. They have loft style views of the city. A couple floors up, you know, it was really nice.

There were a little pricier, but I was like, oh man, it'd be cool to film there to have like the view of the Strip in the background and I was thinking about it. I go there to take a tour of it to get to look around and right when I walk into one of the buildings or just in general, just from getting there, I could feel almost a constriction.

I felt like I could hardly breathe. Like I had to really take a deep breath to breathe in and to me, it just felt like that was assigned to me that this vibration is not compatible. It felt like it was really constricting my breathing and as weird as that sounds, that made me know, hey, this is not the place for you. And I went and looked in, I looked around, I was like, oh yeah, it's kind of Nice. It wasn't as nice as I thought. I was like, okay, I want a house.

I know it's a luxury apartment, but I want a little more space in between me and my neighbors and stuff like that. I decided I wanted a house and then luckily, I went to two or three different houses. This is the best vibration out of all of them. Plus, it was the best layout that I liked. I ended up going to this house. But you can feel it almost you can feel when you go to certain places, what is the vibration of those place, whereof that place that you're going into?

And some of the things that I recommend you do is to become more aware of the vibration of your house. And it'd be a little bit more mindful of maybe you know who comes over. You know, if you're bringing over people that are venting to you though, that venting is literally. And even though it's invisible, you can't actually see the thought forms that venting is being spewed and like vomited all around your house.

So, be aware of a clear it. If so, I mean sometimes I get, I get it. You have family members or certain things that go on trying to help someone and phatic and helping them. I get it, however, be aware and then cleared the space afterward. Understand that if you want to vibrationally resonate with a certain reality, go to a place where that's already the vibration. Begin to tap into. It began to be around people in the energy field of the people that you want to be similar to.

They say we are the average of the five people were around the most. One of the reasons that is too is it's not just because, oh, you know, it's like you're around them. You're going to think similar to them. It's like you literally resonate at the same vibration of them. You pick up on the same pattern subconsciously.

I know me and my buddy Victor moved to Vegas like a year and a half ago, and since he's lived here, there's a lot that's changed about my habits. I eat a lot cleaner now. He eats very clean. He counts his macros, which means it counts as calories and stuff. I never, I used to look at that like, oh, that seems like a ridiculous why account the macro. It seems very rigid, but I started to do it and guess what? I more energy than ever before. I better shape than ever before. I've lost about 10 pounds of fat that I had. Um, I am stronger. I'm more built. I'm getting more muscular.

Just like those habits, those things, those things really influence one another. I'd be very, very mindful of who you bring into your space, knew who you're around a lot because you're literally going to vibrationally, resonate more with them. Pay attention to the energy around you. And what I would recommend is maybe go to some of these spiritual places on the planet. Maybe go to Sedona, go to Mount Shasta, go to Hawaii.

Why do you think a lot of people go to Hawaii for honeymoons? Hawaii is the Heart Chakra of the planet, and when people go there, it literally opened up their heart. Maybe people go there and they feel it and the right and they feel so much love or they go there and then they want to come back for our honeymoon because they felt that resonance and it's something that is like the capital of where people go for a honeymoon.

A lot of people go to Hawaii for their honeymoon because of that reason. Many different places have an imprint of even ancient societies. A lot of ancient information may have been left in the temples in Egypt, so going there, it's not just, Oh, I got some cool pictures for Instagram. You go there, you literally tap into the vibrational matrix of that place.

Remember that there is an electromagnetic energy around your body and in the same way, there's one around the planet and different places. We go to have a different frequency, a different compression of energy and were able to influence ourselves in a very powerful way there. With all of this being said, that's how you can practically apply it.

You can allow yourself to become more aware of your own vibration, how you can influence what's your experience in your life and influenced your own vibration in a powerful way and just know that the more you take ownership of where you are and your space and you hold it more as sacred, the more sacred it will be to you. That's what I've done in my life. I've cultivated that vibration and my work environment at home and it's something that's really helped me.

It's something I know is a little bit different, but I wanted to share it with you because that's what the podcast is all about and your kind of just sharing these ideas. Some things that maybe I haven't shared on YouTube before. Let me know what you think of this episode. If you could respond to my newest Instagram @aaron_doughty44 on Instagram and respond to my newest post. On a comment and let me know what you think of this episode. That would be awesome. That gives me feedback as to know how many more episodes I should be doing. Let me know what you thought.

Balance, Importance and the Law of Attraction

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you more on balance the Law of Attraction and the importance of understanding how we can walk this fine line that we create, what we want easier than ever. I'm going to show you exactly how to do that.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you is more on understanding how to walk in this balance with the Law of Attraction, how not to give things excess importance or excess meaning, and how to do this in the easiest way so that you create easier than ever. This has to do with the understanding of the energy components of the manifestation process and how we can best go through it without having this resistance.

The key to this whole process is understanding how to be ourselves, and it also has to do with our self-image of how we see ourselves. Let me ask you this question. How do you see yourself as the best version of you? If you see the best version of you and it's on this kind of pedestal, it's like, Whoa, that would be so amazing for me to be that kind of person.

Then what happens is we've in a way put it on a pedestal and what we've done is we've reemphasized that that is not who we are already. The cool thing is that what we can begin to do is start to embody that version of us right now in the present moment, but the key to this is choosing that. That's who we are and that things in our life that we want to create our natural for us.

Many times, what we do unconsciously is we just put everything on a pedestal, all of everything. We want to create a lot of people that reach out to me and DMS asked me how I can help them manifest a person into their life or how to get something they really, really need anytime there's that kind of energy where it's like, that would make me so happy if I were to achieve that. And we're kind of looking out to that.

What we end up doing is we end up externalizing our own happiness and what we're saying is the version of me that, that is natural for. That's not who I am because I think that that's something that's so, so cool. If it did happen, now we can still have this passion, this desire or this, uh, this, this moving in a certain direction, but it's about having this balance that I'm speaking about.

I was recently reading a book and it was mentioning the Tao Te Ching. The Tao means the way, and it's a book that's been around for thousands of years that it's about this way. How do I walk the way now what I understand about it and what I've come to really understand because as some you know, I teach a process that's called Reality Transurfing.

That's from a book that was written by a quantum physicist named Vadim Zeland in Russia and I made hundreds of videos on it and it has to do with this understanding of importance and it has to do with understanding how not to give things excess importance because when we give them excess importance, we put them on a pedestal. We create resistance and we end up blocking us from experiencing it, but the key to the whole process is understanding how to walk.

The way I'm seeing the correlation between the Book, The Reality Transurfing and that of reading about the Tao and it's interesting because it's bringing in eastern philosophy into the Law of Attraction in a way that I don't really see many people talking about and it has to do without knowing that anytime we give something in the extreme, the Tao is about understanding that extremes are something you don't want to fall into. Because anytime you're in the extreme, it's going to drain your energy. If you really want something, you're also saying, “I don't currently have it”, and you're probably feeling the yearning for it, which is not the vibrational resonance of the reality that you want to experience.

The key is to understand that you're good either way, that once you want to experience the best version of you that's experienced in it for that version of you achieving goals is natural. It is a part of who you are. It's just that a lot of times with the Law of Attraction, what we focus on is we focus on what we can get from what we want to experience rather than the kind of person we will become, and the key is to focus more on the person that we will become.

Because when we do that, we embodied more of the resonance of that. We ended up developing a lifestyle of something that continues to fulfill itself over and over again. If we get something and we want something, we experienced it in their life in less than we can become that kind of person, we may lose that thing, but it's also about knowing this balance, this balance of importance, or we don't give too much importance. With the process of Reality Transurfing, for example, it's about understanding importance.

Anything we give too much importance, we create resistance around and we distance ourselves from it. The key to this is understanding the self-image and our self-image is what controls our life experience. Subconsciously we may not be aware of it, but we view ourselves, we will do everything within our power subconsciously to remain consistent in the way that we view ourselves. If we view ourselves as only able to make $50,000 a year, but we're going ourselves at $100,000 a year and we think that would be so cool for us to experience in it.

And how cool would that be? And we only see ourselves as able to make 50 k but we want the 100 k will experience blocks along the way. And I won't be something that happens easily. The key is to see ourselves as already the kind of person that generates $100,000 or more a year in revenue or in whatever business we're in, but that's the kind of person we are.

The version of you that's making 100 k a year or more. That version of you, it's natural for that version of you. It's only cool. It really awesome from the point of view of the person that's making 50 k a year, but you can choose to identify more with the version of you that adds more value. This is why I say it's about the person we become in so many of my videos because it really is more of a mindset. It's more of a, a way of being. It's more of a lifestyle.

And when we start to embody that version of us, no one can take anything away from us because we can always recreate it. It's the kind of person that we are. For this whole process of balance important and the Law of Attraction, what I encourage you to do is to be aware to your own energy in how you relate to your manifestations of what you want to experience in your life, to the goals that you have. How do you relate to those goals?

And when you become aware of how you relate to it, you can see, well what is my self-image around this goal? Maybe it's a relationship. Maybe you want to attract a relationship in your life and how cool would it be to have someone else to wake up to every day? And if you think like that, how cool would that be? You may be making resistance around it.

You may be putting that on a pedal stool. The key is to see that as natural and to know that that's just a part of who you are. But if you have a belief that says that relationships are hard to attract, you always attract the same type of person over and over again. You see yourself as the kind of person that can't sustain a relationship.

Then that is not in resonance with the version of you that naturally easily attracts a loving relationship, so this is why, once again it's about the person we become because if we're the kind of person that has amazing relationships, then it's more likely that we will resonate with that kind of reality, but you view yourself as somebody that doesn't have that. Then there's a disconnect there. There's no resonance.

The key to this is understanding the energy in the direction of what you experienced in your life and that kind of balance that you have in your life. Are you doing something not enough or are you doing to him things too much? For example, I have to learn to balance out my own willpower. What I mean by that is actually on the other side of the spectrum, I am so focused on what I'm doing that sometimes I don't have as much of a just relax type experience. I am. I work 14 hours a day because I love what I do. Go to the gym. I eat a very clean diet. I very rarely have a cheat meal.

I didn't cheat meal yesterday because I had a friend in town, but it was literally the first cheat meal in like two months because I've been eating so clean and I like eating clean because it keeps me in a high vibrational state and they keep me so that when I'm working I'm doing everything very efficiently, but at the other side of that, if I'm given it too much, meaning if I make it too important, I create resistance.

That's why they say the path is the way, the way is where we want to go. Not on either extreme. You can have a monk who becomes sell celibate, but if all they're doing is thinking about sex than the idea is that that may be create and draining so much of that person's energy. It's about understanding this balance of everything, the balance of diet, the balance of lifestyle, the balance of relationships.

Because the thing is if we don't have that balance, then it's going to always teeter in different directions. It's going to drain us of energy in order for us to really create what we want in our life. It is necessary that we put energy in a certain direction and the energy comes from focus, embodying the state of being that we prefer, but if we are drained of our own energy because of importance, we're not going to have the energy for that.

I think something that's a lot of times that I want to make more videos about that I don't hear talked about very often is in manifestation. It takes an amount of focus, but the focus is easy when you're passionate about it, when it's something you're passionate about, focus natural focuses to part of who you are. For me to focus 12 to 14 hours a day in my business, it's so easy because I love to do it and I wouldn't have it any other way, so it's easy.

It's natural, and the key is it paying attention to what that is. Here's the cool thing. If we're saying to the present moment, we don't have something, then yes, we are going to feel as if we don't have it. The which means that we're going to emphasize the resistance to it. However, anything that we're passionate about is part of the way that I'm speaking about.

You don't create excess potential. Even the book, Reality Transurfing, it's talked about that when it's something you're passionate about, it generates more energy versus somebody that has to go to a nine to five job that they hate. If they go and they're there for so many hours, they're overworking themselves. They're draining so much energy, but if they go do something they love, it's self-sustaining because they love doing it. That's why I can do what I do and some people don't like what I say. Sometimes when I talk about the Law of Attraction and taking action because I'm a proponent, I like taking action. That's the kind of person that I am.

I understand there's this element of energy. I understand there's this element of emotional alignment, but I do both. I do both. I aligned both and I'm not saying that there aren't ways of going about it that's maybe a little bit more allowing, but for me in my own life, this is what resonates for many people too and for me. I see. It's the missing key.

Many people are imbalanced with this because they are focused on what they want to create. They're thinking about it, but they're not moving the energy in any way in that direction, and sometimes you got to move the energy and the way you move the energy is you could take action, you can take one step, you can meet the universe halfway.

It's like wanting to attract a person into our lives, but if we never go outside our house, it's not really likely to happen, but if you put yourself in opportunities and situations like, you know what? I'm going to go do this sometimes even in uncomfortable situations because of the unknown is where the magic happens.

Then we opened up the opportunities for us, but if we're following our passion, we're in alignment with that way. We're not draining our energy but think about it regarding energy. Is there something that is draining your energy and if so, are you giving it too much focus?  You can let go of that resistance by seeing it as natural because that's the kind of person you've become. That's always more powerful and that's when they say successful people say, no matter what, even if they take this away from me, I can always recreate it because people always ask.

They say, what would you do if you lost all that money? They always say the same thing. I would just recreate it because I know what to do. I am the kind of person that generates abundance, so it's the key. The key is that kind of perspective of this balance going along the way, doing what you're passionate about, having it and linking up your self-image with the best version of you because as you link up to the best version of you and know that that's who you are, things become natural.

For me to grow on YouTube. The way I see myself is this is the kind of person I am. Whereas when I was at maybe 2000 subscribers and I would have seen the goal or saw like in the future, the possibility of having over 300,000 subscribers on YouTube, I'd have been like, that's so cool.

I would have created resistance around it. I really want it, but instead, I became the kind of person beforehand that generates that kind of growth because I started going all in on my passion. I started stepping in and because it is connected to my heart, it's something that came to fruition. Follow your heart. Your heart doesn't have excess potential. Your heart doesn't have too much meaning in one direction or the other. Your heart doesn't require so much energy to follow.

To follow your heart is very easy to do. It's just a choice that you have to make and sometimes making that choice might not go in alignment with everyone else around you.

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To follow your heart is very easy to do. It's just a choice that you have to make and sometimes making that choice might not go in alignment with everyone else around you. Everyone else around you, I. What are you passionate about that?

It could have been a great lawyer. Why are you doing that? You could have been great, you know, you want to be a musician.

They don't get paid that well, the only a small percentage of people, but that's listening to the peanut gallery and it's not necessary. You can make your own way if you're passionate about it, do it. Go for it. Believe in yourself.

I got told many times on my path, what am I doing? Why am I doing a daily video? Especially when I had like less than a hundred subscribers and there are people that were like, you know, I was that guy. Remember I was talking to a friend about it at a get together recently because we were talking about how I talked about this for a while, how I was doing it. It's not like, oh, I'm going to do this in the future, but I'm like, I'm making videos. This is eventually going to be something I think that I do one-day full time and everyone, a lot of friends that heard me say that thought it was a pipe dream.

They're like, oh cool. They're like, I could see it in their faces. Like, “Oh yeah, yeah”, but I was talking to one of them recent Eddie gets together. He was like, yeah man, I thought it was a total pipe dream. Didn't think it was going to happen whatsoever. You know, there are people like that, but it's okay.

She's had to believe in yourself and you have to go forth and then when you do when you do make it or whatever it is, then they'll have the conversations and we're like, that's awesome man, and then I'm really excited for you. They may admit, they may say, “Hey, I was going to happen at all,”.

But guess what? If I let anybody else influence me, it wouldn't have happened. It would have knocked me out of balance. If I would have kept it on a pedestal, it would've created resistance. The key is to link up your self-image to become that kind of person, to buy into yourself and to follow your heart. That's the key to this whole process.

3 EASY Ways to Raise Your Vibration that Work Like MAGIC

What I'm going to be sharing with you are three easy ways to shift your vibration that works like magic. These are going to be things that have totally changed my life, and things that I think can powerfully impact your life as well.

So, come on and watch the video below:

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three easy ways to shift your vibration and understanding that as you shift your vibration, you also shifted the kind of experiences that you're having. In general, your vibration is always going to equal to that of that which you experienced in your life. What I mean by that is, however, you are feeling with which is a part of your vibration. However, you are thinking, the emotions that you have, the actions that you're taking, those make up your vibration and the experiences in your life that you have right now.

The opportunities in your life are a reflection of what that vibration is currently at.

Shifting your vibrations can change how you feel and can totally change your life.

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The great thing about this is that you can shift your vibration with a couple of hacks, with a couple of tools, with ways and perspectives that can help you to change the way that you feel really, think and what you do, and in general, what quantum physics shows us is that everything is vibration. 

When it comes to what we experienced in our life, it is all about resonance.

When we change our resonant vibration, that's when we change the resonance reflection that we're getting as well. If you're wondering what your vibration is, the easiest way to tell is to look around to see what are you attracting into your life. Sometimes when I say this or in general, you may think, oh, well, if I'm experiencing things that I'm not there, my vibration is bad.

It's not about bad or good. It's just about being aware of where your vibration is and knowing that sometimes it might be hard to hear that certain aspects of life may not be preferable, but at a certain level, we've agreed to it. What we must do is we must claim that and then make the conscious choice to reconstruct our vibration the way that we prefer because sometimes somethings might be on autopilot, some things may be just subconsciously there.

We may believe that we're not worthy of certain things. Therefore, we attract a certain type of person that may be something we don't really prefer to experience, but the moment we become aware of it is the moment we reclaim it, we can never change that which we do not own. We can't change what we don't own, which means we must take at some level responsibility for it. Responsibility doesn't mean it's all your fault or responsibility means the ability to respond. You are taking back your ability to respond rather than react from a level of unconsciousness.

1. Vibration is our state of being

When it comes to this process, the first hack that I use for understanding this and the first way that I shift my vibration, it's kind of like an old Tony Robbins way of doing things now is simply has to do with understanding that first off, our vibration is our state of being.

However, we feel our state of being is our vibration and one of the easiest ways to change how we feel is to change the motion that we are in emotion is energy in motion, so a powerful part of how we feel has to do with our physiology, has to do with our body language and a lot of this you'll know just subconsciously, oh, you're going to know just by looking at certain people, you can look at someone and tell in general how they are feeling through the micro-expressions on their face.

You might be able to tell how they're feeling because they're breathing looks shallow. Maybe they're kind of hunched in like this. Therefore, they have a certain type of feeling that you can plainly see. The key is looking at physiology because there's a certain way that you will stand when you will feel a certain way.

For example, if you have a very, you're standing up very tall, you may automatically start to feel that positive emotion as well. This is something that they showed with body language that not only is it something to where our body language is correlated with our confidence, but it's also if we change our body language, that affects our confidence.

Not only does it that we get confident when we are in a certain body language type, but it's also the other way around as well. The key to this is to put yourself into pay attention to your body language in general. There is something that is coined by Amy Cuddy from Ted, ted talks that she did. She's a famous Ted talk, or what she does is she shows the power of standards, what's called a power pose.

You stand like your hip's going down, your, uh, your heart out your Chin level, your hands at your hips called the superman or superwoman pose. You stand like this for just a couple minutes a day. Scientifically, it's shown that you will increase the amount of dopamine and Serotonin in your body and you will decrease the amount of cortisol.

The key to this is knowing that as you do, that you're changing the way you feel and you're changing the neurochemistry and the hormones in your body that will begin to change your state. We all have certain patterns, states that we get into certain times throughout our day, maybe we were on our phone and went right on our phone.

Our shoulders start to over which means to close our heart and then when we close our heart, our breathing becomes shallower, and then we start not to feel so confident. The key is to be aware of that and then change it back to normal. Change it back to an open body language. In general, when you expand yourself, you're more confident, and when you lose yourself in, that's more of like going into a shell. Moving the way, you moved impacts directly how you feel.

If you change your body language, you start to turn your vibration. You begin to change how you feel. This is something that I do if I'm on my computer for too long and I start to feel resistance because maybe something's not working right on the technology wise or figuring something out with software. What I'll do is I'll go stretch. I'll go move around. I have a rebounder right here, a Rebounders’ like this little thing that you jumped on. That'll change my state. I'll go walk barefoot on the grass, kind of stretch myself out, and it completely changes everything and then I feel grounded and I feel ready to go.

2. Reframing

The second hack to changing your vibration is one that anyone can use because when we look at our past, we may see that our past affects us in a certain way. The reason our past affects us in a certain way is that of the meaning we give to past experiences.

The power is in what is called reframing, which is reframing the meaning to why certain things happened in our past. There could have been past childhood trauma, there could have been passed breakups. There could have been so many different variations of things that we look at that when we look at makes us feel negative emotion, but when we become aware of the meaning, we're getting those past situations, it changes everything.

In general, when we look at vibration, we always will experience that is what that what is in resonance with our vibration, but the key is understanding also something about parallel realities. This is a game changer when it comes to dropping the story that I've told myself and I've helped a lot of other people see it from this point of view as well and it makes all the difference. Normally, the way we think about it is that our past equals who we are in the present moment.

The key is when we become aware of the infinite number of parallel realities that exist, what we see is that there are many different frames of what we experience and that they all exist right now just in the same way that we might get a movie film strip and then stretch it out like this. We could look at each individual free, but we know they all exist at the same time.

They're just going through the light of the projector at a certain rate and even though it might go at a certain rate and it might look like a big fluid, long piece of linear snapshot, we know it's actually individual frames that's going through, but they all exist right now in the same way. The future doesn't exist. The past doesn't exist.

The now moment is the only thing that exists in the present moment. Depending on the choices we are making, we are shifting through different versions of the now moment. The future and the past are only in the mind. We can imagine the future using our imagination. We can remember the past using our mind, but here's the thing, just like as we change in the present moment, the future probabilities are changing because there is no set future.

It depends on the choices we make in the present moment. There are many different variations of it. Certain ones have a lot of momentum, but in general, it has to do with the choices we make. The thing we don't understand is that at the same time, past experiences are shifting as we shift in the present moment. This may be what some people called the Mandela effect.

This is when people have and notice some break in continuity, but in general what this does is this make it easier for us to understand that we can begin to let go of the story we tell our self, we can let go of any negativity that we have in the past by seeing it as just one probability. It doesn't makeup who we are. It was just one perspective.

This has allowed me to completely let go of my past and to reframe it and to see it as something completely different. Know that first off, you are not the result of your past. You are who you choose to be in the present moment right now.

The other part of this is understanding that you can see everything that has happened in the past as something that has led to where you are now, and if you give it a positive meaning, you will get a positive effect out of it. You can change the meaning you give it. When I went through a lot of pain growing up because of my story and abusive ex-stepmom who was very controlling and my dad divorced her and then a lot of things changed for the better, but in that period.

I gave it such a negative meaning, why did this happen? I was consistently focused on the negative. This is what happened though. I realize that that pain eventually led me to create pressure for me to go through a spiritual awakening and when I had that spiritual awakening, I realized that that might have been a component that led me to that.

That created the pressure. I reframed it. The moment I reframed it is the moment all the negativity started to dissolve as able to feel it, to process it, and to let it go. Know that any negativity that happened in the past led you to a place of awareness. You're reading this blog, you are becoming more aware, and that is something to appreciate. Reframing will totally change. The way you relate to the past, but also it will change the past. You can let go of this story by realizing you are who you choose to be in the present moment right now.

3. Change your focus

The third way to change your vibration is one of my favorite. It's that simply changing your focus. Whatever you focus on, you feel, and the more you focus on something, the more you feel a certain way. The more momentum you build.

When you learn how to focus in a powerful way, it changes everything. The key is to find out what you're passionate about and then make it something that is easy to focus on because what you're passionate about is easy to focus on. I make videos every day. I edit, I do things for my business. It's also fluid because I love what I do. It's easy for me to focus on and the more I focus on it, the more passionate I feel, the more I get into a flow state and the more it grows abundantly in my life.

The key is to find out what you're passionate about and to focus on doing that as much as you can because that will raise your vibration quicker than anything else, but understand that if you're feeling negative emotion, whatever you focus on, you feel, pay attention to what you're focusing on.

You may be focusing our perspectives that don't serve you. What I do is I focus on perspectives that serve me and when I become aware of something that doesn't, I become aware of it and then I shift my focus and almost grateful that I found it because I've woken up from the unconscious mind or from the autopilot mind. The key is to become more aware of who you are and understanding that your passion is the secret to everything.

When you do you what you're passionate about and especially when you find a way to add value to other people, whether that's sharing your passion, just being in that vibrational state, whatever it is, it will influence and impact every area of your life. I've realized that in general with focus, it is the secret to success as well. It takes a lot of focus to become successful, but not a lot of work.

If you love what you do because you won't classify this work. I don't classify what I do as work because I love doing it so much and it gets me into a flow state. However, I focus on my passion quite a bit every single day, seven days a week because I love it so much, so I encourage you to know that whatever you focus on, you feel. If you find that you're feeling negative emotion than pay attention to whatever that focus is, yet you're having and you will begin to shift your vibration.

In summary, the three vibrational hacks that work like magic is simply first off, understanding that your physiology affects how you feel, what you feel is your vibration, and the same way that we can tell if someone's confident with their body language, someone can change their body language to change how confident they feel.

Stand in a power pose for just a couple minutes a day and start to change. You'll start to feel the change within you and as you change, remember, everything that you experienced in your life is equal to your vibration. As you change your vibration, you also change. The outer reflections are getting in your life. Secondly, know that the past that you think is solid actually isn't as solid as you think and that as you change in the present moment, not only do the probable futures change that you can experience, but so do the probable pass even the parts of your past that you will remember.

Remember, you are not the result of your past. You are who you choose to be in the present moment. Give a positive meaning to the things that have happened in the past and as you give a positive meaning and reframe it, you will start to change how it affects you in the present moment right now.

Thirdly, know that whatever you focus on is what you feel. If you change what you are focusing on, you change your feeling which then changes your vibration and if you find your passion and start to work at focusing on that more so you will start to experience so much more of what you want in your life. Your passion is the thread that leads you to success and success in general takes focus. The more you focus, the more it grows, the more you change your vibration and everything, and your life will change.

Simplifying ALL Law of Attraction Teachings into ONE Formula

Today, I will show you the truth behind all Law of Attraction teachings, the fundamental principles of all of them and how you can easily apply it so that you powerfully change your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the truth on all Law of Attraction teachings and I'm going to show you the fundamental principles that underlie every single one of them. This is actually something I've realized after I have studied, literally don't even know how many different concepts, different processes, different ways for going about things, and the thing that I noticed is that there's a certain pattern.

There's a certain level of consistency that flows through every single one of these teachings, and what this shows me is that is that there is a fundamental truth in them that underlies all of them. The difference depends upon the person that is teaching whatever part of it or the kind of way that that person thinks, and as if. And just like there are different people that have a different way of explaining things.

There are different people that resonate with how certain people explain things, however, they are all rooted in this same fundamental principle, and I'm going to be sharing with you a formula that I've noticed in every single teacher and every single teaching and every single philosophy that actually that I found works and how you can easily apply that as well.

First off, let me go through a couple of the major teachings that you may be familiar with and one of them maybe that of Abraham Hicks, if you've heard of Abraham Hicks before Abraham Hicks has been around for quite a while. Abraham Hicks was in the original movie the secret before they edited it.

 And Abraham Hicks is someone that's, uh, it's Esther Hicks, but Abraham is the energy that flows through her to where she has the kind of information. I'm sure you've maybe heard of her before. And it's about understanding the way that it's explained. It's about understanding that we're all vibration.

Everything that we want to create is from a certain vibration.

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That everything that we want to create is from a certain vibration. Understanding that what we should do or what most do is increase our state of being.

That when we increase our state by doing, by getting in what is called the vortex or by feeling better, always thinking of the next billion best feeling thought, and then focusing on what we want. We experience more of what we want, so it is mainly about understanding how to think in correlation with what we want to experience, but nonetheless, it's about the emotion and it's about the thinking.

It's about the direction of our thoughts. Abraham Hicks has been around a long time. Many people have heard a lot of the content from them and that's something I find to be powerful. However, it's rooted in this idea of increased the state of being increased. Think of the next best feeling thought and then from there, focused on what you want.

Let's look at someone like Tony Robbins. I've been diving a lot into Tony Robbin's content lately because I have been just interested in the valley. He teaches a lot about values. How to understand how we value things in our lives and how those values control the destiny of our lives, so I find it very interesting, but I've been studying his philosophy as well, and guess what? It's rooted in almost the same type of energy, the same type of thing.

It increased your state of being, our state of being controls our life, understanding how to take control of the factors that come into play, so how to control what we associate pain with, what we associate pleasure with so that we can then use that for our advantage, but nonetheless a lot of what he talks about, his focus, focusing on what we want, taking action, being in the vibration that we want.

He talks a lot about taking action and he talks about that of focus. It's focus state of being taking action. What are the consistencies we see here so far? State of being and focus. What about Abraham Hicks, state of being and focus? Let's look at the newest one that I've been a really all about within the last like eight months, and that is the process called Reality Transurfing is a book that was written by a quantum physicist in Russia named the Vadim Zeland.

It's a book that brings into consideration the way reality works, understanding it from energy dynamic level, how to align with the best version of ourselves and what it has to do with the understanding that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and that we can experience what we want by embodying the frequency now so we don't have to create it because from the point of view of quantum physics, it already exists.

It's about simply aligning with that energy, so because of that, there is this common thread that you use with Reality Transurfing. It literally means something that is called Transurfing through the Alternative Space, surfing through the alternative space, which sounds a little bit weird. It's like, what does that mean? It means things are easier. It means gliding through the process and the way that you do Reality Transurfing has to do with your state of being.

With being connected to your heart and with having what is called a slide, having this focus on what you want to experience. If you align your emotion with the focus that you have, anyone body it, then you experienced what you want. I found it to be very powerful as well because what Reality Transurfing, if he makes, is different than a lot of the other teachers is it talks about the decrease in importance and having the right alignment to what we want to experience. Because anytime we put something on a pedestal, we created resistance around it and went that resistance.

It then happens to where we block it from our experience because what we're saying is, I want that. I don't have that is what that means, so here also is another teaching that maybe you've heard of Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dr. Joe Dispenza was in a documentary called what the bleep do we know? He's written some books like how to break the habit of being yourself.

He's written books such as becoming supernatural to science of going beyond the ordinary, something like that. I don't know the exact title, but if something like that and he's an author and he also does a lot of seminars, but nonetheless, he's very good at what he does and he teaches people how the quantum physics of how they create their reality and how to embody the best versions of themselves. What is his formula? His formula is actually the same as almost every single other person.

It's just explained in a little bit different way. The formula is simply this combined the intention. You have an increase that intention you have by having a clear focus of what you want to experience and couple that with an elevated emotion. A lot of what Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about in his newest books is how to connect the energy of our heart and how to increase the energy field around our body by going beyond that of our body, but nonetheless is rooted in a similar ideology of increased the feeling in your heart, which is the emotion, and then increase the amount of intention you have by being very clear as to what she wants to experience.

In the same way, every single one of these teachings is rooted in that. Have merely this, increase your emotion, increase your state of being. And sometimes what this may mean as it all rhymes all the time, all right, I'm done, is what you want to do is even if you had negative experiences in the past, you want to allow those to be there. You want to observe them, and then what you want to do is you want to make the conscious choice to let them go because then what happens if you let go of patterns that don't serve.

Tony Robbins would say that you let go of patterns that don't serve, and by letting go of those patterns, you start to condition yourself in a completely new way. Abraham Hicks might say that as you stopped paying attention to the thoughts that you were thinking before, you start bringing in those characteristics of those kinds of life experiences and as you keep thinking of the next best thought, next best offer, next best thought. You leave that old past behind you.

See, the past does not equal who we are. We are who we choose to be in the present moment right now, and the only way that we reiterate the past into the future is if we keep telling ourselves a story that keeps us tied to the past. That's what Tony Robbins, Abraham Hicks, even Reality Transurfing, Dr. Joe Dispenza, they all talk about something similar where it's the story, the same thoughts. Dr. Joe Dispenza would say, 90 percent of what we think is recycled from the day before of the 60 to 70,000 thoughts we think a day.

Therefore, we create the same thing over and over again. We think the same thoughts. We triggered the same emotions. We take the same actions. We, therefore, create the same things over and over and over again. We have to get outside of that pattern thinking, so the key is to let all of this go in our sand that we can be who we prefer to be in the present moment. Let go of the story, let go of anything that's holding you back and understand that you can reframe it and what can happen if you can reframe it positively and that can drive you.

You can literally transmute all of that so that you start to put that into a powerful direction. But nonetheless, what is it about taking that story, observing it, letting it be there, and then letting it go. The only way that changes is with conscious choice. If we're not aware that we cannot change it, we cannot change what we do not own and we cannot change that which we are not aware of.

All these teachings have in common that it's about letting go of the story. We tell ourselves, understanding that we are who we choose to be in the present moment right now, understanding that the more we condition ourselves in the present moment, the more we experience what we want. Tony Robbins calls this and AC Nero.

Associative conditioning is where we condition in ourselves what we want, the patterns that we want to focus on, what we want to associate so much pleasure with what we want, that we then start to move towards it because there's these two mechanisms in our lives that control our whole entire life and that's the same for everyone. This is the exact same mechanism. It works for every single person on the planet, whether they're aware of it or not.

We will always move in the direction of what we associate or we think will bring us pleasure and will always move away from that which we associate or think will bring us pain. Same for every person. The difference is what people associate with pain and pleasure that has to do with their values.

That has to do with the way they see themselves, their self-image. But what you can begin to do is understand what you associate with pain and pleasure and associate pleasure with being the best version of yourself, associate pleasure with going to the direction that you want or Dr. Joe Dispenza that would be going beyond that which is normal.

Going beyond that which is an ordinary, experiencing more than our reality by thinking new thoughts, by stretching outside of what is priorly comfortable becoming comfortable and familiar with the unfamiliar or the uncomfortable, and that takes repetition. That takes conditioning. Neuro, associative conditioning for Tony Robbins, conditioning for Dr. Joe Dispenza up Abraham Hicks.

It's getting the vortex is a vortex. Think positive thoughts. Think these thoughts that make you feel good. Pay attention to how you feel and move up the vibrational scale, and then you begin to increase your vibration. When you increase your vibration, things just happen.

Things happened very powerfully. In Reality Transurfing is understanding how to be connected to our hearts. It's understanding how to know things, can be easy to have the clear picture of what we want and make the choice to do that because in Reality Transurfing, if you don't have to try to do anything, you simply choose it. You don't create your own reality.

You choose it because it already exists. It comes at it from the point of outcome. Here's another similar thing between a lot of these teachings outcome, so Abraham Hicks focused on what you want. Tony Robbins have clear outcomes. If you don't have outcomes, you don't have direction. Have a clear outcome of what you want to experience.

Simply set more goals. You set more goals, you have outcomes. You'll be able to make these things more probabilities. Reality Transurfing, become clear as to what you want because the more intentions you set, the more you experience what you want.

Having more intentions will transform your life. Dr. Joe Dispenza, very similar understanding. The more we focus on anything, the more we bring that into our life. These are all rooted in the very similar, the same type of audiology you will resonate with ever with whichever one you find most values in or you relate to the most. Maybe you relate to Tony Robbins the most, or maybe part of you is like, no, I liked Dr. Joe Dispenza because like the quantum physics side of it.

No, I liked the more esoteric stuff, so I like Reality Transurfing. I like to be very simple in general. I like Abraham Hicks, whichever one you like. It's your cup of tea is totally cool, but the key is to be aware of what that is, but understand there are all rooted in the same fundamental thing. What do I teach on my channel? Beliefs create our reality, so it's a very similar type of thing.

Put the energy in the direction that you want to have the focus, increase your state of consciousness which has increased your state of being and aligned with who you really are. These are all rooted in the same fundamental principles, but we can have different flavors of the month if you will. There may be some that you enjoy because you relate to a for a certain period of time.

The key is to be aware of what that is and to simply decide that this works for me. Here's the thing, the true power is not in any process that anyone shares with you. The true power is within you and the permission you give it to work. Many of these are just tools. There's certain processes, certain ways to go about it, but the true power is within you and whichever one resonates with you more will be the one that works for you.

For some people, they may just like, I'm just going to stick with this one process. Abraham Hicks, I'm going to think better thoughts. I'm going to get into this vortex and I'm going to experience everything I want that works. I know people that that's all they do and they get amazing results from it. I know people that follow Tony Robbins very to the book, everything he says and they get amazing results from it.

I know people that follow Dr. Joe Dispenza, and I know people that follow Reality Transurfing. It's all the same. Go with what works for you, but understand that the reason there's a thread that goes through all of these is because it's rooted in something that works and that's what is powerful, so whichever one you want, know that if you believe it works, then it will know there's a thread of truth that lies through all of these and it's a powerful tool for you use, but the main power exists within you.

This is the truth of all Law of Attraction teachings. This is what you can begin to apply, set more intentions. Understand that as you elevate your emotion and as you increase your intention, you're going to be creating a powerful manifestation of what you want your life and as you move in that direction, everything in your life will change.

Just like I was talking to me to go about that process of Reality Transurfing, what am I most powerful? Meditations is understanding how to align with our goals in a completely new way. Understanding how to make things natural for us, how to decrease the importance we give to our goals.

3 Vibrational Manifestation HACKS NO ONE TELLS YOU

What I'm going to be sharing with you are the three vibrational manifestation hacks for creating what you want, easier than ever that nobody tells you. These are hacks that I use in my own life. Things I've noticed other successful people do stuff that's a little bit different, but nonetheless, I think so powerful.

So, come on and watch the video below:

Today, this video I'm going to be sharing with you those three vibrational manifestation hacks that you can use to resonate with the reality that you want. These are going to be things that I use in my own life, press things. I've noticed another other people that other people do to really resonate with the reality they want. With this, understand that when we think of the Law of Attraction, many times people are just looking at what they are thinking about.

However, what we are thinking about is one aspect of the parts because sometimes our thoughts do not translate into emotion, so I can think about certain things all I want, but if I'm not passionate about it, if it's not something that I feel that it may not be something that is relevant for me. What I want to show you how to do in this blog is how to use vibrational resonance to create and align with the reality that you want.

Think of your vibration in the form of passion. What are you passionate about? Because anytime you find something that you're passionate about, that makes it much easier for you to resonate with the reality that you want it. Because underneath passion is the feeling. Think of it in the form of everything or quantum physics shows us, is that everything in life is vibration.

It is vibrating at different frequencies. When we look at the best version of us that we can imagine the reality that we want to experience, what kind of emotions does that version of us feel? We want to look at what that person is doing. What they are thinking and how are they are feeling? Think of those three things that tailor our vibration, how we think, how we act, how we feel. Those three things. Sometimes many people just exist in the feeling aspect of it.

There just are not in the feeling in the thinking aspect of it. They're thinking about what they want. They're thinking of the Lamborghini, the thinking of the different, uh, you know, the relationship. However, we must also incorporate into that the emotion which means we should align with other things where we already filled the emotion that that thing would bring us.

For example, if it was the emotion of being in a relationship, instead of just focusing on the other person that we want to attract in our life, instead of that focus on where we already feel the compassion in our life, maybe we have that with our family so we can focus on, even though it's not romantic, we could focus on that compassionate. We feel, and by bringing in more of that emotion were more likely to resonate with that reality.

We can focus on the actions we would take, we could see that, hey, maybe the people that, uh, I'd be attracted to you, maybe they're in some type of yoga class or maybe they're at this type of event, go to that event. The action is an important part of it as well because when we do it, we open up opportunities for us to then experience that.

It's a combination of what we think, how we act and what we feel.

  1. Vibrating the same resonance

The first part of this and the first hack I'm going to be sharing with you has to do with vibrating at the same resonance of someone else that you aspire to be like. In general, it is good to be yourself. It's not like you always want to run around and you want to try to be like everybody else. However, there is a hack for this system. Anytime you are paying attention to someone else and you are immersing in their thought processes, you are beginning to resonate with them vibrationally.

For example, when I listened to Tony Robbins on Netflix, on YouTube and listened to his speeches, one of the reasons I do that is because I know that because I desire to live a similar lifestyle of Tony Robbins because I desire to have a similar type purpose as far as traveling and speaking, I pay attention to how he speaks.

How he relates to people is tonality of voice inflection. I noticed all of these things and listen to it because I know the more I immersed myself in his talks in his seminars, the more I will vibrationally resonate with him. And it's almost like they call this mirror neuron in science. When people are thinking a certain way, their brain, the way their brain works, it starts to wire in a certain way and when you listen to it, you start to resonate with it.

Literally what we are paying attention to and what we are digesting as far as the information we are starting to resonate with and the people we listened to the most. We have mirror neurons that we are linking up with. Think of it like this. To the five people, you're around the most, your brain is in the same way. The mirror neurons are wiring in a similar way to the people you're around the most.

What this means is we can begin to take this conscious awareness and do it in ways that we prefer. What I do is I listened to people I desire to be more like knowing that as I do that I am vibrationally resonating with those realities that are similar for me. Of course, I do this in my own way, so I never want to be a carbon copy of Tony Robbins doing my own speaking events, but what I do recognize is that there's a certain type of vibration he's putting out and I can make my own of that as far as the influence, as far as the abilities he has.

How can you use this in your own life? What are you putting in your environment as far as vibration, as far as what information you are digesting. For example, if you wanted to be an art gallery owner, you could either put yourself in the energy field of other people that are art gallery owners because then you're going to start to have those mirror neurons that are similar.

You could maybe mentor for one of them. You could maybe be an assistant to one of them. Maybe what you could do is read the autobiography of somebody that's an amazing artist that you know also has a gallery that they're involved with. You can link up your thoughts to those that are already doing that which you want to do, and by doing that you're going to begin to resonate and get inside their own minds. In a way.

One of the reasons I like to listen to audiobooks that are by the author of meaning. When I go to audible or I listened to audiobooks, I like audio books that the author actually speaks themselves versus like some type of narrator that's not the author. And one of the reasons I do that is because I understand that the teaching they have, they're passionate about the energy that they are saying, whatever they're talking about with is something that's contagious and many times those mirror neurons will actually translate through the audio experience.

The reason I say all this because I want you to understand that is so powerful for you to put in your environment, people that you want to be similar to maybe lifestyles. They have whatever it is, and as you do that, you will start to resonate with the reality that they have paved. You know, Tony Robbins always says, success leaves clues and if you find somebody you can get to model their behavior, you can learn to do anything.

The key to that is what I encourage is to do parts of that, but to do it in your own way, to be in your own the way that you want to go about it, but maybe using a similar type model in a way or maybe some type of similar type things. You can learn from that person because what that person does in their books and their seminars, whatever is they compress everything they've learned over 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, and you get to digest that and an hour to hour long speech or in a book, so that's vibrational resonance at its finest and that's what you can learn to do is learn to put in your environment audio books of people.

You want to be similar to listening to seminars that people you want to be like getting into the energy of field of the field of people that you want to be similar to, and by doing that, you're going to begin to link up those mirror neurons and you're going to be thinking, feeling and acting in a similar way. As long as you make that choice. Most people just have everything in their environments on autopilot.

They're just not aware of what that is, but the moment you start to consciously decide, hey, I'm going to put this in my environment. That's when things began to change in a powerful way. This is something that I use in my own life. This is the hack that I have. I have a TV right over there. What I do is sometimes I'll put on people that I admire like someone like Tony Robbins and I imagine the state of mind he's in.

I imagine what's going through his thought processes, how he thinks his values. Just to know that that's the result he got. Then I formulate that into my own so I don't copy or I don't try to exactly mimic. I tried to be myself because many times sometimes we limit ourselves to. You may be looking at someone that you want to be like and you may just model everything they do, but what if your potential is actually outside of theirs? I don't say this in a cocky way. I'm just saying alignment in your own way. Be Open to the interpretation. Be Open to the uniqueness that you are because as you do that, you'd really be the special person you're meant to be.

  1. Create your reality

The second hack that I have for you has to do with something that I've learned that I've. I wrote down, I've had it written down on a piece of paper for about the last two, three years now has to do with our beliefs, create our reality, but it has to do with this one aspect of it.

That's a total game changer. This aspect is trusting and knowing and treating whatever your goal is, whatever your intention is, treating it as if it is law. For example, I may set this intention that in a couple of months I do my first speaking event. I set that intention, first big speaking event. I set the intention and what I do is I act as if it has already done. It is law, it is going to happen. It is destiny. I treat it like that with certainty because the certainty is where it begins to form. In reality, there are certain things that I and you are certain about those things that we're certain about come through normally a lot easier.

I may be certain that I can do certain things on with my YouTube channel because I've done them a certain amount of time, so with that as a certain level of certainty with results that come from it, there may be certain you have with speaking and doing whatever your craft is, whatever you're passionate about, whatever you're already searching about, treat whatever your goal or intention is with that same certainty.

Let me ask you a question. What are you passionate about? What are you certain that you're good at and just be honest with yourself. There's something that you are good at and you could at that and be like, Huh, well, I'm really good at getting this type of information and explaining to someone else, I'm very good at this part of my job and everyone always looks to me because this is what I'm really good at. Look at whatever that is and understand that that certainty you feel with that one thing. You can also feel that as if it's law with anything else.

Think of something really small that you don't even think about. Like for example, brushing your teeth. You have certainty that you can brush your teeth and it's on autopilot, something that's very easy for you to do now because you have certainty because it's on autopilot. It's just natural for yourself. Image, it's natural for a part of who you are. Here's another hack. When it comes to the vibration, this is all in the same second hack is see it from the point of view as being natural for yourself. Image.

Normally what will happen is if we set goals that are outside of where we currently are, many times we'll put that goal on a pedestal and we'll see it up there and we'll create resistance around it. For example, if I were for a year ago to imagine being the kind of person that can create a certain amount of videos, that gets a certain amount of exposure. If I were to look at maybe getting a certain amount of subscribers per month.

For example, on my YouTube channel and I were to look at that and I would bet, well that'd be so cool to get that many per month. I'd be putting it on a pedestal and I may create resistance around it. However, because I am now, that version of me that just creates certain type of content that gets a certain amount of exposure. It is natural for me to see myself in that way and there's nothing on a pedestal. It's just a natural byproduct of who I am.

Do you see how there's two different energy streams there? One is, wouldn't it be cool if, which puts it on a pedestal, which kind of his distant. The other one is, it's already a part of my self-image. If you were to go yourself and making $100,000 a year and currently you make 50, you'll look at 100,000. It'd be like, Whoa, that would be cool, but it's outside of the vibrational resonance, but instead if you see yourself as already the kind of person that is able to make that hundred k a year, then it's already in alignment. It's not something on a pedestal.

It's just natural for who you are, which is why sometimes seeing it in creating and connecting to how natural it would feel, still passionate doesn't mean you're void of emotion, but how natural it is, you start to also link up your self-image to it, so think about it in the form of vibrational resonance with certainty. Act as if it has already done. It is already a part of who you are.

Trust the process and see it as natural for you to experience that which you want because as you do that, you will align easier than ever with that reality.

  1. Breaking manifestation

The third hack is something that I've been using in my life for a while now and it has to do with breaking down your manifestation of what you want to create in your life. Break it down into the emotion you would feel so for example, if you want a relationship, focus on the compassion that you would have in that relationship. Is this kind of what I mentioned? The first one which you want to do is you want to milk the feeling of anything you want to experience in your life. Let me give you some examples just to make this a little bit more tangible.

It could be you want to create more money in your life. What does money mean to you? Money is a neutral idea, but we give it meaning, so the money. How do you view money? You may view money and say beans. Freedom. It means security. It means the ability to do what I want when I want to. Well, you can look at other aspects of your life where you could already do what you want.

When you want to. You'd be like, well, I'm walking around my house. It's my day off and do what I want when I want to do it. I'm going to focus on that. Remember, whatever you focus on, you literally feel so focused on where you can already feel the emotions of what you want to experience and you bring it through right now. You see, the thing is normally we have it backward.

We say to ourselves when I feel X, Y, and Z, then I can be happy, but because we are then putting our happiness in the future, it's like we are prolonging our happiness and prolonging the vibrational resonance. When instead, if we were to feel the emotion already of us having what we want, we will then create what we want easier than ever.

This is about vibrational resonance, so find out what you want to experience, but not just the what. Find out why you want it. Do you want it? Because it'll make you feel compassion. It'll make you feel free. It'll make you feel more connected. It'll make you feel passionate about what you do. Whatever it is, be aware of that and then milk the feeling. Focus on things in your life that are already there and because they're already there, you can focus on them and you can milk that and as you milk it, you will be resonating with that vibration, resonating with that reality in a way like never before.

 This is a hack that you can begin to use because then what you do is you feel the emotion beforehand and by doing that you make things happen easier than ever. This also gets us into the pattern of already feeling the gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the best ways for us to align with what we want.

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Gratitude is one of the best ways for us to align with what we want because if we feel like we already have it, we are putting out the vibration that says, this is who I am, this is what I already have.

And you want to think of terms of resonance. If you say you have gratitude, you are resonating with the reality of already having it anyways, so for this process, it's about vibrational resonance and what you can begin to do is use these three hacks that I'm sharing with you because they are so powerful. It has to do with understanding. First off, that you can find someone that you want to be similar to an immerse yourself in their thought processes.

Immerse yourself in their mirror neurons, how they think, and as you listen to their audio books, as you listened to their seminars, as you listened to them in general, or you get yourself in the energy field of them, you will be resonating more so with them. Secondly, know that as you go through the process, you can have the certainty treated as if it is already done because as you do that, you align more with the vibrational resonance of it that you can then start to trust the process and see yourself already in that way.

See it as natural for your current self-image, and then the third hack is that of aligning with the emotional vibration, by feeling the emotions prior and milking, the feeling of it. Focus on what's already in your life. Focus equals feeling, and the more you do that, the more you resonate with the vibrational resonance of that reality.

If you want help with this process, I have a free guided meditation that will show you exactly how to raise your vibrational set point and when you listen to this, this will help you to align with the reality you want to experience because as you raise your vibration, things happen easier than ever.

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