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The TRUTH on Synchronicity REVEALED (Time vs Timing)

I'm going to be showing you the truth on synchronicity with the law of attraction time versus tiny. This is the biggest key. When you understand this, you understand the way reality works.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on synchronicity, which is when you are using the law of attraction, aware of how your thoughts correlate with your experience in and you notice the patterns that are happening in your life. Maybe you are on the way to the gym, you're just thinking of this person and all of a sudden they text you or you're thinking of something that you want to do and then the Instagram algorithm knows somehow that you recently searched in Google for something and then all of a sudden it shows up in your Instagram feed and you're like, how did that happen?

Is it synchronicity? Is it meant to be? Am I meant to really go on this silent retreat? That I see the advertising for it. Well, is it synchronicity or is it just technology? This is what we're going to talk about in today's blog. Here's the thing that was kind of just joking around right there, but in general synchronicity, the thing was synchronicity is that synchronicity is a natural byproduct for the way that reality works. It's natural. Your thoughts correlate with what you experience.

You think thoughts, you feel emotions, you're doing things and you get a certain reflection in your life and then what happens is you may notice that synchronicity because you are being aware of the thoughts you're thinking to what you're experiencing and you say, this is synchronous synchronicity. You may intend to meet someone and then you go to yoga and all of a sudden you meet someone, somebody kind of comes out of the woodwork and you're like, do you have a great connection with this person? Is that synchronicity is synchronicity. When you're thinking of a song and it starts to come on or your thinking and asking for guidance on something in a song comes on that gives you the exact message you need.

This is all about alignment and understanding of the truth about synchronicity. The truth is a natural way that reality works are there are a reflection and a direct correlation between what you think, what you feel and what you do and what you experience. The thing to this blog that I really want to impress upon you,

it's what are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with synchronicity? Because of some people, they will look at me like, oh, 1111 it's 1111 or it's two two two it's two 22 it's going to be 1111 twice a day. It's been two 22 twice a day. If you traveled to different time zones, it'll be maybe two 22 more than once a day. However, once you notice it, once you see it, what are you going to do with it? Because it's a byproduct. Yes. These seams have certain symbols, certain meanings as to what it means in your life. However, what does it mean for you because and what are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with it? Because we can get excited about 1111 or two two two or four 44 or five 55 or whatever.

We can get excited about all of that. However, what are we going to do with it? Because the truth is it's a natural byproduct for the way reality works. Reality is actually meant to be magical as well. The only reason we do not experience life as a miracle, as magical is big as we are logically trying to control everything using the ego, the ego must intend for something. Things need to happen exactly according to the way the ego imagines it and therefore we go out into the world and we negate all these actual experiences because we're so focused on things now understand this about synchronicity as well.

Every moment is the same moment from a different point of view. Every moment is the same moment from a different point of view. Here’s the thing with timing. Time is an illusion. We experienced time. Do you experience a time made sure to be real? But time itself is an illusion. This is why when people are waiting for synchronicity in their life, they're waiting to attract the right person. Well, guess what? The more you wait, the more of the experience of waiting you create. Think of the vibration of waiting as vibration and of itself. If you focus on waiting and waiting for things to happen, you create more weighting. Things don't happen because you're in the vibration of lack. You're in the vibration of stagnation. You're waiting for things to happen.

The key to this is moving and not focusing on that of time. Focus on time mean when you focus on timing, you then focus on being present to the moment, knowing that things will happen when they're meant to happen. But the more you focus on time is the more experience of time that you create. Notice I didn't say that you create more time. You can't create more time because time doesn't exist other than experience.

Time isn't real. When we look at this, when you start focusing instead on time, you focus on time mean your life will start to work out for you because then you are being present to the moment you are getting out of the vibration of lacking the vibration of waiting for things to happen. Instead, be here now, be present and by being in the vibration you prefer now you begin to experience a one on one reflection in your life of what you're good to Aaron, what's an example of this? Well, if you want to attract a relationship into your life and you focus on time, when is it going to happen?

When is it going to happen? Well, when is it going to happen? Obviously, it's not happening right now because you're asking the question, when does it happen in, which means that you're coming at it from a vibration of lack. What would you do instead? What would you want from a relationship? Ask yourself that question. I want connection. I want to feel worthy, whole and complete. I don't want to feel like I have someone to spend time with. Okay, well guess what? You can do all of those things right now in the present moment by being, you can give yourself permission to feel love worthiness.

You can find someone in your life, even if it's not romantic, that you can spend time with and you can be those vibrations right now and by being in those vibrations, you begin to then experience a reflection more of it, and by not focusing on time, you begin to focus on time mean tiny. You see, you get in life that which you are a vibration of. If you are focusing on lack, if you're focusing on win, win, win, then you are out of the experience of having it. They're different vibrations. Thinking of everything like a channel, like a TV station. There's the TV station of waiting, there's the TV station of trying.

There's the TV station of lacking and these TV stations. The more that you stay tuned is two it is the more you experience a reality that is equal to it. However, when instead of focusing on the future or something that's not here, you start to focus on being present to the moment and you start to focus on how you can embody those emotions. You tune yourself to a new frequency to a new channel and no longer those channels still exist.

If you want it to tune into the channel of, of waiting, you could do that. If you wanted to tune into the channel of lack, you can do that, but then it's a choice. You have the choice right now to focus on already having a focus on having by being okay. You see, normally the way that we think about it is we think that we must first do something, then we can have something, then we can be somewhat reality doesn't work that way.

Reality works the other way around. Instead, go straight to being, be present to the moment, break down all your manifestations and to vibration. Anything you want is because you think it will make you feel better. And when you are being the vibration of what you want, you experience a reality that is equal to it. But the key is being first, you know, this is what people do a lot is they wait until they can give themselves permission to do, to be it. They say, well, first I must do it that I can gain some money and then I can have it.

Then once I have it, then I can finally be, all you did is you gave these two things. You said, once I do these two things, then I give myself permission to be it, but instead, you can give yourself permission. Right now, you may say, well, okay, for me to be an artist, I must first paint every single day for like six years. Then I can finally start to make some money. Then once I'd make some money from it, then I'm an artist and then I'd been an artist and then I met. Then I'm an artist, but then what you do is you wait so long.

Then eventually, then maybe you experience a reality that is equal to you being an artist, but all you did is you use these two things to give yourself permission to just be this. If you were to just say, I am an artist and just be an artist now, then what would happen is you would then experience the reality of it and things would happen much sooner than that. You know, one of the reasons I became successful on YouTube is because I started to make daily videos on YouTube, and by doing the daily videos, I could then give myself permission to be a full-time YouTuber.

But a lot of people that are trying to become full-time YouTubers, they're making like one video every two, three weeks. They're not putting everything they have into it. Therefore, they don't see themselves as being a full-time YouTuber. Permit yourself now to be it. You don't need to have an art studio to be an artist. You don't have to have 100,000 followers on YouTube to be a YouTuber. Be it be the lifestyle you want because then you will see the reflection of the synchronicity in your life that you want.

In life in general, this is the question, how long are you going to wait to give yourself permission to be how you prefer to be? How long? Because like we said, it's not that you must first do something than have something than be someone you be it now give yourself permission. If you want to be an artist, be an artist by creating art, but be it. See it as a part of your identity because when it is a part of your identity, it's very easy to do.

People ask me all the time, Aaron, how do you make do the videos on YouTube? It's a part of who I am. I am being who I am. I'm being in that and because of it, it's natural for me. But don't focus on trying. Don't focus on dueling. Don't focus on having, just focus on being is where all the magic is. This is the key because honestly, synchronicity is a natural reflection of the way reality works. When you start to see that, you can then say, where do you prefer to put your energy and how can you focus on being, because by being you then experience a reality that you want.

Give yourself permission to be how you prefer and instead of focusing on time, understand tiny. It doesn't exist. Time is just an experience. The only thing that is real is tying mean and when you focus on timing, you then start to see that things are always working out for you. Instead of a focus on timing, even focusing on time and just focused on being, pick out the vibrations of what you want to experience. Break it down into a vibration. If you want money, you want freedom. Focus on the freedom of the hat. If you want that, have a relationship you want connection or love.

Focus on the connection and love that's already in your life. If you want to be in perfect health, focus on that of vitality, having energy focused on the energy you already have. By doing these things, you then put yourself in the vibration of it. You will then experience a reality that is equal to that. Then things happen easier than ever. Break down in your manifest your desires into that of a vibrational state of being focused on being that now give yourself permission.

Reality will transform for you because you always get a reflection of what you're being and if you're trying, if you're waiting, if you're lacking, then you're tuning into that station and you're experiencing more of that. Let it go. Let it go and be. That's where the power really is. Let me know what you thought of this blog.

A little bit different, a little bit of a random video I felt inspired to do and also if you want, one of the most powerful meditations I have is on the reason your vibrational set point. It will help you to bring yourself to a new state of consciousness so that synchronicity is a natural byproduct of who you are.

Paradigm Shifting How to Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Reality ft Leeor, Ryan, Victor and Gavin

I'm going to show you exactly how to shift your levels of belief, understanding paradigm shifting at a deeper level, and then also how you can trade in your old beliefs and maybe even let them go to live in a totally new paradigm.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how you can shift your paradigms of belief, understanding the levels of belief, and how you can trade them in, maybe even shift where you don't even need those beliefs. First off, just to give a little bit of context, I'm going to move the camera around a little bit so you could see that I'm somewhere else. I'm not in Vegas, I'm not an unusual background, backdrop type thing. I'm here at a place called Rhythmia and Costa Rica.

I'm here with about four other YouTubers and I'll see if maybe in this video I'll introduce them to you guys. I'm going to be talking about that of shifting beliefs and it's cause I'm kind of going through my own shifting of beliefs right now. In a way, I've been living a certain way and maybe you've seen my videos on YouTube and I do daily videos and for a long time, I'll continue to do daily videos.

But one thing I'm understanding is the levels of belief when it comes to taking action and the necessity that I feel a lot of times my ego has to take, because you might notice I took a lot of action. It’s a thing because I love taking action. Sometimes it's like it's a little bit tricky because I'm so passionate about what I do that it doesn't feel like hard work. But at the same time, there's times that I realize I'm almost taking action out of a place of lack. It's like I want to get somewhere else, you know? Okay cool. 400,000 subscribers on YouTube is cool, but what about that?

Have a million, you know? It's almost like there's always this auntie in the mind that's always increasing and it's almost like the action from which I am taking that, that action, the energy from which I'm taking that action is something that is causing a little bit more resistant. Last time I was here, I got this message of letting go, like, let go of the outcome. Your ego doesn't have to work so hard. Um, and I felt like I got that message, but I, this whole last year it's been almost exactly a year and I feel like my life's been taken to a completely new level.

Like I'm going to be traveling the world, I'm going to be doing speaking events, I'm going to be doing a whole new type of almost bringing a whole new bottle in my business. And it's really cool. Like I'm really excited about it. However, I'm realizing that some of my old beliefs I can start to let go of. And I had this belief, one of those beliefs I'll share with you right now is normally what I do is I get up every single morning and I make a video no matter what.

I haven't had a day off at all. Not one day off. And cause last time I was here at this place, I was making daily videos still. I'm realizing that in a way there's a paradigm where when I let go of thinking that I need to be in the paradigm of making a video a day, it's almost thinking that my ego has to do everything. What if I were to like relax and let the universe do some of the work for me or do more of the work? Well, most of the work for me. And what if by doing this, I was telling my buddy Victor about this and I'll talk and maybe I'll ask some of them what they think about this, all the other YouTubers here.

But when it comes to this, what I'm telling my subconscious mind right now is that I don't have to get up every single day to make a daily video to keep my mind from going. It's not like everything's going to go off the rails if I don't make one video for one day. But you see, the ego thinks that. But what I'm doing right now is I'm almost sending a subconscious message to my mind that's saying, Yo, it's okay to not make a video every single day. It's okay to just relax.

It's okay to let go. It's okay to have fun because for some reason in my mind, because I'd become so much of a goal action-oriented person, it's almost like I attribute success to action and action only, but it's taking out of the consideration, the power of the universe and trusting the process. What I'm realizing is I can let go of the outcome, I can allow things to be as they are. And then as I do that, I almost allow for more amazing things to happen. And I tapped into this a little bit last time, but I felt like I kind of gave, I didn't give up, but I tapped into this and was like, okay, but I still got to go do this.

And it's almost like my mind didn't like took over again. My intention this time is to kind of go through it and maybe take you along through it as well. And show you the different levels of it. But first off though, that paradigm shifting is about taking out these perspectives and seeing them from new points of views, seeing how there could be new possibilities because the mind and the beliefs cause understand beliefs create our reality, the mind and the beliefs think that this is the way reality works. Like if I want to be successful, I have to take a lot of action.

That's what I have to do. It’s a kind of funny thing. Let me show you around really quick. I'll be like, I guess kind of like a Vlog typestyle. I don't really normally do those, but they're going to show you around a little bit. I just kind of got settled in last night. We got here kind of late. We went almost a whole day without sleep because we were on a plane from midnight one day and we didn't get here to walk to the next two in the pm the next day. Then we ate was busy when transformational breath work, which is really cool.

I'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute as well. This might be a little meditation spot right here. I always meditate staring at a candle flame. I put a pillow because it's a tile on the floor, so it makes it a little bit easier. You've got a nice bed. It’s a certain energy field that goes under my bed. It's called the Earth Pulse. Then just a little bathroom over here. Then I'll go outside here for

a sec and let me show you what it looks like. It's so it's really green. You can see you got to go around right now. That's my door open, but I think it's okay that Ryan, so this is Ryan Cropper right over here. I just got up and was a film, a video and I was like, oh, I'm going to walk around really quick. This is that Ryan Cropper, he's got a YouTube channel as well. I just make a video. You let me know what you think is more like a personal element type style video. I was talking about like paradigms of beliefs. The idea is that beliefs create our reality, right? And at certain points in our life I was talking about how like right now I'm going through like a shifting or a paradigm shift in my beliefs because I'm letting go of beliefs that don't serve me.

Like I had this belief that like I have to take a lot of action to be successful. I’d been making like Davey videos on YouTube for like a year and a half and it's gotten me to where I am, but I'm realizing now that I can like let go and I don't have to like work so hard. I'm kind of like taking those beliefs and I'm trading them out and kind of letting them go and like trust them. I don't have to do that. Yeah.

Has there been ever a time in your life when you maybe we're going through something and you realize that you would like let go of something? Oh yeah. Pretty much the exact same thing you're talking about when they're going through the realization that you don't need to put that much cash to put into anything. Right. Because in the beginning, we think we need to do so much just to come there.

Yes. And sorry, it's right here. The camera's right there. Yeah. There you go. In the beginning, you feel like you have to do so much to really like drive or business or whatever you're doing. We went to meet with YouTube because we had to hold to like hustle and hustle. The reality is when it comes to manifestation, and I guess when you weren't looking at it in realistic terms, don't have to do much of anything. As long as you're doing the right stuff, you're going to be good. And I have like a self-affirmation that I actually say to myself to remind myself of the women that I actually figured that out, which is you're more than enough.

Whatever you're going through on that day, that's enough. Whatever you want to do. Right. And I don't push myself to do like a dozen videos in one day. There are some YouTubers that I like that that can really knock it out. I just don't do that. I said maybe, maybe by doing that you're also more than a line next. It's like it's, it's better vibing underneath the videos you do make if you do make them.

Yeah, it's more genuine. It was actually talking about that was another YouTuber, how you make it. We want to make on that day because it excites us and that gives us the drive. It wakes us up, it gives us the energy, right? The videos. And it comes off as more authentic because it's what we want to do. I can see that too because also I think that energy is contagious. When you're making a video, that's something you're passionate about, people can feel that underneath the video. It's not the words, but it's the energy underneath the word.

If I were to like grind it out to make another video and it was with energy of like desperation, I didn't even make a video, they'll feel that. Do you know what I mean? It's like, it's like the whole energy shifts, you know what I mean? Cool. All right man. Well, thanks. I'm going to see you in a little bit. I just, so random that I ran into him. I was just showing them around the grounds and what it looks like. And I was like, maybe I'll meet up with other, YouTube was later and I come out and he's like, he's got a stove, he's filming like right out here. It's going to be a lot of this going on. Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of, there's the film to thriving here as well. Yeah. All right man. I'll see you a little bit, dude.

Another thing, another way that I kind of described that have beliefs is seeing them trends like as vehicles. When I say vehicles, what I mean is at certain points in our life, what happens is we have this, these certain beliefs that serve us. For a while what served me was taking a lot of action, was doing a lot of things and I did that for a long period of time and it got me to where I am. But at a certain point, it's almost like I can switch out that vehicle because the thing is, is that beliefs that we have that create our reality, they serve us for a certain period of time. But there will come a time when you will treat out that belief in the same way that you might have a car and you might eventually trade that out.

It will serve you for a period of time, but eventually, you want to upgrade. What happens if we decide that we are going to trade out that belief because it served us for a period of time. We don't have to trade it out with resistance like I hated that car. I hated that belief or whatever. It's just the awareness that it served us for a period of time like that car got you from point a to point B for a certain period of time.

Now the key is understanding that you can, that you can trade it out and not be attached to it, but at certain levels, you'll see that there's a certain point in time where you eventually can get to a paradigm to where you don't have to keep trading out beliefs. This is where we move from that of a, if you look at that scale of consciousness that I share a lot, you'll see the scale of consciousness going from a 400 or zero shame, fear, guilt, all the way up to willingness.

Then eventually you get that 400 which is reasoning, which is the intellect and then 500 which is love. When you go from the levels of understanding that your beliefs create your reality, you're at like a 400 level consciousness and that is within that paradigm that you are creating your own reality, which works very well. And it's, it's beyond the paradigm that a lot of people use the law of attraction with. However, what also happens is when you move into that of love consciousness, what you do is that's when you start to give up the need to trade out the cars. That's when you stopped needing to do that and instead you realize that you can have things come to you. Imagine it's almost like you have like Uber eats or you have like things that come to you and you don't actually have to keep going everywhere from point a to point B.

That's a higher-level paradigm. But that includes getting more into the heart space. It includes transcending the ego, the intellect. And as we do that, we find that a lot of things in our life begin to shift. Trade out those beliefs understand they may serve you for a period of time. You can almost see it as a car that got you from point a to point B, but eventually, you can allow things to come to you and you don't need it to go everywhere and that way. What I'm going to do is I'm going to continue this idea.

I'm going to go see there's three, four other YouTubers here and I'll get their perspectives as well, but a lot of them are actually I think what, it would have a lot of cool stuff to share. I sell one down. I've got to find a three for the YouTubers, however, many people, but I'm going to be asking them about shifting beliefs and understanding of the Times that they've shifted a paradigm or some type of beliefs that they let go of that really served them. I know Victor's around here somewhere.

There he is filming a video, as usual. How's it going, Vic? Okay, cool. Don't get it, man. Question for. Yeah. Yeah. I already told Victor, he knows, I already talked to Ryan about it. But yeah, so, um, there's, I'm doing video right now on shifting belief sure. And shifting like out of a paradigm. If you want it, you can, I don't know where you want to put it, so sure. What's up guys? Hey, so I'll share about my most recent, um, fundamental pain inducing belief that I transcended.

You happen to catch us at Rhythmia and Costa Rica and me and Aaron were here before, but the difference is we've got a whole bunch of our YouTube subscribers here and it's a new experience for me in any way where I've never, I ran into a couple people on the street but never have, I had like 10 to 15 of like my biggest fans here. And it's interesting because I knew for me the walls were going to inevitably come down. Meaning when people see me on camera and stop, that's usually when I'm at my best. That's like when Victor's shining, that's what I do.

And when I become really good at, but I'm not, I'm not always like that. I have a lot of corks, I have insecurities, I have doubts, I have fears, I paint, I have issued just like everybody else. And I was a, and one of the, one of my issues is that I'm, I can be social, I can get, I can have social anxiety, I can be shy. And even though you wouldn't expect that on camera the way I am. Anyways shyness is something I've been working through over the past few days, which was heavily triggered. Due to all the presence is always YouTube fans.

I was coming off kind of really weird with them and kind of like my Dorky mannerisms that make my shyness very obvious. We're coming out and I'll, I'll tell the example I told Aaron, I heard you though, so you have a four before one of the ceremonies I got this idea like you to go around and like and get like sort of getting people like you know, into good frame of mind before the ceremony.

And I went up to two of my subscribers and they were talking to a couple other people. I didn't really know me and I was like, it was awkward to begin with my little cheesy pep talk. And then at the end, because I was feeling uncomfortable, I decided to shake their hands. I shook the subscribers hands for no reason. We were just, there was no real reason for that. And then there was other people around.

I didn't want them to feel left Dallas. I shook their heads. It was like, good job. Okay for four handshakes, totally out of place. They all sensed that. In fact, one of the subscribers even laughed about it. They're like, oh, he's shaking her hands. Um, and that's an example of my shyness. My quirkiness was coming out. And in my ceremony, I was asking, like, I asked sort of like, my intention was to deal with that and, and it came to that game down to the fact that I was insecure when I was a little kid.

I was hit by a firecracker. I was nine years old and is big, really big, powerful firework was lit and it tipped over and it hit me really bad. Um, and I was burned and it had the scars and I had to wear these weird, this weird thing for like a whole year. And it was very tough for a little nine-year-old kid anyway. I had to kind of deal with that a little bit. But what I learned that the belief I learned was that you, that Victor, you need to hide your quirkiness. Do you need to hide your insecurities because people won't love you? They won't like you if you have those. But what I realized is that people see that there, I'm not very good at hiding.

People love me anyways. And that means that allowed me to transcend this tire, some burden of trying to maintain this facade of a completion, which is just not true. I don't have to do it. I don't, I can let the mask slip and people don't even, they see through the mask. Anyway, so that was my revelation. That might, my social anxiety came from a place of thinking I need to control how people perceive me when they already see me for who I am and if they're in my life and they love me and choose to be with me anyways that was essentially, all right, cool. ​

I could see that in victor two just say we've only been here three, four on the fourth day right now. But it's cool because everyone that's here and kind of see how they're going through different, they're kind of shifting and letting go of the old. And you could see it in you. I can see it and you already, like, Victor's always kind of been like that where we're, you know, not knowing how people will perceive and whatnot. It's cool to see that. Um, I feel like victor has an is letting go of that and you can kind of feel it in your energy that you're, you know, shifting out of that and just like being yourself and being okay with not being like, you know, going around and doing everything and controlling it all. 

I think still have to, this is victor, Victor Oddo, everyone knows, I mean, most of you guys know anyways, everyone's YouTube channel as well. The people that I'm interviewing right now and talking to is going to be in the description box below. If you want more and you to see their, their channels and whatnot, you'll see it there. I got to go find your fleet or snacks. I'll be sleeping. She probably is, it's like noon right now.

No, I think she hasn't. She's doing some, she's getting ready for something anyways. Um, oh yeah. Anyways, thanks for being on the bitch bro. And um, yeah, I'll go finally. You are all right. Peace. Goodbye. Goodbye. Hi. Now I have to go find it anymore. All right, so now I'm off to find who I know is here somewhere. I know she's been having some pretty transformative type experiences as like realizing her own like stuff that she's going through. She's learning. She's a YouTuber as well. She's a really good friend of mine, so she does, she hasn't been, I can't switch it around. She's right over there. Am I? There you are. Okay, cool. Yes. All right, so this is Alexandra. A lot of you already know who she is. She's amazing.

You're amazing. Come on it. Come on. And maybe explain a little bit about what that is and like how you shifted it and what you did for that hot, a really big shift this week. I think it was very, it was necessary and it was very profound because it's something that I didn't realize I knew as a superficial level. I had this belief, but I kind of just really went to like my inner child. Yeah. What, what's going on. I identified that I created as a, as a young girl, I created neuro connections in my head that men were unreliable and I had an Ami.

I have an amazing father. Like he beat the crap and terrible person. My best friend, like my biggest fan. But um, when I was younger he was in some sketchy things and there was an, there was a feeling in the household of not being protected and not being safe. Wow. I didn't realize that that was creating, that was creating patterns in my life at such a young child.

We think that we just, because we can't remember what we've been through as children and our earliest stages, like one through five that it doesn't affect us, but it really sexist so much. Oh yeah. And it could affect the way that our relationships play out in our life. I realized I have this belief that men equal unreliable. Like all men. I can't trust men. I have never trusted a man. And because I believe that I trusted relationships that prove it right.

The more I was like men are and realize, well, I didn't actually consciously think that it was an ingrained, limited limiting belief is an emotion I didn't, I never considered like, oh, up as a 14-year-old starting to date like that. All men are unreliable and I'm going to date this guy cause he's unreliable. That's not how it was. It worked. Very like other than a subconscious level. Right? I went when I realized that actually this week I was able to come to terms with that, come to terms with the fact that I don't know what happened when I was a child. Maybe this belief came from energy.

Maybe from the way my father felt about himself. Maybe from the way, my mom felt about my dad. But it came from somewhere. And it might not have even been true, but it's just the belief I created as a child, as a very young girl. And this week I've decided to rewrite my beliefs and male no longer equals unreliable. I now see men and males as nurturing, protective, safe, comforting, and good and really good. And I've had so many situations in my life before I've made the shift that kept proving to me that men are not to be trusted.

And now it's like, I feel like I'm here. Literally, all of you guys are male, all of you is right. And I feel so safe and so calm, like calm, confident and comfortable that I'm protected. And like you have really nurturing energy, all of you. And it's like people usually think that that's the case with female energy. But I've been few. I rewrote that belief and now I believe males are great.

That's huge. That's awesome. That changes a lot. Like that changes reality itself for you because it's a reflection like the men male workers here. Whereas before I would be very suspicious of any man getting near me like at night, right? Yeah. Now it's not my fault. That's really cool. That’s very powerful. The steps were just, the recap is kind of like you became aware of it, became aware of it, and then once you became aware of it, you could then see the pattern and it's really that simple. It's like become aware, you become aware of it and then you don't keep living it.

But if until you complete it, you repeat it. Yeah. For feeding it, I've had like maybe five or six relationships. I just kept showing me one way and I was trying to work through them, but I didn't have the tools until I accepted what happened and what I was feeling. And once you get that, you just accept it and then you just rewrite it. Yeah. What you, what the truth. Because it's not true. All men are unreliable. That's enough. Felt really bad for me. That's baffling my entire life. I'm like, you were telling me earlier, what is, it feels bad. It's not in English.

And now it feels right. It feels so right. That's awesome. Okay, well I'm happy to hear that run of what you want you guys to really know that it's like beliefs create reality. You changed the belief, you change the reality. And [inaudible] has already done that just two, three days ago. Um, and you'll see her channel right below. She's amazing. You'll see that as well. I think I still got to go find Gavin.

All right. I'm off to find another YouTuber. They're up there around here, everywhere. But yeah, I think it's really interesting to hear other people's stories about how they shifted beliefs because when we shift beliefs and we go beyond the current beliefs we have, we didn't get into a new paradigm. There isn't another one right over here. See Gavin from wake up fulfilled sup bro. Hey, how are you doing? 

This is Gavin everyone. I was just telling them and I've been kind of going around to all the other YouTubers here and what we're talking about is shifting belief and certain paradigm. I was kind of explaining to them earlier about how I used to like the leave. I had to work really hard in order to be some success. I've been doing daily YouTube videos, but being here I realized that I can let go of that belief that I need to do so much and I can start to just be in more in alignment.

And one of the ways I'm wiring that in is by not making daily YouTube videos, even though there's still video is going out, but I'm not like making new ones like I normally would to why you're in that belief that I don't need to do that anymore. I can let go. My question to you is, is there a time in your past when you've let go of an old belief and then maybe shifted a certain paradigm of belief that allowed you to experience more or to become more, if you could share a little bit about what that story is that experience was and how you did it. I think it had a lot of value.

Yeah. For me personally, I've had a lot of experiences with beliefs and how does being able to help me make more money even grow my YouTube channel. And one of the paradigms and beliefs that I had is that you had to work hard for money. Like you have to work long hours, you have to stress yourself out, you have to hustle, you know, to how Gary Vaynerchuk Hustle, hustle, the hustle mentality.

And that actually got me into a lot of trouble because I ruined my health. I wasn't sleeping much, had anxiety, I had depression and with this mentality of we're taught by society for women growing up that we have to like study, you know, in school and stuff, getting education and work and um, you know, we've got to pay for the bills. We've got to go on, I'll take care of our family and stuff like this.

But in actuality, there's another power paradigm where you can actually make a lot of money and you can do it in an easy, fun way and that's available for you. You just have to start believing it. And for me, when I changed that belief, now I make more money doing less work and it's more fun and freeing. I'm not stressing myself out and not trying to hustle, not trying to be someone, I'm not, I'm stepping into my purpose and my mission. And for doing that, it gives me a sense of power and knowingness and sort of like trust with the universe and fruit that I am able to not only make a lot of money and I'm able to help a lot of people as well at the same time, which is ready.

Cool. Right on, man. It’s kind of similar theme as me. It's like the whole work hard. And um, I think for some people it's like them getting out of and getting into maybe believing they can do something so that, that's when they start taking a lot of action and that's when they get certain results and then they keep seeing more and more results. They feel like they need that in order to keep going. But it's like, then you've already upped it to a new notch, to a new paradigm. And it's like Einstein said, you can, you'd solve it from a new level of paradigm, a new way of thinking, that level of consciousness, you know?

It's cool to see. I'm going to ask them. I felt like there was an obligation for me to make videos. And that concludes a lot of problems that like because then again, it creates that same mentality of stressing yourself out and panicking and you need to do stuff and whatever it is, and in your life, there might be certain aspects where you feel like you're obligated to do stuff. Find areas in your life where you feel like you're obligated to do stuff and maybe eliminate those out of your life and then do what makes you feel good. Do what makes you feel better because as you begin to feel better, your vibration goes up and when your vibration goes up, you're able to like experience more joy and prosperity in your life.

Perfect. Yeah. I like how you, yeah. I’m glad you added that at the end. That's perfect. Yeah. Um, all right, so you'll see his channel below in the YouTube description for this video as well. I want to thank you for being on and yeah, I think that's everyone. We’re having a lot of fun here. We got it today's Thursday.

We still got two or three more days. We're excited. I'll just go and close out the video now. I want to thank everyone for being here. Remember to shift your beliefs, become aware of the current belief that you have. Become aware of what paradigm you're at, observe it, and then make a conscious choice to rewire it by taking action and doing the things. Maybe even a non-action. For me, it's taking a non-action right now of not making daily videos. You'll send your subconscious mind the message, and then you'll start to be in that totally new paradigm. 

The 3 Steps to SHIFTING to a Parallel Reality INSTANTLY

I'm going to be sharing with you the ABC's of shifting to a parallel reality instantly, and by the end of this blog, you'll have a mantra that when you apply in your life, you begin to shift easier than ever.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you a very powerful three worded mantra that when you say reminds you that you are continuously shifting from parallel reality to a parallel reality. And what this will do is this will give you permission to start to exist in the parallel reality. You prefer by understanding first off, that the outer reality that you experienced, that what you experience in your life is a direct reflection of your inner reality. And it's a direct reflection of what is equal to the vibration you are putting out.

The truth of what quantum physics is showing us is that we're continuously shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality and that everything exists here in now. If you have a film strip and if you have a film strip and you were to stretch it out, you would see there are individual frames within that film strip.

You know that if you were to film and have the light going through the film strip onto a projector, you know that even though it appears that it's going so fast that it's one long fluid movements, it's actually individual separate frames. It looks like it's one linear movement. That's because we have the ability to tag on memory and were able to see that it looks all fluid and it glues together.

What we think of as time is the movements through different parallel realities. There’s an infinite number of parallel realities that exist out. First, I'll be honest, when I heard this is like is there, the idea is like you're shifting through billions of parallel realities per second. I'm like, Bro, I be like, that's a lot. Like, can you really be shifting through billions of parallel realities per second? Come on, Bro. Come on.

However, thinking of it like this one little variable changes in reality. It's a totally separate frame. Just like we know, even though this frame it, even if you had another frame that looks like this, it looks very similar, but they're two totally different frames within the film strip. Even if you had this karate Ninja guy or you had this, which is the exact same, it would still be two completely different frames and the same way, imagine I'm like this and then there's a fly over there and then I'm still like this, and then there's a fly over there.

Those are two separate, totally separate parallel realities. Seeing it and starting to understand this, it makes it easier for us to understand how reality really works because it works based on vibration and it works based on momentum. There's a certain timeline the each one of us are on and when we start to make new choices, we shipped that timeline. This is the awareness that even in the present moment right now, your body has cells in it that are dying and being regenerated every moment, every moment.

This is scientifically shown that every so often what is it? Every period of time, every single cell in our body dies and is reborn. The body that we had when we were a baby isn't even who we are. We're recreating ourselves in every moment whether we are aware of it or not. But what quantum physics is showing us is that anytime we make a choice that is putting us into a new experience and the power of parallel realities is understanding that you can choose a new story. Our stories create our life.

The only reason you continue to experience the same thing over and over again because this is the paradox of it all. If you experienced the same thing over and over again, which is honestly 90% of the people in the world because they do the same things every day, they feel the same emotions every day and they think the same thoughts every day. Therefore they experienced the same thing over and over again.

But what they're doing is they are continuously experiencing the same thing over and over and over again. But it's a completely new parallel reality. But our story and our beliefs keep it intact so people don't feel empowered and they're doing the same things over and over again that continue to create the same things over and over again. But that's the thing, they're continuing to create it just from a level of unawareness. When people say, I'm stuck, their belief that I'm stuck, we'll keep them in a parallel reality where they are stuck.

If people say, I am waiting to manifest a certain relationship, then they will stay in a parallel reality where they are waiting to manifest the relationship because they're focused on time rather than be focusing on ty mean. You see this is about understanding the dynamics that are going on with manifestation itself. We are shifting through different parallel realities and what keeps everything in place is the comfort that we have. And it's the belief system and the story we have about who we are.

And we continue to experience it over and over and over again. And we continue to attract things into our life. But the truth with parallel realities is it's really based on vibrational residence. You don't necessarily attract that from over there go into here. It's more so you start to exist and you're shifting to something where that's already here. You see, this is the power of parallel realities.

What you want to experience in your life. It already exists in a vibrational form. It exists in general, that reality. The key is matching the frequency of that reality because normally what the Loa way of thinking about the law of attraction, where like I want to become that or I want to attract that from over there too, into here. But that's coming at it from a parallel reality of lack versus understanding the difference between wanting and having or wanting, having and bean instead be just give yourself permission to be in the parallel reality you prefer.

Imagine what that is right now. Become clear as to what that is and then I'll share with you this mantra that will change your life. What is the perfect parallel reality for you? My perfect, perfect may change, but what is the ideal reality you want to experience? Maybe it's you going around and being in a certain type of a job occupation that you've always wanted to be in. You're passionate about it.

People respond to you in any way. Pay attention to what that is, how you talk to other people, how you carry yourself. Understand that version of you that's living that lifestyle, it already exists. The key is matching the frequency of it by matching the belief systems of that version of you and taking on that belief system because that is who you prefer to be. However, with the awareness that is still a belief system because the truth is you need mortal, spiritual being, having a temporary human experience.

Your beliefs create your reality. You will use certain beliefs for a period of time, but you may eventually let them go. Even that ideal version of you. If I imagine me traveling the world, giving talks, loving where I'm going and meeting lots of people and doing really cool things that will serve me for maybe 20 years, but then maybe after that, I'm like, you know what? I want to go do this.

I want to have my own whole retreat center where I lived there and I have people come and we, they transformed their lives. Who knows? But what I'm saying is be aware that you can be present to the moment and that by doing so, by being in that frequency of what you want, you begin to adopt that belief system.

You begin to become that which is why it is about adopting and understanding the truth of reality. The truth of reality is that life is a dream. This is a dream that we experienced and our beliefs are what ties us into certain parallel realities. You want to change your parallel reality. First off, you already do it. You don't have to try to change a parallel reality. It's a natural byproduct of movement and time is a natural byproduct of us. Shifting through these parallel realities.

The key is doing it with awareness. You see, when we do this from a level of awareness, that's where everything begins to change. Here’s the mantra, a, B, c, always remember this, always be choosing, always be choosing, always be choosing in the present moment. Right now you are shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality. Most people are doing it with no awareness and they're in there.

They're under deep hypnosis of not being awake to who they really are. They don't know. There is a correlation between what they think and what they experience and because of that, they continue to create the same thing over and over again. It comes from a lack of awareness. You are shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality. Your choices are what shifts you two different timelines, so begin to understand that the frequency of what you want to experience already exists and you can start to tap into that by making the same choices as that version of you. This is exactly what I did.

I simply paid attention to the version of me that was doing exactly what I love to be doing when I was working a nine to five job at Barneys New York. I knew I wanted to be on YouTube and I saw that the version of me that was living the lifestyle I wanted was a YouTuber making daily YouTube videos. I said you know what? I'm going to make a video every single day no matter what. That's what I did.

I made the choices as that version of me and then there's a little bit of a, there's a little bit of a bleed through where it's not instantly happened. It wasn't like I made the choice and then the next day all my videos went viral. I did that for like a month and then things started to pick up. It takes a little bit of time because there's an old momentum of the old parallel reality trying to suck you into what's comfortable, but you must hold your frame.

Identify what that is and understand everything at the moment. Right now. You can treat it as if you chose it. And if you treat every moment as if you chose it, your life will begin to transform, always be choosing. The next time somebody comes up to you, it's was like, oh my goodness, Becky said this about you, blah, blah, blah. I'm sorry. I use Becky. I use Becky and someone on Instagram was like, my name's Becky.

You always use the name, Becky. I'm sorry, Becky. These very generic girl names. I'm, I don't know why. How about Fred? I don't know. I don't really know any friends, so maybe I'll just do that. Fred. Fred said this about you and he'd be like, but what if you just chose your response then you wouldn't be sucked into the reality where Fred's response actually even affects you. Everything is a choice. But when he starts to make more conscious choices, you start to shift yourself to the parallel reality you want.

The key to this process is identifying the version of you and the belief systems of the version of you. And then making the choice that that is who you are now and as you do that and as you choose the things that that version of you would be doing, you start to exist in the vibrational frequency of that reality. But everything is a choice. It's just that would you rather be the choice B with no awareness or with awareness?

Would you rather the choice fee from a level of being asleep or being awake? Would you rather it be not lucid or lucid? When you do it lucidly you have more ability to direct it in the energy and the direction you want, but a lot of people aren't aware of this. This process is all about understanding our belief system and then letting go of the policies and doesn't serve to be the way we prefer to be in adopting those beliefs and then moving forward and always be choosing, say it with me.

Always be choosing, always be choosing. Always be choosing. Say this, remind yourself of that. The next time somebody says something you that triggers you, snap yourself and go ABC always be choosing. I choose a new response. I don't choose to keep tethered into that parallel reality where those things affect me and the more you do this, the more you will raise your frequency and the more you will raise your vibration.

The LOVE Vibration: Going BEYOND Belief and into BEING

I'm going to be sharing with you how to go beyond belief and into being and how when you do this, you begin to tap into the vibration of existence, which is unconditional love. By the end of this blog, you'll understand more about how to do this and they can radically change your life.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you something that has to do with going beyond the understanding that our beliefs create our reality. That's something I've been sharing a lot on my channel is understanding that we always get in life a reflection of what we believe to be true and how when we change those beliefs, we didn't change the outer reflection we get in life.

Many people will go about it, trying to change the outer reflection, which is almost like going over to Amir and trying to change your reflection by touching the mere in changing the expression on your face when first you must go within yourself and change from the inside and then the reflection on the mere changes naturally.

What I'm sharing with you today is actually has to do with the shift in consciousness. I shifted an understanding of who you are and think of it as a scope on a camera and it's normally focused in the ego and when you expand it out, you begin to perceive a more of reality and how you relate to everyone else in it. Because the truth is you are connected to every single person you come into contact with.

And not only that, that other person is actually a reflection of you at the deepest levels because, at the fundamental core, you are an immortal, spiritual being, having a temporary, Human experience. You could even say you have a temporary spiritual experience because you're becoming more aware as to your spirituality. Most of our beliefs formed in childhood. When we're a child between the ages of zero to 12 are primarily in what is called a theta brainwave state in a theta brainwave state.

We just absorb our environment. The moment something happens, the moment someone sells as something, if we agreed to it and we allow it in, it becomes a part of who we are. In a way becomes a part of our identity. And then what we do is we live out that same pattern. Most people will live it out their whole entire lives. Not knowing that they can change it. By becoming aware of it and letting it go, it's just that most people's beliefs are on autopilot. Let me ask you the question.

What do you believe to be true? What do you believe about reality itself? Do things come to you easily? What do you believe about the manifestation process? Is it hard or is it easy? What'd you leave out? Finances and you attaining money. Abundance in general. Is your definition of abundance just money or could it be opportunities? How in what do you believe about health? Because whatever you believe about any of these categories, it's going to be what you get equal to in your own life.

I remember recently, my baby, this is like two or three years ago, I went to a Bashar conference with you guys or no, Bashar. I've watched a lot of his videos. Bashar is a challenge by Darryl Anka. Been around for over 30 years and I went to one of these seminars and I asked a question and when I asked a question, I had a question about the belief systems of enlightened people. I said, what are the belief systems of Buddha, of Krishna, of Jesus? What are the belief systems that they have? What are some of the beliefs they have? And his answer surprised me because I thought he was going to say something like they believe in unconditional love and they believe in the source consciousness.

But when he told me it was much deeper than that, he said that they didn't have beliefs. They had no means. They went beyond belief and into knowing, and I thought to myself, wow, beliefs do create reality, but that's from the paradigm of the ego. And when you moved to a state of presence into a state of being, you started an understand reality from a completely new paradigm. What would it be? That they knew? They understood that they were sourced and our source energy, which is unconditional love, they understood that the fabric of existence itself is unconditional love.

The fabric of existence itself is unconditional love. You don't have to believe in unconditional love for you to then experience it because it's a natural part of who you are. It's more so about becoming aware of the limiting beliefs and the beliefs in your mind of separation that holds you back from feeling the unconditional love that is around you at all times. This is about knowing how reality really works, and yes, realities, Amir.

But the more you let go of your beliefs of labels, the more you let go of things that make you feel separate from other people. The more you feel connected naturally because it's a natural byproduct for who you are. You aren't connected to everyone else in your life. You are unconditional love and bliss at your core and that's why it's more about letting go than piling on.

When you look at that chart of consciousness that I've shared many times before, you'll see at the bottom you have these lower vibrational emotions. This chart of consciousness raises from zero to a thousand would be like avatar status. 700 is enlightenment, 500 is unconditional love, 400 his reasoning, which is the mind, which has beliefs create our reality and then under that you have accepted.

You have that of neutrality, which is observing the thoughts you have. Lower vibrational emotions is a shame, fear, guilt, anger, and with this whole process of reason or vibration, state of consciousness, there's a huge jump that happens when we go from reasoning, which is understanding that our beliefs create our reality. When we go out of reasoning and into the heart, which is love.

Einstein himself calibrated at four 99 which is just on the tip of tapping into unconditional love, but in order for him to get there, he would have had to let go of all the intellectual ideas when she began to do in his life. Because the intellectual only take you so far. Yes, beliefs create your reality, but at a certain point, you can let go of the beliefs and move into being, being present to the moment, being in the unconditional love that you naturally are.

Let’s talk about love for a minute. When it comes to love, it's about understanding that it has to do with being in your heart, feeling connected to other people. Think of it like there's this cosmic web throughout all of reality and it will all connect it, but the more rules we make as to what it takes to love someone else, the more separated we feel from other people. When we label people and say they're not awake yet, they don't understand spiritual awakening, we separate ourselves from it.

When we say this person is of this race or this religion or whatever it is, we create separation. The key is to be aware that we're all human beings. When you expand the scope out, you see that we have much more in common than we do, not in common and it's easier to feel connected. Let’s look at this from an individual perspective. Do you want to feel more love in your life? Well, what you do is you let go of the rules in your mind about what it takes for you to love yourself. Maybe you have rules that say, well, when I'm the perfect body weight, then I'll love myself.

Maybe you have rules that say when I make a certain amount of money per year, then I'll love myself. Maybe make a rule. This is when other people have mean. Then I'll love myself. When people validate me, then I'll love myself. These rules will keep you in the present moment from feeling the unconditional love that is already here for you. The truth is as well is a lot of these things can't give you the love that you want.

Only you can give it to you and the way you give it to you is by dropping the rules, dropping the necessity to have other people validate you, and you do that by going within yourself and tapping into your own heart center. Even right now, put your hands over your heart like this and just take a deep breath. As you breathe out, feel your body relax. I know that if you just do this for five minutes a day, you begin to bring the electromagnetic energy for being the majority in the head and into your heart

and doing so. When you then move throughout your day, you'll feel more connected to yourself. You'll feel more connected to other people because you're growing the electromagnetic energy there. There's a toroidal field that exists around our heart and in Toronto feel that exists around in our body. The one in our heart is thousands of times more powerful than the one that goes around our head. Begin to tap into the love vibration.

By understand that understanding this and natural part of how reality works, you are connected to everyone else. You don't have to believe in unconditional love to experience unconditional love. You just have to let go of all those emotions below that of unconditional love, which is reasoning the intellectual ideas, which is the neutrality, which is that of the shame, fear, guilt. Let it all go.

Understand that you've lived most of your life from the ego's perspective, reacting to your environment, but as you take your power back, you realize that you can change that reaction. Instead, you can respond and you can respond with love. You can respond from your heart knowing everyone's connected. Would you, would you gossip about someone else knowing that that's someone else's, another part of you.

Another thing you must do to tap into this state of being is to heal your past, become aware of the beliefs you have, become aware of the patterns you have of the past, the things that you feel are holding you back. Integrate what is called your shadow self. Because what happened is as this avatar being that you've been living as there's this avatar being something happened in your life when you were young and that thing caused a disruption in your energy field, then what happened is you went through life getting a constant reflection of that disruption.

And until you integrate that disruption and complete that, you will continue to repeat that. So the key is to complete the past. And I have a free webinar training that will show you how to integrate your shadow self, how I let go of my painful past, how I raise my vibrational set point, and how I became emotionally free without having a dark night of the soul. That's a free webinar training. You'll see in the top of the description box below and it will help you to raise your vibrational frequency and it will also help you to understand how to integrate the shadow aspect of you.

So for this process, understand that the love vibration is a natural part of the way reality works. And what I'm doing right now is on creating something called the shift experience that is helping people to move beyond belief and in the bean and the way you do that is by constantly coming back to the present moment. It understanding that even if you have these, these ideas about who you think you are, you are much vaster than you can imagine.

You're much more beyond that and you tap into that. The more you tap into the present moment right now, you see, we give ourselves so much. We think it, we have to give ourselves so much permission. We have to do all these things to get permission. You can give yourself permission right now to just be, instead of thinking that you have to, in order to be an artist, you have to paint a whole bunch. You have to draw a whole bunch. You have to have your own art gallery studio. Just be an artist,

Is that the mind that butchers up this whole thing? Whatever you want to do in your life. Instead of you want to be a writer, don't think you have to publish a book to be a writer, right? Just be. The mind will stop us because it will say that in order to do something, you have to give yourself permission. Give yourself permission to be your own guru. Give yourself permission to be the artist. Give yourself permission to be that of the writer. Give yourself permission. The more you give yourself permission, the more you will actually be. Don't try B, just do and be whatever you want to beat.

And then you start to tap into the existence itself of the present moment and that of unconditional love. Then you'll be in a high vibrational state and things will come and happen even easier for you. This is what you can begin to do. Tap into being. Go beyond belief and into been by giving yourself permission to be how you prefer to be, to do what you love. Understand you can let go of all the beliefs.

Beliefs do create your reality. There are powerful tools but tap into the present moment and understanding that unconditional love is a natural part of how reality works. Its existence itself. And you tap into it by going inside of your heart by knowing that you are connected to everyone else. Let go of the rules as to what it takes for you to be happy and you will start to feel higher vibration than ever before.

Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY and go Beyond Belief and into BEING

I'm going to be sharing with you how to raise your vibration beyond belief and into being. This is a game changer. This will help you to tap more into the love frequency than ever before and can radically change your life in a powerful way.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the power you have to raise over the current identity you have and to a new level of vibration. The reason I say identity as well is because the way we define ourselves, the way we think about herself has to do with what kind of vibrational reality we experience. If we view ourselves as a negative person, that viewing ourselves as a negative person will keep us in a lower vibrational range.

We may be feeling that of shame, fear, guilt, anger, and it's because we are identifying with that negativity. However, when we change our perception for who we are, understanding that we are more than the story we tell our self and understanding that we are more than the physical ego structure that we live in. That's when things began to change.

Raising your vibration is a natural by-product of you doing what you love. When you do what you love, you raise your vibration. Let's talk about some of the side effects of raising your vibration. One of them is that you just feel better. Imagine that you raise your vibration. You're just like a loose. You could take a deep breath and just relax. Are you're doing what you're passionate about? Are you going around every day excited about what you're doing?

I wake up in the morning, I'm excited to make a video because I'm doing what I love and I don't say that to brag. I'm just saying that you can do the same thing by understanding the stuff I'm going to be sharing because a lot of times we assume that we must do things. We must think things in order to be in a high vibe. All you have to do is be present to the moment. Now, I've shared a lot before of that chart of consciousness. I'll go ahead and look at that chat of consciousness again and talk to you about the different vibrations.

You see on this chart you see at the bottom you've got that of shame, fear, guilt, not so pleasant experiences that eventually you got neutrality. Neutrality is very powerful because then you observe those lower negative thoughts. You can observe the identity that is creating those experiences and then you'll be getting a raise. You've got willingness. That's like the willpower. It's kind of like the third Chakra. From there, you'll see that moving in a certain direction.

Acceptance. Accepting the present moment. Eventually, you get to that of reasoning. When you become aware of those beliefs you have, you then change your reality, and then you have unconditional love. You have love and then unconditional love. Love is 5D 4D is unconditional love, and then over that is joy, peace, and enlightenment and then at thousand we have the Avatar status and this scale of consciousness was made using muscle testing using the subconscious mind for us to tap into.

It was called kinesiology. It's been around and it's a very powerful. Comes from the book power versus force. Now the reason I share this consciousness chart with you is because it gives our logical minds something to grasp onto and be like, okay, here's where I think I'm at. Let's go ahead and increase it now. And it also helps you practicality wise, what to do to go beyond. Now, a lot of the Youtube videos I have, have it. I'll share with you how to raise your vibration.

One of the most powerful ways is to begin to disidentify. I liked the way he said that this identity, you could identify with that of the lower negative emotions and thoughts and patterns. Anger or shame or guilt, it's being able to observe those neutrality is a huge, powerful step. Just knowing that it's like, okay, well I can get to neutrality cause I can observe these things.

I can observe the things that have happened to me before and see how they happened for me because it allowed me to grow. Then we start to identify in a new way and that begins to change many things in our life. We can look at this now and we could say this is the scale of vibration. And what I want to do is I want to raise my vibration. I want to increase it. I want to feel better. What I'm sharing in this blog isn't just how to go to neutrality and then dream neutrality, get to acceptance than from acceptance, get to willingness.

I believe there's an easier way to go about this and this has to do with understanding reality itself. Reality itself is when you look at this scale of vibration, your identity, the way you see yourself will be the certain set point you have for what you experience. And if you see yourself as someone that's guilty for doing something or you see yourself something that's an angry person, then you'll stay within that emotional band for as long as you keep that story going. But understanding it's just a story. That's it. It's a story. How much longer do I have to live in this story? And in a way what happens is we come to earth, we have this earth experience.

We forget who we are when we come here because it makes the game more real. Then we can experience reality through the five senses and we can go through it and we could believe it's real. However, there comes a point when you become aware of the stories, you become aware of this narrative that we have and then you become aware that you can change it.

Now, the thing is most people believe that they are their ego, what they experienced the reality through their five senses. They believe that's all they are. Got news for you though, you are an infinite spiritual being, dreaming that you are a mere mortal human. In a way, your ego will one day die. Sorry to ruin the end of the movie here. I'm going to ruin the end of the movie one day. Our Ego avatars in this reality will fall away and we won't be here anymore, but we're still infant spiritual beings having this temporary human experience. However, the key in this game is when you become aware of what your beliefs are.

When you become aware of the character, you're a plane because then you can start to have more fun with the game. It's not serious anymore. You can start to look at things in a new way and see how certain people making cameos in your life may have actually excelled your growth.
You can look and see how certain things in your life actually allowed you to grow and develop your character, but remember this, it's still just a character and you could still agree of this character.

I could still say that, my name is Aaron Doughty. I had this job. I did not like. I walk to the Women's shoes. Hey man, would you like a $1,200 pair of shoes? Yes, you would. Let me go into the back and grab that for you. Here you go. Try these on. Are they comfortable? No, I know, but she still wants to buy them. She says, yes. Okay, bring her up. I make money. I did that for years and eventually I started to change my story and I was aware that, hey, I'm just telling myself the story. I have to have this job I'm not passionate about.

You know what changed my story? I used to have a story that was a lazy person. I was waiting to manifest going fulltime, doing what I love. I was waiting, I was waiting to meet a motivational speaker. That was one day going to come into Barneys New York, which is where I worked, selling those Women's shoes. Hey man, would you like some shoes? I had a story that some motivational speaker was going to come through and be like, Aaron Doughty, you look like an amazing public speaker. Come to my event. I will share you with the masses and you will never have to sell shoes again. And I thought that that's what was going to happen. I was like really thinking about it. One day I met Jack Canfield, he came in and I helped him with stuff for his wife and he comes in and I was like, whoa.

Jack Canfield manifested it and it was very magical because he was trying to get something for his wife in women's clothes. I worked in women's shoes. No one was over there. He came over to me, he's like, "Hey, can you help me with this?" I said "I can help you. Wait, you're Jack Canfield, you’re from the movie the secret." And I realized how kind of funny this probably sounded at the time. I was like, one day I'm going to do it. I was like, I sound kind of like one of those people right now. It's like, Oh, one day I'm going to, you know, but the truth is, I knew it, I just knew it even though it felt kind of fake to me at the moment to say that I was like, one day I'm going to do what you do.
And he's like, cool.

He gave me his business card. I still have his business card in my closet as a reminder. And in that moment, not that moment, that moment, I didn't change my story yet, but I remember I always remembered that because then after I talked to him and he left and he's like, here's the teacher training. I'll train you to do what you do. But it was like very expensive. I was like, okay, I don't have $20,000 right now to go into, some training thing.

I think what I'm going do is I'm going to figure this out and I'm going to change my story. I changed my story and I changed my story recognizing that this is just a character. I said, you know what? I'm not lazy anymore. I'm going to make a video a day, every single day until I'm doing what I love for a living and that will help me raise my vibration.

In that moment, I chose my story and I changed my story, and from changing my story, my life began to elevate in a very powerful way. The power that I'm sharing with you today is to help you go beyond belief. Because when you look at the scale of consciousness, you see that a 400 that is your belief. What are your beliefs? What do you believe to be true? Because that will be reflected back to you. What I'm sharing with you is that go beyond belief and into beam because the belief is within the story itself. And when you become aware of what beliefs you have, you start to take your power back.

When you become aware of the autopilot mind, you start to take your power back. But you see, what I'm trying to do right now is to shift you into the awareness that everything you live in your life is a story. You have a story about your relationships, of how you relate to other people, and even Romantically. You have a story about how you make money and if you can do what you love for a living or what you have to do, what you will love for a living, you have a story about your health.

These are all stories that we tell ourselves and we always experience a reality that is equal to that story. Until we become aware of that story, we choose to see that some parts of it may not serve us anymore. And then we start to wire in a new story. It's that simple. But you have to become aware of it, but most people identified with the ego.

They're identified with the 3D Avatar character that we play experiencing reality through the five senses, because it's real, it's serious. It becomes heavy and hard to change the story. Your story is not set and your story is something you can change. You have been reading a script in this movie that you thought you had to read. You thought that some director gave you the script and you had to be within the confinements of the script.

You are going through life situations you didn't prefer to experience, but the news I have for you is that that script is outdated. You can let that script to go, and you can choose to write your own script from this place going forward. Change your script up until this point.

Maybe you are unaware of the story you told yourself. Maybe you were unaware that you are reading someone else's script. Maybe the script got misplaced with someone else and you've been reading someone else's story. Maybe it's been a pattern that you thought you had to adopt. Maybe somebody passed on their story through the genealogy of your family and you've got this story and you're like, this is who I am, but the power is when you start to change your story.

You are not a victim of your story and if you are a victim, then be aware that that's the story you're using. You're identifying with things that have happened or what people had done to you and you're keeping that going and in certain ways, it perpetuated. Everything in life is about the story we tell ourselves.

I just changed my story. I don't prefer to be working in selling Women's shoes. I'm not passionate about it. I think I'm lazy, but you know what? You know it's funny. People admire my work ethic. I mean I love what I do. Youtube, he makes Instagram posts like two times of day. He does live Q and A's all the time. He's got these academies with people. He does all of this stuff. How does it do at all? He's a really hard worker, but it's just a part of the story. I tell myself I love what I do. Today I get up, I was reading a book earlier, just felt like reading a book and then, okay, I think, I guess a film, a video.

But you know what I did, I changed my story even a little bit. I'll be honest with you here. Sometimes when I get in front of the camera, I'm like, My name's Aaron Doughty and I'm very serious in my videos sometimes, and this is how I am and this is what I preach and this is what you could do x, y, z , and you could change your life in a very powerful way. But what I realized is that's a story I tell myself.

That I always have to be serious and all of this stuff. But what I'm realizing now is I can change my story and as I changed, my story is looser. You can feel it's a little bit more flexible. You can feel I'm not emphasized in the 3D series, trying to help change the consciousness of the planet.
You know, it's relax, enjoy life experience. Change your story, go beyond belief. Because beyond belief is where you can look at the belief and you can say, wow, that was a belief. I had a belief that I had to be serious while I made these videos, but I'm realizing now I can just enjoy it a little bit more that this life is an experience.

We experienced life through the five senses, but we live most of our life not knowing who we really are. We go through life identifying with our senses, identifying with our story, identifying the things that happened, not knowing that we can become aware that it's just an act we play. We are spiritual beings living in temporary human experiences and we become aware of that. Some people call it a spiritual awakening, but life becomes more fun because then you can write the rules to your own life.

Would you like to play a game that you didn't know the rules to? Probably. It'd be kind of frustrating. Imagine some people knew the rules to a game you didn't know. You're just sitting there watching everyone else play this game and you just kind of confused. But here's the thing, when you become aware of the story you tell yourself, when you become aware that your thoughts are creating your reality, when you become aware that you can shift your thoughts, you start to learn the rules of the game, but until you do, everything's happening to you.

Somebody put a card down or they told you to go fish or you played trouble with the dice thing, whatever. But if you don't understand the rules of the game, it's a little bit confusing. The intention I had with this blog is to help you raise your vibration and understanding this game we are playing that appears to be real that as you become aware of you start to change your relationship to it.

As great as it could be, If I came and swooped it on this blog, it was like, here's three ways to raise your vibration instantly and if you just do this, this, and this, you're going to feel better. Instead, I chose to share some ideas about how your story, what's your story, how you can change your story, how you can move with the awareness through your life. Go beyond belief. Just have fun. Play this game, but be aware it's a game.

Live your story, but be aware it's a story. Be Yourself. With this, I hope you see that this has more light. This video is more fun, and it's simply because that's the most powerful way to raise your vibration, just have fun. It's just to be in that state. Know that you can just have fun. Change your story. Don't be serious today. Have Fun. Let this be a fun experience and watch how your life begins to change. If you want to also raise their vibration, I have a meditation that will help you to do that. Tap the description box below 21 days.

That's all I'm saying. 21 days it will change your life. There's no going back ever. It's going to raise your vibration to the next level of consciousness, but in all honesty, I think it will change your life.
Also, I'll be doing more live Q and A's on Instagram. If you've been wondering yourself, Aaron, how can I ask you questions and how can I talk to you? And you're like, I really want to, you could join my live Q and A's on Instagram. So boom right here and also I post twice a day there. So you want native content from me. You, you want it, you got it.

The Belief System of the 4th Dimension how to make the SHIFT

I'm going to be sharing with you the belief system of the fourth dimension, understanding how you can make the shift to do a higher level of consciousness so that you start to create your life the way you want, easier than ever.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the belief system of the fourth dimension, how we are constantly and at this moment right now going through a shift in consciousness on the planet. And how you can let go of the old d ways of going about things that are holding you back, keeping you in reaction mode and move into this higher level to where you manifest things easier than ever.

I'll be honest with you, when I say manifest things easier than ever, I say that because I know it's something that a lot of people will want to do. A lot of people want to manifest the life they want. A lot of people want to experience more than where they currently are. However, the key to manifestation, in general, is not necessarily the ego trying to attain more the ego trying to up its status or to feel significant.

Those are things that can work, but what I'm saying is they're not very fulfilling. The key is first off, to raise your vibration because when you raise your vibration, then you're in a high-frequency state. Then your thoughts have more power. But most people first off are focused on the things they can get for manifestation versus the energy you can embody. Which means that you also are more enjoying the present moment because the emotions and the 4D levels of consciousness that you would feel would be more passion. Would it be more exciting and be love?

These emotions feel better. They just, they feel better. Whereas a lot of times when we're looking at that have the different levels of consciousness we may be feeling a lack and because of that lack, we desire something that we don't already have, which then creates more and more resistance in our life.  This is really sometimes when you see my videos talking about manifestation.

The goal of it is to bring people from wanting to emphasize the ego and bringing them into a higher state of consciousness to then create what we want easier. Because when we also have an intention of adding value to others and being in this collective reality with everyone else and we understand that, it's like our thoughts have more potency. Anyways. This is why if you read the book autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, he talks about the gurus that he talked to that had magical abilities.

Well, we would consider being magic. They were enlightened gurus that could make things instantly appear. They can levitate, they could go years without eating and do things that we would think to be impossible. Why is that though? Why could they do those things? They could do those things because they realize the truth about reality and that truth is that everything is a form of a dream. When you understand the way the dream works, you then have more ability to work through it.

In reality itself, let me explain to you a little bit of the difference between the belief systems of the 3D reality to the belief systems of the 4D reality. And I'm going to keep it to three and 4D in this video. Sometimes we will say, what about the five d reality? Let's look at it like this. I'm going to keep it here because this is simple and this is what's happening right now on the planet.

Yes, 5D level of consciousness is available, but it's going to be more practical for more people to embody the 3 and the 4D level of consciousness. A 3D level of consciousness is duality. It's what's been on the planet for thousands of years, and it's this duality of left. Right? Good, bad up, down, all these different opposites. That's what it is. Just how much opposites and we get sometimes tied up in it.

We say they are Democrat or Republican, they're this, they're that. They liked this sports team. In this sports team, there's all this polarity going on and even look at it, the brain in 3D reality, it's mainly we're in our thoughts. We're in our head, in our ego as well. And that's the brain is also polarized, left brain, right brain. And because of that we a lot of times we'll create duality in her own life.

In 3D reality, there's normally a strong belief, there are different belief systems and understand our beliefs create our reality. Our beliefs are creating our reality, whether we're aware of it or not. And there are certain belief systems and the 3D reality and then there are certain belief systems in the 4D reality. And what I'm sharing in this video is how to get from here to here because your life will change based on your beliefs that you are imposing upon reality itself.

In the 3D reality, the key to it is becoming aware of the unconscious parts of yourself. Being aware of the autopilot mind. That's just running itself out over and over and over again. Going in to work the same day, do every day doing the same things every day, talking to the same people's every day, having the same conversations every day, brushing your teeth on the same, you know, in the same way, every day doing the same routine.

This keeps us in an autopilot mind and until we become aware of it, we continue to create those things over and over and over and over and over again. The key is to become aware of it and to understand some of the belief systems you may have in 3D reality. There's a strong belief system that has to do with linear time, space, reality. There's a past a president if future.

And most people believe that their past is their present because during the autopilot mind, so everything they're doing is the things that they've done in the past. Therefore, they're creating the same experience in the present moment right now. And then they may need to be thinking about what will happen in the future, which is probably similar to what's happened in the past and then present.

The key to breaking free of all of this autopilot mind is becoming aware that it is a choice at an unconscious level. We're just choosing the same things over and over again without being aware that we can choose something different and sometimes that choosing something different means that we have to do something we've never done before. We have to break out of that autopilot rhythm. However, the other aspect of this when it comes to the third-dimensional reality is understanding victimhood illness.

Many times we will believe that we are a victim. Things are happening to us. The government is doing things to us. Other people said this about us and we may have a strong identification with certain labels. I'm a part of this culture. You're this skin color. There's the pigment in your skin which makes you different, which is just ridiculous.

I understand it's been around a long time, but it's just we're immortal. Spiritual beings live in temporary human experiences. We've been many races over the course of different lifetimes, but yet we identified say, this is the color of my skin, therefore I am superior. Then someone else understands that that's all a belief system. It's all a belief system and when you emphasize time, when you emphasize, when you emphasize victimhood menace, you create a reality of victimhood newness.

If you believe things happen to you, you will then go around the world and things will align to show you that things happen to you. You will get more and more reflections of things happening to you, but there's a powerful shift that happens when you become aware of this belief system. When you become aware that things aren't happening to you, things are happening for you, then you start to move into a 4D reality, the fourth-dimension state of consciousness.

In the 3D reality, there's also a strong belief system that has to do with taking a lot of action, working really hard, and I'm not saying that you can't do those. You can't. It's not like you don't take action at all. And the fourth dimension. However, it's about being aware of the 3D perspectives that are holding us back for a long time. I had a belief even recently that I had to work really to be successful. And I tell myself a story. I told myself a story that, that when I first started on YouTube, I was making cert, you know, I've made daily videos.

That choice changed my life, so I have to always keep the pedal to the metal. And I did for a long time. And then I realized that I could focus more on vibration, more on the energy behind what I'm doing. And since doing that, I don't have to work as hard and I get even more accomplished. But these ballistic belief systems will do everything they can to keep us in our comfort zone, to keep us in what's always worked.

But the belief system of the 3D reality, in general, is that things happen to us. We're identified with labels, were identified with perspectives or identified with groups, with status, with significance, with emphasizing the ego, with being right. These are all different perspectives of the 3D reality. Here's the thing, we're going through a shift on the planet right now where we are moving from a 3D level of consciousness into a higher level of consciousness.

And part of this will look like the 3D paradigms and programs breaking down. They will literally be breaking down from this point going forward. And they have the old government systems that don't work different energy at dynamics that no longer work. They will continue to break down and as they're breaking down the people that are like, this is happening to me, we'll continue to experience that reality.

But what I'm saying is there's the shift in consciousness that we have the ability to embody now, which is the four d level of consciousness. We understand that things don't happen to us. They happen for us because we're mortal spiritual beings. Sometimes things will appear to be painful, but what we do with it is what matters.

How we transform the meaning we give it. It was what matters in the 4D reality. We understand as well that time is now. We are more embodying the present moment now and because we are more now embodying the present moment, we can actually create powerful change. Whereas in 3D reality we're focused on the past and the future. We've got one step in the past, one step in the future. It would piss on the present.

You guys ever heard that quote before? Kind of funny, but it's kind of a good metaphor because that's what most people do is they, they're thinking about the past, thinking about the future and they're just not in the present at all. And of course you are in the present because there is only the present moment, but they are fractals raising their energy and they're not actually here in the fourth dimension and the fourth dimension.

Think of it as a flow state. When I make these videos, I'm just in a flow state. Time goes by so super, super fast because I'm in a high vibration state. When I make these videos, it's what I love doing. It's my passion. And anytime you're in a, you're doing something you love, whether that's painting, it's drawing, it's hanging out with friends and family. Even. You're like to socialize, whatever it is, and you're in a flow state.

Time will computer to go, go, go, go by very fast. Why? Because you're so in the present moment. That's part of the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is about vibration. It's about vibration, so you can then focus on the vibration of something you want to experience and you can experience more and more of it. You see everything more as energy. Things become a little bit less solid. From three to 4D is then things become much loose, much lighter, so because they are more lights,

What you'll notice is that then there's more flexibility. Reality's a form of a dream and because you understand that everything is made up of light, you can then create more of what you want by getting to the core of your energy and by choosing what you want. It's also an empowering level for choice. Think of it like you than with awareness can choose what you want because you're aware of it.

Whereas in 3D reality, you're living out under the spell of the ego, but now in the 4D reality you see and can experience more of who you really are, which is a high vibrational being, and in the 4D reality you feel higher vibrational emotions. The emotions of shame, fear, guilt, anger, come from perspectives and attachment to things that have happened in the past or the things that have happened in the 3D level of consciousness.

But when you shift to a 4D really reality of consciousness, a 4D level, you realize that you are who you choose to be in the present moment, and you can let go of this story you told yourself about the past in the 4D level of consciousness. This is where it magical synchronicity begins to happen. This is where you're in the right place at the right time. This is where you're, where you're in a higher vibrational state of consciousness.

This is where things manifest so much easier because your vibration is higher and on the planet right now. We have the ability to live in a four d level of consciousness. This isn't something that will happen in the future. This is something that is happening now. We're just becoming aware of it and for this point going forward, you will notice the old 4D react, 3D reality.

We'll continue to fall away instead of living from the ego. You can start to exist in the level of being in the level of being in your heart as well. The mind creates polarity. The heart is a singular point of focus and when you focus on that singular point of focus, that's when everything in your life begins to change. What are you passionate about? That's the key to the fourth dimension. Living in excitement, living in passion.

When you do that, you're in the right place at the right time with the people that you want to be with. Things happen in that way and it's natural because that's the way the fourth dimension works. So the belief systems of the fourth dimension are that the only moment that exists is right now. And you could say that some of these things go beyond belief because it's awareness.

It's the way things are. There's no belief in it. Beliefs create reality. But many times a belief is but a half truth. And in a way, you could say, well, I'm not experiencing the present moment because I'm thinking about the past, but you're experiencing it now. The belief systems of the fourth dimension, things don't happen to you. Things happen to you.

Understanding that reality is like a dream. Because of that, it's more flexible than you can even imagine. You can then choose what you want from a level of awareness. Understanding that everything in your life is a reflection. People are reflecting back to you, how you relate to you. People are reflecting back to you what you think you deserve in life. Everything is a reflection. Then the change in the fourth dimension comes from how can I change within myself?

Because as I change within myself, I then changed my outer reality. This is the key. So this is the ability that you have right now is it's happened to this fourth d level of consciousness and to let go of the autopilot mind, if there's one shift that I can help you make, that will totally transform your life. It's shifting from that of the autopilot mind into engaging with life and choosing to be present to the moment and to do what you're passionate about.

It's making that shift wake up from the dream, the dream of the third dimension. The dream of things are happening to me and as you wake up from that dream, you realize that you then have the power of choice. You can't choose anything if you are in a mentality that things are happening to you or you are in the hypnotic trance of the autopilot mind doing the same things every day, feeling the same emotions every day, thinking the same thoughts every day, therefore experiencing the same things over and over and over again.

But when you shift into a higher level of consciousness of understanding that you can consciously choose it, that's where things begin to change. Now, everything is a choice. It's just is it a choice that's on autopilot or is it a choice that is empowering? Is that a choice connected to your heart? Is it a choice with the awareness that reality is a dream, so let's have fun.

That's the other thing. If I get it, I get influenced you to do anything, have more fun in your life. This is meant to be a fun dream. You chose to be here right now and now is the most potent time to be alive on the planet ever. I promise you that you wanted to be here so bad for the shift in consciousness and it will continue to get better.

There will be parts of it that fall apart, that appear to be bad, but as long as you choose your state of being, you're going to be in a higher place and he'll be able to help other people make that shift as well. 3D and 4D levels of consciousness are here right now. We're shifting between them depending on our day. The key is shifting on it consciously and choosing the 4D reality.

The Biggest BLOCK to Raising Your Vibration INSTANTLY

I want to be sharing with you the biggest block to raising your vibration instantly. And I'm going to show you how to push through that. That's you're able to be in a high vibrational state and by the end of this video you'll know exactly how to do that.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the number one biggest block that keeps people from raising their vibration. And in order to do so, what I want to do is share with you that the key to most people manifesting what they want and creating what they want and their life is not trying to get to something specific and understand. A lot of times these specific things we think of our symbols in our mind.

For example, money is a symbol that to us may represent that of security. Freedom, love or attracting the relationship may be a symbol of love, the love we can fill within ourselves and love that we can share with other people. Most people go straight for the symbols. Well, you're going to understand in this blog is that there are other ways to go about this that will allow you to raise your vibration easier than ever.

Let's look at it like this metaphor just to explain this. Imagine that we have a Bob and there's a Bob on the ocean. This is an Abraham Hicks Metaphor that I've heard before that I really like. Imagine there's a Bob on the ocean and a Bob. It's like you're fishing for something. It's just bobbing around, bobbing around, bobbing around. Imagine you took that Bob that has Aaron at that naturally is at the top and you pushed it down underneath the ocean.

That is the resistance and many times we will feel resistance. We held us underneath. The ocean will hold it well, Bob us down and hold us down. However, the key for us getting from here back up to raise our vibration or to move the ball back up, it's not to do anything specific while you're holding it down, is to simply let it go.

And when you let it go, the Bob naturally starts to rise back up.Letting go of the resistance is the key. And when we talk about raising our vibration instantly, it has to do with letting go. But I'm going to share with you that number one block, that when you change this thing, it changes your whole entire life. And I really think that if you allow this in this blog, this blog can be the blog that changed your life the most.

And before I get into it, what I want to share with you are raising your vibrational set point is one of the most powerful things you will ever do. And coming up on May 5th here, I live in Las Vegas. So if you're anywhere close or you want to come to Las Vegas, there is an event. It's a very exciting event. It is with, or Alexandra, Victor Oddo and I, they're awesome. They're amazing. You probably know who they are.

We're doing an event together that's going to be showing people how to raise their vibrational set point. You can, they're going to be three talks from all three of us. We're going to be doing a guided meditation group work as well. And then there's also going to be, that's orders, so had three different types of Vegan hors d'oeuvres plus juices and a cash bar as well. And we're going to do two or three hours of the workshop and then we'll be an hour and a half to two hours of us just hanging out together.

As for likeminded people, one of the things when it comes to raising vibrational set point is surrounding yourself with high vibe people. And the people that come to this are going to be, that are going to be people that you may be friends with your whole entire life. And there's going to be a very community aspect to it as well. It's going to be a very transformative event. We have a lot of really cool things planned for it. If you want to join it, you'll see the link and the top of the description box below.

And what you can do is you can go there, it's on May 5th. It's cheap to come to Vegas as far as hotels go. It's something that you can come to Vegas if you already live here, then that is cool as well. If you're interested, I thought I would mention that since this blog is on raising vibration anyway, so we're all really excited about it and we think it's going to be very transformative. If you can make it, then that's cool. If not, eventually we're could come to your city or something like that or eventually doing more events anyways.

But, hopefully, we can see you there. When talking about this process of us raising our vibration and the biggest block that holds us back, the number one block that holds us back from that of raising our vibration is the story. You tell yourself the story you tell yourself. And she's two birds. There are these two birds that are like playing around. I can't tell if they're playing or what they're doing and this is kind of funny.

I never have seen that before. It's the story you tell yourself about who you are. It's the story you tell yourself about the way reality works. It's the story you tell yourself about why you feel the way you do is the story you tell yourself about your relationships. It's the story you tell yourself about how you manifest money is the story you tell yourself about whether you could do what you love for a living. It's the story you tell yourself in general.

The story you tell yourself is what is blocking you from raising your vibration. Understand that our beliefs create our reality and if we believe that in order to be happy we have to do all of these things to be happy, then that story we tell ourselves is going to cause us to not be happy in the present moment.

Yeah. If we have a story that we tell ourselves that it's hard to manifest a certain person to our life, then it will be hard because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Beliefs create our reality. And when we look at this as well, most of the beliefs we have, we have no awareness. We had a certain point, something happened in our life. Maybe you believe that it's, you know, hard like relationships with difficult.

But growing up you realize that you are around and you had that have experiences with family members having difficult relationships. Now you look around and you have difficult relationships because you're not aware that that belief you have that you think that's just the way reality works. Or maybe it's just unkind. You're not aware of it consciously. That is creating this self-fulfilling prophecy.

The key is being aware of the rules we set up when we were younger and the rules we became aware of with these stories that we tell ourselves. We all have different stories that we've told ourselves. We've told herself different stories about who we are, how we relate to each other. I had stories that I was unworthy because of the pain I went through with having an abusive ex step mom growing up. And as long as I kept that narrative going, I would experience more and more of things like that.

I'm going to let that go. This is about being aware of the story that we tell ourselves and when it comes to that, the moment that changed for me was the moment I changed that story I was telling myself when I was telling myself a story that I wasn't worthy because of my abuse of stepmom. Then I continue to create that over and over and over again. But the moment I changed the story was the moment I reframed it.

I remember the moment that this happened as well, is when I learned meditation. I was working at that of Nordstrom's and women's shoes, and I learned meditation. And I then started to see how and understand that we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Then I started to change the way that I related to my old story.

I was like, well, if we're spiritual beings and if we have this larger spiritual essence, I started to see that there were certain things I planned out at a soul level to go through even painful things of going through an abusive, mentally, emotionally, physically abusive stepmom between seven and 15 years old.

Because that led to the pressure of my spiritual awakening. As I began to change that story, it then began to change my life my whole entire life. And changing our story is a choice. It's a choice we make to the meaning we gave our past. The store we have is a way that we use meaning. What do things mean? Here's the truth about reality though everything in our reality is 100% dependent on the meaning we give it.

We could have that of a rainy day and a rainy day is not good. It's not bad. It depends on the person. We may have certain things that we all agreed to a certain level more so will you know if somebody did something really nice for you then we agree that that you should feel good about that and maybe a lot of people agree to that.

Then somebody does something nice for them, they feel good, but there are some people you'll do something nice for and they'll get angry cause you, they may assume that you think they can't do it themselves. Do you see what I mean? This really depends on the person because there are some people you could do something nice for it, they would get angry.

It depends upon the person. What I'm saying is this, even the stuff that we in a mass amount of agree that that would be a good thing. It depends upon the person. And on the other side of that, if something negative happens to someone, you can give that a positive meaning and therefore get a positive result.

The key to this is understanding the meaning you give to the things in your life, the meaning you give to the things in your life. Because at any point you can change the story. I had a story, I wasn't worthy. And then I changed that when I learned meditation because I learned how to observe my thoughts. And when I did that, my whole entire life changed.

And I had that story even after my abusive ex-stepmom was out of my life at 15 people kept coming into my life that beard back that belief. I had an ex-girlfriend right after that of going through that experience at 15 from like six 17 onto like 18 or nine or 19 or 20 or whatever.

And then while I was in the department, I learned meditation change that story. She within a week out fired. She should have been fired years ago, but she was protected by upper management because of the things that she said to people. But she got away with it because it was energetically compatible with my life and even other people's lives as well. You see the story we have about who we are as keeping people in our lives and keeping situations in our life, whether we're aware of or not. And it's keeping us from raising our vibration.

And this happened in many different ways. This happened to me. I used to have a story that I was lazy. You may look at me and be like, Yo, Aaron, you put out a lot of content. You do a lot of work. You're always doing things. I always see you on Instagram. You're always doing, you know, like making content. What do you mean you were lazy? I used to be lazy. I used to think that things were going to happen to them.

Like I was going to sit there and somebody was going to walk in and like hands me some speaking career and I was going to be like, “Yo, thanks. Thanks, Tony Robbins.” Do you see this potential in me? Awesome and he's going to put me in front of everybody. I used to have a mindset like that like I was waiting for things to happen like that, but then what happened is I made a choice to change my story.

Instead of having the story of I hope things happen for me. I said you know what? I'm going to go do it. I'm going to be it. I'm going to be the full-time YouTuber before I am a full-time YouTuber because then that will put me in, set me up for that and as I changed that story, my life began to change. But part of the story is also backing it up with the action.​

What would the full-time YouTuber Aaron be? That version of me would be someone that made videos every day would be someone that had the intention of adding value to other people. I saw that and I started to be that and I made a choice. I changed my story. If you change your story, you change your life. Here's an opportunity that I want to offer to you.

Yeah, right now, what is your story? And pay attention to what your story may have in it that's keeping you in a low vibration is there the most common story people have that keeps them back is a victim mentality. And I was a victim for years. I thought of myself as a victim even after my ex step mom was out of my life. I thought, why did this happen? I was younger. I was in victim mode. But the key is realizing things don't happen to you.

Things happen to you. And the moment you see that things happen for you, you will transform the results that you're getting. And then what happens? You will be able to change your story. And when you change your story, you change your whole entire life. You change the kind of people that you resonate with. You start to resonate with a lot of people at a deeper level.

I had stories sometimes I have stories that when I do these videos, I'm so serious like, dude, I'm not because of what I did. The story I tell myself is that I represent empowerment. But instead what I did is I had been changing my story lately. My story is I doubt if I want to make videos, I like to enjoy this process. And by changing my story, it changes the whole way that I feel while I do these.

And yes, I still have a lot of energy. It's just a part of who I am. But guess what? That's the story I tell myself. People ask me all the time, why do you have so much energy, Aaron? I tell myself a story that I have a lot of energy and through repetition of telling myself this story, it eventually becomes a reality.

The thing that I want to offer to you is to become aware of the story you tell yourself and to understand most of the story you tell yourself as an autopilot from something someone told you from something that happened in the past. And if you make the choice right now to change it, you can change your story. It's first off, become aware of it, then you make the choice to change. That's the key to this whole process. And as you do so, you will begin to raise your vibration. It's just certain stories may not serve you. You let those go.

Zero-Point Energy Manifestation: The Key to MASSIVE Results

I'm going to be sharing with you how to tap into what is called nanosecond or zero-point energy in order to manifest what you want. This is going to go beyond some of the things I've shared before and into a new level of understanding and I think it could totally change your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how to tap into what could be called zero-point energy or understanding how we can tap into an ability to manifest what we want easier than ever. I'm going to walk around here in a little bit. I'm in Japan right now, but I thought I would do is share some of these new perspectives that I've been learning about.

Understanding that a little bit more about the way reality is constructed. Because sometimes what happens is we get so caught up in the complexity of things that it causes what's called analysis paralysis. Some people may, I've heard about the Law of Attraction or felt like almost they end up getting in their own way. They almost create their own blockages.

In a way, what I've been doing lately is I haven't been sharing much Law of Attraction content because I, one, I feel like I've made already hundreds of videos. I feel like I want to move beyond that. But there's this one perspective with how it's related to reality itself and how we can start to see reality in this new way that makes it easier for us to manifest what we want. I want you to first off understand that you are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience.

You're a spiritual being having a temporary human experience. The reason I'm sharing with this with you is that I want to talk a little bit about, about the laws of reality, kind of how reality works. Going beyond that, of thinking that reality is something that's fixed or something that we don't have the ability to influence through our thoughts because in actuality our beliefs create our reality.

We could say that this goes beyond that. Just have the Law of Attraction even, but when we think about it, knowing that you already mortal, spiritual being, living in a temporary human experience, you can see that there are certain rules that you set up as you come into this reality.

That's going to be in a way the rules that we stand by. Think of it like you could think of it as even when you go to bed at night and you go to bed at night and you go to sleep from the conscious self and you wake up into higher states of consciousness, but you don't necessarily remember this, but that was one of the rules that you had.

You were like, okay, I'm going to forget who I am. I'm going to go through this veil of forgetfulness and as I go through this veil of forgetfulness, I'm going to have one of the purposes of life beats. You remember who I am to go through this process of remembering that was one of, not necessarily the rules, but one of the things, in a way it was one of the rules because you decided that you're going to forget who you are.

You might be like, well, what's the manifestation technique? And that is the same for everyone, whether they're aware of it or not, whether their beliefs even affirm it or not. And sometimes we may have beliefs that say that's not the case, but that is an illusion of continuity that we would be creating.

For this, let's look at it like this. One of the things that we agreed to was that coming into this reality we would forget who we are so that we could remember who we are. Another aspect of this was that we would go to bed every night. We would reconnect to this divine self that we are because we had to in a way recharge their batteries. ​

That's another part of it. Another part of it as well is that there was always going to have this ability to tap into these different neutral perspectives so you could think of it like everything in reality is a reflection of the one we are all reflections of the one. We are all different cells on the planet of Gaia. We are all different expressions of similar energy so that we could experience ourselves from this new point of view.

I know that's a very deep idea. One of the reasons for this is that understand that there is this trinity, there's this trinity that we have, we have the self, we have other, so it'd be like me, you and then a balance point between the two and the balance point is that paradox is that perspective that we can have. This is the zero-point manifestation.

When you realize that everything in your reality is the construction of light, everything in reality is a dream. Your life becomes more dreamlike. When you give that have excess meaning to things, you put things on a pedestal, you create resistance and you block it out of your experience. It's more about the energy dynamics of you manifesting what you want than it is anything else. And let me tell you this as well. When you are in a high vibrational state, things that you want to create in your life happen effortlessly.

You don't even have to try. But you see this is where most people go wrong is most people focus on things that they want to create in their life and they do it from a place of, if this happened then I would feel better and because they're doing it from the point of getting somewhere else would end up making you happier. You end up prolonging that level of happiness itself because you're looking for it outside of yourself and it's not outside of you anyways.

This is why what they say is everything that you would want to create in your life is already coming to you. The idea is to just get out of the way vibrationally by understanding that if you're following your passion and you're doing what you love, this stuff happens even easier anyways. I understand everything you want to create in your life is doing everything it can to get itself to you, but your beliefs may be what is blocking it from coming into your experience.

Also believing that that thing you want to create in your life, believing that that thing will make you happy because the truth is that will not make you happy. That will be something that you think for a period of time may make you happy, but it'll end up going away unless you make it more about the vibration. The vibration is a combination of what you think, how you feel and what you do.

When you focus on the vibration of you following your passion, you were then in a higher vibrational state and from that place, everything that you would want to create in your life is doing everything it can to make itself to you. The only reason it wouldn't get to you is that you're either attached to the outcome or you have a belief that is not allowing it in maybe an expectation as to how things should happen.

Things have to happen in a certain way that they don't happen in a certain way. Then it's, it's not. You know, I was talking about this yesterday Leeor and I did a meetup here in Japan yesterday at a, one of the parks here under the cherry blossom trees. It was really cool if you were there, it was awesome to meet everyone that showed up.

And one of the things I was talking about is sometimes people block things out of their experience because of how they expect it to happen. Someone was talking about trying to attract their soulmate, for example. But the thing is what if you have a rule in your mind that you meeting your soulmate would be something that happened at a yoga class. Okay. And the only thing that you could think of in your mind is that this is going to happen in some type of yoga class.

What you do is every time you go to yoga class, you're on the lookout, you're looking, but you don't seem to find it. Well, the reason being is because you may be limiting yourself. Then the idea is that then you end up going to a coffee shop, meeting someone there, but you're not even open to that. Being somewhere where you can meet someone because your mind is limited in the expectation of how it thinks it should happen.

It ends up blocking everything out. What if the best case scenario that's your ego could imagine is the floor for the higher mind? What if that's the case? What if you're actually limiting yourself with the things you want to create? That's why instead of focusing on what you want to create, focus on the vibration of it, focused on how it feels. I focused when I think of things now you know there's been certain progressions that I've had when it comes to the whole manifestation process.

If there's a perspective from the ego where the ego wants to manifest what it wants now in general, once the ego learns that it can control these thoughts and put his thoughts on certain things, it will then start to get better results and that will get you to a certain point. But eventually, you have to actually go beyond the ego. And one of the ways you go beyond the ego is by adding value to other people and understanding the truth.

The truth is everything is the one, you are another aspect of the one. What you put out to other people is what you get back. Because what you do to someone else, you do that as an aspect of yourself. It's a deep concept, but it's really the way it works. The more value I add through my videos, through the intentions I have is the more than that actually comes back to me.

The key is letting go and understanding the truth. The truth is there is only the one, even right now as I make this video on public, I don't know if people, you know, it's probably weird walking around with a camera. Not really. It's 2019 so it's actually pretty common, especially at a place like this. But in general, why would I care what anyone thinks when everyone is another aspect of me.

You see, there is no reason to be worried because everyone else that I think has a separate is actually connected. And if they were to judge me, they're judging other aspects of themselves. It's a deeper idea. But you see when it comes to the zero-point energy, what the zero-point energy is as understanding there is the self, there is other, that's the Trinity Self, another neutrality point, the neutral point of view.

When you have that perspective, you can then manifest from more of a neutral point of view. You can get to that point of neutrality and in that point of neutrality, you are not at the victim of other energy dynamics. You see this is sometimes people would say, well, isn't it? It's good to have emotion, but you have a motion for the sake of passion.

You have a motion for the sake of the vibration of puts you in rather than assuming that that thing you want to create in your life is going to make you happier. Yes, it may, but because it's more of an expression of you doing what you're passionate about. You see it's this dynamic of understanding the energy dynamics with this, but the most important part of the zero-point energy field manifestation is understanding that everything, in reality, is an illusion.

Anyways. This is going to be on just the Law of Attraction. Everything is made up of light particles. Over 99.9% of everything we've seen in reality is empty space and because of that, we don't have to give it so much meaning not even so much meaning and understand you're generating the meeting, but we don't have to give it so much power. We don't have to give it so much solidity.

The truth is everything you see is made up of light and everything you see is a dream because it's a dream. It is easy for you to manifest what you want. There were just certain collective belief systems we have about how the dream works that keeps us in trapped in a certain vibrational expression. We've agreed to certain things. We've agreed to certain things in this reality we've agreed to and that could be the law of gravity.

That could be an experience of time, even though time is an illusion, it could be that of needing breath for us to survive or water or food. These are different elements of this reality system that we agreed to and that a mass consciousness level, it's something that we believe we need. Therefore, we create more and more the experience of it, but you see it's a mass level consensus reality.

It's a mass belief system that we have that keeps the game going the way it is. this transformation that's happening on the planet right now is more and more people waking up and breaking down their beliefs about how reality works and by breaking down their beliefs about how reality works, we're changing the planet itself. A lot of times we think with this whole ascension process that we are raising our vibration that is transforming the planet.

That is part of it. The other part of it is we are redefining ourselves, letting go of old beliefs systems. That's also transforming the planet. You see, we were letting go of believing that the government has power over us. The media is, everything's bad, everything's negative. We're seeing through the illusion from that neutral point of view, that zero-point energy. The key to this is getting to that zero-point energy, getting to that point of neutrality because it's just a game.

It's just a dream anyway. You could say, well look at what the government's doing. Look at how things are controlled. Look at the media. These are all neutral points of view. These are all part of the reality system that we agreed to be a part of. But we also agreed that in this life we would come to this realization of waking up, of understanding of more of who we are.

We're going through this process right now of waking up and remembering more of who we are. The key to this is knowing that everything in life is fundamentally neutral and that you give it meaning. And because we have believed that reality is a certain way, the mass belief in it is what creates that reality. But when you realize that it's more of a dream anyway, it becomes much more flexible. It becomes much easier. I see myself as walking around with the camera right now, some guy yelling into a fricking camera as part of a dream.

There’s nothing to be afraid of because remember them all is the one everyone is experiencing reality through their 5Dout there. There is 3D avatar body, but it's an illusion. Anyways, we're all connected knowing we're all connected. There's nothing to be afraid of because there's only more of me, maybe my version of them, but there is really no them.

But remember these three main perspectives. There's the self, there's the other, and there's the neutral point of view. But the neutral point of view is what you get to when you realize your good either way because everything in this reality is about vibration. What are you vibrating with and do you know that you can fill up your own cup? You don't need other people to make you happy. You don't even need other manifestations to make you happy.

You just need to get to your core vibration of what you're passionate about. Sounds very cliché, but do what you're passionate about. And when you're in that high-frequency state, everything you could possibly want is doing everything it can to get to you. The only thing that will keep it getting to you is your own beliefs that negate it coming into your life, your expectations as to how it needs to happen and how things need to come into your life.

And that identification with you not being worthy of already having it. Let go of all of that, let go of it by being and choosing to be in a high-frequency state, regardless of the outcome. Do what you're passionate about. You know, I make videos make it isn't public and it's what I'm passionate about. I do it and because I'm doing what I'm passionate about, everything that could possibly be a benefit to my life is doing everything it can to get to me.

And it's funny because not to be cocky about this, but one of the reasons I don't really make Law of Attraction vetoes that much, even more. Not because I'm not that passionate about it. I did, and this was some kind of cocky, but I have almost everything I want in my life right now. And there's still more. There's always more to go.

But it's not as fun as it used to be because I feel like it's an energy dynamic thing and it's so simple. Make manifestation simple. By understanding are you doing what you're passionate about? Do you see that reality is a dream? Do you see that it's more about the vibration of how you're feeling and are you in that state and are you choosing to be in that state? Because if so, everything is doing everything it can to get to you.

The only reason it's not coming in is that you expect it to come differently. Or You have a belief that is blocking it from coming into your experience. Understand that that's the case. And manifestation is very, very simple. Are you putting good out into the world because you're doing what you're vibrational racially passionate about? Therefore, putting out that vibration comes back to you and are you adding value to other people?

We're all connected. The more value you add, the more comes back to when people create a product that makes a lot of money, it adds value to other people. Maybe that value, maybe that value is a little bit debatable because maybe it has a negative side of it, but people still find some value in it, whether it's an emotional thing or whether it's something that solves a problem, but understands that what you put out is what you get back.

Focus on that zero-point manifestation is with the awareness that reality is a dream. And because reality is a dream, it can become much more flexible and much more fun. Not only that, you can realize that there's this perspective of all is the one there is only you because I walk around right now there is only me. There are only different points of connection.

Maybe I'm seeing reality through my 3D avatar body, but that's just from a certain perspective. If I were to expand the scope out, even more, I could see that everything is a reflection anyways. Knowing that it's the zero point in the zero-point is where all the power is.

Get to that zero-point by an understanding that everything is a neutral idea. The meaning you give things in life is the meaning you get out of it, but also just know that there was only you anyways and that it's fun. It is meant to be a dream and the more you allow it to be a dream, the more dreamlike it will become.

We have collective belief systems for how things should work and how things do work. We need air in this reality. We need to experience the 3D avatar body. We need the experience of food and water. We agreed to these rules before we had this experience, but now what we're doing is we're transcending a lot of this.

Not to mean that we're not going to eat or sleep or drink or breathe, but what is saying is we're becoming aware of it and that's the 0.0 point is the neutrality and the more you become aware of it is the more power you have because the more you realize who you really are. 

3 Secrets of Your Shadow-Self (it’s time you know about)

I'm going to be sharing with you the three secrets of what is called your shadow self, that it's time. You know about. Once you know these three things, you're going to know yourself in a completely new way and you're going to be able to transform your life from the inside out.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…


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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you more on what is called the shadow self and understanding these three parts of the shadow self that are holding you back. These three parts of the shadow self that are having it so that you don't really live to your full potential. And these are things that are so settled, very insidious because you won't be aware of it. But once you are, you begin to transform your life in a powerful way.

Many of you may have heard me talk about the shadow self before and the shadow self has to do within a way the part of ourselves that hasn't yet healed. Think of it like we're going on through our life. And eventually, even at a very early age, something happens at the moment something happens. We may give it a negative meaning we may have this emotional reaction to it.

And at that moment we had to decide that we were a certain way or that reality was a certain way. And at that moment you can think of it like we had our divine self when we're born, there's this splat that happens in this spot that happens. It causes it to where we have to become something that we're not, or we have to develop this armor around ourselves. We have to cope with something in their life.

And we assume that that's the way reality is. Well, that is what is called our shadow. And many people on the planet right now are living completely immersed in their shadow, not aware that they are more than their shadow and not aware that they can do what is called integrating their shadow.

Something that I've been going through for probably about the last year now is when I went to a place in Costa Rica, did something called up plant medicine and doing plant medicine. It makes you go within your subconscious mind. It makes you understand a lot more about yourself and you do a lot of deep inner work.

And when I did it, I became very aware of a shadow part of me, the shadow part of me that wasn't yet healed from past experiences and stuff that happened in my childhood. Maybe a lot of you know about my childhood or have heard me talk about it just between the ages of seven to 15 years old where I had a stepmom and my life at the, at the time, that was very emotionally, physically and mentally abusive.

And I had no freedom whatsoever. During that period, I developed this armor around me of this person that I had to become in order to survive in order to get through that time. And that's when I developed what is called my shadow self. We're doing this plant medicine. It made me aware more of that shadow self and it allowed me to really integrate it in a powerful way to really heal the past version of me.

The first one I'll talk about when it comes to the shadow self is that you might not be aware of is that a lot of your shadow came. It was developed when you were a child and when you were a child, something happened and the moment something happened, you subconsciously gave it a meaning and that meaning may have caused you to then live a certain pattern of the rest of your life.

Maybe your dad said something to you that made you feel less than worthy, and now when you go out into the world, you're used to being treated that way. Do you expect to be treated that way all because of one situation that happened when you were a kid? I had one situation where when I was at doing that plant medicine, what happened was, is I had this, this remembrance of this flashback to this memory that I had that I totally was unaware of, was not subconscious, was not consciously aware of this memory.

I had this remembrance of one day coming home. I was about five or six years old and I was at the time going back and forth from my mom's house to my dad's house because they're divorced and going back and forth. I remember that every time I'd come home from my mom's house, I'd go to my dad's house and you have an action figure on the bed.

And that action figure that we'd asked we, me and my brother would be like, well, what's this for? And you're big. Oh, it's just cause I love you. And every time we came home from a, what's called a sixth day, my dad was a firefighter. I'd be at my mom's for like six to nine days. And then I go to my dad's for six days. When I go to my dad's, there'd be that waiting on the bed.

Well, it was like that for about a year and then I had a flashback to one day coming home and the action figure was not there on the bed. There was no action figure and that's when the action figures stopped. I know that looking at this now, you say, well dude, it's just an action figure. Like of course, logically now at the age, I am.

Then maybe from that point on, I was always seeking validation from my dad, always wanted to do things the right way, always wanted to make him proud and make him happy. But what I realized is I hadn't healed my inner child. The shadow self that one of the first secrets about the shadow self that you may not be aware of is that what you must do is become aware of your inner child and heal your inner child.

What I would do in that situation is love the five to six-year-old version of me and explain, I'd actually do meditation and imagine myself comforting that five to six-year-old version of me. “Aaron, it's okay. It's okay that the action figure isn't there. Your Dad's still loves you.”

The action figure doesn't really mean anything. Love is what's real. I could then give that version of me a hug and understand that it's okay and allow myself to feel it. The part of the reason I shared this story with you, it's something you can also go within and heal your inner child. Has something happened when you were a kid that in a moment you gave something, a negative definition, maybe someone did something to you, whatever it is, imagine yourself?

And that's really comfortable, that version of you because time in a way is kind of relative time. Doesn't really exist the way that we think it does. And when you become aware of that, there's still a five or six-year-old version of you back in your timeline that hasn't been healed yet. And because of that, it's dragon itself forward to this timeline now to where you still feel like you're not worthy home and complete.

If you want to not repeat the past, you must complete the past. And the way you do that is through forgiveness and through love. Forgive something somebody did to you. Forgive yourself for something that you may have done. Have unconditional love because as you do so, you complete the past. Therefore, you don't longer have to repeat the past. The first secret to the shadow self is healing the inner child and understanding that your inner child may be wounded.

It may have some level of residue from the past. And it may in the timeline becoming to this present time right now and still affecting you and the way that you've changed that. As you heal it, you heal that version of you, you comfort that version of you.

Do meditation and literally embraced that version of you give it unconditional love and then you'll feel like you start to, you start to transform it. You know, sometimes I see people walking around and when I look at even my ex step mom, my step mom was very mentally, physically abusive. She, in a way, it was like a bully. She was a bully, she was bullying around.

She's a control freak. Everything had to be her way and it's practically pretty miserable. Probably. Why now I'm like a rebel because I don't like to be told what to do. I don't, that's why I don't work for anyone else. You know, I work for myself now. However, she was bullied when she was a kid, so it's a, it's easier to forgive her because I realized that she was bullied when she was a kid, but that made her become a bully.

Therefore, she still acts that way. And it's, it's ironic too because my little sisters who, that's their biological mom, she's my step mom so I never had to talk to her again. My sisters though that are their biological mom, my half-sisters, she's like, she's almost like a friend to them in a way. In some ways, she's still kind of got that control factor.

But I almost think that she just relates to them cause they're like 12 to 15, you know, they're like 12 or 15 and now eight to almost 18 years old. But she almost is that cause she healed that part of herself. She's still like a 14-year-old bully who is now an adult and, and has to take it out on other people. That's why healing the shadow self is important. Not to say that yours is to that extent, but understand that the shadow self is something that most people are living completely within.

Understand that you can heal your inner child by healing your inner child. You heal your present timeline as well. The second secret to your shadow self that you may not be aware of is that the negative beliefs, you know, beliefs create your reality. Whatever you believe to be true is reflected back to you may give beliefs, have a positive payout now deposited payout, the positive, it depends upon the perspective, but your negative beliefs have a payoff.

And that payoff is to keep you safe. Within the ego-self is what is comfortable. What are you've always known? What is the most predictable? Your negative beliefs are keeping you safe and are keeping you within the ego confinements of what? Of what and how is the safest probable reality. For example, you may have a negative belief. The says that you're not capable of making $100,000 per year. If you're making $50,000 a year right now you could say that's a negative belief. Well, it is a negative belief, but understand that there is a payoff there that is still happening.

That payoff is, it's keeping you safe. It's keeping you from working hard. It's keeping you from doing things that you haven't done before. Trying new things, opening up new opportunities, stepping into uncertainty. To get to $100,000 a year, you have to step outside of the bubble of what you know.

Start to expand your field to other probable things you could be doing, but the negative belief that you're not capable of doing it or that you're not worthy of it or that you don't deserve it seems like that's just a negative belief, but it has a payoff.

The payoff is to keep you the same, to keep you within the ego. The power of this is knowing that once you know that there is a payoff, you can redefine that payoff. You can see that and you can almost comfort the part of you. That's scary to me. Like I know it seems scary. I know it's a little bit more uncertain.

I know that I won't, I don't know exactly what will happen, but I trust the process and knowing that this is a part of my growth. And by doing so, you then look at the negative belief. You identify it. And you can see it for what it is most of transforming your life is about awareness.

Just becoming aware because most people's lives are 99.9% on autopilot. People living out the same patterns of their parents, of the beliefs they've gained when they were young. Most people are living out the patterns of the thoughts that consistently think on a day to day basis and therefore they create the same reality over and over and over again.

But the key to this process is becoming aware of it because then you can transform it and when you're aware that these, these beliefs that are keeping you within your ego, you can then transcend it by choosing something new to something new. Imagine this bubble of what's comfortable. Step outside that bubble in the uncertainty is where miracles happen.

Miracles never happen in this little certain bubble of what you can expect and what you expect to happen because it's so predictable and when it's predictable, you'll get what you've always got. I think the same thoughts, feel the same emotions, do the same things, therefore get the same results, get into the uncomfortable, step into the unknown.

That's where the magic happens. That's where transformation happens. I understand that. That's another aspect of this that begins to change as you step outside of it. The third secret of the shadow self has to do with understanding that your shadow self and your ego in general always want to be right because there's a mode, there's a model for the way we see the world.

And if something doesn't happen within that model, we get mad and it brings out what is called LV low vibrational energy. And it's almost like a trigger. And you may look at me and think that because I'm on YouTube, I'm completely clear. LVE or Low vibrational energy or like I don't have a shadow self.

The key is the awareness of it. For example, the other day Leeor and I were coming back from, from a Hawaii to Los Angeles. We were booking our flight. We both were booking the flight at the same exact time. And when we were booking it, we decided that we wanted to upgrade to business class so that we had more space because we are about a five-hour flight and it wasn't that much difference in price.

We're like why not upgrade? So, we upgraded to business. Well, what happened was is there was a certain price than what happened is Leeor went through and when it went through, she got her confirmation number and everything. I then pushed the button to make my transaction goes through and remind transaction goes through, it says, “Sorry your transaction couldn't go through.” And the reason being was because the price went up.

The price went up about $160 within one minute. And the reason that happened is that every time somebody buys a plane ticket and first class or business class, it ups the price. I got triggered. I was like, this isn't right. We were both looking at the same exact time. How come I have to pay $160 more for no reason?

But I just becoming more aware that this really wasn't that big of a deal. 160 isn't going to make or break anything, but even more importantly, I became aware of this because I just got done reading this. I then called the Expedia, tried to get them to lower the price and it wasn't happening.

I was kind of mad at the lady because she wasn't able to make it happen and I was like kind of being short with throws to be mean, but I was like, okay, thank you. You know, definitely closed off my energy. And then I had the epiphany. The reason I was in pain is that my ego was trying to be right.

It's wrong. They, the price should be one price and then two minutes later the price goes up. That's not right. Why should I pay more when I was already booked, I already was just pushing the button, but all of a sudden I have to pay more. But what I realized is that when you give up the need to be right, you become free. When you give up the need to be right over 90% of your life will start to work out for you because you won't let anything else lower your vibration.

The moment I came to that realization, I started to feel better about it because I'm like, this is amazing because this is going to leave. This is, there's something I'm creating right now called the shift experience. The shift experience is a total shift in consciousness.

I'm living through this experience right now and that's why now I'm creating it because I'm literally experiencing the benefits of it, of understanding the beliefs, how beliefs create our reality, how do we change our beliefs will change our reality and how to shift into a new level paradigm. That's something that I'm dealing with and going through right now.

Okay? For this process, understand that your shadow self, maybe running most of your life experience, and the key to that is actually integrating your shadow. If you want, I have a free webinar training on how to create and have what is called an emotional transformation. It's a free training Webinar and I'll show you how to integrate your shadow self. ​

If you can so that you can join and see all the chat and everything, but that will help you to learn how to transform the this. I'll show you how I let go of my painful past, however, raise my vibrational set point and how I became emotionally free. I show you how to do all three of those things in that tree free train, so that'd be in the top description box below and just know that for this process, the more you become aware of these, the more your life begins to change. Remember, your negative beliefs have a payoff.

The payoff is to keep you safe. Once you're aware of that, you begin to transcend out of it. You can start to do things you haven't done before. You can trust the process. You can understand as well that you can heal your inner child, that there's a part of you back in your timeline that hasn't been healed yet. Love that version of you. Do meditation and connect to that version of you.

Connect to your inner child. And at the same time realize that the more you tap into your natural vibration of who you're meant to be, the more that you become aware of the shadow self, in general, is the more that you begin to transform your life. Something else we'll be doing is more likely needs an Instagram. If you want to ask me questions on Instagram, you'll see that right here. I also post twice a day there as well.

3 Things Extraterrestrials want you to know (it’s time you know)

I'm going to be sharing with you three things that extra-terrestrials want you to know in 2019 and these things I think will change your perspective on who you are in the universe.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the three things that extra-terrestrials want you to know in 2019 these are things that we begin to tap into as we raise our vibration because we become aware that we are immortal. Spiritual beings have been temporary human experiences and along that process, one thing you'll eventually find is that you are a multidimensional being.

 A multidimensional being means that you realize that while you exist here right now, you also exist at different levels of consciousness at the same time and you can also become aware that when you come to Earth, you forget who you are.

That's part of this reality is we come here, we forget that we are immortal spiritual beings. We play this little game where we then go through a process of remembering who we are and what happens is that process of remembering is a part of what makes life so special.

But also it's happening yet at a point now because there's this ascension happened on the planet. More and more people are becoming aware of who they are and as people become aware of who they are, they also realize that they have a connection to the stars.

And you know this at a deep level, but in life now more and more people are becoming aware of this and more and more people are becoming aware of the notion that reality is something that we create with our thoughts and our beliefs and our emotions. And the more we understand that, the more we take our power back.

However, a lot of times what has happened is people have been conditioned into believing that ETS or something scary or bad that's been in the movies. That's one way that it gets programmed. That's been in a lot of ways that they're a referred to and a lot of times we think of them as well as like negative as if they're like negative beans. Just as there's many different types of people in the world, good people, bad people, people with positive intentions are there really is no good or bad people.

There are good people and then people that are confused and therefore living out a certain way that harms other people, but it's about understanding that at the same time, everyone has a different perspective based on where they are at their current level of consciousness. Knowing that there's many different types of people in the world, there's also many different types of beans and there are positive and negative ones.

However, what I would say is right now on the planet, there was more potential to connect a positive ete beans than ever before. That's because there's a vibration on the planet that continues to race. And as this vibration continues to raise, it puts us into more and more alignment with being able to perceive of beans like this. And this has to do with understanding more so who we are at a greater level knowing that we are connected and we have what are called parallel incarnations and others, our systems.

You are such a vast, been such a vast spiritual being that you couldn't put all of your energy just on earth. That's how vast of a bean you are. You spread your energy and you have your energy spread throughout the whole cosmos because there's an infinite universe out there and what you have is you have parallel incarnations because the only time that exists is this moment right now on many different planets.

And in this moment right now, as you go through an ascension on this planet, there are many different levels of you that are also going through an upgrade as well. It's one of the main reasons so many people came here at this time is because as we go through an upgrade from three to four and 5D reality, there are versions of us in six and 7D realities and all these different dimensional states of consciousness that are also upgrading.

This is like a think of it as a massive upgrade within the universe and that's what we're going through right now. The first thing that ETS wants you to know in 2019 is that the ETS that we'd be in communication with our connected to us. Imagine that we have like we are a spark of our larger soul. We are a soul, but we are a spark of it.

And imagine that the over soul has different lives in different time periods. You may have different time periods, that's what they call reincarnation, but they're actually parallel lives on this planet. But at the same time you have different existences on different star systems and many of those are higher vibrational star systems. In higher dimensions.

You can do things like manifest things instantly, time and spaces that much of a barrier. You can do things like talk to people telepathically. You don't have to necessarily put and a speak with words the way we do here. You have the ability to travel great distances. But the power of thought, these are things that you do in higher dimensional states of consciousness and the parts of you that you're connected to it.

But you forget that when you come here and even every night as you go to bed, you wake up to a lot of these different parts of you, but you forget it when you wake up in the morning cause it's not always relevant. Our 3D avatar mind can only understand so much. It stays focused in this life. And if you knew that in the higher dimensions, it was unconditional love and bliss and, and you can do really cool things. You may not want to be here as much.

It's a little bit of both of those. And what ETS wants you to know though is that they literally are other versions of us. Those may be, maybe not always, but those may be other parts of you, other parts of the same soul of your over soul, whatever you want to call it, where a spark of a larger whole and when we start to realize this, it starts to make this process easier for understanding how to connect because the best way we can connect to any AET is by connecting with ourselves first because the thing about ETFs is they are so integrated with who they are.

They're of such a high vibration that in order for us to even communicate with them, we have to integrate ourselves because energy is contagious and what would happen, Bashar has talked about this before. If you guys haven't heard of Bashar, he said that what would happen if a very high vibration integrated being ETB and were to walk up to us as they were walking up to us, what would happen is there vibration would match our vibration and since their vibration is so high, if there's emotional issues we haven't dealt with.

If there's things we have an integrated, those will get brought up to the surface to be dealt with and be let go of and what might happen. Those we might think that being is making us feel those negative emotions that are getting brought up when in actuality it's just that it's bringing it up because it hasn't been processed yet and it's trying to have us integrate so we can talk to such an integrated bean as well.

But remember that other beam is also another aspect of you. This also works for any different area of our life. Every person you come into contact with is a reflection of you is a reflection and when you begin to tap into this, you begin to see that you never have to feel disconnected from anyone. That only comes from thoughts that only comes from identifying with different labels.

In 2019 this is about knowing that now as a highly charged time to be alive, that as time goes on we are going to be remembering more and more of who we are. The key to this is knowing that going forward there's only going to be more of us that we have the ability to tap into. The second thing that ETS want us to know in 2019 is that earth itself is a master class.

What does this mean? Well what this means is that normally we think of earth and the way we would think about it is earth is of a low vibration because it's three to 4D three a third density, fourth density and we feel like it's of a low vibration because this is one of the only places in the universe where you go and you completely forget about who you are, the specialty, you're not taught that growing up.

There's this, there's this forgetting and there can be a lot of pain involved with that. However, sometimes what happens is we may look at that and say, Oh, I'm such a low vibrational being. Or there's all these other higher dimensional beings that we feel connected to and that you can go online and read about and understand these channelings of different connections that people have and they say, oh, well we're of a low vibration but don't get it confused.

Earth is a masterclass, meaning in order to be here, in order to go through that much forgetting, you have to be an extremely powerful being. Okay? You have to be somebody that is able to completely forget who you are to completely remember and to go through a spiritual awakening. And in order to get to that point, you have to have gone through a lot of progression, a lot of growth.

What they want us to know here is that we are naturally high vibrational beings. We forget who we are, but you have to be a powerful spiritual being in order to even go through this kind of experience of forgetting an end going through this life. It makes it a little bit easier. It makes it more empowering to know this because when we begin to tap into this, we start to feel more powerful.

We don't have to develop this identity as being a low vibrational being. We don't have to beat ourselves up. Did I go, I should understand this or all of that. And here's the thing as well. You want to be here right now. You want to be here right now. And that's actually the third thing they want you to know.

They want you to know that you want to be here right now and you avoided thousands of years to be here because now is the most highly charged time on the planet to ever be alive. And there's so much progression that you can go through in this lifetime that it is incredible.

And because it's happening here, it's happening at different levels as well. Dolores Cannon's work, I've quoted a many of her books before. Dolores cannon, who had something called QHHT quantum healing hypnosis technique. What that would do is that would get people to a deep level of brainwave activity to where then they are able to talk and connect to their higher self and their higher self just flows through.

And one thing their higher self may say is that this person, this soul chose to be here at this time. They knew it would be a time of ascension and she's had it. Thousands and thousands of people go through this hypnosis all over the world that didn't know each other saying the same exact thing. Now is the time to be alive. Now is the time to be here of the most highly charged time, the most transformation that'll happen in a planet ever and he chose to be here.

It's very empowering to know, and this is something that all of us can tap into. We can tap into more of who we are. We can understand that ETS are other aspects of us that we every single one of us on the planet, we talk about star. Sometimes we think, oh, am I star state?

Am I not a star seed? Every single person on the planet is a multidimensional being, whether they are aware of it or not. I started seeing to someone that who's just aware of it and also many times who came to help awaken other people to be a light worker into shine their light and help other people shine their light as well. Because we incarnated into this system on the planet where you forget who you are and but there's also this collective consciousness where we're all connected and as one of us wakes up, that influences everyone around us.

That's why a lot of us woke up in families that necessarily weren't all going to get it. Maybe some people were, but not everyone is going to get it because there's more power to help other people wake up. It's like we planted seeds all around the world.

Because we chose to incarnate on all different parts of the world and all different types of family. Be Easy to say, oh, why don't we didn't all just incarnate into the same families and we all just got each other? Well that wouldn't have been as much growth and that wouldn't have helped as many people because it wouldn't have spread itself out enough to where people had a reason to wake up. 

It for me, it was confusing at the time, but a lot of people that didn't get it then are now coming around and want to understand more about it. It all has great timing. So just trust that process. Understand that you are a multidimensional being. You come from high vibration and you are just going through the process of raising your frequency again.

Now is the most highly potent time to be on the lot on the planet ever and he chose to be here in, remember earth is a masterclass. You are a powerful being and you were just becoming more and more aware of how powerful you are.

Do you want a meditation that will help you to raise your vibrational set point? There's a free meditation on top of description box below. It will help you to raise your vibration. This is over 21 days. I think it could change your life. Also, I'll be doing more live Q and A's on Instagram, so if you ever followed me on Instagram, you can follow me here.  

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