The Feeling is the Secret Guided Meditation LISTEN TO THIS DAILY


What I'm going to be sharing with you is a feeling which is the secret guided meditation that will help you to achieve your goals. I believe if you listen to this meditation for the next 21 days, it will totally transform your life.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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I’m going to be explaining to you the power of what is called the feeling is the secret book by Neville Goddard. I'm going to be sharing with you a meditation at the end that you can listen to every single night that will help you to achieve your goals.

That's going to be actually a majority of this blog, but for the first couple of minutes, what I wanted to do is to share with you how to use it and what the idea is behind the teaching of Goddard and how it works with the feeling is the secret.

This is a book that I originally read about five or six years ago. It's a short book. It's about 60 pages long and when I read it, I started to really become aware of this window of time before I go to bed at night and it's the same for everyone. As you're going to bed at night, what is happening is your brainwaves are going from that have more of an Alpha Beta state, which is the more awake states into the deeper levels of consciousness.

You're going from Alpha and Beta into more of a theta state and as you're moving more into Theta Delta state, Delta is more of the sleep. State data's more of the really relaxed meditation state. What we're doing is we have this ability to influence our subconscious mind in a very powerful way and we do that with feeling the language that the subconscious mind speaks in is the feeling and that's why the feeling is the secret.

Most people are intending to change their subconscious mind using logical thoughts, but that doesn't work because that's not the language that the subconscious mind speaks in. Many times, we can sit there all we want and say something like, I am abundant, but if we don't feel the abundance underneath that, that's when we moved that into what is called an incantation, when sometimes we can even use our body to change our physiology, to change how we feel, will we begin to do is we begin to then influence that part of our brain which then begins to influence our life.

Understand our subconscious mind runs over 90 percent of our life experience, so when we get to the core of our subconscious mind and we learn how to influence it, everything in our life can change and if you look at it like this as well, when we grow up, up until about the age of eight to 12 years old, we're in a predominantly a theta state, which means as we're growing up, we're literally absorbing the environment.

We are attributing meaning to certain things and we're doing that all subconsciously. We're not even aware of it. That's why a lot of times when you see people going through transformation type work, you may see someone like Tony Robbins that asked someone, what was your relationship with your dad like? What was your relationship with your mom like? Because the relationship with the parents is the first relationship we normally have and we have derived so many meanings and associations from them that subconsciously that's what runs our life.

Even 30, 40 years later, that person may be still running on that same subconscious patterning. Up until about the age of eight to 12 years old, we're in that data state. What happens is right around that time we start to move more into the Alpha state. We start to move more from the subconscious mind into the conscious mind, and we start to then have this thought process where we can have this barrier between what we think and what we experience.

What happens is then we get set in our ways for most of our life experience. The key in the power is hacking our mind by knowing there are certain times of the day when our brain is going into more of a theta state. When it is drifting into the deeper brainwave state to win, then we can influence it with emotion. The way we do this is the 20 minutes when we wake up in the morning and 20 minutes before we go to bed at night, because that's the window of time.

What I do and what I recommend you do is you visualize what you want to experience as if you already have it as if it's already something that's real for you and you feel that and you put yourself in the vizier visualization right before you go to bed at night and right when you wake up in the morning.

There's a couple hacks I'm going to be sharing with you in this meditation. This meditation that you are about to listen to is going to be one that you can listen to right when you wake up in the morning and right before you go to bed at night. I have recommended you listened to it twice a day in order to get the maximum benefit out of it, and this will help you to then start to create a more empowered self-concept to self-concept.

As a self-image. We will always be inconsistent to the self-image we have. We always do that subconsciously, so as we have a thermometer on our wall, maybe what you'll do is you'll see that it's set at 75 degrees. If it gets hotter or colder, the AC or the heat or were will kick on to put it back to that set point.

We may try to change but not change our set point. What'll happen is we'll try, we'll start gaining success, for example, but if our thermometer is set at 75 and we start to get success, it'll kind of pump on and be like, “Yo, that's not who you are. Come back. Let's see.” Let me sabotage you really quick so that you come back to what's comfortable. It's about being aware of what that is, but this meditation will help you to bypass all of that.

This is why I recommend you listen to it for at least 21 days, right? When you wake up in the morning, right? When you go to bed and you put in a similar visualization each time you do it for things to really become something that we experienced, it takes repetition. That's why I recommend with this meditation some of my other meditations, you can maybe switch what you think about because then you still get a powerful effect.

This one's a little bit different. You want to imagine a similar thing, but you need to make it more about the focus of the feeling, but make it something that's a similar outcome because what manifestation is the power of it? It's a combination of an increased emotion, which is the feeling we're going to be generating with an increased intention. These two things make for what we want to experience in her life, but that intention.

You want to think, I intended dot, dot, dot. You want to think intention vs something that's clear, something that is specific, something that you can see every single time you do this meditation and intention is like a declaration of desire. That's the difference between desire and intention. Desire says, I want something, but an intention says I intended for that is declaring it into the universe is the way you can think about it.

What I'm going to ask you to do right now is to take in a deep breath in, deep breath out, and to feel yourself. Relax what I'm going to do in a minute. Let's cue the music and then we're going to move deeper and deeper into relaxation, and I'm going to guide you along this process of fueling more inside of your heart center.

And then what we're going to do is move into our actual visualizations, visualizations, and feeling as if it is happening now. Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in and deep breath out. I recommend you listen to this headphone, this meditation with headphones if you can. Let's take a deep breath in and deep breath out.

As you breathe out, feel your body relax more and more. Let's take another deep breath in. Deep breath out. And as you breathe out, put your awareness in your hand over your heart. Heart math institute has shown that the more attention we put on our heart center, the more we grow that electromagnetic energy around our body, that the power of the heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head, so it's taking another deep breath in, deep breath out.

But the awareness over your heart and begin to feel inside of your heart center. Feel the warmth of your hands into your heart. Feel free to close your eyes now if you wish and know that with every breath you take you are shifting deeper and deeper into relaxation. You were feeling your body relax more and more. I'll put the awareness in your head. Feel the sensation in your forehead. Put the awareness behind your eyelids.

Feel your eye sockets relax, but the awareness in your jaw. Imagine your jaw relaxing. Let it be loose. Relax the tongue, fuel the awareness in your neck, down your left arm, your left hand. Imagine a wave of relaxation flowing through your hand. Imagine this wave of relaxation flowing through your right hand, your right arm, feeling it, relax.

Put the awareness in your chest and your heart. I imagine there's a ball of energy inside of your heart. Any color that you like and imagine with every breath that you take, this energy is becoming more and more powerful. You are feeling an increase. Imagine that this ball of energy is spinning in the clockwise position and the faster it spins, the more you feel this love.

Imagine it spinning faster and faster. I put the awareness in your stomach. Imagine relaxing your hips, your left leg and foot, wave of relaxation, right leg and foot, wave of relaxation flowing through your whole body. Imagine that any excess energy in your body or any energy that's not serving you is flowing through the heels of your feet. Imagine that energy flowing through your body and leaving through the heels of your feet.

Feel relax. Imagine yourself in a very relaxing place. This could be a place that's at the beach. It could be a place that's in inside a room you feel very comfortable and couldn't be outside in nature wherever you want. Imagine that you are in this place.

As you look around, what do you see? What kind of sounds do you hear? Imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder. Pay attention to how relaxed you feel. Notice at about 15 or 20 feet away, you notice a chair and this chair, it's one that you can sit in anytime you want to increase the feeling inside your body of you experiencing what you want.

We're going to take 10 steps towards this chair and with every step we take, we're going to feel that as we get closer to the chair, we feel an increased emotion inside of our heart center. We're going to feel more love in our heart than ever before.

I'm going to count down from 10 to one with every number I count. I imagine that the energy in your heart is increasing. You're feeling elevated, emotion, more warmth, and more love. Take a step towards this chair. Ten feeling your body now begin to move in that direction.

Nine, with every number I count you feel double the amount of love inside of your body. Double the amount of relaxation. Eight, getting closer to the chair now. Seven, feeling yourself, feel relaxed and comfortable. Six, feeling this energy in your heart to increase even more.

Five for getting closer. Three deeper into this feeling of love to an increase in your heart now and one. You are standing at this chair and you could feel the energy in your body increasing more and more. Pay attention to how this chair looks and then notice and become aware that you can sit in this chair and do this meditation anytime you want and that when you sit in this chair, you always feel relief. You always feel an increase in the emotion you want to experience in your life. It's very easy and natural for you to do.

Go ahead, turn around, sit in this chair and notice that as soon as you sit in this chair, you can feel how relaxed you feel, how much love you feel. There's something about this chair to you. It is so easy to feel the emotions you want to experience in this chair. You're feelings are much more sensitive and you can feel positive emotions more easily than ever before. Imagine some things that you want to experience in your life, certain goals you have.

Imagine them as if you are experiencing them now, not as if in the future you will, but as if you are experiencing them now, imagine what it would look like through the eyes of that version of you. Imagine what you would see achieving a certain financial goal, relationship, goal, whatever your goals are. Imagine a scenario where that is happening.

 What do you see in this scenario and it's experience? Imagine the color's becoming brighter and brighter. What can you hear in this experience? Imagine the sounds becoming louder and louder right now. You are feeling as if this is happening. Soak in this feeling. Notice how natural it is for this version of you. These experiences you're in are a part of who you are. Imagine another scenario of you achieving your goal. 

You experiencing something you've always wanted to imagine it as. If you're looking through the eyes of this version of you now, what do you see? Imagine those colors. Whatever you see becoming brighter and brighter and much more vivid. What do you here? Imagine those sounds becoming louder and louder. What do you feel? How does it feel to be the best version of you? Imagine the feeling of your body increasing more and more and move to one more experience that would represent you living the lifestyle you want. 

One more outcome or goal, declare it right now. Say, I intend for this to happen. Whatever this is. Imagine you're in this scenario. What do you see? Imagine those colors coming brighter and brighter, much more vivid. What do you here? Imagine the sounds becoming louder and louder and what do you feel? Feel it as if it's happening right now. I notice that on the right side of this chair, you see a dial and on this dial it is marked. 

The intensity of feeling well we're going to do is we're going to move the dial from one to 10, 10 being the Max, where you're going to feel this emotion through your heart like never before. You're going to feel as if you've achieved your goals. You're going to feel the love and happiness beyond what you can imagine, and this will influence your subconscious mind and a very powerful way. Imagine yourself putting your hand on this dial right now. 

It's marked at one, at every number that I count up. You're going to feel an increase in your heart center. Increase of love, increase a feeling, one, fill your hand, touched the dial to as you move the notch, you can feel it. Increased surge of love. Go through your body. Three, fueling more of it now for doubling the amount of sensation with every number that I count. Five. Six, an increase of energy in your hearts. 

Seven, double the amount of love. Eight, feeling it more than ever before. Nine, ten. Feel this. Flow through your body. Allow yourself to soak in this love feeling. The feeling is the secret and this is what you're feeling now. This is what it feels like to achieve your goals. Soak in that feeling. This is where the power is. This is what influences your subconscious mind.

Before the day ends, set your intention and you will get a reflection of this change that you've made from within.

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Set the intention that before the end of the day, you get a reflection of this change that you've made from within. You will start to see evidence in your life of what you want happening because you have shifted your feeling and that is influencing your sub conscious mind.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to count down from five to one. Every number I count. You're going to feel yourself becoming more alert, more present, feeling great five to yourself now becoming alert, feeling amazing for double the amount of relaxation your body three, present to the moment to one.

You can either open your eyes or keep them closed. It's up to you know, after this point going forward, everything has changed in your life because you have shifted your feeling.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.