Stop believing in yourself and instead do this


I'm going to show you why you should stop believing in yourself — understanding that the beliefs you have are what's keeping you in the problems that you currently have, keeping you in a low vibration, and I'm going to show you exactly what to do instead.

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Today, I'm going to be showing you how your beliefs are actually killing your manifestations, how your beliefs are causing you to stay in a low vibration, how you are living within the prison of your own beliefs, and you might not even know it. This is something that we hear a lot. It's that just believing in yourself. Just believe in yourself, but what is the self you should believe in? You see the self has to do many times with people refer to as the ego.

And what happens is when we tell people to believe in themselves, understand they've believed in something about themselves their whole entire lives, whether they're aware of it or not, the problem actually is that they've been bought in, in believing in everything they'd been told about themselves. They believe what they tell themselves on the inside about who they are and how they relate to other people. They believe I'm a shy person. I'm an awkward person. I deserve this kind of relationship. These are all beliefs that people agreed to. And based on those beliefs, that's what creates the prison of our own life.

First off, don't believe anything that I'm telling you right now. Don't believe it. Don't believe what I'm telling you. And also, don't believe what you tell yourself. You see, when I create this content on YouTube, a lot of what I actually intend to do is to wake people up to understand that they create their own reality. Your reality is a reflection of the story that you tell yourself consistently. The story you tell yourself has within it those beliefs.

For example, I'm not a worthy person. That's a story that we tell ourselves, and we could say, well, we have evidence of it. Look to the past when you had somebody that treated you this way, it reaffirmed that you're not worthy, but it's assuming that the external, the external circumstance had to create and had to influence my internal validation, my internal circumstance. And then what happens is that happened like at eight years old.

That story many times will get held with people. They'll keep that story going their whole entire lives. Not aware that they believe they're not worthy. Everyone is constantly looking at different meanings in reality of what different things mean. We're giving meaning to everything, whether we're aware of it or not. Your parents divorced. You could have given that in meaning that you caused it, that you're not worthy. Instead of seeing it and changing the meaning and realizing that because they divorced, you then weren't a part of such a hectic environment and didn't being around each other all the time.

Maybe your environment was still hectic regardless of what it is. Understand that if things don't happen in life to you, things happen for you. That's a shift in paradigms and a shift in paradigm, but understand beliefs are not necessarily good. They're not necessarily bad. Beliefs just simply are, and when we start to see beliefs for what they are, just their filters, it makes it more powerful. I remember when I went to Beshara conference within the last couple of months, I remember learning the beliefs create reality. I already knew that. I knew. I mean, I know that I've known that since 2012, when I went to my spiritual awakening, and then I realized that I had a belief that I had ADHD at a story.

I told myself you went to a doctor; they told you to have this. Everyone else thinks you have too much energy. There's something wrong with you. And then I learned meditation. I learned how to observe my thoughts. I learned how to observe how I felt on the inside. And I learned that I didn't need the outside to tell me how to feel on the inside. And what I did is I then changed my story. I said, I no longer have ADHD. I just have a lot of energy. I reframed it from that point going forward. I'd never had to take Adderall again, which is the prescription drug given out for it. And I feel like I just balanced my energy out. I've grass hop side, I walk barefoot on, and that's my new story.

I said, okay, this is cool. How can I apply this in the rest of my life? But it wasn't that I attained a new belief that I just have a lot of energy. I reframed the old belief. It was more, so I just let go of the old belief. Okay, so you see, it will work the same way. In reality, any belief we have, which is also a story we tell ourselves, isn't actually inherently true, and many times those beliefs that we have now will eventually be obsolete. For example, understand that we are infinite spiritual beings living a temporary human experience. We forget this when we come here, but what happens is, our reality is perceived through our belief system.

What we do is we go out into the world, we have something that happens. We give something a certain meaning that meaning then stays on autopilot until we become aware of it. What happens is until we become aware of it, that will run itself out over and over and over again. When we become aware of it, though, we can then do is look at that story, look at that and realize it and see it for what it is and then let it go when it doesn't serve. For example, you may believe that you can only make $50,000 per year.

What you could do is you could just let go of that belief that that's all you're capable of. Expand your awareness and start to see other potentials for you to create value for people, for you to see how you can become more abundant, and then allow yourself to, in a way, take up that and be in that vibration. What happens is you may then eventually have the belief that you could make $100,000 per year. Well, that belief will eventually become obsolete because there will come a time when you outgrow that belief.

Beliefs change as you change your beliefs are a direct reflection of the story that you tell yourself. Believing in yourself is the cause of almost all the pain in your life because you've believed in yourself. You've believed in the things that you have been telling yourself over and over and over again. Things like I'm not worthy. I'm not enough. I need that person in my life. Why don't they like me? These beliefs, these stories that we tell ourselves on the inside, are something we already believe to be true. That's what's causing the pain. The key is not believing in yourself.

The key is letting go of the beliefs and then knowing thyself, knowing thyself, moving beyond belief and into being, being present to the moment, being here. You see, the mind always projects itself. The mind wants to get to the future. The mind wants to get out of the past or wants to change the past or think about the past, and therefore, the mind is always scattering itself in different directions. The key is when you become more here.

You can experience everything in your life as if you chose it for the first time, and by doing that, you then go beyond belief. Let's get back to what I was saying with belief. Understand it says B lie beliefs are lies. We tell ourselves why are we may have beliefs to say I'm not worthy. People say believe in yourself, but the thing is most of the things people believe in are things that aren't true about themselves or things that don't actually serve them. Instead of asking ourselves a question, is this belief true? As does this belief served me?

Because you've been told your whole entire life to believe in yourself, to believe in the stories you've been telling yourself is the whole reason you feel unworthy. Instead of believing in these lies, be just take this all out. Take all these four letters out. Just be, be present to the moment. Go beyond belief and beyond belief. Intervene. This is the key to transformation. This is the key to go and beyond the filters. Go beyond the autopilot mind. You've been told your whole life what to believe. Most of us just absorb the beliefs of our environment.

We absorb the beliefs of our parents. We absorb the beliefs of everything. We're told, believing this is who I am. This is what I'm worthy of. This is how I have to be in life. The key to this is understanding those beliefs were handed me downs from your parents. I used to, in a way, not really like that because you're, I am talking about the love attraction to believe in yourself and all this stuff, but now it has a lot more meaning.  Doubt is actually a good thing. We should doubt the beliefs that we have, who we think we are.

We should doubt the stories we tell ourselves we should doubt because, as you doubt all of these things, you let go of all the illusion in your life, and what are you left with? The truth, the only truth, by the way, sorry to spoil into this movie, the end of this show, the end of this reality of figuring this all out for yourself and you can only really figure this out through experience, but at the end of this life, what we're going to find out, spoiler, is that all that exists is love. Everything else is an illusion. Everything else is an illusion. Everything is about love. At the end of our life, we might have a life review at the end of our life.

We will feel what we made everyone else in our life feel at the end of our life. We will realize that love is the only thing that is real. That's why most people that come back from an NDE and near-death experience have such a new, profound love for life and an appreciation. It's because the truth is love is the only thing that matters. It's all money thing that we're chasing. All this other stuff that we're chasing. We're going to find out at the end of our life or hopefully a lot sooner than that's not really what matters, but you can't take that money with you, but love is something that transforms you and going on to the next level of our shift in consciousness.

It's about understanding that love is all there is. What happens is we're born into society. We then get told what to believe. Bob From our parents, we absorb the beliefs of them. We take on many of the problems they may have had, and we can continue to live those things out until we become aware of it. But then what eventually happens is we start to believe in ourselves, but believe in yourself. Just believe in yourself. The problem is the self you've believed in is the ego, and most of the beliefs that you've been told by other people are lies.

They're beliefs that you're not worthy. They're beliefs that you're not enough there. Beliefs that you need other people to be happy. Don't believe in yourself. Take out these four letters and just be treat every situation as if you're experiencing it for the first time. Go beyond the ego construct and allow yourself to be more curious, to have more fun, to enjoy life. Then you'll start to wake up from the autopilot mind, the autopilot thing that people have been telling you how to adjust.

Believe in yourself. The problem is all the problems in your life come from what you believe to be true. The stories you've been telling yourself consistently. Most of the beliefs we have are negative, and any belief we have is a limitation. For example, I believe I can make $1 billion, Aaron, that's not a limiting belief. That is so much money. I believe I can make $1 billion. I believe I can make $1 billion. But guess what? Let's say that you know we all agree that $1 billion is a lot of money. Most of us would agree to that. You talked to Jeff Bezos. He might think that $1 billion is less than a percent of what he's worth.

Guess what? That's true. Being a billionaire is at the level that Jeff Bezos is a billionaire. Okay, so yes. 99.999% of people in the world, $1 billion does not. Their limiting belief because of where we currently are, $1 billion to Jeff Bezos, is a very small fraction of what he's worth. And in five or ten or you know, even like another year or two, he might be worth like two or $300 billion and then it's even less. What is my point of this? $1 billion is a limitation from different points of view. If Jeff Bezos were to make only $1 billion this year, he would probably think there is something very, very wrong with his business.

My point is $1 billion is still a limiting belief from a certain perspective. It's still a limitation. As you're saying, I can only be going to make $1 billion this year, only a billion dollars. I know it sounds ridiculous for me to say this because I got so much money to so many people, but all I'm trying to show you is that $1 billion in of itself is a limitation. All beliefs are transit we use for some time, but eventually, we may let them go. In our lifetime, in my lifetime, I may never make $1 billion, and if I don't, guess what?

That's okay. However, I recognize that $1 billion from certain perspectives are a limitation. You see, so the belief in itself isn't where the power is. The key is within you. You are a limit. Lists being you are capable of anything you set your mind to is in judge by leaving yourself. Just believe in you. But what I'm showing you right now, go beyond the self. Go beyond the self. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in being. Just be present to the moment enlightenment. If he's experiencing them for the first time, no matter if he's been to the same hallway, talks to the same people a hundred times. He experiences it as if he's experienced the first time.

That is, which we call enlightenment. He is just being Sadhguru. Do you believe that you're enlightened? He would probably tell you no, or he would probably tell you he doesn't believe in anything. You know what? I went and saw Bashar recently, not dying along ago. He meets these enlightened people that could do literally magical things that can make objects appear instantly. They could tell the port; they could implant ideas in people's minds, things we consider to be magic. Some of the little mantles already do.

You know we already sent thoughts, and you pick up on people's vibes, but in general, some of these things literally we would consider being magic Bashar. Why can these people do these magical things? What beliefs do enlightened people have? You want to know the answer. Enlightened people don't have beliefs. They know thy self, thy self. They know though is not the same self that you must believe in. It's a self that is beyond the ego construct. It is the larger consciousness part of us that we're all connected to. We are all connected to each other, and we are all source energy experience in itself through different perspectives.

We are God that's been cut into billions of different pieces and put into different bodies. All meant to have this life experience of going through this transformation on this planet. That is why what you put out, it's what you get back. That's why, because what you do to someone else, you do in another aspect of you, that person is you at a deeper level. he self that you're going to believe in is more so recognition of knowing that this self is not really you. It's an Avatar that we're using for a short period of time. I go around and go, Aaron, good job. You did great. Yeah, my daily videos on YouTube for a very long time. Good job. Just believe in yourself. And then I went, Yay. I'm going to believe in myself.

I can make another video tomorrow. But see, this is the thing. That's the little self, that's the little ego-self. Most people run around, in reality, trying to create their reality from the level of the control of the ego. The key to this, though, it's going beyond the ego. You see, we're all divine beings dreaming that we have separate human experiences. That's what we're doing right now, and it's fun, and we're meant to enjoy life. But the thing is beliefs keep us in our prison. Go beyond belief. Go into being, be here now. Focus on knowing thyself. And the way that you do this is you stop believing in the little self.

You stopped believing in the separate self. You stop believing that you're not worthy. You stop. You start to question all of these things that you've believed about yourself. Don't believe things because I tell you it doesn't believe things because I said this a year ago, mortal, spiritual being, living a temporary human experience. Don't believe it just because I said it. Go within yourself. See if it resonates with you. Also, don't believe the things you've been telling yourself. It doesn't mean you can't come to certain conclusions, but it means that you've been telling yourself, I'm not worthy. I deserve only this.

I am a shy person. All of these things that you've been tying onto your identity, I'm just saying question them. Then thirdly, don't believe me. Don't believe yourself. Don't believe other people. People are going to come over to you and say, oh Liz, but this day is this way. I remember going to my nine to five job. He was like, oh, today's so slow, isn't it?  There are no customers here, and I'm thinking to myself, do I want to agree to that? You can say, well, look around. There's no Bernie Prevo. Does it mean it doesn't have to be a story that the whole day is going to be like this and I've been times that I go in there, I reject that belief, and now I'm the only one that's busy.

You see, I had a sales commission job. What I'm saying is don't believe other people. Don't believe them. Telling yourself, you're not worthy. Don't believe it when they tell you that you're not attractive. You're not this kind of person. You don't deserve happiness. Don't believe them. Don't believe yourself. Don't believe me. Doubt everything you believe to be true because then the illusions begin to fade away in life. That's the ending of this story. The ending of this blog, everything in life is love. That's it — spoiler alert.

Stop believing in yourself. Stop believing in other people what other people tell you. Stop believing, and even when I'm telling you right now, start questioning reality and start going beyond belief into being an experience. Write your own rules. I want you to write your own rules in society. Write your own rules for what it means to be happy. Write your own rules and get rid of a lot of those rules. Cause a lot of those rules are keeping from limitation, keeping you from feeling the love that you naturally are.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.