The TRUTH About Your Vibration that NO ONE TELLS YOU

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you exactly how to tune it and I'm going to be sharing with you the truth on your vibration.

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I'm going to be showing you how to tune in to a whole new level, and by the end of this blog, you'll know exactly how to do that. What I’m going to share with you is the ways for you to understand the truth on your vibration that no one tells you, and I want to be sharing with you how to tune into a totally new level at a totally new vibration as well.

For this process in a minute, I'm going to be sharing a metaphor with you that I think will make this so much easier to understand, and what I want to say is that also when it comes to the reality that we are experiencing the people that we are around, the type of situations we attract into our life, the different types of habits that we have.

Everything we have is in alignment to our vibration. When we change our vibration, what happens is some things will fall away that no longer serve. There will be some people that will get brought into our experience as we change our vibration and one of the things that are the most important part when we look at vibration has to do with our emotions, has to do with how we feel, and it has to do with understanding this whole process of vibrational resonance. The way I want to show this to you is in a way that I haven't really explained it before, but we're going to use the metaphor of that of a television set.

A television set will be that of a set that you can push TV on and one of the things it does is it picks up on frequency. When it picks up on frequency, it dials into a certain frequency and the frequencies exist all around. Just like a radio. We'll be able to pick up on different frequencies that are all already around all the time. It'll just tune into a specific frequency and then that will be what it perceives up. That'll be what it picks up on.

In the same way, what we do is we are picking up on different frequencies and we are allowing those frequencies to flow through us. We are allowing those to become a part of who we are and here's the thing. Many people think they're having their own thoughts when in actuality many times they're having thoughts of these different frequencies that are around that they're picking up on that they're living out, but they're not actually their thoughts, so who are we to begin with? Because many times will think we are our thoughts, but in actuality a lot of those thoughts are already around this anyways.

You may be driving down the street, you may have someone cut you off and you may get angry. You may feel a charge of anger towards that person that cuts you up. In the same way, there are different vibrational frequencies around us at all time and who we think we are is normally a certain type of personality, but many times it's actually the choice of different frequencies that we have allowed to become a part of us.

Think of it more as we are a television set that is picking up on different frequencies and who we think we are will depend on which frequencies we choose. Because all these different frequencies exist right now. And our state of being is one of the things that tuned us to it. Is there a part of you that maybe when you're in a good mood, you're everyone is your friend, everything anything could happen that seems to be negative, but you transmute it into something positive?

Everything just seems to flow. You allow things into your life. You're a very inclusive of everything that happens and is there another state have been where you're in a bad state and somebody says something to you and you take it wrong even though maybe they didn't mean it that way.

Well, which is you, which is you? Are you the one or the other? The answer is both. It depends on your state of being. Now, in the same way, when we say who are we at our core, we are all of it and none of it's at the same time. It's about what are we choosing in the present moment and what are we choosing will depend upon our state of being, our identity, how we define ourselves, and there's a powerful part of this when we learned to let it go, because as we learned to let go, we allow more of the frequencies to come into our life that we prefer.

This is a way that I like to look at it because then it makes me understand more about vibrational resonance because the version of you that you want and prefer to be you kill it. It does exactly what you want to be doing for a living you on top of the world and the relationship that you love that she felt very connected to. It's simply a matter of vibrational resonance just like a television set or a radio set. The frequency already exists. The television set does not have to create that channel 37 because channel 37 already exists.

The key is more so looking at what is it picking up on and the same way? What are you picking up on? Because you don't have to create it. You just have to align with it and the same way you don't have to create your own reality. It already exists. It's simply a matter of vibrational resonance, so it's about choosing the perspectives of the version of you that is already live in the kind of lifestyle you want, and then embodying it went 100 percent because that is who you really are, so it's not about faking it till you make.

It is not about trying to, you know, steal someone else's frequency. It's who you are. It's just becoming aware of how you can more so channel that just like you would channel for television, set a channel, pickup on the channel, have you and your higher self because as you start to embody your higher self, you'll find that things begin to manifest very easily for you because you're in a higher vibration. You're in one of those channels that costs a little bit of money, but they're much better quality like HBO or Showtime or one of those.

You see that who you really are. You always have access to it. You just don't believe you do have access because you thought that you only got the cable package that had the 12 channels of the very basic stuff. What I'm inviting you to do is to understand that you are all of it. You have access to all of it. You have access to the best parts of yourself. You can allow this to channel through. Now there's another channel, it's called Channel One 11.

Everyone likes synchronicity. Channel One, 11 is the divine channel is the unconditional love part of you is the higher-level consciousness part of you, and guess what? It already exists. You don't have to create it. You don't even have to try to connect to it. It's always broadcasting, always broadcasting, always broadcasting.

The key is will you choose the perspectives of it and will you embody it? Will you allow that energy to flow through where you allow it to come through you? Because of the divine energy, the divine manifestation, the manifestation energy of it, it's already there. It is simply about picking up on the perspectives of it. Now, even me with what I do, not that I'm saying, everything I do is totally divine.

What I am saying is that I'm inspired by this channel, what 11 I'm in.

I'm inspired by adding the adding value to other people when I make my videos and because it's not about me. When I make videos, it's not about me. The more I get out of the way, the channel version of me that is maybe more of the ego that wants certain things, the more that version of it gets out of the way and I allow this divine channel to come through. Channel One 11. I tune into it. The more of these videos just flow.

In general, your divine channel will be that of what you are passionate about. For me, it's creating videos, so when I get into this video state where I make videos, it just, it flows. I don't have to think about it. It is who I am. However, at the same time, the more I let it flows through because I realized that there's energy that wants to add value to many people is the more I get out of the way, the more I can just naturally channel through just like it's a TV channel and the same way as channeling the energy. Who you think you are is not who you are. You are more than that and when you start to open yourself up to this type of energy, you'll find that amazing thing happen in your life because you literally start to embody a higher frequency.

That higher frequency is who you really are, but you see you can't have the identity with that frequency as when you're channeling. This is just the ego. This is just me. I'm Aaron and I make these videos that transform people's lives. When I get into that mentality, the energy doesn't come through as strong, but when I get through it, as I just allow the energy channel, when 11 to come through, then it's almost like it projects out even more powerfully because you have to remain humble.

For this, what I recommend you do as you tune into the frequency of your passion because when you're in that state, you start to align more with this channel. What 11 that I'm talking about, and Channel One 11 is a channel that when you connect to it feels amazing. It feels light. It feels like who you really are.

What I make videos. I'm in a state to where it's just coming through. I make daily videos, so even when I say I make daily videos, but we have this ego structure to relate to each other in life, so I just, for the sake of vocabulary, you get the idea, but I've been making videos for two years now.

Every single day doesn't script out my videos. All I know is the title before I come into it because I love to do it. I get in, I tune into Channel One 11 in all this information just comes through because this is my purpose, this is what I'm passionate about, and they say, boy, what are you passionate about? And many times, this passion may also add value to other people. When you started to see it like that. It's almost like this energy wants to come through you, but the truth is your vibration has a lot to do with your state of being and with your choice.

What are you choosing and when you tune to different channels with it comes a different reality? In one reality, you might have a certain type of friend or friends that treat you a certain way, that interact with you a certain way that you do certain activities within a different channel. You might find yourself around totally different people.

Some of them go away and you invite new people. You might find that you just have a different relationship with them. Maybe it's deeper. Maybe it's less. Be aware of your vibration in correlation to which channels you are tuning into because in general, who we think we are is not really who we are. We are more than that. We are of a higher level of consciousness. We are love, joy, bliss, peace, and enlightenment, and that's why people that are enlightened say that you cannot attain enlightenment.

You cannot attain Channel One 11.

You can just simply allow it to flow through and then you find out that Channel One 11 is your natural default channel and that's called enlightenment, but the key is knowing that the ego cannot be encapsulated with it. It can, it can absorb into the ego, but it's not about being identified as it because the ego would love to be enlightened. The Ego would love to say, I am Channel One 11, but the truth is in the same way a television set does not go, I am all of these channels. It's the same thing for us now at a deeper level of consciousness, we're all also connected because we're all connected.

The value that I give to you is the value I'm giving to another aspect of myself, and guess what? That energy comes back to me. It comes back to me in many different ways, but it is about understanding my path, what I am doing, the channel and tuning into, and the truth is your frequency is all around at all moment, but what are you tuning into?

What is the channel you are tuning into? Because you can go to national geographic, it can be all about nature. You could tune that to reality television with the desperate housewives of whatever and you could feel that drama. You could become part of a channel that is something that you love to be connected to. Something you're very passionate about. Whatever it is, you don't have to create it. It already exists.

Your divine connection already exists. It's already there and you have access to it. It's not like you have to get a new cable package. You have access to Channel One 11 right now. It is simply about you remembering it and tuning into it. You tune into it by getting into your passion, by doing what you love, by aligning your vibrational frequency of it, by adding the value and understanding is not just the ego you, it is who you naturally are, but allow it to flow through.

You don't have to get too much into the thinking. The other thing that tunes you to Channel One 11 is you move from your head and into your heart. When you move from the head to the heart, you start to be more in this being state rather than us thinking and doing state and Channel One 11th, all about being surrender, and when you do that, you start to align with this higher frequency energy. This is about higher-level manifestation, a higher level of consciousness, high vibration.

It's all here for you. You have access to Channel One 11. You've just simply thought that you had the lower package of cable and you thought that you couldn't access it. You can. The way you access it is with your passion. The way you access it is by your state of being how you feel, the way you access it is by not identifying with it the way you access is by looking at how you can add value to other people and by knowing that it already exists.

Tap into the energy to understand that any reality you want to experience is all about aligning your vibration to it.

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What I encourage you to do is to tap into this energy to understand that any reality you want to experience, it's about aligning your vibration to it and the way you do that as though your choices, through your state of being, and as you do that, you will start to experience a reality that is equal to that channel.

That you are tuning into that vibration. Tune out the other channels. You may see other channels you may see channels that bring you down.

You may have the news channels that show you all of these things that are happening in the world that you don't prefer to see, but guess what? You don't have to tune into it. You can decide that you're going to choose on things that just benefit your energy, benefit your vibration, and as you tune into that, those channels will go out of your range to where you don't even have to perceive it.

You choose to put on the news. If you watch the news and you can choose to switch the channel, and if you say you can't, then there's a story there that's telling you why. You can write. Family members always have to watch it. This that change your story. The channels you tune to are all a choice. All the channels that you want to experience already exists are simply about tuning into it. When you tune into it from your vibration, you will allow it to flow through.

I encourage you to tune into Channel One 11, which is your divine energy. Allow it to flow through and as you do so, it will transform your entire life and you will then be manifesting from a higher-level paradigm beyond the ego, beyond in wanting to manifest something specifically from out there into here understanding it already exists.

A lot of what I'm sharing you with you right now is going to be information that also goes into something called the shift experience, which is what I am creating right now. That'll be available next couple of months if you want updates as to when this goes live. I'll also be doing live events with it.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.