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The DANGER of OVER Intention and OVER Surrender with the Law of Attraction


I'm going to be showing you the danger of over intention and over surrender with the law of attraction. I'm going to be showing you exactly how to go through this process in a more powerful way and how it can change your life.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the danger of over intention and on the other side of that over surrender why I see so many people going through the resistance of these two sides of the coin. I'm going to show you how to balance this out since you really experience what you want. And this is something that I've realized from experience.

And maybe this sounds, this feels like you're experiencing this in your own life. Do you ever feel like you have experiences where you really, really want something to happen? You really literally tried for it, and then you feel that the more that you try for it, the more you end up resisting it. On the other side of that, do you ever feel like you are surrendering and giving it up and trusting the process, but you still feel like nothing is really happening, or you feel like you're getting synchronicities and things happening that aren't exactly what you intend for or what you desire?

Well, that is the solution to that is understanding the balance of these two forces. These two ways of going about creating what you want in your life and in order to explain it, what I want to do is I want to show them from each perspective. First off, what is over intention? The intention is a determination and a declaration of what you want. Sometimes people ask me, what's the difference between a desire and an intention? It desires something you long for. It's a feeling that you maybe don't have anything.

You want it. And an intention is more proactive, and intention is like, I will have, or I declare this, I intend for this what a lot of people don't know about intention as well. His intention is and has included that of the action itself. Action is also intention. If I set an intention to go pick up something off the ground right now and I just set that intention, that's more powerful than desire. But that also means that to follow up that intention, I must go over there and pick it up. Many times, intention and action are inter interconnected very powerfully.

What a lot of people do is a lot of people's egos get totally immersed in the process of manifestation. And what happens is the ego thinks it must do everything. If the ego does, the ego says this has to be this way. The ego points out and then moves forward, saying this is the way things need to be, and they start to intend for it. What happens, and I've experienced this many times in my own life because, because I have had a certain level of success with what I'm doing, especially on YouTube making videos, there's a certain blueprint in my mind for the way things need to be for it to be successful.

And if things don't go according to that blueprint, I start to get resistant. And in resistance, you don't really create what you want easily. The key to this is knowing and remembering that it's not always just the ego. The ego must be going in a certain direction, must be being in the frequency that you prefer. The ego wants to be doing what it is passionate about, but at the same time, must be able to allow something even greater to happen. That over intention is when we start to create resistance. Have you also, I've known people also that like really, really want to attract a relationship they really, really wanted.

They intend for it. They're setting the intentions. Every time they go to a coffee shop, they're looking around like, are you my soulmate? Did you my soulmate? Are you my soulmate? It's kind of got that vibe behind it. And, and because of that, what they ended up doing is because they're, they're qualified. Every single person they meet as are you this or are you that? They end up creating resistance because the moment they also identify that that person is not the soulmate that they thought they were going to meet when they went out to get coffee in, in.

What that does is that it causes the resistance, and then it also creates more of an intention of what is not more of an intention of my soulmate. It's not already here. Then the vibrational difference becomes greater and greater. But also, it's also really emphasized and that we're not good enough for already. You've probably seen a big change in my energy if you've been watching me since November of last year when I went to Costa Rica and I had a pretty big transformation in my own energy before that I was very much over intending for everything.

I need to be this kind of person. I want to be like, you know, following and Tony Robbins footsteps and do it. All of this kind of stuff. And I put myself into a certain, like in a certain expectation I was carrying all this resistance. I intended so much, but I wasn't really enjoying life as much. You could have looked at my, the growth of my financial and business version of me, like the business aspects of my life. But in the personal aspects of my life.

There wasn't much I was focused on there when it comes to personal growth, when it comes to my relationships, when it comes to my connection with people in my life because I was so focused on making videos that it's like I always put everything else on the back burner and I intended so hard for this one area of my life, but I wasn't really paying attention to everything else in my life, and I felt like, I felt like what I needed to do is to let go of the over intention of believing that everything had to be really hard.

I realized I had a lot of beliefs that success meant working hard because when I lived full time on YouTube, I was, I was putting a lot of other things on the back burner, and I was just focused on making videos, and I made like, you know, I was working like 10, 12 hours a day. Even when I quit my job at north working at Barney's in New York and then I went full time on YouTube. It's just working so hard. That led me to having this belief that everything had to be from my ego had to do everything.

And I also had this protective mechanism where I was like protecting my ego. I didn't want people to, I didn't want people to know certain things about me, whether it was like me doing something like plant medicine or, you know, I was, I realized that I had this big shield up, but then what I did is I decided, I said, you know what? I'm going to let go of this, and I'm just going to start to be myself. And, and some people will like that, some people won't, but it's so who I am. You know, I wanted to make like videos on stars, seeds, and stuff, but I was so afraid of what people would think. But I said you know what?

I'm just going to do it. I'm going to make videos, and I want to make that I'm passionate about. And I did that, and everything got taken to a new level. I was working less, I was surrendering more, and I was getting more success than ever before. I stopped focusing on just my business life and YouTube and growth, and I started to focus on my personal growth, making me happy, doing what I want to do, enjoying my own life. And it was like a level of surrender that then allows more, more success to come than ever before. And I was doing way less. I had the best, like my everything took off financially and business-wise, got my channel, got taken to another level, everything. Once I surrendered more.

But then there's the other side of this. The other side of this is an over surrender. If you over intend, you put things on a pedestal, you make things important, and you create resistance. If you over surrender, you then become more complacent and lazier. That's what I learned from my own life, especially before I went full time on. I started making videos on YouTube. I was always telling myself the story. One day you're going to make it. And some people, you know, someone's going to find you. I remember I met, Jack Canfield. I helped him with the shoes for his wife. I remember thinking myself, Oh, this is meant to be, I'm helping someone like this.

This is a sign. But I wasn't really doing; I wasn't really taking action. I wasn't, and remember part of the action is the intention. I didn't have this balance. I was just surrendering like, oh, I'm going eventually going to meet this person one day. Let me just give you this class and for you to express yourself on. I look back at it now, and I'm like, that was just so ridiculous. They didn't think like that. And maybe some people would say that's limiting thinking you could have done that if you would have believed. But I believe that it's a little bit of both.

You have to meet the universe halfway. Then I started to make gaming videos and then the intention was there, and there was still a level of surrender, but that's when things just got taken to another level. But it was, it was about going beyond just that of the surrender, but you see, I think there are different personality types for this as well in away. Are you more so surrendering so much that you're not taking any action or you're not living in your passion? You see, when you're in your passion, when you're doing what you love, you are naturally taking action when you feel called to take action. When I am being in my passion that stayed and making videos, I'm in the flow state.

But if I were to like force myself to make more and more videos, that would be over the intention. When it doesn't feel like something I feel called or like I want to do, but you have to be honest with yourself too because, at the beginning of me making daily YouTube videos, it wasn't always easy to make daily videos either. Really kind of get used to that, but I knew that I had my vision set on it. I'm going to wire the sense that it is natural for me, and it eventually became natural for me before this.

What you have to do is you have just to be honest with yourself because, for me and my own life, I think a powerful lesson for me is learning to surrender more. It's alerting that it's not all about the action all the time and the intention all the time. It's like surrender, enjoy life, but surrender to the process and let the universe meets you halfway. The universe, it's like you taking action as you proving this is something I want. This is something I'm willing to work for. This is something I'm willing to, to give.

I'm willing to give myself in this way, and then the universe will give back to you. But there's a certain level to where your ego doesn't have to do everything. And my ego is very strong when it comes to this because my ego is like, this is what it takes to do this, you know this, there's a certain format in my own mind and what I had to learn is how to surrender that ego, that that ego's desire to try to control situations, to try and control outcomes. And I realized this in my own life as well because there are some times like I want to help people. I found out, one of my family members thinks that sometimes about myself that, you know, I'm trying to, I try to console control family situations too much.

And the thing is like I have some people in my family that are going through some rough times right now and what I tried to do is I tried it. I'm a fixer. I'm a fixer. That's kind of like a way that I always taught myself that actually I never even really saw myself as a fixer, to be honest though. I wasn't even really aware of it. But I had this conversation with my dad the other day because I realized that I was always trying, you know, someone's had gone through a rough time. The way that I helped was like;

I'm going to help you. I'm going to do this; I'm going to help you to get on your feet again. And it has good intentions, but sometimes that's not what some people need. Some people just need you to listen to, or some people just need, they need to like do it themselves, and they don't want you to give them things to help make the process easier. And I had situations where I was trying to control and help someone get back on their feet, and I realized that I was just doing too much and I said, I have to let go.

And when I let go, then it's like the person has the freedom to like figure it out themselves. And that's more empowering sometimes. In general, it's the ego's necessity to control that causes a lot of resistance and solidly in your own life. But if you're trying to control other people's way, they can move into their life with good intentions. Be aware of that because you may be over intending for yourself and you may also be over intending for other people.

And at the same time though, there's a certain level of surrender that you may. Also, there are times in my life when I'm over surrendering, Hey, I'm going to light in this area of my life. Maybe in my personal life, I was too over surrendered. I was like just so focused on the business side, the YouTube growth. I remember I used to go to this spiritual counselor. I still do every now and then, but I remember that you'd always, I'd be talking to her and I would talk about YouTube.  Then an entrance, you be like, okay, what's going on in your personal life? And I'd be like. Personal life was like; I make videos like 10 hours a day. Like I edit, I do all of this stuff. Like what do you mean by personal life?

What is your personal life? What about this? What about this? What are you doing for fun? What are you doing to fill up your own cup? What are you doing for this? And I was like, Huh. But I realize I was too surrendered in my personal life. I wasn't doing enough things for me. I wasn't taking enough action to fill up my own cup, do what I love. And now when I go on vacation like I'll go jet skiing. I know it sounds like, well how was that? But that's personal. Like I enjoy that, you know, I'll go. You know, like the other day, Laura and I went to this fellowship, you know, Yoga and I ended up, you've heard of Yogananda. He wrote the book autobiography of a Yogi. He's got this place in la.

It's like a fellowship place where you go, and it's got a lake, and it's just such a high vibe. And when they are just like relaxed for like an hour, you know, things like that fill up your own cup. But are you surrendered in your business? Maybe too much and you're just focused on like your personal life. And maybe it's about balancing, maybe what I would say you can do that's very powerful, is fine. The middle way when it comes to your business life and your personal life, your success and your, your financial, and then also your personal or maybe your health.

Maybe break these down into different categories like your health, your finances, your relationships, your success. You're doing what you're passionate about and see, are you over surrender or over intending? Because if you're over intending, you're creating resistance. If you're over surrendering, you may be finding yourself lazy and not focusing enough. You need to focus more to get the energy moving. You see, it's like the more you focus, the more laser. If it becomes too focused and too rigid, if as it has to happen in this way and this is what the ego sees, then the answer might be to surrenders that then you brought in the scopes that you can allow more amazing things to happen.

And if you're over surrendered, then your lasers just to pop out and it's not focused enough. Be aware of this middle way. The danger of the over intention is that then you create so much resistance in your life that then you feel like locked in and you feel like your ego has to do everything. You feel like literally the weight of the world is on your shoulders, is dependent on your little ego. And then on the other side of that over surrender, the danger of that is that you're not taking action. You remain the same, and you remain just in the stagnant energy.

For years, I was that person that was like, I want to attract this in my life, and I'll just sit there on my couch. I want to check going full time on YouTube. But I wasn't making videos. And the thing that I needed to hear at that moment was to take massive action, take massive action. And then I took massive action, and I kept taking massive action. And then it got to a point to where I said, okay, now surrender. And then I would surrender. But then if I surrendered for a certain amount and it was just too much, and then eventually the universe was saying you need to take action again, but it's not, you don't have to go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. You could just instead go boom the middle way.

Just be aware of where you are indifferent categories in your life. You may be at a different spot; you may have health that like you're just over surrendered with health, there's no focus. You might just be eating whatever. But then not over the intention. Sometimes I feel over intended with my health. I eat very, very healthy, very clean. And then when I go, and you know, we're eating at these nice restaurants and stuff, I'm like, I almost feel guilty, you know? And that's an over intention because I can't enjoy life. I can't just enjoy life a little bit, you know? It's the middle way. I'm aware of what I'm eating. I'm aware of eating high vibe food, but sometimes if I eat a little bit of a mix, it's not the high-end side between the world. I'm still enjoying my personal life. I'm still enjoying life.

Life is meant to be enjoyed. You know, this will sound esoteric, but I believe that we're all spiritual beings having a temporary experience, we may not incarnate very often into a reality. This dead is where we are able to eat and, and touch and smell and use our senses like this. I think we're meant to enjoy life. We're meant to come here and enjoy what it's like to be visible, to eat amazing food and all these things, but not to become identified with it, not to become overly identified with it, just be aware of it, to enjoy it. And then to let it go. And then to just be in the present moment right now. These are what I learned for this process and for this process. It's about finding that middle way. And understanding. When you do find that in a way

you'll see that things happen even easier for you. Maybe in a way you need like a prescription right now. What is it? Are you on the over intended resistance side? Maybe you need a little bit of surrender and trust in the universe. That's your prescription. Are you on the over surrender side? Maybe your prescription is to take more action, to do something this week that puts you in this direction and that by doing so, you'll begin to tap more into this and you can even imagine. One of the meditations that I have that will help with this process has to do with a feeling is the secret meditation, which is one that you listened to, where it combines both of the feeling and the intention, and you put it over your you. You do this guided visualization as you fall asleep at night, and when you do that, you wire into your subconscious mind. This state of already had not what you want. It's a very powerful meditation.

Why You MUST Shift from 3rd Density to 4th Density NOW (DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND)


I'm going to be sharing with you why you must go from third density to fourth density in this lifetime. I'm going to show you exactly how to do that, and I'm going to show you why you do not want to get left behind.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you why you want to go from what is called the third-density state of consciousness to the fourth-density state of consciousness in this life. In a way, this is something that's been built up through many lifetimes for many different people. The people that are here now knew that one of the reasons at a deep level, they're here right now is to go through that consciousness shift. And that's actually the main reason so many souls are here right now.

You may wonder to look around and be like, Whoa, there's so many more. There are so many billions. There's almost what, 8 billion people here now there is very high demand. It does not just cause we're reproducing very quickly. It has to do with there. There's a lot of souls that want to be here right now because here right now is where it's at. Never before has a whole entire society with as much denseness as that have existed on earth, gone through this type of transformation in body.

You see when we talk about this third density, fourth-density state of consciousness, there've been some civilizations of the past such as the Mayans and such as other civilizations that have gone through a shift collectively within that group, but what we are doing is we are going through a shift in consciousness as a whole entire planetary system. However, what we want to understand is the third-density state of consciousness and the fourth-density state of consciousness so that we can get the track that we prefer to be on.

I listened to Bashar quite often. I've listened to the law of one; the raw materials called the law of one Dolores cannon. A lot of her work as well when it comes to hypnotherapy and getting people to a very deep level of brainwave activity where their higher self comes through and then gives certain information. I'll be like, why did this in person incarnate at this time? What is the person's purpose in this life? All of these different things and what the consistency has been through all three of these different sources.

It's that right now on the planet; we are moving from a third-density to a fourth-density state of consciousness. And, and there have been many thinks of this as graduation as well. The, the universe that we live in, the planetary that we live in, there is certain times every so many tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of years when there is an upgrade that happens, the energy from the Galactic Sun that actually our sun revolves around is emitting an energy that then influences our reality.

Earth is a difficult place because we forget who we are. There are different places that we may, different systems we may go into where we retain that memory of who we are. It's not as hard here though we forget now in this lifetime. A common misconception that people have with their density and fourth density is that it is a completely separate state fit. You go from physical to nonphysical. It's more so like this. I'm going to explain it.

Think of it like a wave. There are different frequency bands that think to be like different frequency. Band kind of looks like DNA. When we are in a 3D level of consciousness, things appear to be very solid. Things appear very, really heavy. There are dense emotions. You could also think of it as the chart that I share and a lot of my videos, the chart and kind of see right there. There is the 3D reality really emphasizes fear, anger, guilt, shame, and all the other negative emotions. There's an attachment to it.

The 3D reality is the one that we believe is so solid and so real and the 3D realities. When you want to create something, so you have to try really, really hard and normally there are beliefs that block it to 3D. Reality is anytime you look around and see the news telling you what's going on in the world, the 3D reality is a reality of reaction to things that are happening. It's where a good majority of the planet is right now, but waking up. The reason a lot of things are falling apart right now is so that more and more people can wake up and as more and more people wake up, it then begins to change because then the illusion has less power.

When we move into a fourth-density state of consciousness, it's a different frequency band. It's US perceiving of rat reality more the way that it is, which reality is much more flexible. You see things as compositions of light. It's a different mode of perception, and in 40 reality we are moving from the lower vibrational emotions into our hearts, and because we are then inside of our heart, we then perceive of a higher vibrational reality. What Bashar said that as time goes on, these two realities which are overlaying themselves right now are going to begin to separate. It's going to be harder and harder to talk to people that are in different realities.

If you're on the three third-density states of consciousness versus the four, it may be harder to perceive of other people. In the fourth-density state of consciousness and they may not even show up in your life. I've had that happen with some people where people that I used to see around a lot, I don't see them as much anymore and I can tell that these worlds are beginning to splitting and Bashar said, get on the time track you want because as time goes on it's going to be harder and harder to perceive of the other and you don't want to end up on the negative timeline.

What happened was is we are all source energy. Whether we are aware of this or not, we decided that there was going to be a reality where we forget who we are. We are all connected. In the Dolores Cannon material, it says that eventually if they're at a third density state of consciousness, they may have to go to a different planetary system because third-density consciousness is going to go away. It's phasing out. It's phasing out the illusion, the autopilot mind, the perspectives of anger towards this and that and the reaction mode that a lot of people are in that reality right now. The negative things are happening to wake people up.

Becoming aware that life is more like a dream than we could ever imagine that we can then have this connection and understanding of oneness and when we understand oneness, our whole entire reality changes. If you knew that the person you were going to treat badly was another version of you, it would seem ridiculous. I like Harry Potter. There is this part; this is one of the movies, Harry Potter. There's this thing called the Bogart, which is this thing that appears as people's fears. It's like in this dark little closet, and when you open it up, it comes up to the person's greatest fear.

It transforms into it, and the way that they get rid of this Bogart is they say the word ridiculous and then they think of something funny. They reframe it in the same way we are transitioning from 3D to 4D. One powerful way to get out of the 3D illusion is to understand that these things that appear to be solid and heavy and really bad understand it's ridiculous, and it's an illusion anyway, think about it in a funny way. The more you realize your life is a form of a dream, the more dreamlike your life becomes.

The reason I say that is because that transition is about going into fourth density. It's just that if I were to say, oh, the more fourth density you become, not a lot of people would understand that. What if I say life is like a dream. Everyone knows that metaphor because everyone goes to bed at night, and everyone dreams. What do they worry about or not? You came here in this life to go through this degree of separation to forget who you are, to go through the pain and then get to a level of spiritual awakening to where now you're reading this blog, and you can only perceive of that which you are the vibration of.

Remember that as well. You are in the process of awakening, and the goal is most of us waking up now have come to help other people wake up. Like that meditation I'm talking about this LinkedIn, the top listening to that will help you to embody a 5D level of consciousness so that then it influences everyone around you. Do you see how that works? It's contagious. When I went through my spiritual awakening, my mom then triggered it, then triggered my mom and then triggered some of the other peoples in my family that were directly around me as because it's contagious even if don't understand it at first.

Eventually, it leads to more and more of a progression of their own levels so that they can go from 3D to 4D third density to fourth density. That is happening right now on the planet. You came here for this; you are a lightworker. You are a multidimensional being that exists at many different levels, and when you go to bed at night, you have this connection, but you forget when you wake up in the morning because then you re-emerge as this separate being.

But the purpose of this life is to reconnect and understand that we can begin to perceive of things from a fourth-density state of consciousness. We are all connected that we all have this connection within ourselves. And the more that we tap into this awareness is, the more that our reality becomes flexible and in equal to that perspective. This is what Bashar was talking about when he said that there are these different tracks you can only perceive of the track that you're on. And remember as well that with this there are different parallel reality versions of each level of consciousness.

There'll be people that experienced very negative timelines, and for a while they will overlap, and there will be people that perceive of that, and there'll be people on the other side of it that perceive of a more positive timeline, both overlapping, both, maybe just different parts of the world, maybe even the same city, but different parts of different level of perception. However, as time goes on, they're going to be in the separate more and more. And the key is getting into that of a fourth-density state of consciousness. And another way to think about this is the Chakra system. You have the root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, the solar plexus, and then the hearts and then the throat, the third eye and the crown, right?

We have all of these different chakras. What the law of one says is the law of one says that purpose in this life is to balance out the bottom three Chakra balance out our root shocker related to our identity, our sense of survival, balance out our sacral Chakra, our relation to other people and our relation to sexuality. And as we balance these out, we can then move into the fourth. Understand a one, two, three third density. Right now, we're in a density of power of relation to other people of understanding how are we doing what we're passionate about?

Are we just doing things because we want to make money, or are we doing it because we're passionate? And then in order to move into the fourth density, which is our heart, what we must do is we must balance out the bottom three chakras. You are a high vibrational beam that is dreaming. You are this 3D physical human and the more that you become aware of who you really are and what you came here for this fourth-density split, the more you can begin to embody things equal to that level of consciousness.

You came here with the purpose. You came here to remember that this is an illusion. You came here to remember that you can make life more dreamlike by having more fun. You came here to re wake up out of the response autopilot mind and to start to choose things from a level of awareness. You can choose things from a level of awareness, and when you do that, your life begins to transform because you take your power back.

3 DEEP ideas that will Raise Your Vibration and Transform Your Life


I'm going to share with you three deep ideas that will raise your vibration and transform your life once they begin to really absorb and their ideas. That changed my whole entire life, so I'm going to share that with you in this blog.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how to understand these three deep ideas that can change your life, transform your vibration, and help you see things from a new point of view. When we go around living in this dream, believing that we are this 3D physical body, that this is all that we are and we identify so much with it because we grow up identifying with our body, we grow up identifying with the senses, with what we can taste, touch, smell, hear, and what we can see.

These are things that we grow up believing that is a part of us. Then what happens is we may compare ourselves and believe that we're not good enough. We may have certain things that happen, and when these things happen, we give it certain meanings, and then those meanings remain on autopilot. If somebody bullied you when you're a kid, you may go around your whole entire life having certain people bully you because there's a certain type of meaning that says that this is what I'm worthy of.

This is who I am, and when we talk about transformation, it's about understanding identification. I would say one of the most powerful ideas I love or come to understand is identification and disidentification. It's identifying with the ego, which is what we learn how to do growing up and then learning how to do this. Identify with everything we thought we were to this identity with our past of what happened, thinking that that's what makes us who we are now.

The self-concept of who we think we are is self-projected, but we are eternal spiritual beans dreaming that we are these, these 3D physical avatar bodies. This is what quantum physics shows. When you start doing meditation, you begin to tap into because you see that you can observe your thoughts. You see that you can observe the reactions and then you see that if you observe it, you are no longer than what you thought you were your whole entire life because you then put it into like this neutral state.

The three concepts I'll be sharing with you today are all through each idea in of itself can help you to transform to a higher level of consciousness. That's when transformation can really begin to happen. The first idea is something that I want to share with you that changed my life when I learned it. I learned about it in 2012, 2013 I started to become aware of something that is called agreement. Everything in our reality is there that we perceive to be true. Is there because of agreements, whether that be collective agreement or individual agreement?

Let's look at it from a collective point of view. The collective agreement money has no power other than the agreement we have about what these green pieces of paper in the United States or whatever country you're from. The meaning we give the joint agreement that we give about what this piece of paper means is the only reason it has power. It's because there's a mass level agreement there.

When we talk about the agreement, that's at a mass level. We have agreed at certain levels to have a certain political system that we have in place in place. We've agreed to it as a collective consciousness. We've agreed that in this reality we're going to play out certain situations. We agreed to this at a collective level and then at an individual level, things only affect us if, at a certain level, we agree and identify with what someone says about us.

When we were younger, if something happened to us, for example, we, somebody called us a name, and we started to identify with that. The only way that that could really have power over us is if, at a certain level, we agreed that that could have power over us. We agreed that that was true, and then we internalize it, and that becomes a part of who we are. We've also agreed to many things that our parents may have agreed to. Our parents may have had many beliefs about the way money looks or the way money works. In reality, they may have had beliefs about how relationships should work.

They may have had many different types of beliefs and a lot of times what happens is we grow up, absorbed their beliefs or their agreements, and then we live out those agreements over and over and over again. If you agree that that is true if you agree that you, that that is a truth about reality, that money doesn't grow on trees or that people can treat you a certain way. You see, it's all based on agreement. All reality is based on agreement. If somebody came up to you and said, I hate that that orange shirt you're wearing, Aaron is so ugly.

If I didn't agree that I was even wearing an orange shirt, then I wouldn't be affected. If somebody came up to me and said, Aaron, your green shirt is ugly. I may not agree that it's an ugly shirt, even though they're right, it is green. Do you see what I mean? I can choose what I agree with, and most people's agreements are completely on autopilot. They agree with what other people tell them they agree and they just assume whatever they're told is the truth. The true part of reality is understanding that we can move into more of experiencing a reality for ourselves.

And one thing I've heard him say a lot about alignment is when he goes into the present, in the present moment, when he's trying something, he acts as if he's doing it for the first time. He experiences it fresh without the past. And he, he experiences it from a fresh point of view, which means there are no agreements about what has to happen. There's no certain expectation. It's just he is so present, so fully at the moment and he's void of any agreements of the way people think he should be, has to be or any of those things.

He's living in his own, his own state of presence. When it comes to this first idea that can raise your vibration, it understands that anything of the lower vibrations, whether that's shame, fear, guilt, I'll go ahead and put the chart right here. Shame, fear, guilt, anger, neutrality, any of these lower vibrational emotions under neutrality is there. Because at a certain point in our past, we agreed to something that happened to us. We agreed to a certain meaning, and therefore, we continue to live those experiences over and over and over again.

You see, but when we see those agreements as something that we agreed to, we're taking responsibility for it. Cause we're saying, yes, maybe a parent gave it to you, but you still at some level agreed that that's the way reality works. That's when you can gain your power back because you have to take responsibility for it. Even if you realize that you've made that level, you agreed to it unconsciously or at such a young age that how could you have known the key is taken responsibility for it and realizing that it is an outdated agreement.

You may have had an old agreement that you weren't worthy, that you are awkward, that you are shy, whatever it is, you can let go of these labels. You can decide, identify, and understand that the more you let go, and you become aware of these agreements is the more your life begins to change. This is a powerful transformation when you become aware of it because then you look around, you see everything, and it starts to become reality. It becomes more fun and flexible because then you're like, what can I not agree with anymore that I don't prefer to agree with?

We just agreed to certain things, and therefore that becomes our reality. The second idea is also a very powerful idea that changed my life. It has to do with understanding permission, giving yourself permission to be yourself, and giving yourself permission to be the way that you prefer. I became aware of this as I realized that me doing what I do full time. The most powerful thing wasn't just me making daily YouTube videos because it allowed me to grow as far as the channel growth to where I could quit my full-time job. It's because it changed my identity.

And then, as I changed my identity, I then started to give myself more permission just to be myself. It's like I started to make videos and I was kind of like meager to put up there. I was like, well, people like what? I say. I was like, well, I'll just keep putting it out. I'll just keep putting it out. And then eventually it started to grow and then eventually I was just like, you know what? I'm just going to give my pro-self-permission to express myself. I'm just going to get my permission to be this way.

And by giving myself permission, I started to feel so expansive, and that's when things really took off. But another thing that changed it is what I did is I wired in a new identity and just gave myself permission to be that identity before that. Even was my outer reflection. It was like I said to myself, what if I acted as a full-time YouTuber before I am a fulltime YouTuber? So, that's what I did. I made videos every single day. Even when I had a full-time job, I gave myself permission. And by giving yourself permission, you then start to embody that energy.

There was a movie I used to watch are not used to watch, but it is a movie I've seen a couple of times. It's a documentary, it's called Kumari. It's about a guy that pretends to be an enlightened guru, and he goes to Arizona, and he has all these people that follow him and he's really some guy from New York who went to college and like found out that he believes that a lot of these gurus, the only thing that really resonated with him is when his knees Gurus told other people like the powers within you, the powers within you rather than people giving their power away to gurus or these figures.

What he did is he made himself look. He grew out his hair grit, a long beard. He looked, and he sounded like an actual guru guy from India. Then what he does is he gets all these followers, and at the end, they all fall in love with him. They think he's amazing. He starts actually to embody a very high vibrational energy. You can see it even talks about it as he's acting as if in away. And what happens is that then these people's life starts to transform and all he's doing is telling them the powers within you, the powers within you.

This is an illusion. He tells him the whole time; this is an illusion. This is an illusion. And literally it's an illusion because, at the end of the movie, he reveals to them, I'm just some guy from New York, I'm 30 whatever years old, however old he is, and this is, this is all been a just to show you that the power is within yourself. And most of them were really excited about that. Some of them weren't so happy because they felt like they were misled or whatever. But the idea is that the powers within them, but by him giving himself permission to be that way, he started to take on a completely new energy field.

For me, what that made me aware of is that there are these different frequencies, different ways that we are in reality. And when we start to embody, he started to embody like a divine essence. And as he embodied that divine essence, it was like these, these, these people just were started to find and seek and find healing within themselves. Do you see it? But the, here's the truth, that all is an illusion anyway. This whole reality that we think to be so real and is so solid is actually much more flexible than we know.

And the more we focus on how flexible it can be as the more flexible that becomes. But when will you give yourself permission to be your real self? You see, some people think that they can only give themselves permission to be themselves when they're drinking. But what is it? It's a certain state of being. They feel, and then they just give themselves permission. You ever see shy people that then they drink in there really loud. They just subconsciously give themselves permission to be less filtered.

Do we need alcohol? Did to give ourselves permission? No. We just need to realize we have certain filters on yes. Maybe being an introvert is a thing, but I think a lot of times, a lot of people that think they're shy, it's just because they had a certain point in their past may have said something, something may have happened, and they said, nope, I got to stay in this box. It's safe.

Not always, but sometimes, and if you just give yourself permission to be yourself, you'll find that so much more happens. I was also afraid to, you know I, I talked about some pretty esoteric stuff on my YouTube channel, and I'm aware that it's esoteric stuff. Like I completely know that I've wanted to speak about it since like 2012 but what I did is I had said, okay, I'm going to make the law of attraction videos.

I'm going to make practical personal development videos, neuroscience videos. I've over a thousand videos on the channel now. This is how I'm going to make these videos. And, and then what I decided is eventually I was like, I'm just going to give myself permission to make these very esoteric videos, even though some people won't, may not resonate with it.  I remember it was like, there was, I also had this like this strong, like what will people think about me?

Well, people think about me. This is like back in November of last year. And when I did, as I said, you know what? I just, I saw it for what I saw as an illusion. Who Cares? I don't care what if people judge me. I want to express myself. And it may be, that includes me making a video on star seeds, on being multidimensional, on the work of the law of one on sharing information on Bashar or whatever it is.

It's authentic for me, and I want to do that. And I did that. And the funny thing was yes, some people were turned off, and we're like, oh that's too weird for me. I just stick to your law of attraction videos. Some people, though and many people were extremely excited, and it brought in a whole new wave in my channel. Like I accused exponential bump after I started just being myself. I just gave myself permission. That's what I did. And maybe you've seen it in my energy.

Maybe you've noticed that in a lot of my newer videos from like those last like four or five months, it's been a lot looser. It's been a lot more fun. I've been walking around with it doing more casual videos cause I want to do them. That's really the only reason I just wanted to make videos that I was excited to make, and I gave myself permission to do so.

But most of us walk around like, can I, can I do this? Can I do this? Can I give myself permission? You can write the rules of your own reality. I was talking to someone the other day about this because one of my buddies who has a YouTube channel, his name's Owen and he was he like mentioned me in one of his videos at one of his talks at one of his seminars. And he talks about how as he talks about how I am at restaurants and when I'm going to a restaurant, I'm very definite about what I want.

I'm very definite even about where I sit. Victor knows this, Victor Oddo, many, many of you guys know when we go into a restaurant, if I want to sit like, like the other day we went to this place in New York in a true food kitchen and Newport, very good place, very good food. We're going to sit down, and I was like, can we sit like there are all these places to sit. I'm like, can we get a booth like right over there? And she starts to walk us over there.

And then what happens is tries to put us in a table with all of these big groups of people where it's like this small little two table. Victor and I eat a lot of food. We get like a lot of entrees and stuff cause we do intermittent fasting. So yeah, I knew it wasn't all going to sit on the table, but I have no problem giving myself permission to be like, actually, can we sit over here? Can we sit actually at this table right over here? It could seem like a control thing, but at the same time, I just give myself permission to say I right.

We'd rather eat at this big table that's kind of off to the side away from all the business of all these other people. I've been a bit afraid to do that, and I'm like, well, I'll just give them whatever they give us, and we'll go sit over there and this small little table in between all this, these two big groups of people like right next to them, you know where we could hear each other's conversation. I just give herself permission to do it. The idea is to give yourself permission to just be. There's also this understanding of be doing half many times we meet, we think we must first do something, then we can have it.

Then we could finally be it. The truth is when you can just be it, that's when your life will begin to transform that Kumari Guy. He was just himself. He was just, well, not even himself, he was just in a high vibe. He was just being this character he was playing, which I guess you could say wasn't himself. But then he began to embody it, and he began to become it literally. He started to feel differently, and these people started to feel this off of him. And all of this stuff. Just be, if you go straight to being your life changes.

If I said to myself, you know. First, I must do daily videos, then I can eventually have more and more of a following, and then I eventually I can be a full-time YouTuber. I said, no, I'm just going to be full time. I'm going to see it as my differences being includes a level of presence, a, I want to say it includes a part of identity, but not even really because being that's like you. Then you're emphasizing some ego. You're just being; you're only free.

You're just open. You're loose. When I do these videos, I'm just being; I'm allowing this information to flow through. A lot of people say, Erin, what do you get your videos? Where do you get your video topics and where do you get all this? This information? I just write down a title, and I get into the flow state, and the information comes through. So yes, I've read some books in the past, and yes, I've done research, but a lot of it is just information coming through. I wouldn't be able to make daily videos for three years in a row if it weren't for me to get open to this flow state.

The power's in the flow state. The third thing that I want to share with you that I think could change your life is understanding what I call the shift within AV reesing Gulf thing. On the outside is a reflection of the insight and it's showing you something about yourself. Even the stuff that you don't want to look at. It's showing you something about yourself, whether it's you learning how to let go a little bit more, whether it's you healing your vision for something. 

You see everything on the outside is a reflection of the insight. It's just about trusting and going within to see what can I heal within myself. Because if I heal within myself, I know that then my outer reality will change. If you are having problems with someone in your life, realize the resistance. The way that you are internally thinking about them on the outside. The way you internally think about them on the inside.

Maybe what causes the resistance of different things to happen that reflect that back to you, but if instead, you heal within your vision of them, you may find that then on the outside that begins to change. I've done this in my own life, and it does work, and I'm still working through it now, to be honest with you, there are certain people in my family, there are certain people that I know that I just, I do.

I'm still working on this. I'm using Hodo Pono Pono, but it does work. I've seen amazing things happen. Some of the things that have happened are things I never thought would happen in my life that I would see in certain other people, but I dropped a story. I started to see them as whole and complete. I started to think about them differently and then in my reality they changed, so everything on the outside is just a reflection of the inside.

You see, when you, when you absorbed this idea, you then start to say to yourself, how can I heal my vision of something else? Then this gets into a very deep level of reality. I'll tell you that right now because then you see that all the negative things in our life that we don't want to take responsibility for. We must take responsibility for it to really change it because if it's out there, it means at some level us perceiving of it is in here.

Even if it's just for us to heal our vision of it, I've seen it less than holding complete. Many people might see the president in a certain way, but at the same time, by emphasizing that what we would be saying, I'm sorry, please forgive me as I'm sorry for seeing you less than the divine being that you are. These are the three ideas that I think could change our whole entire life from the begin to absorb into it. Realize the first thing, everything, in reality, is based on agreement.

You can let go of your old agreements that will transform your life. Secondly, give yourself permission to be the way you want to be without, you don't need alcohol, you just be yourself, be free, have fun. And then thirdly, shifts within. Realize that everything on the outside is a reflection of on the inside. When you heal on the inside, everything on the outside begins to change anyway.

The Free Will MYTH Revealed I’m Sorry (it’s time you know)


I'm going to be showing you the truth on free will, whether you have free will or not, and something that a lot of people may not want to know.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the free will myth, understanding why over 90% of people on the planet don't have free will, whether they're aware of this or not. And I'm going to be showing you how you can know whether you do have free will or not and what you can do about it so that you take back your power. This got me thinking the other day I was reading a book, and I believe it was called the journey of souls.

By the way, I met that Airbnb. I don't know if the other video would up already at the Airbnb right now if my buddy victor were in Newport, and I decided to look a little just kind of walking around cause that's my free will, at least I think it is now what happened. Okay. This is kind of what I read in this book called the journey of souls. This is also something that I've heard from the work of Dolores cannon. Dolores cannon has this process where you put people in a very deep level of hypnosis, and their higher selves are able to come through, and when people's higher self comes through they remember, it's like tapping into the subconscious mind.

They remember why they incarnated at this time. They remember why they had certain, like the certain type of relationships they had with certain types of people in their life and they may ask questions like, why did I have this relationship with this person? Why did this happen? Why did I have this limitation in life? Why did I go through this challenge? And there's certain information that comes through now.

First off, I want to say that one of the consistent things that came through is that so many people are here on the planet right now because they say they are going through and they came to go through. This shift in consciousness has to happen on the planet right now. There's a shift in consciousness happening and a raising vibration. The law of one called it graduation, and we are a part of this.

We have the ability, and that's why we came here, whether we are aware of this or not. Here's something that I read into the journey of souls, which I thought was very interesting prior to life. One thing that we may do that a lot of the people that they say we do when we're like before we're physical in this life is we go to a certain place, and we see different probable lifetimes, we see different probable lifetimes, and we look, and we actually do choose our parents. We choose our parents.

And then what we do is when we're born. There are certain timelines, certain probable timelines that we go through prior to coming into the body, and the, and having life experience. There are different probable timelines depending on the different choices that we make. It depends on our own energy, and it depends on what we want to experience in our life. When I explain and when I share that we do from a certain level, choose certain probable realities based on what we want to experience in our lifetime.

You come out a hero? Yeah, you go up, you can say hi if you want. Hey guys. There you go. Cool. Yeah. Where'd you go? Okay, cool. He's what? At the beach and then I was like, I'm going to film video real quick. What is the journey of souls they say happens is we go to that of this place where we look at different probable timelines, which means it's not just one set timeline that you explained that you look at. It's many different timelines, and there's different what are called choice points, choice points when something dramatic may happen in her life, and we'll have an opportunity maybe to go in one direction or another direction and we're then able to choose those different choice points.

And it's a little bit of a mix of both that, of flexibility with what happens but also a certain like course that we agreed to be a part. This I find very interesting because first off, it points to us knowing that we are eternal spiritual beings live in temporary human experiences. But here's what I want to share with you and here's the reason you don't have free will. The reason you don't have free will, and many of the people on the planet don't have free will is because most of us are in the autopilot mind.

We think we have free will, but we're choosing from past experience. We're choosing from living in the past. Okay? You see, this is the thing most people are living in the autopilot mind. Maybe you've woken up to a place to where you're always doing new things, but there's this thing that's called the island of comfort. We all have this little island of consistent things. We think consistent things we do, and based on that island, we like to make consistent decisions based on what is comfortable. We relate everything to those experiences.

We may think, oh, I have free will to go do this, but we're doing the same thing that either we, we saw our parents do, or we're doing the same thing that we've done in the past doing that. Just like we hear from Doctor Joe Dispenza, we get up the same day, do this, think the same thoughts, feel the same emotions, do the same things, therefore create the same exact neuro associations over and over and over again. The thing about this is that most people don't have free will because most people are in the autopilot mind and because people are in the autopilot mind, they're also living in the past.

They're not here in the present moment right now. And therefore, guess what, most people that live in the past continue to create the past over and over and over again. They don't, they think they have free will, but it's like, have you ever had someone were, and I went through this for a while, having someone in your life that it's a different face, but it's similar energy. Maybe you had a certain type of relationship or did you know someone like in your friend group for example, and even though they may like some girl, someone that's been with a guy and then they break up or whatever and then she finds someone else, it's almost the exact same.

And even though the face has changed, it's almost the same type of energy, the same type of dynamic. You see it's because she's associating or he or whatever is associating in the past, bringing it into the present moment and that pattern is on autopilot. The truth is we don't have free will unless we wake up. We wouldn't have free will unless we realized that we have to break out of the island of what is comfortable, do new things in the unknown is where miracles can happen. In that little island of comfort that we'll do everything we can to remain consistent to when we step outside of that into the unknown, that's where miracles can happen.

Miracles cannot happen. Amazing things cannot happen in what is comfortable because the brain already knows what to expect. Think about it in terms of quantum probability, your brain's just going to go to the path of least resistance. That's what the autopilot mind does. The autopilot mind goes down the path of least resistance. When it comes to a will, most people's neuros hypnotic connections in the brain are simply going down the path of least resistance.

They're thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions and doing the same things. When we say that as well, understand that this is a twofold type thing. The thing that I really want, this is the way I've been explained to it before as well. When I, when I think about this, but I heard Bashar talk about this prior to life. What we decide what we choose is that there is a certain hallway. We are going to go down; there's a certain hallway. We're going to go down. How we go down that hallway is up to us. We can skip, we can jump, we can somersault, we can magically teleport.

We do everyone. How we do, it is up to us, but don't go down that hallway. We will now go down that hallway. It could be just you express your passion in certain ways. Sometimes I wonder like what if I, what if I wasn't speaking on YouTube? What would I be expressing art in some other way? Would I be expressing myself in some other way? Maybe. Maybe the way that I do this was up to my free will and that way I don't know.

But we have a certain hallway we want to go down and how we go down that hallway is up to us. When you hear me talk about this video right now and we're talking about free will, the key to this is understanding that you are an eternal spiritual being. You did choose to have certain experiences in your life. Most of your life challenges are things that you came here to learn, which makes it easier because then you can accept a lot of the things that happened in your life. You can accept them and embrace them and know that you can transform them.

I think a life theme for me is learning patience. Something else I'm learning I think in this life is how to balance family life and like a personal life with business life because I get so passionate about what I do so passionate about making videos, so passionate about everything in my life. But at the same time, it's having like a human experience of like doing normal things.

Do you know? Cause sometimes I get to like want just to do all my YouTube stuff and business stuff, and I get too into it, you know? But I think I meant to balance that. It's a life theme. It's a life challenge. There are other challenges. I think overcoming the pain of my past was part of the challenge that I agreed to come through. What if like I change the game a lot because having like my abusive ex stepmom, for example, one thing I realized when I went through my spiritual awakening is from a certain point I chose that experience.

Doesn't that sound crazy? But in a way, it's like a soul contract I had. It was like, yes, these are really horrible things you're going to do, but it's going to wake me up later in life. Cause when I'm, even after my dad divorced her when I was 15 years old, all of a sudden I have this all this resistance inside of me. I'm like, what do I do with this? And that led to me having a spiritual awakening and transforming my past and then also able to able to help other people transform their past.

What if I was just some guy on YouTube that never been through adversity before, trying to show up, showing people how to transform their lives, but I had never had a transformed my life because everything was handed to me. You see, so a lot of the things in our life are there so that we can transform or so that we can do something with it. And once you realize that you may have signed up for it at a certain level, they yes, consciously, I wouldn't be like, oh yeah, I wanted to experience all that pain. But once we realize that at a certain level we wanted to experience it, it makes it much easier for us to, to accept it.

And when you accept something, you can transform it. You see, we had a lot of food last night. We went to this Mexican restaurant and we, yeah, so I'm walking around, I feel kind of heavy. That was just a side note. But that was that my freewill. Here's the thing that I want to, that I want to share in actuality about this whole video. Do we have free will? Most people are living in the past. Therefore, most people aren't aware that they have free will.

Are you treating every moment as if you chose it? If you are treating every moment as if you chose it, then you do have free will. If you are an experiencing reality actually experienced and not just thinking about it, not here right now, thinking about the past or thinking about the future, then you do have free will. We have free will, but most people don't use it. If you don't use it, what's the point? Do you see what I mean? It's like, oh yeah, if you have something, but so the idea is yes we have it, but 90% of people do not use it because they aren't aware that they do have it and they're living in the past.

I remember when I had a nine to five job, I have to say if you have a nine to five job then you don't have free will. But I, whenever I went in every day, I had the same conversations with certain people that I worked with. I talked to people and helped a similar type of customers. And this is the autopilot mind over and over and over again. You just go through the motions. The key is being aware and then choosing something without bringing the past into the present.

You know, right now on the planet, I believe we're going through a shift in consciousness, and this is what the law of one talks about this with Bashar talks about. This is what Flores cannons work explains as well, and part of that has to do with us taking our power back, taking our power back and being present to the moment and taking power from a sense of choice, choosing our own reality and experiencing reality versus projecting ourselves somewhere else.

In order to do that, what we must do is we must get to that 5D energy. It's called fifth-dimensional energy. 3D is the ego. 3D is duality. 3D controls. 5D is more about presence, understanding that we're all one, we're all connected, and it's an energy that really has to do with experiencing the moment as it is. It's a level of presence beyond what a lot of us experience due to projecting ourselves to the past or future.

Something that I did make that I'll make sure this video comes out after so that you can watch this. It's a 5D activation that you can listen to that will help you to bring in the sense of no time, but at the same time, it's a level of presence. It's an activation that if you, let's do for 21 days, it'll change your life. It's brand new. You can click on at the top of the description box below. That's to help with the shifts that we're going through in consciousness right now on the planet. You'll see what I mean and read the comments to see what's possible with that as well.

Right now, right now. You are a new version of you right now. Every moment you're new right now. Let go of the story of the past, the goal of the stories you tell yourself. Allow you to be here right now, and then you will really have free will, because then you can choose from a level of awareness versus choosing from the most habitualized thought patterns and the way of thinking that you've always thought, always getting bought back into old patterns. You can really let that go.

Time in the 5th Dimension: with Activation Meditation (this will change your life)


I'm going to show you exactly what fifth-dimensional time is like, how different it is from third-dimensional time, and we're going to do an activation for wiring in this new sense of time.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how fifth-dimensional time works.  I'll show you this activation for wiring in this new understanding, this new way of being. First off, that fifth dimensional way of being and time is completely different than the third dimensional way that we're used to.

Normally in 3D it's about duality. It's about time, space, linear experience. It's this who I was in the past. This is who I am now. This is the projection for the future, and a lot of times we will emphasize the past. Many people are actually living in the past. They are living in things that have happened to them. They're still having these positionalities of being angry about it or having some emotional charge about it.

And because of it, they then project it in the present moment right now, which then also leaks into what we call the future and many people when it comes to the way that our society has brought is ran by, they get got to be here at a certain time and all of these things. We really emphasize the importance of it in 3D, and because of that, there are times when it ends up becoming something that is overemphasized and given so much importance.

Let me share with you something that happened with me recently that in a way was me tapping into this 5D energy because something I realized that I had to kind of shift or I was going to be late for something and it was me. This is a couple of months ago this, I was going to an acupuncture appointment here in Las Vegas, and it was about, it's about a 15 to 20-minute drive away from my house, probably right around there.

And I was doing something on my computer with something I was doing, and I got in. I lost track of time, and I knew I had to be there at like three o'clock. What happens is I ended up leaving at like 2:50. I had like 10 minutes to get there, and I knew it was a minimum of 15 to 20-minute drive. And there was something I thought I read where it said that if you're so late if you're so much late or something like that, they, they're allowed to charge you.

Like I knew prior is just like got caught up with what I was doing. What I did, as I said, you know what? I believe that time is a form of illusion. What I did is I got into a good state of being, it was like a fun state of being like a 5D energy, and I simply knew that I was going to be there right at three or a minute before I just knew it. I just, I treated it as it because I knew that time is more of an illusion anyway.

And I've heard of other people doing it before where they stretch time. People that are interested in the kind of work that I do, would I share 5D energy? What I did as I was going to the gym or to the acupuncture place, I set that intention while in the car also to drive safe.

It wasn't like I was driving like, you know, 80 miles an hour in the 35 is pretty much a 40 mile an hour, 35 mile an hour, a route the whole way there. But what I did is I simply set the intention, and I imagined myself getting there at exactly three, and I said, you know what? Let's see how flexible this time is because I knew that when I was getting my car at like two 50 that it's normal if I was under the old 3D perspective, there's no way I would've made that.

I would've shown up at about three ten, so what I did is I simply had that understanding. I went through with confidence with it, and I kept in a light state. I didn't make it too important. I wasn't like, oh my God, I go to get there. I was just more so like just knew it. And as I was driving there, I hit every green light, everything was in the right, the right flow. And I, Lynn look over when I get there, and it's exactly three o'clock, so I walked in, and everything went well, but it showed me more than ever before.

And I used to do that as well when I used to have my old sales job. I would do that sometimes as well. Kind of knowing that and be like, I'm just going to imagine myself being there on time. And that was a place where like you get written up if you're like, you know, over five, six minutes, like seven-minute grace period I think. But it was something that I learned to play around with. But that is what I want to share with you in this blog time is so much more flexible than you think.

We may use time as a convenience thing to say, Hey, meet me at the park at this time. Meet me at the gym at that time. Like we use that for convenience sake, but at the same time, it is a form of illusion. When I say that, what I mean is we emphasize the more we emphasize anything, the more we create it. The more we focus on time, the more we create the experience of time. You're going to be able to play around with time. Time isn't going to be this heavy thing and 3D that you have to abide by.

It's going to be more so something that you use as a base, as a benchmark, but then you can choose what you want to experience. This is what is powerful is understanding that in 5D energy, first off, you've got 3D reality is polarity free. Really, it's an emphasis of the ego and the separateness. The knee moves into four and five. The 4D is more about vibration. Even in 40 times starts to become very slippery and in fact, 5D level of consciousness, you realize that everything is one, so these separate moments, they all exist right now.

They all exist right now. It's just our perception that is changing through it. That's all that changes are our perception through it. In 5D level of consciousness, we realize oneness. We're all connected. That's why we can start to feel more love between each other because we realize that we're all connected and 3d level of consciousness. We're like, oh, you are that you are you. I am meat, and I don't. I mean, that's you. There's just this, this distinct barrier between you and me, but that begins to go away in 5D levels of consciousness will right now on the planet.

We have the ability to tap into this unity level consciousness, and we have the ability to tap into this slippery time with oneness. A lot of times when it comes to pass lives, the way people look at their past lives is more of a 3D perspective. What a lot of people don't understand is that from a five a higher level of consciousness that past life exists right now. You're just connecting to it and that past life, the past lives you connect to change at the moment right now as you change, you see, this is the key.

This is what changes. Also, it's the same about the future. A lot of people don't talk about future lives, but we right now in the present moment, many of us as lightworkers came from what we call the future. We came to experience this shift and transformation right now on the planet, and we really are connected to our multidimensional cells, which are higher vibrational, which are the future versions of us. But as we change right now, we changed the parts of our future. We connect to and the parts of our past we connect to.

The reason I say this is so that we can start to let go of the 3d old school way of while I was this person, now I'm this person. I'm this person from one perspective, but that's from the linear 3d perspective and said, what we can do is realize that those past lives we connect to change as we change, as we go through a different theme in our life, we may connect to different past lives that are completely different. And like I said, the reason I share this so that you understand, it's much more slippery than you think.

The key to 5D energy is present to the moment, and it's doing what you're excited about doing what you're passionate about. Have you ever had it to where you're doing something and time just goes by like that? It's like you don't even know where the time when there are sometimes I'm working on videos, I'm doing things and I'll be like, oh, that was a 45-minute video. That was a 20-minute video, and I'm like, that felt like two minutes, or I'll be at like doing stuff on my computer and the time will be three hours ago by and I haven't eaten yet cause I'm passionate.

I'm in the flow state with what I'm doing. You see five the energy is when you're not focused on emphasizing time, you're just focusing on flow. You're focusing on flow. Here's the biggest change between the 3D perception of time and 5D perception of time in the 3D perception of time.

What we say is I am a result of the past. That's who we think we are, which then brings the past vibration into the current moment right now, which makes things feel heavy in a 5D level of conscious. You realize that the past may have happened in one parallel reality timeline, but as you change, you also change parts of your past as well. But you say to yourself. I am not the result of my past. I am who I choose to be right here, right now. Every moment is new. This is a new moment. This is a new moment. When we start to tap into this new moment, we start to tap more into this 5D energy. Everything is seen as fresh for the first time, all first time, freshness. Okay?

It's the first time it's fresh. What we can begin to do is tap into everything as it is new. I choose this moment. I choose this moment. I choose this moment. I am who I choose to be now because of what happened in the past. You just are who you choose to be. One of the things, the reasons for doing your passion is so powerful because you let go of the perception of time, and you're just there. You're just in that moment. The 5D energy is when you start to see that reality is much more flexible and try it. Don't just take my word for it, try it next time you have somewhere to be and you're a little bit late.

Don't, don't intentionally be late. I'm not saying to drive quickly or to, you know, be unsafe, but be aware that you can set this intention and you can watch how time molds to you. It's just that the more we emphasize it, the more we think we're a victim of time, the more that is the case, oh, I'm going to be late. Oh, they're going to be mad at me. Well, you get what you focus on and in a way your reality slides into that slot into your consciousness, and that becomes what you experience. What I thought we would do really quick because we do an activation where we relax and I'm willing to put your attention on certain things.

This is something you can listen to for 21 days. I think it will profoundly change your life if you do so because you're going to begin to bring in this 5D energy, and when you bring in this 5D energy, your whole entire life will change you, not just with the time you're on the title. You don't have to emphasize some of the really, really important things in your life. Instead, you can be more flexible, but you like Bruce Lee, be like water. Be like water. Okay? What we're going to do right now is I'm going to cue the music here in a second.

We're going to take a deep breath in, deep breath out. We're going to relax and then what we're going to do is we're going to do inactivation of energy activation of 5D energy and set the intention right now that every single person listening to this, this is the power of group intention. This is the power of many of us doing this, whether we're watching this live or not live, whoever's listening to it set the intention that you tap into 5D energy and set the intention that every single person listening to this also taps into five energies.

This is when we start to connect to the collective consciousness. You see, we're all connected, so no matter where we're listening to this in the world, we're going to connect to this energy stream that we're about to do right now. You sit in the intention and right now imagine everyone else and you experiencing this 5D energy. You see, when we move beyond our own ego, when we have the intention for other people, it's even more powerful.

It's something that's called outer intention is. See, it's almost like we then we're adding the energy-momentum there. And then when you do it, you're still benefited as well because everyone else is doing it for you. Right now, what I encourage you to do is taking a deep breath in, deep breath out with me and set the intention and imagine that every single person here taps into this 5D energy. Make sure you could do this when you're, when you're more relaxed; you can relax a little bit more. Make sure you're not driving in the car. And let's go ahead and get into this right now. Take a deep breath in.

Breathe it out. With every breath you take, imagine your body relaxing more and more because you're about to bring in high vibrational energy. I'd like to ask you to put your hands over your heart, knowing that you are going to be growing the electromagnetic energy inside of your heart with your attention over your heart today. Let's take another deep breath in. Deep breath out and close your eyes if you'd like.

Breathe it out, releasing any tension, release any energy that wants to leave you and simply know that every breath you take today, you are going to feel more and more relaxed. Bringing the awareness around your eyes. Bring the awareness around your forehead and imagine a warm sensation, relaxing, loosening up wherever you put your attention, you feel your body relax.

Six, bringing the awareness now to your job. Feel your job. Begin to relax. Your tongue hangs loose and soft. Bring the awareness now into your left arm, your left hand. Feel it. Loosen up and relax. Bring the awareness in your right arm, your right hand. Feel it loosen up. Bring the awareness now into your heart and imagine your heart begins to feel a buzzing sensation in the center. You start to feel that underneath your hands. You can feel your heart beginning to buzz.

You can now feel the energy going into your stomach, relaxing, loosening up. But the awareness in your left leg, your left foot, your right. Lay your right foot. Imagine that any energy she doesn't prefer to hold onto is leaving through the heels of your feet. Imagine the energy moving through your body to and through the heels of your feet, letting go of any energy that doesn't serve.

Okay, now feel how relaxed you are right now and know that right now what we are about to do is we are about to connect to a high level of energy called fifth-dimensional energy. Set the intention right now that everyone else listening to this meditation is also going to tap into this high vibrational energy. This energy, which is who we naturally are. This energy will bring forth your passion more so than ever before or bring forth secrecy in your life unlike anything you've experienced before, and you'll find that from this point going forward, your reality becomes so much more fun and so much more flexible.

Realize that up until this point, you have thought that you were a result of your past. You thought that you were an accumulation of all these past experiences that you've had. You thought that that is who made you, who you are today. Okay? Understand that those things that happened were just one potential probability of the past. Set the intention right now. Imagine that as you're thinking of the past and your hand in front of you, you can see that of a balloon that's beginning to get bigger and bigger. You're holding onto a thread connected to this balloon. Imagine that you're filling up this balloon. You're holding onto this thread, this balloon, which represents all of your past

As you hold onto it, you have this realization, this realization that you are not the result of your past. You are who you choose to be. What you can do right now is you realize you can let go of this balloon. Go ahead and let go of this balloon and imagine it drifting further away. Imagine all the memories of your past that you thought made you who you were, all the negative experience, anything you don't prefer. Imagine it floating further and further away.

And as this balloon goes further and further away, you feel more and more distant from the negative things that have happened to you before. And you realize that now you are free. You are free to be you. You are free to move around. You are free to be your expressive self and understand that you, your whole life, may have given importance to time. But time is so much more flexible than you know. And I set the intention right now that from this point going forward, you know that you are who you choose to be.

You are who you choose to be. And every moment is a completely new moment, and you can start to live in the moment right now. You can enjoy the present moment the way it is. Wherever you are with whatever you're experiencing, it is perfect the way it is. Feel this energy right now. This moment is a new moment right now. You are not the result of your past. You are who you choose to be right now. Every moment is new. You are who you choose to be right now.

This is a new moment right now, and it is not connected to the past. There's no power over you. The past as you are a completely new version of you right now and from this point going forward, you will see your reality become much more flexible. You will live more in the moment if there's somewhere you need to be at a certain time. You know it's flexible. You know it's only your perception of that time that keeps the resistance in place from this point going forward. Imagine yourself right now doing what you're passionate about.

What you can do is you can own, I will own with you, and I will also be speaking. You keep coming and know that this OAM represents 5D energy. There's ohm well represent you wiring in an activating this new template for a reality that's actually more natural being present to the moment. I'd like to ask you to do right now is to keep your eyes closed and just simply own. I'll do one ohm with you, and then I'm going to ask you to keep on coming knowing that you're connecting to the energy of your heart and you're connecting to these 50 energies.

You are soaking into the energy of your heart. You can feel the energy of your heart. Begin to raise more and more knowing you are about to connect into a new way of being and to the present moment in a completely new and powerful way. Keep all meaning. Take another deep breath. I am going to count down from 10 to one with every number I count. You're going to feel activation of this now moment knowing that from this point going forward, you are living in a higher vibrational reality.

Nine double the amount of sensation. Imagine this 5D energy coming in stronger and stronger with every number I count. Seven feeling it increased more and more. Six knowing that you are tapping into this 5D energy, unlike anything you've imagined before. Five knowing that everyone else here is shifting more into this 5D energy as well for knowing and feeling as double with every number I count. Three, keep feeling this.

5D energy, feeling positive emotions come up. You may feel love. You may feel the high vibrational passion. Allow it to come up. Three to double the amount of sensation now and one soak in this 5D energy and no, okay that this is who you are. From this point going forward, you will notice that your life becomes much more magical and you will notice that time becomes so much more slippery and it starts to work for you to keep this vibration activated in.

STOP Chasing Money, Relationships and Success and instead do this (they will chase you)


I'm going to show you how to have money, relationships, and success chase you. What I share in this video is the key to transformation, and it's the key to creating what you want from a higher level of consciousness.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how you can stop chasing it and how it can start to chase you. This has been one of probably the most profound realizations that I've had since I've been on this journey of understanding metaphysics or how our thoughts create our reality.

Thinking about something consistently, even when you look at a lot of what you learned in the movie, the secret, for example, it's about focusing. It's about wanting. It's about desire. But as you may have seen me share before on the level of consciousness, I'll go ahead and put the chart right here. The level of consciousness you see, desire resonates at 125 desires doesn't resonate at that high level of consciousness.

That's because when you desire something, you are energetically also saying that you don't currently have it. A desire is also many times tied to that of a longing, a longing for something. When we look at these different levels of consciousness, we can see that eventually, you see desire, then you'll see willingness. Willingness is the willpower.

You don't feel very powerful if you don't have the discipline or you can't set intentions on what you want or focus on what you want and that many times will move people in a certain direction. It is very powerful. Willpower can be very powerful. But when it comes to this understanding, I remember I was with someone at work once, and she was telling me she was, we were talking about somebody else that worked there. And we realized that the more he chased her, the more she ran away.

Does that make sense? The more somebody wants someone else, the more someone else can feel that energy, they then go further away. And it's because of the energy resonance is because they can feel that neediness from that person. Therefore, they're running. They're chasing them. But if they're chasing them, it means that the other person's running away. You see this as a two-way thing when it comes to that of relationships, success, and money.

When it wants to come to you, it wants to come to you. But it's running away because the energy field that you have says I really, really want you. And then you look crazy and like you, you just really, really need it. And of course, that off puts it in general. The key is understanding that when you really want you vibrationally say, I really don't currently have. Then there's this desperate resistance to it because right now in the present moment it's not good enough.

It's not good enough because in the future when you have that thing when you have that relationship when you have that money when you have that success, then you can feel happy. Your energy fields in the present moment carry with it a sense of lack. But if you were in to feel instead of the abundance that you have right now. And you were to feel the emotions instead that you'd want to experience right now, eventually those things because of vibrational resonance can make them appear. They can literally become visible to you.

I remember hearing this from Bashar once; he said the process of manifestation is not about bringing something over there to indie here. It's about making what is currently invisible, visible because everything exists here and now. Therefore, it's not so much about us trying to get anything as much. It's about us getting into a certain state, getting to a certain level of consciousness. One thing I always recommend people to do is not to focus on the success or the money, focus on raising your level of consciousness.

If you were to, I remember looking at the research of the levels of consciousness and what Dr. David Hawkins was saying with that chart that I share. The higher up you go, the less unemployment you could say there is. It's like a four or 500 level of consciousness. It's like 0.01 is unemployed at like a 200 level of consciousness. You've got like 30 to 40% of people unemployed — something like that. I don't know. I don't remember the exact numbers from the book, but that's the idea. The higher up you go, the more useful, the more value you add, and it's like those things just come to UV of resonance.

Even when you look at these gurus in India, these enlightened people, they still have a lot of people that will show up just to literally hear him speak and then again, they don't even need, you know, I'm using the analogy of a job, but that's not the end all be all. You could be an entrepreneur or whatever. I'm just using that as an example to show the degree of value because money and success come via value.

It's a reflection of the value you can provide in the marketplace, whether that you're in the market of sharing information as I do online, whether you're in the market of doing some type of service or some type of a product that you're supplying to people, whatever it is, the degree of the value you provide is that degree of money and abundance that comes back to you. But see, most people go about it the wrong way.

They focus on the money without focusing on the value first. When it comes to chasing money, chasing success, chasing relationships, understand that the way you view those things is what's causing the resistance. Let me use this as an example right here. Look at these thoughts. We think that our thoughts are not things; our thoughts are literally things. They're just invisible to our ice spectrum. When you have this energy field around you, and you thought that you really want someone to treat you a certain way, you want to be in a relationship with someone that wants is also resistance.

Thinking about like this, blocking your energy field, and then you go around chasing this person over here, but they can feel this energy block. And then when they think of you, they feel that within you, even if it's at subconscious levels and also you seven, this resistance that you really, really want. This is really, really emphasizing that you're really, really not currently okay. That right now isn't good enough. But when you get this person, then you can be happy, when you get this bout of money, oh my goodness.

Then you can finally be happy. But it's externalizing your own power. You see, transformation is being aware that none of these things will even make you happy. It's just that you're using them as benchmarks to then eventually say, now I can be happy. I have the money. I have a relationship. Now, I have the success, but let me tell you from experience when you attain these numbers, these games, these things that you think are going to make you feel blissful forever, you'll find very shortly that the ego steps in and says, well, what about the next barrier?

What about this? Okay, I've made this amount of money, but what about the next level? You'll always be projecting yourselves to the next level. That's what the mind and the ego do because we grow up believing that this is who we are as the ego. You see, the key to this is the transformation of consciousness because then you start to become aware that you are already holding complete and by you healing and understanding why you have such a burning desire.

Do you ever hear that? I remember reading that in the in a that of think and grow rich. You must have a burning desire to be successful. Well in a way that is very powerful because when you have a burning desire, you're normally then willing to take a lot of action and then in action you become more in the beans states and then in the bean state, things began to happen. The action causes the domino effect for things to happen. A white-hot willingness will then lead to an extreme amount of discipline.

People that are enlightened are just being people that are in a flow state or just being when I make these video; I'm just being, I'm not doing a video. I am just being, and in this flow, the state comes this information, and we all have a flow state. We all have something like this that we can tap into. Maybe it's videos for you; maybe it's art, maybe it's you with managerial skills. Maybe it's g, we all have a version of that.

Can I have the money? Can I have this and by saying can I have it means you don't currently have, which means you have this resistance inside your energy field which means you're not currently good enough already. That's why you have to chase these things because there's resistance in your energy field. What if you just allowed yourself to be under the realization that you are already good enough? What if you did? That's what transformation is about. Transformation is about understanding that you are self-projecting.

Everything that you think is not good enough about you. You are having that self-fulfilling prophecy go out into the world, and you are getting more and more reflection of that. What if you are wanting a relationship with someone else was reflecting back to you, and you're chasing that person because you're not already tapped into your relationship with yourself. You see, because you can give yourself validation. You can give yourself a positive, loving relationship. You can give yourself all of these things heal inside your energy field and then understand that all reality is it's a reflection.

If you're chasing the relationship, if you're chasing money, if you're chasing success, it means you don't currently have it. There's something in the present moment that you are resisting and therefore, you continue to experience a reality that is equal to that level of resistance and that level of lack. But the key is getting into a state of consciousness of knowing that all of these things outside of you are just symbols and there are symbols of things and emotions that you can give yourself permission to feel right now and by you not chasing those things, those things were no longer be running away from you.

You see, that's the key that there is no outside. It's all reflection. Everything you experienced in your life is a reflection, and everything is reflecting back something to you. Even the things you don't want to think are this person is this way. There's no way that's reflecting anything back to me. They're mean to me. They're doing this to me, but you see, if you had better boundaries, maybe that person wouldn't be in your life. Sometimes something's coming to our life for us to say no.

If you have a relationship in your life with someone who's abusing you or someone's talking down to you, well guess what? You're not telling. You don't have to be in that, and if you believe you do, then it's just a belief that's keeping you there. The reason things appear to be running away from you is that you are desperately chasing them because you don't believe that you are good enough already. You believe you don't have a relationship. You believe you don't have the money. You believe you don't have this success.

Therefore, that resistance stays and therefore, because realities are a reflection of what we believe to be true, we continue to experience a reality where that is a lack. Instead, what you can begin to do is let go of the resistance. Let go of the rule in the mind that says, I will be happy when I find that relationship. I'll be happy when I have that kind of money. Focus instead on the energy. If you focus on the relationship with yourself, if you focus on the money that you want to get an incentive, the money you focus on, the value that you want to provide money, this abundance will come back to you.

It's a different focus. It's like every video I made, all I focused on was the YouTube subscribers that would come because of this video. And it's the same thing when it comes to energy dynamics between different people because your thoughts that you think are not things are actually, things are just invisible to your eyes spectrum. Instead of focusing on the lack, focus on the abundance, focused on the relationship you already have with yourself.

Focus on the relationship you have with family members. Focus the abundance that you already have in your life. Focus on the gratitude you have for the house you live in for the shelter you have for the Internet connection you have. If you're watching this video, the gratitude will put you in the vibration of it. You see the vibration of wanting something or the vibration of not having something because you wanted is very different from the vibration of having something instead of I really, really want, it's like I really, really already have because everything exists within me and I can give myself permission to feel positive emotion right now.

And if I was feeling positive emotion, then I'm in a higher vibration and then high, no higher vibration. People keep running from me, but don't they know that I'd really want them in my life? Think about how desperate that sounds. It's the same thing for money and success. Money may not have a distinct personality, but with money, with money, you want to come to you. If you are like, I really, really want you so bad.

If you want to be in relationship with someone, you're like, I just really, really would be happy if you'd be in a relationship with me. They are going to feel that desperation. They're going to run away just like money, money. We'll feel that off of you and just want to like not want anything to do with you. But it's not even that money has a personality where it says, I don't want anything to do with you. It's more so you're just resisting it because you're really, really want it.

And vibrationally you're saying, I really, really don't currently have it. The key is letting go of understanding that these are just symbols. Instead, get to the core of understanding within your own energy field. You could feel happy whole, complete. You're making a rule in your mind. These are just symbols, though. And the more you realize that, the more you start to take your power back. Stop chasing success. Because the more you chase it, the further away it is.

Vibrationally, instead, be in a high vibrational state. Be in a relationship with yourself. Be somebody that adds value. Be somebody that's living their purpose, and by being in that frequency, all of those things will come. Remember that the next time you really want something to remember Aaron sitting in front of you and saying, really, really?

People feel that this vibration right here is very different than what I did a second ago. She would, I mean, it's a different type of energy. With manifestation, stop chasing it. Start being it. Start being in the vibration. When it comes to this process, understand that being as the key being is the key. When we look at that of different things in our energy field, things will block us, though might be relationship issues that continue to experience them in your life. There might be certain money issues that express yourself in your head and your life because you haven't completed the past.

Telepathy: How to Send Telepathic Messages


I'm going to show you how to send telepathic messages, the truth on telepathy, and what you can do to communicate in this fifth dimensional way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth about telepathy and not just telepathy, but understanding more about the connection that we all have to each other. As time goes on, as the vibration on the planet continues to rise, there'll be more and more ability for us to connect to each other without using so many words. What I'm going to share with you comes a little bit from my own experience. It comes a little bit from Bashar.

Every single one of us is connected. And think of it like this, this the way that I use it. This is the way I think about it. Our energy fields go around us. Our energy fields also go far, far, far out beyond what we can imagine. When we are all rout other people, we are immersed in each other's energy fields. When it comes to connecting to other people telepathically, it's there within our energy field regardless. It's simply about transmitting whatever that message is.

I'm going to show you how to transmit those messages, how to transmit those telepathic messages. And let me start by saying that I first started playing around this with this when I went through my spiritual awakening. Back in 2012, I went to my spiritual awakening, and I remember my brother Alex and me, we were like, the reality is so different than what we think.

This is so cool. What we did is my brother and me, Alex, what we do is we would do this thing where we would look each other like deepen the eyes, and we would send ideas, we would send, we would send messages, like some type of a, we would test each other. What we would do is we would pick a number between one and a hundred and what we would do is I would look deep into his eyes, and I would imagine that number going from my eyes and my head.

And then I would practice it in different ways. Either it has gone from my head and then into his, or a feeling or a mental picture. And I would try different things to see what worked. And we played, we played around with this for awhile, but after a while of playing around with it, we got pretty good. I remember there was one time it was like, okay, we're like, okay, let's try it again. We tried it again and the number was 67 and we looked at it and we did it. It was just like 67 and we were like, really?

Oh my God, what are the chances? You know that as one in a hundred but one in between one and 167 I'm like, what does it mean? Because we also realize that our mom, she was born in 1967 so was it some meaning like I didn't think of that. The meaning of 67 when I saw it. Oh, our mom's birthday. She was born in 1967 we didn't think of it like that. It was more so just he was just the number that came, and then he just looked at me and he goes, 67 I was like, yes, that's what it is.

And then we kept doing it and we were right majority of the time. And then eventually, and then eventually you start to doubt it and it starts to go away. But there were many times that we did it and it actually worked in the chances are one in a hundred now. What did we learn to do though, is it has to do with the emotion? Bashar says it like this. Telepathy is an emotion. It's a feeling. If you want to send a telepathic message to someone, it's more so about embodying a certain emotion and then using that emotion to project it.

And then when that person thinks of you, they think of whatever you're also thinking of. If they match the frequency of you, you see this is the game changer would tell empathy. And it's what Bashar says; this is what resonates with me. When you send a telepathic message to someone, it is not so much that that person is picking up on your message and then, and then receiving it and then sending you back a message. It's, it's just that you are having the same thoughts at the same time.

It's like there are these different wavelengths and when you send a telepathic message, there's this wave lake that you're matching. And when you're thinking of someone else, if they matched that wavelength as well, you then have that message, that telepathic message, but it's simply a frequency. In the same way, one thing that happened with a, I went and saw Bashar about four or five months ago.

That was pretty cool. One of the questions that I asked Bashar, as I said, I talked to all archetypes. Archetypes are these collective unconscious energies that exist in our reality. We have the hero; we have the joker, we have all these different archetypes. And my question to him was how much power do these archetypes have over us? How much do they influence us? And what he said is a similar thing. He said that it's all frequency.

It's all frequency. We can choose to match, or we can choose not to match, but it all exists here, and now in the same way when it comes to sending a telepathic message, I'm going to share with you exactly how to do that in a second. But when it comes to the telepathic message, it's just frequency. We have the energetic fields we pick up on the frequency, and it's not so much that you are projecting out something as it is that you are emitting a certain frequency and when someone else thinks of you, they could feel that off of you.

Let's talk a little bit more about energy for another second because you'll understand what I mean by this. Many people that are going to want to send a telepathic message may want to send a certain emotion or send some, have some type of a motive with it. Here's the key though. When you send a telepathic message, how you feel is going to be what they feel, but what you don't want to do is you do not want to manipulate. You don't want to manipulate anyone. You don't want to send a telepathic message so that they call you.

What you want to do instead is you want to focus on yourself. You see if you really, really want someone to call you. When you think of them, and you imagine them calling you, you're trying to control them. You're trying to have them do something, and when you think of them, you're going to feel the resistance of them not calling you or them not giving you what, what are your needs are or whatever you want him to do.

And when they think of you, they are going to activate that resistance you feel about them. Do you see the emotion you feel about someone else? When you think about them, when they think about you, they are matching your frequency and then they will feel the same emotion that you feel. This is why sometimes people go, I really, really want that person to like me.

I really want that person to text me back. But they feel a longing or desire for that person to text them back. And because of that, what ends up happening is their project. When they think of that person that is projecting out that person not doing what they want, that they're projecting out that resistance and therefore that other person is going to feel their resistance. The key to this is simply making it more about you and your energetic field.

You communicating with yourself, you feeling the emotions you want to feel, you feeling up your own cup and when you fill up your own cup you can then project out and put out a frequency of love and other people can feel that off of you. When it comes to sending telepathic messages, understand you are picking up on frequencies all of the time. Other people are picking up on your frequency all the time and any time you think of anybody you are pookie and picking up and drawing it on their frequency.

For example, if you are thinking of some motivational guy, they get a lot of people. The reason a lot of people may like to watch Gary Vaynerchuk, Whoa, that was funny. I was just thinking of Gary Vaynerchuk, and I just had an, I remember that last night. I had a dream with him and his not weird. When people think of this kind of person, they're drawing upon to his energy or her energy. That's why a lot of people would like to meditate on some spiritual guru. They pick up on his spiritual energy. Even if he passed away, everything is frequency.

If you're thinking of Tony Robbins, then you're, you're taking it off, you know, whatever Tony Robbins is, um, and change your state or whatever it is you're picking up on that frequency, and you're most likely also part of that is the frequency of this state that he's in right now. You see Sinatra's his content in general, but the frequency states that he's in right now.

The key to this is understanding it's just frequency and that it's not you sending and projecting, it's you matching a certain frequency within yourself. Also understanding there really is no other, we're all connected. Then it becomes how do I communicate better with myself?

If you want to send a telepathic message to someone, what you do is you first get to your core, you get to a vibration inside of you of feeling inside of your heart center, and you make sure that you know, it's about the emotion. It's like you send the telepathic mental aspect of it and it comes like this, and then the emotion is what moves it towards that person. But instead of what you can begin to do is you can view yourself as already whole and complete, and you can tap into the vibration within yourself of a certain mental picture.

You see, this is what it is. It's about mental pictures and emotion with that mental picture. For example, you had people over at your house, and you wanted them to help you do something around the house, instead of you imagining them helping you around the house, what you can do is you can imagine a time when you helped someone else around their house. You see the difference. You then bring the power within you, and you focus on you.

And sometimes you've ever done that in the past, you pick up on a frequency within yourself, a memory in an emotion of how it felt to help someone else. And then when they think of you, they're going to feel that same emotion that you feel within yourself of you helping someone else. Do you see that? Do you see how that can work? It's, it's about you feeling, having the mental image, feeling the emotion of some other time that you've done that and then they pick it up on you in the same way you want someone else to text you back.

First off, get to your core, realize you don't need anyone's approval, anyone's validation for you to feel good, and then what you do is you can remember a time that you got back to someone else. You can remember a time when you replied to someone else in a certain way. Feel that emotion of you feeling satisfied that you did it. Or like you, you did something, you know, got back to someone. You close that thought loop and be in that energy and then just see what happens and if they text you back, great. If they don't, great, you're good, you're holding completed already.

But by doing that you get to the core within yourself. You then energetically with a reality where someone can text you back because your energy is on point. For this process, it's about understanding that it's all about you and your messages with yourself. Because when you communicate powerful messages within yourself, that then translates to other people. But when it comes to telepathic connection, that's the future for five d we're moving into a 5D level of consciousness because they fit dimensional.

We're moving out of the three d physical ego bodies where it's just about heaviness, and we're moving into a lighter body, a lighter level of consciousness. And you may notice that there's a lot of synchronicity happening. Manifestation will continue to rise in vibration. Meaning when you think of things, they'll happen quicker than ever. Not only that, but time is appearing to go by faster. Not only that, we could say less, say less, and we can actually communicate even better.

There's just so many times Leoor, and I have had the same thought at the same time, and it in when I'm around, especially even with like Victor, for example, we'll be doing something. But dude, I was just going to say that exact same thing. Is it that we're projecting out these thoughts and we're doing all of these things? Or is it this, we're in the same frequency, so we're having the same thoughts at the same time. But if we want to project a certain thought, we must first off, get to that core within ourselves.

And if we want to project a mental edge image to someone else, understand it's about the telepathic, the message you have, the mental image, and then the emotion, the emotion. Get inside of your heart. Feel the emotion of you sending that energy out. That emotion will then be the carrier of that message.

It's like the cupid going around. It's like, Yo, here's a message. Who does that? That's the telepathic message. It's a, it's an empathic tell empathy, but understand, be okay already be 100% okay on the inside. Do not need validation. Do not need someone to text you back because if you need them to text you back, then many times they'll going to feel that resistance on you and they're not going to want to do it.

Have more fun. Loosen up. This reality is much more dreamlike than you can even imagine, and when you allow it to be more dreamlike, it becomes much more fun. It becomes much more lucid.

The TRUTH on Full Moon Energy Updates REVEALED (NOT WHAT YOU THINK)


I'm going to be sharing with you the truth about full moon energy updates and show you the real impact that the moon has on the planet and how you can best move through it.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth about full moon energy updates. Maybe you've seen a lot of people on YouTube doing full moon energy updates. Are they really powerful? Is there really something there in regards to the energy of different four moons?

We had these little aromatherapy things makes the. I like the vibe of it. What I used to do is I used to believe, oh, it's just kind of like a belief system. Like it doesn't have to have so much power over you if you choose that. It doesn't. And I also used to have that perspective because when I was what I was working at Nordstrom's and women's shoes, every day I would go into work, I would check my horoscopes, I would check this, what's called Lang Lang Lang Lang three, or know what number three means. I wonder.

Like three different versions of it. It's like I just want 2.0 now 10 iPhone 10 I'm going to work every single day. And what I would do is I would check my astrology for the day, and it's like more of general astrology, you know, I'm a Sagittarius. It would say something like, today you're going to have a great day at work. Or it would say like, you're going to communicate well with people today, or whatever it would say. And then I would assume and go in with that pre-frame.

Sometimes it would say something like, today you're going to find this kind of thing happens with people. There'd be like something negative. And I would go into work, and I would experience that because it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. For a while, I believed that there was, not that there was no power in it, but I chose cause then I eventually came to a realization where I don't have to let this have power over me. This is a powerful tool. It's a powerful point of awareness, but it doesn't have complete power over you. It's something that made me kind of reframe it.

For the longest time, especially when you hear about like mercury retrograde, everyone's always talking about mercury retrograde. And I've always kind of been like, you know, I think, I think that when people focus on mercury retrograde, sometimes what happens is people create that to be even more of a reality within themselves. It's like they give an excuse that if anything goes wrong with television or not television, but I'm just looking at a television a that it's because it's mercury retrograde.

The thing is I'm going to share with you is the way that I view this process. But the thing is, is many of these things are self-fulfilling prophecies. They are self-fulfilling prophecies. The powers really within us. With that being said, when it comes to a full moon wood, I believe a full moon does, is it amplifies whatever is either there consciously or unconsciously and amplifies.

They say that there are more people. That's why they call it a lunatic. Somebody that does some crazy thing because during a full moon, Luna the moon, it amplifies whatever emotion you're feeling. And I could feel that right now. Today is the launch of my shift experience. I think I've been making for the last six to eight months. There's a certain level of energy that I feel about it. You've got Leeor on the other side of the world right now.

I feel like we're just, I don't know, I just feel the energy amplifying whatever is, is unconscious or like we're not necessarily aware of if that makes sense. Normally this is also a time of shadow work. I remember the last time that Lee or went to Europe, it was kind of a similar thing and it was around a full moon as well.

And it was like there was just this, this clearing is energy coming up. Whether it was like missing each other or it was just being apart, not quite sure what it was. But in general, these things come up because they're being amplified. They're there regardless, but they're just being amplified. The moon is in a way in an amplification system. What it will do is it will amplify to you a lot of the things that haven't been dealt with.

It can be positive, but in general, they amplify what is unconscious. Every single one of us has an energy field around our body. All of our energy fields are connected together. And then there's this big energetic field around the planet. Within this energetic field is what we call the collective unconscious. It's going to like that, the collective unconscious.

Just like we individually create our reality, there are 7 billion people on the planet that has within it what we could call the collective unconsciousness crawl unit. Work on this, and I asked Bashar questions about this too. I asked him to share the collective unconsciousness, and he said they're frequencies. They're archetypes. Archetypes are an example of this. They're frequencies that we all pick up on the collective unconsciousness.

You ever heard of archetypes? For example, we have archetypes like that of I'm the hero, the magician, the seer, I'm the victim. All these different things are different archetypes, and that's why sometimes we may think we are thinking our own thoughts when in reality we may be picking up, sorry, I don't know if I was in this frame. We may be picking up on other thoughts that around us, thoughts are literally things. Thoughts are literally things we don't see it with our eyes.

They may be invisible to our ice spectrum, but when we think thoughts, they're actually things. And when you walk around society, when you're walking in public, you're actually walking through different people. The reason it feels chaotic when you're in public is that you've got thousands of people with different thoughts going to different directions. When you go to a rock concert or a hip hop concert, or you go to a football game or a basketball game, you have a unity of thought. That's why people feel a rush of energy when they're there. In the same way, these thoughts broadcast energy.

What happens is when we have that of a full moon, the full moon amplifies that emotion. The moon, in a way, represents an emotion. The moon represents emotion, and if you've noticed when it's a full moon, the tights I had just, I just had a crack in my voice, I'm going through puberty. The tides, what happens is they go in, they go out depending on the moon. Well, is it ironic? It's not ironic, but the macrocosm micro, macrocosm, microcosm, we are over 70% water, and the earth is over 70% of water, and at the same way that on the full moon, the waters change the water, which represents the emotion changes within us.

It's very similar in that symbolism. What happens is as this gets increased, this collective unconsciousness also gets increased, and we feel it even more. This is when it brings up stuff that's very deep with it. Here's the thing, what people that can read the energy, full mood, energy updates, what they're doing is they're interpreting their reality and the themes they see and other people's realities through this collective unconsciousness that present becoming conscious.

And what they do is they perceive of it. And when they perceive of it, they're then able to interpret it so that you can move through it a little bit easier. And in general, you will always find what you are the vibration up. Whoever you find for that is going to be somebody that you resonate with. And maybe if it's completely different from millions of other people on the planet and we are into full moon readings, it doesn't matter because you'll always find that which you resonate with. It's all perfect timing.

The full moon energy has a powerful amplification on our planet, and it is amplifying the themes and amplifying what's inside, and each moon carries with it a different vibration that we can move through. This is the key though. Yes, there are people that can look at that, and they can tell you different things about the themes and all of that, and I think it's great.

What I'm saying though is don't confuse and think that the map is the territory. Even though we can use these things to interpret our reality, the true power is within us. I will remember I was reading part of a book called Autobiography of a Yogi, which is the, I always say this just so people know, it's like a, it's not just some movie book. Steve Jobs read it. He liked it. If every year, the last 40 years he was alive, which is a true story and it was the only, it was only a book in his iPad, and it's called autobiography of the Yogi, and in it, he talks about how he was told certain things by different astrologists.

You're going to have this part of life is going to be this way. You're going to have this way, and what he did is he counteract with it using his own will, using his own energy to show that the true power is not within the astrology, not within these different things. The true powers within us. We may identify, we may relate with certain things that are happening with me, may we may relate with other people that are able to interpret certain things, but we can all interpret these things. Just what is in your personal life, what are the themes you're currently going through? That's what the key is.

The key is the power is within you, and we can use these as signposts to say, oh, this is what's happening, but just like, you know, just you. We use these tools for a period of time.  I use astrology for awhile and I still, I still think there's value in astrology numerology, but I still see it as a tool. It's just the tool.  Some people sometimes say, oh my astrology says I'm not supposed to be wealthy.

Are you going to let, are you going to agree to that? Like it. The only way that becomes a reality is if you agree with it and then you just surrender to never, you know, I'm not meant ever to have money or whatever and I've seen people that have been told that before and it's really disempowering to them when an actuality we're creating our own reality. We're creating our own reality so this is up to us and how we identify with these different things, but in general, the map is not the territory.

Don't think that these things have power over you. If it resonates with you, then use it as a tool, as a powerful signpost and use it as something that helps you to become more aware of who you are. At the same time, become aware that there are certain themes inside our collective on consciousness. You may be picking up on some of those themes. Maybe it's like family dynamics, or this is happening, or in communication or your electronics, whatever it is, you can be aware of it, but also be aware of that you must first agree to something before it has power over you. You must first agree.

If you don't accept it, then it doesn't have much power over you. The point of this blog is to show you a little bit about how the energy works. What the moon is. The moon kind of represents to us as far as the energetic SCO. And then also to understand that it can be powerful, but at the same time, don't give away your power and thinking that negative things have to happen just because of something that you saw or read.  

This Blog Will Trigger a Vibrational TRANSFORMATION in You (WARNING NO GOING BACK)


This blog will trigger a transformation at one of three different levels of consciousness. From this point going forward, a seed will be planted, and your life will be changed.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm sharing with you right now the three huge jumps in vibration. And simply knowing what I'm about to share with you, we'll begin to plant a seed that will change your vibration over time. Even if I share these with you and at a certain level you're like, I'm going to forget that for now, you're still have had it planted so there's no going back.

Because once you know, you know, but even beyond knowing it's an experience, it's something that you begin to experience. But once the seed is planted, it increases the probability of one of those experiences happening. What this has to do with as I'm going to share with you the three biggest transformations in my life and there are shifts in consciousness, and as many of you know I have been using this chart a lot.

This chart is the charts of consciousness as just, it's just written by me. It's not necessarily as elaborate as you normally see on my screen, but we have different states of consciousness. And I got this chart from Dr. David Hawkins. It is in the book called power vs force, and it talks about how there are different vibrational calibrations for different emotions and different states of consciousness. What happens is throughout our life, we will shift through different states of consciousness depending on how we think, how we feel, and where we are.

And if we, there are certain jumps that we make that will allow us to get the higher vibrational states of consciousness. And when we make those realizations, those Epiphanes when we have them as Epiphanes, our whole entire life will change, and it won't be the same after that. And I believe right now what's happening on the planet is people all over the world are going through these mini shifts in consciousness or big shifts in consciousness.

I think that one of the reasons we chose to be here at this time was to go through a mass awakening, a mass raising vibration and raising consciousness and so many people. It's amazing to see because there are so many people that are waking up now more than ever. I remember 2012 I went through my first big awakening, and I'll share with you what that was here in a minute, but when I went through it, it changed my whole entire life.

I didn't see the world the same way, but uh, I also became aware that this is a time on the planet to be alive. This is a time of becoming aware of who we really are because we forget who we are when we come here. The truth is, let me show you the truth about the matter. This is how it actually works. We are up here when we're born, this like, who is who we are?

Enlightenment, joy, peace, higher vibrational emotions. But when we're born, we forget who we are. We go through traumatic experiences, we grow up and we, there's anger, fear, guilt, and the lower vibrational emotions. And then so it's a survival mode. Think of them as survival mode. And because of that, we remain in those states of consciousness because we think that's who we are. We identify with our ego.

And then eventually, what happens is as we begin to become more and more aware of the ego and then eventually disassociate and just observe the ego, we start to raise our vibrational frequency. What's happening is people are becoming aware of, Hey, I'm a spiritual being, dreaming that right now I'm this human and because I am aware of this, I don't have to react to things so much. I don't have to react to things so much show this is part of the process.

I'm going to share with you the first big jump, the first big trigger, and transformation that happens when you become aware of. And that is a transformation happens when you go from anger to forgiveness, anger to forgiveness. What I'm about to share with you will help to trigger that transformation within you. Many of you know my story about my ex stepmom and how she was a, you know, growing I was growing up is like my brother and me and I had to deal with a lot of, uh, you know, someone that was very physically and mentally abusive and for even after my dad divorced her and I was 15, I felt a lot of anger.

I felt a lot of resentment. Many of you have probably heard this story before. I know I talk about it a lot on channel. It's just a show that you can go from a lot of pain to transcending it fairly quickly when you have this realization. What happened was, is I was very angry with her, and I had a lot of resentment because I didn't feel worthy. But what happened was, is eventually what happened is I learned how to observe my thoughts.

I learned how to observe my thoughts, to observe my perspectives. And as you see on the scale, neutrality is higher than the lower vibrational emotions, which are shame, fear, guilt, and the one hundred and the one 75 to anger and then 200 and neutrality or two 50 is neutrality. I learned how to observe my thoughts, and when observing my thoughts, I can then see things from a higher perspective, a higher point of view.

What I became aware of is that everyone is doing the best they can with where they are. I say that again. Everyone is doing their best they can with the level of consciousness they have. When I was looking at my ex stepmom and think about it like this, to say I have my energy field right here. I show you for say a how. Let's say I have my energy field right here and oh, there we go. Sorry about that. Say you have my energy field right here and within my energy field, I am angry. I have this energetic disruption.

I'm angry about my ex stepmom. Even though my ex step mom's all the way over there, I'm the one holding onto this energy. I'm the one holding on the energy. The key is not me trying to change her because she will probably never; she won't change for awhile.

She's still the same way. She was my dad. My sisters had still had two sisters that are, that's their real mom. They still have to deal with her. They don't really, at this point, they're not getting away from that. Because of that, I can't, I'm not going to try to change her. I'm going to change within myself, and I'm going to understand, I'm going first off to understand her. She's doing the best she can without with where she's at with her level of consciousness.

She's acting out of anger towards people. She's being controlling with people. What I do is I say, and I'm able to look at her and say that that's the way she was probably treated when she was a kid. She's just playing out some old drama. That's the way she treated. It's not that I so much am going to heal in the way of trying to heal her. It's more so that I'm going to hue my perspective within my own energy field of her by just understanding her. Everyone makes decisions based on their own level of consciousness.

They have rationalized it somehow inside of their mind. They have rationalized it. They're acting on a survival mode and they're trying to control other people. They're abusive is because that's either what they learned or they think they have to be that way in order to survive. You see, so it's not that it makes it right that I'm acknowledging that, but it does make it so that I understand it a little bit more and if I understand it a little bit more, I can then forgive. I can then forgive.

You do not forgive someone even because they deserve it. I'm not even saying that. Some things, you know when I talk about my ex stepmom, that you may have been way worse things. Many people have been through way worse things. I just use that as an example to show that I had done it so that many other people could do it too. However, you forgive because it's something, it's an act of compassion to you because you're the one holding onto the energy.

When you start to see that you're the one only, you're only hurting yourself by keeping it in your energetic field because then what happens is you will walk around and meet other people that reflect these little wounds inside of you. Even after my ex stepmom left my life when I was 15, I had people in my life that always reflected back that kind of person that was either mentally abusive. I'd have a manager at a where I worked at Nordstrom's. That was almost the same kind of personality until I learned what I'm sharing with you right now, which is how to heal the past and the way that you heal the past is by reframing why it happened.

Also, things in your past did not happen to you. They happen to you. If I didn't go through that pain, I might not have had my spiritual awakening back in 2012 so that pain led me to that pressure, which led me to awaken more and more many people, and this probably includes you, you've been through pain in the past and that pain may have led you to this point right now, this level of spiritual awareness, this expansion, so it a very powerful point. It served a very powerful purpose. The key is being aware of that, but the key to forgiveness, the key to letting go of anger is forgiveness.

Forgiving the other person because they don't know what they're doing there at a certain level of a conch of consciousness, they're asleep. But you don't want to necessarily at that can becomes a dangerous perspective because then you say, oh, they're asleep and what happens is then you, you start to judge them, and you're like, Yo, just a slave and the net create separation.

They're just where they are. It makes it helps you to understand them a little bit more. People do the best they can with where they are. If someone steals from you, it's because they believe in their own lack and they don't believe in their own power. Maybe they steal from you, but what you can begin to do is forgive them because they are doing the best they can with where they are. They just may have learned growing up that stealing is one way to get around.

They may have had experiences in the past if someone's stealing from them, so they're just acting out different patterns. That right there is a huge shift and transformation. When you go from anger to forgiveness, you start to understand where they're coming from and part of that could still be saying no, doesn't mean they are like, oh, I just understand you now. I'm going to continue to take this abuse from you. It could be, no, I don't deserve this anymore. I'm going to go in this direction. As discernment, at the same time now also neutrality, such a huge step. You have anger, fear, guilt, shame, fear, guilt, anger, desire.

Desire is low vibration because desires come in like a longing, like I really, really want that. It's not necessarily a high vibration. There's instructing desire, and intention. The neutrality is 250 and 250 is when you learn how to observe your thoughts. Then we have willingness and acceptance. Willingness is actually under acceptance. Willingness goes at about three 10 acceptances at three 50 so I kind of cross-reference it right here. This is the second trigger in transformation.

Instead of saying, I really, really want that. Do you actually go and do something? That's why the action can be very powerful and some people, I'll be honest, don't want to hear that. I didn't want to hear that when I was like trying to go full time on YouTube and making daily videos. I didn't want to hear that. One of the keys that I needed to take massive action. That was like the last thing I wanted to hear. But I will say that once I started to make daily videos on YouTube and I just made it a must that I will, I will do this, I will help people, I will go through this process.

That's when everything began to change. It's almost like you start to have more faith and more power in your own ability and your own integrity. Cause you say you're going to do it, you can do it. However, eventually what I realized was happening is I had such a strong discipline, you know, I'm even wearing this yellow shirt right now, which by the presents like the solar plexus.

I had so much discipline that I had to make those every single day. I remember one time I was in Costa Rica and this was, I had this big epiphany when I could just start to I guess instead of trying to get somewhere I wasn't already, willpower means you're not, you know, if you have to be so discipline, it means, it's like I'm trying to get somewhere else other than where I'm already am trying to escape the moment, trying to get the next level.

Once you get to 100,000 subscribers on YouTube, you want 200, and then you get to 201 300 the ego always wants more. But the trigger for me was actually in Costa Rica, and it was triggered because I was actually locked out on my YouTube channel because when I was, I couldn't remember my password and I sent the verification code to my phone, but I was out of the country. Because I was out of the country, I couldn't get the verification code to get back to my YouTube channel. And it was starting to kind of like, oh, this is, I'm supposed to comment on videos as well, so do this.

Things need to change things even, you know, you need to be disciplined. It's a powerful perspective. If you're at the level of desire and you're not doing anything, but when you start to get to willingness, there is a huge transformation that happens when you say, okay, this is my discipline, but I can accept the moment the way it is. I can accept things as they are. I can just enjoy this moment. And that's what I began to do when I had that realization.

And then I was like, you know what? I'm just going to keep it on the back burner for a little bit. That happens a lot. By the way, willpower, my ego needs to figure something out online. I need to figure out some type of thing that's not working on my website. I will sit there and hammer it down on my ego will try to figure it out for five hours straight. I will accept the moment for what it is. Walk away, let it go. And within like 10 minutes of coming back to it, it's fixed because the ego and the willpower create resistance. It can create pressure and momentum, but it can also create resistance. A huge trigger for you is if you're feeling this resistance. No, it's coming from the ego trying to control. It's coming from the ego, having some type of way that reality needs to work.

And once you can begin to do instead is focused on acceptance of the moment. This moment is good enough, and by you being accepting of the moment, things in your life become so much easier except yourself. You don't always have to try to change to be better. Instead, you could just accept yourself. The next level, the third trigger of change goes from reasoning at about four to five. It's between four and 500 and love reasoning and love. When I shared on my channel about how your beliefs create your reality, that's a 400 to 500 level of teaching. Your beliefs create reality. If you change your beliefs, you change your reality. The outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality, and when you change your beliefs, everything changes. Reasoning says intellectually this is the way reality works. This is how I fit into compartmentalization in my mind.

Einstein himself resonated at four 99 because he was a genius, but in order for him to go into 500, he would've had to let go of all of his intellectual ideas. He may have been attached to them. That doesn't mean that in order to go to 500 you have to be an Einstein and in fact they may be easier for some people to get into 500 if they let go of the intellectual ideas that may have also been a big, a big factor and not being able to pump into the next level. Here's the biggest thing. Life has no meaning other than the meaning you give it. That is the most powerful understanding that we can ever come across is that reality is meaningful because we give it meaning. We recognize the meaning, meaning in it.

When we talk about it being a rainy day, it's a neutral idea. Things in life are new. That's like a judgment, but it's a neutral idea that maybe we agree at a mass level that this thing happening on the planet was a negative thing. But we don't know the long ramifications of it over the course of a thousand years of some big event happening. What I'm saying by this is reasoning is the reasons we do things too. Why are we doing what we do?

Huge transformation happens when we let go of reasoning, and we get into being, am I making a video right now because it's going to do x, y, z, or am I just making a video right now? I'm not making a video for any reason. That's a higher level of consciousness. You do things for the sake of doing them. It's like doing the dishes, not because you can then have more food to eat, more dishes to eat on later you do the dishes for the sake of doing the dishes, then life becomes a meditation.

You didn't move into being instead of trying to get somewhere else or doing things for reasons, and when you do that, you go beyond the ego. You get into a step, a level of consciousness, of love, of beingness and you understand that in the separation goes away. As you go up that scale of consciousness more and more towards states of enlightenment, your ego becomes lighter and lighter, and you start to see it more for what it is. At the bottom, it's very heavy, very heavy, solid, heavy, dense, anger, shame, fear, guilt, and the trolley. Then it starts to loosen up. You start to become aware of it.

You start to observe your thoughts, observe your reasoning, and then you let it go and you get the love, and it's so much lighter. Do things because there's don't, you don't have to have reasons behind everything you see. This is a higher-level paradigm because when you do things for the sake of doing them, I can walk outside and ground myself, but I also could not ground myself and just walk outside and just be with the grass and beat and relax.

You see, they're different level paradigms. I'm not going out there because then my energy is grounded so that I can do this amazing video I'm going out there because it is a word of reasoning. Do things, transcend reasoning, and get into being. You see, these things may not make complete sense. Everything I'm sharing with you right now, and that's okay. They are planting seeds of transformation within you. These seeds, you may come back to one day.

You may come back to this video one day, and you may realize, Oh yes, this is powerful. Oh yes, I was angry at this person. When is Aaron talking about that stuff like what do you mean now? How can I, it feels fake just to forgive someone has done something so much worse to me, but one day you may come to the realization that someone else is more connected to you.

Then you know that someone else is just reflecting something down within you that you can become aware of because then there's an inner transformation that takes place. That's when real transformation begins to happen. You may realize that from willpower to acceptance, so to accept yourself as whole and complete, you don't have to control everything and that the ego is the one that creates resistance, so the more aware of it you become, the more powerful you become.

The Purpose of our Simulated Reality and how to HACK the Matrix


I'm going to show you the purpose of the Matrix, the simulated reality that we live in. Understanding why it is here, what we can do about it, and how we can navigate through it in a much easier way.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the purpose of the simulation, the purpose of reality that we live in, how it is highly, highly probable, that it is a form of Matrix. How this is something that more and more people are coming on board with. I know years ago, this is something that was very, very taboo, but more and more people understand this.

You have a big name. People like Elon Musk said that the probability that we live at is that this reality is the baseline reality is less than a percentage, and that implies that yes, we do live in a simulation. I'm going actually to ask them. You're saying we live in a simulation and he's like, yes, I want. It was something he really likes to talk about.

Elon Musk is a very smart person and this is very interesting to me because the more that you go through the spiritual awakening process is, the more you realize that it is a simulation. You experienced things in your life where you understand that this isn't the baseline reality. What we experience reality through using the five senses that we give so much meaning to when we give so much credence to that we think is so real is actually just an interpretation.

And what I'm be sharing with you in this blog, the purpose of the simulation itself, because I believe this is actually a very empowering thing. Sometimes when you take stipulation, we take of computer, we think of a machine like in the movie the Matrix, and it becomes very scary. It doesn't have to be scary. It's not meant to be. The machine, I think, is more of a metaphor, a metaphor for a program, a programmed way of thinking.

The thing is most people are walking around completely immersed in programs. They're doing the same things every day, feeling the same emotions every day, thinking the same thoughts every day, therefore getting the same results every single day. They have just had some level of autopilot, and they say, well, I'm a real person, but they're doing the same thing, feeling the same thing, thinking the same thing. It's a programmed way of thinking, which is why tip plugging out of the Matrix is about, in a way, a spiritual awakening.

Remembering who you really are, remembering that it's all just a dream, but it could be now a fun dream. Then once you know the rules of this dream it, then it becomes a little bit easier to navigate through. The only way to really understand this is to actually go through the spiritual awakening process because even then you don't understand it completely.

But you do feel that this isn't as real as you thought it was and you do start to feel that you are in eternal spiritual being, living in a temporary human experience. You start to have more experiences where you go inwards. You find out more and more who you really are. When you find out more and more who you really are, what you really find out is that this 3D avatar body is not who you are.

It is just something you are using. The easiest analogy I can think of when we talk about a simulation is thinking about it from the form of like Sims or some type of game. Because in a game you play for a certain period of time. You are this little avatar and you're doing everything you can to keep this avatar surviving and in a way, that's what our ego is.

Our ego is our avatar, and it will do everything it possibly can to survive. It will. It will do what? It can't. Also, to remain consistent to the way it defines itself. The ego is a safety mechanism in reality, but many of the players in this reality have gotten completely immersed with their avatar thinking. It's all that they are. I am this Avatar. I am the survival mechanism. I'm this programmed way of thinking, not knowing that their avatar does not have to use them.

But they can become aware of their avatar and then use it in a more powerful way by observing it, what we call it. He's like an enlightened guy that you can check out. He was talking about how on Chun Donnie Hill, he had this spiritually, this enlightening experience and he realized I could not define that's which is me, and that's which is not to me. He looked out, and he didn't have that enlightenment realization that he has everything. He went beyond his little ego beyond his Avatar and became the larger consciousness system.

In our reality what happens is we forget who we are because that's part of the game. If you were to play a game and you knew the whole time it was a game, you would treat it differently as if you went to a game and you completely have forgotten who you were. That's one of the purposes of at least the game at this level. There are other realities systems or different star systems, whatever we want to call it out there that have maybe a different rule set different meaning rules for that game, that reality system.

Maybe they remember who they are so it's a little bit lighter. They remember that they are eternal spiritual beans. They have maybe a recollection of their purpose or why they're there, or they're different incarnations other places, but we forget about it here because part of the purpose of this reality is for us to remember who we are. Do you then go through this process of awakening and many people on the planet right now are going through this transition.

They're going through this spiritual awakening. It's very cool to see, and in a way, you could think of it as the avatar becoming aware, waking up and saying, wait, I do not want to do the same thing over and over and over again like an automaton or like some type of program. I want to be myself, and when you say myself, there really is no self. You could put it down on cause we are eternal spiritual beans, but I want to be more in alignment with this fun aspect of me. I want to be more in alignment with what

You could say that your passion is in a way a signal from your higher mind of who you really are, what you really meant to be doing in life. Whatever that passion is, you can then follow it. Let's look at it like this. This is a way for us to interpret reality. Think of it like you're an eternal spiritual being, a nonphysical entity. And you kidding? I was listening to Dr. Bruce Lipton talked about this. Say the date it says, as a spiritual entity, you weren't able to taste chocolate.

You weren't able to enjoy some of the aspects of life because of your nonphysical. However, one of the reasons you came here is so that you could taste chocolate. You could enjoy some of the physical activities you could do here on earth. And you chose to have that kind of experience because you wanted to experience it. And especially right now on the planet when many, many people are becoming aware of who they are and remembering, reconnecting, remembering that they are eternal spiritual beings.

They're not just their avatar. The purpose of the game itself is for us to remember who we are at this greater level and the greater purpose of that, of this reality system, though, is just learning. It's learning, learning, and more about who we are and learning more about who we are not learning. Think of it as a school.

Think of it as a school. When you go to school, you have things that you're learning. You have certain classes you might go through. Do you have certain grades and you can't go from one grade to the next grade without first of completing the lessons? Well, many times, you'll notice people experienced similar Karma over and over and over again because in this reality system, what you put out is what she get back.

You see at the greatest level as an eternal spiritual being; you are source energy. You may have forgotten this. However, it's who you really are and what you did is as imagine as source energy as this infinite energy of love. You had an experience of just yourself because that's all there was and then you said, you know what? If I have just one other, there is then a relationship. There is then something to learn off of that, but then once you did is you said, okay. I'm going to put myself into billions of different bodies so that then there's a relationship where we could understand who we are at a greater level.

We can go through a higher degree of complexity to see if then we can come back into the unity of knowing who we really are. That's why what you put out is what you get back because what you do to someone else you do to another aspect of you, so at the deepest level we're all connected. We may have forgotten. That's kind of hard to grasp the totality of, but when you notice everything in life is a reflection. Things really big in the change in life, but one of the things that we came here to learn as well is love. We came here to learn love. Love is the base point of this simulated reality of the simulation itself.

Love is the base point. Unconditional love is the base point because everything else is a reflection of you. And having that love is a recollection is a recognition you can have, but many times we'll overlay that with judgment. Oh, I love you. As long as you're doing this, I love you, as long as you do exactly what I want you to do. I'll love you. We have these rules and those rules then cause a barrier of separation where we can't actually really love someone because we have these rules that we overlay with reality.

But one thing we decided to do when we come here is we decide that we are going to go through a process of learning to love, learning to love anything that we feel that's less than love is a lower vibrational emotion that somehow we're tied to do to attachment, which is I a lot of times just observing your thoughts is a way, a way to raise your vibration, but as you detach more and more, as you detach more and more, you didn't get to a feeling of love, and you realize that everything is love.

That's why I went to a lot of, yeah, you can say enlightened people go through the process of enlightenment. The more we become aware of this, the more that we can see that the more we can unconditionally love is the more we are going to quote unquote grow up and get to the next level. These are things that we can begin to do and as we begin to do this, we begin to hack our reality more. One of the ways that are simulated reality works is with intention and probability. Intention.

Desire is just saying, I really want something. It's a statement. It would be nice if intention is when you declare something that you're going and moving towards and then you take action with it. Action. Intention are interlinked because in this physical reality, the language that we use to speak for us to create what we want is the language of action is physical movement. This is not the only one. We can have thoughts and feelings, but action a lot of times I believe is completely underestimated.

For this simulated reality that we live in, some of the things that we agreed to, some of the things that are a part of it is that we had to forget who we are. We had to go through this dream of being this 3D physical avatar body, believing that this is who we are. But then what happens is we eventually go through a spiritual awakening, which is where we become aware of the avatar itself. The more we observe the Avatar, and we don't identify with it, the more we raise our vibration, and as we raise our vibration, we then start to feel more in that love frequency, and we start to realize that everything in our reality is a reflection.

We might as well love. We might as well learn, and as we learn, we in a way go through these different levels. Fear is going to lose in fear comes from mind. Fear comes for from trying to control the ego. The 3D Avatar sometimes try to control things, tries to control reality. But remember there's this larger consciousness system that wants to flow through you. The more you get your avatar body out of the way, the more this higher vibrational energy could flow through your body, the more you're going to then tap into a flow state.

The more you let go of who you think you are, the more who you really are can come in, which is more than you can even imagine. That's who you really are, and it's not defined by any label. By need is one thing you do or one thing you think is beyond what you can imagine. The purpose of this vision, this simulation is that find out for yourself. Go within and become aware of who you are.

The more you become aware of who you are, the more you realize these things for yourself. It's something that, I mean, they could do things with computers that they're proving that when it comes to information in the database of reality. However, the only way to really experience it is to go in it and to go within yourself and to observe your Avatar, observe your ego, allow higher vibrational energy to flow through and find out for yourself.

That's the best way to do it. Meditation's been the most powerful way that I found to do it. It's kind of like the reset button, but find out what works for you. Get into a flow state, do what you're passionate about that leads you to you growing up more and more and at the same time learn to love. Learn that everyone is a reflection of you. So how would you treat yourself and treat yourself. Understand that you are loved, so treat yourself better because some people don't treat themselves good enough.

They treat themselves like they don't want to say except themselves. Love yourself and by you loving yourself, other people will feel that off of your avatar, and they'll want to love you more. It's a funny way it works, but what you put out is what you get back. The way you view yourself as the way other people view you, because there really is only you.

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