Balance, Importance and the Law of Attraction

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you more on balance the Law of Attraction and the importance of understanding how we can walk this fine line that we create, what we want easier than ever. I'm going to show you exactly how to do that.

So, come on and watch the video below:

What I'm going to be sharing with you is more on understanding how to walk in this balance with the Law of Attraction, how not to give things excess importance or excess meaning, and how to do this in the easiest way so that you create easier than ever. This has to do with the understanding of the energy components of the manifestation process and how we can best go through it without having this resistance.

The key to this whole process is understanding how to be ourselves, and it also has to do with our self-image of how we see ourselves. Let me ask you this question. How do you see yourself as the best version of you? If you see the best version of you and it's on this kind of pedestal, it's like, Whoa, that would be so amazing for me to be that kind of person.

Then what happens is we've in a way put it on a pedestal and what we've done is we've reemphasized that that is not who we are already. The cool thing is that what we can begin to do is start to embody that version of us right now in the present moment, but the key to this is choosing that. That's who we are and that things in our life that we want to create our natural for us.

Many times, what we do unconsciously is we just put everything on a pedestal, all of everything. We want to create a lot of people that reach out to me and DMS asked me how I can help them manifest a person into their life or how to get something they really, really need anytime there's that kind of energy where it's like, that would make me so happy if I were to achieve that. And we're kind of looking out to that.

What we end up doing is we end up externalizing our own happiness and what we're saying is the version of me that, that is natural for. That's not who I am because I think that that's something that's so, so cool. If it did happen, now we can still have this passion, this desire or this, uh, this, this moving in a certain direction, but it's about having this balance that I'm speaking about.

I was recently reading a book and it was mentioning the Tao Te Ching. The Tao means the way, and it's a book that's been around for thousands of years that it's about this way. How do I walk the way now what I understand about it and what I've come to really understand because as some you know, I teach a process that's called Reality Transurfing.

That's from a book that was written by a quantum physicist named Vadim Zeland in Russia and I made hundreds of videos on it and it has to do with this understanding of importance and it has to do with understanding how not to give things excess importance because when we give them excess importance, we put them on a pedestal. We create resistance and we end up blocking us from experiencing it, but the key to the whole process is understanding how to walk.

The way I'm seeing the correlation between the Book, The Reality Transurfing and that of reading about the Tao and it's interesting because it's bringing in eastern philosophy into the Law of Attraction in a way that I don't really see many people talking about and it has to do without knowing that anytime we give something in the extreme, the Tao is about understanding that extremes are something you don't want to fall into. Because anytime you're in the extreme, it's going to drain your energy. If you really want something, you're also saying, “I don't currently have it”, and you're probably feeling the yearning for it, which is not the vibrational resonance of the reality that you want to experience.

The key is to understand that you're good either way, that once you want to experience the best version of you that's experienced in it for that version of you achieving goals is natural. It is a part of who you are. It's just that a lot of times with the Law of Attraction, what we focus on is we focus on what we can get from what we want to experience rather than the kind of person we will become, and the key is to focus more on the person that we will become.

Because when we do that, we embodied more of the resonance of that. We ended up developing a lifestyle of something that continues to fulfill itself over and over again. If we get something and we want something, we experienced it in their life in less than we can become that kind of person, we may lose that thing, but it's also about knowing this balance, this balance of importance, or we don't give too much importance. With the process of Reality Transurfing, for example, it's about understanding importance.

Anything we give too much importance, we create resistance around and we distance ourselves from it. The key to this is understanding the self-image and our self-image is what controls our life experience. Subconsciously we may not be aware of it, but we view ourselves, we will do everything within our power subconsciously to remain consistent in the way that we view ourselves. If we view ourselves as only able to make $50,000 a year, but we're going ourselves at $100,000 a year and we think that would be so cool for us to experience in it.

And how cool would that be? And we only see ourselves as able to make 50 k but we want the 100 k will experience blocks along the way. And I won't be something that happens easily. The key is to see ourselves as already the kind of person that generates $100,000 or more a year in revenue or in whatever business we're in, but that's the kind of person we are.

The version of you that's making 100 k a year or more. That version of you, it's natural for that version of you. It's only cool. It really awesome from the point of view of the person that's making 50 k a year, but you can choose to identify more with the version of you that adds more value. This is why I say it's about the person we become in so many of my videos because it really is more of a mindset. It's more of a, a way of being. It's more of a lifestyle.

And when we start to embody that version of us, no one can take anything away from us because we can always recreate it. It's the kind of person that we are. For this whole process of balance important and the Law of Attraction, what I encourage you to do is to be aware to your own energy in how you relate to your manifestations of what you want to experience in your life, to the goals that you have. How do you relate to those goals?

And when you become aware of how you relate to it, you can see, well what is my self-image around this goal? Maybe it's a relationship. Maybe you want to attract a relationship in your life and how cool would it be to have someone else to wake up to every day? And if you think like that, how cool would that be? You may be making resistance around it.

You may be putting that on a pedal stool. The key is to see that as natural and to know that that's just a part of who you are. But if you have a belief that says that relationships are hard to attract, you always attract the same type of person over and over again. You see yourself as the kind of person that can't sustain a relationship.

Then that is not in resonance with the version of you that naturally easily attracts a loving relationship, so this is why, once again it's about the person we become because if we're the kind of person that has amazing relationships, then it's more likely that we will resonate with that kind of reality, but you view yourself as somebody that doesn't have that. Then there's a disconnect there. There's no resonance.

The key to this is understanding the energy in the direction of what you experienced in your life and that kind of balance that you have in your life. Are you doing something not enough or are you doing to him things too much? For example, I have to learn to balance out my own willpower. What I mean by that is actually on the other side of the spectrum, I am so focused on what I'm doing that sometimes I don't have as much of a just relax type experience. I am. I work 14 hours a day because I love what I do. Go to the gym. I eat a very clean diet. I very rarely have a cheat meal.

I didn't cheat meal yesterday because I had a friend in town, but it was literally the first cheat meal in like two months because I've been eating so clean and I like eating clean because it keeps me in a high vibrational state and they keep me so that when I'm working I'm doing everything very efficiently, but at the other side of that, if I'm given it too much, meaning if I make it too important, I create resistance.

That's why they say the path is the way, the way is where we want to go. Not on either extreme. You can have a monk who becomes sell celibate, but if all they're doing is thinking about sex than the idea is that that may be create and draining so much of that person's energy. It's about understanding this balance of everything, the balance of diet, the balance of lifestyle, the balance of relationships.

Because the thing is if we don't have that balance, then it's going to always teeter in different directions. It's going to drain us of energy in order for us to really create what we want in our life. It is necessary that we put energy in a certain direction and the energy comes from focus, embodying the state of being that we prefer, but if we are drained of our own energy because of importance, we're not going to have the energy for that.

I think something that's a lot of times that I want to make more videos about that I don't hear talked about very often is in manifestation. It takes an amount of focus, but the focus is easy when you're passionate about it, when it's something you're passionate about, focus natural focuses to part of who you are. For me to focus 12 to 14 hours a day in my business, it's so easy because I love to do it and I wouldn't have it any other way, so it's easy.

It's natural, and the key is it paying attention to what that is. Here's the cool thing. If we're saying to the present moment, we don't have something, then yes, we are going to feel as if we don't have it. The which means that we're going to emphasize the resistance to it. However, anything that we're passionate about is part of the way that I'm speaking about.

You don't create excess potential. Even the book, Reality Transurfing, it's talked about that when it's something you're passionate about, it generates more energy versus somebody that has to go to a nine to five job that they hate. If they go and they're there for so many hours, they're overworking themselves. They're draining so much energy, but if they go do something they love, it's self-sustaining because they love doing it. That's why I can do what I do and some people don't like what I say. Sometimes when I talk about the Law of Attraction and taking action because I'm a proponent, I like taking action. That's the kind of person that I am.

I understand there's this element of energy. I understand there's this element of emotional alignment, but I do both. I do both. I aligned both and I'm not saying that there aren't ways of going about it that's maybe a little bit more allowing, but for me in my own life, this is what resonates for many people too and for me. I see. It's the missing key.

Many people are imbalanced with this because they are focused on what they want to create. They're thinking about it, but they're not moving the energy in any way in that direction, and sometimes you got to move the energy and the way you move the energy is you could take action, you can take one step, you can meet the universe halfway.

It's like wanting to attract a person into our lives, but if we never go outside our house, it's not really likely to happen, but if you put yourself in opportunities and situations like, you know what? I'm going to go do this sometimes even in uncomfortable situations because of the unknown is where the magic happens.

Then we opened up the opportunities for us, but if we're following our passion, we're in alignment with that way. We're not draining our energy but think about it regarding energy. Is there something that is draining your energy and if so, are you giving it too much focus?  You can let go of that resistance by seeing it as natural because that's the kind of person you've become. That's always more powerful and that's when they say successful people say, no matter what, even if they take this away from me, I can always recreate it because people always ask.

They say, what would you do if you lost all that money? They always say the same thing. I would just recreate it because I know what to do. I am the kind of person that generates abundance, so it's the key. The key is that kind of perspective of this balance going along the way, doing what you're passionate about, having it and linking up your self-image with the best version of you because as you link up to the best version of you and know that that's who you are, things become natural.

For me to grow on YouTube. The way I see myself is this is the kind of person I am. Whereas when I was at maybe 2000 subscribers and I would have seen the goal or saw like in the future, the possibility of having over 300,000 subscribers on YouTube, I'd have been like, that's so cool.

I would have created resistance around it. I really want it, but instead, I became the kind of person beforehand that generates that kind of growth because I started going all in on my passion. I started stepping in and because it is connected to my heart, it's something that came to fruition. Follow your heart. Your heart doesn't have excess potential. Your heart doesn't have too much meaning in one direction or the other. Your heart doesn't require so much energy to follow.

To follow your heart is very easy to do. It's just a choice that you have to make and sometimes making that choice might not go in alignment with everyone else around you.

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To follow your heart is very easy to do. It's just a choice that you have to make and sometimes making that choice might not go in alignment with everyone else around you. Everyone else around you, I. What are you passionate about that?

It could have been a great lawyer. Why are you doing that? You could have been great, you know, you want to be a musician.

They don't get paid that well, the only a small percentage of people, but that's listening to the peanut gallery and it's not necessary. You can make your own way if you're passionate about it, do it. Go for it. Believe in yourself.

I got told many times on my path, what am I doing? Why am I doing a daily video? Especially when I had like less than a hundred subscribers and there are people that were like, you know, I was that guy. Remember I was talking to a friend about it at a get together recently because we were talking about how I talked about this for a while, how I was doing it. It's not like, oh, I'm going to do this in the future, but I'm like, I'm making videos. This is eventually going to be something I think that I do one-day full time and everyone, a lot of friends that heard me say that thought it was a pipe dream.

They're like, oh cool. They're like, I could see it in their faces. Like, “Oh yeah, yeah”, but I was talking to one of them recent Eddie gets together. He was like, yeah man, I thought it was a total pipe dream. Didn't think it was going to happen whatsoever. You know, there are people like that, but it's okay.

She's had to believe in yourself and you have to go forth and then when you do when you do make it or whatever it is, then they'll have the conversations and we're like, that's awesome man, and then I'm really excited for you. They may admit, they may say, “Hey, I was going to happen at all,”.

But guess what? If I let anybody else influence me, it wouldn't have happened. It would have knocked me out of balance. If I would have kept it on a pedestal, it would've created resistance. The key is to link up your self-image to become that kind of person, to buy into yourself and to follow your heart. That's the key to this whole process.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.