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# 27: How to change the Mirror of Reality (The ONLY Way)


Welcome back to another episode. Today, we're going to be talking about some really cool things. All right. I hope you're ready for today's episode because we're going to go deep on understanding how reality works. What we're going to do is we're going to understand that reality itself is a mirror.

And if we want to change the mere of reality, we must first off go within and change the way we relate to ourselves because everything in our life is a reflection of what we believe to be true and is also a reflection of how we see ourselves, how we are, how we late to the external world, and then when we changed that, we change everything.

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First off, I want to thank you for being here. You know, I do daily YouTube videos. I do twice a day on Instagram. I'm doing my best to stay up to two times a week on podcasts. I want to start having more conversational type podcasts as well. Just kind of like a side note. I think it'd be cool to bring people on. It's just that I'm so busy. It's hard. I don't know. Maybe that's a belief. You see. Sometimes I catch myself in my own belief patterns. I'm like, oh, it's hard to do this. It's hard to that.

Why? Why did it have to be? But at the same time, I'm going through this thing right now where I'm realizing that it might be good for me to take like maybe a day off a week or something, you know, not, not from. Not like I don't post at all for a day because of I still, I'm like far ahead on videos and stuff.

Videos will still come out. Instagram videos can still come out, but I mean like have a day to where like I don't do anything where I just relaxed and I have spaciousness within me and I just like meditating on grass all day and I just, I don't know, something like that. I haven't, I've been, it's funny because I've been full time doing my passion now for about a year and a half. And I don't think I've had one day off. I mean, I've even gone on vacation. I still make a video a day.

I still do a lot on social media just because it's kind of my job, you know? And I love doing it. It's like I'd rationalized of do I do, but at the same time, I'm realizing that I just get messages from some people that are like, hey, you know, maybe be good if you just like, took a day off and just relaxed, you know.

Last week I got a massage. I used to do a lot for myself too. I used to go to like sensory deprivation tanks which is like where you go into this tank, it's like the size of a small car and you're just floating around. Then it's like there's the water's the same temperature as your blood and there's no sound in there so it like deprives all your senses.

You couldn't really deep levels of meditation. I haven't done that in a year. I used to do Bikram Yoga every single week, like no matter what, but I have, I don't do that as often. I still do yoga, my house every day, but I don't actually go because 90 minutes is a long time for me to be away from my doing, doing my work.

But I go to the gym every day which is like my getaway. But yeah, I need it anyways. I know I'm venting to you right now. But also, just so you know, a little bit about what it's like behind the scenes. You know, I'm finding the more I go within myself, maybe the more space that I create, the more creative ideas will come. I just have such an output of energy. I'm always doing.

I'm always doing what I'm passionate about. I wake up every morning, literally excited to wake up. I'm not trying to brag if you're like, oh, you get up and you don't enjoy what you're doing, but this is what's possible for you just to follow your passion, follow your heart, understand it as cliché as that sounds. It's really true because when you do what you're meant to be doing in life, the universe gives you support back.

And then you start to live in abundance, especially when you're doing it with a higher purpose. Many people I see on social media or a, there's defined, they're not growing with what they want with their business or whatever it is. It's because they're not connected to that higher purpose. Understanding if it, if it benefits the whole, it's more like the whole is going to work out for you and the hole is going to help you.

Like the universe will support you if you are helping support the universe. The more that I focus on that, the more things, the more things tend to work out, the more than I care about the people that listened to my videos and I care about my subscribers and the people that follow me, the more that I find they care about me. It's all a reflection.

It's all a reflection. There really is no out there at a deeper fundamental level. We're all one consciousness. We're all kind of going around imagine it like we are like imagine there are cells in our body which there are cells in our body by the way, but the imagined cells inside of our body and there might be some blood cells in your arm and the might be looking at your left arm to your right arm and there might be blood cells over here that there was a blood cell over here.

There are blood cells on both sides and where they may see themselves having different experiences, they might. One might be having some experience with their family members as blood cells. I don't know what they talk about. I don't know what they do, but on one hand, literally on one hand they might be having a certain type of situation or experiencing something.

On the other hand, it might be completely different, but they're still part of the same body in the same way. We're all having our individual little experiences, but the mother, Gaia, the planet itself, herself, whatever we want to call, you know the planet is having an experience and we are the sales of Gaia. We are the blood cells, the white blood cells.

The cancer is blood cells, the different types of blood cells. There's all of us are here, some are a little bit, you know, some might be more of the protector ones, the ones that want to help the planet of all one. Some might be the cancers, blood cells, the people that maybe try to control everything and maybe have more negative intentions, but we're all part of the same consciousness. The key is understanding that in the more negative emotion we have towards the people that are controlling things is the more resistance we build.

And then also the more we reaffirmed that reality that they are in. The key is to become at peace with it all and understand that we may not choose it and if we don't choose it, we can shift our focus. The more we focus on it and the more we resist it, the more we create it. In general, what I'm doing right here is I'm just trying to show you a couple of new perspectives that when you see it kind of shifts the perspective of reality a little bit because then we take it out of the limited focus of us and we bring it to reality itself because reality is what we believe it to be.

And what I think is happening right now on the planet is I think that there's this shift in consciousness that's happening. It's happening with some people at first and not everyone, maybe not everyone is going through this shift in awareness right now.

Some people are on their own path, but in general there's this awakening that is happening or more and more people are becoming aware of who they are. They're becoming aware that they are not just the ego structure like this physical body that I can see these looking at my hands right now. This appears very real. I can clap my hands and it feels real, but the thing is there's an energy field that goes far beyond my body and in the same way you have an energy field that goes far beyond your body and we're all connected.

And when we see that, we can then see that the things we experienced in our life are that of which we identify with and if we identify with only the body, we will continue to create experiences that are equal to that identification, but understand that we're much more than that and right now on the planet, what's happening is people are becoming aware of that.

Some people are going through a spiritual awakening. There are more and more of this information coming out. When I first started even two years ago on YouTube, my content was very esoteric, or it was also. It was also just whether there wasn't a lot of it.

There's more and more information coming out there is becoming more and more and aware of it, so the idea is that I believe one of the main reasons we're here right now on the planet is to go through this transformation of consciousness. It's not looking like there's a shift in consciousness is happening, but what happened? What is happening is more and more people are becoming aware of it.

One of the people are watching the news go, why the hell am I watching this? Why is this all negative? One or more people are watching saying, you know, I think that's controlled by the corporations, the last US president of this election. They're like, oh look, they. They were. They were looking at the way things are random, like, oh, it's all ran by corporations and this and that, or whatever it is. More awareness is being brought through than ever before because of the awareness that it's happening, what's happening on the planet now in general, we think of reality as one reality.

There's one percent perception of reality, the way things are, but in actuality, there are 7 billion people on the planet. Therefore, there are 7 billion different points of perception of reality. Every one of them and every one of us is having a separate totally unique experience based on our beliefs, our perceptions, how we relate to the world, so the power in knowing this is knowing that there is not one universal truth of reality.

There are seven plus billion different points of reality. Let me point out this too. Why do you think there are 7 billion people here on the planet right now? Is it just because we're all reproducing at such a fast rate? Well, scientifically may be one of their reasons, but the other reason is that there's such a desire to be here right now that there are so many souls that are coming here just to be part of this shift in consciousness happening because never before has it been where we've shifted from a 3D level of consciousness, which is duality. Unity, consciousness. That's what we're shifting into and we're going through that process right now.

We can take into the fourth 40, the fourth dimension is time more of a dream-like type state, but in general, that's what we're going through right now and the more aware of it we become, the more we begin to change our lives in a powerful way. This shift in consciousness happening right now is something that you agreed to at a certain level. You might not remember it. You might have lived your whole life without even being aware of it. And that's totally fine, but the more you become aware of it, the more you can see that some of the things in your life may have happened for you to grow from.

I look at my past and the painful part of it off, you know, my ex-stepmom who is abusive and all that stuff. It's like a whole story going along with it and yes, it happened. However, it led me to a spiritual awakening, so maybe it happened for me to become spiritually awakened just so that I could help other people become spiritually awakened through sharing the information and sharing to help people say, hey, the reality that you experience is a reflection of what you believe. Now let's go deeper into this.

Normally what we think is what we're trying to do is we're trying to get other people to agree with the reality that we have. You may say, well, no, that's not the way the world works. The world works this way, but the truth is, is there is no way the world works. Every truth is but a half-truth. It's a paradox because from one perspective it can be true and from another perspective, it won't be true.

It's been from having a vision or a perception or belief and saying that this is the belief for everyone. The truth is, is this is the truth of life right here. Are you ready? Are you ready for the one truth in life? That is true. This is the one truth in life that once you know changes everything. The one truth in life is that all truths are true. All truths are true.

Whatever you believe to be true will be reflected back to you, but what that also means is also all truths are not true. It depends upon the perspective, but reality itself is a reflection of what you believe to be true. If you go out into the world and you go, oh, I always attract this type of person, all guys are this way. All the girls are this way. Well, guess what? That's the reality.

You will experience, but is it true for you? It is, but for someone else, it won't be true. It's about understanding the power, the power of choice because you are choosing your beliefs. Most people walk around incomplete at the effect of everything that's happening to them. Therefore, they experience the effects of that. You choose your beliefs whether you are aware of it or not. You may say, I didn't choose to believe that scarcity.

You know my parents were afraid of money and all of this stuff and all these negative connotations around money. I didn't choose that. What a certain level you did because you chose this life and part of your life is this connection to your higher self and you chose some of these experiences so that you could learn how to transcend it. If you treat everything in your life as if you chose it, your life will begin to transform because you will allow what happens to happen and then you will choose something new if you choose, but that is where the power is, but understand there is no one really other than understanding that we're all connected.

There is at a certain level of connection that we all have to each other, so there is this universal unity consciousness. We're moving into the only truth in life. The only real thing that will exist beyond that, of the beliefs of the intellect, is love. Love is the only real truth that exists. The constant, however, some people experience different degrees of it.

They may experience a lack of love, which is still love just in a frame or it's being filtered so much that we filled the negative emotion and the same way that there is no darkness switch in your house. There's only a light switch. It's just where it's not in the visible spectrum that we can see there is only light, there was only love, but the degrees of love that we experienced, we might feel ashamed.

Fear of guilt, that is just a filter that is only letting a certain amount of love in, but understanding you are always connected and when you become aware of this, you can then see that eventually, you can transcend the need to have all of these beliefs. That scale of consciousness goes from zero to a thousand and what you'll see is when you get up to like 20, 30, that's like shame, guilt. Fear is like a, you know, a little bit further up.

Eventually, you get to that have the courage and you get past like shame, fear, guilt, anger. You get up to courage as like around 200 and then you get to neutrality, which is 2:50, which is where you realize that you can observe your thoughts rather than react. Huge step right there. Then eventually you'll see a neutrality. You'll see that of willingness, acceptance, and then at 400, we have reasoning. The reasoning is the intellect, it is the mind. Reasoning is understanding from four to 500, 400 is reasoning, 500 is love, 500 is understanding unconditional love and what happens is a huge shift happens when you move from the $400 into the five hundred is understanding our beliefs create our reality.

Everything I'm sharing with you right now is if you want to move fluidly move through your reality and experience what you want. Once you become aware of is the reason you have the beliefs that you have, the intellectual thoughts that you have and understand that those are creating your life experience.

However, there is a shift in consciousness you can experience that goes beyond that of just the reasoning like Einstein himself calibrated at four 99, not quite 500 because he was still attached to the intellectual ideas, but he's very close and if he would have dropped all those intellectual ideas and moved it into love, he would have transformed his own consciousness into a higher state.

And that is the key to this life, this, this transformation that we're going to on the planet right now. We are going from these intellectual ideas of understanding our beliefs, create our reality, understanding these degrees of separation, these different labels we might have towards each other, and we're dropping those labels to then move into more of a universal level of love of into being, having undoing on the four 99 and below into being have doobie.

Understand we can be. We can be in the present moment. We can say yes to the present moment and this is when we begin to transform our consciousness. When you think that you have to go outside and change the mirror of life to them, be happy. You're putting your happiness outside of you. The key is to change instead of the way you relate to whatever's happening on the outside.

How do you relate to it? And then to find out why you are relating to it in the way you are. Maybe you want validation from other people. You may say, well, if I can get people's validation, then I can be happy. But the truth is, if you're looking for the validation outside of you and instead give yourself that validation by understanding things are the way they are and the way they may be, the way they are is because maybe you've had this rule in your mind that people had to validate you to be happy.

But this is showing you that the validation is not without. It's not from the trying to change the mirror itself. Change the expression on your face in the mirror will change. Give yourself the validation that you seek and other people will validate you if it's the love that you want to find in a relationship. Instead, give yourself that love, and I know this all may be sound easier than it sounds, right? That sounds easy, but it's harder than that.

That's a belief. What I am saying is move out of the having and the doing and into being. Be aware of the beliefs you have in that process because if you believe that this is hard, you believe that it can't be that easy, then guess what? That will be your reality.

But what I'm asking you to do is to become aware of these beliefs, become aware of these perspectives and shoes to transcendence. You can transcend it by going into being present to the moment and understanding that the intellectual only gets you so far. The intellectual mind will make you aware of what you believe to be true, but even then, people are still too many times are within their own belief systems.

Even me, I find myself in my own belief systems, oh, can I go do that? I don't know if I can go to all of those. All those thoughts, all those labels, all those definitions are beliefs. Your beliefs create your reality, but the key is not to go outside of there and try to change their mirror of life. The key is to change how you relate to yourself, to relate to yourself.

Someone came to me recently and was talking about how all these things in their life is starting to go wrong and I had to kind of be the person to say go within because they're like, well, this person did this to me. This person did this, meet. This person did this to me. I said it has nothing to do with what this person did to you like nothing to do with any of this stuff that you think it has to do with.

Those are all outer manifestations of an inner incompletion or an inner disturbance. If you instead go within yourself and saying, what is this teaching me about myself? Do you have a rule in your life that this rule, this person has to be this way for me to be happy? Or maybe are you just integrating? Is it showing you something about yourself that maybe you aren't integrating your embodying the best version of you?

You aren't letting go of these attachments as lower vibrational emotions. You weren't letting go of all this, so, therefore, you're experiencing more and more of the negative emotion and I could see that it started to sink in with this person I was talking to. I kept just all I did was I turned their focus from being out there to in here, your reality is a reflection of what you believe to be true in.

The more you become aware of your beliefs is the more you can begin to neutralize them, but you can have a lot of fun. Here. You can have a lot of fun because then you could feel whole and complete. You can change how you relate to life in general. You can drop the rules you have about how people have to be and then your life will change.

However, there is a higher level of consciousness that you begin to tap into when you then move into being, move out of having moved out, move out of doing and move it into being, and it might sound easier said than done, but remember, that's just a belief. You can just say yes to the present moment and you will start to embody more of being. Say Yes to the present moment. Know that by saying yes to the present moment, you are allowing the moment to be.

You are more so being than having are doing and that in that state of consciousness where everything because it changed because the truth of the matter is you are unconditional love and bliss. That is who you are. Everything else is just something that you can learn from something that you could take from, but understand that right now on the planet, it's about waking up from this 3D level of consciousness, of duality, of good and bad into that have a higher state of consciousness.

This higher state of consciousness is considered a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, which is unity, consciousness, and love. We are transcending into it in this lifetime and that as we go through the next 10, 15, 20 years, however long we're going to be shifting more into that awareness.

It's about dropping the mental ideas, dropping the beliefs. Maybe they served. You served for a period of time, but you'll go through different beliefs in your life. You'll outgrow certain beliefs as well, but it's about being aware of what that is and simply deciding that you are going to move from having and doing into being.

You are unconditional love and bliss. The more you change, the way you relate to yourself is the more you will change the outer reflection in your life, become at peace with the way everything is, and you will start to see things change.

The more you change, the more you will change the outer reflection of yourself.

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If you become okay with everything, everything will become okay, so hope you enjoyed today's episode. If you could do me a favor if you could review this podcast, let me know what you think of today's episode or review this podcast in general. That would be amazing. You just go to the iTunes page and you could see the option to review it. That would be awesome. Still a newer podcast, so it's cool to see.

The Vibrational Resonance of Alignment (My Top Tips)


What I'm going to be sharing with you is the vibrational resonance of alignment. I'm going to show you exactly how you can align with who you are meant to be and I'm going to share with you how you can increase your vibration to that level.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the vibrational resonance of abundance, showing you exactly what you can do to vibrationally get to a point to where you feel like things come easier to where you feel like almost what you want to create in your life wants to come through you versus you having to go outside there and actually do anything or not. That is no action taken at all, but not that you have to like bang around to get everything done.

This is about understanding who we really are at a fundamental nature. Because the truth is even though we're having this physical experience in our and with our ego, we are actually a higher level of consciousness. We are that of love, joy, bliss. If we look at the scale that I share and almost every video now, you'll see shame, fear, guilt.

You'll see eventually neutrality, willingness, then reasoning, and then love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. The truth is you are those higher emotions. That is who you are, and when we talk about alignment, it's about aligning with the part of you that is in the joy, the peace, the love that is who you really are. We could say as well that part of this thread of us creating what we want in our life, it's about us increasing in going up the scale of consciousness because the further up the scale of consciousness we go, the better we feel.

We have an increased state of being, but also our vibration is higher. Therefore, what we do focus on has more potency. A lot of times what people do is they try to create from the lesser levels of consciousness. What they do is they say, I really, really want something, and if I really, really had that, I feel really, really better.

You know, and what happens is because they say that they are externalizing their own happiness, externalizing their own power, and therefore they feel resistance in the present moment right now, but the key to moving up the scale is to align with who you really are by letting go of who you are not. That's the way we move up the scale. We move up the scale by actually letting go by letting go of things that will no longer service neutrality is a huge step neutrality.

We become aware that we can observe our thoughts. We don't have to react. Most people are walking around in a dream and life is a dream, to begin with, but most people are walking around just sleepwalking. They're not aware. They're not engaged in their life. They're just at the stimulus response, and the key to breaking out of that cycle is awareness because when you become aware that you can get out of the autopilot mind, you can then start to mix it up.

You can start to observe what you're thinking instead of just focusing on the content of what you're thinking. Thinking this is who I am, you are not the shame, fear, guilt or anger. That is not who you are. There have just been certain reference experiences that have happened in the past that I've had it to where you then feel weighed down.

You didn't feel that. That's the way reality is, and then those thoughts go on self-perpetual thought loops. They just keep going. You keep thinking those thoughts. That's not who you are. The key is to get to neutrality and the way you get to neutrality is by knowing that yes, those things happen, but those things are not who you are.

They were just something that happened and when you see it for what it was, you can start to detach the story from it. When you detach the story, you start to lessen the charge. It no longer has power over you in your life. The key is neutrality. Then what happens is you get to neutrality. You start to realize that everything in your life is fundamentally neutral. That is just based on the meaning you give it to the meaning you get out of it.

Just like the idea is when we talk about that have a rainy day, a rainy day has no meaning other than the meaning we give it. For someone who might be very positive or it might be a negative thing, depends on the reference experiences in depends on how they interpret it.

The key to this is being aware of how we interpret these things. The idea is once we get to that of neutrality, there's a level where we get to that of willingness and reasoning. Willingness has the sense of the willpower willing to move into the upper type vibrational states, the desire to do so, but not a desire from lack. And the reasoning is the understanding. It's the awareness that our beliefs create our reality. If you want to align with that of the ideal reality you want to experience, it's about understanding the vibrational resonance of the version of you that is already living that way.

And this version of you must also be the more authentic version of you or the most authentic version of you, and maybe you're already living parts of that in your life, but this is what it's about. It is about understanding that yes, you are this unconditional love and bliss, that is who you are, but what you can then do is align with it by being aware of your vibration in relation. I like how that rhymes your vibration in relation to where you currently are and how you currently feel. Let's understand this.

The vibrational resonance vibration is a combination of what you think, how you feel, and how you act. These are the three things that make up your vibration. If you change your emotion, you then change your vibration. I'd say emotion is a huge part of this and this is what this is what bogs a lot of people down.

Because when people think that they are, that they are not more than their body or when they think that they are just as ego structure to get tied up in these lesser emotions. But you see your emotions are that of your vibration, huge of it. What's you can begin to do is begin to observe the meaning you're giving situations because the thing is the meaning that you give of what's happening in your life that's going to determine how you respond in your life because there is no understanding of how we should feel without a meaning.

First, there are beliefs give things meaning. If I were to look at a rainy day, I have no emotion, I don't feel anything, but if I gave it a positive meaning that it rains, I'm like, yes, I feel really good. Create our emotions, whether we're aware of it or not. We must first become aware of what that is because if we change that, we change everything.

If you want to experience and you want to learn more about how I transformed my own emotions, I went from somebody that was feeling at about a seven or I was feeling actually about a three to a four out of 10 with 10 feeling amazing. One feeling not great at all. I increased my vibration and went through this shift in consciousness and then got to a place where I was feeling a seven or eight out of 10.

I'm going to be doing a workshop on how I let go of my painful past, how I transformed my vibration into a seven or eight out of 10, and how I became emotionally free. I'm going to be doing a teaching or a Webinar on that here on Thursday at 4:00 PM.

A very important part of this is understanding how you feel, but you give the meaning to how things feel in your life. And when you shift this, you shift everything because what we experienced in our life is a reflection of our vibration. Change the meaning we give things that we find that everything changes as a reflection. If we change how we feel, we change the vibrational alignment that we have.

Understand that when it comes to this process, also think of it in terms of the alignment of your Chakra system. Because when we have that of our willpower, our willpower is part of adjustment. Some people would say, Aaron, why are you talking about taking action? The Law of Attraction? We should just be able to think about it. That's all it should take.

Well maybe for some people, but for me, I found that aligning my willpower, my solar plexus, and aligning that with that of my heart, which means it's something that I'm passionate about with that of my throat. When I am speaking in my reality, up to that, of what I am thinking and my almost my contribution that I want to give to humanity, how I want to add value to other people. I align all of these together in that also creates alignment.

I have an alignment with each of these in my energy system, so I am taking action going towards a certain goal. I am feeling the passion of what I'm dealing with, the intention of adding value with his contribution to people around me. I am speaking the change I wish to see in the world as well as embodying it. I'm aligning all of these together and what you can begin to do is to align yourself with the way you prefer to be.

That's what I've done in my life is I just aligned all of these together and they all leak into one another as well. For a period of my life, I was just about taking massive action and it serves me because before that I was someone that didn't take action. I was someone that was just trying to think about things and when I started to take action, I started to get great results and then that started to leak into different areas of my life's.

I've taken a lot of action and I said, you know what? What if I line this up with my emotion? What if I feel more for my heart center while I take this action, and then it bumped it up to the next level. Then you know what, what if I let go of the outcome? What if I surrender to the moment and I said yes to the present moment, and then I focused on that as well and I moved up these rings because there are different levels and different paradigms of manifestation.

And the truth is you can move up these levels as you go through this process and the key to doing so is being aware of your vibration. Imagine right now, what is the best possible version of you and how are you living in your imagination? This is the doorway that connects you to this version of you.

Imagine it and imagine what you'd be doing. Imagine the beliefs that you would have. Imagine the emotions that you would feel. Imagine the way you would interact with other people. Imagine what you would be doing. Imagine what you'd be thinking. All of these things make up the vibration of the best possible version of you and what you can begin to do right now is begin to live as that version of you and for a while, it may seem and it may feel this is fake.

This isn't who I am, but it's not that this is fake. This is just simply unfamiliar. That's all it is. It's just not familiar. It's not repentant. Repetitiously been thought over and over again, like the prior version of us, Dr. Joe Dispenza has a book called how to break the habit of being yourself. When I first saw the title, I was like, why would you want to do that?

You want to become more of yourself, but the idea is that who we think we are is a set of habitual thought patterns, habitual actions, and habitual emotions, and when we become aware of that, we wake up from that dream of the old autopilot itself, and then we start to be in a new way of who we really are.

We start to align with that and when we align with that, it puts us into a higher vibrational state of consciousness and that's where we really start to align with who we are meant to be, so the key to this whole process is understanding who we really are. It understands this vibrational resonance with this higher vibrational aspect of us. When we are able to see that who we really are, his love, his joy, his peace, his enlightenment, that that is who we are.

What we begin to do is we begin to detach from the old self. We begin to detach from the old shadow identity and that is not who we are. That is just something that we've been playing the role of because we thought, this is who I am, this is how I have to be, but the truth of the matter is that is just a role that we have played until we become aware and right now, if you're watching this video, then most likely you are becoming aware.

You are becoming more of who you are. You have this intention of aligning with these higher states of consciousness. You have an intention to align with the best possible version of you and the thread that connects everything I'm sharing with you together right now is passion. Passion is the feeling of you doing what you are meant to be doing in your life.

The body's your body's interpretation of who you really are is passion, so when you follow your passion, you are aligning with more and more of who you are, and the key to this is to follow that thread wherever it goes. It may lead you somewhere and you may say, Oh, is this who I am? You may start to find out more of who you are and you may say, you know what?

This doesn't serve me anymore, and then you go onto another layer of this reality, but the truth is you can begin to align with this. You could be good to know that this passion is who you are. You can begin to more look at the vibrational frequency of things. Then what you think those things will bring you in terms of materialistic things. That's when things really began to change.

Why do you want money? Why do you want a relationship? Why do you want to be in great health? Why do you want those things that the key, the key is that the reason you want those things is that you believe you will feel better? If you do have them, you feel like you'll feel more of who you are.

You'll feel in more alignment. The key is to simply choose to feel those emotions right now because the truth is, is the emotions that are inside you right now, it's something you just permit yourself to feel. It's just what we use. Those external benchmarks as signs that say, okay, Aaron, now you can give yourself to feel this pleasure because you have done x, y, z, but I could have given myself the pleasure to feel x, y, z by understanding that I can generate that emotion from within.

I don't have to wait until I achieve this milestone, this external milestone that if I were to achieve, then I can feel better. Instead, I can give myself permission to feel those emotions right now and as I increase my state of being, the paradox is that then I'm more likely to align with that reality quicker because I am in vibrational resonance with that state of consciousness, so in the same way you can realize that what you want to experience, the emotions you would feel from it, they already exist within you.

It's about giving yourself permission to do it now, permission to feel it now, aligning with what you're passionate about and as you do so, you also make this more about the journey than just the end destination. You get there quicker, you get there quicker, but then you realize that there isn't even anything that is really the goal itself.

The goal is the process. The goal is the emotion. The goal is the alignment. As you align with that, your whole entire life will change.

As you align with the process and emotion, your whole life will change.

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Like I said, the Emotional Transformation Training that I'm going to be doing this Thursday at 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. I'm going to be show all of the tips and ways that I went through this process and how I became aware of and how I raise my vibrational set points that you can do the same.

How to SHIFT to the Parallel Reality of Unlimited Abundance, MASSIVE Success and Freedom

Today, I'm going to show you exactly how to shift to a parallel reality of abundance, freedom and that have massive success. By the end of this blog, you're going to start to feel this shift happening within you so that you start to experience more than you ever thought possible.

I'm going to be sharing with you that of how to shift to the parallel reality that you prefer how to do it in a conscious way where you start to create more freedom, more success, and more abundance in your life, more than you've ever experienced before.

Before I go into exactly how to do that specific part of it, understand that we are always shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality every single moment, whether we are aware of it or not.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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The reason this is important to understand because then we could see how we can embody the frequency, the reality of what we want to experience right now because all reality is reality is a reflection of what we believe to be true and what we think of as time.

We experience the idea of time, but in actuality all the past, all the present or the future, it all exists right now. The only thing that shifts is our perception of time, so let's look at it like this. Imagine that right now we have that have a film strip and if we had a film story, if we could take this strip of film, we could spread it out like this and we could even look at the individual different frames.

One frame may have something looking like this, the other frame might have something to look like this, so it just shifts a little bit. Even though some of these frames will look so similar to other frames, we know that they are totally separate frames will at the same time. All of these different frames exist right now in the present moment is just that the light of consciousness is going through it to a frame rate to where it appears to be one continuous movement.

If we were to have a video of me going like this right now, we could see it looking as one perceptual and one continual movement, but if we were to slow it down or we were to look at it in the frames, we would see that there are actually individual frames going like this. The thing is we have the experience of continuity because we have memory because we have that.

Our brains are able to piece all of these together in a linear type way that makes sense to us now knowing that they all exist, that as we change in the present moment right now, we are changing which part of our past that we connect to. And think about this. If you are feeling really good right now and you were imagining that have some type of past experience that you had or you also felt really good, it would be much easier for you to remember then that have a bad memory because of the state that you're in, the way that your brain is wired and how you feel.

It's almost like you are picking up, out of past experiences. Things that resonate with your current state of being on the other side of that. If you were to feel not so great, you would remember things and other moments in time that you're pulling out of your past of where needed to feel great because it's all threaded together.

It depends on how we are right now in the present moment to which passed we connect to and also what kind of future we imagine. The point of this is knowing that the true power is in the present moment right now. Because when you change now you change which pasts you remember in which future potentials that you end up linking up to.

Knowing that we can then see that what we want to experience, it's not about us having to shift to a reality that's over there. It's about us realizing that it already exists and that if we simply change our focus, things begin to change. Understand as well you already do this, whether you're aware of it or not, just like with the law of attraction, people are like the law of attraction. Does it work or does it not work?

Well, it depends upon your beliefs because if you don't believe the law of attraction works, you will create experiences that mere, that belief you look around, you won't notice it at all and you will find it almost not see patterns that may actually already be there and the same way that I'm going to be sharing with you how you can shift to the parallel reality that you want.

You're shifting whether you realize it or not, maybe we use different terms for it. Maybe we're just now in science starting to learn about that of quantum physics. We're starting to become aware that we are shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality. And that they all exist right now, that anytime we make a choice, what we do is we put ourselves in a different momentum or in the momentum of that kind of experience, but I don't have to teach you how to shift.

I want you to know that because the whole point of parallel reality manifestation is making it easier for you to know that this is a natural byproduct of the way reality works. You don't have to try to do it. You don't under the pile on some new belief system. It's already happening. When I share with you these ways that are already happening, you can then see that it is something that you can just allow and make it easier to be.

Let me share with you a little bit of how this changed and transformed my own life of when I began to shift into that of abundance, of success, of freedom. And it was my understanding that idea that the perfect version of me, the one that I would prefer to live, like the version of me that I prefer to be, which is successful, abundant and that have lived in freedom.

I knew that that existed right now in the present moment, and this was about two years ago, and when I remember this using my brain to remember it, I can remember a scenario of when I made a choice because choice and intention is a powerful part of this. I was walking around my room, my room or my house, and I was thinking to myself.

I was in the hallway actually in front of my room and I was thinking to myself, what is the one thing that I could do every day that would change my life the most? And I had this feeling, this rush of energy that was like, make a video a day. I knew that I wanted to grow my YouTube channel. I just had this feeling if I made a video a day and a year from now, my life would be totally different, totally transformed, and I would shift to the reality that I want because I'd be embodying that version of me.

What I did is I started to treat my side hustle, which was making YouTube videos when at the time I worked at Barneys New York, New York, selling women's shoes. I started to treat my side hustle as if it was already my full-time job. What I did is I was working about 40 hours a week at that job and I was making videos which took about 30 hours a week for me to make videos daily. And as I started to do that, things started to exponential eyes.

Seeing started to grow because I was in the frequency of the version of me that was doing what I love. I love to make videos. Some people say, oh, you're preaching hard work. I love making videos, so it's me being my passion, me doing what I'm passionate about and what I did is as I did that, things started to exponential.

Things started to go very fast. I remember I had a couple of videos that started to pop on YouTube channel started to grow very fast and within three to five months I went full time. I started being able to just not was able to go in one day, put my two weeks. The last day worked was the McGregor Mayweather fight and I did that specifically because I knew is going to be busy because it was a sales commission job. Got rid of that job. 

Never had to go back since. And this is what I do for a living now. The idea is that I used to one and a half, two years ago, I used my imagination to connect to the parallel reality version of me that was already doing what I love. And I knew that that was included making daily videos.

It's all about the vibrational frequency and the awareness. That's the reality you want to experience already exists. The reason this makes it so much easier to manifest knowing this is because people think with the Law of Attraction like here I am, I want to attract that over there into here, and I want you to create my own reality.

Well, think of how hard that is. You have to create your own reality as if it doesn't already exist. And as if you have to actually have to like cultivate and make every little different aspect of it. You don't have to create your reality. You simply have to choose it from the space of options. They all exist right now in the same way. I knew that there was a version to me that was doing what I love to be doing. What would that be?

What kind of mindset, what I have, what kind of habits would I have? What kind of things would I do consistently and as I paid attention to that, I simply chose because you could think of the choosing two different parallel realities. The choices you make put you on different life tracks you can think of what that would be for you to get to that end destination which exists right now, so that should make it so much easier for you to connect to because you know now that it already exists.

You don't have to try so hard. You don't have to create it from scratch. It already exists and using your imagination, you can begin to embody the frequency of it. Let's talk about that for a second. Vibrational frequency. There are two main things that make up our vibrational frequency. One is our emotion, how we are feeling the emotion is energy.

In a motion, how are we feeling? What are we, what are the beliefs we have, and you see, because our emotions actually come from our beliefs, we must first believe something to be true, to actually have an emotional response to it, just like a rainy day. Some people may hate rainy days, some people may love it, it's a neutral idea, but someone may say, I give it positive, meaning I love rainy days because of my past reference experiences.

Therefore, they feel a positive emotion when it happens, but it's a general idea about that. Let's look at that and we could say, well, what are your beliefs of the best version of you that's doing exactly what you want to be doing? What emotions are you feeling? And that helps make up your vibration.

The other part of this is emotion and then motion. What action are you doing?

Because there's a certain vibratory frequency when you're taking action. I would notice that when I was taking certain actions, I would feel a certain way. When I was making videos, I felt like I was in a high vibrational state because making videos, even as I make this right now just in a flow state, it just naturally comes. That is in unlimited abundance, that is with freedom. What does that version of you? Imagine it because it exists right now and as you imagine it right now, begin to connect to it.

Begin to connect to the vibration of it, not the intellectual ideas of, Oh, okay, I have to do this, this, and this. The frequency of it, the feeling of it. What would it feel like for you to be that version of you? How would you wake up every day feeling? What is the emotion? What is the feeling inside your heart center?

Because that's something that really amplifies this whole experience is the heart center and how you feel in the heart. I believe that one of the reasons my YouTube channel has grown the way it has and the reason I've kind of, this has happened within the last two years for me is because I'm following my heart and I have a good intention with everything I'm doing.

My intention is to add value to people. It's like a heart-based intention and I believe that that helps me more than maybe other people whose main intention is just to make money or maybe has a lot of subscribers. My intention is to add value knowing that everyone that I'm helping is another version of me at a different level. This is a deep kind of spiritual connection that I feel to everyone, and this is my reasoning. This is what drives me. Therefore, it's the reason that I've been able to be on this path of success, abundance, and freedom.

How can you create success, abundance, and freedom in your life? Well, the first thing you can do is simply become clear as to what that life looks like and feels like for you. Connect to that version of you and remember, it already exists. You don't have to create it from scratch. You can allow this to be more natural. You can allow this to be something that you are just aware of. Ask Yourself, what does this version of me think?

What does this version of me feel? What does this version of me do? And start to be aware that that image is the bridge to that reality, and then as you start to get the pitches of what that is, you have a vibratory frequency that you can begin to embody. What if back two years ago, the version of me right now is reaching back to me saying, listen, do this. You will get here. You will be able to experience as you will shift to this reality if you do this now, and that feeling for me was the daily videos. That was just my truth.

That was what I knew is true for me because I was embodying that frequency and the same way. What if right now you're watching this video is a sign for you to start to embody the best version of you, doing what you're passionate about, being connected to your heart, making choices that align you with the vibratory frequency of that version of you with the emotion and the emotion of that version of you, the action and the emotional frequency of what it feels like to be that best version of you because it exists right now.

When we talk about abundance, let's also look at this abundance, abundance. It's all around whether we understand it or not, whether we realize it or not, there is only abundance in the reality that we live in. If we experienced lack, what we are actually experiencing is an abundance of lack because we get whatever we're focusing on, whatever we're majority focused on, we're shifting to more and more of realities that have more of that.

If you experience lack and you keep focusing on lack, you're going to experience an abundance of lack, but lack is just all around because there's a focus of lack, so you get whatever you're focused on and the idea is to be more focused on the abundance that is all around you.

That brings us to the next point. Abundance is all around whether you were aware of it or not. Understand that every single thing in your life, treat everything in your life as if you chose it. And the reason you do this is that when you do that, you start to take your power back. When you choose something, you can then choose something else, but when something is happening to you, your energy then goes in.

It's almost like when you feel like you're more of the victim than you are of the person that's able to control it, and it's not that you're controlling it from an ego perspective, but understand that if you treat everything as if you chose it, you're also saying yes to the present moment and you're then letting go of resistance.

This is about being aware of that. Insane. Yes, and starting to set more intentions and intention. It's kind of like a certain direction, a certain outcome, a declaration of a certain outcome. I intend, dot. I intend to find my purpose. I intend to start living in a body and that purpose. I intend to every day do this, this, and this with my purpose, and then do that.

Start to set yourself intentions, and as you do this, your life will be getting to go in a great direction.

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Start to set yourself intentions, and as you do this, your life will be getting to go in a powerful direction. It's simply that most people are not setting intentions.

They're just not sending no attention, and if you're not setting intentions, you're not giving yourself direction. It's almost like the captain of a ship, but you're not there.

This will all help you to go in this direction when it comes to freedom powerfully. Understand that if you start to make those choices for yourself, you start to create more opportunities for freedom in your life. I had to choose to make daily videos because I knew that me going in this direction would allow me to eventually create the freedom for myself where I don't have to have a job.

You see, if you have to be told by someone else what to do and you don't start to tell yourself what to do, then you will always have. Otherwise, you will always have a boss. If you start to become your own boss, you will start to create your own freedom.

If that resonates with you, maybe you want and you love your job, then that is great too. But to create more freedom, you start to have to be more aware of the choices you are making, so there are all interplays into knowing that the reality you want to experience exists right now in the present moment, and you don't have to try so hard.

This makes the manifestation so much easier because it's simply about aligning with that life track by making the choices and embodying the vibrational frequency. And remember the vibrational frequency is a combination of our emotion and so start to embody that right now in the present moment. Connect to it.

If you want help with this whole process, I have a meditation, so one of my top meditations of all time. It will show you exactly how to shift to the parallel reality you want. It's got to take over 400,000 views on YouTube and people watch the comments and look at the comments on a to so many people that have had amazing experiences with it.

I had no idea was going to do as well as it did, but it's something that I think and also helps you with exactly what you want to learn today with shifting to the parallel reality you want. I recommend you listen to it for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it.

The Energy Dynamics of the Law of Attraction and How to HACK it (Meditation)

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the energy dynamics of the Law of Attraction, and I'm going to show you exactly how to hack it. This is something that if you begin to apply, you will start to see results and you'll start to be at a totally new paradigm.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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I'm going to be explaining to you more on the energy dynamics of manifestation and really sharing something with you that I think so many people don't apply. It's something that is often missing, looked at something that's not looked at very often, and it's also something that when you begin to apply, things start to change very quickly because you start to change at your core.

It has to do with vibration and it has to do with understanding not more so what can I attract, but what kind of person will I become? Because most of who we think we are is a familiar set of thought patterns. It's a familiar set of habitualized things that we do every day. Therefore, we identify with ourselves in a certain way and when we begin to expand outside of that, that's when everything begins to change, so there was a book that's called think and grow rich and I read it.

It's one of the first books I read with the Law of Attraction and it really expanded my mind and got me on this path of understanding the correlates with you, what we think, what we experienced, and one of the things that Napoleon Hill talks about in the book think and grow rich is this idea that I'm more so coming to apply right now and it's really making all the difference.

When you are focused on something you want to create in your life or you want to manifest in your life, what you do is you think of what you are willing to give in return for that which you want to receive. Let me say it one more time. You have to think about what you're willing to give in exchange for that which you want to receive.

Why is this? Because literally the vibration of what you put out is what you get back, so when you focus on what you can give, what you're saying is, I'm going to change the vibration of my energy. I'm going to focus on what I can put out with the awareness that what I put out is what I get back.  

And also think about it from a vibrational level. If you have enough, like for example, if you feel a positive emotion or if you're able to give away positive by making other people feel good, what does that say about your own cup? It says that you have enough to give away vibrationally speaking. This is why it is so powerful to feel grateful for the things in your life because when you're in a feeling of gratitude, you are saying yes to that vibration. You are then asking, you're resonating with even more of it.

What can I attract? As if what we want to attract isn't in our life already, which emphasizes the lack of it. Whereas what we can begin to do is understand that the more we focus on the energy in the present moment, the more that we focus on our own state of being, which is what controls our vibration is the more we're then going to experience what we want and see. Here's the thing too. We can choose our state of being in the present moment.

What we do a lot of times that we say, this is where I am, this is where I want to be, and when I get all the way over here, then I'll feel happy. Then I'll feel like I'm enough. Then I'll feel worthy, but what that ends up doing is that ends up causing it so that we're coming at it from the glass being empty. It's like we don't have enough to give away because we are feeling the lack already. Remember, this is about vibration. That's what I want to really impart to you is that what you can begin to do is to see things more as vibration than anything else.

Because when you see it as vibration, you see it more as resonance and then you can say how the questions in your mind change. You see, we're always asking questions in our mind to the questions that we ask ourselves is directing our energy and if we are asking the question, how can I attract this into my life? We're in the moment emphasizing that it is not already here. Something even more power to do is to start to ask ourselves new questions.

We can start to ask yourself the question of what can I give to other people? Of course, you can't give what you don't already have. That's why you focused on your state of being. That's why you focus on giving yourself permission right now to feel the kind of emotions you want. Because this is about resonance more so than anything else.

This is about vibrational resonance. With this, what would you have to do? Well, there's a couple of key concepts here that we'd have to do in order to really put out that which we want to experience to understand the energy dynamics. And the first one is one that I talk about all the time and I think it is so powerful. It is one of the most underemphasized personal development. Even Law of Attraction type ideas. It's out of our self-image.

How do you view yourself? Because however, you view yourself, that is what your base point is at. And if you view yourself as somebody that's not adding as much value to other people, then maybe the energy is a little bit imbalanced.

However you view yourself, that is what your base point is.

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The reason that what we put out is what we get back is that at a fundamental level, other people are connected to us.

When I put out something to other people and I'm helping other people, that's coming back to me because we're all connected and there is also a larger point of perception when it comes to manifestation. You know I'm creating my own reality, but you are creating your own reality and coke collectively, all of us on the planet are creating a collective reality together. The more we understand this wholeness, the more we can see that when we add value to other people, we add value to another part of this larger field of energy. 

What I encourage you to do is to look at your manifestations, to look at your desires and to see how can you add value to other people? How can you add value to the awareness that underneath that energy, there's this intention to add value to everyone because everyone is connected?

We are all other versions of each other. This is a deep spiritual truth, but it's something that when we begin to tap into it changes everything you see because a lot of people they go through with the Loa way of thinking and what they do. I say, I want to attract a certain type of money in my life, but money isn't really even a goal. Money is a side effect of you doing what you love and have you adding value to other people. Think of almost any business you can think of that is successful. It is solving some type of problem.

It is solving a problem or enhancing someone else's life. That's all it's any product you can find. You can look at that and you can see how it does so and if it adds enough value, people will buy it and it'll be in demand. Even stuff that's materialistic that you couldn't see. How would that add value? But in people's perception, it does. How does that add value to other people? When people's perception it does, therefore people see value in it. Therefore, people buy it because what they're buying is something that makes them feel a certain way, so anything that we buy, knowing that anything we buy is because we believe it will enhance lives. It'll solve a problem for us.

How can we then see how we can be the source of something that also adds value to other people? This is something that changed my perception before I went full time on YouTube about a year ago. I worked in Barneys New York and women's shoes and when I went in every day and I was focused on what I could get from other people, how could other people add value to me?

How could people help me make my paycheck because it was a pure commission? How can I hit my goals when I saw other people as an avenue for me to hit my goals? I didn't do well, but when I switched around the energy and I saw how can I add value to the people that I help, everything went through the roof. I would sell more than anybody else that day, so that was something I learned as I went.

Why is that? Because what you put out is what you get back. If you're in a positive state of mood, then that is contagious. Other people feel that and then other people reciprocate by giving something back or you just have a contagious energy that goes out. You know? I realize that the days I had the best days, it would get to a point to where I made. I made.

We made so much money that day that eventually if I had a customer, I didn't really care to help because I knew they weren't going to buy anything. I still have fun with it and I would still have the suit's energy and paradoxically enough sometimes. Then they would even buy anyways, even if I thought they weren't going to because of that state of being. Here's another thing I want to talk about before we get into the meditation. It is making things natural for you to experience. Don't view your goals on a pedestal.

Don't think it'd be so awesome at this, this, and this happened. See it as a natural part of your self-image because there is a version of you that is experiencing what you want and that is putting out a certain amount of value into the marketplace out even energetically into the world. And when you start to embody that version of you, you will start to get that reflection that that version of you gets.

This is a paradigm that has to do with seeing, you know, it's, I view myself, I see it as natural for me to be achieving what I want. I see it as natural for me to be traveling the world, eating at great restaurants, talking to other people, you know, networking and doing events. I said as natural, I don't, I don't put my mind in it and go, oh my God, that would be so amazing.

Because then energetically I'm saying that that's all the way up here. But I'm like right here. You have to see it as something that resonates. You have to see it as natural for you. Change your self-image. I have my self-image as that version of me already, so I know that the outer reflection, it's just a matter of time of when it actually shifts because my internal has already shifted.

That's the basis of this whole blog is understanding the energy dynamics of what you are putting back is literally what you are putting out is literally what you are getting back, whether you're aware of it or not. Maybe start to ask yourself new questions. What are you willing to give in exchange your manifestation and then start to give away that thing?

This is a very powerful idea. If you want love from somebody else, start to give away love. Then you start to emit the vibration of it, which then goes into your energy field, which then when you go out into the world, you will resonate with different experiences that reflect that back to you, but you must first make it from within. Because if you go looking for it outside so you have your energy field, you go looking for it outside and you won't actually find it because you weren't resonating with it.

And you weren't feeling the emotion, the vibration already, but when you embody it now, then it's just a matter have that reflection coming into fruition but don't be attached to how it happens. Just allow it to happen. The true degree of change is not whether the outside changes at all. It's whether you're internal changes despite the outside changing. It's when you change on the inside and the paradox is then everything does change on the outside, but if you needed to change and you haven't really changed, it's like saying I changed on the inside.

You see, it's like you haven't really changed. You're just kind of try to mind Jedi mind. Trick yourself into thinking that you have changed. The moment you've really changed is when you have changed on the inside, regardless of what has happened on the outside, but the paradox is that will change. Anyways, so in the meditation we're about to do, what we're going to learn to do is we're going to learn to view ourselves as somebody of value of somebody that puts out that which we want to experience, that's focused on the kind of self-image that we prefer, that things being natural for us, the kind of lifestyle that we would have in the what we want to experience.

This is kind of a little bit of a new angle, but it's something that if you apply for the next 21 days if you use this meditation for the next 21 days, I believe it will profoundly change your life because you will then focus less on what you want. You'll focus more on the person you will become and the person you'd become is something that's more permanent. What you want to attract. That's something that can come and go.

You can attract something, okay, you got it, great, but if you learn it at the base, is that the fundamental basis? It's something that you can create over and over and over again because the energy dynamics always work. I know that no matter what, if I can add more value than anybody else in my niche, then I will continue to grow. It doesn't have to be competitive. I don't. I don't. It's not like I have to add value more than this and I know that if I add a massive amount of value to people that watch my videos, growth will continue to happen.

That's just how I feel and I believe that that won't change because the more value I can add, the more it aligns with other people because people want to better themselves or people want to learn more about this kind of information. You see how that changes the mindset that changes. The focus is less on what can I get from other people and it's more like, what kind of person can I become too? Then resonate with what I want.

Let's go ahead and get into the meditation. What I'm going to do is we're going to take a couple deep breaths in and out. We're also going to connect to our heart center as we do in every meditation because by doing this we connect to our whole energy field versus just our mind, which has all the intellectual stuff we want to tap more into the feeling than anything else.

That feeling is where the power is, so what I encourage you to do right now is to take a deep breath in, deep breath out with me and relax, and we're going to go ahead and get into the meditation. I'm going to cue the music here in a second. Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in it out. Feel your body relax more and more. Place your hands over your heart and begin to feel the warmth inside your heart. The more attention that you put in your heart center, the more you are growing the electromagnetic energy around your body and the more you are creating something that is called mind and heart coherence.

By creating this bond just with the attention inside of your heart, you were starting to grow your energy and you're starting to become more balanced than ever before. This makes it easier to tap into the feeling of what you want, so take another deep breath in. Deep breath out. Breath that out. Feel your body relax. Okay.

Again, going deeper. What I encourage you to do is to close your eyes. If you can. We're going to go on this journey deeper within ourselves now. Imagine right now and feel the sensation in your head. Feel your forehead. Begin to relax. Put the awareness into your back of your eyelids, your eye sockets. Feel those muscles relax. A little warm sensation. Go through your jaw. Feel your jaw hang loose, relax. He listened. Station, go through your left arm, your left hand. Feel it. Relax, loosen up your right arm, your right hand. Feel that relax and loosen up.

Feel the energy inside your heart. Feel this warmth is buzzing sensation. Imagine that this energy is becoming more and more powerful, but the awareness in your stomach. Imagine your stomach muscles relaxing. Let go so your left leg, your left foot, loosen up. Wiggle your toes. Feel him loosen up and relax your leg, your right foot so your right toes loosen up. Relax now, imagine that there's a wave of energy that is flowing through your body and as it flows through your body, you feel any resistance be carried away. You figure your body going deeper now, deeper

into relaxation, knowing that as you do this, you have more influence over your subconscious mind. Imagine that you are in a very relaxing place. This could be a room. It could be outdoors in a forest, just convened a beach. Whatever environment you want. Imagine that you are there right now. Can I look around and notice what you see? This is a place you can go back to anytime you want. For clarity, for relaxation, for doing inner work.

What do you notice around you? What kind of sounds do you hear? Imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder. What does it feel like to be here? No, just how relaxing it feels. More comfortable you feel. I noticed that in the distance you see a big mirror about six or seven feet tall, gold trimming ornaments on the mirror around the edges. Walk over to this mirror and noticed that this mere is titled the best version of You, and when you look into this mirror, what's you're able to see is the version of you that is living the kind of lifestyle that you prefer.

The version of you that is able to add value just for being you. You have value for just being human at. What we're going to do right now is looking to this mirror and connect with that version of us, connect with this version of us because then we are going to begin to embody the person we will become and the person who we choose to be. Think of what you want to create in your life, what you want to experience your life. Look into the mirror and see this version of you living that lifestyle. What do you see yourself doing?

How do you interact with other people? What kind of emotions do you feel consistent? What are your perspectives about life in general? What you can begin to do is to actually have a dialogue with this version of you. Notice that as you look into this mirror, this version of you, the glimmer in the eye looks at you and asks, do you have any questions for me? Ask this version of you any questions you may have now ask this version of you how you can add value to other people.

Whatever comes up, just trust him. Ask if there's any other message that this best version of you has for you. Think this version of you, and what we're going to do is we're going to connect vibrationally with this version of us. Never. We're going to know that from this point going forward, we are that version. What I want to ask you to do is to put your hand out towards the mirror.

Notice that the best version of you takes a step back and then starts to put their hand up to the mirror. And what we're going to do now is I'm going to count down from 10 to one with every number I count. You're going to feel an increase in your heart center. You're going to feel an increase with this version of you and you're going to know that this is your new vibration simply. You're going to feel your vibration shift. You're going to feel more of this energy inside of your heart center.

With every number I count, you're going to feel double the amount of sensation inside of your body. 10, feel your hand now coming closer to the mirror. Nine, feel this energy speed up inside of your body. Eight, seven, and six hands getting closer to the mirror, feeling the energy inside of your heart become even more powerful. Six, five for fueling it flush through your whole body. You feel yourself really linking up to this version of you.

Three, two, one. Your hand is touching the mirror and you feel the sensation of this version of you flow through your body. You feel this love inside your heart. You feel this connection and you know that from this point going forward, you are forever changed. You will find that now you are admitting a new vibration. It's a vibration that is more connected to your heart center.

Feel it in your heart center. Feel grateful because this energy of the best version of you is now who you are. I feel grateful for it and knowing that from this point going forward, you are forever changed. I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count. You're going to feel more alert, more present to the moment knowing that you have shifted your vibration. Five, feel this now, flow through your body for feeling yourself, become more alert, more present.

Three, two, one. You can open up your eyes now and know that from this point going forward, you are a completely new person. That what you put out is going to be a totally new vibrational level. You're going to feel intuitively guided to do certain things, to be a certain way because this is who you are meant to be, so I recommend you listen to this for 21 days to get the maximum benefit out of it and I think it will completely change your life. Set the intention for the end of the day today. You get assigned that you have shifted and as you get that you will know that you are a completely new version of you.

3 TRUTHS About Reality That Will Change Your Life FOREVER

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you three truths about reality that will totally transform your life. By the end of this blog, you're going to know of three ideas that once they sink in will change absolutely everything.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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I'm going to be sharing with you those three secrets that once you know will totally transform your life. These are truths that when I became aware of changed my whole entire life, there were times when I became more of one of these and what happened was is my emotional set point, how I felt when majority of the time went from a three to five out of 10 with 10 feeling amazing. One feeling not so great. It went from a three to a five out of 10 to about a seven or an eight out of 10.

As it began to sink in, as I started to understand the truth about it and there were other ones of these doors when I became aware of I felt such an expansive feeling that it made a lot of the problems I had in life. Completely irrelevant or very minimalized. I saw things from a more expanded point of view and from that point, things really began to change.

This is about understanding consciousness in general and about understanding who we are at a greater level because the thing is most of us, and this was me for many years and it's something I'm definitely shifting more into a new level of consciousness all the time.

Something I'm constantly working at, but it has to do with being on autopilot and understanding that most of who we are is a habitual thought set pattern that's just on autopilot and it's because of the way our consciousness works, and it's because of a way that the autopilot mind works.

But the idea is that we in a way are under the social conditioning and the hypnosis of past experience. Because most people identify with what has happened in the past, so we walk around many times believing that we are at the effect of everything that happens.

That was me for years. I had a story in my mind about the way reality works. I had a story in my mind about what I was worthy of because I went through a lot of stuff growing up and there was a powerful transition that took place when I became aware of a couple of things I'm going to be sharing with you now.

1.    Spiritual Awakening

The first one I want to share with you is understanding more about spiritual awakening from the point of view that changed my own life and that's understanding the truth about life is understanding that we are an immortal, spiritual being, living in temporary human experience, and in a way our body on earth is similar to like an Avatar.

Think about it like an Avatar, like in the movie Avatar, or think of it as the kind of like a Sims character. It's like the character we're playing in a video game and many times through our life we identify with the Avatar. We identify with what the character is doing. ​

The ego and the Avatar. We can call those the same thing is a part of us, but it is not only who we are. One of the purposes of life is to be born on earth and I believe it's to remember who we are because when we come here, we go through a veil of forgetfulness. We forget who we are. We forget that we are mortal, spiritual being, living a temporary human experience. Then what happens is a lot of times we identify with all of the things that happened in the past.

I identified with my past of having an abusive ex-stepmom or his stepmom at the time. I identified with the labels that I had for myself, such as having ADHD and not being able to focus, having too much energy. I recognized with not feeling worthy and with the kind of mindset that I had identified with all of that, and what happened was then I realized when I had a spiritual awakening and I realized that I am so much more than that and you are so much more than you think as well.

The key to this is understanding that when we begin to expand our awareness outside of just the ego structure, we realized the truth about who we really are. The truth is we are unconditional love and bliss. We exist in a higher vibrational state of consciousness as our natural state of being and becoming aware of.

This is not about piling on a new idea. It's not about becoming more. It's about just letting go of what doesn't serve. If I show you that scale of consciousness that I've shared in so many videos before, you'll see that you have at the bottom shame, fear, guilt, eventually move up to willingness. Then you move up to reasoning and then that of unconditional love.

What you'll notice is that becoming a part of the higher emotions is not about attaining a new perspective. It's not about any type of new insights necessarily. It's more about just letting go of the bottom layers, so if a shame, fear, guilt, anger, we could just start to let those go. Be aware of them, allow them to be there, and as we let them go, we start to raise our vibrational frequency. That thing is we are naturally high vibrational beans and if we experience less than that is because we're identified.

We have thought patterns that are on a loop that is from identification of the past experiences. The key to this is not to pile on the new it is to just simply let go of the old by realizing that our natural state is unconditional love and bliss. That's why when you are thinking positive thoughts or you feel grateful for your life, you feel appreciated.

You're looking at someone else and thinking about how amazing they are. You feel so good because those thoughts are in alignment with the higher state consciousness that you naturally are. Your emotions are a guidance system that's telling you how your Avatar is relating to that of the larger consciousness of who you are. You're constantly getting feedback based on how you feel, so be aware of how you can align your energy and align your emotions to feeling more love because when you feel love, that's your natural state.

That means you're looking through the eyes of who you really are, the eyes of the source instead of just the eyes of the Avatar, but the thing is now on the planet. It's the time to wake up. More people are waking up right now than ever before, and there is a form of a global consciousness shift happening.

Global doesn't mean every single person is going through it, but the thing is when people raise their vibration, you don't need 7 billion people to raise their vibration for there to be changed to happen. The people that do raise their vibration that become aware that they are immortal, spiritual beings of contemporary human experiences as their consciousness raises their consciousness actually affects millions and billions of other people because of how powerful the vibration is.

This is something that you could find more in the book called power vs force, which is where I got this chart from and it's something that changed the way that I saw consciousness in general, but this is something that once I experienced, transformed my whole life, I remember feeling high for about three to four weeks and the truth is that high became my natural set point.

It's almost like it just became natural. It wasn't something that was that. It was always a that I was always reaching for or something that I was always a static about feeling because it became natural for me. It doesn't mean I'm enlightened. Let me say that, but what it does mean is that my vibration arranges went up and now the lower emotions that I feel his stuff is much higher emotions than I would have felt a long time ago, so I'd feel lower.

Emotions would be more frustration than it would be. Anger, shame, fear or guilt. It's more frustration or annoyance or me becoming aware of that. That's what happened. When you begin to understand that you are any mortal, spiritual, been live in a temporary human experience, and you are more than just your ego, you are more than your ego.

A powerful shift happens when you shift from your ego into that of your larger self, of understanding they instead of doing, in having. You can focus on being, say yes to the present moment. When you say yes to the present moment, you allow your energy to expand. When you resist the present moment and you want it to be different than what it is, what you end up doing is you end up constructing your energy.

Then what you do is you carry around this restriction. You carry around this energy pattern and as you go out into the world, you find more and more evidence of why you should feel resistance, but just know that the outer reflection of what we experienced in our life is nothing more than a reflection of our inner state. If we say yes to the present moment, we are then allowing the energy to flow better through our body.

When we go out into the world, guess what? We're going to experience more things to say yes to, but it all starts from within. When we changed the inside, the outside changes. That is a truth in of itself, but that's also the, a truth that really changed my life, by the way, just to give this context.

I missed a donut right now with my buddy Victor Oddo or get some business stuff done and we're getting some, just doing some stuff. Also enjoying ourselves. Maybe I'll show a little bit of b roll of this place is the Airbnb we got really like, it's very open. There are windows all on this, on the side. And just real open verse simple. Real cool. We really liked this place. Hopefully, next time we come we're going to try always to book this place. That is the first truth that totally transformed my life.

2. Let it sink in

The second truth that also totally transformed my life and will transform your life if you let this sink in, is understanding that your beliefs create reality. That what you believe to be true is constantly being reflected back to you, but thinking that it's all set thinking that things are the way they are, many times will hold you back. Literally what you believe to be true in every moment is being reflected back to you.

This is something that I've tested before to see how much is this actually true? Is there a certain momentum to certain things that then we experienced a certain result? Is there a certain momentum to all of that to where you know, it's not likely we're going to change our beliefs about something?

How does that actually work? I and my buddy Victor, we tested this in Vegas. We're in from Vegas. There's this place. We go about three times a week and we go to this place and we eat there. We normally have a conversation about stuff that's going on. We connect to kind of mastermind with what we're doing and we go and there was this place that we go that we really like has very healthy food.

That's why we get there three times a week and we go, there was a cashier there, the cashier, sometimes it's, there's this one chick that's working, just one cashier. She tends to not be in a good mood. She tends to not like appear to be in a good mood.

We normally are very nice. They're just ordering our food where there almost every day we spend a lot of money there. We just go there, we get our food and go sit down outside in the patio and eat in this time we went and there have been many times we've gone and she just has a bad attitude. She just seems like she's just not having a good day.

Not sure what it is, we went outside and we were talking about, yeah, she lives seems to be in a bad mood. I wonder if she's doesn't like us. It has a meaning. Victor talking about it and then I thought to myself, and I remember the shift that I had where I realized recently that literally, beliefs create reality. I always woke myself up from that story and I said to him and I said, let's try something new.

What if just because we believe that she's always in a bad mood when we come here, either maybe part to us trigger her into that state of being or we just happen to show up when she's in a bad mood. Who knows? I said, let's change our story about that. It's not like we had to try to change it, we just were aware of that story we were telling ourselves and we're like, you know what, let it go. No expectation for her to be that way.

Every time we saw her we had the story of our mind is an expectation that how should we be instead like, you know what, let's just let that go. Maybe that's what's controlling or that's what's causing us to experience that part of her. And it's just some small list I made a big deal about. It wasn't somewhere like, oh let's really try to change it.

It was just something like, oh, you know, because we were going to live with it. It's not the end of the world, but the next day, two days later we went and when we went, I kind of forgot about that. But I remember that I set the intention not to have the expectation that she acts that way.

And the time before when she was being rude, I asked for like a cup of ice or something. They have really good ice. You'd like to sonic ice? I don't go to sonic or anything, but you know, like there's, they had really good ice and they normally the ice machine isn't working that well, so they scoop ice out of this little sink thing and I asked if she'd fill it up and she's kind of a power trip and she's like, no, just to fill it up over there.

Any other person I've ever asked us to scoop it takes two seconds to scoop it up and give you the cup, you know, so we don't have to wait forever for the ice to come out because it's always gone because everyone's always filling up the ice. But I asked and she's like, just to fill it up or something. I was like, okay. I just went and filled it up or whatever.

And this time I ordered, she was much nicer. There's two days later we go in, we ordered much nicer. We've dropped the story, I order my drink or whatever, which I give because of which just like this amino acid thing for after the gym. She literally just turns around. She goes, I know you like a scoop.

She's been much nicer ever since you see, we carry around these notions about life, about the way the world works. These notions are what is experienced in causing us to experience things, but the key is to be aware of what these beliefs are. The best part about this whole process is knowing that we can change what we believe to be true by being aware of what we believe to be true. What do you believe to be true about yourself?

How do you feel and relate to money? How do you feel and relate to relationships? All of these things. When we look at that scale of consciousness that we looked at it a little bit ago, it's actually about not necessarily pilot on a new belief, oh, I'm going to believe I can make a couple hundred thousand dollars a year instead of this amount or a million dollars inside of this valid or $50,000 a year instead of 40,000.

It's not about believing more. It's about once again, letting go of what doesn't serve. If I were to show you that scale of consciousness, again, you see that scale and once you get up to shame, fear, guilt, anger, neutrality. Then you get up to that of reasoning. Reasoning as far as you go with the mind. Einstein was that for 99. It happens is when you go and you realize that your beliefs create your reality.

You're creating from a 400 to $500 level of consciousness. However, what's even more powerful, this is what I've been shifting into the last couple months, is letting go of all the intellectual ideas and just being present to the moment and transcending reasoning and going into love and that is saying yes to the present moment, and when you say yes to the present moment, things begin to transform anyway, but say yes to the present moment and be aware of these notions that you have about life. Be aware of what you believe to be true because as you are aware of all that, that's when everything begins to change.

Be aware of what you believe to be true because as you are aware of all that, that's when everything begins to change.

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3. Reality itself has no meaning

The third truth about life that will totally transform your life once you begin to observe it and be unaware of it, is life. This is the most empowering and yet for some people somewhat scary idea, but it will totally transform your life. I hope you're ready because this is when you really start to gain your power back. Reality itself has no meaning other than the meaning you give it.

Remember, you're an immortal, spiritual being, living a temporary human experience. We incarnate into this earth, into the earth plane. We forget who we are. God, we don't remember. There are many other systems, many other places in the world where we go with the board, and we remember we retain that memory, but imagine you're playing a video game and you think the video game is real.

You will treat it differently. We have this ego structure. We have the body which just interprets things through the five senses which are very identified with the past, and that's the ego. That's the Avatar. The truth is the meaning we give things in life is the effect we get out of it. Just like whatever we believe to be true as reflected back to us.

The meaning we give things is the effects we get out of it. If it's the most general idea is if it's a rainy day, whether you get a positive or negative emotion from that will depend upon your belief about it and the meaning you give it, so knowing that everything in life is meaningless other than the meaning, we get it. Give it as the most powerful understanding you can have. This is enlightenment. Enlightenment is when you realize that all there is the present moment and that everything in life is meaningless other than the meaning you give it.

Of course, there's beauty in that because then you realize that everything is unconditional love and bliss and that you have the flexibility to be present to the moment and to soak in that vibrational awareness doesn't mean that we have to.

This is the huge shift because you see most people go about life trying to do our half from the point of the ego, but when you shift into being in the present moment, you realize that everything around you are a reflection of the inside and everything is dependent upon the meaning. You give it. You generate the meaning. Everything I'm saying will only be true for you if you agree with it if you give it meaning, but other than that, they're just words that I'm saying in a very dynamic tonality that makes me sound like things are very passionate about it because I am passionate about it.

But I encourage you to become aware of what you believe to be true. What is the meaning of all of this? This is about a shift experience about shifting your level of consciousness from being at the effect of everything at the effect of the effect. This person did this to me, this person did this to me. This is a past experience I went through moving from the past experience into the present moment and choosing the meaning you give things.

Think about it like this. We're constantly shifting from moment to moment to different realities depending on our state of being, our beliefs about it, and the moment something happens if you give it a positive meaning, you shift to a reality where there's a positive effect. To give a negative meaning, you shift to a reality if there's an adverse effect. There's an infinite number of possibilities that exist and you generate the meaning for it.

This is why any trues you look for, if you have a belief or you believe something to be true, you will always find evidence of it. Even if your best friend or someone else next to you doesn't see that that's true for them. The one truth in life is that all truths are true. Whatever you believe to be true will be reflected back to whatever meaning you give.

Things will be something that you experienced in your life, but understand that you are so much more than you can even imagine. That reality is a game. Literally, we live in a virtual reality where we have forgotten that we are immortal, spiritual beings. Having a temporary human experience. We exist in higher dimensions. We are in higher dimensions, chilling, having a great time, but realizing that we want to experience more than when you come to Earth.

There is more to experience because in a way you forget who you are and there's a lot of fun and remember who you are. There's also a lot of pain, but that pain creates pressure and as that pressure comes, we didn't understand that we are so much more than we priorly thought and that's what makes the game beautiful.

I was thinking about this the other day because everything is created from thought from a higher dimensional point of view. We're all connected and when we even look at something that's telling Victor this the other day, my buddy, when you look at a rose, you look at a rose. It's a beautiful thing, and on the stem of that rose, you will see little spikes that come out of it. Little spikes have thorns that are painful if you touch it, and at a certain level from a higher dimensional point of view.

That was something that was brought into this reality. That was something that was thought of in a beautiful sim symbolism of it, of how beautiful something can be. That is something that a higher conscious point of view we thought of. Everything you see around you was first off, the thought of and even the trees that have a certain meaning that have a certain purpose.

All of these things started at a base level of consciousness and we brought this into our realm of this simulation of this virtual reality, and you look at everything different when you start to have this perspective because you start to see everything as divine. Everything is a reflection, and you start to exist in a new state of consciousness really. Understand that everything around you are a reflection of what you believe to be true.

The more you say yes to the present moment, the more your life will begin to transform. The more you will open up your energy. The more you will allow things into your life.  Understanding you are a high vibrational being at your core. All you have to do is let go of what doesn't serve. I don't make it sound easier than it sounds, but once again, that's a belief is too good to be true.

That's a belief. Your natural set point is unconditional love and bliss. If you want to know more about this, I have created something called the Shift Experience. It's going to be a step by step practical course for shifting your level of consciousness, helping you to shift out of the ego, the reaction to everything, the social conditioning, the hypnosis of society, into being awake and into new level of being raised in your emotional set point from wherever it is to seven or an eight out of 10 to start to feel better and start to understand more of who you are.

This is an experience, not just that have some little digital course. This is a new way of being. It is something that's going to be available in the next couple of months. It's called the Shift Experience with Aaron Doughty. I will also be traveling the world, giving seminars and workshops on it, but unless it can be the most powerful thing that I've ever done, this can be the thing for the next five or 10 years that I'm specifically teaching because I want to help as many people as possible shifted their level of consciousness and to a new way of being.

Understand they are not just their ego instead of their ego using them, how they can start to become more in presence of who they really are. I'll also be doing more live communities on Instagram, so if you haven't followed me on Instagram yet, I do live Q and A's there. Plus, I do daily posts, so if you want to interact with me, you can do that there.

How I Went From Low Vibration Energy into High Vibration Energy (my story)

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how I went from low vibrational states of consciousness into higher vibrational states and how I changed my set point forever.

I'm going to show you exactly how we went from one side of the spectrum of feeling the lower vibrational energy at that level of consciousness and how I shifted into higher levels of consciousness and how you could do these same exact things. In order to do this, I'm going to share a little bit more of the story that I've told many times before.

But I'm going to share it in a different way and I'm going to point out a couple things along the process that maybe you may or may not relate to a, but it's going to be also using that scale of consciousness that I use and a lot of other videos understanding the different states.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️

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It kind of gives us our logical mind in a way for understanding how we can move through these states of consciousness. I understand when you look at the scale in general, as you move up the scale, you are feeling better like you were increasing your state of being, you are feeling higher vibrational, you feel like things don't bother you so much. Feeling expanded. It's a very positive feeling. The benefit of that is also you will attract what you want easier because in higher vibrational states you attract higher vibrational people, high vibrational activities, high vibrational things, and lower vibrational states may be that have 200 and below that is going to cause more of experiences that are equal to those levels of consciousness. In order for me to explain this, let me kind of give you a little bit of a backstory.

If you haven't heard my story before. I know I share it and a lot of videos and basically back in 2012 I went through my little shift in consciousness. That was actually a big shift in consciousness for where I was to wear, how I ended up feeling. And I would say that on a scale of one to 10, my base point, just to give it like a linear scale, that's easy to understand, on a scale of one to 10, before I was feeling about a three to a five out of 10, meaning 10, feeling amazing, feeling not great at all, about three to a five. And then after this shift that happened in 2012, I then started to feel like a majority of the time I was at about a seven or an eight. I felt really, really good. And I was wondering, I mean, I knew kind of why, but I remember thinking, is this feeling going to go away?

I remember a couple of weeks after starting to feel this, I was walking around my room and I was thinking myself, is this too good to be true? Is this feeling going to go away? It never really went away. What happened was it became a natural base point and it became less like less out of this world. I'm new for me because it became natural. That's something that I remember thinking like, is this going to go away? What happened was in 2012 I was feeling a lot of resistance. To give you a little bit of a backstory of that 2012, I was working at Nordstrom's in women's shoes. It was something I wasn't very passionate about. I was there about four or five years and I realized that I knew it wasn't something I was passionate about. I knew I had to switch up something and at the same time, I felt a lot of resistance because I was at the time taking Adderall, which is the prescription drug that they give to people that have what is called ADHD, which means it's like for some people it's hard to focus.

They go to a doctor, they'll say, oh, you have ADHD, here's some Adderall. Adderall is a prescription drug that they give and they give it and it works while you take it. I would take Adderall when I went to work out pop that goes sell, I would make a lot of money because I wasn't really focused. And then what would happen is later on it would wear off and when it went off it was like I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. And even when you're taking it you can't eat very much. He couldn't sleep very much. There are these harsh side effects of it. And I remember thinking, I remember being like, okay, well there's got to be something else other than Adderall that will help me get the same kind of results. And I felt like I was becoming dependent on it because I would take it almost every single day that I went to work.

And this is something I haven't really shared before in a lot of other videos. And another thing I would do is because I was taking Adderall during the day and I was popping, you know, I was taking one of those and it was taken illegally by the way it was prescribed. However, I'd take that during the day, couldn't eat very much, conceived the perfect setting very much to remedy that was that of smoking weed. I would smoke weed when I went home at night and it would help me to eat, get my appetite back, and then also sleep. I was kind of having this dual thing go to work, take Adderall, go home, smoke weed. I felt like I was dependent on both of these kinds of thing. And for two years that's pretty much what I did is a year and a half. I was smoking weed at night and I was taken Adderall during the day and it was getting me by and I was selling, getting, you know, making my quota is making money, all of that stuff.

I would go to work and that would work about eight hours. I would come home, the first thing I do is smoke and I would go eat and I would hang out with friends and it was fun. But at the same time, I felt like it wasn't really getting me anywhere and I felt like there was just more to life. I felt like there was something empty about it. I remember that there was. Then this I did some research online and I was trying to find some other alternatives to Adderall so I didn't have to take Adderall to focus on the job that I used to have. And what it was, is I found out that there was this thing called meditation and that if you learn how to meditate, it would naturally increase the dopamine and decrease the cortisol. 

It makes you kind of flush more dope, I mean, through your system so that you're able to focus. Being like the hormone in the body that allows you to the neurotransmitter, whatever it is that helps you focus. It was like, okay, I'm going to try. Remember trying to remember the first day or two I didn't feel much. It was a, it was I felt more resistance than anything because I was trying to control my thoughts. Also, shortly after I learned about the Law of Attraction. I remember thinking to myself, I don't want to think negative thoughts because I want to attract more negative thoughts. I ended up feeling a lot of resistance.

Instead, I did that for two days. I felt resistance and I remember taking her. I shouldn't be thinking these negative thoughts. I'm going to attract more negative things. And then about the third day, there was this kind of, this breakthrough that happened in this breakthrough. Is this simply this? I read online about this staring at a candle flame meditation. The reason being is because people that have ADHD or have problems focusing their eyes tend to wander around a lot, and because of that, if you focus on one candle flame, your eyes won't wander around so much and then what'll happen is you'll start to become. It'll be easier to become present to the moment. At the same time, if you learn how to observe the thoughts rather than control the thoughts, then that will change everything and that's what happened.

I remember sitting down, I remember having this feeling that my whole life was going to change. I remember thinking to myself literally, I don't remember exactly what it was, but it wasn't like my ego. It's like, yes, I'm going to get to this place or whatever. I remember just having this feeling that your life is about to change like my life is about to change. I sat down to meditate and as I did so I started to observe my thoughts and as I observed my thoughts, I would allow them to be there, which is a paradox. I'm like, no, you're supposed to control touch. Not supposed to think negative thoughts, but I would see these thoughts come in and I would allow it to go. I would see these thoughts come in. I would love to go, and I kept doing that and after about five or 10 minutes, I started to feel different.

I started to feel present. I started to feel like I was actually becoming aware of something. It's almost like I realized my whole life. I was living asleep. I realized my whole life was living at the effect of everything that was happening to me. I started to realize, and from that point going forward, my whole life began to transform because I began to see that my reality was a reflection of what I believe to be true. I believed I had ADHD and I believed that the treatment for ADHD was taking Adderall and then what was happening as I was shifting that belief by doing meditation and then I was starting to become aware of the belief itself, a believer in. I had ADHD and I said, you know what? I'm going to reframe this. Instead of thinking I have ADHD, I'm going to think that I have a lot of energy and that I have to balance out this energy because I had this negative connotation with it because I had so much energy at the job that I used to have to work at Nordstrom's.

That some people that I worked with thought that I was on like cocaine or something because I was so energetic all the time and because they couldn't relate to the level of energy I had, I thought there was something wrong with me, but I became aware that I was seeing these beliefs that we're always kind of on autopilot these beliefs. And I also, at the time, this is back in 2012. I hadn't really processed what I went through in childhood because in childhood I went through things with having an abusive ex-stepmom and she was somebody that between the ages of seven slash 15, she was in my life. My Dad divorced her when I was 15 years old. Between seven and 15, I and my brother had no freedom whatsoever. We weren't allowed to have friends. We weren't allowed to watch TV or do anything that normal kids do.

We were a lot of times locked out of the house. We had to do chores and like outside, we weren't allowed in the house when people when they weren't home during the day we had to sneak food because we weren't allowed to eat very much. We're allowed like a bolster in the morning, TV dinner at night. It was like we were always hungry and we had to live in. A lot of restriction would get taken away from us. We had to earn going to school. We'd get told that if we didn't admit to doing these lives that we didn't do, then we'd be even more punishment and it was just this confusing time. And then after 15 comes around, all the sudden my dad divorces are then we have freedom. We're able to have friends, were able to watch TV, we're able to eat what we want, we're able to do things normal kids would do.

And I still felt this resistance. I felt unworthiness. And in the moment of that awareness shift that I was happening, I became aware that at a certain level that was something that ended up causing that spiritual awakening. Me To become more aware of my beliefs. To come more aware of this dimension beyond just the physical body, I became aware that I am a spiritual being, having a temporary human experience and that this is the Avatar body. This is what I use to interpret this reality, but I'm also much more beyond that. It's the same for you. It's the understanding and the awareness that there's so much more to life than I probably really thought that there was and that transformed my whole entire life. From that point going forward, I became much more aware of how I related to the world, the beliefs that were controlling my life and how I can become more present to the moment and if something was going wrong in my life, to know that it's not about the problem, I think it is.

It's about where am I on that energy scale. I became aware of that energy scale that I'm sharing with you. As you see that energy scale, I'll show it again right here. What you see is that if you go in, if you want to move more in the direction of high vibrational energy, it's about feeling love. If it's going in the opposite direction, it is fear. Understand that like attracts like, if you're feeling low vibration energy, you'll find more and more reasons to feel low vibration energy. You'll attract yourself to more low vibration energy people. You'll be doing low vibrational activities and vice versa. It is the same for high vibration energy. What happened was I became more aware of this observation state and you could look at the scale, you'll see on the scale. Eventually shame, fear, guilt.

That's where you learn how to observe your thoughts. At that moment, I was starting to let go of the prior layers that were holding me back. I was letting go of the anger I was feeling for my stepmom for the not having much of a childhood and for the same time, like the kind of brainwashed me and my brother towards not wanting to be around our moms. We didn't have a relationship with our mom for 15 years.

You move from at the bottom of the scale of thinking the world is happening to me too. Then realizing that you can choose your own experiences. You can choose the way that you relate to the world, and you can then vibrate and higher, higher states of consciousness. Why we're looking at the scale. This is something that some people may not want to hear and understand. I'm not telling you not to do this. Okay? I'm just showing there are different levels of things that resonate and calibrate at certain levels of consciousness. Okay, so let's go through some of those. Right now, you'll see zero to a thousand, a thousand dollars out of enlightenment. Zero is that have you know, there's maybe I think 20th shame and then you get fear, guilt, all these different emotions. They all calibrate differently. Specific activities will also vibrate at certain levels of consciousness.

For example, drinking, I believe calibrates drinking alcohol calibrates it about 270 or 180. I forget the exact. Maybe I'll pop it somewhere over here and text form, but you'll see the scale conscious, not necessarily high and a lot of times it will make people feel a certain way, but then eventually it brings them back down to a certain level of feeling and sometimes alcohol, debatable. Maybe it enhances certain emotions or whatnot, but in general, after I shifted my consciousness, I haven't drink. It's been what since 2012 and I really don't drink that often all now. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. A lot of these things I'm going to be talking about right now in moderation are okay, but if you do it all of the time, then it's time to start looking within and that is something that I can say from experience because I used to drink a lot.

I used to smoke weed every single night and I usually felt like I need it now. If you look at the scale of consciousness that have weed or marijuana resonates at, I think about 350 or 340. I'll maybe pop that somewhere as well. It's been a while since I've looked at all the specific calibrations, but you can see once again it's higher than alcohol, but it's not necessarily that high. What happened, this is very kind of something I noticed. I used to smoke weed almost, you know, every night when I was taking Adderall back in 2012, and then what happened is I went through my spiritual awakening as I went through my spiritual awakening. I started to feel different. What would happen is then, later on, I'd have some friends come over. I would go to try to smoke weed, and when I would go to smoke weed, it would bring my vibration down.

I would literally before feel and uplift, and I felt great in an after I had this level of presence and becoming aware of how my beliefs create my reality and starting to bring in, observe my thoughts. All of a sudden when I would do it, it would bring me down into feeling more paranoid. It was just an entirely different reality, and I didn't end up enjoying it. What happened was, is I raised my vibration above that, of where we'd calibrated and then what it was doing, it was bringing me down so that I didn't feel as good. That's because we'd, in general, will calibrate at between three to 400. It's not necessarily that high at the same time. At the same time, I'm not saying that you can never do it or that it's even that bad because this one is legal too.

I think it is better than alcohol anyways, to be honest with you. I haven't done it since 2012. I believe that when you start to be in these states of consciousness that a lot of these other things that I'm sharing with you will actually end up bringing you down, so instead what I recommend is going within and working on your own vibration because as you do this, it becomes your natural set point. It becomes who you naturally are and you will find that you actually end up becoming much clearer, much more focus. I found that success for me has been so much easier then as I've just been in the doing high vibrational activities, which is my passion of making videos like I'm doing right now, but in general, the actions that you take are going to correlate with that. Have levels of consciousness.

There's that of weed. What are some other calibrations? There are certain sports that resonated. Certain levels. I know ballet I think resonates between actually four to 500. A basketball I think resonates bit about $400. There are certain sports. I think fighting is a little bit of a, like UFC and stuff. I think that calibrates a little bit lower at like $200. Once again, I'm not saying he can't enjoy watching UFC. I'm not saying you can't enjoy smoking a joint every now and then. It may be something that's kind of clouding your focus when instead you could transcend and work through these different layers. Let them go and then be in a natural high vibe state.

Anyways. I believe that if I were to feel the way that I feel right now back in 2000, maybe 10, I would literally feel like I was on some type of ecstasy or something. I believe that I would feel like that because I feel so good because I have elevated my level of consciousness. I'm not saying I'm enlightened, but what I'm saying is on the scale of consciousness, I definitely transcended the lower emotions and I've been letting go more and more letting go of perspectives, letting go of labels, letting go of having to figure it all out. I feel better and better and I believe that our natural state of vibration is that of high vibrational energy. That is who we are. What has happened is we have simply forgot that that's who we are and therefore we are going through experiences of attachments to things that are less than shame, fear, guilt of our past, so an angry towards certain people to a certain thing that happen to us, but remember that's us being in the mentality that things are happening to us.

The key is to get into the presence of understanding that we can move from being at the effect, to be net the cars. You see most people live their whole lives on autopilot, in lower vibrational states of consciousness because they aren't aware that they can wake up to awareness. Awareness is always the first step. Be Aware of where you are, be aware that your beliefs create your reality. Be aware that the labels you have or determining and the definitions you have are determining the kind of experiences you're having. When you become aware of that, you can then make a conscious choice that you're going to let go of what doesn't serve. You can make a conscious choice that you going to transcend it by then letting go of the lower vibrational states of consciousness and sometimes that takes a little bit of courage. It takes stepping into the unknown.

When I stopped taking Adderall and smoking weed every day, it was a little bit of a scary feeling. I'm not going to lie to you because it's a different reality. When you go from always having something in your body is making you feel a certain way to not having it. You feel a little bit empty, but that emptiness exists exactly what I needed to then allow the high vibrational energy to come in. It's just that both people are trying to numb the feelings that they have or none. The lack of feelings that they have with something else, but if you let it go, you will naturally begin to raise your vibration. You will naturally begin to be in higher states of consciousness. Understand your natural state of consciousness is love. Bliss is those higher vibrational states. You come from a higher level of awareness, but we go through this life and we forget who we are and we go through these experiences of attachment and labels and all this stuff, and then we kind of get this debris that's on us in these beliefs, but when we become aware of them, we can then start to let them go.

 As we let go, we raise up this vibrational state of consciousness, this vibrational scale of consciousness and do higher, higher states, and that eventually becomes who we naturally are. What I'm encouraging you to do is to take the plunge, to understand that you can move into these higher states of consciousness by knowing that that's who you are.

As you let go of your lower states, you begin to raise the vibration.

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By knowing that as you let go of lower states, you begin to raise vibration by trusting that the more you focus on higher vibrational states of consciousness, which could be amazing music meditation. 

It could be Mantras, could be used, studying what you're passionate about going for what your heart wants. These are things that are higher vibrational in nature, and as you go through it, it'll be a journey of self-discovery. That's when the spiritual awakening can be flowering from within you. And that's something that changed my life and something I think it changed your life.

I exist these higher states of consciousness. The ego would love to say that, but the truth is, is I used to feel a majority of the time in those lower vibrational states and I went through a lot of pain growing up, I believe, to lead me to want to push through to waking up into higher vibrational states of consciousness. Once again, I'm not saying that I'm enlightened or anything. All I'm saying is I've let go of a lot of what isn't mean. I've let go to a place to where now I exist and I feel amazing a majority of the time and I know it's to say that it's almost. I don't like saying that because it's like I feel like it makes it less relatable, but I believe that it's everyone's natural birthright to feel that way and I'm not saying that I always feel blissed out 24 slashes seven, but I will say that if you look at my emotional set point of how it used to be, it used to be at a certain place to where I would feel a little bit good and then really bad.

It's like I feel good and I dipped down to emotions like maybe frustration or a little bit of worry or emotions like that, but I don't feel low, low emotional states because I'm able to catch myself. I'm able to become aware of it. If I feel stressed out, I go walk on the grass outside. I'm more aware of my energy and because of that I don't let it dip down to certain points and I realized that with my focus I can increase it. Once again, I'm not saying I'm enlightened. I'm not saying I'm some. I'm some special person because I've been through this. I'm saying you can do the same thing. You start now. You start with the conscious choice that you're going to wake up to more of your beliefs. Wake up to more of the thoughts that you're having. You're going to choose to do things that are more in alignment with who you are.

It's okay to let go of things that no longer serve. Maybe you've been drinking consistently for a long period of time or you've been smoking a lot. Become aware of it. Decide maybe it served you for a certain period of time, but maybe now at that three to 400 level of consciousness, you're ready to move on to the next level. You're ready to move on and let go of something that isn't serving any longer and just like a. At a certain point, you can start to become aware that that is who you naturally are. Take whatever I'm saying right now. Take what resonates. Leave what doesn't. I'm not telling you to not do certain things. I'm not trying to be the like the person that is telling people what to do. I'm just sharing with you what worked for me, what I've gone through because I've experienced both sides of the spectrum and to let you know that I believe that you can do it as well if you so choose.


3 TRUTHS About Timeline Shifting That Will Change Your Life

I'm going to be sharing with you the three truths on shifting timelines that once you know will totally transform your life. I'm going to show you exactly how to do that and how to use it so that you start to do it in a powerful way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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I'm going to be sharing with you the three truths about shifting timelines that a lot of people don't talk about, but nonetheless, when you know these ideas, it can totally transform the way you go about making choices, the way you go about your life in general, because then you'll see that if you do certain things, you're going to end up on a certain timeline.

When it comes to timelines, understand that this is something that happens naturally in reality, in what we experience as linear time and space when we're going about our days and are going through different experiences.

Whereas constantly shifting through different timelines. There's always an infinite number of possibility of what we're experiencing. However, we always get a reflection of what we believe to be true and what we believed to mean to be most probable, so what happens is as we make certain choices, as we do certain things and we have a certain momentum that will be a certain timeline, now there's a general timeline for the way our life is going at the moment.

And if that timeline stays the same, meaning the momentum stays the same as the emotions we're feeling, the actions we're taking and all these different things, then it stays on the same timeline. However, if we make a decision that is different than what that timeline has inside of it, then we will then shift to another timeline. Shifting timelines is something we all do naturally, so it's not something we necessarily have to try to learn how to do.

This isn't something that is really anything other than just what we do in day to day life. If you've ever seen somebody that goes to maybe a clairvoyant person and that clairvoyant person says, Hey, this is something that's probably what's going to happen, well, that's on the current timeline that that person is on, but as we shift from moment to moment to moment, there may be a different timeline that we begin to experience.

Think of it like this, if you've ever seen a movie projector, this analogy made it easy for me to understand a movie projector. You know that on a movie projector, there's a film reel on that film reel. If you were to take it out and look at the individual frames, you could. You could stretch out the frames and look at all of them and see that as a whole bunch of individual frames that are on that film reel.

However, you know that each individual frame exists at the same time right now and in the same way all the infinite parallel reality. As you can imagine, they all exist right now.

It is not about you having to create them from something that doesn't already exist. It is simply about realizing you're already shifting. You're already shifting, you're already shifting, and that is a natural byproduct of who you are and the way reality works.

1. Understanding emotions

The thing that strings all of these together and the first thing you need to know about that have timeline shifting that'll change your life, is understanding emotions. Emotions lock you into certain timelines. What this means is a certain vibrational range. It is more so actually also that we are generating and we are picking up on the frequencies of certain timelines. The way our mind works is our mind can never really imagine that and create something new.

Our mind just reiterates the past and reiterate from what is already there. The idea is what we could do and what we do is we are generating the vibrational frequency of different realities based on our emotions. If we're feeling really good, then we're on a certain timeline and as we feel really good, we are then starting to split into better and better versions of that timeline. They give it like there's always this general base points and then there's.

There's this buffer of things that are great and above for those things that aren't so great. Our state of being our emotions is what determines which of these we end up going on and the thing is the timelines. They all exist right now. The thing that makes it different to which ones we will perceive and the which ones we will experience.

It's our emotional state because our emotional state is what then encapsulates the realities that are equal to whatever feeling we have, so we always experience in life a reflection of either what we believe to be true or of our current state of being. You ever noticed that when you're feeling really good, you find more and more reasons to feel really good and when you're having a bad day, you're don't feel good. You find more reasons for that.

It depends upon your frequency range of the emotions you have. In the moment that something happens. If you give it a negative meaning, then you will then shift yourself to a less optimal timeline because of the meaning you give it. But the thing is, is just as much as you could do that, you could also give it a positive meaning, which means then it bumps up to a better timeline, both opportunity.

Both options exist at the same moment. The difference is the meaning you give these situations and if you base the situation as the dependency to your state of being if you're in the way you feel is dependent upon what is happening on the outside world. Everything on the outside is a reflection of the insight anyways and the timelines that you experienced.

The ones that you shift to will all depend upon these state of being that you are in the state of being is what has this so you perceive of what is equal to the things that you experienced in her life and a lot of your emotions, if not all of your emotions, have to do with the meaning you give things. This is something I realized in my own life. I remember when I was working at Barneys New York, there are times that I would.

I was a sales commission job. There were times I'd pick up customers that I thought weren't going to be good people that I could tell we're in a way in a bad mood or somebody to pass off the customer to me pretending like they were busier than I had to take care of him because they didn't want to deal with it.

There were times I would give that a positive meaning even though the past nine, the past egos like this probably isn't going to end out well, but I would give it a positive meaning and there were times when it would just completely blow me away. There were times when people would not only buy so much, but they would do it in such a good attitude. I would just have fun with them. I would make it less about how much money can I make from this commission to how can I just have fun?

How can I increase my state of being? I would joke around with the person and the side effect of that was them then putting themselves into a buying state where then they wanted to buy. There were so many times in my own life when I realized that if I simply give situations a positive meaning, regardless of what my ego would have said in the past, there's been a negative thing, then I would then shift to a timeline that is more optimal.

Remember, all the different variations of what you can experience exists right now. Is it not a question of can you create it? It's can you perceive it because of the meaning you give the present moment. Understand that if you give it a positive meaning and you increase your state of being, you make it more about how you feel than what is happening.

You will increase your vibration. You will then perceive some realities that are more in alignment with how you feel. This is about understanding that you're already shifted and all you have to do is give it a positive meaning.

2. Everything in life is a choice

 The second truth about timeline shifting that will totally transform your life is knowing, as I said a little bit ago, you don't have to try to do this. You naturally do this by simply existing. You are here now.

The reality you are experiencing is a reflection of either what you believe to be true or the emotions you're feeling and you're shifting through different timelines. Sometimes people get stuck and believe in. There's only one timeline they're going to experience in their whole life, but every time you make a choice, you are shifting timelines.

Everything in life is a choice.

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The key is to understand that everything in your life is a choice and as you make everything in your life a choice, you then start to take your power back.

You see, the thing is, as most people are on autopilot, they're just simply living the same things day in and day out, and because of that, they're experiencing the same things day in and day out. The key is to wake up from this hypnosis that wakes up from the hypnosis of being in the autopilot mind. Many people, and it's not me.

You know, I'd been here as well and it's something that I am able to go through with awareness, but there are so many times that people are just. They think they're thinking their thoughts, but they're thinking the thoughts of societal, societal conditioning. They're thinking the thoughts of what the parents thought, what their friends think about them. They're always wondered about what other people think. The key to this is shifting from the level of awareness of being at the effect of everything that's happening.

Things are happening in stimulus-response. Thinking that we are the ego and when we think we are the ego, we then are giving our power away. When we think we are the ego, we are tracked in identification. The key to this is being aware of it and then simply knowing that instead of being at the effect of everything that's happening, this person did this to me, this person did.

That to me would instead decide to treat every situation is if you chose it if you treat every situation is if you chose it, you take your power back because then you integrate the experience instead of resistant member. It's about your state of being. Allow things to come into your life. Allow there to be a positive meaning and if you integrate it, you then gain this ability to transform it, so when you look around and you notice that everything he may be seeing today is the same as the day before, you can start to say, what can I do to wake myself up from the hypnosis, the hypnosis of society?

We've ever seen the movie the Matrix. When Neo is just in the matrix and he's just going around doing this 9am to 5pm job and doing all of those things. Most people are caught up in the hypnosis of their own lives and they have no sense of their own job. They're not really living because everything is on autopilot.

They'll even say thoughts, so they think are their own and there's like, yeah, how are you? Great. Okay, cool. Yeah, great. It's just like this autopilot mind thing. It doesn't have to be a negative thing, but what I'm saying is to integrate it with awareness and then simply decide that you are going to really live. Make the choice that everything in your life is a choice.

Literally, see everything as a choice, even things that you don't think are at choice, pretended as if you chose it because at that moment you start to bring more awareness into it and you start to allow it in. The moment you allow it to be is the moment you begin to transform it, so the idea is that most everything in our life is on autopilot.

We think on average 90, we think on average about 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day and of those 90 percent of recycled from the day before. Therefore, we are thinking the same thoughts, triggering the same emotions, doing the same actions, probably talking to the same people, having similar conversations. Therefore, creating the same reality.

The key is to step outside of that and another hack that you can use is to do something spontaneous, to do something you haven't done to make a choice, to do something you haven't done before. Because by doing that you shift yourself and you wake yourself up from the autopilot mind. If you always go to the same place as you've always gone, it's almost like you just know how to act.

It's just comfortable. Everything is comfortable, the ego loves to be comfortable. The ego loves survival. Just be comfortable, but the key is when you do something different, you know like you know what? I'm going to go to that yoga class to date and I'm going to have an amazing class and I'm going to just go and do this and meet up with this person that I haven't talked to in forever and I didn't want to talk to them because that one thing that happened, but you know what? I know that deep down we can get along.

You push yourself to do something spontaneous. You then start to shift timelines. Dr. Joe Dispenza's talked about this before, where if you simply get into a new environment, you're in the uncertainty and you can only create something new in the uncertainty. If you're in the old autopilot mind, you'll continue to create what you always got.

The key is shifting into that awareness. You don't have to create it from the new mind. The new way of being. You simply have to choose it because everything already exists. There's an infinite number of probabilities that exists. There's an infinite number of timelines that already exists. It's simply about perceiving them and becoming more aware of what you already do. You don't have to try. It is already happening.

3. Say “YES” to the present moment

The third truth about timeline shifting that will totally transform your life is this simple idea. This is the difference between an enlightened person in an enlightened person. By the way, I'm not saying that I'm enlightened. I'm just pointing out this awareness, this little difference that makes all the difference. Say “yes” to the present moment, whatever it is, say yes.

If you say yes to the present moment, you increase your state of being whatever that is you see the truth in life is, and what enlightenment is all about is understanding that there is no meaning to life other than the meaning we give it, that this life we call that what we call life is actually more of a virtual reality to something that we are experiencing, but at a greater level, we are immortal, spiritual beings.

Dreaming that this is who we are, and in this dream that we call life, things will appear very real because we interpret it through our five senses. I can go like this, I can go touch stuff. I can say, oh, this is real, but what is real other than what we agree upon and we're agreeing that what is realist through the five senses. There may be a day when we say, you know what?

Even our five senses can trick us, so maybe that's not even real. What is real will depend upon person to person and what each person believes is true, so knowing that there is no real agreed upon reality of what is real because there are many different people with many different interpretations. Some people will tell you that this is an illusion, that the five senses are an illusion. That's just something we experienced.

They're nothing more than sensations and vibrational interpretations that we use to experience reality. It's like our avatar and they'll say that this isn't real. The real reality, the true reality is you beat an infinite spiritual being that's just remembering your life in this temporary human experience and right now you're becoming more aware of this and that's part of life.

Life is becoming more aware that we are so much more than we can imagine, but you see, enlightenment is about saying yes to the present moment and knowing that whatever the present moment is, that's it. That's what there is past future. All of these things are concepts in the mind. Those people live their whole life in concepts.

They're here right now thinking about the future. They're here right now thinking about the past, trying to become more. If they could only become more, if they could only get this into place, if they can only do this instead of being present to the moment, and when you are present to the moment, everything begins to transform.

You will experience more optimal timelines by you saying yes to the present moment and by understanding the truth. The truth is all truths are true. Whatever you believe to be true, that will be reflected back to you so you can play a game with yourself. A game of, I'm going to go do this. Let me see how this happens. Let me see how this works. I'm still playing the game of the guy on YouTube that is traveling the world and speaking and doing seminars. That's the game I'm choosing to play.

However, I'm aware that it is a game that is the difference. Most people are not aware that it's a game. They're not aware of what they're doing. They don't have that awareness. Bring that awareness into your life and understand that life is a game and when you become aware of the game, that's when everything begins to change.

Start to take your power back. Start to understand that the more you say yes to the present moment, the more you experience the optimal timelines of what you want to experience. This is about shifting to the reality we want by knowing that it already exists. If we can imagine it and it already exists, it's simply a matter of vibration, and part of our vibration is the emotions.

We're feeling the thing is, is everything in our life is neutral except for what we give it, meaning it will be a neutral idea. We give things meaning we are meaning generating type consciousness, so when certain things happen we say that's good, that's bad. Either perspective is true. It's just what is serving.

Stop asking yourself the question, what is true and what is untrue? Start asking yourself the question, does this work or does this not work? Is this serving me? Yours is not serving me. Just switching that question alone will transform your life. The thing is everything on that explaining to you right now is about shifting your level of consciousness, shifting your level of awareness, waking up from the autopilot mind knowing you are so much more now.

I'm creating something right now that it's called the shift experience, the shift experience with Erin Dowdy. I'm going to be doing live seminars, traveling the world, teaching this. Plus, I'll have a course that you can take that I'll show you exactly how to do this, how to shift your level of consciousness.

If you want to be the first to know about this, you'll see a link of a description box below and I will send you updates as to when that becomes available and it's something I've very excited about because I believe that when we make this shift in consciousness, everything becomes easier.

This is the shift. This is understanding that what you want already exists as you don't have to try simply matter of vibrational frequency, but instead of trying to become something, you're not. Be More here now, be more. Say more about the present moment. Don't say any more about it, but you know what I mean. Be here now and know that the present moment is all that exists.

Remember the three truths about timeline shifting that will transform your life is knowing that your emotions are what shifts you from the timeline that we need. Change your emotions. You change what you perceive up. The meaning you give situation's going to be what you get out of it.

Gifting’s are positive meaning. Secondly, this is something you naturally do. You don't have to try to do this. The key is to be more aware of what you're already creating and wake up and the autopilot mind, and then thirdly, as you say yes to the present moment, your whole entire life will begin to transform.

# 26: How to Architect Your Own Reality Step-by Step

Welcome back to another episode. Today, we're going to be speaking about and understanding more about how to architect our own reality, understanding that one of the things, one of the purposes we had that when we came to it, the earth was that we wanted to architect our own reality to an in a way kind of created and to put intention into it and to then move in the direction of what we want and to experience what it's like to create in our life.

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And what are the biggest steps you'll ever take in your life is when you go from being in a way that the whims of society in a way from being at the effect of whatever's happening, to then starting to move the energy and the way that you want to set the intentions for what you want.

And I've learned a lot about this to be honest with you, a lot about different intentions. I used to, as many of you may know my story, I used to work at Barney's New York selling woman's shoes just until February 2017 is when I made a choice to go daily on YouTube and out of feeling that would help me grow.

And from then till August I think August 28th I think was my last day working a nine to five job in 2017. And now I do what I love every single day. And I've learned a lot about even just the old job I had, I used to work at Nordstrom's. It's funny, I went to Nordstrom's yesterday, I used to work there. I worked for five years, between 2008 in 2012 or 13 or something like that.

And I went there. I'm ready to go to Costa Rica soon and I went with my buddy and we went shopping and I parked under a Nordstrom's because I wanted to go through there because it's been so long and it was such a weird feeling. I felt like this anxiety is weird. Like, I don't know if it was just because, you know, there's so much past there and triggering memories for me and it wasn't that bad.

I mean, I'm just a totally different person now. I went through my spiritual awakening when I worked there too. It’s interesting because of one of the reasons I left there because I went through a spiritual awakening and after I did, I just felt so different about everything that it just, I felt this inclination to move and not, not work there anymore. It was a very funny dynamic.

But, that was something I experienced just the other day and it just kind of reminded me of what it was like. I saw one of the people I used to work with there and It's just a different thing. Like I'm just in such a different place than I am now. I'm not saying that's a brag by the way, like, oh, you know, but I'm just saying like I have gone from that to do what I love, learning how to architect my own reality and when I want to share with you is how you can kind of do the same thing.

But what I was going with that is I used to work a sales commission job so I'd go into work every day and I started at zero, so like you only get paid a percentage of what you sell. I started off at zero and even if I had a really good day the week before or a really good day the day before, you start at zero every day. I'd go in and I was able to see a direct correlation between what I was thinking, what I was feeling and what I was experiencing.

I would see if I went in with the intention to make a certain amount of money, how that would go. I'd see what kind of state of being I was in and how that would affect people and how that would affect the customers. And how that affects my sales. It was really cool because I was really into the Law of Attraction, not that many other people in my department knew what that was or a couple of people did, but it was like I was able to use the sales commission job as a playground for me, learning how to achieve goals and how to use the Law of Attraction.

That was my playground. I did that for years because I knew about the Law of Attraction back in. I've known about it for a while and things since like 2008 or nine when my mom made me watch the movie the secret and it planted a seed, but I wasn't like that intuit or anything. I just kind of did my younger stuff, you know, it was my 18 to 20 something as just wanting to have fun and wasn't really focused on creating my own reality.

But then I started meditating and that was in 2012, 13 when I was working at Nordstrom's. And that's when I started becoming aware of how my thoughts created my experience. And from that moment on, I started probably like 2011 is when I started using it at that job and then 2012 I left and that's when I started going through that spiritual awakening, but I became more aware of how my thoughts correlated with my experience and I was like, okay, I'm going to set my intentions and I started getting different results.

I'm going to increase my state of being. It started getting different results and things just started happening easier and easier and I've learned so much and I want to share with some of that what I've learned with you today with that have intention especially because the intention is like the most powerful tool that you can use for architecting your own reality. Because intention increases the probability.

They give it like there's an infinite number of potentiality that exists and into an infinite number of possibilities. But what makes something more probable is whether you set the intention for it or not. If you set the intention, you increased the probability that happening. If you set no intention that there is no energy movement, there is no vision to move towards, it just is simply there. If I went into work every day and just kind of moped around, kind of walked around, you know, not really having an intention not to help that many people just kind of like wanted the coast.

Then I'd get a certain type of results. Those people that were coasting like that normally had troubles making their numbers. You know, as a sales commission job you had to like make your numbers and stuff. He had to sell a certain amount and it was hard not to make your numbers, but some people struggled with it because they were more so just kind of lugging around. 

And if you don't have intentions, that's the first step. If you find that you don't feel empowered, it might just be because you're not sending more intentions. You're not sending enough intention, set intentions. I promise you, you set intentions. Your life will begin to change in a powerful way because you will be moving the energy in a certain direction. I’d say that's one of the first things I learned.

If you simply set your intentions, then things will begin to change in a powerful way.

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If you simply set your intentions, then things will begin to change in a powerful way. I use that now. I set intentions. I set intentions for videos as I want. I intend to feel really good when I make a video because I know that other people will also feel that goodness off of me.

They'll feel that contagious energy. I intend to for that. I'll set intentions to go to the gym and have a great workout. I set intentions to enjoy the food that I eat today and to eat healthy food and make healthy choices. I set the intention to enjoy filming and editing and doing all that what I'm doing today to be productive as that intention to relax and have fun.

You can even say you can even set an intention to enjoy yourself while you watch a TV show. Sometimes I'll watch the show shark tank or something. And when I watched that show, so the attention just to enjoy and to let go and I'm just aware, I'm aware of these things.

For example, I don't just most people, what do they do when they watch TV? They might just put whatever on that might be watching some repo show where they like them. It's like a reality show where they repossessed people's cars and stuff and you see people screaming and stuff like that at other people and it's like fighting and stuff.

Why? Why do people watch that? That's what I wanted to like that. All that does is, is allow people to see more and more in a linkup with more and more of the vibration of that kind of conflict. And then they'll see more and more of that in their life and it's because a lot of times people that watched that, their thoughts are drifting, their thoughts aren't going in a certain direction and the keys to be aware that whatever you consume you are becoming the vibration of.

I'm watching shark tank but I'm doing it with the intention of having fun or detention of enjoying myself and letting go because I spent so much of my time, you know, doing other things. And also, it's entrepreneurs and people that I'm an entrepreneur, you know, so I can relate to it. You got these, you know, five very successful people that are like the sharks or whatever and I resonate and I like to learn about it.

I liked to. I felt like I learned a little bit about, not that it's exactly how business works by the way, when you see this whole percentage and stuff like that, but maybe some of it is true, but in general I just liked seeing the story of different people's companies and how they overcame things and how they're there now and how they're successful and all these things I like to enjoy.

I like to enjoy that. By consuming that and by being aware of it, it's like attention moves in a very powerful way. Set intentions with everything you do doesn't mean you're constantly staying in touch with everything. I do the keys and then I turned it down and put it under.

You don't have to go that deep, but just in general such, as set more intentions is I tend to have a safe drive to the gym. I intend to enjoy it and tend to go to the gym, have a great workout, but you have to be like, I tend to go to the gym and do this much. That’s the other thing is how does it feel? Because emotion is another part of this. Think of it like this. I posted a quote on Instagram the other day or yesterday.

It was about Tesla and Einstein's. It's very similar things about vibration. Tesla said that if you want to understand the secrets of the universe, look first to vibration, something like that and does that verbatim, but look to vibration because vibration is the secret to the universe. Einstein said that if you want it said that if you match the frequency to the reality that you want to experience, you will have that reality. It can be no other way. This is physics, so he says something like that. Once again, not exactly, but it just shows that these two brilliant minds at both said that it's about vibrational frequency.

What makes up your vibration? What makes up your vibration is how you think, how you feel and how you act. That was also funny enough. Make up your personality and remember your personality creates your personal reality. That's a quote from Dr. Joe Dispenza, who also is like Aquinas. He studies quantum physics and neuroscience and stuff like that, so knowing that it's like that's what our reality is.

Our reality is a combination of what we think, how we feel and how we act. What was I thinking when I used to work at a Barney's New York or Nordstrom's will if I wasn't setting an intention that I'd experienced a reality that was equal to that too, where it's just me moping around by set intention. I would feel a certain way.

However, I learned that it's also important the energy underneath the intention that you set, so it'd be aware that if I set certain intentions and it was only to benefit me, like for example, if I went into work, it's like I want to make money because I want to have better paycheck so I'm going to help these customers and how can these customers help me make more of my paycheck?

Then it would only get a certain type of result, but if I had the intention of adding value to other people, which means I had an expansive energy, then things would happen very powerfully. I noticed that if I went in with the intention of having fun and just enjoying myself, it would have a much better reaction about it. Much better response and it's almost like because it's a win-win for everyone involved, it would just happen even easier.

But also, I'm tying in my energy state because it feels better to give than it does to take. As I'm getting into that state of being magical, things are happening. The best days I've ever had working in the days I made the most money with the days I had the most expansive energy.

Part of that expense of energy has to do with how I felt and if I realize that too, when I was working these sales, you know the sales commission job, so women's shoes that if I would just focus on having fun, I would get people into an emotional state and emotional state of feeling good and in the emotional state they're more willing to buy anyway, so it's a win-win all the way around.

They feel better. I had the intention of helping them and because of that also they are getting and I'm adding value to them and by me adding value to them in exchange they're like, okay, I'm going to buy this. It's an emotional thing now. In the same way, I noticed that with my YouTube videos, if I make a YouTube video because my intention is for me to have more views and more subscribers, then it won't.

It won't do as well and you can feel the energy and any that video doesn't. Isn't as a peer, however, if I set the intention that I want to add as much value as I can to people that are listening, it's an expansive energy that people can feel and those are the videos that tend to do very well. The videos I intend to just give and that is power.

The power is and knowing that we're all connected. When you add value to other people, you're adding value to other aspects of yourself, but when you make things a win-win, that's where everything begins to change in a powerful way. That’s what I began to do. I do that in so many different areas of my life and I've just aware of how do I feel about what I'm doing?

Do I feel like it's burning me out? Because if so maybe I'll take a step back. I'm learning about that now because I just put out so much. I mean, I do daily YouTube videos. I do daily Instagram posts. I do podcast episodes, I do business stuff. I have courses and coaching groups

I don't want to feel like I have to really work at doing it. I don't want it to consume me. I don't want my business to consume me to where I'm like an employee for my business. I want to enjoy it and have the deliberate ability to do what I want and to add value and increase my state.

But also to add values people so many people as possible, so you see all these energy dynamics go into the architect and our own reality and tension. I intend blank set more intention to your life will begin to change, but then add to it a vibration of the state of being. How do you prefer to feel? You can give yourself permission to feel anyway that you want with your awareness that the emotion exists within you.

Set your intentions and also feel the emotions you want by focusing on the present moment on how you already have those things. Wherever your focus goes, so where the energy goes, why don't you focus on expands, set the intention that you feel more of whatever you want to experience. If for example, you want more money, what does money mean to you?

Freedom, security, feel more of it. How do you do that? Focus on things in your life that you already have or if you have it, you probably have a place that you live in a shelter house or an apartment or something or you live with other people. Whatever it is, you have a shelter so you have some level of security. Maybe you can go out right now and buy a cup of coffee.

If you want it to a cup of tea, be grateful that you could do that. You focus on that. You'll feel more of that. You start to get into the vibrational resonance of it, but then eventually realize you don't need these external benchmarks to feel happy. You feel happy just because you choose to.

Happiness can be a choice and that ingredient in of itself is very powerful and when you do things because it just increases your energy, state comes a win, win all the way around because then people could feel that off of you, so think of it in terms of energy, thinking of in terms of vibration. That's how you create the reality that you want.

Think of it also in terms of the kind of like we're baking or baking a cake, dairy free cake so we can digest well. It's not something that takes a lot for us to digest something that's is delicious and when you're making this cake, there are different ingredients that go into this cake and in the same way imagine you are manifesting reality.

There are different ingredients that go into this reality. One is the vibration. When is the action that you're taking? I know some people don't like it when I say this, but action is a part of vibration. Maybe some people will take more action than others. Maybe it depends on their belief systems. I'm not telling you how it has to work, but what I am saying is this, to be aware of what you're doing.

You know, I like taking action. I love what I do. I love making videos, therefore I do that. But be aware of what that means for you because maybe act as a part of it, you could think all of you want about being a yoga teacher and owning your own yoga studio, but unless you ever do yoga, if you never do yoga, that's probably not going to happen.

You can think about it and feel the emotion of it, but if you actually do it because you love yoga, then it's a different scenario, so be aware of the different ingredients that go into your manifestation. They go into your cake. What I realized for me is that there are different ingredients. I thought about this last night because I have a couple books on their old school marketing books. Paid 100 bucks for this one book because his book's out of print.

It's a book from a long time ago and it's on copywriting. Understanding I'm old school marketing understandings of how marketing works now. That's one of the ingredients to what I do because if I can reach more people, they're going to add value to more people. You know, some of my videos, you'll see my thumbnails. I'm good at. I know how to market. It's about the message and if I can get the message out to more people because I know marketing, then more people are going to awaken and more of the planet.

It's going to help all the way around, so that's what I focus on, but in order to do that, I've learned marketing. I learned how to market, not from necessarily like stuff I learned in college. I learned it from trying to do trial and error. I learned it from making daily YouTube videos for two for almost a year and a half now and making hundreds and hundreds of videos.

I've learned how to market, but I also study other marketing, all stuff like that because that's one of the ingredients. Well, it could be another ingredient can be speaking me, learning how to have the right tonality so that when I say certain things you feel a certain emotion, but when I slow things down, you might have a different emotional response to it, so maybe part of this is me learning how to speak.

I'm making videos and exotic places. These are all things that I'm going to be doing. I'm doing right now, but these are all the ingredients and what would make up me being able to have that ingredient, you know, to do that. Well maybe I have to hire people to help run parts of my business and I do. I have three virtual assistants that help me with customer service and stuff like that, editing for one of them for some of my Instagram videos and stuff.

There are people in certain ways that I'm leveraging all this, but what are the ingredients that go into the reality I want to now, even back in the day before, maybe you're like, okay, well now that you own a business, you have the ability to do that. Well, even back in the day I was doing that when I was working at Barneys New York selling women's shoes, what ingredients do I have?

Do I need to develop in order to go full time while I need to start making daily YouTube videos, I need to have the ability to have that kind of consistency because that's what I felt like I needed to do? I needed to learn. That's when I started to learn the marketing stuff that I'm sharing with you. A learning how to do website design. I throw that ingredient there. I had to learn how to edit videos. I had to throw that in there.

I didn't know how to edit videos. I started at zero with all of this. I did not edit videos and know how to run a business, didn't know how to make money on online digitally. I didn't know how to do any of this, but I learned it all because I was like, okay, well I have to learn all of it. Honestly, I mean there's a lot of people in the spiritual needs that don't necessarily learn this kind of stuff because it's more about being spiritual, but understand that the more that I know, the more that I can grow and the more value I can add two more people.

In a way, I just knew that I have to do this for myself so that I. it's part of my vision. I had to learn how to make a website or to have someone make my website. I had to learn how to do and make an email list. Many people in the spiritual community that make YouTube videos and they have huge.

Some of them have hundreds and hundreds of millions of subscribers. Don't even have an email list. An email list is like the most you might be on my email list. I send out almost daily emails out to people and my emails help people to move through certain things that add value to my emails, but that's my relationship with people, so in the same way, when we're more aware of the different energy states, when we're more aware of the ingredients that go into our manifestation, we then see that we can change our lives in a powerful way because we know the ingredients that go in there.

If you don't know how to bake a cake, you don't have the ingredients and know what to do then if you're not going to get very far, but if you. If you know what goes into it, if you put your energy state intuit, if you understand the different vibrational aspects of it, that's when everything begins to change. Maybe try to find some ways and closing this episode out.

Try to find some ways that you can put different ingredients into your manifestation. Maybe some of those ingredients include you learning certain skills, learning how to do website design, maybe learning marketing, maybe learning what it takes to go full time doing what you love. Maybe you're already doing what you love, full time, what it takes for you to get to the actual dream reality, the vision you want to move towards. Set the intention that you set your intentions.

Paradox inception is set the intention to set more intentions and watch how your life begins to change, and as you start to do this, your energy will start to move in that direction. You will increase the probability of certain things happening, pay more attention to your state of being and the direction than anything else. Intention plus emotion is the key to you.

Experiencing what you want and if you start to move in that direction of that vision because you're setting the intention, you'll find that your life begins to change in a powerful way. Remember, when you have this intention of adding value, of expansion, energy, things will also help you happen in that powerful way as well. These are things that I find to be very powerful than things that I think and transform your life and the things that transformed my life.

The Vibrational Resonance your DREAM Parallel Reality (and how to SHIFT to it)

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the vibrational resonance of the parallel reality that you desire to experience. I'm going to show you exactly how to align with it so that you start to shift to it easier than ever.

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you more about understanding vibrational resonance when it comes to knowing that the parallel reality that you want to experience what you think you want to manifest.

You don't have to create it and have it attract from outside of you two inside of your life. Instead, it already exists. It's simply about understanding the vibrational resonance of it. When you begin to shift and change your internal vibrational resonance, the outer reality will then begin to change as well.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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This is the reason this is because the outer reality of what we experience is simply a reflection of our inner state of being. When we allow more of our state of being, of who we really are to come into fruition, we allow more of it to flow. We then see that we get an increased synchronicity in our life, that things start to manifest easier than ever.

This is about being aware that reality as much as we want to go and change reality on the outside reality is simply a reflection. We must first change the inside and when we change on the inside, then everything begins to change. At the same time, when we normally think about it with the Law of Attraction, we think of it like I need to attract something from over there into my life experience, but in the moment that we say that what we want is over there and we are not there already.

We're emphasizing that lack in the present moment right now. And as we emphasize that lack in the present moment, we are not in vibrational resonance with it. Some of the things I'm going to share with you today may be game changes for the way you see manifestation in general because maybe you've been told that it is best to have a very strong desire, which at a certain level may be true because desire make it the energy moving, but if you remain in the wanting throughout the whole process, you end up resisting it over and over again.

However, if you know when to shift that wanting to intention, you then see that things began to change very powerfully. This is about having the awareness of what the vibrational resonance of the reality. You want to experience what that is because you always get in life that which is equal to your vibrational resonance.

First off, what is vibrational residence? It's kind of a word, but what does it actually mean? Vibrational resonance. Think of your vibration as that as your combination of your emotion and your emotion. Emotion is that of how you feel. How do you feel a majority of the time? How do you feel in relation to whatever you want to experience? 

Because if you feel resistance and you'll experience blocks of it, if you are coming at it from a point of maybe lower vibrational states of consciousness, which means you feel guilty about something shameful, anger because you don't already have it, then you will experience a reality that is equal to those vibrational states.

A very important part or a very powerful part of understanding our vibration is our emotions and understand that our emotions come from our beliefs. What do we believe to be true?

A very important part of understanding our vibration is our emotions and realize that our emotions come from our beliefs.

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Because in the beliefs is the meaning and that meaning is then the effect that we get out of it. For example, the idea of a rainy day is a neutral idea, has no built in meaning, but my beliefs about a rainy day by prior reference experiences, we'll go into how I relate to that rainy day and if it was something I like, if I like rainy days because I live in Vegas, doesn't rain very often that I feel positive emotion when it rains.

If someone else has made from Seattle or Portland and it rains all the time there and it rains, maybe they don't like it as much because of the story they tell themselves or the beliefs they have about it. The idea is that the rainy days, the idea of it is a neutral idea, but the meaning we give it as the effect and the emotion that we get out of it.

In general, this is the key as well because if we, if something happens in our life and we feel negative emotion about it, it's because whatever we believe to be true about this situation is causing us and making us feel that way. We're choosing to feel that way. Whether we're aware of it or not. For example, someone loses their job, they lose their job.

The way that they are relating to the situation is they believe that they shouldn't have lost their job. They believe that they need their job. There's certain beliefs that are in place that caused them to feel that negative emotion. I've known people before that have lost their jobs or quit their jobs or whatever it is, and they were a static because then they have all these opportunities that they can be open to, so it depends upon the perspective.

You must first believe something to be true, to then have an emotional response. In general, that's a very big part of vibrational residence. The other part of it is motion just simply means action. What are we consistently doing when you're consistently doing something, when we're in a certain doing certain things that's putting us in motion, so emotion and motion, doing certain activities.

There's a certain vibrational resonance of you go into the park and walking around. There's a certain vibrational residence. If you go into the gym, certain vibrational residence of you doing, watching the news. These are all different things that carry with it. A certain vibrational resonance, so when you realize emotion and motion are making up your vibrational resonance. The key is now that we've identified what that is, now, what would be the vibrational resonance of the reality that you want to experience?

Because this is the thing, the reality that you want to experience. It already exists, so what you can do is use your imagination to imagine the best version of you living the kind of lifestyle you want, and then tap into the vibrational resonance of it. We need the emotion and the emotion of it, so when you look at the best possible version of you, understand that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist.

This is what quantum physics is showing us. The future never actually comes because it's always this moment right now. By the time the future gets here, it'll be this moment right now.

Think of it like this. There's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and the same way. Think of it like a film projector. I can stretch out a film projector right now and I can show you many individual frames. I can say, look at this room, look at this room, look at this room, this room is this rain now, even though from the perspective of the light of the projector that's going through one frame at a time, they're just consistently going through it.

Even though we know that we can see that each individual frame is a totally separate frame. Maybe even they look very similar, but they're just a little bit different. Just like if I were to go to edit this on my computer right now, you would see I could break it down into different little chunks because they're individual frames. The idea is that all of these frames exists right now in the present moment is simply our perception of it is going through it at a rate to where it feels to be in continuity.

It's just set. The parallel realities that we shift to are so similar was so much fluidity that we think it's all one thing, but in actuality, they all exist right now. It's just our perception that's going through it at different times. The power of this, the reason I'm even saying this, and so that you know that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist in each end, whether it's going to the past of the future, they all exist now.

The degree to which you change and shift to the one you want will depend upon your vibrational resonance and your choices. Because when you make choices, you then move to different parallel realities. There's different probabilities that happen and if you want to increase the probability of certain parallel realities happening, what you can begin to do is to start to set more intentions.

This is something I was talking about a little bit earlier as well. When you think of it, mostly we think, oh, we need to have strong desire, a strong desire, a strong desire, but the key is to have the song desire and then to shift that into intention. Intention is a focus on the outcome and a focus on the parallel reality that already exists. Focus on that in intending for that to happen.

Intention is like the will and it's the declaration. Think of your intention as the declaration of that. I intend, dot. What do you intend for? I intend to have a great day to day. I tend to do this. I intend to do that. You can start to do a small thing so then you could eventually move up to bigger things, but understand that every possible parallel reality that you can imagine exists right now in the present moment.

It's simply about tuning into the vibrational resonance of it because when you do that, then you start to embody the frequency of it. So I did this in many weights. I’ve done this over the last two or three years. I remember, imagine myself, I said, I imagined myself. I was working a nine to five job at the time. Many of you know the story. I've told it many times.

I was walking around in my hallway thinking, what could I do to get myself to where I'm not working this nine to five job and this feed, this, this feeling came within, and I just felt that if I were to treat my side passion as my full time, it would become my full time. Just had that feeling, so I started to make daily videos because that was my passion is making videos on YouTube, so I went from making one video a week to making a video every single day even though I was working a nine to five job and I was working 40 hours a week, so I was very busy.

But I knew that if I were to embody the vibrational resonance of that version of me of what I could imagine that eventually that would be my reality and within three or four months, guess what I was given the opportunity wasn't given it. It was something that I shifted to. I shifted to the reality where I am able to do what I love for a living. Get up every day, make videos early in the morning.

This is my life because I shifted to that reality and in the same way you can shift to the reality you want by using your imagination as a tool to imagine what you would be doing in order to experience what you want. If we were to go beyond this, okay, because this is the thing I'm now going to be teaching more of how to shift to parallel realities on the YouTube channel and just in general because I believe it is a more powerful modality than the Law of Attraction than what people consider it. Like of course, what you focus on expands.

However, this is a more practical way of really identifying the vibrational resonance and how you can shift to where you want to go, but understanding you don't want you to remain in the want. You want to shift it into a higher level of the best version of you. The thing is though, is most people when they go about this, they say, okay, well I want this.

I want to experience more money. I want the nice car. I want this, I want that. That's great, and I'm going to be showing you how to do that. However, the key is knowing that when you get to the core of the best version of you, the main focus, you will want that to be your passion, to be what you're passionate about because that is the highest vibrational version of you.

You say, everyone thinks that what they want is, I want the car, the husband, wife the this, that I want all of this, but why do you want all of that? You want it for the emotion. It will bring you, and the key is understanding that you can feel an embodied those emotions. You don't have to wait to some external time. Instead of wanting all of these things, what you can begin to do is to shift your own consciousness to understand that the version of you that wants all of those things might actually be more of the ego past version of you.

Understanding that you can become more present to the moment and instead of trying to do instead of trying to have you can be right here, right now in the present moment and this is where all the power is because when you say yes to the present moment, that is when transformation begins to happen and many people from the point of view of the Law of Attraction or even now the parallel reality manifestation, you may look and say, I want to shift to that reality over there may we may just switch up the terms a little bit, but the key is having more awareness as to what is actually going on because the only moment that does exist is this moment right now.

You then allow more malleability and flexibility in the experience of time and space. Things will happen even easier for you. It’s not so much how can you get to the end result? It's how can you embody more of your natural frequency right now in the present moment, knowing that you can transform your frequency and experience a shift in consciousness because there's different levels of manifestation. The Law of Attraction and parallel reality is that of what is called a 400 level and below, maybe even afford $99 or below. If you've ever seen that chart that I've shared before the chart from the book called power vs force with Dr. David Hawkins.

That's just shame, fear, guilt that eventually you move up to neutrality, which is a big step, and then eventually you get to that of willingness and then that of reasoning. However, what we can then do is shift from the level of consciousness of reasoning into unconditional love, of knowing that that's who we are.

Any ways that we can embody that and by embodying that we experienced more of we want anyways, things become more magical. We start to manifest from a higher vibrational state of consciousness, so everything I'm sharing with you right now will help you to get to the end result, but what I'm doing is I'm using that as kind of like the shiny light that maybe will help you to say, oh, okay, this is so cool.

I want to do this, but then say, well, what about shifting consciousness? And then you say, yes, that's actually what I want. Anyways. I want to shift my level of consciousness. That is where the true power really is. It's in shifting the level of consciousness, so to shift to the reality you want understand, first off, air already exists. You don't have to create it. You don't have to try to get it from over there to over here, it's simply about embodying the vibrational resonance of it.

The vibrational resonance has to do with your emotion and your emotion. What are you feeling? What is your state of being and your state of being comes from that of the meaning you give situations from the beliefs you have about life or the beliefs you have about certain situations or whatever it is, and then motion the action you are taking.

What you can then do is use your imagination. Imagine the best possible version of you, everything you would be doing. How would you be acting? I imagined myself and I knew I was making data, YouTube videos. I was getting up every morning passionate about what I was doing. I was being able to have the freedom to travel. I imagined this version of me and I started to embody the emotion and the emotion of that version of me. I started to focus on how that version of me felt.

What beliefs did that version of me have? Then I started to also focus on that emotion. What actions was I taking? I was making daily videos. I was studying business. I was learning how to market. I was learning all of these different things, so I started to do it and guess what? I shifted to the vibrational resonance of it for a year and a half.

I go around using this to attract the most amazing things in my life, and then I realized that there a higher level of consciousness that we can begin to shift to and that level of consciousness is shifting into saying yes to the present moment, being here now understanding we can transcend that, have the reasoning, go into that of unconditional love, and then as we do that, things that are more magical anyways.

It's almost like that is the string connectedness to the best possible parallel reality that exists, so parallel, reality manifestation, whatever we want to call it. It is so powerful, but what is even more powerful is transcending the intellect. Insane, yes to the present moment because most of the version of us that is wanting to create a certain parallel reality is the past version of us. We can shift into the present moment now is all that exists.

3 Ways to UNPLUG From the Matrix and TRANSCEND Your Consciousness

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you three ways to unplug from the matrix that you can start to take your power back and you can start to be the kind of person you are meant to be.

I'm going to be sharing with you the three ways you can unplug from the matrix of being caught in an illusion of something that you have, may have thought was real your whole entire life. You may look around at the kind of political structure that's happening.

You may get in reaction to the media that you see. You may feel a certain way when your sports team loses. However, the emotional energy that you exude towards those things many times is there as a distraction from the true nature of reality and to the true part of who you really are.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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I'm going to be sharing with you and showing you a totally new perspective. Not really new. It's been around for thousands of years, but this understanding that we are so much more than we probably thought that this is understood as certain levels that we don't really understand and that there's a certain power struggle that's going on behind the scenes.

That's in a way keeping us within a certain frequency band, keeping us within a certain perception and that when we become aware of this, we start to take our power back and that then we start to engage with life in a completely new way and we then transcend our level of consciousness. This is something I've been fascinated by for about the last six years now and it's knowing it because at first, I was honestly being a little bit angry when I found this out because I went through a spiritual awakening in 2012.

When I went through this spiritual awakening, I became aware of how my beliefs were creating my reality. I became aware of how I could observe my thoughts rather than react to them. I became aware of this self-image that I had for myself. I became aware of all the pain I was carrying around because I had an abusive ex-stepmom, so I was carrying that around with me thinking I wasn't worthy experience in things in my life that reflected that unworthiness back to me and this level of resistance caused me to go more within and when I started to go within, I started to observe my thoughts.

It was that simple. I was at the time I was labeled as someone with ADHD because I have a lot of energy. I didn't know how to balance that out. I was given Adderall by a doctor and said, that'll help you.

I took that. I worked a sales commission job, so in women's shoes, so I would make a lot of money, go home at night and I wouldn't be able to eat or sleep very much because that's a side effect of Adderall. After years I said, okay. After about two years of that, I said, okay, there must be some other way. I went online, found the research on meditation, was like, okay, well this does like the same thing as this without the harsh side effects.

I decided to try that and made a choice. The first days didn't experience many benefits, actually felt resistance because I was trying to control my mind. It was the ego flaring up. Then what happened is on the third day I decided, okay, I'm going to observe my thoughts and allow them to be there. I read this in a book somewhere, so I'm going to observe them, allow them to be there.

This is one of my life changed. I became aware of all the beliefs I had. I became aware of everything I was just mentioning to you and it made me more aware of how reality works. And it made me aware that reality is a matrix. Reality is a bit a bit of what do we call a program now?

This doesn't need to do something that's scary. Some people hear that and go, well you say we live in a simulation, or simulation is a metaphor at a higher level of consciousness. We are unconditional love and bliss. This is who we are. If we exist now, we always exist, so there really is no such thing as death. There are just these avatars that we're currently having inside of our life experience and in a way, life is a form of a metaphor version of a video game because we at a higher level have gone to sleep.

Waking Up, projecting ourselves into this time space, linear reality, sane and playing these different parts and saying, my name's Aaron. This is what I do. I make videos on YouTube. I talk about the three ways you can unplug from the Matrix. That in a way is the Avatar of a higher dimensional version of me that is projecting itself here. Same thing for you.

I'm not special saying this is who I am and no one else is. This is who you are as well. You come from unconditional love and bliss. You exist in higher states of consciousness, but right now you are projecting yourself to earth because there's a certain purpose here for being here right now. There's a transformation on the planet going through. There's an awakening of consciousness happening.

There are 7 billion people. It's growing very quickly because so many souls want to be here for this transition that we are all currently going through. When it comes to this, we become more and more aware of it as we go through these layers.

1. Illusion

When it comes to these three things I'm going to be sharing with you unplugged from the Matrix is first off, having to do with understanding that what we think of as reality is actually more of an illusion than anything else. When we look around and we see the politics of what's going on, when we look around, we see the sports teams and we get mad because our sports teams lose.

When we get involved to say, oh, I'm a Republican, or I'm a Democrat. Either side of the coin is a part of the illusion. What I mean by this is one of the ways that the things around us that we are limited in our perception is through our information that we absorb.

The information we absorb comes from certain sources that keep us within a certain frequency band. I'm not saying this to be fearful. I'm not saying this for us to be angry at some of the people that run quote unquote run the show. In actuality, the way it is at a higher level of consciousness. We've all to be here right now.

When I went through my spiritual awakening in 2012, I first off became angry because I realized that beliefs did create reality. I realize that this information has been known for thousands of years but has been held back by what people call the government or the government or the back of the backup. Whatever label you want to give it, and because this information has been suppressed, people are cotton taught to believe that everything we see is all that there is. When everything that we see for the most part is an illusion.

When we look at the media, when we look at the things projected on the news, those are all things that are extremely exaggerated, a very small portion of what is actually happening and it is put in a certain way to keep us in the lower emotional states of consciousness.

When you look at the scale of consciousness that I've shared many times before, I'll go ahead and link it right here or a show, a picture of it. You'll see that there are certain emotions at the bottom and then you start to move up towards the top, which you'll see is that the bottom emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, anger, all of these lower emotional states of consciousness. Well, what does the news show you?

The news will only show you the negative things. Think about how ridiculous it is. When we look at the news, all we see is things in the lower emotional states of consciousness. We hardly ever see anything to do with the higher states and that simply because it's keeping us suppress into that level of consciousness and believing that that's all there is and believing that that's the way the world is and when we look at these things and we get triggered into it, it keeps us within that certain frequency band.

This is about being aware of it and what I'm encouraging you to do is to not get angry at the back government, at the people that have been controlling this because it's about understanding that we must take our power back, but if we remain in the victim mentality, then we still fight those lower emotional states because we're still angry about it. The key is to be aware of it, to observe it, and then to let it go and to do what we want to do to engage with life.

That's the best thing that we can do. In order to change the whole world. We must first change ourselves. This is about having that awareness and understanding. We don't have to be angry at all of this. We just first off have to be aware of it because we have to know the things that we're shown is not what is really happening. It is not the true reality.

It is only a small sliver of a projected reality that keeps us within the system. Whether you are Republican or Democrat, you push forward or against either one of those. Then what happens if you're caught up in the illusion, caught up in the illusion of believing that that's what's real or believing in given your emotions to that emotion is power and right now because the information is controlled at certain levels by controlling the information at those levels and then controls people's perception and we believe that we need this level of poverty that's in the world.

We believe that we need a lot of the things that happen simply because we've been conditioned by our environment to believe it. If you remember the movie, the Matrix, you'll remember that Neo in the Matrix who's totally unaware of it. He was living as 9pm to 5pm job or whatever it was, eight to five job as an accountant or something or as a computer programmer and he was going living that life and then eventually Morpheus gives them the option to wake up from the Matrix to take the blue pill or the red pill and in a way that's the metaphor for becoming aware for you in your own life.

Do you want to continue to live in the Matrix? Unaware that all of it is a form of projection that most of it are a form of control perception. Getting us to a certain state of these lower states of consciousness and actuality. What I'm offering you is I'm offering you, and this all exists within you so I can't give you anything you don't already have, but what I'm offering you is an opera is a is a perspective that you create your own reality.

That's your beliefs, create your experience and that when you begin to tap into this, you wake up from the Matrix. You may find that the news, the media at the sports seems all of these things. While they can be enjoyable sometimes a lot of times they are just distractions from the true reality of who you are because at the truth you are an immortal, spiritual being, limited temporary human experience and you simply when we come to Earth, we forget this. We forget that this is who we are because part of the purpose of this game of life is remembering who we are.

That's what makes this place so difficult. There are many other systems in the universe that we go where we remember who we are when we were born, but this is one where we actually forget and there's this veil of forgetfulness and because of it, we did come here and we forget and then we have to remember and we go through social conditioning.

We go through pain. We go through all these things, but what I'm saying to you is you can begin to transcend that and you can begin to unplug from the Matrix and the first step to doing this is realizing that what you think to be true is not all that there is. What I'm saying is, is this information is known and in a way what happens is they figured out if we controlled a perception, if we control what people think, then we also control the reality itself because they don't believe that everyone can create their own reality.

They believe that they'll get more power if they control it themselves. They're afraid of not having that control. They control the perception, they control the media, they control anything that comes into our senses and everything is empathy for what we should be feeling in a way. We are a good part of society overeats. Food is obese. When you look at the consumption of a, of information, people are in their phones almost 16 hours a day or they are on watching the news for five, six hours a day or some type of television.

The senses are constantly being stimulated that is keeping us within the vibrational range of that and the first step is becoming aware that that is all an illusion and that is all a distraction. When you become aware of it, then you can start to take your power back. It doesn't mean giving it a negative definition because an easy thing to do then is to look around and be like, that's negative, that's not true. I'm angry about this, and if we stay in that victim mindset, we're actually keeping the illusion alive even stronger.

The key is to be aware of it, to acknowledge a big, oh look, hey, this is what's going on, but then to simply decide that we're going to go in a different direction to decide, I'm going to engage in life, I'm going to wake up from social conditioning. When you make that choice, that is when everything didn't begin to change.

2. Start paying attention

The second way to unplug from the matrix is to simply start to pay attention to what's coming into your field of awareness and to say no and to reject what doesn't serve. Most of the time people walk around completely in reaction to everything in their life. Something happens at their job reaction, something happens in their relationship reaction, and the key is to move from reaction to response.

There's a big difference because when you like right now, I can think my thoughts or I can observe the thoughts. I'm thinking. I could be thinking the thought, I am hungry or I could observe the thought. I am hungry. The power is if I can observe the thought I am hungry, I cannot associate with and not give it too much power. And by doing that I actually start to transcend my level of consciousness and I get to a place what is called neutrality.

And when you get to neutrality, you've started to let go of all the lower negative emotions really and you start to transcend your consciousness in a powerful way because those states are keeping you bogged down. This is when we become aware that what we can be good to do if something happens, if someone tells us something, especially sometimes people I know, sometimes I'll go to the gym and I'll hear people talk and sometimes I'll talk like sometimes I'll be in the sauna or something.

Everyone likes to talk in the sauna because it makes time go by faster. It's 180 degrees and sometimes there'll be this one guy. He's always talking about things that are a little more negative. He's like, yeah, well you know, this is hard and this is that and this is that. If I were to take in that information, be like, yeah, I agree.

Yeah. It just kind of like buy into that social conditioning that he's been told or believes. Then that would be something that I let into my consciousness. I don't resist it because if you resist it, what you actually end up doing is you end up keeping that strong within you.

The key is to observe it and then to hold your own frame. A lot of times what I'll do with this guy that comes in sometimes is they'll be saying things like that and I'll just change the subject, I'll observe it, but I won't allow it into my consciousness. I won't allow it to be something like, Oh really? And then I'll just pay attention to when he says it, how I feel about it and if it's something I don't agree with, I just let it go. I just reject it, but I don't reject it like angrily or the resistance gets away from me.

You're negative. It's more so like, okay, okay, okay, change the subject. But do you see that's the key? Because at the moment that's something comes into our mind. We are deciding whether this information is important or not important or we're deciding whether it is true or false. If what I'm asking you to do or saying that this can be powerful is if you observe that information and you choose to put it in one or two categories in the files of your mind, is it important or not important? 99%of what you perceive in your life is not important because you might be watching the news.

There's a lot of things that we consume through our senses because think about it on average there is about four. There is like 4 billion bits of information around us at all times and we can only perceive of, I think it's 2 million or it's 2000.

It's such a small percentage. It's like one percent of one percent of the true information to a vibrational range of what's around us. We can only perceive of one percent of that, so in a lot of times what we perceive of as what's in alignment with our beliefs, what's alignment with what the energy-momentum we have going. It's about being aware that that information is all around us at all times, but the key is taking our power back and observing, knowing that we’re seen a skewed sample of what that could be based on our beliefs and what we are tuned to, what we are in reaction to moving to response moved to observation.

You start to take your power back by doing this. You will begin to get to more of a neutrality state, which means you let go of all the lower negative emotions. What I'd also recommend you do is you say no to watching the news. You say no to getting really emotionally involved with that of the media or politics or a lot of the things that you feel drained your energy because the more we put energy into those, the more of those continue to grow and the more those have a powerful effect over our lives.

I haven't watched the news and five or six years at all, every now and then someone will tell me something, I'm like, okay, that happened, but it's like it's not that relevant and it hasn't affected my life. They need somebody to say, well then, you're just completely unaware. You still find stuff out. There are still social media. There's still some things I'll see that happen, but what you have to know is the more you put attention on it is the more you are growing that reality, so it's about being aware of that.

3. Become more aware of everything

The third way that you unplug is you simply have to become more aware of everything in your life, become more aware of this, of this state, that you may be in our being in reaction, and you have to make a choice. You have to become aware and make the choice that you are going to engage because the thing is unless you take that into your own hands, you will always be at the whims of society. You will always be the victim of circumstance.

Things will happen. You'll just go into the reaction and that is the autopilot. The key to unplugging from the matrix is making a choice to engage with life. It is okay to be different. Pay attention to any time there are these beliefs come up and say, oh, I got to be like them. I got to be like everyone else.

It's okay to be different. What makes you different is a lot of times their greatest gift is what makes you unique. It's what makes you stand out, which is good in so many different ways, but the key is to make the choice to engage. If you don't have a plan for you, everyone else will have a plan for you and you'll fit within that plan. Or maybe they don't even have a plan for you, but it's like you just fit within what is the path of least resistance?

On average, we think about 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day. Of those 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day, 90 to 95 percent of them are recycling and the day before, which means we're thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions, taking the same actions, therefore for creating the same reality every single day.

The key is to engage, to understand that when you engage, you start to get out of that autopilot mind. You start to create a new reality for you. That's when you really begin to unplug from the Matrix. That's when you start to understand that there is so much more to life than at a higher level of consciousness, you are unconditional love and bliss.

Maybe the information is controlled at certain levels, but it's not about having that of the negative energy towards them because, at the greatest level of consciousness, we are all connected, so therefore it's something that we've all agreed to at a certain level. Many times, we're just playing different scripts were just playing different roles.

We have certain people that incarnated that said, okay, you're going to play the guy of the bad guy that's controlling the inflammation that's incarnated in certain bloodlines or whatever it is, but that's a part that's a part of the play.

That's a part of the experience. Then we said, okay, we're going to come here. We're going to go through some pain. We're going to go through some experiences that we can come out. I've become more aware. If you're reading this now, you are more aware and you are aware that there's more to life than just the ego structure.

The ego is the Avatar, but it is not all that we are. When we go to bed at night, we wake up at these higher levels of consciousness. That is who we naturally are going to wake up in reality. We are in a way going to sleep from a higher level into here and then at the end of our life we will wake up again at a higher level of who we really are realizing this is all a dream, this is all a play, this is all a matrix that we're currently having an experience through and the purpose is to enjoy it.

The more we engage, the more we experience what we want and the more we are actually bonding the best versions of us.

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The purpose is to love the transformation. The purpose is to experience as much as we can and the purpose is to engage with life knowing. The more we engage, the more we experience what we want and the more we are actually bonding the best versions of us.

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