3 Weird Ways Music Influences Your Vibration (and you don’t even know it)


I'm going to be sharing with you three ways that music is influencing your vibration and you may not even know it and I'm going to show you things that you can do so that you aren't negatively impacted. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding the kind of weird influence that music has on our consciousness and in also understanding like if we know this if we know that when we listen to music, it puts us into a certain frequency depending on a couple of the different factors I'm going to be sharing in this blog.

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This is something that I have been kind of aware of since I was even younger even before I got into the spiritual awakening for information. I remember listening to certain music and thinking to myself like, this doesn't sound like a positive thing to be continuously putting into my consciousness and saying certain affirmations, like certain songs, are very catchy and when you're thinking of them it's like you're it. Especially because they're catchy. Think about the repetition that's involved there. If you hear a certain song and it says something and says like the song was talking about like how money is evil or something. I mean I don't know how many songs talk about how money is equal.

Normally when you're getting to a certain state and you're talking about maybe there's a song about a breakup, like think about this, like a song that's about a breakup and how whole, how incomplete somebody feels from listening to that song. They're like, Oh, I feel like incompletes and all this other stuff without you. These days you see that over and over and over again with emotion. The depth of the words inside of it as well. That gets programmed into your subconscious mind and you say it over and over and over again. Understand that, especially with music, because music has a tendency to stay kind of locked into our thought process with repetition, then we are wiring ourselves in different ways. One thing that I've become aware of, especially in my spiritual awakening journey is how aware I am of the information about the music that I'm listening to and how that influences my vibration.

This isn't the end all be all. This doesn't mean that if you listen to certain songs and you enjoy it, but they don't have necessarily, you don't know the exact intention of the song or anything that you have to like never listen to it. Again, I'm just saying be aware of how some of these things may influence us. The first thing I want to talk about and the first weird way that it influences us is understanding that the frequencies. I've noticed this within myself. When I do what I notice and something that I became newly aware of and then I confirmed with someone named Bashar who we need to make her up before. But if I curse and I'm like, I don't want to curse cause I didn't want to bring that type of ration through.

But, if I were to, and I say certain words, what I notice and what I believe happens is that our energy state, because words are vibration, the vibration or frequency that we are resonating in when we say these words are linking up to other people with other words and other people that have thought those words before or not before, but just in general. We pick up on the frequencies of other people that are also cursing and good Kersey many times can also be something that then puts them think about the state. Some people are in when they're saying the F word. Very often you see that this is something I had confirmed by talking to Bashar. I went to a Bashar conference and or like a seminar-workshop and I got to ask questions. One of the questions I asked is when listening to certain songs, what happens is if you get a certain song stuck in your head, many other people on the planet have also been thinking and feeling a certain way while listening to that same song.

You begin to pick up on the frequencies of those other people who are also in the frequency of that song listening to it. It's stuck in their head as well because everything is frequency. What I talked about with Bashar was something called pendulums. This understanding that our thoughts have an energetic form even though we don't see it. Thoughts are literally things. When we think certain thoughts and when we think of certain curse words, when we think of certain, um, songs, it puts us into a certain frequency and everybody else that's on the planet, it's in that frequency. Because we're connected to a collective consciousness, we begin to pick up and pull through the information that they are also thinking of. It doesn't mean it always influences us in such a negative way.

But, in general, think of everything as frequency and anything you pay attention to, anything you vibrate at the same frequency, yet you are picking up and pulling in information based on that thought structure. I know this is a more esoteric concept, but our thoughts are literal things. When we think certain thoughts and we think in certain thoughts, structures, which are like songs, there are many other people on the planet that think the same thing. Because we're all collect connected via this collective consciousness, we pick up on the emotions and the feelings of those people that are listening to that song. What you'll notice is that there may be higher vibe song songs that other higher vibe people may be listening to, maybe even with sacred intention, maybe something that they listened to get them into a certain state so that they can meditate. When you listen to it, you pick up on a certain frequency because it's also within the collective consciousness.

This is about understanding that we're all connected. Imagine the earth and around the earth as an electromagnetic field. Within this electromagnetic field is the accumulated thoughts and emotions and feelings of all seven-plus billion people on the planet. When we are turning to a certain frequency, whether that's a certain type of music that has a certain intention, that is certain words, the billions of other people or millions of other people on the planet that are also listening to it, we begin to tune to the frequency of everyone else as well. It connects us into that vibration. If we're listening to songs that are like, you know, maybe disrespecting a certain type of people, maybe songs that are maybe like a, like a heartbreak song for example, where there are many other people that are feeling that same way, you may find that it has a certain influence on your vibration because you're also picking up on the vibrations of everyone else that's feeling that emotion.

The work of Dr. David Hopkins ohm, the mantra itself is the sound of the universe and it calibrates that over 700 on the scale of consciousness from zero to a thousand. It's very high vibration. Many people that use that frequency, use it with the divine intention. Because of that, you connect to the energy of everyone else. That also has that divine intention. That's why that can be such a powerful intention and such a powerful sound. The first part of this is understanding that when you are thinking and feeling and putting yourself in a frequency, there are millions of other people on the planet that have done the same thing. You connect yourself to their energy fields based on that frequency you're putting yourself in.

What Bashar said about that is everything is frequency. He said that when I was asking him this question specifically, he said that when you do it, you do end up linking up to that energy field and to those frequencies. But it really only influences you if you are in a way, I guess, unconscious of it. The second weird way that music will influence your vibration is by influencing your beliefs, by influencing your beliefs. These different people all have different belief systems and based on their music and what they're saying, the definitions themselves. Well, why are your beliefs? If there are certain money, the certain beliefs about like for example, maybe like underground, some underground hip hop that talks about how the government is corrupt. Not to say that the government isn't corrupt, but what I'm saying is that that belief structure could end up building in resistance.

Maybe it's like your power's particular way from you. You got to do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Even though that may be inherently true, that certain power has been in a way externalized. But sometimes people can stay there a little bit too long towards then they start to develop resistance and negative beliefs about how they're not powerful because of all this resistance going on in the world.

Here are many different layers to this. There are many songs and music in general that will talk negatively about women. When you have songs that are talking negatively about women, there may be a programmed way that many guys listening to that and even girls listening to that may start to see women in a disempowered state because of the repetition of the song. I know it's kind of a weird way, but understand our beliefs create our reality and the way that we show up in our world is many times dependent on our beliefs about ourselves and the beliefs about others. The way we relate to other people. Music has a very profound impact on the words and the language that we use in our own life. What is the energy state in of the artists that you're listening to? If you're reading a book, you pick up on the frequency of the author that wrote the book.

It's you're into music, you're picking up on the energy field and the tonality and the intention of the person that you are listening to. When you're talking about how much money you have and you're putting it out there like that. Why are we that into the collective consciousness now? I think that that actually helps them. It can have an impact. That is something to pay attention to as well. Who are you listening to and do you like their energy? Some people when they get into that of, um, certain songs that they sing, they start to literally channel energy when they do that. But she high vibrational music, they're literally kind of getting out the way and they just like almost, it just comes through them and then you may listen to that and you may feel the high vibration. That's why some people I think like to watch people live like performances because of the influence that'll have. However, in the same way, I think that when I do these videos, I get into a flow state and then many people liked the energy of these videos when it's just me being in a flow state.

You see the attention and the person's energy that you are consuming the songs from will also impact you. Be aware of what that energy state is. Be aware of how they feel about themselves. Be aware of their own energy and ask yourself, do I want to bring more of that energy into my life? When someone is doing like a sacred mantra. For example, with that intention that that person has when they're doing that mantra when you didn't do that mantra, you put yourself into that high vibe frequency of the person that's doing it that has that divided attention. This is something that I think can be very powerful for hacking our own energy. You can watch this and listen to this for 21 days. This is something that I call collective manifestation. As you imagine everyone else listening to this frequency, having that kind of transformation, having a transformation there like connecting to the divine.

Becoming extraordinarily abundant and by you adding your thoughts, structure and your intention to it, it becomes this mass movement of this meditation and I recommend you listen to it for 21 days and watch the miracles that happen in your life. That's one of the most powerful things I've ever put out on YouTube. I recommend you listed for 21 days. Watch what happens and see how it can change your life. Other than that, remember music has a powerful impact on the repetition of your subconscious mind.

Music has an influence on the words that you listened to, which of the programs you with thoughts repetitiously so be aware of what that is. Be aware of the energy state. The person that is in that is delivering the information, delivering the music, and then decide, is this something that I want to resonate with? When you start to modify this by this and the high vibration from music, this is the mantras. You'll see that your life begins in a very transformative, very powerful way. The meditation below will help you to do that.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.