3 Things Your Higher Self Wants You to Know (But Can NOT Tell You)

I'm going to be sharing with you the three things your higher-self wants you to know, but will never tell you. These are going to be things that I think will absolutely transform your life once you become aware of them.

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three things your higher-self wants you to know but hasn't told you yet. Some of these are things that maybe you've had these feelings about. These are things that your higher self isn't actually holding back from you, but in order for you to actually know it, you have to resonate with the answer.

It is something that you become open to once you go through, sometimes certain things in life, but also once you get to a certain place to where you will allow this kind of information to come through because the truth of the matter is your higher self is connected to you and is still you.

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It is something that consciously you won't get the message of until you are ready for it, and these are things that when it happens, it'll just transform your whole entire life. And before I even get into those three things, I want to share with you this little bit of a story about how reality works and why we are here right now on the planet. Something I haven't shared before.

And so, I think about, uh, every now and then and it's understanding higher dimensions, understanding how we exist and why we in a way formulated this earth reality and how we relate to it. Imagine that in the higher dimensions we exist in a state of consciousness of unconditional love and bliss. We have an ability to think thoughts and instantly thinks, see things come into our life. And we are even beyond just one life.

We can experience the being in multiple places at the same time. We are bound by time and space. These are things that we've in a way put into the reality that we exist in. But we exist much further beyond that. In true reality, who we really are, imagine our higher self in these higher dimensions and imagine that we are communicating with other versions of us that we may call different soles are different people, but at the same level we're all connected. We have that awareness and imagine that when we connect to other people, we see a reflection in them.

We know that there are other versions of our same consciousness and imagine that in this higher dimensional aspect we can instantly teleport somewhere else because we're not bound by time or space. There is much more ability. Things are much more magical than we can even imagine. Imagine that in these higher realms or have such a high frequency that anything we think of, it instantly happens and imagine that we know everything exactly when we need to know it and we have this capacity to know everything at the same time because we are interested in like that.

We have that ability to perceive like that. Imagine that doing that is a ton of fun for a period of time because what eventually happens is we realize that it's almost too easy. It's kind of like having been in a video game and having all the cheat codes just a little bit too easy. It's cool for a while, but eventually, you want to challenge yourself. You want to challenge yourself a little bit more, so imagine that all of us in these higher dimensions as our higher selves are chilling in this higher dimension and we're like, “Yo, this is a lot of fun.”

Can instantly have this. I can instantly have this. I can instantly have this, and everything's just instantly popping around and we're like, you know what? Maybe it would be a little bit more of a challenging experience if we created a realm. We created this earth realm where when you go into it, you totally forget who you are.

You totally forget that you are new mortal, spiritual being limited, temporary human experience. You forget that you are this higher vibrational state of consciousness and what if we add in this dimension of time where things feel a little bit slow down, where you have time to cultivate your thoughts instead of things is instantly happening.

You have this ability to almost think of yourself as a separate person. Maybe there are certain lessons you can learn there when it comes to love, when it comes to understanding our connection to everything else and maybe you'll go to this place and you'll forget who you are and one of the purposes of it will be so that you can remember who you are so that you can literally remember this connection of who you really are. And maybe what we'll do is we'll incarnate with other people that are our homes in the higher dimension as our higher selves.

And maybe what we'll do is some of us will play certain roles and these roles will allow us to learn certain Mesh, certain messages and certain things so that our soul is able to learn as well. And maybe there are different systems, different realities like the earth are one of them. And there's going to be certain intentions of each certain qualities of each that make it unique and special. And we're going to totally forget who we are. We're going to incarnate on earth and we're going to have this kind of experience together.

To see if we can pull ourselves out of it and remember who we are at a greater level of consciousness and after that experience we're going to know that we, even though the dire circumstances have completely forgotten who we are and existing in lower vibrational states of consciousness for a period of time because we forget who we are, we're going to know that we can get out of that and we can ascend our vibration into a higher state of consciousness back to who we naturally are, which is this high vibe state that is not confined by time and space that is not confined by different levels of physicality.

But for a certain period of time, we'll play these little avatars in this game of life and these avatars will embody a physical structure that will interpret reality through five sentences, but in actuality we'll just have that for a certain period of time for certain learning lessons.

What did the story that I just told you is closer to the truth than it is fiction? What is the story I just told you? Is the true nature of who we really are? What if we are unconditional love and bliss, simply dreaming that this is who we are because there are certain lessons we can learn when we are in time and space, when things are slow down and right now what we're doing is becoming more in remembrance to who and what we are remembering, who we are reconnecting to this.

That's why it's hard to say sometimes that life has an actual school because how can life be a school when these are things we've already known? That's why it's about remembering versus learning new, so this is where we are right now and what I'm about to share with you are going to be these three things that your higher-self knows that maybe hasn't told you yet because maybe you weren't ready to hear it, but of course the information is always there.

1. Powerful transformation

The first thing your higher-self knows but hasn't told you is that right now, there is a powerful transformation happening on the planet. What originally happened, part of that story is there's a different reality system that we've created from a higher level of source consciousness. Earth is one of those. What happened is we created this earth reality, but then what happened is there was this potential for things to go a little bit more negative. Certain things happen.

Maybe there was a certain level of control. Maybe there's a certain level of, of uh, of going on and a little bit of a different course with earth. And what happened is many of us that are here right now, we're in these higher dimensions. We were chilling. There was like this call that went out about the earth. I was like, oh, there's some stuff going on earth.

Can you come back to earth and help? Because there's some stuff going on where we want to raise the vibration of the planet. We want to go back and upgrade the game system. And because things are going, there's a little bit more control because the thing is, is when it comes to these different reality systems, there are certain rules and one of those rules is free will.

It’s not like from the higher dimensions, we can just come out of the sky with some type of powerful instrument and be like ice shell change the destiny of this planet doesn't really work like that because the way this reality system works is we kind of have to let it. We have to let it go with its free will. Because been certain control scrubby, certain levels of control from other souls that came in and the good levels of control could be to kind of manipulate the way the society is going, the direction that it's going.

And there was this call that was sent out, this call that was sent out was come to earth and help because we want to go through this transformation on the planet and out of love. Many of us decided to come here because maybe we've been here before. Maybe we incarnate thousands of years ago. We hadn't experienced here were like, this place is pretty cool. It's beautiful. There's so much diversity.

Earth is like the melting pot of the universe. And all these different things, so we decided to come here. The reason we came here is that the only way we could influence this reality is from the inside out. We had to incarnate into this system to actually change it. For some of us as is it a little bit of a shock because we come here and there's this potential of forgetting who we are.

What if you're reading this blog right now? Then my guess is that it is the time that you either know this or maybe you already do know this, but there's a transformation that's happening on the planet. There was a call that was put out and you heard the call and you decided and you said, I'm going to go to earth. It's going to be challenging, especially probably for the first 20 years of my life and I'm going to come here.

I'm going to incarnate into the system. I'm going to be here and I'm going to make a powerful change. I'm going to remember who I am so that I can help change the destiny of the planet because there's a transformation that's happening and this transformation that's happening right now is a waking up of sorts.

We are all sales on the planet of Gaia. We're all individually adding to this energy in helping the transformation of the planet. And here we all are going through this experience right now and there is such a demand to be here on earth. If you were to look around and you'd say, Hey, there's over 7 billion people are here right now. There's more than ever before.

Why is this? Well, it could be because this is the place to be. Because right now there is a raising of vibration that is happening on the planet and because there's this raising of vibration, we have the potential to then learn and so much so fast because of that and that is what we are going through right now is this transformation that is on the planet, how that will turn out.

I don't know, but I do know that things now feel so much different than they did just a couple months, even just a couple of months ago, but even a couple of years ago. Totally different. You are part of that change, so this transformation is happening right now on the planet and your higher-self knew that. That's why you decided to come here. You just may not consciously know it.

2. Spiritual being

Now, the second thing that your higher-self knew but may not have told you is understanding that you are any mortal, spiritual being, living a temporary human experience, something that once you're ready to know, you will know, but in higher states of consciousness, you exist right now and life is a form of dream. It is just a lucid dream, but it only becomes lucid. When you become aware that it is a dream you ever been in a dream, then you would know that you're in a dream and you're like, oh, I can do some cool stuff right now.

I'm going to go fly or do whatever it is in the dream of life on earth. We right now are asleep in the higher dimensions. Projecting ourselves here as if this is who we are, but in actuality, we exist far beyond that of just this physical ego structure. Do you think of these in a way as our avatar in this life experience?

You can't really put our whole entire soul inside this body but will play well. We'll pretend that this is who we are because this is the structure that I'm going to use and this is how I'm going to speak and my name is Aaron Doughty and I make YouTube videos and this is who I am, but that's just an Avatar at a greater level. We are immortal, spiritual beings living a temporary human experience and your higher-self wants you to know that because when you know that you can kind of relax because the reality is meant to be a form of a game and in this game, there's meant to be more flexible.

It's meant to be more fun, and when you start to become aware of it, you can then direct it in the way that you want, but if you're unaware of it, you're just on the autopilot mind and things just continued to play themselves out over and over and over again.

This is about being aware of that. You could say it's a game. You could say it's a dream. Whatever you want. Again, makes it more fun. A dream makes it more flexible, but in general, what we think of as physical reality is what we're interpreting through our five senses. It's the experience that is real, but the actual reality of it is this is a form of illusion, the experiences real, but it is a form of illusion and understands.

The only thing that is real is that you are unconditional love and bliss. That's why when you feel thoughts in alignment with it, you feel so good because that is who you naturally are, is why would you feel the opposite of it?

The only thing that is real is that you are unconditional love and bliss.

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You feel bad because you were thinking thoughts that are out of alignment with who you really are. You are unconditional love and bliss, and it is that you start to remember that and your higher-self wants you to know that.

3. Higher states of consciousness

The third thing that your higher-self wants you to know that maybe you're not aware of is that when you go to bed at night, you are waking in these higher states of consciousness. You may not remember it. When you wake up in the morning, maybe you're like, oh, I got some type of dream here. I was in my dream and I was in the school classroom in a school classroom. I was seeing this old friend and they were saying this to me and we were having this random conversation.

I don't even talk to that person anymore. Some random dream that you had. Well, maybe that's just a symbolic representation of something else that happened because the thing is to imagine you're trying to explain what it's like to see to someone that's been blind since they were born, very to experience. Can you give them none and the same way we interpret this reality through our five senses, but in actuality, the reality and the higher dimensions are beyond the census, so there's really no words for being able to explain what that is.

A lot of people that have NDEs or near-death experiences have said that they can't even put it into words. It's just that amazing. People that have NDEs near-death experiences, there is DMT diametric trip to me, net flows through their system when they're having a DMT experience at every single night. When you go to bed, there's an in your pineal gland.  When you wake up in the morning. Try this though.

Set the intention that you do remember your dreams. When you wake up in the morning and watch what happens, you will start to get more and more of remembrance of what it is and say to yourself, I'm ready to know more about my higher dimensional aspect of myself and I'd like to know more of what I'm doing now.

You still may get that of reference experiences in the form of old dreams of memories of your past, your subconscious mind showing you things, but in actuality, you are awake in these higher states of consciousness. When you go to bed at night and they need to simply come back here. When you come back here, you only get the memory of what you could be able to interpret through your brain, but in actuality, you may be doing much cooler things than you can even imagine, but imagine also that you're experiencing pain in your current life and in your life right now.

You experience pain, so if you were to remember, remember in the higher dimensions that you are unconditional love and bliss, that you can instantly do things that you're in higher states of consciousness. It may not be as relevant because you might want to leave.

It may not make this game as relevant for you right now because you want to be somewhere else and you're trying to escape the game. The key is to become completely present to the moment, to become completely at peace with this 3D reality, and as you do, you will begin to raise your vibration because right now we're transforming from a 3D reality to a 5D reality where we understand more of who we are. We are upgrading the system.

It is time for an upgrade. It's time to level up in this game of life and in order to do that, we all, many of us are here right now. We decided to incarnate into this system to forget who we are so that we can remember who we are, so now we could go in a powerful direction and part of that direction is us remembering this and helping the transformation on this planet happening.

 This is what is happening right now. This transformation is happening right now. You are an immortal, spiritual being, living in a temporary human experience. This is a game of life that we are experiencing and part of the game is that we are all remembering this together. If you are gaining value out of this, if you feel like this is your purpose and I encourage you to share this with other people, share it on social media, however, you want to do it.

Because what you are doing is you're planting the seed within other people that maybe this is the reason they are here. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to share it because it is the time of awakening on the planet. It is the time of remembering who we are and the more we remember who we are, the more we read member who we are, the more we raise our vibrational state of consciousness, the more that influences everyone else around us.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.