How to Tap into Your CORE Vibration and Manifest Easier Than Ever

Today, I will show you exactly how to tap into your core vibration to attract in a much more powerful way. I'm going to show you exactly how to do that and why it is so important.

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I'm going to be sharing with you the ways that you can tap into what is called your core vibration to attract anything you want and especially making things easier than ever because you're actually existing at really who you are meant to beat.

Sometimes we have goals or things we want to manifest in our life, but they may not actually be in alignment with what is called our core frequency. Our core vibration on not what quantum physics shows us is that everything in our lives is vibration. Everything is vibrating at a certain frequency.

As a soul and as a person, we have a core vibration that if we align with, we will attract everything into our lives more quickly than ever. It's just that sometimes what happens is we're conditioned by our environment to be a certain way. We're conditioned to look a certain way to dress a certain way because of society, because of a desire to fit in and when we start to really come from this frame that we are just going to be who we are.

That's the most cliché saying, ever. Just be yourself, just be you, but it is the truth when it comes to our core vibration. Let's look at who we are at a greater level. We are immortal, spiritual beings, living a temporary human experience and a way we could say that life is a form of a dream. Life is a temporary experience.

We interpret the world through our five senses through being able to hear, smell, touch, taste, see all of these. These are all ways that we interpret vibration. What happens is we get lost in our self-concept or our self-image. We get lost in the way that we think we have to be to be accepted because there's such a strong desire to be similar to everyone else and to not be ostracized by the group.

The key is understanding who we are at our core vibration and letting go of this poll of what we could call social conditioning, this pool to be a certain way, this pool to act, a certain way to be accepted. The key to this is understanding how we relate to who we really are. We are really who we really are. Our natural state of being from a higher level of consciousness is unconditional love and bliss.

When we look at someone and we view them like that, we will feel that emotion. Anytime we look at something, we think it should be different than it is. We judge it in the present moment and we see it as a problem. We feel negative emotions. Our emotions are showing us where we are in alignment with who we really are.

This is like the classic Abraham Hicks type analogy or metaphor, but it's. It understands our emotions are either in alignment with who we really are. We couldn't see through our eyes of the source for seeing through the eyes of the source, we feel unconditional love and bliss.

That is who we really are, and anytime we feel disconnected from that, it's coming from a perspective that is not aligned with that source energy, with who we really are at our fundamental core, so when it comes to us attracting what we want in our life, it's really about just allowing dean with a certain emotion.

The emotion is that of passion. Instead of loving what we do, if we do that, things will attract to us faster than ever, but it's finding out what that is because whatever that is, it's where we don't have to expend a lot of energy. This is the other part that I want to talk about in this blog.

Anytime we do something we not, we're not really passionate about at our core vibration. It takes a lot of energy to do. Maybe a time in your life you've worked a job that you weren't crazy about a job that you really didn't enjoy working. You win and every day you felt like you had to waste so much energy to be there because it wasn't something you were passionate about. On the other side of that, maybe you've done something before that didn't feel like work.

You just hopped into a flow state. Things just happen easily and when you look at the clock and all of a sudden, it's been two hours, but it feels like it's been 15 minutes. That's because you tapped into a flow state and in that flow state, you are in a feeling of that excitement.

Maybe it was a settled excitement. Sometimes following our excitement and following our bliss doesn't mean that we're constantly like blissed out and just like running around feeling this, you know, absolute euphoria, but it's a gentle passion and excitement for who we really are.

When we follow our passion, when we follow our excitement, we are in alignment with what we could call that source energy. We're in alignment with our higher self and that we're not just limiting it to our ego-self because our ego wants to do everything. Many times, when it comes to manifestation, I noticed and what I'm learning is to go beyond just the ego.

Why does the ego want what it wants? Why does the ego want the relationship? Why does the ego want the money? Why does the ego seek to house many times and there's nothing wrong with these things, but the key is being aware of why the ego wants what it wants because then we'll look and see if this really in alignment with my core frequency?

We think it is, but many times it may actually not be. We may think, hey, winning the lottery would be amazing and I'm excited about winning the lottery, but in actuality, if we win the lottery, we're not really passionate. We think it would be the passion about the money, but we're not really passionate about the money because the money is a side effect.

What is your core vibration? I'll tell you right now that your core vibration, it involves unconditional love and bliss. That is part of it. What you do is you taper that with what you are passionate about and moving in that direction because it takes the least amount of energy. There's not a high degree of energy expenditure there.

Anytime we're thinking of thoughts that don't serve us, we expend energy. Anytime we eat a lot of food that doesn't serve our body that takes our body a lot of energy to break down. We're expending energy in order for us to really create what we want in life are manifestations, take energy, but it doesn't have to be hard work. What it could be is it could be simply that. What we must do is we must manage our energy and then align it with our core vibration.

Who you really are is a high vibrational being. A high vibrational state of consciousness is who you are. That state of being is who you are. We grow up and we attach ourselves to labels. We attach ourselves to these beliefs that this is who I am. When in actuality that's not who we are, but then we feel less than that positive emotion thinking that that's who we are.

At the fundamental core. You are so much more than you can imagine. We are literally dreaming that this is who we are, but we exist in a higher state of consciousness and I believe when we go to bed every night we wake up to these higher states of consciousness and then what we do is we come back and we're dreaming that we're here and the same way that we go to bed at night and we dream, I believe we wake up at a higher level of consciousness and then what happens is we come back here and in a way we'd go back to sleep and this is a dream that is experienced through the five senses.

We interpret vibration through our senses, but at the fundamental core, we are still unconditional love and bliss. That's why most of the spiritual work and personal development in this whole process, it's not about piling on some new ultimate epiphany idea. It's just about letting go, letting go of what doesn't serve, letting go of the things that are not conducted to how we prefer to be letting go of the attachments. We have to certain beliefs, letting go.

It's all about letting go. Well, let me ask you this question. When it comes to having a high vibration, what are you holding onto that may be holding you back? Maybe it's a belief that you need to work your nine to five job, that there's nothing better out there for you. Maybe it's a belief that in order for you to do what you love, you have to go through this long process of four years of college and all of these different things and maybe for some reason it's not sitting with you.

Maybe you find that there's a certain blueprint laid out for you by your parents, by family and peers that they expect you to be and you don't feel like you're walking in that expectation. You feel like you're trying to do what will make them happy. I've seen this a lot. I remember I grew up with a friend that wanted to be a musician, but his dad was always talking to them out of it.

Why are you going to go for that? Go to go, go to school, go to college. Why are you trying to do this whole musician thing? He had a band. He was in a good band too, but he was trying to be what he was expected to be. I was expecting to be a lawyer. I was expected to go to college, but I believe more in my own vision for myself.

I've always believed that by the time I was 30 years old, I'd be at a certain level and get closer and closer to that and I always believed that I don't in my own business and I do that now, and I'm not saying this to brag or anything or I'm saying this because your core vibration comes into play when you start to do what you want and more so than just what you want, but what you are really connected to your heart space because you are unconditional love and bliss, at your core, and anything less than that is an attachment to some way you think you should be and you don't have to buy into it any longer.

There's a simple formula you can use for tapping into your core vibration and it has to do with simply following your excitement in every moment. Find out what you're most excited about doing, do that, and then just let that keep leading to the next most exciting thing. This will lead you. Maybe you don't know your whole core vibration. What am I meant to be doing like me, I meant to be making videos and speaking and helping people and stuff.

Maybe I don't know that yet. That's okay, but doing what you're excited about at the moment will lead to the next best thing to the next best thing. The next best thing. I just knew I was excited about a year and a half ago I started making YouTube videos or how is that going to get from here to here?

How I met my goals? Why you started doing that and then it led to this and it led to this and it led to this and now here I am and I had the ability to speak and do an event and have people show up because it led to that. That is also my poor vibration. Somebody commented on my Instagram and if you don't follow me on Instagram, feel free because I do a lot of content over there.

We have live Q&As and somebody asked me to said, what is better? Right? You, you, you talk a lot about taking massive action, but what about the law of least effort? The what I replied was, for me taking action is the path of least effort because I love what I do so it's natural for me.

I just want to do things because it's part of my vibration. Sometimes we separate these things in our mind we say, oh, this is what I'm passionate about. This is hard work. Many of the successful people of our past, people like Steve Jobs, people like Warren Buffet, people, like many successful people have said, find out what you're passionate about and do that because it won't feel like work and because when it appears to be hard, you're willing to push through it.

When most people would give up, I'm going to figure out whatever I have to do because this is what I'm passionate about and that is my core vibration. Follow your passion because your passion is your core vibration and anytime things get tapered onto it that don't serve, you can learn to let it go. These things get, get tapered on are these beliefs, these expectations about how you have to be.

You are who you choose to be in this life and you can make your own path. You don't have to follow the reigns of social conditioning. You don't have to follow the expectations of what people think you should or should not be, but your core vibration is tapped into that and that is who you naturally are.

You know when it comes to emotions and all of these things, we think we, as I said earlier, we think we must taper everything on a pile. All of this stuff on. It's not about that at all. Just let go because it is who you naturally are. When we have this perspective, it's easier because we realized, oh, I don't have to try so hard. You know, we take manifestation is here I am in here. I want to be, oh my God, it's going to be so hard to get from here to here as a belief.

How do you believe about the manifestation process? Because whatever you believe will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yoga, a reflection of that, but here's something I found to be even more powerful. The process of manifestation is really just about embodying your true core frequency, which is who you naturally are, which involves letting go of the ego's desires.

The ego wants things because it can really solidify itself in a certain way because, oh, I have this now, I feel even better about myself. This is when you get more into the core of who you are and start asking these questions. You start to find answers. The brain looks for clues. The brain looks for patterns, but unless you don't have the brain works by asking questions, it then looks for the answers. Why do I want this type of relationship?

Maybe you find that you know what, I don't really feel. I feel like I believe I need a relationship to be happy. I feel like I'm not already whole and complete and then once you do, as you're aware of it, you look at it, you observe it and you let it be there and it will go away.

Funny Paradox because the way it works, if you observe something, an emotion that keeps coming up and may just be a pattern emotion that keeps coming up because of some past experience because you believed for so many years that you had to have someone else in your life to be happy, but you can be whole and complete already and the paradox is that by doing that you will attract someone quicker than ever. People ask me all the time, Aaron, how do I track a person into my life?

Aaron, how do I do this? Aaron, how do I do that? You attract that person into your life by letting go and more so focusing on the connection with yourself being in the star of your own movie rather than trying to be the cameo in someone else's would that person you want to attract into your life, so it's really just about getting to the core of who you are and letting go of what doesn't serve and as things come up that doesn't serve you anymore, you observe it and let them be there and then they naturally start to fade away because everything else that our life is a pattern until we become aware of it.

This is where everything changes me. I become aware of a lot of patterns that I had growing up, patterns of belief saying I wasn't worthy and I had to look at those and I had to become aware of them and I had to let them go and there's still. Of course there's part of it, the 13th. It still comes up every now and then, but I still let it go. I observed it and I let it go. I'm aware of it.

In the light of awareness is where all the power is.

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In the light of awareness is where all the power is and then I can simply choose to be more of my frequency. I was just thinking about this yesterday. Today's my last day in this place. The videos from here going on.

I'm going to be in a new house. Maybe you heard me talk about it or show houses on Instagram, but the thing is I went for this hike yesterday and I just realized how much my life has changed in the last year. Things have moved so quickly, so exponentially fast.

Things have grown and I look at it and I'm thinking to myself, I feel so different like my life might. My vibration feels so different because I've been following my passion and when I look back at my past, sometimes it feels a little bit nostalgic. As weird as that is as much better as I feel. I feel like, like better than I've ever felt in my life.

But it is different and it's moving so fast and ted days go by so quickly and I love what I do. And the reason I say this is because it's. It's something that as you start to follow, it just keeps leading to the next thing, the next best thing, next best thing, and then eventually you're just in a completely different reality and that's the time on the planet we're on right now.

The time is for you to follow your passion for you to tap into who you really are because the more you tap into your true vibration, the more that trickles out to other people, even in ways you don't even understand, and by doing that, it will change not only yourself, but you'll change the people that are around you because as you align with your core frequency, you encourage others to align with their core frequency.

That's where the power is. You are unconditional love and bliss. You see through source energy. Anytime you feel that emotion at any time you have perspectives that connect you to other people. Anytime you have judgments or labels that's taken you out of that alignment, you can make the choice to be happy. More often, you can make the choice that you are already whole and complete. You can make the choice to become more aware of these beliefs of why you want what you want and as you become aware of whatever that is, observe it and let it go, follow excitement at every moment, and you will create a cascade of positivity in your life, a way of success.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.