Everyone is YOU Pushed out (the TRUTH NO ONE TELLS YOU)

I'm going to be sharing with you how everyone is you pushed out understanding really what this means and how it can change your life.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you something from Neville Goddard who wrote the book called the feeling is the secret. He wrote the book called the power of awareness and he's an author from back in the early 1900’s who wrote many law of attraction books. He is someone that Dr. Wayne Dyer has referenced a lot. I remember I was reading a Dr. Wayne Dyer book, I think it was the power of intention. And in the book he quoted Neville Goddard and that's when I kind of gotten to his content and came across the book called the feeling is the secret which is a very powerful book, which is about understanding that when you go to bed at night, you are drifting off into deep levels of sleep, which is more of a theta state, which is where you can influence your subconscious mind.

So feeling the emotion of what you want to create in your life as if you already have it as you're falling asleep is extraordinary powerful for influencing your subconscious mind. He taught and there's some question that I was getting a lot on Instagram lives and on Instagram. I'd get people to say, “Aaron, can you explain what everyone is you pushed out means?” And I was like, Huh, I have no idea what that means. I kind of guess but I have no real idea. And then what happened is like a week later I'd be on Instagram live. And so you're like, Oh man, can you understand? Can you tell what everyone is you pushed out means? And I would keep getting a question from different people and I'm like, why is everyone asking me what everyone is you pushed out means.

And then I did my own research and I came across the book where he talked about it. It wasn't a book called everyone as you pushed out as one of his books and he explained the idea and then I was able to understand it more and I thought what I would do is apply it in my life and it changed the way that I saw the world. So I was like, you know what? I'm going to make a video about it. So, everyone is you pushed out. What does that actually mean? Everyone is you pushed out, has to do with a deep, esoteric idea that'll change your life. If you begin to apply, it has to do with knowing that in reality there is only you and your relationship to you. Now, what this means is that everyone at a deeper level is connected to each other whether they are aware of it or not.

Now, people respond to us based on our vibration and on how we feel about ourselves. So many times we think that people may be judging us. We think made people may be perceived in a certain way, but many times people perceive us the way that we also perceive ourself. So for example, if we feel insecure about something and we go out into the world, if we're thinking subconsciously about that insecurity or even consciously, many times people will pick up on that energetically, not just through body language, but they actually feel that energy off of us and then perceive us in a similar way. Well, what Neville Goddard is talking about is other people are literally us pushed out, which means that these other people are other versions of us. You see, this is a deep esoteric idea, but it changes everything because then if you ever go out seeking validation from someone else, you know that you can't get it from someone else because there is only you.

And even if those other people give you validation, those other people or other versions of you, so you're looking for validation for more of yourself, but this is the key. You can give yourself that validation. You can give yourself that which you seek because everyone is you pushed out anyways, so people are responding to you based on your vibration and if you focus on your relationship with you, everything in your life will begin to work for you. But most people aren't. Most people are focused on the external. You know, I did a meditation last night and I was becoming aware of how often when I meditate I'm focused on observing the sound of the plains. I live close to an airport of sound. The sound of the plane's passing. I'll listen to that. I'll listen to any noise from the cars driving by, I'll pay attention to external sounds, but how often do we put the awareness inside of our own body?

You see, that for me was a game changer last night because the more I put the awareness inside of my body, the more present I became and the more I was able to observe from this neutral place. In the same way, a powerful understanding is knowing that there is only us and our relationship with us and when we heal our relationship with us, we also heal our relationship with other people because other people are us pushed out. Now, there is a deep esoteric understanding of this that can also change your life. When it comes to manifestation, it's one that I very strongly believe in. It has to do with understanding that other people in reality are other versions of you. Because of that, what you put out to other people comes back to you because what you do to someone else, you're doing to another aspect of you.

This is why there may be Karma. What you do to someone else comes back to you because that other person is you push out. So this is why the golden rule has been around for so long. The golden rule, treat people the way you would want to be treated because you're just treating other people as other versions of you. And if you treat people, you're treating yourself badly at. Think about it. There's this energy field around our body and in this energy field what we put out, this energy goes into our energy field. Then what happens is we go out into the world and we link up with other people and other situations are reflected back to us that reflect back whatever is in that energy field. And if there's disruption, if there's resistance then we'll go out into the world and we'll find other things to feel resistance about.

But the key is to clear out our own energy field by letting go of the charge of resistance, letting go of the charge of attachment. And when you do that it can then freely move away and then you will link up to a new reality. You will only perceive of that which you are the vibration of and the resistance will be gone. You see? So when we go out into the world, if you have in your energy field cause thoughts have an energetic pattern, you have these thoughts of you're not worthy or you're looking for validation outside, you'll go out into the world and other people reflect whatever you see or whatever is in your own energy field. Now remember everyone is you pushed out anyways, but are you going to choose to put something out that is maybe have a less vibration than you prefer because people will pick up on that energy field regardless.

Now the reason I believe that I become successful in the last three to four years and had a Youtube channel that has grown very fast and is living the kind of lifestyle that I do live now. I believe it's because I have this intention of adding value to other people and people a lot of times can feel that I've had, uh, we had an event recently and we've met up with other people for that. Or like they say, one of the things they really like about my content or maybe some of the people that I hang out with content is because they feel like we're authentic, we're genuine. Leeor and I recently went to Japan and when we were there, they're like, you're exactly how we thought you were from your videos. Like you're not putting on this front for your Youtube videos and then some other way you're living your lifestyle of you are the way that we in a way expected you to be.

It's authentic, which is what we love to hear and we had this intention of adding value to other people. So when I make these videos, my intention before I make these videos is to add value. And that might sound like some cliché thing or like I'm some trying to be some holy type person, but I also just have this awareness that other people are other versions of me. So in actuality, because everyone is me pushed out. It's a selfish thing. You see, it depends upon the perspective. The power of paradox in our reality is understanding that we are all one and at the same time we are all having our own individual experience and in the same way we can start to see it in this holistic type way where we're all one. So by me adding value to others, I'm actually adding value to other aspects of myself. So it is the most selfless thing in the most selfish thing. Depending on the perspective.

But if you look to any successful business, any successful person at a certain level, they are adding value. You could say that value can be debatable. It could be something that it could be something that makes people mixed people butt heads with other people makes people more in trained in their own thought process. But from a certain level, those people think they're getting value. You could say, how has this personality value, they only do bad things, but someone gets value from it. You see these products come out and these people and if the valve, if the product adds value to people and people buy, it is successful product because people see value in the marketplace. Now when I'm putting out this content, if there's content adds value, people will share the videos and the videos will get views because it's adding value.

So because I have that intention underneath what I do, that value comes back to me. What you put out is what you get back. What you put out into your energy field is what comes back. What you do to other people. Who are you pushed out comes back to you because that's the energetic way this reality works. So start to ask yourself that new question. What are you putting out? And since everyone is you pushed out, how will you be treating other people? Which are other versions of you? How can you fill up your own cup? How can you validate you? How can you develop your relationship with you? Because by doing that, you then increase and improve the relationships you have with other people because other people are you pushed out.

People are picking up on you subconsciously and you know when we look at these deep esoteric ideas, we can also realize that reality is a form of dream. If you study the Toltecs, you study a lot of ancient wisdom teachings. They point to this idea that reality is a dream. We all individually have our own dreams, but then collectively there were these collective dreams, which are the dreams of everyone piled up and some of us have similar dreams, similar belief systems, similar ways of going about our reality. We identify with certain symbols. You may identify with me as a symbol. You may identify with my Youtube channel. You may look to me and think, oh, Aaron is this certain way? Aaron's made me feel a certain way with his videos, but understand that I am just assemble. We're all one. I am a symbol of your own consciousness, or I am a symbol that you connect to because of how I've integrated with myself.

And that may give you permission to integrate with yourself, but you're always doing the work. You're always relating you to you. It's just when you watch these videos and may make you feel that way, may make you turn to these realizations because of the frequency I put off that may bring you within yourself, but understand there is only you in reality. I am another aspect of you. Maybe I'm an aspect of you that is sharing with you a certain type of information that either does resonate or it doesn't resonate, does or doesn't resonate. It's still another aspect of you, so focus on your relationship with you. Give yourself permission to be you. Understand everyone else is you pushed out comes with the awareness, that it's all about your relationship with you because people are reflecting that back to you. Imagine there being pearls, whole bunch of pearls and a ball mirrored pearls that are just reflecting the one all around. All reflections of the one is mirrored little pearls. In a similar way. We are immortal.

Spiritual beings having temporary human experiences becoming more aware of who we are. At a deeper level, understanding that what we put out is what we get back. Instead of focusing on materialism and what you want to get in society, you focus on what you want to give. You'll find that the balance starts to happen more in your favor. Have a genuine intention of adding value and watch how abundance floods in your life. Another thing Neville Goddard talked a lot about is assume the wish fulfilled. Assume the wish fulfilled. Assume that you are the person you prefer to be assumed that what you want is already here, but also assume that it's not about what you want. It's about the qualities, the kind of person you've become. You being the authentic self, you living your authentic dream because the truth is reality is but a dream. It is a long consistent dream that has continuity because we've bought into it, but understand that this dream is much more flexible than you can even imagine. This dream can become a fun dream if you loosen up about it, if you understand it doesn't have to be so serious.

It's a dream that we have for a short period of time. So enjoy it because before you know it, you're going to wake up from this dream. You're going to be in a higher level of reality and you may realize that you weren't present in that dream. You weren't lucid in the dream of life. Become Lucid in the dream of life and watch how your life begins to change. Understand that what you put out is what you get back because what you do to other people you do to other aspects of you. This is why the golden rule is so powerful. Understand the more value you add to other people, the more that comes back to you because those people are other versions of you. So, with that being said, something else I have is a free meditation that will help you to raise your vibrational set point, which will help you have more of these understandings and these remembrances as well. This is a for 21 days. I think it'll change your life. Other than that peace, much love and namaste.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.