The Shadow-Side of Being a Starseed that NO ONE TELLS YOU

We're going to show you the shadow side of being a Starseed. These are things that most people don't even think of in the process of the Starseed awakening. We're going to show you exactly how to integrate that shadow.

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This is Victor Oddo. What do you do? “I help people navigate their awakened in the spiritual awakening process.” So, these are things that I know in my own journey. They are things that I didn't really see coming. Cause sometimes when we're going through this Starseed awakening and we're becoming more aware of who we are as this is connected galactically and connected to different parts of the star systems.

But there's different parts of it that we find end up having a backlash if we're not aware of it. And if you know beforehand how to work through this process, how to go through this process, you're able to see this shadow so it doesn't suck you in to the identity of it or suck you into the negative characteristics of it. Maybe we'll share some of the very first things we noticed when being on the Starseed awakening journey, like the things that we noticed in other people, but also in our own life.

Victor Oddo creates content similar to mine on law of attraction, spiritual awakening, ascension, raising your vibration. There you'll find a whole bunch of great content, I Remember we were at Rhythmia and we were at this place in Costa Rica and we were in this like plant medicines ceremony thing and we had this experience where we realize that our awakening journey was almost the same. And in 2012 we had this realization after we were already friends for a year, we have this night where we were realizing that we had almost the same type of awakening in 2012 and it was like a sense of understanding the star.

So, you have this connection to the stars and then this sense of feeling alone after you go through this like spiritual Lincoln process. And we both went through probably like six months to a year of just kinda being alone like a weight. Like people didn't really understand it. Friends, family thought it was kind of crazy. Is that something you went through as well? Like similar. It's interesting because the whole star seed awareness, when you become aware that you have a connection to so much more than you ever knew you would think on a big level that would be comforting.

That would be like, wow, I'm less alone than ever before. Now that I'm becoming aware of this connection at the same time, because not all human beings are aware of their star Starseed connection. It ends up you being the weirdo who was talking about the stars all the time and it can feel very isolated because you can just get a strong sense that if you were to just voice your thoughts on life and some of your findings and some of the things you're going through, especially in regard to the star seed stuff, you're not going to be well received by your friends, by your family, by your co-workers, by your neighbors.

So, in that light you feel very alone because you know that I can't really be who I now know myself and to be around people. I can't be my authentic self. And when we have to put on a mask, even around other people, it can make us feel very alone. I remember when I went through my awakening and I started understanding like the star seed connection to take the Pleiades and all these other connections that I was making. I remember I went through it and I was like, I remember I sat down with my dad. I was like, listen, this is like we're spiritual veins. This is all an illusion.

I just thought that was going to be normal. I thought everyone was going to get it. They're like, wow, you're right. Thank you for letting me know. You're so grateful. So grateful for you telling you this stuff. But, and then that was like a lot of friends and family were like, Aaron, what the Hell did you do? Like, did you do something? That was one of the main commonalities that we got. Both our awakening came into this information like a lot of you and then we thought it was our mission to tell our family. Our parents are like old school minded parents. I did the same thing. I was a personal trainer and I would train my mom and her friend. My Mom's friend didn't show up that day.

I thought that was a great opportunity. I tell her that the government is really driven and influenced by a higher dimensional beings with a negative agenda. I said all that stuff and she was like, okay, I can tell she's sick. I know you're thinking like, wow, I'm so glad I've been made aware of this. It's like, oh my goodness, what the hell is my son on? I remember my grandma died and they're like the same thing. They're like, okay, I noticed. No, they're in their head like what? I don't even know a hundred responders, what's going on here? And then for like months, it was like just trying to be normal and trying to kind of make up for that and then worried that something was wrong. But like when you get so excited about the Starseed, can you just want to tell everyone, like you do like move the inter-dimensional periods that were just here out of this temporary human experience and all of this stuff, the star family and, for a lot of people it's the backlashes.

A lot of people are still stuck and watching the news and the media and they're buying into certain reality. So when we come out with the type and even information, there's a backlash of that. And then what we do is we think there's something wrong with us and what we do is we may go in and say, okay, I'm just not going to talk about it for a while. And then, that's the negative side of this is the ego that can develop. Because I remember going around and being becoming a little bit bitter with people cause I'm like people just don't get it. They're just asleep, you know? It was like that was the idea. And I started to have this self-fulfilling belief that was holding me back from connecting to other people that were into this information because my belief was people just don't get it.

People don't get me. People are asleep. And guess what? That was a self-fulfilling prophecy. But the more I realized that I dropped that label, it's like people all around that or I ended that like the guide that we are at the gym the other day and I just turned over to this guy when her down at the gym. I was like, so what do think about aliens? And he said, I think they exist they've been around for a long time. I just like to see how people respond sometimes. But yeah, that's it. Is it more and more people are open to this information now. So, it's when you have less of this rule that people just aren't awake and all of this stuff, you attract less of that or you know.

Once this happens, you start to question like, maybe something's wrong with you. I don't think that, I thought I'm on to something and there's actually something wrong with everybody. That's kind of what I thought too. I think about, you're right and you create the separation by focusing on the differences, which there are some differences. This person has no idea he's got ITI connections or maybe he's not a third seat at all in meeting all I'm doing my astral travels at night on experiencing all these cool worlds or whatever. But that's one thing that is different. There's many similarities where human. there's a lot of common ground that when you focus on that, we kind of isolate ourselves.

Acknowledging the differences more than the similarities and being attached to that ego perspective. We both learned through that process. We both went after that. Learn how to integrate that aspect of understanding. Everyone's on their own journey. A lot of people that think this star seed stuff, there's people that watch my channel. They're like, when you first started coming out with stars and videos, I thought I was crazy. I stopped watching your videos and now they come back and go like it planted a seed. And they come back and like, oh, it's so cool. Like I had no idea. I'm so much more open to it now.

So, understand that people come in their own timing. We talked about the biggest shadow is probably just the loneliness that we may feel or the identification with being different or the identification with thinking that people just aren't awake and integrating that understanding everyone's on their own journey, understand and have an understanding of where people are when you're explaining this to them. It will help because then it softens up this like maybe instead of saying, I remember hearing a Cory good talk about it once you know, just say something like, did you just plant little seeds? Like when someone's watching something, did you know that? But if you start with something small, then it makes it easier. And then when I thought you were talking to me yesterday about the climatization a lot of the star seeds are here at this time to help with this big shift that's going on.

And a lot of them are not normally used to incarnating in this, we live in a very dense sort of 3D existence in a lot of the star seeds are used to being in the, in the much higher realm. So, it's a bit of a challenge for them to integrate physically. I know for myself, I've always had kind of like health problems. I've always struggled with fatigue and I get sick easily. And I also feel like my body is very sensitive to stress just as an example. And some people have it a lot worse than that, but I just think our physical bodies sort of pick at, it takes time for our souls to get used to the earthly, the 3D density.

I think in higher realms also there's more flexibility with time and space. I think some starts he's making impatient isn't that it? And I just kind of came to me like, I know going through things, I'm always like a big strong lesson in my life is patience. Cause I want things so quickly. I think we're so used to thinking things in our thoughts are so high vibration on were so in alignment in higher dimensional realms that things happen very instantaneously. But there's this time and even though that the vibration is speeding up, so it's taking less and less time to manifest things, I think we're used to things happening very quickly, so we may get frustrated with ourselves when things aren't happening very quick or it's like the climatization of our body and at the same time as the climatization of the energy here, just the time space.

I had a Youtube video I did and then the name of the Youtube video was the one thing lightworkers lack and I use lightworkers sort of synonymously with star Seattle. And what I did is I had my dog come on, I had this long purposefully long introduction and that they had left like two minutes and I was like, you Ready? It's patience. So, there's kind of a job because I know, I totally agree with what you said where I think a lot of us are used to dislike this fast manifestation and patience is a real issue. Even just with ascension in like waking up humanity, it's like this is supposed to look like in 2012 we literally thought was gonna happen in like a year. Like in one year, everyone on the planet is going to know more about this information and more people are knowing about it.

But we thought it'll be an agreed upon thing that you know, each connection and all this stuff, but it's taken a lot longer. And actually the video that we're going to do on his channel is going to be on what is called the event, which is very similar to that. So it's about understanding that when it comes to this process, it's about knowing that there is a process to it and that sometimes we may think things are gonna happen instantaneously, but they may just be a metaphor for a stretched out things. So, the shadow side as well has no patience. The thing that I wanted to also mention was understanding that we exist right now. We have what are called past life connections.

Cause they're actually parallel life connections because the only time that exists is this moment right now to a parallel life connection both future lives and past lives. And what happens though is we also have lives like we're such vast spiritual beans that our energy is not just incarnated on earth. So what I mean by that is we don't just have past lives on earth. We have past lives in different star systems as well because that vastness of our spirit is so big that we couldn't just incarnate all of our energy in one time like space of just earth. The thing is as well as starts to use every single person on the planet is multidimensional.

Let's Stasrseed to someone who is aware of that multidimensionality incomes through with some type of desire to help other people. Now when it comes to past lives and future lives, we'd have them also in different star systems. Now the shadow side of Starseed as well is that there are times that we've had past lives or future lives and different star systems where things that happened that is within our soul blueprint. So for example, there may have been a time in one person's blueprint of their soul where they had to pass life or some place where maybe the planet was destroyed or where there was a lot of things that happen, the devastation, and there may be scarring at the soul level from that experience.

And in this life right now, there may be certain themes that are intertwined with that life in a different star systems. So just like we have past lives on earth, we also have past and future lives and different star systems that we may pull information from. And some of those themes that were going through maybe relative to it. So if you ever feel like you've been victimized, your life, you've been a victim a lot. There could be also connections that we have, the different star systems, or maybe that was the case as well when we're working through that in certain ways in our life here. So understand that we may not always understand where our energy is coming from or why we're feeling certain ways, but there's a lot more to being a multidimensional being, which we all are, that we're becoming aware of.

So integrate and just understand that whatever you're feeling, it's okay. You're integrating emotion, you're integrating like this time on the planet. We're raising our frequency so high. So in a way we're clearing karmic patterns that no longer serve us. We're clearing things from past lives that don't serve us. We're clearing things from past lives and other star systems that were ascending. Cause that went from what I understand is right now as we raise our vibration at 3D, 4D, 5D level, we also had this potential to raise our vibration at higher levels as well.

So we're letting go of so much right now in this lifetime from what I understand what from both Bashar and other people have said. It's like we've waited thousands of years to be alive right now to be going through this transformation. We've waited so long and this is where it's at right now. Not because it makes everything else meaningless, but this is so exciting to be alive right now because so many people are becoming aware of who they are. Starseeds are waking up. More and more people will find this video through the information we share. But in general, we just want you to be aware of the shadow aspects that we're talking about today.

One of the big things I found is from talking to by my subscribers that they struggle with in relation to what he said is that a lot of the star seeds, a lot of the old souls, even from the earth they struggled with, they were persecuted and oppressed for their own self-expression, speaking their truth in path. So when it comes time to like a lot of the stars he didn't want to share, they want to help, but they feel like this real strong hesitation only because, we're not going to be, most of us persecuted in this, this lady now, but there's that scar of the past. So being aware of what errands that can be very helpful because then you can question that you can say is there a legitimate concern of expressing myself in most cases, not right for that can give you permission to go forward with you living your truth.

I remember I went to someone I was telling you about my past lives or something and she said something that resonated with me. But she said that in a lot of my past lives I was sharing information similar to what I share in this life, but a lot of hats in my last, my past lives, I was killed for the information I shared. Which in the beginning of starting my Youtube channel, I was kind of reluctant. I was having all these fear come up, like, can I share this? Like what will people think? And it made sense to me when I looked at it. Now is that true of my past lives? I don't know for sure, but it does kind of resonate with me and I could see how many people that are stars.

He tapped his desire to help people, but they do feel blocks. We see it because we help people put content out on Youtube and help people awaken the planet. And we see these blocks very common. I think it is because in past experiences, the collective wasn't ready for it. So what do they do when they weren't ready for it? They would persecute, they would shut them out, kind of silenced them and that sometimes alignment thing. So just understand now that doesn't have to be the case. You know that's not going to be the case. We have the ability to express ourselves now and to be powerful and we came here to be bold. I think the one thing that started seeds must know as well as like we came here to be bold. We came here to share our truth.

Doesn't mean you have to tell your family and tell your friends and say all this stuff that we did like too fast, too soon. But you came here and to be yourself, whatever that means to you, you came here to make a change. By you being yourself, by you doing the inner work, by you raising your vibration, you help the vibration of the collective as well.

Peace. Much love, and Namaste.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.