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The Amazing Healing Power of Ho’oponopono (with meditation)


Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that has a very powerful healing modality called Hoʻoponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing modality that contains four different sentences that, when you say, begin to shift your vibration. The way that I'm going to explain it is a way that you may have never heard it talked about before, and it has to do with reality itself and understanding that we are all connected.

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This is an ancient, a healing modality that has to do with sane for simple phrases. And I'll share with you these four simple phrases in a minute, but these four simple phrases that will allow us to heal within ourselves and also to heal our relationships with other people. Think of this healing modality of Hoʻoponopono as a way for us to change our vibrational frequency and to let go of a lot of things that no longer serve us. Because when you look at that chart of consciousness, the chart of consciousness I always share, you will see shame, fear, guilt, anger, and then eventually you see neutrality. Then eventually see willingness reasoning except uh, acceptance, love. These are all different emotional states of consciousness. The way that we let go of all the lower vibrations is actually by letting go. It's not about pine on in new idea; it's about letting go.

And it's we say these four phrases, and we do it consistently, we then begin to let go of the lower vibrations. These vibrations are no longer compatible with our energy field, and we allow ourselves to then also start to tap into higher states of awareness as well. Because then, as we let go, it's almost like those are weights that are weighing us down. These perspectives of someone did something to me, the blame that we may put out there, the anger we may feel. It's not about getting a new perspective, it's about just letting go of the positionality, the perspective that someone did something wrong to us, and what Ho'oponopono allows us to do and allows us to take our power back and to heal ourselves. The reason you forgive other people is not for other people. You forgive other people because you choose not to feel those emotions anymore.

If we don't forgive other people, we carry around that emotional burden, and then we experience a reality that reflects back those uncomplete patterns of the past. It may be that some people may not deserve forgiveness, but you deserve not to feel those emotions anymore. You deserve to not carry that around with you. Something that you can begin to do is you can do this healing modality of Ho'oponopono, which will allow you to start then to exist in a higher state of consciousness, a higher vibration. And what you will see is that when you let go of the lower vibrations, you naturally begin to rise up, and you naturally can set that intention before you even move into the process itself of Ho'oponopono. That process for you to be able to, to feel more in your heart center, for you to be able to say these four phrases that allow you to feel more love than you've ever felt before.

And thinking of it like this to our thoughts are literally things. Our thoughts are literally things we may not see them, but they have an energetic form. And as we become more aware of our thoughts and how they're actually things that these structures, we can then see that there are certain influences and ways they can influence us. Think of it like this. The thoughts we think go into our energy field. And then there's a toroidal field around our body that recycles these thoughts. And as we go out into the world, there are these thoughts that are in our energetic field that didn't link up with other people. And if we have these thoughts, let's say I'm angry at someone else, someone else did something to me, even if it's someone else that didn't do anything to you, if there's an energetic resonance there, it may manifest in some type of problem.

The key is clearing out this energetic field now because there have been millions of other people on the planet that have thought the same thoughts of these same, these same four thoughts in the same order. The way that we do this, you are tapping into this healing structure, this healing frequency that also heals your body. You start to match the frequency of it by doing this exercise of Ho’oponopono. And it can be as simple as that as you have seen this and doing this exercise. What I've done, the rest of this blog will be a Ho’oponopono exercise that is completely transformative. It's when I put powerful intention into, and it's one that you can listen to. I recommend for 21 days. You can listen to it, and you can repeat it. You can repeat it in your car. I recommend that you listen to it in your car.

If you're driving around, if you have a car and that's how you travel, and you listened to it because it carries with it a frequency. And by putting your thoughts in that way, you're allowing this energetic structure to start to match the frequency of that love of that higher vibration. So listen to the whole Ho’oponopono, which of these four phrases which are simply, I am sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. Those are the four phrases in that order. And what that does is that begins to clear your energy field and then also the energy fields, these cords that we might have connected to other people, these energetic cords that we may have connected. And even if these cores are just a metaphor, just focus more on the healing. Focus on the high vibrational frequency, focused on the love, and understand that as you do that, you start to connect to this higher frequency that then changes your life forever.

There's going to be music. There's going to be the 400.0 points of phrases. And what you can do is you can follow along. You can say them out loud; you can also just think of them, wear headphones and walk around with them and not say anything. What I recommend you do, though, is you listen to this for 21 days. Make it a must for yourself that you listen to it for 21 days, and I believe it'll completely change your frequency and completely change your life because you will then start to match this frequency. Set the intention as well. This is something I've been doing in other videos that seems to; people have seemed to be really loving.

Set the intention that you listening to this meditation that you're about to listen to with the music, with everything that I've prepared, set the intention that you transform your life and you start to embody a new frequency and set the intention that every other person that listens to this meditation in this process also transforms their life because then you tap into this intention of beyond just yourself, beyond just your ego, and by doing so, it creates this stronger energy structure of this frequency. There's something about allowing the universe to flow through about allowing and having this pure intention to help other people as well that ends up carrying with it a certain structure.

I've done meditations like this on Instagram live where we do live meditations where we do this, and the feedback has been phenomenal. It's beyond anything I could imagine. I've had people tell me the most amazing things have happened since doing that meditation where they're able to tap into where we have the intention to help the other people listen to it as well. Just by setting the intention, because the intention is very powerful. So set the intention that you transform your frequency and that other people listening to it also transformed their frequency and then make it a must that for the next 21 days. You listen to this while you were in your car while you're walking around.

If you're in your car state out loud too, if no one else is going to hear you say it out loud when you're in your house, just do this and start to embody this frequency of this love and you will notice you start to let go of things that no longer serve and you start to raise your vibration to a whole new level simply by saying these four phrases, I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, I love you. We will now move into that meditation was do it for 21 days and it will change your life.

Listen to this audio for the next 21 days and watch how much your life begins to change. Have someone in mind, some circumstance, something specific. You want to heal. Set that intention right now and then follow along. Repeat out loud with me. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry.

Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry.

Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. They ain't you. I love you. I sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I, and sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I, I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

What Is The Vibration Of Your Thoughts: Find Out By Reading This Blog


I'm going to show you the vibration of thought. I'm going to show the vibration of your thoughts, how you can find out what that is.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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This is about understanding the basis and the premise that a lot of times. We think that we are thinking thoughts when many times we are actually receiving thoughts. We are picking up on different frequencies that we may actually think are our own. When in actuality, there are thought-forms everywhere. This is something that has been talked about since early 1900, there was a book called thought-form, and in that book, it talks about this understanding. This has happened to you before, I've also explained this many times before, so maybe you heard it in other videos, but imagine you're thinking about something intensely on one part of your house.

You leave that part of your house, you go back to that part of your house may be the next day, and you find yourself thinking of very similar things. Well, is it that you see the neuro association of your environment, and it triggers you to what it was yesterday? Well, what I've found that I believe it is when you go to the inner side of the house. For this process, understand that we all have these different levels of vibration that have to do with us, and that has to do with how we are thinking, how we are feeling.

And we're picking up on these vibrations depending on where we vibrationally are. It depends on where we are. It depends on what we're linked up to. It depends on the environment. There are many different factors to this. But in general, when you think that you think different thoughts and your thoughts have power over you, it's many times you may be actually picking up on top of frequencies that are all around, and you think that they are your own. The power of this is knowing that first off; you do have to take responsibility for what you're thinking. Does it mean you have to claim it and make a story or know? This is my own thought. The key to it is taking responsibility for knowing that you can, in a way to develop your own gravity of the thoughts that you're thinking.

For example, if you're thinking of something, if you just say, Oh, well, I'm just picking up. I'm just influenced by my environment. It's a powerless type state. It may be true that you are being influenced by certain places you go to. There could be certain times I've talked about this before as well, walking through the Las Vegas trip, you may feel more of an inclination to go gamble or to go do something. And it's not just because it's there, but there are so many other people that have also been there thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions. And therefore, part of you may feel that energy and want to do something very similar because you can kind of feel it so, and you say, Oh, that's my impulse. That's my thought.

start to understand the energy and the gravity of your own energy. You can start to realize that the gravity of how important it is for you to receive thoughts that are more in alignment with who you really prefer to be. For example, let's say you're thinking of certain thoughts at this level. Say you are listening and watching a horror movie, and when you're tuned to that movie, it then also has a certain vibration. Maybe it's evoking fear out of people. Maybe you're also in a movie theater with many other people that are also feeling that same level of fear. And what happens is there's a certain frequency there, and normally maybe you wouldn't pick up on certain frequencies, but then after you, even you believed the movie theater, you start receiving other things, other thought forums, you start to go out, and you start to think about other things that are similar and in alignment with the movie that was a subtype of four movie.

You are also in an environment with maybe a hundred-other people that are also getting scared. There's a certain energy field there, and there is a certain level of vibration that as you're in a certain state, so remember that your state of being is what determines the level of vibration of what you are going to perceive up. When you start to realize that that it's all about the difference, it's all about the different states that you're in. You could then really start to pick up on a higher vibration of thought because you can start to let go of the things that don't serve. As you go to higher states of consciousness, what's your license? There's the different frequency of thoughts, which means that then you are picking up on a different frequency. You are also going to find yourself resonating with people that are on this higher frequency.

You're going to find yourself attracted to music on this higher level of frequency. The way people think as differently. They probably eat healthier at this higher frequency. You may have more of an impulse to eat nutrient-rich foods because of this higher level of frequency. What you are receiving are all just different frequencies that already exist that depend upon you and your own vibration and what you are receiving. If you want to change your rates or vibration of your thoughts, what you could then do is you can start to become aware of where your energy is and have your own environment. We all have an inner reality, and outer reality and the outer reality is a reflection of the inner reality.

That's one way that you can start to modify. You can begin to think of it like this. You are directing your thoughts, not controlling your thoughts. This is so important to understand because I remember when I was learning in meditation, I was trying to control everything, and I'm trying to control things. Guess what happens is resistance. Resistance creates more energy to where it's like, then you're in this lower vibrational state, but instead, you can be suaver. You can be cooler about it. You can allow yourself to recognize and to observe the thoughts that come in, and then you can direct them. And one of the ways you move up this vibrational scale is your willpower. It's your discipline. There are certain things I don't do because I know that it will lower my vibration. I remember I went to a Bashar conference, and I asked for a sharp question about what are called pendulums.

Are these thought-forms in a way these starts thought structures that we have around? It's almost like we're all connected to this universal mind, and some of us, when we're thinking of certain thoughts, align with these energy structures that have a certain momentum, and there are two sides. It's called the pendulum because it swings back and forth. When you are a part of a pendulum, a pendulum could be a football team; a pendulum could be a political party, a pendulum could be any perspective, or other people think something similar. You may then think I have my own thoughts, but really the pendulum may be influencing you. You may find yourself looking into Republican and Democrat and looking at these different perspectives, and then you start to become attached to one of them. Then you go out, and someone says something, you hear it more than you would normally hear it.

Most people are just in their autopilot mind being bombarded with information from their environment. People are trained to react and the level of the subconscious of this subconscious way of relating, we are just in the dust, the automatic mind doing the same things every day, feel the same motions every day, doing it, feeling, thinking the same thoughts every day. And those vibrations of thoughts will keep a certain wrapped us in a certain reality. If you're in a reality where you find yourself eating unhealthy food, you find yourself around other people that are like, well, why are you trying to get in shape?

What do you think you are cooler than all of us? What do you try to do? What are those two girls? What? What is that? That's the people at this level don't want you to go to a higher level. When it comes to this process, understand that it requires a little bit of willpower were to get up this vibrational scale, but the vibration of your thoughts that you think, Oh, these are my own thoughts. There are thoughts you are receiving depending upon your state of being. Probably the most important, the meaning you give things and the integrity you have as well. I would say that's a huge thing — integrity at the lower levels. You don't want to take from other people, man, they got all that money.

Why don't you get it off? They don't need it. I might take it from them or just someone else. I'm going to take it from this person. They might not know I take it. It's a certain paradigm. It's a certain paradigm now as you go up, and as you align more with the divine, that's what I really want to talk about. This divine energy, divine attention, aligning with what also adds value to other people. Because when you have that intention, you also pick up on thought frequencies of other things that are also in correlation with it. For example, cause more divine, you align your thoughts and the meaning you give things. The more you pick up on other frequencies of that divine. It's almost like, you know, people ask me how I do daily videos. Well, I'm not saying I'm some divine being that no one else is.

Everyone is divine. But because I have this intention of adding value to people through these videos, it's almost like the information just comes to me because it's a purity of thought and intention. And it's almost like the universe sees that I have this intention for this energy to come through and to help people and adds value to the whole, not just myself. Even in Elizabeth Gilbert's book, which is our big, it's called big magic, she's an author who wrote the book eat, pray love, but she has a book that's on how to write. And then she talks about how their chief believes there are these thought-forms that people if they listened to the message and they take that thought-form, and they write it into a book or making a video that then more thought forms will come to you.

Think about that. I thought it was interesting. She's not really an esoteric, PR author, or anything. But that idea, I was like, wow, that resonates exactly with what I've been teaching too, so the vibration of thought. Here's something. If you want to calibrate your own vibration, you're like, well, bro, what's my vibration? Well, guess what you can go to, what's my go to? What's my and what you'll see is my website where what I do is I have a survey that you fill out that will calibrate your vibration and reveal to you your vibration based on different archetypes. Then what I'll do is I'll give you two meditations that will help you to get to the next level of vibration. Plus, tell you a little bit about the vibration that you're at.

If you want to calibrate your own vibration code to what's my, what's my or what is my I got both websites to pick one redecorated of you directly to the other, so try it out and see what your vibration is that then you know how you can get to the next level. Plus, you get a meditation that's perfect for you at that level of getting to the next level. The P the energy of what I wanted to share in this video is mainly that the more peer you make your thoughts and the more you have this divine thought, you start to align, direct your thoughts to the divine using your willpower. The more you'll find that your life becomes more divine.

One thing I want to talk about is learning boundaries. I remember when I started the process of spiritual awakening, it was kind of lonely. It doesn't have to be lonely. It's also a belief that I developed, but I would vegan like I did a lot of things like gay and some people are like, do which dude? It's fucking weird, dude. You're not doing the same stuff, dude. That doesn't mean you always have to say no, and the words bother me. You don't always have to say no, but what I mean is general and general have boundaries, have boundaries. It, you know, I don't watch war movies. I don't watch scary movies. I don't watch anything that lowers my state. I'm very proud, in a way, protective of my energy.

Not to say that I'm so nice and fragile that if something happened, I would just, it'd be like the end of the world, but what I am saying is I just direct the thoughts. I direct my energy in a more powerful way, and the key to this is starting to align with the divine aligned with the divine. That's really the key here. Align with the divine and realize you might be thinking thoughts but these dots they might be not just yours but also other people because we were all in this cosmic soup immersed in each other's energetic fields, and then we leave a trail of toxin aisle seven and we'd pick up on those socks, and other people pick up on those thoughts.

It's about being aware because the only time these negative thoughts can affect you is if you are also inner in line. If you are aligned with those thoughts on the inside, if you're of a higher frequency, it won't even attach to you. Sometimes I'll recognize it sometimes. It seems one attached to me. Normally I might get real mad about that, but guess what? If you're in a really good state that won't even affect them under one time I was with my buddy at the gym, and there was this a, I was in this locker section that we were at and I was talking to a friend and talking to my buddy and like another guy, another friend, and this guy comes in and he always likes to sit in this one spot and my bag was there because I was getting finished up.

The guy who hasn't owned the gym, he doesn't get to like dictate, you know, there are empty spaces on the other side. But he came in, and we were in this like high vibe conversation. He comes in, and he goes, can you move your back? Can I remember it like it was like making a big deal about it, and all I did was I was like, yeah, sure? I just moved it, and I like had no reaction, and almost emails probably felt dumb. Do you know what I mean? But it really didn't affect me.

3 Ways Attachment Is Blocking Money Love & Success From Manifesting In Your Life (Do this Instead)


I'm going to show you three ways that attachment is blocking money, love, and success from coming into your life, and I'm going to show you exactly what to do instead.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three ways that attachment is blocking money, love, and success from coming into your life. Show you exactly what to do instead of having an attachment. I'm just going to share with you right out the gate, I've learned that the more I give up the need to control, the more I allow amazing things to happen. The more I'm in a higher vibrational state and the more that then amazing things can come into my life. As I've shown in many of the videos that I've done before, the goal shouldn't be to attract money, love, and success.

The goal should first be to raise your level of consciousness, to raise your vibration. When I grew my vibrational set point years ago, it changed everything about me. It allowed me to see then how I can go full time doing what I love. It allowed me to then connect to people at a much deeper and more profound level. But the thing is, the way most people go about the law of attraction is they do it from a lower level of consciousness. Understand that every single person reading this blog right now and everyone, in general, is a high vibrational being that has, in a way, forgotten that. That's who we are. We are high vibrational and divine spiritual beings. We exist in a high vibration. But what happens is when we come into this world, we forget that we go through certain reference experiences.

We have people that may tell us we're not very powerful, which may make us feel like we're inferior. You'll see the makeup commercials that show these perfect people perceptual, that the way that we should view people, at least the way that's propaganda to us. And the idea is that that's the way in what we think we're worthy of. But the truth is we are high vibrational beings who have forgotten that this is who we actually are. The key is having this remembrance that the goal is not to attract money. The goal is not to attract success. The goal is not to attract love because when you try to attract those things too, it's coming at it from a place of needing it, of wanting it. And that's from the paradigms of lack.

What do I mean by that? The yellow means like willpower, solar plexus, and willingness is a powerful state to be in because normally it will. It could be enough to move out of lower states of consciousness. And then eventually what you have is a level acceptance. Acceptance is very powerful. And then you have the reasoning, which is the intellect of the mind. And with the intellect of the mind, you can then know, beliefs create my reality. How can I change that? And then you have the higher vibrations of love, joy, peace, and enlightenment.

When you're in the love frequency, those things just gravitate towards you. Well, most people do is they're at the level of maybe anger for something that happened in the past. Maybe they want to find love because it'll make someone else jealous or because they think they're not already holding complete. It's coming at it from a paradigm of lack. The key is to get to that higher vibration. The reason I just shared all of this to you is the way that you release the way that you get to these higher states of consciousness, that you attract things easier than ever. The way that you do it is not by being at, let's say anger and then getting to the willingness or getting to acceptance or neutrality. The key is to let instead go of the attachments that keep us in lower vibrational states.

This is how attachment is blocking money, love, and success from your life. It's blocking you from perceiving being in a high vibration that carries with it a reality that is equal to remember. There's like these lenses that you wear, and everything you perceive in your life is equal to the vibration that you are currently at. When you change the lens that which you see the world, you then change what you experience. You change what you experienced on the outside. This right here is going to represent, in a way, the ego construct. The ego is what we use in physical reality to have a physical experience.

What happens is we are high vibrational beings. We have this energy flowing through us, and it is divine energy, but what happens is we filter it through our belief system, through our brain, our belief system, which we think we are, and then it gets a little bit muddled and then it'll decrease our vibration. The key to raising your vibration is letting go of attachments. Letting go of like, for example, what is called a positionality. Positionality is a perspective. We may have a perspective that this person did this to me in the past when they shouldn't have done it. That positionality, that attachment to that perspective, keeps us in the vibration of anger. Then when you have anger about something, it is within your own energy field.

Even though you have it about this little person over here, you're angry at them because they did something to you, and it may have been something very serious but or at least serious to the mind. But the idea is that when you think of that person, you cause this energy inside your energetic field, then you go out into the world, and you experience more and more things equal to that disruption in your energy field. Do you see the key is clearing all of this out, clearing all of us out by not being attached to that perspective, by reframing the meaning, which is also very powerful? The first thing I want to share with you is that the first attachment, the first way that attachment is blocking money, love and success into your life, is that there is a need to be right.

We'll keep you in lower vibrational states because the lower vibrational states are in an attachment to the ego as well. Let me give you a practical example of this. You could have someone that could let go of something that happened years ago. For example, my old story with having an abusive step-mom, right? There could have been eventually an identity that is linked onto that, or a sense of feeling like that happened, and it shouldn't have happened. There could have been a way had been an emotional rush of acknowledging that of the way things should be and the way things shouldn't be. And even though I might be able to, you know, the idea is you can let go of it.

Maybe some people aren't ready to let go of it because they have a need to be, right? This person did this. Let me show you a more practical example of this. I'll share with you two things that just happened in my life. A couple of months ago, like four months ago and one just like yesterday, now, the first one from a couple of months ago. I've shared that this one time before that when I'm sharing after that, I haven't ever shared before something happened when I was coming from Maui to Vegas. We weren't going to book our trip for a couple of days. We wanted to see when we felt like coming back. What happens is, is we were booking our trip. What we were doing is we were booking our flight going home.

And what we decided is that we wanted to fly first class because it was going to be a five-hour flight. And it was just a long travel trip from Japan to Hawaii. We wanted to enjoy that last part of our flights. What we did is we got on the flight, what happened, what or no, we got on the flight, what am I jumping ahead? What happened was we were at the Maui Kombucha booking our flight, and we both were starting to fill out the form. We found the first class; it wasn't that much more expensive. What happened was is she pushed the button to have the transaction to go through first. Okay. It goes through. I pushed the button for my transaction to go through it. Then says, I'm sorry you're in a transaction.

Couldn't go through because the price has just gone up. The price went up because she booked her trip, and the way that the price works with the system is that the more tickets that sell, the more the price goes up for first class. If we had both bought it at the same time, we would have both got locked in at that price, but because we were paying with separate cards, I was paying for mine, she was paying for hers. Then that's why that happened. Well, I didn't know that. What I did is I called Expedia or whoever I booked it through. I said, listen, we booked it at the same exact time. But, what happened was he went through first, mine went through two seconds later, now I have to pay an extra two or $300 could you please get it so that the price is the same as hers since we booked it at the same exact time?

And then they said, no, I'm sorry we can't because the way that it works is x, y, z. We don't have power over that. Not even a couple of hours for probably about 20 to 40 minutes, was pretty irritated about it because I thought I shouldn't have to experience this. I shouldn't have to pay $200 $300 extra than her when we booked it. At the same point, I started developing this whole story that I was attached to, and here is the thing. I remained in a lower vibrational state until I realized I had to need to be right. My need to be right was causing the lower vibrational, the anger, the frustration within my energetic field. Was it that that meant, like in reality, does it mean if you pay an extra hundred dollars or two or $300 actually than someone else, that you have to be angry and let it decrease your vibration?

No, it doesn't mean it's not built in. But that's the meaning we generate with our story. We all have a story that we are attached to that is keeping us in low vibration. Let me ask you a question. What story is that for you when it comes to money, love, and success? You might have a story that love doesn't come into your life easily, that people don't treat you right the right way. Success is that you have to, you always experienced these barriers, and people judge you, and they want you to stay the same. Whatever these stories are, the attachment to these stories is what's keeping you from manifesting what you want. The key to this is becoming aware of those stories and simply letting them go.

When I became aware of that story, everything, like immediately, I felt happier because I realized that I was going to be able to share this in the blog and talk about this for a while. And then, I started to feel energized. I'll, this is actually kind of exciting. The $200 $300 it really isn't that big of a deal. But now, I feel more empowered because I get to share this insight with people. Now the second one I was going to share is, it was yesterday. What happened was, is my buddy Victor Oddo and I, we go in Vegas to a guy that trains us. He's a really cool trainer, a really cool guy. And what happened was is we buy 10 session packages from him, meaning we get 10 sessions. We normally go once a week, and we had two or three months, like two months ago we, Victor and I got very busy.

We still had one session left with this guy. What happened was is we really like them, but this is kind of what happened. We were both at like we were, I went to his house a couple of days ago to watch some UFC fight, and I said, hey, let's get our last session cause I'm getting ready to move out of this house and start traveling. Let's go before I leave Vegas, let's have our last session since we do have our last session. What happened was his two months ago he sent us a message or a text message in our group message says, Hey boys, let's get in for next week. What time? What day is good for you? We said, we're sorry, I'm going to be out of town. Victor has a retreat. We're going to be a little too busy. Let's schedule it for later. And normally we just reschedule when we can.

There's no like you have to use it within a certain number of like weeks or anything like that. We're like, okay, we left it at that. In the text messages, that was the last text that we have. Cause if there would've been more text as it would've been up from us meeting up and having a session. That's where we schedule everything. What happened was we forgot for like a month and a half, and we figured, oh, we'll just go back eventually. Well, yesterday or a couple of days ago when I was at Victor's, I said, okay, I'll text him, and we'll figure it out. I texted him and said, hey man, we're excited to get into our last session, blah blah blah. Is there a time this week that we can come in? He said, oh so we're. Actually, I think we're caught up in sessions.

Like there's no extra sessions left. And then I do that. There was still an extra session left because you can also see in the text messages it says, Hey, when are we going to schedule an appointment next week? And we said I'm sorry, which would mean, why would you ask for us to have another session or tell us when we're going to schedule our last session if we didn't have one. I said, Oh, really? Well, I was confused because the last text message said, you know, let's schedule a time, and we weren't able to because we were out of town. And he said, no worries. Let me know if you guys want to buy another 10-pack session.

The way that that was dealt with I didn't really like, and the thing was if he would've dealt with it a little bit differently, both Victor and I would have loved this bite, like an extra like four-pack session from the last like three weeks that I'm here would have done it in a, in an instant. But because of the way that was the way he handled it and it was like he was obviously not wanting to give us the last session. It told me that I don't necessarily, you know, now I'd almost don't want this session. Do you know what I mean? Yesterday I was thinking about this, and I was starting to feel negative emotions. I was starting to get eight, and like positionality, I was attached to the positionality. He should have, you know, it was all these things, all these positions in mind, my need to be right was what was keeping me in low vibration.

No, it's just I was attached to a certain perspective. You see now? Yes, I can still choose to have boundaries and say, you know what, sorry, they'll take, I'm going to go to any more sessions. I didn't like the way that was dealt with, but the key is to do it with awareness and do it with a level of compassion still. Like the guy still, think he's great and just don't choose to do business with him at this point. That's kind of the perspective that I have about it. It's about being attached to different positionalities because I catch myself every now and then. My mind will actually go back to it. Even as I woke up this morning, I was like, oh, that was kind of annoying that I dealt with that yesterday, but I'm able to observe it, to let it go and to realize that it's my egos need to be right.

That is causing the lower vibrational states to where that happens. The second way that attachment is blocking money, love, and success in your life has to do with your attachment to your identity and the things that you've internalized. Let me give you an example of this. There are different levels of attachment. Let's say you're going to a football game. You go to a football game, and you go to the game, and you don't really care which team wins. You just love football, and one team could win, another team could win. It's all good. The idea is that no matter what happens, you're going to enjoy that football game. Whether someone wins, someone loses, and you don't care which way it goes. That's the least level of attachment because then you're still, you still like football in general, or you're still, but it's also the most, that's like the healthiest form of attachment and the loosest.

They're the next level is a preference. When you prefer something to happen, it may make the game a little bit more fun. You may say, well, I want this team to win. I think that would be really cool, but still, I'm okay with it going either way. At the level of preference, it makes it a little bit more fun, but you're not really attached, and if the other team wins, you're totally cool. You can even say someone to next to you that maybe root for the other person. Good game, Bro. You guys won, or you know that the other team won. That's called preference. The third level is called identity. When you get to identity, you then start to identify with either team.

I want this team to win, and you may even identify with it and even wear the colors of that jersey. You may wear Jersey itself and identify with that as a, as a part of who you are. And if one or the other one loses, you may say to the next day; my team lost, my team lost. It's your team as if you are that manager or something like that. But you see, there's a certain level of identity, and you may even come up with stories. Why, if someone loses, you may come up with stories and excuses as to why that other team won, and your team didn't or why your team did win. Do you see there's this level of identity there? We identify with many things that have happened in our past that keep us from having that level of money, love, and success in our life.

It might be the identity of believing that we are of a certain, let's say religion, for example, a certain culture, and maybe those keep us within a certain bandwidth of perception. You see, there are certain levels of identity that we have internalized that then become us and the way that we are in reality, and the key to this is not identifying with what's not to identify with these attachments because they will keep you in lower vibration. That person then is much more attached to the outcome. It's okay to have certain levels of identity. It's okay to identify with parts of what you do identify with. Being a YouTube, it doesn't harm me, but let's say I identified with having a nine to five job, and I've always viewed myself as having a nine to five job. It would be harder for me to go full-time YouTube on YouTube because of that level of identity.

The key is to let go of past identities. For example, someone may be wanting to attract money or relationships into their life, but they may see themselves. I had this girl that I knew when I where I used to work, and she always saw herself as like 30 something year old and not with anybody. She had that level of identity. She was 30, and she thought she'd be married by then. She thought she'd have kids by then, but she doesn't. That resistance, that feeling cause that attachment to that identity was keeping her in, in that lower paradigm. And she had no idea if she would let go of that attachment of that label, of that identity, she would then allow amazing things to come into our life. Do you see the identity many times is what causes people to be in that lower vibrational state and blocks money, love, and success from coming into their life?

The third attachment that is keeping you from attracting amazing things into your life is the attachment to lower vibrational people, lower vibrational activities, lower vibrational labels, all of these lower vibrational things. For example, if you are attached, you know, for a long time, I would smoke weed when I was younger, when I was, you know, back in 2012, and I'm not saying this is the most horrible thing ever. I know it's legal where I live. I live in Las Vegas, completely legal here. But, what I'm saying is, for me, I realized that for my own energy field, it would cause my energy field. I'd become much lazier. In a way, I was suppressing emotion from my past is when I was kind of the reason I was doing it. But I wasn't necessarily completely aware of it at the time.

But there were certain people that I would hang out with. I would smoke. There was a certain type of way I would smell, you know, I would smoke, I would drink. Sometimes it was causing me to perceive a certain reality from a different, a lower vibrational state. For example, alcohol resonates at like 270 250. That's pretty low. It resonates at the level of courage, which is ironic because it's called liquid courage that is considered a lower vibrational substance. That attachment would keep me in lower vibrational states, which, of course, would keep me from easily attracting money, love, and success that would come very easy at this higher level. For me, drinking alcohol, smoking weed, lowered by my ration. Once I learned how to raise my vibration by letting go of my past beliefs like the belief I had ADHD, the belief that I had frantic energy, that belief I wasn't worthy because of my past.

Once I let go of the attachment to those beliefs, I then raise my vibrational set point back in 2012, and when I would do those other things, it would then lower my vibration. Whereas before, it would raise my vibration. The key to what I'm saying is let go of things that are lowering your vibration. Deep-fried foods, foods that are heavy meats, these things, these, you know, heavy meats or GMO meats, these things will keep you in a low vibration, and when you're in a low vibration, you are then attached to those vibrational activities to those vibrational places. It then keeps things from manifesting in your life. Do what I call a vibrational inventory. Do a vibrational inventory where you become aware of how, what you think, what you feel, what you're doing is affecting your vibration. How is that affecting your energetic field? Because that will cause you to either be in high vibration or low vibration.

One of the most powerful ways you can do this to clear out your energetic field is a process that is called Hoʻoponopono. It's four simple statements. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I have a meditation I'm going to link below. You can listen to it while you're going to the gym with headphones. You can listen to it while you're driving, and if you do it every day for 21 days, I think it will transform your life. You have these things inside your energetic field that you can begin to clear. When you hear it, you then also heal your relationship with other people, and you also heal your past, and it is just extraordinarily powerful. I've used it with many different people in my life, and I've seen their lives transformed because the idea is that there really is no other, it's a very deep metaphysical concept. Let's do it for 21 days. I think it will transform your life.

The Vibration of Weed, Alcohol & Plant Medicine Revealed (and how to raise your vibration above it)


I'm going to show you the true vibration of weed, alcohol and plant medicine and I'm going to show you how to raise your vibration above it all.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you something that's a little bit edgier when it comes to understanding vibration. And I've talked before in prior videos about the vibration of different states of consciousness, the vibration of different energies and emotions. But in this blog, I thought I would calibrate the vibration of weed, alcohol, and what is called plant medicine. Just to be clear on the process that we are using for calibrating these different herbs or these different processes of fermentation or whatever it is, it has to do with understanding of book that is called power vs force, which has to do with something called kinesiology, which is muscle testing.

And the idea is that our subconscious mind can use this tool, this model for understanding different vibrational calibrations. This scale of consciousness I will put right here for a second to show you and that scale of consciousness starts at the bottom was a shame, fear, guilt, anger. You eventually see neutrality. Then you see that acceptance, willingness, reasoning, love, joy, peace, enlightenment. Every single person has a certain gravity where their natural set point is, and what happens is each one of those perspectives, each one of those, that person's vibration will calibrate there. That will be their natural set point. Plus, there are different places that resonate at a certain frequency. You could look at maybe Machu Picchu, which would resonate at a very high frequency, closer to four or 500, which is high for a location to be that high vibration. There are places like Maui that resonate higher than some other places.

Then you'll have some places in the world that resume a little bit lower and based on the consciousness of the people that live there based on the intention when people go there. I would imagine that I live here in Las Vegas and the Las Vegas trip, maybe not all of us Vegas, but the Las Vegas trip. I would imagine because of what it promotes doesn't necessarily resonate that high on the vibrational scale. But what you can begin to become aware of is that there's different vibrations, different calibrations, and when you become aware of it, it becomes kind of fun because then you can see what you do and how you feel and where you enjoy being. And some of this could even evolve that of different activities. Listening to classical music, for example, carries with it a certain vibration.

Normally in the four hundred which are also considered a high vibrational activity, you have certain sports that resonate higher. You have certain activities that may resonate lower, maybe certain types of music that promote violence. Would that promote some type of anger, and that would be a lower vibrational thing that may actually make you feel low or vibration now as well as the places as well as the activities that you can do? There's also a certain resonance when it comes to different vibrational substances. And in this blog, that's why I want to talk about weed, alcohol, and plant medicine. For this process, I have this scale right here, which just kind of maps out a little bit of the symbol of what the vibrations are and the first thing I want to say is back in 2012. It's not that weed is bad, and alcohol is bad or weeds as good and alcohol are good or any of this.

It's about understanding vibrational calibration because I was pretty confused, to be honest with you. I was confused because I always thought that lead was the higher vibrational plant that would you ingest it? It would raise your vibration almost always. That was my perspective on it. Just to give you a little bit of a backstory behind this, back in 2012, you haven't heard my story already. I used to be labeled what's called ADHD, and I would take Adderall for it, and every day I would go into work. I worked at Nordstrom's a woman's shoes. I take Adderall and really focused on work. I would make a lot of money, and then I would go home at the end of the day.

I was doing and smoking weed, and it was something that I enjoy doing as well. But then what happened is I had what is called a spiritual awakening. I went through a process where I started to become aware of my own beliefs of my own thought processes. I started to tap into an energy that was just completely different than anything I ever knew before. And I learned meditation. And for me, meditation was what changed everything. I learned how to observe my thoughts rather than react. I realized that I had a belief that said that I couldn't focus and that the only solution was taking the Adderall, which is what the doctor's prescribing me. And then I realized that I could change that belief.

I could observe these thoughts before I was trying to control my thoughts. It was causing resistance. Then what I did is I simply observe them, and I allowed those thoughts to be there. And as I did that, I started to feel this, the state of presence. I started to feel this energy that I can't really describe. And from that point on, I just decided that I'm going to meditate for 10, 15 minutes in the morning and then 10 15 minutes at night. And that changed my whole entire life. During this process, before I was smoking weed after I started to meditate, I would then occasionally I would realize that there are sometimes I would forget to smoke.

I had this feeling that it wasn't serving me anymore and that it was something that taught or you know, that I was able to, that was conducive for a while, but it was time for me actually to let it go. I just had this feeling almost like this knowing, and I didn't want to hear it at first. I remember any time I read anything online like I wouldn't even watch a YouTube video like this if someone is talking about it because it would annoy me, and I'd be like, no, I don't want anything that negates what I've been doing. I don't want to feel guilty about it, you know? But eventually, what happened is I realized that when I would do it less and less, I'd actually feel better. And then there was a couple of times where I would do it, and it actually brings my vibration down.

Well, now that I know the vibration of all of this, it makes total sense because what happens is every single person reading to this blog right now, your natural set point is and can be over 400 to 500, between four and 500. I'd say every single person listening to this can have a natural set point there, which is the idea, which is reasoning. When you get to that state if you were to smoke weed, which calibrates in about 350, which think about it, 350 is about the level of acceptance. What happens when you smoke? Normally you accept the moment, right? There's a certain level of allowance there. Everything's good. You accept. Sometimes when you, when you look at weed, it can actually make people take a little bit less action because over that, you have that.

Have you had that of reasoning, which is where there's also a sense of willpower and moving in a certain direction. A lot of personal growth like Tony Robbin's content would be in the four would be in the 300 to 400 range. The thing is we'd resonate at three 50. Is weed bad or good neither? It just is. It depends on your vibration. For example, if you're feeling a lot of negative vibration, maybe you had a really bad day. I'm not saying that that's the cure is always to have to, you know, I felt like I was always going to something when I was smoking a lot. I felt like I needed the Adderall during the day, and I needed the weed at night. I felt dependent on it. Because I felt dependent, I eventually said, you know what, there's got to be another way.

That's what I did research and time meditation, which eventually led to my spiritual awakening. The idea is that if you're feeling low vibrational emotion and you were to do it, it could raise your vibration, but then a lot of times, then people feel like they need it in order to keep it at that 350 level. And sometimes it depends on the intention too. A lot of times if people smoke weed and they just want to, they're just almost kind of, some people aren't actually abusing it. It's a sacred plant. Too many people, too many different ancient traditions, but many people just do it, and burn it.

They have no necessarily like respect for the plant itself, which I know sounds like a hippy-dippy type perspective. But, when you start to treat things out the more sacred perspective like that, it actually raises the frequency of it as well. But in general, you'll find that lead resonates at about two, 350, and yes, it may resonate higher than alcohol. However, it is still lower than your natural set point. When you raise your vibrational set point, what happens is you feel good and the majority of the time, and these things bring you down. People ask me sometimes if I smoke weed or I drink, I don't, not to say I'm hired by Rachel there, no one else. I know it sounds annoying for someone to say that they don't drink or smoke because then it makes other people feel like they're doing something wrong if they do it every now and then.

But when you focus on raising your vibration naturally, you won't need any of that. I feel high in the majority of the time, yes, it still fluctuates. There are still things that happen, but I really believe that that's our natural state in that every single person listening can tap into it. We'd like a residence at about 350 on the scale of consciousness. And what you realize is that the more you raise your vibration, the less you will gravitate towards it.

Then what you'll notice is, now we'll talk about that of alcohol. Alcohol is something that they call spirits and wonder why they call it spirits. Well, a lot of times, what happens is when you drink alcohol, you get to a certain level of unconsciousness to where viewers are more influenceable. There is more influence possible by that of different spirits that may be around. I remember when I was drinking back in the day, and there were times that I would drink so much that I would forget things that I did, and I'd be told the next day by other people, things that I did that were totally out of character for me. And it's amazing to me that people could tell me stories of things I don't consciously remember yet.

It's kind of like a little playground for them, for spirits that are in between our realm, in the higher realm or different states of consciousness. They call it spirit. They also call it liquid. Courage is ironic because courage reds need right at about this frequency as well. Well, I think it depends on the intention that people use it. I think that if you're in high vibration and you're celebrating, he drank a little bit. I don't think it's going to bring your vibration all the way down. But in general, if people overindulge, I think that a lot of times, it can bring the vibration down. But in general, alcohol is lower vibration than that of weed. That's just on the vibrational scale from calibrating it, using muscle testing.

And when I was explaining nearly yours, you can calibrate using the strength of your subconscious. Your subconscious mind is also within your body. Your body will go strong on things that are true on statements that are true and weak when statements are false. And what they've been able to do is use this model, which then our body can use to calibrate these different levels. This is something that was done in the book, power versus force, and many other kinesiology. It's used quite often, but it's very powerful for understanding these different levels of consciousness. So far, we have the lead at three 50. We have alcohol at two 70. And it's about becoming aware of how these might be influencing your vibration.

One thing that I do find interesting is that there are plant medicines that resonate at 500, which is very high, 500 and another between 500 and 600. Certain plant medicines resonate there. These are considered sacred plant medicines. I go to Costa Rica every year. I legally do Aida in these places, which is short for Iowasca, and it is something that it is something that I do that makes me aware of the pack that I'm on. It makes me aware of some of the subconscious things that I'm working through. And you can really feel like there's a divine essence there that is in a way showing different parts of the psyche, different parts of the subconscious mind that are unaware. In general, these vibrations rates are calibrated high level of vibration. Sometimes when you do these things, it will bring up negative things.

Well, here's the reason that happens. It resonates at a high frequency that then brings up any of the things that aren't already dealt with. It brings it up for you to deal with so that you can then clear it out and let it go. The other thing is some plant medicines do it gets you out of your identity. It makes you become aware of your ego, your identity, and the thing is your self-image is creating your life experience. The way you see yourself as projected out to other people and what it helps you to do is it helps you to break down the filters that barriers. The beliefs you have about who you think you are and what that does is that eventually allows you to integrate and to let go of a lot of these lower things that don't serve. Those can resonate at a higher frequency, and ones like mushrooms were those ones I was talking about resonating right at about 500 now, once again though, when I talk about these things, I'm not saying to go do any of it.

All I'm saying is that it's interesting to me how this works and the intention of each and how and what it can do. I think that this can, for some people, it can be a powerful tool for people to break down their identity and ego to become aware. You know, they, they've done a lot of research with mushrooms and seeing that people that take it, that are on their death bed or people that are a terminally ill, how it changes their energy and how it changes how they view life because they start to become more tapped in to who they really are and understanding that this is a temporary life experience that we're in right now, but we're actually eternal spiritual beings. It's a very empowering type of process.

The Vibration of Wanting VS Having Are 2 Totally Different Realities: Here Is What To Do


I'm going to be sharing with you how you can move from the vibration of wanting something and how that wanting something implies a level of lack and how you can move into the vibration of having your desires or manifestations or whatever you're focused on.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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The first part of understanding this is that it's about knowing that there are different perceptions of reality based on different perceptions of consciousness. When we look at that at the vibrational scale, you may have seen me talk about it before. There's the lower level of vibrations at the bottom. There are higher vibrations at the top. What happens is the higher up this you go, the more you raise your vibe, the more manifestation becomes very easy. And it's kind of a paradoxical thing because there have been times where I get so much into work mode and doing things, and I realize I'm working hard even though I love what I do.

There are times I realize that sometimes that cast me out of like maybe 450 or 400 on that scale of consciousness, which goes from a zero to a thousand, and most people will be between the vibrational levels of let's say 200 to 450. I would say, especially people reading this blog. Normally most of the world is actually even lower than that. And it's not about I'm this vibration. This vibration who's high or who's lower, but it is about becoming aware of where it is in congruence or in alignment with actually you.

Because the truth is you are unconditional love and bliss. That's who you really are. But what happens is we forget that we go through certain life experiences, and we get muddled up in these lower vibrations. We think we're not worthy. And then we have to move our way back up, and the way we move our way back up is by letting go. It's by becoming aware; it's by doing a lot of the work that you see that we do on this channel. A lot of the intention is to move us to back up this vibrational scale. With manifestation, you may have noticed that back in the day when I started my way of making YouTube videos, I was making a lot of videos on the law of attraction, and it was something I was very passionate about and still am to a certain level.

But eventually, I moved out of just talking about the law of attraction and moved into this type of work because I realized that it depends on the Law of Attraction, with the level of consciousness. Because if somebody is feeling anger and has suppressed emotion when it comes to manifestation, that's much harder to do because they're trying to raise their vibe. But they have this stuff that's holding them down, and then the energy that they're emitting out with their intention. This is the big caveat with manifestation and a lot of times what you hear in like a book like think and grow rich, which is still an amazing book, but it's a white-hot burning desire of a war taught to burden desire.

But when you're looking at the scale of consciousness, that is true from where a lot of the people's consciousness was, especially back in the 1930s. When that book was written and even now that book, many millionaires say that the book think and grow rich is what helped them on their path to becoming successful. It could still work, but the thing is you move from that wanting to take massive action then and then taking the massive action. It makes you go, I want, I want, I want, I'm starting it, and then you start to have these sorts of having that you start to have until eventually, you have.

That's the bridge. But what I'm saying is that when we focus, instead of raising our vibration, state of consciousness, you may still take action, but it's coming from a higher frame. It has to do with the energy underneath the action you're taking. In general, the vibration of desire is calibrated at 125 out of the scale of consciousness and desire while sometimes can be, you know, somewhat of a, a thing that brings you up. You have neutrality about 250, and then you'll have love, joy, peace, enlightenment at the top. The key is it's knowing and imagining two different versions of you.

Imagine the version of you wanting versus the version of you having. There are two different realities that exist right now. There is a version of you that has what you desire. There's a version of you that is living in that life. Look at the vibrational difference. Remember, our vibration is a combination of how we think, how you feel, and how we asked. I really want it. What will I do to get it? And then you got a feel, what am I feeling of feeling lack. I feel like I don't currently have him. He'd be like, I'm not enough. And how are you acting? You might be carrying yourself in a way to where you're not actually moving in the vibration of having, you're just feeling that lack.

And therefore, you may be just acting as if body language that you don't really have what you want, that you're kind of looking for answers. But a big vibrational difference between wanting versus having in the verse interview that it's natural for you. In this blog, I want to share three things that you can apply to this process to bridge that gap, what you can do about this. The first one has to do with importance. You've probably heard me talk about this before, but the more we put something on a pedestal, the more we vibration. We separate ourselves from it. If you put something on the pedestal and you say, I really, really like, I really, really want this pen, which is ironic cause I have it in my hands right now.

But if I put it over here and I was like, Whoa, I really, really wanted, it would be so amazing if I had that pen because then I could draw stuff on the board. I had that pen. It would be amazing. Oh gee, well if I stay in that vibration, there's not really an actualization of me having the pen, which then the power is intention, but I can't put the pen on a pedestal, but put that pen on a pedestal go, wow, I would really have bought that pet. Am I worthy of the pet? Is there a belief that I should have a pen? Shouldn't I have a pen? But we do that because it sounds funny when it's about a pen because nobody has importance to it. It's just a pen too, bro. It's just a pen. Pick up the pen.

Well, the idea is that when people come with relationships, they're in the same way. Instead of just being, it'd be natural for them to be in a relationship to love themselves and then have someone else to reflect that love back. Do you see a relationship and a pen or a neutral idea? Yes. We'll have more of a deep emotional relationship with that of a person. Unless you watch like TLC, I'm sure there's somebody that has a pen addiction that makes love to their pen. Like the guy that meets love in his car. I'm sure that exists out there as well. But in general, it's about understanding the neutral idea because this is the thing, thoughts, beliefs then create the emotions we have.

Am I saying that we don't have real emotional connections to other people? No, I'm saying we do have them. We do have deep emotional connections with people, and that's our nature. However, what I'm saying are many times it's a belief that vibrationally puts things on a pedestal and makes it important. If you think someone's out of your league, you're going to put them on a pedestal, you're going to be very resistant around them, and your energy is not going to be natural, and they're going to feel that desperation of you.

Imagine that pen filling the desperation is like, bro, I'm not like this is a little bit too much for me. You are obviously real attached. Attach the outcome. I could feel that desperation, and it may sit over there on a pedestal. You see, it sounds funny when I mix when I go from the pen to the person because then you can see the dichotomy of the energy that we put towards each individual one, but the importance is the key to seeing these things as natural. The version of you that has the success that does what you love for a living that is in that state, this stuff is natural. It is natural for you. Start to take things off a pedestal by realizing the neutrality of it, realizing that you are good. Either way, whether that pen is in your hand or not, you don't need to draw because your words alone can get the point across.

But if I want to, it's cool. I can have a pen; I could draw a little chart right here that looks kind cool. I can put vibe, thing fills act, and one first has and all. Do you see what I mean? Like I could do all this too, but I don't put this on a pedestal. I just put it right here, but I put the cap on first because otherwise it dries out and these pens are pretty big, so I don't want to draw after it. I want versus I have is natural. I'm just so silky smooth. I got that groove. If you could just smash that like button really quick, then you'll see that it just feels so good because then you see that smash lack button go up. Do you see what I mean? Here? There's a difference in the vibe, the vibration of these two different realities, and also for real.

Like does it have you like it because I'm acting out these different states of consciousness? Let me know if you like this cause if so, then I will do more like this. I'm actually enjoying this. Your mind's about to be blown to smithereens. I love you, but this is part of consciousness. Okay, this is a part of the work. All right, wanting verse, having, okay one's vibration. There are two totally separate realities. A lot of times, having can still be in the present moment, but being is coming at it from a level of consciousness that's hired a level of consciousness that is more accepting of the present moment, and it comes from a level of it coming from your core. It's a part of your identity.

Who are you, really? What is your passion? What is your frequency?  The idea is that I put that out because it's what I enjoy doing now. That's me being in the high vibrational frequency that I am. You are a high-frequency being. Remember, you are unconditional love, a hundred, sorry, it's going to bother me. You are a high-frequency being, and you are unconditional love, joy, peace, enlightenment. You just forget that you come here and then you want something. Then you try to have a date instead of just being who you really are, which is so cliché. What you want to do is you want to focus on being, which is a 450 plus level of consciousness where you're present to the moment you're in a flow state. You're doing what you love. Find out what you love. Start to set the intention.

The second thing I want to talk about is this mirror. There's this mirror reflection delay, and what happens is now on the planet, the vibrations continue to increase. That mere that delay is going away. It's like going away. More and more things are and quicker than ever. What happens, though, is know and trust. By trusting that process, you'll eventually see a new reflection on the outside. But you have to trust it. You have to trust the mirror. You see, you have a certain momentum going, you have a certain momentum. We say I won because you want that. Here is what I want here. But the idea is that you may have been saying, I want for a long time. Because of that, there's a certain momentum.

The key is to remain in your own energy regardless of what the outside shows because then will it; you'll eventually find is that by doing so, it does reflect that, but you can't be attached to it. Just like we know with Amir, the standard mirror analogy, you look into a mirror, and you see that, and you look at, and you go, you need to change her reflection. Well, of course, that looks ridiculous, right? But you know, Oh, if I just changed my reflection, it eventually changes. But imagine there's like a delay of like three seconds. You change the reflection, and then there's still gone. It's not there yet. But you see, the key to this is to trust it, to trust it. Your inner reality is not dependent on outer reality.

And if you make it dependent on the outer reality, it will be stubborn, and it won't reflect you back to the new thing. You have to prove to yourself that you are not dependent on it. Do you see that's the key, the mere delay, you have to trust it, and you have to let it be, and you have to focus more on the inside of the vibrate? The inner reality of having the inner reality of being the want is an externalization. It is looking to the outside. Having is an internal game. Then also, being is an internal game. It's a level of presence that comes with this. The third thing I wanted to share, so we have that have importance. We have that of the mere delay. Understanding that and trusting it and then knowing it's all an inner game.

The third step is cultivating the vibration of being talked about this a little bit on the prior video, but you know, for me it was how I became a full-time YouTuber I said I'm going to make videos every single day. Acts like a full-time YouTuber, and I know I'm passionate about it. Eventually, my reality will shift because of that. While I was working a full-time job, I was very busy, but in the first three weeks, there were almost no results. But then eventually, things begin to grow. The key to this is understanding your energy and going within and giving yourself permission to be my dad before he's a firefighter, went and got into the vibration of being a firefighter by volunteering at Boulder city fire department here in Las Vegas, which is like 30 minutes away. And he would do those calls so that he could see what that was like and he could get his name out there, and you could get because it took him like six times to get on.

It's very hard to like it. They don't pick numbers like the top 10 people. He, he would test my, the top five or ten almost every time. Oh, five and 50, you know, I did like 600 people, so he's gonna be the top percentage, but they don't pick numbers one through 10. It's like sporadic. But eventually, he was consistent at it. He saw it, his vision, he stayed consistent with it and then eventually it actually happened. The key to this is understanding, trusting that process, and getting into the being vibration of that reality. I did that with YouTube. I'm doing that in many different ways to get to the next level in my life, but those are the three steps that I highly recommend. Here's something new that I have.

I have a quiz that I made that will show you and reveal to you your actual vibration using an archetype, and you can calibrate your vibration. And then I give you a meditation that goes with your calibration. That'll help you get to the next level. It's absolutely free. It's called You can fill out this survey as about 15 questions in it, and it will show you where your calibration is using an archetype, and I will give you a meditation plus in the days moving ahead. After you get that meditation, I will send you a way that you can get to the next level of consciousness.

Belief Is The Enemy: Do This Instead And Watch Your Life Transform


I'm going to show you why belief is the enemy, and now I'm going to show you exactly what to do instead. I think that this video can be a powerful video that plants a seed that changes so much in your life, and I'm excited to share it with you.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you something that I call belief shifting, which is a process for shifting your beliefs, which will then completely change your life. And it has to do with first off understanding that our reality is a reflection of what we believe to be true. From saying that, you might say, well, isn't the choice isn't a thing than that? Beliefs are good that we have better beliefs, but it depends upon the different levels of consciousness you want to focus on because this is a paradox in our reality.

Our reality is set up so that whatever we believe to be true is reflected back to us. But the thing is from one person to a different person; those things may be completely different things. And where we get kind of caught up is we tried to, we tried to debate other people about what the truth is when an actuality, our beliefs about reality overlay our perception, which then has us perceive of a reality that is equal to that mental construct or that way of relation. The power of the video I'm going to be sharing with you is going to be showing you two different forms of this perspective from two different levels of consciousness and one level.

We can emphasize that beliefs are great and that you can get a better belief. If you believe right now that you're not worthy of being in a relationship, then what you could do is you could believe you are worthy of being in a relationship. But what I found to be even more powerful is merely doubting the belief that says you're not worthy doubt that belief. Because at a certain point in your past, what you did, or someone did to you is there was a meaning that was integrated that was internalized. It says I'm not worthy. It doesn't mean that you need to say to yourself, I am worthy. I know. Of course, you're worthy, but it's about letting go of what doesn't serve. Letting go of that belief that is holding you back.

Most beliefs that we almost, every belief we have is a limitation. Even if you say, Oh, I'm going to believe that I am able to make this much per year, we'll eventually you will surpass that when you surpassed that, that will be a limiting belief and from other people's perspective, that is a limiting belief. You see, so belief is something I wrote right here. Beliefs are lies that we tell ourselves to give us a certain level of limitations that we can have a human experience. It doesn't mean they have to be bad, but it does mean that these beliefs are only true for a certain period of time.

Even after we leave this realm, we will be in a higher vibrational state to where this may be completely unrelatable, but we're here for a period of time because we want to go through a transformation on the planet that's happening right now. But in general, belief is something that we can become aware of because when you become aware of your beliefs, you can then change your life. Most people's beliefs think of beliefs also in a way like stories are just completely on autopilot. We've been given our beliefs when we're young, we think that's who we are now, and that's why we go through our life and autopilot mode over and over and over again, experiencing the same things over and over and over again.

Doing the same things over and over and over again, feeling the same emotions over and over and over again, is because we have art in that autopilot mind, and those beliefs are just on autopilot. It's about becoming aware of these beliefs, and there's a three-step process I'm going to share with you that has to do with belief shifting, and then I'm going to show you a shift in consciousness with this whole perspective that I think changes everything. Before we talk too much about belief, what I want to do is give you a general overview of how reality works and our internal mechanism. Understand that outer reality is simply a reflection of our inner reality. Let me show you how our inner reality works of how we think this. It does start with the mental. It goes mental, emotional, and then physical.

They give it in that kind of stream right here. We have a belief which then generates a feeling which then causes the thought pattern, the thought stream, which then goes into the action that we take, the physical. We got the mental, the emotional, the physical, and then the result that we get, which then reinforces that same belief. This is the cycle of how our system on the inside works. Belief is also synonymous with meaning. Whatever you give meaning to. For example, if something happens and somebody tells you something when you were younger, you may give it a certain meaning that says this, I'm a shy person. Maybe somebody says you're very awkward and they made fun of you or something.

And I have a friend that was talking about how when he was young, he was shamed by a friend when they went to the bathroom, and it's going to sound kind of dumb. But he went into the bathroom, and he was peeing when he was like, you know, probably like, I don't know, seven or eight years old with his, like the pants all the way down. Right. And one of his friends goes, will tell you, do it, or I don't know, I just said it like little kid voice. What are you doing? Pee like a man. And he felt so ashamed of having his pants, like pulled down to pee. And, you know, he didn't know that that's the way men do it. And he was just getting to that age or whatever, where that became customary and normal, and then he felt shameful for it.

And for years afterward, he was talking about how he was so embarrassed by that that he started developing a level of stage fright because he just felt like he was going to do something wrong or embarrass himself. Well, there was a certain meaning that was given. Maybe that meaning was around some friend that said something to him that he didn't internalize. He didn't get that meaning that he was doing something wrong or felt like you always had to be on edge or feel like, you know, he's embarrassed or awkward.  Stage fright, there's a certain emotion of anxiety that comes up, which then fuels more thoughts that says, why is this happening?

It's because I'm, I'm not meant to do or is weird, or I just didn't know about this. Or people are going to judge me. Whatever that thought that reinforces that tune, that belief then goes to the action of feeling afraid to do certain things or really being inwards and not really expressing. And then it goes to the results, which is the results are whatever they get in reality from that action, which could be people thinking you are awkward putting out that kind of energy and seeing that result, which then fuels that belief. You see, this is the cycle of belief that most people aren't aware of. And the thing is in order for us to change our reality, we don't change our thoughts. That's what a lot of people tried to do with the law of attraction. They tried just to think different thoughts.

Just think of different thoughts. But the key is his thoughts are actually down here on this little cycle. It's about belief. The meaning you give things, the belief that meaning about who you are. And when you realize that, then you generate a different feeling. You cannot have a feeling without first having a belief about something you cannot have a feeling without first having a belief. If you were to lose your job, lose your job, look at the frame of that. If you were to lose your job, then what would happen is you would give it to meaning that, Oh, what would this mean? Will I be able to pay my bills? The meaning you give it would then generate that feeling of fear, but if you were excited like, Oh, something new, I didn't even like that job.

I'm excited to get into a job that I'm am passionate about; then, it would generate a different feeling, a level of excitement. You see, if you're just getting out of the relationship, and you give the meaning that that relationship was everything and that you're nothing now and it had completed you, and you don't think you're ever going to find someone, and you're really identified with that person, then what happens is that belief will then generate a feeling of lack of feeling, of scarcity, a feeling of I'm not enough, or I'm not worthy of what happens? I feel like I lost something. The feeling comes from the meaning and the belief always. That's where it starts. I show you the cycle because this is something that I teach when it comes to belief shifting. The belief shifting is about realizing if you want to make any change, you must first saw changed the belief you first off get to the core because a lot of the beliefs you have are just on autopilot.

May feel awkward when you're around certain people, and it's because you may have a belief of something that happened when you were younger that caused you to have a certain meaning that says, this is how I relate to the world. This is who I am. Then generates a feeling which then has continuous thoughts, which perpetuates an action which reaps a certain result, which then reinforces that belief. The key to this process is really aware of the beliefs. Once you become aware of the beliefs, you can see that most of the beliefs you had were made unconsciously. They were given to you by your family. They were given to you by your friends.  Anytime someone says something to you; you could choose not to internalize it. You get to choose what you believe about you. This is about knowing that not a doodle hat. Okay, you're not on duty who had done right.

There's a three-step process of belief shifting. Should we put it on the site. And sometimes you can follow the trail of your belief. You want to know how you know, what your beliefs are, and what are actions you're taking. Because sometimes, you get a little tricky when you're going a feeling of what I believe is so intellectual show intellectual what I believe. If you really actually believed it, then you would have actions that correlate with that. Normally you can trace your beliefs back with your action. You know, I could say, yeah, I'm so other than making, doing so much action for my business and was put in so much work and have to have a crazy work ethic, which is something I go through by the way.

Like it works. You know, I put so much into my business, and what I do, Oh, I believe I don't need it. Well, I'm still making daily videos. I'm still doing many different aspects of the business every day. Do I really believe it? How much do I believe I can make a year? How much you make in a year? How much do I believe? Do I believe I'm worthy of a good relationship? Are you in a good relationship?

These are the things and ways of tracing your beliefs. Here's the process. First off, awareness. This is what I call the belief shifting process. This is something that I teach awareness — becoming aware of the belief. Make an inquiry where you find out what that belief is; you trace that belief back. Then what you do is you let it go, let it go. How do you let go over belief? Well, you first off, become aware of it, and then you realize it ain't serving anymore. Most of the beliefs you have, you have some type of payoff from whether the payoff is then you can be right. You see, we all have this ego. The ego wants to do everything it can to survive in the way that it sees itself. The ego will do everything it can to survive, and the ego is trying to stay consistent with the way it defines itself.

You may become aware that you have this belief that you might have this belief that a, you can only make, you know, $150,000 per year, and they may want to let that go. But maybe part of you wouldn't want to have to figure out how to make more. Or you think your friends would judge you if you did make more and you were trying to do personal development stuff, or maybe it's a, you think you'd have to take more action. You don't know if you really want to have to do that in life right now, and there's subconscious. There's a subconscious attachment there to the way that you see yourself that's keeping that the same. What you have to do is you have to let it go by coming aware of the payoff and then letting that go.

We'll do that completely for you. You need to be right. The ego always wants it to be right. I've experienced this many times, especially when it comes to things where I'm like, no, well, that shouldn't have happened. That shouldn't happen. It's the principle that should have happened and then based on that because there's a lot of vague and emotions, a lot of negative thoughts and a lot of negative feelings, but, and to be attached to the belief, so awareness, let it go, let it go. What did I do right here, though? You wire in the new belief you why you're in a new belief. Why are you in the new belief?

I see myself as somebody as myself image only able to make 50 K a year, and then you become aware of it, and you say, why do I want to stay there? It's not up. It's on autopilot. My parents made that much. Maybe that's what I'm worthy up. And you become aware of that, and then you say, you know what? I'm going to let that go, and I'm going to wire it in the new belief. Consistently have that then to take action as if you do make a hundred K a year and then to see that result, but you have to why you're in these other things to then get to here. One of the other biggest hacks that I found is something that I also teach them the belief shifting process, which is that of finding a belief mentor.

One way you do this is through reading books, reading books that have people that believe what you want to believe. Because then you get yourself into the mental framework and in the mental framework, you can then see how you can perpetuate the cycle for you. This is about becoming aware and finding someone else that's in the same energy field as someone you want to be like. Maybe you want to own you're an art gallery studio, and you say, you know what, I'm going to go work for somebody that owns an art gallery studio. I'm going to be an assistant for them one day a week and learn from them and be in their energy field and see what they believe and ask them questions.

You see, that's one of the most powerful ways I found wiring to believe. But then you have to do some consistently. You know, I wired in a belief that I am a full-time YouTuber. Before I was a full-time YouTuber and what I did is, I went straight to the action. I said I'm going to make videos every single day no matter what until I'm full time on YouTube. And I did that, which then eventually generated more feeling of the passion, which I already somewhat passionate about it, but it amplified it.

Then the thoughts were consistent too. Oh, this is something possible for me. I'm going to continue the action, which then eventually got me the result. That is the belief shifting process. That's also something that I teach at something called Dutch shift Academy, which is a month coaching Academy where I show you how to apply this in every area of your life. I do something in there I've never done before. What I do is I do a zoom call every single month that's two hours long. A zoom call is different than a YouTube live or an Instagram live. I actually bring people on, and I work with them, and I show them the framework.

I showed them how to work through this process so that you see them go through the shift, and they go through this shift as well. It's something you can see and relate to your own life. And then you also have an opportunity to come on to get one on one coaching for me. This is called the shift Academy. You will also get videos every single month as you're in the Academy that shows you how to go through this process, how to create the shift in consciousness that you've heard me speak about before, and this is something that will help you to transform your life.

You also get a mastermind of likeminded people, which helps out with this process of finding belief mentors and people that believe something similar to then create a powerful mode of trans of transformation. This is something I'll make sure this video goes out. You will see a link below with the lowest price you'll ever see plus a really cool bonus there if you join soon and eventually that will go away, but it's to join the shift Academy, which will help you to shift out of your prior beliefs and into a higher state of consciousness.

Let me show you something else. The other thing that I teach in that Academy is this belief. The paradox is it's still a lie. You see how this is coming full circle now. It's only a belief because we believe it to be true. Therefore, that's our reality. It's still a form of illusion. If we go to, that's at a 450 on that scale of consciousness; that's where we are, and we're learning how to architect our own reality: 500 and above. Just be who you really are. This sounds very cliché, we've heard it many times, but go beyond belief and go into being. Go into being. You are an infinite spiritual being, having a temporary human experience, and no matter the limitation that you have of your beliefs, it'll keep you in a little prison.

What I'm saying is you go beyond all these beliefs, and you go into being experience reality for yourself. Experience everything as if you were experiencing it for the first time. Be open to infinite possibilities. Does freedom from this belief about who you are, freedom from the old self-image in order to become anything you want and everything you must become. You free yourself at this higher level of consciousness. This is what a true shift in consciousness is about, is becoming free to be yourself, becoming free to enjoy life, becoming more childlike and free without the limitations of the self-imposed beliefs that we have about reality.

What The Vibration of Having More Love and Success Feels Like


I'm going to show you what the vibration of having money, love, and success feels like, and I'm going to show you how to tap into it.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be showing you the vibration of having money, love, success versus that of wanting money, love and success, which is coming from an energy of lack that we don't currently have it. What I'm going to share with you is how to type into how to tap into the vibrational feeling of what that is now of having money, love, and success. When you may look around and be like, yo, bro, it's not around me right now. How can I tap into that when I look around, and I don't see it? Well, here is a huge shift that I've had in my own life.

It understands that our reality, what we experience on the outside is just a reflection of our inner reality. That's what it is. When we talk about the vibration of having money, money is energy. The thing that people get tripped up about is they go chasing money. Can I get more money? Can I get more money? Can I get more money? And when you want more money, you're saying that that money is outside of you and therefore you can't vibrationally have it because you're in the vibration of wanting. And the vibration of lacking want is a lack. Sometimes the wanting will get people to take then action, which then has them slowly but surely move into having.

But if you recognize the truth, the truth is the vibration of money is energy. Money is energy. Think about it. What happens is the way money works is the more value you put out. Say somebody puts out value, they help other people. Or say somebody has a product that adds value to someone's life. What happens is other people with their own energy are willing to give away some of their energy in the form of money that we use to exchange energy because it adds value to them. They're willing to give in exchange for it. What you put out is what you get back. When you are tapped into your passion, when you're doing what you love, that adds value to other people.

We'll always have some form of adding value, whether it's just your energy state or whether it's actually like my, my passion is actually making these videos. But when you understand the philosophy of money, knowing that money is simply energy, you can then see what I can put out into the world? What energy can I put out into the world that other people will also find value in that? Then they were willing to give energy back in exchange, which is in the form normally of money. The vibration of wanting money is saying the money's over there, the money's over there, the money's over there, and it's saying, I lack money. I like the money. When in actuality, the money is just an outer reflection of your inner tapping into your inner well.

You see, there's an infinite amount of energy inside of you, but the key is you tapping into that energy. I tapped into my energy of what I love doing, and that happens to be adding value to people. I continue to do that, and then my outer reality is a reflection of that. But you see people get caught up in the external reality — same thing with love. The symbol is you being in a relationship, but if you love yourself, you will then emit energy of love, and then other people will feel that, and more people are likely to then fall in love with you because you love yourself just like money. You are tapped into your own well of abundance, which is energy. You see, so the vibration of having versus the vibration of wanting, there are two totally separate realities.

One negates what you actually want to experience and one of the firms that you want to experience, but you see this shift right here, changes everything because then you realize that you are powerful, and you can change your inner reality. When you change your inner reality, your outer reality will begin to reflect that change your inner reality with the recognition and the awareness that you contain everything within yourself right now to feel 100% worthy, whole, and complete. You can give yourself permission to feel those emotions. That's a kind of an ironic thing because not ironic, I'll use that word, ironic sometimes running paradox, metaphor, hyperbole. Similarly, when it comes to this process, what we can do is realize that normally, what we do is we say, when this on the outside changes, then I can feel positive emotion.

It's then in our brain we give ourselves permission to release the serotonin, the dopamine because we simply allow it to happen. We allow ourselves to say, then that's a symbol. It's just a symbol. For example, you could say, when I get that job promotion at my job, then I can feel happy. Then I'll be all in the complete. You get that job promotion, then you give yourself permission to feel those emotions of worthiness and accomplishment, but it's your inner permission you're giving yourself that allows you to feel that way. You can give yourself that permission now to feel 100% worthy, holding complete to tap into your own energy. Well, you tap into your passion, and you tap into the love inside of yourself, and as you do that on your inner reality, your outer reality will begin to change. That's all the outside is. It's a reflection of your inner reality.

It's just most people are not aware of what their inner reality is because they're so caught up and fixed and that this is the way reality is. This is the way reality is. This is the way reality is, and therefore they stay within that perpetual loop of how they think, feel, and act because that's the way reality is. That's the way reality is. But if you let go and you start to become free, you will notice that your life begins to change in a very, very powerful way. You see, this is the key to this whole process is the awareness that there is no outer reality other than what we believe to be. You change your inner reality; you change your inner beliefs, you then transform your life. The vibration of having is totally different from the vibration of wanting, and you can bridge that gap.

What is, what is your current self-image? What are your current stories you tell yourself, how are you currently thinking, feeling, and acting? That's what determined your current reality. All right? If you want to experience the reality of what you want, then you can identify what that ideal reality is. If I focused on that vibration, you could then focus on doing things that get you in that vibration. That's what I did. You may know the story. I talked about it a lot. YouTube, I make daily videos on YouTube now, and what I did is the old version of me was not making daily videos. The old version of me was looking at a nine to five job. I hate it. I said, okay, this is my present reality. This is what I dream of being.

I worked for myself. I'd be talk hook, and it was indispensable, but what I had to do eventually was see it as natural and just simply start to be a YouTuber, which means I was making daily videos even while I had a nine to five job and I was working 40 hours a week, and I was making videos pretty much 30 hours a week. It was a very busy beat. You see, the key to this is stopping that story. I am only capable of having a nine to five job. I can only do this. I really, really want that. That's on a pedestal. Look at that really over there. That was, it'd be amazing. The bridge that gap by being, get into the frequency, maybe even doing, doing help as well do things that put you into that vibrational frequency.

You see, this thing could feel and do is very different than this thing. All right? When you are in the vibrational frequency of this think, feel, and do you eventually begin to wire in a new way of being a new frequency. And then you can have, you can have, when you are, you have, when you are, you don't have, when you are not, you do not have, when you are saying I'm not good enough. I know you are not when you're looking at the lack in your life. Give yourself permission to be this. Is that dinner last night when my father, my dad, okay, talking about the dinner, I was like, yo, debt, let's go eat over here.

We vote, we eat. And then I'll sit there and my dad, and we were talking, he was talking about how when he worked as a general manager like a front desk manager at Circus Circuits. And then what he did is he tested to be on the fire department. He's a fire investigator now. He tested me on the fire department, took him six times again, the fire department because even though you ranked on the top percentage every time. What happens is when you go for it, they don't pick numbers one through 10. They picked like number one, number 84, number 362, and, and it took them six times to get on. He kept at it. He was persistent. He didn't give up after once or twice.

But then this is what he did. You probably don't know that this is what he did. And this is part of the science of the metaphysics of this. But what he did is he took on a volunteer firefighter position in Boulder city here in like Las Vegas. Boulder city's like a 45-minute drive. He worked as a firefighter in Boulder city for free, but there is a fire over there. He'd get a call; he would have to, he'd have to speed down to, to rush down, to go straight to Boulder city to help fight a fire. Then he was immersing himself in the vibration of being a firefighter. Plus, he was around other firefighters, and by doing that for however long, he eventually got into the fire department; he tested, and then he eventually got on. Maybe they saw his name enough, like this dude's fricking serious about it, but also, he was in the vibrational frequency of the reality of him being a firefighter before he was even there.

Just like I was making daily videos on YouTube before anyone was really watching, and before I even knew it was going to pan out, I was living in that reality. I was tasting. What is that liking? What is that liking for me to get up every single day and make a video? And since 2017 February 2017, I have been making daily deals on YouTube ever since the first part of my day and woke up a little bit ago. Here I am making a video. This is a part of who I am, and because I'm in this vibration, I'm in the vibration of having a reality that is equal to how I think, how I feel. And what I do. You can begin to bridge these two realities by being aware of your current story that you're telling yourself.

When Heath Ledger was playing the joker, he said he was having horrible dreams at night because he's playing such an evil character. Well, he was embodying that character 100% you see, he was acting, and he was in it. And then at the end of the day, though, you could go home and stop being in that role, which ended up actually affecting him in a negative way to where what happened. But actors will continuously tell you that they begin to feel and embody the character that they're playing. And it kind of in a way becomes a little bit a part of them, especially while they're doing the movie. The reason that I say don't act as if it's because acting as if it implies that it's only for a temporary period of time.

Just like you might say, I'm going to act. I'm going to do a diet for three weeks. Well, guess what? You're going to get results for three weeks, and then when you go back to your normal diet, you're going to get the results of that normal diet of who are, but that's not who you are. This is the key. This is the secret. You don't take action until you first off to the thought to do so or the intention to do so. The vibration of having is about understanding that the money, the loves, the success is an energy within you that you cultivate by you giving yourself permission and you bridging the vibrational gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Seeing that as a natural part of who you are for you to be doing what you love. I would encourage you to get into situations that put you in the vibrational frequency of those you want to be like, like my dad going to the fire, becoming a volunteer firefighter around other firefighters in the energy field and then him doing that thing and being in the frequency of it and seeing that as a part of who he is. And then, in the same way, me doing daily videos, me seeing myself as a full-time YouTuber and just giving myself permission to be a fulltime YouTuber.

You see that's the, that's the difference and not needing the external, the change you see there will be a temporary time where the mirror of life is reflecting back to you in old way of being because you've had so long that the gears rolling, running on this old way of thinking, feeling and doing that that old reality is continuing to play itself out, but when you decide that this is who I am now, you don't need the external to change, then eventually the external will change. That's the paradox. The external change and it's you holding that frame, holding that frame, holding that role, that then becomes who you are. You see, this is where transformation really begins to happen because you see that this old way of being how you think, feel, and act as an illusion. It's something that you've tied to onto in the past and something that's just been on autopilot.

You become aware of it, and then you start to see yourself as the person of you that you really prefer to be. Understand that the vibration of having money, love, and success is in direct reflection to how much permission you give yourself to feel that you're already in that reality and how much you are linking your inner and outer reality actions, thoughts, and feelings to that. And the way you bridge that is through imagination. And it's through choice choosing that that is who you are.

With that being said, something else that I have is a quiz that will show you where your current vibration is. It will calibrate your vibration and give meditations to show you how to get to the next level of consciousness. It's a free quiz where I give you two meditations that I think will help you to transform your life. You can take that quiz in the link below or go by. What's my What's my You can take that quiz, see where your vibration calibrates at. There are different archetypes that show you where your vibration is, and then how to get to the next level. And I will help you to do that. If you're interested in that, what's my, and I will see you there, and I help you transform to the next level.

STOP Chasing Your Twin Flame and instead do this (they will chase you)


I'm going to show you why if you imply you are chasing your twin flame, why it means they're running away. I'm going to show you how to switch up the energy and exactly what to do instead.

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Today, I'm going to show you what to do instead of chasing your twin flame. Some of the things you must do with your energy to make that manifestation and synchronicity possible. And I'm going to show you the energy parts of this, and why when you chase something, it also means that something else is running away. This has a lot to do with understanding how the energy works with us in correlation to what we're experiencing and think about this. Anytime we say I really want something; we are implying that we don't already have it.

It doesn't mean that we're, you know, obviously you might be looking around. While I haven't actually met my twin flame yet, so I would be lying to myself if I said that I didn't. But think about this in a term of an energy thing. I've used this analogy before, but what if I was like, please watch my video. I really hope that you watch my video. Please subscribe to my channel. It would just make me feel so good if you would just do that. Think about the energy dynamic there. Think about how that is, is correlating with what we are experiencing. Think about how you can feel that off of me. Would you?

If I was like, hey, you know, I'm making these videos and blah blah blah, and I was authentic, and you feel that and I was like, if you want to subscribe, it got a lot more videos coming. You see how the energy dynamic is very different. That's because we are in a different state, and when you're in that state of not neediness, then you really allow things to come to you. First off, let me show you around really quick. I am in Sedona, Arizona. I am with my buddy Victor Oddo. The room I was sleeping in is right there. That's like the main living area. And then this is like the bottom floor. There are different rooms.

There's like a rooftop. It's really cool. There's a creek down there that we're going to go here in a little bit and we're going to swim. We went there yesterday; it was really cool. For understanding, first off, you might be asking yourself, what is a twin flame?The way that I understand this, I've heard Bashar talk about this before as well, is what a twin flame is, is you can call it your divine counterpart. The idea is that every person on the planet has a twin flame, but the idea is they don't always incarnate together. That's the thing as well. Once you're chasing something, you can always connect energetically to that twin flame, divine counterpart, and meditation. Not everyone incarnated with their twin flame, which doesn't mean you have any deafness.

Less of a relationship could mean that you're meant to connect to somebody else at a very deep soul level. And these are just labels as well. Just remember that, as well. And the thing with a twin flame is a divine counterpart. You're already a complete soul. It means, in a way, a twin flame is somebody that comes from a similar over soul. The idea is that we are here, we have a higher self, we have parallel incarnations. Say that you have different lifetimes. Those are happening right now with love. We want to call those past lives from a linear perspective.

But those lives exist right now. The idea is that what a twin flame is, it's another soul counterpart from that of the higher self or the over soul. It's a more direct connection. You see, we're all already all one anyways at the deepest level, we're all connected and the labels, the s as the only thing that separates us. But the idea of a twin flame is that a lot of times they'll mere back to each other a lot of different aspects.

They'll cause each other to a lot of growth. I will say, as well. I believe a lot of these types of relationships right now on the planet is happening more than ever because now as a time of transformation on the planet. I think it happens much more common now. For this understanding of twin flame, what I want to share with you is that the energy about it is what is important. And the more you are seeking, the more you are looking, the more you cause that person to run away. I remember being in sales commission sales and I remember helping customers and if I had an energy that I really wanted to help them because I wanted to make money and I wanted to, you know, get my commission up for the day, customers could feel that off of me in a lot of times as a repellent, think about it as a magnet.

If you are looking for someone else and you really want someone else, you're putting out an energy that you don't currently have them. It's resistant energy because you're resisting the moment. You're not saying yes to the moment you're saying, this moment's not good enough because of my twin flames not here. What happens is then you can't actually perceive them. You need to be in the vibration of being able to perceive them. Let's look at these two things as two separate vibrations. This one idea right here will change your life when you begin to absorb it. There's the vibration of wanting something and the vibration of having something, the vibration of wanting something as I really want. The more you beat yourself up about it, the more that you focus on how you don't currently have it and how you want it.

That's a vibration in of itself. That's a vibration a lot of times of lack. The thing is sometimes people will notice that, and then they will move into an intention that can then move them out of the vibration of wanting now. Then there's the vibration of having, now the vibration of having is saying, I'm already holding complete. I already have that kind of relationship in my life, and the difference in this vibration is the difference between you attracting and meeting your soulmate or not. The key is chasing it is wanting. The key is to turn that into the intention. The livers between wanting are I want to go do the. I want to go down to that creek right now. I really want to, if I could just go down to the creek, I could get into the water, and it can do.

You have this very energizing effect on me, but if I just stayed there, then what would happen is I wouldn't actually actualize that. Instead, I could move into the having of it, which is the intention for me actually to walk down there. The difference is if the stream could feel my energy, the stream would want it run away. If it could just like people, that's how people work. People can feel that. I was talking to someone else about this yesterday because I know someone that she and her boyfriend, she has it to where she wants really us a big bug.  She has it to where she wants, like she gets really mad when her boyfriend goes out. Anytime her boyfriend goes out, she gets extraordinarily mad about it, and she gets kind of insecure about it.

What happens is, is anytime she does that, what happens is it causes a specific type of energy. She gets ungrounded; they get into like a little argument bickering about it. When I look at that, what he does is I believe he has even more of a desire to go out because she gets angry about it because she has such a rule in her mind that don't go do this, don't go do this, and he's in a way fighting for his freedom. It's almost like maybe he wouldn't want to do that in the way that he's doing it because then she, he would feel that that energy dynamic isn't there to where she's actually pushing him to do it without even knowing it. If you define, I see a lot of people that reach out to me, they go, oh you know this, I have this twin flame relationship, and it's mirroring this back to me, and they're running away, and all of this stuff here is the key.

Here is what you do instead of chasing your twin flame, the first thing you must do is you must get to your core vibration, your core vibration. The reason this is to imagine you are constantly putting out a frequency. You're putting out a frequency, and based on that frequency, you will find relationships in your life that come in, correlation with that frequency you're putting out. I had a job that I didn't like. I always had a girlfriend in my life of somebody that had a job they didn't like. When that was the case, you always attract what is equal to where you currently are. When you move from that place of you being where you, where you were, where you didn't have a job or were you not doing what you're passionate about. You start to really act on your passion, doing what you love, you put out that frequency to where that other person can then find you.

But if you're chasing them, you're confirming. That's not really who you are. If you're chasing, you're saying; I'm not good enough. You're putting them on a pedestal, and then they can actually perceive you energetically. But you're always putting out a frequency, and other people will be drawn to you based on that frequency. But if you're not in your divine frequency, how can that, you're not putting out the call so that the other person can then meet you to get and find you. The key to this is you get into your core frequency. The sooner you get to, you know you're connected with other souls as well.

And especially if you're from the same over soul, you have even a stronger vibrational connection. The key to this is getting to your core frequency. Are you doing what you're meant to be doing in life? Are you passionate about where you're doing? Are? Do you have self-love for yourself? Because if you do, then the energy dynamic starts to go away. The energy of I'm not good enough, and you'd complete me. You see, the energy dynamics really start to change. But the key to this is getting to that state, be in your core vibration. If you are in your core vibration, you're more likely to meet that person.

You're more likely to be putting out the frequency to where then they can pull on it. And if you do the inner work, then they also do the inner work. You see. But whatever vibration you're putting out there, picking up on that, if you're chasing them and you feel resistance, then they're going to feel that, and they're going to feel like they have to run away. Energetically if someone, if you are chasing someone, it may be causing them to run is what I'm saying. Feel the unconditional love within yourself, understand your already whole and complete and understand that you always get a relationship. Even just talking about beyond that of twin flames, just in general, you always meet people, even friends, high vibe tribe that is equal to where you currently are.

And part of this core vibration that I'm talking about may mean that you have to let go of certain things. If you're in an abusive relationship, how are you going actually to be? Obviously, you're energetically tied to someone else. How would you meet and have a twin flame connection relationship? You may have to let go of things. You may have to let go of things that don't serve you. Things are weighing down your vibration, items weighing you down from actually being in the core of who you are. The other thing you can do is by changing around this energy dynamic, you can have them chase you. You could have them chase you.

When you're at the core of who you are, and you feel unconditional love, you feel love about yourself. That emanates out of your energy field, and it causes people to feel what you feel. I tell people that your self-image is being projected out to other people. If you feel insecure, it's not that those other people will perceive your insecurity normally, but they may pick up on that energy and say, oh this person, they may then be more apt to look at those insecurities. In the same way, if you're not confident in your own energy and understanding that the primary focus, that can be your own growth, then what happens is you end up externalizing everything, and they will pick up on that energetically.

This really is everything to do with you because this person as well is going to mirror things back to you. I know this from experience, things get mirrored back and things you don't even really understand cause some of it may be from past life stuff. You know, we're multidimensional beings, and you do that for each other. Understand that the more you go into yourself and the more inner work you do, the more you are then going to be ready for a twin flame type connection. But you won't receive it if you're not ready for it. And sometimes you know they're still baby things that shake up within your life when you do, but you're actually, you would be ready for it if it would happen. Everything happens in perfect timing.

Understand how energy works here. The energy works that whatever you put on a pedestal, you immediately vibrationally separate yourself from it instead of chasing it and applying that they are running away focus instead of the vibration of wanting on the vibration of having and the vibration of having known you're good already. You're holding complete already. You're a whole soul that is going to meet the divine counterpart, someone very connected to you at that soul level, but understand that you're, you don't need it to happen, and you don't have to control the way that it happens.

Why not controlling and letting go. You then allow it to happen even in a more magical way. The key to this whole entire process is letting go, let go of the outcome, let go of attachment to how things happen because that ruined our mind. We'll keep things in resistance, and it will keep things from not actually happening the way that they could. That is the power of this. Give up the necessity to control it. Give up the necessity to put on a pedestal. Realize the primary focus for this is putting out your own core frequency. That's what you do. Instead, you put out your core frequency; you do your inner work because then you will attract and bring that relationship closer to you.

You will resonate with it, and in synchronicity will just allow itself to happen. But stop looking for it as well. Stopped looking and chasing. The intention is different. The intention is I intend for this to happen, but you're not. You don't have to be attached to the outcome, but then you follow that up with action. Follow the action. Maybe try new things, go to a new place, find out what you can do to put yourself in uncertain situations so that something like that happens and then just let go, let go, let go.

I promise you it's a paradox because the more that you let go of the outcome, the more you let go of the how is, the more you actually allow the magical things to come into your life because you're not energetically trying to control it from the ego level. You allow it to happen from higher levels. You allowed the secret needs to happen in a higher vibrational form. This is the key for you. A something else I have is I have a guided meditation for tapping into your core vibration.

Become a Vibrational “Antenna” For Your Dream Reality by doing this


I'm going to show you how to become a vibrational antenna for the reality you want to experience. What I share with you in this video can be an absolute game-changer and understanding how to create your own reality.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how to become a vibrational antenna. This has to do with understanding how we create our own reality and more so how we don't create our own reality because the frame that we create, our reality implies that what we want to experience doesn't already exist as a probable reality. This actually makes the process much easier because rather than us thinking we need to create something that doesn't already exist. We can instead see it as something that we must tune ourselves to, to then vibrationally see in reality a reflection of the vibration we are emitting.

This is a game-changer because then it's more about understanding what can you do to change your vibration rather than trying to create something out of scratch that doesn't exist already. And there's a quote that I like a lot about Bashar that he says, he says, a manifestation is not about bringing the thing out there into here. Manifestation is more about making the invisible visible through vibrational resonance. The idea is that as we change our vibration, we will then perceive in our outer reality of the vibration that we've switched to. It's almost like we're wearing different goggles, and then we experience a different reality. But in order for us to get the goggles of the reality we want, we must first change our vibration.

There are three different elements that I want to share with this. And the first thing I want to say is that when it comes to perception, I have this little chart thing that I made right here a couple of days ago. Let me show you. You'll see right here, you'll see belief, you'll see feeling, you'll see thought, you'll see real action results. And then belief. This is a cycle. What most people do is they go with the law of attraction. They learn how their thoughts create their reality. At least that's the perception. Therefore, they focus on the thoughts, but she sees thoughts are two steps beyond that and the belief; this is why somebody may be thinking, I think in about a Lamborghini, I'm thinking about it.

Lamborghini room in my driveway, Lamborghini, I really want a Lamborghini room. I imagine it. I'm thinking about it, but it's not happening. Well, the reason being is because it's not about just the thought, it's about the belief. It's about the subconscious belief. Do you deserve it? Do you believe that you can have it? Are you in alignment with the principles of the way reality works? Where you put out is what you give back. What value are you putting out into the world to then get the reflection back of that of the reality you want? It's about belief. If you get to the core belief, then you change everything. First off, think about this too. When it comes to feeling, you cannot have a feeling without first having a belief about something. For example, if you were to lose your job, well guess what?

The meaning you're giving to losing the job would be negative. Then you would have a negative feeling. But if the meaning you gave to losing a job was positive because now you could actually find a job that you like and you realized that there were a lot of politics at that job that you didn't care for, then you might say, Oh, well actually this is a good thing. I can find something better. Do you see it? But it depends upon the belief as to the feeling and what you feel. This is powerful because we are architecting our internal reality based on the beliefs that we have.

The thing is, is most of our beliefs have been on autopilot from our parents and from our environment growing up. When we learned how to take and understand our beliefs, that's where everything begins to change. It's not so much that our beliefs create reality. It's our beliefs, tune us to the reality that we will then perceive that already exists so that you don't have to create your own reality. You just have to tune to it with your vibration. Your vibration is that of a combination of how you think, how you feel, and how you act. You notice how you think, how you feel, and how you act.

These three things right here in unison are normally enough to change the vibrational output of the beliefs you have about reality. For example, what I did with going full time on YouTube is I, what I did is I took action from a level of making daily videos, which started to change my self-image. We started changing the way I think about myself, which also changed the feeling because then I was in a flow state more often. In a way, these three things begin to blend together to were then eventually, my belief was I am a full-time YouTuber. When I talk about a lot of the vibration we're putting out, which is how we think, feel and act, a lot of it has to do with just giving yourself permission to be, give yourself permission to be a lot of belief.

All belief is something you will have for a period of time, but eventually, you will let go of the beliefs that you have. You may believe right now, you could make 100,000 a year, but eventually, you'll let that belief go. Beliefs come in, and beliefs go out. However, the key to this is understanding. Go beyond belief and go into being. Go beyond the intellectual mind. There's not much thought that goes in when I make these videos because I just being in a certain vibration, and therefore, these kinds of ideas just flow naturally for me. I'm who I am. That's the way that I perceive it. But the process of this that's important to understand is that the outer reality is simply a reflection of the inner reality.

And if you want to change the outer reality, change these three things, a combination of how you think, how you feel, and how you act and watch how your life didn't begin to change. We are in antenna, which means we are picking up on different frequencies all around us based on the beliefs we have, and because we're in a co-creative environment, our beliefs are picking up on frequencies and reflecting back to us, the reality of our beliefs and our identification. And you'd go out into the public; you're also intermingling with other people's beliefs and thoughts. Now for example, if you have a belief that generally says that people are good in the world and let's say you are at a crosswalk and you drop your wallet, well what happens is the people around you are going to many times pick up on your frequency, on your belief that says people are generally good.

And then what will happen is most likely somebody will pick up your wallet and say, here you dropped your wallet. If you have a belief that says that people are negative, people are always trying to take from you. People are just out to get you. People are generally bad. Then those subconscious beliefs, those frequencies you are picking up on the frequencies around you where somebody may act out the opposite. There may be somebody else that comes up that picks up your wallets, but it's in their pockets and walks away, or nobody says anything, and nobody actually sees it because you may think and believe that nobody cares. You see, there are all these different probabilities that we will perceive based upon our own definition and our own vibration, which also has to do with our belief about who we are and how the reality works that we're in.

What are the most powerful things that you can learn how to do is how to change your beliefs, change your beliefs. Anytime my life has transformed in the past; it has come specifically for me changing my beliefs, me changing my identity as well as how I saw myself. I used to see myself as somebody that couldn't focus and lazy. I used to be the person that I wanted to manifest, but I would not want to do anything at all. And because of that, I didn't get a reality. You could say, well, maybe that's unlimited belief. I also know how much I love taking action now and how much I've changed myself image by making videos and doing what I'm passionate about that I wouldn't want just to sit around and do nothing and cash checks because I realized that to me this is more about a vibrational thing.

It's more about a contribution thing. It's something that I'm more so enjoy. That's a part of who I am. The key is understanding this and in my own life that has changed everything. Whether it was believed that I had ADHD, changing that story. And then watching myself learn to meditate and be able to reframe the meaning I gave things, whether that's always believing there was someone in my life that was controlling because of what I went through with my ex step-mom and therefore having an ex-girlfriend of my life that was controlling, having a manager in my life that was controlling. Once I dropped that belief, they literally fell out of my life. Like it just did not resonate anymore. And since then, I don't have to deal with that. If you're talking about, you know, I used to believe that I had to work a nine to five job.

I didn't enjoy it. I believe that that's what I had to do. And I believe that's what kept me at the job that I used to have for so long. And then I changed my belief. I said no more. I'm going to change how I think, deal, and act, and I'm going to align that and be in reality. I prefer I'm going to admit the vibration of the beliefs I want. And part of those are beliefs that I get to get up every day, do what I love, and I did that while having a full-time job. I merge these two until I was able to in a way, have so much momentum with the reality of my side hustle that that became my full time be in that vibration and another thing that I think is so powerful when it comes to this belief, understand how our beliefs create our reality or perception of our reality is finding what I call a belief mentor, a belief mentor.

Somebody that believes that what you want to believe. You can do this through books. You know there are many books that I've read before, whether that's someone like Tony Robbins or somebody like you know, other speakers that I, that I admire. I study and read their books. I get inside their thought patterns. I get inside and see how they're wired. What do they, what do they wired when it comes to pleasure and pain? We all move towards pleasure and away from pain. But what do you define as pleasure and pain? Find people who think something similar to you, that you want to think more like and then immerse yourself in their energetic field whether that's through books, whether that's through actually meeting them, whether that's through having them as you being an assistant to them or you just being mentored by them.

You see there are many different opportunities, but we tell ourselves a story that says that we can only do X, Y, Z , but something that I've shared before is that if you want to really become free to experience any reality you want, step into the unknown, make a choice, step into the unknown. You can only create something similar in the vibration of what is familiar. If you're thinking the same thoughts every day, feeling the same emotions every day and doing the same things every day, guess what? You're going to get a day in and day out, the same exact thing. But when you push yourself to get into the unknown, to do something you've never done before, your mind, your body, when you're looking around, you can't fit that into some type of box of what you've experienced before.

Then what happens is you pick up on a different reality. You pick up on a new opportunity, you pick up on a new potential, and therefore you open up the scope of what kind of miracle you can change and create in your life. Become aware of what vibration you are putting out. And if I have any advice, this whole process, it's focused on being, being, being in the vibration you want. All beliefs are temporary. And the thing is all truths are real. While we have the perspectives, when we changed the perspectives, those begin to go away. But the key to this is actually going beyond belief and into being. I simply decided I was an AMA full-time YouTuber.

I'm doing what I love. I simply decided I was going to give myself permission to do that. I wasn't going to cha have some story that says I can't do what I have to wait to a certain subscriber amount to do it. Just give yourself permission to now to be an artist; you don't have to have an art gallery studio. You can just give yourself permission right now to be an artist. You see, normally, the way that we think reality works is you must first see it. Then you can believe it, but it's. Actually, you must first believe it before you see it. The other side of this is that you normally think you must first have something. Then you can do something. Then you can be something, but reality works the other way around. It's just that normally people get caught up in the first two, Oh, do I, have it? Oh, can I do it?

Instead of just being it, just give yourself permission to be at the level of identity. Do you see it? That's where the power is. Now, something I will help you go through this process. This is something I teach and something called the shift Academy and the shift Academy. It's a month, a month coaching program that I have where you can get help from me helping you through the process of shifting out of your old beliefs, and it's shifting into a new way of being beyond the intellectual ideas and into a new state of consciousness, a higher vibration. This is something that I'll make sure this video goes out when the launch of the shift Academy is up. This is where every single month you get a two-hour-long zoom call, a group coaching call where I bring people on and

I work with your belief system, and I show you how to transform and get to a higher state of consciousness and how to get go beyond belief and into being so. You will see this in other people. People go through this transformation, this shift, and you will even have the opportunity to be coached one-on-one by me. This is different than any YouTube live thing I've done where you type in the comments, and then I reply. This is much more interactive. Every single month you'll get that. You'll also get premium coaching videos showing you how to close what I call the story gap, how to be in that higher vibration.

These are videos that are videos that will help you to transform in that way with exercises as well. Plus, you get premium meditations in that group as well that will help you to create this being level of vibration plus a couple of extra bonuses that you'll get right now as well, including one of them is the raise your vibrational set point event that Leo, Alexandra, Victor Oddo and did here recently in Las Vegas. It was over three hours long, was very transformative. There was a live meditation plus Q and A and transformative exercises, and you could see us live in action in this recorded event. That's going to be a free bonus if you join at the link below. There are no contracts. You can cancel at any time, but this is the way that you can get coaching from me to help you transform your life with what is called now the shift Academy.

If that's something you're interested in, you will see the link below. Other than this, though, the main thing I want you to focus on is your internal reality. How were you thinking? How are you feeling, and what are you doing? Because when you're doing certain things, you're also emitting a certain vibration. That vibration then picks up on the reality that you want to experience. And if you want to change what you perceive of on the outside, first off, perceived first off, change what your feeling, change what you're thinking, change what you're doing and watch your reality begin to change as a reflection.

I would say, is one of the most powerful understandings I've had that makes the manifestation process so much easier. You may have noticed how much my life has changed since I went to Costa Rica last year. I had these Epiphanes about my own belief system, and I went beyond it. I used to care so much about what people thought. I was like, oh, I'm the Law of Attraction guy on YouTube. I can't make videos on esoteric stuff. And then what I realized is I became aware of what I'm teaching you and showing you right now. And I simply decided that I call the shots for my own reality. I made videos that were very esoteric, whether it be on starseeds, lightworkers, shifting, consciousness, raising the vibration. And since then everything in my life has exploded. It was the exact opposite of what my little ego that was going to happen. That's what the shift is about, and it's the shift out of belief.

Spiritual Awakening: The Biggest Shift in Identity You’ll Ever Have


I'm going to show you spiritual awakening, which is the number one shift in identity you will ever have in your life. I'm going to show you how to go about this process in an easier way and exactly what to do to expand yourself to a new level of reality.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I am going to be sharing with you that of understanding identity, the shift in identity. I would say anything from my life that has transformed my life has been not as a shift in just the action I'm taking, not a shift. Just in a couple of thoughts that I think it's a shift in who I believe that I am and when I look at all the shifts in my life. Okay, let's talk about like back in the day, you probably know my story because I've talked about it a lot on YouTube because I got over 1000 videos on YouTube and therefore there's some repetition.

Do you know what I mean? The first one, is to have ADHD. Okay. I believed I did. I went to a doctor, they said, yo, this is what you got. I said, okay.  I went about it, and I had a lot of energy, and I told myself that story, and that was my reality on autopilot. Then I learned meditation. I learned how to observe those thoughts. I then started to redefine myself, and within a couple of weeks, I no longer needed Adderall, which had the heart side effects that you can't eat very much. You can't sleep very much, and what I ended up doing is getting rid of that, just let it go, and I started to meditate. Then I started to observe that belief. I started to observe who I thought I was. I would then go through a spiritual awakening that changed my whole entire life. That was one level of part of my identity that was shifted.

I reframed it. A lot of these identity shifts will be reframed, as well. Then I thought I wasn't worthy because of my past. Well, I changed the way that I relate to it. I realized that my past pain led me to a spiritual awakening. In a weird way, I was actually very grateful for it. When I talk about me going daily on YouTube, and you've probably heard me tell the story, the same thing. I had a job I didn't care about. I saw myself as a nine to five employee, and then I changed. My identity said no matter what, I'm going to make videos every single day on YouTube no matter what until I'm a full-time YouTuber. And I did that for five or six months. I was working full time and making videos full time, but I became a full-time YouTuber. It's a shift in identity.

I wasn't also making videos because then I could finally not have a job I didn't care about. I was making daily videos because I realized it's who I really am. I make videos, and I share content. That's my level of identity. Shifting your identity, in general, is all about letting go of what doesn't serve and then being the vibration that you prefer to be in being who you really are meant to be, but letting go of certain parts of your identity that don't serve is the way of getting out of that limitation. I made this handy dandy chart here to show why and what I think the biggest shift you will ever have in your life and guess what? It's happening in a mass amount of levels on the planet. I was at the sauna earlier today talking to somebody that was telling me he was, at first, he was kind of, you know, he kind of started to share about you Kim going through a metaphysical transformation, all this stuff.

And you can always tell too, cause people normally don't want to get too in say too much because they, they're used to people kind of be like, Whoa, that's weird. But then he saw that I was totally for it. Then he was like opening up out. I used to be around a lot of people that weren't awake, and this buddy of mine said there's a consciousness shift happening in the world, and I didn't believe him, but now look like I meet all these people and I feel like it's actually happening and it's crazy because we were talking about how we were talking about this and back five, 10 years ago probably wouldn't be having that kind of conversation. There is a consciousness shift happening in the world. People are waking up, and part of this is a shift in who we are.

You see, before spiritually weakening, we think we are these little physical egos, and that's all that we are. We identify reality through the five senses. If we can't touch it, taste it, smell it, see it, then guess what? It ain't real. It's about going knowing that we go beyond our senses, and in meditation, you'll start to get there, and you'll start to become aware of those barriers. For me, those barriers were certain parts of my identity. First of all, part of our identity as we think we are the results of our past and because we think we are the results of our past, guess what? We continue to live in the story of our past, and then what happens is we then go through a spiritual awakening when we realize we're much more than we priorly thought. And a lot of this happens.

That scale of consciousness, I always share. The truth is you are unconditional love, joy, and bliss. And the key to this is becoming aware and remembering this is who you are. It's remembering not about attaining a level of enlightenment. It's about undoing everything that's not you. The actual shift, the irony of this whole shifting identity thing, because we shift out of our old identity, let go of what doesn't serve. The irony of it is that in order to really become who you really are, it's about shifting out of all identity and becoming nothing, becoming an infinite spiritual being that's not confined by labels and interpretation. That's the level that we're all on the path of where the Rover we're aware of it or not. We're on the path of becoming more of who we are, which is spirit.

Yes, we're having life physical experience through our bodies, but it's about becoming aware of who we really are and understanding that a lot of who we are is simply false barriers, false levels of identity and things that we've in a way, things that have happened in the past that got within our energetic field. When we carry that around, and then we meet other people who reflect that negativity back to us, but you see when we become aware of it, this is where everything then begins to change. The spiritual awakening is about really shifting your identity out of being the little, the little physical ego to understanding that there is something that guides you in your life. You could call this the universe; you can call this source energy. You could call this your higher self, but regardless of whatever it is, it's about becoming aware of that and allowing yourself to go through this shift in consciousness that is happening right now in the world.

A shift in identity is about understanding one, becoming aware of the stories we tell ourselves. What are the stories you tell yourself? Because those stories on autopilot, and I know I talk about this a lot because it's so powerful and so many people aren't aware of the agreements they made in the past. Will you make an agreement? You have something that happens. You give it a certain meaning. And based on that meaning, if it stays on autopilot over and over and over again until you become aware of it, once you become aware of it, guess what? You can change it, but you will become aware of it. Guess what? Can't change it. This is about becoming aware of the stories that you tell yourself. And even now, there's these layers and layers and layers of these stories.

Because as far as I have my ego as think that it's gotten with this spiritual awakening journey, there's still levels. There's still part of myself, like something I'm going through right now is I'm learning how to let go of control, control. The ego likes to do everything. As I grow my business and go start doing live events, guess what? There's a little ego that wants to control the doll, but what happens is then I feel resistance. If the ego can't control everything and I start to get in this little box, but then I become aware, and I say, you know what? Maybe there's a story going that I have to do everything. Maybe there's a story that says that Aaron can just be and allow things to happen. He's got to have his hands in every little thing he does, but you see, that's a story I become aware of.

The reason I say this is the process of spiritual awakening. It's not like boom, awakening, done, pack it up. I'm ascended.  All those other people, they're asleep. That's not the way it goes. There are layers and layers and layers to spiritual awakening and those layers. It's about just letting go. I become aware of this belief early. Think you have to do everything. You feel stressed because you started control stuff. Just be aware of it and then let it go and allow and realize your higher self is there to help you. You see, this is the difference. It's the way you go about things, but identity, there's still an identity there. That's also another side of this coin. Sometimes people say, well, when you, because spirit should have bacon, you let go of identity altogether.

Well, we still have physical experience. The physical experience still needs the ego. The ego's job is to keep it to survive. The ego's job is to keep it to survive in its identity for the way it sees itself. In a way, the ego is kind of like an avatar. In this game, we call life. And basically, what happens is once we become aware of the avatar, we don't react as much to things. Imagine you're watching a game of Sims right now, and you are thinking you're actually in the game you're going through. You have to go pick up the kids from school. You have to go to eat your Wheaties. You have to do everything that you would do in the game of Sims. I don't really know the game of Sims; I played it when, not a long time ago, but I'm assuming that's what you do in the game.

Well, imagine that you're in this game of Sims, and somebody comes up to you and tells you you're a doodoo head or tells you something or gets into an argument with you. Well, guess what? When you feel like the ego thing is the only thing that's real and you don't, and you just react to everything, you're like, oh my goodness, olive dishes really, really painful and I don't draw what to do with it. But then you get to a level where we call spiritual awakening, where you could observe what is happening from a neutral place. You don't have to react to it completely. You can realize it's an experience. It's something you're learning about. You're learning more about yourself; you're learning more about your relationship with others. You can observe what happens rather than react with such a negative rigidity and by just observing it, guess what happens?

You then emotionally react differently. You don't emotionally react. You instead suave, you put your hair back like this. He goes, yes, I realize that, but this is just the game of Sims. It's not that serious will. In the same way, we're in the game of life and while the game of life feels much more real and we've forgotten who we are, when we're actuality where some higher selves projecting ourselves into this reality, and then what we do is we come across a time when we realized, Hey, I'm not just little avatar. I'm not just this physical sense perception where I feel taste, touch, smell, and do all these techs, these senses. I'm beyond that, but you see, then it becomes a little bit more of also an ego trip because you say, I'm so much more than an ego.

They're way below me. I'm real. I know all this stuff. They don't know it, but I do. I'm special. I'm here to enlighten the world. I'm here to help people become white workers. But you see the thing, the thing about this though there's these layers that you have to become aware of because even the identity of being a spiritually awake person is a limitation in of itself and it lot of times will perpetuate a negative ego and many times, especially when it comes to this process, there's this ego of that separation because of spiritual awakening and separation because we say, well, I'm so different than everyone else. Everyone else doesn't understand and guess what happens because of that. People don't understand me well there.

I haven't got it yet. They will virtually get it, but guess what? The more you have, see this why I say there are layers because then you become aware of that layer, and then you say, well, people aren't awaking. No one understands me. You go out into the world; you project out a self-image and a belief that says no one gets me. No one understands me. Everyone in this coffee shop is just drinking their $40 latte and on their computer looking at Instagram and a whole bunch of stuff on social media. I'm going to go read the law of one book, and I'm going to understand more about the universe. They are asleep. Well, guess what? Then there could be people around that actually think similarly, but you won't actually perceive them because there's that belief there that clouds in that limitation.

This is why I say no matter how high up our ego thinks it is, there's always more to let go. There's always more to let go of. And the more you let go of it, the more you raise your frequency, and the more you can then be who you really are. At the core of enlightenment, it's about knowing that you are nothing and you are everything. And here's the thing. Here's something that I talk a lot about what I believe. If you want to be free, you have to become nothing, nothing, nothing. I can suppress this stuff right to you. They are doing it through, you know, my interpretation. But you become free where there are no rules. There's no rigidity. Now doesn't mean you don't have morality, but what I mean by this is you realize that everything is a form of illusion.

Even though the sense perceptions and the things you do, not to say that there's no repercussions for your actions because there are or the consequences for what you do. But what I'm saying is you become nothing because everything that you think you are has been a level of identity or something that happened to you that many times caused stuff to happen. Your energetic field. Once you become nothing, you let go of all of that, and you can then become anything you can. They become anything. These limitations, even a human being, it's still a limitation. You're a spiritual being. Maybe that's the limitation source energy. Maybe it's a limitation. Who knows how far down this macrocosm goes.

But what I'm saying is that when you become nothing, no theme from your past identification with these things that have happened to you and all your limitations, you will then be in the highest sense of vibration you can be in. And then you can be anything. The spiritual awakening as a process of letting go of layers. And if you want to know where you are on this process of spiritual awakening right now I have a quiz called, what's my It takes about a minute, minute and a half. You get your vibration, which is represented in an archetype, and then you get a game plan for raising your vibration to the next level, plus a meditation personally for you at your level of consciousness.

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