The Law of Attraction and Locational Energy NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS

I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on the Law of Attraction with locational energy. I'm going to show you how and why going to certain places can absolutely change your vibration and allow you to create what you want in your life.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you a new perspective. Something you may not have heard before, maybe something you've intuitively known would be my guest, but you don't hear many people talk about this and this is something that's always been on my mind at least for the last four or five years now.

I've been very aware of this even though I didn't ask intellectually give it that much thought. I always kind of intuitively knew this and this is what I always had a feeling about and to help illustrate this point.

Once again, my handy-dandy notebook and what I'm going to do is I'm going to kind of share the way that I viewed this whole process. In general, a lot of times we think that our thoughts, we think that because they're invisible, which means we can't see our thoughts, we don't see our thoughts until they're materialize, but in that buffer of time, before they're materialized, we assume that those thoughts are not existent.

It's not that they're nonexistent, they're just invisible to the eye spectrum. Our thoughts actually have an electromagnetic pattern and have an electromagnetic form. When we're thinking and we're thinking thoughts, this is us, so stick figure dickie thoughts. We have these thought forms. We think that these thoughts are just nonexistent, but in actuality, they do exist.

They just aren't within the light spectrum. Here's the thing, say we have over here, we have a certain location. We'll just do it all of the planets right now. Say it's just the planet. It's like my continents, whatever. Say the planet is spinning and around the planet there is a grid of energy. This is also sort of like the electromagnetic energy of the earth.

This is a little bit different than the atmospheres, but what it is there's this layer of energy that goes around the earth and what happens is there is a grid of energy, so this grid of energy that goes around the earth keeps a lot of the information in its stores, a lot of the information around it and what happens is certain points on the earth, depending on what people lived there.

How many thousands of years ago and the kind of thoughts that have been consistently there, that's the energy that has been imprinted into that location, so knowing that, and you can feel this too, if you go to certain places on the planet, there are certain places that have a higher-level energy than other places or just a different energy.

When I go to Sedona, Arizona, every four to six weeks, one of the reasons I go there is because the energy is a very high frequency, especially around certain places. In Sedona that I go, I go to a place called Bell Rock. Quite often, very high energy there.

Some people say it's the vortex. I believe there is definitely a higher energy there. You could feel it, something you could feel, but in general, there's this electromagnetic energy and this grid around the planet. Well, what we could do is by going to certain places on the planet. You can feel sometimes there's a more spiritual energy.

You can sometimes go to places where there's been war and negative energy. You can feel that. I've heard that if you go to some places in the Middle East that you can feel that dense energy because I know that because my brother was in the army and he mentioned it.

There are different levels of understanding this part, but in general, there's the thing of it like this as well. Anytime we move, when we're moving, we're leaving a trail, a pattern trail of our emotions and our thoughts. Being aware of that, we can then see that when we go to certain places, there's been an imprinted trail of the other people that have also been there.

That's something we could start to become more aware of because this is the thing. If we want to create something in our life and we aren't of the vibration of it, one simple way to do that is to go to the location of the people. We want to be similar to maybe we want to become professional, a basketball player. Then we would go to an actual place where professional basketball players are. Their energy will be there.

If you go to a place to where there's a say you want to go and you want to have your own art gallery, your own art gallery, a gallery, you go to convention or there are art gallery owners there because being around them, you're going to be around the trail of energy of those people and you're going to begin to tap into it even at subconscious levels.

Another thing you could do is something that I've seen people do before is going to places that may be a can't afford right now. Maybe what you do is you go to a mall and go to a very nice luxury store. People might do that because by doing that it is imprinting into them that this is the kind of person they are.

The key is to be aware of how you prefer to be and to do that, be aware of the desires you have and a lot of times I'd say break this down to more than your passion more than the things they'll get instead of going to a luxury store.

You can do that, but that can help you rebuild yourself image and letting go of the uncomfortableness that maybe you feel going around the store like that. But in general, think about it like being of the vibration of the way you prefer. For example, for me, I could go places where maybe other people that do seminars go.

Perhaps I can go to convention halls even though I'm not given a convention tomorrow. I know I'm going to be doing them over the next three months and then from there just going on and that's probably what I'm going to be doing every month is conventions.

And when I go to do seminars or conventions, I'm going to do them in a convention hall and I would, I could do is go to those and see what it's like and pay attention to how they are orchestrated, pay attention to how they are ran, and as I'm bringing this awareness, this vibration into my being, as I'm soaking that in, that's becoming more of a part of who I am.

Understand that there are always things and always ways that you can optimize your own vibration because we always get a reflection in our life that which we are vibration equal to if that makes sense. Whatever vibration we're equal to is what we will experience as the outer reflection.

We can use this awareness by knowing that there is us with these thought forms and that there have been millions and billions of other people that have these thought forms that go around the planet. But in specifically certain locations, there's also certain what is called the shock grow locations of the earth.

Many different places have a very certain energy, very specific energy there, and they could be places that people go to that people travel to and it opens them up at levels they don't even maybe understand.

There was like, “Oh, I'm on vacation”, but they go there and then they come back and they're like, “Oh, they have much more spiritual perspective.” Or they start to change their habits somehow. This energy is powerful. And I was actually reading or listening to an audiobook of Sadhguru.

If you guys ever heard of Sadhguru. He was like this well-known guru guy in India and it's got really great information and he was talking to one of his books about how you go to these specific patients and there's a spiritual energy there, and that has the ability to influence you in a powerful way. And they got me thinking because this is something that I've known for a while. This whole energy and cultivating the environment.

Here's something interesting that also science has shown when it comes to how someone will turn out. What they have found, is that more powerful than the genetics of that person more powerful than the genetics of the person is that of the environment they grow up in, and I was listening to this yesterday on the different audiobook.

What was the quote? It was something about by the time a, a child that grew up in the middle class or middle class grows up by the time they're 18 years old. They've had you know, 400,000 impressions of either positivity or negativity if they are.

If they grew up in a new wealthy environment, they've had 500,000 more impressions of positive type encouragement and if they grew up in a poverty environment, they've had like a million impressions, more negative impressions by the time they grew up.

There are ways of busting out of that, but what I'm saying is the environment has a lot to do with the influence over our subconscious mind, over how we view ourselves, and unless we become aware of that, we don't actually change it.

This why awareness is powerful and that's kind of the purpose of this blog is becoming aware of the locational energy of where you are and how you are and your thoughts having more than just these little, these little invisible things they aren't visible.

Invisible just means you can't see. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And then understanding that does exist and the honesty of some I. that's the reason I chose this house. I chose this house because of the energy of it and it was a very good open feel. Uh, you maybe you've seen my house tour before where I kind of show around, but the reason I chose this house just because of the energy. Here's something else that I do.

I've never really shared this before, but what I do is, you know how some people sage a house. That's one way you can clear the energy of a place. That's something that's been around. You could think of it like that's in the collective belief system, sage of the native Americans, which were very spiritual people and what happens is because that's in the collective thought from around the planet because number, there's a thought from around the planet and that's something that has been working with intention.

It's easy for us to do because when we do it, we link up to that same intention. We link up to that same ability but remember the power is always within us. It's not necessarily always just in sound like it's just in the sage. It's coupled to sage with the energy and the intention as well.

Something else that I've done is I've set the intention. What I do is I bless the area, which means simply that I put out the intention that I clear the energy of the people that used to live here because I've only lived here like a month. I clear the energy so that it's mainly more of my energy than the people that lived here before because they lived the into this house.

They're the owners of the house. They lived in the house until literally a week before I moved in, which means their energy was still very here, so I saved it and I cleared it so that I could start to create my own imprint, my own trail, and by me having a knowledge that could have positive energy here I'm cultivating more and more positive energy.

I knew this about my last place that I lived into. I lived in, in the last place. It was a nice place. I put in. It took me about a week to get the energy right, to feel it and to really know that I could increase the vibration of it with intention.

And that's something that I did. I remember I went to one of the places I looked at living at was these luxuries. They're like these luxury high rise condos, and they have this really nice view, very their lofts. They were really nice. However, I remember going there and I go to this place. When I go, and I'm looking around, and I go into the tour, I get a tour of one of the lofts, and I get tour something else, and I remember walking in, and I immediately felt a constriction.

I felt like it was hard to breathe. I felt like to get a deep breath felt difficult and I could not figure out why, but what I figured it was the energy. There was lower dense energy. It was like immediately I got there I got the vibes. Like this is not the place for you.

Even though I liked the way it looked, it looked really cool, you know, having a loft with these big windows with like overlooking Vegas. That had been really nice. But I just knew that vibrationally that wasn't what I was looking for. I went there, looked at it, and I like, okay, nope, I could feel that constriction. I could feel that energy and I don't know why.

Maybe I walked into something but in general they. There is an energy grid that is around certain locations and that could have been a certain type of person that lived there, a certain type of activity that was going on, who knows what it is, but I'm very mindful of what that is and almost to where I live, I have to let go of it a little bit because I know I had some family members come over and they started arguing I'm in the house, like they were looking around.

They were like kind of play arguing, but it was kind of getting loud and I was like, I'd tell my sister, I'm like, “Yo, not, not in my house, not, don't do that you can do at your house. Don't do that here.” And I didn't mean to be like rude about it, but at the same time, I'm just aware that the, uh, the energy we're putting out is leaving a trail.

And it was an, it was an unnecessary argument. It was just, it was like a really dumb argument. But it was like, listen, just don't, you don't have to yell at each other. Just this. Let's just be cool about it. Does not do that here, you know, and it's because I'm aware of this trail, this energy, this how it's cultivating the environment, very mindful.

Most people don't hold their space as sacred or as something that they value. It's almost like just whatever comes in, they let in whoever they want, they'll have a, you know, people over every single night. Nothing wrong with that, especially if they're your friends that are coming over every night. But I'd be very mindful of who you're bringing into your space because there is a certain vibrational imprint that is left there and when you learn this and you become aware of that.

But what you can do is begin to cultivate the environment you want by being aware of what you want to experience. There could be certain art pieces, certain types of music you put on in the background. You can cultivate a high vibration place and by doing that, that's going to link you more up to what you want to experience because then you are equal to the vibration that you prefer. The other part, as I was mentioning, is simply going into a place and going somewhere where you want to match up to the energy of that place.

You want to tap into the vibration of it because remember there is an imprint of everything that has happened in certain places. You go to certain historical landmarks I'm sure because there were certain people there that have been imprinted into it and you can almost pick up on the same vibes of it. Maybe even information, who knows?

But what I'm saying is that we just don't have all of the reality figured out yet, but this grid around the planet understanding there's our thoughts are not necessarily just nonexistent. Our thoughts have a pattern to it and electromagnetic form and when we become aware of what that is, what we can begin to do is we can begin to cultivate it in the way that we prefer.

That's something that I do. I cultivate the environment that I live in. I will often probably once every day or two, I will save it or do some type of Palo Santo, which is like the same type of thing and it's more of the intention, but then what I do is I also put the intention that it's a high-frequency place.

Music also has a vibration. When you start to put music, it uplifts your energy!

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I put in good music. It's very relaxing. Music also has a vibration, so when you start to put music in that uplifts your energy, that will help cultivate the environment and then what you can begin to do is understand that wouldn't let you go to places that other people go that are of a similar vibration?

You start to tune up to their vibration, especially when you set the intention, so set yourself up this intention to go out to places where you want to be similar to if you wanted to own an art gallery studio, go to an art gallery convention or just go to an art gallery. If you want to be a and get a job somewhere, go to have the kind of place that you want a job at and just hang out there for a little bit.

Go around. If you want to be at a, you know, a certain type of shop, go to that shop and shop around, but feel what it's like so that you can start to be in that vibration that will help you to resonate with more of what you want.

Travel the world. Go to different spiritual places or whatever you want. There are different boards x's on the planet field, the high vibrational energy there. See how it cultivates and then grows the electromagnetic energy around your body. These are all things that I had been aware of. I just haven't shared because they're a little bit different.

Let me know what you think. What do you think of this idea in the comments? Leave a comment. Let me know. What do you think? Do you think that's something that's a, that resonates with you? Do you think it's something that you're going to go travel or what are you going to do differently now that you know this, so you're going to save your place? Whatever it is, let me know. I'd be very curious to hear. The other thing I have is I have a meditation that will help you to raise your vibrational set point.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.