3 Ways to Tap into the LOVE Frequency NOW

I'm going to be sharing with you three ways to tap into the love frequency that will totally transform your life and allow you to see things and to be at a higher level of consciousness.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three ways that you can transcend into the love frequency, understanding the love frequency is who you really are. Anything that is holding you into the lower emotions is something that has happened in the past or some level of identification with lower vibrational energy.

And what that means is that when you let go of the lower vibrational energy, you're not your vibrational naturally begin to rise back up to what it naturally is. To explain this a little bit more, what I want to do is just explain to you a little bit about who you are as a spiritual being.

Because the way that this reality works is it works in the form of vibration. And when you come into this reality, what happens if you forget who you are. You are any mortal, spiritual being, having a temporary human experience. When you come here, there is this tendency to where you just tendency, I mean almost everyone will go through this at a certain level, is forgetting who you are at a greater level and because you forget who you are.

You then have certain experiences that start to wire in a way of being and it starts to wire in a way for seeing the world that then causes patterns. For example, when you're four or five years old or even younger, maybe something happens to you and you start to have that filter about how the world works and then you see your whole life through that filter.

Unless you change it unless you switch out the filter and it's not that you are those low vibrational energy is us. That filter is causing you to see the world in such a way to where you experienced less than that of the love vibration. In this blog, in a way you can think of it as removing the filters and understanding that love is who you are.

This also makes it easier because when you realize that you are love, you could then see it's not so much about trying to attain something on the other side of the rainbow, not trying to attain something that's a heart far-reaching state. It's who you naturally are. It's about letting go and when you let go, you then let in you let in more of yourself. You let in more of this high vibrational energy that is you.

With this, let's understand that. As I said, everything in our life is vibration. We always experience in reality that is equal to our vibration. Our vibration is a combination of what we think, how we feel and what we do. And in order for us to raise our vibration, one of the first things we must do, the first step to this process.

1. Clean up the lower vibrational energies

The first way that you can raise your vibration is you have to clean up the lower vibrational energy fields. You have to clean up the lower vibrational energies that are keeping you bogged down. If I show this chart right here, this is the handy dandy chart that I show in almost all my videos. You'll see that have the scale of consciousness. On this scale of consciousness, you'll see that at the bottom, shame, fear, guilt eventually moves up to neutrality.

Over neutrality. You have that reasoning and then love, so we are moving through these stages as we go through life experience and what happens is we naturally are love and above. We're more than even that, but in our physical body who we really are is in our soul, operates at 500 and above. What happens is we come into our life experience. We have these things that weigh us down, these experiences that make us identify with something, and it keeps us bogged down in the lower emotions.

To get to love, what you must do is not necessarily climb up the ladder. It's about just letting go of those lower vibrational energy fields such as shame, fear, guilt. How do you do that? Well, the first thing you must do is just be aware that they're there. This, be aware that there are these lower vibrational energies that you don't prefer to feel, but allow them to be there.

This is the biggest paradox with this whole process is that we think that the feelings we have should not be there. We think that the feelings we have, we should resist them and the thing is the resisting actually locks it into place. What you want to do instead if you want to become aware of the feelings you have of shame, fear, guilt, become aware of those emotions, and then allow them to be there. Your thoughts want to appear to be very real. Your thoughts want to appear to be very serious.

Loosen it up, have a little bit of fun, neutralize those sorts, see them for what they are. They're just thoughts and as you see them for what they are, they will naturally begin to go away because the charge goes away with it. Another part of that may be to forgive because there may be some type of anger towards somebody that did something to you.

There may be some shame or guilt about something happened with someone else, and if you blame someone else, it's keeping that energy pattern within you. The key is to take responsibility for how you respond. In a way, you do that is through forgiveness. You may say, well, somebody did something really bad to me and I get it. I've had some other things happen to me.

I've had bad things happen to me and I felt justified. This person did this to me. However, the key is in forgiveness is understanding the rationalization of it. Everyone will always do the best they can with where they are and sometimes the best they can do is to be in their own low vibrational energy. For example, my step mom that was very abusive, she was in a belief system that she had to control other people and she had to be abusive.

She was doing the best she could with where she was. Does it make it okay? Does it mean that I enjoyed it, but what it does mean is I allow her to be how she is and by me neutral by me acknowledging that that was her level of rationalization? She had to rationalize it. If somebody steals from you, you could be mad at them and maybe it's even a friend, but you could see that also they've rationalized in their mind somehow because they may have a belief in scarcity, so they may believe that they had to take it from you.

You see, so it's about having that awareness of forgiveness because, in order to really truly love and to be in the love frequency, you must forgive. Otherwise, you're trying to climb a ladder, but there's still so much weight holding you down. You want to let go of the weights first and then you realize you actually really don't have to climb the ladder. The gravity. It's almost like a bob in the ocean and you just let it go. It just goes up, doesn't have to climb up. It just naturally goes up. In the same way, that's how love works.

First things first right now, find ways that you can forgive some someone in your life, understand that they're doing the best they can with where they are and that you can let them be not a judgmental way, like, well, you're in a low vibrational state, but just let them be and that will help you to then start to be more in the love frequency. That's the first step. That's the first step to this process.

2. Understand how your beliefs create your reality

The second step is understanding how your beliefs create your reality. You see how we moved up to 2:50. You'll see another step of 400 to $500. Four hundred to 500 is understanding that of the brain understanding that has the intellect, our beliefs create our reality. The thing is what you can begin to do is to become aware that your beliefs are creating your reality. What do you believe to be true?

What do you believe about reality itself? Do you believe that things come easily? Do you believe that in order to be loved, you have all these rules? Because the more you believe in these rules, the more that you are not giving yourself permission to feel love and say, well, I love myself when I'm with this person, I'll love myself when I have this job.

I'll love myself when I feel this and this body image, those all externalizing the happiness and the love, and when you do that, you'll never actually get there because even then when you do get, say you set yourself a goal to make 100,000 a year, you make 100,000 a year. If you externalize that happiness, you will then the next year say, I need to make 125, $150,000 the next year in order to be happy, and then it's. It's a goal that goes even further.

What are your rules in your mind to feeling happy right now in the present moment, and could you give yourself permission right now to feel those happy, that happiness? You see this. The funny thing is the emotions inside of our body already exists. They're already there. It's just that in our mind, we give ourselves permission to feel happy, whole and complete when x, y, or z happens, but actually we could just feel happy wholly complete right now and by you feeling happy, whole and complete right now, you will experience more of those things anyway because then you're in more vibrational resonates with it. This about being aware of that.

How do you, what do you, what rules do you have about being happy? Because you can let those rules go. I'm not telling you to develop a new belief. Well, I can be happy when this. You are love. It is who you naturally are and when I'm offering to you is to let go of those beliefs, to let go of those benchmarks in the mind that says when, if and then if and then if this happens, then I'll feel happy instead. Let those go. Feel happy now because you choose to feel happy.

Yeah. There's an Einstein wrote himself, resonated at for 99 on the scale of consciousness and he was so close to 500 in order to get to 500, he would have just had to let go of all the intellectual ideas of all of his life work, but he took the intellect as far as if you go in the same way, you don't have to be Einstein to be in the 500. You don't have to be an intellectual genius. However, you have to be willing to let go of the beliefs because beliefs do create our reality, but let go of the rules, let go of the beliefs, and you will naturally start to be more in that of the love frequency.

3. Understand how you can go from your head and into your heart.

The third way you can tap into the love frequency right now is by understanding how you can go from your head and into your heart. This is a very powerful exercise. What I recommend you do right now is right now, we'll do this little exercise. Take your hands and put your hands over your heart like this, and even just doing this for a couple minutes, you begin to tap more into your heart more until your love energy.

Understand that when you do this, you're bringing the awareness from out of the head and into the heart. The heart is who you are, so as you do this, be aware of that energy going from your head to your heart. Feel it, and right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to count down from five to one with every number I count. Imagine that there is a ball of energy inside of your heart that is spinning faster and faster.

Any color that you like, and as it's been faster and faster, you're going to feel more of this love energy doing this exercise right now. You will feel it by the end of it and such, so simple, so imagine right now that there's a ball of energy inside of your hands, inside of your heart, and imagine it's spinning faster and faster. Five, as I count down, you can feel this ball of energy begin to spin faster in your heart for feeling it. Increases momentum, that ball of energy, whatever color you like, spinning faster and faster.

Three, feeling it double with every number I count to feeling it increase again, knowing that this love is who you are. You start to feel this warmth inside of your body and one so in this feeling that is now drifting through your body, knowing you are holding complete, knowing you are love. You see, this right here goes beyond that of the intellect.

Because then what we're also doing is we're moving from having and doing into being. When you are in the present moment, you are in the love frequency because love is who you are. How do you become in the present moment? Well, really the present moment is all that exists anyways. It's just how much are you allowing your own energy to flow through. The way you do this is by saying yes to the present moment.

Say yes to whatever comes up. Even if a negative emotion comes up, say yes to it because as you say yes to it then transforms and you didn't feel different about it. Say Yes to the present moment and understand that you are already whole and complete and that by just a couple minutes a day, maybe do this for I would say two or three minutes a day at least, maybe twice a day. Put your hands over your heart. What I do is as I go to bed at night, I put my hands over my heart. I feel the love inside my heart as I'm drifting off to sleep because that also influences your subconscious mind, but think about it in the form of state of consciousness.

I understand that you can go from having and doing into being, being yourself and another thing is when you're doing your passion, you are more in the love frequency. What are you passionate about? Making a video right now. I feel passionate about this. I love doing this so it's easy for me to be in that glove frequency because I'm passionate about the passion you feel is the bridge to you.

Being who you naturally are, not doing, not having, but being I am who I am. I make videos. Those are things I do, but this is me. I am authentic for what I'm doing and in the same way you can find out the same for you. That's what I encourage you to do today and that's what I encourage you to look into is understanding that what you want me to do is let go of those lower vibrational emotions.

They're not who you are. Allow them to be there and watched them transform, neutralize them, see them as neutral. Forgive people in your life. Write down some people that you can forgive. Make the choice to forgive them by knowing they did the best with what they could, what they could do with where they were, and then secondly, understanding your beliefs are creating your reality.

Not necessarily pile on new beliefs. Let the old beliefs go. Let the old rules in your mind go off when you can feel happy and when you can do this, and as you let those go, you'll naturally begin to raise up and then remember on the other side of that, be present to the moment, say yes to the present moment, bringing the awareness from in the head into the heart and watch how your life begins to change. If you want help with letting go of those lower emotions of the past, one of the most powerful meditations I've ever made is on completing the past.

It's a YouTube video and is absolutely free. You can click on it, listen to it for 21 days. Watch how it transforms your life. It is a read the comments to see what's possible. You'll see what, what, what kind of effect it can have. And then 21 days we'll give you the results that you really want.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.