Reality Transurfing Goal Setting

Today, I’m going to show you exactly how to set goals using Reality Transurfing, and how you can apply it so that you really start to get what you want in a very powerful way.

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I'm going to be sharing with you the goal-setting process for that of Reality Transurfing and I think it's a very powerful process that you can start to apply and when you start to apply it, you're starting, you're going to start to see things happen that have maybe never happened before and that's simply because you've started to align your heart to that of your goals.

You see, this is the biggest misconception when it comes to a kind of like the law of attraction process, of goal-setting is that people only set their goals on things that their mind wants. The mind wants ego gratification. The mind wants a specific dollar amount. The mind wants a whole bunch of things for reasons that are self like that in a way, kind of just essentially the ego.

Whereas when we start to live from a place of feeling at a place of passion, that's when we start to connect to our heart and this can be the biggest game changer when it comes to attracting what you want because what you start to do is you start to have more so look for the feeling than just the intellectual idea.

I found that these two things go hand in hand, so a lot of times with especially a lot of the earlier content on this channel, you'll see it's a lot about the intellectual wisdom like understanding the process and how to practically apply it, which can still be powerful.

But the more down the rabbit hole I go, the more I realize it's less about the intellectual ideas and it's more about just the feeling and if you can make the feeling a simple thing like how do you feel in the process, then guess what? It becomes much more powerful because even if you do like “work hard”, which is something I also talked a lot about and I talk a lot about it because just literally I've been rewarded for it.

The harder work I've taken, I've had better results now at the same time, I believe that that's a certain paradigm and it's a very powerful paradigm. However, there is a paradigm even above that and that's what I'm starting to understand is this a powerful, this powerful part of the alignment and of aligning with goals and a very powerful way.

Just to give it basis, let me explain a little bit of Reality Transurfing in general so that you kind of have a basis for it so that when I explained the goal-setting process, you're like, oh yeah, I see what you mean. That makes sense, and it has to do with these couple ideas. First off, if we simply set more intentions in our life, we will start to create more of what we want busy-ness a lot lately because it's so powerful. Set intentions.

This means that you said outcomes almost for things that you desire to happen and thinking of it like this reality. In general, is similar to that of understanding parallel realities and because the guy that wrote it. The idea is that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and that any one of these outcomes, anything that we can imagine exists right now simply at a different frequency or different resonance, and what we can begin to do is by changing ourselves in the present moment, we can begin to perceive of the ones that we want to experience.

Thinking about like this, the best possible version of yourself of doing exactly what you want to be doing for a living that exists right now in this moment. It's just you're not perceiving of it because you're not being that version of you. You're not embodying that authentic part of who you really are at the core fundamental soul level. When we become aware of this, it's very empowering because literally anything that you want to create in your life, if you believe you can do it.

Then you can actually achieve it. So that's empowering to know. First off, I got on the bat, now I feel empowered to take action or power just to set your intentions in my life, right? It is anything you can imagine exists right now, and it's actually, there's an infinite number of frames of reality in the same way you might think of a movie strip.

This is the easiest analogy I've found, a movie strip analogy or a film reel. You stretch out the film, you see different frames on that film strip and of course, all those frames exist right now in the present moment, but each one is separate frames based on just when the light is going through it and how they move through. Our brain, we have memory, we're able to tag all of those frames together, but we know that they're also individual frames in there just appearing to be different, separate or appearing to be one fluid reality in the same way.

I do like this right now, it looks like one continuous motion, but if we were to break it down in a half hour to put this into editing software right now, you would see it go boom, boom, boom, boom. We could even break it down to each individual frame.

That's the idea of understanding parallel realities and that we can start to resonate with what we want to experience and when we do that, very powerful. Another part of Reality Transurfing is understanding something called pendulums. This is important for the goal setting process as well. Pendulums are these thoughts, structures that are created by the mass consensus and mass consciousness. Think of it like this.

You may have certain beliefs about what it means to be a maybe American or whatever nationality you are. You know this is, this is kind of what this means, this is the characteristics and the labels attributed to it, and guess what? There are also other people that have their ideas and maybe even very similar ideas about the same thing. What happens is because we have similar beliefs and similar ideas, this can.

This creates a kind of like a grid, almost think of it like a grid around the planet, have certain belief systems and have really just social conditioning. Social conditioning is something that's very powerful because a lot of times we think we're thinking our own thoughts when in reality we're thinking the thoughts of social conditioning. This is anytime you feel like you have to do a certain thing or you kind of feel a pull to say something or to do something and you don't know really where it came from.

Well, think of it like this. Pendulums are around in every thought structure, every belief that you can think of and really just anything that people put a lot of emotion and energy into those pendulums around sports teams. There are pendulums, these thought structures around politics and around being Republican or Democrat around being certain nationalities around certain beliefs like you need to go to school.

You've got to go do this. You have to go into that. You can believe those things and there's nothing wrong with them but isn't really your thoughts and is it really your goals? Many people's goals they think is their goals.

When in reality it's actually the goals of pendulums as these goals that we're kind of conditioned to believe, oh, that's just a logical next step. I need to go to school, go to college, get this nine to five jobs, worked my way up the corporate ladder and be happy, but you see that linear sequence, the be happy at the end starts to mess up the whole process because we got it twisted. We need it instead. Put the happiness on the front end and then see that we can choose to be happy in the present moment with our own beliefs and it's just a common belief that you must these even a pendulum around being and how we should go about goals.

There's pendulums round saying, if you do X, Y, and Z, you will feel this way and this way is better than where you are now. So, think about it. This pendulum's around everything. Anytime we have thoughts, there's an electromagnetic energy reality to it that we just can't see, and the more we embody it, the more we start to make that materialized. Knowing that the question then becomes, how can I think of my own thoughts?

Because when I think my own thoughts, I create my own way. I create my own path. That's another important process as well. And of course, everyone's favorite part of reality and translating that I've shared it with at least the one that has changed my life the most is that when you decrease the importance that you give to anything, you start to more so resonate with what you want. Most of us have a goal. We put it on a pedestal. We say, when I achieve this goal, I will feel X, Y, or Z.

We feel this amazing state of euphoria. It's very important that we get this goal. Because it's very important what we create resistance in the present moment and when we create resistance, it's less likely that we are resonating with it. The easiest analogy is if you've ever had somebody you were attracted to and you're like, “I'm going to ask that girl out and ask that guy out.” Whatever it is, you're like, ah, I'm going to do it. They're very important.

 I really want it to go well and really attached to the outcome. You then go up to them or you didn't start talking to him and guess what? There's resistance there because you want it to go a certain way. You're trying to a kind of control it because it's very important. Whereas the suave guy or the suave girl that just doesn't care, guess what?

Things have been easier for them because they're less attached and they don't make it that important. The key to this is to more so see it as natural for you to attain your goals. That was me. It's like creating YouTube videos daily. Growing on YouTube. I'm like, that's just naturally who I am because I create daily videos and a natural side effect of that is growth. It's much easier for me to go along this because it's just natural. That's the viewpoint, so setting intentions, not being banged around by pendulums and not making anything more important than it has to be is the most powerful part of the whole process.

I believe of Reality Transurfing. When it comes to goals, the key to goals is understanding that we must have a goal first off, that connects to our heart. I've said this many times before, but if we make the money the goal, guess what? The head understands it. The head is totally in sync with.

It's an emotion and I as well, you know, the, it could be an emotion you get from the money, but this is the thing, the heart doesn't understand that translation, the heart doesn't understand that the money is an abstract symbol that then represents something you can get with the money that you have.

Instead take money out of the equation and go straight for the goal itself, but also so it'd be like, you know, oh, I want to be able to travel the world instead of thinking about the, you know, the $50,000 that it may cost you to travel the world for like a year or two. Instead of thinking of that, just think of traveling the world for a year or two because then you may open up other opportunities.

You know, I've explained this before as well, but I've been offered to travel places for free just because I have a YouTube channel. If I'll just talk about wherever I am and I'd loved the experience. If I was like, oh, it's only if it's a money than accounts, then I would've blocked all those other experiences out of these companies reaching out to me saying, Hey, will you come here and do this when you come here and do this?

Make the goal something you're passionate about.

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Have the way that our mind thinks that has to do. Don’t make money as your goal. Make the goal something you're passionate about.

I'm actually passionate about traveling. I love traveling. I love making videos. So, guess what? If I can travel and make the deals at the same time, that's a win-win. That's one of the goals. That's not like you know the money equals that. That's a goal itself.

And guess what? My heart can connect to that. What I encourage you to do is to start to look at what your goals really are. If you're like, you know what? I want to live in this kind of house. I want to have this kind of person in my life. I want to do this for a living. Whatever it is, take the money out of the equation and instead look for what the actual goal is.

I saw an interview as I was reading before I went to bed last night and I read this thing where Tony Robbins was talking to somebody else. It was like a, a guide. That guy's name is James Altucher. He was talking about this experience he had with Tony Robbins where he was interviewing him and um, Tony said that he was talking to this guy once, that was a lot of seminars or something like that. And he asked them what their goals are and this guy said he wanted to be a billionaire. He said, OK, this is a Tony Robbins, or like, why do you want to be a billionaire?

And this guy was like, “oh, I want to be a billionaire because I want to be able to fly a plane, have my own plane flight whenever I want.” And he said, “Ok, you think that, that you need to have a billion dollars to do that.” In actuality, it would cost you maybe 20 or $30,000 flight or a trip or something like that. So, think about it like that.

And basically, what they did has he rearranged that guy's goals and realize that what his real goal was, he thought it was a billion dollars with the money. He said your real goal is probably about a $10,000,000 lifestyle for the dream life that you're talking about. But he thought it was affiliated because he wasn't aware of that. We can take money out of this altogether because what if that guy instead of said the money is that my goal is to travel and to when I watch them on a flight, have my own private jet or not even a private jet, but just a plane to get from point a to point b. and what did you know?

And maybe his own plane as well did not like you just get on a commercial flight. It can be a goal like that, but have it be something that's more straight to the source rather than what the goal can bring you. It's kind of a different idea, but I think it's very powerful and this is the main key connected to the feeling. Take out the intellectual ideas, oh, it has to happen like this. And like that. The more I realized I focus on the intellectual wisdom of how everything has to happen and trying to control all the outcomes, the more resistance, the more I just go with the flow, the more things happen very powerfully.

And think of it like this. The goals that I have to think of Reality Transurfing can in general. How about this Reality Transurfing in general? What does Reality Transurfing mean? Well, that means that there are different realities for different, what we call the space variations or the infinite parallel realities that exist and means we are traveling through that space. If you were to break down the word, I think that in the book and says it means it means gliding through the space of variations gliding through parallel realities, gliding right. It's much easier. It's much more allowing.

It's not like trying to control everything and trying to make everything happen. It's surfing, surfing. Let the wave carry you in the same way aligned with the energy state. Align with how you feel. Trust the process, and as you do all these things, things happen in a much more powerful way because you're not giving everything excess meaning or your Ma. You're not making it the goal itself. Here's the key Reality Transurfing setting.

Make it the goal for you to be connected to your heart. Make the goal for you to be happy in the present moment, and the more you practice the feeling, the more you will experience the result of what you want. The more you experience what you want in life. This is more about the connection you have to the feeling as you start to pay attention to the feeling more, it changes everything and then remembers decreased the level of importance.

If you guys want a free guided meditation that will show you exactly how to wire into these ideas of Reality Transurfing, I've created a free meditation. I recommend you listen to it for 21 in a row. I think it can absolutely transform your life and it will help you decrease the level of importance you give your goals so that you increase the probability that they actually happen. It's about that balance of that energy. If you find that you don't have a lot of energy than what it could be or you don't have, you don't even know what your goals are, it could be simply that, that that drive isn't within you simply because your energy levels may be low.

This is something that talks about in the book as well, so think of it like this. Your body is an electromagnetic energy. There's energy that goes outside of your body. It's not like just this is your body. They call this an aura as an energy field around your body and if you are thinking a lot of thoughts that are repetitively and negative and clauses blockage in the body. Things that take your body a lot of energy to break down because if so you may be causing blocks within you so instead aware of that and start to eat healthier.

Maybe start to eat more nutrient-rich foods on fruits and veggies. This will help you to increase your energy levels and when you increase your energy levels, you increase the power of your heart center. You increase the power of your intentions and you can actually create a much more powerful way. People will literally respond to you differently.

The more I've increased my own energy through being aware of what I eat through just doing what I'm doing, the more I realized that I have a sense of presence when I go places and not saying this as an egotistical type way, but I can, I can tell that people respond to me much differently than maybe they did two years ago and that's because maybe I'm more grounded in my purpose and more grounded in my passion, but it's just something that people can feel and guess what is now linking up with new opportunities to where things are just coming into my life that is happening very quickly at a very fast rate and I think they can have it for you to start to connect to more so the ideal reality you want to experience.

Make it something that your heart is connected to something that you feel a certain emotion from. Don't make it so intellectually and all this complicated stuff. Just focus on the feeling. Follow that feeling and as you start to align with it, by not making it more important than it has to be.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.