3 “Weird” Vibrational HACKS that Raise My Vibration INSTANTLY


I'm going to be sharing with you three weird vibrational hacks, things that I do that raise my vibration instantly. I think if you apply these in your life, it'll do the same for you.

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Today, I'll be sharing with you those three kinds of weird vibrational hacks that will help you to raise your vibration instantly. First off, if you haven't heard me talk about vibration before, I normally do. With this little chart right here, this chart is the chart of consciousness and on it called the map of consciousness.

And on it, you'll see different vibrational states of consciousness. You'll see that at the bottom of shame, fear, guilt, anger, willingness. I've seen this, I've done so many bidders with it. I remember, and then eventually you'll see neutrality. Then you'll see the reasoning, which is the intellect of the mind, and then you'll see that of love, joy, and peace. Every single person has a dominant set point to where their vibration is.

And when people are angry, they see through the lens of the reality of anger. They'll see other people that make them angry. They'll see situations and find things on the news that make them angry. That's the lens through which they see the world. Somebody of the consciousness of love, they will find love in everything, even when things most people wouldn't consider to be loved.

They will see the love there. But when we talk about these different states, we understand as well that not just we calibrate at a certain frequency. It comes from a book called Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hopkins. What he talks about are these different states. How you use muscle testing, which is connected to the subconscious mind to test these statements, and the body will need to go strong or go weak for different things.

Some examples would be you could calibrate different activities. You could calibrate different people, different places on earth. Just fine.  In general, you can think of it as well. I figured a green coffee tea. I think it is at like 300. It resonates at, you could talk about of um, classical music calibrates in the 400 heavy metal, uh, rock music resonates under 200, I believe. Rap Music, most rap music that's talking about like materialism and stuff like that normally resonate under 200.

These things have a vibrational residence with everything in our life, and our environment is constantly triggering us to a certain level of consciousness. The news generally resonates under 200. It's constantly pulling us into a lower state of consciousness. The first step to this whole process is becoming aware. You don't notice that certain things keep you bogged down.

Years ago, I could see that there are a lot of things I was doing one thing as you, as I was taking Adderall back in 2012 Adderall for ADHD, it would help me focus. But I eventually learned that Adderall resonates very low on the scale because Adderall is a form of methamphetamine. It's illegal, you know, prescription drug doctor they give to people, but it keeps people very focused in dopamine. But it's a very low vibrational pharmaceutical.

Well, you're going to eat, you have to sleep right. For a year or two, I smoked very often. And what happened is eventually, um, I realized that and saw the calibration of lead is right at about 300 350 which isn't that low necessarily. When you do it, it's going to bring you back down, and it's going to bring your vibration down. I'm sure that you use it with the right intention then maybe that's not the case.

The more we work through our own emotional things, and we also, the more we let go of things that are of a lower vibration. Everything is vibration. We even movies calibrate at certain vibrations. I'd imagine that Christopher Nolan movies like the Inception or Interstellar most likely resonated over 400. And then you have movies that resonate very low like alien versus Predator or something which would probably resonate at like a hundred or 200 horror movies.

Keeps your vibrate, you know, keeps you focused on low vibrational things, which lowers your vibration. I'm going to share with you the three vibrational hacks that I've read, and I've learned from especially from the different books by Dr. David Hopkins. He talks about some of this, and some of this makes sense to me. Let me show you.

There's this one book that is called autobiography of a Yogi, which I've shared many times before. That book calibrates in the six hundred, very high vibrational book. The book autobiography of the Yogi is a book about parallel haunted Yogananda's journey through enlightenment and his firsthand account of the Gurus. He met these people that could do literally magical things these people could do.

And what these people could do is they could make objects appear instantly. Some of them could teleport; they could send messages telepathically. They could do this because they were of such a high vibration that they were able to do things that we would consider to be impossible. And Paramahansa Yogananda shares in his experience what that was like.

And then what I realized with what's happening right now that I was reading the book. He was very self-realized with it. What happens is by him being around Sri yet to swore his energy field began to resonate with it eventually. Understand that when you're around certain people, you're resonating with their energy field. Whether you're aware of it or not.

For example, in one of the books by Dr. David Hawkins, he talks about how many people that have these enlightened gurus. Their energy links to that person's energy field, and they begin to then as a tuning fork resonates with it. That helps them enough path to enlightenment. This is one of the hacks that I do now. I do not worship Paramahansa Yogananda. I do not worship it. I see these things as a reflection of the divine because in the books, by Dr. David Hopkins, what he shows is that when we are holding in our mind.

When we hold some high vibration person in our mind, and we're paying attention to them, it's raising our own frequency as well. Our body goes strong. It is something to resonate with even if we're not physically there. It's not that I am worshiping Paramahansa Yogananda, but what I do is I focus on him, and I recognize the divine within me. That is also the divine within Paramahansa Yogananda cause I think that he embodied that very well.

This is Paramahansa Yogananda. When I meditate, we'll sometimes stare at this image and resonate and see the reflection of the divine within myself. And I feel like I take on some of the spiritual qualities of somebody that I do that too. That's a lot of times why people do this. It's not that they're worshiping them, they recognize the divine within them, and that divineness within them allows them to then resonate with that energy field. That might sound like a kind of weird energy hack, especially because I don't necessarily worship it or that person or that level of consciousness.

I just recognize the divine, this within myself, and I choose to take qualities on like him. He was a very selfless person. He was somebody that had this strong intention of adding value, and he very much allowed the divine to flow through him. The way you do that is by not having the ego be involved and giving it up to this divine energy. If you want to know more by the time this video goes up, the shift experience will have been launched, and there is a webinar you can watch. Or I show how these enlightened gurus raise their level of consciousness so that they could then do these magical things. And how you can also shift your level of consciousness.

I share with you exactly how you can shift your level of consciousness. There will also be a live meditation in there as well where you can, uh, hit into the heart center and really transform your level of consciousness. There was a time when I was watching a lot of us or certain person blogs on YouTube, and I realized that when I do that, I have weird dreams. It is not necessarily the highest vibration. Eventually, what I decided to do was to stop watching them because I knew it was bringing my frequency down, whether we realize it or not, all of these things are influencing our frequency.

If you want to raise your frequency, one thing you could do is a certain type of Montrez mantras are vibrational hacks in a way. And it's a level of resonance that then begins to tune yourself to that vibration of all I think about it there. Think about vibration, right? Of syllables or these sounds and p n and other people that have also done the same thing. Most people that do own are doing it with some type of spiritual intention. It’s almost like there's this energy field around the planet.

When I think of this as well, okay, I went, when I went to up a shark conference, I asked for Shara about this. I said, I had this feeling that when you listened to like certain rap music or certain catchy tunes, you get them stuck in your head. You're picking up on other people who have listened to the same music. You're picking up on the momentum of that. So for example, you get some, materialistic songs stuck in your head.

There may be a lot of other people that listen and resonate with that song that are thinking it. And it's almost like it's easier for you to pick up on their thoughts because of the electromagnetic energy that you're picking up on. This is something I think of in the form of resonance. When you do something like a sacred sound like ohm, many people that are doing it are doing so with the divine spiritual intention. You pick up on that frequency.

Saying every single day can be a very, and not just saying it, but doing all with the spiritual intention of connecting to your heart. Do not every day if you'd like, let me know. Maybe we'll do like a 15-minute meditation for that, and it will help you and help us all to raise our frequency, especially with the intention, the collective intention as well. This is something that that I've found to be kind of a weird hack, but it really works in what makes it weird is the way.

It's a different angle than we've probably ever heard it. It's like, oh you say the mantra as you get a certain style that's been around for thousands of years, but understanding the mechanics that it's an energy field that we're picking up on. And you pick up on the divine intention of everyone else to do it. It changes the game a little bit. The third weird vibrational hack, this one really is weird. You may have seen me in my Instagram stories.

I do this weird thing, and I used to do this in public too. I would see how far much I can get away with it. I say the word belly button, it's the most random word you could ever like here. And that's why this the beauty of it to be honest with you. But what I would do is there's this, there's a long story behind it, it's the word belly button has no real meaning. Sometimes what I do is when I'm in conversation, what I used to do, and I was in conversation with people as I'd be talking to them and then as I was about explaining something, what I would do is I would insert the word belly button just like I did a second ago.

But if you do it a certain way, the brain doesn't pick up on it if you don't know what's coming. The reason I would do that is that it's a pattern interrupt. If they even catch it, a lot of people don't even catch it. But for me, it was almost like self-amusement. But belly-button to me is a form of self-amusement of saying something that really has no meaning. There's a little story about it and the reason, one of the reasons I say it a lot actually is I used to work at Barneys New York and women's shoes if you want like the rundown story of it.

I used to work at Barneys New York and woman shoes, which is a very high-end place with $1,200 pairs of pair of shoes, very expensive. I helped to help the very wealthy clientele, and sometimes you get bored. Sometimes what I would do is I would see in conversation how much I get away with just saying it. Not in a mean way whatsoever. Not to be mean anybody, but just to see. Sometimes people caught up on it.

Sometimes people didn't. I was also a way of increasing my own state. It brings me in a high vibration, put me into like a fun mood, you know. And what I would do is I would, everyone kind of knew the purpose of it. There was no purpose of the word belly, but it's just fun and lightens. It was just something I said just to kind of wake myself, wake myself up.

And who would wake other people up out of the kind of the autopilot mind? Well, eventually, it caught on. It wasn't just me and woman's shoes. It was like almost everyone in a woman's shoes would try to do it with customers because it was kind of funny. We thought it was funny, at least. Um, and what happened was, is eventually somebody took it too far.

There was somebody I worked with. What he did was he got into someone's email, someone left their email up, and they were emailing customers, and he changed her headers that it said her name and then it said belly button under that. She was sending emails out to customers, and he said the belly button. Well, that person then sent an email to the store manager not knowing this, that belly button, and the store manager saw the word belly button.

I said, why is there a belly button in your email? And then she said, everyone, the department's stating the word belly button is some dumb thing they're doing, blah, blah, blah, blah. Automatically most people thought it was me that went into her email and did, even though I would never have done that. We all got called up to the office.

We got told that if we ever said the word belly button again, we'd all get fired. We were suppressed from saying the word belly button, and there was no meaning behind belly button other than it was just for self-amusement. However, when it is the rest of the time I was there, I worked there another year. I never said that word belly button, but to me, it was just kind of funny. It's kind of funny that it became that much of a thing to where we couldn't say the word belly button.

I remember us all getting pulled in and they're like, so what is this thing with a belly button? And everyone's kind of like, um, it's just like, you know, we didn't really know what to say. Do you know what I mean? But it's really random. I say it because I just think it's self-amusement, but it also breaks up and wakes me up from the autopilot mind, and it has the potential to do the same for other people.

I've kind of created a little pendulum around this idea of belly button just because it has no meaning. When you do things that have no meaning, it actually increases your frequency when you make stinks for the sake of doing them. Have your form of the belly button, whatever that is, have your form of the belly button. And understand that as you apply that you begin to increase your own frequency and you begin to feel in a higher vibrational state.

The three vibrational hacks that I have for you is first off, using that of finding a high vibrational person. You can consume their content, pay attention, focus on them, only watch YouTubers that you believe have a high vibration for the majority of the time. At the same time, maybe have a picture of somebody that represents that divine essence to you.

Like I have a view Yogananda, and focus on developing the qualities inside of your heart that is similar to that which you want to be similar to and tap into your heart instead of divine intention to connect with that spiritual energy within you. 

Let me know how long you think of a time period as well that you think we should do at 10 1520 minutes or more. And then thirdly, focused on something that has no mean, that's a pattern interrupt that allows you to wake up from this autopilot mind.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.