The BELIEF System of Sadhguru EXPLAINED (Enlightened People and Beliefs)


Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that have the belief system of Sadhguru. I'm going to show you how the belief system works of what is called an enlightened person and how we can also transcend belief into a whole new paradigm.

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What I'm going to be sharing with you is more of understanding the belief system of somebody that we consider to be enlightened. The reason I'm doing this is that if you've been following my channel for a while, then you know that what I think is even more powerful than what people call the Law of Attraction understands that our beliefs create our reality.

That what we believe to be true is always reflected to us. And the thing is from person to person to person.Those beliefs will be different, and that's why everyone gets a different reality that they perceive of. The key is that a lot of people go around trying to attract certain things in their life, focused on things.

But the thing is, is unless they believe that they deserve, that we're sort of focused on, unless they believe that it is something that they can accomplish, they won't actually experience that thing in their life. This is why many times we have to get to the core of what we believe to be true.

Then let go of the stuff that no longer serves so that we can get to a new level of consciousness or a new level to where we allow things into our lives in an easier way. In a very simplistic type way and a very condensed way to explain this as we raise our vibrational frequency, the things that we want to create our life happen easier than ever.

But also, our wants will change going from certain levels of consciousness. We'll see that our thoughts are our, our, uh, our desires change. Like when people responded to me and asked me questions because I get a lot of people that DME every day asking questions.

One of the ones I get a lot is people asking how they can manifest a text message from someone else or how they can bring their ex back into their life. If that's the frame that we're coming from, then we're coming at it from a frame that says, I don't believe that I'm already whole and complete.

I hope that that person that brought me happiness in the past will come back into my life. I don't feel already all incomplete. I'm hoping that person will text me back because then I'll feel validation and I'll feel better about myself.

But you see, when you raise your level of consciousness, you don't seek the other people's validation. You aren't trying to get an ex back into your life because you know that you're already whole and complete and you're standing strong within your own frame.

The key is, and what I encourage people to do is not just so much to change your beliefs or even so much to try to attract to your life, but first off, shift your level of consciousness because, in a higher level of consciousness, you're going to desire different things in your life.

This is what I think is the bypass. Rather than going about it in the way of the intellectual part of beliefs create reality. Let me change what I believe now it is. It is true. Our beliefs create our reality. However, there are higher level paradigms than just that a belief.

That's why I'm talking about Sadhguru today and talking about enlightened people in general, people that we consider to be enlightened because when we transcend our level of consciousness, we don't need even to have a belief system. If you don't know who he is, is somebody that many people consider to be enlightened.

I would if I looked at what enlightenment is, I would say that he is enlightened from what I can see and from what I can feel and that of an enlightened person a lot of times has a lot of mysticism around it and it's for a certain purpose as well because the goal or somebody that is enlightened many times, one intention they usually have is to help break apart people's belief systems.

Just when you think like you understand Sadhguru, many times that will be kind of thrown on his back. It'll be in a way he'll say things that either triggers you or he'll say things that make you think in a new way because the goal of Sadhguru, not maybe even like he's like, I wake up today.

This is what I have to do, but one of the things he does is he breaks up parts of people's belief systems, breaks people out of the ego. Because when you become enlightened, what you learned to do is you learn to let go and not identify as the ego.

You're aware of the ego, but it's a different type of mentality. If you look at that guru, he's also a little bit edgier. Have you seen an enlightened person driving on a motorcycle with his beard? All you know in the wind, that's something that's a little bit edgier, but that's something that he enjoys doing.

You See, enlightenment is not about dissing and throwing away the ego. It's about being aware of the ego and still living. Your life is still about enjoying the experience. Whether you're enlightened or not really makes no difference other than the way you identify yourself to be.

Do you identify yourself as the reaction mind or are you waking up? And an interesting thing that I found was that guru is that he has been successful most of his life. He used to be someone that went in and he would, uh, find snakes. He's like a snake charmer.

He would go in and people's like when he was young, there'd be people that would have snakes in their house and snakes in their backyard and he would go and get the poisonous, dangerous snakes. And then bring them somewhere else. From a young age, he was a form of entrepreneur and he talks about that and he talks about how he used.

He had many businesses. I think there's something with like a water reserve or something like that when he was younger and he figured out a way to do that was more efficient. Anything that he has done, it seems like he's been very successful at now.

Why is that? Is it because he's enlightened? Well, he says that he added me to lightened until later on in his enlightening experience. I found it interesting because what happened was is he went to a top of the hill and he was looking at a view of the valley of wherever he is from or for wherever he was, and as he was doing it, he just had this realization.

He had this epiphany, this experience that was beyond an epiphany. It could have been, you know, what we consider being be enlightened. As he looked around, he realized that he could not tell the difference between where he began and where he ended.

He realized that everything he saw around him was an extension of him and he started to cry. He said there was. There were tears coming out of his eyes and there were just his whole entire clothes were soaked in his own tears because he cried for hours and then I guess what he said is he fell asleep and then he woke up and there were just crowds of people around him asking them to heal his.

You know, lead is, can you make my daughter find a husband and can you do this and can you do that? And people touching his feet and what happened though is he transcended that of his ego and he realized the truth. The truth is everything is consciousness. Everything just simply is we could say everything is a reflection of what we believe to be true, but that still emphasizes that has to believe something to be true.

You see, when you go out every day, there's this perspective of the reactive mind. 99% of people in the world or more are in the reactive mind to their environment, in their reaction to the government in reaction to the things that are happening in reaction to other people and because they're in reaction, they're in the survival mode of the ego.

The ego wants to survive. The ego wants to desperately defend the belief systems of what the book of what the ego believes to be true, and the more we're in this reaction type state, the more we create from a paradigm that is on autopilot. We think the same thoughts every day.

We have the same emotions every day. We do the same things every day. We get the same results every day, and most people that want to use the Law of Attraction or coming at it from the reaction mind, they think the reason they want what they want is because there'll be happy not knowing that their happiness is already within them, and if they were to make this shift in consciousness simply, everything in their life would begin to change.

You see, that's what happened is that guru, he went through a shift in consciousness. He was living as the reactive mind and maybe even less than most people because he seems to be very engaged in everything he did even up until his enlightenment, because he was already successful, so he was very engaged in everything that he was doing and then he became what we call it, enlightened.

He realized the truth, and the truth is this is a dream. Life is a form of dream. Life is a consistent game that we're having and we many times identify with the Avatar. We identify with this Avatar in this life experience. My name is Aaron. I make YouTube videos. I make videos about started guru in his belief systems, and even as you hear me say this right now, you may notice and it may be bringing up within your different perspectives.

What does this all mean? What is the belief systems that I have? How can I change my beliefs to create what I want my life? But you see that still coming out from the frame of the ego. 

The ego wants to understand all of this. The ego wants to know what the different belief systems you should have are? The ego always wants more. The ego's saying, I'm not holding complete already. 

Therefore, I'm hoping that I can change around my belief systems and see myself as more, but what I am telling you is that what you can begin to do, another opportunity is that you can shift out of that ego perspective and start to observe more.

When you start to observe, you begin to shift your level of consciousness.

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When you start to observe, you start to shift your level of consciousness. You start to realize that everything that you've been playing as a certain role based on prior experiences, something happens.

You decide that this is who you are. Therefore, you continue to run this autopilot mind over and over again. I've been thinking about this recently, especially when it comes to free will because we think we have free will, but if we're in the reaction to our environment and we're just acting based on prior experience, are we really in free will and do we have a choice? If everything's on autopilot, if we haven't taken the initiative to shift from the reactive mind of everything that's happening into that have been.

What Sadhguru has done is he has moved from the needing to be better. He has moved from having to believe more and to attract what he wants more and he has moved into a state of being and in this state of being. It's a higher vibrational level of consciousness where you don't need more, but naturally, because you are of a higher vibration, more continues to come because if you get a reflection of that which you are, he is simply being and by being.

He's transcended that have the even the Law of Attraction. Not that the. It's not working because it's the law, but what happens is he's in a state of being that transcends, that have lower vibrational states and desires. You see, everyone wants to make a video on YouTube about Sadhguru confirming the Law of Attraction or disproving the Law of Attraction.

The truth is that certain level of paradigms, the Law of Attraction seems a little bit redundant because when you transcend and you shift your level of consciousness, those things happen anyways, but your desires change, so when everyone's like, well, I want to attract this person into my life and I want to attract more money into my life and I want to track this into my life. Sadhguru will look at you and be like, but who is the you that wants to attract that into your life and what paradigm is that coming from?

You see, let me put right here. The levels of consciousness on this scale of consciousness, you'll see shame, fear, guilt. Eventually, you move up through neutrality. That's a big game changer. Neutrality is when you learn how to observe your thoughts rather than react to them.

That's when you learn not to identify so much with what is happening. When you observe your thoughts. That is, that was a game changer in my own life. I realized that a lot of the past that I had when I was able to observe the past and I was able to accept it, that's when it transformed. Then you move up to other emotions. You have anger. You'll have that to have a willingness.

You'll then move up to reasoning. The reasoning is most people coming to Sadhguru want to understand more about the intellectual part of how they can attract what they want. How can they even change their beliefs? Because beliefs create reality and this is a higher-level paradigm for most people. Most people on earth.

I would say most people with the Law of Attraction, even because I share a lot of that content on my channel sometimes are trying to attract things from shame, fear, guilt and anger and saying, I want to create more, but they're coming out from the lesser paradigms, which means they're experiencing a lot of blocks. The key is even if you get up to reasoning, you get up to the intellectual mind.

You can intellectually understand all of these ideas, but the next big, the next big shift after neutrality when you learn how to observe your thoughts is moving from reasoning to that of love. The reasoning is the intellectual ideas that calibrate at about 400.

You'll see that enlightenment is closer towards the top is around 700 Sadhguru wind from lower level paradigm, most likely for hundreds because he's a very intellectual guy back in the day, up to that of 700 and who knows exactly what it is, but I would say that he's for sure over 500 is what I would assume and when he made that shift, that shift in consciousness, he went from the intellectual Nis, the reasoning this, and he let all of that go understanding the truth.

The truth is all of that reasoning and below is an illusion anyway. It is not who we naturally are. Many enlightened people have said before that enlightenment is not something you attain. Enlightenment is a realization because every single one of us is naturally unconditional love and bliss.

We come from what we could call source energy. We could give it any type of label we want, but we are having a temporary human life experience dreaming this who we are having experiences in our past that brought us down into these lower emotions based on how we related to those things in the past.

Therefore, we experienced these things on autopilot over and over and over again. When the truth of the matter is, the more we let go of the reasoning, the more we let go of the shame, fear, guilt, and anger. The more we let go of all of these things, the more we naturally raise up.

Just like the Bob on the top of the ocean. If you're fishing, there's a bob there. If you push it under, you hold it down. If you let it go, it goes back up. Enlightenment is who we naturally are. We've simply forgotten it because of social conditioning because we're always trying to become more because we have identified with the ego and the ego wants to survive.

You let go of the ego. You let go of all those lower vibrational states of consciousness and you start to then be the unconditional love and bliss that you naturally are, so what Sadhguru has done is he has let go of the Ford Id nine and below, and maybe he's still going through experiences of having a there, but in general he's let that go and by doing so, he's in that unconditional love and bliss and service to humanity.

That is a shift in consciousness that goes beyond that of beliefs. You could look at someone like Buddha. You can look at someone that we would call any enlightened person of the past. You could look at them. You could notice them and say, what is their belief system?

Well, it's not so much that they tampered on a new belief to get to the level of enlightenment. It's not like to believe that you're in enlightened. You have to like do all of these things. All you have to do is let go. People that are enlightened or what we consider to be enlightened are people that have liked go. They've let go of beliefs, they've let go of desire, they've let go of these things. Maybe they still have a certain level of desire, but their desire isn't the same as from those lower level paradigms.

The key to this process is to understand that you are already whole and complete, and that way you can begin to do is to shift your level of consciousness. From the intellectual ideas of identification with the ego to that have a higher level because when your vibration raises, guess what?

Everything begins to change. The key is, and this is something that's changed my life, is understanding that literally what we experienced in our life is what we believe to be true. The only thing that keeps that into play is our insistence that it is the same as the past. It's the memory that we have in our mind of how things are meant to be.

The more we let go is the more we let in. If you're interested in having what is called the shift experience, which is a program, a course, and it is a speaking tour that I'm getting ready to go on here in a couple months, I am putting together this right now.

It is called the shift with Aaron Doughty. It's where I help you to shift your level of consciousness to a higher state, to where you understand that you are not just your ego, your so much more than that, and when you start to be that what you naturally are, you start to create things in your life easier than ever, but also your desires will change. You'll realize that you are so much more than you priorly thought.

This will help you to raise your vibrational level of consciousness and from that point going forward, you will see yourself as a completely different and new person. This is not necessarily in the light and mint, but it is a shift in consciousness.

I say that because I'm not saying that I'm enlightened. I'm not saying that I am Sadhguru level of consciousness, but there is a fundamental shift that happens when you go from the reasoning, the ego, the intellectual ideas, and you shift into understanding that literally things are more flexible than you priorly thought.

This is called the shift experience into a higher level of consciousness. You can sign up and I'll send you emails and I will notify you when that becomes live so that you can have the shift experience as well and you can shift out of the old identity shift out of being in reaction to your environment, shift out of the social conditioning, shift out of being asleep in the life, and when you wake up to this, everything in your life will begin to change in a powerful way.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.