if you chase love and relationships it will run away (instead do this)


Chasing implies that the other person is running. I imagine it like if there was a dog there and I was like, I'm going to get ya, I'm going to go get ya. I was running out after that night cause I'm going to get ya. That dog would then change. It'd be like running or run away or like, Nope. It's time to play. In a way, what happens when we are energetically chasing someone else, they energetically Oh are like, oh look, it's time to play. They continue to run because they're just playing all that energy dynamic. In this blog, I'm going to show you exactly how to have them chase you to switch that energy dynamic around so that you don't feel like you have to need it or play that game altogether.

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Today, I'm going to be showing you how to twitch around the energy dynamic so that it's not so much like you're chasing someone else. Because remember the chase implies that someone else is running away. The key to this is understanding the frame of going into the process altogether. If we're under the frame that we want to be in someone else's movie, we want to be the cameo in their movie, then they're going to treat us as such. If we are chasing them, think about that as well. Anytime we chase someone else, energetically we're seeing that person is not in my life and we are feeling a lack. When we're feeling a lack, we're going to create more lack in our life. Think about it like this too.

Gratitude unifies us with the results and the experiences that we want. When you're chasing someone else, you're not feeling gratitude in the present moment. You're not feeling gratitude for what you have. You're feeling the lack because you don't have that which you want. In my own life, this is something that I've experienced especially years ago when I started dating later than a lot of people just because I had a certain level of control in my life until I was 15 years old. After that, I was probably 16 or 17 when I had my first girlfriend. I remember getting into it, it was like a whole new world because I went from somebody that was having no freedom at all to all of a sudden being able to have friends and then also be in a relationship.

I was kind of new to the game and I remember like talking to one of the first girlfriends that I had, I was very much focused on getting validation from her. I was in a way as well, like I would spend a lot of time or lighting. Yes, I would spend a lot of time thinking about her and wanting things to go a certain way. I found that the more I did that, the more I was thinking about her in that way, the more I was wanting it to go a certain way in a way, control it, the more resistance I would create. In a way, I can see now that anytime I've played that pattern in the past, the other person was just playing off the energy I was projecting. If I was always being needy, that would resist.

They would push me away. But if I was in a way, seeing it as natural, and that's really the key to this whole process is seeing it as natural for your self-image to have love in your life and to have a magnetic personality. When you have that, that's when things change. Also understanding that you can be in abundance. When you're in abundance, you realize that you have other options. A lot of times when people chase love or chase someone specific, especially what they do is they're looking at one person. There's, they're chasing one person and they're hoping it goes very well. If it doesn't go well, then they end up feeling resistance. It's an awake, it's put on a pedestal. Anytime I've been in that position, I'll tell you, it normally just doesn't turn out well. What I have to do is I have to decrease the level of importance.

I have to decrease and know that I'm good either way. I shared this story once before, but it's a good analogy of how the energy dynamic changes, and you've probably seen this as well. Have you ever seen it to where there's a girlfriend or boyfriend or somebody who breaks up with their significant other or the person they're in a relationship with? One person is very distraught about the whole situation. The other one maybe is a little bit less attached. Then what happens is it's like that other person, it's like there's a period of time when it's like maybe a couple months or maybe a couple of weeks where that one person's really in their head about it. They really want to get back together with this person, but the other person is just kind of doing their thing. Then what happens is that person that's all distraught about it might go out with their friends.

They might go and do something that takes their mind off that other person. Then they may even have fun and then all of a sudden, the energy dynamic begins to change and when that energy dynamic begins to change, what happens is many times that person, the other person that really didn't care, they can feel that shift and then sometimes they'll reach out. It's a very interesting thing, but the more unattached you become, the more detached you become on the outcome, the more attractive you are because the more that signals that you have in art and abundance that you weren't dependent on the outcome. Let me show this a little bit on this chart right over here and I'll explain a little bit more. When it comes to attachment, did you give it like this? When we're chasing love, what we're doing is we have this stick and this stick at the end of this stick is the people that we are chasing, the love we are chasing.

What happens is no matter how far we go, if the energy dynamic here is chasing, then that means that it's always a little bit further out of reach. It's almost like if you've ever seen those things where they, they'll have a like a horse and I'll have like a stick with a carrot on it and they'll make the horse run. I noticed that it was like cartoons or something like that, but if you ever remember that it's, it's, it's like then it's like on a little treadmill. Have you ever seen those funny videos where like someone's running on a treadmill in the gym and they have it like on a stick that's like ahead and they're like running for it? It's that idea that's chasing love. It's this, we're just vibrationally telling ourselves a story that we don't have love already, that we should have love and then, therefore, we energetically separate ourselves from it.

But, that love was always within your field. That's the funny thing. It's always been within your field. There's a story in our mind that once someone's in my life, then I can actually feel it. I have a buddy the other day I was talking to, I went to is that there's this Connor McGregor fight and I went to one of my friend's house and I was with a whole bunch of buddies that I've been friends with for a long time. I was talking to one of my friends who just recently is starting to get into a new type of relationship. But he was talking about how much he really likes this girl. He kind of indirectly works with and he's really attracted to her and he really likes her and some of his friends said, Oh this girl's out of your league.

Even though my buddy is like a stud guy, you don't know why they would say that to him but, and he's a real cool guy, really cool personality. But there's like Oh this. He was like, no, I need to just, you know, going on dates with this girl and he really likes her. But what I could tell is what I was communicating with him is in this dynamic she can feel because she's mentioned it before, that he may want a relationship and she is more so right now like I just kind of want to date, I don't want the attachment right now. I could see that if he were to push that it would push her away. If you were to push for the relationship, even though they have this connection and the thing that I was expressing to him is to make sure that the energy dynamic is you are giving that freedom.

You are still giving that freedom. If you push that energy, then she's going to repel her. But if you give her complete freedom and you're like, yeah, it's good either way, whether we're in a relationship or not, then she'll feel that freedom. That also is a signal of abundance. It's a signal that you are being yourself and that you have other options. That's a different energy dynamic. That's a different energy exchange. The key to this is understanding that the way we go about this is we must first off become aware of how happy are we with being ourselves, with being by ourselves, even if we're not in a loving relationship right now, the first to do is to develop a loving relationship with yourself.

When you develop a loving relationship with yourself, you then feel more love within your field. Then guess what? You then are more likely to perceive someone that can also perceive that love within you. Think about this just in the form of energy dynamics. Are you doing what you love for a living? I'll tell you right now that once I started doing what I love for a living, I bring through different energy and my reality now, and it attracts different types. It attracts people that are more in alignment with me. Then I feel like I don't have to chase. Energetically when you start talking to someone, communicating with them, you create what is called an energetic cord with them. When you think of them, it strengthens that cord or it, it channels energy back and forth. That's called an energy cord.

What happened with Leeor, we started dating and that energy cord that was connected between us. Then, it was getting all in my head about it and like, Oh, I've never had a connection like this before. I really hope it goes well. I mean Leeor is much grander than this person right here. But you know what I mean? Even when your wins, she ended up going with one of her best friends to Europe, and when she went to Europe, I felt this pull of her leaving. In a way, I was so butchering the vibration, the energy, because I was so needy and so chasing and hoping everything went well between us, even though we were further away. She could feel that she even texted me one day when she was there.

She's like, is everything okay between us? Like, you know, and this is when we just started dating. I was like, yeah, I'm sorry. If you remember back a year ago, I started going through some things personally, and that was, it was me getting in my own head and me putting like us on a pedestal. What eventually happened is I learned how to value and bring this all more within. Once I brought it more within and it got rid of that energy, that negative energy dynamic that was in place, that chasing the love, the chasing, the validation, the wanting things to go a certain way. From an energetic point of view, the purpose is understanding being 100% okay with yourself and feeling love and understanding that when you're being yourself totally.

That's the most attractive thing and when it comes to this process as well, don't chase love. Understand that you are love, which I know sounds cliché, but any of the flaws you think you have, feature them what you have for us. Flaws, feature them, own them, own them. When you own it, it's a different energy and when you own it, people feel what you feel about yourself. The thing that I would really encourage you to do is to become aware, to become aware of the energy that you're putting out and whether you are the star of your own movie. You see this our whole lives. We believe we were given a script, the script many times we were given as Disney channel. We get the Disney channel script.

The Disney channel script is that you're a damsel in distress, you're completely incomplete and then one day, maybe one day you'll meet that Prince charming and when you meet that Prince Charming, it'll be amazing and then eventually you'll live happily ever after. That's the narrative, the script that we're giving that we then start to think that that's the way our life has to go, but when we change the script and realize that you write your own script and that you're not a damsel in distress, you are completely whole. You start to change the frame and you start to become the star of your own movie. You can decide with your choices which direction you go in and one of the choices you can do right now is to choose that you are worthy. Choose that you don't need outside. Love to feel the insight of love. Realize that this is about putting out a frequency, almost like a radio tune, a radio dial.

When you tune to the frequency of love, other people will feel that off of you and you'll have much more attractive energy. But anytime you're chasing love, that's a different radio frequency. That's the radio frequency that says, I don't currently have it and I really wish I did and I'm putting my intention and I want it. The key to this is turning your radio dial to the frequency of love by feeling gratitude within, to remember, gratitude unifies you with whatever you're thinking of that reality. When you start feeling grateful for what you have, you get more of it. When you start to feel gratitude for the love that you are, you'll get more of a reflection of that in your life.

Whatever flog you have or you perceive that you have owned it. When you own your flaws, when you, the things that you perceive to be flawed, other people will be much more open and comfortable with it. You'll realize that the whole time, maybe that whole entire thing was in your head anyway. But gratitude is the key to this unification process. Feeling the emotion now, giving yourself permission, and as you do this, you will eventually perceive that reality. If you haven't seen it yet, I have an attract love meditation. That's the most powerful meditation on my channel. It's got over like 1.5 million views. I say that because it really does work. If you go read the comments, you'll see probably hundreds of comments that say, I attracted love using this meditation. I listen to it for 21 days and this is what happened. Go read some of those that'll increase the belief that they can work for you. Listen to that for 21 days.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.