3 Higher Vibrational Manifestation Secrets That Change EVERYTHING

What I'm going to be sharing with you are the three higher vibrational manifestation secrets that can totally transform your life. These are things that when I began to apply in my life, things began to explode with synchronicity, and I think that they'll help you do the same.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that have those three manifestation secrets that have allowed my life to explode, the synchronicity there, understanding things from a different perspective, a little bit of a higher perspective than maybe most people would focus on, and it has to do with understanding these levels right over here.

Eventually, you'll see that of neutrality, which is where we learn how to observe our thoughts. Then you'll see that of reason. The reason is the intellect is the mind. It understands that our beliefs create our reality. Then you get to that of love, joy, peace and above. This is all the different states of consciousness and these different states of consciousness we'll all have with it a certain type of reality. When we look at it from the lower levels of consciousness, maybe 200 and a bulb below, that's when we're creating things from neediness.

I need to create this. I want this. That's when we think we have to work hard for it and we have a lot of blocks that come into the way. There are many people that may be created from that paradigm. Then you get to the Middle Paradigm. The Middle Paradigm would be that of around 300 to 500 middle paradigms is where a lot of the videos on my YouTube channel has been lately.

That is understanding that our beliefs create our reality that rather than trying to go out there to change anything, to go out to the mirror reflection, because reality is a mirror. It's reflecting back to us our vibration, our state of being in our beliefs, and instead of trying to go out there to change outer reality, we must first change the inner reality and if we become aware of how our beliefs create our reality within change that in a powerful way so we could say that that is a part of the higher-level consciousness, but there's actually a level even beyond that.

The level beyond that is when we get into 500.  Einstein himself was that a $4, 99, which means he was right at the verge. You took the intellect as far as it could possibly go, and he was starting to teeter on the edge of love, which in order to get to you actually have to drop the beliefs. You have to see beliefs for what they are. Beliefs are vehicles that we use for a period of time and you may trade in those vehicles.

You may trade in those beliefs. You may believe for a certain period of time that you're capable of making $80,000 a year and you may one day say, you know what, I want to make $100,000 a year, and then what you do if you trade in that belief. Our is one of those beliefs. True and what not true. It just depends on the perspective. There are both actually neutral. It's just based on what you identify with and how you see yourself. In order to get to 500, you actually have to like go a bulk belief.

You have to see them for what they are. They're just beliefs and when you realize that you can let go of past patterning and past conditioning and the old self-image, you start to transcend from having and doing into being. When you're being, you're more so present to the moment. You're more so here. You're more so in the vibrational state that you want to be in and that's where things began to really happen in a very powerful way.

When we're looking at manifestation in general, when we're looking at higher level manifestation, let's look at it from the five hundred and above, and let me share with you those three secrets that I have found throughout this process.

1.    Letting go

The first one has to do with simply letting go of how things happen because the how it comes from the belief from the four 99 and below and give it up to a higher source of energy.

This higher source of energy could be your higher self, could be some divine component that you feel connected to. And when you do that, you let it go beyond the intellectual ego structure. For example, something that I've done with this is I allow things to happen as they are, and I say yes to the present moment. You know many times in our life, we assume that when something happens that we don't think it should be there.

That's coming from the ego, the $400 for 99 and below we start to feel resistance because things aren't going according to the blueprint in our own mind. The key to this is being aware of that blueprint rule that we had inside of our mind about how things had to be to be aware of it, but then to simply decide that, hey, I'm going to let it go.

It doesn't have to serve me. The thing is we are all connected and because we are all connected, we can see synchronicity run through many different ways. You can say that's just a coincidence, but there really is no coincidence. It's all synchronicity that is running through us and will become more aware of it. That's where the power is, is simply becoming more aware of the synchronicity that is already there.

The same thing with like the Law of Attraction. We create our own reality. We all do it whether we're aware of it or not. If you're learning about the law of attraction or it's something you're passionate about or you-you know about, you're just more aware of the synchronicity in what you're already creating in your life. They're just not aware of the synchronicity does there. They're not aware of the thoughts that are thinking to what they're experiencing.

We're all connected. That's why what you put out is what you get back because what you do to someone else, you do another aspect of you now, the ego you necessarily, but this deeper stream of energy. When you set the intention for you to give it up to your higher self, you allow for there to be new avenues for things to come to you.

What if the best possible case scenario of your ego self-was of the best thing you can imagine is actually the floor of the higher mind? What if you're limiting yourself by saying, I want to attract x, y, z, and there's actually more in store for you, but you're limiting yourself by thinking that and if he said, just gave it up to your higher mind and trusted and surrendered to it, it would then find something even more amazing for you.

When I find myself getting too resistant with the way my ego is doing things with like, okay, I need to make this many videos for YouTube. I need to grow and to become more. What I do is I let go and some days it's easier than others, but I let go of the outcome I let go and I trust that the process is going to work itself out. I trust my higher self to figure it out.

Maybe even in ways that go beyond what my intellect is configuring out, but to move from for $99 to 500, we have to let go of seeing just the beliefs are what they are. They're just beliefs. Maybe you have negative beliefs. Be aware of them and just realize that there are both true and not true. Everything in life is a half-truth because it depends on the perspective of it.

Some people will have certain perspectives and other people will have different perspectives. It all depends on the person that is perceiving of it. When we change our perception, we change our reality, but there is a state where we get into when we surrender it to a higher stream of energy, which can be a higher self. Whatever label you want to give it, you allow it to come through in a much more powerful way because you get out of the ego or you're aware of the ego, but you surrender to a larger stream of energy.

Enlightened people of the past have talked about this. When you let more of this energy flow through, it will create more and more amazing things for you because you realize that you aren't your ego. You transcend your ego by being aware of it, and then you start to exist in this higher vibrational state, in this higher vibrational state, which is love, joy, and peace.

2.    Vibration Intensity

The second secret I want to share with you has to do with understanding the intensity of your vibration, the intensity of your energy. I've found for myself, this is just me talking from personal experience that success I have come from a great amount of focus because the more focused I put on something, the more intensity that vibration grows. Imagine that everything you see around you at one point was probably in your life and you made it more probable with your focus, with your thoughts and with your beliefs.

You allowed it into your life experience. Certain things, if you want to create a great degree of change from where you are to where you want to be, one thing you may need to do is to focus on something for a certain period of time or to have a high degree of charge of focus on something so even if it's not a great degree of time, it's an intensity and what you do is having that greater intensity is where things begin to manifest that.

A very quick rate because everything around us is probabilities and vibration anyways. This is why something like meditation is very powerful because when you meditate, you diffuse the charge of negative thoughts which no longer drain your energy. If you're in shame, fear, guilt in the lower vibrations, that will drain your energy. Some people say, why can I attract what I want? But what is happening is they have these blocks within them of being attached to these lower vibrational states of emotion, and that's blocking them from having the energy to manifest what they want.

If you are doing and overthinking, then learn to observe your thoughts. Allow your thoughts to be there, observed them. That diffuses the charge of it. And in that observation and in that neutrality, the negative thoughts go away and your vibration increases. This is why many people have a very high vibration, are able to just observe their thoughts. They're able to realize they are not their thoughts, they may think thoughts, but they are not their thoughts. In the same way, you can learn how to observe your thoughts and as you observe your thoughts, they no longer have that much power over you.

You can look at this in many different ways. You could say the food that you eat has a certain vibration. If you're eating heavy foods, it's taken away your energy. They don't aren't going to have that energy to focus on other things and there's even an intimate correlation between the food that you eat to how your brain works, so if you're not able to think clearly, then you're going to feel that cloudiness and you're not going to.

Be able to manifest what you want because it's hard to focus, but remember it's more than just ahead. It's about connecting to the heart and in general, the food will influence how much energy we have because if we eat heavier food, it takes your body a lot of energy to break it down, so eat food that is alignment with you. Watch things that are in alignment with you.

If you're in a higher frequency, state and things are easier to manifest.

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Consume content that is in alignment with you, the deeper core of you, the higher vibrational aspect of you because then you're in a higher frequency state and things are easier to manifest.

Anyways. I love making videos. I'm in that high frequency when I make videos, so it's about being aware of that and then focusing on cultivating that vibration because the more you're in that high vibrational state, the more things will manifest easily for you anyways.

This is a secret of manifestation I think a lot of people overlook, but if you find that you have these blocks in your life, it could be that you're attaching to these negative emotions without being aware of it. And as you let go of it, your vibration will naturally raise as you do what you're passionate about, your vibration will begin to raise as you surrender it to the higher mind, your vibration will begin to raise. The Ego doesn't have to do everything. You can allow it to be easier than you think.

3.    Cosmic mind of reality

When we move into the third secret, this is also about understanding the cosmic mind of reality, that we're all connected. There's a certain way that this reality that we live in because this reality as a form of virtual reality, we interpret our reality through the five senses that appears very real, but at a higher level of consciousness. We are asleep right now dreaming. ​

That was a crazy dream and there's a lot of things I learned. Life is both a dream, a game in a school at the same time, school because there are things that we learn. There are different lessons now people, a lot of people have a negative connotation with school, so doesn't have to be that serious. That's when we can realize life is a form of gain because when you figure out how things work, you can have more fun with it.

A game is also more fun and when you find out that your beliefs create your reality, you can go in and architect your beliefs in a new way and create a new reality for yourself and about life is also a dream because at a greater sense of consciousness, that greater level you are dreaming, this is who you are. You're so much more than you can imagine and this is very temporary.

It appears real because it's consistent. It's a consistent drink and goes like this and make a sound. You're like, oh, well that's real, but that's just vibrational interpretation of what we identify with being real because of our beliefs, so we can go beyond all of this and when we see this, we can see that we're all connected. There's a certain intention of the system itself and right now on the planet, it is about awakening to higher levels of consciousness of who we are.

That is what is happening right now on the planet now, what's happening at different levels, so it might not be like you're watching the news. I'm like, where's that happening on the news? It depends on where you look, but there are more people waking up to this information than ever before. Even look at my YouTube channel, you can look at other people coming out with this information. You can look at different networks.

This information is coming out and more people are becoming aware that they create their own reality. More people becoming aware of all this. The system itself of reality is a co collective creation. We're all in this together. What timelines we experienced, what probabilities we experienced as a collective reality of everyone on this planet will depend on our beliefs, our thoughts and our emotions as a collective. As we change our beliefs about reality, our reality begins to change and that's what's happening right now.

The way the system works is when you are doing something to help the system to help the universe, the universe also helps you back because it wants to help you help itself. In a way, like we realize we're more divine, we also realized that we can be of service to the collective. This is something I attribute my whole success on YouTube too, is my intention to add value to as many people as possible, knowing that we're all part of the same level.

We're all part of the same consciousness. We're all facets of it and because I have that intention, the universe wants to support me as well. It's a very spiritual thing. The Universe is saying, here you go, Aaron, keep going to this direction. Keep adding value. You will keep getting rewarded for it because I'm also not identifying with the ego aspects of it.

I'm just letting it flow through what I make these videos. I just allow whatever flows through to flow through. There's very little ego Aaron involved. Yes, I have to decide to turn on the camera and I have to decide to get in here. I have to do this every day. They don't have to, but I choose to, but I allow this greater stream of energy to flow through and as I do, there's more information.

There's more here for me and the more that I aligned with that pure intention, the more adds value to other people. If you want to add value to other people, if you want to create what you want, a very powerful way, start to have the intention of helping the system itself. Does that mean you have to help the whole planet? You have to become a YouTuber or somebody that's like making content like I make content or anything, but it could be that you have this intention of adding value to other people.

This is something from the book think and grow rich is something from many different levels, but look at any successful entrepreneur and they add value in some way, whether that's solving a problem, whether that's something just like scrub daddy that's just scrubbing things in a certain temperature, you know, from shark tank or whatever.

It adds value to people. That's why it's done like $100,000,000 in sales. There are different levels to it. I'm not saying that you have to become like some person that just wants to give their whole entire life and, and be a certain way to add value to people. But if you have a general intention of helping people solve problems, or having a general intention to add value to people, then that will come back to you because you are helping the system itself. When you help the system itself, the system helps you.

When you help the universe and you become in a way a soldier of the universe. It's almost like the universe will then give you more to work with. Right now, my intention is to add value to as many people as possible and I feel like things are just aligning for me to do that. As long as I don't get carried away with my ego and think that I am the one.

All of this, it's a balance of the divine flowing through me, me realizing it. But you are the same. I don't want you to hear me say this. It'd be like, well Erin's divine because he's doing this. You are divine. You are, and if you're listening to this video, it might be a message that you need to hear right now. You are divine. You are connected to this larger stream of energy.

It's a part of who you are. I'm just here to help you remember who you are. Allow it to flow through, give up your manifestations to your higher mind. Surrender to the moment and watch what happens. Watch how things happen. Even more amazing than you can imagine, but surrender it to a larger stream of energy. Understand that the more energy you have, the more you'll manifest in, the more you'll be in this high vibrational state.

Observe your thoughts, let go of the negativity, observe it for what it is, and then realize we're all connected, so when you add value to the system, the system will add value to you. When you are having the intention appear intention of adding value, the universe will literally manifest for you. Those are three things that I've learned, three things that have totally transformed my life and I hope they're able to transform your life as well if you apply them.

This whole shift thing that I'm sharing with you, the soul shifts up the vibration states of consciousness. There's something I'm actually creating called the Shift Experience with Aaron Doughty. It's going to be a whole experience for going through these levels of consciousness and really manifesting in a higher-level paradigm.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.