The Law of Attraction, Parallel Realities and Beliefs Creating Reality THE TRUTH

What I'm going to be sharing with you is the truth on parallel realities, the Law of Attraction and beliefs, creating reality. I'm going to compare all three of these and show you which one of them is actually true.

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding parallel realities, understanding the Law of Attraction and beliefs, creating reality, showing you the similarities, the differences, which one may or may not work for you in which one of these is actually true. In this blog, you will find out, so with this process, maybe you've known it or maybe you've seen even on my channel over the last two years, my channel has gone through many different evolutions.

You could say I started off in one kind of niche and it was more of a general awareness niche and then what I did is I kind of started to create more and more videos and the Law of Attraction because I saw it was really helping people and it was what I was really passionate about. And the basis of the Law of Attraction that I was teaching has something to do with understanding the thoughts that we're thinking, the consistency of the thoughts that we're thinking, the momentum of what we're thinking.

It is also tied in with that it was taking action because one of the biggest changes I made in my own life was when I went from seeing myself as somebody that just kind of was waiting for things to happen, to then start engaging. I started to really engage with life and as I started to do that, I started to get much better results. That's what took this channel to the next level. I had 3000 subscribers and in February 2017 I said, I'm going to start to make a video a day because I was really passionate about it and I knew that if I had a feeling, if I did that, that in a year my life would be totally different.

I follow that intuition and I started to take action in it. I was working the nine to five job. Many, many of you may have heard this story before, I'll be honest, but just kind of summarizing it in case you haven't, but what I did is I took action. I took a lot of action and I was making videos every day while I was working a nine to five job. I recently went back to that nine to five job and said hi to everyone that was working.

That was rude. It's really weird to do. Not Weird. This is cool to see them, but it was like walking back in time almost. And I said, hi. Anyways, tangent. I was taking a lot of action and that changed my self-image. I started to see myself as successful. I started to see myself as somebody that goes after something and with that explosive growth started to happen.

I went from 3000 subs, 20,000 to 50 to 100,000 within like three. No, about six months. And then I was able to quit my job when I quit my job. Then I went full time, you know, I was doing this full time and that Law of Attraction modality for a way of thinking brought me far. It made me learn a lot about how my thoughts correlate with what I experience.

I learned a lot even when I worked at Barneys New York, selling women's shoes about the Law of Attraction while he was there, I was able to pretty much work every day and see a direct reflection of what I think too, what I experienced because that was a purely commissioned job. I was able to kind of use it as experimenting grounds while I was learning it and teaching at the same time, which I thought was really cool.

The Law of Attraction got me to a certain level. It's not that I don't use the Law of Attraction anymore, but there are different realms of understanding. Just like there's different levels of consciousness. Different paradigms work in different ways. For example, working hard will get you to a certain point. Working hard for me did get me to a certain point and I still put in action. But it's not working hard any longer because now I'm able to work smart and the idea is that now that I've changed my self-image, now I can let go of that old paradigm of the beliefs that you have to really work hard in order to accomplish something.

What I did last year was I've been shedding and letting go of those old beliefs system saying you have to work really, really hard to be successful and I've been wired in this understanding that it's more about me taking aligned action, which means that I have a high vibrational energy behind what I'm doing and that I can then take less action and get better results.

Of course, I'm still taking action, but if for me in general, I'm somebody that loves to take actions and sometimes people will see me and they'll due to the law of attraction and he's introduced. You still have people who took action.

That's just what works for me and that's what I love doing. It's more empowering to then thinking, the traditional way of thinking about it, where some people think, you know, I'm just going to sit on my couch and think about it all day. It's more about engaging with life because you have a purpose for being here.

When you're doing what you're passionate about, you're in a high vibration state.

When you're doing what you're passionate about, you're in a high vibration state.

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It's about knowing that when you're in a high vibration, you then experience a reality that is equal to that vibration that you're putting out. Your passion, the vibration of you doing your passion, is that high vibration that you will then experience that reality that is equal to that.

Law of Attraction, is it true? The answer is yes. However, there are different paradigms. Which is more powerful between the Law of Attraction beliefs create reality and parallel realities. Well, let's move onto the next one in the next category that I have for you today. That is beliefs creating reality. We experienced in life a reflection of what we believe to be true. This takes things to the next level and if we were to even look at. I'll go ahead and put that. That chart right here, I know you like it. I know you. I know you wanted to see it.

The chart you see right here is the scale of consciousness on it. You will see different levels at the bottom you see shame, fear, guilt. You see that a neutrality, which is a big step. Then you see that have the willingness, acceptance, and then reasoning, and then you have love and all the higher emotions of joy, peace, enlightenment.

With the Law of Attraction, most people, not all people, but most people are using the Law of Attraction, the lesser level emotions because they're saying, I really want that over there. They may be angry that somebody else has, has it, and they don't. They may feel this lacking desire for it instead of knowing that you can be that in the present moment and because of that, they create resistance. Yes, you can still move up the scale by using the Law of Attraction, but it's a lot harder and it takes a lot of time because there's a lot of resistance that you must move through.

The key is to let go of the resistance to let go of the incessant desire that I have to get somewhere else and to actually neutralize it by being okay with where you are in the present moment, acceptance of the present moment. Most of the Law of Attraction, not all of it, but much of the way that it is stereotypically used in society, is from the Lesser Paradigm, from the lower vibrational emotions. When you get into beliefs create reality.

That is four to 500 range, four to 500 is a higher vibrational rage of reality creation. Then that has the lower paradigm and that is understanding that our beliefs create our reality. The thing is whatever we believe to be true will be reflected back to us. Things in our life will be a self-fulfilling prophecy, so if you look for evidence for something, you will be able to find it. If you go on Google right now and look for evidence for something that is not true, you will find "evidence that it is not true even though it might be true."

Whatever you look for, you find more evidence of. I use this analogy recently, but I remember growing up seeing this article that said that Dick Cheney is a robot and he had like, he had like wires hanging out of them. You go online right now because I did it. I showed on Instagram stories by the way, and I. I typed in Dick Cheney's the robot. There's a whole article that comes up about how Dick Cheney's robot.

Maybe he is. I don't know. I'm just saying I'm just kidding. Probably not a robot, but the idea behind it is that whatever you look for it, you'll find evidence of, especially on Google because a lot of stuff out there, but the idea is that four to 500. For example, Einstein himself calibrated that for 99. He took the intellect as far as it could go, but in order for him to go from four 99 and a $500 and to love, he would have had to completely let go of the intellectual ideas because our beliefs create our reality and in order for us to get to the next level, we must let go.

Letting go, letting go of the identity, letting go of the old stories we tell ourselves, letting go of all the intellectual ideas we can then be in a state of unconditional love that doesn't need conditions.  However, whatever you look for, you will find evidence of if I asked you right now to look into your past for evidence that you were are worthy.

You can find reflections of that. You can find memories of that, and then when you're in that state, it's even easier to remember it. If I were to ask you to sing with the opposite times when you didn't feel worthy, you would find more and more evidence of it both exist in the present moment right now.

Both reference experiences, but the focus will find evidence of whatever it looks for. Beliefs create reality. When I was looking at this, for example, I'll show you how I use it in my own life. I recently realized that I believed. I was telling myself intellectually I believe that I don't have to take massive action to be successful, but yet my actions were in correlation with the old belief system of grind mode, grind mode, make videos, and do everything that I was primarily doing.

I'm still going to make my daily videos and do all of this stuff. And I went to Costa Rica for a week, which is a vacation. I haven't had a day off since I quit my job in August 2017 because I love what I do and I love making videos, but I'm like, wait, there must be a limiting belief that says I have to take so much action.

For the whole entire week until the last day because her other YouTubers there, so you know, we had to, we had to do those collaboration videos, but for a whole week, minus one day I was not making videos at all and I was wiring it into my mind that you don't have to make videos every single day to be successful. And by doing so, I was then becoming and shedding this old belief system.

And as you enjoy the process, your state begins to increase and as your state begins to increase, you didn't have more leverage. That the actions you do take have more momentum, it has more power behind it. The key is aligning the emotion behind the action, letting go of the outcome, and then moving forward in that direction.

That's what I learned to do and that's what has made me see the whole process in a much more different way, better way more optimized. That is what I realized with beliefs create reality. Is it true? Well, as I said, I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm just saying that your beliefs create your reality.

If you believe that to be true, then it will be true. But understanding that this is about deprogramming the things that we used to believe that don't serve us, that things are hard. Things don't come easy. You have to do this, this and this to be successful. You have to. All of these things are stories we tell ourselves. And in this paradigm, there are all these stories that we tell ourselves.

With this whole process, it's never about is this true because all truths are true. Whatever we look for, we'll find evidence up. It's is this efficient? That is the real question. Is this efficient? Because then we'll see is this really serving me or not? Now that we're in a way looked at that have the chart of consciousness which will help us understand this whole process in a powerful way, we can see that there are these different paradigms.

They all work. Can we create what we want by shifting through parallel realities? Well, the experience will tell you that, and the only experience where you really have is this moment right now. There is the experience in the present moment right now, which is the only thing we ever experienced. What we think of as the past is something that comes from our memory. What we think of as the future is from our imagination.

The present moment is all we experienced anyways and because we can piece these linear expressions together, we think it's one long fluid, linear time space, reality. However, the only thing we've ever experienced in this present moment. In the same way that we look at a film projector, we may stretch out the film and look at each individual frame. We can look at it through our memory and remember each individual frame and see how it all glues together.

However, we know each individual frame exists in separation from each other. Of course, we are all connected and this is all one at the same time, so it's a paradox, but the idea is that every individual parallel reality you can imagine it exists right now. It is simply vibrating at a different frequency. With that of parallel realities, the reason it is so powerful is that we can identify the reality we want to experience and then give ourselves permission right now to embody the frequency of it.

The frequency is a combination and our vibration is a combination of what we think, how we feel, and what we do. If we align how we think, feel, and what we do to the vibration that we can imagine in the parallel reality that we prefer, we will then start to embody those characteristics in our life right now and by doing so, we will then eventually experience that reality.

That's about vibrational resonance. The magic of parallel realities is that we can start to let go of time, space, reality and the way we used to understand it. You remember that chart I just showed you a minute ago where it goes up to four to 500 will parallel realities is with the awareness that we can let go of the beliefs of this has to happen. This has to happen in his ass up and this has happened. You see with the law of attraction and beliefs create reality.

We think of everything in a linear way. While I must do this, this, this, this, this, then I can have what I want. Parallel realities and the power of it is understanding that you can more so jump from here to here by embodying the frequency of this right now without going through all these individual steps because all these individual steps are stories that we tell ourselves about how we have to accomplish what we want and what we must do.

With the magic of parallel realities, you can create greater distance in greater connection to this reasoning of having to understand everything because eventually, the intellect gets you into trouble because then you start to resist things because you're like. This isn't happening to the blueprint in my mind, so then we create resistance to key with parallel realities is letting go of all this linear time space, reality type understanding.

Let go of the intellect and simply embody the frequency of what you want to experience, which is your vibration, which is how you think, how you feel, how you act, the version of you that is the best version of you that you can imagine already exists. You already. It already exists. All you have to do is match the frequency of that reality, which is how you think, how you feel, what you do.

Some people would say, oh, that's kind of like acting as if in a way but acting as if with the awareness that the whole linear way of thinking about it, you can begin to let go of the intellectual ideas and you can be in the present moment right now. That's what you can begin to do. In that case, you begin to transcend the old paradigms. It's very powerful.

It's even now, I would say even a little bit more magical and you can create a greater distance or a greater degree of change between where you are in and where you want to be, but you can embody the frequency and the emotions right now in the present moment. Here is the question that everyone wants to know, which is the best, which is true. Is it Law of Attraction?

Beliefs create reality or parallel reality shifting. The answer is drum roll, drum roll, all of them and whichever resonates with you. Remember, beliefs create reality, which one of these three, and maybe there's even more than these, but which one of these three resonates with you the most? Which one of these intrigues you the most? Which one is yours? Are you most excited about? Whichever one it is, go for that one.

Maybe your current beliefs say the parallel reality stuff's a little bit out there from you, bro. That's cool. Do whatever works for you. Beliefs create reality. Maybe you're like, that resonates with me right now. Then work with that and see it and maybe eventually get to a point to where you take the intellect and the beliefs that you have and you eventually say, I'm going to let these go, and then you start to just be in the frequency you want.

Maybe it's a combination of all three. That's what I use in my own life. I use the power of my self-image from understanding that of the Law of Attraction, a way of going about it. Then I changed my, what do I believe to be true? Understanding the way and what I believe to be true and the version of me in the parallel reality I want.

I mix all three of them. It's almost like a prescription. If I'm working with someone that has trouble believing in parallel realities, I'm not going to try to tell them that they should believe in it, but I'm going to work with where they are and I'm going to help them to see it in a higher light or to see it in a way that they can relate to it or in a way that works for them.

Work with wherever you are. These three things will work and the key is seeing which one works for you, which one resonates with you right now? You may find that for the next year, you use the Law of Attraction. Then you move into the beliefs create reality. Then you move into the other one or vice versa. Maybe for a while, you use that. A parallel reality that you know what? I liked the whole self-image stuff.

You go to the other one. It doesn't matter. Maybe you combine all three. A lot of these, honestly, almost all of these intertwine very powerfully so you can. You're using part of beliefs, create reality, which is consistent to Law of Attraction because the thoughts you consistently think you'll eventually believe. You see these all compare. These all related. The key is using what works for you. Which one works for you?

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.