3 “Weird” Ways To SHIFT Parallel Reality Timelines that will Change Your Life

Today, I'm going to be sharing with you three weird ways to shift parallel reality timelines. These are things that once you know, can change your whole entire life because then you end up on a different timeline.

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We're going to go deeper on the understanding that of parallel realities and if you don't know already, parallel realities sometimes can be more powerful than what we think of as a law of attraction because it's actually closer to how reality works because reality, as much as we think as it is something like we're over here, we're attracting something from over there to India.

Here, the more accurate idea is that we are shifting to realities that seem very, very similar. However, we start to shift ourselves to the ones that we prefer are the ones that we are focused on.

The idea is that there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist and the reality version of you that is doing exactly what you want to be doing, that has the perfect partner that does everything that you want to be doing that already exists. When we say I have to create my own reality, it's actually not that accurate because the reality you want to create already exists because there's an infinite number of parallel realities that exist because everything exists here and now they give it like a television.

For example, a television picks up on frequency and what you see on it, it is whatever frequency at tunes too, and the same way you know that all those different channels exist. They all exist right now, but you might be tuned to the animal planet because you want to watch some animals so you're on the animal planet, but you're like, “Yo, I want to go to a history channel and I want to learn about history.”

You switched the history channel. Will they both exist at the same moment? It's just about the vibrational frequency, in the same way, all the different parallel realities you can imagine they already exist. It is simply about you being in the vibrational state that you prefer and the vibrational frequency and your vibrational frequency is a combination of how you think, how you feel and how you act, and when you do that, you then start to experience more of what you want.

The key to this is knowing yet on got to try to create your own reality. It already exists. It is simply about vibrational alignment. Knowing this is very powerful. I'm going to use this little analogy really quick because this also makes it a little bit easier to understand in case you haven't seen. My other parallel reality of it is where I talk about this.

This is an easy way to understand it. Think of it like a movie reel, a movie reel where you have like the projector and if you stretch out the movie film, the movie film that you stretch out, you can see these individual different frames. You might see somebody go like this, then like this, and then like this. Then like this and then like this and you'd say, well, that's all one fluid movement, but in actuality, you can cut it out to different frames.

That's a separate parallel, Ravi, that's is that separate parallel reality and as you are able to notice all those, you see that they all exist at the same moment because you're looking at all the different frames. It's just about which one are you focused on and the light of the projection of consciousness. The light that goes through that projector is in a way what our life is.

It's going through these different moments outside of them will look very, very similar, but they're still different frames in the same way. This parallel reality, it looks very similar to this parallel reality, but in actuality, they are different even though it's a slight difference.

Any difference is a difference. It's about understanding that because when you start to see it like that, it also makes it easier because then what you can do is you can more so align with the reality that you want to add. One other thing I want to mention, I mean I wrote it down, I know it. I'm okay. Okay, this is what I wanted to talk about. I'm not going to edit that out. I'm just going to leave all that in. The truth with parallel realities is that we normally think that this is something we have to try to do.

The truth of the matter is you are shifting whether you're aware of it or not, you are always shifting. Even if you shift to the same thing over and over and over again. I keep creating the same thing in my life over and over again. What's the story that you're telling yourself and you continue to shift to the same thing over and over and over again.

The truth is you don't have to learn how to do this. It's a natural byproduct of the way reality works. In the same way, someone may look at the law of attraction, I want to do so, I want to manifest something in my life. Manifestation is a natural byproduct of reality. It's just what are you manifesting? Are you manifesting lack? Are you manifesting the same thing over and over again? Well, it's about knowing that it's just naturally happening.

Parallel reality shifting is happening, whether you're aware of it or not. What we're able to do is to look at this, to see, okay, now we're aware of how this works. How can I shift to the reality that I do want to shift to? That's the key.

1. Do something spontaneous

The first weird way to shift parallel reality timelines is to do something spontaneous, something you would never do before, and by doing that you shift yourself to a different timeline. Could be something very small to it could be you're driving to work today and you take the same route to work every single day, but today you decided to go a little bit different way. You leave a little bit earlier, go a long way, and as you do so, you start to trigger. You start to see new things. It starts to. It changes the timeline they are on.

In general, there is a certain timeline that you're on with a certain momentum that you have with the actions that you're currently taking. The ways you shift to a parallel reality is through the choices that you make. For example, if I go right here right now and I turned this way, that's a parallel reality. Choose this way, that's a different one.

The key is not because you're shifting, regardless. The key is being you creating a greater degree of change from the current parallel reality or on to the one that you want or the one that you're imagining the greater degree of changes the key. When you look at that, it's not so much I'm going to go to your left. I'm going to answer right because I could just keep doing this all day and it doesn't really make much of a difference, but what I could do is instead of this, I mean I could just.

I mean I could just walk out into the back and right now I'm in the back of my backyard. It's really nice. It's really cool, but. That was kind of random, but here's the thing. I was even planning on doing that. It was spontaneous. I'm not shifted to a different parallel of different parallel reality timeline. You see what I mean? That is the power of this.

When you break outside of your bubble, new things begin to happen and even Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about this and he talks about the quantum field and he talks about stuff similar to this. Dr. Joe Dispenza has written books called how to break the habit of being yourself. You are the placebo, how to becoming supernatural or something like that. He talks about how we think, feels and act is what makes up our personality.

Our personality creates our personal reality. If you want to take your personal reality, you have to go beyond what you think beyond why you act and beyond what you feel. In order to do that, you got to go outside your comfort zone in the same way. When it comes to parallel realities, go outside your norm. Go outside what you normally do.

What are you going to eat today? Eat something completely different, maybe still keep it healthy, but it's something a little bit different. By doing that, you are shifting yourself to a different timeline because the version of you that is normally in the autopilot mind is normally making the same choices over and over and over again, so by doing something you've never done before, you gain a new reference experience and it shifts you to another parallel reality.

Remember, this is happening regardless. You're shifting regardless, but create a greater degree of change and you'll see that your life begins to change in a powerful way. That is one weird way to go about this. And like I said, you can be like, I had never been to a yoga class before. I'm going to go to a yoga class. You can be like, I'm going to go and run around my neighborhood. Never ran around my neighbor before.

I'm going to go and just take a cold shower. Am I going to take a shower? This, these kinds of things, especially because they involve the senses are waking you up from the autopilot mind and are shifting into a different parallel reality timeline.

2. Understand your past

The second weird way, really weird of shifting parallel realities. This is kind of weird, but yes, it is this idea. Normally what we think of as the past is we think the past, the set, the past is real. I had my past, however, understand that the past that you think of is simply in your memory.

The future that you can imagine, the probable futures you can imagine is in your brain. Neither of them is real right now. They exist as parallel reality versions, but right now in the present moment, as we change, we change the kind of past that we remember and we changed the probable futures we imagined.

One way to change the parallel reality timeline you are on right now is to imagine a different past. Change your past. Even right now. Let me ask you a question. Can you remember a time in your past when you were very confident? Think about it, the time you were really confident. I remember this time I went into, I used to work at Nordstrom's. I didn't one day and I felt so confident I went in. I helped all these customers.

I did really well. There was some girl there that I was like, I want to talk to, so I just pushed myself to talk to her. He went really well, got her number, all of these things. These are. This was a very confident feeling I had. If I remember that memory, I'm like, shit, I'm confident. You see what I mean?

However, if I were to advertise my past when I wasn't confident that maybe a time I got rejected by a chick or something like that, or a time that I was going into work and wasn't able to and I had a commission job. That's why I mentioned it. I went into work and like things didn't go that well. Then guess what? That's also in the past, but based on your focus right now, that will determine and has a momentum that is in the present moment right now, causing people to beat a certain vibrational frequency. It is influencing how they think, act and feel by their focus and the momentum.

What I recommend to do is not necessarily even at the build yourself like, well, I was confident one day when I went into work and blah, blah, blah. Just adjust the past altogether. Your past does not equal who you are. It's just that people identify with their past. They identify with their story, so what I recommend to you is to realize you are not the result of your past.

You are who you choose to be right now in the present moment and the way that you dropped your past is just by being aware of it and then choosing to let it go. It's that simple. The next time you do something and the autopilot mind takes in, Oh, you remember last time you hung out with this person. Just be able to just observe it neutrally. It's not.

It's not good. It's not bad. It just is. When something comes up and you see these little stories that come up in the mind, it's a neutral idea, but the moment you become aware of it is the moment you stop that, that perpetuation of that energy going over and over and over again, you are not the result of your past. You are who you choose to be, and as long as you don't keep bringing in that story over and over again, you will start to create a new pattern right now.

Remember, the pattern that you have is how you think, how you actually feel and change these three things. You change your whole entire life, but drop the past the same. It's very powerful and that is something you can do as well because you are literally in the moment right now. You got a different past.

As you shift these parallel timelines, it's only in your insistence only in your insistence that the past is who you are. Well, I can't go do this because I've always. I've always experienced this before. This kind of person always comes into my life and I always attract this kind of money, so all this abundance that's coming in right now, I don't know what to do with all this.

I've never experienced this, but that's all story. Let go of the story. Allow it to be there to observe it from a neutral spot. Yes, in the past, that's what you experienced but not relevant anymore. Just let it go. Just let it go. I said, how do you let it go? You let it go by letting it go. How do you let go of a hot call? You'll let it go. You know what I mean?

You just let it go. It's that easy but observe it neutrally. Let it go. Just make a choice to let it go. That is powerful.

3. The best possible version of you

The third weird way of shifting to the parallel reality you want is when you've probably heard me talk about before, but it is so powerful, cannot even begin to explain to you how powerful this is. All right? It's very powerful though, so this is what it is. Imagine the best possible version of you and you can imagine you just killing it.

You're killing the game, killing the game, Bro. What you're doing is you're going out there, you're abundant, you're attracted, all these different types of people. That's just naturally happening. You're killing the game. All right, so because of killing the game, you'd imagine this version of you.

Here's the thing. Here's the. Here's the key you normally take. That version of you is like so far away from you. Here's the thing. That version of you already exists. Look at that version of you, the one that's killing the game. How are you acting, feeling and thinking? What are your consistent thoughts? What are your consistent feelings?

When you look at these things, you can then see how can I embody those emotions right now? How can I embody those actions right now? How can I embody those thoughts right now? And it's not so much that you're faking it till you make it. This is the key though. When you imagine the parallel reality version of you, which already exist by the way.

What you'll want to do is you want to make sure that that version of you, you imagine is also connected to the heart. For example, I'm not even going imagine the parallel version of me that's like an NBA player that's like Duncan on like Lebron James and stuff. Because one, it's not my passion. I can connect to it, but it's also connected to my heart.

What I love doing, what I love to do this Yo, I killed gang man. I love making videos. As you know, I make daily videos and made a daily video since February 2017. Always remember that date. February 2017. I'm with daily on YouTube. That's what it is. I love to kill this game with my YouTube videos, but the key is to find out what you love and imagine that as a part of it. Instead of you being like, oh, well, I imagine I win the lottery.

Are you really passionate about winning the lottery? Come on, be honest with me. Like are you passionate about going down to the seven slashes 11, buying your tickets and then like waiting in earnest like, I hope I win the money?

I hope I win it. Most likely that's not what you're really passionate about. What you're really passionate about is something else, and when you do whatever that is, the money comes anyway. It's just a natural byproduct because the abundance comes because the energy you're putting out is a high vibrational energy because this is my passion and when you're in that passionate state, more can come to you.

Especially when you combine that passion with something that adds value to people. I love making videos, but I don't just make videos about random stuff.

Abundance comes when you combine passion with something that adds value to people.

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I make videos, I think adds value to people. That then comes back to me. It comes back to in powerful ways, but find out what you're passionate about and then follow that because that will be what actually gets you the true abundance that you want. Most people being passionate about some things that they just think the money is what they're passionate about.

The key is like being away. And even if you look at Warren buffet like that dude has been literally studying the stock market since he was six years, like no joke, six years old. Money is a byproduct of the passionate feeling that you're in and the value you add to other people.

And when you see that, it's like, okay, well then you actually go in the direction that is conducive to you because you're like, okay, well it changes the question instead of how can I make quick money? How can I get very successful? It's like, how could I do what I love and know that eventually, the abundance is going to come off the back end of that?

That's the key to where the power is, so don't focus on the quick winds. Don't focus on even the money. The money is never the goal. Connect to what you're passionate about. The money will come cliché as it sounds. It's true, especially when you combine that with adding value to other people, so imagine the best possible version of you connected to your heart. How are you been doing? Feeling acting.

All of these things, be that version of you be and it's not faking it till you make it, because that version of you is really who you are, who you think you are, might have all these layers and filters of this is how I am this issue, this is how I have been in the passion. All of these different things you can decide to do is you could just decide to let that go and when you let it go, everything changes.

Remember, you want some weird ways to shift the parallel realities. I got three of them. First one simply becomes aware that you can do something spontaneous, so spontaneous, like walking out your back door like I just did, and it's like I've shifted timelines. I'm now in a different timeline where I'm a little bit more enthusiastic because you probably feel this. I'm shifted forever.

The second one, let go of your past. Let go of your past and understand that your past does not equal who you are. You are who you choose to be. Thirdly, imagine the version of you that's killed the game. Killing the game. How are you acting? How are you feeling? What are you thinking about? Imagine that version of you connected to your heart, but my voice just cracked connection to your heart and what you do is you then focus on being that version of you.

When you do that, you're shifting through parallel rows. Understand also, you're naturally shifting through parallel realities. Whether you even know it or not, you don't have to try to do this is a natural byproduct of the way reality works, but the key to this video is weird. Did like a different way and creating a greater degree of change because there's a certain timeline with momentum.


My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty.com is to inspire change to those who want to experience more in life. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours. I’ve always believed that finding ways to add value to other peoples lives is the fastest route to both happiness and fulfillment and this is my genuine intention.