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This Meditation will SHIFT your Level of Consciousness INSTANTLY WARNING There’s NO Going Back

This meditation will shift your level of consciousness instantly, and by the end of this meditation, you will feel like a completely new person.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you a meditation that will shift your level of consciousness. It will allow you to see things in a way that may is baby different than the way that you've seen the world up until this point. And the power of it is understanding that first off, you are more than you can even imagine when people have a spiritual awakening or when people have a shift in consciousness, something happens to where they didn't see things from a totally new perspective.

That's what they call transformation. Change is when we change one little thing, but the reality still remains very similar. Transformation is a totally new paradigm where you see things in a completely new light, and by the end of this meditation, you will be transformed. When I talk about this and when I do these meditations, what I like to do first is I'd like to show a little bit of what's going to happen so that when you do it, you know what's going on mechanistically, you know what's going on with this process.

What I thought I would do really quick is first off, show you the chart of consciousness that I share in a lot of YouTube videos, but just to give you a little bit of a basis for it so that when you go into this meditation, you're like, oh, that's what we're doing right now. This is what we're doing right now. And I, even though you could just let go and relax, it will help you and guide you to what we are actually doing.

At the bottom of the chart, you will see lower vibrational emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, anger. Eventually, you see that of neutrality. Neutrality is a powerful point because neutrality is where you realize that every event in our life is fundamentally neutral. It has no built-in, meaning other than the meaning we give it. It's just our mind that creates the identity that creates the relation to thoughts that says, oh, this is why I feel angry.

We are attached to a position. We are attached to a perspective that causes that negative emotion. Whereas if we were to forgive the other person or forgive ourselves, we would let go of those lower vibrational emotions and then be neutrality. This is why when many people simply learn how to observe their thoughts, their life changes in a powerful way because then they let go of the charge of all those negative emotions.

Those negative emotions are on autopilot. They continue to run themselves out over and over again until we observe them and allow them to be there. Neutrality is a huge step. Then you'll see that above is acceptance. That's also a powerful place where you accept the present moment. You will then eventually move up to willingness. That is willpower. That is the uh, desire we may have to achieve or to become more.

That's a level of consciousness. Then the next step that I want to talk about is that of reasoning. The reasoning is where we understand and start really indulging in the intellect, understanding that our reality is what we believe it to be true. If we look for evidence of something, we will find the evidence of it. If we look for a confirmation of something, we find evidence of it and the one truth in life is that all truths are true.

This is a perspective that has to do with understanding how the brain works. Whatever we focus on, we will find more evidence of and the more we become aware of that is the more that we get to start to gain our power. The thing is most people will fight each other or butt heads because they say, well, I believe this and then this person believes this. We try to have one universal understanding of what truth is, but people have different bases of truth depending on their perspectives, so whatever is true for them will be reflected back to them.

If the world is a dark place, it will appear to be dark. If the world is a light place, I don't feel appear to be light. It depends on what we're looking for and what our beliefs are. When we become aware that our beliefs create our reality, it's a very powerful step and that's where a lot of my YouTube videos have been for the last two years is our beliefs create our reality.

But now what I've been doing is helping people to shift beyond that reasoning. You'll see beyond reasoning, we have that of love. This is where the focus is for this meditation. You see, the key to transforming your consciousness is understanding that you are more than that of your beliefs. You are more than that of the accumulation of things that have happened to you in the past that you have interpreted. You are more than you can even imagine.

And when you let go of all of that, you then start to exist in this higher vibrational state of consciousness. You see, climbing up the scale of consciousness, which is raising your vibration. And when you raise your vibration, your thoughts have more focus. You have more power in general. However, rather than trying to climb up the ladder, it's more about just letting go of what doesn't serve and you naturally begin to drift up.

In the meditation that we're going to get to in a minute, we're going to hit that of neutrality. Then we're going to hit that and reasoning. Then we're going to be in love. This is about going from doing and having into being and to being the present moment and to be aware of who we really are. With that being said, that is how this meditation we'll work.

That is how we will raise our level of consciousness. By the end of this meditation, your life will be transformed. You will feel like a completely new person. Set that intention right now too. That's how powerful you are. You can set that intention right now for you to shift your level of consciousness and as you go through this process, that will become your reality. What I invite you to do is I invite you to either lay down on the floor or sit in a relaxed position so that you can go through this meditation.

If any emotions come up, allow them to be there. Allow yourself to process what comes up. Just relax and understand that this is a process and that as you go through it, you will begin to see things in a different way. You will feel differently. You will understand who you really are. Let's go ahead and get into it right now.

What I'd like to ask you to do is to, with me, we're going to take a couple of deep breaths in and out and we're going to put our awareness inside of our heart because when we put the awareness inside of our heart, we then grow the electromagnetic energy around our heart. And when we do that, we also become more present to the moment.

We're more here now rather than thinking and understand that this meditation to is meant to put you into more of a state of being rather than the state of thinking or doing or having. Let's go ahead right now. Let's take a couple of deep breaths in, deep breaths out and feel our body relax more and more. Let's take a deep breath in right now.

Three that out. Feel your body relax more and more. Put your hands over your heart like this and understand that by simply putting your hands over your heart, you are increasing the energy inside of your heart center. Starting to feel it more and more. I take another deep breath in. Deep breath out. Ah, as you breathe out, feel your body begin to relax more and more, loosening up, feeling very relaxed. Take another deep breath in and out.

 As you breathe out, seeing more and more into this heavy, deep relaxation that you feel coming over your body right now. Close your eyes if you'd like, and put the awareness now in your forehead. Imagine a warm feeling in your forehead, loosening up, feeling more relaxed, but the awareness behind your eyelids and to your eye sockets.

Relax your eye muscles. Bring the awareness now to your nose. Feel the tingling sensation. Relax. Bring the awareness now into your jaw. Feel your job. Are you getting to hang loose and relax your tongue? Feel your tongue loosen up against the top of your mouth. Bring the awareness into your neck, feel your neck. Begin to loosen up. Relax more and more. Barring the awareness now to your left arm, your left hand.

Put the awareness there and imagine it relaxing, feeling soft, your right arm, your right hand. Bring the awareness and feel it loosen up. Relax. Bring the awareness into your chest and put the awareness inside of a sphere, a sphere of energy. Any color that you like. Imagine it now inside of your heart center. Imagine this sphere of energy spinning clockwise and as it starts to spin clockwise, you feel more of this love energy inside of your heart. This love energy begins to increase. You can feel the tingling sensation now.

Okay, I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count, you're going to feel an increase of love inside of your heart. You're going to feel it double in sensation with every number I count. Imagine that ball of energy and your heart's spinning five fuel. It increased. Double with every number I count for feeling it increased inside of your heart center.

Three more and more to double the amount of sensation of love and one, feel this warm sensation flow through your body, knowing that this is the love vibration is going to continue to increase. Bring the awareness into your abdomen. Feel it loosen up and relax. Bring the awareness to your hips, your left leg, your left foot will, we'll hear toe your right lane, your right foot.

Wiggle your toes and relax. Imagine any energy that you want to let go of right now. Let go of it through the heels of your feet. Imagine that energy leaving your body, going through the heels of your feet and outs. You can let it go. Just allow it to leave and now your body is much more receptive. You feel better than before and you know that this meditation, so when you change your life, now imagine that you are in a very relaxed place.

Imagine that you were in a place that you can go anytime you want to do inner work. This place can be indoors or outdoors, convene and imagination, or in your memory, wherever you feel comfortable. This is a place you can go to. Just relax and do inner work. If you chew, you are there. Begin to look around what do. See. Imagine what you see is becoming brighter and brighter. What kind of sounds do you hear?

Imagine this sounds becoming louder and louder. How do you feel here? Notice that often to the distance about 10 feet away, you see that have a bench. Go ahead and walk over to this bench. I'm going to count down from five to one. With every number I count, you're going to feel yourself go deeper and deeper into this experience. It's going to feel much more real. Five, take another step. Getting closer to the bench for fueling yourself. Begin to really immerse yourself into this experience.

Three, getting closer, even more relaxed. Two and one. You were at the foot of this bench. Notice that this bench is titled and labeled the Neutrality Bench. This is a bench you can go anytime you want to look at certain things in your life and to see them from a neutral point of view. Notice that in front of this bench is a white projector screen where you can look at experiences of your past from a neutral perspective. ​

You can step out of the reactive mind and see how those situations actually served you. Go ahead and sit on this bench and notice that the moment you do, you feel this peacefulness, this understanding that everything in your life happens for a reason. Everything is perfect as it is. Notice that as you look around right now, even in this environment, everything you see is just beautiful. It just is as it is. No need to put labels, no need to put filters.

You can just observe what comes up. You can observe the thoughts you have and you can allow them to be there. Thoughts are neutral. Past situations in your life are neutral. They have known built-in meaning other than the meaning. We give it with our mind. Look at that projector screen in front of you. Notice how you feel much more neutral about your past knowing that it served you in some form.

On the projector screen, there will be certain memories that your higher-self right now we'll show you and as you look on this screen, notice that you have this neutral perspective about it. You feel like you are disengaging from the reactive mind and you are engaging in a neutral perspective. Look at the first memory that your higher self wants you to see.

What situation was this? Notice how you look at this memory. You feel very neutral about it. You see how it may have served you by neutralizing this memory. You weren't letting go of the pattern of it. Bringing more situations of it in your life. Ask your higher self to show you the second memory of something that happened that is impacting your life. That you can begin to see at a neutral perspective. What memory is this now?

Your higher-self shows you why this was actually something that served to you and that you can neutralize it now. Ask your higher self to show you the third memory of something that is impacting your life that you can begin to neutralize right now and to let go of what memory is this. I notice that this memory served you in some way and that now you can begin to neutralize it. Thank your higher self for showing you these memories, knowing that from this point going forward, you relate to the past and a completely new way that you can begin to let go of the charge of the past because in some way it served you.

Even if it became something you became more aware of how you are, you are now able to let go of what doesn't serve from this point going forward. You will know that anytime something happens, you can choose a neutral perspective. You don't have to label it. You can just allow it to be there. You can observe your thoughts about it and you do not have to react. You can instead respond. You can stand up from being out in neutrality bench knowing.

You can come back here anytime that you would like. And notice that about 15 feet away. You see that of a chair. This chair has on it a headset, a headset that goes around your head and walks over to this chair. Begin to take some steps. Every step you take, you feel an in vibration in your body. I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count, you're going to feel even more emersed in this experience.

Excited knowing that you are shifting your consciousness forever. Take a step now. Five, feeling yourself more in this experience for getting closer to this chair. Now. Three just a couple of feet away to double the amount of sensation in your body and one. You are at this chair.

Yeah, this chair is labeled reasoning. This is where you become the master of your own beliefs, knowing that your beliefs are creating your own reality. I turned around and sit in this chair. Notice how comfortable with feels and then the headset above you. Go ahead and bring it down on over your head right now. Feel it still feels comfortable.

As you are in this chair, what you can do is you can see how any belief that you have is creating your life experience. You can see all these self-fulfilling prophecies you have in your life. Any limiting belief that is holding you back and you can become aware of it all.

Once again, your higher self is with you helping you through this experience. Right now, ask your higher self to show you a limiting belief that you have a belief that is holding you back. That is a self-fulfilling prophecy that you always find evidence of and notice that with this headset on, the ideas come to you so easily. What limiting belief are you aware of right now?

As you look at this limiting belief, your higher-self shows you in test tells you that you can shift around this negative belief by making the choice right now you can see that the belief is there and because you are aware of it, you can then take your power back. Looking at this negative belief, what would be the opposite of it?

Well, the turnaround before it. If it's that there's a scarcity of money out there, then you can know there is an abundance of money out there. Whatever belief it is, your higher self tells you right now that you can switch it to that of the opposite and make it empowering for you. Take a limiting belief right now. Look at it. Be grateful that it's there because now you're aware of it and then simply know that because you're aware of it now it no longer makes sense to keep running itself out.

Choose a higher perspective. Choose a new belief. Whatever that new belief is, I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count. This is going to wire this new belief into you. You're going to know from this point going forward that this is who you are, this new positive belief. Five. Feel yourself now knowing that this belief is true for you, for feeling yourself now become more certain about it. Three, double the amount of certainty with every number.

I count two and one. Feel yourself now knowing that you have now wired in it positive belief that will forever change your life in a positive way. I'll find one more belief that we can do this with one more limiting belief that is holding you back. Which belief is it? Once again, be grateful that it's there because now that you're aware of it, now you can actually change it. Ask her higher self to help you to switch this belief and what is the opposite of that belief?

I'm going to count down again from five to one with every number I count you're going to wire this new empowering belief into you. It will forever change your life. Five, fill yourself now becoming more searching that this belief is true for you, for feeling an increase in your body right now. Three, knowing that this is true for you to double the amount of sensation and knowing this one, this belief is now true for you.

Thank your higher self for this experience and now you can take the headrest off. You could stand up from this chair and you notice that about 15 feet away is a crystal bead. A bed that is made out of crystal looks very high vibrational. It's got lights around it. This is better you can go to anytime you want to immerse yourself in unconditional love.

Okay, I noticed that this crystal bed is about 15 feet away. We are going to do now is we're going to begin to take steps towards this crystal bed. Take a step notice you can feel this increase in love in your body. Take another step. You can feel this increase in loving your body again. Now we're five steps away. I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count. Y

ou feel an increase and love inside of your body knowing that you are about to shift your consciousness to I totally new level five. Feel it. Double these sensations throughout your body. Four, getting closer to this bed now. Three just a couple of steps away to double the amount of sensation in your body and one. You are at the foot of this crystal bed that you can come back to anytime you want. Healing, anytime you want to let go.

Anytime you want to raise your vibration to your core frequency, but this bed we'll do is this bed will align you with your core frequency. Go ahead and get into this bed and notice that as you get in it's got a spongy yet harder surface to it but it feels comfortable in this crystal bed, has healing properties and at the same time and it has an awareness property that will raise your vibration to a higher state of consciousness.

This crystal bed is also in tune with your higher self, so any information that you want begins to come to you easily. As you lay in this crystal bed, notice that there are lights glimmering around these lights. Act like light therapy and heal certain parts of your body. Certain parts you might not even be aware of raising the frequency of you. How right now your higher self has a message for you. Listen to what this message is.

It comes to you easily. What is this message now? Something else your higher-self wants you to know is that your body and your mind is the vessel that you are any mortal. Spiritual beings living, a temporary human experience that you are beyond that of this three d physical structure, this body that you inhabit is your Avatar for this life experience and up until this point you have thought that you are an accumulation of your past experiences.

You are your past. That is not the truth. You are a high vibrational being and you are more than you can even imagine. The truth in life is that all true is our true. Any beliefs we have are reflected back to us, but there's a level beyond that and that level is love. Dropping the intellect, dropping the beliefs, knowing we can go from having and doing into being who we are, which is a high vibrational being right now.

You may have thoughts in your mind. Observe those thoughts, know that that is the vessel that you are inhabiting, that is the Avatar you are using and you can observe those thoughts. Right now what we are doing is we are creating a distance between our identity and who we actually are. We are more than we can even imagine and you are more than you can imagine.

The identity that you have made up until this point from past prior experiences is not who you are. It is an Avatar and because you have identified with it in your life, it may appear that that is who you are, but remember you are any mortal, spiritual being of a high vibration and right now you are waking up to more of who you are than ever before.

You are realizing that from this point going forward, you may have thoughts, you may have emotions that come up, but you will be aware that they are not you. They are just the accumulation of your past experiences and you can choose to not identify with them. You can choose to know that you are unconditional love, that this is who you are, this reality.

That we're in right now is a temporary fun experience and make the choice right now that from this point going forward, you're going to have more fun. You're going to understand that this is a fun, loving experience and right now you are shifting your consciousness more and more now, right now, what's your higher self is going to do? It's going to assist you in this shift in consciousness, the shift in awareness of who you really are.

Do our knobs on this crystal bed. Your higher self is there next to you and it's going to assist you in increasing the energy that is flowing through the crystal bed into your being. There's a dial that is labeled from one to 10 10 is the maximum core frequency of love beyond anything you've ever experienced before and it's going to help you to be more authentic than ever before. From this point going forward, your life will be forever changed.

What I'm going to do now is I'm going to count up from one to 10 with every number I count. You're going to feel double the amount of love, double the amount of sensation in your body. If any emotions come up, allow them to be there and know that this is a part of the process and that your vibration is going to increase to who you really are. With every number I count, you're going to feel double the amount of love.

One the knob is now moving. You can see and feel this energy begin to increase inside of your body to double the amount of sensation flowing through you right now. You feel this love emanate from your heart. This crystal bed is lighting up three feelings it increased more and more now, double with every number I count for. Feeling it flow through your body.

Now know that this is okay. Allow whatever to come up. Come up. Five, feeling this energy increase this love vibration side of your heart. Begin to tingle knowing that you are transforming your consciousness right now. Six, beginning to have this awareness of who you really are. Beginning to feel more into this experience than ever before. Six, feeling this now, flow through your body. Allow the emotions to be there.

Allow yourself to soak in this vibration. Seven feeling double the amount of sensation through your body now knowing that you are increasing this energy inside of your body. Eight feeling it flow through every limb of your body. Every cell of your body is being transformed right now. Nine, feeling it increased even more and now double the amount of sensation and 10 feel this energy flow through your body, knowing that you are your higher self.

You are a high vibrational being. You now see the truth and feel the truth of who you are. Feel inside of your heart center and no that from this point going forward, your life is forever changed. Soak in this high vibration. Allow whatever sensations are there to be there. Okay? Your higher self has another message for you. Listen to this message now from this point going forward, your life is forever changed.

You will know that if he reacts to things in the past that that is reacting based on prior experience. You know that you are more than this avatar body. You are unconditional love and bliss. From this point going forward, you will feel more authentic than ever before and you will feel more present to the moment. Understanding that you are not your ego.

You are not your body. You are not your mind. You are beyond all that which you can imagine. Soak in this vibration as long as you like, and when you come out of it, you're going to feel more present to the moment than ever before and more love in your heart knowing that life is forever changed and enjoy this vibration.

4th Dimensional Habits that will Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY

I'm going to be sharing with you those fourth-dimensional habits that will raise your vibration instantly. These are things that as you begin to apply, you'll notice that your life takes on a whole new form because as you raise your vibration, you also will experience reality is equal to that vibration that you now have. We always get in life are a reflection of our vibration. When you raise it is an experience a whole new reality.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️

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What is the fourth dimension? What does that even mean? There are different dimensional states of consciousness and right now on the planet, we are going through this shift in consciousness. We are going from what is called a third-dimensional state of consciousness into a fourth and fifth-dimensional state of consciousness.

The third-dimensional state of consciousness is that of the duality that is happening a lot of times. When you see the news, it keeps us in a certain frequency range. It keeps us focused on a certain way of thinking. Think of the three. The reality is that of like almost the ego, it's very egoic. There's a lot of level of control.

Things have been controlled in the past. That's why there is that, um, the weight, that's kind of the way that that is. And it's about understanding also how the brain works. The brain's left brain, right brain. Well, there's duality in the brain. It's being identified with the brain and the ego and the third dimension. And in the third dimension, themes are very dense.

Things take a while to manifest. You may set intentions and it may take a while and you may have to put in a lot of work, a lot of action. There's a big emphasis on linear time, space, reality, so it's like the beginning, middle, and end. And that past, present, and future. These are all more 3D concepts and in 3D ideas or 3-d, a way of being as well as a very carbon-based body, a little bit denser. And the form is emphasized.

It's almost like these bodies are avatars. We are forgetting who we are, so we come to Earth, we forget who we are so that we can remember who we are. We use these physical avatar bodies while we're here as vehicles, but in the 3D reality, we think that this is who I am. I am this ego self. I am this Avatar. When in actuality we're much more than that. What is happening on the planet right now is there is this shift in consciousness that is happening.

We are moving from a 3D level of reality into a four and 5D reality. If the fourth-dimensional state of reality is much more flexible, this is when we start to tap into more instant manifestation. Things happen much, much faster. You may understand as well that there's a certain level of Karma in 3D reality and 4D there's still a level of Karma. 

But what you put out is what you get back much, much faster. I also manifestation happens much, much faster because your vibration has continued to increase. Understand that when it comes to the fourth dimension, it's about recognizing that it's a higher state of consciousness. That is the fourth dimension we start to perceive things and a much more flexible type way. This is a quote that I've been saying a lot, but as a quote that really helps understand this life is like a dream row, row, row.

Your boat is that old saying and it's because in a way life is a dream. The fourth dimension is when you realize that life is a dream and then things become much more flexible. Reality becomes much more fun. The time and spaces and so fixed and solid, and in this reality, when it's the fourth dimension, do you realize life is a dream? The more dreamlike your life becomes, you can focus on the frequency of you want and it happens much faster and the fourth-dimension time starts to become, now you realize that time continues to speed up.

That perception of time begins to speed up. You may notice that right now on the planet time has been speeding up. The perception of it has. It's because as you raise your vibration, the perception of time speeds up as well. You may notice that there's a lot of things happening where things almost seem like they're shifting so fast and we noticed that there are some people that have heard of what it called the Mandela effect.

The Mandela effect is where some people remember a certain past or a certain thing happening. Other people see it completely different and remember something totally different using memory or as we shipped through these different realities, we're remembering different parts of it because we are literally on different time tracks, but it's all collapsing right now. The fourth dimension is this. This present is we're almost like we're more present to the moment.

The fourth dimension is when things become more about vibration. It's when you realize that life is a form of a dream and that because of that you begin to increase your vibration to a totally new level. And it's also when you start to feel higher vibrational emotions and the lower vibrating in the 3D reality, you may feel lower vibrational emotions, anger, shame, fear, guilt, a survival mechanism, survival mode, emotions.

Fourth Dimension has higher dimensional states of consciousness, reasoning, acceptance, and love. These are all potentials. These are all more probable in the fourth dimensional state of consciousness. Right now, on the planet, what is happening is people, and we are shifting from a 3D level of consciousness into a four and five d level of consciousness.

The fourth dimension is about understanding that it's actually closer to who we naturally are. When we watch movies like Harry Potter, which I'll represent cause it's one of my favorite books and movies of all time, when we look at that, that would be more like a fourth dimensional state of consciousness is the ability for magic, those kinds of abilities, the abilities we have in the fourth dimension would include telepathy. Even if you look at the third dimension, right? 3-D level of reality, 93% of communication is not the words you say.

It's not that big of a jump going from 3D reality into a 4D where we have more ability to tap into people just by thought alone. I can read people like a book and it's partly because a couple of different factors, but this level of consciousness is available to everyone. We all have this ability. It's just us becoming aware of it. We have this telepathic ability to be able to read people and then uh, communicate in that way. Just kind of look at someone sometimes and communicate. 

We have this ability to manifest faster than ever in the fourth dimension. There are abilities beyond what we can even imagine. We actually as a society, as a, at a certain point, we live in Atlantis Times, Atlantis Times, which fell down in civilization because we got too entrenched into the ego and we started using our powers for bad was when we did things that were similar to the Harry Potter stuff.

Magical stuff that we can hardly imagine that used to be a reality. What we're doing is we've, we fell down thousands of years ago to a lower state of consciousness, but now we have this opportunity to raise back up. It's why a lot of people here on the planet right now are people that are also here and Atlanta is times because now we're doing a new timeline.

We're doing and we're picking the more positive timeline cause Atlanta's times we chose the ego which shows the negative and we felt that as a civilization. We're raising back up so that we can raise our vibration more and more a fourth-dimensional state of consciousness. When you look at Harry Potter, it's much more dreamlike. There's much more magic involved. Reality is meant to be magical and in this lifetime we're going to tap more and more into this magic.

As time goes on, we're going to become more and more aware of these abilities that are beyond what we can imagine. There will be technology in this lifetime that will just blow us absolutely a way. Some of this technology been here a while, but it's been not necessarily in the public and it's something that will become more and more option for us to, to uh, to experience as we go on. Let's talk about some fourth-dimensional habits.

One of the fourth-dimensional habits that will your vibration instantly is simply remembering that life is a dream. Just remembering this lightens it up and it raised your vibration instantly. Why? Because when you are in the ego, in the Avatar body thinking everything is so serious, what happens is you are in more of that survival mode. You're more in those lower vibrational states of consciousness such as fear, guilt, anger, and they're attached to those perspectives.

But the moment you realize that life is like a dream and that is meant to be fun and it's meant to be flexible and that you came here because you wanted to experience this level of transition and shift in consciousness, then it becomes much more light and flexible. Remind yourself often throughout the day that reality is just a dream. Still have fun with the dream, still enjoy the dream, but nonetheless, it is a dream.

It takes away from the seriousness of it. You can almost laugh, you can laugh at almost anything that happens from a certain perspective and when you do get that loose mindset, that fun mindset, it will raise your vibration instantly. If you want to raise your vibration instantly, what you do is you simply give up the seriousness. Those are the things you can do is give up the seriousness and begin to understand that reality is like a dream and it has meant to be fun.

Sometimes in the spiritual community, we go around and be like, I'm going to go meditate on raising my vibration and we go get this and we sit there and we meditate and we do all of this cool stuff or whatever it is. But that's seriousness and that weighs down the energy instead. How Fun with reality is, but a dream.

And because of that you can have fun and lighten up with the process. And that sometimes is the most spiritual thing you can do is not take your life so serious. The serious comes from ego. The Ego loves seriousness. It loves to take things seriously. And when someone else's joking around and it's like, what are you joking around about this as serious 3D reality?

Let it go. Reality is meant to be fun. Reality is meant to be something that you joke around with. The more you do that, that is the highest vibrational thing you can do. That is the way you can raise your vibration to a totally new level. You want to raise your vibration. Fourth-dimensional state of consciousness. Reality is a dream. Reality is a dream. And the more you tap into that knowing it's a drain, the more dreamlike your life will become.

First off, that's what you can begin to do. Let's understand that. Another habit you can do, it's something I've done before. I had to go to an acupuncture appointment. How? How? I'm sure that's not hard to believe. It's like spirituality. I'll go to acupuncture. I would actually pucker acupuncture appointment and I was leaving from my house and I had only 10 minutes to get there and it was at least a 15 to 20-minute drive.

However, this is what I realized. Yo, I'm in the fourth dimension. We're all in the fourth dimension of it. I'm aware of them in the fourth dimension. I'm a loosen up, but a dream remind myself and I'm going to simply know that I'm going to get there on time and I'm not going to pay attention to the time as I drive.

I'm not going to try it by 150 miles an hour, but I'm going to just know that I'm going to be on time because time is malleable. I leave from my house, I don't check the time. I listened to music and I just make every single light on my way there. And that 15 to 20-minute drive, I'd get there exactly at, I think it was like 1130 it was like walked in at exactly the time I was supposed to win.

I wouldn't have if I didn't understand that or if I was giving too much emphasis on time. The more you emphasize time, the more time you create. That you can begin to let go of that, you can let go of that and you can allow it and you can start to see it from this new point of view. For this process, what I'm saying, this habit is let go of time and simply set the intention for what you want it to happen in whatever time you want and trust it.

And watch what happens. You're almost late for work. Don't drive 150 miles an hour and put yourself in danger. But being in a high vibe state, have fun. Remind yourself as a dream and simply know that you will be on time and you will shave down some of those minutes and being late or whatever it is.

Time is flexible. Time is flexible because time is flexible. It is something that you can begin to remind yourself up. These are all kind of like habits, but also reminders. Remind yourself that this is meant to be flexible. Well, this is what it is you getting and being at your passion frequency, your core frequency, which is you doing what you love.

Like me, I'm doing these videos right now. I'm doing what I love you doing. That is going to be what increases your vibration and to a fourth and fifth-dimensional state of consciousness there. I said, I know I was saying almost every video, but it is the most simple thing and the most powerful thing.

Your core frequency, who you are meant to be in a slide adds value to other people. Even if it's not like a valued industry, you're in the service industry. It adds value just by leading by example. Tap into your core vibration. Your core vibration influences everything and it is your gift to humanity. You incarnated for a reason. Could be to help people, could be as a lightworker to help other people. Wake up could be many different things.

Tap into that core frequency. Set the intention to find out what your passion is. Start to do whatever the most exciting thing you can do in every moment and you'll be raising your frequency. This is what the fourth dimension is about. It's about understanding frequency. You could drop your beliefs about it as well. As far as the 3D reality, things are hard to manifest in the 3D reality.

All of these limiting beliefs, all these identifications with the ego, let it all go realize the true reality is, but a dream reality is the cosmic dream of source energy. We are all in different little parts and we've incarnated to put a little bit of energy in this body, a little bit of energy in this body and they're all dreaming that we're all separate. I look at you and go, Whoa, look at you.

Let me emphasize you. For that is just a dream and in reality, we are meant to be having this dream of cosmic consciousness, remembering who we are going through this shift in consciousness, which is happening right now on the planet and will continue to happen. I really believe this is the most exciting time to be alive on the planet ever. I'm excited to be here with you.

Let me know what you think about this. 4D is there any other 4D habits you can think of? Can you leave them below? Let's all mastermind on this and we'll read the comments and know, hey, we can apply these fourth-dimensional states of consciousness as well, these habits as well. Also, I have a meditation that will help you to raise your vibrational set point once we'll help you tap into the fourth dimension.

Reality Transurfing Morning Routine Process (Law of Attraction Alternative)

I'm going to be sharing with you a Reality Transurfing daily routine that you can develop that can help you more easily achieve what you want. I'm going to share with you how I apply to my life and how you can do the same.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that Reality Transurfing daily routine that you can easily apply, and this is something that I think that if you just continue to try it, so do it a day and then just keep doing it. And over the course of a week or two, I think you'll start to see amazing results.

And before I get into that exact daily routine, let me explain a little bit about Reality Transurfing so that it gives context for why we are doing these specific things. Reality Transurfing is a book that was written by a quantum physicist named Vadim Zealand in Russia.

It's now being translated to many different languages and starting to gain a lot more popularity and that's because it's very powerful. I had a buddy of mine that told me about it. This is really cool ideas that really resonate with me. Let me apply it. I started to apply the principles and guess what? Things happened easier than ever.

I didn't have to take as much action as I normally had to take kind of mentality I had and things were just kind of flowing moreso than anything else, which is kind of like the name of the book. The name of the book is Reality Transurfing, which the meaning of it has to do with gliding through what is called the alternative space, so gliding, surfing moreso than trying and making things happen.

This has to do with this process, has to do with the awareness that there is an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. This is called the alternative space that any one of these we can experience. If we can imagine it, we can experience it. If we set intentions and if we embody that version of us, so the idea behind this is that you can imagine any reality you want, that that version of you exists right now in the present moments just at a different frequency so we don't necessarily perceive of it.

However, knowing that it exists now, it's more so how can I have that become my experience and the way that we do that is through intention. If you simply set your intentions, you'll life will begin to change in very powerful ways and the idea behind this to set intentions, without giving anything excess meaning or importance.

Under Reality Transurfing, anytime we make something very, very important, we immediately put it on a pedestal and that makes it that much harder for us to experience it because there are these metaphorically speaking, balancing forces that come into play that much neutralize that energy if we're giving something exercise meaning. The key to this is to see yourself as able to accomplish what you want and to not let it be like something that's out of graphs.

You know, if you feel on an average, maybe a one out of 10, you normally feel like you're at a five or a six or seven, don't assume that if you achieved your goal, it's going to make you feel a 10 out of 10 or 11 out of 10, because if you do, then what happens is it becomes unreachable. It becomes unnatural. You want to make your goals more natural for you, and even if there's a buffer period where it feels a little bit uncomfortable, the goal can be to make your goals or whatever.

It is more natural for you because when you start to do that, it starts to become. You. Start to resonate with it more. That is an important part of it. Another part is to understand what is called pendulums. Pendulums are these structures that are created. Anytime we're thinking thoughts, those thoughts have an electromagnetic type energy reality to it, even though we might not actually see them.

This is why when you continue to put in the emotion and the action and the intention into something and you're thinking about it, that starts to become something more materialized in the world and the degree of how we experienced this collectively has to do with how we are collectively thinking. This could be some type of worldly events that happened.

There are pendulums around anything where multiple people have similar beliefs and their thoughts literally are woven in and those become thought structures that have a lot many times power over people because people aren't aware of this. Think about this though, are pendulums around being Republican or Democrat. There are pendulums around whether you are for or against a certain team. There are pendulums around yourself.

Even if you are having people think about you and you do it in a certain way or just in general, people are adding to a pendulum around you. Be aware of this and then be aware of is an are these things having power over you? You know, if you find yourself emotionally triggered when you're thinking about certain types of news channels that are out there, well guess what? That isn't necessarily just your thoughts.

That's the thought of the pendulums. If you're at a sports game and you're feeling the energy of the crowd, many times people enjoy going to a baseball game versus seeing it online because when they do that and they go to the game, they can feel the energy of the pendulum and it gives them a rush of energy.

The key to this is to be aware of when you're thinking, your thoughts, to when the actual pendulum maybe running your life and your thoughts. When you're aware of it, the moment you become aware of it is the moment you can decide to take your power back. And that's an important part as well. Another part of the part of Reality Transurfing is understanding our goals. Our goals must be connected to Moreso our heart than anything else.

The reason this is because our heart doesn't understand why we want certain things, especially if those certain things are symbols and they have like some type of meaning, like money for example. Most people gold themselves and say, oh, I want to create this type of money in my life. And what happens is the head understands the money because the head knows, hey, the money equals freedom.

I want the money. When in reality, the way that the heart works is the heart focuses on feeling. The heart focuses on the language of feelings. The way that we do this, we simply follow our passion. When we follow our passion, we are elevating our state of being, which is shifting us to more and favorable life tracks of what we want to experience.

These are all some of the basis of understanding the principles of Reality Transurfing if you and the way that we can daily apply it. The way that I do it in the way that I've suggested to other people do it and people who've been having amazing results with it is to wake up in the morning and the first offset an intention so the intention can be simply that you're going to set more intentions throughout the day.

This is what I recommend. When you set your intentions, what you do is you start to link yourself up with the direction. Think of like a boat in the middle of the ocean. If a boat is just sitting there, it's just sitting there. If it has a sale on it and it goes into a certain direction, then guess what?

That's the intention. It's moving you in a certain direction, but if there is no sale, then there's no direction at all, so simply set intentions and that will put you into more and more favorable life tracks, and if you do that in the morning, you'll find that you continue to do that throughout the day. Another important part of understanding reality and transfer of the pendulums that I mentioned.

In order to really not let the pendulums have power over you, you must become more aware of the kind of pendulums that are already in your life, and one of the most powerful ways to do this is to learn how to observe your thoughts. For this, what you can do is, this is what I do, is I get up every day, I sit down, I stare at a candle flame.

The reason being is because when your eyes are on one spot, just like my eyes are right, looking at you right now into the lens which has been translated, and then gives it to you. The idea is what happens is it makes me focus on that one spot and it's like this flow state comes through. In the same way, if your intention is to be able to, you know, observe your thoughts more so than anything else to stare at one point because then your mind doesn't get distracted as much as the mind continues to move around.

Guess what? As the eyes wander, so does the mind wander, so focus on that candle flame and what you can then do is just simply observe your thoughts. This is perhaps one of the most powerful things you can do because then as you go throughout your day, you learn how to observe what is happening to you rather than reacting to what was happening to you.

Anytime then a pendulum would catch you later on in the day and you would start to say, oh, this is. This is what's happening. Oh, the news. Look what's happening. You said you observe what's happening and then you are able to detach from the outcome and detached from the energy pool of those tender limbs. Set the intention that throughout the day you're going to be able to catch these pendulums.

You're going to be able to catch any time you kind of sink back into the autopilot mind and that as you do that, you then set the intention that you are going to observe your thoughts because you're practicing it in the morning. That exercise was telling me about Sarah at the candle flame. I recommend doing it for about 10 minutes is a preferred and 15 twenties even better.

You do that and it starts to rewire your brain because as you start to observe it, you shift the perspective from the reactive mind into the responsive mind and the observation mind and things in your life will begin to change in very powerful ways because then you detach yourself. You disarm all of the pendulums. Let's say you're going throughout your day and you start to find that certain pendulums and certain thought patterns keep creeping up and what you can do is you can look at those thoughts.

You can look at those habits and what you could do is you can disarm them with this technique and it's a technique that I got from doctor Joe Dispenza who wrote the books. You are the placebo and how to break the habit of being yourself. Talks a lot about the science of our brain and how we can rewire our brain from understanding these principles.

What we can do is anytime we catch yourself going back into the autopilot mind, anytime we catch herself, you know, being sucked in by a pendulum, the energy of a pendulum, what we can begin to do is we can do this technique. What we do is we hit our hands like this and we'd go change. The reason we use this is that it helps bring in the physiology and it wakes us up from whatever we're thinking of.

The moment you catch yourself starting to sink back into maybe watching the news change like this, anytime, you know, something I went through as I would like to share my fingernails and stuff that is just simply a habit. Maybe not necessarily just a pendulum, but I'd go change. And guess what? The more repetitions the I did that, the less I would actually, you know, chew on my fingernails or have that habit at all.

You can use this for just about anything, but as you do it, you're disarming the energy potential that is kind of running the life experience unconsciously. And you begin to more so start to you know, be who you prefer to be. You can do that throughout your day. Anytime you catch yourself, that will help you as well.

Another part important part of this is called creating a slide. I slide is a powerful technology within Reality Transurfing in Arusha simply a technique, but what we do as we learn how to visualize using Reality Transurfing now realize that when you visualize sister or an infinite number of parallel realities that exist, whatever you visualize exists in some form, we just might not be proceeding on it.

The idea is to imagine a representation of the best goal that you have that you would love to be living and to do it from a place of where your heart can connect to that goal like we were talking about earlier. Instead of focusing so much on the money, focus on the goal itself of what would you make you feel passionate and money is a natural byproduct of that passion.

Money is a byproduct of the value you're able to add to other people. When you start to become more of that, focus more on one representation of what it could be of your passion. For example, I've shared this many times before, it's me in front of a crowd full of people. What I'm doing is I'm looking out at people and I'm seeing people smile. People are happy to be there and I'm imagining it as if I'm looking through my own eyes.

That's an important part of this slide technique. The slide technique is pretty much you're going to imagine a representation of what you want to experience in a slide, which is kind of like an overlaying. Imagine you were overlaying glasses and then seeing exactly what that version of you would be seeing. What you do is you, metaphorically speaking, put on those glasses and you're looking through your own eyes and that representation.

It can be just one scene, like almost like a scene from a movie, but you're watching it through your own eyes or it could be just like a picture frame of something you're looking out at. What you would see when you were achieving your goal. For example, I imagine myself in daily life what I wouldn't be living if our traveling the world, giving speeches and like talking to interact with other people, going to great restaurants, stay at Nice places, and then interacting with a lot of people.

That's the way that I view it and I see it through my own eyes as if that's how my viewpoint is and what I do is I set that slide so that parallel reality. I set that at every like I would say for five or six times a day is what I recommend. In the morning, once or twice in the night, once or twice in the middle of the day, once or twice, you think of that slide and you think of it and you think of how comfortable it feels for you to experience it.

Not necessarily how blissed out you would be, but just how natural it is for you to be that way. That's part of your self-image. That's part of who you are and as you start to relate to it in this way, guess what? Things can actually come into your life that resonates with it because you relate to it in a very natural way.

You're not relating to that frame and saying, oh my God, that would be amazing because if so, you distance yourself from it, especially if you make it more important than it has to be. This is more of that awareness that as you do this, this is something that's literally bringing in opportunities, synchronicities from that reality, so you can begin to do that about five or six times a day and I'd say these three things, the disarming the pendulums, creating the slide, and then the decrease in the level of importance, but the setting intentions can be so powerful.

Before I leave, there's this one technique that I've been using for decreasing importance and first off, if you want to learn how to decrease importance, I've created a powerful meditation that will help you to do that. It's absolutely free.

In a lot of these ideas, I recommend you listen to it for 21 days to give them maximum benefit and it will really help you to start to live that kind of life that you want. With Reality Transurfing importance, anytime we decrease the level of importance, we increase the probability, we're going to experience something.

There's this technique that is by NLP, neurolinguistic programming, and what we can learn to do this visualization right here. Imagine you're going over to a dial, right? This is using NLP. You're going over to dial and there's a dial that says importance on it, and when you go one way, it makes things more important and when you go the other way, it makes things less important.

Anytime you feel like you are making things ultra-important, what you can do is metaphorically thinking in your mind, use imagery and imagine yourself turning down this important switch and as you do it, you feel like it's less and less important to you.

You feel like it's more and more. You're resonating with what you want to experience, and as you do that, guess what? It makes it much more natural for you, so that's a little bonus I'm going to give to you guys. I'll probably make a future video on it, but if you stay to the end, then you got that technology thing you can use as well.

My 2019 Manifestation Routine that works like MAGIC

I'm going to show you my manifestation routine for 2019 how it switched up over the years and how you can apply in your life too, so that you attract what you want easier than ever.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you my 2019 manifestation ritual and also share with you that I believe that as time goes on, as more and more people wake up in the planet, the vibrations are increasing. Therefore, since the vibrations are increasing, whatever we want to manifest happens easier than ever.

Whereas it used to be, I had this really long ritual where I had so much to do and some of it's good because it's like me priming myself. But what I've realized is that things can be so much easier when you allow them to be easier. What I'm going to do is just kind of share with you some of the things that I do every single day. And then I'm going to go into a segment or I talk about something called transformative vocabulary.

Transformative vocabulary is words that have a very strong influence on the subconscious mind and does a certain way you can use it when looking at a mirror. And it's something that I've been doing for a very long time now and it works very powerfully. There's a way you look at yourself in the eyes and by doing so, you connect to yourself and you can literally change your subconscious mind. That will be coming up here in a little bit. But first off, what I wanted to do is to share with you that it's about routine because routine gets you in a prime state.

Every single day, here's a couple of things that I do. Like for example, there is now water made. This is hot water, hot water. I have a lemon. I'm going to cut that up. That's going to go inside something to drink that's really good for digestion. And I actually first read that and think and grow rich. Think of it like the body influences the mind and the mind influences the body.

If you have a whole bunch of food that's not digesting from the night before, that will weigh you down. In general, something else I do for manifestation is when I wake up in the morning, I want my energy to be more potent so I don't eat. When I get up, I eat, I actually do something called intermittent fasting where I only eat for the first A. I don't eat till about four, about five hours, six hours into my day.

I only eat within an eight-hour window. That because it's then it gives my body more time to heal itself and to do what needs to do. But if I did also keep me in a high vibe state to fast so that I do that as well. I drink lemon water every single morning. Something else I do is I do a very cold shower that primes me. But the first thing I do every single morning is I meditate.

I may meditate on this. I may move it over a little bit. And what I'll do is I will observe my thoughts completely neutrally. I will not judge them. I will just allow them to come in and allow them to go out, allow them to come in, allow them to go out. And by doing that, I start to disengage from the reactive mind. I would say that's a huge, huge thing.

And what I do is I do that for about 10, 15 minutes. And then if something happens throughout the day, instead of me reacting to it, I can just respond. It's a game changer. It's completely changed my life when I started doing it about 10, about know about six years ago. I think it'll change your life too. If you do it, you just observe your thoughts. Sometimes what I'll do is I'll have like a candle on it, like something not with a candle flame and I'll look at the candle flame and keep my eyes on it and just allow the thoughts to come in and allow the thoughts to leave.

That's something else that I do. That’s something that I am passionate about. What you can do as well as find out what you're passionate about and do the same thing right when you get up in the morning and do the most leveraged things right when you wake up as well. But for manifestation, I would say it's a combination of taking action. It's me doing what I'm passionate about.

In meditation, the mind doesn't know the difference between what it's thinking about and what it's imagining. What I do or what does imagining and what is actually happening. What I do is I prime certain states and then my life. And I do that and I visualize what I want to experience. And by doing so, it primes me to a certain emotion.

And that emotion helps me manifest. But understand that things are manifesting quicker in 2019 and it's about really just being in alignment with you and your passion and your frequency of how you prefer to be. And what I would say is the more you focus and also meditate is the more you disengage from the old 3D reality. The news is always trying to suck us in. If you just observe it, it won't have so much power over you.

Observe the news, observed the 3D world, allow and really have boundaries for your own vibration, and that will help you with this process. What we're about to get into is a video that I made that has to do with understanding my morning routine plus my nightly routine of how you put your hands over your heart every day. How you do this thing called from the book called the feeling is the secret by Neville Goddard.

An amazing process, one of the most powerful manifestation processes I've ever used, and I use it almost every single day. You'll see that as well. I share a whole bunch of stuff that I haven't shared before coming up in this segment. There are certain things that I say right when I get up in the morning that has a very powerful effect on my mind, and it has to do with the words you actually say.

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the words that I use because it's called transformative vocabulary. Imagine that there are certain words that you use that impacts your mind in a more powerful way than other words. And for everyone, that's going to be a little bit different first off, but the idea behind this, and I'm going to share with you also the most powerful technique that I've ever found for manifestation, and it has to do with Azur going to bed at night.

And I'm going to share with you that in a minute, but first what I wanted to do is I wanted to share a little bit about the actual words that you can use that can influence your mind in a powerful way. Because what I did is I originally read this book, it's called awaken the giant within, it's by a guy named Tony Robbins. If you've ever heard of Tony Robbins and in it, he has this, this part of it that's called the transformative vocabulary, which are these words that influence the subconscious mind in a very powerful way.

And the idea behind it that I use is I make sure that I say those words right when I wake up in the morning or right before I go to bed, or I at least think them. You don't have to say that loud. Of course, when it's Leo or I'm saying it, but in your own mind, you can also think these words.

Of course, voice though does have a certain dimension to it because as you say it, it's a certain vibration that you're literally putting out into the universe. Saying it does have a lot of power as well. But I understand also that sometimes when we're going to bed at night, you may not have the energy to say it or when you wake up in the morning. And that's a very powerful time to say an affirmation. Let me show you a little bit of this.

There’s this part in it. And what it does is it shows, I don't know if he could see it right here, but it shows on one side of the page, it's, it shows good words to use. And on the other side it says, great words to use and I'm going to show you, that's why you can transform the emotion you feel any of these words, when you go from what it is, the good word to the great, it allows you to feel it more.

First off, when you've seen these affirmations, I always say them in the present tense. Even with Leo or I'm not like you will be beautiful or you will be successful in the future are you will be experiencing explosive growth or you will be loving or compassionate. It's not. You will be. It's you are. I am. I'm saying you are. I say I am. You want to say I am feeling when you're doing this, I am feeling you really want to get in your heart space as well.

I recommend always putting awareness in your heart because the electromagnetic energy and the heart are thousands of times more powerful than the brain. But there are also neurons in your heart. The heart math institute has shown this. Put the energy in your heart and then think words like this. Let me show you some examples.

One of the words would be like, I'm feeling alert. I'm feeling all right. I'm feeling attractive. Well, this is a great word. See how this takes it up? Another law, another notch. I'm feeling energized. Much more powerful than alert, right? I'm feeling super much better than all right. I'm feeling gorgeous. Much better than attractive. Do you see? These are all different words and there's many of them. I'll give you some of the great words. I'm just going to start reading them off to you.

These are all words you can use when you think I am. I am feeling that you can think, unstoppable, serene, outrageous, turbocharged, impassioned. I'm feeling cosmically charged. Just tremendous, unbelievably vest. Blessed Vaishyas over the moon. Better than excellent. I feeling passionate, compelled, driven to moving at warp speed. Fantastic, spectacular.

Couldn't be better. Energized, focused, extraordinary. Monumental exhilarated, incredible cooler. Mundo. I liked that one. Kula Mundo, that's one of them. Invincible, charged up in bolded, empowered, brilliant, explosive, soaring. Great. These are all words that you can use, all of those you can use and see which words really poke out at you, which was really allow you to feel more of that emotion inside of your body.

Because the key to this is always the emotion that you're feeling. That's what you want to do. And you want to think of this in the form of repetition. You might be asking yourself, why do this right in the morning are right at night? Because understand that that is the window of influencing the subconscious mind. The window of influencing the subconscious mind is 30 minutes. As you wake up in the morning, your mind is the most susceptible.

That influence and then also the 30 minutes, right before you go to bed at night, your mind is winding down and you're going into those deeper states. Think of it like this too. You are right now awake with me. You are in about Alpha or Beta state. That's the awake state. We're all in an alpha or a Beta state when we're awake unless we're meditating.

We have that have the Beta state, the Alpha state, and the Theta state. These are the three main ones. There's a, there's a couple of deeper ones in the sleep state, but the idea is that an Alpha and Beta, the alert states, we don't have much influence over the subconscious mind. And when we're awake, we're in the conscious mind. As you go to bed at night, you drift off into Theta state in Theta state.

That's where we influence our subconscious mind. As you're growing up, up until about the ages of eight to 10 years old, you're pretty much only in a theta state, meaning you're just absorbing everything into the subconscious mind. That's why they say a lot of times that your beliefs are formed at an early age and you take on the beliefs of your parents because you're mainly in a theta state. You're in that data state, so what you do is when you're going to bed at night, you are drifting from the Beta to the alpha to the data, to the delta.

As you're slipping, you're slipping into sleep. Then you have this window of influencing the subconscious mind, so whatever you say in that window has even more power. That's why we [inaudible] when as she's waking up in the morning, I'm saying those affirmations because it is having more power over her subconscious mind.

Then she wakes up, she walks around, she goes, Oh yeah, I'm beautiful. I mean, she knows she's beautiful, but you know what I mean? And she, she just, she knows these things even deeper. You can do that in every area of your life. But that's why as you're going to bed, you want to do that. Let me share with you the technique that I use and I actually, I'll actually, I'll show you and I will go into my room and show you what you might do.

First off, when I wake up in the morning, what I do is I do the affirmations and sometimes what I'll do is I'll look into this mirror right here. This mirror is a, I can look at myself in the eyes. When you're doing it in the morning and you're doing the affirmations, look at yourself in one of your eyes.

You'll see what you have a predominant. I look at yourself in the eye because it's almost like you connect to the deeper part of yourself. You ever notice that when you make eye contact someone else, you feel very connected to them. Well, in the same way, when you make eye contact with yourself, you feel more connected to yourself. Say those transformative words right when you wake up in the morning, looking in the mirror if you can.

If you're in bed than sitting in bed, feel it. And then what I would do is I'd come over here and then I would say things like that. Like I feel an amazing turbocharged excited, passionate about what my day. I feel like everything's going to go. I'm going to be in the right place at the right time. I like to say things throughout my day as well.

I have general intentions and then sometimes what I do is I have intentions of what I want to experience throughout the day. I went to the gym, I have an amazing workout. I feel like I'm breaking down muscle and rebuilding it and I feel so good even that the next day when I feel a little sore, I know that I've done a lot of work. I love that feeling. I love the feeling of feeling energized after a good workout. Even though those kinds of don't seem like they go together.

They do. For me, I pride myself for that. I pride myself that when I eat, I get food that's nourished. I pick food that does well for my body. I set these intentions and throughout my day it adds up and adds up over time. In bed, for example, another thing you could do for this as well, when you're waking up in the morning, get a crystal.

I have like different crystals. This is rose quartz. Have different crystals that I may use. And once you can do is as you're waking up, maybe put the crystal in your hearts or something. But what I would do is I would lay down as here, as I'm going to bed at night, okay, this is what you want to do, that it's going to show you. Here's what I would do.

All right? As you're going to bed at night, put your hands over your heart because then the electromagnetic energy starts to go inside of your heart. Put the electromagnetic energy inside of your heart, feel the energy, and then what you want to do as you're falling asleep. And this is a technique from the book called the feeling is the secret.

It is one of the most powerful techniques I've ever found. Put your hands over your heart and feel the emotion of what you want to experience in your life and think of it and immerse yourself inside of a certain situation. For example, I may close my eyes. I imagined myself with the freedom to travel the world and to be doing speaking events, places, or to be able to eat at amazing restaurants and to being beautiful places that I'm staying at.

I would imagine the freedom of that. How passionate I feel, how I love what I do. And I would put the awareness in my heart and feel as if it's happening now because the mind doesn't know the difference between what it's imagining and what's actually happening. And what I would do is as I'm falling asleep at night, I feel the gratitude, focus on the gratitude of that being your current reality, and then you begin to drift off into sleep.

And if every single night you drift off into sleep with the gratitude in your heart, have you already experienced in the reality you want, that will eventually become your reality. This is a technique that I have shown so many in so many people's life has been transformed from this technique. That's why I share it with you every single night as you go to bed, puts your hands over your heart, feel the emotions of what you want to experience, and be grateful that it's your current present reality.

Imagine as if you're looking through your own eyes. Don't necessarily, I wouldn't imagine myself like traveling. What would, if as if I was watching them myself in a movie, I watch it as if it's happening through my own eyes as if I may be on a plane. I may look around, I may, you know, I made, I see it like that. In the same way, you can do something very similar. Imagine it, put the awareness into your heart. The feeling is the secret.

The feeling is the secret to influencing your subconscious mind. You can do that in the morning when you wake up and when you go to bed at night. But also there's a window. That window is when you can say things with emotion that give you emotion. All those words that I said earlier, only picked the ones that you really feel strong emotion about.

Those will help you in this process. Understand that this is something that can transform your whole entire life as you begin to apply. Understand that the more you feel the emotions of what you want to experience and know too, that when you do that, you're literally becoming that version of you. It's not just that you're thinking it and it's like you're going to attract that into your life.

You become the kind of person that feels grateful for that reality as you're going to bed at night. That becomes you. I feel that freedom naturally because that's who I am. That's how I view it. At least. With that being said, I hope you enjoyed that video. I hope that it gave you a little bit more clarity as to how you can apply your own manifestation ritual.

Take what works from me or take what works and leave what does it, some stuff will resonate. Some stuff won't observe the old 3D reality. I'd say for everyone that would be beneficial not to reengage and like to emphasize it, to observe the old, to understand that what's coming is going to then focus on your vibration. You doing what you're passionate about, you deciding that you been in that frequency is going to be you really manifesting what you want faster than ever.

And then also just understanding that you are a spiritual being, living in a temporary human experience. And the more you allow yourself to know that your life can be divine, the more divine that will be. The more you realize your life is a dream, the more dreamlike it becomes. See how you can apply to all these things. I'd say the cold water, lemon water or the hot lemon water, it helps with digestion.

The observing the thoughts meditation for 10 or 15 minutes, right when you wake up in the morning, beyond that you can do visualization where you can connect into your heart center and then beyond that you can do that of getting to your heart center.

Do the feeling is the secret before you go to bed at night. All of these different things are simple yet powerful, but reprogram your subconscious mind using the transformative vocabulary I share and it will change your life and things can happen quicker than ever in 2019.

The Great Solar Flash Event it’s time you know about…

I'm going to be sharing with you more on what is called the great solar flash. This is something that will be happening in the future and it's something that is the time you know about.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'll be sharing with you more on what is called the great solar flash. Understanding that there is a trance mutation of energy happening on the planet right now or you can say transformation. That's a better word. There is a transformation of energy happening right now on the planet.

You may have heard me talk before about the shift in consciousness that we're as a collective going through right now, which is going from a third demented third density state of consciousness and do a fourth and fifth density state of consciousness and right now it's happening on the planet.

You'll notice that more and more people are waking up than ever before. I'll be honest, not that I didn't have like strong belief in humanity, but it is happening so fast. Many people are waking up, and it's happening in waves and if you're watching my videos right now, then you're one of the first waves because you can only perceive that what you are the vibration of. And if you're here right now, then this is something that you are ready to here.

Let me first off say that this great solar flash that is coming, it is not to be feared. It is not to be feared. It is not like something's going to happen and then everyone's going to, you know it's like either you're alive and you're not alive. It's not like that at all. There's sometimes fear put around certain ideas like this so it's not like you need to rush to do something specifically.

However, understand that this is about transformation and that the more you raise your vibration, the easier this process will be. But as a society, we have chosen that we are going to go in through this shift in consciousness together. There are different timelines in 2012 where we could have gone on a couple of different timelines.

One of them was could have been something to where it was either you go this direction or this direction and a lot of people, just wasn't as many people made this ascension process, but what we decided is that as a collective we are going to go a little bit slower through the process.

Cause now it's 2019 for example. And we are going to continue to go through this process and we're going to raise our vibrations together so that more people can make this shift. In general, everyone can make this shift. This isn't something you have to be afraid of. What's happened to my dog? What's going to happen to my kids? Don't worry about that.

Worry about you raising your own vibration because the more that you raise your vibration, the more that is helping the collective consciousness anyways. When it comes to understanding the solar flash, the solar flash is where the sun is going to emit such high vibration energy that it penetrates all the people on the face of the planet and inside of the planet as well. And that as it penetrates everyone, it transforms the consciousness.

It's like our body turns into more light. However, we're still going to be physical. It's not like we're going to be these little theory ghosts walking around. We are going to remain physical, but it's going to be like our body continues to transform. It's almost like our body goes from a more carbon-based body into a crystal and body, which is happening right now.

First off, when it says the great solar flash, understand that these solar flashes that are already happening, they're already happening. That's why I beat, you don't have to be afraid of this. This is the most empowering thing you could come to understand is that as the sun changes, it changes us. The sun is a replicator of energy. The sun is an amplifier of energy as well.

The sun helps create life. The sun will help the grass grow. The sun helps. We can absorb energy from the sun. You could call that to the galactic son because the universe is actually a pterodactyl field. The universe, just like there's a Toronto field around our body where there's a toroidal field around and what the universe is and we are in earth going around and through this Toronto field.

What happens is we are moving through a very highly charged area of space right now. Just to give you an idea of what this may be like is this is such a high vibration of space that it is raising our vibration. It's allowing us to transform our own level of consciousness and one of the ways it does that is as we move through this space, it influences the son and the son that he admits it on the US and it awakens us more, and more so the sun has light codes in it.

A lot of people would worship the sun. They understood that the sun has very transformative energy. He sold their flashes, which is a little bit different. It goes onto the planet, and it awakens the consciousness within the people. It transmutes the consciousness of the people and it is happening right now. There are more people waking up on the planet than ever before and this will continue to happen as time goes on.

When it comes to this, when it comes to this great solar flash event, understand that there are triggers of it happening right now. There are triggers if it happening right now, and when it comes to it, there will be what is called when we move out of what is called a solar minimum. There are these different levels of us moving through this area of space. When we get out of this solar minimum, it is going to happen and there'll be more energy of this flowing through and it'll happen even quicker.

That is supposedly going to happen around 202620272028 so there's a little bit of time, but up until then, there will still be flashes that are waking consciousness. This solar flash event is meant to be that literally helps awaken humanity as such a great level. What could it look like? Could it look like this event happens and it happens through a pulsation, through the whole plant where people just start to become aware of who they are as spiritual beings.

Maybe certain memories unlock memories of us having a connection to the stars, memories of us having a connection to what we're doing when we go to bed at night, because every night when you go to bed, you are awake to higher states of consciousness. You simply don't remember it because there was a veil of forgetfulness. Could it be that these great solar events starts to have it to where we remember more of what's happening at these greater levels of consciousness?

These are all things that are possible. However, we don't know exactly what will happen, but we do know that the sun transmutes energy, we do know that these pulsations are happening right now on the planet. We do know that there will be more of that happening and that the purpose of it is to help wake up humanity as a whole and that Thursday form of a spiritual renaissance happening on the planet right now and it will continue to happen.

And if you want more information on this, I'm going to have a link in the bottom right down here. This is where I've gotten a lot of this information is from a show called cosmic disclosure. I watch Gaia and I've watched every episode of cosmic disclosure. You get sucked in and you start watching it. You're watching like two or three episodes used to be sucked up by for three weeks because that's when she'll be watching.

But there's more information about this. There is a someone named Corey good that is the insider that brings forth this information and a lot of it has to do with the solar event, the solar flash that will eventually happen and it's happening now. It's about knowing that this is about the transmutation of consciousness. And if you want to know more, you'll see the link in the bottom below.

But in general, understand that the sun transmutes energy, that we are going through this transformation right now, that our bodies are connected to the planet, the planet is connected to the star, our star is connecting to a bigger star and it's this whole universe moves in a pterodactyl field type fashion.

And right now we are experienced in reality the way we are from all these different points of consciousness. Because never before on the planet has there been so many people that have gone through this shift in consciousness, in form, in the way that we are going. We always think of as grace understand there are extraterrestrials that look very similar to us. There are extraterrestrials that we aren't connected to that you as a soul are connected to.

Maybe the Pleiades, maybe serious maybe Arcturus. It may be Andromedan and maybe all these different places. These are the sexiest terms. There are thousands of thousands of different places, but our souls are immortal, spiritual beings and we have not just incarnated our whole soul on that have little earth.

As amazing as it is, we have existence is at many different layers as well. Knowing this, we can then be, we can then see that reality is so much more of that than we can imagine. There are a lot of people on the planet that have kept this information back when it comes to this great solar flash.

But it's the time that it becomes more people become more aware of it and they know because there are people that are trying to go underground to block out this event because when it comes, it will transmute all of humanity, it will transmute and they're trying to be because this is what it does. Okay, so let me give you an example of what I learned from cosmic disclosure.

As we move through the galaxy or through the universe, we are moving to a more highly charged area of space. This highly charged area space. Also, Trans means consciousness. What they decided to do is they sent some people all with different mindsets, all with different backgrounds into this area of space and like some type of way of transporting or you know some type of vehicle, probably some type of space ship or whatever that they have.

And they go through that into this, into the, what we could call it the future, like into where this area of space that we're moving into and they observe these people. What happened? The people that were negatively charged, meaning that they had maybe negative mindsets, maybe they were just more negative in general, they felt more negative. They felt more like they were having breakdowns or like they were, they weren't able to handle it.

They felt an amplification of whatever they were feeling positive. People on the other hand, that we're in this crap where they went into this area of space, felt joy, felt love, felt bliss, felt peacefulness. They felt amazing. Depending on the person's polarity, whether they were more positive or negative will depend upon how they feel going through this process.

We'll understand that. This is also a metaphor for the area of space where we're moving through because we are moving through it right now. Over the next 10 years and as we move through it, we will get an amplification of whatever we're feeling and with whatever we're feeling, it's like the dark sites get brought up for us to deal with so that we can allow this blissfulness to come through because this transmutation of consciousness, this transformation of consciousness is happening right now on the planet.

Be aware of it and understand that as you, as you become more aware of this, you can then focus on yourself. Can you raise your own vibration? And I said, how can you raise your own vibration? Cause as you raise your vibration, this process of this solar flash will impact you in more and more powerful ways. With the solar flash, you don't have to necessarily go around and tell him there's this great solar flash come in because I don't know how physical it will be.

What I mean is, I don't know if it's like some we, you know, our eagle thinks it's going to be some flash of energy. We all see this white light and it's like we're all just blissed out and a, we have these awakenings and now all of a sudden we can interdimensional travel, but it might be very different.

We don't know exactly what's going to happen, but it could be that we just have these inner realizations. It could be a happens in a nonphysical way, so we don't actually see it, but we individually feel it. But regardless, there are these solar flashes that are happening right now on the planet and they will continue to happen at different rates. Almost like different pulsations getting us ready for a big whammy.

You couldn't say it's starting out kind of small. It keeps happening, keeps transforming us. And then eventually once we move out of solar minimum, which is what Corey Goode said, that he was told that, then it'll happen even more powerfully. And that's in like 2027 2028 but until then there'll be a lot of things happening.

There'll be a lot more information coming out about things, about how reality works and about things that had been hidden will be brought out to the surface and it'd be brought out for people to become aware of and it will be happening from now up until and just going forward. More and more light is being shown and being shined in these dark places for this information to come out and it's not to be feared.

This is the thing. Sometimes when you look in this information, he becomes fearful like, oh, this shift and this and this. It's just meant for you to go within yourself and focus on raising your own vibration. Focus on raising our own vibration because as you focus on that, you'll find that what happens is you end up transforming the people around you as well because energy is contagious and it helps the shift in consciousness happening even easier.

The best thing you can do is not go out and blast all of this information unless you feel called to do that. Maybe you know that's what I'm doing, but the best thing you can do is to change within yourself, to love yourself, to integrate your shadow self, all of these different things.

If you want as well, I have a guided meditation that will help you to raise your vibrational set point, helping you through this process. It's one of the most powerful meditations I've made. Absolutely free. Let's do it for 21 days. It will transform your life. Also, I'll be doing more live communities on Instagram, so if you want to follow me and ask me questions, you can ask me questions below. Also, I post twice a day there as well. Let me know what you think about this.

The Divine MATRIX of Reality and How to HACK the System

I'm going to be sharing with you the divine matrix of reality and show you how to hack the system. By the end of this blog, you'll understand more about how to create what you want in your life and what your reality really is.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of the divine matrix, understanding the reality that we live in, understanding it from a deeper point of view than maybe you've ever understood it before, and understanding how you can upgrade your level so that you manifest from a higher paradigm so she knows way hack the system.

Think about it like a video game. If you have a video game and you know the cheat codes, then guess what? It makes it a little bit easier for you to move through it because you know how to move through. Imagine also then not just that you have a guide that helps you through this process as well. You have a video game and you have like guidance as this was coming up, this is coming up. This is what you can prepare for.

And if you know the rules of this game, it makes the process so much easier. Well, in a way, life is a form of a game. Think about it as a game as well. When you have a game, what you do is you play this game and maybe whatever game you want, and when you're looking at this game that you're playing, you know that that Avatar that you're playing in the game isn't actually you, but you immerse yourself in it. And the thing is if it's just a game, sometimes you may take it a little bit more loosely.

You may just kind of mess around a little bit. You may not get an actually the value out of it that you would get if you are actually experiencing it for yourself. That's why some people on grand theft auto will go on this game and they'll go smack people around doing things that they wouldn't actually do in real life. Let us at least I hope not. Well, in a similar way, you wouldn't go around doing all that because if you did, there'd be Karma.

How far can I push the limits? How far can I run away from the police and hit people on the side of the road and run over people without actually having that come back to me? Well, the thing is life is not like a video game. There's a veil of forgetfulness. We come in this reality or like, oh, this is who I am.

We grow up our whole entire lives identifying with the census, thinking that this is who I am and then what we do is we go through an awakening process. We eventually get through the awakening process. We get to a place to where we realize that we're more than the ego. Normally that happens through pain and then it causes us to wake up, wake up to who we really are, which is a spiritual been leaving a temporary human experience and there is a purpose behind this.

But here is the thing that I want you to understand is that you came here to remember who you are. You came here to go through this veil of forgetfulness to then remember, because also right now there's this ascension happen on the planet. There are more and more people are waking up right now than ever before and it is amazing to see it is happening so quickly.

And the reason being is because as a collective we've decided to upgrade the system. Just like you would think of the Matrix. Think of the Matrix as an analogy. And the thing with the Matrix is one of the reasons the matrix did so amazing as a movie is because, at a deeper level, the concept resonates with a lot of people. Think about the idea of the matrix where Neo in the matrix and then the matrix, everyone's going through that of the motions of what they're doing.

Everyone's identified with their sentences, everyone's eating the food, everyone's thinking that that's who they are. But then Morpheus comes along, pulls him out of the matrix that says, Yo Bro, you're so much more than that. You are the one, and guess what the one is that of a, a metaphor for the one consciousness that we are all connected to, whether we're aware of it or not.

But what we do is when you look at that of the Matrix, it's like when you become aware of it and there's no going back. You can think of it as the pills being that of awakening because there really is no going back. There is this matrix and then you look at the movie, the Matrix and there's all these, he goes through all these, you know, gains better abilities.

You learn how to control his mind. He realizes his everything, his mental, well guess what? In reality, it's very simple. It's very similar. The reality that we experience the ego that we experience is sense perceptions. It's a vibrational interpretation. It was a very real metaphor and it's very real, it's the way reality works. However, this is the disconnect between the movie, the Matrix when it comes to all these AI and machines coming in.

And that's thinking that like there's no organic fabric of reality. We live in a divine matrix. That is the difference. We live in a divine matrix. Everything we see in reality, his compositions of light, we are all lights. We have all liked beans. There is this organic structure that we have. Yes, it is partly programmed. You live in the autopilot mind and you just sort of robotically going through the same actions every day talking to the same people every day thinking the same thoughts every day, feeling the same emotions every day.

Then what happens is you wake up, that's when you start to wake up from the Matrix, but the thing is it is a divine matrix. You are a divine spiritual being that exists in higher states of consciousness right now, and you are now coming to more awareness of that. That is what the awakening process is. It is realizing that you are the one, you are the one and when it comes to being the one, it's about understanding that we're all connected and that we're all divine.

We're all a piece of source energy, so this is what we're coming to understand in this lifetime. When it comes to this divine matrix, understand there are ways of hacking it. There are ways of hacking the matrix. Here is what you want to pay attention to. And this is the power of this whole entire blog. Your beliefs about the matrix create the kind of experiences you have.

Let me ask you this question. When you look at your life, what are your beliefs about how your life works? Because if you understand that it's a divine matrix, it makes it much easier for you to flow through the process because you don't have to give so much seriousness to everything that happens. Everything doesn't have to be so heavy. You can allow things to in a way kind of smooth out. You can enlighten yourself, which means light and heat up on yourself.

But if you believe everything is heavy and dense and this all this lower vibrational emotion, then it keeps you way down into that experience. But you see, this is where we start to become aware of who we really are. This is where we start to take our power back because we're becoming more aware of who we are. But the key to this is the beliefs we have about it.

Some people believe that things don't come easily to them that believe that things have to be hard. No pain, no gain. And that is social conditioning thought form that people tag onto. No pain, no gain. Things have to be difficult. Things have to be hard in order for it to be worth it. It has to be hard. Well, here's the thing. If you change your beliefs about manifestation, things will change for you.

What are your beliefs about reality itself? Do you believe that life is divine? Because the more you believe that your life is divine or really not even believe it, but understand that it is. That's more just awareness is the more divine your life will be, the more synchronistic, more synchronicity will come into your life. Do you believe that life has to be hard? Because if so, it will be.

Pay attention to what your beliefs about reality Ar. That's why spiritual awakening is so because you expand yourself out of the ego structure, you expand yourself out of the limited thought forms and the social conditioning. Unplugged from it. Social conditioning is the mass thought forms of what many, many people are thinking like got to go to college and be successful.

Things like you just got to work your job, work your way up. Things like so many interrelationships. There are these beliefs, there's all these social conditioning and beliefs and pay attention to them. And when I say pay attention to them, observe them neutrally and then shifted to where you want to believe. How do you want to write the system to your own life?

How do you want to hack the system? Because everyone is living in response to their reality. But if you go within first, you can change the way you relate to your life and when you change the way you relate to your life, you then change the outer circumstances because your beliefs create your reality.

Most people's beliefs are just on autopilot. Reality is hard. Things happen to me. All these perspectives because more and more experiences that mere back that belief. If you change your belief and how you relate to reality, your reality will then change. But most people are going external to change reality, which is why it is hard and difficult because they may also have a belief that says it's hard and difficult.

I get a lot of people in DMs on Instagram. Aaron, how do I manifest a relationship when all these girls always treat me like this where guys always do this to me? I'm like, well you have a belief that guys always do this to you or girls always do this to you. Therefore, you have that self-fulfilling belief, the self-fulfilling prophecy. Everything in our life at a certain level is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But here's the power. You give it the meaning you give them meaning and then it becomes this self-fulfilling prophecy changed the meaning of your life. You can make it like that. You can change the meaning of your life. You are no longer a victim. I would say the thing that keeps people so interested in what we call the metaphorical matrix is believing in the victimhood newness.

Because when we believe where a victim, we believe we are lifting leaf in the wind and then we're getting carried wherever it takes us, we have no control, no ability to direct it. You are the leaf, the wind, and the environment. You are the divine matrix itself. Part of the right way that we transcend the matrix is by realizing that the matrix is in itself, us. This is going deeper down the rabbit hole, but just like in the movie, the Matrix following the white rabbit, follow the white rabbit, white rabbit.

Think of it like this. Your life up until this point has been mainly on autopilot. Everyone has until they wake up until they wake up, but now we're going through this process of waking up millions. Millions of people are waking up on the planet because now it was a time of awakening. And as you wake up, you become aware of all these autopilot behaviors that are running the life experience. And then you wake up and realize, what am I doing?

I can create the life that I want by focusing my thoughts, choosing the meaning. I give things in my life. And by choosing that meaning I didn't experience a reality that is equal to that meaning I give it. People on earth right now are becoming aware of their waking up and they're taking their power back instead of giving it away. Because you see this divide matrix, we live in the thoughts we think create our reality, the thoughts we think as a collective create the collective reality.

When we look at the level of control that may have been on the planet for a long period of time, it's mainly that it's been the control of us and our thoughts. If the media is going to control the thoughts, it controls reality. If you look around on the news and you'll see that everything is Warren and doom and gloom, then guess what? You assume that reality is doom and gloom and we create that reality together of that conflict because billions of people are focused on it.

But what is happening now is people are waking up, they're waking up and say, I don't want to put my energy on that. I want to put my focus on those negative things, and as we all wake up together, it's going to change the collective consciousness. As you wake up right now, you are creating a new imprint in this divine matrix allowing more and more people to tag on to this energy because energy and thoughts actually are real.

We just don't see them all with our eyes. But thoughts have an energetic pattern that is floating around the whole planet. This divine matrix is about knowing that you are a divine being. Live in a short human experience, but in this life, you have chosen to be like a meal and to wake up to take one of the pills, not pharmaceutical.

Maybe just a little bit of herbs or something. You take it and you realize that metaphorically you are waking up to a higher level of consciousness and that in this higher level of consciousness, you can create your own reality because you give them meaning to the things in your life and because you give the meaning to it, you then experience the reality you want. Don't go outside to change your reality.

Change the inside, change how you relate to things, change your own internal beliefs and then the outside reflects those beliefs that you change because beliefs create reality. Change your beliefs, you change your reality. This is the divine matrix. Everything you see in your life is made up of light. We are all connected to the one, the one source of consciousness. We're all dreaming that was little separate parts.

When in actuality we're all connected. The more you wake up and your life is, the more you hack the system. Raise your vibration. You raise your vibration by doing what you're passionate about by letting go. You raise your vibration by letting go. Letting go of thought forms that no longer serve, letting go of things that are holding you back.

This Meditation will TRANSFORM Your Emotional-Set Point WARNING THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING

I'm going to be sharing with you a meditation that will transform your emotional set point. I'm going to share with you some ideas that can totally change the game as well as that meditation that will help you do that.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that meditation that will help to really change your emotional set point. Once you do this meditation you will start to perceive and feel like you're in a higher vibration and also understanding that maybe normally our emotions are like we have our highs, we have our lows, and it goes like this.

There's a whole another level that when you start to exist in that level of consciousness, you'll realize that your highs are much better and your lows are maybe where your highs are right now. This is what emotional transformation is and this is something that honestly, I went through years ago. Let me say the style of this blog is that I'm going to be explaining these ideas at the beginning that helped to wire this idea in.

Then at the end, we're going to do the meditation that will help to solidify everything so that learning becomes more of an interactive experience rather than learning just be something that's like in the head, something that we think about theoretically. With that, back in 2012 I went through a spiritual awakening, and this is when my whole entire life changed because I used to feel like on a scale, if we had a scale of one feeling not great at all, all the way up to 10 10 feeling amazing on that scale.

My set point where I was consistently between a three to a five I would feel three was feeling anxiety was feeling like I wasn't enough, was filling a little bit depressed, not knowing my purpose, and then a five would be like something happened on the outside, as something happened wasn't necessarily internally. Something that came about from the inside. It was something that something happened, and I was like, “Oh, this is great.”

Maybe a friend would come over or a friend who was in town or something like that. Then I would feel like it was at a five but then when something would that Fred would leave, then it would go back to about a three to four on average. What happened was is I felt anxiety, and I felt a lot of anger mainly because of my childhood that I went through. It was kind of like repressed inside of me even though I wasn't consciously always aware of it.

I noticed that I felt that inside of me on a majority of basis. I also had something that is called ADHD, which is something that I was diagnosed with a doctor from. They prescribed me Adderall, and I would take Adderall every day so that I could focus. Cause at the time I worked at Nordstrom selling woman's shoes. It was hard for me to focus because I had to focus on helping people, helping customers.

And my energy was just so old all over the place. Like I've always been a loud person, but this was like, I was just like obnoxious. Like I remember I would walk around work, I'd always clap my hands and I was always kind of like saying things to customers and I like to have fun. But at the same time, it was, it was definitely overboard. And I definitely see how it wasn't very grounded now that I look back.

What happened was I felt that anxiety. Because of that, there were negative side effects. What I did is I went online and I looked up and found that there were other ways of healing ADHD, and one of them was meditation and have first meditation. To me, it didn't really resonate was like meditation. That sounds like something is not really going to be into.

It was almost kind of by accident because in a way I just like, you know what? What do I get to lose? That's kind of my idea. It's like, what do I have to lose? And then what I did is I simply started to meditate on the first day. Nothing crazy really happened. I did get to more like a present state, but it was nothing crazy because I was trying to control my thoughts.

And that's what I learned not to do. You don't want to control your thoughts. You want to allow them. Then what happened is the second or third day I sat down and I just simply knew something about it. I just knew that that was going to change my life. That experience is going to change my life. I remember having this feeling underneath it and I sat down and I began to meditate.

I got to this state where I learned as like, you know what? Instead of me trying to control my thoughts, I read that if I were to stare at a candle flame, what would happen is if I stared at the candle flame, one might, the vortex of my eyes is on one point. When it's on one point it makes it so the eyes aren't wandering as much.

Cause when the eyes wander, the mind wanders as well. What I did is I stared at that one point, and I just observed my thoughts. I allowed the thoughts to be there and certain thoughts would come up, certain emotions would come up. I would just observe them from a neutral place. And what happened was I got to this spaciousness, I got to this feeling that just totally blew me away.

It was like a very blissful feeling. There's really no other way to describe it other than it's something I'd never really felt consciously before. And then what happened is I was in that state and I came out of it, and they would linger on. It was like I did it for like 10 15 minutes and I was like, Whoa, this is very different. That started to become my natural set point because what I started to do is I started to realize that my beliefs were creating my reality.

I started to become aware that I identified with having Adhd. I believed that I needed Adderall. Therefore I took Adderall. That was all I could do. I started to become aware of these thought patterns I had, and I also started to really process the pain I went through in childhood because if you guys remember, maybe you heard me talk about it in prior videos.

I'm not here to throw a pity party. I know a lot of people went through a lot of pain growing up, but I had an abusive step mom that was kind of like a sociopath and she was very manipulative. She was very physically abusive and between the ages of seven to 15, my dad divorced her when I was 15. That was when I had freedom and I could actually be normal again, but I wasn't allowed to watch TV. I and my brother had to work outside all of the time.

We weren't really allowed to eat very much, so we were very malnutrition. She was a very angry person. We were always in trouble for something. And there are other things as well, but just a general basis, it was a lot of pain and I didn't know why it happened. Then I was able to learn how to do something called Eft, emotional freedom technique.

This is a technique that has to do with knowing how to release and process the emotions by using something called tapping. If you want to learn more about this and how this can transform your life, I'm going to be doing a free workshop training. And if you go to the top of the description box below and you can sign up there, I'm going to be doing and sending you a video that shows you exactly how to go through this process of transformation.

It's something I think is very powerful and I think it can totally change the set point that you are at because that's what I did. I learned how to process the emotion that I was resented for many years that was kind of stored inside of my body. And then what I did is I simply started to let it go. And I remember that I did this a couple of weeks later.

I remember I was walking around my room and I just felt like almost it was too good to be true. I was almost like, I hope this feeling doesn't go away. I feel so amazing. And the funny thing is I didn't need to do anything to feel it except to be present to the moment or just simply like meditate once a day. It wasn't like I had to drink, you know, some type of green tea or I had to do something.

I wasn't drinking alcohol or doing any drugs or anything. I was just totally natural and totally raised my set point. Then my set point went to about a seven or an eight out of 10 and it's like my whole life has changed now. Everything I view from a much different perspective, I'm able to observe my thoughts rather than react. And there were a couple of key things that I did for this to happen and that's why in that training and the workshop I explained to go very far into detail about all of them.

But, just in a nutshell is to give context for the meditation we're about to do. And for this video in general, it has to do with really letting go of the emotions and processing it. This is what a lot of people don't do and a lot of people, especially in the law of attraction community because for a long time, and I was like, I don't want to think of any negative memories.

I'm going to bring it back up and all of this stuff. But the thing is I had to change the way that I related to my thoughts. I had to change the way that I process thoughts because by doing so, I then changed my emotional set point. We can always change our focus because it is true. Whatever you focus on you feel. But the thing is there's a certain pattern of the way we focus on things.

There's a certain pattern for how we process emotions. And if we keep processing emotions in the same way, then what happens is we keep those patterns going even if it's at subconscious levels. The key to this is learning how to let go, how to process, and then how to just simply be that which we are meant to be. Because now I do believe my set point is that naturally seven and eight or a nine, that's my natural set point.

And I not saying I'm better than anybody else. I'm not saying I'm even an enlightened or anything because I'm also realized recently that this one to 10 scales that I'm talking about, there's actually a 10 through 20 or maybe even 10 to 100 who knows? But I'm realizing that there are actual emotions that go much further. There's this feeling of passion. There's this ability to really just let go, you know?

And a lot of times when you think of emotional transformation, we think of piling on a new perspective, right? I'm at a five or a four and I need to start piling on a seven or an eight to get there. It's actually more so about just letting go of the five or the four. It's about just letting go of the thoughts that keep coming up and changing the relationship to those thoughts. And as we do that, everything begins to change.

And the key is to start to view things from more of a neutral point of view and to reframe a lot of the stuff that's happened in the past. As I said, I go a lot more in detail. This is just a YouTube video that's going to be like 20 minutes long because of the meditation we're about to do. With that, if you want more in the workshop and the top of the description box below, I will teach you the EFT.

I will teach you exactly how to go through this process and how it can completely change your life. With that, let's go ahead and get into the meditation. What we're going to do is, of course, we're going to put our hands over our heart. We're going to increase the electromagnetic energy around our heart. The other thing that we're going to be doing is we're going to be learning how to neutralize our own thoughts and how to observe them.

Almost like we are observing people walk by at a park. Something as simple as that because as we do that, what happens is we start to change the way we relate to our thoughts. And we can almost use that kind of as a metaphor. But what we're gonna do is we're going to learn how to get to this neutral state of being and then how to start to wire in this new relationship that we have of that, of our thoughts.

If we change the way we think about our emotions, we then change the way we relate to our emotions, then we can actually change and transform our emotional set point. It's all about that relationship more so than anything else. What I encourage you to do right now is to go ahead and take a deep breath in and out with me.

If you can listen to this with headphones, if you can, I recommend that you either lie down or sit down and let's go ahead and get into the meditation. What we're going to do is we're going to breathe in, we're going to breathe out. And what we're going to do is we're just going to relax with every breath that we take. Somebody to go ahead and cue the music. Let's take a deep breath in,

Feel your body relax more and more and put your hands over your heart. Feel the warmth in your hands over your heart and know that the more you put your attention inside of your heart center, the more you grow this electromagnetic energy around your body, around your heart, and the more you become who you authentically are. Let's take another deep breath in. Deep breath out, feeling even more relaxed.

Three that out. Feel your body relax more and more. Close your eyes if you can. Imagine that in your heart center is a ball of energy. It can be any color that you like and imagine that this ball of energy is spinning clockwise inside of your chest and that as it spins clockwise, you are feeling this warmth, that sensation inside of your hearts. You are feeling this energy in your heart begin to vibrate with even more power.

You can feel unconditional love flow to your body and imagine at this ball of energy is spinning faster and faster and the faster it spins, the more you feel this love energy, the faster it spins, the more you feel relaxed and know that now the energy around your heart is so much more potent. That was a minute ago, and this is when we really begin to step into our emotions and who we authentically.

Imagine that you are in a very serene place. This can be any place that you want. It can be that of the beach or the forest, can be in the mountains. It could be in a room that you feel very comfortable in. Whatever it is. Imagine this place in detail with all of its colors. Yeah, with the environment and begin to look around and notice what you see. I'll pay attention to what you see and imagine the colors and the clarity becoming brighter and brighter.

Notice in this environment what you can here. Imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder. Notice how comfortable it feels to be here. As you look around, notice that in the distance, maybe 2030 feet of way. You see that. Have a chair and walk over to this chair and notice what it looks like. Notice that this chair has a sign on it and it says your name next to that says neutrality chair.

This is a chair that anytime you sit in, you are able to neutralize your own thoughts, you're able to neutralize your own thoughts and also why are in some ideas that will profoundly change your subconscious mind in a very positive and powerful way. Go ahead and sit down in this chair, turn it around, sit down. Notice how the cushion feels. Notice how relaxing it feels, how comfortable it is.

Notice that there's a button on the side of this chair that allows you to see and observe your thoughts from a neutral point of view. And when you push this button, you are able to observe your thoughts rather than react. You're able to see them as neutral. You realize that thoughts are not good, they are not bad, they're just simply thoughts and all the brain is ever trying to do is to keep you to survive, is to keep you safe.

And sometimes certain emotions might feel safe because of pattern, because of repetition. But when you took to push this button, what happens is when you are able to see things from this neutral point of view. You're able to wire into yourself and to know that from this point going forward you can neutralize your thoughts. You can see them just as thoughts and they no longer have power over you. Go ahead and put your finger over this button and know that when you click down on this button, you're going to see and experience a new reality.

In a reality where you choose how you respond to things that happen are a reality where you're not reacting to the environment. Our reality where everything can be neutral if you decide for it too. Go ahead and put your finger on the button and then push it down and notice that as you push it down, you then feel yourself letting go of what no longer serves. You were then able to let go of any attachments you have to labels, any memories that were always being brought back up.

You realize that now you can see any painful memories as simply a memory. It's simply a thought that's resurfacing based on repetition brought from this point going forward. You know that you can just see it for what it is. It is simply a memory and knows that going forward you are changing and have changed the way that you relate to your thoughts because your thoughts simply now repeat that mantra, that affirmation.

My thoughts are simply thoughts. My thoughts are neutral and I give them meaning and if I choose for situations to have a positive effect, then I will get a positive effect. I choose to reframe painful experiences and to know that I can grow from them. I choose to know that anytime I want, I can neutralize my thoughts and observed them.

This set point as you were to increase this dial, it would increase in vibration. You'd be feeling more energy in your heart and you'd be experiencing your true authentic self. Notice that on the set point it is from one to 10. No. What we are now going to do is we're going to turn up our vibrational set point, our emotional set point, and with every number that I count up to 10 you're going to feel more relaxed.

You're going to feel an increase in the energy inside of your heart. You're going to feel more love than ever before, and you're going to know that this is your new natural set point. Imagine that the knobs on one right now and then we'll begin to move it up, one to feel the energy through your body. Begin to double and relaxation.

Double in this energy in your heart. Three, four, five, six. Feel the energy inside your heart. Know that this tingling vibration will continue to increase. Seven eight doubling in vibration nine 10 this is your natural set point. This is who you are. Imagine that there is light flowing through all of your body right now that this light is full of love.

This light is full of who you really are at this point going forward, you realize that this is your natural set point and that anything that comes up from the past, you're able to neutralize it and see it from a neutral point of view. You understand that you are not your thoughts. You may think thoughts, but now that you are aware of your thoughts, they no longer have power over you. You have forever changed the way that you relate to your thoughts.

You're going to know that your emotional set point has changed. You're going to realize that the way you relate to your thoughts is completely different. You have much more awareness than before you started this meditation and you are much more aware of who you are and how you relate to your thoughts. Sorry. 10. Feel yourself now becoming more alert. Present to the moment. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four.

Feel yourself now. Start to wiggle your toes. Start to move around. Three, two, one, one, one go ahead an open up your eyes and simply know that from this point going forward, you are a totally new person with a totally new vibrational set point. This process is all about understanding how we relate to our emotions. You have changed the way that you relate to your emotions and you have also increased your own vibrational set point.

I do recommend that you listen to this meditation for at least 21 days to get the full benefit out of it and to really make this a solidified thing that you've raised your vibrational set point. You will see that in-depth training video, the series that I'm making that show you exactly how to transform your emotional set point. It's free, it's in the top of the description box.

If you want to check that out and learn EFT tapping and all the other modalities you can use for letting go and really raising your vibrational set point. I'm also going to be doing more live communities on Instagram, so if you want to ask me questions or also I'll be doing live meditations there as well. Go ahead and follow me on Instagram as well.

Ascension into the 4th Dimension and Why it’s Happening NOW

I'm going to be sharing with you the ascension into the fourth dimension that is happening right now. I'm going to show you why at a deep level, you know this and what you can do to make this an easy transition part.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of the ascension into the fourth dimension and understanding why it's happening right now on the planet and also sharing with you that at a deep level you knew that this was going to be the happened in this life. The main reason you came here was to go through this shift in consciousness and it's, of course, you have a purpose in life as well and no purpose will be tied to your passion, which is the highest frequency and there's a lot you can learn in life.

But the main reason there are almost 8 billion people on the planet right now is that there is a shift in consciousness happening and this shift in consciousness has to do with the dimensional shift, a dimensional shift in awareness. Before I go too deep into understanding this fourth-dimensional ascension that is happening, let's understand that there are different dimensional shifts when it comes to awareness.

Sometimes when we think of dimensions as well, we think of it in the form of different plates, like their dimension. Here I am, the fourth dimension, I'm going to be completely up there like it heaven or something like that. Understand that this is a shift in consciousness, but in this different shift in consciousness, the reality is totally different.

But let's go back to the different states of consciousness and understand three d reality. The third-dimensional state of consciousness. Is that a duality? It's good, Bad, light, dark. Also, think of the third dimension as the brain. The brain is polarized with left brain and right brain and the idea and the understanding is when we become attached to those ideologies, it keeps us in the third-dimensional state of consciousness.

That's why when you watched the news, it gets you kind of pulled into those states of consciousness into the three d. It's because it keeps you at a certain frequency band. You can only perceive that which you are the vibration up. When you're thinking of all this stuff that's happening on the news, you then look out into the world and assume that this is the way the world is. When in actuality it's very different.

But in general, the third dimension is a state where we have duality, good, bad, light, dark. A lot of times in three d reality, there'll be a level of control. There'll be a level of control when it comes to how things are running and the kind of information that's out there and that is something that's been on the planet for thousands of years.

The fourth dimension is about understanding time and space in a new way. There's still a certain level of duality. We can still have polarization, but it's coming from a much different place. The fourth dimension is more about understanding vibration. It's more about vibrational resonance and the fourth as well. Things become much more slippery when it comes to time. Time will appear to go by much faster.

Have you felt that recently? Have you felt like time has in a way sped up? That is because there is this quickening of vibration happening, but in general, when it comes to the fourth dimension, time becomes slippery. We don't think in terms of the past future present, we are more so looking and feeling that vibration.

This is also when we understand that space is more flexible. Time's flexible spaces flexible. This is when we'll realize that in a way life is a form of a dream and things in life become much more dreamlike. This is also when a lot of times timeline, splitting, timeline shifting. What happened with this is what we call them Mandela effect or some people believe that Nelson Mandela died at a certain time and then other people believe that the opposite.

This is because there's this bifurcation of timelines and there's a difference. There's this Mandela effect that happens based on people's perception, so there's more of this shifting that happens. 5D consciousness is unity consciousness. It's where we recognize the connection between off people. It's where we understand that we are infant spiritual beings living a temporary human experience, and the fourth dimension we start.

We understand that as well. We start to understand this connection that we have with everyone else, but the fifth-dimensional state of consciousness really is a level of consciousness that's purely in the heart. It's about understanding our connection to everyone else and that's why there'd be no war at all in the fifth dimension because other people are other versions of you.

Why would you do something bad to someone else like that when that's another aspect of you? There's a higher level of awareness there. The fourth dimension though, there's still a level of this physical reality where we can see it more dreamlike and there's an increase of vibration. This is when you focus more on how you feel in the 3D reality have to work really hard to manifest what you want.

4D realities about this alignment of energy, the alignment of the emotion and understanding that in this reality things become much more magical. If you were to look to Harry Potter, for example, the movie, that would be like a fourth-dimensional state right there. Of course, it'd be higher. It could be higher because there's a lot of stuff going on in that movie. But the magical type of stuff that happens is more in alignment with the fourth dimension.

It's like almost like we've become more magical Atlanta's times as well. You look back to Atlantis Times. There were abilities that we had that we could barely even imagine. When it comes to what we can do with crystals when it comes to what we could do, it's just we end up using it and not so good way and that's what brought us down back into a level of consciousness.

Without that magical type stuff that we could do, but now we're coming more aware of this and we're raising our vibration and going from carbon-based bodies to crystal and body, which means our bodies can carry more light. We're literally starting to turn our body into more and more light. That we understand a little bit about what these dimensions are.

Let's understand this ascension to the fourth dimension that is happening right now on the planet and what we can begin to understand is that the 1980s there was something called the harmonic convergence. The harmonic convergence had to do with an influx of energy that began to awaken people. Waking a lot of people to their mission as well.

But, into this understanding that there is this shift in consciousness about to happen on the planet and since then there have been more and more people waking up every single day and even now it's amazing how much it is avalanche since then and he might ask yourself, why are we going through this ascension? Well, first off it is simply a natural byproduct for certain cycles.

There are certain cycles that we go through in reality and this is one of them in a way. Think of it as well as we raise our vibration, we have the ability to let go of a lot of Karma, a lot of Karma that may have been built up for many, many lifetimes. We're back here to release that Karma and understand that we can let it go and as our vibration increases, we can deal with it faster than ever.

We can get through lifetimes of Karma in one little life because of this ascension into a higher vibration. This is essentially the fourth-dimensional state of consciousness. Understand that this is a natural cycle. It's a natural way for reality works. However earth herself, the planet earth is an actual beam. This may sound a little bit out there, but planet earth is an actual beam.

We have that and we're kind of like the sales on planet Gaia. We are like the cell, so as the planet herself, you could call their Gaia. Gaia herself is going through the ascension of vibration. As Gaia, herself goes through this ascension of vibration. We as the cells on Gaia are also going through this shift in consciousness and you could say the same thing about the sun.

The light coming from the sun is transforming our consciousness. This is a whole evolution of consciousness happening. Let's look at why this may have happened and why this is happening now. Well, one, it's part of a cycle too. Let me tell you a little story and you tell me if this resonates with you. I shared this before in the video. It's maybe the second time you hear it, but here's what happened. Back in the 30s and the forties the 30s and the forties we started to create and have nuclear bombs.

Nuclear bombs are very powerful. They are also very dangerous. And these nuclear bombs that we were setting off on the planet, we were setting those off and those bombs, the energy from those bumps are going out into the universe and far out into the universe because that's how powerful those nuclear bombs are. What happens is in this reality, we have free.

What we have is this veil of forgetfulness, where we come to planet earth, we forget who we are so that we can remember who we are, will that free is honored unless we as a planet are influencing other reality systems with our own stupidity or our own ignorance. If that is the case, then there is divine intervention. What happened? His mother, Gaia put out a call into the universe, said, I need help. There was a call for help.

There was this understanding that Gaia herself needed help to transition into a higher dimension. Because she didn't want to have to destroy yourself. She didn't want the beans on the planet to destroy themselves, which would destroy her and nuclear bombs have the potential to do that, to destroy the whole planet and it's happened in the past as well.

This call was put out, it needs as a higher dimensional being because you let your core are high dimensional been we're in other reality systems on other planets doing some pretty cool stuff. You were maybe teleporting to different places because that's the fourth dimension in a higher state of thing that you could do. You were being able to read your friends and family telepathically because that's what you can do in the fourth dimension.

You can make things magically happen because that's the thing that you can do in the fourth dimension and hire many, many of us as well or exist in higher states of consciousness in that. However, these are things that we could do. But we heard that call, and we remembered that we had many lifetimes on earth back in the day and we had a special soft spot in our heart, a little soft spot where like I love the earth.

I remembered this earth is a very unique place because people from all over the universe, this is like a melting pot of people from all over the universe in many galaxies come to earth and it's like a melting pot and there are many different types of beans incarnated on earth right now. That's why there are so many different personalities and so many different types of people.

We said you know what? It's not going to be easy because I'm going to have to forget who I am and most reality systems, I remember who I am even as a baby and I'm grown up with this spiritual understanding that I'm a spiritual being, limited temporary human experience. I'm going to go to Earth, I'm going to forget totally who I am so that I can remember who I am, go through a spiritual awakening and then align with my mission and help other people on the planet awakened so that we go through this shift in consciousness together.

And along the way, I'm going to release some Karma as well so that I don't have to be so tied to the earth plane because when we built up Carmen, we've got to deal with it. We said you know what, out of compassion, I'm coming back to Earth. You'd started to come back to Earth. You had to also lower your vibration and your signature into such a low forum that you could come into this planet.

Some people say I don't want to be here is painful. I get it. You're such a high vibrational being, every single one of you that yes, it is dense to be here, but you can handle it. You wouldn't come here if you couldn't handle it. You chose to come here to help awaken the planet and you knew as well that this is one of the most exciting times to ever be alive because never before has a whole entire planet moves into a higher dimension in a body the way that we are.

Yes, it's happened in certain ways. Certain societies have done it, but the whole entire planet is going through this shift in consciousness right now and over the next period of time on the planet, there's going to be more transformation than ever before because of this. And you came to be a part of it and you're one of the first to wake up. If you're watching my videos, you know that as well. You're one of the first people to wake up cause you wouldn't have woken up if this didn't resonate with you.

You wouldn't have woken up and read on this blog. Even it means at a deep level. This resonates with you. Let's understand as well. This is something I believe. I believe we are already in the fourth dimension. All of us. Some people say the fourth dimension is time. We're in the fifth dimension. In general, we are in the fourth dimension in this dreamlike reality.

Dreaming that we're still in the third dimension because you see there's a certain momentum that the thoughts, we think there's a certain momentum to the co-creative powers understand that just like you create your own reality, all of us together are teamed up creating our own collective reality. It's just that there are certain old structures like the old political structure of the old days, the old guy that has momentum, so we're letting that that wheel spin out and slow its role and then we're going to assert this new way of being.

However, we are in the fourth dimension, creating the illusion that the third dimension is still here and it becomes even harder and harder to engage with it if you noticed that, that it just drains your energy because you're not in the vibration of it anymore. You may try to pay attention to all the news and try to pay attention to this and try to pay attention to that, but it's harder because your vibration is quickening.

There's this more contrast that's happening. Understand that for the fourth dimension, it's already here. It's just aligning with it. Understand that your beliefs about reality control, your kind of experiences. If you believe that reality is very fixed, very hard, very slow, very hard to manifest, that's a 3D level of consciousness. How about reality is more like a dream. The more you know that the more dreamlike and becomes the time and space is flexible.

You'll notice that time starts to slip away. You'll notice that you're just so in the moment that it not only feels better, but things happen faster than ever. That's because your vibration is increasing and as time goes on, it will keep on doing that because your vibrational continue to increase something that it also shutting with studying with the Schumann residents, the residents of the planet has been increasing.

This is something that can be measured as the planet increases. So does our physical bodies. We are going through this shift in consciousness just as the planet herself is going through this shift in consciousness and we will continue to go through this shift in consciousness. Understand that the reason this fourth-dimensional shift happening now and in a certain way, it's already happened. We're just raising our vibration and lowering and letting go of the old momentum.

We can then start to be with it. We can start to align with it more and more. Be present to the moment and one of the keys to this is doing what you are passionate about. When you're doing what you're passionate about, you're doing and aligning with your soul's frequency, which is what you're meant to be doing. When I make these videos, I'm in my soul's frequency.

I can make two or three of these videos in a row because I've done my soul's frequency, but that's my, that's what puts me in a high vibration because it's my purpose and maybe your purpose is similar. Maybe it's different, but find out what that is. Get to your core, set the intention to find out what that is and it will start to come to you. You'll notice it pop out in your life. Oh, I can do this.

I can do that. Be aware of it, follow your passion and raise your frequency. The more you raise your vibration in the morning, you help this planet ascend as the best thing you can do. You want to help with this board. He shifts. Raise your vibration, let go of things that no longer serve, do what you're passionate about and as you do all of this, you will raise your vibration and you will make this shift easier than ever.

That's the fourth-dimensional shift that's happening right now on the planet. Ascension into it. Something you meant to go through. Your body is literally transforming from carbon-based a Christian base as we speak. It will continue to happen. Let me know in the comments what you think of this ascension.

 Are you enjoying it? Can you feel it? Do you feel like time is fed up and your comment below? Also, I have a raise your vibration mP3 that will help you to raise your vibrational set point. This will help you to rise into the fourth-dimensional state of consciousness.

3 Things Keeping you TRAPPED in the 3rd Dimension and you don’t even know it

I'm going to be sharing with you the three things, keeping you trapped in the third dimension and you don't even know what I'm going to show you. Ways of breaking out of it so that you start to live in a higher level of consciousness.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things that will keep you trapped in the third-dimensional state of consciousness. Understanding it's easier to break out than you think and that when you do this, you start to also feel higher vibrational states of consciousness, me and you feel better emotions.

Right now, on the planet, in case you haven't seen my other videos about it, is there is this ascension going on, this rise in vibrational frequency and what is priorly? The main dominant frequency on the planet has been what is called the third dimension. Understand also when we call it the talk about dimensions. Dimensions aren't separate places. It's not like we're in the 3D reality right now in the third dimension.

And then we had set it up to the fifth dimension and it's a completely different space, completely different like a planet or anything. It's literally here and we have access to a 3D level of consciousness afford the level of consciousness and a 5D level of consciousness. This is in a way, it's like a frequency band of different levels of perception that we can experience.

The main dominant frequency on the planet for a very long time was the 3D reality, that third-dimensional state of consciousness and this 3D reality is all about duality. Duality means good, bad light, dark. Think of duality as creating from the mind. It was polarized, so left brain, right brain, good and bad, light, dark up down, Republican, Democrat, this sports team, this sports team, oh, whatever it is.

There's all this polarization going on now in the 3D reality as well. There's this strong attachment to ideologies and there's also normally a strong degree of control, so there's been a certain level of control on the planet for a very long time. We're, the media has been in a certain way, you know, fabricated to where we believe this is the way reality is.

And you could almost think of it like these lower vibrational emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, anger. The idea is that if people are kept in that frequency range of everything you see on the news is you know there's bad stuff happening and then you'll think the world is bad and you'll be in the fear mode for in a fear mode.

You're not going to really ask about a spiritual awakening. You're not really going to understand and try to branch outside of where you are because you're in survival mode. Keep everyone in that these frequency band and they won't really question too much by the time they get done with their nine to five job, working over 40 hours a week trying to get their errands ran on their days off, taking care of their family and everything.

They sit down at night and what do they have the options to do. They can either watch some game of Thrones TV show. They can question the existence of reality and wonder how reality really works. But you see if you're kept in that frequency band of the fear mentality of the news, that's why everything on the news is negative because it keeps people in that fear mentality that it keeps people unaware of who they are, but now on the planet as a time of waking up.

In order to do that, you had to disengage from that. You got to disengage from the news, disengage and understand there's more to reality than what is projected out to us. 3D reality is being aware of that but not being angry about it as well. I'll talk a little bit about that as well, but when it comes to this, the 3D reality is where we're moving out of and then we're moving into a 4D and 5D state of consciousness. In 4D reality, it is more about vibration. It is more about understanding that time exists now in 3D it's past, present, future. It's very linear.

The focused when we understand that now is the only moment that exists. What you want to manifest becomes easier than ever because it's more tapping into the vibrational resonance of it. When you tap into the vibrational resonance of it, you tap into your heart center and it has even more power in the fourth dimension. There can still be polarity.

There could still be fourth density, positive and negative, but it's coming from a different place and it's also when you realize that in a way life is like a form of a dream. Life becomes much more flexible. Think of Harry Potter. That would be like the fourth dimension. When we're able to do like magic and stuff and in this reality we could do stuff like that. We're becoming more and more aware that if you've heard about like the ancient Yogis, if you've already read the book autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda.

He had firsthand accounts with these kinds of yogis that literally could do magic, but that's our natural state of being and just forgotten it. If you go back to Atlantis Times, we had this kind of abilities with magic but we fell from civilization because our egos got to us. We started using it for bad stuff. He's also a divine type of way.

We can go about this, but we fell from that and Atlanta is timed, but now we're reemerging as that and we're going back to this 4 and 5D state of consciousness. The fourth dimension is more about this, this dreamlike reality of things becoming much more magical and we realize that life is a form of drain and 40 which makes it lighter, much more fun. And in the 5D reality, that's when you tap into unconditional love.

That's when you tap and even higher states of consciousness. That's when you create from your heart instead of your ego. And that's when you also understand this connection to everyone else. We're all connected. That's a label. I'm not a label, whatever. That's the 3D reality and 5D reality where like everyone is connected. I wouldn't do anything bad to you because you are another aspect of me. Another thing that's available in 4D consciousness is what is called telepathy and already 93% or more of communication and current society is not the words you say it is nonverbal.

It's mainly body language and tonality. Well, in the same way in 4D reality, fourth-dimensional state of consciousness, telepathy is a natural state of how we communicate. We don't really use words in the same way. We can just kind of know because we're also all connected, but you become more aware of that connection and it's like it's easier to tap into it. Telepathy being very empathic. These are all natural things that we experienced in 4 and 5D reality, the fourth dimension, the fifth-dimensional state of consciousness.

On this planet right now, what we decided to do as a collective is going through a shift in consciousness. We are moving from the 3D and into the 4 and 5D levels of consciousness. It is happening right now. On the planet. It is why you chose to come to earth at this time. Maybe at a deeper level, you know, you, you feel this, but nonetheless, the reason there are so many people here on the planet right now is to go through this shift in consciousness because when we come to Earth, we forget who we are.

It's just a part of the way this reality works. We forget who we are. There's a veil of forgetfulness so that we can go through certain experiences. We can have things that happened that we ended up transcending. We can go through the pain and it out of that pain, out of that pressure, we come out of it and we become more because we start to question our existence.

We started to question who we are, and in that spiritual awakening, there's a raising vibration. There's or re remembrance, literally our re remembrance of who we really are and that's part of the game itself. This game of life. It's to remember who we are. Can we forget who we are through this veil of forgetfulness and then wake up to who we really are. That's something that we chose to experience.

What is weird? Maybe weird is actually just believing that you're a separate entity and that you're just this physical ego structure experiencing reality through that at the five senses, which are limited expressions of vibrational interpretation when your reality, you're so much more than that, but right now and he ain't gone do. What are you doing in life right now?

You're waking up to more of who you are. Waking up to knowing that you're nice, moral, spiritual being, living in temporary human experience, waking up from the reality veil of forgetfulness that we go through and are born so that we can then be the natural vibration, that high vibration that we're meant to be and then we can help other people wake up. Everyone's going to do is awaken you right now for that purpose. That is the power of this awakening that's happening right now.

Let's understand the three things that'll keep you trapped in the third dimension. The first one I'm going to share has to do with simply fear, fear, very simple. I'm going to get into some more fun ones here in a minute, but the first one is fear because if you're in a fearful state, if you're in survival mode, then you're not going to question reality so much.

You just going to kind of do what you're told. You're in survival mode. The key is being aware of that fear and then choosing not to engage in it, choosing to observe it. Fear is false evidence appearing real. It's an acronym, meaning different letters from different fear, false evidence appearing real. You get it. False evidence appearing real. You look at that evidence and you go broader, that's false. That's false. I don't need to get engaged in it.

I don't need to watch the news anymore. I don't need to engage with it because I realize that it is an illusion. This whole separation game is an illusion. It's an illusion I have agreed to for a certain period of our life, but I don't choose to experience it anymore. The media knows this, not even the media that people that behind that that have that orchestrated out. Understand that with this 3, 4, or 5D split, there's also these different timelines.

Like right now I'd be more of a 4D state of consciousness and yes, there's still 3D stuff going on in the world. I go watch the news, I can go to someplace and react to all this stuff and then being a 3d timeline. But in the moment, right now you have a choice and when you realize that your vibration is a choice, you start to take your power back because then you ask yourself a question, what do I choose to engage with?

Will I engage with that of CNN or Fox News or will I engage with something that I'm actually passionate about? Something I will actually directly influenced my life. Because even though it was, a lot of people would tell you, oh, you watch the news or you, you could return not to watch the news, but all this stuff affects you. I'm going to tell you, I have not watched the news in five to six years and nothing has.

If you could say, oh, indirectly things the president does affect you and stuff like that. Well, it's not in my awareness and I'm not getting angry about it, so it's not lowering my vibration because I am not even paying attention to it. You do have a choice and when you realize you have a choice is when you start to take your power back. But if you believe that you are a victim of circumstance, then you will continue to create that experience over and over again.

That will keep you entrenched into the third dimension through its fear, it's identity and identification with that fear. Observe the fear as for what it is, false evidence appearing real. And as you do that, you start to take your power back. This is part of the process of transcending that, of transcending the 3D reality is understanding and claiming your power back.

And when you claim your power back and no longer has as much effect over you, the second thing that's keeping you trapped in the third dimension is that of something new. This is a fun one I want to share is that of songs. The thoughts that we think that we are invisible. Yes, our thoughts are invisible until they manifest the thoughts we think are still things.

There are real things. They're energetic patterns. When we are thinking certain thoughts, they are coming out of us, they're going into our energetic field and we were walking around and those thoughts are teaming up with other people that are resonating with different situations, different opportunities in our life and we'd pick up on them.

Most of the thoughts that we think are our own are not really ours. Most of the beliefs that you have come from other people. Somebody told you when you were young that you are not capable or you are a dumb or whatever it is and you may have believed that those aren't your thoughts, Bro. Those weren't your thoughts. Those were someone else's thoughts, but you may have taken them on.

You may have literally said, okay, grab them, put them on and loved it around and started lugging them around. They get this as you are. I am. These are the thoughts. These are, this is me. But they're just thoughts. When you become aware of it and she's realized that a lot of the thoughts you think aren't even your own, so you can start to just let them go. Just like it. Let go of something that's not yours.

You wouldn't go, you will carry it out. It's not yours that's called, that's called fee for re thief. Don't want to be a thief, okay? It's called robbery or something. Just let it go. Even if it's your parents believe superiors, luggage, let it go. If it's something a kid told you we were in here in school and just let it go. And as you do this, you start to naturally be in a 4 or 5D state.

Knowing that these songs now I'm going to get into songs, but knowing that these thoughts are yours, here's the understanding of songs, okay? When you get something's caught in your head, some type of song caught in your head and you're going around, you're going around walking around or wherever you are. We are connected to this collective consciousness grid within this collective consciousness grid is an accumulation of all the thoughts of the billions of people on the planet.

When you are thinking and humming and singing a song or something that millions of other people have thought of, that song, whatever song that is, you are literally pulling upon the consciousness of everyone else that is seen that song. If you are sitting in some rap song, it's like get me to the muddy, but I came out of, you know I live in the, I live in hard times.

Well, the consciousness that you are pulling from the thoughts, the emotions that you're feeling, you're also going to be pulling upon all the other people thinking the same thought, seeking the same song. Be aware of what that is because when you tap into this social conditioning when you tap into what a lot of other people are thinking and feeling, you begin to literally think and feel the same way.

I know this because sometimes I get some song caught in my head. I used to always get the song caught my head by the weekend and anytime I can, so Matt, I'd hear it somewhere and I hear it. When I get mad, because they don't be caught in my head for four days, I think it was impossible to get out of my head. Songs are really catchy, but I would also feel this pull almost. I start thinking, feeling similarly, not just because of the repetition of the songs, but in general. We pulled upon consciousness.

This is why when you do a sacred mantra, you tap into this level of consciousness because most people that are doing the heathers, the same sacred mantra have the same intention, divine connection, whatever it is. So mantras that sacred mantras can be powerful for unplugging you from social conditioning and tap into a sacred part of yourself.

Or it can work against you because you could be like, get me to the money. Look at these, all this, you know, negative connotations and stuff and all this stuff that brings us down in vibration. I believe that a lot of the songs we'd seen and these things we're tapping into other people's conditioning and consciousness. Even the person that's singing the songs consciousness. It'll keep you trapped though.

If you're constantly infusing yourself in an environment that keeps you in that moment modality, it's going to be hard to get out of it because your environment, the, even the inner environment and the outer environment is being triggered in that way. The other thing he keeping you trapped in this third dimension is psalms slash social conditioning.

These thought forms that aren't even really yours. You are Republican, you are a Democrat. If you are triggered into any of these things, better to be Democrat or Republican, you're still being pulled in by the system. You're still being pulled in by the social conditioning. Realize you can disengage from it, you can observe it and by observing it, you start to take your power back. That's the second thing, keeping you trapped in the third dimension.

Understand with everything I'm saying, this isn't a fearful thing. You're trapped in the third dimension. You still get out the belief that you're trapped in the third dimension. We'll keep your chapter in the third dimension. He's limiting beliefs or what you can begin to detach from. That brings me to the third one, the most obvious one, but the one that will really allow and allow you to be free is to understand the thing is keeping you trapped in.

The third dimension is simply a reaction, reacting and not responding, reacting to the thoughts you have reacted and things happen in reality. Stop reacting, start observing, observe the 3D at the same time. You don't want to become too angry with a 3-d cause. I'm aware of the 3D but I'm like, oh look at this, look at that. I'm angry at these people that run this or that, whatever it is that is externalized as the power, let go of the victimization, observe it.

It's part of the experience. We chose to come here to earth, that this time to awaken and to help other people awakening and there will be an old structure that exists, but that old structure is continuing to fall apart. It's falling apart right now. Observe it fall apart and know that it is part of the process. It's part of this process, but as you let it fall apart, you didn't become more aware of who you are.

You then raise your own vibration and right now on the planet, we are raising our vibration, but the key to this is observation. Every day for five or 10 minutes, observe your thoughts even right now. Observe the next thought that comes into your mind. Wait for it. Wait for it. Observe the next thought that comes into your mind. Listen, you see as you put that awareness, that listening, that alertness in. Okay.

You create a little bit more space in between what you were thinking once you are identifying within that space is that observation mine. That's when you disengage from the old identity. You disengage from the things that you're feeling attached to or being attached to the outcome, whatever it is. When you disengage, you create space. And in that space, is where you bring in presence. And when you're bringing presence, you raise your vibration.

This little thing right here, you can apply every single day and you'll begin to disengage from the 3D reality. Yes, stuff's going on, stuff's happening in the news, whatever it is, be aware of it. But now that you don't have to be consumed by it, you see that's where the power is. These are the three things, keeping you trapped in the third dimension.

Be aware of the kind of music you're listening to, being aware of the things that you're engaging in the social conditioning. Choose to think for yourself as well. Sometimes it's the sexy, popular thing to be inside of the third-dimensional state of consciousness. You can disengage from it and you can let it go. It doesn't serve anymore. You can observe it and in the observations where all the power is, you don't have to be fearful anymore.

Fear is false evidence appearing real. You can choose your response to things and as you choose your response to things, you take your power back. No, you're not in the victim. And my having that mentality, knowing that you create your own reality, you choose how you respond to things.

The Secret to How Enlightened People Manifest REVEALED

I'm going to be sharing with you how enlightened people manifest showing you the things that they do and the way that they are. In order for them to do that in a very powerful way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how enlightened people manifest, revealing to you the things the thought processes they have, and even going beyond the thought process they have in order for them to actually do that. These are going to be some things that I've noticed in either studying people that we consider to be enlightened and either from the book the autobiography of a Yogi by Yoganonda or looking at some of the things Oh, the show was able to do when it comes to him in his Rolls Royce.

If you look at some of the other enlightened people that we generally assume to be at that level of consciousness, there are certain things, and there are certain perspectives that they have that make the process of manifestation so much easier. And what we can begin to do is take some of those perspectives and see how it can change some of the ways that we think about the process of manifestation.

Because if we start to adopt some of those similar processes, there's a chance that not only will we raise our consciousness, but as we raise our vibration, we also will be attracting things to us in a much easier way. If you were to read that of the autobiography of a Yogi, which is a, from Yogananda who was in an enlightened person in early 1900, I think he died around 1950, I believe.

And he documented, and it's an autobiography. It was him documenting and showing his life and what he went through when he was going through the process of becoming enlightened, but also the interactions he had with his gurus and the interactions that he had with other enlightened people in India. And there are many stories in there.

There were stories of things materializing. His mom had this locket that materialized in her hand because it grew, told her that that was going to be a locket she was eventually going to give to Yoganonda. And she went into meditation. This lock, it just appeared in her hand after a couple of minutes of meditation.

There are many stories of things like that happening when it comes to understanding manifestation and even how reality works in a, in a powerful way. Looking at that, let's look at some of the perspectives that enlightened people have that makes it so that they're really able to manifest in a very easy way. First off, the underlying arch belief or the way they see reality is different than the way that we see reality in the way that they see reality as a combination of light.

They see everything is light. They have the awareness that everything in the world is different compositions of light and because of that there is no need to give one importance to one and not the other and because they see it as simply light, it makes it easier for it to be mold, for it to be changeable, for it to be flexible.

There's this one analogy that Yogananda uses. What he does is he talks about consciousness in general and he says, what happens is when you go to a movie and you have this film projector and this light that's being shown through these frames onto the screen, you will watch that movie and you will enjoy that movie. You will even suspend some of the belief that you are watching a movie. That you can immerse yourself in it and relate to the movie so that you get some type of effect out of it.

However, at the end of the movie and at any point you can realize that it's just moving pictures on a wall. But if you get value out of it, it's because you related to it and you internalized it, but at the greater fundamental basis you realize that it is all light and different compositions as being projected onto the wall in the same way.

Life, in general, is all light. We just give things a different sense of realness because we are immersed inside of it, but you see enlightened people understand that even though that projector with the light shining through it and we may suspend belief and watch a movie, they have the awareness that life is no different at all. Life is the same exact way. It is a different composition of light. It has different combinations of it and because of that changing something is a very minor thing because also they aren't even attached to it.

It's like being attached to a movie. You don't have to be attached to the movie and an enlightened person is not attached to what other people think and an enlightened person is not attached to exactly how things happen. The enlightened person is very neutral in their observation. They are not giving importance to different things.

They are just there. He would have that and he would have that desire and he didn't even have to make the money for it. People, rich people were literally just like, here's my Rolls Royce. You can borrow it, you can have it here, take it. And he had many, many roles rise because of this. Could it be because he simply, it was loved Rolls Royces?

He appreciated them and he was not attached to it whatsoever. And because he was in a high vibration, things like that, we'll just allow themselves to, to come to him. The enlightened people in such a way that they are not attached to the outcome and that they also realize that life in general and everything we experience in life is simply light.

It has different compensations of lights and they do not identify too much with any one thing. Another thing I've noticed in enlightened people is that when it comes to this process when things really start to happen for you is when you have an intention to go with the divine universe. You can call it whatever name you want, but when you merge with the divine when you be humble and you allow this light to fill your body with the intention of adding value to other people, the energy begins to carry you in a very powerful way.

Many times, when I was reading Yoganonda the book Autobiography of a Yogi, there was one time when one of the gurus after he became enlightened, his guru told him that anytime he wants his guru would have materialized for him. That's another thing as well. They're not bound by time and space.

There are some gurus that we're able to literally materialize in front of Yogananda this, this sounds impossible. It sounds possible from the mindset that says that everything is based on form. Everything is solid, but you see they go be AV and have gone beyond belief. They have gone into a new state of consciousness and the thing was after one of the disciples, I forget exactly who it was, became enlightened and his guru materialized and said, anytime you want, you call upon me.

I'll show up. He went on and went to his, one of his friend's house, and he wanted to show his friends what he could do. What happened is he went into a room, he said, let me go into this room. I'm going to call upon my guru, and you're going to see that there was no way he came into this room other than he materialized.

He goes into the room, he closes the door. His friends are outside and the other room he calls upon his guru. His Guru comes and he says, Guru, I have these people here. I would like them to come in to see that you're real. He said, don't do that because that is not a divine type reasoning for doing so just to prove it to someone else.

To prove it to someone else that probably won't believe in anyway, and he was right because then he begged, he grew was said, let this slide this one time, just do it because I just, I don't want to look on not credible to all these people that I just told that. We said, okay, so these people come in, they look at him and even then, the people were trying to figure out how the guru got in there and his guru's message for him was from now on, I'm not going to come.

Anytime you call me, I'll come anytime you need me. But also, it must be in more of a divine type way. It must be something that's not to prove something to someone else. People say, you know, they may talk about levitation and they may say, why don't they just someone to levitate? And he just put it on Youtube. And the idea behind it is that that takes out the divinity of the process.

It may sound like an excuse, you might buy it. I was just an excuse not to do it. But the thing is when we talk about this level of con, if you could make something out of gold, if you could turn iron into gold, and if you had any intention whatsoever of selling that or making money on it, then it takes out the divinity of it and you won't be able to do it.

It has to be done with divine intention. And many times, a divine intention includes the intention of adding value to other people. If it's good for someone else, it's almost like the power will come through more. But if it's something that is just for an ego type gain or to accentuate the ego, then many times it may not actually happen. It also has to do with merging with divinity, merging what is best for all.

When you do that, the energy will begin to carry itself because you see enlightened people understand that we're all connected. There really is no separation other than the identity in our mind and the labels in our mind that says, I am you, IME you or you. And the more I emphasize me and you, the more separation we feel enlightened. People don't know where they begin and where they end.

He didn't know what was him and what was not him, because he dropped identification with form. And that caused him to be in a very high vibrational state, which was his enlightenment. You see the higher up the vibrational scale we go when we go from reasoning, which is the intellect. Beliefs create reality into that of love.

We have to drop the intellect, we have to drop the beliefs, we have to just be enlightened. People are just being, they are present to the moment and many times we get distracted from everything else because we're here now, we want to be here. We're looking at here. We're looking at all of these different parts instead of just being here now because they are being and they are embodying the present moment so much. They have more of their energy coming in and then it affects more and more people.

You know, they say that when you're around certain enlightened people, it just, the, their energy just affects you. I've never been around someone like that, but apparently, it's supposed to be a very powerful emotion and feeling because that steak transference comes off in a way. It kind of initiates people, which kind of makes sense because an autobiography of a Yogi, there's something called Korea Yoga, and in order to go through Korea Yoga, you have to have someone that initiates you into it.

Not that that person has to be enlightened, but there's a certain process, certain visualization process for bringing the energy through the body and aligning and everything for Korea Yoga. In general, the way that enlightened people manifest is the first thing they do is they're already enlightened. That is a very high vibrational state they understand and they realize that everything in their life that they experience is a composition of light and it is not necessarily real. That's another thing as well.

We get so much validity and we think everything is so real, so because it's so real, it has that kind of effects. If you realize that life is a form of a dream, your life will become a dream and that was one thing that was very often talked about with enlightened people is that this is the dream of life. There is more to this. We exist in higher states of consciousness beyond this light form, beyond this life form and light form. And because we exist beyond it, we realized that this is a temporary dream that we can enjoy right now.

But there is so much more, there is so much more than just this. And enlightened people know that. They don't give too much emphasis or too much power over to this type of process. Enlightened people are in a high vibration state. They are not attached to the outcome because their thoughts are so clear. Their intention also has much more power.

Think about it. Normally I can set an intention to go do something, but if I have all these cloudy thoughts there, it's not as powerful after I meditate or do yoga. My thoughts are much more powerful because I am so much more present to the moment and, and people have no other thoughts that they're attached to. When they think of something, it becomes the will win.

In Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda is talking to one of his gurus. If one of his gurus was say something to him like, you can go do this, are you going to go do this? It almost, it's almost like it just naturally will happen. He believes in it so much that it will happen, that it does happen. That belief, it could be partially because the belief he has in him, but it also could be because the other guru has such a clear intention in such a clear outcome that it just aligns to that reality because this reality is just a composition of light.

This is the power of understanding how enlightened people manifest of how they're able to do that from an energy state and how we could be getting to adopt some of those ideas to how can you adopt those ideas? First off, start to observe your thoughts. Your thoughts then have more intention or more power behind them. When you do have thoughts, you say, I'm going to go do this. I intend for x, y, z. It has more power.

Also, realize you can merge with the universe. Having the intention of adding value. The reason I can do daily videos on YouTube is that I'm always having this intention of giving information to the energy comes to me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do daily videos. It just comes through me because I have this intention of just giving.

Does it make me a saint or anything? I'm just saying that's what I do is I merged with that energy and at the same way that you can begin to do as well as you can begin to look and realize that life is a composition of light. It's all moving pictures because it's moving pictures. You can rearrange those pitchers and by not being attached, not being attached to anything and understanding that the first goal you can have is to raise your vibration.

As you raise your vibration, you will then begin to create things and a much more powerful way because then your thoughts have more power. Your emotions have more power. You're in alignment and alignment is where the power is.

For this process, set the attention to raise your vibration. Find ways of doing that. I have many meditations that will help you to raise your vibration. I have a meditation that will help you to raise to a higher state of consciousness. If you listen to that meditation, I think it will absolutely transform your life. Listen to it for 21 days and watch what happens.

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