If you aren’t Manifesting What You want STOP trying and instead do this


I'm going to show you how, if you aren't manifesting what you want, how to stop trying, and exactly what to do instead, that makes everything so much easier.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you what to do instead of trying hard, and I'm going to show you the real reason that you may not be manifesting what you want and a lot of it has to do with understanding simply the stories that we tell ourselves about who we are. In reality, every relationship we have, every way we interact, is a story. There's a story that we tell ourselves about who we are. There's a story we tell ourselves about manifestation in general. There's a story that we tell ourselves about how we relate to other people.

There's a story that we tell ourselves about how people should act towards us. All of these stories are self-perpetuated, and the thing that happens is we aren't aware of some of our stories. We aren't aware of our self-imposed limitations. This is the thing that changes everything because when you become aware that everything is a story that you tell yourself, like for example, if you're like, Oh, I really want to attract relationship and anytime I get close to a guy or girl, then they kind of like start moving away from me. Well, the thing is that's completely a story. It is not inherently true that, in reality, people gravitate away from you. That's just the way it works. It's that way because there's a belief, there's a story that comes first that's being self-perpetuated. Maybe that story came from your parents.

Maybe the story came from watching a movie that you began to identify with. Maybe that story was developed at different levels of life. But nonetheless, it is a story that has been self-imposed, and we have stories about everything. The thing is the reason we aren't manifesting what we want is that we hold ourselves in a vibration subconsciously of a story that's not serving us. That's it. It's we tell ourselves a story about how relationships work. We tell ourselves a story about how money works. We tell ourselves a story about what we're worthy of and all it is a story. The key to this is becoming free of those stories and knowing that your life can be magical. Your life can happen in a very high vibrational synchronicity type way, and the more you let go of your stories, the more you will allow these things into your life.

It makes all the difference in the world. Like when you become aware of your stories as well, you'll find that it's something that that reveals to you. A lot of what was unconscious. Some people call that shadow work, but 90% of changing your stories or changing your beliefs, beliefs, and stories are the same thing. 90% of changing your beliefs is just simply becoming aware of it, becoming aware of the belief because then once you see it as a belief, you see it for what it is. It's just a belief, and beliefs can be easy to change. You could have a story that beliefs are easy to change, and all it requires really is to let go of the belief. But here's the thing. Many times, we have a story that says changing beliefs is hard. I'm going to fall back into the old patterns.

This can't be consistent. No, it has to be a lot of work. In order to do transformational work, we have this self-imposed limitation and belief about beliefs themselves, even if it's subconsciously. We don't believe that change can happen that easily. Here's what I found to be even more powerful than trying to change our beliefs about relationships, our beliefs about money, our beliefs about health instead of changing each of these individual beliefs. What I found to be powerful is changing your beliefs about manifestation in general, changing the beliefs about manifestation and general change and beliefs about how easy or hard it is to change beliefs. Because if you believe it's hard to change beliefs, but then you're trying to change your belief about money, well because you have a belief about beliefs, then it's hard. You know, this is actually very simple. It sounds like a belief and a belief.

What the hell is a belief? But this is about being aware that these beliefs are something that we can just become aware of, and these little shifts that I'm going to be embedding throughout this blog are going to make all the difference. For example, when you look at the manifestation process in general, let's look at that. Manifestation is something you don't even have to try to do. It is something that just happens. Everything, in reality, is a manifestation. It's either a positive manifestation of a negative manifestation depending on our own beliefs about it and how we relate to it and the definition and the meaning we give it. One of the most powerful ideas of understanding is that everything, in reality, has no built-in meaning other than the meaning we give it. It's absolutely transformed. There's no that cause then if you lose your job or something, even the perspective of lost your job means that you had something in your last it.

But when you realize that you weren't even passionate about that job and you could give it a meaning that now I can find what I'm really passionate about, that it changes the whole way you relate to the subject. It's a neutral idea getting fired. It's a neutral idea getting laid off. It's us that gives it meaning as this is good or this is bad. Understand that with reality in general, you're either manifesting what you want or what you don't want. Depending on the meaning you give things, so manifestations, not something you even have to try to do it. It happens so effortless and so smooth. It's the way that physical reality works. You are always manifesting something. The key and the thing that you probably desire is you want to more consciously manifest more of what you want instead of what you don't want.

You see, that's what makes the change because when you relate to manifestation and you know it's happening regardless, you can see you don't have to try so hard. You could just kind of relax and when you imply that you aren't already where you want to be, you see, trying is implying you're not already vibrationally there, but remember all outer reality is a reflection of your inner reality. Knowing that you can then say, how can I live in the inner reality of me doing what I love, of me being my true self? How can I live within that reality and be happy here now? The irony is that by being happy here in now, you increase your vibration, you increase your state of being, and then once you find is on the outside, things begin to reflect that you're more in a receptive state to pick up opportunities.

You're more of contagious type energy that you exude that people didn't feel lit. Magical things can happen in your life when you raise your vibration. However, first off, just know that manifestation is not something you even have to try to do. The thing that you may intend to is different than trying. By the way, intend is like just a determination of focus. Something you may intend to do is to manifest what you want to do it with awareness more consciously. The most powerful thing you can do though, is starting to become aware of these limiting beliefs. If you change your beliefs, you change your life, your beliefs are creating your reality, or at least you know, I don't like to say creating reality because of what quantum physics shows us is that every reality we can possibly imagine already exists. Knowing that makes it easier because you don't have to create a reality where you're successful.

If it's like I have to create my own reality out of nothing as if it's not a natural byproduct for the way reality and consciousness works. And the truth is it is. It's a natural byproduct. The key is you want to create more of what you want. Here's something I found to be extraordinarily powerful. First off, realize trying is implying, trying as implying that you're not already there. Trying is implying, and in is it's inserting resistance. It's saying this moment's not good enough, but if I can get over there, then it might be a little bit better, but I'll tell you from experience, the more you get over there, the more you realize there's even further to go because the mind projects itself, but if you enjoy the present moment now more and you focus on embodying the energy of the reality, you want the outer reality that can then change because manifestations are already working based on vibrational resonance.

Manifestation is a natural byproduct of the way that reality works. The key is changing your relationship to manifestation in general, knowing it's already easy. It's already happening. Your beliefs create your reality. Your beliefs are allowing you to perceive of reality that you want. The key to this is knowing things can be easy; things can be easy. You can allow things to manifest easy. You can allow yourself to live in the vibration internally, knowing that eventually the outer then begins to change, and all of this is self-imposed with our beliefs about how reality works. What I like to show with my channel and with my teachings is that you can change your beliefs about reality, and when you change your beliefs about reality, you then change your life and how you move about in that reality.

If you believe things are heavy, things are fixed. You really have to try hard. You've got to put in years of hard work and that you have to go through a lot of trial and error. Then that is one reality that is a self-imposed reality based on the stories we tell ourselves and the observations that we've made, the interpretations of other people that resonate with the way that we were thinking at the time, but when you realize that you can then move over and you can allow things to be easier, you can focus more on your vibration.

When you raise your vibration, you're doing what you're passionate about. It won't feel like hard work at all. There are times I may work eight to 12 hours a day. I absolutely love what I do, and it doesn't feel like work at all. I am working right now, and I'm making a video, and I just get into this flow state, and it just feels amazing to me. It's not hard work, but the more I raised my vibration, the more it has allowed this to be something that is just my natural life. But realize that if you have to try hard, you're implying the resistance.

It's self-implied based on the story that says I'm not already there. I have to try. That's why the whole famous Star Wars thing, it's like try do or do not. The differences when you say you're going to try something, you're not giving yourself permission to be it. You're like, okay, I'm going to try. Like, imagine if I was like, okay, I'm going to try to go pick up that leaf right there. I'm going to try to do it. Okay, here I go. I'm going to try. Can I do it? I don't know if I can do it. Let me send down, let me get down right now. I'm going to try it. This is all self-imposed that there's a problem with that.

It's hard for me. It's not natural for me. Instead of me just doing it instead of me just seeing it there and go, I intend just to pick this up. You see, those are two different realities. There is a reality where it's like, I try, I self-imposed resistance and I need to pick up that leaf, or I just intend to pick up the leaf, and I give myself permission to be the person that is worthy of picking up the leaf that is capable of picking the leaf. The thing is, these sounds ridiculous because we don't give importance to a leaf unless maybe somebody, his back hurts or whatever the situation is. Physically, there's some physical reason that it wouldn't be able to happen. However, you can give yourself more permission to be the way that you want. Oh, I'm going to try to go get that done.

I'm going to go try and go get that done. You're, you're imposing and saying, I'm not going to, I may actually not get it done, so I'm going to try because I don't completely believe that I can get it done. When instead, you can just set your, your mind on that vision. I'm going to do it. I am it. And then just doing it. Something like picking up a leaf. You see, picking up a leaf can be very easy, and it is easy and pay and doing something that you want to do. It can be easy if you don't self imply the resistance. But I can make this get in my head about and be like, and I pick up this leap. I don't know if I could pick up this sleep. Let me bend down. Let me put a lot of thought energy into it.

Let me think a lot about it. Overthinking about picking up a leaf, but you see there's no importance on a leaf. In the same way, what you can realize is you don't have to give importance to you achieving your goals to you. Going in and applying for that job that you've wanted or started your own business. You see, I'm going to try to start that business. Well, then it means that it means that your self implying that maybe it won't happen. There's not a strong vision is that if you say I'm going to do it, it's natural. It's not on a pedestal. It's actually very easy for me to go with it. It just feels right cause it's actually what I'm passionate about. I'm going just to go do this. You see, trying implies resistance, and if you aren't manifesting what you want, realize you are manifesting naturally.

It's a natural byproduct of the way reality works. But your current stories about the way manifestation work works is what you can begin to focus on and realize. Manifestation already happens. It's a natural byproduct. The key is having a vision, a vision. I had a vision of me traveling the world, doing what I love. I had a vision of me making daily videos on YouTube. I had a vision of all of this, and that's what changed my life so much, and I moved towards it. I didn't try. I just was trying also is taking score, taking a score like in the moment like was just working right now. Am I tried? If you try hard or if you just try harder. It's not about trying hard. It's about just being, I made videos every single day for a long time, so I could be in that frequency of this version of me.

You can hack your reality by doing as well. I imagine the highest vibrational version of you. Imagine that versions of you's belief systems, that versions of using emotions, that versions of your thoughts, that versions of these actions and simply decide that's who you are now that will change your life the most more than any other thing is you just decided that's who you are — literally hacking that version of you. That's what I did to create this current version of me. Eventually, this version of me won't be here. There'll be a new version of me, and a couple of months that's traveling and doing events. There's this that you can always use it as extraordinarily powerful, but the key to this is really raising your vibrational frequency.

The more you raise your vibration, the easier things manifest seed anyways, and the more you get three of those stories, the stories about things have to be hard because then you see it for what it is. Just a story just to belief, just a self-imposed limitation, and then everything begins to change. The key to this becomes aware of the story you tell yourself about manifestation in general. Become aware that it's self-imposed. Become aware that if you're trying, you're implying resistance. If you're trying, then you're implying that you might not be able to do it instead of what you can do is allow it to be easy. Allow yourself to manifest what you want. Allow yourself to know that you can begin to raise your vibrational frequency. It's who you naturally are. Your vibration is naturally high. It's about letting go of the stories that keep you in low vibration.

If you haven't yet calibrated your vibration, you can do so at, what's my vibration.com you take a quick one to two-minute quiz, and it calibrates your thought processes and Oroville to you in the form of an archetype, your vibrational level, and then what'll happen is I'll give you two meditations when you get the results that show you exactly how to get to the next level of consciousness. Plus, I'll send you emails as to how to get to the next level as well. If you want to check it out, you go to whatismyvibration.com. It's something that will help you because the more that you raise your vibrational frequency, the easier things are to manifest.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.