Stop Chasing Money & Success and instead do these 3 things (it will chase you)


I'm going to show you why you should stop chasing money, and I'm going to show you three things that you can do instead that worked much more powerfully.

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Today, I'm going to be showing you why you should stop chasing money, why chasing money is showing that the money's further and further away from you and I'm going to show you three ways or reversing this process so that money starts to chase you. Before we even get into it, I've been doing a stop chasing it series, which has to do with understanding the energy dynamics of manifestation because the old way of going about things, when we look at like the law of attraction with the way that we learned about it over the last like 20 to 50 years.

I would say it's been work hard, have willpower, and a lot of times what that ends up with is people chasing money, unaware that money is simply a symbol. The only reason money has power because we, as a society, have collectively agreed that money is something that we use as an exchange of energy. When people chase money, they are chasing a symbol, and they're chasing a symbol that is outside of themselves, not aware that that money that comes to you, that money is a reflection of that inner abundance that you naturally feel. Energy is what money really is. Money is energy, and when you chase money, you are chasing a symbol. You are chasing something that is outside of yourself.

Instead of understanding that you generate energy, and because you generate money, you can then generate a reflection of money in your life. This is important to understand because when you get to the core of understanding what money is, which is an exchange of energy, you can then start to ask yourself, am I doing the things that allow this energy to flow through me so that the money can come back rather than try to chase something that is outside of yourself?

Because when we do that, a lot of times we're willing to cut corners as well. I'll talk. I'll explain to you a little bit about how I did that in my own life when it comes to me doing things specifically for money versus doing things because I'm actually passionate about it and the kind of results that that bears the difference in the kind of results. But in general vibrationally, when you chase something, you are emphasizing that you are not good enough already. You are emphasizing within your energy field that where I am at right now is not currently enough. If I would get this thing that is outside of me, then would finally be holding complete and chasing money many times is people chasing their own sense of worthiness.

You'll notice that a lot of successful people have been through parts of their past where they felt unworthy and because they felt unworthy. What they then did is they didn't start it. The chase, that success, maybe that money, maybe they didn't get validation when they were a kid. I know for me that may have driven me to really want to be successful in the world. I'm not saying that it's always a bad thing, but if you are identifying your sense of worthiness, your sense of happiness with attaining some type of success or some type of money, then it will be a hamster wheel that you may never get off

because every time the mind gets a hold of a certain goal, it then ups the ante. We externalize our own happiness. This is the paradox. If we were to start to feel whole complete, if we were starting to feel the abundance within, if we were to start to have the right energy dynamic here, we would not only attract more money into our lives but also generate more of that energy so that more abundance comes back. But we would also enjoy the process more. We enjoy the process more, and it would be something that, we had more fun in the process and in the journey.

Chasing money is externalizing our own power. Chasing money is externalizing a symbol. Identifying with the symbol, thinking the symbol is the territory. Like the map is the territory. And when we become aware that we could start to see it generate the abundance within, that's when everything begins to change. And that's why in this blog I'm going to show you the three things to do instead of chasing money, of chasing success, of chasing, validation of chase in the sense of worthiness.

What I mean by this is a lot of people, especially in the beginning of me making YouTube videos, would want videos on how to win the lottery. Winning the lottery may not actually be in your best interest. And I realized this for myself. I was like, oh, could I create this in my life? I set the intention to go down by the ticket, all this stuff. But what I realized is that my passion was not in winning the lottery as great as it would sound like winning $100 million for doing almost nothing, but just going down to buy a ticket. As great as that idea sounds, I intuitively knew that that would actually take me away from my purpose.

I knew that I had the purpose of sharing information. If I would have won a $100 million five to eight years ago, I may have never even thought about making videos on YouTube or doing my passion, what I'm actually passionate about. It's about being aware of you get into your core vibration because you might find resistance around things you're not really passionate about. For example, before I got into YouTube, I was looking at how to make passive income online. I was working the nine to five job where I didn't, wouldn't really enjoy it. I found this thing from this guy online, which was about making kindle Amazon books. It was like outsourcing, having titles and marketing, shorter personal development books, nonfiction books. And I bought a course for it.

I started to do it. I hired people to be com ghostwriters for these books, but I wasn't really passionate about it and it ended up just kind of being a big headache, but I just felt resistance every step of the way. And maybe it was my own internal blocks I was working through. Who knows? But I knew it wasn't really my passion to be doing that. I knew that I should've been creating content versus outsourcing and having ghostwriters write nonfiction books on how to do x,y, z. The point behind this is I was chasing money. I was chasing an idea of freedom of something I was not passionate about at all. If I would've got straight to my core vibration, which was making YouTube videos, I maybe two or three years ahead of where I am right now.

I'm grateful for where I'm at and who knows with the whole butterfly effect or how that would have affected things. But I was chasing a symbol then. I don't chase any symbol. I simply am. I am myself. I am, and I enjoy making videos because it's what I'm passionate about. I see this happen a lot, though. People chase money. People get a job because it pays a little bit more. But do you even like that job? Are you happy with that job? What is the quality of life for that job? Do you feel better while you're there? Is that increased your vibration? Because in general, the higher your vibration goes, the easier it is to create more abundance because your thoughts have more potency. You have more clarity.

Instead of chasing the money in body, your core vibration, or by embodying your core vibration, you'll notice that you begin to develop a gravity where this money can easily come to you. I found in my own life that it needs time. I chase the money. Even now, even now that I'm a YouTuber, right? I'm doing what I love full time. There are times I have the opportunity. I have a friend that is in the business space and says, hey, you could be doing this type of coaching where you do high-end coaching, and you do this, this, and this, and it can be very profitable for you. And I said, well, I'm not passionate about that. I would rather learn how to speak in front of larger groups of people, or I would rather do things that I know that I can do at scale or create more high-quality videos or that just, that wasn't my passion.

But if I would have gone for just the money, I guarantee you I'd have been more stressed out, less happy, more constricted. I've learned I don't do things for money. I do things because I'm passionate about it, and if it's passionate about it, then it's something that just flows naturally. The second thing you can do instead of chasing money or abundance has to do with understanding the energy dynamics of wealth in general, which has to do with understanding, generating energy. The way our reality works is our reality is set up that we all pretend to be these separate little egos running around having our own individual experiences, but then also having a shared collective experience as well. We're dreaming a game of separation. I'll call me Aaron; you have your name or two separate people.

That's from our purse, our limited ego perspective that identifies with the senses and den and flies with the ego. The way that it really works is we are all connected and what you put out is what you get back because what you do to someone else, you do to another aspect of you because we're all connected. Knowing this, if you start to instead of focus on making money, which the Eh, the focuses is on me, me, me, how can I make more money to emphasize my own ego? But instead, if you focus on you on how to provide value to the other aspects of you that must, that energy then comes to you in a much more powerful way. I realized this with YouTube.

I said, I'm going to make a video every single day with the intention of adding value to people, and over time I knew that that would compound, and because of that, anybody's life that feels effected from the videos that I make, that energy comes back, but it also is more enjoyable. I enjoy putting out energy or putting out videos that help people to transform their lives or to plant seeds or whatever it is, but the more value you add, the more comes back to you. This works, by the way, in any area, you look at in value is depends on the perception, right? Value could be entertainment or education.

If they're not your immediate friend's group, then somehow, they add value too. They add value to an emotion. They make you feel a certain way. They spike curiosity. They make you feel entertained. They're funny. They're adding value with the educational content. Those are people that you pay attention to because they're adding value to you. In the same way, any product, I like to watch a show shark tank.

When I watched this show, the products that do the best are the products that add the most value. If they can add the most value to the largest amount of people, those are going to be something the sharks will invest in. If it doesn't add value, then it's not really a great product. Adding value is the key to understanding how this money works. I used to have that job, that nine to five job where I sold women's shoes. If I went in every day focused on me making money, I wouldn't do that well, and my energy was very constrictive, and I would have to struggle every step of the way.

However, if I went into work with the intention of adding value to people and helping people and increasing people's emotion, guess what? The money came anyways. It was very easy for the money to come back to me because I was putting out so much good. The key to understanding this process is the key to understanding the energy dynamics of money. Money is a symbol, but nonetheless, it's an exchange of energy we use. But then you can ask yourself the question, how can you generate more energy to add more value to people having the intention to add value. It's almost like the universe wants to flow through you and as the universe flows through you and as you do more and more good with that vibration, with that energy, it then wants to come to you even more and more.

Start to ask yourself the question, how can you add value? I would guess that a lot of people watching my videos are people that are waking up first, waking up to more of who they are and because you're waking up first, you have an intention of being in a way, a leader in this life, a leader of sharing this information of helping more and more people to wake up to who they are in whatever way that is. Doesn't have to be making videos, but it could be in, some form of expression, whether it's art, whether it's an express yourself via books, writing, who knows, but just in general, how this intention of add value of adding value and then, watch how that changes your life.

The third thing to do instead of chasing money is to know that the emotions you want to feel from more money already exist inside of you. All the emotions exist within you already. It's simply about you giving yourself permission to feel those emotions. Think about it. Those are a role in my mind that says, what do I attain a certain amount of abundance? Then I can feel happy. All that happens though is those emotions are already within me. I just didn't use CIRM situation, a certain type of money. I look into my bank account, and I see a certain amount, and then I can feel some positive emotion run through my body. I put in a rule on myself that says, when I do x, then I can experience y.

But the key is knowing those emotions already exists. Instead of chasing these things outside of ourselves, these symbols and then saying, once I attain this symbol, then I can give myself permission to feel a certain way on the, you can choose to feel the way that you want on the inside right now by conditioning in that emotion. Let me explain to you how to do that.

What does money mean to you? Because to some people, it means different things. Money, to me is freedom. It's security. To some people, money just maybe security, feeling comfortable. Some people, it may mean that they can go do some passion things that they love to do. Some people, it means that they just have the freedom to live where they want. What does money mean to you?

Be aware of what that is and then instead of chasing that symbol, cheat. Don't chase that emotion, but feel that emotion by focusing on things in your life that allow you to feel that emotion already. For example, you may not; you may want to eventually live the freedom to where you do what you love full time. You don't have to go to a nine to five job, but what you can begin to do is feel the gratitude you have for the things you already have. Feel the gratitude for being able to go eat on your day off for the gratitude for being able to sleep in a comfortable house. Feel the gratitude for the Internet connection you have that you can go online and even watch any video you want.

And as you're aware of these different things you have the freedom to do, you start to feel more freedom — the emotion of what money means to you. You start to feel that more now and then you start to bring more of that into your life. Whatever you focus on, you feel it works — the same for love. You want to feel more love in your life. Focus on the reasons you already have the feel love, even with worthiness. Feel the things you already have to feel grateful for with worthiness. What are you already good at? What are you passionate about? What are you? You focus on these things. You will then bring the emotion more within you and then the outer reality will begin to reflect due to that interchange that you've made because that's all the outer reality is. It's a reflection of the inside. If you change your energy that you are cultivating, you then change the outer reflection.

In general, for this process, remember it's about understanding that when you're in your core vibration, things will happen even easier. Things will align for you. You may still work with some inner blocks, but things will come to you much easier because that's what you're meant to be doing here and you'll enjoy the process along the way. Secondly, remember that for this process, adding value is key. The more goods you put out into the world, the better can come back to you. When you understand the energy dynamic, the question then shifts from how can I get money to how can I generate value? And then more and more abundance will come to you. That's what I've used to grow my YouTube channel.

That's what I've used to grow my brand. That's what I used to go full time with my passion. It's something you can use as well. I've also helped many people go through this process and something else I have, there's a lot of people right now that don't know it. They either know it, or they don't know it yet, but people that are meant to be sharing this type of information, information about who they are, information about what they're passionate about.

Become a healer, a coach, some type of consultant, or maybe become someone that's going to do art full time. Many people want to go full time doing what they love. With the power of the Internet, it's easier than ever before, and the best part is you don't need hundreds of thousands of subs to do this. I know people with a thousand followers that are full time making six figures a year because they know how to do it from a business point of view.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.