How to ESCAPE a Negative Parallel Reality Timeline INSTANTLY


I'm going to show you how to escape a negative timeline, how to get on a positive timeline, and exactly what to do.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding how to escape a negative timeline so that you're able to get on the timeline that you prefer. Understanding as well that there is an infinite number of these timelines that exist and the negative ones are ones that many people get tethered to base upon their attention.

This is something quantum physics shows us that there is the only moment that exists at this moment right now and that there is an infinite number of these realities that exist. Science is pointing to this idea, this understanding. There are scientific studies that show the focus of that, of the intention that we have, the focus that we have, the double-slit experiment, which you can look up online to get and learn more about.

But it shows that there are different realities based upon where we put our focus. And then the same way every moment we are shifting through these different parallel realities that look so similar that we don't know the difference. Plus, they are so similar that we have this memory, we're, we're able to tie them all together as I go like this right now we have memories to, were you able to remember all it was here is here, is here, tier two, the tier.

This is gluing everything together, and it's about understanding the timeline that we are currently on. First just to give it a general basis, think of it as we have that of time being the movements through different parallel realities. That is the continuity itself. When we talk about timelines, it's important to understand that there is an infinite number of timelines that exist and right now on the planet, this is something that Bashar has talked about before.

If you've ever heard of Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka, it's very similar to like Abraham Hicks type thing. And Bashar talks about it and says that right now on the planet, there is this splitting of timelines happening. What this means is there are these branches that are happening based upon our collective focus of just like we are individually creating our own reality. Collectively many different timelines exist. The timelines depend upon our perspectives.

Do you pay attention to all these negative factions of the government and all of this stuff? They're in this fear vibration and the reality that the experience is equal to that fear, they will look out into the world and find evidence of it in the same way. There will be some people that will not experience it at all because their focus is not there because their belief does not allow it in because they're in a different vibration.

What's happening is right now there are these different timelines that exist, and we will experience a reality that is equal to the energy we are putting out the attention that we have. And the key is if we are experienced at a timeline, we don't prefer to start to shift our focus to shift our energy. There'll be some people moving forward that find that the government falls apart and there's this huge rush chef recession. That's a possibility.

That's probably one timeline. There's another timeline when people don't experience that at all because of their focus, because of where they are. You see where we get caught up as we all have to agree. We agree that there are all these different parallel realities, and this is the one you're on. This is the one eye on; we like to compare. Oh God, we don't get to compare these parallel realities. It's okay.

We can just be in the vibration we prefer, but let me get out my hand dandy marker with my Handy Dandy big ass no book and what I'll do is I'll just kind of show you. We have this of us, we perceive a reality that is equal to our focus. Imagine this; there are many different timelines that exist. Which timeline will we PR? Which timeline? And there are many more than this.

This is the egg. The idea is that there are just many timelines in general. What as you move forward propels you to, maybe this is a more positive timeline, this is a neutral timeline, this and they get a timeline. Let's just use these three as an example. What propels you to be on certain timelines? Well, I'll tell you right now that what is equal to the reality that is equal to what you experience has to depend on the filter of your beliefs.

If you are happy, you believe the world is a great place; you will then experience more of a reality where the world is a great place. You see, it depends upon our beliefs that filter through our experience. Think about it like this. There are 4 billion-plus bits of information around us, but we can only perceive of two to 4 million bits of information now which two to 4 million bits of information we perceive up depends upon our focus as to which parallel reality timeline we experience.

There's a certain level of momentum that our thoughts have. There's a certain level of momentum that our emotions have that propels us on a certain timeline. At any moment when you make new choices, when you change your energy you then change that timeline, but there is also a story that is tied into your beliefs about who you are, and you are filtering through the bits of information.

You do this at an unconscious level. You don't have to try to do this. It's your beliefs just naturally filter out information that is there so that it can reflect back to you what is called self-fulfilling prophecies, self-fulfilling prophecies. Whatever you look for, you will find if you go out into the world and say everyone's negative and always brings me back down, and you will find people that will be negative, and you will let that be an excuse for it to bring you down your internal state of being able to depend on it because you defined it to be such things in life are a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And we get a reality that is equal to whatever we believe to be true. When we talk about escaping a negative timeline, understand that the only way a negative time, I can be there is if we first off have a definition that it is negative. You see our language will reveal to us much of our beliefs, and if we believe that we even have to escape a negative timeline, we are imposing a negative timeline on of itself.

The negative and positive are left to the interpreter. It's just going to say that. Understand that whatever you perceive of which time I need to perceive of it will depend upon your definitions. The language that you use. If you use empowering language like I can do this, I will do this, and you'll experience something else. I can't do this. That locks you in. That locks you into a negative timeline. I can't do this. I have to do this.

Somebody is forcing me to do this. I have to work a nine to five job. I'm not passionate about. Well, then guess what? You're going to feel like you need to escape from that timeline. Here's the beauty of everything I'm sharing with you right now. Every moment you are shifting through billions of parallel realities, and that seems like a, how is that possible eyebrow that fits like a say, not probably as a treasurer thought ahead.

Here's the thing. As you look around right now, he has in the same way; you may look at that of a film projection knowing that in the film projection film projector, you have this light shining through these frames. These frames are moving very quickly as they move through. It looks like one long fluid movement, but if I were to edit this right now or you a film projector frames, each little thing is its separate little frame.

They are all separate even though they look so similar, but then we piece it all together, and this is what we get if we shine it through at the same, at a certain frequency. However, these all exist independent of themselves in the same way as I'm in this reality right now. There could be a flyover there. It could fly this way instead of this way. Well, guess what? Even if I do the same thing, they're totally separate.

Any small changes, a total change. Just like in even a small change that looks the same. Do you have a frame and I was like this and the frame that's like this? You may say, well that's the same frame, but they're actually different frames because there's, there are two different spots you see if you were to take out the frames, they might look the same, but one's over here, one's over here, so there's an infinite number.

Ones of these exist. We do it naturally. The reason I'm sharing this with you, it's a natural byproduct. The way the reality works. It's so similar to the law of attraction. I don't have to learn to attract these and law of attraction. It's naturally happening. It's just how do you, how do you discern your, your attention, and how do you optimize it, but you don't have to try to do it.

It's been positioned there by you, by your definitions. What is a negative one and positive depends on you and if you start to see how the negative timeline is serving you, even that negative definitions, negative language, it served me cause I'm taking my power back, it serving me because now I'm going to make new choices. Here's the thing, your choices, your attention, and the story here.

Tell yourself is putting you on these different timelines and there's many more than this, but this is the idea which parallel reality timeline do you want to be on? That's the question I have for you and if you want to be on a positive timeline, could you start to see things in a new way? Could you tell yourself a new story? Because the story you tell yourself about why you are the way you are, the story you tell yourself about the past.

That was a story that you may have told yourself because something happened in the back, and that was, that was some pattern that you have tied onto. Then what happens is in the present moment right now you have that belief. You go out into the world, and you experience more of that negative timeline because of this story. Well, here's the thing. At this moment right now, you can change your story. You change your story, and so it's, it's you change your story by becoming aware of your story of the past.

Most people are living in the past. Therefore they are on the same timeline that they were when they were young. They can be at a timeline of feeling unworthy, could be a theme of their timeline of not feeling worthy because when they were a kid, their parents made them feel like they were unworthy. But understand this, your parents can't make you feel unworthy. You choose to be unworthy from an unconscious level. Maybe you didn't know better, but still, at a certain point, you agreed to it when you agreed to it in the past. You now agree to it in the same at this moment right now because you haven't changed that agreement. You haven't even become aware that it's there.

When you become aware of the story, you tell yourself, that's when you can transform it. Not earlier than that. You have to become aware of the story you tell yourself. You have to become aware of the agreements you made in the past because then you can change them. You cannot change what you do not own, and he can't change what you don't know. Damn, I never thought of that. Can't change what you don't own, but you can't change what you don't know.

Awareness is really the key to all of this in the present moment right now. Who are you? Most people think they are the result of their past. They are the things that have happened. They are the agreements they made. You are who you choose to be in the present moment. And by knowing that, by then looking at the store, you tell yourself, you then begin to transform it because you can tell yourself a new story. You see your story of what it is, a story.

The story is a story. You don't have to keep living through that story. It's like being in a film, being in some type of an acting job, reading a script that you don't realize and you've been sticking around a stage in a set that you don't even want to be on. Realizing, Hey, I can change this script, or I can let it go and just be myself. Let it go and just be yourself and then choose from awareness what you want to engage with.

Choose your attention, your attention, your choices, your focus. These are all things that go into your reality, and when you change these things, you change your life. The only thing that keeps you stuck in a negative timeline is unawareness of past experience agreements you've made that you're not aware of. If you want to transform your life, become aware of the past agreements, become aware of the story, and become aware of your definitions, and then choose new ones. Make new actions.

You'll see this is all on autopilot. It's all on autopilot, but you're watching this video now so now you become more aware of it, and then you can consciously choose the positive timeline. You can choose the positive timeline, but you do that from this moment right now, this present moment right now, so that is the key to you. Shifting to a more positive timeline, make new choices, become aware of the story you tell yourself, become aware of the agreements that you've made in the past.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.