How I Harnessed My Sexual Energy to Attract Money, Love and Success (life-changing)


Think of sexual energy simply as energy and think of your energy as currency. What happens is when we give away, and we waste sexual energy, it's literally like throwing away our money. It is throwing away what is able, we could be investing and other things, and it is thrown away, making us much less powerful than we would be if we actually used it for a powerful benefit.

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Today, I'll be sharing with you exactly how you can harness your sexual energy and exactly how to do that using a process called sexual transmutation. I know it sounds kind of weird at first of the word sexual transmutation. I remember when I first learned about this, I was working in a sales commission job selling woman's shoes at Nordstrom's. I was learning about the law of attraction. Every day I went in, I started at zero, and as I was selling shoes and doing stuff, then I would make money for the day. Every single day I went in, I was able to see what worked, what didn't work, what kind of energy state was optimal, what kind of goals having was a, was powerful for getting a certain type of result, what kind of contagious energy I could have. There was a game-changer that happened when I learned and read the chapter in a book called think and grow rich, which is one of the most popular personal development books of all time.

Any people that are millionaires have said that. That was the book that changed it all for them, including a Bob Proctor who walks around with a book everywhere he goes. Basically, what it talked about is that our sexual energy, when harnessed and put towards a definite chief aim or desire or intention, is very powerful for the attainment of that vision of that coming to fruition. It is something that then I became aware of. There's this chapter on sexual transmutation. He thought I was messing with him or something. He's like, dude, what are you talking about? Cause that that word transmutation sounds weird. Transmutation simply means the changing of form. We're changing the sexual energy in our bodies. What we do is we have a desire. What many people do is waste that energy.

There are people that will masturbate and let go of that energy, that creative energy, so powerful. It could literally create a baby. It is a creative energy that is wasted. What if that energy could actually create your dream life? What if that energy could create a unique way of thinking and an increased intuition and allow you to have more potency behind your thoughts. This just doesn't work for only guys, by the way. This works for a woman as well. Also, I started using this back in 2013. What I noticed happened is my energy levels went up. You know, you guys see me in these videos. Let me tell you something. Not saying this to be a square or anything, but I don't drink alcohol. Oh no, I don't. I do not smoke weed. No, I don't give that up in 2012, and I do not drink caffeine. Not because I'm better than you. I just don't. I have a lot of energy. I believe that my sexual energy, which I do not to waste.

It's not something that I'm compulsively letting go of. I also realize that that energy I use, and it makes me more contagious, allows me to have more energy to where I don't need caffeine or any of that other stuff. It has a lot to do with is what made me successful in my life. Some people will ask me to say, Aaron, how do you make daily videos on YouTube? How have you done it for three years? It's not always the first thing in my mind where I'm like, Hey, have you ever heard of not masturbating? It's normally not the icebreaker. It wouldn't be a good icebreaker, though. But that's honestly, that has had such a powerful effect on my own life. Let me read to you. You might be like, well, this sounds pretty cool. What's this book you talk about?

Think and grow rich. Can you explain a little bit more? Yes, I can. Here's one of the quotes it says in Napoleon Hill's book, in that chapter called sexual transmutation, it says, "when driven by this desire, men and women." It was written back in the 1930s, and sometimes they forgot to put that develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. Here's some of the benefits. You have a stronger intuition too turned on by whatever you are working on or thinking about. You literally developed a magnetism towards what you want to experience, and that's because there's pure desire there. I'm going to talk a little bit in this blog as well as how to transmute that desire because you've heard me talk about desire before and desire is not powerful unless translated into the intention.

If I say I really want something, I really want that over there. I want that over there. I want that over there. That's a feeling of lack, but if I transmute that desire into intention, that is where the power is. It's in the transmutation of it. I'm going to share that that in a minute. The third thing, more sensitive to stimuli for a thing, exuberant and expressive, fifth thing more energized and inspired and six things more driven to take action. These are all benefits that happen when we begin to cultivate our own sexual energy. I see a lot of people that say I just don't have the energy, and they feel like they are kind of in a lull or they feel stuck. A lot of times, it could be because of the creative energy creative. You start using different aspects of your brain because you have a new way of expressing yourself. It's something that will help you solve problems in your life in a completely new way as well. This is something that I applied in my own life.

I've honestly been applying this before I even knew about sexual transmutation. Let me explain it to you. I'm not going to go too detailed because this is a little bit getting a little bit deeper, I guess, in certain ways, but, in a little vulnerable but okay. Between the ages of zero to 18 years old, I never in my own life actually masturbated. I know that sounds pretty crazy because I normally think once you turn like 13 or 14, you just start going crazy. But I never did. I don't know why. I just couldn't. I look back at my life now, and I can see some of my past between seven and 15 years old, I had no freedom whatsoever. When I was going through puberty, I was completely controlled. My brother and I many times were locked outside doing yard work. We weren't allowed to have friends, weren't allowed to watch TV.

We had to sneak food a lot of times just to get enough to eat. I say that just so you kind of see the premise here, it's like, that's probably why I w I didn't have time necessarily. My brother and I also shared a room. We lived on a certain part of the house that was being remodeled. There's this, I guess there's this no opportunity for it. I never came up and then I just became 15, 16 years old. Then 18 comes around, and it happened. I was like, Oh, this is like a whole new world. But even then, it was something I've always kind of somewhat been aware of in some weird way because I've always kind of valued that sexual expression or that sexual energy in a way. I share more.

By the way, if you want to know more about this topic, I did a podcast episode. I have a podcast that I do every Tuesday and Friday. I get a lot of messages from people that say they love the podcast. It's called the expand your awareness 2.0 podcast. It is on iTunes and Spotify on LinkedIn in the description below. Also, there's a video on a new Aaron Doughty 2.0 YouTube channel where I go deep on this idea and share more of my story with it and how I apply it in my life. Sexual energy is the most potent energy we have. When we're not wasting it, we're then able to put it more into our desires, our goals, our vision, or whatever it is. Think about it. Your thoughts didn't have more potency. What you're thinking about then has more power behind it because you have more energy and energy, and sexual energy is energy. It's more of even pure energy.

Action or intention. The intention is a declaration of some outcome you want to experience in your life, so its action or intention is also action. This is where a lot of people kind of get confused with this. They think that intention is only a thought. Intention is a thought plus an action. Intention is also action. If I set the intention right now, if I had the desire to put my hand up that only has so much power, it doesn't mean I'm going to put my hand up and say, Oh, I have a desire, but if I intend to do it, then I just naturally put it up. It's a declaration. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. The important part of this process and exactly how to do this is you need some form of creative expression to use this sexual energy that you're going to have could be a business idea you have.

It could be some type of art you create. It could be some type of video you make. It could be anything but you some vehicle for expressing this sexual energy. That's what I would highly recommend is finding out what that is. You don't know what that is yet. That's fine. Set the intention to figure out what it could be. It's expressing these ideas, really big head gestures, and my facial expressions. This is me expressing that, and obviously, it's got me to a certain point because as you see the YouTube channel, it's grown, and the message resonates with people, and that's me expressing that energy in a very pure way. The important part of this though, is understanding that what you do is you convert that sexual energy which will then be the desire and you convert that desire into intention and intention means you declare something, you want to create your life, you have a vision for it.

You become clear as to that vision, and you start to work towards it and to express yourself along the way. It's exactly what I did on YouTube. I started making daily videos on YouTube. I was expressing, I am expressing myself still to this day, and that energy is then having a channel. You want to give that energy a channel. If you want to learn exactly how to use this process, I talk more about it in that podcast episode below. However, basically what you do is you do something called a Kegel. Kegel sounds kind of like a funny idea, but a Kegel is like when you're going to the bathroom, and you stop the flow. The more you do it, the better you get at it.

The more you can, the more you strengthen that muscle. What you could do is learn to squeeze that, and then move the energy up the spine, move the energy up to your heart, and up to your head. What you'll find is that you then move the energy. Then you can apply that, and that helps you become more creative. You can apply that towards the vision you have, and once you want to experience in your life, and the important part of it has some form of expression for it. That's what I highly recommend is having some type of expression for that. That will really help you.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.