If you keep falling back into your old vibration READ THIS


I'm going to show you three secrets to hacking your vibration so that you don't fall back into the old patterns. These things are things that changed my life, and I've seen work with many other people.

So, come on and watch the video below:

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Today, I'm going to be sharing with you those three secret vibrational hacks so that you don't fall back into the old vibration. I understand as well. Then there is such an autopilot mind of the old way that we work. You know, you might, when we talk about our vibration, our vibration is how we think, how we feel, how we act. There's a vibration of the old version of us. Maybe it's even the version of us right now, and where identify and say, no, I don't want we say, no, no.

I don't want to keep living that life over the way I've been living. Maybe, you know, out of the, to my old life, I work nine to five job. I didn't enjoy. I felt unworthy. I had a story that I couldn't focus that I had trouble with, that there are certain things that we're on autopilot and it was in that reality. But what I identified as I said, okay, this is not what I wanted to experience. What I did is I identified the version of me. I had a vision for the version of me that was living the kind of lifestyle that I would love, which now includes, you know, making videos on YouTube, traveling the world, doing what I love, and identified that vibration. What I did is I just simply decided that's who I am now. That's who I am now.

Meditation, by the way, was a huge part of that because meditation allows you to live the internal reality first before it's on the external. Remember all that's on the external anyways is a reflection of the internal. If you change your inner vibration, you then change your outer reality. What I was doing though, is identified the old way I was being and even on us trying to be this new version of me, the version of me that could focus the version of me that was feeling worthy. The version of me that was making videos even when I was trying to be, that there'd be a tendency to fall back into the old way of being and understand that the reason that is that this is just on autopilot.

This has just been comfortable for so long, so the key is understanding and recognizing when you do fall back, I'll tell you right now as well, awareness is one of the most powerful things because when you become aware of it, you can then say, wait, I'm falling back. Do I want to experience and keep this story going? And many times, as well, it's a story. It's a story that we tell ourselves. We say, Oh, this is hard to change. It's hard for me to do this. I posted something on Instagram yesterday and it was on how our beliefs create our reality and how to change our beliefs. That post I explained to you that step by step how to do it. And some people were like, Oh, it seems so simple. I don't think it can be that simple. But see, that's a belief that it can't be simple.

We have a belief that things have to be complicated and that has to take a lot of work. But what if you realized that every moment is a completely new moment? Every moment's a new moment. Everyone was a new moment. Everyone wants a new moment. What story are we telling ourselves? What story are we telling herself? What story are we telling herself? Do you see? Because if we say, Oh, this is hard, this is hard, that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if we could just know that there's a version of us that's live in this way, and there's a version of us lived in this way, what we can do is just beat this version. By deciding it's who I am not identifying so much with our past.

Once again, it'll come up, Oh, it can't be that easy. Can't be that easy. That's a belief, and when you acknowledge the belief that you have around transformation itself, when you realize your beliefs about reality itself, if you believe that reality is fixed, that reality is heavy. It's harder to change because it's so heavy and hard, but when you start to realize that what quantum physics is showing us is that every probable reality already exists and that every moment is a new moment, you can then tell yourself a new story. You can let it be easy. You know, if you want to approve of this, there are scientific studies that have studied people with what are called multiple personality disorder, multiple personalities where it is, say one person has many different personalities.

They'll shift from one personality. Let's say it's Carl and then the next personality. Let's say it's Bob. Maybe Carl has like cancer or something like that, some type of disease. Maybe certain thought patterns that have caused that and you could visually measure his body or have some type of tests done, and you could see, Oh yeah, he's got this type of disease, this type of cancer. Five minutes later it'll go from Carl to Bob. When he goes over to Bob, guess what? When he shifts into the personality of Bob, what they have recognized is that then the disease, you could test that Bob personality and they don't have cancer or the disease, same body, but different personalities, different way they think, feel and act about themselves, different level of identity that can happen.

It happens in an instant. They've studied this many times. Knowing that it can happen in an instant, so if that can happen in, in sick, then don't you think we can let go of some all the story that doesn't serve us. You see, this is possible for you. This is possible. When it comes to our vibration, the first one I want to talk about here understands that this vibrational hack is one that you're going to have to eventually get clear with yourself in order to develop the momentum you want, and that is boundaries. Boundaries, having boundaries with other people, having boundaries with your vision. When you say no to something, you say yes to something else. For example, when I started living in the reality of me being a full-time YouTube or even when I had that nine to five job I didn't care about, I was going to work every day working.

I could have looked around and been like, Oh yeah, well, I'm still in this old job that I don't care about. I want to go home everyday. I would film videos, I would edit videos, I would post videos, and I'd have friends that are like, Hey, come hang out. Come do this, and I had those boundaries. It's like, no, I'm sorry I can't do that. I have to stay focused on this. You have to be aware that one of the things that'll pull you back into the old vibration more than anything else is people. It's the people that you're around because the people that you're around influenced you in a very powerful way. If they have subconscious beliefs as well that through us most is, they're just literally their energy.

You will feel that, and you'll find yourself maybe playing small. I know there are some people that I'm around that I almost feel, I almost feel insecure with shining because I feel like it reflects that to them maybe that they're not where they want to be and then I intentionally like won't express something I'm excited about, you know, playing small because you don't want to make other people feel a certain way. If you're around people like that, then guess what you're holding your energy in doesn't mean you can't be around them sometimes. But it means that in general, you identified the vision of where you are to the vision of where you want to be, or you know where you want to be and first off be okay with where you are. It's good enough if you, if you resist about it, you trying to get somewhere else, then it's putting out chaotic energy, and it's actually keeping that reality intact.

But for this, what I recommend is that you identify the vision for what you want to experience, and you just decide that's who you are. When you develop boundaries, boundaries with the kind of people you're around, boundaries the kind of activities that you do. If you have a vision for example, of being a certain body weight and feeling a certain way, what happens to your type of energy level? What you might do is you might look at that vision that you have and realize that that version of you, which by the way all these versions of us already exist, you can use your imagination and connect to them. That version of you does not eat some type of sugary cereal. That version of you does not eat certain types of heavy foods, and deep-fried foods. That version of you has more boundaries than maybe the version of you that just is like, Oh, it's whatever.

What you do is you identify that, and you actually decide that you have those same boundaries. For me, that was identified by making daily videos. It was me having to say no to sometimes people wanting to hang out. It was me. Having to say no to complaining. I used to vent about my nine to five job, Oh to be here. I said you know what, I'm going to stop venting about it and just start channeling my energy into what I'm really passionate about. Identify what that is for you. Maybe it's creating art, maybe it's managing, maybe it's some other company you want to go try working for or starting your own business. It is developing the boundaries to put your energy in that direction. It's a huge missing part of the process, and it's okay. It's okay.

You have to fill up your cup before you can fill up anyone else's or help it or given it away anyways. Don't feel guilty for it. It's a natural part of the process. The more successful you become, the more boundaries you'll have. Doesn't mean you become rude or anything. It just means that you become aware of your own energy more so than anything else. The second vibrational hack has to do, let me see what, whatever write, Oh, so book and, okay, so this is a hack that I've used many times. It's really does work. There's a certain momentum going, there's a certain way your being that's been going on. What I found to be extraordinarily powerful is immersing my thoughts with people that have already attained that which I aspire to be like.

Whatever energy you are focused on, you are bringing into your energetic field. If you are focused, for example, on some type of musical artist that maybe has a lot of persistence in their life and they promote maybe like more negative things, you're literally bringing parts of that vibration into your field, whether you're aware of it or not. We have an energetic field all the way around in our body. What happens is if we're bringing that energy into our fields, we're becoming it as well. When you read certain books, when you watch certain movies, you take on certain characteristics, you become part of it. Even if like for example, if somebody were to go and watch some type of like what is the old shows like the car will be possessions shows or something like that.

You see people getting triggered like this and things getting taken away from people and all this stuff. If you were to go and watch those, you might not directly see it, but later on, you may get triggered at something else somebody else does. You will literally emerge and become and have like more of your be more easily triggered. You may feel like someone's taking something away from you, and subconsciously it will affect you. That's why boundaries are so important. But realize that you can hack this. You can find people that have already attained that what you want. If you want to own your own art gallery studio, literally go find somebody that has done it. Talk to them and interact with them and maybe offer to be an assistant for them once a week or read books of people that have done that or find out plans of how people did it or became a part of a meetup group.

Immerse yourself in the energy field of these people, whether it is virtual via videos, like to watch a lot of videos of Tony Robbins and when he does cause. That's something that I aspire to do when I do live events; then I will bring some of that energy within myself. We all are reflections of each other. In the same way, you can hack your own vibration by immersing your thoughts. And the thoughts of someone through the medium of books, of seminars, of TV shows. It's a hack that you can, however, be aware of it and how you're using it. Some people will go crazy with consuming personal development content that can have a certain benefit, I think. But applying it has always been so much more powerful. But if your environment, you might say, well, I don't have like successful people around me.

If you were to change that belief, you might find those people come into your life. But what you can do instead is you can read books, you can get books, and there you go. You literally are inside someone's thought processes you are able to like try it on and see what that's like. That right there as well is a very powerful hack that I used in my own life. The third vibrational hack that I want to share with you is the process of meditation. When I talk about meditation, I have some guided meditations that I will link below. The reason this is so powerful is that when you are able to give yourself permission to shift out of one identity into the new identity and just know that's who you are now, that will change your life more than you can even imagine.

Meditation is a way of vibrationally hacking the inside and knowing that that's who you are now — changing that story because then you get to a very deep level of relaxation. I actually had something else written down that I was going to talk about, but this just came to me because I was going through some of the videos the other day, the meditation videos and the feedback from people is just beyond anything I could have imagined. People listened to some of these meditations, and they will have certain things in their life after they meditate. They do it. Amazing things happen in their life. I've had one person that I actually met in person who used to; this is a true story. I would not lie about this. She was paralyzed, and she was told that by a doctor, she would never walk again because of a car accident she was in.

She listened to a meditation that was on a walk into it. It was a parallel reality shifting meditation. She listened to that meditation and claims that now she can walk because that meditation allowed her to change her story than to be in the new reality where she can walk. And I met her and she had crutches, but she was walking, and it was my buddy Victor is for here to retreat, and I went and spoke at his retreat, and when I did, she went to the retreat because she said that she had, she had a feeling that I might come and she wanted to thank me in person.

I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this so that you know like this is possible. This is possible to drop our old story if it to be in the vibration we prefer. The parallel reality meditation, I think is so powerful because you tell yourself that all story, and when you do that meditation, you literally walk into a parallel reality. When you do that, you didn't have a new past. You change your story, you change your life, and you give yourself permission to be the way you prefer to be. Listen to that meditation for 21 days. I think it will profoundly change your life.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.