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3 Ways to Attract More Money Using Reality Transurfing

What I’m going to show you are the three ways to use Reality Transurfing to attract more money into your life. I'm going to share with you exactly what you do using this powerful manifestation process.

So, come on and watch the video below:

In this blog, we're going to be on a little bit deeper with Reality Transurfing which is the process I've been sharing with you guys and a post that I originally read maybe like 5 or 6 months ago and a friend recommended it. And I read it, and I started to apply. I began to get really like my results began coming so much easier. And through it, it's completely transformed the way that I see the world. And it's transformed the way I go about manifesting what I want in life.

This is a book that was written by Vadim Zeland in Russia is now being translated to a whole bunch of different languages because it's such a powerful book and so many people are catching on to it. And it is more of a philosophy for a way of seeing life more so than just step one two three manifestations. Let me give a little bit of context for this blog. I feel like I have to explain it in every video that I do on it because I want people to understand more about it. It has to do with understanding the power of intention and how there is something called the alternative space the alternative space we can think of like parallel realities.

This is something I've talked about in China before, but the idea is that there is an infinite number of parallel realities that exist that what we think of as time in continuity is something that we perceive of simply because we're able to team together and piece together all the different parallel realities. The idea is that we can create whatever we want in our life by learning how to resonate with who we prefer to be and how to set intentions to put us on the life track of what we want to experience.

1. Set more intentions in your life

First off if you simply set more intentions in your life, you will begin to see results. That's one of the first steps. It understands that intention is what creates the direction of what we experience in our life. Another part of Reality Transurfing is understanding what is called pendulums. Pendulums are thought structures that are created by multiple people thinking about something. Normally when we think of thought, we think we think it in that thought goes away. The idea is that it is electromagnetic energy to that thought.

And if people are thinking similar thoughts or have similar beliefs, those create a thought structure that then that thought structure gains its autonomy in a way in a way it is trying everything to think for itself and try and to kind of suck the energy out of everything to keep it alive. Think of this in the way of like social conditioning right.

There is a pendulum around being a Democrat or Republican no matter what side you're on. There's a pendulum that is created because multiple people think the same thing about it now. You could think the same thing around a sports team around for any sports team. There are pendulums around them. Being an American being on any label you can think of.

There is a train of thought that is socially conditioned inside of it and many times we think that we're thinking our thoughts when in reality we are thinking the thoughts of that social conditioning. This is where awareness comes into play when we become aware of what we're thinking. We can then decide to let them go that they no longer serve us then we can start to think for ourselves, and that's a very powerful thing to do.

Go ahead and get into the main part of the video because this will share with you and show you the different aspects of what reality and surfing is but just know has to do with parallel realities and understand rather than trying so hard it's about shifting in gliding to what we want to experience in our life and really choosing what we want rather than anything else. The first one to attract more money into your life is going to have to do with the whole process of what our goals should be. Most people will have the goals of Hey I want to create an attraction in my life.

A hundred thousand dollars or a million dollars. The idea is many times we are conditioned that's a pendulum. To think that our goals should be money itself. Under Reality Transurfing it's about understanding that you must have a goal and that money is a side effect of that goal. The idea is that what we must learn to do is to combine the power of our mind with the power of our heart. The thing is if we have a goal for more money the head can connect to more money right.

The money is representative of freedom will have to be able to do X Y Z, and it's cool for the brain, but the heart doesn't understand that the heart doesn't think in that logic it's not like oh when you have the money then I'll be able to do X Y Z. What we must do is have a goal that the heart connects to. The easiest way to do this is to follow your passion for finding out what you are passionate about.

And if you want to as well what you can do is focus on adding value to other people when you learn how to add value to other people with whatever it is are you at least have that perspective. You start to outline what is called Your Inner intention with other people's inner intentions as well. You start to tap into something called our attention. Let me explain that for a minute.

Everyone has a combination of inner intention and our intention into intention is the will we have to do something it's the grind mode the hustle of what we can actually do to get what we want in life. Our intention is when we start to link up with everything that's outside of us and know that the universe can manifest for us and that beyond that when we tap into the inner intentions of other people we start to also control our intention our intentions very powerful.

And the only way to really connect to it is to have a trust in the universe to supply what we want and what we are going ourselves. And as long as it's connected to our passion I think of it like this when we add value to other people we are linking up with their inner intentions. And then there's much more power to what we are doing. This means that in order for us to really create more abundance in our life what we can do is start to follow our passion and start to open up our mind to possibilities of how we can monetize what we love.

We have the internet now. There are much you know there's so much we can do. There are so many people that we can connect to that what we can learn to do is how can we add value to other people more so than just that. How can we follow our passion and our purpose with having our goal as being that? Because it connects to the heart. And when we connect to the heart there is much more ability for us to attain what we want and then money becomes a side effect of that. And I'll tell you in my own life that's something I definitely noticed.

I went full time with my passion back in August of last year. I kind of had to make the jump because I was getting no consistent money from the job that I had at the time. But as I just kept following my passion there were more and more opportunities to where money is a side effect of me doing what I love the value I can provide to other people. A side effect of that is compensation of abundance. That's something to consider.

That is will completely transform the way you go about the process and through having that transformed view you will then see money comes to you much easier when money isn't the goal but your passion is the goal.

2. Giving importance

The second one is my favorite has been the one that's transformed me the most and it has to do with understanding the importance we are giving to the money we want to create in our life. You can apply that towards anything as well not only not just money but the idea is that when we decreased the importance for what we want to create in our life we resonate better and stronger towards it. I'll think of it like this anytime you have something if there's something that you want to experience in your life.

The moment you say I want that is the moment you're also saying I did not already have it from my day. I want that over there. It means I want to. I don't currently have. What we must learn to do is to transcend desire and transform it into intention. The idea is that this is what makes trip surfing a little bit different than all the stereotypical Law of Attraction processes. It's not really about having a white-hot burning desire, in this case, it's more so about knowing that desire must be translated and transformed into intention in order for it to be powerful now.

This is the idea behind desire and intention. I have a desire to put my hand up right now and if I leave that desire here it dies no power within itself. But if I translate that desire into intention by going like this then it has power. The idea is that unblessed desire is transformed into intention or action. It remains as a potential that doesn't realize itself now the idea is that what you just do is have intention.

And on the other side of that understand that we must not give significance and importance to anything more so the more we have to think of it like this. The moment we say this is so important is the moment that we distance ourselves from it. And it's also the moment that we can't actually connect to it. We've noticed this the most obvious one that people can relate to is if you've ever like somebody and you had a crush on someone.

The idea is that you may have liked them and if they felt that off of you and you made them very important and you kind of put them on a pedestal they may have felt that and then retracted it kind of like Gannaway and now linked up with you or circumstances came into place to where it just didn't work out. The idea behind that is anytime we get something excessive meaning or has more significance than it is what happens is balancing factors come into play to balance that out so that it doesn't happen the way that we want.

What we must do is have a more your perspective on this. Two more of observing what we want to realize this is the key. That it is natural for you to have the abundance that wants that you want. It is natural for you to be experiencing that. And when you have that perspective so much can happen because you are more of resonating with it. You know I use this analogy a lot, and it has to do with understanding subscribers on YouTube. I’m thinking that 100000 subscribers are going to make me feel this blissful Tideway. And when we a hundred 100000 I went to bed one night at 98 thousand the next morning woke up at 101 because a video went viral.

And what happened is when I woke up it was like cool for about an hour, but it was just natural because I create daily videos. And that just became a part of my self-image. Be aware also of what yourself image is. Because if you have a self-image that says that I'm not worthy of that. It's up there on a pedestal. It's the moment that you know that that excess of potential will be created and balancing forces will take it away.

That's why in order for you to create more money in your life you have to start to see yourself as somebody that's able to generate that kind of abundance because it's natural for who you are and it's comfortable for you.

For you to create more money in your life, you have to start to see yourself as somebody that's able to generate that.

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Comfortability is also another important factor of Reality Transurfing. Most people say well isn't it best to get out of your comfort zone.

Well yes but you expand your comfort zone and then that becomes comfortable for you because you've been doing it consistently. That's why it's not about getting an outsider comfortable your comfort zone. It's about expanding your comfort zone. Do things you haven't done before. That is powerful but also realize that that is just who you are. You're somebody that stretches outside your comfort zone expands it you're somebody that it's natural for you to create the openness that you want. And as you do that everything will change.

3. Understanding experience

The third part of Reality Transurfing towards attracting more money or creating more into in your life will do with understanding referents experiences and connecting to the past. Normally we think of the past as something that is static that is who I was. That is what I experienced. However, under Reality Transurfing it's about understanding that there is an alternative space which is everything that has been everything that is and everything that will be now our choices and our intentions are what choose the future of what we experience in her life and by setting the right intentions and by focusing on what we want. We then focus more and bring in the parallel reality of what we want to experience in life which can be very powerful. However, many times we tell ourselves a story about our past.

Think of this as this is the past. This is the present this is the future. This all actually exists at once insists that our perception moves through it in a time-space linear way. We think that it's one Boom-Boom when it's really just boom everything exists exist on at once. The idea is that in the present moment right now we will connect to our past and say well I want to make you know 20, 30, 40k a month and I've never done that before.

The idea is that we look to our past to see that we've never done it before. The story that we tell ourselves is that it must be hard. We've never done it before and we just don't simply know what to do. That's actually the key is we just don't simply know what to do but we can find out by in the present moment in a couple different things. One of them can be to study people that have already done it before. People that are maybe in the same niche maybe that are you know read their books and understand what they did.

If it's you wanting to take your art and bring it and make it into a gallery and you can find people that have done that and find out what they did and how they marked it themselves maybe come up with your own way and the idea is that as you do that you're able to then connect and create what you want in the alternative space because you're focused on the belief that you can do it and somebody else has done it.

The other thing to do is realize that your past your probable past is always changing only in your memory. Are you able to remember those things and you think that it's your memory when you're connecting to different parts of your past and every moment? Say that you have a memory of something happening or you're in a certain state of being based on that state of being that you're in in the present moment. You're going to connect to different parts of your past.

That's why if you're in a very positive mood it's easy for you to remember other times in your past that you were positive simply because you resonate with that state of being and it's you're easily able to connect to those alternative pasts of what happened. Understand that that is all flexible. Understand you are not a result of your past. You are who you choose to be in the present moment.

This can be a major game changer in your life if you understand this because then you can drop all the story that you tell yourself all the story of money comes harder I can't have it or all of these you know self-esteem and thinking that you're not worthy of it. You will start to really drop all of those perspectives by buying into yourself more and understanding that you are who you choose to be. 

You can choose the alternative space of what you want by making the right choices and by understanding that it is natural for you to be that way so drop your story around money. Understand you can create your own story you can connect to different parts of your past by remembering times when you were abundance reaffirming that that's who you are and then everything begins to change.

Desire and the Law of Attraction THE TRUTH NO ONE TELLS YOU

I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on desire with the Law of Attraction and something that a lot of people don't talk about in the Law of Attraction community. This is something that I think will change the way you see the process and also help you to resonate more with what you want to experience in a completely new way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the truth on understanding desire in the Law of Attraction process and a new way for looking at it so that you really start to create what you want from a place of resonance. The reason I say resonance is because when you look at the law of attraction in general, an underlying consensus of the Law of Attraction is that desire is one of the keys to success.

At a certain level, desire gets the energy moving. When you hear people like Tony Robbins talk about how you have to be hungry, it will move energy and even the book think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill where he talks about having the white-hot burning desire. These are certain ways for going about the process and they will still get you results, but that's if certain things come into play and many times it creates blocks that then people have to jump over and sometimes those blocks can make it so that it takes a lot longer than it has to.

Basically, what I'm saying is there's a better way of going about it. That comes from a higher level of consciousness, a higher vibrational state of being to where things happen in a much easier way. Last night I was reading a book before I went to bed and that book was talking about the Tao Te Ching, and it was talking about how that means, the way the balance, it's this certain way that we're going and it talks about how there were these two extremes.

Anything that's on either side of the extreme drains us of energy. So sometimes if we have a strong desire for something, we may actually be drained our energy if we become identified with it and if we base our internal state of being on whether that thing happens or not. You see this a lot and I see this a lot because I'm in this community. I make videos on YouTube about this and I get people that ask me all the time, how do I try to person into my life? I really want to attract this.

How do I go about it? And I can tell many times that people feel drained of energy because they're putting so much into what they want to create in their life. However, what I'm learning is there's actually the better way that I'm talking about and it has to do with more of something that has to do with a point of view.

It comes not so much from what you want, but why you want what you want. What is the why underneath you? Why would you want what you want? Well, it's most likely because whatever you want, you want the emotion that it brings you. You want the feeling that that thing will give you, and the key is tapping into the feeling, knowing that you can generate the feeling of whatever you want simply by deciding to do so. What does that mean?

Well, what it means is a lot of times what we do, what I do and what I used to do a lot, getting better at it is I used always to say that when something happened in the future, then I'd be happy, but that's deceiving because then when the future gets here, I've already been conditioned not to be happy with certain things and then the mind always jumps in.

It ups the ante. Whether this is something like achieving goals when it comes to a certain dollar amount, you may get to that dollar amount that you make per month or per year, whatever it is, this is just normal for me. This doesn't feel as I thought it was. I'm going to up the ante even more. Maybe even another 15 percent more on top of that.

Then I'll feel better, but it's just an if-then thing in the mind, if this happens, then I'll feel better and that's a rule that we place on our self and if that rule comes to fruition or if we abide by that rule, then we'll feel good if we accomplish it, but the key is to understand that we can feel the emotion that we want right now and by doing so, we then resonate more with the reality that we want quicker than ever.

When it comes to desire, I would say that normally what happens with people when they have a strong desire is they remain in one of the first levels of Law of Attraction, and that is the being here wanting to be here, desiring for being over here and feeling unconscious that you don't already have that. What you want. Think about it in terms of resonance.

If you are here saying, I want that over there, you're also saying, I really, really want that. You're also saying, I really, really don't currently have that. And the key and the secret to this whole process is knowing that over there, whatever emotion that over there, we'll bring you. You can feel that satisfaction, that happiness, that gratitude right now in the present moment, and by feeling that emotion now in the present moment, you will eventually get there, but the key is to not need that thing in order to feel happy.

Because if you need it, then you're also saying that you haven't changed. You see, we always get a reflection in our life of what we believe to be true and we always get a reflection or a life of who we are being. And if and as we know, if we look at a mirror, we can't expect the reflection of change before we change. We must change first and the same way. Sometimes what we do is we're like, “Hey, I've changed.”

But then were peeking to see if the reflection changes and we're waiting for the reflection of change before we'll actually change. But we're like, Hey, I think I'm changing. It will look in the mirror and it hasn't changed yet. The key is to, regardless of what the reflection is doing to change anyway, because there's the thing, there's a gap in between what we perceive on the mirror.

We have time, space, reality that we live in, and of course, time at a certain level is an illusion, but there's a certain momentum that we have built up from prior experience and that momentum continues to play itself out. Sometimes there'll be looking at the mirror, you'll be getting the old reflection saying, I know I've changed, but if you do not actually change on the inside because you're waiting for that to change, then the change hasn't happened yet.

It's a paradox because when you don't base your internal state of being on what is externally happening, when you don't base it on that, that's when everything will change and paradoxically enough things will happen even easier, but you have to learn to generate the emotion from within because when you generate the emotion from when within, that's when you actually resonate with what you want to experience.

There's another process that I teach that's called Reality Transurfing. There's a book called Reality Transurfing in written by a quantum physicist named Vladimir Zeland in Russia. It's becoming more well-known because I make it a lot of videos about it as well, so a lot of people are starting to learn a lot more about Reality Transurfing and one of them. One of the things in there has to do with understanding this balance of desire, importance, and intention.

Normally what we do is if we say, I really want that, like I said, we're saying I really, really don't have that, but what we also made doing this be putting things on a pedestal saying this is very important. I really hope this happens. I really hope this interaction with this person I have a crush on goes really well. I really hope it does.

And if we put them on a pedestal, we then create this resistance. We create this potential for resistance. Everything in life has a certain level of what could be called the union, the Yang. If you look at certain traditions, there's this balance, this polarity, and anytime we push it to one side, there's another side that comes into balance it, so if we're draining yourself of energy because we really desire something, there's this pool to come back to the middle and then in order to come back to the middle, sometimes that thing gets taken away from us because that's what in Reality Transurfing is called this balance of coordination.

Anytime we put something on a pedestal, balancing forces come into play because there's something called excess potential balancing forces, metaphorically speaking, come into play to balance that out, so how does it balance it out will sometimes we just won't get that which we want because we're also saying in the present moment, I don't currently have that which I want because I really, really want it, which means I really, really don't currently have it, and because we're saying that what happens is we must get to the middle way.  

As realized in this last night when I was looking at the principles, because it's about this middle way, this middle balance of going about things. Here's the thing, in Reality Transurfing desire isn't powerful. Desire is only powerful if it is translated into intention. Was the difference between intention and desire?

Now, desire is an energetic thing that can sometimes move energy, however it many times causes blocks, but it's an emotion is a feeling that we have that then allows us to focus now intention, the difference between desire and intention. His intention is something that we actualize. It's something that we move energy towards, that we take action with or something that we move energy with.

Whereas desire is simply a thought. It is something that we think about, but in the same way, this is the analogy that using the robotic trans surfing book, as I'm here right now, if I have a desire to put up my hand, that desire is not powerful unless I translate that desire into intention.

 The intention is the realization of that desire, so sometimes desire will get us to that intention. Desire will get us to take action.

Desire will get us to feel a certain emotion or to desire and focus in a certain way, but if we move our hand like this, that's because we had the intention to do so.

Desire will get us to feel a certain emotion and focus in a certain way.

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We have realized that desire, so the key to this whole process is understanding the movement from something that may be a desire into that have intention.

When it comes to the process of desire and the Law of Attraction, let's understand another aspect of getting results with what we want with the Law of Attraction. It's something that I really believe is the most underrated, one of the most underrated things when it comes to this process and that is a focus. Anything we focus on grows and in order to become successful, it requires quite a bit of focus, but a lot of people will focus for a little bit on something.

Then move away from it. Therefore, it just grows a little bit. Think of it like you're watering something, but you're watering something that is able to continue to take in water so you're not over watering it. Sometimes people might work a little bit too hard and create the resistance, but in general, the more you water it, the more it grows, but some people that just trickle a little bit of water on it and then run away and then come back three weeks later and be like, so you didn't work.

Law of Attraction doesn't work. I wanted to go full time with my passion by just didn't work well. It doesn't work if you just trickle of water on it every three weeks. The more that you focus on anything, the more it grows. The reason that Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, a lot of success, people have said that she has to do what you're passionate about is because whatever you're passionate about, it is so easy for you to focus and that focus will then grow, and then even when it appears to be hard, you're still focused through it.

That's the key is focused because in the process with desire and the Law of Attraction, many people will have a certain focus for a period of time, but then shift the focus. A little bit of resistance comes up. The key is to redefine that resistance and to know that it's part of the process and that the more you allow things to happen, the easier things will be for you.

When it comes to desire and the Law of Attraction, understand that desire is only powerful if it's translated into intention, which means the in to the realization in to the energy movement of it and to being able to actualize that which you are desiring and you can even just think to yourself right now, I intended dot, dot, dot. What do you intend for in your life? I set intentions throughout my whole day when I get up in the morning, I set an intention that I have a great meditation in my meditation.

I preplan out my whole day and I set intentions for certain segments of my day, so I set intentions to have a great time filming videos, set intentions to enjoy editing the videos, to getting the work done on my business. I set intentions to enjoy going to the gym, to getting things done the rest of the day. Whatever I need to do or spending time with family, whatever it is, I set those intentions because then that equals and that influences the rest of my day and I find it to be very powerful.

But the key is to set those intentions because intentions are going to help you realize whatever your desires are, so desires can be okay as long as It's moved in a certain direction. Many people stay in phase one of manifestation, which is just the thought of it isn't about thinking. This is about being.

This is about encompassing the whole dynamic, how you think, how you feel and what you do. All three of that makeup who you are and we get a reflection of who we are. The key is to know why we want what we want and then to break that down into an emotion. For example, if we want more money, we could say, how do we, how do we attract what we want and have a desire for it? Without emphasizing that what we want isn't already here.

The key to this is understanding this is more about resonance, and the key to this is understanding whatever you want brings you a particular emotion, so choose to feel that emotion right now because you can choose the meaning you give to things in your life and when you choose to feel whatever emotion that is. If it's money, for example, money brings you what?

Most people, for me, it brings freedom, freedom to do what? Uh, what I want when I want to do it. For some people, it brings security, the feeling of feeling secure and safe. For some people when it comes to a relationship that represents to them connection, compassion, love. You can feel that right now by focusing on things in your life that are already there, that allow you to feel that emotion. And by doing that you will attract what you want quicker than ever because you are more so resonating with that.

This is about understanding that you can choose and give yourself permission right now to release what you want. The serotonin, the dopamine with your focus. Whatever you focus on, you feel start to focus on things you already have that have the vibrational basis of what you want to experience, and you will then be translating that desire into intention.

Make the choice that you're going to set more intentions in your life. You'll start to move the energy in a very powerful way and understand that this goes beyond that of just what you think. This is about who you are and when you begin to see it from this point of view, things will happen easier than ever. What I also encourage you to do is to go down the middle way what they called the way go down and don't give it excess important to excess.

Meaning, see it as a natural part of who you are. See it as something that doesn't have to drain your energy because you're going down the middle way. You're not really, really, really wanting it really, really, really, really thinking you don't have it.

You are just going through the process of observing your thoughts more than anything else and you'll find that things happen easier than ever. You have the power to do it. You have the power to move the energy with your focus and unconfident that if you do, you will experience more of what you want your life and a much faster way.

If the Law of Attraction isn’t working… DO THESE 3 THINGS

I'm going to be sharing with you exactly what to do if the Law of Attraction isn't working for you. If it's not working, all you have to do is do these three things and everything will become easier.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you are the three things that you can do to make the Law of Attraction work and really what to do if the Law of Attraction does it appear to be working. Now, the reason I say doesn't appear to be working is because the Law of Attraction is always working there or just may be times when we are creating more of an experience on sub conscience of that of resistance, so we always get a reflection of what we believe to be true and we always get a reflection of who we are being.

You may have heard my earlier YouTube videos from back in the day. I used to always say that you don't always get in life exactly what you want, but you always get a reflection of who you are being. Now, there are times when some people may say, hey, the Law of Attraction doesn't work, and if they believe that the Law of Attraction doesn't work, then the belief will give the reflection. What we get in reality is a reflection that the Law of Attraction doesn't work.

The funny thing is that we are using the v to affirm that the Law of Attraction doesn't work, so that person will go out into the world, will attract to them situations that reaffirmed that belief that the Law of Attraction doesn't work, but the Law of Attraction is always working. Whether we are aware of it or not. It just may be that what we're doing is selectively seen certain things in our life and we're not seeing the correlation between what we are thinking to what we are experiencing.

Here is one of the fundamental basis of this video. Before we even get to the three things that you can begin to pay attention to, it's knowing that you are so powerful that you are always creating something in your life, whether you're aware of it or not. Now you don't have to try the manifest anything. It's a natural byproduct of your state of being.

It's a natural byproduct of how reality works, so versus trying to have to create something, know that it's just a side effect of you being yourself. It's a side effect of you choosing and focusing in a certain direction. I would say one thing that I've really paid attention to in my life and becoming successful, whether that's online with online business or having that of this YouTube channel that's grown very quickly and has been of me focusing in a certain direction.

Focus is where there is so much power and in order to get momentum going, sometimes in the beginning it takes a certain amount of focus to get there because it's almost like. It's almost like there is a ball rolling down that of a hill and in the beginning, especially if it's a heavy rock and you're rolling it, what would happen is it would take some effort in the beginning, but eventually after you focused on it.

You pushed a certain amount of momentum, starts to carry itself, and that's why things actually normally get easier because the momentum is already there. If you find that things aren't happening, it may be simply that there needs to be a little bit more momentum, which means a little bit more focused. Don't give up. Understand that this is about not what you will get from what you want to manifest.

It's about who you will become. You know, they always been saying this quote lately because I think it is so true, but you've ever seen when they asked people who are successful, who have millions of dollars, they say, what would you do if you lost all your money and they almost always say the same thing. They say, I would just create it again. I would just go out there, figure out what works, and I'll do it again because once I've done it, now I know I can do it.

It's the same thing when it comes to the kind of person you become, but if you focus on just the end result, just a little side gadget thing that you'd get from certain type of manifestation, then it's not. The focus isn't on the totality of who you become. That's the first part of this process.

1. State of being

The first part I want to share with you, if you find that the Law of Attraction isn't working, is understanding that it is always working. It's just how aware are you of it working for you, how aware of what you are thinking to what you are experiencing. But here's the other thing. Focus on your state of being. How do you feel about what you're focusing on? How are you feeling right now? Normally what we do is we tell ourselves in our own mind we say, I will give myself permission to feel positive emotion once I achieve X, Y, or Z. and by making that declaration, even at a subconscious level, we then put our happiness on hold. That's when we have it backwards. You see, we normally think that we need to wait to feel a certain emotion. And by waiting we actually put off the manifestation happening quicker than ever.

 It's backwards. So instead, if we simply feel good now, things would happen even easier. I've noticed this in my own life when it comes to my state of being, if I'm in a great state, have been things just continue to happen in a great way, but if I'm waiting and I'm giving myself permission only what I have achieved, X, Y, Z, something, then it ends up taking even longer. More resistance is created along the way.

For this process of what I'm sharing with you is if you can focus more on just feeling good in the present moment, on being passionate about what you're doing, you'll find that you attract things much faster anyways.

You attract things much faster if you are being passionate about what you're doing.

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Don't it be something that's backwards. And it's a funny idea too, because many times we think that once we hit our goal, we will feel happy. And if you've heard, there are some people, are many people that become millionaires, be win the lottery, and they're not necessarily happy because they've trained themselves to only be happy in the future and the future doesn't really exist.

They key is to condition the happiness now and by conditioning the happiness. You achieve success faster than ever by doing what you're passionate about. That's why they always say, do what you're passionate about. You generate a certain state of being a certain emotion that attracts more and more success to you. What are you focused on and are you doing what you're passionate about, and if not, what I encourage you to do is to start to focus on more activities that will get you to a certain state of being. Ask yourself the question, what is the most exciting thing I can be doing right now? Maybe it's something small. Maybe it's just like I'm going to. I feel like going to the park and going for a walk. I'm going to walk my dog. I'm going to go get something to eat in the kitchen.

I'm going to go and read a book or take a bath, whatever it is. It doesn't have to be the overarching thing that you will always do every single day in your life, but the things that you do that you're passionate about, when you generate a certain state of being, it trickles on to every other aspect of your life. This is something that I began to do. I began to ask myself the question, what is the most exciting thing I could be doing? I realized that the more videos I created, the more passionate I felt. I dedicated myself to making more videos. That's when I was able to go full time with my passion. That's when now I lived this, a static expression of doing what I love and that's why I love helping other people do the same thing. Because when you are in that passionate state, so much then begins to happen.

2. Letting go of negative emotion

The second thing that you can do in order for you if the Law of Attraction doesn't work in, in order for you to really attract what you want, has to do with letting go of negative emotion, letting go of resistance, because when we carry around blocks resistance and we've carried this around with us, this will actually block us from experiencing that which we want. Now, here's a cool idea of the way I think about manifestation, manifestation and the Law of Attraction is not about us attracting something outset of our lives from into our lives.

Something from over there into here. It's more about making what is currently invisible to our perception, visible things that may have always been there. There may be opportunities in your life that were always sort of there, but you just weren't perceiving of it because of these certain state of being.

Kind of like we were talking about with the first one. What this means is that when we let go of resistance, that's where everything begins to happen. Now, how do we let go of resistance? We have to first off, become aware of it and we have to allow it to be there. That's the second step. This seems paradoxical will if I allow it to be there, am I going to attract more of it? But the thing is when you allow it to be there, it's no longer resisting it, so you can't.

It's almost like you're resisting resistance if it needs to be different and the more you focus on anything, the more it grows, the more you focus on the resistance and how it shouldn't be there. You're trying to change it. The more that it won't actually change. The paradox is being aware of the resistance you have.

Why it is there, and you could simply do that by saying, what would I have to believe is true for this to be there, and then what you can do is let it be there. This is the biggest paradox. I remember when I first learned meditation, the biggest game changer that absolutely transformed my life was when I was meditating the second or third day in because the first two days I didn't really experience much. I ended up filling resistance because like, I isn't this working, this is supposed to be working.

What happened was is I let the thoughts be there. The first two days I was like, oh, the Law of Attraction. I can't think these negative thoughts. I was like, I can't think negative thoughts, and I ended up bringing more of them in and I just felt more and more resistance.

The third day something happened. I said, you know what? I'm going to let the thoughts be there. I'm going to observe the thoughts as they come into my mind as they come into my mind, I'm going to look at them and then let them go. It's going to be like I'm at a park on a park bench and I'm walking, watching people walk by. Just let them walk by. I'm not chasing them. I'm not asking them questions. I'm not just watching them walk by, so that's what I did.

I just watched my thoughts as they came into my mind. As they left and something happened, something totally changed my life. Then what happened is I started to become more present to the moment. I started getting into more of this observation state of being and in this observation state of being, everything began to change.

I began to feel more present. I began to realize that it's more about how can I embody more of how I prefer to be now than trying to get somewhere in the future. It changed everything and that was through observation throw. If you're experiencing resistance, the paradox, the power is in observing the resistance. Let it be there. It's okay, and as you let it be there, it will naturally subside.

Think about it in a way our egos sometimes could be like a toddler. Let's use that analogy. Don't mean to drop down to our ego, but you know our individual egos, but in a way, if you argue with a little like a two, three year old toddler like, you can't do this, you can't do this, blah, blah, blah. They'll keep fighting. They'll keep arguing with you, but if you were just to observe them when they're having a temper Tantrum, let them do what they do.

Eventually, if you ignore them or you just observing them, you're not fighting or feeding whatever they're doing, eventually they're going to get tired. They're going to go take a nap. They're going to get distracted. They're going to go do something else because you're not feeding that reality. In the same way. Our ego works in a similar type way. If we are constantly trying to control everything and we are feeling that resistance, we're fighting with it.

It has something to feed on, but if you observe it, it doesn't have any content to feed on as much because you're not attaching yourself to it. That's something that if you find the Law of Attraction isn't working, the Law of Attraction, all you have to do is observe the thoughts that come in, observe the resistance, find out why it's there, asked what would I have to believe is true, that it's there, and then you'll find that it starts to naturally go away.

It may just be there because it may just be some attachment. You have to thinking that it helped you at some level. Whatever it is. I have a lot of videos on beliefs and how to let go of negative beliefs. That's what that'll help you do as well, but in general, what you can begin to do is to just let go of the outcome by simply observing it as it comes in, in letting it go.

3. The true degree of change

The third thing you can do if the Law of Attraction is not working is understand this idea. This idea has totally changed my life and a lot of other people I've shared it with. The true degree of change is not whether the outside changes at all. Understand life in a way is like a mirror. It has always mirroring back to us our state of being, our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions now because it's like a mere will always get a reflection of who we are being.

The true degree of change is not whether the outside changes at all. It's whether even if the outside doesn't change, our internal mechanism of how we feel has changed. Let me say that one more time and a little bit different way. The true degree of change is not whether the outside changes at all, but it's whether on the inside we are so nonmoving, we feel like we are changed regardless of what the outside looks like.

Even if the outside doesn't change, we have changed on the outside, on the inside, we have already changed on the inside, regardless of what happens on the outside. The paradox is when you become completely okay with where you are and you are just knowing that this is who you choose to be, the outside ends up changing anyways, but the thing is this is the reason so many people don't get their manifestation or create what they want in their life.

They keep peaking, they keep looking around. They're like, okay, well just like you'd go over to a mere, you'd look at the mirror, you know that you must first change before the mere changes, but many people, they're looking at the mirror like once you change, then I'll change. Once you change a little bit, then I'll change my reflection, but it's not the way it works. The key to this is to stop peeking, to stop thinking that the true degree of change is whether the outside actually changes.

It's whether the outside can remain the same, but you're inside has changed and sometimes this is the thing with manifestation. There are times that something will happen in your life that will appear to be the same thing that has always happened. But if you respond to that same thing that has always happened in the same way that you used to than it showing that you haven't changed.

The key is to change regardless of the outside changes, which means you are 100% happy. Right now, you're whole incomplete right now. And then this is what happens. You let the old momentum run itself out. You may find that you keep getting the same thing that you got last time, but it's okay because you're letting go of the momentum.

Just like if you had like a, a wheel that was spinning, even if you stopped the momentum of propelling it, it may still spin for a while. That's momentum. Let it die out, but don't get mad if it's still dying, if it's still going for a little bit. Find that when you start to observe more of your internal state of being. The one thing that we always have the ability to control is how we relate to the outside environment, so this is where the power is.

Understand there may be something you're doing and maybe you keep getting that reflection. Maybe your intention is to attract a certain amount of money or to get a new job and what happens is you go and you keep getting rejected. I get it in a new job. You keep not doing well at the interviews or whatever it is, or you think you're doing well, but you're not getting the results you want. You start to change on the inside.

You start to feel that change. You go to an interview and you still don't get the job well. If you give it the meaning that it means that you still haven't changed, then what happens is you continue to perpetuate that reality, but remember, the true degree of change is not whether the outside changes. It's whether the outside can remain the same, but you have changed on the inside, so if you go forth, you know what?

Maybe that's just momentum. You go to the next job interview and you feel even more on point. Then what happens is you continue to get into this state and you don't let that bring your set point down so you move on and you keep getting better and then you actually get the job because you are not dependent on the outside circumstances. You choose to change because you prefer to. This is where all the power is and this is what I encourage you to do.

Understand that if the Law of Attraction isn't working for you, that it may just be one of these three things that when you do one of these three things, everything in your life will begin to change, but realize that at the fundamental core, the Law of Attraction is always working. It's just how much can we be aware that the Law of Attraction to work is working?

First off, remember the state of being is the most important part of this process. Feel happy now. Things will happen faster than ever. Secondly, the resistance we feel let go of resistance, allow the resistance to be there in the allowing of it to be there. It will naturally start to go away. Ask yourself what belief, what I have that this is the case, and then thirdly, you can let that go. Then thirdly, what you can realize is the true degree of change is not whether the outside actually changes it all.

It's whether you have changed on the inside, regardless of how the outside has changed, but at the paradox of that is that then things will change anyways. That's just how it works. You just have to hold your frame, let the old momentum run itself out, and then everything will change for you.

Another part of this process is understanding our subconscious mind, and if you want to learn how to change your subconscious mind, I've made an MP3 that will help you to do that. It's very powerful. I recommend you listen to it for 21 days and you'll get the maximum benefit out of it.

3 Ways to Tap Into Your CORE Vibration with the Law of Attraction

I'm going to show you the three ways of tapping into your core vibration so that you attract in a much easier way than ever before. I'm going to show you the three best ways to do that and the things to look out for so that you don't have blocks come into your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you are the three ways of making it so that you tap into your core vibration so that you attract things easier than ever. At the fundamental basis of the Law of Attraction, what it really comes down to is our vibration. Our vibration is what attracts to us. Anything that is in resonance to it, and many times that vibration will include certain patterns from past and prior experience that will then have it to where those are part of something that we experienced.

In life, we get a reflection of what we believe to be true, but we also get a reflection of what we are in resonance with. What quantum physics also shows us is that everything we experience in our life is vibration. That's what things are there, things vibrating at different frequencies. And the key to this is understanding vibrational resonance and a completely new way.

What I thought I'd do today is bring out this Handy Dandy Board, kind of reminds me of Blue's Clues back in the day. If you guys remember that show, uh, the Handy Dandy notebook. The first thing I want to do is I want to explain to you how our energy works and how blocks come into our life. Sometimes people will look at certain things they want to create in their life.

They'll look at wanting to create a relationship in their life, and they're focusing on the relationship. Why am I not getting results? Or what they'll do is they'll look at a, maybe they wanted to attract more money into their life, and they're focused on money, but they still find they're not attracting more money into their life. But if the vibrational resonance of them is of a lack of money or is some type of pattern that they've bought into even subconsciously from in the past, they continue to create that pattern over and over again.

Here's the truth about your vibration. At your core are unconditional love and bliss. That is who you are. When you are brought down into lower emotions, it's due to some type of interrupt in your pattern. Let me explain it like this. Imagine that this right here is our body, and this right here is our energy field.

This is our energy field and kind of see the stick person right there. What happens is there's an energy field. You could call this a toroidal field that goes around the body. That in it is all an accumulation of thoughts. We've been thinking, emotions we've been having, and just the flow of energy. At our core, this flow of energy that is going around our body around this little stick figure is that of unconditional love and bliss at our core frequency.

What happens is anytime there is a time in the past when something happened and out of this flow of energy which are natural, state is unconditional love and bliss, something happened that caused a disruption in our pattern, so it was a disruption to where something happened and then we decided that this, this is, this is who I am, or this is a belief that I have now, so what could these see?

Had this pattern been? This pattern could have been you were sitting at a family dinner when you were younger, and someone told you to be quiet. Kids are meant to be seen and not heard, and that moment you felt out of alignment with this natural flow of energy. What you may have done as you may have had this energy pattern disrupted within you to wear.

Then what happens is you go around, and you think that you're not worthy or that people don't want to hear what you have to say because kids are meant to be heard and not seen, and even though you're an adult now, you still have that pattern within you because it hasn't been dealt with. It is subconsciously there. What happens is over time we built up many of these patterns that may be a relationship that you're in with somebody and they say something to you that makes you feel less than good or in a moment you decide, this is who I am.

I'm somebody that's not worthy, and then that pattern disrupt the disruption is something that you internalize and you think that that's who you are. In a way, this energy field is unconditional love and bliss. That's a very high vibrational state. It's a very high vibration. It gets muddled up with these things that they get inside of our heart center, and we say, this is who I am, and then what happens is in this toroidal field that's going around our body, this is what the Heart Math Institute has shown.

There's this energy field going around our body. It will continue to perpetuate similar thoughts, emotions, and actions in our energy field, and there's a certain lingering as well and our energy field, so if you find that you have a lot of negative emotion, it could be just momentum that's been built up and that momentum is causing you to continue to feel that because it's almost like you have to switch the momentum and you have to trust the process because then it will eventually run itself out.

On the other side of that, you can create very powerful momentum, so the key to this is first off, just understanding that your natural vibration is that of unconditional love, of unconditional bliss. It's just that it gets tapered off with things that happen in the way that we relate to. The circumstances are we interpreted a certain way and therefore the way we relate to it as less than who we really are.

We go through life then with these pattern disruptions inside of our hearts that are constantly attracting to us things that show us how we are and how we are relating to other things in our life. This is like the diagram part of that. This is what I wanted to explain before I even get into the three ways to tap into our core vibration because it shows who we really are.

You know, when we think of enlightenment, when we think of higher states of consciousness, we think of people that have achieved something. All they did was remove these blockages. All they did was remove these little, these little veils around our heart that we've accumulated through our life or through their life. They've let go of it and they've allowed this stream of energy to flow through.

We call that enlightenment. We call those the sages, the saints. Those are people that have simply let go of these patterns that had been acquired through life experience. I, here's the good thing, you can do the same thing and that's what I'm going to teach you in today's blog.

1.    Follow your passion

The first one I want to talk about has to do with something I've talked about many times before, but it is one of the most underrated things. It's one of the most cliché things you will hear, but it is simply following your passion.

Why is this? This energy flowing through you will always give you signs as to if you're in alignment with it. The signs are what are you excited about? What are you passionate about doing? Because anytime you are doing something you are passionate about, it doesn't require a lot of energy expenditure. In a way, we all have an unlimited amount of energy and what happens is we drain our energy. Anytime we get caught up in the mind, we drain our energy anytime we have to, we think we have to be different than we naturally are.

We drain our energy when we're a caring what people think. We drain our energy when we're watching the media and talking about negative things. We drain our energy. Anytime we hear someone vent to us, these are things that energy deplete us and the truth is our vibration is naturally high, but anytime we are not doing something that we're either passionate about, we're not doing something that's actually through the alignment with who we really are or even seeing people we could say through the eyes of source, we are draining our energy.

What is the key to this process? The fastest way for you to achieve and you to get to your core vibration is from you following your passion, because when you follow your passion, you are in alignment with the quickest route to you actually achieving your dreams.

The fastest way for you to achieve and you to get to your core vibration is from you following your passion.

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You are in the quickest route to you realizing yourself and are you doing what you are meant to be doing.

When I get up every day and I make videos, I get into a flow state, so this is my body's translation that is telling me, hey, this is what you are passionate about and when you start to do that, it leads to more and more and more. You may say, I don't know my passion, and that's okay. First off, what you can do is you can start to set the intention that you do find your passion, set the intention.

You do find out what that is because as you set that intention, you start to look for those patterns. You start to find those patterns and that will lead you to it, and you can start off small. What is the most exciting thing you can do today? This doesn't have to be like the what is? What is my passion for life in general? It's me traveling the world and doing this. It can just be started off settle right now. I feel like going for a walk. I feel like going to take a bath or reading a book.

Those are little things that add up because the more you buy into that, the more you create this momentum of that flow going around you, so following your passion is the first step to this whole process, and it's one of the quickest ways for you to really attract what you want faster than ever.

The reason that I think that my brand, what I'm doing has grown so quickly is that it's so in alignment with what I love to do and I'm able to put easy 12 hours a day into it because I love it and it doesn't feel like work. Somebody asked me the other day on Instagram; he has them followed me around here and Instagram. I do Q&As there a lot. What I also do is I post daily content there and in this question, somebody asked, they said, what do you think about the law of least effort versus working hard?

And what I said is, for me working hard is the path of least effort because I love what I do and working hard is all perceptual. If you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work. It depends on your perception of work and what I encourage you to do is to start to develop a definition that includes passion.

2. Pattern

Now, what is the second way for you to tap into your core vibration? This has to do with knowing that anytime this pattern comes up, what is the pattern? It's anytime a negative emotion comes up that is from past experience. It's anytime a negative emotion comes up in general, it's most likely from past experience, something that's happened in the past where we decided, this is who I am, this is the way things are, and we're just unaware of it. How do you become aware of this?

You must simply observe the thought, observed the emotion, just observed it. That's all you have to do because when you observe it, you move from the thinking mind into the observation mind, and this is where the power is. This is where many people are caught up, and they're caught up in their mind.

They're caught up in the reaction mode. There's always these two perspectives. Let's say that was when I learned to observe my thoughts because I was originally trying to control my thoughts. That's what I learned. Meditation so got to control my thoughts, cause resistance. Anything you resist persists.

I was growing that resistance in my body as I was growing this thought of control and it was causing this negative emotion. I simply observe my thoughts, and I allowed them to be there. They then went away. The reason this is so powerful is that in the light of awareness, you realize that you don't have to identify with it anymore. Say you ask yourself this question, what would I have to believe is true to be experiencing this negative emotion?

Maybe you're out, and you feel negative emotion at a party because there's a lot of people around me feel this anxiety. What would I have to believe is true? To be feeling this anxiety? I'd have to believe that what these people think really, really matters. Maybe I'm putting all these people on a pedestal. Maybe at that dinner table when I was younger, I felt like I was meant to be seen and not heard. I'm afraid to talk out.

As those thoughts come up, because I can't express myself while these persons think all of these thoughts, you just observe them and then instead of reacting, you are observing them and you start to take your power back. Then what happens is the energy is still flowing through you, but instead of it getting muddled up because of the thought process, because of what happened in the past, you observe it, and it will still flow through and then over time that momentum will go away and then you'll have this natural high vibration that is flowing through your body.

That is how you let go of any past trauma, of any negative emotion. As you observe it, you allow it to be there, and then you let it go. That's all it is. It's so simple that many people discounted, but it is the truth, and it is the path to what people say enlightenment is. It is the path to more of yourself, and it is the path to your true vibration. Because when you're in your true vibration, you can manifest anything you want in your life and sometimes and many times even more than you can imagine because you're connected to this core.

3. Tapping vibration through your heart

The third part of what I want to share with you that you can tap into this vibration is through your heart, and it's kind of like this. Your heart is open. When you are void of all of these disruptions and all of these things happening, the main way that you get through this process is by not closing your heart is by leaving your heart open.

We close our heart though anytime something happens, we're around somebody that we have a negative thought about, negative emotions about, we then start to close ourselves in. But if instead we just stayed open, we were open to the experience. We were observing it. We would keep this energy flow going. With the Heart Math Institute has shown is that the electromagnetic energy of the heart, they've shown that it is 5,000 up to 5,000 times more powerful than that of the head electromagnetically, and it is over 100,000 times more powerful electrode.

It's over 100,000 times more powerful electromagnetically and 5,000 times magnetically more powerful than the brain. If we sync from our head into our hearts, we immediately start to embody more of our true energy. The key is to start having a more heart-centered consciousness to even right now. As you hear it now put your hands over your heart. The more you put your awareness in your heart, the more you grow that electromagnetic energy around your heart. The key is to put the attention here a couple of times throughout the day and when you start coming from the head, if you started getting angry at someone, it's coming from a disruption in the energy pattern.

Observe it, let it be there. It doesn't have to be you. That's probably there. That anger is probably there from a past experience and it is a teacher showing you this disruption so that you can let it go, so all everything I'm sharing with you right now are all ways that you can tap into your core vibration and be knowing that you are so much more than you can even imagine, but in order to tap into it, you have to let go of those thoughts you have. You have to observe them. You have to become aware of them. Understand that you are naturally unconditional love and bliss.

Anytime we feel less than that, it's because we're holding ourselves to a certain label that doesn't serve us. We are holding ourselves to a certain memory and we're recreating that in our mind and the key is to observe it and let it go. We are high vibration. That is who we are, and if we want to attract anything into our lives, the more we tap into our core vibration, the more we experience anything we want.  Passion connecting to your passion, one of the quickest routes to you tapping into your core vibration.

Letting go is the process of reconditioning ourselves, letting go of past experiences, understanding that anytime something happened, we had to disruption in our energy pattern and we can begin to let those go, and then thirdly, of course, open your heart. The quickest way through this whole process is passionate and then also letting go of the head thoughts and getting in sinking into our heart space.

This alone has transformed my manifestation results. I used to be all about the head taking action. I've merged taking action with that of my heart and things happen easier than ever, so I encourage you to try the same. You are powerful, you are unconditional love and all you have to do is tap into your core vibration using these three powerful ways.

How to use Reality Transurfing to SHIFT to a Parallel Reality

I’m going to show you how to use Reality Transurfing to shift to the parallel reality that you prefer. I'm going to share with you the technicalities of it and exactly how you can do it so that you can really create what you want in your life's.

So, come on and watch the video below:

I believe that what I’m going to share with you can change the whole way that you look at the world if you really start to absorb some of the ideas that I'm going to share with you. The reason I say this is because I believe that using parallel realities or at least the awareness of them can be even more powerful than what we call the traditional like process for the Law of Attraction, and I believe when some of these ideas really start to set in, almost everything will appear differently in a very positive way.

With Reality Transurfing, as many of you know, this is a process that I've been sharing on my YouTube channel a lot. It's a book that was written in Russia by a quantum physicist named the Vladimir Zeland who has a lot of the under woven elements of it include that parallel realities and understanding the different field of what is called the variations, which you could think of it as the different probable realities we could experience and when we start to understand this at a deeper level, everything changes.

That's why Reality Transurfing isn't so much just a manifestation process as it is more so a philosophy for a way of seeing the world, so this is more about understanding that it's about the perspectives that we have that can then shift the way that we relate to our inner world to the outer world.

That's the relation that as we change, we also change the reflection that we're getting because the reality is a reflection of who we are and what we believe to be true.

Reality is a reflection of who we are and what we believe to be true.

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With this process, let me give a little bit of a basis for Reality Transurfing is just to give the context for this video and Reality Transurfing is a process and philosophy for understanding. There is an infinite number of probable alternative space variation. This is the idea that there are different parallel realities we could experience depending on what is relevant for us and depending on which ones we set intentions for.

One of the under woven elements of Reality Transurfing is that if we simply set your intentions were going to start to experience more of what we want and intention is this, not just a desire, but it's this willingness and expectation for us to experience something specific in our life through our focus. When we began to focus on something, we say, I intended to go do this and we follow that up.

Guess what? That is the powerful intention. Intention could be simply the idea of pure intention is you're going to go outside and pick up the newspaper that's on the ground and I know that's the old school because now we use all technology, but if you were to go out there and pick up the newspaper and your intention was to go out there and get it and come back, that's pure intention.

The idea is that when it becomes unbalanced is when we start to doubt ourselves. We start to put so much belief underneath what we're doing and we start to really desire it and that starts to butcher up the vibration of it and to make it harder for us to get what we want. This is like, oh, you want to create a certain amount of money in your life that you think is hard to do and you're like, I'm going to create this.

It'd be so amazing if I had this much money, this desire. Then there's this doubt because can you really ever achieve it? The mind starts creeping in and the idea is that what happens is when it starts to become muddled. It's not the pure intention and because there's so much desire there, it ends up actually resisting itself. The idea behind Reality Transurfing is that desire in itself is powerful. If I have a desire to put up my hand right now, that does absolutely nothing, unless I translate and transmute that desire into either intention or I take action with it and I just simply do it.

Then it becomes powerful. It's the same way when it comes to Reality Transurfing. Be aware of how you can either dissipate the desire by taking action or by having an intention which is the under the energy underneath what you are doing, so it's the how you go through it, so those are powerful ideas under Reality Transurfing have been another part of it as understanding that anytime we give something excess, meaning we didn't make it very important that we create resistance around it and balancing factors come into play to make it so that that energy balances out.

If you really want something because it's very important, the other side of that balance is not getting it so that you neutralize it and you don't give it that excess potential, that excess energy. This is more so about understanding how we can create from a more so observation point of view. We can just observe what we want. We don't need to give it an imbalance in energy by giving it so much meaning and so much focus.

We could focus on it if it feels good, but not necessarily focus on it because it's going to be better than where we are right now. Another part of understanding Reality Transurfing and has to do with pendulums, our thoughts, structures that are created from our thoughts because we aren't having a co collective experience with other people. Anytime we think thoughts they have an electromagnetic type of reality to them.

What happens is as multiple people think similar thoughts and have similar beliefs, we start to create thought structures that then take the energy away from the people. Think of it like this. There are pendulums around the idea of sports teams. When you go to an event, you're feeling different. Pendulums, you're feeling different. Energy, waves, and energy-momentum. If you are talking about being Republican or Democrat, guess what? Both of those are pendulums and whether you will pose one or the other.

If you have a strong opinion about either of them, you're a part of the pendulum, and the idea is that you may think those are your thoughts, but many times they're just thoughts of the collective consciousness of the collective thought structure of itself. The best part about this is we start to create our reality more. When we take our power back and we become aware of the habitual or the habitual mind and the autopilot mind that just been going on autopilot, we can become aware of it.

We start to take our power back. Then we can start to think for ourselves. The last part, but we're out of the transcript. You don't want to talk about is understanding the power of our heart and when we connect to what we're really passionate about, that's when we really start to create the best momentum for us. It's more so than just thinking that it's about the money. It's about understanding that money is a side effect of value that we can bring to the world.

Money is a side effect of us doing our passion and when we start to redefine things in this way, we start to live in a much better way because this is the thing. Anything we want is because we feel like we will feel better in the having it, right? That's a traditional Abraham Hicks type quote, and that's something that anything can be brought down into an emotion.

If we go straight for the money, taking the money is going to make us feel better than what we do is we have flipped around and we can't create more money because at the moment we are feeling the lack of it. Instead what we can do is realize that we are already whole and complete feel from this moment that we're just going to connect to our passion and as we bring more of that energy into the present moment, we start to shift to the parallel reality that we prefer our choices.

Our intentions are what shifts us to the realities that we prefer. It's about really embodying that as much as we can. This video is about understanding how we can shift to the parallel reality that we prefer. Let's first off, be aware that every possible variation, every possible parallel reality we can imagine exists right now in the present moment.

It's simply vibrating at a different frequency that we may not be able to perceive up because either it's not relevant at the moment, we're not resonating with it emotionally with our beliefs, and when we start to become more aware of this, we can create what we want. I've explained this before as well, but because the only moment that exists is right now, when I go like this, I am shifting through different parallel realities.

The brain can see that and say, oh look, it's one long fluid motion, but that's because we have memory and we're living in time-space continuity. We experience things in a linear type fashion when in reality they all exist right now. In the same way, you may have a film projector, you may stretch out the film strip and see individual frames.

Well, it may be similar or the same movie, but it is different frames within there, just like different parallel realities, just like we're having a life experience with different segments and different time that we perceive of those are different frames and you know that if you got that parallel or the if you got that film strip and you stretch it out, all of those frames exist at the same moment or simply expanding our consciousness and spreading out the projection in itself to see that.

This is about that awareness. This is the missing key and the idea that can change your life right now in the present moment, we assume that we are a product of our past. We have a certain story, a certain script that makes up who we are that continues to carry it so momentum out and we continue to experience the same type of things over and over again based on those patterns.

The game changer is this realization that there is an infinite number of possible paths that you experience and in the present moment right now as you change, you are creating a different path. You are connecting to different past experiences that you can remember, but the idea is what you remember was recorded in your brain, but it's not necessarily what even actually happened. Neuroscience shows that anytime we remember something, we take it out of our memory bank, we look at it, we change it a little bit, and then we put it back.

Once you think of like your memory isn't even necessarily actually what happened, it has these perceptual filters over it as has all these layers over it and it's much more skewed than you think. What is happening is what we can use are a great understanding that we can change our past by relating to it and a completely new way. If we start to relate to ourselves in a new way in the present moment right now, say, for example, you were going to start to imagine yourself being the best version of yourself and having a self-image that is very powerful, and you see yourself as very confident and guess what, as you see yourself at the moment is very confident. Then it's easier for you to connect to past experiences of when you were confident.

Those all existed right now, but the thing is as we blind ourselves from it because we're constantly focusing on how we're not confident, so we connect to probable past experiences that were not confident. This is why when you're in a very positive state of being is very easy for you to remember times in your past where you were also positive.

But if you're in a very positive state of being an hour to ask you about something that happened that was very negative, it'd be hard for you to remember it because the neurosynaptic connections in your brain more easily go down the path of least resistance. And if you're thinking of things that are negative, it's so different than the neuronal structure of what you're currently thinking. This is the game changer if you are not the result of your past. That's old terminology.

That's an old belief system. You are instead, who you choose to be in the present moment because as you change yourself in the present moment, you are relating to a new type of pass. Why does this help us create and shift to the parallel reality that we prefer? Because as we disassociate from who we think that we are, and as we disassociate from past experiences, we start to create a new type of energy field, a new type of probable futures that we can experience.

And as we start to change the way we are embodying ourselves in the present moment, guess what? Do the probable futures of what we can experience us right now in the present moment. Have an infinite number of probable pasts depending on who we are right now. And we have an infinite number of probable futures of what we can experience depending on who we are right now.

When we become aware of this, and we start to feel into this really, everything will start to change because we can then see that we do not have to carry around the burden of the stories we told ourselves of these scripts that we have about who we are and how we relate to the world. We can see that as one probable, and we can really start to let it go and as we let it go, guess what? We're no longer carrying around beliefs that don't serve us.

We're no longer lugging around luggage that we think is ours. We carried it on everywhere we go and not realizing that the luggage was from our parents. It was belief systems from our parents or from the environment that we grew up in or from little experiences that happened that we need to when we were young.

Start to let that luggage go. When you let that luggage go, guess what? You're much freer to go around. It's much lighter, you feel better, and that's the power of understanding parallel realities from the point of one direction of our past in one direction of our future and the right now. We are who we choose to be in the present moment. If you make that your new mantra, it will start to change the way you relate to just about everything in your life because you'll catch yourself when you start to get into the habitual thinking of the autopilot mind.

This is another important part of the process is an understanding that what we want to experience, it's not so much that we ever change what we are experiencing or change our life track. Think of our life track because a certain momentum of where we're going, we do not change the parallel reality that we're in.

We simply choose a new variation depending on how we relate to it in the present moment. This is important because change has to do with trying so hard and putting so much energy into us changing something that already exists, but here's the game changer. Another game changer. What we do instead is we simply choose a new script. We simply choose a new story.

We realized that every probable reality we can imagine exists right now in the present moment and since that is the case, what we can choose to do is to choose a new perspective and a new version of us. Guess what? Instead of trying so hard to change, we start to allow things to happen. This is where ultimately allowing happens because the probability of what we want to experience exists right now in the present moment and when we start to tap into that and guess what?

That's when things will start to explode in your life because it's coming from a place of presence. It's coming with the awareness of who you really are and how you can just let go of the past like that. It is so much easier to do so. This is something I think we'll start to really kind of sink in for you. You can start to allow yourself to let it be. Allow more than try. Realize that as you decrease the level of importance of anything, you automatically start to resonate with the desires that you want.

If you want a free guided meditation that will show you exactly how to decrease the level of importance using the Reality Transurfing process and also why you're in a lot of the Reality Transurfing ideas. I've created a free meditation that you could download. It will help you to more so resonate with the desires that you have and realize that as you start to allow things to happen, as you realize that the probable version of you that you want to experience exists right now in this moment, simply vibrating at a different frequency.

You can start to link yourself up with that version of you and as you begin to do that, guess what? You're going to start to feel that. That is who you choose to be. So, understand that you are limitless. You can experience what you want in your life, and the more that you start to realize this, the more you will have that experience. Realize you are not the result of the past.

You are who you choose to be in the present moment, that we are constantly shifting through different parallel realities, through our choices, through our intentions, and if you simply change your story that you're telling yourself, you change the script of the things that have happened to you. And you start to relate to your past and a completely new way by neutralizing it and letting it be ok, that it's there, everything will begin to change.

The MAGIC of Outer Intention and EXACTLY How to Use It

I'm going to be sharing with you the magic of external intention. I'm going to show you three ways of applying it and how it can totally transform the kind of results you're getting with the Law of Attraction.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you are three powerful ways to use something that is called external intention. I'm going to be sharing you with you why external intention is so powerful and how you can easily apply it. Before I get too far into it, let me just say that external intention comes from a process that is called Reality Transurfing. Reality Transurfing is more so than just a manifestation process. It's more of a philosophy or a way of seeing the world that makes life so much easier.

It really bridges that have what we know with the Law of Attraction, with that of understanding eastern philosophy and how to let go and how to be in the balance of many things. Because sometimes you may find that you're intending to attract certain things in your life, but you keep experiencing certain blocks. Those blocks may be there because of a certain level of social conditioning and Reality Transurfing those are called pendulums or these thoughts.

These are structures that exist to where they kind of pull us in certain directions based on the collective consciousness, which is something that we'll be talking about today and it really just goes deeper and understanding the way the world works. Reality Transurfing if he has a couple fundamental key ideas.

The first one is understanding that with Reality Transurfing we're under this idea and this understanding that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist.

Reality Transurfing is written by a guy named Vadim Zeland from Russia. He's a quantum physicist, and it has to do with the understanding there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. What we're doing is we're constantly shifting through these parallel realities and based on our state of being, the emotions were in that determines which parallel reality we shifted to the choices we make.

And the key to this is being aware of that and knowing that under the old Law of Attraction, a way of thinking. It's like, here we are and we want to create something that's over here. We want to attract this over here into our lives, and what we do is we act as if that reality doesn't already exist, but with parallel realities, it already exists. It's more about looking at the residence of it than anything else, which makes it much more powerful because we don't have to create it.

It already exists. This makes the process so much easier. With Reality Transurfing, there's this understanding of what is called decreased importance.

Anything we put on a pedestal, anything we make really important, we also create resistance around. The easiest way to know this is if there's anyone you've ever had a crush on, maybe had a crush on them, and then what you did is subconsciously you put them on a pedestal.

Anything we put on a pedestal, anything we make essential, we also create resistance around.

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And what happened is by doing that, by thinking, oh, I really hope they like me back, I really hope this interaction goes well. They could either feel that resistance or in Reality Transurfing, they say that metaphorically speaking, there are these balancing factors that come into play that must balance that out, so if you really, really want it, you're seeing vibrationally, you really, really don't have it. The balancing factors make it so that that is the case, so it's about going down this line, going down this thing, just like walking this thin line of balance so that we don't give it too much importance, but at the same time we don't give it any portraits with Reality Transurfing.

If we simply set your intentions, we will start to create a powerful change in our life. In Reality Transurfing, there is something called inner intention and outer intention. The inner intention is us taking action in us using our inner will for us to create something in their life. This is when we say, “Oh, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to do this.”

That's using our willpower kind of sticker. This is like the solar plexus for us creating what we want. That's inner intention. The inner intention is us realizing the process itself.  The outer intention is where all the magic happens. With outer intention, this is where the goal realizes itself. This is where we understand that the parallel reality that we can imagine already exists. This is where any miracles, any magic, anything we think to be magical. That's where it happens.

It happens with outer intention. Here is the magic of outer intention and why it is so powerful and in order to understand this, think about it in the form of this, you are creating your own reality or from Reality Transurfing perspective. You are choosing your own reality and just so you know, Reality Transurfing and the words itself, transurf means to glide through the space of variations of what Reality Transurfing.

If you mean to glide through the infinite parallel realities that exist in an easy way versus trying to make things happen and things became very hard. We are individually choosing our own reality based on our thoughts, our emotions, our focuses, our intentions in the same way that we are intending for things to happen and we are creating our own reality or choosing our own reality.

That's from an individual point of view that is also happening from a collective consciousness point of view. We could say that since we are all connected, we are co collectively creating our reality together. This is when we see things such as who wins the presidency as a collective consciousness. That's something that we went in the direction of when certain things happen at a collective level that is influenced by the collective consciousness.

And this is about being aware of that because here's the thing, when we line up our inner intentions and we start to tap into the intentions of other people have that collective consciousness, we tap into something called outer intention. This is something that I actually use to grow my whole YouTube channel. And I didn't know it at the time because I didn't know Reality Transurfing If you know, about two years ago.

And I started on my YouTube channel, but I've always had this intention of adding value to the people that listen to my videos and I've always know that the more value I add to the people that listen to my videos, the more they want to stay around, they want to tune in or subscribe. That has always been my intention and because that intention is not just a win-win for me, it's a win-win for the people that watch.

Because if my intention is to add value, it's almost like the universe wants. It's a flow through me. It's almost like the energy wants to in a way give itself because I'm going to purely use it to add value to other people. Of course, there's still a level of the ego.

What I am saying is when we have the intention to add value to not just ourselves, but to other people, what we put out is what we get back. And by doing that we tap into a larger energy stream. Imagine that whatever you want to attract into your life, imagine that that also wants you to attract it into their life. Let's say this is a person. This is when you tap them. Outer intention.

The inner intention is anything that you will power yourselves from your solar plexus. The outer intention is when you tap into the intention of the collective consciousness of the system, of the universe, and when you tap into that, tap into a much more powerful stream of energy. We look at these people that are in the past were enlightened. It could heal people, and what they did is they tapped into external intention.

They tapped into the power of source energy of the universe. We can use many different names for it, but it's a larger stream of energy that they've connected to and we're connected. We're all connected to it. It's just how much are we aligning and allowing this energy to flow through us and in a way where the ego goes away, the outer intention is enhanced.

When the ego goes away. When I make videos, of course, there's still a certain level of the ego there, but the ego steps to aside when I get into a flow state and I don't have to try so hard and that's why I enjoy making videos so much. It puts me into that state, so at the same time, the energy that is able to kind of in a way be presented is it information that can add value. That's the intention.

I set the intention and then I go through the process. This is a way that you can use this type of philosophy in your life. When we tap into outer intention, we tap into the perspective of more than just us. If you want to attract some girl or guy into your life, you set that intention and the same way that you want to attract them into your life, which first off is emphasizing that they are not currently here. You can realize that at a certain level someone else wants to attract you into their life.

You see? Then you're tapping into the outer intention. It's outer have you, but really you are a much larger stream of consciousness than you know, but you are then tapping into a much more powerful stream of consciousness. You also shift your perspective and it makes it so that you more so resonate with these other things. You set the intention and you say, I intend to attract this person into my life or a certain type of person in general into my life.

But also, that person wants to attract you into their life. You've expanded your scope of perception. But what you can then begin to do is more so connected to them in that way. That's the way you can start to see this. See this in the form of resonance because in the form of resonance, anything that you want to attract will also resonate with you, so if you want it, it wants you, but number one, move that into intended because wanting emphasizes the not having to think about this an all-in term of vibrational resonance, so I'm going to.

Make a whole video about this if I haven't already. Not sure when this video is going to come out, but this whole house behind me, you see right now, I hear it a little bit echo, but that's why I'm using this mic right here. I used outer intention to attract to this house. I used the principles of Reality Transurfing right now because the sports teams, the hockey team, all of this stuff happening and prices are going up and stuff and I knew I wanted this house.

I looked at three or four other houses, but I knew I wanted it and when I came I was one of the first ones to look at it, but even though I was one of the first ones to look at it, there were two or three other people that put in an application for this house. I was not the only one, there was competition, but here's what I did that set me apart from being different.

I did two things. I want to have a whole video about this, but I'll share it now with you as well. And what I did is I imagined the resonance of this house. I imagine that as much as I wanted to live in this house, as much as I wanted to intend it to be in this house, this house wanted me to live here. As weird as that sounds, here's the thing, when I come at it from that point of view, I'm then lining up would that residents of the house, because I'm saying, okay, this house wants me to live there because I'm going to take good care of it.

I am going to give it good energy. I'm going to create amazing videos here, which is also going to help the collective consciousness. It's going to help more people, I put it outside of just me and my ego desire once and I also put it onto understanding that it will help multiple different layers of not just other people that watched my videos, but I'm going to feel better in this house.

This house has amazing energy. I love this house, and as you can see it's very open. It's perfect for filming. You've got a lot of depth perception here and I just knew and viewed it as the house wants me to live here, that's what I did, I imagined and I did this technique that's called the slight technique. This is a Reality Trans Surfing technique and where I imagined this parallel reality where I'm in the house and I just imagined it as if I was already living it and I would run that slide through my mind four or five times a day and I would feel as if it was already here.

That's what I did. I used the Reality Transurfing principles. One other thing I'll talk about, and it has to do with a technique in Reality Transurfing being called frailing. Frailing is a technique where you tap into the intention of other people. This isn't manipulation, but this is understanding how people think and what I did is I imagined. Let me first off, back up. I used to have a manager that I used to work with at Barneys, New York, Barney's New York before I went full time on YouTube and this is like three or four years ago, and he was someone that he was cool, but he had kind of like this power trip type thing where if you would, if I were to ask for a certain period of time off, I was like, hey, in a month I need this week off for vacation.

There was a lot of resistance because he had to in a way agree and approve it, but he had to. He had to almost be the decider of it for him to feel, I guess powerful. He's a great guy, but that's just kind of how he worked. I knew that that's how we work. If I were to go to him and say, Hey, I need this week off, there was always some issue, oh this, this is happening. I don't know about that, blah, blah, blah. But if what I did is I conveyed it in terms that would benefit him and the department because it was a sales commission job. He got bonuses based on how much we sold. What I would do is I'd go in and be like, look, I have a couple customer says Vegas. People are always flying in. I've customers flying in from this place, you know, it'd be a true story.

It's not. I'm just making up in line but I end customer is always coming in. But it emphasizes that customer coming in. I have customers coming in this week and I originally wanted to take a vacation this week. However, I have customers coming in this week. I'm going to be here this week so that I have this customer coming in because I know they're going to spend a lot of money and then the next week after that I'll take off so that I'm here so that we're able to. I'm able to service that customer. And he goes, yeah, that's a great idea and that's what you should do because you got to help the customers, the customers. And he would agree with it. Because when I put the ball in his court, I thought about what he wants.

He wants. First off, you wanted the control to be able to do, to say, oh, that's what you have to do, but also, I language it and turns that would also benefit him, so I tapped into his inner intention. You tap into outer intention when you tap into other people's inner intention, because that's outer of you. I tap into the intentions of people that watch my YouTube videos because they're watching my YouTube videos and I'm adding intention to helping them transform their lives.

Hopefully, if you're reading this and maybe somehow, I've helped you see some things from a different point of view, and by doing that I'm tapping into outer intention because it's beyond that of just me. It's that intention to add value. That's an example. How would I use this for this house? One thing that the people that own this house asked for from people that were applying is they wanted pictures of the house they currently lived in, which is weird.

Even the real estate agent told me that's kind of weird that they're asking for that. The reason they're asking for that is that even though this house isn't furnished, they want to know how clean the persons that are moving in.  And I realized that that's what they value. What I did is I actually wrote out a letter that said, “Hey, I understand there's three or four different people or however many people that are applying for this house. I want you to know first off, that I love your house. I think it is amazing. I love the layout of it. I love how modern it is. I just wanted to let you know that if I live in it, I will take very good care of everything in there.

I said I'm a single person, so it's not like I'm going to have a whole bunch of roommates or anything. I said I'm going to work from home. It's important for me to have a house that I enjoy being in and I will take great care of the house and that's pretty much what I said, I knew that that was their value. I set it in terms that I knew they would prefer and within two days I got the house out of the three or four other people.

But it was a combination of both of those levels of outer intention. I literally attract to this house. He an outer intention. The side note here, if you want to learn step by step how to use everything, I'm telling you Reality Transurfing. If you want videos every week for me, premium videos showing you exactly how to apply Reality Transurfing, plus a whole bunch of guided meditations that you won't find on YouTube plus that have Q&As where you can ask me questions and get coaching from me every single every two weeks.

Then I have something called the Reality Transurfing Academy and I'm going to end kind of celebration of this video going up and me moving into this new place, I'm going to offer a dollar trial to join, which means that for a dollar for seven days, you can try out the academy and then after that you pay a small monthly fee. If that's something you're interested in, you can join Reality Transurfing Academy for a dollar for seven days and try it out. I'm confident that when you get in there, you'll see that there's so much value in there and there's also a community in there of like-minded people that are also using Reality Transurfing, and it builds this level of momentum in a very powerful way. You'll see how engaged the people are in there and they're great.

This whole process of outer intention is very powerful and the key to the whole thing is understanding more so than just our perspective and it's tapping into that greater energy flow, tapping into that flow of what we could say, the universe of spirit, whatever you want to call it, and letting it flow through and you do that with intention. Understanding the different perspectives. Like I said, you can tap into this understanding of how to let this flow through you, how to understand the collective consciousness, how to understand what people want and how to understand that whatever you want to attract also wants to attract to you, even if it's something that doesn't have what we consider it to be a consciousness treated as if it does because that helps you resonate with it.

I treated this house after as if it's a living, breathing thing and at a certain level of consciousness, I believe that you can feel connected to a house. I felt connected to a certain house before, doesn't mean it's delusional. It just means that you're connecting to space, you're connecting to the emotion to makes you feel, and then you're able to connect to the residents of it, so that's what I encourage you to pay attention to is how you can tap into the power of intention. It literally works like magic.

I'm using it to manifest amazing things in my life. I'm combining inner intention and outer intention and things are happening quicker than ever. I have more opportunities than ever before and it's something that I think you can tap into as well by understanding that whatever you want also wants you.

How to RADIATE the Vibration of the Reality You Want to Experience

I'm going to be sharing with you how to radiate the vibration of the reality you want to experience. I'm going to share with you the tools and tips that will make that so much easier so that you start to experience the reflection you want in life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how to read the vibration of what you prefer to experience. I’ll be teaching you how to resonate with the vibration and radiate a vibration of what you want to experience. This is about understanding our energy bank. I haven't really talked about this before, but this is in a way going to be infusing the understanding of Reality Transurfing, which if you haven't seen before Reality Transurfing is a very powerful process for creating what you want your life.

It's also more of a philosophy or a way for seeing the world and it has to do with understanding that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist that what you want to experience already exists. It's not so much that you have to try to create it the old way of thinking, it's like we have to create our own reality which they go about trying to have to go along with that. This is more about choosing it because it already exists.

Making choices at that version of you understanding the energy of the best version of you, and then modeling that because as you model that, you start to then to resonate with what you want to experience. This is more about a just going straight to the core of the energy versus trying to be here and then get somewhere else and there are a couple key ideas of three Audi surfing and one of them is understanding this idea of what is called pendulums, our thought structures.

Anytime we are thinking thoughts, think of it as there's this electromagnetic energy around our body and what happens is we think thoughts and then that goes into our electromagnetic energy around our body. We have feelings, the same thing, and that will continue for about 30 days kind of recycle itself. If we keep the momentum in that direction. Here's the other thing too, just like we're creating our own reality or choosing it, so are the billions of other people on the planet. We are co-creating it together with the collective consciousness.

When many people have similar thoughts about similar things and have certain beliefs, especially with passion and emotion, those team up together, and what ends up happening is we create these thoughts, structures, and with these thoughts, structures, we may think many times we're having our own thoughts when in actuality we're having the thoughts of these pendulums.

Another part of Reality Transurfing is understanding the power of the heart, being connected to the feeling more than anything else. Many times, we think the goal is some type of money, but money is a side effect of the real goal, which is what you're passionate about. Money is a side effect of adding value to people and money is a side effect of you doing what you love. That's another powerful part of Reality Transurfing.

And then the other most well-known one is part of Reality Transurfing is that have decreased in importance. Anytime we put something on a pedestal, we immediately give it the potential for resistance because we are immediately separating ourselves from that thing. If we were to say, this person that I'm attracted to, I put them on a pedestal than what we would do is we'd immediately make it so that they are unattainable because they either feel the resistance off of us or beyond just that they will just find out that things just kind of happened so that it doesn't work out. This is because there are balancing factors that come into play to neutralize that energy.

What's the key to this? The key has the self-image that you are the type of person of what you want to experience. It's only when we believe that someone's on a pedestal that we believe our self-image we are not worthy yet. Therefore, we put someone else up there and it's like we're not linked up to the best version of ourselves. Instead see it as natural for you to attract what you want, see it as natural for people to be attracted to you and you'd be attracted to them if that's your choice.

This is about understanding the energy dynamics. When it comes to the power of radiating the vibration of what you want, think of your energy as like an energy bank and anytime there is first off pendulum, so first off, social conditioning. Anytime you're watching the news and all of a sudden something happens, you automatically get triggered. Then what may be happening is that's draining your energy from the energy that could have been used to choose a more ideal reality or the idea of importance. Importance also drains energy.

If you are feeling like worried about something happening, you're making that event and that situation very, very important. And in that importance, you're creating the resistance. You're creating a detachment from the natural flow of who you are. That's why this process is all about alignment. How aligned are you to how you prefer to be in the best version of yourself? And you know this. Something that happens in my life too. Sometimes I find that when I'm doing certain things, it'll drain my energy if I don't do certain things, I'm not recalibrating my energy. Just small things like sometimes go into the park.

Last night I had to go to the park and walk on the grass. As weird as that sounds, that balances out my energy for some reason. If I don't do that, I do that every single night in Vegas. I walk barefoot on grass because I have a lot of energy in it. Just for some reason, it helps to ground me. I do it at the end of the night before I go to bed. I came here in Seattle and last night I forgot, uh, two nights ago I forgot to do that and when I was going to bed the night that I forgot to do it, my leg was throbbing because there's a lot of energy. For some reason, the energy gets stored in my legs. And then last night I walked on falling a little bit grass patch here in the city.

 It was like forget exactly. Whereas kind of like over there or something like that or maybe it was over there on that side and I just. What I did is I just a grounded myself in there I go, is able to balance out my energy. Find things that calibrate out your energy, find things that make you feel more connected to the core of who you are. Because when you do that, you then starting to radiate more of the ideal energy. There are a couple of key points to this.

Whatever you focus on is whatever you're going to feel.

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The simplest one is focus equals feeling. Whatever you focus on is whatever you're going to feel. 

If you find that you are draining yourself of energy, if you aren't preferred in this happened the other day to mean me and my buddy, Victor, we were doing something for one of our launches, showing people how to grow and make a YouTube channel go fulltime doing what they love.

My buddy, Victor Oddo and I are getting ready to launch that course. And if that's, if that's something you're interested in. By the way, if you want to grow a YouTube channel, if you want to learn how to go a ditch nine to five job that you don't really care for, do you want to learn how to really build a business that generates you the kind of money to do what you want?

It was like it felt like it was draining us, but then what we did is we found another aspect that we could focus on and as we did that, everything just started to flow so pay attention to the feeling. It was something small too. I don't remember what it was, but it was like it was just something we were like, man, we're feeling drained. Just thinking about this one little part of the business and say, we started to focus on different pieces of content and then all of a sudden that part started to come, so what I mean is begin to focus on your feeling prior to the thoughts.

Focus on how you feel and then directed as to things that are coming easier, things that are flowing easier and as you do that, you'll find that whatever you focus on, you feel so that when you are in a certain state of being, you start to get and you start to literally shift yourself to what are called life tracks.

Under Reality Transurfing there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. You are constantly shifting through them and choosing them based on your choices that you're making and what you do is you simply choose the ones that feel better because every time you make a choice based on something you're passionate about, you are then shifting to a higher-level timeline. You're then shifting to something that's more conducive of what you want to experience.

Think of it like you have an energy bank and if you are around people that are draining your energy than what I recommend you do is you start to either distance yourself from them or take breaks from it or find people that really influenced your energy in a positive way. People that are very similar to the way that you prefer to be a. another thing you could do to radiate the vibration of the reality you want is to simply get around other people that are already in that vibration.

For example, if you want to own an art gallery studio, which you could do, is you could go to an art gallery place and talk to the owner or a try to go to someplace that represents the place that you want to work out. My buddy Victor and I, we are very similar in many ways and we do a lot of the same things together and a lot of times when one of us will make a change then the other one will make a change as well.

When I first met him and he moved to Vegas, I started to then work out. We started to work out every day together. I started to then in a way build my body very similar to his, like I'm starting to get a lot leaner. I'm starting to become and get stronger as well. And that's something that I think just because we're around each other so much, we are kind of picking up on each other's habits. That's something else recently happened recently.

I switched over to where I stopped eating so many, uh, so much rice, so many starchy carbs and stuff like that. And I did that and I've been doing that for about two weeks now and I feel really good because of a couple of things when you call, when you eat certain races and stuff, it spikes your glycemic index and makes it so that when you store the fat.

I've been just knowing also that my energy is really on point when I'm not eating starchy foods like rice and stuff like that. And I stopped eating that and I started to have a lot more energy and I told Victor about it and we'd go to eat and I just wouldn't get rice. And within like a week, he just texted me yesterday. He goes, you know what? I'm going to do the same thing.

He's hopping on the same thing. You really are the vibration of the five people. You're around the most. Even the one or two people you may be around the most. You are the accumulation of them. So pay attention to WHO's around you and get around people that will help you to radiate the vibration of what you want. Look at their daily habits and ask yourself, are the people around me serving me?

Because if they're not, then even if you don't think they are, a lot of times they subconsciously will influence you even if it's just to eat that unhealthy food or if it's something small like, um, don't go and, you know, do something you are going to do for you, you know, to grow whatever you want to do in your life. Stay here and show with us, you know, little things like that add up.

Pay attention to the kind of things that you're doing. Pay attention to the way that you're feeling and understanding that what you focus on. Let me see if there's any part of this at a whole bunch of stuff written down. Anytime something happens that you save and you start to associate with discontent, something is not supposed to be there. The moment you identify something that's not supposed to be there, that's not a part of the process, you immediately cause a disruption in the energy flow.

It could be something small. It could be you are intending to create something. I'm not. Let me see. Maybe you were trying to create some. Perhaps that art gallery studio thing I was talking about. Maybe you go into the art gallery and you talked to the owner and they say, Oh, you know what? The owner is not here right now. Maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe I'm not meant to do this. To the moment you associate that meaning to it is the moment that you start to feel and you start to disconnect from that energy flow of you choosing the ideal reality.

Instead know that that's a part of the process. Maybe it's meant for you to come back the next day or maybe it's meant because there's another art gallery around the studio around the corner that you could go to. You see the meaning that we attribute to things. The meaning has a powerful effect on how we feel. Give it a positive meaning, which doesn't mean that necessarily has to be the best thing in the world, but the meaning you give it, just allow it to be there and assume it's meant for you.

Give it the meaning that it is supposed to be there because as you do that, it starts to more easily flow through the process. That's something as well. Don't be very quick to give things and to assume that something isn't to the blueprint and our mind. Remember the key to something being positive is not whether it is good or bad, it's more so is it integrative or disconnected?

Is it connected or disconnected? Am I going to connect this into my life and know that this is a po supposed to be there or is this disconnected and am I going to feel that gap? Have that resistance?  Another thing you could do is start to feel like you are literally on holiday, like almost everything that happens is happening for you.

This is actually one of the most important parts of the blog. Here we are 15 minutes in. If he stayed this long, then you get rewarded right now, and that is simply knowing that anytime something happens, milk the good stuff, focus on the good stuff and milk it. I've explained this a couple times and it works very well. What you do is, so you go to, um, you're going to some restaurants, some stores, something. You walk it, somebody opens the door for you.

Normally they just opened the door for you, right? You're like, okay, whatever. Instead, appreciate that door being open for you. Be grateful that it happened because more of it will happen if you appreciate it, and if you milk it, milk the experiences of what you want to experience. Somebody compliments you, for example, instead of brushing it off and be like, you know what? Thank you.

Be genuinely say thank you and be grateful that somebody acknowledged that in you, even though you know that you are already whole and complete anyways, but milk the experiences of what you want because as you milk it, you are more so energy vibrating, vibrating your energy with that reality. Remember, this is more about focus knowing that your vibration is always automatically high. There are just things that may bring us down through our focus.

Choose to focus on things that serve you and know that anytime you give something increased importance; you're immediately distancing yourself from the wholeness of who you are. Let go of importance and a powerful way to do that.

I have a free guided meditation that will show you exactly how to decrease the level of importance you give, something. It will also show you how to resonate with the self-image that you prefer. You start to radiate the positive energy that's absolutely free. I recommend you listen to it for 21 days, and if you do, I think it will dramatically change your life.

 And so, the process is about vibration, focus, feeling, choosing the meaning that you give things in your life, choosing the life experiences you want, not creating your reality, choosing it because remember, it already exists. Therefore, it's about getting in alignment with how you prefer to be. You do that through focus, through feeling, it is natural for you to experience these things and as you do that, your whole life will begin to change.

Reality Transurfing Goal Setting

Today, I’m going to show you exactly how to set goals using Reality Transurfing, and how you can apply it so that you really start to get what you want in a very powerful way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

I'm going to be sharing with you the goal-setting process for that of Reality Transurfing and I think it's a very powerful process that you can start to apply and when you start to apply it, you're starting, you're going to start to see things happen that have maybe never happened before and that's simply because you've started to align your heart to that of your goals.

You see, this is the biggest misconception when it comes to a kind of like the law of attraction process, of goal-setting is that people only set their goals on things that their mind wants. The mind wants ego gratification. The mind wants a specific dollar amount. The mind wants a whole bunch of things for reasons that are self like that in a way, kind of just essentially the ego.

Whereas when we start to live from a place of feeling at a place of passion, that's when we start to connect to our heart and this can be the biggest game changer when it comes to attracting what you want because what you start to do is you start to have more so look for the feeling than just the intellectual idea.

I found that these two things go hand in hand, so a lot of times with especially a lot of the earlier content on this channel, you'll see it's a lot about the intellectual wisdom like understanding the process and how to practically apply it, which can still be powerful.

But the more down the rabbit hole I go, the more I realize it's less about the intellectual ideas and it's more about just the feeling and if you can make the feeling a simple thing like how do you feel in the process, then guess what? It becomes much more powerful because even if you do like “work hard”, which is something I also talked a lot about and I talk a lot about it because just literally I've been rewarded for it.

The harder work I've taken, I've had better results now at the same time, I believe that that's a certain paradigm and it's a very powerful paradigm. However, there is a paradigm even above that and that's what I'm starting to understand is this a powerful, this powerful part of the alignment and of aligning with goals and a very powerful way.

Just to give it basis, let me explain a little bit of Reality Transurfing in general so that you kind of have a basis for it so that when I explained the goal-setting process, you're like, oh yeah, I see what you mean. That makes sense, and it has to do with these couple ideas. First off, if we simply set more intentions in our life, we will start to create more of what we want busy-ness a lot lately because it's so powerful. Set intentions.

This means that you said outcomes almost for things that you desire to happen and thinking of it like this reality. In general, is similar to that of understanding parallel realities and because the guy that wrote it. The idea is that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and that any one of these outcomes, anything that we can imagine exists right now simply at a different frequency or different resonance, and what we can begin to do is by changing ourselves in the present moment, we can begin to perceive of the ones that we want to experience.

Thinking about like this, the best possible version of yourself of doing exactly what you want to be doing for a living that exists right now in this moment. It's just you're not perceiving of it because you're not being that version of you. You're not embodying that authentic part of who you really are at the core fundamental soul level. When we become aware of this, it's very empowering because literally anything that you want to create in your life, if you believe you can do it.

Then you can actually achieve it. So that's empowering to know. First off, I got on the bat, now I feel empowered to take action or power just to set your intentions in my life, right? It is anything you can imagine exists right now, and it's actually, there's an infinite number of frames of reality in the same way you might think of a movie strip.

This is the easiest analogy I've found, a movie strip analogy or a film reel. You stretch out the film, you see different frames on that film strip and of course, all those frames exist right now in the present moment, but each one is separate frames based on just when the light is going through it and how they move through. Our brain, we have memory, we're able to tag all of those frames together, but we know that they're also individual frames in there just appearing to be different, separate or appearing to be one fluid reality in the same way.

I do like this right now, it looks like one continuous motion, but if we were to break it down in a half hour to put this into editing software right now, you would see it go boom, boom, boom, boom. We could even break it down to each individual frame.

That's the idea of understanding parallel realities and that we can start to resonate with what we want to experience and when we do that, very powerful. Another part of Reality Transurfing is understanding something called pendulums. This is important for the goal setting process as well. Pendulums are these thoughts, structures that are created by the mass consensus and mass consciousness. Think of it like this.

You may have certain beliefs about what it means to be a maybe American or whatever nationality you are. You know this is, this is kind of what this means, this is the characteristics and the labels attributed to it, and guess what? There are also other people that have their ideas and maybe even very similar ideas about the same thing. What happens is because we have similar beliefs and similar ideas, this can.

This creates a kind of like a grid, almost think of it like a grid around the planet, have certain belief systems and have really just social conditioning. Social conditioning is something that's very powerful because a lot of times we think we're thinking our own thoughts when in reality we're thinking the thoughts of social conditioning. This is anytime you feel like you have to do a certain thing or you kind of feel a pull to say something or to do something and you don't know really where it came from.

Well, think of it like this. Pendulums are around in every thought structure, every belief that you can think of and really just anything that people put a lot of emotion and energy into those pendulums around sports teams. There are pendulums, these thought structures around politics and around being Republican or Democrat around being certain nationalities around certain beliefs like you need to go to school.

You've got to go do this. You have to go into that. You can believe those things and there's nothing wrong with them but isn't really your thoughts and is it really your goals? Many people's goals they think is their goals.

When in reality it's actually the goals of pendulums as these goals that we're kind of conditioned to believe, oh, that's just a logical next step. I need to go to school, go to college, get this nine to five jobs, worked my way up the corporate ladder and be happy, but you see that linear sequence, the be happy at the end starts to mess up the whole process because we got it twisted. We need it instead. Put the happiness on the front end and then see that we can choose to be happy in the present moment with our own beliefs and it's just a common belief that you must these even a pendulum around being and how we should go about goals.

There's pendulums round saying, if you do X, Y, and Z, you will feel this way and this way is better than where you are now. So, think about it. This pendulum's around everything. Anytime we have thoughts, there's an electromagnetic energy reality to it that we just can't see, and the more we embody it, the more we start to make that materialized. Knowing that the question then becomes, how can I think of my own thoughts?

Because when I think my own thoughts, I create my own way. I create my own path. That's another important process as well. And of course, everyone's favorite part of reality and translating that I've shared it with at least the one that has changed my life the most is that when you decrease the importance that you give to anything, you start to more so resonate with what you want. Most of us have a goal. We put it on a pedestal. We say, when I achieve this goal, I will feel X, Y, or Z.

We feel this amazing state of euphoria. It's very important that we get this goal. Because it's very important what we create resistance in the present moment and when we create resistance, it's less likely that we are resonating with it. The easiest analogy is if you've ever had somebody you were attracted to and you're like, “I'm going to ask that girl out and ask that guy out.” Whatever it is, you're like, ah, I'm going to do it. They're very important.

 I really want it to go well and really attached to the outcome. You then go up to them or you didn't start talking to him and guess what? There's resistance there because you want it to go a certain way. You're trying to a kind of control it because it's very important. Whereas the suave guy or the suave girl that just doesn't care, guess what?

Things have been easier for them because they're less attached and they don't make it that important. The key to this is to more so see it as natural for you to attain your goals. That was me. It's like creating YouTube videos daily. Growing on YouTube. I'm like, that's just naturally who I am because I create daily videos and a natural side effect of that is growth. It's much easier for me to go along this because it's just natural. That's the viewpoint, so setting intentions, not being banged around by pendulums and not making anything more important than it has to be is the most powerful part of the whole process.

I believe of Reality Transurfing. When it comes to goals, the key to goals is understanding that we must have a goal first off, that connects to our heart. I've said this many times before, but if we make the money the goal, guess what? The head understands it. The head is totally in sync with.

It's an emotion and I as well, you know, the, it could be an emotion you get from the money, but this is the thing, the heart doesn't understand that translation, the heart doesn't understand that the money is an abstract symbol that then represents something you can get with the money that you have.

Instead take money out of the equation and go straight for the goal itself, but also so it'd be like, you know, oh, I want to be able to travel the world instead of thinking about the, you know, the $50,000 that it may cost you to travel the world for like a year or two. Instead of thinking of that, just think of traveling the world for a year or two because then you may open up other opportunities.

You know, I've explained this before as well, but I've been offered to travel places for free just because I have a YouTube channel. If I'll just talk about wherever I am and I'd loved the experience. If I was like, oh, it's only if it's a money than accounts, then I would've blocked all those other experiences out of these companies reaching out to me saying, Hey, will you come here and do this when you come here and do this?

Make the goal something you're passionate about.

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Have the way that our mind thinks that has to do. Don’t make money as your goal. Make the goal something you're passionate about.

I'm actually passionate about traveling. I love traveling. I love making videos. So, guess what? If I can travel and make the deals at the same time, that's a win-win. That's one of the goals. That's not like you know the money equals that. That's a goal itself.

And guess what? My heart can connect to that. What I encourage you to do is to start to look at what your goals really are. If you're like, you know what? I want to live in this kind of house. I want to have this kind of person in my life. I want to do this for a living. Whatever it is, take the money out of the equation and instead look for what the actual goal is.

I saw an interview as I was reading before I went to bed last night and I read this thing where Tony Robbins was talking to somebody else. It was like a, a guide. That guy's name is James Altucher. He was talking about this experience he had with Tony Robbins where he was interviewing him and um, Tony said that he was talking to this guy once, that was a lot of seminars or something like that. And he asked them what their goals are and this guy said he wanted to be a billionaire. He said, OK, this is a Tony Robbins, or like, why do you want to be a billionaire?

And this guy was like, “oh, I want to be a billionaire because I want to be able to fly a plane, have my own plane flight whenever I want.” And he said, “Ok, you think that, that you need to have a billion dollars to do that.” In actuality, it would cost you maybe 20 or $30,000 flight or a trip or something like that. So, think about it like that.

And basically, what they did has he rearranged that guy's goals and realize that what his real goal was, he thought it was a billion dollars with the money. He said your real goal is probably about a $10,000,000 lifestyle for the dream life that you're talking about. But he thought it was affiliated because he wasn't aware of that. We can take money out of this altogether because what if that guy instead of said the money is that my goal is to travel and to when I watch them on a flight, have my own private jet or not even a private jet, but just a plane to get from point a to point b. and what did you know?

And maybe his own plane as well did not like you just get on a commercial flight. It can be a goal like that, but have it be something that's more straight to the source rather than what the goal can bring you. It's kind of a different idea, but I think it's very powerful and this is the main key connected to the feeling. Take out the intellectual ideas, oh, it has to happen like this. And like that. The more I realized I focus on the intellectual wisdom of how everything has to happen and trying to control all the outcomes, the more resistance, the more I just go with the flow, the more things happen very powerfully.

And think of it like this. The goals that I have to think of Reality Transurfing can in general. How about this Reality Transurfing in general? What does Reality Transurfing mean? Well, that means that there are different realities for different, what we call the space variations or the infinite parallel realities that exist and means we are traveling through that space. If you were to break down the word, I think that in the book and says it means it means gliding through the space of variations gliding through parallel realities, gliding right. It's much easier. It's much more allowing.

It's not like trying to control everything and trying to make everything happen. It's surfing, surfing. Let the wave carry you in the same way aligned with the energy state. Align with how you feel. Trust the process, and as you do all these things, things happen in a much more powerful way because you're not giving everything excess meaning or your Ma. You're not making it the goal itself. Here's the key Reality Transurfing setting.

Make it the goal for you to be connected to your heart. Make the goal for you to be happy in the present moment, and the more you practice the feeling, the more you will experience the result of what you want. The more you experience what you want in life. This is more about the connection you have to the feeling as you start to pay attention to the feeling more, it changes everything and then remembers decreased the level of importance.

If you guys want a free guided meditation that will show you exactly how to wire into these ideas of Reality Transurfing, I've created a free meditation. I recommend you listen to it for 21 in a row. I think it can absolutely transform your life and it will help you decrease the level of importance you give your goals so that you increase the probability that they actually happen. It's about that balance of that energy. If you find that you don't have a lot of energy than what it could be or you don't have, you don't even know what your goals are, it could be simply that, that that drive isn't within you simply because your energy levels may be low.

This is something that talks about in the book as well, so think of it like this. Your body is an electromagnetic energy. There's energy that goes outside of your body. It's not like just this is your body. They call this an aura as an energy field around your body and if you are thinking a lot of thoughts that are repetitively and negative and clauses blockage in the body. Things that take your body a lot of energy to break down because if so you may be causing blocks within you so instead aware of that and start to eat healthier.

Maybe start to eat more nutrient-rich foods on fruits and veggies. This will help you to increase your energy levels and when you increase your energy levels, you increase the power of your heart center. You increase the power of your intentions and you can actually create a much more powerful way. People will literally respond to you differently.

The more I've increased my own energy through being aware of what I eat through just doing what I'm doing, the more I realized that I have a sense of presence when I go places and not saying this as an egotistical type way, but I can, I can tell that people respond to me much differently than maybe they did two years ago and that's because maybe I'm more grounded in my purpose and more grounded in my passion, but it's just something that people can feel and guess what is now linking up with new opportunities to where things are just coming into my life that is happening very quickly at a very fast rate and I think they can have it for you to start to connect to more so the ideal reality you want to experience.

Make it something that your heart is connected to something that you feel a certain emotion from. Don't make it so intellectually and all this complicated stuff. Just focus on the feeling. Follow that feeling and as you start to align with it, by not making it more important than it has to be.

Manifestation Patterns and the Law of Attraction How to TRANSCEND Them

I'm going to be sharing with you more on something that is called manifestation patterns. With the Law of Attraction, I'm going to show you exactly how to transcend the limiting patterns, so as you start to create what you want easier than ever.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you more on something that is called manifesting. Patterns are manifestation patterns, understanding that everything we do in our life is a sort of pattern, and when we know what to look for with these patterns that are in our lives with what we create, then we start to have more ability to let go of what doesn't serve, to let in what we want to experience.

This is something I've come to understand because I'm starting to realize that there is a paradigm above that, of the Law of Attraction and trying to control or create our own reality. Here’s kind of like the different levels. This is something I've been recently working on, and I'm developing as I go, but it's changing the way I see the whole process. In the beginning, there is the unawareness of the Law of Attraction.

There's the unawareness between what we think and what we experienced. Many times, we're just completely in reaction mode to things that are in half that are happening, so something happens, and we get mad about it. We're not aware that we're feeding into the problem and that's the first levels, the unawareness.

That's where a lot of people on the planet are because they're not aware of the correlation between what they think and what they experience, and they're also not present and observing it. They're just in the reaction mode of this is happening. It shouldn't be that way. That's the first level.

Then there's the level where we become aware that we create our own reality or we become aware of the correlation between what we think and what we experience. We then realize that the things that happen to us, if we don't feed them, they don't really affect us in the negative way that they primarily did. This is a level in of itself, and this is where most people become when they first learned about the Law of Attraction.

However, that's like the willpower stage. I'm going to make it happen. That's where I was about a year ago when I was mainly really preaching. Actually, take a lot of action, which is still something I do. I do take a lot of action, so it'd be hypocritical if I was like, oh, just you know, think about it. You don't have to take any action. From my own experience, I've found that when I combined the elevated emotion with that, of taking action, I find that I get the best results, but that's my experience.

I know there are some people out there that say that it's much, much easier than that and I'm sure it is, and I know it is for some people. Me though, I love what I do, and I love taking action, so I talk about it from that point of view. That's one perspective. Above that, there's another level, and the other level is learning to let go and to allow things to happen.

The more we let go of trying to control anything, the more we let go of resistance.

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Understanding that the more we let go of trying to control anything, the more we let go of resistance, so in that second level, it is all about creating, making things happen.

In a way, it's a good thing because it's moving the energy, but if we become too identified with the ego, we create patterns of resistance because the ego thinks it has to do everything.

When if the ego words to just realize it's job, the job of the ego is to focus in a certain direction, but the more identified we become with that, the more that we begin to create this resistance because in a way the second paradigm that I'm showing you right now, so you have the unconsciousness, then you have the conscious awareness and then trying to change.

The thing is what are we trying to change from? You see, it's almost this underlying perspective in this paradigm that I'm not whole and complete already. I need to change something on the outside to feel better on the inside. You see it's a paradigm that creates patterns that say, I'm not pulling complete already.

Therefore, I need to achieve something on the outside to then feel good about myself and this is something that has some positive benefits, but here's the thing, when we are intending to change the outside reflection, understanding that the outside reflection of what we experience, the outside is a reflection of what we believe on the inside and it's a reflection of the patterns that we have fed on the inside of what we think, feel and do. When we are focused on changing the outside, we're going about it backward.

When if instead, we were to first focus on the inside, we would then change everything because all the outside is a reflection of the inside. You see there are these different paradigms. I'd say there are these three main paradigms. There may be a paradigm even above that. We'll get there one day and I'll make a video about it, but for now I'm realizing that there's this take action willpower stage, but it comes from a lack of presence many times because it's like I got to get over here and when we say I'm here and I want to be here, we're emphasizing that we're not over here already.

We're saying over here isn't good enough, but the key is to actually feel 100 percent okay and complete now because then we let go of those patterns of resistance. We let go of the patterns of the having to try hard. We let go of patterns that are reinforcing that we are not there already and this is where the power really begins to come into play because we allow a greater energy flow to come through us. You know, we, we may spend a lot of time in the second paradigm building a very strong and powerful self-image. I've talked a lot about this self-image on this channel because the self-image is a very important part of what we will always stay consistent too.

Our self-image is a cybernetic mechanism, meaning whatever we see ourselves as is what we will always subconsciously remain consistent too. We'll do our best, so if we see ourselves only may able to make 50 k a year, then subconsciously we won't be able to make 60, 70, 8,100 or 200,000 a year because we are constantly reinforcing, no, that's not who I am.

That feels uncomfortable. This is who I am and that's why it's about breaking outside of that, but, but there's a paradigm be on that. It's a paradigm of letting go of who we think we are. Are we even the desires we have? Every single one of us has a voice in our head. This voice is constantly talking and the more that we feed it, the more it keeps going, the more we respond as it, the more it keeps going.

Maybe you take a shower; you can listen to the voice. The voice has always talked and if in your head right now you say, what voice is he talking about? That's the voice I'm talking about, but see, that's a one aspect of manifestation, but my intention with this channel and my intention with what I teach is to help people also break beyond the ego's desires and to get into more of what is called we could call a higher self-manifestation process.

A pattern of creating from a higher-level point of view because the ego will never have enough. Even if you create a certain amount of abundance in your life, it will go, okay, but what about the next thing? What about more? What about more and more so at the ego does. I remember when I first had the goal of having 100,000 subscribers on YouTube.

100,000 came around. I woke up one morning, 100, 1000 or something like that. The night before, it's like 97. I had a video that went viral, so it jumped really quick. I woke up, Oh, man, 100 now it doesn't take another week. I was like, I'm going to. Make a video about it and thank everyone at the same time after 100 and know kind of feels the same as 98, you know, and now it's at three or something, $370,000, and it contains declined, but there's always more because the ego wants more. The ego creeps these patterns of lack of saying, I'm not there already.

Here's something that I found in my own life that I think can I also absolutely change your life. That is if you want everything to be okay, you must become okay with everything. I say that one more time. If you want everything in your life to be okay, you must become okay with everything. This means to make at peace with where you currently are. Know that the only time we create negative patterns is when we think there's a problem.

There's a problem here and in the time in the past, we've created this experience too where we close ourselves in, and we say, this is a problem. It should not be here. The moment we do that, we create this pattern in our energy field, and it's a pattern of resistance, and then what we do is we goal ourselves. We will power ourselves to make another goal happen, to have something else happened so that we escape from that reality, but they hire paradigm is understanding that you are already 100 percent whole and complete, that everything in your life is okay the way it is.

You can intend for things to happen differently, but at the fundamental core, everything is okay. The more you become okay with everything, the more everything will become okay. That could be a mantra that you start to repeat to yourself over and over again, and it can become your reality in our life. Our energy is either open or closed.

We opened it. When we are aligned with who we really are, when we are aligned with our goals, aligned with our passion, we're open to it, we close it. Anytime we judge the present moment, anytime we label it, and anytime we think things should be different than the way they are. When it comes to your manifestation patterns, the key to this whole process is not closing yourself in. We close our heart many times throughout our day.

Somebody comes up to us that we remember from the past experience. They don't make me feel good. We close ourselves in, Oh, hey, whatever your name is. Yeah, and then we kind of pretend to be okay with them and us kind of closed ourselves in and we close our heart and then what we do is we put this resistance around ourselves and that will go into the rest of our day whether we're aware of it or not.

Then something else happens. We're driving along the street and we see something or reminds us of something else that happened in the past and even though with that thing in the past isn't happening now, the thing that we remember closes is in. Maybe it's you see someone that looks like an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend and immediately you have a negative association with that person. Immediately close yourself in.

What is the key to this whole process? We will always manifest more of whatever is in our energy pattern with whatever we react to.

The key to this process is to move from the reactive mind to the response mind. When we become aware of it, that's when we shift our perspective. You see, there's always these two main perspectives. There's the identifying the edification with the thinking. Wow, there's a hummingbird right there. Wow, that's cool. There's always either identification with the thinking or there is this observation of what that voice is thinking because if we always react as the voice, we will always continue to create more and more from that level, from that paradigm that voice exists in the bottom paradigm or the up.

The third paradigm is a much more powerful manifestation pattern paradigm. What I mean by that is when we're able to observe our thoughts, we transcend the patterns. If you want to transcend limiting patterns, become aware of the patterns. That's as simple as that. Become aware of the patterns, become aware of the thoughts you're having, and know that those thoughts are not who you are. Asked herself the question many times throughout the day, who am I? Am I the thoughts I'm having right now? All the thoughts constantly change. Who am I? Am I this label? Am I the person that's in this type of relationship?

What if you weren't in a relationship, you wouldn't exist. Who am I? You see, you are so much more than you can imagine, but you are not just the ego and you're not just the stocks that come through your head. Those thoughts or just prior conditioning, the things that have happened in the past and all those thoughts that ego is doing are regurgitating stuff from the past. I'll look at that tree.

I like that green color. Look at the branches on it. I like branches. That's just, that's just the ego regurgitating things from the past as no real substance, but we create patterns with this thought process, but when we transcend the thought process, when we transcend these patterns of thought, we transcend these patterns of manifestation. The key is to become okay with the patterns that we already have going.

There may maybe these patterns that come up. Perhaps you're in a relationship and old patterns come up from past relationships. Don't fight it. Anything you fight, you reinforce any resistance that comes up that you try to fight. You build that resistance. The power to this whole process is transcending the ego and in transcending these limiting patterns is to simply become aware of them because the moment you become aware of them is the moment you step into more of your power. You aren't the ego. The ego is an aspect, a small aspect of who you are, but at a greater level, you are consciousness.

You can observe from this place of what we could call the seat of our higher soul and when you observe, you start to put in more presence into your life. Many people are frantically intending to manifest things, but they aren't bringing presence into their life. They aren't bringing in this level of the now moment and the only time things can really happen is in the now moment.

The pattern they create. As always, I'm here and I want to get here, think of manifestation that I'm talking about as mainly resistance because there are positive manifestation patterns can be positive associates, Asians, you had the feel excited when you're with certain people. It opens up your energy, but all it is a focus and it's a perspective and we have these, these outdated beliefs that say that I can only feel love, colon complete when I choose when I have these certain benchmarks that represent that.

If you felt depressed after a breakup for example, and you were focused on why everything happened the way it did, all the negative things of that experience, you would drain yourself of energy because you're focusing on things that are out of alignment with who you really are and it will be something that you drain yourself of energy without even knowing it. You may start to feel even more depressed.

Imagine that that person that broke up with you then called you three months later and I was like, you know what? We're meant to be. I don't know why, but you were the only person I really loved. Whatever it is that all the sudden out of the depression, you're excited, you have all of this energy and you clean up your house, you make everything look great and you are buzzing with energy and when people see you, they're like, what is going on?

You are glowing. What are you so excited about? Oh, because you've given yourself permission and because your focus is now more so and something you want. All of a sudden you have this energy. You opened up your heart again, you open up your energy again. The key is to not need that to happen and to choose to align with this energy flow that you naturally are without needing the external situation to be there, that person to call you back and paradoxically enough.

When you let more of your true energy in those things will happen naturally. You will need to get back with an ex because you may attract someone even better into your life that you can't even imagine because then you embody whole completeness, presence, something that's very attractive, magnetic, so this all video, there's not like a three-step process.

I mean, there could be, but what I really want to impart to you is that any limited manifestation pattern you have is because you may be responding as the ego and identifying with the voice in your head. You may be reemphasizing that I am here. I want to be here and I'm not here already. Therefore, growing the same pro problem, any problem you think you have is thinking that things should be different than they are, and the secret to this whole thing of manifesting, of changing all these manifestation patterns is that in order for everything to be okay, you must become okay with everything.

This is the change, and when you become okay with everything, you allow things to be the way they are. You let go of these patterns, patterns only when things should be different. We identify with our thoughts. We let old conditioning continue to take over a switch from that second paradigm of I'm creating my own reality too.

I am choosing my own reality because when he realized that reality already exists, I've talked about this many times in parallel reality. Parallel realities show that every reality can imagine already exists. You don't have to create it, you just have to choose it as that version of you, but you can observe from this higher state of consciousness, this observation state knowing that you are already whole and complete. And that as you do that you transcended the “egoic” desires and you manifest from a much higher perspective.

With that being said, one other thing I have is I have one of my most powerful meditations is a meditation that helps you raise your vibrational set point. When you raise your vibrational set point, you do create from this higher-level paradigm, it is absolutely free. I recommend you listen to for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it. I think completely change your life and raise her base point. This will help you feel a seven to an eight or a nine out of 10 because that is your natural state of being.

3 DANGERS of Manifesting from the EGO

I'm going to be sharing with you three dangers of manifesting from the ego and I'm going to share with you how to bypass that so that you don't experience the negative effects of it. I'll come back to another video.

So, come on and watch the video below:

I'm going to be sharing with you those three dangers of manifesting from the ego, how to transcend it so that you create from a more powerful place and you don't experience those negative effects. This is something that honestly is not talked about very often in the Law of Attraction community and it's because one of the biggest desires we have is to control everything, to have a disability, to intend to for something to happen.

Something that I've learned in the process of my journey of learning manifestation, of teaching it on YouTube of me becoming successful at what I do and living in a totally new level of abundance.

The whole process. If you look back on my videos and the very beginning, a year and a half ago when I was making videos, it was on the action taking a lot of action and the reason that was is that I noticed that a lot of people simply weren't taking any action. Therefore, it was like it was the missing key that I solve for so many people that were coming to me. They're like, I'm not getting results.

Plus, I was so rewarded for taking massive action and it's worked for me and I even to this day, I still take a lot of action, but I love what I do. My intention with a lot of my videos is to bring in this understanding of connecting to our heart, connecting to an emotion to where we're able to bring an action with emotion.

The combination of the two and something that I've learned in the process is that action is important, but what else is important is the emotion underneath the action and living as if it is already accomplished. Almost coming at it from the frame that isn't cup is already whole and complete. Many times, when we manifest from the ego.

What we are doing is we're coming at it from a frame that I don't already feel whole and complete, but maybe if I get it because my ego wants it, maybe if I get it then I will feel wholly complete. But guess what? This is a never-ending cycle. You would think on YouTube, for example, that when you get to 100,000 subscribers that it's like this few forwardly, blissful feeling and that when you walk around, I'm the public. Everyone comes up to you and they want your autograph.

They're trying to take pictures with you. Everywhere you go. That's the mentality in the mind. That's what the ego things. But the actuality is that once you get to 100,000 subs, guess what? You're looking at a $100 are gone. What about 200? What about $300? What about? It's always a never-ending cycle. It is never enough for the ego because the ego always wants more. Here's the trick though, the trick is if you feel satisfied already with whatever you do have, this is subscriber thing is just a metaphor.

If you feel already satisfied, you will achieve your goals faster.

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If you feel already satisfied with what you have, you will actually achieve your goals faster because you are coming at it from the emotion of satisfaction of already be happy. You can desire and intent for "more", but don't get fall.

Don't fall into the trap of that “egoic” type way of thinking, of always needing more because, in the needing more, you normally create resistance because that needing Morris and I'm not already whole and complete.

It's never enough

Therefore, we re-emphasize vibrationally that we don't currently have that which we want. The first danger of the ego manifestation process is that it is never enough. You will never get to that end result from a place of lack and from having an empty cup and you can't even give anything to anyone else unless you already have that.

The key is paying attention to how you feel in the process and to identifying what is the desire of the ego and what is the desire of the heart. What is the desire of the soul? One thing that I really intend for with the videos that I make is that helping people to connect the head to the heart. I'll say the head, he just completely let it go. I'm not saying that not fulfill any of your “egoic” desires. Be aware of the ego, but do not identify 100 percent with it.

Be like, oh yeah, is this something that I want or is this something that my ego wants? And what is the pure intention behind it? Maybe you've heard me talk about this before as well. I believe that in a way the universe starts to manifest more for us when we start to have this intention of adding value to other people.

When we have this intention to add value to other people, we tap into more of our heart, to energy, but also in a way this is about understanding who we are at a deeper level. Because in the same way that I might say I'm an individual person and this is my experience of creating my own reality, collectively, we create our reality together as well. These are things that happened in the collective consciousness. This is a big event.

If there's, I know there are people that say that at a collective level though it agreed upon. Maybe subconsciously, we're not even aware of it. Collectively, we create our own reality. Just like individually we create our own reality collectively when we have an intention of adding value to other people call that like the system, the universe. We're also adding value to the whole system itself to the whole universe. Therefore, it's almost like the universe wants to flow through us because we're not just going about it for ourselves. We're also adding value to other people.

This is something that I've talked about in a couple of prior videos and it's something that I personally really believe in. I believe the more value I add to other people, the more I have a pure intention and by period tension, it doesn't mean that I'm void of my ego. It doesn't mean that my ego is not there. Doesn't mean that I'm some saint sit on top of a mountain that's just peer.

What it means though is I'm aware of the ego. I'm aware that there's this desire to grow and to get the message out there, but at the same time, I'm combining it with this intention to add value to other people because of the more value-add to other people. It's almost like the more the energy wants to go towards me because I'm going to use it for good, I'm going to use it in a way that adds value to the system, the whole rather than just myself.

The first danger is that our ego never has enough and that we ended or we continue a cycle of always feeling not enough, and you. There are people like this; there's people with multiple tens of millions of dollars in their bank account. Very successful people that still never feel enough and that is a trap and they're always wanting more and there's nothing. There's progress. I mean, part of progress and satisfaction is progress, but it's the way we go about it. Are we identifying with the ego and believing in its trap of, Oh, when I achieved this, then I will feel this?

The truth is you could feel whatever emotion you want by choosing to feel it. It's just in our mind we say, I will give myself permission to feel a certain way, and then when we achieved something, we give ourselves permission to release the dopamine and the Serotonin. It's a funny idea, but it's the way it works. Instead, feel that Delta means in Serotonin right now by choosing to say, you know what? I'm already whole and complete. People say, Oh, when I get into this relationship, I'm going to feel whole and complete, but then they attract someone that's not whole and complete as well. It's almost like they attract somebody that also is looking for someone else.

Chaotic experience

The second danger of manifesting from the ego is that you create a chaotic experience because the ego thinks it has to do everything. This is what I've had to learn because my ego, I was rewarded for taking so much action with a YouTube channel that grew very fast with a lot of abundances that came in very fast.

But thinking that it was just my ego that did it is what would cause me to inflate myself and to think that I'm always doing everything as the ego take on more than I need. The truth is I can allow more and I can let go. Otherwise, I run myself to the ground. I, I work too hard.

I create resistance, so imagine manifestation as a river, as a flow of energy, and this is a fast-moving river and it's going to take you to where you need to go. If you allow it to and you go with the stream. It's kind of like the Abraham Hicks analogy and you're going with the stream, but see, this is what happened. Sometimes our ego gets in check, our ego comes into play and it says, I need to figure out where to go and it's trying to imagine you're in a boat in it and then that's boat.

You're frivolously trying to paddle in a different direction or you're trying to paddle and hang onto these branches and stuff that are close by because you think you know what has to happen. When in general, if you just go with the flow of things, it takes you exactly where you need to go. See many times that's what happens with the ego is the ego thinks that it's the captain of the boat and it has to frivolously do everything. When we can trust the process of manifestation, the river is going to take you to where you need to go.

Just the ego thinks there's a. there's a waterfall at the end of it and you're just going to die, but that's not true, and if you trust the process, you won't shift to the stream that takes you to that waterfall. It's about knowing that you can trust the process as well. I remember I went to a life retreat place in Costa Rica. I was there for a week to this breath workshop, learning to spread the workshop, brought it all this oxygen in my body and let go of a whole bunch of emotion that was stored in there for my childhood and I let go of a lot of negative resistance, but that the message I got through that whole week.

Things don't have to be as hard as you think they need to be. Let go. Allow Trust, let go. That make things so much easier. I didn't hear that. If I didn't get that message, who knows? Maybe I'd be created so much more resistance. Wherever we create resistance, we create more and more problems that are reflected in that. This is about having the awareness that we don't have to try so hard. We can more so allow these things to happen that this whole creating your own reality thing sounds very great to the ego.

However, what I'm learning is that there is this higher perspective of manifestation. This higher perspective of manifestation is where we align our head to our heart or we trust things to happen and where we understand that we are not just the ego, we don't have to create our reality. We simply have to choose it because, from a quantum physics point of view, there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and the reality we want to create already exists.

This is more about choosing it from a place of awareness and the choosing of it. We don't have to identify with it and we don't have to and we don't have to impose all of this energy on it and try and all of this. There's a resistance. So, let go. Let it be easy. And as you let it be easy, you'll find that things happen even easier for you.

Rigidity Thinking

The third danger of manifesting from the ego is that the ego creates so much rigidity thinking that the ego knows everything that we ended up putting ourselves into a little box, this little box of what we think we can do and we get it confused as to what the job of the ego is. The job of the Ido is not to control everything or to control reality. The job of the ego is to focus in a certain direction and to align with the heart space to align with the passion because you see there's this. Let me use this analogy, lots of analogies in this video.

Second analogy, a lot. What we do is imagine that our higher self is on a mountaintop. This higher self is a more expanded view of who we are. What do we go to bed at night? We wake up as our higher self and that is who we are, but we don't remember it when we wake up in the morning because we simply don't have the reference experiences to remember that we can only use remembered things that our brain can interpret.

We get these symbols, we get these symbols, oh, I was in my dream last night and this is what happened with this co-worker or whatever, but that is simply a symbolic representation of something we can learn something from the subconscious line and actuality our natural state of being as unconditional love and bliss. That's a higher level of consciousness. That is who we really are. We're simply dreaming.

When we wake up in the morning, we say, “What's really happening is we're waking up in this dream and we went to sleep from a higher level of consciousness.” Now, we're still connected. That higher level of consciousness is our higher self, which was always connected to. It's about being in alignment with that and the way that we become in alignment with our higher self is by following our passion. Our higher self is on the top of a mountain and our ego-self is in a valley.

The higher self is on topic and sees the obstacles of the ego, and the higher self will broadcast a frequency that the ego can connect to and that frequency is passion. Excitement and then the ego can go up the mountain and sometimes they won't logically make sense. There may be some type of it looks and appears that this is a better route to take, but you see the higher self can look and see that the route eventually dead ends and you're going to have to go back.

If you would just simply follow the guidance of the higher self, which is the vibrational frequency of excitement, then you would get up the mountain even quicker. You would enjoy the process even more and things would happen even easier, but sometimes the ego knows everything. The Egos in the valley, it's like that looks like the best way to go.

This excitement thing, it's not going to get me there that fast. There's this route right over here. It looks even looks even quicker. Then you start going down the route and you realize that there's this cliff and there's no way to get over and you got to go back, but instead you can trust the higher self. But when we identify with the ego, we identify with our little self and we keep ourselves into a metaphorical box. We create rigidity.

We think that we know everything, and that's where a lot of resistance has created. Resistance is created from trying to control from thinking we know, and from that perspective, we put ourselves into a box and us then a lot of times have experiences that are even blind to us. This is the other thing I wanted to talk about so we can only experience that which we believe to be true and we can only experience that which we are.

There may be times, there are opportunities in your life that could be things that can absolutely change. Your life could be the answers to everything you want to manifest, but maybe you simply don't view it. You can't see it because you're not the same vibrational residence of it. Because the ego is like, that's not a way to my manifestation. That's not a way. We're not interpreting things as we choose it. If you do this little thing right here, it will change your whole life.

Treat every situation in your life as if you chose it and then things will happen so much easier because anytime something happens that we think is not part of our manifestation, something happens, we say, oh, that sounds supposed to be there. The moment we say that is not supposed to be there, we lower our state of being.

We let go of our excitement and then we shift ourselves to a life track, a parallel reality that has left so reflective of what we want. What if every time we assume that something is meant to be, there are state goes up, our state goes up, our estate goes up, our state just continues to go up, so the key is in the interpretation of the events that are happening, but if we have a certain blueprint of our mind of how things can happen or should happen, then we may be blinding and blocking out all of these other things.

Creating blind spots for ourselves because we think that nope, it can't come through in that way, we assume that, oh, I want to attract a certain, a level of abundance in my life. If we think it can only come through with money, money is the only way that it could come through. Then there could be someone that comes up to us. It's like, Hey, I have this great opportunity that looks, this is something I think you would love, and you're like, nope, it's not money. I don't want it.

When it could be an opportunity that could lead you to the next best thing that could get you that opportunity to make a whole bunch of abundance, but you see the ego is to only foot. I'm just focused on the money. That's what I want to create my life, but then an opportunity comes in and we're blinded by it because we limit ourselves because we know it all. We know how everything should happen.

The key to this whole process really is letting go of the ego. Observe your thoughts from a neutral place. Understand you can focus in a certain direction, but don't get caught up in the trap of the ego. Don't get caught up when I accomplished X, Y, Z. Then I will feel happy instead. No, you can feel whole and complete right now and by feeling whole and complete right now, your goals will manifest faster than ever. Understand that you can let go of the outcome.

You can let go of thinking that you have to do everything you can understand, that you can stop trying to. They paddle everywhere that you go. You can just let the river carry you. You don't have to create your own reality. You simply have to choose it from a space of awareness and that as you do that, things will happen even easier for you. You won't have these blind spots. You'll be able to see opportunities in your life that are more reflective of who you prefer and how you prefer to be.

This is an easier process. This is taking the Law of Attraction to the next level. This is really combining an eastern philosophy of letting go of who we are at a soul level with that of manifestation and the Law of Attraction. I think it is so powerful and I think if you apply it, it will change your life.

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