LET GO to LIVE in Your Dream Reality by doing this one thing


Today, I'm going to show you how you must die to the past to live in your dream reality. I'm going to show you exactly how to do that and why that will change your life. I'm going to be going deep on an idea that I believe will change your life if you apply it in your life, and it has to do with understanding who you really are and why you're here in this life. Having this kind of experience, and the thing with this process that's important to understand is that we are who we choose to be in the present moment right now. The thing is, people, continue to choose things based on their past, over and over, and over again. They think the same thoughts every day.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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They do the same things every day. They feel the same emotions every day and therefore they experience the same things over and over and over again because that is the autopilot mind that is just running itself out. When you talk about going to a nine to five job that you're not passionate about. If you are passionate about it, you're going to be living alive while you're doing it and you're going to see every day as an adventure. But if you're just going through the motions, you'll find that you just remain in a certain pattern. Creating that over and over and over again. Based on things that happen in the past, there are certain meanings we give to the things that happened in the past, maybe even how it affects us at a certain level of identity and then that things that continues to create a self over and over and over again.

For example, I used to have this situation between seven and 15 years old, and my ex stepmom in my life who was verbally, mentally, and physically abusive. Between that period, I gained certain meanings of my past that said, I'm not worthy. It said that I need to be controlled. It said that I'm not powerful by myself. I need somebody else to tell me what to do. These meanings then became something that was on autopilot. It didn't become a part of my story, the story about who I am and it remained on autopilot, and what happened was even after 15 years old comes around, my dad divorces, I never have to see her again. I then had a job at Nordstrom's at women's shoes and I got transferred to a department after a couple of years of being there where the manager was the same exact personality profile as my ex stepmom and reflecting back to me things that I had not completed in the past that I had not questioned in the past, beliefs about who I am, the story I told myself that was on autopilot and therefore she was in my life for years until I do what I shared with you in this blog, which has to do with dying to that past and letting it go and completing the past.

That was a huge shift in my own awareness. I actually learned meditation. I learned how to observe my thoughts, and I became aware that I had these thoughts. I had these observations that I wasn't holding completely. I had these observations that that's just the way reality works. I realized that I always had someone in my life that was at a certain level of controlling me. I had my ex step-mom. Then after that, I had a couple of girlfriends. My first couple of girlfriends that I had were people that like to control, that was jealous or, would like to try to tell me what to do. I'm a rebel, so you tell me what to do, I'll probably not do it. It's just the way it works now. That was so, it was always an inner conflict I had because someone wanted me to be a certain way and then I didn't want to be that way.

I broke up with one of my ex-girlfriends. Then within a week of breaking up with her, I got transferred to salon shoes, which is a better department, a more expensive department. It's a commission-based job, so that's better. But the manager of that department was that controlling type way as you would treat people the same way my ex stepmom would treat people. For years we all would try to get her out of the department by going to HR about things because she was doing things that you just should not be able to do, saying things you should have able to say and being mean and really bringing people doubt. Do you want to know when that happened that she ended up getting fired? It was within a week of me learning this process. Am I saying that I caused it? I don't know. I'm not saying that. What I am saying is my reality is a reflection of my inner state of being and my inner beliefs in my inner patterns.

As soon as I changed it, she left my life. Kind of funny how that works. What if all reality is, is a reflection of your inner beliefs in your inner blueprint and your inner story about the way reality works? What if you have a certain narrative and a certain story that you've been telling yourself for so long she can't do what you love for a living and it's scary to do certain things? What have you told yourself these things and all it is it's been unclear, hasn't been questioned. That's it. Things that haven't been questioned. You just simply decided, this is who I am. My parents said I can't do this. This is the way reality is, and then that remained on autopilot and it keeps running itself out over and over again. I believe that awareness is the thing that changes our life. It's so many different ways. The more aware you become of yourself and the more you where you become of these stories you tell in yourself, the more your life will begin to change because then you can do it from a place of choice. You cannot choose something if you're unaware of it, and the part of this process that will change your life is when you stop reacting to everything that happens and you start really experiencing things. You start stepping into the unknown. You start questioning your beliefs and stories about the way reality works. You become aware of it and then you change it to be something you prefer it to be. You step into the unknown where the brain can't hack and it can't latch on to some idea and then projected.

Most of what people experience in their lives are words and ideas. They're words and ideas. Now what I mean by this is people go outside and they say, wow, it's called. People may go do something else and go to the gym and say, wow, that was hard. When we put these words on our experience and we believe may be other people tell us this is the way it will be, we then mentally label it. We take ourselves out of the experience of reality out of actually living and it then becomes a mental construct. It becomes something that is very, that is a very mind in the mind and the thing is most people are experiencing reality from the level of that mind rather than experiencing it for what it can be in the now, right now. This is the thing right now is the only moment that exists. You are recreating yourself, right? You're creating yourself right. Every moment's a new now, but the thing is the story we tell ourselves about who we are. We recreate that. We recreate that. Do the mental stimulation, mental stimulation, mental stimulation over and over again over and over again, over and over again. Why am I getting the same results? Why am I getting the result of the same results? Why am I doing the same things every day? Why am I thinking the same thoughts? Why am I feeling the same emotions? Why am I in this little bubble, this little box that I've kept myself in because I'm unaware that I can get out of the mental construct, out of the mental reasoning and into experiencing life new every so dying to the past is realizing you're new?

Every moment your new, every moment living to the past is living here, mentally constructing it, thinking about it a lot, doing this one mental label on it. This is hard. This is easy. This is this instead experienced life just for what it is without mental labels and from a level of presence of being in the present moment. You become more flexible to experience a different version of now when you let go of the story that keeps you in these now moments every moment it's to do now, but you will recreate these over and over and over and over again as you keep the charge going. As you keep the story going, you change the story. You change the charge. You change your life. How do you change the charge of something? How do you change the charge?

Anybody? What says YouTube? I can just get to do that. You change the charge because by looking at these prior things that happened in the past, past experience, something happened, something happened, something could have been something good, could've been something bad. The moment something happened, we gave it a meaning. We gave it a meaning that meaning based on the way something happened then gave us a certain emotion. That emotion we feel is some type of charge. This is connected to some type of charge. That thing will remain within our energetic field as long as we have not completely experienced it and allowed it to be there in a way. Then sometimes what we do is we keep that mental label there, that mental meaning, but if we were to question the meaning, maybe something happened like the analogy that I've been, we'll go with the same one.

I've been doing it. The whole ex step-mom thing. What is, I gave it a meaning that I'm not worthy and there were certain memories I have of maybe being treated a certain way that reaffirm I'm not worthy. Well, if I were to go back into the past memory and completely experience it without the mental labels and let it be there and understand the meaning of it, that maybe those things that appear to be bad. I believe that many people that go through a lot of pain are what we call lightworkers people. That is kind of accelerated their spiritual awakening to a certain way. I believe that once we changed the meaning of those things that happened, then we changed the result we get now in the present moment. You changed the meaning by seeing it from a new point of view. When I realized that all the pain of my ex stepmom actually led to me to a spiritual awakening, that changed everything I did, felt like I emotionally let go of that charge and of all those that passed, meaning I was giving to, it changed everything.

Then I was really able to die to the past. Think about it like this. Die to the past meaning and that meaning that built your identity and realize your new every moment, your new, every moment, your new every moment. But experiencing the past and letting it be there, not mentally labeling it, not mentally identifying with it. Well then allow it to let go of your energetic field. If you haven't seen, I do have a meditation. It's called completing the past meditation for feeling 100% where the whole incomplete. One of my most powerful meditations that will help you to clear out your energetic fields so that you complete the past. Imagine that the past is in a way a shackle hast. When you live in it, when you identify with it, when there are patterns that don't serve, you have these little chains that keep you tied to it. But when you realize and you become aware that these chains that you think are so solid are actually being projected from past conditioning, you can then let it go. To live in your dream reality, what you must do is complete the past and the way you complete the past is by becoming aware of it and experiencing it. From this point going forward, deciding that every moment is a new moment and you choose to actually be there. If you guys have heard of Sadhguru, he's like the enlightened guy from India that travels and does a lot of talks and he talks, I've heard some interesting, I heard him talk about lists when he is going to a new experience, he may do the same thing he does every single day.

The difference between what most people do and what he says he does is when he goes into an experience, he treats it as if it is 100% new. As if you've never experienced it before, rather than having a mental label that this is the way things work. This is the kind of habit that I'm in and this is what I do when I come to this place. He says that he doesn't bring the past into the present moment. He experiences it as if it was completely 100% new and he never experienced it before and by doing that he says his reality is very magical. Imagine every time you went to work you did it with a childlike wonder that it could be new, that you could experience it. You can focus on being president. It's a job you don't like. You focus on being present while you're there because you realize that you still chose to be there even for that day. What if you could take out these mental labels and realize that you can experience reality in a completely new level of consciousness and that when you do this, it changes everything. It changes the way you show up in the world. You no longer completely thinking of the past. You're no longer wondering when will things happen. You are dying to the past because every moment right now, right, right now, right now, right now you are creating yourself to be the way you are. When you realize that you can then create yourself to live in your dream reality because you realize that this right here, this is in a way a story you've been telling yourself, and if you're caught up in the mental labels, then you're recreating that story over and over and over again. In the mental labels is where that can seem a visualization of autopilot.

This is a certain way of being and your dream reality is also a certain way of being. You can create a greater degree of change when you let go and you die to the past and every moment you're recreating yourself. Who do you recreate yourself to be? You can recreate yourself and just be, see, that's the thing is as well with this other way of being. When we talk about the past and we talk about doing from the level of the mind that's doing and thinking instead of doing or thinking, focus on being, being in the present moment, experiencing reality, and giving yourself permission to be here now, but the thing that helps the most has cleared out the energy, the past. That's why you'll see that meditation right below completed in the past so you no longer have to repeat it. Also for filling, it helps you to feel 100% worthy, whole, and complete. One of the biggest beliefs that people have that holds them back is the belief that I am not enough. I am not worthy.

That's the belief that keeps people in low vibration and keeps people and lacks that keeps people that want to be in a relationship single. That is the most common belief is that I am not enough and that I'm not worthy and who would like me if I don't like me. If you question that belief, then you start to get somewhere because as you shine a light on past meanings, past situations that happened where that meeting was developed unconsciously, then you bring it into the light and you see it for what it is a belief. It is not who you are. It is just a belief. It is just a story. When you let go of that belief and you let go of that story, you then become more free. Then you fill up your own cup. Then you feel more loved, and then other people have and see that contagious energy inside of you and it's a completely different reality. Shine a light on the worthiness of that belief, on the belief of not being worthy. Then you'll see your life begin to change in the most powerful ways. That meditation will help you to do that.

The Truth about Why A Narcissist is the way they are (not what you think)


Narcissists want attention because attention equals significance. The significance is the top value that a narcissist has for them to feel worthy. In this blog, I'm going to show you the inner workings of a narcissist and I'm going to share with you what you can do for yourself and for them and helping them in a very compassionate way rather than the old school society's way of looking at the enemy version of it. I've done a couple of videos on narcissists and sociopaths, and the reason being, many of you may have heard my story, but I had a narcissist or a sociopath. She was a mix of both in my life between seven and 15 years old.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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It was my ex stepmom. From that period of time, my brother and I had no freedom. My brother and I were a lot of times locked out of the house, working outside. We were always getting in trouble for things we didn't do. We'd have to admit that we did things that we didn't actually do. If we did admit that we did do these things, then we wouldn't be able to go to like school activities and things like that. We didn't have necessarily the normal childhood of growing up watching TV and hanging out with friends. We did up until seven years old. But then when my ex stepmom met my dad shortly after that, our freedom started to go away more and more. Then after two years, I think she started to get very comfortable. Then all of a sudden, my brother and I had to really learn how to deal with, or my dad's a firefighter.

He was gone 24 hours a day, back, 24 hours a day. He kind of would believe whatever she would tell him and she would really do things. In a way she would, it was a lot of it was around her in a way, making other people feel a certain way, and then she would feel better about that. That's where a lot of these things come around and I didn't realize till years later. I mean, I knew there was something, I thought it was maybe just borderline personality disorder or something like that. After, you know, my dad divorced her when I was 15 years old. Years later I realized I kept attracting people into my life that had these narcissist and sociopathic type tendencies. I was wondering, why does this happen?

I realized it was a pattern. It's what I thought I was worthy of. Once I became aware of this, I see it. It was like magic. It was like I became aware of this pattern that was within me, that was attracting, I was on the other side of this, attracting people like narcissists and sociopaths in my life. Not knowing why necessarily, but the faces would change, but the energy would remain the same. I didn't necessarily know why. Well, in this blog, that's why I want to share with you how you can move through it in a compassionate way. I've been learning more about how the narcissist thinks and their value system in a way. We all have our reality where our beliefs create our reality. Why is it that a narcissist thinks the way they do and has it to where they feel like they need to take someone else's energy or they need to have this sense of inflated sense of self.

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. What happens is when we come into this, you know, reality, you could say we are experiencing reality in the ego. What happens is sometimes people learn at an early age to really emphasize the ego. The ego is what we use to experience reality. What happens though is that when people growing up learn that their sense of survival is based on self-importance, validation, or taking from other people, what happens is then they learn that that's the way to survive. That's the way to move through reality. They've learned it growing up. They've either learned it from someone that they were around growing up or they learned it from the opposite side of the spectrum. I think if you notice a lot of people that are narcissists, what they do is they crave energy. They want to be paid attention to, and many times if you look into their childhood, you know a lot of times in childhood what happens is childhood experiences kind of Mark and say, this is who I am.

There's something that happens in childhood where we say, this is who I am for a narcissist. What I believe happens if something happens and they decide that in order to get attention, they have to be a certain way. Maybe they have to act out, maybe they have to try to take it from other people. Maybe they learned that from a parent growing up or maybe they weren't given that attention by the parents growing up, so now they feel like they need to take it in order to get it. Maybe they were giving so much attention growing up that now that mom and dad are not around, they feel like they need to take it and they need to show off a little bit in order to get it or they need to always revert the attention back to them. But you see what happens is at a certain point in the past, a narcissist has a situation that happens to where then they feel less than and they see that the only way to survive is to have that of ways of bringing the attention back onto them.

Think about it. Beliefs in a way are a way of quickening the thought patterns that we have towards getting some type of result. If we don't have beliefs, it's like every situation is completely new and we always got to think of something else. Certainty is something that is one of the needs that we have. There are six human needs and then what we have is uncertainty. If everything was always certain, we'd eventually get bored. There are different degrees to this as well. Some people that feel certainty may crave security, but then you'll have some people that love uncertainty. They love adventures. They love going out and like not knowing what they're going to do. They don't like planning certainty. People really like planning. We all have different degrees of this. The certain one, the third one is the significance, which is feeling unique and special, which is feeling worthy. Then, we have a connection. Under connection, we have grown. Then undergrowth we have a contribution.

Here's the one I want to focus on. With narcissists, what has happened is there was a certain point in the past we were, what they did is they extremely valued significance and significance then became something that was all about survival in a way. If that significance wasn't there, then it means they're not worthy and it means that they might not survive. We all have an ego mechanism and the ego's job is to survive, not necessarily just with food and shelter, but survive in its ideal of what it thinks we are of who we define ourselves to beat. What has happened with the narcissist is the narcissist has had such a value of significance. We all have rules to these as how would I know that for example, connection. Like I say, I wanted to feel connected to my life and my connection.

I value feeling a connection with my family members and people in my life. What are the rules I have to when I know that that need is met, that I feel connected? Well, that rule is people texting me and telling me they loved me, which of course is not necessarily the best thing that it could be that people hug me when I see them. Could be that people call me to find out how I am. It could be that I reach out to them and I do this. Or you see, we all have our internal rules that are subconscious. The narcissist has a high degree of rule of significance that may say any wind people are paying attention to me, then my need is being met, then I feel worthy. What we'll find is that there could be many of these rules when this person feels this way.

When people feel less than that makes me feel better. These are things that are normally subconscious but what happens with somebody that is narcissistic is that they value significance. The very top of their list and they have some rules that they must meet in order to feel that significance and part of the significance intention are so that they feel worthy, they feel love. This is the thing and this is what I wanted to show you. It is not that a narcissist is an evil person who is out to get you. It is that they don't remember who they really are and if you feel like you may have narcissistic traits, understand that change is possible. The thing that the narcissist normally has problems with is seeing beyond the self-seeing beyond the self. We came into this experience to also be able to see through the eyes of others, which is called empathy, which is called being able to see how I make other people feel. What happens is a narcissist is so focused on the ego structure that it in a way blocks out. Being able to see how it makes this other person feel.

The power of this though is understanding that the narcissist at a certain point in their past valued significance at the top of their list. Maybe they learn that from the parents and then they had some rules that they had to attain in order to feel that worthiness and love. The narcissist wants to feel just as much love and worthiness as you do. They just don't understand exactly how to do that. What I wanted to do is to share a more compassionate view on this process because when I made videos on YouTube about this, and I talked about it on Instagram, I had people reach out to me and say, Hey, I feel like I may be a narcissist. When they said that to me, I then thought, you know, these people probably feel guilty about what and how they made other people feel before. There's nobody really speaking to them, showing them how they can get outside of that mindset, how they can get outside of feeling like they are in that survival mode.

The key to that though is realizing from the narcissist perspective that you have valued for just being you. You don't need to take other people's energy. You don't need to get attention from other people to be significant. You can give that to yourself from within and what you can realize is that your rules for worthiness are you feel worthy of being you not. Once you get attention from other people, you can really go inside of yourself and start to become aware and redefine yourself in a new way. The first thing you need to know as well is change is possible. Change is possible. If you go on Google and it'll say, Oh, this is some lifelong thing. If you can go beyond the self and you can go beyond the current story you tell yourself about who you are and what you need in order to get energy from other people, then you can begin to become aware of that.

The other side of this, we have the people that normally get kind of sucked into the funnel of a narcissist, and what happens is normally the people on the other side of the spectrum, here's the crazy thing, if they'd normally the lesson for them normally is to learn to have more ego structure in a way, have more boundaries in a way to develop their own sense of confidence to be able to say no drill to say, this is a, I need to focus on me and I think what happens a lot of times is that this person to become someone that over gifts and this is someone that overtakes. What happens in narcissistic type mentality is this person has a high degree of value of significance and is craving that from other people. A lot of times the people on the other end of it crave significance as well. It's just not the way in the rule they think they get significance is by giving. If I give to other people, then maybe they'll love me and the narcissist says if I take maybe, then I can feel worthy. You see the narcissist isn't so different. They both want significance. It's just the rules for significance are different. This blog is meant to help you become free on either side of the spectrum. Whether you feel like you have narcissistic tendencies or are a narcissist, or whether you feel like you've been the victim of a narcissist. Either way, you both have values of significance and the key is becoming aware of it and understanding that you have worthy of being you.

You don't need to be any way for me to love you. You don't need to act a certain way to be accepted and validated. You have worthiness for being you. It's just that when we grow up, we take on these beliefs, and these thoughts that it has to be a certain way and that we need to get certain things in order to survive. The key to this is all awareness and no, we didn't make an extraordinarily easy for you to feel worthy. Love holding complete. The key to this is understanding and practicing compassion. Compassion means the ability to still have compassion for ourselves on this side of the spectrum. If you find yourself, he is sucked into narcissists and giving them energy, it means having compassion for yourself. Maybe drawing those boundaries but doing it from a place of love, not from a place of you. Don't get to talk to me.

I love myself. And then here's the thing. When narcissists see that energy, compassion, the narcissist does not know how to respond from that level of compassion or that level of non-attention. I shared this story before, but one thing that my dad did is my dad still has to deal with my ex step-mom because they're, if they've been, even though they've been divorced, I have two half-sisters through my ex stepmom. What happened is my dad was going to therapy sessions for a while where it was like mediation for court and they would go to this therapist and anytime my dad would go sit in the waiting room, my ex stepmom would come in and just start yelling at him, embarrassing him, saying things, arguing with them, and my dad's just sitting there and my dad normally would like to start arguing back. What happened is one time I told him, I said, do you want a way around that? I'll tell you right now because I knew how she is. When she comes in and starts yelling at you in public and all this stuff, here's what you do. You completely pretend like she isn't even there and what he did is he just says, he just sat there. She came, she starts yelling at him. The next time that happened and he just stared and had a little smile on his face.

You wonder what happened. She yelled at him for about 30 seconds to a minute and then left. Didn't even stay for the appointment. She could not handle it because the attention was not being given to her. Either the key is the attention on this side of putting the attention on yourself and not feeding that reality, or it's having compassion and understanding that they too, whoever the narcissist is, it's just trying to get their needs met. They're just trying to feel significant. It makes it a little bit easier to understand what you when you understand it makes it a little bit easier for you to deal with this. Now I will say that one thing that really helped me with this process is forgiveness means forgiving my ex stepmom.  She was treated a certain way. My ex stepmom growing up and she decided that that's how she had to be in order to survive, in order to be a certain way, and having that perspective allowed me to then forgive her more because I understood that it was just a false belief. It was just something that she thought her away. She thought she had to be in order to be loved. As I did, and as I became aware of this, I was then able to really forgive her and as I forgave her, I started to be free.

That was something that was a game-changer. If you're a narcissist or have narcissistic tendencies, or if you're on the other side of this and you feel like you've been the victim of a narcissist, or you want to help someone that is narcissistic, one of the most powerful processes I found for this is something called Hoʻoponopono, which is an ancient Hawaiian technique of saying four simple statements, and it really helps to heal within your own energetic field. This has been used. There's a scientific study on this where the doctor in Hawaii that was doing research on this did something where he was working at a psych ward and what he did is he never even met the patients, but what he did is he did this whole point of Hoʻoponopono process, these four simple statements, and he healed within himself what these people's reports, these people's stories were reflecting back to him.

Here's an interesting thing. When he did that, you want to know what happened. Within a couple of years, every single person inside that psych ward was then released and was, was, was cured of whatever they were going through. He never actually even met them. He just healed his image of them. What if, what has happened is we expect them to be a certain way and because we don't have a whole incomplete image of them, it reinforces that reality and what if that image of them, they also have of themselves and what happens is that then they can stay consistent to that at all costs. What if I change in our image of them and healing within ourselves? We then notice that then we heal the outer reality. What if all reality is as a reflection of the inner reality? That is there to help us learn how to become more aware of our own ego structure, how to realize we don't have to over-give. If you listen to the meditation, which is the whole point of point of meditation, now I have, I think it can absolutely transform your life. Let's know for 21 days, watch what happens. This will keep the image of them in your mind and also heal what that means a

The Cure to Nice Guys and People Pleasers


No more Mister Nice Guy, no more people-pleasing, wanting other people to view you a certain way, being nice just for the sake of being nice. This is the blog that changes it all for you. This is the cure to being a nice guy, people-pleasing. I believe that this blog has the potential to completely transform your life. I wanted to make a video that I think will completely transform your life. That explains why things are the way they are. Why you might be a very nice guy or a nice girl. Let's exclude no one here or a people-pleaser somebody. That's a people pleaser. Oh, man. The hardest thing for people-pleasers to do is to say no.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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To say, Hey, can you come to help me move? Can you come, help me do that? Can you come up? Yeah, I'll help. The reason being behind all of this has to do with understanding your childhood, understanding how you grew up, and then doing the shadow work to flip the script so that you start to be able to hold tension better. Also, it's kind of weird. I'll explain it in a minute, hold tension better, and have a sense of self-worth. This is what's important. Many of you may know, I've talked about this a lot. My dad grew up when I was growing up. My dad is the nicest guy you will ever meet. No joke. He's the nicest guy ever. He also got walked on when I was growing up. I watched my ex step-mom walk on him and my brother and me. My ex stepmom was very controlling, very manipulative from the age of seven to 16 years old. She was in my life and the role models I had growing up because she kind of brainwashed my brother and me not to want to see our real mom.

All we had was them two as the feminine, a masculine archetype in my life. What I became aware of is I would watch my dad many times. He's so nice, very good at his job. He's a fire investigator for a living, but I would notice that he would just get completely walked on no matter how nice he was. It wasn't like he would actually come out on top. Even after the divorce, when I was 16 or 17 years old, my dad divorced my ex stepmom and my ex stepmom lied about a lot of things. She lied about how much money she made so that she got more money from my dad. I watched how much pain that caused my dad by not having a sense of boundaries, not claiming his own power. And it made me really look at why he is the way he is because then I realized that myself growing up for a good chunk of my life, I was also a nice guy up until about three or four years ago.

Especially this last year or two, when I've come, I feel like I've let go of that at such a great level. The nice guy, what I realized is a, of not feeling worthy, holding complete already. If I just do something more for you, then I'll finally be worthy whole and complete it's that notion it's that underlying story. What I became aware of is the more I was like that first off, it just didn't feel authentic. The author, the nice guy, or the people pleaser is not being authentic. They are doing something being a certain way to get something out of you. That thing out of you would be the validation, the approval. If you're the nice guy of the people, pleaser, which you might be, if you're reading this blog, it's about understanding that shadow aspect, understanding that there's a sense of unworthiness there and a thought, a belief, a story that if I am a certain type of way, then I will receive that validation and I will gain that love, but it actually works the other way around.

The first thing that I want to tell you is that it doesn't actually work. You don't gain respect as a people pleaser because people see that you don't have boundaries and they will walk all over you and you don't gain the respect of a nice guy. Women are not attracted to nice guys, theoretically, in the mind, it sounds like this great idea and this nice guy that will buy gifts for someone to do whatever someone wants. But guess what women do not respect. Nice guys. It does not sexually attract them because it signifies to the woman that the nice guy is more of what they call a beta male. The nice guy. It does not have boundaries. The nice guy cannot protect and keep the feminine to feel safe because he's not even authentically re really being himself. The nice guy, once you realize that the nice guy and the people pleaser, they think that what they're doing is getting what they want to be realized it doesn't work no matter how many gifts you buy for some girl that you like, it's going to actually most likely deep.

If you're buying the gift because you want validation. If you're buying a gift, cause you want to buy your gift, that's different. But it's, it's about understanding why you're doing what you're doing. People can feel the energy. If you feel like you're unworthy, that's going to be reflected back to you. Once you realize that being a nice guy or being a people, pleaser is actually hurting you. It is killing sexual attraction and it is causing people to walk on you and not respect you. That's when you can then make a choice to change. I know that when I became aware of this, I really became aware of it on my dad first off. I can notice it. My dad, I'm like, okay, well that must have affected me somehow. In many ways, I'm actually, I do kind of the opposite of what some of my dads have done because I saw it.

Didn't get them great results with my ex stepmom. There's a lot of things that my dad wanted me to kind of do growing up. I've really rebelled against it. Like, you know, go to go to graduate from college and stuff like that. I was just like, man, I want to own my own business. I don't want to actually do that. I made the choice. I said I'm going to go do this. It's obviously worked out well. But what I had to do is I had to like pave my own path. It really developed me. You either normally take on what you learned from your parents, or you reject it, you rebel against it. In many ways, that actually helped me because it helped me to deter myself to become someone that creates life on my terms. A lot of times you'll notice that nice guys or people-pleasers this isn't always but many times nice guys and people pleasers will be in what is called middle management.

They may work their way up to middle management, but then wonder why am I not being promoted to even a higher level? I'm sucking up, I'm doing this. I'm doing that. Well, the things that would cause you to be the kind of person that could be at the high level are normally what you would resist because it requires tension. It requires not always being the nice guy, maybe having to fire somebody or having to be the bad guy. Sometimes you see. When you realize there’s, pain involved with being a nice guy or a people pleaser, it makes it so much easier for you to say, Oh, this isn't actually getting me the results that I think I am anything we do, by the way, we do, because of some type of payoff, there's some type of payoff there being the nice guy, the nice guy to be in the payoff is that I'm going to get what I want.

If I'm nice, then you're going to like me. It doesn't actually work that way. But that's the belief being a people pleaser. It's the same thing. Well, if I do what you want, then what I get is I don't challenge. The payoff is I don't challenge you to redefine the way you see me. I don't challenge you and do something that you don't approve of. Once you realize it's not authentic, you're seeking out validation and it lowers your value. Because as a, especially as a nice guy, by the way, you need to have boundaries. You need to create, be the star of your own movie, beyond your purpose. As you have this, then you can have feminine energy. Somebody that comes in that can feel safe in your presence. The nice guy though has zero boundaries and the nice guy will do anything.

He can gain your validation, gain your support, to get your approval. Because of that, that then lowers the sexual attraction. It's the same thing with people, pleasers people, pleasers. It's the same thing. It's hard to say, no, it's saying yes to things that you don't necessarily prefer. I used to be a people pleaser. I used to work as a sales commission job. I think that one of the reasons I did that for selling this because I enjoyed that, that spike of validation that I get from helping someone look at a woman's shoes. But the key was being aware of what this is now. What does it really? It is a safety mechanism. It is a safety mechanism. You are doing these things because you believe you will get validation or approval back in return. It will make you worthier and it will keep people, people around.

What comes at the cost of that though? Your own sense of happiness, your own authenticity. These are things that get put on the background because of that perspective. The key is understanding where this comes from now. This is what notice about people, pleasers, and nice guys. A lot of times, these, these people come from, I use the word parent pleasing parent. Imagine you had to please your parent growing up, your parents withheld their love unless you were a certain way. If you acted a certain way, then they would give you their love. There are many causes. This is one of them. It could also have not even been from your parents could have been from friends. It could have been from other family members. It could have been from people you're around growing up. But a lot of times people-pleasers come from parent pleasing having to please and do and be a certain way in order to gain the love of your parents.

Then this primed in a way that I'm not good enough already. If I can make you happy, then I will get something and I'll get that validation, love, and approval with my ex stepmom and my, my brother and it was never good enough. We were always in trouble. We had to, we were normally locked out of the house, working outside all day. We had to earn, going to certain school activities. We weren't allowed to have friends. We weren't allowed to watch TV. We were given a bowl of cereal in the morning and a TV dinner at night. We were very skinny. In order for us to gain approval, we would have to do all of these chores and then hope it was good enough. Well, guess what happened after my dad divorced, when I was 17, 16 or 17, I then would go out into the world and I would then try to do and be a certain way, get through your approval of other people.

If I would just do and be a certain way, then I would gain their approval. But this left me feeling weak. Let me fill it in. Authentic, led me feeling drained. Then once I became aware of this, though, this is when it changes. It's the awareness of it. A lot of times as well, nice guys and people-pleasers, they may have had someone abandoned them. They abandoned their love from them. Because of that, you know, realize that as a kid, as a, as a kid, we are little narcissists. What I mean by that is as a kid, anything that happens, your parents' divorce. Somebody calls you a name, your parents tell you to shut up. You assume it's everything to do with you. We think it's all about us. If a parent abandons you, you view it as you are not worthy.

That's how we think. We don't understand that maybe the parent was addicted to drugs and left and all this other stuff we just assume, Oh, it's because I'm not worthy. I'm not enough. Here's what I noticed. My dad, who was like the nicest guy in the world, my dad's dad. I never actually met him. From what I understand, he was drinking a lot of alcohol. He was in and out of. He was like very intermittently in my dad's life. My dad did not have a great relationship with his dad. My dad's dad abandoned him in many ways. Because of that, and he also, my dad did not have a masculine role model growing up. Because of that, I believe that that caused and was part of his reason for being a nice guy. Because then this is the key to all of these.

It's rooted in a sense of unworthiness. It says I'm not worthy unless I do X, Y, or Z, unless I people please unless I'm a nice guy, it's rooted an unworthiness. If you focus on your own sense of worthiness, that would change everything. That's what I did. I started focusing on why I'm already worthy. I started to become aware of it. 90% of transformation is becoming aware of the story that was unconscious become aware of your story about abandonment, about parent pleasing, about not being good enough. If you become aware of these and it could have been, your parent was there, but they just emotionally weren't there. That you were treated a certain way. You know, these, there are different variations of this when it's all rooted in a sense of unworthiness, which is a story that I'm not worthy of. The way you transform this is first off, you become aware of it.

The next thing you do, this is the cure. The cure is to actually be selfish. The nice guy and the people pleaser does not want to hear this. You might be resisting it as you hear this right now, I want to be selfish. That sounds so bad. But you got to understand that your sense of value comes from within, by you doing what you want. If the nice guy is selfish, does what they want says what they want acts the way they want. They will become more sexually attractive in general, which would actually raise sexual attraction. If they would actually be selfish. Of course, there's a balance to this, right? You know, I look at my dad sometimes who attracted a narcissist in his life, which is my ex stepmom. Even though that's like the people pleaser verse, the narcissists, and a lot of times that'll be the attraction.

It's actually because the narcissist has something to teach the people pleaser. It sounds crazy right now, of course, the narcissist is the complete another end of the spectrum, the unethical and unbalanced and dark side of the spectrum who is treating and gaslighting people and all of that. However, what the people pleaser can learn or the nice guy can learn from the narcissist is take a little bit of a taste of what they do and how they are and apply it in your own life. Start to fill up your own cup. Start to be a little bit selfish, do what you want to do a site. That's why that polarity is there. That's why they attract each other. That's why I believe my dad attracted my ex narcissistic except mom. What my dad could learn is how to have boundaries, how to be okay with saying no to things he doesn't want to do.

As the people pleaser or the nice guy, when it started to be selfish and to do what you want to do, people would respect you more. Hey, can you help me do this? Do you want to come to do this? Come out tonight. You're like, oh, I don't really want to go out. But I guess I make now I need to because I want to be, I want their validation and approval. I don't want to let them down because you didn't want to let down your parent when you were a kid. But the key to this is learning that you can say no. By saying, no, you are actually saying yes to something else. If you say no to doing something you don't want to do, what are you actually saying? Yes to? You're saying yes to yourself. You're saying yes to your own happiness.

The other thing that nice guys need to learn to do and people pleasers in general is to be okay with tension, tension creates attraction, tension. Tension is having boundaries. What is okay? What is not okay. Being okay with that pool of energy. Instead of trying to please it's focused on its focused on the self is focused on making yourself happy. Of course, there's a balance to this. It doesn't mean becoming a narcissist, but what you need to hear as a nice guy where a people pleaser right now is to be a little selfish and by selfish, I mean, as a negative word for it, but to put the energy on you and what you want, you will then be more attractive. People will respect you more and be able to hold tension. Think about any movie you've ever watched. What makes it a great movie?

There is probably some type of tension in there. What's going to happen at the end. What's the main character going to do any, if you were to watch a sports game and the game and say you watch a basketball game and it's 95 to 12. You're not, you don't really even care to watch the end of it. Because you know, one, team's getting blown out. If you go to a basketball game, people will leave like in third. Cause it's that boring? There's no tension, but it's there's if it's like 96 to 94 and then it's from 97 to 1996 and then it's 196, like 97. It's like, it keeps bumping up and down. That's tension, tension creates attraction. What the nice guy has to do is be okay with tension. He says, Hey, you want to go here, go do this. Actually, I don't want to do that.

But yeah, nice guy. I would never say no. The people-pleaser would never say no if you are okay if you can become okay, but you see the tension growing up with the parent pleasing or the abandonment, the tension met as a survival mechanism that I want to lose love. I'm going, I'm going to become less. But if you were to be okay with tension, it's realizing there's good tension, good tension creates sexual attraction, telling someone, telling someone what you think, touching someone sometimes the nice guy to be afraid to touch someone that they're attracted to because it's like, Oh, they might reject me. When you start to become aware of these different aspects, that you have been afraid of tension because you've associated attention that it's bad because your parent may have been withholding their love or the abandonment. Then you can start to see that you can be an intention.

You can say no to people. You don't necessarily want to go hang out with and everything's going to be okay because your sense of worthiness does not come from them. It comes from within. This is the key. This is the key to transformation. The key to this though first off is becoming aware of this process, becoming aware of the story that you tell yourself about your past. One of the most powerful things you could do is to complete the past. If you complete the past, you no longer have to repeat the past. There's a meditation that when I began to do I let go of the pattern of ever attracting someone like my ex stepmom and know my life again because after my stepmom left, I attracted an ex-girlfriend that was similar to her and then a manager at a department at Nordstrom's that I used to work at.

Once I did this meditation, it let go of those patterns. I became aware of them. I completed the past. I no longer had to repeat the past. There's a meditation I have on completing the past. It's one of my most popular meditations. Let's do it for 21 days and watch how your life changes.

The Universe will Manifest FOR You when you do these 3 things…


What if the universe could manifest for you and your ego didn't have to do so much. In this blog, I'm going to show you three ways to have the universe manifest for you and how this has absolutely transformed my life. I'll be sharing with you those three things that when I applied in my life, made the manifestation process so much easier because then things would actually happen for me because the energy dynamic was on point. Let me share with you the first one. The first one has to do with that of understanding this difference between our energy being completely 100% in something that we are doing. You see, we're always putting out a frequency. We're always putting out energy and the universe is able in a way to see how dedicated we are to what our vision is, how much we are putting our energy in it vibrationally, and this is a lot of times what happens though is we get a direct reflection from the universe, from reality in general, we get a 100% direct reflection of our own energy and our commitment to our own vision.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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What happens is if we are one foot in and one foot out, then we are sending the message in a way that we put out is what we get back. We are getting back the feedback from reality that yes we are one foot in, one foot out and if we were to just put both feet into it, we would then have the experience that we want. We would get more of that reflection. That's exactly what happened to me when I was in the first six months. I was on YouTube, I was on YouTube and I was making a video, one video a week, and I was getting not great results necessarily after like four or five months, I think I maybe had like 2000 subscribers or 1500 subscribers or something. There were different ways I would market my videos, but one thing I'd do is I'd like to comment on other people's YouTube channels and the ad like valuable advice.

From them seeing me add this valuable advice, they would then come to follow me. But it wasn't like I was getting that organic growth that I wanted from my YouTube channel. If you remember me from the very early days, some people remember me as the guy that was commenting on so many other YouTube videos. That was the way that I grew the first six months I was on YouTube. But then what I realized is that I had to invest more of my energy into it. There was like this realization I had that if I were to make a video every single day on YouTube and commit to it, and I say this to people sometimes treat your side hustle like your full time vibrationally. Like, do it as if it's your full time. Even if you have another job.

Keep in mind, I had a nine to five job selling women's shoes, so I'd go in for 40 hours a week plus make daily videos when I committed to that. Once I made that commitment to go vibrationally all in, that's when things started to happen. Within two or three weeks I had a video went viral. That video was on how to reprogram the subconscious mind. It was this really cringy video almost where my eyes were like doing this thing and I still see it on the channel. It's actually got like, you know, continues to do very well. But, that's the video that really took my channel from like a couple of thousand subscribers to 20,000 in one month. That's what it took. But that was the universe telling me, okay, you've committed to this vision 100% now I'll give you a direct reflection of it.

Not 99% committed. You need to be completely committed to your vision, completely committed to being that kind of person. When you're being that kind of person, you'll find that then you get a new reflection in life. The first step to this process of allowing the universe to manifest for you is making sure that you are vibrationally doing your part. I get it because for a long time in my own life. I'd be somebody that would like literally I'd be somebody like sit on the couch right over there. What I would do is I would sit there and I'd be like, I'm going to, I would sit there and visualize what I wanted to create my life. There really was no point. We'd take it off the camera. I was going to show you the couch out here because I'm like, Oh, that's a very nice couch by the way.

This is the last day in Costa Rica. After this I go to Miami, I go to a conference, and then go back to Vegas. I just wanted to get a little bit more context from this blog. I used to be somebody that considered myself part of myself. The image was that I was kind of a lazy person hoping that things were given to me and then I decided to commit to the vision vibrationally, which included taking action and making the daily videos. Since then you've seen it. The channel has gone from 33,000 subscribers to now over almost 800,000 subscribers from this one principle of committing to the vision. Right now, ask yourself, is there something in your life that you can commit to 100% do you find you're not getting the results you want?

You're like thinking of what I really, really want this. But and then you'd have a button and then you take some of your energy out of it. I encourage you to put 100% of your energy into it. The second way to have the universe manifest for you, and by the way, when you start committing to it vibrationally, then the universe will start bringing you more things. It will start. It's like you didn't work in concert with it because you're doing your part from the physical level. Then the universe can give you and show you opportunities and give you synchronicities. I just want kind of show that dynamic as well. The second part of having the universe manifests for you, I'd say, is the most powerful concept that I've ever come across. Let me share with you a little bit of a story.

I shared this story a couple of times before, but this is actually how I manifested the house that I used to live in. In Las Vegas. I wanted this house to rent and it was right when I started making good money from YouTube and from, you know, my business, and I was starting to get to the point where okay, I can get myself a nice place, a place that I'm really passionate about. In Vegas, there was that the rental market recently and just in the last couple of years it's been pretty hot. When a house goes on in the rental market, it goes pretty quickly. What happened was as I was looking around, looking around and looking around for different houses, I finally after two or three houses that I kind of liked, I found the house that I really liked.

It came on the market. I saw the house the same day I go to it and it's this big one-story house that big, not huge, but it was plenty big for what I needed. I needed, I wanted a house with a separate office. I wanted a house with a meditation room and then my master bedroom and then maybe an extra room for like podcasting or something else. I found that for some reason I like one-story houses. I don't know if it's because I'm lazy to walk up the stairs. I don't know what it is. I like bigger one-story houses versus smaller two-story houses like smaller square feet, but two stories if that makes sense. I found this house, I walk around, it's got the perfect vibe. It's got even like Zen statues in places cause the owners that lived in it before their furniture was still there.

It looks staged perfectly. Wood floors, real open layout, which I really enjoy. A perfect office space. Its kind of like on the other side of the house, which kind of lets me a separate house and word backyard has grass, which is very rare and Vegas has a pool, has nice grass in the front yard. It's in a gated community. Everything about it I loved. Well, I was then starting to put it on a pedestal. I really, really wanted it. I realized is I was giving it too much importance. what happened was I went to apply for the house, I put in a rental application. I was told by the real estate agent that there were four or five other, no, I think there were four other rental applications already submitted. I was one of five people that were applying for this house.

I realized, okay, there's a little bit of competition for this house. Well, then what I did is I switched the focus to something that I learned from a book called reality trans surfing, which is a very powerful process that has to do with all go ahead and link a playlist. I look played this called reality Chaun reality trips, everything. I'll link that in top of the description box below and put an end card or a little card thing for it here as well. it's one of the most powerful manifestation processes I've ever found. It has to do with quantum physics and has to do with understanding more of the energy of the universe. There's a scene called outer intention. I remember learning about it. The outer intention has to do with understanding. There are two types of intention. There's inner intention.

The inner intention is my own egos intention. Then there's the outer intention, which in a way is other people's inner intention. But when you have an intention of adding value, then what happens is that links up with the inner intention of other people and that gets them to then in a way get value, creates a win scenario. What I did is I didn't focus not on how bad I wanted the house because it would make me feel better. I focused on how it would actually serve the landowners for me to live there. What I mean by that is I would not have pets, I would not have a lot of people over cause I'm very focused on my business. I travel a lot so I wouldn't even be home all the time. What I did is I wrote them a letter that said, Hey, I love your house.

It's beautiful. I would love to live in it for a year. Let me let you know a little bit about myself. I work from home. I will be traveling a lot. I don't have pets. This is very clean. I never had somebody ask for pictures of the current house. I was living in like, I'm moving out of that house. Why did you pictures that made me know that they really value somebody that's clean? Even though I wasn't using it, it was in a furnished place. They wanted me to be clean. I really emphasized I was very clean. The pictures I sent them were a very clean house, which I naturally a very clean person anyways. I even when I was so far as to say that I want to live in this house because I believe I'll be able to make amazing content in this house that will impact a lot of people in the world. Having that intention and I even imagined the house itself had an intention for me to live there because I would appreciate it so much and it'd be something that I would really value. In a way, everything is energy. Having that perspective I believe helped me allow the universe to manifest for me because then it's in a way you give everything energy in a positive meaning that then out of all five people, I was the one that got the house.

I lived there for a year, a little over a year, and it was amazing. You've probably seen other YouTube videos of me with that house in the background. This is the Airbnb to Tamarindo Costa Rica right now. However, it is understanding we're all connected. When you add value to someone else, you add value to another aspect of you and then that can come back to you. You see, this is something I also learned from this guy named Thomas Campbell who is like a quantum physicist type guy. He's a physicist. I don't remember what kind of physicists, but he talks a lot about the energy system that we live in. We live in an energy system and the way this energy system works is we're all connected and when we add value and we do it with the pure intention, the universe will bring us more and more resources in order to complete it, to continue that energy cycle.

Because I've been making daily videos on YouTube as well, and I have the intention of adding value, I believe, because it's primarily the intention of adding value to other people. These ideas just keep coming to me and it just, it's like a, it's easier and easier for me to add value because the universe brings me this. It's a lot of these videos I do almost all of them. It's me bringing through information. It's not the ego, Aaron, it's me getting into a flow state and allowing this information through. The more you have the intention of adding value, the more you'll find that the universe just gives you more and more resources. The third thing I want to talk about is also very powerful. It's simply understanding that your ego does not have to do everything. You can allow the universe to work for you and you need to trust in the process itself.

I can't tell you how many times there's been something I really, really wanted and then I realized that my ego may think it really, really wants it, but maybe the universe has something even better. It's stored for me. Maybe what we could call it, the higher self. My higher self has something better in store for me. If I simply trust that process, it then allows even better things in my life. Something that I do for that is meditation. When you apply meditation as well if vibrationally allows you to then sync to that vibration. This is about trusting the universe and understanding that when you trust the universe, the universe can then bring you more and more things. But what you have to do is learn to let go of the outcome. One thing I have is one of the most powerful meditations for doing this. It's literally called the most powerful meditation for trusting the universe and letting go of the outcome. I'm going to link it in the description box below. I'm going to put it as an end card right here as well. Listen to that meditation for 21 days and watch how your life begins to change.

The Personality Shift that changed your Personal Reality Forever


Do you ever get tired when your friends are like, Hey, do you want to go sniff warm Saturday? Doesn't that sound like a lot of fun to go sniff glue, as the good old days? Like we always used to sniff glue. Do you want to go and do that? You're over there. Like, no, I want to better my life. I want to read some books. I want to become the best version of me that I could possibly be. Then when you tell them that they look at you and they go, bro, who are you, even more, you've changed, bro. You might feel guilty or you might not. In this video, I'm going to show you the number one personality trait that will allow you and really change your life forever. But this is the one personality trait that will allow you to attract your dream life and anything you want. 

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on the number one personality trait that changes everything. Okay. Are you guys ready for this? This is next-level stuff. Honestly, real talk right now, this BLOG, I think has the potential to completely change your life. If you actually apply what I'm going to be giving you a prescription in this BLOGtowards transforming your life. It's what I did when for being in this nine to five job selling women's shoes to then doing what I love full time from having ADHD to still have an ADHD, but being able to focus really well, not just getting, I don't have an HD anymore. 

I let go of that part of my identity and I haven't taken Adderall since 2012, many of you know the story if you've been watching my videos, but for those of you that are new, this is my story. Yay. Another aspect of that is feeling worthy because of unworthy because of the past and having that really way down and attracting the same situations over and over again, to then changing and being able to have a completely new reality where you feel 100% worthy, whole and complete. Anything that you are experiencing that is more negative than you don't prefer to experience. It's because it's a program, it's a program. It is wired into your sense of identity. You think it's a part of you. You are. Here is the thing that changes everything. When you become aware of it. 

I'm not going to, I used to back in the day, I would make videos and I would wait for a while to get to the point. I'm not gonna do that today. The one personality trait, but I promise you it's a very powerful video. Personality creates your personal reality first off. If you want to change your life, you have to change your personality. The number one trait that is going to completely transform your life is if you realize that your personality one, it's not permanent personality, not permanent. It is flexible. Your personality is flexible. You can change at any moment. Think about this. When people go and what they do is they go to a party, they drink a little bit of liquid courage. Then they have all this courage, which is already within them. 

By the way, all they did was release it to give themselves permission, let go of the filter and give themselves permission to feel it. What happens is they give themselves, that's normally a shy person may give themselves permission to then be this fun, loving, outgoing person. What happened there? Well, their personality was flexible because when they are on alcohol, they allow themselves to be this new unfiltered version of themselves. We already know that if people are in need abbreviated, a knee abbreviated, if they are in knee abbreviated, then their flexible knees are flexible. Okay? I'm using metaphors in this video. If you want to change any part of your life, this is the other aspect of it. The current story that you think is permanent. You tell yourself, I am a shy person. I just attract these type of chicks or these type of guys. 

It's a part of my personality. Or you say, well, I can only attract this type of money. I've just not abundant. Well, guess what? Your personality is not permanent. It's flexible. You can change that at any moment. Here's the thing that keeps so many people stuck. What keeps them stuck is they believe it's permanent. They think act and feel the same way over and over and over again. If you think a certain way, you act a certain way and you feel a certain way, you're going to continue to create the same reality over and over and over and over again. What will happen is you'll be in that it'll become your comfort zone and you'll say, well, this is very comfortable. This just feels so comfortable. Eventually what you realize is you to say, well, it's really hard to change because I want to be this like better version of me. 

That's attracting more money and more love and is in like a certain state, but it just doesn't feel natural. Well, the reason it doesn't feel natural is simply that this old way of thinking, acting and feeling this old identity is in a comfort zone. It has become so familiar that it just seems natural. It seems like that's who you are. But here is the thing. What I promote, what I want to help people do is to break out of that box, to break out of that sense of identity and to realize you are so much more than who you have priorly thought and believed and labelled yourself to be and think about it. There are some books out. Maybe you've heard of it. It's called the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz says. What it talks about is how everything is based on agreement at a certain point in our past, we were acting feeling or thinking a certain way. 

What happened is someone said something to us, or we just agreed. Yes, this is who I am. I at one point had ADHD. What happened was then I was, I was feeling like I just had all this energy. Because of my personality, my personality came out a little bit later in life. Maybe I'm overcompensating now by using my eyes really big because for a long time, I couldn't really do that because many of you know, my story from seven to 15 years old, I had that ex stepmom in my life where I had no freedom at all. I wasn't allowed to have friends. I almost had no freedom at all. I had to earn go into school. So, 15 years old comes around. 

All of a sudden, my dad divorces her, my brother and I let our friends again, I'm allowed to have like a, I start to develop a personality. I start having all this energy and people are like, Whoa, where'd all this energy come from. Then what happens is I have that nine to five job. People are like, Oh, it's like hard for me to focus. Sometimes a lot of times it was. What happened is they'd say, Oh, you have ADHD. Then I go to a doctor and the doctor said, Oh, you have ADHD. Here's Adderall. Then I took Adderall, which had very hard side effects.  I agreed that this is true for me. I've seen many other people, somebody, for example, that's in one of my, uh, in some of my coaching programs, she was told that she would never walk again. 

She was told you're going to live in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. If she would have agreed to what the doctor told her because she had a certain type of disease or a certain type of illness that affected her spine and her, her ability to walk. She wouldn't be walking right now. But what she did is she, what she did was she did want to do my meditations and that meditation broke her out of her identity. When that happened, she then found that she was then able to walk again. She had to, she still had to work at it. Wasn't like she just came out of the meditation, just started running around, but she had to work at it. It was in a new possibility of new potential. She didn't realize, wait, this story, not even this story, this reality is flexible. 

I don't have to agree to what this doctor tells me. In the same way, here's that identity, that self-image. The self-image is controlling your life experience. The thing I want to ask you is how do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as worthy of love? Do you see yourself as able to are easily abundant or do you think it's hard? What are your stories about this? What are your stories about who you are? If you believe that who you are is fixed, then your life will be very hard to change. Many successful people have been asked or one trait that many, many successful people have is that they are very adaptable and that they believe things can change. They believe that they can make a difference, do their intention through their focus, through their identity of themselves. Think about this as well. 

People are responding to you based on how you see yourself. If you see yourself as a 76-degree type person, then what'll happen is you're going to, you're going to exude 76 degrees out energy and 76 degrees out body language in 76 degree out eye contact. Then other people are going to respond to you in that way. You're going to go, yeah, I'm a 76 degree, but then what will eventually happen is if you try to go up to 80 degrees, it'll feel a little bit of a natural for a while. You may feel a little bit more timid and you may feel a little more vulnerable than somebody look at you go, you're not 80 degrees, or you're a 76 or go back to your place and you're gonna be like, yeah, you're right. Then I was like, okay, this is comfortable. 

Again. I can agree with this. But the key is know that it is flexible. If you tune yourself to an 80 degree, you may get for a certain period of time or reflection back in life, where people doubt you, where you get these reflections back. That may be part of your doubts yourself, but you got to remember, you can change. The way you change is by becoming aware of what your current temperature is. Do you view yourself as lazy? Do you view yourself as not worthy? Do you view yourself as hard to attract money or to attract love? If so, then what you gotta do is change that image. It's just an image anyway. The way that you do this, by the way, have you challenged your current self-image? You've challenged it. This current identity to the new identity. Your current identity as a story and the key is that your story about love money, relationships. 

The key to this is unbecoming this current identity by questioning it and seeing how, and when you agree to it, if you're shy if your there's nothing wrong with being an introvert, by the way, but it's just being aware of the stores that you find yourself in social situations, just completely uncomfortable. Then there's something there that you can begin to integrate. Be aware of your stories about money, love, what you're worthy of, and then realize once you become aware of it is then you, a lot of times you realize that it's not really you, it's not really natural. What you can do is realize that you can then be this new version of you. Imagine the future version of you. How does the future version of you, maybe it's the 80-degree version of you? How does that version of you think feel and act? 

How do you carry yourself? What kind of books do you read? What's your morning routine. Like now imagine that version of you and realize it already exists. If you can imagine it, it already exists. There's this light. That's kind of poking on me right now and I kind of want to move, but it almost owned the video. Okay, there we go. Just be this version of you. Now, the bridge to this is going to be what you do, what you do as a part of your identity. You always act equal to the way you see yourself. When I started making daily videos on YouTube, that was me bridging Mike reality of nine to five job, not doing what I like selling women's shoes to then doing what I love, which I had to then do it and do it not because of what it'll get me to do it because it's who I am. 

If you want to become an artist, the moment you start is the moment you are. It, you are an artist. It's not like you have to do it for seven years. You're an artist. Do it and see it as a part of your identity. Bridge it and get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is how you think feel and act are on a autopilot. You do the same things. You feel the same emotions and you think the same way you're going to get the same result. But if you do an act of something that breaks you out of your comfort zone, you're going to be getting to come free. This is what we call a stretch experience, do something you've never done before that breaks you out of your old identity. I used to tell myself a story that it is hard for me to make videos in front of other people. 

When I started making YouTube videos, I lived at my dad's house and I'd be nervous because I'd be like, well, if it does good, it probably thinks the stuff I'm talking about. Weird. I'd be in the backyard. You want to know how I broke that. I created a stretch of experience. I got out of my comfort zone and realize this old era that really cares what people think. Is it natural? It's not really who I am. What I did is I went to the Las Vegas trip. I walked from what, like the Bellagio. I walked through malls. I walked inside through stores talking and wearing headphones. But I was talking to the video. 

I was talking to the camera, and I was talking about like esoteric, weird stuff that I was worried about. People were going to judge me for after I did that, I did that for probably about 45 minutes after I did that. I was like, I got nothing to worry about. Most people only care about themselves. They only focused on themselves, but secondly, it just doesn't matter. I started my own movie. I'm not the cameo trying to make everyone else happy. I want to fit in their comfortable little spot. Create an experience that takes you out of your comfort zone and you will expand your personality, but the most powerful way to transform your life is as well to imagine the best possible version of you, the future version of you, how do you think to feel, and act? 

What are your daily activities? Like? What is your daily routine like your morning routine? Like what kind of books do you read? Simply decides that that is you now. Begin to create reference experiences, Bridgette, by what you do and decide. This is who I am. Find one thing you could do every single day. That'll change your life the most. If you do it every day, that's what I did with YouTube videos. That's why my life has transformed so much. But the most important thing you got to remember is that your personality is completely flexible. That's it. Once you realize that your whole entire life will begin to change. If you want to meditate to change your self-image, it's one of the most powerful meditations I've ever made. Listen to this for 21 days, watch how it transforms your life. 

7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration PERMANENTLY (life changing)


I'm not just going to tell you how to raise your vibration to the next level permanently. I'm going to actually show you in this blog, how to raise your vibration to a completely new level so that things manifest easier than ever. You're in the right place. At the right time, you experience more synchronicity. You have more magnetic energy and life just happens with more flow. At the end of this blog, you're going to know exactly how to do that. Today, I'm going to be showing you and sharing it with you. How to seven ways you can raise your vibration permanently to a new level. First off you may have seen this.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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First off, the chart, shame, fear, anger, neutrality, willingness reason, love joy, peace, enlightenment. What happens is, as you raise your vibration, the more lap magical life becomes a lot of raising your vibration is letting go of what doesn't serve. When you let go of what doesn't serve, that's when you raise your vibration out, understand that your vibration does naturally high. The only reason you don't feel like it is because there are some attachments to lower vibrational. Things could be lower vibrational people that you're around. It could be lower vibrational foods. You're reading lower vibrational emotions that you're feeling that you're attaching to that you think are you instead of processing them and letting them go. The key to this is raising your vibration and letting go of what doesn't serve. When I went through my transformation back in 2012, I let go of my painful past.

I reframed it. A lot of the bottom emotions are about reframing. The things that have happened in the past reframing was we feel anger or fear. There's an attachment to some perspective. When you become aware of that, you can then let it go. As you reframe it, I reframed my painful past and realize that it led to my spiritual awakening. All that energy then propelled me into higher States. As you do certain things, it changes everything. There are seven main things that can permanently change your vibration of which if you follow even three or four of them, that I guarantee you, they will change your life. The first one has to do with simply following your passion thought. I know it's cliché as it sounds. Let me show you a little bit. Every single day. What I do is I get up and this is one of the first things I do.

This right here will diva ring land right over here. I get up right here and this is what I do now. This is what a lot of people don't know. Don't maybe aren't aware of, but when you are doing what you're passionate about, you're in your core vibration. When I started making daily videos, I always tell people this, in order for you to do your passion full time, you must first treat it as your full time. It will eventually become your full time. I was working that nine to five job, and I literally made videos every single day before I even had an audience. Because I was in that vibration, I was following that passion. My vibration was raising. At first, I was reading, I was reading a thing about this last night. There's like a book called the war of art or something like that.

When I was reading it, it said that resistance will come up when there's a deep love for something, you may feel a lot of resistance come up. That's because that resistance is trying to show you that there's a lot underneath, but all you have to do is push through it. I felt a lot of resistance. When I first started making YouTube videos, it's like, I'm looking into a camera. This feels kind of weird. I was making videos and, and it just, it didn't feel natural, but it just wasn't comfortable yet. It wasn't familiar. But once I pushed through that resistance so much happen. One of the ways you can raise your vibration the most is by following your passion. When you follow your passion, you're not attached to the outcome. How things happen. What you'll find happens is that by just following your passion, more and more synchronicity brings up.

When you follow your passion for the sake of following your passion, magic happens when you follow your passion because of something else, that's going to get you some magic may happen, but you'll find that there's a lot of resistance there. You have to do it because it's who you are. I make daily videos even years after I started making daily views on YouTube back in 2017. I do it because it's who I am. Following your passion, think of your passion, you doing what you're passionate about is the highest possible frequency you can be in. What happens is when you're doing what you're passionate about, and it could be small, it could even be things like, you know, you're passionate about walking your dog.

You're passionate about reading certain books, whatever you're passionate about. It doesn't have to be some overarching thing of your whole life. That's like, this is the one thing I'm going to do forever. I'm passionate about making videos right now. Eventually, I'm going to be passionate about doing live events like the way in which I express my passion is going to change. But here's the thing when you're following that passion, you're in a higher vibrational state, and then it allows these things to come up so you can look at them and, and let them go.

3 Things You MUST Know About the Rest of 2020


As you can probably see, there is a lot going on in the world. A lot of this has to do with the energy that is changing on the planet that is changing in our own individual personal lives as well. In this blog, I'm going to share with you the three things you must know about the rest of 2020, about the energy and things to look out for that are extremely important. I'm going to be sharing it with you. Some honestly, I'll be opening up and sharing with you some of the personal themes that I'm going through right now in my life, but also just some things that I see that are also happening in the collective consciousness. For those of you that don't know, I believe what is happening is something called the great awakening.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

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The great awakening you might look around and you might say, well, there are so many things that are happening in the world that are kind of tearing apart. There are some negative things that happen. How could there be a great awakening happening? Well, actually recently that have Eckhart Tolle. Many of you may know Eckhart Tolle wrote the book, the power of now seeing if I have the book, I don't think I do actually it's in my Kindle, the book, the power of now. He talked about it. He was on a Russell brand's podcast recently, and he said that a lot of the stuff that's happening in the world right now is spawning awakenings inside of people. It is something that I have noticed. It is something that is just happening because so many people are questioning things. There are things happening in the government.

There are people who are starting to realize how skewed the media is and when that stuff's happening, people are then going within themselves and saying something feels off here. For those of you that haven't seen my great awakening videos. I talk about how the media keeps us in a certain level of consciousness that when fear and we're much more easy, able to be controlled. Well, what's happened is people are waking up to this. People are waking up and they're taking their power back. On the collective level, what is happening is so much of the old paradigms are breaking down. As the old paradigms break down, we can then lay out something to be new, but there've been people that have been, you know, this will sound kind of conspiracy theory, Ash, but there've been people that have been in power for such a long time, even behind people.

We may have never seen before we call them, do you lead? What happened is they may have had power for such a long time that now what they're doing is kind of like their last cards to try to keep us separated from each other, to keep us in fear and anger. Then they can in a way control in the way that they are desperately trying to, because too many people are waking up. In an energetic sense, there's so much light that is being brought onto the planet that it is bringing up the collective shadow. It is bringing up the shadow within us, for us to become aware of and for us to then let go of. The amount of control is to try to keep Vern the elite or whatever we call it is to keep us at a certain level of consciousness so that we're much easier to control.

We're much more likely to give up our power and to listen to authority when you're in fear, you crave certainty. You know, there's a, there's definitely a lot of patterns there. If you look at a lot of what's happening in the world. One of the most important things though is to be able to observe and to not react what's happening in the world. Because if you're watching this blog, then you're someone that we could call a Lightworker and a Lightworker is somebody that came here to hold lights, to become aware, and go through the spiritual awakening in a way first. The energy-momentum begins to build. More and more people can go through it. A lot of people are tripping out about the news and talking to everything that's happening. You may have like a sensor and knowing that there's something else going on, maybe you're meditating, whatever you're doing, you're adding value by being you.

The reason I say you're a Lightworker is you can't perceive that you can only perceive that, which you're the vibration of. You're reading this blog right now, and I chose to say that. The three things you must know for the rest of 2020 now, the first one I'm actually going to do, I'm going to switch these around a little bit. The first one is the let go of old attachments right now. I've been having an attachment to a couple of things in my life. One is control. I've been controlling having a certain amount of willpower, and I'm noticing that this new energy of 2020 it's about re surrendering and allowing things to happen versus trying to control it so much. It's almost like the old way of going about manifestation, the old way of going about achieving your goals doesn't really work anymore.

What I'm finding is that what I need to do is to let go, and as I let go, I allow much more magic into my life. I've realized this when it comes to even like old relationships and in a way as well, I've been going back and forth, knowing that it's just time to let go. It's time to let go and to move on. It makes it so much easier once you start to really tap into the energy. But I think a lot of people are being shown right now and given like opportunities to go down one route or the other, and maybe one route is very comfortable.

This Meditation will SHIFT You to The Most Optimal Timeline INSTANTLY (WARNING NO GOING BACK)


The most optimal timeline is the one where we are more smoothly moving into this higher level of consciousness. It's paradoxical because when you look around, you could be like, it doesn't look like we're shifting to a higher vibrational state of consciousness, bro. There are all these things falling apart. There's a lot of people that were going through these challenges, but here's the thing, things break down before we can build up. In order for us to be on the most optimal timeline, the key is actually raising our vibration. Our vibration is a level of consciousness and the thing is with our vibration is you don't have to try to get to a higher level of vibration. You have that of fear, anger, neutrality, willingness reasoning, the intellect of the mind, love joy, peace, and enlightenment. The idea and the understanding are that you are naturally high vibration.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

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The only reason you experience anything less than that is because of some form of attachment to a low vibrational thing. Whether that's a low vibrational outcome, a low vibrational expectation, low vibrational people that are draining your energy. These are things that keep you in a low vibe. When you're in a low vibe, you're much easier to control. You're much in more, you're in a lot more chaos. There's a lot less uncertainty. There's a lot more lack of clarity. The energy is very dispersed and what is happening right now when it comes to these is so many people are waking up on the planet that it is causing all these old systems to break down. We have things like racism completely outdated idea was never really in fashion. Anyways, it was just something that was out of a lack of awareness, something that was exercised and practice.

What we're learning is that those are out of date. It's not re it's not anything that we need to continue to have within our collective consciousness. It's coming up to the surface for us to finally let go of, and in the same way, there's also another, we call the hidden enemy. People, elite people that understand how society and psychology works. What they do is that they keep people in fear and anger. They're much more willing to give up control. They're much more willing to be a, to say yes to vaccines, to say yes to curfew, to give up their power to have martial law. These are, these are different ways that that works, but so many people are waking up. The more optimal timeline is by us raising our vibration. What Bashar recently said is some of you may have seen that video is the more we individually raise our vibration.

The more optimal timeline, the more, a high vibrational collective we're going to shift to. It's just really up to us and raising our vibration and something that I have decided to do because I want us to be in the most optimal timeline. I believe in a group dynamic, it can be very powerful is I've made something called the 21 days, raise your vibration challenge. If you're watching this right now, then right, is open enrollment. You can go into that of a, my bio and you could go into the link tree. You'll see it there. You can join the 21 days, raise your vibration challenge. We will be raising our vibrations practically. This isn't just theory. This engine just cool ideas. 21 days in a row, you'll get video lessons and step by step processes of things you do. You hold yourself accountable for, and you, you show proof of that in the Facebook group, because it's community thing of raising your vibration.

This is practical. This is something that wires in a part of your identity of being a high vibrational person so that we all end up on the most optimal timeline. We also raise our vibration. The goal is to raise your vibration up to a solid eight or nine out of 10. That's exactly what I'll show you how to do all the hacks from my own life to give you clarity, passion, momentum. These are things that we're going to be focused on in the 21 day. Raise your vibration challenge. I would love for you to join me. You go to my link tree right now in my bio and joined the 21 day. Raise your vibration challenge, and this will help us to all be on the most optimal timeline.

Read This Blog to Meet Your Future Self (you’ll never be the same)


In this blog, you are going to meet your future self and understand that when you do and you begin to model the behavior and you begin to be that future version of you, you also begin to see that reality reflection begins to happen in your life. In this blog, I think, is pivotal, and being able to transform your life at the end of this blog, you'll know exactly what to do, what steps to take, and the process for you becoming your future self now so that your reality begins to shift. Today, I'm going to help you shift your consciousness to a new version of you. Here is the thing about the future version of you. There's not just one. All right, there is a future version of you that is living your dream life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

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That is doing exactly what you want to be doing for a living. It's in the perfect relationship that has an abundance, that version of you exists. But at the same time, there's a version of you that is doing just about the same exact thing you're doing right now. That is staying on that timeline. Here is the insidious thing about that. Most people are living in what is comfortable. They're living in familiar thoughts, familiar feelings, familiar actions. They're doing the same things every day. Therefore, they're getting the same result. You may have heard of Joe Dispenza. Talk about this. It's a common thing. It's just quantum physics. It's if you do the same thing, stink the same things. Feel the same way every day. You're going to get the same result on autopilot. What has happened is people have become so familiar with it that their future self is pretty much the Sur the current self that they are normally a little bit declined, actually, to be honest with you, because when you become a kind of bored and stagnate and you're not growing, you kind of tend to move down just to tap.

There is also a future, a version of you that exists right now. This is what I did. Many of you may know my story. This is what I did to be doing. My life that I'm in right now is I literally was walking, living, working, you know, the story if you've been watching my videos. But if you have been watching my videos, I was walking from, I was living at my dad's house, trying to make it on YouTube. I was working nine to five jobs on woman's shoes. I was literally, I just had this intuitive feeling. I was walking from my bedroom into the, going to the bathroom. As I was walking there, I just had this intuitive feeling. This almost like the message, I feel like it literally was a message. It intuitively said, if you make a video every single day, moving forward for a year, your life will completely transform.

At the moment, I felt that and I just decided, I just decided the bridge between the current reality, you're into your future identity to you, having that future reality is a decision. It's a choice about who you are. Then what I did is I made that choice. I want to make daily videos on YouTube, no matter what, even though I'm working 40 hours a week at this job, I don't like selling women's shoes. I was very busy. I did that though. I'd go home every day, make a video, schedule a video to go out and go to bed and then wake up and do it over again with that vision in mind because that is my future.  I felt like I got a message from my future identity. Then as I wired that in, that became a part of myself.

Then eventually within six months, I was able to put in my two weeks, the last day I worked was the Connor McGregor McConnell. It's wholesale hard to say that, because I know I've told this story many times, but, but it's the, it's the Floyd Mayweather, Connor McGregor boxing match. That was my last day of work. I knew I wanted to work that day because it'd be very busy. I put my two weeks in and I scheduled to open that day so I could still watch the fight. That was my last day. Never had to work a job again. It was because I became that future version of me. We can either use our imagination in this blog right now you can use your imagination to imagine that future version of you. This is the step by step process that I'm talking about.

You can imagine that version of you and imagine one message that that version of you has for you. There's a future version of you. That's living your dream life. If you imagine what that is and it's like, doesn't have to be perfect. It can change a little bit as you go to, but what would be the one message that you get? Let's do that together right now. Literally this is a transformational type exercise to do. I did this to become full time on YouTube. I live in a cool house. I do what I love. I travel the world. I do. I work when I want to get up this morning. I make it a video because I love making videos. If I were to imagine the future version of me, cause there's, there are different layers to it. It's cool. I live my dream life. But the next version of me I imagine is doing live events. It's traveling the world. It's doing group activities in person, not just online. As I imagined this future version of me, I can close my eyes and I c

The #1 Personality Shift that will change your life forever


Do you ever get tired when your friends are like, Hey, do you want to go sniff warm Saturday? Doesn't that sound like a lot of fun to go sniff glue, as the good old days? Like we always used to sniff glue. Do you want to go do that? Then you're over there. Like, no, I want to better my life. I want to read some books. I want to become the best version of myself that I could possibly be. Then when you tell them that they look at you and they go, bro, who are you, even more, you've changed, bro. You might feel guilty or you might not.

So, come on and watch the video below:

➡ For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below…

➡ http://bit.ly/2DjkxZu

➡️  To experience THE SHIFT, click here ➡️ http://bit.ly/2ImCGZ6

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Today, I'm going to show you the number one personality trait that will allow you and really change your life forever. But this is the one personality trait that will allow you to attract your dream life and anything you want. I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on the number one personality trait that changes everything. Okay. Are you guys ready for this? This is next-level stuff. Honestly, real talk right now, this blog, I think has the potential to completely change your life. If you actually apply what I'm going to be giving you a prescription in this blog towards transforming your life. It's what I did when for being in this nine to five job selling women's shoes to then doing what I love full time from having ADHD to still have an ADHD, but being able to focus really well, not just getting, I don't have an HD anymore.

I let go of that. That part of my identity and I haven't taken Adderall since 2012, many of you know the story if you've been watching my videos, but for those of you that are new, this is my story. Yay. Another aspect of that is feeling worthy because of unworthy because of the past and having that really way down and attracting the same situations over and over again, to then changing and being able to have a completely new reality where you feel 100% worthy, whole and complete. Anything that you are experiencing that is more negative than you don't prefer to experience. It's because it's a program. It is wired into your sense of identity. You think it's a part of you. You are. Here is the thing that changes everything. When you become aware of it.

Back in the day, I would make videos and I would wait for a while to get to the point. I'm not going to do that today. The one personality trait, but I promise you it's a very powerful video. I just, I'm going to lead with that. Personality creates your personal reality first off. If you want to change your life, you have to change your personality. The number one trait that is going to completely transform your life is if you realize that your personality one, it's not permanent personality, not permanent. It is flexible. Your personality is flexible. You can change at any moment. When people go and what they do is they go to a party, they drink a little bit of liquid courage. Then they have all this courage, which is already within them.

By the way, all they did was release it to give themselves permission, let go of the filter and give themselves permission to feel it. What happens is they give themselves, that's normally a shy person may give themselves permission to then be this fun, loving, outgoing person. What happened there? Well, their personality was flexible because when they are on alcohol, they allow themselves to be this new unfiltered version of themselves. We already know that if people are in need abbreviated, a knee abbreviated, if they are in knee abbreviated, then their flexible knees are flexible. Okay? I'm using metaphors in this blog. If you want to change any part of your life, this is the other aspect of it. The current story that you think is permanent. You tell yourself, I am a shy person. I just attract these type of chicks or these type of guys.

It's a part of my personality. Or you say, well, I can only attract this type of money. I've just not abundant. Well, guess what? Your personality is not permanent. It's flexible. You can change that at any moment. What keeps them stuck is they believe it's permanent? They think act and feel the same way over and over and over again. If you think a certain way, you act a certain way and you feel a certain way, you're going to continue to create the same reality over and over and over and over again. And then what will happen is you'll be in that it'll become your comfort zone and you'll say, well, this is very comfortable. This just feels so comfortable. Eventually what you realize is you to say, well, it's really hard to change because I want to be this like a better version of me.

That's attracting more money and more love like a certain state, but it just doesn't feel natural. Well, the reason it doesn't feel natural is simply that this old way of thinking, acting, and feeling this old identity is in a comfort zone. It has become so familiar that it just seems natural. It seems like that's who you are. But here is the thing. What I promote, what I want to help people do is to break out of that box, to break out of that sense of identity, and to realize you are so much more than who you have previously thought and believed and labeled yourself to be and think about it. There are some books out. Maybe you've heard of it. It's called the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz says. What it talks about is how everything is based on agreement at a certain point in our past, we were acting feeling or thinking a certain way.

What happened is someone said something to us, or we just agreed. Yes, this is who I am. I at one point had ADHD. What happened was then I was, I was feeling like I just had all this energy. I was expressing it at a nine to five jobs on women's shoes. People because of my personality, my personality came out a little bit later in life. Maybe I'm overcompensating now by using my eyes really big because for a long time, I couldn't really do that because many of you know, my story from seven to 15 years old, I had that ex stepmom in my life where I had no freedom at all. I wasn't allowed to have friends. I almost had no freedom at all. I had to earn go into school.

All of a sudden, my dad divorces her, my brother and I let our friends again, I'm allowed to have like a, I start to develop a personality. I start having all this energy and people are like, Whoa, where'd all this energy come from. Then what happens is I have that nine to five job. People are like, Oh, it's hard for me to focus. Sometimes a lot of times it was. What happened is they'd say, Oh, you have ADHD. And then I go to a doctor and the doctor said, Oh, you have ADHD. Here's Adderall. Then I took Adderall, which had very hard side effects. I agreed that this is true for me. And I've seen many other people, somebody, for example, that's in some of my coaching programs, she was told that she would never walk again.

She was told you're going to live in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. If she would have agreed to what the doctor told her because she had a certain type of disease or a certain type of illness that affected her spine and her, her ability to walk. She wouldn't be walking right now. She then found that she was then able to walk again. She had to, she still had to work at it. Wasn't like she just came out of the meditation, just started running around, but she had to work at it. It was in a new possibility of new potential. She didn't realize, wait, this story, not even this story, this reality is flexible.

I don't have to agree with what this doctor tells me. in the same way, here's that identity, that self-image is controlling your life experience. The thing I want to ask you is how do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as worthy of love? Do you see yourself as able to are easily abundant or do you think it's hard? What are your stories about this? What are your stories about who you are? if you believe that who you are is fixed, then your life will be very hard to change. many successful people have been asked or one trait that many successful people have is that they are very adaptable and that they believe things can change. They believe that they can make a difference, do their intention through their focus, through their identity themselves. Think about this as well.

People are responding to you based on how you see yourself. if you see yourself as a 76-degree type person, then what'll happen is you're going to, you're going to exude 76 degrees out energy and 76 degrees out body language in 76 degrees out eye contact. then other people are going to respond to you in that way. you're going to go, yeah, I'm a 76 degree, but then what will eventually happen is if you try to go up to 80 degrees, it'll feel a little bit of a natural for a while. You may feel a little bit more timid and you may feel a little more vulnerable than somebody look at you go, you're not 80 degrees, or you're a 76 or go back to your place and you're going to be like, yeah, you're right. then I was like, okay, this is comfortable.

Again. I can agree with this. But the key is knowing that it is flexible. If you tune yourself to an 80 degree, you may get for a certain period of time or reflection back in life, where people doubt you, where you get these reflections back. That may be part of your doubts yourself, but you got to remember, you can change. the way you change is by becoming aware of what your current temperature is. Do you view yourself as lazy? Do you view yourself as not worthy? Do you view yourself as hard to attract money or to attract love? If so, then what you got to do is change that image. It's just an image anyways. the way that you do this, by the way, is you challenged your current self-image. You've challenged it. This current identity to the new identity. your current identity as a story and the key is that your story about love money, relationships.

The key to this is unbecoming this current identity by questioning it and seeing how, and when you agree to it if you're shy if your there's nothing wrong with being an introvert, by the way, but it's just being aware of the stores that you find yourself in social situations, just completely uncomfortable. Then there's something there that you can begin to integrate. The other part of this though is to be aware of your stories about money, love, what you're worthy of, and then realize once you become aware of it is then you, a lot of times you realize that it's not really you, it's not really natural. Then what you can do is realize that you can then be this new version of you. Imagine the future version of you. How does the future version of you, maybe it's the 80-degree version of you? How does that version of you think feel and act?

How do you carry yourself? What kind of books do you read? What's your morning routine. Like now imagine that version of you and realize it already exists. If you can imagine it, it already exists. There's this light. That's kind of poking on me right now and I kind of want to move, but it almost owned the video. Okay, there we go. Just be this version of you. The bridge to this is going to be what you do, what you do as a part of your identity. You always act equal to the way you see yourself. When I started making daily videos on YouTube, have a nine to five job, not doing what I like selling women's shoes to then doing what I love, which I had to then do it and do it not because of what it'll get me to do it because it's who I am.

If you want to become an artist, the moment you start is the moment you are. It, you are an artist. It's not like you have to do it for seven years. Then you're an artist. Do it and see it as a part of your identity. Bridge it and get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is how you think feel and act is on autopilot. You do the same things. You feel the same emotions and you think the same way you're going to get the same result. But if you do an act of something that breaks you out of your comfort zone, you're going to be getting to come free. This is what we call a stretch experience, do something you've never done before that breaks you out of your old identity. I used to tell myself a story that it is hard for me to make videos in front of other people.

When I started making YouTube videos, I lived at my dad's house and I'd be nervous cause I'd be like, well, if it does good, it probably thinks the stuff I'm talking about. Weird. I'd be in the backyard. You want to know how I broke that. I created a stretch of experience. I got out of my comfort zone and realize this old era that really cares what people think. Is it natural? It's not really who I am. What I did is I went to the Las Vegas strip. I took this thing that I was walking around and play a little selfie stick. I walked from what, like the Bellagio. I walked through malls. I walked inside through stores talking to that of the wearing headphones. But I was talking to the video.

I was talking to the camera and I was talking about like esoteric, weird stuff that I was worried about. People were going to judge me for after I did that, I did that for probably about 45 minutes after I did that. I was like, I got nothing to worry about. Most people only care about themselves. I started my own movie. I'm not the cameo trying to make everyone else happy. I want to fit in their comfortable little spot. Create an experience that takes you out of your comfort zone and you will expand your personality, but the most powerful way to transform your life is as well to imagine the best possible version of you, the future version of you, how do you think to feel and act?

What are your daily activities? Like? What is your daily routine like your morning routine? Like what kind of books do you read? Simply decide that that is you now. Begin to create reference experiences, Bridgette, by what you do and decide. This is who I am. Find one thing you could do every single day. That'll change your life the most. If you do it every day, that's what I did with YouTube videos. That's why my life has transformed so much. But the most important thing you got to remember is that your personality is completely flexible. That's it. Once you realize that your whole entire life will begin to change. If you want to meditate for changing your self-image, it's one of the most powerful meditations I've ever made.