The 2019 Ascension Timeline it’s Time You Know About

I'm going to be sharing with you the 2019 ascension timeline that it's time you know about. These are going to be things that can help you prepaid the next 10 15 years of your life in a very powerful way.

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Today, I'll be sharing with you that of the 2019 ascension timeline, understanding that from this point going forward, there's a certain trajectory that you can begin to see your life in a form of the in this direction and it knowing this. Simply knowing this right now, we'll help you through that process of ascension. First off, you might be asking yourself, Bro, what's ascension? What are you talking about when you talk about ascension will understand that right now on this planet, there is an ascension of vibration happening.

There are more and more people every day becoming aware of who they are. And there is this ascension that is happening because the planet's herself mother Gaia herself is going through ascension of vibration. And we in a way are like the cells on planet earth. Just like we have sales in our bodies, the planet herself is going through an ascension. Therefore, we are going through this ascension as well.

And this ascension has to do with a raising consciousness begin to see things from a more expanded point of view. It has to do with feeling and higher vibrational states of consciousness. Instead of feeling shame, fear, guilt, anger, we begin to raise our vibration to that of neutrality. And then eventually more of love understanding that everything we experience in our life is a reflection of what we believe to be true and knowing and feeling and having this more sense of unity, understanding that we're all connected.

There is this collective consciousness that we're all connected to and we, through our thoughts, through our emotions, are choosing our collective timelines together, becoming more aware of this connection that we have and also that we are immortal, spiritual beings, living temporary human experiences. Right now, on the planet and more people are waking up than ever before.

And if you want more information on this as well, there's a lot of information online. I have other videos on this as well, but one thing that I know is that there are so many people that if you only knew that you chose to be here at this time, that this is the most potent time to be alive ever in the history of our whole entire planet because we can go through this shift in consciousness together. Many times, in the past there has been an ascension that has happened.

You could almost think of it as a graduation from one level of consciousness to another and when it happens, sometimes there are only certain groups that go into it because of their level of consciousness and like the Mayans, we could say they were one group that went through this ascension or an ascension thousands of years ago. However, the potential that we have right now is to go through this shift in consciousness with everyone else on the planet. Everyone will be at a different level.

Think of it almost like as a bubble that we're all going through and we have certain rates that we're raising our vibration through. And what we're moving from is removing out of a 3D mentality into a four and 5D mentality. Three dimensions are also here. Sometimes when we think of these different dimensional states of consciousness, we think of it as like a separate place as like a different location that we're going to actuality it's here, but we're going to be perceiving things from a higher point of view.

It will appear actually to be differently as well as we raise our vibration. But before I get into the specifics of what will happen, understand that this dimensional shift. That is the 3D mentality has been around for thousands of years, but what we're doing right now is we're waking up out of that and into what is called a fourth-dimensional state of consciousness, fourth and fifth-dimensional state of consciousness. The fourth-dimensional state of consciousness is understanding that there is still a form of duality.

It is still somewhat good and bad, but it is still a higher vibration. There was more awareness that this is in a way is a form of dream life as a form of a dream. It's much more flexible. It's meant to be much more fun than it normally is. It's very physical, very dense and there's a lot of a, it's very hard to manifest what you want because there's limiting beliefs there and you have to bring something from over there to India here. It's more about vibration in 4D reality. We're able to read people's minds easier and we do it. Even in 3D, they stayed over. 93% of communication is nonverbal.

Well, we're already almost there, but the idea is that as we move into more of a 40 state of consciousness, we're able to communicate with everyone in a much more powerful way. We feel this connection more to our spirit. We have more access. We actually have the access to unconditional love and higher emotions in 3D but we're more aware of it in four and 5D reality. And when you see that a 5D reality, think of that as more of unconditional love, unity, consciousness.

What you do to someone else comes back to you because that someone else is still connected to you. It's a larger scope of perception, but it is one that we're moving into understanding that why would I do something bad to a neighbor when that neighbor is another aspect of me. We're all one consciousness. Once again there are these different levels of consciousness and in this life, we chose to come aware of this.

We chose to wake up from this dream of separation, the dream of good, bad, like the dark. The dream of duality. We're waking up into more of who we are in this lifetime and if you want more information. As I was mentioning earlier, there is a QHHT or quantum healing hypnosis technique, which is a technique. There are many different techniques for people going into past life regression or a where the higher self comes through and the higher self can answer any question that it has.

And the sessions that I have studied a lot or read about are Dolores cannon who passed away recently, but she has 17 or 19 books out on this and it has to do with these people bringing their higher selves through and you can ask any questions you'd ask like, why did you incarnate at this time? You could ask questions like, who is this person in your life and why did you have this karmic relationship?

And whatever it is, the higher self will bring through the answers. One of the questions would be, why did you incarnate at this time? We'll through thousands and thousands of thousands of different people that this, that Dolores cannon has interviewed all around the planet. All of them did not know each other. None of them knew each other. Ask the question, why did you incarnate this time?

One consistent answer was we wanted to be a part of the great awakening. We wanted to be here for this shift in consciousness because never before has it happened where a whole entire planet has the ability to transcend into a higher level of consciousness in the body, in form. And that's what we're doing in this life. That is a symbol that is something that at a higher self, all of us know, whether we're, we are aware of it or not. But in general, this ascension is happening now.

But actually, what happened is there is this long, a little bit of a longer timeline that is happening where more and more people can make the shift versus some jolt and energy that happened in 2012, which there was an awakening that happened and lighter and fusion that happened in 2012. Right now, on the planet, what will be happening from now going forward as a form of what can be called a spiritual renaissance. More and more people become aware of who they are at a spiritual level.

I have people reaching out to me, people that know don't even watch my YouTube channel and necessarily so it's not just subscribers. I had people reaching out to me that I never would've thought of. Not in a judgmental way, but some of the last people you would have thought of would wake up, are texting me or messaging me saying, I am waking up. I am going through this. It now makes sense to me.

Everything you've been talking about for years is now finally making sense to me and it's a sign and also you can tell by the growth of this YouTube channel. You can tell by the growth of this information. There's a demand for it because more and more people are waking up on the planet and from this point going forward, there will continue to be an awakening of that. You'll notice that there are certain, there are certain types of food that will be eating.

There'll be moving away from foods that are genetically modified with hormones. It's stuff infused into it. We will be moving away from that and we will be moving towards organic food will be moving towards food that enlivens us and enriches us in food that's very highly energetic and nutrient dense. We'll be moving towards that, of eating healthier towards that.

If a better mindful meditation is something that you'll see grow a lot over the next 10, 15 years, more people will be learning meditation, be moving into it. Yoga is going to be an industry that continues to explode because more and more people want that mind, body, Spirit connection. These are things that you're going to be seen moving forward and in general, it will continue to happen. You may be going through an awake can. It'd be like, well, my family members think I'm crazy.

That's okay because there will be this awakening continue to happen on the planet and those people will eventually get there. They all eventually understand and say, oh, all of this weird stuff that you've been talking about, you've been into, I'm starting to get it now. But everyone is in their own path and when someone is ready it will happen. And I said, I've seen more and more people over this last year that I never would've thought of would necessarily be open to it.

Start to open up to it. If you feel like the lone sheep are the lone wolf, understand it's just a process. Just trust this process. Trust that you will be in alignment with who you're meant to be and you sharing your truth and that you sharing your truth also helps awaken other people. That's a more general thing that will continue to happen.

That is only going to increase. And the other thing that will happen in this timeline is understanding that there is going to be this falling apart of the old 3D reality. The old 3d realities must continue to break away in order for us to have something new to build upon. And when you think of it, think of it right now, there is a precedent in the United States that's not even a politician.

Not saying that as good or bad. I'm just saying recognize the signs at the old is breaking away. Recognize the signs that things will continue to change and when things look like they're completely fallen apart. The key to this is observing it because, in the observation of it, we're able to detach from it. We're not reacting to it, to become more aware of that because the 3D reality, we'll continue to break away.

Understand that everything under everything I'm sharing with you right now, there is also this splitting of parallel realities that will continue to happen moving forward. There must be some people that don't even pay attention to it and are in a totally different reality. I don't watch the news. Therefore, I don't experience the same reality that a lot of people do. It's literally as a completely separate parallel reality. We're shifting and in the time from now moving forward, there will be these different templates of realities that we can experience.

The key is what is your vibration? Which one are you on? You feeding into the negativity? Are you watching the news? Are you reacting? Because if so, you will experience more of that 3D and it will keep you in a lower vibration. Be aware of it. Be aware of these vibrations, really aware of and how you can let it go. Because as you do that, you begin to take your power back. Something else that will happen is the all 3D reality.

We'll continue to break apart from this point moving forward, and I want to share some of the more esoteric stuff with you now of stuff that will happen before I share that. Exactly. It's something else that may be happening in your personal life is your light body will continue to get activated. Your light body in a way is like your spiritual body. We all have a light body, but there's this activation happening on the planet where we're literally merging our higher selves with our lower selves.

And this activation will happen which may cause Kundalini to raise, which may cause more and more high vibrations to go through your body and it will continue to happen from this point going forward and understand that when that happens except allow the process understand it is a process. Understand that there will and maybe memories from the past come up because you may need to complete the past so you don't repeat the past. This is a part of the process and it will continue to happen from this point moving forward. If the old memories come up, be grateful because you're allowed to look at its process and to let it go.

I've had memories come up from many different things in my life and I'm like, what? I thought I dealt with this. Let it come up. Look at it, let it go. That will continue to happen in your personal life. In general, when it comes to us raising our vibration to become more aware of who we are, there has been this connection to what we can call extraterrestrial races. If you haven't heard me talk about this before, you'll see other videos about it.

Extra-terrestrials are actually causing us at a human level, we are so much more than that. We are infinite spiritual beings live in temporary human experiences. We forget who we are when we come to earth so that we can go through this awakening, this, remembering this ascension back into who we are, but at a greater level, we have existences at different levels of consciousness.

When you go to bed at night, you wake up to these levels, you in other reality systems are what we would call extra-terrestrial because they are not of earth. You are such a vast being that you would not just incarnate all your energy on earth. You can't because you are such a vast beam so you have existence is at many different levels.

Knowing that we can then begin to see as well that these extraterrestrial races that we've been conditioned to be afraid of, many of them are actually coming from a higher level of consciousness and many of them are also us at a greater level. They are connected to us. They want to help us because they recognize this shift in consciousness. They recognize that we're waking up to more of who we are and that's why they are here to assist us. In general, moving forward from this time going forward from 2019 and ascension process, we're going to, we're activating our light body.

We're working through the stuff and our own energy field so that between the years of 2025 to 2033 there is a high degree of probability that we can have extra-terrestrial contact. To preface this, as I've said many videos, it doesn't mean that they're going to land on the White House lawn and that the government and CNN and Fox News is going to report about it. It means that if you're of the vibration, there will be the potential for you to have that kind of experience. It will be happening at a much greater level and there will be more and more disclosure that continues to happen.

This disclosure of all this information has been suppressed for thousands of years and especially the last couple of hundred years. This information is coming out more and more now. Between the years 2025 to 2033 there's a high degree of probability that we will be coming in contact with extraterrestrials face to face. Right now it's happening in more of channel states. It's happening at certain levels, but not for the masses necessarily if you want it.

There will be a lot of revelations when it comes to disclosure of things happening and becoming aware of a lot of information that has been in a way put behind the scenes to where we have been able to see it. This is something that will continue to happen from this point going forward. Disclosure, that of understanding, we are awakening going through a planetary ascension process.

We are raising our vibration, activating our own light bodies. We have the potential to have a level of connection to what we call extra-terrestrials, which are really higher dimensional beings that are still humanoid. Many of them still look like us. We have the ability to connect to them because we are them at a greater level and they are us at a greater level. That's why they want to help us. We are letting go of the control of being controlled and made to think a certain way.

The media look in a certain way it all these things that we bought into, we're waking up from the dream of separation. We're waking up from the dream that we are separate from everyone else and we were waking up from the dream of being in reaction to everything. The more we go through this process is the worse sending our vibration. If you want to ascend, start focusing on you, it always starts with you. It starts with us.

We must change our own vibration and we must let go of the past. We must let go of patterns that are in our lives. We must let go. And as we start to have these inner revelations about ourselves, it influences everyone we come into contact with. Understand that this is a process that will continue to happen from this point going forward. 2019 right now, we are at a very powerful point to where you will continue to happen.

But ask yourself, what will you engage in? Will you get engaged in the whole 3D reality? Will you react to everything or will you focus on your own vibration and trust the process? Understanding there is this more optimal timeline that you can be a part of. Allow yourself to raise your vibration if you want.

I also have a raise your vibration mP3 that will help you to shift your vibrational set point. It will transform your life. Also, I'll be doing more live Q and A's on Instagram. If you have questions for me, you'll see my Instagram right here as well and I will answer questions. Do the moments every day plus twice a day I posted a native video to Instagram so you get more content from me there as well.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.