I promise… if you Raise Your Level of Consciousness, you’ll manifest your dreams


I'm going to show you how you must first raise your consciousness, and then you will manifest your dreams. If you do these things I share with you in this blog, your life will begin to change in a powerful way because you begin to be in a higher vibration.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding how the key to you manifesting your dreams is not necessarily some new law of attraction technique. It may not be a certain type of focus or a certain type of visualization. It may actually be that when you raise your level of consciousness, you then manifest what you want. That's what was the case in my life. I've seen so many other people go through the process as well.

There's something really funny about that scale of consciousness that I shared before, I've shared it many times, and on it, you'll notice that there's shame, fear, guilt, anger, eventually, see neutrality. Then you see willingness. You see that of reasoning, love, joy, peace, enlightenment. As you raise your level of consciousness, what happens is in general. If you look at the mass scale, the higher you raise your consciousness, the less unemployment there is.

For example, if you're at a four or 500 level of consciousness, there's a very, very, very low percentage of people that don't, that aren't employed, that aren't doing what they love. If you go down to like the two hundred, there is much, much more level of unemployment. As you raise your level of consciousness in society, you'll notice that people at a higher level of vibration also aren't without jobs. A lot of them are able to do what they love in businesses or just do what they love in general. And there is a certain basis for that. If you want to know more about that, there's a book called power vs. force, power versus forces by Dr. David Hawkins.

And it talks a lot about these socio connections to this understanding of the scale of consciousness. And those connections have to do with understanding that as you raise your vibration, there's less employment. As you raise your vibration, there's more of a level of alignment. There's a higher vibrational feeling there, and when you're in a higher vibrational feeling, your thoughts have more magnetic power. As I learned meditation, that allowed me to let go of the lower vibrational emotions and then my vibration res, I started to feel better and then that put me on the path of eventually doing YouTube full time, and there were times that I would try to manifest things that weren't my passion, but I thought would make me, for example, like money or something.

There was this thing I did called kindle publishing where I would hire people to write certain books and then I would market those books, and it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I wasn't passionate about it, and it felt like I had to force it to come. I wasn't really successful with that at all. But I knew that if I just continue to raise my vibration, that then I would eventually be doing what I love to be doing. And right now, on the planet, the thing is people are here to raise their level of consciousness at a deeper level.

That's why we all came here. We are all eternal spiritual beings who have been forgotten who we are so that we could come into this experience on earth. We could go through a process of remembering a little bit of a risk when we come to earth because there is a chance that we could forget who we are and in the forgetting of who we are, we indulged too much in the 3D materialistic type reality.
And I'll tell you right now that if you're here, you're one of those people waking up because you can only perceive that which you are the vibration of and go within yourself.

See if this resonates with you. Maybe that's your experience, but the idea is understanding that if we raise our level of consciousness, everything will become so much easier. We are thinking about at the lower levels of consciousness, of feeling desire. Some people think desire is a good emotion. Desire if it is translated into action or intention, then translates up the scale.

However, if we have the desire and we're just feeling lack like neediness almost, that is then putting out a reality that we're resisting where we currently are. We haven't got to the vibration of acceptance and then, therefore, whatever we want to create in our life will seem very hard to do because we haven't raised our frequency first, but if we instead focus on raising our vibrational frequency, we'll find that.

Then we see that our thoughts have much more magnetic power things nowadays. For me, now that I'm doing what I love and doing your passion, by the way, it was one of the best ways to raise your frequency, whatever that is, you don't know what it is.

You set the intention to figure it out, and you do that passion every day. For me, I make videos every single day. This is what I love to be doing, and by bringing it through more and more of this information, it raises my frequency and then the thoughts that I think there are much more potent.

They're much clearer because I'm doing what I love and because of that, those good things tend to come back to me because I'm putting out good. I'm putting out the high vibrational frequency, and in the same way, when you put out, and you raise your vibration, and you put out high vibration, high vibration comes back to you.

Another part of this process is as you move up the scale, there's more and more of a desire to add value to other people. Because eventually at a level of enlightenment, you become aware that everyone outside of you is connected to you, not even enlightenment. You can get that at love or even reasoning, but in the bottom emotions we're more focused on that's them. And this is me. They did that to me. But the higher up you go, the more you want to add value to others because you see people as another aspect of you.

One way that you can also go through this process of raising your vibrational frequency is understanding that the more you have this intention of adding value to others, the more it increases your frequency and then you'll manifest your dreams. You see what money is we are talking about manifests your dreams. A lot of people associate that with money and we associate that with money. What happens is we assume that the money will give us our dreams, but you see money is simply a symbol we use in our reality because there's really no power in the money other than the meaning we give it because we think the money is backed by gold.

But the truth is money is not backed by gold. Money is based on agreement that we have all placed with each other, that it is an exchange of energy. Instead of focusing on getting more money focused on giving more energy, giving more value in the marketplace, whether that's a service, whether that's a product, whatever it is, and then that abundance comes back to you. But you see when you raise your level of consciousness, you have a natural desire to add value to other people.
It's almost as natural. The key is being aware of how can you add value to other people. Because when you focus on that adding value, it just, it just comes back. But the key to this whole process of understanding, like for example, let me give you some examples of what is possible with this process. These aren't things that I actually do. I've never teleported necessarily. I've never, what else? Made an object appear instantly in my hands.

And if you read the book called Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, it's about Paramahansa Yogananda who was in the east, who came to the West when he came to the West. What he did is he brought the information, he kind of brought yoga to the west. What he did is in his book, which is one of the most like top-selling and most powerful books of all time, it's the one book that Steve Jobs had on his iPad that he would, that he read 40 years every year, the last 40 years of his life. You read it every single year called the autobiography of the Yogi. And in it, he talks about his experiences with other enlightened gurus.

Those enlightened gurus are at a level of consciousness of enlightenment or close to that. And the things that they could do just to give you a little bit of an example is they had their thoughts had so much power that they could say something was going to happen and then it would happen. Their intent, they were also in alignment with the universe, you could say. They were able to express these things in new reality easily. They knew that reality was a form of dreams. Therefore, it was very dreaming. Like they were able to do things that we would consider to be magical. Whether that levitates, never eat. There was one guy that was 400 pounds that never ate. It's kind of boggles the mind. There was a sleeping saint or the sleepless saint, the saint that never slept.

There are different chapters with the different media, different times you've met different enlightened people. But in general, one thing comes true that you noticed the higher of the vibration of the person or just even just the level of enlightenment they could do things we literally consider to be magic. And why is that? Well, they realize that life is a form of a dream. It's more flexible for them. I actually went to a conference with Bashar was there, and I asked him about this. I said, why would they able to do those kinds of things?

They knew the truth about reality. The fact that, or the truth is that reality is a form of a dream. Therefore, things are much more dreamlike did we can imagine, and also their thoughts are so powerful. They have such a crystal vision with their thoughts that they say it, it happens. They think that it happens because of their frequency, but also, they do things, and they have the intention for things that normally help other people or somehow impacted their people. There's like divine will factor.

They're so in the autobiography of a Yogi. It shows you that there are things that are possible that we probably would deem impossible if we were to see it actually happen, but in general, these things are the way reality works. The more we raise our frequency, but the more they raise their vibration, the clearer their thoughts are, the clearer their intent is, the more that these things can happen. In the same way for us, the reason you may not have been attracting what you want is that you were focused on manifesting the dreams instead of raising your level of consciousness.
And the best way that you can raise your level of consciousness is by letting go of lower vibrational energy, letting go of low vibration, letting go of things that don't serve you.

Maybe you're, you know, we a lot of times through Osmosis, we're around people that have a certain vibration. And that kind of brings us to a certain level. And if instead, we focused on raising our frequency, having boundaries, the food we eat many times will affect how we feel.
And if we're letting, if we're attached to positions public, all positionalities where we're angry at other people who did things to us, we hold onto that anger, we carry it around, and we find other people to reflect that anger back to us. Or they trigger us to feel that anger. The key is forgiveness. The way we move up the scale, the way we raise our level of consciousness is, we must first forgive other people.

We must forgive ourselves. That's how we stopped treating Karma in this reality. When we came here, we forgot who we are. The other thing that got tricky is that if we too much Karma who may have had to work that off, but in this lifetime, we're becoming aware and taking responsibility for the things that happened to us. Which responsibility means the ability to respond. And by doing that we then begin to clear our own field. We begin to clear our own energy, and then we can create what we want in a very powerful way. If you raise your level of consciousness, which you can do by letting go of negative emotion, observing your thoughts, neutrality is very powerful, and then you focus on doing what you're passionate about, that will put you on a higher frequency timeline.

Do what you are passionate about. Whatever you are passionate about doing is your soul's alignment is aligning you with who you really are. You know, sometimes people will try to attract the like winning the lottery when winning the lottery isn't going to raise their level of consciousness is actually a detour for them doing what they're passionate about. And instead, if they were to focus on raising their level of consciousness, they'd have much more of chances of winning the energetic lottery, which the energetic lottery is more so doing what your cause.

Even if you have all the money, a lot of those people go depressed; they go broke, they go dick to the drugs cause they're not passionate about just spending money. You want to do something; you want to do something you're passionate about. You want to add value to other people as you raised levels of consciousness. You didn't want to add value. And a lot of people that remain in that, they win the lottery. They just want to, you know, you want to get like have like a dirt road in their backyard to go like, you know, for willing, they want all these cool things. I want a beach house, and they get tired of it really quick.

Instead of going for these symbols, the thing I recommend to use the raise your level of consciousness because it's the main reason you're here. You were here on the planet to raise your level of consciousness, and the more that you do, the more these things happen anyways. The good things, the manifests in your dreams because you have a higher vibrational level of consciousness. Raising your vibration is something that happens naturally as you let go of things that aren't you.

As you focus more on healing, as you put the awareness inside of your heart, as you do what you're passionate about, as you draw boundaries, all of these things will allow you and help you to raise your vibrational frequency to a totally new level. Something else I do have is this coming Wednesday; there's going to be a webinar. I'm going to show you exactly how to shift your level of consciousness so that you are able to be in a high vibrational state. How to let go of these lower vibrational levels that I'm talking about here. I'll show you how to shift to do a 5D level of consciousness and how to transform your beliefs as well because your beliefs keep you locked in these lower vibrational states.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.