3 Ways to UNPLUG From the Matrix and TRANSCEND Your Consciousness

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you three ways to unplug from the matrix that you can start to take your power back and you can start to be the kind of person you are meant to be.

I'm going to be sharing with you the three ways you can unplug from the matrix of being caught in an illusion of something that you have, may have thought was real your whole entire life. You may look around at the kind of political structure that's happening.

You may get in reaction to the media that you see. You may feel a certain way when your sports team loses. However, the emotional energy that you exude towards those things many times is there as a distraction from the true nature of reality and to the true part of who you really are.

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I'm going to be sharing with you and showing you a totally new perspective. Not really new. It's been around for thousands of years, but this understanding that we are so much more than we probably thought that this is understood as certain levels that we don't really understand and that there's a certain power struggle that's going on behind the scenes.

That's in a way keeping us within a certain frequency band, keeping us within a certain perception and that when we become aware of this, we start to take our power back and that then we start to engage with life in a completely new way and we then transcend our level of consciousness. This is something I've been fascinated by for about the last six years now and it's knowing it because at first, I was honestly being a little bit angry when I found this out because I went through a spiritual awakening in 2012.

When I went through this spiritual awakening, I became aware of how my beliefs were creating my reality. I became aware of how I could observe my thoughts rather than react to them. I became aware of this self-image that I had for myself. I became aware of all the pain I was carrying around because I had an abusive ex-stepmom, so I was carrying that around with me thinking I wasn't worthy experience in things in my life that reflected that unworthiness back to me and this level of resistance caused me to go more within and when I started to go within, I started to observe my thoughts.

It was that simple. I was at the time I was labeled as someone with ADHD because I have a lot of energy. I didn't know how to balance that out. I was given Adderall by a doctor and said, that'll help you.

I took that. I worked a sales commission job, so in women's shoes, so I would make a lot of money, go home at night and I wouldn't be able to eat or sleep very much because that's a side effect of Adderall. After years I said, okay. After about two years of that, I said, okay, there must be some other way. I went online, found the research on meditation, was like, okay, well this does like the same thing as this without the harsh side effects.

I decided to try that and made a choice. The first days didn't experience many benefits, actually felt resistance because I was trying to control my mind. It was the ego flaring up. Then what happened is on the third day I decided, okay, I'm going to observe my thoughts and allow them to be there. I read this in a book somewhere, so I'm going to observe them, allow them to be there.

This is one of my life changed. I became aware of all the beliefs I had. I became aware of everything I was just mentioning to you and it made me more aware of how reality works. And it made me aware that reality is a matrix. Reality is a bit a bit of what do we call a program now?

This doesn't need to do something that's scary. Some people hear that and go, well you say we live in a simulation, or simulation is a metaphor at a higher level of consciousness. We are unconditional love and bliss. This is who we are. If we exist now, we always exist, so there really is no such thing as death. There are just these avatars that we're currently having inside of our life experience and in a way, life is a form of a metaphor version of a video game because we at a higher level have gone to sleep.

Waking Up, projecting ourselves into this time space, linear reality, sane and playing these different parts and saying, my name's Aaron. This is what I do. I make videos on YouTube. I talk about the three ways you can unplug from the Matrix. That in a way is the Avatar of a higher dimensional version of me that is projecting itself here. Same thing for you.

I'm not special saying this is who I am and no one else is. This is who you are as well. You come from unconditional love and bliss. You exist in higher states of consciousness, but right now you are projecting yourself to earth because there's a certain purpose here for being here right now. There's a transformation on the planet going through. There's an awakening of consciousness happening.

There are 7 billion people. It's growing very quickly because so many souls want to be here for this transition that we are all currently going through. When it comes to this, we become more and more aware of it as we go through these layers.

1. Illusion

When it comes to these three things I'm going to be sharing with you unplugged from the Matrix is first off, having to do with understanding that what we think of as reality is actually more of an illusion than anything else. When we look around and we see the politics of what's going on, when we look around, we see the sports teams and we get mad because our sports teams lose.

When we get involved to say, oh, I'm a Republican, or I'm a Democrat. Either side of the coin is a part of the illusion. What I mean by this is one of the ways that the things around us that we are limited in our perception is through our information that we absorb.

The information we absorb comes from certain sources that keep us within a certain frequency band. I'm not saying this to be fearful. I'm not saying this for us to be angry at some of the people that run quote unquote run the show. In actuality, the way it is at a higher level of consciousness. We've all to be here right now.

When I went through my spiritual awakening in 2012, I first off became angry because I realized that beliefs did create reality. I realize that this information has been known for thousands of years but has been held back by what people call the government or the government or the back of the backup. Whatever label you want to give it, and because this information has been suppressed, people are cotton taught to believe that everything we see is all that there is. When everything that we see for the most part is an illusion.

When we look at the media, when we look at the things projected on the news, those are all things that are extremely exaggerated, a very small portion of what is actually happening and it is put in a certain way to keep us in the lower emotional states of consciousness.

When you look at the scale of consciousness that I've shared many times before, I'll go ahead and link it right here or a show, a picture of it. You'll see that there are certain emotions at the bottom and then you start to move up towards the top, which you'll see is that the bottom emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, anger, all of these lower emotional states of consciousness. Well, what does the news show you?

The news will only show you the negative things. Think about how ridiculous it is. When we look at the news, all we see is things in the lower emotional states of consciousness. We hardly ever see anything to do with the higher states and that simply because it's keeping us suppress into that level of consciousness and believing that that's all there is and believing that that's the way the world is and when we look at these things and we get triggered into it, it keeps us within that certain frequency band.

This is about being aware of it and what I'm encouraging you to do is to not get angry at the back government, at the people that have been controlling this because it's about understanding that we must take our power back, but if we remain in the victim mentality, then we still fight those lower emotional states because we're still angry about it. The key is to be aware of it, to observe it, and then to let it go and to do what we want to do to engage with life.

That's the best thing that we can do. In order to change the whole world. We must first change ourselves. This is about having that awareness and understanding. We don't have to be angry at all of this. We just first off have to be aware of it because we have to know the things that we're shown is not what is really happening. It is not the true reality.

It is only a small sliver of a projected reality that keeps us within the system. Whether you are Republican or Democrat, you push forward or against either one of those. Then what happens if you're caught up in the illusion, caught up in the illusion of believing that that's what's real or believing in given your emotions to that emotion is power and right now because the information is controlled at certain levels by controlling the information at those levels and then controls people's perception and we believe that we need this level of poverty that's in the world.

We believe that we need a lot of the things that happen simply because we've been conditioned by our environment to believe it. If you remember the movie, the Matrix, you'll remember that Neo in the Matrix who's totally unaware of it. He was living as 9pm to 5pm job or whatever it was, eight to five job as an accountant or something or as a computer programmer and he was going living that life and then eventually Morpheus gives them the option to wake up from the Matrix to take the blue pill or the red pill and in a way that's the metaphor for becoming aware for you in your own life.

Do you want to continue to live in the Matrix? Unaware that all of it is a form of projection that most of it are a form of control perception. Getting us to a certain state of these lower states of consciousness and actuality. What I'm offering you is I'm offering you, and this all exists within you so I can't give you anything you don't already have, but what I'm offering you is an opera is a is a perspective that you create your own reality.

That's your beliefs, create your experience and that when you begin to tap into this, you wake up from the Matrix. You may find that the news, the media at the sports seems all of these things. While they can be enjoyable sometimes a lot of times they are just distractions from the true reality of who you are because at the truth you are an immortal, spiritual being, limited temporary human experience and you simply when we come to Earth, we forget this. We forget that this is who we are because part of the purpose of this game of life is remembering who we are.

That's what makes this place so difficult. There are many other systems in the universe that we go where we remember who we are when we were born, but this is one where we actually forget and there's this veil of forgetfulness and because of it, we did come here and we forget and then we have to remember and we go through social conditioning.

We go through pain. We go through all these things, but what I'm saying to you is you can begin to transcend that and you can begin to unplug from the Matrix and the first step to doing this is realizing that what you think to be true is not all that there is. What I'm saying is, is this information is known and in a way what happens is they figured out if we controlled a perception, if we control what people think, then we also control the reality itself because they don't believe that everyone can create their own reality.

They believe that they'll get more power if they control it themselves. They're afraid of not having that control. They control the perception, they control the media, they control anything that comes into our senses and everything is empathy for what we should be feeling in a way. We are a good part of society overeats. Food is obese. When you look at the consumption of a, of information, people are in their phones almost 16 hours a day or they are on watching the news for five, six hours a day or some type of television.

The senses are constantly being stimulated that is keeping us within the vibrational range of that and the first step is becoming aware that that is all an illusion and that is all a distraction. When you become aware of it, then you can start to take your power back. It doesn't mean giving it a negative definition because an easy thing to do then is to look around and be like, that's negative, that's not true. I'm angry about this, and if we stay in that victim mindset, we're actually keeping the illusion alive even stronger.

The key is to be aware of it, to acknowledge a big, oh look, hey, this is what's going on, but then to simply decide that we're going to go in a different direction to decide, I'm going to engage in life, I'm going to wake up from social conditioning. When you make that choice, that is when everything didn't begin to change.

2. Start paying attention

The second way to unplug from the matrix is to simply start to pay attention to what's coming into your field of awareness and to say no and to reject what doesn't serve. Most of the time people walk around completely in reaction to everything in their life. Something happens at their job reaction, something happens in their relationship reaction, and the key is to move from reaction to response.

There's a big difference because when you like right now, I can think my thoughts or I can observe the thoughts. I'm thinking. I could be thinking the thought, I am hungry or I could observe the thought. I am hungry. The power is if I can observe the thought I am hungry, I cannot associate with and not give it too much power. And by doing that I actually start to transcend my level of consciousness and I get to a place what is called neutrality.

And when you get to neutrality, you've started to let go of all the lower negative emotions really and you start to transcend your consciousness in a powerful way because those states are keeping you bogged down. This is when we become aware that what we can be good to do if something happens, if someone tells us something, especially sometimes people I know, sometimes I'll go to the gym and I'll hear people talk and sometimes I'll talk like sometimes I'll be in the sauna or something.

Everyone likes to talk in the sauna because it makes time go by faster. It's 180 degrees and sometimes there'll be this one guy. He's always talking about things that are a little more negative. He's like, yeah, well you know, this is hard and this is that and this is that. If I were to take in that information, be like, yeah, I agree.

Yeah. It just kind of like buy into that social conditioning that he's been told or believes. Then that would be something that I let into my consciousness. I don't resist it because if you resist it, what you actually end up doing is you end up keeping that strong within you.

The key is to observe it and then to hold your own frame. A lot of times what I'll do with this guy that comes in sometimes is they'll be saying things like that and I'll just change the subject, I'll observe it, but I won't allow it into my consciousness. I won't allow it to be something like, Oh really? And then I'll just pay attention to when he says it, how I feel about it and if it's something I don't agree with, I just let it go. I just reject it, but I don't reject it like angrily or the resistance gets away from me.

You're negative. It's more so like, okay, okay, okay, change the subject. But do you see that's the key? Because at the moment that's something comes into our mind. We are deciding whether this information is important or not important or we're deciding whether it is true or false. If what I'm asking you to do or saying that this can be powerful is if you observe that information and you choose to put it in one or two categories in the files of your mind, is it important or not important? 99%of what you perceive in your life is not important because you might be watching the news.

There's a lot of things that we consume through our senses because think about it on average there is about four. There is like 4 billion bits of information around us at all times and we can only perceive of, I think it's 2 million or it's 2000.

It's such a small percentage. It's like one percent of one percent of the true information to a vibrational range of what's around us. We can only perceive of one percent of that, so in a lot of times what we perceive of as what's in alignment with our beliefs, what's alignment with what the energy-momentum we have going. It's about being aware that that information is all around us at all times, but the key is taking our power back and observing, knowing that we’re seen a skewed sample of what that could be based on our beliefs and what we are tuned to, what we are in reaction to moving to response moved to observation.

You start to take your power back by doing this. You will begin to get to more of a neutrality state, which means you let go of all the lower negative emotions. What I'd also recommend you do is you say no to watching the news. You say no to getting really emotionally involved with that of the media or politics or a lot of the things that you feel drained your energy because the more we put energy into those, the more of those continue to grow and the more those have a powerful effect over our lives.

I haven't watched the news and five or six years at all, every now and then someone will tell me something, I'm like, okay, that happened, but it's like it's not that relevant and it hasn't affected my life. They need somebody to say, well then, you're just completely unaware. You still find stuff out. There are still social media. There's still some things I'll see that happen, but what you have to know is the more you put attention on it is the more you are growing that reality, so it's about being aware of that.

3. Become more aware of everything

The third way that you unplug is you simply have to become more aware of everything in your life, become more aware of this, of this state, that you may be in our being in reaction, and you have to make a choice. You have to become aware and make the choice that you are going to engage because the thing is unless you take that into your own hands, you will always be at the whims of society. You will always be the victim of circumstance.

Things will happen. You'll just go into the reaction and that is the autopilot. The key to unplugging from the matrix is making a choice to engage with life. It is okay to be different. Pay attention to any time there are these beliefs come up and say, oh, I got to be like them. I got to be like everyone else.

It's okay to be different. What makes you different is a lot of times their greatest gift is what makes you unique. It's what makes you stand out, which is good in so many different ways, but the key is to make the choice to engage. If you don't have a plan for you, everyone else will have a plan for you and you'll fit within that plan. Or maybe they don't even have a plan for you, but it's like you just fit within what is the path of least resistance?

On average, we think about 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day. Of those 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day, 90 to 95 percent of them are recycling and the day before, which means we're thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same emotions, taking the same actions, therefore for creating the same reality every single day.

The key is to engage, to understand that when you engage, you start to get out of that autopilot mind. You start to create a new reality for you. That's when you really begin to unplug from the Matrix. That's when you start to understand that there is so much more to life than at a higher level of consciousness, you are unconditional love and bliss.

Maybe the information is controlled at certain levels, but it's not about having that of the negative energy towards them because, at the greatest level of consciousness, we are all connected, so therefore it's something that we've all agreed to at a certain level. Many times, we're just playing different scripts were just playing different roles.

We have certain people that incarnated that said, okay, you're going to play the guy of the bad guy that's controlling the inflammation that's incarnated in certain bloodlines or whatever it is, but that's a part that's a part of the play.

That's a part of the experience. Then we said, okay, we're going to come here. We're going to go through some pain. We're going to go through some experiences that we can come out. I've become more aware. If you're reading this now, you are more aware and you are aware that there's more to life than just the ego structure.

The ego is the Avatar, but it is not all that we are. When we go to bed at night, we wake up at these higher levels of consciousness. That is who we naturally are going to wake up in reality. We are in a way going to sleep from a higher level into here and then at the end of our life we will wake up again at a higher level of who we really are realizing this is all a dream, this is all a play, this is all a matrix that we're currently having an experience through and the purpose is to enjoy it.

The more we engage, the more we experience what we want and the more we are actually bonding the best versions of us.

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The purpose is to love the transformation. The purpose is to experience as much as we can and the purpose is to engage with life knowing. The more we engage, the more we experience what we want and the more we are actually bonding the best versions of us.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.