The BEST Way to Know Your Past Life REVEALED

I'm going to be sharing with you the number one way to tap into your past life. By the end of this blog, you'll understand more about who you are than ever before.

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Today, I'm going to share with you that number one way to tap into your past life that will change your life. You will begin to see yourself in a completely new way, and let me first off just say that this concept is so often misunderstood that when people even talk about past lives, it's under the assumption that the past life that they are living was actually in the past as if the past actually exists.

In actuality, when we look at metaphysics, when we look at how this actually works, the only moment that does exist at this moment right now. When we look at that, we can see that the past is not something that happens at a different time. It has just a different point of view and the same thing with the future. By the time the future comes, it is still this moment right now, it's just from a different point of view.

This sounds like a small little difference, but it makes all the difference in the world because then when you look at what you understand as a past life, what it actually is it's a parallel incarnation of the same energy, but most real estate, well, it's the parallel incarnation of you. Well, what it is it's a connection that you have, that you are living in this life is where the most attention must be in. Let me show you why this is going to completely shifted the way that you forever look at the idea of past lives.

If you resonate with it. Right now, at this moment, in this life that I am living, there are certain patterns that I live within. There are certain habits that I have. And have you heard these same before, as beloved as above? Our current life right now is an accumulation of all the past experiences and future experiences all existing right now. Because it is all a reflection.

As I changed my life right now, I then change the probable pasts and the probable futures that I connect to because the truth is you are any mortal, spiritual being, living a temporary human experience and what you think of as your physical life is like is such a small part of you. It's like the fingernail on your body. It's like thinking that this, this fingernail right in here is all of who you are because that's all that we identify with when in actuality there is so much more going on and there is so much more to who we are.

The thing to understand is that there are probably past versions of us which are also part parallel versions of us. There are also probable future versions of us or parallel future versions of us. We're in so infinitely vast as spiritual beings, we get caught up in thinking that we're just this couple past in this couple of future, even if it was a thousand past lives or future lives, it is still so limited to who we actually are.

Let me share with you a little bit of a story about this just to show you kind of how this may work. My mom, for example, she was at one point, she went to somebody that was more clairvoyant talking to them at the time. She was in a relationship with someone who wasn't necessarily the best fit for her and it was somebody that was kind of neglecting her and leaving her candidate just would get up and get a little temper tantrum and he would like to leave the house or whatever and kind of leave her behind.

 Well, maybe that did happen. Maybe it didn't happen. I'm not saying one way or the other, but what I am saying is that as she then goes through a different theme, if she and when she left him and she was in a new relationship, there would be a new way of looking at past experiences. The way that you find which passed you connect to is what patterns are you currently living in your life and are you becoming aware of them because when you become aware of them, you can then also let go the patterns of your past. It's a similar thing for what I do in my own life.

For example, I've been told that in my current life right now, I have a past life where I was in Rome or something like that and some type of battle or some type of fighting type thing. That's where I get my willpower in this life. Is it true or not? I don't know. And I'm not saying that even discounting it, but what I am saying is that there are certain times of my life when I go through certain experiences that didn't connect to different parts of my past.

The idea is that based on the patterns you currently have is going to determine which probable past lives you connect you in which probable future lives you connect to because as you change, so does the past and the future change. See, we think that the past and the future is completely set, but it is not set just as you change in the present moment right now, you are changing the parts of the past.

You connect to in the parts of the future, you connect to you. See, this is when some people get, they don't want to hear that because they want that linear time, space, reality understanding because it's easy to understand, but this is actually even more empowering because as you change in the present moment, you then change all of these past connections. You see, when it comes to Karma in general, the more aware you become of your karma.

The more that you integrated into who you are and you forgive and accept the more that of Karma begins to dissolve, but the thing is is many times we tied into a story about who we are and not only that but who we were in a past life and who we were in future life. Therefore, that's why we experienced what we are today, but that is nothing but a story and I'm not saying that Karma doesn't exist.

I'm saying that we dissolve our Karma. The more that we become aware of unconscious patterns in our current life right now. The most powerful way that you can possibly connect to your past life is first off, realizing that that past life, there's an infinite number of past lives and future lives that exist. And of course, there's some that you will connect to more than others based on relevancy.

But the idea is that the more you change your current and you will become aware of your current life right now, the more you are here now, the more aware you can become of those past lives. Because then you see the patterns you're currently living depending on which pass you or connect to. This is about awareness and I remember even when I was talking to that person that was telling me about my life in Rome.

I was told I had live in Egypt and all this other stuff and I was told that in a lot of the lives I lived I was killed for the information I was sharing because they weren't ready for it then, but now in this life I don't have to get killed because we're in a new time and I'm sharing information just like I've done it, pass lives.

However, what I'm saying here is it, could it be that my pattern in this life is that I'm sharing this information so I'm connecting to past lives where I quote unquote died. And maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. I'm just saying when most people look at past lives and future lives, they get so caught up in what has happened that what they ended up doing is they end up not being here.

The only way you will dissolve the Karma of those past lives is by becoming aware of your current life patterns, your current life, Karma. When you become aware of the unconsciousness that you may be living in, me too. I'm not talking on top of a mountain here. As I become aware of these patterns, as I become aware of these things that I was not aware of before, I then start to dissolve that passed.

I started to let it go and then I will also connect to past in a different way and as I changed my patterns in my current life, I will then also change the future probabilities I experienced in this life and the future timelines of future versions of me that I would connect to. You see the key and the number one way that you tap into your past life is by being here. We like identification. We like knowing that that's who I was in a past life.

That's who I am in future life. That's what we like to know, but what I'm saying is right now on the planet, it's about going beyond the identity, transcending into more of a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness where we understand we are unconditional love and bliss. We understand that the more we let go of these identities, the more that we embody who we really are because even those identities aren't who we are.

Because remember, it's like identifying with the Pinky nail finger. This is who I am. They said, no, I'm a little bit more than that. I'm the. I'm the pinky finger up to this point, and even then that's not who you are. You can say, well, I'm the pinky finger up to this point. It's still identification with some type of pinky finger. The key is to identify with none of it, to observe it.

That's what they call it. Enlightened me is when we learn that everything is a reflection of us and at the same time the paradox is we are none of it. We are all of it, none of it. We are divine. We allow this energy to be who we are. When you look at other people, you realize that they are a reflection of you. Everything is a reflection of that divine energy. Then you start to go beyond the form. You start to get the ability to dissolve the Karma.

The only reason we have so much Karma and so much of these negative patterns are because we identify with our avatar. You see this as an Avatar in this life experience. When we're born into this reality, we forget who we are because if we remembered who we are, it would trip us out. If we remembered who we are.

Also, using our limited 3D brain that we have, it would defeat the purpose of knowing that we're here to learn. If you knew that you're an infinite spiritual being that lives in unconditional love and bliss normally and you have to be awake here, you may not want to be here so much. It cuts the information of us know that and the information is always there for us to tap into. Part of this game of life is for us to remember this.

Remember who we really are and coming more at terms with the potential, with who we are, and letting go of identity, letting go and detaching. Some powerful ways that you can use what I'm sharing with you right now when it comes to past lives, future lives, is to detach from the story you tell yourself in your current life, to become aware of the patterns you have in your current life.

To become aware of the themes that you have in your current life. And by becoming aware of all these things, you will then start to heal past connections. You will start to heal the future connections and as you change in the present moment, you will actually start to connect to different versions of you and then you can begin to transcend the lower vibrational states that you don't prefer.

As my mom has worked through those, the fear of someone leaving her like that, she will then connect to a new part of her past, a new part of our future and literally create new probable experiences in her current life because she's like go of patterns. Most people are thinking the same things day in and out, feeling the same emotions day in and day out, taking the same actions day in and day out there for creating the same experiences day in, day out.

Then the future experiences will be in alignment with that current pattern and the past connections. The same even past lives. The same based on that energy signature, so understand that you are so much more than you can possibly imagine. You aren't just the little pinky finger, the Pinky fingernail. You're not even just that part of the pinky finger.

Not even that part, not even the whole thing. If you're not even a whole hand, you are so much more than you can imagine and the more you realize that we don't need to identify with all of it, we can then start to transcend our vibration and raise our vibration to a new state. However, the key is to detach from the story to see it for what it is to observe the thoughts that come up, to observe the patterns that come up, to become more aware of what you're living right now and by doing so, you will then start to connect to new different parts of you.

I know this is a different perspective as most people talking about past lives, future lives. Even if you look at Dolores Cannon's work, who has 17 books on past lives and future lives, and understanding what happens, life in between death and all this stuff with hypnosis, the deepest levels of hypnosis, it's called QHHT, quantum healing hypnosis technique that Dolores Cannon's made.

She has 17 books out. In more recent years before she passed away, when she was doing it, she would get these people in these deep levels of brain wave activity. By the way, most people said the reason they're here on earth right now is to go through this transformation that's happening, so most likely, if you're reading this blog, that's exactly why you're here right now. There are a transformation and awakening happening on the planet and one thing that they said when she was so far into it, you know, she'd been doing it for 30 years, the last couple of years or the last maybe five or 10 years.

They said it's not important anymore. The past life sting. It's more about where and how are you right now? Because then you change the future probabilities. We're in a time of high vibration right now and in this high vibration state. It's about letting go of the past, letting go of the story and being here now.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.