If you try to control your manifestations READ THIS NOW


If you try to control manifestations, read this blog. This is going to show you a completely new way of going about the process that is much more powerful.

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Today, I'm going to be showing you a process more powerful than needing to control the outcome of what you want to manifest in your life. I know that even for myself, especially as I have got certain momentum in my life. I've attributed a certain amount of being able to control my behavior, control my own discipline. Many times, that will get carried away to a point to where there's almost all these rules and all this rigidity. The thing is then we hold ourselves back from the magic of life, from the magic of what could be happening in our life if we let go to these rules and these beliefs because our beliefs create our reality.

If we believe that we must do absolutely everything to create what we want in our lives, then that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. But imagine that believing that we have to control everything is like taking the luggage and putting it on our back and saying, I have to control what happens to this and how this person acts over here and all of these things. We ended up feeling very weighed down until a place where we feel constricted, and we feel a lot of resistance. Maybe you identify a little bit as somebody that likes to control your outcomes of what you manifest or even just control people in general. I know that even me, I'm considered what you would call a fixer, and I like to help fix it. It's not that I necessarily enjoy it, but I have this desire a lot.

I realized with interacting with people, whether it's family members or even friends, and if they're going through something, my initial reaction is to try to help fix them, to almost take on what they're dealing with and to help them through it. They financially need help or whether they need help with advice or how to do something. It's almost like I'll try to do the work for them, but what I've realized is in a way that I'm dealing with trying to control the outcome. Control is also synonymous with certainty. Many times, what will happen is we will be rewarded at some point in our past for having a certain level of control over something. What will then happen is we will become certain on that thing, and we will enjoy that certainty and joy.

Knowing what will happen next and joy knowing that our ego has some say in the process and what many times happen is that's when we'd start to develop resistance and if things go off a little bit according to that plan. Then normally what'll happen is we'll assume something's off course, and we'll start to feel resistance. With this blog is going to do is show you a process that's much more powerful in a way that I've applied this in my own life because I've realized that I have a certain level of a control when it comes to my, my willpower, a certain level of control with how I think. I think that things should happen when I have goals and intentions and a vision.

But I realized that I forget this one idea, and the purpose of this is knowing and the point of this blog is knowing that we must have a vision for what we want to create in our life, a vision and whatever that is. I've always, you know, you need something that you're moving toward something that you moving towards something that you can then have like almost a barometer, like a GPS system. You have to know where you're going, and you have to know where you are. If you don't have those two coordinates, then you'll find yourself kind of going all over the place. However, you need a vision; you need to know what you are moving towards. But the thing is once you know what you're moving towards and then you make the choice that that's who you are.

A lot of what I teach is showing that all probabilities exist right now. What quantum physics shows us is that every probability exists right now, and it's simply a different rate of vibration. If you want to experience the version of you, that's living your best life, whatever that means to you, that's really passionate about what you do. Then imagine that version of you and what you do is you mirror that version of you which you can use in your imagination. You mirror their thoughts, their emotions, and their actions, and then you eventually get their results. There's a delayed re mere response in reality, but if you keep consistent with it and you realize that that's who you are.

Meditation is what I found to be one of the most powerful ways of wiring that in, then that will eventually become your reality. However, when we remain in control as to how everything happens, remember the vision you have is the what and the why. Like within the what of that vision should be your why. If you are that version of you, the what and the how is what you will move towards the what and the why is what you will move towards, but then the how is something that you develop as you go and you will allow the universe to then show you things along the process. When I let go of trying to control everything, let me tell you what I let go of. Much resistance I was carrying around so much resistance.

I remember it was shortly after about a year after making daily videos on YouTube. I started to really get a certain moment, amount of momentum, and I realize that I was attributed a certain amount of that success with the control over my actions, over my behavior. I then started to believe that I had to stay consistent to that or everything would just fall apart. I had to control like so many different parts of my day, and I realized that that was keeping me from having fun, that was keeping me from enjoying myself. The way that I actually became aware of this is I went to this shadow breath workshop. If you've ever done shadow breath work, it's very powerful.

Basically, what you do is you breathe, you lay on the ground, and there's a certain formula, a certain format for you. You breathe in a certain way. It's like you breathe into your diaphragm, you actually breathe through your mouth, which is kind of counterintuitive to me because I always thought it was better to breathe through your nose. You breathe. It's like a full breath through your diaphragm and then through your chest. You're taking this really big deep breath, and what you do is that the exhale, you just let it go. Then as you do that more and more, you'll do that for like 45 minutes to an hour. What happens is there are breathwork practitioners that were walking around the room when I did it, I was in Costa Rica, and I'm actually getting ready to do it in a couple of weeks as well. What happens is you do it at a certain pace, and then you breathe it in.

You bring in so much oxygen into your body. That would happen is over 45 minutes of doing it. You start to get so much elevated levels of oxygen in your body, and what it does is it purges out and brings out past conditioning. It brings out past emotions, and you will feel my body literally. When the first time I did this, my body became completely numb. What happened was is that this is actually very common that has happened. My hands went into like a praying mantis position. I'm laying on the ground, and my hands went like this, and they got really, really rock hard and solid. And what happened was is I then remembered it and then my body became a kind of numb.

This wasn't unpleasant, it was like a, you know, I felt that that rigidity in my hands and in part certain parts of my body, but it wasn't painful at all. But I remember I was breathing in and out, breathing in and out. Then what happened is as I was going like this, I was then feeling the sensation of let go, let go, let go. I realized at that moment that this came from so much in the past of me to have to control my own life because of my own ego. And for example, you know, you may have known my story. I went through a lot of pain in my past of having an abusive ex step momma, my life between the ages of seven to 15 years old. What I realized is that in those moments, I had to become someone, and when I went through the pain of seven to 15 years old and I had to even in a way control my breathing.

I'll get to that in a second, but that is what caused and then let go, let go, was letting go of that pain, letting go of needing to be in flight or fight mode. As I let go, I began to relax more and more. After that experience, it was profound. I had no idea to expect that, but the message was to let go. After that I talked to one of the breathwork practitioners because she came over, one of them came over and was like adjusting my breathing, adjusting like and telling me to tension in certain parts of my body. I asked her, I said, she goes, you know, you can actually tell someone's, you can actually tell someone's personality by looking at their breathing pattern, which makes sense.

The idea behind breath work is that there's a certain way we breed and that a certain time in our past, we shifted our breathing, and when we shifted our breathing, we then shifted our emotions. Our emotions come in according to how we breathe our breath in. For example, confident people tend to breathe very deeply. People that feel anxiety tend to breathe very shallowly. Then I go and then feel a lot of that had to take a deep breath after that. They may feel a lot of that anxiety, which comes from breathing. If you learn how to modify your breathing many times, you can then change your life. What she said is that you can tell someone's personality traits by their breath.

I said, really? I said, okay, so then what is my personality trait from the way you saw me breathe since you just saw me breathe for 45 minutes? She goes, you're what we call an overachiever. You're an achiever. You're somebody that has like this, this armor around your, like a warrior that has this armor around your chest. She's like, you probably take deep breaths in. Like, and this is something I do when I breathe. Sometimes I go, it's like my tight on my back. I can take in more air. She said that it has to do with being an overachiever and she's like, you're probably an overachiever in life. I'm somebody that goes above and beyond. When I started making daily videos on YouTube, I didn't just do once a week. I did every single day, and I have to stay consistent with that pattern.

She says that that's a controlling factor. That's a control mechanism that you have. At a certain point in your past, you thought that you had to do more to be loved; you had to do more to be loved. What I realized is that that was the case. I felt, you know, such a lack of love in my life between seven and 15 years old. I decided in a moment, I actually also developed a personality trait of being what's called a people pleaser. For years I was a people pleaser. I was trying everything I could to make other people happy, whether that was someone I was in a relationship with, whether that was someone else in my family or whether it was a boss of somebody who's always trying to, if I could just make someone else happy, then I could finally be validated.

But I realized that came from a shadow aspect of myself that came from the pain of my past and not really integrating and learning that I don't have to control every part of my breath. I don't have to control every manifestation in my life. When you realize that control is actually holding you back from the natural flow of life, that's when you can actually make the switch. Here is the thing as well. Let me tell you something as well. I had this belief that I had to control many different areas of my life. The control was also making me more of a serious person. I was making daily videos. I had this extraordinary willpower, but I wasn't enjoying my life as much. I was so focused on hustling and making videos and helping people, which is a very, you know, I considered it a very good intention.

I want to help people, but what I realized is I wasn't filling up my own cup and enjoying life, and I bring back to, I remember, I had that nine to five job selling woman's shoes, which I had for many years. The days I went in and tried to control my minute kind of control customers did kind of try to control my goals or these, I felt a lot of resistance. The days I went in and focus more on my state, my state of being where the days that were magic would happen, where I would just have fun with other customers. I just focused on adding value and having fun. I'd have the what of the vision in the background, but I wasn't focused on the how. I wasn't trying to control everything, and from having that shift in perspective, I would go in, and not only would I have the best days, but I would enjoy and love the process.

It was so much more of a natural flow. In the same way, when I make these videos, and I'm trying to control every aspect of it, if I'm kind of trying to control, how people perceive it, all these things, you fill all these rules, all these rigidities. But when I make videos that have the vision, have the intention of adding value to people, but also let go of the rules and just have fun, those are the videos that tend to do very well. This is a process of understanding that your ego will try everything it can to control different manifestations. But let's think about this. It's not your ego job to do everything. Your ego's job is not to do everything. You're using your ego and physical reality. The thing is, were eternal spiritual beings. We come into this reality; we forget who we are.

Then what we do is we have certain experiences growing up of our ego with our ego because we identify through this human vehicle that we call the ego. What happens is at certain points in our past where you get rewarded for having a certain level of control over our life situations, maybe we start to control our own willpower. Maybe we realize that we have the ability to influence other people, so we start to control them. The thing is we get rewarded for that, but then we have this meaning we have this idea that if I can control everything in my life, then I can be happy. I like that certainty if

I have certainty over things, and that's really good. Remember when I was talking about when I learned to let go when I went to Costa Rica and did that shadow breath work, and I learned to let go, this is what happened. After that, I let go of believing that I had to make videos every single day, that I had to do all of these things to be successful, and I started just simply to enjoy my own life more. I started to do what I wanted to do. I started to create my own rules for life, and by my own rules, I met to let go of a lot of the rules that I had when I did that, and I also had ruled by the way about my own self-image. I saw myself as like I can't make videos on certain things on YouTube.

I remember I was afraid to make videos on star seats on some of the more esoteric content that I create, and you know what I said? I said you know what? I'm going to let go of that self-image. I'm going to let go of trying to control what people think about me. I'm going to let go of all of that. I started to make videos, esoteric videos, videos on star seeds, videos on some concepts. I was afraid I had been wanting to put out for years but have been afraid to put out because what will people think? People think of me as the law of attraction YouTuber. If I played videos outside that box, then Oh, who knows what will happen?

That's what happened. I started to do that because I wanted to do that and guess what happened? Everything exponentializes that's what took my channel. I think from like 350,000 subscribers to like 600,000 it's from that energy. It's from that looseness. It's from relaxing. It's from realizing I can let go of the need to control. I can let go of trying to control how things happen. I can let go of trying to control how people think of me, and once I let go of that control, I was in a higher vibrational state. That's what changed everything. The rigidity will keep us in resistance, but when you learn to let go, and you learn this as well, think of it like this. You have a higher mind and your ego-mind.

Some people do need to develop a little bit of willpower. Maybe they're in a level below, not below the ego, but they're in a level where maybe they have a lack of boundaries or they don't even have a vision for what they want to create in their life and they could just kind of find they're in stagnant energy. Maybe part of that would be good to develop a level of focus and a level of understanding your own boundaries towards moving towards your passion or whatever it is. I'm here to tell you that maybe the governor in your life that may be keeping you back from going as fast as you can or as high vibrational as you can. What I encourage you to do is to learn how to let go, let go of control.

Realize that you have an ego-self and a higher self. Imagine it like this. Your ego-self is in the valley. Your higher self is on the mountain. Your higher self-guides you in the form of emotion and passion as to which direction to go in. What happens is the ego sometimes thinks I need to control everything. I know that this is the best way to go. This is the best route. This is the best route. This is the best route. But your ego's in the Valley, you can't see what's ahead, and your higher self may be telling you, Hey, go in this direction. You may say, no, that doesn't make sense to go in that direction, but it says, no, go in this direction because then there's a river, but the over that river is a bridge that saves you a lot of time or that's way more fun and way more beautiful route.

If you were to let go of control and trust that guidance, it found amazing things begin to happen in your life. Control is many times holding you back from manifesting really what you want. The key to this process is aligning with the divine. You are a divine being. When you meditate, and you bring more of that divine energy in because it's who you naturally are and you start to trust your life, then your life will begin to change in a very powerful way. You know, the definition of control has to do with supervising the behavior, the strategy, and the behavior of different things. Control is the supervising and determining the course of behavior and the course of outcome. If you're trying to control everything, then you're doing it most likely from the level of the ego.

If you let go, you'll find that magical things begin to happen. That's what's happened in my own life. The more I let go of trying to control my breathing, I tried to control my thoughts. If I could just control my thoughts, then I would feel better. The more I let go, and I simply observe, and then I decide the what and the why, the vision and the purpose behind that vision. I simply decide that's who I am now. That's when things began to change in my life in a very powerful way. The more you raise your vibration, the more you'll find that your life begins to change in a powerful way. If you haven't seen it yet, I have a calibration of vibration. It takes about a minute to fill out, and you can calibrate your own vibration to see where your vibration is in the form of an archetype.

What I'll do is send you to premium meditations that will help you to get to the next level of consciousness. Plus, I'll send you emails moving forward on how to get to the next level of consciousness. If you want to calibrate your vibration, you can go to whatismyvibration.com. The main thing I want to say is just let go of believing you have to do everything. You are much more powerful than you imagined. But the part of you I'm speaking to is not just the ego, it's also the higher being within you. When you start to tap into that divine, this, when you start to trust the process, I promise you everything will happen in a much more magical way.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.