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3 Types of Energy Fields that Are CONTROLLING Your Life (and you don’t even know it)

I'm going to be sharing with you three types of energy fields that are influencing your life and you don't even know it.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you going deeper down the rabbit hole, deeper down the rabbit hole into understanding a little bit more about how reality works and a couple of ideas I've touched upon in prior videos but haven't really gone deep enough down the rabbit hole.

The energy fields, let's first off understand that when it comes to thoughts and emotions, we think that thoughts and emotions do not have form because they're invisible to our eyes. We assume that because we can't see it, they just don't exist. It's just happened inside the mind, but in actuality, the thoughts we think are literally things.

They have an energetic pattern based on the thoughts we feel, the emotions we have and those thoughts go into the world. And when like thoughts team up with like thoughts. They get together and they go, “Yo, what up? Yo, what up?” How are you doing these like thoughts then team up and become larger thought forms, so an example of this would be you driving down the highway, going wherever you want to go, and what happens if somebody cuts you off, and you get angry and say, why do they cut me off?

In that moment, you link up your thought energy with that's coming out of your body with other thought energy that is close by on the highway because many other people have been cut off on the highway before and you link up and then feel an even increased emotional field and an emotional reaction because so many other people have thoughts and felt the same type of thing.

This is cool to understand because we see that a lot of the thoughts we have aren't even really ours. If we're unconscious, then we won't actually know and feel that it's not something that a part of us, but there's this common thing where we do and what we do is we identify with our thoughts.

We think that the thoughts we think are our own and almost every thought that we have in our life is actually not our own. It has come from something that has happened in our life and something outside of us that happened by the way and in a moment, we decided this is who I am. Somebody may have said, you're a very shy person.

You may have said, oh, okay. I'm this label. I'm a shy person, and then you started to identify with that shy person and all your thoughts, all your actions, and all your emotions have been always being consistent to that little label of you being a shy person, but guess what?

You're more than a shy person and you don't get to judge yourself and you can understand that a lot of these thoughts are just regurgitations from other people. Belief systems. Maybe even you absorb some of the beliefs of your parents, of your environment, of your peers, and we start to see it like that.

You see that in a way you are carrying around the energy fields of other people and they're not even yours. They're not even yours. There's someone else's, but once again we identify with those thoughts. We think those thoughts are who we are. We have those thoughts and we attached to them.

The problem is we attached to these thoughts. That's kind of an analogy of how our thoughts actually have form and in general, there's thought field around our body. There's a thought field around the planet, there's a thought field around and there are different types of thought fields depending on where you go.

1. Social conditioning

The first one has to do with understanding the social conditioning thought form that we are all a part of, whether we're aware of it or not. The degree to which were affected will depend upon how much we react to our environment and how much we believe everything we're told. Even a thought form such as someone winning the presidency, someone went into a presidency that you don't want to win.

There are many, many other people that did not want the president to win and if their thoughts and our emotions, we're lined up and they were feeling those thoughts and emotions than what they've actually also done is tapped into this universal or not universal necessarily, although there is a universal thought energy field.

However, to the social conditioning of that environment, so anywhere in the United States, probably even other places more so than others, but you could feel this culture and if you, since we're all connected, are linking up your thought energy with that of many other people.

You are then tagging onto the energy-momentum of that. The other side of that, you may have loved that the president won and because of that you felt even more positive emotion because of it. This works in both types of ways, so when you look at this, you can be aware of also different cultures.

For example, in certain cultures, women are not allowed to wear and show their body, so there may also be a tendency to treat women a certain type of way based on that type of thought form. When somebody travels there that normally would never have thoughts negatively towards a woman, they may start not to feel as positive towards women as they used to because they're tapping into unconsciously that energy field of that culture.

Similarly, you may go somewhere, and maybe you go somewhere and this tribe that loves elephants and maybe you normally thought elephants were whatever, but the tribe loves elephants. But when you go, you start to see elephants is divine as sacred. You start to feel more of a connection with them because you are in and within visiting that tribe who thinks a similar way.

You will start to feel something similar to them, but in general, when you're born into a society and when you're born into a certain level of conditioning, you take on the collective energy field of that place and have that culture. When we're brought up in the educational system, for example, there's a certain belief that in order to be successful, you got to go to school.

You got to go to college for four years. You have to graduate, you have to get a job. You got to work for 30 years and you retire that Blah, blah, blah, and if something doesn't happen according to the blueprint, you may feel the negative response to that and the negative response may also be the same negative response that millions of other people have had that were in the same boat.

Start to understand that literally, your thoughts are things and that there are other thought forms. Think of them as bubbles. Think of them as an energy bubbles that are floating around and as you walk around in daily life, you are linking up with these bubbles. If your thought resonates to it. Here's the good thing. If you vibrate at a high frequency, those thought forms don't have as much power over you.

In a way, this is about being aware of your vibration because when you raise your vibration, you transcend those lower vibrational thought forms. If somebody comes up to you and says, I hate your shirt, and you go, oh, you do, and you start to resonate with them and you start to believe that maybe your shirt is bad, then that will affect you.

But if someone comes up to, he's like a hi date your shirt, and you're like, all right bro, cool. Then it will have any effect on you because you're not resonating. You do not agree with that reality. In general, one of the best things that you can do is we focus on raising your vibration. How do you raise your vibration? You start to observe your thoughts and you understand that you are unconditional love and bliss. That is who you naturally are.

Thoughts are attachments that bring you down in vibration, and when you realized this is the key, realize that your thoughts, most of your thoughts are not even yours. There was something that happened in the past and you identified with it. Therefore, you held it within your energy field.

When you're aware that they're not yours, they're much easier to give up. When you think they're yours, that's when it's hard? Also, when you think I am feeling sad, I am feeling whatever emotion, then you're going to have a certain identification with it because when you say, I am sad or I am anxious, I am blank. That is self-reinforcing reality prophecy.

You're just continuing reaffirming that therefore that's a reality. However, see that as a feeling. I am feeling sadness. I am feeling happiness. I am stealing whatever you are feeling, it's something that you aren't necessarily. It's not just who you are, you're just feeling it because emotions are energy in motion. Emotions come and emotions go. You may feel anxious now.

You won't feel anxious in a week or however long it takes, but the idea behind it is that emotions are energy in motion and the thing is I'm sure you can remember other times in your past when maybe you felt negative emotion eventually moved past it and eventually you start to raise your vibration.

Eventually, you go back, so know that give yourself permission to observe your thoughts, give yourself permission to not identify with your thoughts and understand that the more you exist inside of your heart, the more you increase your vibration and the more all those other things don't affect you. I duality, for example, duality affects you more. When you are reactive. Most people are reactive to everything that's happening.

Someone says something reactive, something happens on the news, reactive. All of these things lead up to that reaction. Instead, observe what's happening because what does that happen and it's just happening. That's it. Things really aren't positive or negative in life. They just are, but we tag on the meaning as to what that means is positive or negative.

Therefore, that's the effect we get out of things, so that's the first one. Understanding the collective thought form that we have based on our culture, our environment, where we were born, and as you become aware of it, you can start to transcend it. Just raise your vibration, raise your vibe. That's it.

2. Locational energy

The second one has to do with the locational energy, so you may travel the world. You may go to different places and as we go to these different places, you may pick up on different energy fields.

I know I love going to Sedona every so often. Probably go to Sedona the next week or two. Whenever I go to Sedona. I love it. It is such high vibrational energy. I feel really good. It gets me more in alignment with who I am and that's because the type of energy, they're just very high, so when I go there, I can feel the energy of it.

On the other side of that, you may go to a haunted house where people pay money to stay in a hotel that makes them feel afraid, the energy they feel while they're in that hotel room is accumulating, and then more and more people go in and have that fear energy when they go in because of all of them. Maybe the house is haunted and what happens is that builds and builds and builds, and then when you go there, you feel that same type of fear, energy and some people get a thrill out of that.

However, be aware that thoughts literally have an energetic emotional pattern that stays within the locational energy of where we are when we felt that emotion. You can see as well, there are places on the earth, on the planet that vibrate at a high frequency. Some of these are very holy places. You go to a sacred place on the earth.

One of those could be Sedona, but there are also other places like Machu Picchu, Peru, for example, is a high vibration and when you go somewhere like that, you will feel the energy of that place, not on the other side of that. There may be negative places. You may go somewhere where there's been war and when you go there, even though maybe it's been 100 years, throw his war there, there may be a certain type of vibe there and you may feel that that energy field is affecting you and unless you become aware of it, it will continue to affect you.

But once again, if you resonate with the thought frequency of that, if you assume that it has no power over you and if you know and you just simply are like water, like it's just flowing through you, it's not attached to you because you're not identifying with it, then it won't have power over you.

I say all this because as you become aware of it, you could see how you could change your life. For example, the last couple of days I was thinking about something consistently that was in a way kind of irritating me and I was working through observing my thoughts. I was going through releasing patterns and as I did that I realized that for two or three days I was walking around my house feeling that way and even though I was coming out of it and I'm starting to feel way, way, way better, part of me would still get dragged back into some of those negative thoughts and I'm like, why is this happening?

Then I remembered this idea that I have been thinking these thoughts consistently in my house, leaving an energetic trail, a pattern around my house as I walk around and that, that stays there until I cleared it out. What did I do yesterday? I opened up every single door in my house, the outside and its cold outside. My house went from like 75 degrees down to like 68 or 70 degrees.

I open up every single door and then what I do is I saved the house and I imagined bringing all the thought forms out. I use a visualization and intention exercise and I push out all the energy and transmute it and I do that through my whole house and afterward, I felt so much better. I feel like it's not tagging me back into that thought form anymore. Be aware of how you think and how you feel in your environment.

I have a certain room in my house that I only meditate in. It's a closet, a big closet and one of the rooms. And in it, I have some crystals. I have like a candle with a flame on it, flames on it when I liked it, but it's there and when I go in there, the only thing I do is meditate. There's a certain energy in that room. It's like a sacred space.

And because of that, when I go in there, it's easier for me to tap in because the only thoughts I have in that room are thoughts of observing my thoughts or being present to the moment or bringing the energy inside of my heart. Find ways that you can do the same type of thing or how this may be influencing you. If you go to your job every day and many people are unhappy, you may resonate with them, not only because you're around them, but that those thoughts form the trails of the manager being power tripper.

You may walk around and start to think the same exact things and that might be influencing you without you even knowing it. So be aware of that. And as you bring more awareness of it, you didn't. It then has less power over you. The final energy field that is influencing your life, that you don't even know about is your own, your own energy field.

A lot of people don't realize that there's an energy field that goes around their body. In this energy field is an accumulated amount of emotions, thoughts, and the actions you take even had an energetic pattern to it, and within that energy field is all of these things and until you become aware of it, it will continue to run itself in the same type of pattern over and over and over again. This is why awareness is always the key.

Let me ask you a question. Are you aware of what's inside your energy pattern? Because in the past there may have been something that happened that jolted you into feeling a certain way and because it made you feel a certain way. It's started this energetic pattern that kept on repeating itself over and over again because there is also a peroneal field around our body that goes in and out, in and out, in and out, and as it does that, it brings similar situations, similar things in your life, and the more you become aware of it is the more you can decide to let go and actually complete the past.

You complete the pass by observing the things that have happened in the past and feeling it and allowing yourself to feel whatever you feel. If you allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up, they may begin to go away. You then begin to complete the past, so be aware of what's in your energy field. Your vibration is a combination of how you think, feel, and act.

If you find that you're doing the same things every day, it's because you are just priming and living within that same personality, the same identity over and over and over again because the thoughts you have, you identify with, the feelings you have, you identified with and the actions you take are the way you think it is. Let go of all of these and branch outside that comfort zone. Branch outside that self-image. Do something you haven't done before.

3. Your own energetic pattern

Be Spontaneous. Step into the unknown. These things are all ways to influence your own energetic pattern so that it no longer has as much effect over you. This is powerful, especially when you begin to decide to do it in your life consciously.

The most powerful way I've found to do this, is to let go of that energetic pattern blockages within your body is to do something called the completion technique or the completion meditation, which is a meditation that I have made based on understanding something called the completion process where you feel the emotions of whatever comes up. You feel them and then you let them go.

The Belief System of a Spiritual Millionaire (How To Shift into Abundance NOW)

I'm going to be sharing with you the belief system of a millionaire. I'm going to show you the subtle differences between that of somebody that is able to make and generate a lot of money to somebody that doesn't have the same level of abundance, and I'm going to show you how you can do the same.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the belief system of someone that is a millionaire. I'm going to be showing you this because I want to show you some examples of how beliefs systems work and understanding that our beliefs create our reality. This goes beyond that of just the Law of Attraction. This goes beyond that of the settle focuses that we may have seen. I want to experience this.

I want to experience that. The key is we always get a reflection in our life of what we believe to be true. Some of the misconceptions around this idea of understanding becoming a millionaire first off is that a lot of people, especially in the spiritual community, think that becoming a millionaire is a bad thing. They think that being a millionaire is something that is less spiritual.

Well, if you have, if you have millions of dollars than most likely, since money is evil, then that person is most likely evil or they've had to step on a lot of heads to get where they are or all these different justifications, but the first thing to be aware of that will help you is understanding how do you relate to someone that is a millionaire? Because if you relate to them and you feel resistance, you feel like you have reasons to why they got there and kind of almost like excuses to why they're there.

They're there and you're not. Then it's reemphasizing the gap in that reality. If you were killing it in your life and you looked at someone else, I was also killing it in their life. You would most likely just relate to them. Be like, that's good, good for them. That's where they are and you would think and feel in the same type of reality or in the same type of track in a way.

The key to this is understanding the beliefs about the individual person and those beliefs are always reflected back to them, so there are a couple key things I want to know. Tear as well as there are ways of shifting from one level of a belief system to others and I'm going to be sharing with you how I did that as well.

When it comes to being a millionaire, let's understand some of the belief systems that come with that and one of the belief systems of becoming a millionaire or being a millionaire is understanding money in a completely new way.

Normally people think of money and they'll connotations about it is almost like it has some type of inherent meaning inside of it. Money is bad or money is evil, and having that kind of belief bow about the way that we relate to money will hold us back from actually bringing more of it into our lives. Becoming a millionaire and being a millionaire.

The belief system of a millionaire is that money is a side effect of the value that someone can provide to someone else. That is the belief system of a millionaire when it comes to money. The way we relate to money has an important influence on the way we bring money into our life because if we think about it in the form of resistance and if we think that it is evil because it's not backed by gold and all of these other things and we experience more of it, but when we start to shift our belief system, then seen that money is something that is a side effect of us adding value to other people.

Everything begins to change. You see, I don't focus on money goals as much as I focus on value goals. What I mean by that is I know that simply the more value I add to other people, the more money will come into my life experience and because I have that belief system, I find that that works for me.

The thing is we could talk here all day about different belief systems, but at the fundamental core, the one truth that there is in life is that all truths are true, meaning you could say money is evil, that is just as valid as money is an exchange of value. It just depends upon the frame that you're coming from and does it serve, you know, think of beliefs as good or bad beliefs just work or they don't work.

Beliefs are just efficient or not efficient, but if we get into the dualism of thinking good and bad, then we get lost in the trap because there is never going to be an agreed-upon reality as to what money means as to any. The meaning of life is everyone has their own interpretation and each of us are creating based on those interpretations, based on those beliefs are creating our own reality and how we relate to our reality.

This is about being aware of that and being aware of the different perspectives. One of the greatest things you can do to step into a life of abundance is to wake up from the unconscious mind to wake up from the autopilot mind because 99 percent of people in the world are completely asleep. They may be walking around, they may be looking awake, but they are completely asleep at a deeper consciousness level because they're in reaction to their environment.

Things are the way they are. There's a reason that guy's a millionaire and it's a bad reason or it's a reason for that reason that girls are millionaires because of whatever has to go along with that justification. The key is understanding that any excuse we give is a justification. We're where we are. The key is to shift from things that are happening to me and to the perspective of engaging with life and having things happening. For me, that was the shift that I made.

Someone's going to put me on one day. Someone's going to see the potential in my ability and they're just going to look at me. Go, Aaron, you have this amazing potential. I'm going to give you this platform. Here you go. Just work for me for free and I'll train you and mentor you to become a millionaire to become successful. That's literally what was going on in my own mind.

This is like two, three years ago, but then what happened is there was a shift that occurred and the shift that occurred is I went from the autopilot mind if thinking things were going to happen to me like that, just thinking about it too. Then moving from thinking to being that is the change. If you are a millionaire or you have the belief system of a millionaire, then you have the ability to be. You have the ability to do something.

You have the ability to engage with life. You aren't waiting around for everything to be the perfect circumstance because the waiting and the waiting for everything to be perfect is an ideal is and it's an excuse and it's just an idea inside the mind because there is no perfect time. I'll tell you now that I've become more successful and I've met many other millionaires. Almost every single one of them has this trait.

The trait of going for something and making it happen. Making sounds like hard work. I'm going to talk about that in a minute, but it's understanding that engagement with life if there's something they want, they go for it. That is the key, is shifting from the autopilot mind, did the social conditioning and starting to start then to do especially what you're passionate about. You'll find that when you're doing what you're passionate about, making a million dollars will be a lot easier because that energy flow is just there.

You don't have to try so hard. Let's talk about the belief systems of a millionaire. When it comes to hard work. Many people that are millionaires have put in a lot of hard work. I'll say that as well as I've become much more successful. I put in a lot of work to have my YouTube channel grow as quickly as it has now. Is it so much that the hard work is the secret to it or could it be that I believe so much in the hard work that then it creates those kinds of results.

You see? It's a different perspective, but it could be that yes, hard work does create success. However, it's also the belief in the work that creates the success because the more successful you become you then. It's a funny paradox, but in the beginning, you put in the hard work, you make success happen, but then as you become more and more successful, it's less necessary to grind as hard as you did in the beginning.

A lot of people sometimes fall off because of that because they completely give up. They're like, oh, I've made it. I'm done, and then because they're done, they disperse their focus and as they disperse their focus, there's been no direction and then things, many times plateau. A lot of times if things aren't growing, then they're dying. Is that so or is that a belief? You see everything in life is a belief. I did a YouTube or I did an Instagram live yesterday. You haven't followed me on Instagram yet.

Are going to put it right here. I do Instagram live and I post daily content there. I was doing an Instagram live and people were asking questions and almost in every question that is asked, you can see the belief that is inherently there. Somebody was talking about that. Somebody literally said I would find my negative beliefs, but my negative beliefs are very hard to find.

I have subconscious blocks in that sentence itself. It is reaffirming that negative beliefs are hard to find. Does it have to be true? Well, if we believe it is true, then it will be true. Then those beliefs are hard to find, but that is just a self-fulfilling prophecy. Here's the key. Everything in life as a self-fulfilling prophecy, whatever evidence we look for, we will find and everything in our life is a reflection of what we believe to be true.

Let me ask you a question. What are your beliefs? What are your core beliefs about life in general? Is Life easy? Is life happening to you? Is Life a struggle? Do you have to work to get what you want? Is money bad? What are your core beliefs about money? How do you relate to money? Because most likely, the way you relate to money will depend on how your parents related to pay because a lot of times we adopt the belief system of our parents.

There's another side of this too. I've studied a lot of successful people. I love reading biographies and see how people did things. A lot of the most successful people in the world I've been through an immense amount of pain have been through an immense amount of poverty, but yet they were still able to shift out of that.

Why is that? Well, maybe they had a desire, maybe they saw the lack of certain things in their life, so they started to attribute so much to achieve more and to become more successful, so they started to identify with it, but nonetheless there are ways of getting out and making the shift from the reaction to the environment to then quote unquote making things happen. Maybe the making things happen and it requires action, but maybe it's also the belief in the action to where the power comes from.

Everything in our life is about belief. Everything in our life is a reflection of what we believe to be true. The belief system of a millionaire is just simply this. We can go over a million different beliefs, but it's just simply this. The shift from becoming somebody that is not really making it, that's struggling, somebody has tried hard.

The difference is that that person normally is in reaction to the environment, has excuses, maybe even watches the news to see that there's a recession going on or whatever that is just an agreement upon different people and an internalization of that into their belief system. There are people that make more money during the recession than any other time because when everyone else is afraid, that's when they invest. They end up becoming more successful than ever.

It's all about the belief system and moving from the reaction mind from that I'm hoping things happen. Maybe things will happen in the future to then moving into the being modality to be a millionaire, to be a millionaire. Money is a side effect of us doing what we love or a side effect of us adding value in the marketplace. Instead of focusing on the money, I'll be in the millionaire. Focus on you doing what you love and you being at your own cost. What are you passionate about?

Make your own type of movement. Make your own direction, move in that direction. If it requires you to take action, then take action, but the more you do that, the more you realize that the belief actually might be that you believe action works. I take a lot of action. A lot of people don't like to hear that.

I take action because I'm supposed to be this guy that's like Law of Attraction. Guys sit on the couch and it's like just using visualization, but I love to be that which I am. I love the physical part of taking action. I love making videos. I love editing the videos. I love putting the videos online. I love making different things that help people to get the results they want. Whether that's courses or whatever it is. I love doing what I do, so I do take action, but that's because I am being that have the best version of me.

I am being and doing what I love. I encourage you to be. You won't want to take action. You will want to take action if you are doing what you love and you are being the kind of person that you can be, the biggest shift you will ever make in your life is going from being at the effect of the environment, of being in the circumstance of hoping things happen one day and then moving into the engagement of life.

This engagement in life is what I call the shift experience. If you want to learn more about what it's called, the shift experience. This is about shifting your level of consciousness, of understanding how your beliefs create your reality of shifting from the way you see yourself to a whole new paradigm where you also raise your vibrational state of consciousness. This is a program that I'm creating right now.

This is a whole process. This will also be speaking events that I travel the world and do a tour with it. It'll be all day seminar. This is something that I'm creating right now. It's d shift experience with Aaron Doughty. If you're interested, I'll go in and put a link in the bottom and you can sign up and I will send you updates on that whole process, but this is going to be the most powerful thing that I've ever created.

This will help people become millionaires. This will help people shift from their level of consciousness, from the in the lower emotions into the higher emotions so that they create what they want easier than ever. The biggest, the biggest drawback for so many people are they're intending to create what they want with the Law of Attraction, but they're doing it from the paradigm of lack.

They're doing it from the paradigm of the lower vibrational states of consciousness, from shame, fear, guilt, the anger of the past, and because they're identified with it, they aren't actually experiencing that which they want. The key is shifting the level of consciousness. That's exactly what the shift experience is all about. I want you to know the shift is coming. The shift is something that you can experience and it's something that when you do will change your life forever. I'm excited to be making this.

I've already been testing the process with other people in some of my other groups. My Academy and the results have been profound, so I'm excited to be sharing that with you. I want you to know that when it comes to belief systems, all beliefs, all truths are true. There is no collective agreement on every single belief.

There are certain generalizations that we all agreed to, but in general, the one pattern that all millionaires have is that they go from the reaction to the environment into the engagement with life. That almost all millionaires will see money as more of a byproduct of the value they can add to the marketplace. You must relate to money in a new way without giving it negative connotations of it being evil or you having to be a bad person to do so.

Because if you do, you'll have mixed associations and you won't actually be able to create an abundance of it in your life. This is about how you relate to the idea of money, how you relate to the idea or the experience of life and how you relate to yourself.

Image, start to see yourself and start to be more in the vibration of you prefer. It starts to let go of everything from your past, everything that doesn't deserve and thinking that you have to be on the autopilot mind in reaction to everything else.

The TRUTH of the Matrix of Reality and How to TRANSCEND the Programming

I'm going to be sharing with you the truth about the Matrix of reality and I'm going to show you how to transcend that of the programming.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you more on the Matrix of reality and understanding how to transcend the programmed way of thinking. This blog is going to go deeper on understanding some nuances of enlightenment, some nuances of awareness, and how you can begin to transform your own consciousness with that of awareness.

Maybe you've seen the movie the Matrix before and the matrix was a metaphor and it's a metaphor for understanding the different layers of reality and understanding how, if you remember in the movie there is a Neo who is in the real world or what we think is the real world and he is doing his daily programmable type things where he's going doing the same things, going as nine to five job, and then eventually Morpheus comes in who Laurence Fishburne comes in and gives them the option to wake up from the Matrix.

He gives them the blue pill or the red pill. The idea behind this is understanding that as you start to go down the rabbit hole, you start to become aware that reality is a form of a program. You then start to gain more of your power back. One of the reasons I think that the movie the Matrix did so well was because at a deep level it resonated with people and that is because, at a deeper level, people recognize that in a way reality is very similar.

Sometimes people will look at a program and they will get a little bit scared like as if program means we live inside of a computer, whereas a computer is simply a metaphor. Think of a computer as a metaphor in the same way the programming, there are certain things that would happen.

In a similar way, we have been programmed from either our societal conditioning, which means our environment growing up, the behaviors that we learned from our parents, the different ways that we go about our lives, kind of mimicking that of our environment and the people that were around and the idea is that the choices we make will always be going down the path of least resistance.

What this means is that the past actions we have taken our wired into our physiology and we will then continue to do those until we wake up because it is the path of least resistance. That's why most people go to the same job every day. They get to do the same things every day. The talk to the same people every day. They almost have the same conversations every day and therefore they create their same reality every single day.

That is because they are living in the pattern thought form. They're living in that pattern way of thinking. The power of what I'm about to share with you is understanding that when you shift from being in the reactive mind of the Matrix, which is simply programmed ways of thinking, you start to wake up to who you really are at a greater level because at a greater level who you really are is an immortal, spiritual being.

Having a very temporary human experience. Life on earth. We may live 100, 200 however many years depending on medical stuff, but that's a very small amount of time in consideration for who we really are as spiritual beings. As we become aware of this understanding that there is more than our ego structure, we then start to wake up to a new paradigm, a new way of being. Because the more we stay entrenched in the old reactive mind and to doing the same things every day is the more that we just continued to live.

In the metaphor of the Matrix, so to transcend the matrix, to transcend the social conditioning, what we must begin to do is we must begin to have a desire or an intention to bring more awareness into our life to become aware of what we are thinking, feeling, and doing.

Once we become aware of these things, we start to wake up from the program, even me, these last week, this last week or two, I'd become much more aware of my thought patterns, the emotions that get triggered within me, and as I become aware of them, I can then see that they aren't actually me. You see, think of it like this.

Your body is a channel of energy.

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Your body is a channel of energy. There's energy that's constantly coming into your body, going out of your body. 

What happens is when there's energy that comes into our body and it gets stuck because we are identifying with those thoughts, we think they are who we are. We hold onto the negative energy pattern and it stays within our field, our field of energy, and we continue to experience it until we let it go.

Most people have an acquired amount of this energy that's been coming in because they had the energy come in. They identify with their thoughts, thinking and reacting to saying, this is who I am and because they say that that becomes their reality, and until they actually process that emotion and become aware of it, it remains on autopilot doing its own thing over and over and over again.

For many people when they start to wake up out of the Matrix is when they start to go through a spiritual awakening. In many times when you go through a spiritual awakening, you've been through a great deal of pain because sometimes you need that pressure to then have this desire to then shoot out of it. Whereas many people are just kind of going through this mediocre type thing where it's like a little bit of up, a little bit of down, a little bit up, a little bit down.

There's not as much necessity to get out of that way of thinking. Whereas people that really want to wake up out of the Matrix are people that have experienced a great deal of. Maybe you've experienced a great deal of pain before and the idea is the more you become aware of that pain and why it's there and even more so than why it's there, but you just allow yourself to feel it.

You then begin to let go of it out of your energy field. This is why it is so powerful to become aware of simply what are you thinking? What are you feeling? And when these thoughts come up, realize first off, they are not you, who you really are as any mortal, spiritual being, having a temporary human experience. In essence, we can think of each individual ego, which is the ego is like the Avatar. You see the movie the Matrix.

Think of your ego as the actual Avatar, so Neo is his body. That would be his Avatar, but his consciousness. He's much more than just that body, but he's expressing himself through that in reality. In the same way, that's what we do, but the thing is when we're born into life, we forget who we are. We forget that we are unconditional love and bliss and we start to identify with our body, with our ego thinking, this is who I am.

Of course, that's not just who you are, but we're not necessarily aware of it because we are in the reactive mind and the more we're in the reaction mind, the more we keep that momentum of the matrix of all the social conditioning that power of us within. If we're not aware of it and we're unconscious of it, it's going to continue to run itself out, so you may find that you feel that social conditioning of having to choose a certain political party, having to pick a football team, feeling like you get mad when a lot of things are happening in the world.

A lot of that just social conditioning until you become aware of it and you detach emotionally from it. It will continue to have power over you, but the key to this whole process is simply awareness and awareness. You can think of this as also touching on some of the parts of enlightenment. Once again, I'm not saying that I'm enlightened, but I am saying is that when you begin to tap into who you really are and you begin to become aware of it, you start to increase your frequency and you start to feel differently.

When you start to feel differently, sometimes that brings up stuff that must be dealt with and as it brings it up, you can either identify it and let it be there. The paradox is that by letting an emotion be there, it naturally begins to transform. We normally think that if you have an emotion, you want to like to control it, you want to switch it, you want to do something else to it, but in essence what you really want to do is you want to feel the emotion.

You want to allow the emotion to be there because as you allow the emotion to be there and then begins to transform itself, emotions dissipate when there's no emotional charge that's keeping it in place, but there may be a certain pattern there from past, prior reference experience. For this process, what I recommend you do is you start to just simply become aware of what you are thinking, feeling, and doing, and one of the powerful things I've found as well is that when someone tells you something or you feel like you're about to get triggered into something, ask yourself the question, is this true?

Because the moment that we are perceiving of information, we can either we can either allow it into our mind or rejected out of our mind. Most people just believe what they're told or they just absorb it as beliefs. Somebody may say something to you that's like tearing down your self-image and you may get triggered. However, be aware that you can choose to either identify with it or you can choose to observe. It

does is completely up to you and your own power, but for understanding this process, we can also look at the levels of energy levels of energy. Maybe you've seen me share this chart before. You'll see the levels of energy here. You'll see shame, fear, guilt. Eventually, you'll see that of reasoning, which is the intellect of the mind.

Then love and then higher states of consciousness. You are higher states of consciousness now as you begin to, as you begin to descend or there is some level of attachment that will hold you into lower levels of paradigm. They don't feel as good and that may mean that you're feeling more anger because of like something that's happening.

It keeps you in a way locked into that frequency until you become aware of it and then you start to transcend back up the scale. The higher up the scale you go, the more detached from the matrix you are because the matrix is set forth for us to become aware of it. It's something that when we came to Earth, we knew that a part of this was you forget who you are. When you come here, there are many places in the universe that you go where you remember who you are.

You feel unconditional love. It's higher states of consciousness, higher dimensional realms of consciousness. We could say, but here we forget who we are and then we add. We developed this ego, this avatar that identifies with reality, that identifies with things happening. What we then do is we become aware of that or we don't depend on what, what a part of the process we're on and as we become aware of that, we can then choose to let these things go, and we didn't begin to raise their own vibration naturally.

Again, the way that you move up the scale is simply awareness. You become aware of what you're thinking. In essence, we could say that our avatars are like machines, not you. I'm not talking to you and say you are a machine. I'm talking about your ego. Your ego is a machine. It is just regurgitating the same things over and over again.

It is doing the same actions over and over again, feeling the same emotions over and over again, thinking the same thoughts over and over again. Until you become aware of that, that will continue to do its thing, but as you become more aware of it, you start to take your power back and as you start to take your power back, that's when you start to transcend and move out of the Matrix because then you start getting out of just the intellect mind you start getting. You start realizing it for what it is.

The Matrix in a way which you could also think of it like is when you look at the Matrix, the beliefs we have are reflected back to us. In our reality. Whatever we most believed to be true is going to be reflected back to us. In a way that's like a program because it's like we're seeing this reflected in our life of that. However, when you get to a level of love, you transcend that, have the intellect and all these beliefs because you just exist in being.

Being is the higher self. It is this connection to the higher self that you have right now. You have that available to you. How do you get into being by going into your body and feeling present even as we do this right now? Put your hands out and your feet and put the awareness in your hands and your feet. As you put the awareness in your hands and your feet, notice how you start to bring the awareness from in the head and into the body.

As you do this, you start to become more present and if you then put your hands over your heart like this was living in your heart is like living from the higher self. You will start to feel more love in your life. I understand that you are love and by just putting your hands over your heart right now, you begin to tap more into that energy of who you really are.

Doing this for five or 10 minutes a day will help you to wake up out of the Matrix because then you're moving out of the head of the matrix like the head, so understand this. Understand that the lower states of emotion instead go into your heart and then you also become aware of all of those things and as you become aware of them, things begin to change.

There's a saying when it comes to enlightenment and it is before enlightenment. Chop Wood, carry water after enlightenment. Chop Wood, carry water. What it means is that the difference is simply how you are doing what you are doing. Are you aware of what is happening? Bring awareness into your daily life. Bring awareness into when people say something to you, observe what they say, observe how you react, and then she used to let it go or don't, and then observe how you're not letting it go.

Bring awareness into the avatar ego structure that's been created and start to find ways of transcending it and feel a little bit of pain. It's okay because part of the experience of life is to go through the pressure because on the other side of that pressure is liberation and if he didn't have the pressure, there would be no reason to liberate because everything would just be that static, mediocre type line.

Embrace the pressure and brace the thinking, the emotions, whatever it is, observed them rather than react. Change, control. Allow them to be there. Then as you do that, the emotion starts to dissipate and the light of awareness, those emotions will begin to dissipate, and as you do that, you begin to raise your frequency, you feel a higher vibration, and then your life really begins to change.

This and that is how you break out of the Matrix. It's through simply awareness of who you really are. Understanding you can allow your emotions to be there, you can feel into the emotions you have, and the more you feel into your emotions, the more you begin to let go of the negative thought patterns, the negative charge that may be there, and you start to transform your own life then.

3 Ways to Tap into the LOVE Frequency NOW

I'm going to be sharing with you three ways to tap into the love frequency that will totally transform your life and allow you to see things and to be at a higher level of consciousness.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three ways that you can transcend into the love frequency, understanding the love frequency is who you really are. Anything that is holding you into the lower emotions is something that has happened in the past or some level of identification with lower vibrational energy.

And what that means is that when you let go of the lower vibrational energy, you're not your vibrational naturally begin to rise back up to what it naturally is. To explain this a little bit more, what I want to do is just explain to you a little bit about who you are as a spiritual being.

Because the way that this reality works is it works in the form of vibration. And when you come into this reality, what happens if you forget who you are. You are any mortal, spiritual being, having a temporary human experience. When you come here, there is this tendency to where you just tendency, I mean almost everyone will go through this at a certain level, is forgetting who you are at a greater level and because you forget who you are.

You then have certain experiences that start to wire in a way of being and it starts to wire in a way for seeing the world that then causes patterns. For example, when you're four or five years old or even younger, maybe something happens to you and you start to have that filter about how the world works and then you see your whole life through that filter.

Unless you change it unless you switch out the filter and it's not that you are those low vibrational energy is us. That filter is causing you to see the world in such a way to where you experienced less than that of the love vibration. In this blog, in a way you can think of it as removing the filters and understanding that love is who you are.

This also makes it easier because when you realize that you are love, you could then see it's not so much about trying to attain something on the other side of the rainbow, not trying to attain something that's a heart far-reaching state. It's who you naturally are. It's about letting go and when you let go, you then let in you let in more of yourself. You let in more of this high vibrational energy that is you.

With this, let's understand that. As I said, everything in our life is vibration. We always experience in reality that is equal to our vibration. Our vibration is a combination of what we think, how we feel and what we do. And in order for us to raise our vibration, one of the first things we must do, the first step to this process.

1. Clean up the lower vibrational energies

The first way that you can raise your vibration is you have to clean up the lower vibrational energy fields. You have to clean up the lower vibrational energies that are keeping you bogged down. If I show this chart right here, this is the handy dandy chart that I show in almost all my videos. You'll see that have the scale of consciousness. On this scale of consciousness, you'll see that at the bottom, shame, fear, guilt eventually moves up to neutrality.

Over neutrality. You have that reasoning and then love, so we are moving through these stages as we go through life experience and what happens is we naturally are love and above. We're more than even that, but in our physical body who we really are is in our soul, operates at 500 and above. What happens is we come into our life experience. We have these things that weigh us down, these experiences that make us identify with something, and it keeps us bogged down in the lower emotions.

To get to love, what you must do is not necessarily climb up the ladder. It's about just letting go of those lower vibrational energy fields such as shame, fear, guilt. How do you do that? Well, the first thing you must do is just be aware that they're there. This, be aware that there are these lower vibrational energies that you don't prefer to feel, but allow them to be there.

This is the biggest paradox with this whole process is that we think that the feelings we have should not be there. We think that the feelings we have, we should resist them and the thing is the resisting actually locks it into place. What you want to do instead if you want to become aware of the feelings you have of shame, fear, guilt, become aware of those emotions, and then allow them to be there. Your thoughts want to appear to be very real. Your thoughts want to appear to be very serious.

Loosen it up, have a little bit of fun, neutralize those sorts, see them for what they are. They're just thoughts and as you see them for what they are, they will naturally begin to go away because the charge goes away with it. Another part of that may be to forgive because there may be some type of anger towards somebody that did something to you.

There may be some shame or guilt about something happened with someone else, and if you blame someone else, it's keeping that energy pattern within you. The key is to take responsibility for how you respond. In a way, you do that is through forgiveness. You may say, well, somebody did something really bad to me and I get it. I've had some other things happen to me.

I've had bad things happen to me and I felt justified. This person did this to me. However, the key is in forgiveness is understanding the rationalization of it. Everyone will always do the best they can with where they are and sometimes the best they can do is to be in their own low vibrational energy. For example, my step mom that was very abusive, she was in a belief system that she had to control other people and she had to be abusive.

She was doing the best she could with where she was. Does it make it okay? Does it mean that I enjoyed it, but what it does mean is I allow her to be how she is and by me neutral by me acknowledging that that was her level of rationalization? She had to rationalize it. If somebody steals from you, you could be mad at them and maybe it's even a friend, but you could see that also they've rationalized in their mind somehow because they may have a belief in scarcity, so they may believe that they had to take it from you.

You see, so it's about having that awareness of forgiveness because, in order to really truly love and to be in the love frequency, you must forgive. Otherwise, you're trying to climb a ladder, but there's still so much weight holding you down. You want to let go of the weights first and then you realize you actually really don't have to climb the ladder. The gravity. It's almost like a bob in the ocean and you just let it go. It just goes up, doesn't have to climb up. It just naturally goes up. In the same way, that's how love works.

First things first right now, find ways that you can forgive some someone in your life, understand that they're doing the best they can with where they are and that you can let them be not a judgmental way, like, well, you're in a low vibrational state, but just let them be and that will help you to then start to be more in the love frequency. That's the first step. That's the first step to this process.

2. Understand how your beliefs create your reality

The second step is understanding how your beliefs create your reality. You see how we moved up to 2:50. You'll see another step of 400 to $500. Four hundred to 500 is understanding that of the brain understanding that has the intellect, our beliefs create our reality. The thing is what you can begin to do is to become aware that your beliefs are creating your reality. What do you believe to be true?

What do you believe about reality itself? Do you believe that things come easily? Do you believe that in order to be loved, you have all these rules? Because the more you believe in these rules, the more that you are not giving yourself permission to feel love and say, well, I love myself when I'm with this person, I'll love myself when I have this job.

I'll love myself when I feel this and this body image, those all externalizing the happiness and the love, and when you do that, you'll never actually get there because even then when you do get, say you set yourself a goal to make 100,000 a year, you make 100,000 a year. If you externalize that happiness, you will then the next year say, I need to make 125, $150,000 the next year in order to be happy, and then it's. It's a goal that goes even further.

What are your rules in your mind to feeling happy right now in the present moment, and could you give yourself permission right now to feel those happy, that happiness? You see this. The funny thing is the emotions inside of our body already exists. They're already there. It's just that in our mind, we give ourselves permission to feel happy, whole and complete when x, y, or z happens, but actually we could just feel happy wholly complete right now and by you feeling happy, whole and complete right now, you will experience more of those things anyway because then you're in more vibrational resonates with it. This about being aware of that.

How do you, what do you, what rules do you have about being happy? Because you can let those rules go. I'm not telling you to develop a new belief. Well, I can be happy when this. You are love. It is who you naturally are and when I'm offering to you is to let go of those beliefs, to let go of those benchmarks in the mind that says when, if and then if and then if this happens, then I'll feel happy instead. Let those go. Feel happy now because you choose to feel happy.

Yeah. There's an Einstein wrote himself, resonated at for 99 on the scale of consciousness and he was so close to 500 in order to get to 500, he would have just had to let go of all the intellectual ideas of all of his life work, but he took the intellect as far as if you go in the same way, you don't have to be Einstein to be in the 500. You don't have to be an intellectual genius. However, you have to be willing to let go of the beliefs because beliefs do create our reality, but let go of the rules, let go of the beliefs, and you will naturally start to be more in that of the love frequency.

3. Understand how you can go from your head and into your heart.

The third way you can tap into the love frequency right now is by understanding how you can go from your head and into your heart. This is a very powerful exercise. What I recommend you do right now is right now, we'll do this little exercise. Take your hands and put your hands over your heart like this, and even just doing this for a couple minutes, you begin to tap more into your heart more until your love energy.

Understand that when you do this, you're bringing the awareness from out of the head and into the heart. The heart is who you are, so as you do this, be aware of that energy going from your head to your heart. Feel it, and right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count. Imagine that there is a ball of energy inside of your heart that is spinning faster and faster.

Any color that you like, and as it's been faster and faster, you're going to feel more of this love energy doing this exercise right now. You will feel it by the end of it and such, so simple, so imagine right now that there's a ball of energy inside of your hands, inside of your heart, and imagine it's spinning faster and faster. Five, as I count down, you can feel this ball of energy begin to spin faster in your heart for feeling it. Increases momentum, that ball of energy, whatever color you like, spinning faster and faster.

Three, feeling it double with every number I count to feeling it increase again, knowing that this love is who you are. You start to feel this warmth inside of your body and one so in this feeling that is now drifting through your body, knowing you are holding complete, knowing you are love. You see, this right here goes beyond that of the intellect.

Because then what we're also doing is we're moving from having and doing into being. When you are in the present moment, you are in the love frequency because love is who you are. How do you become in the present moment? Well, really the present moment is all that exists anyways. It's just how much are you allowing your own energy to flow through. The way you do this is by saying yes to the present moment.

Say yes to whatever comes up. Even if a negative emotion comes up, say yes to it because as you say yes to it then transforms and you didn't feel different about it. Say Yes to the present moment and understand that you are already whole and complete and that by just a couple minutes a day, maybe do this for I would say two or three minutes a day at least, maybe twice a day. Put your hands over your heart. What I do is as I go to bed at night, I put my hands over my heart. I feel the love inside my heart as I'm drifting off to sleep because that also influences your subconscious mind, but think about it in the form of state of consciousness.

I understand that you can go from having and doing into being, being yourself and another thing is when you're doing your passion, you are more in the love frequency. What are you passionate about? Making a video right now. I feel passionate about this. I love doing this so it's easy for me to be in that glove frequency because I'm passionate about the passion you feel is the bridge to you.

Being who you naturally are, not doing, not having, but being I am who I am. I make videos. Those are things I do, but this is me. I am authentic for what I'm doing and in the same way you can find out the same for you. That's what I encourage you to do today and that's what I encourage you to look into is understanding that what you want me to do is let go of those lower vibrational emotions.

They're not who you are. Allow them to be there and watched them transform, neutralize them, see them as neutral. Forgive people in your life. Write down some people that you can forgive. Make the choice to forgive them by knowing they did the best with what they could, what they could do with where they were, and then secondly, understanding your beliefs are creating your reality.

Not necessarily pile on new beliefs. Let the old beliefs go. Let the old rules in your mind go off when you can feel happy and when you can do this, and as you let those go, you'll naturally begin to raise up and then remember on the other side of that, be present to the moment, say yes to the present moment, bringing the awareness from in the head into the heart and watch how your life begins to change. If you want help with letting go of those lower emotions of the past, one of the most powerful meditations I've ever made is on completing the past.

It's a YouTube video and is absolutely free. You can click on it, listen to it for 21 days. Watch how it transforms your life. It is a read the comments to see what's possible. You'll see what, what, what kind of effect it can have. And then 21 days we'll give you the results that you really want.

Trusting the Universe 101 EVERYTHING you Need to Know

I'm going to be sharing with you how to trust the universe 101. This is going to be a complete kit. You will have an understanding of everything you need to do in order to trust the universe more, and this will make the manifestation process so much easier.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how to go about trusting the universe 101, understanding everything that you can do for this process to make this so much easier. Before I even get too far into it, I want you to know that is this something that I go back and forth with a lot because I've been rewarded for my ego. I'm the first admitted. I made a decision back in February 2017. You probably already know the story.

But I made a decision then to go daily on YouTube and I simply knew that if I made a video every single day for a year, my life will be dramatically changed within three to six months completely got rid of my nine to five job working at Barneys New York, selling women's shoes, and it was my willpower was one of the parts that got me to that place to where I was able to let go of the job.

It has been the biggest transformation my whole life. Like I get up every day and do what I love. I'm making a video in my backyard right now a little bit different than the other videos because like, you know what? I'm going to try something new today. I'm going to trust the universe. Okay? And now I'm trusting the universe by making a video outside. Get outside of that norm a little bit, do something a little bit different.

And in general, I can do that because I had the willpower back in February 2017 to have the willpower to go daily on YouTube. However, there are different modes to this. The thing is you want to ask yourself that question. You want to say what stage am I in and what I mean by that is sometimes we get some people that just aren't taking action at all. They're like, oh, it's not that you can trust the universe too much, but there is a certain amount of stepping in a certain direction that your ego might have to take our ego.

If I never made a video, I wouldn't have become a full-time YouTuber. There is this give and take. The thing is, what is the side of the spectrum where you want or are you going straight down? The middle of trust in the universe and part of trust in the universe is sometimes taking action because if you feel guided to take action or you feel like inspired because it's something that you're passionate about, it's going to be easier for you to be in the vibrational state that you want to really experience what you want your life.

You see, this is a give and pull from the universe into the ego. Have you heard them talking eastern philosophy about the middle way? I think the talent means the way, the middle way. And then on the other side of this trust in the universe, it's like, oh well that allow it to happen. I know that things are going to happen eventually.

And what you want to do is you want to go right down the middle. At the beginning of my YouTube career, I was mainly on this side, like I was trusting the universe because I was doing what I was passionate about and in that vibrational state things happened easier. But at the same time, it became a little bit excessive sometimes, like I've made daily videos since February 2017 and I haven't missed a single day, and it's almost 2019 now.

There's nothing wrong with that because I love doing it, but at a certain point, if I'm doing it out of desperation of I need to stay relevant on YouTube, then sometimes that can hurt because I'm doing it from an energy that doesn't appear As long as I'm making videos I'm passionate about. That's all that matters. However, for this process, the key is identifying where you currently are in this process and understanding the job of the ego.

The job of the ego is to focus, to go in a certain direction. But the job of the ego is not to figure out how everything must happen. You know? I wouldn't have been able to even lay out 30 days of videos back in February 2017 because I didn't know I did it at the moment and I trusted that every single day.

I have a new topic to talk about. Guess what, every single day I had a new topic to talk about and I've been doing daily videos now for over a year, almost two years, and people ask me all the time, Aaron, how do you make daily videos? How do you do this? I just trust that that is also because I think I have an intention to add value.

There's a thing that's often under looked in society. In reality in general, it's when you have the intention of adding value to other people, the universe wants to help you. It's like it looks at me and it's like, oh, “Aaron, you're trying to add value to people. Let me give you. We're going to give you more opportunities. We're going to give you more people going in your direction. We're going to help you be inspired to make the right videos.”

The universe is supporting me because I have this intention to add value to other people. That's also something to think about is trust in the universe is about understanding what are you passionate about and not only what are you passionate about, but how can you add value to other people because you may find the more you add value to other people, the more that comes back to I really believed.

Because I put so many videos out on YouTube with such a pure intention to help people and like maybe part of it, it's like, Bro, I mean you're not this heavenly saint, you know, and it's not like you're just making videos for the collective consciousness. You'll probably at a certain level want to make money or have abundance or travel the world or be well known and yeah, could it be honest?

There's a part of that that probably is true. I'm not going to lie to myself and say no have subscribers is not to have that. I just want to help the collective consciousness. I'm aware that there is a desire there too, but it's more of a desire to add value and to have an influence on people. To be honest with you. And I'm not a heavenly saint like I said, but in general, it's a genuine authenticity of my intention, but you can still have parts of the ego there.

I'm not saying that you have to discount and crush the ego completely. Sometimes you hear people say that they say ego is the enemy. Ego is the enemy. Your ego is still a part of you, bro. Like the ego is still something that you are with. The key is not to identify with it. It's about being aware because if you try to crush your ego, you're crushing it. You're crushing and parts of something that you use in your daily life that ends up creating resistance.

It's about not identifying with it, you know, you can observe the ego that's more powerful than trying to crush or think the ego is the enemy. When you, when you do that, you find that things happen better for you. Be aware of where your energy is and don't think the ego is bad, but don't identify with the ego. Don't identify with it in the sense that, oh, I'm having these thoughts.

This is how reality has to be the beliefs that come up from it. It's about the balance of the two. Let me tell you something that I've been doing recently that's really helped me in my life, and that is when there's some type of resistance. First off, observe it. It was very powerful, but also give it up to your higher mind.

You see? There are two aspects of you that would be called the ego in this larger awareness, as larger awareness, we could call your higher self and when you identify with just the ego, you keep yourself this big. When there are these big other parts of you that have the connection to this, you have the connection to the universe as well, but that has this really direct source of the universe. All the creative ideas and the thing is if you don't recognize this, you don't really tap into it that much.

You have to be aware of it. What the reason I'm saying this is sometimes though, there's a blueprint in our mind of how reality has to work. There's a blueprint that says reality must work like x, y, z, and all these rules that we have in our mind create resistance. The key is being aware of those rules, but knowing that they don't have to dictate your whole entire life and that at the same time, what if the best possible case scenario that your ego can imagine? Imagine this is your ego.

This is your physical body. The best possible case scenario you can imagine is right here, but imagine your higher mind, which is really more of who you are. The ceiling to your ego is the four of your higher mind. If you say over and over again, this is how things have to happen. This is what my ego thinks. This is how the blueprint that I have in my mind. Then you're actually limiting yourself because there's this, there's this, there's this part of you that has a larger perception of how things could happen.

And if you would just go with the flow more and tap more into emotion to a state of being that current, we'll just carry you. That current would just carry you along and you would find that when you create things easier than ever because you're in alignment. Think about this in alignment. There's this inner awareness how yourself part of you and there's this ego you and what you want to learn to do is to go down both to be aware of both and to trust the universe. When it's time, when you feel resistance, it's time to give it up. I've had moments where it's like, I'm just going to give this up to the divine.

I'm just going to give it up to the divine. You call whatever you want. You Got God. You call it divine, call it the source energy. Universe are all just labels, but you give it up to a higher aspect of you and when you do that, it will then reflect that back to you. You will then get some sort of sign. You will feel the release because then you realize that you don't have to carry it all on your back.

You may have just thought that you had to carry the weight of your ego and the weight of all these desires as a blueprint in your mind, on your back, and you had to do it all. You don't have to do it all. You just have to focus, set intentions and pay attention to the signs and pay attention to how you feel and go in that direction and if you start to feel resistance, give it up to the universe because most likely, if you are creating resistance, then there's some type of energy moving.

Maybe you're taking action, but it's not the right action or maybe you're feeling some type of emotion, but at least you're feeling emotion. Give yourself a little bit more credit than maybe you're giving yourself and also understand that. What are your beliefs about manifestation in general? Do you believe that your ego has to do everything?

Because mine did for a long time. I thought I have to do x, y, z. I have to do everything like this, and if I don't then I won't get what I want. And you may have heard me on my earlier. Part of my YouTube challenge is constantly talking about taking massive action and I think it was purposeful then because there's a lot of people that, especially a lot of attraction community that just don't want to take action. And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it.

I know there are people that don't take much action to get amazing results there in true alignment and like, you know, I think that's amazing. However, so many people are like, "I want this". But then they're not backing it up with the belief. Because if you believe something to be true, you believe it, but you also back it up with action.

Probably like, yeah, I believe I can be full time on YouTube, but I never made a video. Did I really believe I could be full time on YouTube? Probably not because I wouldn't even take an action. But if I do believe that it's possible for me to go full time on YouTube, then what is the natural alignment of that will take an action trusting that every day there'd be a new topic of being in that passionate state.

It's not that you just trust the universe and you just sit at home. It's not just that you take massive action. You don't trust anything in grind your nose to the grindstone or whatever. The common saying people say is it's about, it's about both. It's about trusting the universe. When it comes to trust, the universe also understands the power of decreasing importance.

Anything you make very important. Anything you put on a pedestal, you feel resistance about, decrease the level of importance by knowing you're good either way, because, because this is the thing, sometimes you think that this is your path and something bad that happens automatically. There are a jolt and your energy, and you say, this shouldn't be here.

You create resistance. And then you experience a reality that is equal to that resistance you feel, however, if you weren't to label that thing as negative and being something that's a block or like a wrench in your, in your, your gears, then maybe if you were to expand that perception, you'd see that yes, that happened. But that doesn't mean that it's not going to happen. It doesn't mean that you're not going to get what you desire or that you get what your intention is.

It just means that maybe that's a step closer in the direction to where then eventually you get there. At the same time, don't be so quick to label the meaning to things as being good or bad. Things just are. Things may just be a part of a larger process at the ego just doesn't understand right now because remember, the ego can only see it in its own lane.

But when you expand yourself beyond the ego, you didn't go where we go. Where do we go? The higher self, the higher self I got, we're all, we all have a higher self. You know, and it's about being aware that there are these two perspectives and one perspective feels much better than the other, but if you align both, wow, those are like the egos, the mind, higher self, your heart combined, your mind in your heart when you do that is it sounds cliché, I get it. You're like, oh, everyone says that.

Follow your passion. Follow your bliss, but when you're doing what you're passionate about, you're connected to your heart, and in that higher vibrational state, you then experience a reality that is equal to that feeling that you're putting out. You didn't resonate with people that also are in that similar vibration state and you'll find that your life takes on very magical type experience.

Very magical. Be aware of that too. But for this process, I say one of the most important parts of it is how do you relate to manifestation itself? Do you think that manifestation is hard? Do you think the ego must do everything? Do you think that things just can't be that easy? Because whatever you believe to be true about this process will be true for you, but you can let that go. You can see it in a middle way.

You want to go down the middle way, that the ego way, not even just the trust in the universe way that that can be powerful too, but aligning the two combined your head and the heart. Understand where you are in this journey. Maybe you're taking action, you feel resistance, trust the universe more. Maybe. Maybe you believe that the manifestation is hard and that you can't have what you want.

Go within and see why that's there. What proved to you in the past? Is that something someone told you? Maybe they get one point. You like the Law of Attraction and somebody was like, was hocus pocus stuff? What are you talking about bro? Come back to reality Bro. And you're like, oh bro, and then you did it, but you don't have to always do it. You could come up from only go based on your own experience. 

Much of our reality is just based on hearsay. We hear it on the news. We hear someone else talk about something, at least they say, oh, this is the way it is, and you say, okay, yeah, that is the way things are, but the moment you hear something like that, you can choose whether that becomes your reality or not. 

You can choose whether you internalize it and that becomes true for you, so instead of going on intellectual theoretical of this is the way reality is, this, the way to reality is what is true for you in experience, what have you experienced before? Test it out, try it, and see how it is, but don't just be subservient to that of other people's beliefs, theories, ideologies, without going within yourself first.

The true power is within you. I know once again, it's another cliché thing. Follow your passion, combine your head to your heart, to powers within you, but it's true. It's true as really how it works. You are really more powerful than you can even imagine.

Combine your head and your heart. The power is within you.

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You really are. You're much more than you know, much more than you think, and you also much more than you can think about that you're not just more than you think. You're more than you can think even your because that's from your ego. Remember is the ego the best-case scenario for the ego? It's just the floor to the higher mind and if you start to trust the process more, you get out of the ego.

You might still be aware of it, but you start to go more down. This middle way of trusting and aligning. You may still take action, especially if your actions combined with what you love doing, but it's about trusting both. This is what's here for you right now. Trust the universe, trust the process. Know that it's all coming from within anyways. Know that your reality is a reflection of what you believe to be true.

Decrease importance to things you're giving. A lot of meaning to importance can also be kind of contributed to meaning, but let go. Let go of given things too much, meaning you're worthy. You know that. Do you know that you're worthy? Do you know that you don't have to try so hard for people to like you?

People can like you for just you being you and you see that even if they don't agree with you, they can still respect that. At least you're being yourself. These are all things that you know deep within. I'm just here to remind you and be like, Hey, look at this. I think that's pretty much everything I wanted to say today. You're more powerful than you know your state of being as important. Focus on how you feel is that more intentions and trust. The process. Your higher self knows what's up is your higher self can see more than your ego.

Tap into your heart center. Apart from this as well is understanding the patterns of the past, how they kind of keep us in the ego. One of the most powerful meditations I've ever created is on completing the past and you can listen to it for 21 days. It will change your life. It's absolutely a YouTube video. You can read the comments to see how powerful that is. Listening for 21 days and watch what happens in your life.

The DANGER of Your Belief System and How to TRANSCEND it and Raise Your Vibration

I'm going to be sharing with you the dangers of your old belief system, understanding how to transcend to a new level so that you start to create what you want easier than before.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how you can transcend your old belief system, understanding that that is the danger in your life. That is one of the biggest culprits. That is the thing that will hold you back the most, is actually your belief system. In general, back in the day on my YouTube channel, I used to talk a lot about understanding how our beliefs create our reality. This is the thing.

For a while, I stepped away from that. I stepped away and I was looking more into how to bring in eastern philosophy into the Law of Attraction, but what I've been learning lately is that literally not just a metaphor. This isn't just some type of hypermobile. The idea is that literally, our beliefs are creating our reality, which means whatever we believe to be true will always be reflected back to us.

The thing is what we believe to be true from person to person to person. These changes based on our own interpretation of the world based on our own reference experiences and based on her own beliefs. This is something that many times we don't agree necessarily as to what absolutely is true, but that is why everyone will always get a reflection of what they believe to be true. You could think of this in the form of confirmation bias where we say, well, anytime I go out, the people I meet, everyone I meet is just very rude to me. I go out, the lady at the child, the cashier, she's rude.

That's a story that we have played in her mind. Or the idea is that they interpret that person as being nice because it's almost like that energy field of that person maybe softens that person up. This is something that I actually just did today and I noticed because my buddy Victor and I, we go to this place almost every day to eat. It's in Vegas and it's like this healthy food place.

We go there every day to eat and there's usually this one lady, this one girl that works at the front at the cashier, and there are times that when she works, she just has general. There's been this certain story that every time she's working, she's in a bad mood, so when we'd go up there, we kind of see that she's either having a bad day or whatever it is.

Here's the funny thing. I was talking to Victor about this because I've been having this shift in my own consciousness where I've been realizing that literally everything I believe to be true is reflected back to me. I said, let's do this thing when we go into the same place to eat tomorrow instead, let's view it. Almost expect her to be nice.

Let's drop this belief that she's always in a bad mood. What's going on with this person and what we did is today I went in there, I ordered my food and she was much nicer. She ended up just like insinuated and did something that I normally ask for that normally she has an attitude about it. She just did it with a smile on her face and it's so funny because what if the people that you're around, the people and how they respond to you, what if they change based on how you are expecting them to be?

What if reality in of itself is nothing but a reflection? This gets even deeper because the more down the rabbit hole we go, the more we realize that literally what we think of as reality itself is much more flexible. We think that it is solid and that it has formed, but what quantum physics shows us is that it's simply a matter of probabilities. There are different probability factors that go into what we actually experience.

The cool thing about that is that as we change our beliefs, as we changed the way that we see the world, the outer reflection of what we experience, that begins to change as well. It is literally a one on one reflection. What is the danger of this? Well, the danger is that when we have certain belief systems about the way the world works. For example, just the way that people treat us, the way that we relate to money, all of these things, what this ends up doing is this end up creating a hamster wheel of experiencing the same things over and over and over again.

This is something that I've shared from something that I learned from Dr. Joe Dispenza. Dr. Joe Dispenza says that our personality, which means what we think, how we feel, and how we act, the action we take these three things, it brings up and combines to make our personality, our personality, creates our personal reality. In order for us to experience more than that, which we are currently experiencing, what we must do is we must go beyond how we think beyond how we feel and beyond how we act.

If we start to stretch outside ourselves outside of what is comfortable, we start to expand our own self-image. We begin to see ourselves in a new way and then we start to experience more in our life. This is the key. I've shared before that scale of consciousness, the scale of consciousness when it goes from zero to a thousand being that of beyond enlightenment, or we could call that source of energy and when you look at the bottom, you'll see that of the negative emotions.

You'll see emotions such as shame. Emotions such as guilt, such as fear. These negative emotions are not really who we are. They're just kind of bogging us down and the way a lot of people go about using the Law of Attraction is what they do is they try to create what they want in their lives. By being in the lower consciousness paradigms, by feeling shamed, by feeling guilty, by feeling fear, by feeling anger, and then they wonder, why am I not attracting what I want?

Well, it could be that the key to you, what you want is to transcend your level of consciousness. Instead of trying to pile on a new idea or pile on a new belief, what you could instead do is you could decide that you are going to let go of what no longer serves. I'm going to share with you a powerful way you can transform your own beliefs. One of the easiest ways I've found it's very simple, but it works like clockwork and this is all you do.

The first thing you must do is you must become aware of the beliefs that you have. You must become aware of how you believe in what you believe about life. You must become aware of what you believe about money, what you believe about relationships, whatever area in your life that you're focused on changing.

You must first become aware of the beliefs that you have because when you become aware of the beliefs that you have, you've been moved from the reaction mind into that of the observation mind. When you get into the observation mind, that's where all the power is because then you're no longer acting based on the recycled thoughts, the recycled way of going about things which continues.

As we know, we think the same thoughts feel the same. Emotions take the same actions. We get the same result. You then become aware of that and you start to wake up to this level of being. You start to wake up to becoming more present to the moment you start to wake up to a new level of consciousness, and if you were to look at the scale that I've shared so many times, they'll see neutrality.

In neutrality, you become aware of the thoughts you're thinking. You may have thought of shame that bubbles up. I thought of fear and anger that bubbles up. And when you become neutral and observation, you get to that neutrality space where you realize that you can shift into this new level of consciousness, of observing the thoughts that you're having in those lesser paradigms.

You start to allow them to be there. You start to let go of those vibrations, and as you let go of those vibrations, you then start to see that things in your life begin to change because then the blocks that come up no longer have to be there because you've dealt with the pattern. It's just simply. Most people don't deal with the pattern. They continued to say, I really want. And guess what?

If you really want something, you are reaffirming the present moment that you really don't currently have it. There's a dissonance there. There's a feeling of lack. And what happens when you see someone that's really needing that wants someone that wants something or want someone. What happens? That desperation is something that creates resistance. That's what blocks you. That's what blocks anyone. The key is to transcend all of this.

And the way we transcend it, one of the most powerful ways I've found is simply a way called the Sedona method. The Sedona method is something maybe I like also because I love Sedona, so it could be. That could be part of it, I'm not sure, but it's actually called the Sedona method. The first step, there are four steps to the Sedona method.

The first step is you simply become aware of the belief or the feeling you have, either belief or feeling. I understand also that emotions come from beliefs. We must first believe something to be true, to actually have a feeling anyways. If it was a rainy day, it was kind of writing you earlier today, if it was a rainy day today and I had a positive emotion, is because I believe that that's a positive thing. I have a belief that then causes the emotion for me to feel good about it.

But if somebody else is from Oregon, for example, they don't like the ring because they're so used to, back home and it rains in Vegas like, oh, was a bad day. The meaning they give it, the belief they have, the meaning they give it then decreases the amount of state have been they feel, which means they didn't feel the negative emotion, but the inherent part of reality.

There is no built-in, meaning that says, arena dee is good or rainy day is bad. It simply depends on the person's perception as to what they feel out of it. In the same way, the first step of the Sedona method is you simply must become aware of what you believe to be true. To then start to take your power back. You become aware of what you believe to be true and you allow yourself to feel whatever that is.

This is the first step, so just be honest with yourself. What feeling do I have right now and can I allow it to be there? The second part is actually a question. These are all questions you're going to ask yourself. The last three are all questions. The first question is, could I let go of this emotion right now? Could I let go of this emotion right now? And that's just a question of “Could I do it?” And be honest with yourself, maybe like, no, I can't let that go right now. Which in that case then you just become aware that it's there?

The more presence you bring into it, the more you'll be aware of it and the more you'll eventually be able to let it go. Could I let go of this emotion? Could I let go of this belief? Many times, when it comes to these beliefs, to these emotions, there's a payoff for it. You said, how could there be a payoff for something negative? Well, if you feel angry about something, some people attached to the identity of whatever they're angry about. It's almost like they get an adrenaline rush when they are angry. There is some level payoff for that emotional state of consciousness. But it's about being aware of that.

And then ask yourself the question, could I let go of this emotion? And you can be and just sit with that and see how you feel. And now the third question, the third part of this process is asking, would I let go of this emotion? Because if he'd see that payoff and you don't think there's any reason for you to do so because you get such a good payoff, I did.

You might say, no, I'm not ready yet, or I wouldn't do it. I have too much to gain out of this, and then at least you're aware of it. You're at least are aware of it and you've asked yourself these questions and you'll come back to it later. The final step is simply when, when will you let go of this belief of this feeling?

Is it now? Many times, it will be now, but maybe you say, you know what? I need to hold onto it a little bit longer. You're just honest with yourself. I'm not ready to let this go yet, but just doing this four-step process of, first off, being aware of the emotion and allowing yourself to feel it. They said, what am I supposed to do and I feel all of these negative emotions of my old family members and this and that, and what I said was, is are you letting it be okay that you feel those emotions?

Because sometimes in the spiritual community we have these ideas that we're supposed to be better than that, which was to be better than our emotions. We're supposed to in a way, transcendence, allow it to be there by allowing it to be there. You didn't allow it to transform. It's a funny paradox, but it's true and that was the key. I remember he reached out to me later and said, hey, thank you a lot.

He didn't see. He found me on Instagram and DMV and said, thank you a lot. I did that and it really transformed the way that I relate to the situation. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that come up because the thing is your belief systems are what blocks you. Your belief systems are will hold you back. I remember I went to a conference once and I asked a question, says the name is Bashar. The conference I went to and I asked this guy. I said, hey, the belief system about beliefs create our reality. What were the belief systems of someone like Buddha or Jesus and the answer I got back was that they didn't have belief systems?

They wouldn't be on belief systems. They went into being. They went into knowing that if we look at that state of consciousness of that chart, we'll see that up to a 400 level of consciousness, which is a higher paradigm than most people attract from anyways. Being aware of how our beliefs create our reality that will get us so far that will get us as far as for 99, which is Einstein.

However, if you want to go beyond that, you have to transcend the intellectual processes and get into a state of being, of being present to the moment of understanding that you are already whole and complete, that when you think you want all of these things, when you have all these past experiences, reference experiences, and you're trying to create this identity of how can I think beyond my thoughts and feel beyond my emotions and act beyond the current action that I'm taking?

That's one paradigm and it works. However, it will only get you to a four 99 level of consciousness. The higher your vibration rages, the easier it is to manifest what you want. The key to this is actually to transcend all of the beliefs by becoming aware that all beliefs are true. If you believe to be true through different areas of your life, you will shift to different perspectives, but understand that reality is what we make it be based on what we believe to be true about reality. That will always be reflected back to us.

The more we become aware of what we believe and the more we become aware of our perceptions is the more we start to take our power back because the next time we find ourselves caught up in something about something happening, there's a story that goes along with it.

The more we become aware of what we believe and the more we become aware of our perceptions is the more we start to take our power back.

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We can see that maybe that story is keeping it alive in the same way that I went to that place today. I went to the place that I eat in Vegas with my buddy Victor, and there was that lady there that only has a bad attitude and we changed. I changed the story. All the sudden she's acting nicer to me.

I've let go of it. I would get mad if like someone comes and says they're going to be here a certain time and they're late. But you see that as a belief. That was a story I had in my mind. The more I let go of all of that is the more things began to shift.

The stories are running our life experience because in the stories are the beliefs we have. If you simply become aware that everything in life is just what we believe to be true, you can see that. Then you can let go of the beliefs and the way you let go of those beliefs is my first stop. Becoming aware of those beliefs. Ask yourself the question, what would I have to believe is true to be experiencing this?

Allow yourself to feel those emotions. The paradox is in allowing it and naturally begin to subside, you begin to process it instead of repress it. Secondly, could you let go of that emotion? Could you let go of that belief? Be aware of what comes up. Thirdly, would you let it go? The emotion or the belief, would you let it go and then fourth, when and if not now, then when?

If not now, don't beat yourself up. Just wait and see. Ask yourself the question in a week from now. Set the intention to figure it out and to work through this, but as you go through this process, the key to transcending your level of consciousness is not to pile on a new belief system. It's not the pile on a new perspective is simply to let go of what doesn't serve and to let go of the social conditioning that is holding you back.

That is the danger of the belief system. That belief system is the block. That belief system is that that comes from the ego. You are not the ego. The ego is a part of you, but you are so much more than that and we become more of that. You transcend the level of the intellect. You get into a place of being. That is a shift in consciousness.

Something that I'm currently doing is I'm creating something very powerful called the Shift Experience with Aaron Doughty. It's going to be an experience of a course that shows you how to shift your level of consciousness so that you create things easier than ever. It's going to show you how to shift out of the autopilot mind. 

That social conditioning to start to create your life in a powerful way of transcending all the beliefs that no longer serve you and to really creating a transformation in your level of consciousness. It's going to be available within the next few months. I will also be traveling the world and doing seminars on the shift called the Shift Experience with Aaron Doughty and if that's something you're interested in then you can go ahead and sign up and I'll send you updates on that.

Also, I'll be doing more live committees on Instagram. I just did one yesterday, so if you want to ask me questions if you want to interact with me, I also post daily content there as well. I think a post twice a day. I'll go ahead and boom right there. You can follow me on Instagram.

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How I Let go of my Painful Past, Raised My Vibrational Set-Point and Became Emotionally FREE

I'm going to be sharing with you how I raised my vibrational set point. I transcended my past and how I became emotionally free. By the end of this blog, you're going to know how you can do the same for you.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I raised my vibrational set point, how I transcended the past experiences I've had, and how I've been able to then become emotionally free. The reason I'm making this is that I think that so many people can that experienced the same thing that I went through in the sense of how I transcended a negative past and exist in a totally new state now.

When I say this, I'm not seeing them enlightened or anything, but what I am saying is that it's definitely a higher level of consciousness to where I was before now, just to give you a little bit of a basis for it. Before I felt like the world was happening to me. I remember that this was back in about 2012. I was feeling so much resistance. I felt like I didn't understand why my life was the way it was because back in my childhood form, the ages of seven to 15 years old, I had an abusive stepmom in my life.

I wasn't allowed to eat very much. I wasn't allowed to have like do the normal things that kids did. I and my brother were mainly outside working all day. We were not allowed to watch TV. We were not allowed to eat very much food. We had to earn, go into the school if we got in trouble with the school, taken away from us. It's a very unique situation to be in and that caused a lot of resistance because 15 came around and my dad divorced her.

All of a sudden, we have all this freedom, but at the same time, for some reason, I resented like why did all of that happen? And for years I felt that resentment and I carried it around with me even though it was subconsciously. What happened was, is I felt that resistance for about five or six years, not knowing exactly what to do with it and always just trying to almost just be positive.

I would have these negative thoughts and I would just try to focus on the positive thoughts, but a lot of times I end up resisting those negative thoughts that would come up and eventually that led me to when I went through an experience that shifted my consciousness and all this was was me learning that my beliefs create my reality and learning how to observe the different beliefs that I had that made up the reality that I lived in and I believed I was a victim.

I believe that things, things happened to me. I believed that I had ADHD and couldn't focus. I believed that I had all of these different labels that were kind of thrown on me and because of that, therefore created that experience over and over and over again. I had this experience with you two, a 12 when I felt on a scale of one to 10. I use the scale sometimes. I used to feel like I was at about a three to a five out of 10, 10 feeling amazing. One feeling not so great.

What happened was is I learned how to observe my thoughts. I learned how to not try to control them. I then got to this space of spaciousness as the best way I can describe it and in that space what ended up happening is it changed my whole life because, within a week or two, I started to feel a majority of the time that I was at about a seven or an eight out of 10.

I felt really good. A majority of the time I didn't need a drink. I didn't need to do anything that would change my state. I just naturally felt good and from that point going forward in my whole entire life changed because I started to see myself in a completely new way. When you become aware of the beliefs you have, when you become aware of the things that are triggering you to feel a certain way, you start to take your power back because then you realize that you don't have to give away your power to something else.

You realize that the true thing that the really only thing that matters is not what happens, but it's the way you respond to what happens. In general, many people are walking around at the reaction to everything that is happening to them and that's when we're letting the autopilot mind run itself out.

The autopilot mind for me was why did I go through all these experiences when I was seven to 15 years old? Why didn't I have a normal childhood? Why was everything controlled and all of these different things? Why did I have to earn going to school? How come I wasn't allowed to eat the of food that I wanted to eat growing up or not even eating the food I want to eat?

I wasn't even really allowed to eat as given one bowl of cereal in the morning and a TV dinner at night and it wasn't very much food, so me and my brother when we were locked out of the house during the day, we're doing workwise. Well, no one else was home outside. We would sometimes try to break in to eat the food. Why did all of that happen? Right? Why do we have to do that?

But what I realized was that even after 15 years old, I have all this freedom is amazing and a lot of friends, I'm allowed to do all this cool stuff and I'm wondering why did this all happen and I'm feeling that way. Well, that remained on autopilot for many years and I was always in reaction to everything that's happening and 90 percent of the people when you look around or more are in reaction just to everything that's happening.

They aren't aware of how they are relating to what's happening and because there isn't that awareness there. It's just everything is on autopilot and part of the time that we are on right now on this planet, it's about waking up. It's about transformation. It's about knowing that we don't have to be at the effect of everything that's happening and one of the best things we could do is start to simply put our focus and the direction of what we want to experience.

It may be part of this is just becoming aware of what has happened in the past. If you were to look at your past and at a certain level, be able to see that you chose it. It changes everything. That might seem ridiculous. How could you tell me that you chose to have an abusive step? Mom, how could you tell me that you chose all that?

Well, here's the thing. There are different levels of awareness that when we begin to get to, we can see that there's actually something in it that may have shaped into the way we are now, and here's the thing. When we treat it as if we chose it, we let go of resistance. We let go of the victim mentality, we let go of the identification with it, so what I did is I was able. This is back in 2012.

I was able to look at that and to see how it shaped me into who I became because that pain from the past eventually led me to create the pressure to have a spiritual awakening and many people that do have a spiritual awakening and have been through some type of painful past like that. This is something that happens to a lot of people now we can say, well maybe part of that we agreed to at a certain level and now maybe consciously we wouldn't be like, I would never agree to experience that kind of, you know, abuse or whatever it is because some people have also been through way worse stuff than me.

By sharing my story, I'm not saying that I have had it worse than anyone else. I'm just saying that a lot of people think that I'm this happy person and I'm a positive person because I was entitled growing up or something when it was really. I was just, there was so much restriction in my life that life, in general, is amazing because it wasn't what it was in that way, so in a similar way, what you can begin to understand is that a certain level you may have chosen your experiences because those experiences led you to become more, to transcending the negative emotion, to realize that you are so much more than you priorly imagined, and if you treat it as if you chose it, you then begin to transform it, so that is one of the keys.

Treat it as if you chose it and then you will transform it because then the resistance goes away. The key to this process of letting go of all of that is completing the past. This is going to seem paradoxical to a lot of people that are that don't. Especially people that watch my channel because I share a lot of information with the law of attraction, so you may hear that and go, well, if I'm going to complete the past by feeling the past of whatever happened, wouldn't I create more of it using the law of attraction and the answer to that is not really because what you end up doing is you end up allowing the flow of energy to go through your body and then you can release it.

You see what happened is when we have an energy field around our body and the moment something happened in our past that we thought it shouldn't have been there, there was this little disruption in our energy field and this little disruption stay in our energy field until we become aware of it and move it out and we allow it to be there and we feel it. Because of many times what happens is we stopped feeling whatever we're supposed to feel in the moment or whatever's coming up at the moment.

When we were younger. We say this shouldn't be there. And by saying that we suppress it and then what we do is we subconsciously carry that around everywhere we go. And as we carry that around, we continue to experience things in our life that are equal to that experience. For example, I've shared this once or twice before, but with my stepmom, she was manipulative.

She was, you know, all those different things I shared earlier. I was like, why did this happen? I had this kind of thing in my energy field of resisting what happened and resisting the emotion that I felt at the time. What happened was years later I got a job at Nordstrom's, work in a woman's shoes, and I had a manager that was the exact same way. This manager, of course, couldn't physically do anything, but mentally she did the same exact thing. She would talk down to people.

She's manipulative. She was controlling power, tripping all of these same things. And she was protected by upper management at that job, at Nordstrom's in women's shoes. She was pretending to upper management so everyone would go to HR because of the things that she would say. But HR would protect her, so for four years she was my manager and I'm dealing with like the same type of person as my stepmom, pretty much the same person in a different body and as like once again it was because there was this pattern in my energy field that resonated with this, so I was attracted to being in that department, which is very synchronous in itself because there are some things that happened that made me in this department.

This part is actually the department of Salon shoes, which is designer shoes, which is the most expensive department in the whole store. It as a commission based job so is the best department to be in, but it's very ironic that are not even ironic, but it was just very peculiar that that kind of thing happened. When I eventually learned how to complete my past, when I allow the emotions to be there, when I realized and I reframed my whole entire past of that whole experience, my stepmom, I learned how to observe my thoughts. I learned how to complete it by allowing it to be there by coming at peace with the past.

You have to complete the past to not repeat the past. Within two weeks of doing that, this manager got fired. Finally, after four or five years she got fired and part of it was because I completed my past and that might seem like a bold statement and you bro, you're saying that you are the reason that that happened.

Well, all I know is that beliefs create reality and that when we let go of negative emotions that no longer serve because we've let go of the belief that's attached to it or we've let go of the disruption or energy field. Then the people on the outer reflection that no longer resonate just seemed to drift away. It seems very. It seems very synchronous that she would leave my experience the week or two after I complete the process of the negative emotion. I became aware of why it was in my life that way.

How that kind of in a way formulated to me being either such strong desire to help break people. Out of the prison of their mind, how to break people out of the painful pasts that they've had and I would not have had that if it wasn't for some of the things that I went through when I was younger, so I've in a way reframed it and seen it as something that maybe I did shoes at a certain level.

That transformed my whole life and from that point on I've never had to deal with someone like that again because I've completed the past. If you want to learn how to complete the past, I've made one of the most powerful meditations I've ever made for completing the past or just in general, and it will help you to feel the emotions, get the beliefs that are in the way and then to feel it and to let it go forever. This meditation is something that will help you to unroot things that don't serve.

This is a meditation that goes very deep and I will link it in the description box below, so meditates a youtube video about 14 minutes in or something like that is when the meditation starts of that video. And if you read the comments of that video, you will see what I mean by how powerful it is, because when you get to the root, that's when you really begin to change from the inside out.

That's what transformation is all about, and you can do the same thing. My understanding that your natural set point, that who you really are is unconditional love and bliss. That is who you naturally are. And when you begin to tap into that and realize that that is who you are, you can let go of all the things that no longer serve. There'll be different layers that were attached to based on our beliefs, based on the reference experiences that we've had, and the more we resist the past, the more we keep those alive and we are more than we keep our vibration bogged down.

The key is to let it go and to observe those different perspectives, to observe the past experiences, to observe all of it because then we transcend our vibration. But understand that your natural vibration is that of a love of bliss. That's who you naturally are.

Lastly, I want to share with you one way that you can go about taking your power back in a very empowering way and that has to do with literally treating everything in your life as if you chose it. Treat everything in your life as if you chose it and say yes to the present moment. This is a transformation in of itself because when you treat everything as if you chose it, you start to take your power back.

Most people, over 90 percent of the people on the planet are in reaction to everything that's happening. They aren't choosing anything. Everything is happening to them. The key to this process is treating everything as if you chose it because rather than being at the cause of the cause of the cause or rather have been at the effect of the effect of the effect you then are at the cars.

The key is going from effect being at the effect of everything that's happening. This is happening to me. This is happening to me, to then being the cause of it in itself because you're treated as if you chose it. Then you also allow, you are saying yes to the present moment when you say yes to the present moment, the transformation in of itself begins to happen. That's when you start to become emotionally free.

I treat everything in my life as if I chose it and by doing that I allow the present moment to be and then transforms my own consciousness. I genuinely feel that on a scale of one to 10, I am at a seven or an eight out of 10 and I used to be at a three to five out of 10. I believe that our natural set point is going to be on this planning, raising over that have this imaginary skill in my mind of one to 10. It will eventually be that have much more and that you have the potential to shift to do a higher level of consciousness and that when you do that, your whole life begins to change in a very powerful way and one of the first steps of doing that is completing the past to not repeat the past.

Getting to the core and then also letting go of what doesn't serve. And then flooding yourself with what is called source energy. That's exactly what that meditation will do that I shared with you. I recommend you listen to it for 21 days to really transform your life. Read the comments and see what I'm talking about.

This Meditation will SHIFT your Level of Consciousness INSTANTLY WARNING There’s NO Going Back

I’m going to share with you a meditation that will shift your level of consciousness instantly, and by the end of this meditation, you will feel like a completely new person.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you a meditation that will shift your level of consciousness. It will allow you to see things in a way that may be different than the way that you've seen the world up until this point, and the power of it is understanding that first off, you are more than you can even imagine.

When people have a spiritual awakening or when people have a shift in consciousness, something happens to where they can see things from a totally new perspective. That's what they call transformation. Change is when we change one little thing, but the reality still remains very similar.

Transformation is a totally new paradigm where you see things in a completely new light and by the end of this meditation, you will be transformed. When I talk about this and when I do these meditations, what I like to do first is I'd like to show a little bit of what's going to happen so that when you do it, you know what's going on mechanistically, you know what's going on with this process.

What I thought I would do really quick is first off, show you the chart of consciousness that I share in a lot of YouTube videos, but just to give you a little bit of a basis for it so that when you go into this meditation, you're like, oh, that's what we're doing right now. This is what we're doing right now, and even though you could just let go and relax, it will help you and guide you to what we're actually doing.

At the bottom of the chart, you will see lower vibrational emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, anger. Eventually, you see that of neutrality. Neutrality is a powerful point because neutrality is where you realize that every event in our life is fundamentally neutral. It has no built-in meaning other than the meaning we give it so it's just our mind that creates the identity, that creates the relation to thoughts that says, oh, this is why I feel angry.

We are attached to a position. We are attached to a perspective that causes that negative emotion. Whereas if we were to forgive the other person or forgive ourselves, we would like to go those lower vibrational emotions and then be neutrality. This is why when many people simply learn how to observe their thoughts, their life changes in a powerful way because then they let go of the charge of all those negative emotions.

Those negative emotions are on autopilot. They continue to run themselves out over and over again until we observe them and allow them to be there. Neutrality is a huge step. Then you'll see that above is acceptable. That's also a powerful place where you accept the present moment. You will then eventually move up to willingness. That is the willpower, that is the desire we may have to achieve or to become more.

That's a level of consciousness. Then the next step that I want to talk about is that of reasoning. The reasoning is where we understand and start really indulging in the intellect, understanding that our reality is what we believe it to be true, so if we look for evidence of something, we will find the evidence of it. If we look for a confirmation of something, we find evidence of it, and the one truth in life is that all truths are true.

This is a perspective that has to do with understanding how the brain works. Whatever we focus on, we will find more evidence of and the more we become aware of that is the more that we started to gain our power. The thing is most people will fight each other or butt heads because they say, well, I believe this, and then this person believes this. We try to have one universal understanding for what truth is, but people have a different basis of truth depending on their perspectives, so whatever is true for them will be reflected back to them.

If the world is a dark place, it will appear to be dark. If the world is a light place, I don't feel appear to be light, so it depends on what we're looking for and what our beliefs are, so when we become aware that our beliefs create our reality, it's a very powerful step and that's where a lot of my YouTube videos have been for the last two years is our beliefs create our reality, but now what I've been doing is helping people to shift beyond reasoning.

You'll see beyond reasoning. We have that of love. This is where the focus is for this meditation. You see, the key to transforming your consciousness is understanding that you are more than that of your beliefs. You are more than that of the accumulation of things that have happened to you in the past that you have interpreted. You are more than you can even imagine, and when you let go of all of that, you then start to exist in this higher vibrational state of consciousness.

You see climbing up the scale of consciousness which is raising your vibration, and when you raise your vibration, your thoughts, I have more focus. You have more power in general. However, rather than trying to climb up the ladder, it's more about just letting go of what doesn't serve and you naturally begin to drift up. In the meditation that we're going to get to in a minute, we're going to hit that of neutrality.

Then we're going to hit that and reasoning. Then we're going to be in love. This is about going from doing and having into being and to being the present moment into being aware of who we really are. With that being said, that is how this meditation will work. That is how we will raise our level of consciousness. By the end of this meditation, your life will be transformed. You will feel like a completely new person.

Set that intention right now too. That's how powerful you are. You can set that intention right now for you to shift your level of consciousness and as you go through this process, that will become your reality. For this, what I invite you to do is I invite you to either lay down on the floor or sit in a relaxed position so that you can go through this meditation.

If any emotions come up, allow them to be there. Allow yourself to process what comes up. Just relax and understand this is a process, and that as you go through it, you will begin to see things in a different way. You will feel differently. You will understand who you really are. Let's go ahead and get into it right now. We're going to take a couple deep breaths in and in and out, and we're going to put our awareness inside of our heart because when we put the awareness inside of our heart, we didn't grow the electromagnetic energy around our heart, and when we do that, we also become more present to the moment.

We're more here now rather than thinking and understand that this meditation is meant to put you into more of a state of being rather than a state of thinking or doing or having. Let's go ahead right now. Let's take a couple deep breaths in. Deep breaths out and feel our body relaxed more and more. Let's take a deep breath in right now.

Three, feel your body relax more and more. Put your hands over your heart like this and understand that by simply putting your hands over your heart, you are increasing the energy inside of your heart center, starting to feel it more and more. Take another deep breath in, deep breath out. As you breathe out, feel your body begin to relax more and more, loosening up feeling very relaxed. Take another deep breath in and out.

As you breathe out, seeing more and more into this heavy, deep relaxation that you feel coming over your body right now. Close your eyes if you'd like, and put the awareness now in your forehead. Imagine a warm feeling in your forehead, loosening up, feeling more relaxed, but the awareness behind your eyelids, into your eye sockets. Relax your eye muscles. Bring the awareness now to your nose. Feel the tingling sensation.

Relax. Bring the awareness now into your jaw. Feel your jaw. Begin to hang loose and relax your tongue. Feel your tongue loosen up against the top of your mouth. Bring the awareness into your neck. Feel your neck begin to lose and relaxed more and more. Bring the awareness now to your left arm, your left hand. Put the awareness there and imagine it relaxing, feeling soft, your right arm, your right hand. Bring the awareness and feel it.

Loosen up. Relax. Bring the awareness into your chest and put the awareness inside of a sphere, a sphere of energy, any color that you like. Imagine it now inside your heart center. Imagine this sphere of energy spinning clockwise, and as it starts to spin clockwise, you feel more of this love energy inside of your heart. This love energy begins to increase. You can feel the tingling sensation.

I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count, you're going to feel an increase of love inside of your heart. You're going to feel it double in sensation with every number I count. Imagine that ball of energy in your heart spinning five fuel is increased. Double that every number I count for feeling it increase inside of your heart center. Three more and more to double the amount of sensation of love.

And one, feel this warm sensation flow through your body knowing that this love vibration is going to continue to increase. Bring the awareness into your abdomen feeling loosen up and relax. Bring the awareness to your hips, your left leg, your left foot will your toes, your right leg, your right foot with your toe and relax. Imagine any energy that you want to let go of right now.

Let go of it through the heels of your feet. Imagine that energy leaving your body, going through the heels of your feet and out. You can let it go. Just allow it to leave and now your body is much more receptive. You feel better than before and you know that this meditation, so when you change your life, now imagine that you were in a very relaxed place. Imagine that you were in a place that you can go anytime you want to do inner work.

This place can be indoors or outdoors or convener and imagination or in your memory, wherever you feel comfortable. This is a place you can go to. Just relax and do inner work. If you choose, you are there. Begin to look around what do see? Imagine what you see is becoming brighter and brighter. What kind of sounds do you hear? Imagine the sounds becoming louder and louder. How do you feel here? Notice that often to the distance, about 10 feet away, you see that have a bench.

Go ahead and walk over to this bench. I'm going to count down from five to one. With every number I count, you're going to feel yourself go deeper and deeper into this experience. It's going to feel much more real. Five taken, another step, getting closer to the bench for feeling yourself. Begin to really immerse yourself into this experience. Three, getting closer, even more relaxed, two and one. You're at the foot of this bench. Notice that this bench is titled and labeled the Neutrality Bench.

This is a bench you can go anytime. You want to look at certain things in your life and to see them from a neutral point of view. Notice that in front of this bench is a white projector screen or you can look at experiences of your past. From a neutral perspective. You can step out of the reactive mind and see how those situations actually served you. Go ahead and sit on this bench and noticed that the moment you do, you feel this peacefulness, this understanding that everything in your life happens for a reason.

Everything is perfect as it is. Notice that as you look around right now, even in this environment, everything you see, it's just beautiful. It just is as it is. No need to put labels, no need to put filters. You can just observe what comes up. You can observe that you have and you can allow them to be there. Thoughts are neutral. Past situations in your life are neutral. They have no built-in meaning other than the meaning. We give it with our mind. Look at that projector screen in front of you. Notice how you feel much more neutral about your past knowing that it served you in some form.

On the projector screen, there will be certain memories that your higher-self right now we'll show you and as you look on this screen, notice that you have this neutral perspective about it. You feel like you are disengaging from the reactive mind and you are engaging in a neutral perspective. Look at the first memory that your higher self wants you to see. What situation was this? Notice how you look at this memory.

You feel very neutral about it. You see how it may have served you by neutralizing this memory you were letting go of the pattern of it, bringing more situations of it in your life. Ask your higher self to show you the second memory of something that happened that is impacting your life, that you can begin to see at a neutral perspective what memory is this? Your higher-self shows you why this was actually something that served to you, that you can neutralize it now. Ask your higher self to show you the third memory of something that is impacting your life that you can begin to neutralize right now and to let go of what memory is this.

I notice that this memory served you in some way and that now you can begin to neutralize it. Thank your higher self for showing you these memories, knowing that from this point going forward, you relate to the past and completely new way that you can begin to let go of the charge of the past because in some way it served you, even if it became something you became more aware of how you are, you are now able to let go of what doesn't serve. From this point going forward, you will know that anytime something happens, you can choose a neutral perspective. Don't have to label it.

You can just allow it to be there. You can observe your thoughts about it and you do not have to react. You can instead respond. You can stand up from being on the neutrality bench knowing you can come back here anytime that you would like and notice that about 15 feet away. You see that have a chair. This chair has on it, a headset, a headset that goes around your head and walks over to this chair. Begin to take some steps. Every step you take, you feel an increase in vibration in your body.

I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count, you're going to feel even more immersed in this experience, excited knowing that you are shifting your consciousness forever. Take a step now. Five, feeling yourself more in this experience for getting closer to this chair. Three, just a couple feet away to double the amount of sensation in your body and one now you were at this chair. His chair is labeled reasoning. This is where you become the master of your own beliefs, knowing that your beliefs are creating your own reality. I turned it around and sit in this chair.

Notice how comfortable with fields and then the headset above you. Go ahead and bring it down on over your head right now. Feel it still feels comfortable now as you were in this chair, where you can do is you can see how any belief that you have is creating your life experience. You can see all these self-fulfilling prophecies you have in your life, any limiting belief that is holding you back and you can become aware of it all. What limiting belief are you aware of right now?

As you look at this limiting belief, your higher-self shows you in test tells you that you can shift around this negative belief by making the choice right now. You can see that the belief is there and because you are aware of it, you can then take your power back. Looking at this negative belief, what would it be? The opposite of it?

Well, the turnaround before it. If it's that there's the scarcity of money out there, then you can know there's an abundance of money out there. Whatever belief it is, your higher self tells you right now that you can switch it to that of the opposite and make it empowering for you. Take a limiting belief right now. Look at it, be grateful that it's there because now you're aware of it, and then simply know that because you're aware of it, now it no longer makes sense to keep running itself out, to choose the higher perspective.

Choose the new belief. Whatever that new belief is, I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count. This is going to wire this new belief into you. You're going to know from this point going forward that this is who you are, this new positive belief. Five, fill yourself now knowing that this belief is true for you, for feeling yourself now, become more certain about it. Three, double the amount of certainty with every number I count two and one. Fill yourself now knowing that you have now wired in a positive belief that will forever change your life in a positive way.

I find one more belief that we can do this with one more limiting belief that is holding you back. Which belief is it? Once again, be grateful that it's there because now that you're aware of it, now you can actually change it. I asked her higher self to help you to switch this belief and what is the opposite of that belief? I'm going to count down again from five to one with every number I count. You're going to wire this new empowering belief into you. It will forever change your life. Five, fill yourself now, becoming more searching.

That disbelief is true for you, for feeling an increase in your body right now. Three, knowing that this is true for you to double the amount of sensation and knowingness. One, this belief is now true for you.  Could stand up from this chair and you notice that about 15 feet away is a crystal bed. A bed that is made out of crystal looks very high vibrational. It's got lights around it. This is a bed you can go to anytime you want to immerse yourself in unconditional love.

I noticed that this crystal bed is about 15 feet away. Well, we are going to do now is we're going to begin to take steps towards this crystal bed. Take a step notice. You can feel this increase in loving your body. Take another step. You can feel this increase in loving your body again. We are five steps away. I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count. You feel an increase in love inside of your body knowing that you were about to shift your consciousness to a totally new level five, feel it, double the sensation throughout your body.

Four, getting closer to this bed now. Three, just a couple steps away to double the amount of sensation in your body and one. You are at the foot of this crystal bed that you can come back to anytime you want. Healing, anytime you want to let go. Anytime you want to raise your vibration to your core frequency. With this bed will do is this bed will align you with your core frequency. Go ahead and get into this bed and notice that as you get in, it's got a spongy, yeah, to harder surface to it, but it feels comfortable and this crystal bed has healing properties and at the same time, and it has an awareness property that will raise your vibration to a higher state of consciousness.

This crystal bed is also in tune with your higher self, so any information that you want begins to come to you easily. As you lay in this crystal bed, notice that there are lights glimmering around these lights. Act like light therapy and heal certain parts of your body, certain parts you might not even be aware of, raising the frequency of you now, right now, your higher self has a message for you.

Listen to what this message is. It comes to you easily. What is this message now? Something else your higher self wants you to know is that your body, your mind is a vessel that you are an immortal, spiritual being living a temporary human experience that you are beyond that of this 3D, physical structure. This body that you inhabit is your avatar. For this life experience and up until this point, you have thought that you are an accumulation of your past experiences. You are your past.

That is not the truth. You are a high vibrational being and you are more than you can even imagine. Now, the truth in life is that all truths are true. Any beliefs we have are reflected back to us, but there's a level beyond that and that level is love. Dropping the intellect, dropping the beliefs, knowing we can go from having and doing into being who we are, which is a high vibrational being right now.

You may have thoughts in your mind. Observe those thoughts, know that that is the vessel that you are inhabiting, that is the Avatar you are using and you can observe those thoughts. Right now, what we're doing is we are creating a distance between our identity and who we actually are. We are more than we can even imagine and you are more than you can imagine. The identity that you have made up until this point, from past prior experiences is not who you are.

It is an Avatar and because you have identified with it in your life, it may appear that that is who you are, but remember you an immortal spiritual being of high vibration and right now you are waking up to more of who you are than ever before. You are realizing that from this point going forward, you may have thoughts. You may have emotions that come up, but you will be aware that they are not you. They are just the accumulation of your past experiences and you can choose to not identify with them. You can choose to know that you are unconditional. Love, that this is who you are.

This reality that we're in right now is a temporary, fun experience and make the choice right now that from this point going forward, you're going to have more fun. You're going to understand that this is a fun, loving experience and right now you are shifting your consciousness more and more now, right now, what's your higher self is going to do, is going to assist you in this shift in consciousness.

The shift in awareness of who you really are there. Our knobs on this crystal bed, your higher self is there next to you and it's going to assist you in increasing the energy that is flowing through the crystal bed into your being. There's a dial that is labeled from one to 10. 10 is the maximum core frequency of love beyond anything you've ever experienced before, and it's going to help you to be more authentic than ever before.

From this point going forward, your life will be forever changed. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to count up from one to 10. With every number, I count. You're going to feel double the amount of love, double the amount of sensation in your body. If any emotions come up, allow them to be there and know that this is a part of the process and that your vibration is going to increase to who you really are.

Every number I count, you're going to feel doubled. The knob is now moving. You can see and feel this energy begin to increase inside of your body to double the amount of sensation flowing through you right now. You feel this love emanate from your hearts. This crystal bed is lighting up three, feeling it increased more and more now, double with every number I count for feeling it, flow through your body. Know that this is okay.

Allow whatever to come up. Come up. Five, feeling this energy, increase this love vibration side of your heart. Begin to tingle knowing that you are transforming your consciousness right now. Six, beginning to have this awareness of who you really are, beginning to feel more into this experience than ever before. Six, feeling this now. Flow through your body. Allow the emotions to be there. Allow yourself to soak in this vibration.

Seven, feeling double the amount of sensation through your body now knowing that you are increasing this energy inside of your body. Eight, feeling it flow through every limb of your body. Every cell of your body is being transformed right now. Nine, fueling it increased even more and now double the amount of sensation and 10, feel this energy flow through your body, knowing that you are your higher self. You are a high vibrational being. You now see the truth and feel the truth of who you are, fuel inside of your heart center and know that from this point going forward, your life is forever changed.

In this high vibration, allow whatever sensations are there to be there. Your higher self has another message for you. Listen to this message now from this point going forward, your life is forever changed. You will know that if you react to things in the past that that is reacting based on prior experience. You know that you are more than this avatar body. You are unconditional love and bliss.

From this point going forward, you will feel more authentic than ever before and you will feel more present to the moment understanding that you are not your ego. You are not your body. You are not your mind. You are beyond all that which you can imagine. Soak in this vibration as long as you like, and when you come out of it, you're going to feel more present to the moment than ever before and more love in your heart knowing that life is forever changed and enjoy this vibration.

3 Things You MUST Give Up To Experience “The SHIFT” In Consciousness

What I'm going to be sharing with you the three things you must give up to experience the shift in consciousness. These are going to be things that if you start to give up, will radically transform your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things you must give up to experience does shift in consciousness, and when I say the shift in consciousness, this is something that is going to help you to see things from a higher perspective, from a new way of being. Think of it as your whole entire life. You may have been living in reaction to your environment.

You may have been living at the effect of everything that's happening. You may have been living from a perspective of always wanting more of things, not being good the way they are now, of feeling like you're not enough.

You may have been living your life like that. However, when you experienced the shift, the shift in consciousness, everything begins to change. The truth is, is this is within you right now, it's just a matter of becoming aware of it and starting to live from this central part of you, so just to give this a little bit of a context, the shift experience is something that I'm creating right now. The shift experiences, also a metaphor for understanding how to create a shift in consciousness for yourself.

However, the shifts experience is also that have a program that I'm currently creating as well as a movement that I am creating and I'll be going around the world doing, going on tour, speaking about this and doing workshops on it. If you want to be the first to know about when the shift experience goes live, you'll see a link in the top of the description box below and it's something that I think is going to help a lot of people to shift into a higher level of consciousness.

Let me first off say that shifting consciousness does not have to mean that we become enlightened. Although there are some aspects of it that are enlightening, it is about understanding who we really are. At a fundamental level, because even people that are enlightened will tell you that it's not so much that you can attain enlightenment because once again if we want to attain something, it means that we're trying to become and go somewhere that we're not.

An enlightenment is actually about more being here in the present moment. However, just to give this a little bit of context back about before 2012, that was when I went through a spiritual awakening and I started to experience the shift in consciousness. I used to fill a lot of resistance because of my past, a lot of resistance because of the way identified myself, the labels that I had, and then what happened is I started to simply observe my thoughts.

I remember that I simply decided I was going to learn meditation because where I was, I just knew that meditation could help me because I had at a time was called ADHD. I was taking Adderall for it, read up online and found the benefits of doing meditation. Saw that it would pretty much give me the results that I wanted without the side effects of Adderall, which is the prescription I was taken at the time, and then that drove me to learn meditation, learn meditation.

Within two or three days, my life started to change. I started to feel completely different. I remember that within what I'm about to share with you. When I was walking around my room about a week later, I remember walking around thinking, is this too good to be true? I felt on average about a majority of the time before the shift in consciousness.

I've felt that about a three to a five out of 10 and then what happened is that learn how to observe my thoughts. I learned how my beliefs are creating my reality. I learned how to become more present to the moment and to say yes to the present moment and then all of a sudden I feel like I'm at a majority of the time, about a seven or an eight out of 10, I felt really good and I thought that the feeling is going to go away. It never went away. It just became my natural set point.

Of course, it still fluctuates. I get frustrated is so bob's down a little bit, but the emotions, the negative emotions I feel now are much higher than that of the positive emotions I would feel back in the day. This is about raising the vibration, raising our vibration, state of consciousness, understanding that we are not just the ego, we live our whole life normally as the ego and because of that, we experience more and more from that paradigm, from the paradigm of things happening to us.

And that is when the shift begins to happen. The first thing you must give up to experience this shift in consciousness is your story and beliefs that don't serve you. Your story and your beliefs that don't serve you. I used to have a story and even now I explained this story so that every people have a reference experience that they can also go through a similar thing, but some people see me and when I'm talking about, you know, I used to be the victim.

I used to be at the effect of everything else because between the ages of seven to 15, I had an abusive ex-stepmom and my life and she's someone that has a borderline personality disorder. She'd be very angry. My dad's a firefighter, so he was gone 24 hours a day. My brother and I were left alone with her a lot of the time.

She brainwashed us into not liking our moms, so we wouldn't say quite often. Then it was like me and my brother was just allowed to work outside all day. A lot of times we weren't allowed in the house. If we were, we were. All we would do is we eat a bowl of cereal and then we'd eat a TV dinner at night. We weren't allowed to watch TV. ​

If you wanted to watch TV, we had to sneak in the house. One of us would have the remote and would behave the channel, the remote on the button for last so that if somebody came home we could put it back to the last channel, turn off the TV, run outside, pretend like we were outside the whole time. That was the only time we were allowed to watch TV. We had to sneak watching TV.

We weren't allowed to eat very much. It was just we were allowed to go. We had to earn going to school. If we got in trouble. We weren't allowed to go to school activities like band camp or something like forensics debate tournaments. It was until 15 years old and my dad divorced her and even after he divorced her, all of a sudden our brother have all this freedom.

We're allowed to have friends, were allowed to eat while we want. We're allowed to like do normal stuff like watch TV and stuff like that. And even after that though, five or six years after that, I still felt a lot of resistance. I still felt like, why did this all happen? I still felt like I wasn't worthy and consequently enough I kept attracting people in my life that represented my stepmom, who was a very angry person.

I had a manager later on that was the same type of personality. She would talk down to people. She was protected by upper management, so she was able to do that and it took years for her to get fired, but you want to know when she got fired, she got fired within a week of me learning this kind of meditation. It's not even a meditation.

This shifting consciousness, maybe becoming aware of my old story and becoming at peace with it and letting it go because eventually, the pain from that old story led me to then becoming more present to the moment and seeing that it led to my spiritual awakening, so I was able to reframe all of that stuff that happened in the past. I was able to reframe it and when I reframed it, that's when everything began to change, but I had to let go of the story and the attachment I had to what happened to me because I had this whole narrative in my mind that this stuff is happening to me.

I was at the victim. I was at the effect of everything that was happening at the time as well. When I went through that shift in consciousness, I had a belief and the belief that I had was that there was something wrong with me because I was identified as someone that had ADHD. I went to a doctor, they gave me Adderall. Took that because I had a lot of energy and then what happened was I felt resistance because I was like, why do I have this?

And I felt like I needed that is all in order to focus at work and I worked at Nordstrom's in women's shoes, so it was a commission based job, so I would take the Adderall and make a lot of money, but they're not crash at night, couldn't sleep very much, couldn't eat very much. It felt horrible, so what I eventually realized is that I identified myself and thought of myself and thought it was a negative thing to have a lot of energy.

I reframed that. I reframe that story and when I read frame that story, I started to let go and I started to see that instead. What I could do is I could start to just balance out my energy every day. I got a house that has grass over there. I live in Vegas. There's not much grass in backyards, believe it or not, in Vegas, mainly as dirt, so I actually have a house with a graph so I can ground myself every day so that I can meditate as well. I meditate two times a day.

That's what I do now and I've reframed that of the way I view myself and I realized when I started to observe my thoughts, not control them, but observe them, I started to become aware of all the stories I had about every different subject in my life. I had a story about money.

The way money works. I believe that money was evil for a long time because of the way that money isn't backed by gold and because thinking that there were major corporation, because money is corporation, all of this stuff, but that story didn't serve me, so I became aware of this story and I decided to let it go. I decided to change my narrative about it. Same thing when it comes to relationships.

I had a certain way of relationships because I saw my dad go through two divorces and because of that, it was a certain narrative I had about that. When I had to learn to do was to observe that and then let that go and to see that didn't. That did not have to be my reality. You know, that was something that really transformed my own life was because I realized that beliefs create reality.

That everything on the outside is a reflection of the inside. When I became aware of the stories, it wasn't that I resisted the story. It was more so that I allow the story to be there and as I allowed it to be there and I allowed myself to feel the emotions that came up then started to dissipate. The power over it in the present moment started to dissipate. Oh, I am the way I am because of my past.

That is about understanding that you are who you choose to be in the present moment. The only time your past has power over you is if you haven't completed it yet, meaning you haven't felt the emotions of what happened, that emotions have been suppressed. Then what you do is you bring those emotions up. You relive that experience, or what you do if you just let go of it.

You understand it, you see that it served you. You're able to reframe it and then you're able to let it go, so that's when things really began to change. If I can share with you one believe that if you change can totally change your life, it would simply know that you can shift from victim mentality into understanding that you create your own reality from your beliefs.

That would be the main change because if the world is happening to you, there's not much power, but if you shift into being present to the moment, understanding that you have the power based on the beliefs and the meaning, you give things in life, that's where everything begins to change. The second thing you must give up in order to experience the shift in consciousness is the ego's attachment to being right. Here is the truth about reality.

Reality is a reflection of what we believe it to be. Normally we think that our beliefs that our notions about life are in a certain way that is a certain framework to it. That framework is based on reference experiences or it's based on concepts, but here's the thing. We've never actually experienced a concept. We've only experienced something, but a lot of times we have these attachments to what happened.

For example, maybe when you were six or seven years old, you experienced what you thought was a social trauma. You went and you peed your class, you peed your pants in front of the class. For example, you experienced the social trauma. That's what you tell yourself for years and years and years, and the ego is so attached to it. Here's the truth of the matter. The thought you never actually experienced the social trauma. A social trauma is just a concept on the mind.

It's just a concept. It's an idea. All that happened is you had an experience where you peed your pants. Anything that else that we tagged onto that is going to be the story. It's going to be the weight. It's going to be what causes the person to feel resistance in the present moment right now, even though that may have happened 20, 30 years ago. This is about being aware of the attachment we have to the ego's perspectives.

Also, understand that the ego wants to be right. This is not about becoming rights. This is about understanding that anything we believe to be true is reflected back to us. Whatever evidence we look for, we will find evidence of that. This isn't about what is right, this is about what is efficient, what is working. Instead of asking that question, what is true, what is untrue, understand that all truths are true, meaning whatever somebody believes to be true will always be reflected back to them.

That's why some people may have a certain belief, some people may have a different belief and both people can be right depending upon the perspective that you look from. It's about understanding. This has never a question of what is true or untrue. This is a question about what is efficient for you. Is the question about what is working for you?

Does it work? Is it efficient? Because if it's not efficient if it's not working, then maybe you choose to let it go but understand that the ego always wants to be right. You see the shift in consciousness is when we go from the ego to the higher self and when we go and make that shift, everything changes. The ego always wants more. The ego is identified with the past. The ego wants to be right. Most people have walked around our whole entire life trying to be right, trying to justify where they are, trying to keep the same tapes playing over and over again.

The ego's job is to keep you to survive. That's it. The ego just wants to survive, and most people have been living their whole entire life as the ego. Even as I speak right now, you might be asking yourself, how does this apply to me? When you go into the observation mode, everything begins to change because you move from the seat of the ego, from everything's happening to me too. What does all this mean? What can I get all out of all of this and so there's being present to the moment. Whatever you get from this video, you get, that's.

It doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to be something that is put on a pedestal, doesn't have to be something that has to be figured out right now just to absorb the information you see. A shift in consciousness is about understanding your ego, not in a negative way, not like you know the ego's bad ego's horrible. Just be aware that it's one aspect. It's the part of you. It's the Avatar. It's part of your life experience at a higher level of consciousness.

You are unconditional love and bliss. That is who you are, but when we come to earth, when we incarnate, what happens is we have these experiences where we identify with what's happening. We have these experiences that lower our vibrational frequency. We have these experiences of that, of social conditioning, and that bogs us down into a level of consciousness to where then things are happening to us.

We identify with this reaction mode. We identify with being at the effect, and then we go around thinking that that's the way the world is. You see, the shift in consciousness is about going from buying in and agreeing to the notions and the beliefs about reality that you have adopted and then simply deciding that you are going to make your own. How do you relate to life now? How does everyone else relate to life and have an outage? You learn, but how do you relate to life? Reality is what you believe to be true.

Reality is just a reflection and the more we realize how valuable life is, the more malleable life will become, so it's about having that awareness. The third thing you must do to experience the shift in consciousness is to move from having and doing into being have to do. These are the three things normally what people think is once I can have something, then I can do something, then I can be something, or once I can do something, then I can have something.

Then I can be something and we all have it all mixed up. We think that's the way reality works. In actuality, it works the other way around. You must first be the way you prefer to be and be present to the moment. Then you can have and do that which you want. This is just about turning that around because this is the difference. If we flipped that around, the ego wants to do and have the ego says, I want to do this.

I want to have this, and the ego is trying to do it and if you're trying to do it, you are emphasizing that you are not currently there and in that emphasizing that you feel resistance. You are also saying no to the present moment because if you want to have or do something you were saying that over there is better than over here.

The key is saying yes to the present moment and choosing the first off, be in the present moment and then be the way that you prefer in the present moment right now, and then you can have and do whatever you want, but we must flip the script. This isn't necessarily just at a fake it till you make it or act as if although it could be, but it's saying yes to the present moment as well. It is not resisting the present moment.

The extra step is saying yes to the present moment, absorbing the present moment beam and when you are being the way you prefer to be. That sort of things begins to change. I can say I want to have 1 million followers and subscribers on social media. I won't be. I want to have that. I want to do with travel the world and speak. Those might be desires I have, but I must first be that which I've heard it.

I prefer to be. I must first soak in the moment, say yes to what is right now, make daily videos because that version of me is that what I am doing and embody the present moment right now and the more I focused in on body and saying yes to this moment, the more of those things will come anyways. It's a paradox, but understand that the more you give up and you let go of trying to have and trying to do, and instead you just are.

You always get in life are a reflection of who you are. That's when things in your life will begin to change in a very powerful way. So the three things you must give up to experience. The shift in consciousness is your story identification to the past. Understanding your beliefs, create your reality. Let go of what beliefs don't serve you. Secondly, understand your ego, your ego's perspective, trying to understand it all.

Your ego's perspective of always wanting to be right. The only prerogative of your ego is to survive. Be aware of that. Then make the shift into a new way of being connected to the higher self and then you can let go of having of doing and you can be who you are. Enlightenment is not an. Attainment is a realization. Everything life in your life is what you believe it to be. Everything in your life has only the meaning that you give it.

Using Water to Manifest ANYTHING with the Law of Attraction with Eric Ho

Today, we're going to show you exactly how to manifest what you want using water. I'm here with Eric Ho and we're going to get into this right now.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today we're going to be talking about is a how to manifest what you want using water. If you like my channel, you're going to like his channel as well. We'll both help you expand your consciousness is what we do. Okay. I thought he was, we were talking about this a little bit ago at lunch and I thought, “Oh man, this would be perfect for you guys.” If you want, go ahead and share what you know about manifesting using water.

First off, thank you for having me on this course. Another thing is it's not something so like a woo crazy, you know, I think the Law of Attraction, we all understand how it works. We attract what we are. But the thing is a lot of people don't realize that we are, I think what 70, 80 percent right? And this is science. The quality of water we drink determines the quality of us and determines the quality of our manifestation.

That's why a lot of the time by you just, let's say looking at a vision board up in the morning or doing some incantations; affirmations is not going to change everything. But one thing that does change everything is what's a why? Because we are drinking water our water. How do we change the vibrations of water? And then how do we become that? Of what we want to attract, because there are quite a few parts to this. Right? The first part is to understand this.

I'm usually the average person out there. I don't know. It's the same in us to drink tap water. People drink tap water. There's a load of chemicals in there to stop the pipes from the thing. There's a lot of things going on then. And another, another type of water that people drink is bottled water from like supermarket shelves, Arrowhead or something.

When you get bottled water, how long has it been on the shelf or most people don't know. It's been there for like two years. In retail, it's been about two years. Water always likes to be moving. When motors moving, it's alive. Right? And this is the work of Dr. Emoto. If you've never checked out his work, you can check out his work. He dedicated his whole life to understanding is life in water.

But the biggest problem is when we are drinking water from a bottle, a source from the shelf, it's been there for two years. It becomes dormant water, dead water, because of that money that you, that us, so our energy is very, very different and so how do we wake up? Because if you look what's it always likes to be moving?

It awakens the Watson, it puts the life back into the water, and when we do that, it means that we are drinking activated. What's that meaning alive? Water. We will have more energy from it. Okay? But aside from that, it's not just being alive. What if it's alive and it's aggressive? It's alive. It's angry and upset. It's sad, right? That changes our vibrational frequency graph vibrational frequencies towards the low vibrational frequencies.

We need to shift that. What're the high ones? And that's why you'll see that inside this bottle that you can make the same thing inside this possible. You see there's a bunch of rows rose quartz rose quartz is not truly a love vibration that sends out. With the rose quartz there, what it does is sends it out to the water, love, joy, peace being the high vibrational frequency. That's another component of it.

By sending that vibration in. Another component is a word. What does it say on your bottle? Because that also sends that information, that intellect, that does that word inside the water as well. This is a very simple experiment before we go into the final part of it is a very simple experiment. I'm Dr. Emoto did when he took two glass of water, put it into two different rooms and in one room our end saying I love you and all this type of stuff to the water and on the other room where like all chaos and hating the water and everything.

And what he did was he took the two, certainly froze it and then looking at the crystals, right? What he found was one was beautiful crystals. The other one was all chaos. Right now some of you with a natural skeptical mind like I was would be, what are you thinking really?

Does that even work? I mean, is that real? I had exactly the same mind and that's why when we run an event, it was really magical. Actually. I was out in Malaysia. We did a whole water ceremony and basically, we did a meditation around the water. Wow, that's cool. That was by the ocean and then what happened was we took that bowl of water that was in the center of the meditation and then we put it into a bottle and then we sent it off to emote those lap.

By the way, any of you can have access to that as well. You can send it over to the lab and then they can put it under the magnifying glass and then they can print out the crystal that your vibration formed. Right. And then this beautiful. What I did was we took that bowl of water after the meditation, right?

And then I took just some random was I sent both of them on purpose because I wanted to know like, is this actually real, you know, so we sent it off and it's a census. The two things. One was a beauty, you can't even imagine how beautiful the crystal was. Right? And in the other one was just, it wasn't even a Chrysalis. Chrysalis was just a line, right?

And when I see that, I was like, oh, that is really crazy. Because like when we were talking before and you explained a lot of the time when we're drinking bottled water, we don't know in the factory that has made what vibrational frequencies the workers are at, right? Or the whole process in it getting to the shelf in the first place before you even have an idea how many hands-on how many vibrations has been through and what is the emotion that is holding.

Because when we take water and we're like, okay, I'll go. I worry. Yeah, okay. Well, we wake up in the morning, we're saying, okay, down a glass of water and we download a glass of water. It could be all sadness or hatred or jealousy or it could be all of this type of stuff. And when we down that, because we're 70, 80 percent more, so we become that and then we are charged more of that in.

We're thinking about what happened, you know, why are my people say, why is my law of attraction not working? It's not, it's not working, it's working well at the time, but it depends. If you become conscious and aware of all these things that were using it, it really changes everything. It could enhance your life. That's right. And then moving onto the final part of it is the affirmations or some people like to say a prayer that you send into the water.

Before we drink water, what are the vibrations that we send to it? All the time before we drink water, I'm not saying, I mean you don't have to public speak out loud to your water. I love you so much. You might get arrested for that stuff, right? You got to be careful. Like maybe just even in your mind, that's what we talked about before, right? Yes, for intention.

The intention, right? Before we drink the water, are we showing that gratitude right before we drink the water? If we want to attract love, are we sending loving there? Right? And by the way, sending love and that it's not Law of Attraction is not where we are saying to the water. We're saying, oh, I wish I could attract me. No, because that scares you. That's not having it is how do you become that thing you want to attract?

Yeah. Instead of that, it's like love. I just feel love right now. Feel really love. And then drink it because that vibration sentence of water, you drink it, you become that as well. If it's money, the same thing, right? I, I'm not [inaudible] 12. I am wealth. Our wealth. We are wealth. Abundance everywhere. This is so beautiful. Visualize, see it, feel it, feel it. I always say emotions are very powerful, right? That's energy in motion.

Feel it. Amplify that emotion. You become that vibration. Water becomes a vibration. That vibration you vibrate. At the highest, highest, highest frequency, and you attract anything you want using whatever. Beautiful. Yeah. We were talking about this earlier as well about in general, we were kind of going off and talking about food and when you go to a restaurant and you eat the food at a restaurant, the emotions of the chef many times will be inside of the food.

That's why sometimes they'll say like a mom or someone that's cooking the food with love. You can taste that. Well, you're literally eating the emotions that were put into it and that's why sometimes maybe if you're feeling angry or less or emotions you want to pay attention to how what you're thinking about while you're making your food, what intention are you putting into your food and everything is vibration, so it's something to think about because I'm not that.

You can be paranoid. Every restaurant you go to like asking the waiter, what's the how's the, how's the chef today? He's like, oh, he's not having a good day. It's like, okay, I'm gonna go. I think that's the transition point, right? A lot of the time when you. Isn't that like that. Like first is awareness. Yes, exactly. Then you get freaked out. Then you overdo it and then you balance it out and then you balance it out.

They had the baby. Once you get the be the pressure put intention. Cause you can also put intention into food because there's a lot of water and food, especially very nutrient-rich foods. There's a lot of water in there so you could. Awareness alone can help you transmute that because then you can transmute the food that you're eating as well.

When it comes to this whole process, remember you experienced in life that which you are, the vibration of your vibration is a combination. What you think, how you feel and what you do. And if you can influence how you feel with the power of water, with everything that Eric was telling you, then that can influence your life as well.

Do you want to think of how can you link up to the highest vibrational reality? Be around high vibrational friends, be around them and put high vibrational foods into your body. Think high vibrational thoughts, high vibrational affirmations, and see how that begins to change your life.

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