3 False Beliefs About Reality that Are Ruining Your Life (and you don’t even know it)

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you three beliefs about reality that are ruining your life. I'm going to show you ways of pushing past these that you start to expand your consciousness and experience a totally new reality.

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I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding those three beliefs that most people have that completely ruins their life or limits their life in an extreme way to where they're not able to really experience what they want in their life.

Recently I have been saying this quote and I don't know if I am a person that actually the first person ever says this, but I like the quote I'm going to keep saying it, and that quote is this. The more you realize your life is a form of a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become.

The reason this is because our beliefs about reality are influencing the kind of experiences that we're having. When we believe that with reality, everything is set, everything is solid. We create the experience that that is the case and therefore things are very fixed.

Things are hard to change and things are very rigid. What are my beliefs about money? What are my beliefs about health? And they changed that. That can work, however, that has so many different categories. What about your beliefs about reality itself?

What are your beliefs about how reality works? Because what we're taught growing up is that everything we see is completely real and it is only real because we experience it through the five senses, so, therefore, we start to interpret everything and label everything is what is real and what is not real.

We go to bed at night, go, well, that was just a dream that wasn't real, but in the same way, a life in many ways is a long, consistent dream to where we're able to look at different over the stretch it out and linear time space fashion and look at the memory versions of it.

However, it all exists right now. The truth is at a greater consciousness point of view, you are an immortal, spiritual being, living a temporary human experience, and when we come to earth and we have this experience, we forget who we are.

That's part of the game of life. We can say life is a dream. We could also from a certain perspective say that life is a game because when you learn the game when you learn how to play the game, you start to gain more abilities because you start to see things from a different point of view. One of the purposes of the game of life is to remember who we are.

People call that spiritual awakening. When you remember who you are, you start to gain more of your power because you realize that then you're not limited by the ego structure. You're like, I know that I'm more than this. Then you branch outside of it, and you start to live in more consistency with who you are. It's just that most people think they are only their ego. This is who I am.

Whatever my mind can imagine is all that I am. In actuality, you are so much more than you can even imagine. It's just that when we come to this experience, we forget who we are. Imagine you are playing a video game and you knew the whole entire time that it was just a video game. Would you take it as seriously as if you logged into it and you had no idea that it was a video game in a similar type way?

We are immortal, spiritual beans that come from higher dimensions of love, joy, peace, bliss. We feel a connection with everyone in these. This level of perception, this level of consciousness, but then what we do is we come to earth because the thing is on earth is there are this cause and effect. There is time, a dimension of time so we can learn more.

We can learn more while being here because things are spread out over time versus things happen. Instantaneous and higher dimensional frequency ranges of consciousness because, in the natural state of who we are, we think of something it appears, but how much learning is there? There's more learning when you can stretch this stuff out, so the intention by me sharing all of this with you is helping you to see that you are more than you can even imagine.

That when you go to bed at night, you wake up to these higher states of consciousness. You don't necessarily remember it when you wake up in the morning because if you were to remember that you are unconditional love and bliss. Part of you may not want to really be here, might not want to take this so serious or not even serious. Because life is about having fun and I think the more that we let go of life being so serious, the more malleable things be.

Anyways. However, if you were to remember that you might just want to go back to that joy, love, peace feeling instead of trying to integrate it here and come at peace with being here and enjoying this experience, so you get these little, these little, what do you call it, like subconscious mind, an interpretation of dreams.

You're like, oh yeah, I had this dream last night of x, y, z. When really, it's a symbolic way that your higher-self communicates with you because at a higher level that we just wouldn't understand what happens in those realms of consciousness. But I digress.

We know that x-ray vision exists or vision x-ray, a machine to see things in x-ray. We know that there's certain decibel range is the human ear doesn't hear, but does that mean they don't exist? It just means we don't perceive of it and the same way there's frequencies. There's ways of interpreting reality that go beyond the five senses that you begin to tap into when you start to go within, when you start to meditate.

When you start to have a spiritual awakening even and then people say, well, so typically approve that while you're trying to prove something that's beyond the five senses scientifically and that can only be really experienced from within and you're using consciousness itself to look at it and to explain it when it's beyond the level of consciousness that we could understand. As Einstein said, you can't solve a problem from the same level of consciousness.

It was created in the same way. We can't understand the brain from within. The brain can understand parts of it, but in order to really understand, we have to go beyond the brain. We have to go into the mind, the cosmic mind, who we really are.

1. Everything in life is solid

What is the first belief that may be ruining your life when it comes to this whole process of having life experience and what we're doing on earth right now? It's believing that everything in your life is solid. Things are solid. What quantum physics is showing us, what science is showing us is everything that we believed to be solid and everything that we think is real is made of non-real elements.

It's made of empty space. It's made of energy that is vibrating at a certain frequency, so we look at that and we say to ourselves, that is real because I can feel it through my senses, but all it is an interpretation of vibration.

When we think things are solid and real and we make also, we make things very serious. Everything so serious, we create more rigidity in our life. What is real is an experience. The experience of it is real, but the solidity and when we think that everything in life is set, we think that everything in life is just the way it is.

Then what we do is we hold ourselves inside of that pattern, so the key is knowing that reality is what you make it a reality as is as serious as you make it be and the more serious you make life, the more you feel like you can't move around. You feel like you're in a strait jacket. If you loosen up about it and you just have fun with the process, you realize that in a way life is a fun experience at higher dimensional realms of perception.

You are connected with everyone else and even now you're connected with everyone else. You just might not be actually aware of it, but what we're going through right now on the planet is this transition of frequency to where we're becoming more unified and we're seeing this connection and we're realizing that war and all of these things is us against us and it just doesn't really make sense. Even logically, it doesn't make sense, but the key to this is knowing that what we think of as real is not real in the sense of what science could even show because things are vibration.

Energy is vibration. What we think have to be really made up of these real elements is actually made of non-physical, not real elements, empty space, and when we see that, we see, okay, when we are going through our life experiences, we are perceiving that which we are the vibration of and what you perceive of maybe totally different than what someone else perceives out because you may have a different perception, a different Lens through which you look at the world.

Two people may look at the same exact event, have totally different interpretations of it because of their beliefs, because of the way they view it. One thing that's really worked for me, especially last year, it's realizing that the more I loosen up on life, the more I lightened up on life, the more enlightened I become.

I’m not saying I'm completely lightened what we would say, as a sage, that Samadhi or whatever, but what I'm saying is if you want to raise your vibration, just lightened up. Have Fun with the process. This is meant to be a fun experience. This is meant to be something that yes has ups and downs.

But in actuality, that's where the growth comes from and as we feel, and as we go more within ourselves and we realize that everything on the outside is a reflection of the inside, our life begins to change and most people will go about life trying to change the outside, not understanding that the outside is just a projection anyways.

And when you change the way you relate to the outside, how you perceive the outside, that's when the magic begins to happen because then you move from a perspective of going outwards to change to realize the truth. And the truth is everything is a reflection anyways. This is the first belief that holds so many people back. People thinking that everything in life is really solid, fixed. It is the way it is.

If you create the consistency of something being the same, you're creating it over and over and over again to appear the same, but that is actually different. You may just continue to have a belief that says, you know, uh, read it is hard to. I always attract a certain type of person in my life and you keep attracting the same type of person in your life and you're like, “Oh, this is fixed.”

This is just the way it is. It's not fixed the way it is. It's just got what you believe. Therefore, that's what you keep experiencing within yourself.

2. Life does not happen to you. Life happens for you.

The second belief that may be holding you back, maybe ruining your life. Many people it does for many people, is believing that life is happening to you. Life does not happen to you. Life happens for you. The reason this is and the importance of this is understanding that we are not a victim. Yes, bad things happen, things we don't prefer to experience happen, but that does not make us who we are in the sense of that level of perspective, that that is happening to us and we have to remain in that victim mode.

When we remained in that victim mode, we feel disempowered and we can't actually change our lives. The secret to this is taking responsibility. You may say to me, well Aaron, this happened to me. This happened to this summit, how am I going to take responsibility for what that person did to me, but look at the word responsibility.

Responsibility simply means the ability to respond, the ability to respond, so this means that whatever happens in your life, you can choose your response to it, even if it's a very negative thing, somebody backstabs you. You're like, well, this is a very negative thing. I have this person did this to me, but instead, you could say, I'm going to choose to remain happy no matter what and I'm going to learn from this. I'm going to learn maybe to be more discerning with the kind of people that I'm around.

Doesn't have to be something that we give a negative meaning to. However, we can use it in a positive way. Some of the most horrible things that have happened in my life when it comes to my stepmom that was abusive, led to the pressure of me eventually going through a spiritual awakening. It didn't happen to me at the moment that it happened.

I thought it did. I was like, why is she acting like this to me? Why is she doing this? However, later on, I realized that from a higher perspective and when I did that, I let go of all the lower vibration emotions that were attached to it and it stopped having so much power over me. That is the key to taking your power back because also forgiveness. How do you forgive someone that's done something bad for you?

You realize that anybody that hurts someone else has been hurt before. There are most likely playing out a pattern that they're unaware of. My stepmom, her dad treated her the same way. She was playing out a role of how to do. She thought she had to be. Seeing that people are always doing what they are doing from their level of consciousness they're at.

It doesn't mean we have to be like, oh, they're in a lower level of consciousness, but just simply being aware of that, we can then see that people are doing the best they can with where they are and they may be in a state of, I have to control everything and I have to hurt other people. That might be it, but we can have an understanding that they're doing what they're doing because they've rationalized it in their own head and understanding that it makes it easier.

If someone's stolen from you in the past, then maybe they stole from you. Maybe they had a belief in themselves that they had to support their family in a certain way and they didn't believe in themselves enough to go out and create that kind of abundance so they thought they thought they had to take from you.

It doesn't make it right. Doesn't mean you're condoning it. You're saying, I hope it happens to me again, means you're aware of it and you just recognize that they have a limiting belief and that that's how they run their lives, but you don't have to do the same. They're running maybe even an unconscious pattern, not something they learned when they were a kid from one of their friends or from their parents who know.

But the key is just knowing that your ability to respond is the most powerful thing. Choose your response. Realize life is happening for you. Everything that happens in your life, you can give some type of positive meaning to something that you learned from and as you do so, you start to grow very quickly, but the moment you think that something has happened to you, you give away your power and you say, there's nothing I can do here. The key is being aware of that and taking your power back and taking back your power. Have the ability to respond.

3. The story of our past

The third belief that may be ruining your life that you may not even be aware of is this belief of the story of our past. I am the way I am because of what I went through in the past. Here's the thing. This is what we'd learned about parallel realities. There's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist every moment we are shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality.

They look so similar. We think it's just one parallel reality, but just like you would get the film strip or I would edit this later and look at it in my editing software, I could stretch out the whole movie, the whole video, however long this is, and I can see that it looks like one long fluid movement, but if I were to look at each individual frame, there are different frames that are moving like this.

We know we think that it's a one long fluid thing when in actuality it's many different frames. Each parallel reality that we're shifting through is a separate parallel reality. Any level of change is a totally separate parallel reality. There's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. What makes us shift through these parallel realities is our choices. The choices that we make, it's our energy state, is what we're focused on.

That's what allows us to shift what we think of as time is actually the movement through these parallel realities. I'm going like this right now, we have memory so we can tag on and say, well, you're doing it like this. We're able to see it and have this little snapshot of what this is different parallel realities. I'm shifting to. The idea behind this is that as we change in the present moment right now, we change the probable futures that we'll experience because we're changing our energy state now.

The future is not set. There are many different potentials and the same way. There's an infinite number of paths that exist, but we have this memory that we remember certain things from based on how we are in the present moment. Memory is not set the way that you think it is. As you change right now in the present moment, you also change the probable paths that you experienced to now.

The thing is most people live with the story of the past and because they live with the story of the past, they continue to create similar probable futures at the same time. Once you become aware of the story you're telling yourself, you can start to let that go and as you start to look at it and see it just for what it is, it's just a story. You start to let go of them in the present moment right now, the patterns that are influencing the probable futures that you do, the future is not set.

The future is something you choose based on your decisions, your choices, your energy state, and your focus.

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The future is something you choose based on your decisions, your choices, your energy state, your focus, so the key is letting go of the focus and the story that is holding you in that past pattern. You are not the result of your past.

You are who you choose to be right now in the present moment. This is the key to you really experiencing what you want. It's knowing that the story that you told yourself, maybe something you've told yourself over and over and over again, but it is not actually who you are. 

That's why many people will say, I always attract a certain type of person and when they say that the story, they tell themselves as consistent in the future guests what similar pattern comes in over and over and over again because it's the same story that keeps on playing itself out.

Let go of the story by realizing it's just a story. It's a story and if you were to right now in the present moment, look for a different story of your past. You can find it. You can say right now, I am not a confident person and you could look into your past and be like, look, I'm not a confident person.

I can remember other times when I wasn't confident, but if I were to ask you right now to remember a time in your past when you were confident, you could find evidence of it somewhere. It's just that we through repetition have hypnotized ourselves into believing the story has more weight.

When in actuality, you've had experiences in your past, when you were confident, and if you simply start to focus on those memories, you may start to see that in the present moment right now.

You also change your present moment now. General, I recommend just being present to the moment and just letting go of the old story, observing it as it comes up knowing it's part of the unconscious autopilot mind. However, you could also find evidence of your past to build a new belief. I am confident there was this time.

I was very confident I did this and this happened and this happened to others at the time as common as you start to remember these memories, you'll find even more evidence of the quote past that you connect to that reaffirmed that belief. In the present moment right now, many past memories will reaffirm whatever your focus is and that focus will then turn into a story and that story will then cause more and more momentum of more things happening.

Let go of the story and realize that you are not the result of your past. You are who you choose to be in the present moment right now, and as you do, you will start to exist in a higher state of vibrational resonance, so for everything I'm sharing with you today, understand that the key is breaking apart the old beliefs about how reality works, in general, is really, solid, fixed, everything just is the way it is or start to play around with that belief and see how things would be more flexible.

How you don't need to think. Everything is so fixed, how you can loosen up on life and lightened up a little bit. Realize that things are not happening to you. Things are happening to you. How can you grow? Who can you forgive in your life? How can you let go of these patterns and then thirdly, how you can make go of the story you tell yourself and realize you are not the result of your past?

You are who you choose to be in the present moment and you will begin to change your life in a very powerful way then. These are three beliefs that if you change will change your life. Also, if you want something that will change your life, the most powerful meditation I've created is a meditation that will help you to complete the patterns of your past so that you stopped living in that old belief system is the most powerful meditation I've created.

You can read the comments to be in the top of the description box. You can read the comments that are on that YouTube video to see what is possible for you. Just read some of the comments, and then you'll see and let's do it for 21 days, and it'll change your whole life. You'll start to see yourself differently. What it does is it brings up the patterns of the past so that you can complete them so that you can then start to be in the vibrational frequency that you want.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.