The ONE Habit that will Attract Love, Money and Success (life-changing)


There's one habit that, if you do, will easily attract your money, love, and success. When I started to apply it, everything in my life change, and in this blog, I'm going to show you exactly how to do that. Today, I'm going to be sharing with you the one habit that changes everything when it comes to manifesting money, love, and success. I would say that there have been these last two or three years for me, I've created or had more abundance in my life than ever before. When I look back at the things that really made a difference, there were a couple of key things that did it. In this blog, I want to share with you the habits of that and how that changes you at your core level.

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First off, let me tell you that there are two or three things that when I applied in my life changed everything about me and let me share with you why it changed everything and how you can apply this in your life. What you habitually do every single day becomes who you are. It becomes a pattern, and then reality is a reflection of that way you are being. Here's the important thing that a lot of people don't know about habits is the habits that you do consistently forms what is called your identity. Maybe you've heard me say before that your reality; you get in life a reflection of who you are being. You don't always get what you want because sometimes what you want, you feel lack of and you resist it, but you always get a reflection of who you are being.

Who you are being, the identity is formed from habits. They say that a lot of our identity as well as formed by our subconscious mind, which is something that has been on repetition. When I was looking at my old life, for example, my old life so long ago, it was like three years ago, I was working a nine to five job that I wasn't passionate about. I went into work every day. I had a habit of thinking negatively about work. I'd go in and really resist it. I had a habit years ago. It was ahead of a habit of taking something called Adderall, which is what I would take for having ADHD, what they call ADHD. That was like a pharmaceutical thing I was prescribed. But that was something that I was taking.

People would say things about my energy and how much energy I had or how my energy was sporadic. Then I would feel like there was something wrong with me. That it's not just the habit of what you do, but it's also the habit of thought that you have about it. Sometimes when we have these disorders, we may assume that this is very negative and then feel that negative emotion about it. If I look through, there were many habits of thoughts I used to have about feeling unworthy due to my past. My reality was exactly equal to the habits that I had. There was a huge transition for me. The transition was that one thing I did with the whole Adderall thing. I started to meditate. I came across meditation, the research of it because I was experiencing the harsh side effects of taking out at all. Like you can't sleep very much, you can't eat very much.

I was like, Oh, this is, I don't, I want to be able to like eat and sleep, you know, the parent necessities. I was reading online about how powerful meditation is, and I came across research on it. I said you know what? I'm going to try this now. Here's the thing. The first couple of days of meditating, nothing really happened. I actually felt a lot of resistance, but then eventually, what I did is, I started to relax into it, and instead of trying to control my thoughts, I started observing my thoughts. Then I started to get a good result from it. After two or three days, I started to feel very different, so what happened is, is I gave up that habit of doing Adderall, which is what I believed. I believed that I needed it because the doctor told me that I did, and then it would help, so I took it. Then what I did is I cha, I started to meditate, and after about a week, I decided to do it every single day.

I started to get great results from it, and I was like, I started feeling different. I said, okay, I'm going to start meditating. Over the course of a month or two of doing it, guess what happened? My self-image changed. Almost everything about my life changed; my energy changed. People would ask me what I was doing at work because my energy was so different. I was much calmer, I was much more grounded, and that changed my identity. Then I look to even my old; I used to see myself as a nine to five or going to a job that I didn't really care for. Then what I did is I decided, okay, every single day I'm going to create a video. You know, this story. Then eventually, after about three weeks of doing that, the video went viral, and then the YouTube channels started to explode. More so powerful than just making the daily videos and like the YouTube algorithm going crazy is that making the daily videos for me changed my identity. It changed who I was in reality. Here's the thing about habits.

The more you make your habits more, you have a habit that changes your identity, the more it changes your life. It doesn't have to be some crazy hard habit. It could be something very easy and, over time, think about it. You do something in a 24-hour period in a day, and then you do it tomorrow, and then you do it the next day. There are not great results until a little bit down the road when then you see everything about your life has changed. It's one habit that changes everything. I attracted money, love, and success in my life by doing one thing every day. What was that thing for me? It was doing what I'm passionate about and the reason that one habit that you must do or you know for them to get and attract money, love and success, it will change upon each person.

What if your passion is creating that of art? Then maybe the thing for you is if you were to create art every single day, you would then find that things in your life begin to happen in an explosion. Other things begin to happen. Here's the thing to get down to the core of the kind of way that you could maybe challenge the current way you are because the current habits you have are very comfortable, and when you decide to challenge that by doing something, your old identity would never do. That's where things change. I was resistant to meditation in the beginning. I'm like, I'm not one of those people that meditate. Do you know? It looks like a lot of medic people that meditated, like they may not have like drank or done. You're like smoked or done any done stuff like that. I was like that there is, they look square and boring. I want nothing to do with that. I was like, you know what, I'm going to do this meditation thing because there's a science that shows how powerful it is. I decided to do it and guess what?

It began to change my identity. Do you know? I think it's an interesting thing when people do yoga. Also, when people do yoga, like especially people that end up maybe going from not doing it at all, to doing it like every day. Like when you go to a Bikram yoga class, they'll tell you, Oh, you've got to come every day for a week or something. Like they try to like, you know, motivate you to come every day for a while to really see the benefits. What happens is a lot of people will go, and then they may keep going. It begins to change its identity. They'd be, they become like a Yogi person. They be, they see themselves as a person with like the mat that they carry the mat, and then they go to the yoga class. You know, there's a place here in Vegas that's like a life's, I think it's called true fusion.

It's like a lifestyle. They have yoga and these boot camp classes and stuff, but it's like trendy and hip and music. It's an identity thing. When people go consistently, they start to see themselves differently. The key to this is understanding that one habit. There's one habit that you can do every single day that would begin to change your self-image, and for me, even now, like look at, and this is what you do. You look at how you are being, what are you consistently doing right now? To be honest with yourself, become aware of some of the habits you have and then realize that there's probably one habit you have that's keeping you in a certain reality. Maybe it's a certain way you're thinking about something and something that you're doing every day. A lot of times, doing has a very powerful effect on our identity.

Sometimes, even more, powerful than just thinking is doing. It's actually wired it into a physical reality, but be aware of maybe one habit that you can just decide, this is not who I am anymore. It's not what I do. It's not. It's not even just what not what I do anymore. It's not who I am anymore. One of the humans, like the biggest human desires there is to remain consistent in the way that we see ourselves. For example, if you were to go over here, you may have heard this analogy before, but this is like a thermometer right here, and if I have this set right here, it is set at 69 degrees. If I were to move this up to let's say 74 degrees, what would happen is the AC would, the heater would actually kick on because it's cold here in Vegas right now and it would regulate it up to 74 and then if the windows or the doors opened or something and then went down to 72 the heater would kick on and bring it back up.

The cybernetic mechanism, it will do everything it can do to remain consistent with what you said to that. The same with our self-image. If you see yourself as somebody you know, I used to see myself also, by the way, as somebody that was lazy, I would literally like sit on a couch and one of the things I wanted to, I'd be like wanting to manifest things, and I would just be thinking about it, thinking about it, thinking about it, but I would never really back it up with action and because of that there, what my life wasn't really moving very much, but then I realized that making those daily videos, having a nine to five job, working 40 hours a week and making the daily videos on YouTube, being busy with both, it made me say, wow, I am somebody that's very focused. Who else is doing this?

There are not many people I know that are doing this kind of thing. Like you know, having this much willpower and just much focus don't want it to be successful. Even more so powerful than it bringing results is it changed my self-image. I went from somebody that was like trying to manifest it just by thinking about it but not really doing it or following it up with physical activity, which yeah. From that, it changed my self-image. Then I was able to apply that towards other things because, as I did that, then I was like, you know, I can apply this towards anything. I could, instead of just making daily videos, I could do that towards learning, marketing, learning how to spread my message in other ways, edit things I was passionate about. It changes everything. The point of this blog is money, love and success are on the other side of doing something you may not be comfortable doing because your current habits are keeping you in your current reality.

If you have a nine to five job, if you're at a certain story, you're telling yourself your reality is equal to that story, and the habits are what wires in that identity. If you want to change your life, become aware of your current identity, I'll cut your current habits that you're doing, become aware of them. Then to start to do something every single day, that over time, over time, will compound and change your identity. One thing every single day. That's all it takes is one thing. If you view yourself as out of shape and you were to start going to the gym every single day, even if you just go for 10 minutes a day, that will begin to change your self-image. You won't just be a guy or a girl going to the gym. You're going to be a gym-goer. It changes identity.

If you see yourself as scatterbrained and you start to meditate, guess what you're going to, you may start to see yourself as somebody that has this awareness, that has this presence, that has this powerful energy. You do that every single day. But here's the thing, there's a little bit of a mere delay. You'll do it once or twice, three times, maybe a week. You might not get the greatest results, but if you remain consistent with it, that's coughed. Hmm. That's where the magic happens. The magic happens when you do it consistently, and you decide this is who I am now. It's super easy. It is just between pain and pleasure, pain, and pleasure. Imagine this is a scale.

Okay, so pain and pleasure, we will do everything it can. We can move away from pain, what we believe, or what we defined to be a pain. We will move every; we do everything we can to bring us towards pleasure. That's how we're already wired. If we go to the gym every day, we associate some type of pleasure with going to the gym. Maybe we actually enjoy going to the gym. I enjoy going to the gym. Or maybe we associate the pleasure with how we look from going to the gym or from the pump that we get or from the knowledge and this, the security we get from going to the gym and how that makes us feel over time or how confident that comes from how our body looks. If we don't go to the gym, we may associate a lot of pain with that.

I got to drive to the gym. I'll feel weird when I'm there. People might judge me if I'm on the treadmill or whatever the story is. Then that's the thing if you want to make anything easy for you to do, tip the scales in a different direction. Remember, this is what we believe brings us pleasure or pain. That's up to you, what you define it to be if you associate pain with staying in the same with you. I started to associate pain with taking Adderall because I saw the hearts or the long term negative side effects, and I saw what it could do to people, and I saw that. I just knew that it was addictive, and it wasn't, it didn't have great results from it.

I started to associate pain with it, and then I started to associate pleasure with this vision of me being able to meditate or me being able to easily have my energy managed pleasure with being able to eat and sleep because of the side effects of the Adderall where wear that you didn't want. It was harder to do those things. As I started to think about it differently and then why are you doing with that one habit, then it becomes easier, and you can do this with everything. By the way, you could do this with anything. You can change the way you do it. I used to think it was very hard for me to like at the beginning of me making daily videos on YouTube, but then I started to associate pain with staying at that nine to five job. I started doing associated pleasure with making YouTube videos.

Of course, I was passionate about it as well, but I actually started to enjoy the process more. What do you define to be pleasurable and painful in your life? If you want, you could switch it around, and that'll change it. If it's unhealthy food, you eat unhealthy food is because you may be associated with pleasure with eating unhealthy food. These stimulations, the short-term effects that you, the PO, the short term tasty effects of it, and you may be associating pain with eating healthy food because of how blended tastes. Here's the thing, if you change these around it, you start to associate pleasure with eating healthy food because of the way it's going to make you look or the way it's going to make you feel and that new image of yourself. You'll start to enjoy it more than if you associate pain with the deep-fried foods.

Literally, write it out like this pain and then pleasure, and then decide what the topic is. If it's food and then writes on each side what you were. Eating the right portions of food or whatever it is with the amount of food. I feel sick. I feel satiated but not stuff, and I associate pain with feeling overly stuffed. I associate pain with eating unhealthy food as you do this exercise, and then you start to wire it in every single day with that habit. It could be a habit of eating healthy every day. It will change your identity. Then you won't be somebody that's just eating healthy food, or you won't be somebody that just has the habit of eating healthy food. You become somebody that's healthy. You see one habit, you do everything single day will change your identity. Do you want to have of making more money?

Start to be more grateful for what you have. Start to do something that adds value to other people. Go to have one habit of once a week. You hate your job. Go do it and apply it to a job that you don't think you're necessarily ready for, but that will start to change your identity to where you see you could do it. This will branch you out of your current identity. There's one habit a day that, if you do, will change your entire life. What is that habit? It depends on you and what you want to accomplish in your life. It will depend upon the person but realize that when you change what you do, and you do it consistently, it changes who you are. Just decide one habit you want to get rid of and then have one habit you want to be, and it can change everything about you. That's what happened to me doing daily videos on YouTube. There's also one habit that will really help you change your, what's called your dominant vibration, which is how you think, act, and feel, which changes your outer reality. There's a meditation on raising your vibration permanently that came out on January 1st. It's super powerful. Listen to it right here for 21 days. Make that a habit and watch how your life changes.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.