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How to Manifest in a Simulated Reality

Did you know that reality could be stimulated? There is a hypothesis called Simulated Reality, where it is believed that reality could be simulated. I'll be sharing with you exactly how to manifest in a simulated reality, understanding that it is a possibility that we live in a simulated reality. I'm going to show you what that means with the Law of Attraction and how you can navigate through it.

So, come on and watch the video below:

I'm going to be sharing with you more on this idea of understanding a simulated reality. This is something that I have shared from some of my prior videos. People seem to love it and it's something that I personally have been thinking about quite a bit recently. Now, first off, if this seems like something that's a little bit scary, just understand it's not meant to be.

It doesn't mean that we necessarily live in that have a computer. A computer is an analogy that we use when we understand the computer. It makes it easier to understand the potential for how reality may work, but it doesn't mean it's all technology. It does, however, mean that we are more than our physical bodies. It would mean that it's a possibility that we are projecting ourselves in this reality and that at a deeper level we are so much more than we can possibly imagine.

Now, this is something that Elon Musk actually recently said. He said that the chances that it is that we live in the baseline reality, which means the true reality, he says, is less than a fraction of a percentage, which then he implies that we do live in a simulation.

Knowing that who's to say and what's to say that it's not like we came into this reality projecting ourselves from a higher level of consciousness to have this certain life experience because there's a lot of learning that can be done here.

I imagine that in higher realms of consciousness, we have more abilities to do things that we could possibly even imagine. Imagine that in higher realms of consciousness that things happen instantaneously.

In higher realms of consciousness, we have more abilities to do things that we could possibly even imagine.

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Imagine you think of something. It manifests instantly. Imagine that's the speed at which we work at a higher level of consciousness.

There's not as much learning that comes along when we create things so quickly.

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However, the thing with that is we create things so quickly and there's not as much learning that comes along. If you were to slow things down, which is why we may have this kind of experience because things move a little bit slower, you can think about something. It's not instantly there.

You can think about it and you can add emotion to it. You can go through few challenges to get there and it calls for a great learning lesson and we have a whole bunch of people that we can relate to that makes it so much more interesting place even though sometimes there may be pain involved. The idea is that we come here for life experience and I think one of the purposes of the simulation we live in. There are certain purposes of it.

I think one of them could possibly be to awaken to the understanding that we are in a simulation to remember that we are immortal spirits of beans that have been very temporary human experiences, and when you become aware of that, you then gain an higher ability to understand the game and more ability to flexibly shift through the game like imagine you're playing a video game and you at a certain point think that you are the Avatar, that you are the character you're playing, when in actuality you are so much more than that.

When we feel certain emotions, we begin to resonate with that reality.

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We have the ability to feel the emotions we want right now, and emotions are resonance. When we feel certain emotions, we begin to resonate with that reality. .

Then we go out into the world and we experienced things and we say, “This is who I am. This is how I relate to other people.” Everything feels so real, but you see, the thing is it had to appear to be real in order for us to take it seriously.

Some things had to appear to be real for us to take it seriously.

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If we were born and we just remembered that this isn't who we are, this is a form of game, then maybe we wouldn't take it so seriously and maybe we are born with that understanding, but then we're conditioned and we forget who we are and then the purpose is to unwind ourselves from all the complex ideas we've got about ourselves, all the beliefs and then to have and become more awakened to what that is.

Everything works on Probabilities

Now, when it comes to manifestation through that, have the simulation, understand there's a couple of key ideas I want to share. Probabilities as the way we think of it. So, the Law of Attraction kind of is. There are different probabilities of certain things happening.

There may be a certain probability will be experienced X or Z, X or Y, which one will be a, B or c? Which one were they experiencing? Well, it depends upon our energy state and our vibration because everything in this reality has vibration.

We can think of it as resonance just like we have the law of gravity or we may have certain things that keep us in the kind of experiences we're having, just like we're creating our own reality, just like we're having and experiencing that we are collectively doing the same thing. We are collectively together creating a reality in a certain direction. Now, the key to this is being aware of how this works.

There are certain things that we may have agreed to before we came in because it's part of the game of life, the simulation of life that we're all playing. What this means is that part of that was the Law of Attraction that we think about. Whatever it is like itself is drawn, meaning we always bring more of what is alike, so it's like, like attracts like and we can see then that also since we are so much more than we can priory imagine really anything is possible.

Put your energy in a certain direction and choose what you want to experience.

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It's never a question, is it possible? The question is, is it probable? Remember we're dealing with probabilities here, so when you become more aware of what is probable, you're then putting your energy in a certain direction and then you can choose that what you want to experience. 

Understanding Resonance

This is so much more flexible than we probably thought we can start to view the manifestation process as a lot easier than we were thinking about it before because, in the prior analogy, we think of it like, oh, I'm here. I want to track that over there, so I got to think about it. I got to do all of these things and I got to go from here to over here to over here to eventually over here, but what we want to experience exists right now because there's an infinite number of possibilities that exist in the same way that I've talked about parallel realities before.

We could see that every possible reality exists right now in the present moment so we can begin to know this can be so much easier than we are priory making it. We can make and allow this to be a process that we just resonate with, what we want to experience knowing that in this life experience, whatever we resonate with is what we experienced.

We don't get in life that which we want, but we always get a reflection of who we are being. This is about having that kind of awareness and then choosing that which we want to experience. Now, here's something that I found very powerful about understanding the potential of the simulated type reality theory and that is that just like we are creating our own reality, we're also collectively doing it together.

There is a certain desire, not only ourselves, but there is also a desire of the system itself. Now, have you ever heard the quotes that the more you put out, the more you get back or have you ever heard that the more value you add to other people, the more comes back to you? Now, why could this be?

The more you put out, the more you get back.

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I believe the reason this is that we're all connected. When you make it a win for not just yourself, but you make it a win for other people, you tap into the desire of the whole collective consciousness because we're all connected.

We're all one, so when we do that, we tap into a lead, a more powerful stream of energy. Now, this is why I personally have such a desire to add value to other people in my life. I found that my input, my whole basis of my business, of what I do on YouTube and everything around adding value to other people because I really believe that the more value we add to other people, the more that comes back to us because the deepest fundamental level, we're all connected.

What is good for someone else is good for me because that someone else is connected to me. It wants to work through me because I have this genuine intention to help other people. That's how I view it. It's almost like instead of me, my ego having to do everything, thinking the Avatar has to do everything, we can just chill out a bit and let things happen.

Let the game actually run itself. Understand that it's flowing through us. Just like we think we are the little character in the game. We are also at a greater level of consciousness. The game itself, just like we may have heard or these. I've heard this, I've read this many books before, a lot of times we think we are this individual ego structure, but in the reality within which we live, we are also the dimension itself. If we're talking about dimensions, we could say that we are the whole dimension itself. We just dreamed that this is my individual point of consciousness. This is me. This is me, is airing, this is what I do. I make YouTube videos, so you see this about having the awareness that we are so much more than we can imagine and that when we see it from this point of view, the question is not is something possible?

Spiritual Awakening

The moment we become more aware of this correlation, but that we are not only the ego, the more we then expand our abilities outside of our just our little ego thinking it has to do everything and then what we do is we can begin to see the correlation between what we think and what we experience and in that we can begin to be in a very powerful way. Now, have you ever heard of something called the beginner's luck or when you do something new, it's like things happen very easily.

You pattern yourself into always doing and always feeling the same way and always having the same kind of experience. But what eventually happens is if you do something new, there's more potential for good things to happen or for something else to happen because you're not so patterned by the neuro associations and the way that you're thinking. So, it's about being aware of that and choosing to do things. When you do new things, you take yourself out of the autopilot mind and you start to create a powerful change and potentiality and once you can experience.

So, the key to manifesting in the possibility that we live in a simulated reality is understanding that first of all you must do is become aware that we're not just our ego. This is what a lot of people call a spiritual awakening. You become aware that we are more than we probably thought that we were, or more than just this physical, our energy body.

First off, our energy goes far outside of just our body, so we are not our body and when we begin to see this, we could see that we are so much more. We may be dreaming that was here. Maybe part of the simulation is a dream that we're having were dreaming that we're here right now. We're asleep at a higher level of consciousness and when we wake up, when we die in this life, we wake up at a higher level of consciousness. That's what I believe happens.

We come up with all these different interpretations, right? We go through, you see thousands, thousands of people have into NDEs, near-death experiences and many have very similar type understanding or similar type experiences. They went through a wind tunnel. Then they saw their spirit guides or spirit guides, told him while you still have to live here a little bit longer, they felt unconditional of lists.

They didn't want to come back. They came back. Their lives are completely changed. It happens a lot. What if the wind tunnel we see is just a symbol of the mind because that's what they. I mean everything in our life pretty much is a form of symbol. Think about it. All the stories when we hear it, a lot of symbols, figurative type speech, but the symbol, we are transitioning from one state of consciousness to another state of consciousness.

That tunnel represents the traveling because we have a belief system that says that we must travel from point a to point b, even though in higher levels of consciousness, I think that we can just instantly appear places because we're not bound by our physical bodies, so we can then see that a lot of things in our life may be symbols, but nonetheless, the reason I'm saying all this is because I believe we are so much more than we could prior to imagine that when we begin to tap into this energy, everything in our life will begin to change that.

Then we can start to see things as probabilities. How can I focus in a certain direction, focus and intention or the powerful instruments that allow us to go into the direction we want to experience more and more of a remember at the same time when you begin to step outside of that, what is comfortable outside of the old autopilot mind and how it always tends to run itself out? When you step outside of all of that, you start to create from a completely new place, you start to create from a more authentic place as well because a lot of times we think we may be the autopilot mind. So, this whole process is something all of us can tap into.

I think it's a very empowering idea, knowing that we are so much more that we could to hardly imagine knowing that we may have just be having a dream right now. This may be a game that we're playing and that we can start to have more fun. I think part of the purpose of the game is to learn unconditional love, to transcend consciousness, to transcend lower levels of consciousness and to become more of who we really are, which is this higher level of consciousness state of being, and the more we do that, the more we merged with who we really are, so something I did do is I created, if I raise meditation, that will help you to raise your vibration so that you are more able to glide through this simulation that we may be living in.

The Law of Attraction and Probabilities

As we are all aware, there are a lot of factors causing our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. It's not entirely natural for some to fully understand how they can gain positive results by controlling the way they see things.

Let me enlighten you on the principle of the Law of Attraction and Probabilities.  You will gain a full understanding of the truth about the Law of Attraction and what we are really doing when we set our mind on a certain goal and how we can best achieve it.

Set your goal and plan on how you can best achieve it.

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So, come on and watch the video below:

I'm not only going to share with you the Law of Attraction but a totally new paradigm for understanding it and learn how to increase the probability of getting what you want to create in your life.

I have lately been looking into other methodologies, other ways to understand it that are very simple and easy to apply at the same time. Now there are a couple of different ways I've gone about this.

1. Parallel Realities

The awareness that for quantum physics has been showing us that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and that what we think of as movement is actually the shifting through different parallel realities.

We have these different parallel realities together to say, "Oh, this happened in the past, this will happen in the future, but the truth is that the only moment that it does exist is this moment right now. The thing that changes is our perception through these different parallel realities.

In every second we are shifting through different frames. Think of this as a frame. This is a frame and these all exist at the same moment. It is simply our perception that sees it in a way where we have memory and imagination. Therefore, we're able to project probabilities and using our mind, we're able to remember things that happened using our memory using our brain.

The key to this is understanding first off, that what you want to experience, what you want to manifest in your life. It exists right now. It merely is vibrating at a different frequency. The reason this can be more powerful than that of the Law of Attraction is that from the viewpoint of the law of attraction, we're looking at it from more of very limited space.

2. Personal Resonance

We have now understood that parallel realities exist. What if I tell you that there is an easier way to create your own reality? Now here's the paradigm that I'm coming to see is so much easier. Think about it in the form of resonance that reality exists right now.

You're living in the best house you been in, the perfect relationship. You making the most amount of abundance because it's who you naturally are that exists. What if you could then just instead of trying to attract this over here, you could just resonate with this reality over here now because you can feel any emotion that you want.

You can give yourself permission to feel it and all of this stuff anyways. Why do you want it? You want it because of the emotion that will bring you.

When we feel certain emotions, we begin to resonate with that reality.

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We have the ability to feel the emotions we want right now, and emotions are resonance. When we feel certain emotions, we begin to resonate with that reality. .

Doing this and understanding this will help it make it an easier process so we don't have to try so hard. It's more about resonating with it and how do we resonate with it?

The main way is through emotion and intention. These two things combined an elevated emotion within an elevated emotion with an increase in intention. That's what it was. I was like, did I say, that, right? So, these two things make very powerful tools that we can then begin to put in the direction that we prefer.

3. Probabilities

Let me share with you another interesting idea. What if what we wanted is always possible. It's always possible, pretty much for anything to happen. The question is not, is it possible? The question is, is it probable?

There are different probability factors that are always coming to play based on our state of being, our belief, our intention, and when we align all of these together, things are much more likely to happen. .

Different probability factors will come into play based on our state of being, our belief, and our intention.

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Now me, what I have found in my own life, and I'm just going to be honest here. I have found that focus is one of the most powerful ways to increase intention and then to eventually also increase emotion.

What I encourage you to do is to look at the person you'd have to become to resonate with that reality that you are imagining. Let me ask you a question. What would you be doing in the best reality you can imagine? What would you be doing for a living? What kind of relationships would you have? What kind of beliefs would you have?

I'm asking these because as you pay attention to what that could be, as you imagined that, I'd say make this something that you actually focused on every day. If you were embodying it, then a natural side effect may be to sometimes to do something, it may be to embody it and to identify with it, to know that that is who you are, and then we get into a question of how do you view yourself?

4. Self-image

This is one of the most under-emphasize the things I see in personal development. The self-image is how you look at yourself and how other people will then see you because you project that out to other people. You then know why you must become aware of how you see yourself. What do you believe is true, what do you believe is possible? Now, when you become aware of that, you can then see, oh yeah, I believe that I'm not worthy because of this, and then you can look at it.

This is about awareness and there's so much power in this awareness, so with this whole process, what I encourage you to do is to be aware of the kind of person you would have to become. Imagine that version of you and begin to then embody that aspect of yourself. Begin to resonate with it by having the same thoughts, emotions, and actions and doing things every day. That recent, solidify that level of being.

Now, is there a way that you can resonate and increase the probability of what you want to experience by doing something every day thinking about something every day, having your emotions up to something every day that has to do with what you're passionate about.

5. Manifestation

So, let me ask you one more question. How easy do you believe the Law of Attraction or the manifestation process is? Because if you believe that to be hard then it will be hard. If you believe that things don't come easy, it won't come easy, but it's all up to you. You choose this based on your perspective.

We're always getting a wonder why. In reflection of what we believe to be true, manifestation is always happening. It's always happening. It's just are we aware of how it is happening? Are we aware of the momentum we may already have stored up?

Everything in our life is a manifestation.

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Because everything in our life is a manifestation. That can be hard for some people to hear it because they're like, "Well, you're telling me that I manifested losing my job." 

I'm telling you that maybe that job didn't resonate with you anymore. Perhaps now there's something better for you to find, but what I'm saying is you're powerful and you are already doing this. I'm not asking you to do something that you're not aware to you doing.

I'm just asking you to become more aware of what vibration you're already putting out because this is about resonance. How are you resonating in the present moment? Meaning, how do you think? How do you act? How do you feel? This is a full embodiment. You want to embody the vibration that you want but understand the reason I'm saying all of this, I don't want to sound harsh, but the reason I'm saying all of this with a whole manifestation is that you are already powerful. I don't have to convince you. I'm just trying to put your focus on knowing that you do this anyway, so you are constantly manifesting. It's not can I manifest? It's what am I manifesting?

6. Meditation

Let's move into now the meditation. In this meditation, we are going to connect with the version of us that already exists that is already doing exactly what we want to be doing and what we will then do is we will then ask for guidance and we will find things that we can do now to embody this version of us. How we can begin to resonate with it so that we increase the probability that happening, knowing that it already exists.

So, I'm going to ask you to put your hands over your heart during this meditation to focus your energy there because that's where the power is and what we're going to begin to do right now is to take a deep breath in, deep breath out and relax. Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in and out.

Feel your body. Relax more and more with every breath that you take. Put your hands over your heart like this and begin to feel the warmth inside of your heart and know that every breath you take you will be relaxing more and more. You will be feeling more and more of this energy inside of your heart increasing and you will feel loose, relax, and like everything is perfect. Let's take another deep breath in. Deep breath out. Breathe it out.

Feeling your body relax even more. Now, close your eyes. If you can imagine that there's a wave of energy flowing through your body, that as this wave of energy flows through your body, it carries away anything that doesn't serve you, any worried thoughts you might have, it just flows through your body, releases out your feet.

Now imagine and feel a light sensation in the top of your head. Feel it in your forehead. Begin to relax. Feel the energy in the back of your eyes, your eye sockets fueled them. Relax your jaw. Feel your tongue begin to feel loose. Bring the sensation into your left hand and arm feel to relax your right hand and arm. Feel it relaxed in your chest. Feel this loving energy inside of your heart.

Imagine that there is now a ball of energy inside of your heart. Any color that you like. Imagine with every breath that you take, you are spinning it faster and faster. Imagine it's spinning in a clockwise position and as it spins, you can feel it. Increase the energy inside of your heart and as it increases the energy in your heart, you are feeling a warm, loving sensation inside of your body. Begin to increase you feel the tingling sensation right now and with every breath you take, you can feel it become more and more.

You can feel a level of love flowing through your heart space more and more. Now as you imagine this, imagine that ball of energy spinning faster and faster and the faster it spins, the more you feel that love and now let that energy flow through your whole body.

I feel the sensation in your stomach and your hips, your left leg and foot, your right leg, and now put the awareness on the bottom of your heels and imagined that any excess energy that doesn't serve you is going through your feet and out of your body. Put the sensation on your feet, on your heels, and imagine all of this releasing, letting go of one more time. Feel a wave of energy flow through your whole body. Feel yourself letting go of what doesn't serve and feel this wave of relaxation come over you.

Now imagine that you're in a very relaxing place. This could be a place indoors or outdoors. You're in a very relaxing place that you feel comfortable. Imagine what you see in this comfortable place. It could be a forest or a beach inside a room or whoever. What do you see in your environment? What kind of sounds do you hear in this environment? Imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder.

Now notice how comfortable and relaxed you feel. This is a place you can always come back to for inner peace and inner exploration. I noticed that ended the distance you see a tall, mere about six to seven feet tall. Walk over to this mirror and notice that at the title the top of this mirror, you see a title that says the vibrational resonance at the perfect reality for you.

When you looked through this mirror, you were able to see the best-desired version of you, how you would be, what you would be doing, how you interact with other people, different situations you would be in the kind of lifestyle that you have.

Understand that manifestation is so much easier than you can even imagine. All you must do is resonate with the reality that you prefer, and right now we are going to wire in some of those things that will help us to vibrate with this reality. I'll look through this mirror and notice that you see another version of you doing exactly what you'd love to be doing for a living.

Resonate with the reality that you prefer and manifestation will be much easier than you can even imagine.

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Now, notice what this version of you is doing? How does this version of you interact with other people? Now ask this version of you to come over to the mirror. Notice this version of you as a glimmer in their eye. They come over to you and they have this loving look on their face. They're happy that you were there and what you can do is begin to connect with this version of you.

Ask any question you may have about how you can resonate with this reality more easily. Ask this version of you if there's any message they have for you. Now ask this version of you. If there are any daily habits that you can develop that will help with this process. I set the intention that you quickly develop those habits knowing that you will then resonate with this reality easier.

Look into the eyes of this version of you and what they are going to do is they are going to send this vibration into your heart center. They're going to make eye contact with you right now. Look into this version of use eyes and what they are now doing. They are sending a powerful vibration from their heart to your heart and begin to feel the sensation in your heart and now they're going to send it the vibration of this reality to you so that you can embody it.

I'm going to count down from 10 to one with every number I count, you're going to feel doubled the sensation inside of your body. Double the love inside of your heart doubled this powerful vibration which will be running all through you.

I'll look into this version of 10 feel now as this energy comes more into your heart center, nine, feel it begin to increase with every number. I count. Eight, feeling it spin fast inside your heart. Seven, six, five, four. Fuel it increased even more. Three, feeling this vibration of certainty, knowing that manifestation is so much easier than you thought to feel this energy now, double one, feel it in soak in this vibration, in this resonance of this version of you.

I set the intention that before the end of the day to day, you see a new reflection in your life that shows you are now resonating with a totally new reality. Now ask this version of you, if they have any last remarks or last pieces of advice they can give you, say thank you and now I'm going to count down from five to one. With every number I count, you're going to feel yourself becoming more alert, more present to the moment, knowing that manifestation is easier and you can even imagine knowing that you are now in the vibration of the reality. You prefer five.

Feel yourself becoming more alert for feeling the energy flow through your body. You are becoming more present to the moment. Three, fill yourself. Wiggle around now to begin to stretch out your fingers and toes. One, you can open up your eyes now and know that you have shifted, that you are now resonating with more of the reality you want than ever before.

Set the intention that before the end of the day today, you see this new reflection in your life. Know that you are so much more than you can imagine.

The TRUTH on Reality Being a Simulation, the Law of Attraction and MORE

In this episode I show you a totally new perspective as to how reality may work in corrulation with the Law of Attraction.  I use a metaphor of how life may be a “game” and I show you how to HACK the game of life.   Listen to this episode for a new empowering perspective I think can change your life.

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Reality Transurfing Overview (BEYOND the Law of Attraction)

In this episode I explain how Reality Transurfing changed my life as well as how to EASILY apply it.  This goes beyond the Law of Attraction and takes the “trying hard” out of the process.  Listen to this episode for a whole overview as to how to apply it in a powerful way.

Show notes:

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The Levels of the Law of Attraction (My Story and Top Tips)

In this episode I explain my whole journey with the Law of Attraction and the different “levels” I have experienced.  I’ll show you what I’ve learned and the best tips I have for creating from a higher level paradigm.

Show notes:

To check out my Rythmia Experience, click here

To join Me (and Youtuber Victor Oddo) at Rythmia for 7 days starting 11-11-18 click here and fill out the form that pops up for a discount

or call this number Tel: (866) 551-3238
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Top Ways To Raise Your Vibration, Twin Flames, Enlightenment and More with Victor Oddo

#7. Top Ways To Raise Your Vibration, Twin Flames, Enlightenment and More with Victor Oddo

In this episode, Victor and I talk about our top ways that we raise our vibration.  We explain our perspective on twin flames as well as answer questions during a Live Q and A.  If you want to ask a question feel free to follow me on instagram below and I will update you for the next one.

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My Views on Spirituality, Extraterrestrials, and the Law of Attraction (Q and A)

#5. My Views on Spirituality, Extraterrestrials and the Law of Attraction (Plus Q and A)
In this episode I explain the correlation with the Law of attraction and letting go, I give practical advice on developing will power and explain my views on Aliens, Ets, and spirituality.   We go deeeep.   If you want to ask a question feel free to follow me on instagram below and I will update you for the next one.

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#5. The Ego and the Law of Attraction, Life After Death, and Emotional Tranformation (Plus Q and A)

In this episode I explain the limits of the Law of Attraction in relation to the expansion of consciousness.  I show how we can align our energy to the greater collective and how when we do that, everything can align for us.  In the Q and A section (in the second half) I answer questions that everyone has.  If you want to ask a question feel free to follow me on instagram below and I will update you for the next one.

Show notes:

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To join my Free Emotional Transformation Training click here

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#4. The Truth about Law of Attraction Techniques, Permission Slips, and Changing Beliefs

In this episode I explain the truth about permission slips and where the true power is when it comes to techniques and tools. I am going to try something new this weekend and will update you on the results next week.  Victor Oddo and I share our experiences with Plant medicine in detail and invite you to join us in November of this year.

Show notes:

To join Me (and Youtuber Victor Oddo) at Rythmia for 7 days starting 11-11-18 click here and fill out the form that pops up for a discount

or call this number Tel: (866) 551-3238
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#3: Conspiracy Theories, Sedona, and Going Full Time Doing What You Love

#3: Conspiracy Theories, Sedona, and Going Full Time Doing What You Love



Today’s video was filmed at the top of Bell rock in Sedona Arizona.  Victor Oddo Joined me once again for another episode and we spoke on a variety of concepts ranging from the reason we love going to Sedona, all the way to understanding conspiracy theories and how to respond to them and finally how we went full-time on YouTube doing what we love.  Let me know what you think in the comments and any suggestions to topics will also be kept in mind for future episodes.


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