Zen Manifestation Techniques That Work like MAGIC Empty Your Mind…

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the Zen Manifestation Techniques. I'm going to show you how empty in your mind is the key to attracting everything you want.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that have Zen manifestation techniques, understanding how you can use some of the principles of what we would call a Yogi or what we will call someone else was very present to the moment, so present to the moment they attract everything they want and it's going to show you a new paradigm for going about manifestation.

This is something I've been thinking about for a while and it's something that actually I've been experiencing myself because you may have heard me say before that there's a powerful shift that happens when we go from having and thinking into being or is it having and doing, having to, doing into being powerful shift.

Because in your present to the moment when you're present to the moment, more of your energy is in the present moment right now, and what happens is because you're more so embodying the present moment, your state of being goes up, your vibration raises and you attract more of what you want in your life anyways. There's a couple of principles that are going to be sharing with you today. She may have heard me talk about before, but I'm going to put it in the context. It's easy to understand and stuff tonight.

You're like, oh, I could apply that in my own life, and the first one I want to talk about is simply understanding the power of emptying your mind. Why would you want to do that? Emptying your mind well, don't you want to always be thinking about your manifestation or what you wanted to experience? Well, that's actually something that many times things create. Things are created with resistance when you do that, so sometimes people have that. I'm always going to think about my goal.

If I want a relationship, I'm going to think of a relationship all the time. If I date of birth, race all the time, I'm going to try more and more of it into my life, but remember, it's not just what you're thinking about. It is how you feel about what you were thinking about, so if you are feeling resistance when you're thinking about that thing that you want, you end up creating more resistance in your life and then you experience a reality that is equal to that resistance that you feel so sometimes one of the best things you could do is actually underway. Ignore it to think about it, intend for it to feel the emotion, but then to let it go.

That's why I let him go is so powerful. That's why in these Zen manifestation techniques, there is that of emptying the mind, understanding vibrational frequency. I imagine that you have a radio dial and that you haven't tuned to a certain frequency. When it is purely tuned to a certain frequency, it's going to pick up on that frequency and it's going to sound very clear.

It's going to be very easy to hear. In the same way, our experiences in life are equal to the vibration we put out. In the same way, if you want to a reality of you being in a certain level of abundance, you have to tune to that reality to the experience that in your life.

However, if you are focused on multiple different things at the same time and you have all these different bandwidths going on, then the signal gets a little bit jumbled and what happens if you're not purely focused on that one reality, so something that has worked like magic for me is this simple idea, and I used to use this before even understood these den manifestation techniques I'm sharing with you right now.

I used to use it when I was at Barneys, New York selling woman's shoes. I would practice this little thing. What I would do is whatever I did, I would be 100 percent present with it while I did it. The idea is that you do one thing at a time. Most of the time we think, oh, multitasking. This is how we do things in the west. We multitask. We can do multiple things at the same time, however that causes a jumbled amount of energy.

Instead of having one thing that you do in one direction that you're going in, you end up being in multiple different. Your energy is dispersed for you to manifest what you want and for you to vibrate with the reality you want to experience. What you must do is you must have dialed in, focus, dialed in. Vibration. Vibration is a combination of what you think, how you feel and what you do.

You want these three things to be aligned in the direction that you're going in so that you experience it, because if there is a disturbance there because there are other thoughts, other focus, then what'll happen is you will pull in and that disperses your energy. You don't want to disperse your energy with distractions. Instead of what you want to do is you want to focus on the moment being present to the moment.

In general, for this process, understand that emptying the mind, maybe the best thing that you do because when you empty the mind, you also let go of the outcome.

When you empty your mind, you also let of go the outcome.

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The higher self is the larger aspect of us. I can see around the corner. Our ego can only see exactly what's in front, but the higher self can see how things linked together. Yes, it might look like this isn't so good, Aaron, but then it eventually it will get better. Just trust the process. That's why trust in the process is powerful and part of trusting the process is letting go, letting go of the outcome. Let go. Just let go. All you have to do is let go now. Okay, I get it.

Some people are going to hear me say, let go. Does that mean I don't do anything? Does that mean I don't think anything? Does that mean I don't feel anything? You still do that, but you let go of how things happen normally like things have to happen a certain way and the moment we give a meaning in reality that something's not happening to the blueprint. In her mind, we feel resistance.

And remember that resistant feeling will then resonate with other things in life that will reflect that resistance back, which could be a roadblock, which could be something happening. And you're like, why is this here? The key is giving positive meaning to things in life, knowing that they lead to something better or they are simply a part of the process. That's like the first part of the Zen manifestation technique I want to share with you is empty in the mind. How do you enter the mind, Aaron? I get it. I don't need them. I know this is what you do.

Emptying the mind is about observing the thoughts and observing your thoughts. It's about realizing that every thought you have is just neutral. You may think, well, I have good thoughts, bad thoughts. That's duality. I'm just saying, let's just do it as duality. That's good. That's a bad thought. It's a good time. Thoughts just are we give them meaning as to what they mean. If I were to say a word right now, Gosh, marsh and board.

Gosh, more and board. You hear that word? Gush Portion Board. What does it mean to you? What does it mean? Gosh, abortion board, how do you feel when I say God's more board now, but the mind will do is if I say, well, German mood and is going to Zulu to this and all of these different things, but if you had no idea what it meant, you had no other associations in your mind even I don't know how to feel about it, but I'd be like, Yo, you know, what you want to onboard means high vibrational feeling in your heart and a connection between all things. And you might be like, Yo, I kinda like that word. I like that word because I'd given the meaning of the context for what that is. And the same way all our, all our thoughts are simply thoughts.

And when you observe them, they don't get caught up in the mind. It's only when you judge the thoughts that they get caught up in the mind and then they stay there. But instead of what you do is they go into the mind and you say, Oh, I see you and you let it be there. Then they start to go away. That's the key is the observation. By emptying your mind, your vibration will be purer and when your vibration is more appeared, whatever you focus on has more intensity.

Think about it in the form of intensity, but if your energy is dispersed, you got thoughts going everywhere. Your energy can't really clear. You can't really attract what you want because you've got everything going in all directions in the same way. Have a radio. You want it dialed in. You want to dial into the frequency you want. You don't want it to static. You get static. When your focus is going in many directions, you don't want that static. You want the intensity of focus. The best way I've found to do that is to just simply focused on one thing at a time.

I remember working as I said at Barneys New York, I'll in women's shoes is what I was doing and what I would do is I would help one customer and I would just help that customer. I would focus on them and how can I add value or whatever it was. I sold women's shoes, but if I was focused on that customer and then looking at other customers thinking, oh, I wonder if I could pick up those customers and what I'm going to do this. I'm going to go into that. Do that. I wasn't trusting in the process which was busy and I had to, but in general, I would focus on one person at a time and by focusing on one person at a time, I was able to be present at by doing one thing at a time.

I'd go in the back. I would do something and I would just be present with it. How you do one thing is how you do everything, so if your energy is dispersed in a million different directions, then what'll happen is you'll continue to create experience is where things in your life feel very dispersed in many different ways. You'll feel like you can't really get a handle on things thinking about it in the terms of, like I said, like the radio dial, dial in on what you want and stay tuned to it for as long as it resonates and then you can change it, but don't try to multitask. Don't try to do many different things at the same time.

Keep it focused. On one point, when I even look at my success on YouTube, for example, it came from unfocused. If I was like, Yo, I want to be on YouTube and Instagram and Facebook and all of this stuff, I would've had my eggs in so many different baskets. I wouldn't have gained momentum. Have the focus. Stay focused on one thing you want to experience. You can move onto something else. It doesn't mean you can't ever focus on something else.

It just means that while you have a strong intention, be honest with yourself and put the energy in that direction, have an intensity about it, and then let go of all the distractions and then you'll let go of the disbursements of all that energy. It takes energy for amazing things to happen, so put that energy in that direction, so that's also a Zen manifestation technique. I got more for you though. You might be like, Yo, that's like mind-blowing.

All this stuff is mind-blowing. I never heard of this stuff before, but there's still more. Alright, here's the next step. The next one is something I've shared before. You may have heard it. It is called decreasing importance and also decrease in desire. We can talk about both those decrease in importance as in desire. When you look and you studied eastern philosophy, there's this powerful understanding of letting go. I guess talking about it a little bit ago, letting go.

It's very powerful. In terms of vibration. When you say, I really want this, you are saying, I don't currently have it, because if you had what you wanted, you wouldn't want it, so vibrational resonance is what you're looking at here. The key is instead of saying, I want that focus on the person, you will become, focus on your vibration. Your vibration is a combination of what you think, how you feel and what you do. Align these three things to that best version of you, and it's not that you're trying to fake it till you make it.

It's at you're letting go of what's inauthentic anyways because if you're doing what you're passionate about, that is who you are. When I make these videos, they are who I am like this is what I'm passionate about, so it's very easy for me to be in that vibrational frequency and you do it. You find that then there's less desire in the way I really need to get somewhere else and what I'm learning is the more I let go, the more amazing things begin to happen.

I recently got back from Costa Rica and when I was in Costa Rica, but always say it like that when I was in Costa Rica, I was learning to let go up swaying a little bit about that right now. Before I went to Costa Rica grind mode, grind, grind, grind, make videos, make videos, take action, take action, business stuff, business stuff, website stuff, website stuff over and over and over again.

Wake up every day, business grind, grind, grind. I love doing it though. That's the thing is I love doing it. However, I realized I had been working since February 2000. I've been working. Yeah, February 2017. I haven't had even one day off because I make videos every single day, bro. I was like, Dang, I need a day off and I've been trying to take days off and I'm like, I want to do stuff. I like doing what I do. You know what I mean?

But when I went to Costa Rica, what I did is I said, you know what, this next week I'm going to be here for a week with other YouTubers, with other friends. I said, I ain't going to make one video. I did make a couple of videos. I'm not going to lie, but I'll talk about that in a minute. What I did though is I had. I did not wake up every morning and do my normal morning routine.

I did not go into YouTube and actually even comment. I'll share that with you in a minute as well, and what I did is I just simply got up, ate, had fun. I didn't even make. Last time I was there, I was there in November 2017. I made videos every day, state of my morning routine, all that stuff, so you know I'm not going to do any of that because I want to wire it into my mind in my belief system that I don't have to take as much action to be successful. You see certain beliefs will serve for a certain period of time.

It'd be sending a signal to myself, conscious mind that I can upgrade to a new paradigm, a new belief system. That's what I did. However, of course, the ego wants to get a little bit involved. I said, okay, I'm not going to make videos, but within what happened, I go into my YouTube channel to comment on people's stuff and comment on my stuff and you know, be like, hey, you know, someone's like, hey, this video. I'm like, oh, that's cool. Love you.

And I would go in there to do that and guess what? I go to log in. I don't remember my password. Guess what? They have to send me a verification. My phone. Guess what? I'm in Costa Rica. Guess what? I can't get into my phone to verify it to get into my YouTube channel. I'm locked out of my channel for like four days so I can't even get into my YouTube channel to comment and reply to people. Guess what I did? I took it as a sign the university saying, no, Aaron, we got you really let go. It's okay, we'll let it go. You don't even have to get your channel to common every day. I waited three or four days until because I wanted to get in my channel because I like to engage with people that watch my videos and I like to go back and forth.

I think that's important because I want people to know that I'm there and yeah. That was kind of my mindset about it, but that's what I did. I waited for three, four days, then I got in and all I, it was common and then start making videos. The last day there I made a whole bunch of videos because I was with like four or five.

I was with four other YouTubers, so we made videos the very last day that we're there. But for the first six days, I really didn't make any videos. It's a lot of Instagram stories, but that's so easy and casual, you know. But that's what I did is I learned to let go. I wanted to share that with you because I let go and by letting go because I almost allowed more to come in. Let go. Then I was, I realized that so much more creativity has come through.

I've had like the shift in my own awareness. Maybe you feel it in my videos, maybe they feel more authentic. If you look pre-Costa Rica, those videos, there's an energy behind me. I'm still doing what I love this a little bit different vibe, you know what I mean? That’s the key is letting go now decrease importance. Anytime we make something very, very important, we put it on a pedestal. The moment we put it on a pedestal, we create this resistance and we create this potential for that thing to get taken away.

The key to this is to take it off the pedestal. How do you take something off the pedestal where you see what happens? You put on a pedestal. What you're saying is that your current self-image, it's not linked up to what that is. If someone were to look, it's a whoa hundred thousand dollars a year, that's crazy. They put it on a pedestal. What they're saying is that my self-image is not that I'm capable of making $100,000 a year, but if you believe that you can make $100,000 a year, you will look at that and go, oh, that's just what I can do. It's so natural and it's not that big of a deal.

If there's someone that you're attracted to and you put them on a pedestal, they're going to feel that resistance, but if instead you see yourself as worthy of talking to them and you could care less about how they respond to you because you're not attached to the outcome, then guess what happens? There's more likely for that attraction to be there because they don't feel that neediness. It's an energetic type thing and the same way when it comes to your manifestations if you really wanted do you have a car you just bought and it's really important that nobody touches your car.

It's really important that cars don't park so close to it. It's really important that rocks don't hit it. When you're driving. What is the best version of you and how are you being? How are you acting? What are you doing? What I imagine the best version of me traveling the world, giving seminars, very dynamic seminars in front of crowds going like this with my hands when I imagined me just saying, expand your awareness over and over and over again in front of crowds. It's like that's just.

That's just natural. You know what? If I was like, oh my God, that'd be so cool to not only be on YouTube, go and expand your awareness, but to be in front of crowds, going, hey, murders zone, and expand your awareness. How cool would that be? If I put it on a pedestal, I am emphasizing the vibrational resistance between where I am to "we're. I want to be, but instead what I can do is acknowledge that I can, that I'm that person now and that by having that equal level vibration with it, I'm no longer creating that resistance.

I no longer creating that disparity in vibration, that dissonance, I am closing that gap, bridging it and I am here and I'm going from having and doing into being I'm being so. That's the key. Everything I'm sharing with you right now is Zen manifestation techniques and just to summarize a little bit, empty your mind, stay tuned to the frequency you want and focus on what you doing and are doing.

One hundred percent. Don't disperse your energy yet so you might have, I want a relationship and I want this and I want that, but be honest with your priorities and when you're focused on one thing, do it 100 percent. When I was focused in Costa Rica on relaxing, I was focused on enjoying myself. It wasn't without purpose. As I'm back in the real world, what I do is when I go do things, I focused on doing whatever I'm doing.

For example, I'll go film the video and filming a video right now out of this I go and edit a video. I'm going to edit that video. I'm not going to do other things. I mean sometimes I'll do it, but for the most part, I'm just going to edit that video and then what I do is after that I might go to the gym. I'm going to the gym 100 percent, not think about work, don't think about other stuff.

Then what I'll do is I might relax, watch Netflix thing. I will sit down and watch a Netflix thing, go hang out with friends. What I'm going to do, I'm going to do it 100 percent with the intention of being present to the moment, and by doing so, I bring presence into the present moment like gifts, like gifts ever say. The whole stereotypical prisons will give through whatever it's true, it's true, and you become more things in their life will become more magical when you do that as well. Because when you're present to the moment, you're more tuned into synchronicity.

These are Zen manifestation techniques, manifestation techniques you may have never heard of, but I think they can change your life intensity, the intensity of focus, of being be present to the moment. Watch what happens. Something else I'll be doing is more live Q&As, not just cues, not just but both Q&A's on Instagram. If you would like to interact with me, I did one and a half hour long Instagram Q&A yesterday and it was really cool.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.