5th Dimensional SECRETS to our Reality that will change your life FOREVER

I'm going to show you fifth dimensional secrets that will change your life. These are things about reality that a lot of people aren't aware of but will becoming more aware of as time goes on and I will share them with you.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of 5th dimensional secrets of our reality, understanding how our reality works in different dimensional states of consciousness. Because right now on the planet, I believe that we are going through a shift in consciousness. It's something that's been happening for a while now. It's something that will continue to happen, but what you may notice happen is a lot of the older ways of going about things, the old mentalities that doesn't work anymore. If you look around at like the weight, a lot of businesses used to do things.

As time goes on, I don't think that companies like Coca Cola or McDonald's, I don't think that they're necessarily going to continue to do that well unless they put in a pure intention. So the idea is that you'll notice that a lot of things are coming out about different companies, about different leaders of different companies. A lot of these things are coming out because it's the time of awareness and things aren't hidden, you know, and I feel like as time goes on, if there's companies that have impure intentions, it's going to be brought to the surface more and more and people aren't going to engage with them unless it is something that is more in alignment with the new energy, with the way that things are moving in the direction of. So right now on the planet, something else that's happening is the old stuff is falling away.

It's a part of the process. It's like building a sand castle. You have to clear the ground, the old 10 cows before you build up the new one. The old stuff is falling away. The old paradigms are falling away. The old power dynamics are falling away. Even when I had my old job like three years ago, like the last year I was there, I was seeing that the old ways of going about things where there was like this big dictatorship, it's done. It doesn't work anymore. It wasn't. It was starting to fall apart. It was like people. It was just a different paradigm. Now when I talk about 5th dimensional secrets of our reality, the other thing that makes me understand more or allows me to understand more about this time that we're in is if you've ever read the books by Dolores Cannon, which is people are in what we're call the is QHHT, quantum healing hypnosis technique, people in a deep level of hypnosis and their subconscious mind.

What happens is information comes through and you can ask questions like, why did you incarnate at this time? What is your purpose in life? And what many, many people will say all over the world that have been in this deep hypnotic state that didn't know each other. Because Dolores Cannon was doing this back in the 60s and the 70s, I came here to be part of the shift. I came here to be part of this transition. I came here for this ascension and when we talk about it first off, ascension, it doesn't mean leave body or like some rapture thing. That's like an outdated way of looking at it. Something we're doing in body. We're raising the vibratory signature of our body and we're starting to perceive of a reality that is different than the way we may have been taught our whole entire lives where we've been really emphasized into 3D ego.

So it's more about understanding. Let's first off understand a little bit more about the dimensions. Before I get into the secrets, just so that we're all on the same page here. The third dimension is the dimension or the reality of duality. The reality, I'm ally, I get it, but you know what I mean? The reality of duality. So it's like good, bad light, dark third dimension is also very connected to control. Controlling. There's been a certain level of control on the planet of information for a long time and 3d reality is an emphasis of that. We were all born into a 3D level of consciousness where we've forgotten who we are. It's one of the rules when you come here on earth and forget who you are. Well I don't know if it's definitely a yeah, it is kind of, it's like part of the game and then what happens is there's that 3D level of consciousness where we are completely unaware of who we are, where we're out for ourselves.

And in a way we are doing everything we can to kind of emphasize the Eagle. Fourth dimension, 4D reality can be considered that of time. Reality becomes much more flexible. There's still a PR can be a perception of good or bad. However, it's not as a, it's not as dualist, it's not as polarized and in 4D reality, it's like more about vibration. It's more about vibrational resonance. And we, I believe right now our teetering in between that of 3D, 4D and 5D reality, the reality is more of a connection to the heart. It's more of an awareness that we're all connected because we're all connected. What I put out is what I get back, what I put out and do to you. I do to other aspects of myself and vice versa. We're all connected. We're all other versions of ourselves.

So 5D reality is that awareness and that putting out of good. There's certain ways of hacking it, but it's almost become a very divine like existence. I believe that we're all divine beings who forgotten that. So when we're talking about fifth dimensional secrets, I want to share this one with you that I thought of a couple of days ago that I, that I've learned from reading some books, some books and stuff. So I got my handy Dandy White Board. And the other thing I did is I realized that the old marker that I had was so small and it wasn't we read the, the board. So now I got one way you'll be able to read this. Okay, now let me show you this real quick.  So I've shared this little thing right here.

So imagine that that is the earth. There's an electromagnetic earth. Let your magnetic energy around the earth. And what happens is the thoughts that we think that we think our own are actually a part of the collective consciousness. So when we think thoughts like I'm worthy or I'm not worthy, we think they're ours. But there's so many other people that have also said that I'm not worthy or I am worthy, that it's caused that. It's almost like we're not thinking thoughts, we're receiving thoughts, we're picking up on the frequency of thoughts. And a lot of what we think is actually comes from our past. It comes from our parents, our childhood. It comes from conditioning. Now, something that I learned, it's called cleaning. This is a 5D dimensional secret. It's called cleaning.

And what it has to do with is understanding that since our thoughts are literally things that we think are, thoughts are invisible to our eyes, but our thoughts when we think them have formed, that's why you might notice like I, I always realize like in parts of my house, right? If I were to go into here I normally only really think thoughts in here. It's my business or my a business. So I'm in here, I have it. It's very easy for me to think more thoughts of business. Certain parts of my house, like I'm, when I'm in this area where I film all the time, I can feel the thoughts almost of electromagnetic energy of passion. If I go into my meditation room, it's of high vibrational, like meditation. So these thoughts are literally things we might not see them, but they're, they're real in the sense of its vibe is vibration now because we're thinking these electromagnetic thoughts.

What happens is based on we're not really thinking of them. We're receiving them. What happens though is we are thinking these thoughts and if we’re thinking about something else on the outside have negative thoughts about it or negative emotion about it, that stays within our own energy field stays within our energy field. Now here's the thing. Cleaning is when you start to heal these imbalances in the energy field, and I'm going to share with you a way of doing that and what this works with as well. This is work like it's beyond what I could even imagine. I've seen so many people's life change because of something like this. So what I'm about to share with you, you can also heal within yourself that what you perceive in other people and that adds to them being healed as well because these thoughts aren't really just ours, so you might, there might be something about someone else that you know where they have some faults, they have some negative emotion and what you can do is you can heal your perception of what that is inside of them and then they start to become healed.

This is found out through a process called Ho'oponopono, which is a Hawaiian process that has to do with sane four simple words or four simple phrases which is, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you, I love you and what that does is that allows you, the idea is as you heal whatever imbalances are in them, if they are a very negative, what you do is you heal the negativity within yourself. If you are perceiving of it, what you do is you say, I'm sorry you say I'm sorry, because you're sorry that you have allowed whatever reflection is in someone else you to perceive of it because it means there's some level of negativity inside of you. You take responsibility for your perception of this in someone else and then what you do is you say, please forgive me.

You Ask for forgiveness for having that within your energy field, for the perception that that person is even negative because that actually adds to them continuing to be negative in the future. With that expectation, they thank you. Thank you for the awareness of what was in my energy field that I wasn't aware of. And then I love you. I love you. It's a high vibration, the highest vibrational frequency of this process. So saying those four words, I know it sounds a little bit like why would you take responsibility for someone's else's negativity? But if you're perceiving of it, it means that there's some level of negativity that's not integrated into you because you're even labeling it as negativity. And this was found out through the process of Ho'oponopono from a Dr Len who had this experience where what he did is he tested it with 50 different patients.

50 different patients within the psych ward that were violent criminals. What he did is he just, he said, I don't need to meet them. I just want to look at their cases. What he did is he did, looked at each of their cases, healed his idea of them and healed within himself, whatever that was, reflecting back to them. And by doing that, they also healed. He never even spoke to them, which gets to the point of reality. What is reality? Is it just a reflection? Did he heal his version of these people? And because of that, they then healed. You see, the reality that we think is so fixed within our own energy field, as we heal, these thoughts are everywhere. We are cleaning up, not just ourselves, but we're cleaning up our perception of other people, which then kills the world. So as we will all wake up right now, you may say, why didn't all of us?

A lot of us are waking up before other people. If you're watching my channel, you're probably somebody that's woke up before a lot of other people in your family, even your friend group. And you may think that people think you're crazy or people think you're crazy because of that. He just woke up first. When did it can be inconvenient if we all woke up in the same families and we all just got along and we all just felt accepted. Well, we spread out for a reason. We all spread out because we wanted to be like the seeds that were, that were germinating. And then we could influence all the seeds around as to also germinate. But if we were all in the same family, we'd be like, oh, we're just gonna, we're gonna go start a society over here or something like that. So that's the 5th dimensional secret I have. One of the most powerful meditations that I've made is a hotpot upon a meditation that if you listen to for 21 days, I think it'll change your life.

It'll change your energy field, the frequency of it, the thoughts you consistently think are charging your energy field. And when you change that with the four statements of Ho'oponopono, it begins to change your life. And the second secret I have a couple of these I'll be sharing with you has to do with understanding vibration in the form of something that I've studied quite a bit from the book called power vs force. It has to do with muscle testing for energy vibration. There's a scale of consciousness that you've seen me share in a lot of videos. It goes from zero to a thousand and there are different activities. There are different objects, there are different types of people that resonate at a certain frequency.

You'll see shame, fear, guilt, anger, neutrality. Eventually you see reasoning of the intellect of the mind, love, joy, peace, enlightenment. These are all different vibrations. Now in the book, power versus force, they calibrate the different vibrations, the different things. Also, Yoga will calibrate at a certain frequency. I don't remember what it is, drinking calibrates at a certain frequency. I think that calibrates at one 75 you have that of a different type of music that calibrates a different frequency. You have music like classical musical resonate in the four hundreds. Many times you'll have that of heavy metal like rock music, which will let resonate much lower. You'll have a people that resonate at different frequencies as well. And right now on the planet, what's happening is this shift in consciousness is allowing us to go from a lower vibration to a higher vibration.

And as we do that, we'll notice that one of the ways that we can transcend our consciousness is by changing our inner environment and our outer environment. So for example, if you're around a lot of people that bring your energy down, they may be trying to, subconsciously, it's pulling you down into lower vibes. There may be very material, they may be friends that are very materialistic that think you should just not try to do all this self-help stuff are the spirituality stuff or whatever it is. And part of you is like, I want to raise my vibration. I want to feel better. I want to do all these things.

So, if you tailor your environment, the news resonates at a very low frequency. So when you perceive of the news is lowering your vibration. So, when you're aware of these though, you can then more so navigate through your life because you could choose your environment more wisely. There's books also that resonate and have the power of now resonates at like 500 autobiography of a Yogi or resonates pretty high. So these are all different frequencies as we perceive and begin to raise our vibration. So I believe that this shift in consciousness we're going through, we have the ability to feel a majority of the time, like a 7 or 8 or 9 out of 10.

But the shift in consciousness, it's happening right now and it's a beautiful thing and as time goes on, I think that more and more people be kind of like popping like popcorn. It'll be easier and easier when you know, you might feel kind of weird right now, kind of lonely, kind of like people don't get you, but as time goes on, it becomes easier. The last secret I want to talk about something, a quote that I've been saying a lot, and it's the more we realize our life is a dream, the more dreamlike our life becomes. So I believe that if we just have fun in this reality, knowing that this is like a 3D Avatar, 3D Avatar in reality, going around doing things, identifying with what I do, with identifying with who I think I am, but it's still a form of illusion.

If I were to step by toe right now, it would hurt it. You say, well that is that illusion. Aaron doesn't hurt just an illusion. The experience is still real. We feel the experience, but things are 99.9% empty space and we pick up on different frequencies in our reality depending on what we're tuned to. So when you realize that life is meant to be fun, life is more like a dream. Your life becomes more dream like. So let go of the ego's necessity to understand how everything works. Which is ironic because you're watching a Youtube channel that very much focuses on how things work. But the idea is this awareness gets you to a certain point, but then at a certain point you just let it go and you just be in the high vibe. Just like the vibrational calibrations I was talking about.

So the key to the fifth dimensional secrets is understanding that we're all connected. Thoughts are literally things you can clean your energy field within yourself are also neat. Then clean other people and clean the environments you're in. What you can begin to do is to focus more on you doing what you love, you being in your passion, frequency. You also seen how you can add value to other people. I think that as time goes on, being of service and adding value to other people will be something that never goes out of style. Something that always adds value.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.