This blog will shift your timeline and by the end of this blog you will be on a completely different timeline than you are right now.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you some ideas that will shift your timeline. My idea is that will also shift your level of consciousness. Well, you start to see things and be in a completely new way in your life. You'll show up in a new way, you'll understand things differently from a new way.

You won't see things the same way you do right now, but at the end of this blog, however long this blog is, and that's because the things I'm going to share in it or things that I haven't shared yet at the level which I will be sharing it with you. And it's about understanding more than just that, of shifting parallel realities. I'm sure that in many videos understand that we always get a reality that is equal to the vibration we are putting out.

And when we think about the law of attraction, we think I'm going to track that from over there go into here, but in actuality what you can realize is what you want to experience. It already exists so you don't have to attract from over there to over here. All you have to do is change your frequency, change your vibration by changing how you think, act and feel.

By changing these three things, you then change the outer reflection you get in your life and every moment. Here's the truth of the matter. First off, the truth of the matter is your constantly shifting through parallel realities. Every second it happens effortlessly. It's a byproduct of movement by me going like this.

Right now, they're totally separate parallel realities. They look very, very similar, but just like an auto film strip, you would have a film strip, you would stretch out the film and you could see two similar frames that look almost identical. Even if they did look identical. There are still different frames. They're just shining through the, the light is shining through it onto the projector screen and it looks like it is completely one long fluid movement.

Understand that we're shifting to parallel realities every single second, so it's a natural byproduct of the way reality works and that's something that we have to try to do. Now when we talk about timelines and what this blog will show you, is it a new way of being that shifts your timeline is about understanding that there's a certain perspective. You have a certain level of congruent between where you are and the general direction you're going in.

There are probable timelines, certain timelines are probable. There could be a timeline where after you read this blog and you go and do one thing and a different timeline for another thing, but the way it works is time-space. Reality is flexible, so there's a certain timeline with the momentum you have going and there are different ways, different timelines that will get you there.

That's why trusting the process is so powerful because then you start to go in the direction that you want or that you're meant to be going in, but you're also creating your own reality. There’s also this level of free will that's in that as well. But the timeline is about understanding that if you really want to shift your timelines, first of all, understanding it's all about choice.

What are you choosing in the present moment? Because every time you make a choice, you shift into a new parallel reality and to a new timeline. For example, if you left your job six months ago, you shifted your timeline and maybe it was a timeline, it's more conducive to how you inverted B. But in the other way if you were to go and have a relationship with someone, that is a specific timeline. I understand that these choices we make are all different timelines and you have to ask yourself which one resonates and which one is with your highest excitement.

Here is the key and here is the thing that will shift your timeline right now. And from this point going forward. If you choose to live from this way, it will change your whole entire life and it's a higher dimensional understanding of how reality really works. When you look to the outside reality, understand that the outside reality that you experience is a reflection. It is just a reflection.

It is a reflection of who you are as a soul. It is a reflection of how you relate to life itself. It's a reflection of what you believe to be true. Now, here's the thing. Here's the truth that changes everything. Everything you experience in your life is more of you. Everything. Everything is more of you when it comes to this process. Other people or other aspects of you.

When you look to someone you have a relationship with and if things aren't going the way that you want, understand it has to do with your relationship with yourself. I say that because a lot of people project their stuff onto other people not knowing that that other person is a reflection of them. Your relationship with your family is a reflection of you. If your family doesn't accept you then it may be because within you haven't accepted yourself in a certain way.

You see anytime we look to the outside to change, we're losing our own power. There is no outside, there is no outside. Depending on the demand, the way that you look at reality, you can shift your level of consciousness to see that everything is more of you. You see, we're right now going through a shift in consciousness from a 3D level of reality up to a four and five d reality out of duality, out of good, bad light, dark and into a new way of being.

One of the things about transcending the third dimension is understanding that we are the third dimension itself. Transcending it is completely different than we thought because we're realizing that that is us now that we are third dimensional than we are. I saw identified with it but that everything is us anyways. You will only find more of yourself in everything that happens in your life is showing you how you relate to the one, the one that you are the one source.

You are the source. You see. Do you see how your consciousness is beginning to shift right now? Because you are shifting out of anything on the outside needed to change. Knowing everything on the outside is just a reflection. Everything is a reflection. The reason what you put out is what you get back is because those other people in your life, the other people, you are affecting our other aspects of you.

They are other aspects of you. Because of that, once you put out is what you get back. But you see this 3D, this physical body that we use, whatever for 3, 4, or 5D. I can label it as Aaron Doughty and create this separation between me and everyone else. That's what we use for convenience sake in reality or in this, in this experience, but that is nothing but a convenient at the label for navigating through this experience.

The truth is when you remove the label, you see you are a part of a greater whole. You are not just the drop in the ocean, but you are also the drop the ocean and the drop, so anything and everything in your life is just a reflection to how you relate to life. Everything in your life is also an agreed upon reality. The only reason money has power in this reality is because we've agreed to it. Mass consciousness level, we've agreed to it.

The only reason something will negatively affect you in your life is if you agreed to it. You see, this is another part of the shift in consciousness I want to share with you. There is no built-in meaning in anything you experienced in your life. There is no built-in meaning the meaning depends upon what you give it. The meaning is what you give anything. Anything that appears to be negative can be positive. If you define it as positive, you literally will shift yourself to reality. Where are you? Get a positive benefit.

Imagine something happens in your life. You're just going along. Something happens, boom, it happens. Now, the meaning you give this situation is going to determine whether you shift yourself to a positive timeline or a negative timeline. You have the choice of that meaning there is no built-in meaning we think there is, but that's because we can't see beyond ourselves. We can, but that's the idea of the negative belief that will keep us believing that only things are negative that happened like this. If you give it a positive meaning, you will shift to a positive timeline.

Okay, and that's the power that we have within us is to choose the meaning. We give things and every moment, but understand that you will only experience more of yourself. That is all there is. Your life is a reflection of how you relate to you. Your life is a reflection of what you believe about reality. Do you believe things happen easily for you? Do you believe that things happen hard? Do you believe you've got to work really hard for things?

Do you believe that people don't get you well then maybe you don't get yourself? Maybe you don't think that you're worthy of being loved so you assume that other people won't love you. You see, this all comes back to the source. It all comes back to who we are. We are the source, it's who we are, but anytime you're looking to the outside for something to change, you've already given away your power.

Yeah, it's already being projected out there. Now, this, for some people it can be a little bit hard to hear because it means that literally everything in your life, you have to start taking responsibility for, oh, you're going to tell me I have to take responsibility for what this person did to me. That person is another aspect of your consciousness, whether it's bad or good, whatever they did, okay, and it's there for you to learn from because you are the dimension itself.

You are this reality itself. Does it mean you agree with what happened? Doesn't mean that you ask for more of it, but maybe it was there for you to claim your power back, for you to learn more about yourself. You see everything in your life is just a reflection. It is all light and your life has meant to be divine, but we're so caught up in all these ideologies and all these things and all the in our thoughts move out of your thinking and move into being experience reality itself. Almost everything we experience is some conceptualized idea.

Almost everything we experience is based on the deep past autopilot mind. Well, this is kind of like this experience I had and if I mixed that experience, this experience, this is kind of how it is. The mind only thinks in the past. The way of breaking it out of it is understanding and being aware of that. It's just running itself out.

The mind likes to relate, the mind likes to label, the mind is like that but the key is observing it. Just like you can observe thoughts and then choosing to be, be in the present moment right now. Be here now and when you do that you move out of the matrix mind and into a level of integrating with what it couldn't be called your higher self, which is just once again more of you.

Treat every situation in your life as if you chose it and your life will change because then you'll see that you do have a choice. You have in choices the meaning you give things. You have a choice as to what you will think, feel, and do, and because you have that choice, you can then shift your bra, probable reality timelines, but you see, most people are just in the autopilot mind. They don't know that they can shift that. Therefore they stay in that repetition.

Most people think the same thoughts every day, feel the same emotions every day and do the same actions every day. Therefore create the same thing over and over and over and over again. The key to this process is going to yon that what you currently think, feel and do, and what do you do and how do you do that? You make the choice is so simple.

Once we start to embody it and understand that we can just choose to go beyond. We can choose to also wake up to wake up from that habitualized comfortable thought pattern of what we were thinking, feeling, and doing, and it's all on autopilot. The more you become aware of it, the more you expand out of it and then the more you can embody this new way of being, which isn't new at all. It's actually a natural state of being, but it's about being aware of it.

Understand that in reality itself, anything you want to change in your life, what has to do with you, change you within yourself. Do you want to change your job? What kind of job do you think that you're worthy of?

What beliefs do you have about going and getting a job? What beliefs do you have about your doing your passion for a living? You see, don't go out there looking for a job first. Change your belief about reality itself. Change your about what it means to have a job, but whether you could do your passion for a living, change this and then that will change and then when you do take action it will be leveraged. ​

Everything in life is a reflection anyways. You will only find more of yourself and everything that you do, the people that you enjoy being around in your life you like because they reflect something back to you. Maybe they reflect parts of your identity back to you because are similar to you. Maybe they reflect back to you in a way that you like to become.

Maybe there's something you don't like and there's something you don't like about yourself and that's what keeps them vibrationally compatible in your life. There is no outside, there is no outside, there is only the reflection of the inside and every single person you come into contact with in your life is a reflection of you. They are another aspect of you.

And if you like them then you like them because you like some part of yourself as you dislike them, then you dislike them because you dislike a part of yourself and they are there to show that to you. They are there to bring it out of the dark and into the lights. And the more you become aware of this is the more you take your power back.

I want to help you take your power back and you do that with this shift in consciousness with the understanding that there is no outside that we are currently on the plan and going through an awakening and ascension process. And as we go through this we become more aware of these higher dimensional states of awareness.

And one of those is understanding that everything is connected and that we are all connected and that everything is a reflection. If you want to make a change in your life, be the change you wish to see in the world because there is no outside world apart from the reflection of you on the inside anyways, you will literally shift yourself to a probable timeline that was more conducive of the change who make within yourself.

That's the key. That's what quantum physics is starting to show is how these probable realities work depending on focus and attention. So this is what I encourage you to do is to understand that right now this understanding will shift your probable timelines forever. You are a new person now that you know this, whether you, whether you were like, well, maybe a lot of changes maybe a lot didn't change.

There was a ripple effect that has started to plant the seed in your mind and that seed will grow and you will understand more and more than everything in your life is a reflection of the inside. If you want to change something on the outside, you will know that you must first change on the inside and from this point going forward, that simple change you taking your power back will shift your probable timelines profoundly.

I want to congratulate you because it, it does take responsibility to do so and you're taking responsibility for your life right now. Okay, so would that be and said something I have is a free guided meditation. I will help you to raise your vibration. It will help you to have these higher vibrational perspectives.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.