3 Secrets of Vibrational Alignment that Makes Manifestation So MUCH EASIER

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the three secrets of vibrational alignment that makes everything so much easier. I'm going to share with you the ways of applying it in my own life that's totally changed everything, made everything easier, more aligning, more momentum and so many other things.

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Think about it. This is the easiest way that I think about it at least is when it comes to what we want to experience in our life. Think of it as a television station and our television station, television channel, TV channel, and think of it like there is a certain channel on channel 54.

That's a certain thing, and then another channel in 27. It's a different thing and what happens is when we're looking at one channel to the other channel, the difference is simply the vibration. It's simply the frequency that it is.

When it comes to vibrational alignment, when we are the highest vibration, it means we are in alignment with who we really are, and then what happens is as we tuned to the vibration of who we really are, not only does our vibration raise, but what we perceive of is then equal to what we are putting out.

For example, if we're feeling abundant, fulfilling, great for filling, excited, we're going to experience a certain television channel, but if we're feeling low, we're feeling the lack of that vibration, then we may experience something more like the news or something more negative. The key to this is asking ourselves the question, what am I turning into and what channel am I vibrating with?

What am I experiencing in my life right now?  This isn't even one of the secrets I'm going to share, but the main fundamental core that I found in my own life with this whole process is understanding that when it becomes about our passion, doing what we love doing, that raises our vibration the most. If you are going to ask me, I do what I love and that is making videos.

For example, I feel in a very great state. I feel very good when I do that and because of that, you know, normally it was like back in the day I would focus on the things that I wanted from what I wanted to experience. Like the reason we get into vibrational alignment is because then we get all of the things that come with that.

It's like when we get the reflection that is equal to what we are putting out, but the thing is those things aren't very fulfilling and when we focus on those focus on those things first, we ended up a lot of times blocking our natural vibration from coming through.

What I am saying is if we make the vibration, the passion primary, those things come anyways. It's a funny thing because now I don't have to focus on abundance and money because I'm so focused on my passion that those come anyways. But back in the day, I thought it was going to be like, oh, I have to focus on the money. I got to focus on all this kind of stuff.

  1. The balance

The first secret that I have for you actually has to do with the balance of all different areas of our life. I'm somebody that puts a lot of what I do into my passion. It seemed a little bit, I guess, ironic that I would mention something like this, but I do realize how powerful it is because of every area of our life influences every other area.

If we're out of alignment with one area and that's weighing down on all the other areas, what we can begin to do is to let go and allow things to be as they are. I'll talk about that in a minute as well. But what we begin to do is we begin to naturally raise our vibration. I was just yesterday listening to an audiobook by Sadhguru if you guys ever heard of him.

And he was talking about how enlightenment within the light. It's necessary to have it balanced out in all areas of life. You must have the body aligned with the intellect aligned with the, uh, aligned, with the energy aligned with all the different aspects, the Chakras. All these things must be aligned, but sometimes what we do is we overdoing and we burn ourselves out in certain ways.

Like imagine like I just bought this thing, for example, this thing is called a whoop. And what it does is I wear it and it tracks my heart rate and it, it knows when I'm sleeping, it does all of these things. It optimizes and tells me how often I'm sleeping, what kind of deep sleep it is when I'm working out how many calories I'm burning, the intensity of my workouts, it looks at everything I do with my health so that I can optimize it and see how much more time I need for recovery.

This thing gives me all those different metrics, and it lets me know what I am doing and what I need to switch up. Think about it, if you were to work out and burn yourself out, not get any sleep, wake up the next day or not wake up because you didn't get any sleep, but if you were to like get up, the next day was only an hour sleep.

For example, you have to go straight back into a really hardcore workout. Your body wouldn't be happy with you and in the same way, if we burn ourselves out in certain ways, that will affect other areas of our vibration. What I recommend is becoming aware of the food that you put into your body because the foods you put into your body literally has to break down to become a part of you, and if it takes a lot of energy to break down your food, then that will help drain the energy.

Anytime it comes to manifestation. What I've noticed in my own life is the more energy I put in a certain direction, the more that grows. Now, if my energy is low and I'm not putting a lot of energy into something like as much as I could be, then it won't manifest to the degree it could in general for us to create amazing things in our life that requires energy. It doesn't mean it has to be hard. It just means that when you're in a high vibration, there's more energy flowing through.

Diet I found for me, eating healthier, eating nutrient-rich foods has allowed me to feel much better and there's an intimate correlation between what we put into our body to how we feel, to how that affects our brain, and that's something that really has changed my life is eating. I eat very clean now, a lot of nutrient-rich foods, lots of spinach and Kale and stuff like that.

Every now and then I'll enjoy myself with what they call a cheat meal, but even then, it's normally somewhat healthy and it's something that allows me to have a high vibration. I meditate to balance out all of the action I take with me doing what I love with me, making videos with all these other things, balance it out in many different ways that you find you have low energy, could be the diet, it could be what you're focused on.

 Maybe you're too old, you're identified with your thoughts. It could be certain things that are fatiguing you like doing something you're not passionate about. Maybe go to a job that you're not passionate about and in to balance that out.

Balance is the key to keeping your vibration high.

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Do something you are passionate about when you're not doing that, reward yourself and when you are moving towards your dream or whatever it is, but what I found is that balance is key to keeping vibration high and especially when it's all the way around.

Things are feeding into each other. Everything. What I've noticed, I've been applying this in my own life. However, you do one thing is how you do everything. That's a philosophy that I've really kind of adopted in a way, and when I wake up in the morning, it's going to sound kind of weird, but I believe that waking up and making your bed is one of the best things you could do right when you wake up.

Because when you make your bed, what you do is you tell yourself or in a way, you just start your day off right, and when you do that, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. If you do one thing and you are kind of not in it. You might do everything else in your life, kind of in it, kind of not in it. You may have a relationship that you are kind of into kind of not into. You may have your relationships with other people. You're kind of into kind of not into.

You may kind of a passion that you're kind of into kind of not into. The way you do anything is the way you do everything when it comes to your vibration. Align with all the different areas of your life. And it doesn't have to be that hard, just be aware of what you put into your body and how you feel of the different activities you do to how you feel and all these things will help make it so much easier for you.

  1. Letting go

The second vibrational secrets, as you may have not heard of before, has to do with understanding that many times we think that we need to pile on a new idea, maintain and raise our vibration. But it's actually more about letting go. This is an important idea because the thing is we naturally are having a very high vibration, so they give it like this. We naturally have a very high vibration. We resonate at a very high frequency as a soul.

What we do is we decide that we're going to come to earth. We say, “Yo, I'm going to go to earth because things are a lot slower there and I can experience and learn a whole bunch of stuff in a very short period of time because we only live 100 years here.” Things go by like that. I'm going to come to earth.

I'm going to learn a whole bunch of stuff and when we come here, we forget who we are, so immediately we're disconnected. We feel disconnected whenever really disconnected from this larger source of who we are and what we do is we come here, we forget that that's who we are. We forget that we have a very high vibration and we come here and then it's like we have these life experiences and the purpose of life is to remember who we are.

The purpose of life is actually really to let go of all the things that we are not because we accumulate all these things growing up or on earth and it's like, oh, these things happen. We get treated a certain way. We develop beliefs and these things weigh us down and the key is knowing that this natural high vibration from up here is who we naturally are and when we go to bed every single night, what we do is we wake up as this higher level of consciousness.

We simply don't remember it because if we did remember it, it might not be really relevant. Imagine you remember when you're waking up every morning that you exist in a high-frequency state of consciousness where it's unconditional love and bliss, and then you wake up here and you might look around and be like, where's that unconditional love? Was I just experiencing? Was that real or was that just a fantasy dream?

It may not be relevant, but there are ways of remembering and it's about understanding though, that that is who we naturally are. We are there every night. We are simply dreaming right now that this is who we are. It makes it easier for us to know that vibrational alignment is a natural part of life. When we see that, are we doing what we're passionate about? That's an important part of the process, and the other part of this is just simply letting go.

I remember I had my spiritual awakening experience back in 2012, and what happened was I started meditating. I started to observe my thoughts. I remember that as I was observing my thoughts, I saw all of these thoughts that no longer serve me. I became aware. It was like, man, I think that I have ADHD because I was told that I was taking a prescription for it and stuff is 2012, and I was like, oh, uh, that's a belief that I have. I became aware of that belief.

I observed that thought itself and I had an epiphany that I didn't have to believe that didn't have to have that be my truth anymore. I started to do an inventory of all the beliefs I had and was like, man, I have all these limiting beliefs about myself. I felt unworthy because a lot of the things I went through as a child and what I did is I looked at it, I observed it, and then I started to allow it to be there allowing and actually starts to go away.

It's funny how that works, but as I did that, I started to feel totally different within a day or two. Within about two or three days of meditating, I was walking around my room and I felt so euphoric that I thought it was good. I thought the film was going to go away. I'm like, what is this feeling? Why am I feeling this way? It must be too good to be true.

The thing is it wasn't too good to be true. It just became my natural set point and that is how I felt ever since. Of course, it's still going up and down. It's what happened was is on a scale of one to 10, I was on average feeling about a three to a four to a five out of 10, which means I wasn't feeling that great one feeling not so great, 10 feeling amazing, and then all of a sudden, I started feeling at a seven or an eight out of 10 and all the sudden I was like, that became my natural set point.

Of course, it's still going up and down a little bit, but in general, that is a totally different level, a totally different reality than before, but since then it's been so easy for me to be in vibrational alignment because I'm aware of these things. As they come up, I'm aware of these negative thoughts. I'm aware of them.

Not always, but many times I can catch them because of the pattern is just keep going through and I'm like, Oh, yeah, let go. Oh yeah, and that's changes so much. With vibrational alignment, understand that you may have a lot of beliefs that come up, you may have a lot of perspectives that don't serve you, observe them, and then simply let them go. They don't have to control you right now in the present moment and that your vibration is naturally this high vibe. This is who you are.

  1. The power of momentum

The third secret of vibration has to do with understanding the power of momentum. I used to work a sales commission job at Nordstrom's selling woman's shoes that eventually I worked at Barneys New York, also selling woman's shoes and it was like high-end luxury stores, right? Like the shoes there. I worked in salon shoes at Nordstrom's price point. It's like three to 500 and then at Barneys New York has like seven to $800,000 a pair of shoes.

There was a certain vibe there in a certain level of the type of customer as helping A. There's a certain level of is all commission, so I only got paid based on what I sold and I remember that there was a direct correlation. It what made it really cool is this was after I learned, you know, right.

When I learned the Law of Attraction, I was able to go into work every single day and see an intimate correlation between what I think and what I feel to what I've experienced because if I go on a certain day, you have a negative mindset or I'd be attached to the outcome, I'd have a not such a great day and go into another day, be loose, not attached to the outcome.

Having an amazing day. Here's something I learned though in the process there is something called momentum. When it comes to the vibrational alignment, the more momentum we have, the more we unstoppable. We become.

There are times I go to work, I just pick up every customer, which means I helped them and they would buy. I'd help them. They buy, helped invite it, get to a point to where every single person I help with the pyramids by or if they didn't, it would lead to like the next customer buying or like I was in the right place at the right time. It was just kind of.

It was weird the way it works, but it was very powerful. On the other side of that, there'll be times when there'd be the opposite momentum. I'd go in and every single customer would walk me, meaning they didn't buy anything and I would just happen over and over again.

And then what I realized though is a delicate switch is what made the switch from vibrational. What I had to do, and this is what I learned over years of doing this, is what I would do is have to let it be okay that a customer comes in and doesn't buy anything and not be attached to the outcome and help them and have a great attitude even while in helping them.

Because as I started to be okay and just joke around and have a good time, even if they didn't buy, my state of being would go up and as my state of being would go up, I will then start to pick up the customers that did buy. You see it was kind of a funny thing. You have to let the energy drain out. You have to let the momentum go. But the way you do that is by observation, not by resistance.

Because I would get mad, I'd go like to a customer and I'd be helping them. And then once I figured out they were going to buy anything and get kind of like, I wouldn't say anything of course, but I'd get kind of like really short with them. But okay, thanks. Have a great day. You know? And it was because I was being attached to the outcome and I wasn't a trusting the process. Trust the process and know that there's going to be a certain momentum that's going.

But the secret to changing that momentum is observing it, letting it be there and then simply deciding to then choose. And to have a good state of being anyways, remember, the key to vibrational alignment is not to control the outside environment. It's not to even control the television station to key, you know, like the television station, that of what we are experienced in equal to the vibration we're at.

The key to it is knowing that as we increase our state of being all of those things on the outside change anyways, so if you make the primary focus, your state of being and how you feel and you're just there to have a good time, you're there to have fun. You loosen up.

Then things begin to happen in a very powerful way. I'll leave you with one more thing. I was reading this book or I was listening to this summary of this book called the as if principal very similar to the act as if principle and the principle is that if you simply as if you act as if your body and your physiology changes.

Many times, we think that when we're happy, where we will smile, but in actuality, if we smile, we were then happy. The physiology of our body changes how we feel, so for vibrational alignment, what I recommend you do is to simply play a little game with yourself, act as if you're in a peak state, act as if you're in a peak state.

Simply be it and watch how everything begins to align with it. They've done science experience after experience, the experience of testing this where they put electrodes on someone's face and what they did is they had. They had to smile to put these electrodes on. Those people that kept smiling would naturally feel more seller tonin and dopamine and the people that weren't, even though they had no idea going into this study, that that was the focus of the study.

They thought it was just putting electrodes on their body for some other reason, but it's so many different ways. They've proven that physiology changes how we feel and when you change how you feel, you change your vibration. When you change your vibration, which changes the television channel that you're looking at, whatever is equal to.

That is the key. With all that, another thing I have is, like I was saying at the beginning or the middle of this blog, raising my vibration and raise my vibration from a three to a five out of 10 to a seven or eight out of 10, I've created a free guided meditation that will help you to get the same result. On the top of this blog, I think if you listen to it for 21 days, it'll powerfully impact your life is absolutely free.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.