Why Drink Alkaline Water?


Why Drink Alkaline Water?

Science has been showing us the benefits of having a majority alkaline diet and the correlation to being healthy. Alkaline water has been growing every year with the acknowledgment of the health benefits of it.

Alkaline water is clear of Fluoride and many other chemicals found in most tap waters and even some bottled waters. There is a lot of proof on the effects of Fluoride on the body. When our bodies are at the acidity side of the PH scale, we tend to have more of a chance of getting sick due to the fact that disease, virus and cancer cells thrive in that type of environment.

However being more Alkaline ensures that the cells that cause ill health don’t spread and dominate the system until sickness manifests.

I’ve been drinking Alkaline water for about 3 years now and the benefits I’ve had have been amazing. I have not been sick at all in the last 3 years. It may seem hard to believe but its true. The most I’ve been is a little congested and that went away in a couple days. Since most of our bodies are made of water, the quality of water we put into our bodies will have an effect on how we feel and the state of our health. Alkaline ionized water absorbs into the body easier due to the smaller water clusters. This increases the oxygen level in the body and promotes a healthy immune system and can increase general wellbeing due to the cells being more alive with oxygen.  Why Drink Alkaline Water?


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.

Kash - May 30, 2017

Hi There,
I ‘ve read and seen your video about alkaline water. I have a question/confusion before I buy alkaline water ionizer.

How much ph water I should drink everyday or what is the ph value of water you drink everyday ?. Do you drink 100 % of time just this water ??

As our body needs acids to digest foods such as to make protein or other nutrients etc, if you drink alkaline water everyday then body becomes too alkaline and
Would body still make acid to ddigest foods ??
would it be able to digest foods or create another problem ??

If you don’t mind,Please share your 3 years of experience with me.

I wanna make sure before I use this. I sincerely request for your reply.

Thanks for you time.

Hannah Morley - February 26, 2018

Where can I purchase the best alkalie water from?

Hannah Morley - April 6, 2018

Hi.. Aaron.. i tried to contact you through instagram, however no answer.. I just wanted to know where can I buy the BEST Alkalie water?


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