Ascension Timeline SHIFTING the TRUTH about getting left behind

I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on ascension timeline, shifting, understanding the truth about getting left behind, and I'm going to show you how to make this shift easier than ever.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing that with you of understanding more about what is called ascension timeline shifting. Understand that with this process we are all shifting through different parallel realities. This is something I've been teaching on YouTube for a while when it comes to manifestation.

It makes the manifestation process so much easier because then instead of thinking that you want to attract something from over there into your life, you realize that what instead you can do is that you can be the vibration you wish to experience and that thing literally comes to you because it already exists.

It's almost like we're trying to create something out of nothing. Knowing about parallel realities makes this process so much easier. And I'm going to be mixing that with understanding ascension because ascension is something that is happening on the planet right now. It's been happening.

I'm just now talking about it more because we're getting closer and closer to this ascension really being something that's happening at a math level and ascension, in general, is a raising vibration. It's a shift in consciousness and shift to a higher level of consciousness where there are perspectives that are beyond the old 3D reality of things happen to me. We start to understand more about how reality works and the truth is reality is meant to be more fun.

Reality is meant to be more like a dream and the more we realize reality is a dream, the more dreamlike our life will become. In this life, it's about understanding that we came here to go through this ascension. It is the main reason you are here right now. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you came here for the experience, but also you came here to ascend your vibration.

You came here to wake up and to go through this spiritual awakening and so many people on the planet right now are going through this spiritual awakening. It's happiness, such a mass level. It's incredible to see. I have been going through it since 2011 2012 and I've seen, you know, I remember back when I was sharing this information, it was much more taboo to be sharing it. It's much more commonplace and so many people are waking up so fast.

People that I never would have thought would wake up as quick as they are, are waking up not to be judgmental towards anyone. I'm just saying it's amazing how the tides are turning and people that are really starting to go through this ascension now. We all agreed to go through this ascension together and originally there were timelines where we ascended very, very quickly whereby now there would have been a much quicker rate of ascension, but a lot of wouldn't have made the jump.

But what we decided as a collective is that we're going to go through this ascension at a mass level, which means it's a little bit longer timeline. Instead of things happening back in the day like 2012 or back. Then very quickly we decided that we're going to go on a little bit longer timeline but that more people were going to make this shift and understand that this ascension is happening in the body.

Our bodies are transmuting from a carbon base into a crystal and base, which means we can then hold more light. Our bodies are transforming, our consciousness is transforming. We're understanding more about who we are and it is something that we agreed to be a part of. We wanted, we came here and for this, because this is the thing as well, so many lifetimes may have taken so much Karma, so much time to take care of so much Karma, but in this lifetime, we have the ability to transcend so much of it's so fast.

By going through this ascension, so many of the things getting brought up from people. Some people may feel that things are getting brought up. The old past memories, even past life memories are getting brought up. That's because we're literally condensing the timelines right now and working through it to ascend to this higher vibration for a minute.

Let me talk a little bit about that ascension and the difference between what we're moving out of and what we're moving into. We're moving out of a 3D reality. Think of 3D reality like that. The duality that has good, bad light, dark up, down, left, right? I'm trying to think of as many opposites as I can, but that is the also separation. It's like, I am me. You are you.

There's a good level of control and the third dimension, it's like controlling the energy that's been the thing that's controlled. The direction of the timelines of the whole planet has been controlling the media, controlling the thoughts of the millions of people, billions of people, which controls the timelines. We're learning to take our power back now, but the 3D reality is a reality of the experience of a lot of times separation.

It can be very, there can be very negative. It's very polarized as well. The reality is what we're moving into four and 5D reality is more about vibration. There can still be duality, but it's coming from a different place and the third or fourth dimension that can still be duality. The fifth dimension there isn't, it's more universal love consciousness, understanding that we're all connected, but there's still a level of self there.

There's still an individual experience and what happens is we are in the fourth. The fifth-dimension level of consciousness is what we're moving into, which is where we start to more so exist in our heart. We start to more so see the connection between us and all people. We start to understand that we are part of a larger sphere and then we can move in the direction that we want.

It's this level of connection. It's when we have a more increased ability for telepathy because we're all connected so we can read people and I mean already in the third dimension anyways, it's 93% of communication is nonverbal. When we move into that. Of the 5D reality, we are moving more into an understanding of that, of uh, of this connection to where then we really are able to connect to people in a way to where words aren't as necessary.

We're moving there right now into that direction. We're moving into disability to really have what we want to experience. It manifests so much faster than it used to take. We're starting to realize that connection we all have. It's an amazing time we live in. This literally is the most amazing time to ever be alive on the planet and never had before. It hasn't been done as a huge society was seven and a half billion people in the body the way that it is happening now.

There's so much attention. The spotlight is on earth right now because how is this going to happen? What does it look like? What is the experience like? And we're going through that embodied right now and it's very exciting now in general, what I wanted to talk about in this blog is understanding this bubble.

Think of it like a bubble of growth that we all have around us and this bubble is the opportunity that we have for ascension, which we're all going through right now. The reason we're also all going through it right now is that mother Gaia herself, the planet herself is going through it and ascension, we are on planet guy and we are the cells on planet Gaia. Therefore, we are going through this as well. Some people quicker than others.

You may look around and like, Bro, not everyone is waking up as fast as you think. We're all at different paths, but there's a general bubble of opportunity that we have. Think of it like an energetic bubble around her body that is raising the frequency and we all can move at the rate that we want to move it, but there's kind of a bubble.

They're not to be like, oh, that's a limiting thing because we can't move as fast as we want. But in general, we agreed at a mass level to go through this versus just a sending into the fifth dimension right now. And there's, we had to be here too. Some people say, oh, what do we mean the fifth dimension? I don't want to be around these 3D people anymore. But then it's almost like we need to be here.

Lightworkers need to be here because that helps anchor in this high light so that the rest of the planet also goes through this, this expansion quicker than ever. Think of it like there's this bubble around us of change and raising our vibration that we can go through and depending on our vibration, that's going to be the reality that we experience as well. It's almost like this bubble allows us to vibrationally resonate with the reality that we want and the reality that we want to experience will depend upon our emotions, our beliefs, our thoughts and the actions we take.

And depending on that, we'll be which realities we experience. In general, what was happened right now on the planet is more and more people I wake up to who they are and within their little energetic bubble, there's a certain level of transformation they can experience that will raise their vibration.

Depending on that, we'll be which reality they experience. There is a shifting of these timelines that are happening right now and it will continue to happen because there are many different versions of the earth in many different levels of this ascension happening. But the question to you is where are you engaging your energy? Where are you engaging your energy? Where is your attention? Because we're attention goes is where energy goes.

Be aware of what this is because wherever you put your energy is where you are. Also heading is the reality timeline that you aren't experiencing. In general, everyone is on some ascension timeline, some very, very slow, some move much quicker. Within this little bubble that's around our body, which we're all connected, all of these bubbles are connected. Some people's bubble may be a little bit brighter because they're moving a little bit faster, but that will help then trickle on to all these other bubbles to help everyone else awakened as well.

And this is also a very metaphorical type thing, this whole bubble thing, but it's also very literal because we have electromagnetic energy that goes around our body that connects to everyone else. Within our energy field, as we clear out old patterns, as we clear out things from the past, we raise our vibration. As we raise our vibration where the lightening up, we're starting to lighten up our energy field. It's influenced in everyone that we go around.

That's what we call lightworkers, which if you're reading my blog right now, you are a lightworker. You can only perceive that which you are the vibration of. You are bringing through more of this light within your little bubble, big bubble. And we're not going to beat around the bush here. Your bubble is very, very big. Okay? You have so much love within your bubble.

It influences everyone. You go around and in this life, you are meant to help awaken more and more people with your bubble. And the key to this is understanding where are you putting your focus? Where are you putting your energy? Are you observing the old 3D reality and do you, and are you able to put your energy into that what you want?

One of the things that light up your bubble the most is you doing what you're passionate about because if you do what you're passionate about, that is your body's translation, your body telling you, Yo dude, this thing because it's who you really are. It's like your connection to your higher self. In a way ascension is merging the lower self, the shadow self with the higher self and the higher self will give you the vibration of what you're passionate about with the feeling of passion.

You say I'm passionate about art. You do that thing, it raises your vibration, your bubble lights up, and then your bubble is affecting everyone else's bubble. I know we're talking a lot about bubbles in this blog, but understand that this is the ascension timeline shifting that we're, that we're experiencing is the thing that here's the most important thing. Don't understand. The only thing that you need to focus on is your own bubble.

Yes, it'd be great if your dad and mom and everyone in the in your life completely understood it and it was like, you're a dungeon bubble. Looks very good. I'm going to now focus on my bubble. It'd be great if you just told them this and they're like, oh, the French and stuff, it's so cool. I want to get right on the barn. But the key, the truth is, is people will be ready for it when they're ready for it.

They still have their own bubbles. The keys of hope on your own boat, you do what you're passionate about. The more I was trying to sell people on this, by the way, in 2012 is the more people resisted it, but yo dad, look, we're all connected to higher dimensional states of consciousness. We're going through this planetary shift in consciousness.

It was like, dude, are you okay? Do you know what I mean? And I'm sure you've experienced that too at some level. People, friends, family, like what's going on with you, Bro? What's going on? And the thing is though if you don't have to focus on that. You focus just on the inside. You can plant some seeds. Planting seeds are good, but mainly focused on your own bubble, raising your own vibration. What's in your bubble within your energy field?

What's in your energy field? Maybe there's past emotions, unprocessed emotions, past life, things coming up. Observant. Be aware of it. Allow yourself to let it go. Process and focus on your own bubble because that bubble, the residents of your bubble is going to determine which reality you experience. There's an infinite number of ascension timelines happening, some APP, a lot of the destruction of the 3D reality, and some have the magical mister coolness of the 5D reality. Which one will you experience?

That will depend upon the inner work you do within your own energy field. Asked you which reality you experience. They're both potentials right now. You can turn on the news and get triggered into something someone said. All of this stuff and being that 3D vibration or you can observe it for what it is, not give that much energy, not given much meaning and just put your energy where you want to be in doing what you're passionate about and connecting to these, this larger aspect of you, your own energy bubble.

Understand that with this ascension timeline shifting, it's what is within your own energy bubble. Do the work within yourself, raise your own vibration and then your light bubble will raise up more and more and everywhere you go people will be affected by it. Even people in my family that originally thought the stuff was weird or coming around and were like, Yo, it's kind of interesting. I think what you're doing is pretty cool.

And even friends that used to think when I did with weird, they're like, Whoa, what you're doing is kind of cool. It's like the more I detached from that though, the more I focused on my own bubble is the more people can see it, the more people, the more effect it has. Anyways, so this assumption that you're experiencing will depend upon the thoughts, emotions, and actions you take. Focus on that on energy bubble focused on what is within focused on being the change you wish to see in the world you made.

That shift will allow you to ship to the ascension timeline that you want and that's happening right now on the planet. Also, just be more in your heart. Focus more on your heart space. The 3D reality is much more about willpower control. This is about the time of letting go and being in your heart, understanding the connection that you have with everyone else. The more you do that, the more you will raise your vibration, so if you want a meditation that will help you to raise your vibrational set point.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.