What I’ve Learned from over 1,000 hours of Studying Personal Transformation


You will not be the same after you read this blog. This blog has the potential to completely transform your life. It'll also save you a lot. A lot of time. I've spent since 2012, so much time, hundreds and hundreds of hours of going to seminars, listening to audios reading books, going through courses to learn and condense what I know about personal transformation into this video. By the end of it, you're going to have the simplest process that almost all ancient texts talk about many processes that I've made. We paid maybe five to $8,000 for certain seminars to go to. I'm going to share all of that with you in this blog. This is what I learned from reading, listening to and consuming over a thousand hours of personal transformation content.

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I'm going to save you a ton of time and that's because I'm going to condense a lot of information into a very simple, easy to apply process when it comes to transformation. A lot of what I'm going to tell with you and show you as well, you're going to be able to see it on many movies, any movie that you watch in that of a, that that is especially a movie that resonates with a lot of people. It is normally the hero's journey, which means you have some type of hero who then has a certain problem who then goes on a journey who then overcomes that problem and who is then transformed. The thing that I want to share with you is that you may go to those movies and you may watch them.

You may enjoy them, but you are the hero of your own movie. You are on the hero's journey and you are going through a process of self-discovery, a process of self-transformation. In this blog, I'm going to show you exactly how to go through that process and how to condense so much of this information in such an easy way. You can apply this process towards just about anything. What this process has to do with his understanding and just in general as well. If I look to maybe the Tony Robbins conference, I went to, for example, went to date with destiny last year with my buddy Victor. When I was there, it was like six days long and it was very intensive and there was a certain process that everyone was brought through. There was certain things I learned about becoming aware of the subconscious beliefs we have about who we are, what he calls our values or our value system of what we value.

He talks a lot about States and how we feel, whatever you focus on, you feel. Many of its correlates with some of the metaphysics of the law of attraction, much of it has to do with willpower taking action. I've also studied that of Dr. Joe Dispenza, who talks a lot about how our personality creates our personal reality and our personalities, how we think feel, and act. If we change how we think feel and act, we then change our personality, which then changes our personal reality. He talks about a lot about that. You’ll notice that this little, this little thing right here, I use it a lot because this is going to be so simple for you to understand how to transform. When I look at my own life, I had a certain story. I had a certain identity think about this in the form of identity, shifting much of the personal development information that you hear, whether that is from Tony Robbins or many other people, they have been influenced by a guy named Maxwell malts who wrote a book called Psycho-Cybernetics back in the day.

This book called Psycho-Cybernetics had to do with self-image and identity. What this guy was is he realized that his clients, he was a plastic surgeon, surgeon, his clients went through a process of after they would have plastic surgery, it would take them time in order for them to change their mental self-image for the X H experiencing the internal change. Even though the outer changed their, their fit, the how they looked, it would not change until they changed their inner self-image. What he became aware of is that everyone has an inner self image that is subconscious, that is running the show, and we will do anything we possibly can to remain consistent to this self-image, even sabotage ourselves until we become aware of it until we break out of it. Tony Robbins, many other personal self-help I've got a bookshelf right behind me and many other self-development books. Talk about the self-image in some way or another. I'd say you don't get in life, always that what you want, but you always get a reflection of who you are. Transformation is about shifting your identity. Think about people that go on the heroes journey.

They have a certain identity. Look at the movie limitless is coming to mind right now with Bradley Cooper. He has this guy that was like, couldn't focus. He had long hair, he was sloppy. He had nothing going from his life. His girlfriend just broke up with them. We’ll talk about your current identity. Your current identity has a certain story that you’ve been living on autopilot. That story has been comfortable. When we were born, we begin to identify with our identity. We begin to think that this identity is an avatar where internal spiritual beings live in temporary human experience through this meat flesh body and what we end up doing is we end up identifying with our avatar, because that’s what we learned growing up. What happens is we have a certain story we tell ourselves. Maybe certain limitations, maybe we were treated a certain way. We then made rules and labels that keep us enslaved. You are free to do whatever you want in life but you may tell yourself a story, “No, I can’t do that. I’m a shy person.” I used to tell myself a story and I think I have ADHD. That’s what the doctor told me.  

Think about your ego avatar, it just wants to survive. That’s it. Nothing extra.  As you look at my story, many of you seen many of my videos, and you know I tell similar stories about my past, so people understand that I’ve been through a certain process of my own transformation. Then, what happened, I had to let that identity go by becoming aware of it and unwire it and unlearn it. Once I became aware of that, I could start to get out of the prison system. One way to get out of the prison system of the survival mode of your ego is to start meditating. My advice to you is to not get into the point that you need to choose about who you are. The next step of the process is becoming aware of your future identity. Make sure this future version of you talks about that of imagining that future version of you, how you think, feel, and act.  Remember, you don’t always get what you want in life. The way that you transform, you look at your current identity and the future identity you want to be you.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.