The 3 Manifestation Archetypes How to TRANSCEND Them and EASILY Manifest

What I'm going to be sharing with you are the three manifestation archetypes and how we can shift to a higher level so that we create what we want easier than ever.

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In this blog, I'm going to be explained to you something that is called the manifestation archetypes. Three ways for looking at the story that we are telling ourselves, seen which one we identify with, and then how we can transform from the ones we don't prefer into the ones we do. This is something that can really change our lives in the way that we see ourselves because the truth is our story at a certain level of things that have happened in our past. Our story is constantly something that is on autopilot that is regurgitating the probability for what we experienced in the future.

Here's what happens. Something happens in the past. We could say that, “Uh, somebody treats you a certain way.” Somebody tells you something that you start to identify with. Maybe your parents told you growing up that you're meant to be heard or seen and not heard, so then you start to say, okay, I shouldn't speak out. I should be shy. I shouldn't be myself.

And from that meaning, there's a certain story, a dialogue which then comes this archetype I'll be talking about, but that story will continue to run itself out until we become aware of that unconscious story that we're telling ourselves. It's something that remains on autopilot. We continue to tell ourselves a story in the present moment right now, even though it was one circumstance, it was one thing that happened when we were maybe six, seven, or eight years old, and it will be something that continues to play itself out, and it continues to project and create the probabilities of what we experienced in the future.

The key to this is understanding what story we are telling ourselves. Being aware of that. Then deciding to let it go and know that as we make the unconscious conscious, we then start to take our power back. The only time things really have control over us is when we are not aware of it because then we're in a way blind to it and we just keep regurgitating the same things over and over and over again. Before I get into this, let me say that an important part of this understanding is knowing that the only moment that does exist at this moment right now.

This is something quantum physics shows us. This is something we hear a lot eastern philosophy, but it's something that is actually true because you have never experienced anything other than the now moment. All because things happened in the past doesn't mean it happened in the past because when it was the past, it was the now moment.

We can only remember the past using our memory and our brain, but it all exists now. This is the same thing for the future, we can use our brain and our imagination to imagine future potential realities and probabilities, but we do that right now, and by the time the future gets here, to be this moment right now. The reason I say this is because it's important to understand that because the now moment is the only moment that exists.

That's where we make a change, and when we are aware of that, we can see understanding parallel realities, understanding that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. We can see that past experiences were just one realization of something that's happened. There's an infinite number of variations of your past, but what happens is in the moment right now, we focus on just a couple of those.

If you were to imagine and feel confident right now, it would be easy for you to remember past experiences that were in a lined and alignment with that confidence because the neurosynaptic connections in the brain, the way your brain is wired, it will go down the path of least resistance and it is much easier to remember those quote memories. In the same way.

If you were to feel not confident, it'd be easier for you to remember times when you weren't confident. Depending on your state of being is which parts of your past do you pull from? There are reference experiences where you were confident there or reference experiences where you were not confident.

Here's what neuroscience shows us. Neuroscience shows us that every time, every single time we take a memory of something that happened, maybe it was someone at a dinner table when you're six or seven years old telling you children are meant to be seen and not heard.

Every time you look at that memory, you look at it, and you change it just a little bit, and then you put it back. You overlay the opinions that beliefs over the actual memory. Then you put it back so it is slightly changed and every time you do that, over time it's a completely different memory. The key is knowing that since and think about it like this as well.

Think of the different probable futures. The future is not set. There are probable futures based on the energy that we have right now based on the choices that we make of what we may experience in the quote future, which is also the soon moment, just from a different point of view and in the same way the past had many probable pasts. As you change in the present moment.

What quantum physics shows us do not only do you change the probable futures, you also change your probable pasts. The reason I say this is this make it much easier to let it go. Remember this mantra because I believe this mantra can change your life. You are not the result of your past. You are not the result of past reference experiences.

You are who you choose to be right now in the present moment because as you change in the present moment, so does the probable futures you may experience based on your choices and your energy state, and so does the past experiences. You have a different past as you change because not only do you remember different types of memories based on your state of being, but literally you shift the probable use that you experienced. This is what quantum physics is showing us.

What quantum physics is showing us is that the only moment that does exist now is now and that there's an infinite number of realities that exist. Let's get into the archetypes. The reason I explained all of that is because the more we understand that really this is who we choose, how we choose to be is based on that narrative, that story, and how as we change, we change our story. We can then let go of our store easier. What I'm about to tell you will be easier for you to let go of the current story that you may be telling yourself.

With this process, you could think of this like a movie because we have all seen movies. We understand the characters in a movie, and we know these three main archetypes. Think of these as also manifestation archetypes. We can relate it to that of the Law of Attraction or of understanding how our thoughts work and how our beliefs create our reality. There are three main archetypes.

1. Victim Mentality

The first one is the one that I was in for a long time, and it is a victim mentality. Think of the victim character, the one that needs to be saved, the one that hopes the one that tries hard, but things don't really happen as easily. The one where things happen to that person.

That was me for a long time because when I was growing up if you heard my story, I went through and had an abusive stepmom where I want to get too much into it just because I know I share it a lot. I don't want you guys to think that I'm kind of like pity party in it, but I hadn't except mom that had a personality disorder and she was very abusive and from that I went through between the ages of seven to 15, a period of my life and when I had no freedom whatsoever.

It was kind of like living with an army sergeant or something like that and me and my brother were a lot of times locked outside. We were doing work outside all day long here in Vegas. Even though Vegas, a lot of houses don't have a lot of yards, but we had like half an acre. I and my brother will always be outside a lot of times when no one is home, and we weren't allowed inside, we had to sneak food because we can't eat very much.

We will be very malnourished. We had to earn, go into school activities. A lot of times we were locked out of most of the house we had. Like the separate cage section was a bizarre situation. We weren't allowed to watch TV. We weren't allowed to have internet, Internet. Me and my brother pretty much just had each other and what happened was through that experience, I started to develop a victim mentality. Even after my dad divorced her when I was 15 years old, all of a sudden, I have all this freedom.

Everything's great. I'm then able to have friends. I wasn't able to have friends before I was able to have friends. I was able to kind of get out of the shell and start to start to really just experience life versus just kind of like a worker or something and when that happened, even after that 15, I was kind of having self-esteem thing like I didn't feel like I was worthy because of that pain that I went through for like seven years.

However, what it allowed me to do is to become aware of the victim mentality that I had of thinking, why did this happen? Why did this happen to me? Why did I not have a childhood? Why was I not allowed to do the things every kid was able to do, like watch TV and have friends and go to school and enjoy and have friends at school and do school activities without having to get them taken away when I got in trouble for not doing some chore correctly or something.

And I had resentment towards that x stepmom, and what I realized is I had the victim mentality. That was my role and I was thinking everything happened to me. For years I had it to where things were happening to me. I didn't feel very worthy and a lot of the things in my life just weren't going my way. I felt kind of like a leaf in the wind.

The good part of this is this is one character. This is one archetype. This is one thing that a lot of people are in it at a certain level because they may even view themselves. Maybe it's beyond not just you know, abuse and all of that. Although I know a lot of people have been through that, it could be having to go to a nine to five job. You don't prefer having to do things that you don't enjoy doing.

It could be not having the right opportunities. These are all from the mindset that things are happening to me. I have to go to my job. You don't have to go to your job. You choose to go to your job. But for the victim mentality, it's only seen as something you have to do.

That's one that's called the victim archetype. Just like in the movie, the victim archetype is the one that needs to be saved. It's the one that thinks we're just going wrong. The good thing is that that can be transformed because I transcended the victim mentality. When I went through a spiritual awakening, I became aware of the beliefs I had. I became aware of the story I was telling myself and I was able to transcend it and then into what is called the hero archetype. The hero archetype is the one that deals with confidence.

2. The Hero Archetype

The one that's able to deliberately put focus in a certain direction, the hero archetype is the one that's able to add value to other people.

The hero archetype is the one that has intention just like a hero in the movie. The hero in the movie, you will see somebody if you see a hero or somebody that transforms from a victim into a hero, they start to have direction.

The hero archetype is the one that has intention just like a hero in the movie.

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They start to find purpose. They start to feel like they have a destiny, something they're meant to be doing in life. They're following their passion. That is the manifestation archetype that is very powerful. Become the hero of your own movie and not the cameo in everyone else's. Most people may be attracted to someone, Oh, I'm so attracted to you. I hope everything goes well. I hope we have this great interaction that's coming from trying to be the cameo in someone else's movie instead of being the cameo.

Being the hero of your own movie hero doesn't mean you're better than other people. I don't view myself as better than other people, but I'm definitely the hero of my own movie, and I'm able to add value to other people. That's how I view myself, but when you have the self-image of being the hero, things happened for you, not only that, you can direct the focus and you choose to do things and the victim mentality.

You have to go to a nine to five job and the hero archetype you choose to go to your job. Maybe it's not what you prefer, but you know it will lead you to the next best thing or you will eventually evolve out of it, but you trust the process. That is the hero mentality. When I went through my spiritual awakening back in 2012, I transcended from the victim into the hero archetype.

I said you know what? All of this negative situation in the past made me confident and made me who I am today and I can now look at it and help other people go through and transcend that. It's looking at this aspect and then saying, how can this add value to other people? Because the thing is if I didn't go through that pain, maybe as what I do for a living, it wouldn't mean as much.

You know someone, a lot of people see me, they assume that I'm like this entitled Kid that grew up with wealthy parents or something like that, had everything given to me on a silver platter and it's far from this truth, but people assume that because they see how positive I am. I went through a lot of darkness to get to the place, to where I've transcended that and got it to a point to where that transformed so that I can help other people go through the same thing.

It means more to me that I can add value because I've been through the pain and it helps other people. Maybe it still has some story in there, but it's transformed the meaning of the story. Why did this happen to me?

Then it now is something that this happened because now I can add value to other people and help other people go through the same thing. You can only help people do that. What you have experienced yourself or that which you are emanating, so because of that, I can now add value to other people so you can reframe your story and when you reframe your story, everything changes.

3. The Villain

The third archetype is the villain. You may have seen some people go from the hero archetype to the villain. You may have seen some people go from the victim to the villain. The villain is one that sometimes feels a little bit of resentment and sometimes just isn't accepted by people as the hero.

You may have seen people like, for example, tiger woods. Tiger Woods used to be the hero. He's the golf guy that was very successful. Then all of a sudden, he cheats on his wife and the media grabs hold of that, and then people see him in a completely different way, and he goes, and you see this dark side of them and people start to associate him with being the villain.

Someone else might be like someone like Logan, Paul, for example, he’s someone that a lot of the younger community knows who he is. He's a vlogger, and he's at the top of his game at the end of the beginning of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, and if he didn't hear the scandal, the thing that happened, he was literally at the top of his game, one of the most well-known YouTubers, and then he goes into the suicide forest in Japan and while he's there, he takes a picture and has a thumbnail of some dude in the back that's hung himself very quickly.

He went from the hero to the villain and it's funny because now you see a mix. I see it mixed in him of the villain and the victim. You could see that. I don't say this to judge him by any means. I say this because you can. With awareness, you can see the different archetypes that people identify with. My key is that if he was to observe this, he was to integrate this allowed us to be. He could transform it and he could become the heroes stronger than ever able to help other people in a powerful way, and it could transform him.

But it depends on the archetype he identifies with, but very quickly he went from one archetype to the other and with that comes a different stream, a different type of manifestation of different kinds of success, different types of notoriety. And the only reason I bring up these people, you know, I don't like to make it sound like I'm judging them because I'm not, I'm just being.

I'm just observing it. I'm giving it as a benchmark because maybe you can observe it and people that we know as symbols that like, it makes it easier for us to see, oh yeah, that's how somebody goes. But a lot of the people that are very successful from the past have gone from a victim archetype to a hero archetype. People that have gone through a lot of, a lot of business, their business failed and then all of a sudden, it's very successful. It's happened to a lot of people, a lot of successful people.

The way you do that is by reframing your past and knowing that it served a purpose and then identifying more with the best version of you. There are these three versions of us we all have within us. It's not like we have to try to become something. We're not. We all have a part of us that is the hero apart is a victim and a piece that is that of the villain. We all have a little bit of a dark side. We all have the light side and we all have the side that's like the wool with me. We all have that.

Choose to be the one and identify with the one that is the hero or the one that is paving the way in the direction that you want. You can choose to be the way you prefer by putting your focus in that direction, by observing the thoughts, observing the memories as they come up, and then deciding to let him go. Remember the mantra. You are not the result of your past. You are who you choose to be in the present moment right now as you change, so does the probable futures and so does the past.

That probably will that you connect to literally not just certain memories are different. Literally, you are changing, and your past is changing as well. Only in your insistence of that story, do we keep it continued to go now, the path that I went through that was painful. You couldn't say that I'm insisting on it, but I do it as relate-ability because I know that people are going through it as well and it can help people to transform from their story of possibly being in the victim mentality into that of the hero mentality.

My goal and one of my intentions are helping people to powerfully take back their power from giving it away to everyone else or given it away to the media or given it away to the news or giving it away to friends and family. You can direct your life with your focus, with your choice and with knowing that that part exists within you and as you do that, you start to transform your life.

There's a certain manifestation pattern that comes from being the hero. There's a certain one that comes from being the villain and a certain one that comes from being the victim. Choose to be the hero by knowing that part of you exists right now and the more you connect to transforming your past, to being present to the moment, to be how you choose to be into directing your life.

Everything in light and your life will change anyway, so let me ask you a question. Which archetype are you? Which one do you most identify with? Some people may say a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Be aware of it and as you're aware of it, you can then change it. You can then integrate it. You can then look at it, allow it to be there and then be the way you prefer to be.

This isn't about bottling it up, this is about being aware of. It is about observing it, allowing it to be there, but giving it a positive meaning at some level because you can either help other people, whatever it is, so know that you are so much more than you could possibly imagine. You can align with his hero version of you, and as you do so, you will attract things easier than ever.

I would even go as far as to say is that is who you are meant to be. You came here to direct your life in a powerful way to enjoy this life experience, to add value by just being you, and that is the hero archetype and that is who you really are. If you want to learn, how'd you raise your vibration? Because I'd go as far as to say also is that as you raise your vibration, you are more into that hero mentality.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.